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International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) volume 11 number 2 May 2014

ISSN: 2231-2803 Page74

Deadline Cost Based Job Scheduling Using
Greedy Approach in a Multi-Layer
, R. Maheswari
, Dr.B.Kalaavathi
Asst. Professor, Department of CSE, Angel College of Engineering and Technology, India
PG Scholar, Department of CSE, Angel College of Engineering and Technology, India

Professor/Head, K.S.R. Institute for Engineering and Technology, Tiruchengode, India
ABSTRACT-- Cloud Computing is a well-liked computing
model to support on demand services. With the use of
Internet technologies, scalable resources are delivered as a
service to external customers. Scheduling in cloud is
responsible for selection of best suitable resources for task
execution, by considering some static and dynamic
parameters and restrictions of tasks into consideration.
The users perspective of efficient scheduling may be based
on parameters like task completion time or task execution
cost etc. Both service providers and service consumers like
to ensure that resources are utilized efficiently to do their
best capacity. Both service providers and service
consumers like to ensure that resources are utilized
efficiently to do their best capacity. In this, we propose a
scheduling algorithm which addresses the major challenges
in cloud scheduling. Scheduling of jobs is done in two steps
by considering parameters like deadline, cost, profit,
response time, waiting time, turnaround time etc. Two-
Level Scheduling technique is used for both scheduling and
re-scheduling of jobs. Scheduling is done by considering
deadline, waiting time parameters. Re-Scheduling is based
on cost/profit parameters. Greedy approach is applied in
both the levels to optimise the scheduling. Finally the
simulation is carried out and its efficiency is analysed with
existing scheduling algorithms.

Keywords -- Scheduling, deadline, cost/profit, two-level
scheduling, re-scheduling, priority scheduling, greedy
The term Cloud is the default symbol of
internet in diagrams and Computing which means
computation, coordination logic, Storages etc. Cloud
computing environment serves and satisfies user
requirements as Pay-Per use basis.

CLOUD computing is a computing paradigm in
which different computing resources such as
infrastructure, platforms, and software applications are
made accessible over the Internet to remote user as
services. Cloud computing becomes visible in a way that

provides on-demand resources to the users, so as to
precede locally available computational power,
delivering new computing resources whenever
necessary. The Cloud computing environment provides
resources dynamically whenever, wherever demanded
by the user. The resource is utilized by the user without
having enough knowledge about the technical details
involved in the resource provider. Cloud computing
becomes visible in a way that provides on-demand
resources to the users, so as to precede locally available
computational power, delivering new computing
resources whenever necessary. With the use
of computing resources (hardware and software) that are
delivered as a service over a network, it provisioned and
released with minimal management effort; dynamically
scalable infrastructure for computation, application
hosting, content storage and delivery The basic idea of
cloud computing is that reuse of IT facilities, ease of
organize the services with very low expenses and
constant operational expenses leading to variable pricing
schemes and reduced opportunity costs. It leverages the
economies for both services providers and users of the
cloud. The projected benefits of cloud computing are
very compelling both from a cloud consumer as well as
a cloud services provider perspective.

Scheduling is that allocating resources to the
needed jobs, allocating resources according to the
budget constraints, etc., in cloud environment. There are
many types of scheduling algorithms available in cloud
computing. To achieve high performance, efficient use
of resources, best system throughput, budget constraints,
Quality of Service (QoS) etc., should be considered. Job
scheduling algorithms in cloud computing can be
categorized into two main groups; Batch Mode Heuristic
scheduling Algorithms (BMHA) and Online Mode
Heuristic Algorithms (OMHA).
International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) volume 11 number 2 May 2014
ISSN: 2231-2803 Page75

Priority means providing the importance for the
tasks or jobs or work based on some criteria. Jobs are
collected in a queue. All collected jobs are scheduled
based on the parameters like deadline and profit or cost
constraint is our work to done.
Multi-Layer Cloud Computing:
Multi layer cloud computing consists of various
layers like resource layer, User layer and service layer.
The top layer is Cloud user layer, the middle level layer
is Service layer (SaaS) and the bottom layer is Resource
layer (IaaS).At the low layers, such as the IaaS resource
layer, the IaaS provider has to allocate cloud resources
to SaaS providers in an optimal manner. At the top
layer, multiple cloud users need SaaS services, which
are provisioned by multiple SaaS providers.

Batch Mode
Heuristics Algorithm
(Ex. FCFS, RR, SFS, Min-Min,
Max-Min etc.,)

Algorithms On-line Mode
Heuristic Algorithm
(Ex. Most Fit Task Scheduling
Algorithm etc.,)

Dependency Mode
Heuristic Algorithm (DHMA)
(Ex. GA, MO-GA, etc.,)

Fig. 1. Scheduling algorithm classification

In Batch mode heuristic algorithm, Jobs are
queued and collected into a set when they arrive in the
system. The scheduling process starts only after a fixed
period of time. By OMHA jobs are scheduled
immediately they arrive to the system. By DMHA jobs
or resources processing depends upon the previous
The multi-layer optimization problem can be
decomposed into three sub problems: cloud computing
resource allocation problem, SaaS service provisioning
problem, and user QoS maximization problem. The
proposed algorithm decomposes the global optimization
problem of cloud computing into three sub-problems via
an iterative algorithm [2].Dynamic Resource
Provisioning Algorithm by making cost and deadline as
a constraints. It is able to maximize the no. of
applications execution under budget and deadlines [3].
The SaaS providers aim at minimizing the payment of
using VMs from cloud providers, and wants to
maximize the profit earned through serving the SaaS
users requests. Optimal cloud resource provisioning
algorithm (OCRP) is an economic based algorithm,
which includes optimization at resource and application
level [4]. Synthetic Heuristics Algorithm for
Independent Task Scheduling (SHIS), with goal oriented
operations such as, making initial population, dual step
evaluation and running the tasks by considering load
balancing and quality of service, achieves the optimize
makespan. The SHIS proposed algorithm, in addition to
parameters such as resource access rate, quality of
service and load balancing and gains an optimal solution
by genetic algorithm [5]. The overall performance of
cloud computing, with the deadline constraint and
improve the profit of service providers. For the
scheduling model, a solving method based on multi-
objective genetic algorithm (MO-GA) is designed and
the research is focused on encoding rules, crossover
operators, selection operators and the method of sorting
Pareto solutions [6]. The service-level scheduling deals
with the Task-to-Service assignment where tasks of
individual workflow instances are mapped to cloud
services in the global cloud markets based on their
functional and non-functional QoS requirements; the
task-level scheduling deals with the optimization of the
Task-to-VM (virtual machine) assignment in local cloud
data centres where the overall running cost of cloud
workflow systems will be minimized given the
satisfaction of QoS constraints for individual tasks [7].
An optimization has been introduced to increase the
average utilization on a single host. Several hosts are
available to execute the users virtual desktops. A cost-
based allocation algorithm has been presented that aims
to maximize the quality of the service both for the
customers and the service provider. To further optimize
the quality of the service, a reallocation algorithm has
been proposed to rebalance the virtual desktops among
the available hosts after a busy period [8]. A Framework
is presented that provides efficient green enhancements
within a scalable Cloud computing architecture. Using
power-aware scheduling techniques, variable resource
management, live migration, and a minimal virtual
machine design, overall system efficiency will be vastly
improved in a data centre based Cloud with minimal
performance overhead [9]. The use of cloud resources
for a class of adaptive applications, where there could
be application-specific flexibility in the computation that
may be desired. Within (fixed time-limit and resource
budget these) constraints, such adaptive applications
need to maximize their Quality of Service (QoS), more
International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) volume 11 number 2 May 2014
ISSN: 2231-2803 Page76

precisely, the value of an application-specific benefit
function, by dynamically changing adaptive parameters.
The design supports dynamic adaptation for applications
in a cloud computing environment with the key
component feedback control based dynamic resource
provisioning algorithm[10]. Here they provides a unified
resource allocation framework for networked clouds, we
first formulate the optimal networked cloud mapping
problem as a mixed integer programming (MIP)
problem, indicating objectives related to cost efficiency
of the resource mapping procedure, while abiding by
user requests for QoS-aware virtual resources. A method
for the efficient mapping of resource requests onto a
shared substrate interconnecting various islands of
computing resources, and adopt a heuristic methodology
to address the problem[11]. An efficient resource
allocation scheme for grid computing marketplace, here
ad hoc grid users can buy usage of memory and CPU
from grid resource providers. The ad hoc grid user
agents purpose to obtain the optimized quality of service
to accomplish their tasks on time with a given budget,
and the goal of grid resource providers as profit
maximization. Using adhoc grid resource allocation
algorithm is to maximize the global utility of the ad hoc
grid system which are beneficial for both grid users and
grid resource providers [12].

The scheduling of tasks in cloud real-time
systems has attracted by many. The demands for more
complex real-time applications, which have high
computational need, are done with timing constraint.
The first objective is to check the performance of the
turn-around activities by calculating the delay and
waiting time for completing particular activity. In most
real-time applications, computational complexity is a
challenging factor. Priority based scheduling algorithm
is used to check the time taken for turn-around activities.
Evolutionary algorithms can solve often complex
problems. The third objective is to report penalty by
using objective function. This function has been used for
providing penalty for sub-optimal solutions.

Fig. 2 Working of job scheduling

Working Architecture





J obs arrived
Parameter: Deadline
Process: Scheduling
Schedule jobs having
minimum TAT and
update the resources
Jobs grouped &
Iteration: For all
Jobs, ComputeTAT =

For all jobs in
the list
Update the resource status till
Resource Capacity <=Length
of jobs scheduled
Get the resource list -
Schedule jobs to resources
International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) volume 11 number 2 May 2014
ISSN: 2231-2803 Page77

Jobs Grouping:
Job or task grouping means collection of
components on the basis of certain behaviour or
attribute. Incoming jobs are collected and it is queued
continuously. Once the jobs are queued it is grouped
together and scheduled according to the deadline
constraint. In the proposed framework jobs are
scheduled twice and then it is allocated to the resources
to use it efficiently. First scheduling step is done on the
basis of deadline constraints. With the result of first
scheduling, the next is priority scheduling is done on the
basis of Maximum profit or minimum cost.
Priority Based Scheduling:
In priority based scheduling algorithm, each
process is assigned and the higher priority processes are
scheduled before the lower priority processes. At any
point of time, the process having the highest priority
among all the ready processes is scheduled first. In case
two processes are having the same priority, they are
executed in the first come first serve order. The priority
scheduling may be either pre-emptive or non-pre-
The choice is made whenever a new process
enters the ready queue while some process is executing.
If the newly arrived process has the higher priority than
the currently running process, the pre-emptive priority
scheduling algorithm pre-empts the currently running
process and allocates CPU to the new process. On the
other hand, non-pre-emptive scheduling algorithm
allows the currently running process to complete its
execution and the new process has to wait for the CPU.
Our proposed work which composes two steps
for these scheduling. First step is that, the collected jobs
are ordered according to the deadline based constraints.
The result of above step is inputted to the next
scheduling algorithm. In this step, priority scheduling is
done based on minimum resource cost.

Deadline Constrained Based - To improve the
completion time of tasks greedy algorithm is used with
aim of minimizing the turnaround task of individual
tasks, resulting in an overall improvement of completion
Turnaround Time = Resource Waiting Time + Job
Length / Processing Power of Resource

Minimum Cost Based - The resource with minimum
cost is selected and tasks are scheduled on it until its
capacity is supported. After scheduling each task the
resource status is updated accordingly. Thus the
selection of task and target resource is sequential once
they are prioritized according to user needs.
Cost of Job = (Job length / Processing Power of
Resource) * Resource Cost

The jobs list is rearranged with tasks arranged in
ascending order of deadline in order to execute the task
with minimum time constraint first. The cost based tasks
are prioritized on the basis of task profit in descending
order. This is appreciable as tasks with higher profit can
be executed on minimum cost based machine to give
maximum profit.

Greedy Allocation: Greedy algorithm is suitable for
dynamic heterogeneous resource environment connected
to the scheduler through homogeneous communication
environment [4]. Greedy approach is one of the
approaches used to solve the job scheduling problem.
According to the greedy approach -A greedy algorithm
always makes the choice that looks best at that moment.
That is, it makes a locally optimal choice in the hope
that this choice will lead to a globally optimal solution"
[5]. Deadline Constrained Based - To improve the
completion time of tasks greedy algorithm is used with
aim of minimizing the turnaround task of individual
tasks, resulting in an overall improvement of completion
The CloudSim toolkit is used to simulate
heterogeneous resource environment and the
communication environment. CloudSim(2.1.1) simulator
is used to verify the correctness of proposed algorithm.
The experiments are performed with Sequential
assignment which is default in CloudSim and the
proposed algorithm. The jobs arrival is Uniformly
Randomly Distributed to get generalized scenario. The
performance report about the result is shown here.

Fig. 3 Analysis of Various Algorithms
International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) volume 11 number 2 May 2014
ISSN: 2231-2803 Page78

Fig. 4 Average Resource Usage comparisons
The above graphs which shows analysis of the various
algorithms like First Comes First Serve (FCFS), Round
Robin (RR) and Priority algorithms shown in Figure 3.
Likewise, figure 4 shows about the Average Resource
Usage of CPU for various numbers of processes.
According to this the performance of the proposed
algorithm implemented and it is executed.
As the cloud environment possesses different
challenges over resource management, greedy
scheduling technique allocates the jobs to the resources
based on priority, deadline and cost. Multi-Layer
optimization in service oriented cloud computing is to
optimize the utility function of cloud computing, subject
to resource constraints of an IaaS provider at the
resource layer, service provisioning constraints of a
SaaS provider at the service layer and user QoS(Quality
of Service) constraints of cloud users at application
layer, respectively. IaaS providers ensure that, the
resources are utilized efficiently and to their best
capacity so that resource potential is not left idle. The
tasks from users are collected on the basis of considering
some parameters and it is optimized globally. Two-
Level Scheduling technique is used for scheduling and
re-scheduling. Greedy technique is used to select the
resources on the basis of task constraints. Finally an
evaluation of proposed framework with existing
techniques was conducted by means of resource cost,
resource utilization, job arrival time and priority. Finally
the simulation is carried out and its efficiency is
analysed with existing scheduling algorithms.
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International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) volume 11 number 2 May 2014
ISSN: 2231-2803 Page79


Mrs. S. Selvi, pursuing her Ph.D in the area of
cloud computing. She has received her B.E degree
in Computer Science and Engineering from Anna
University, Chennai. She completed her M.E.
degree in computer science and engineering from
Anna University, Chennai. Her area of interest
includes Cloud computing, Network security and
Compiler design. She has published 8 papers in
national conferences and 3 papers in international
conferences. She has attended 6 national workshops,
1 seminar and 1 FDP program from various colleges.
Also, she has organized 3 workshops, 3 Seminars, 2
guest lectures, 1 symposium and 1 national
conference on various topics. Also she published
papers in 3 journals.

Mrs. R. Maheswari has received B.E. degree in
Computer Science and Engineering from Anna
University, Coimbatore and pursuing her M.E.
degree in Computer Science and Engineering from
Anna University, Chennai. She has published 3
papers in national conferences. She has presented 3
papers in technical symposiums. She has attended 3
Seminars and 5 workshops. She is one of the
University rank holder during the year 2007-2011.
She has secured centum in Java and Digital
principals and system design. She has undergone
training in MIT- FOSS Club for a period of 7 days.
She is a member of MISTE. She has undergone in-
plant training for 15 days in several organizations.

Mrs. Dr. B. Kalaavathi received B.E. (Computer
Science and Engineering) degree in 1993 from
Bharathiyar University, M.Tech from Pondicherry
University in 2000 and Ph.D from Periyar
University in 2010. She is currently working as a
Professor/Head in the Department of CSE in K.S.R.
Institute for Engineering and
Technology,Tiruchengode. She has about 19 years
of experience in teaching. She is a member of CSI &
ISTE INDIA. Her current areas of interest include
Mobile Computing, Data Structures and Algorithms

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