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Istoria Relaiilor Internaionale

Asist. Dr. Monica MERUIU
Departamentul de Relatii Internationale si Studii Americane

SEMINAR 1: Introducere.

SEMINAR 2 Globalizarea. Cele dou fee ale globalizrii.

Joseph Nye, Globalism versus Globalization
Zygmunt Bauman, L. Galecki, The Unwinnable War: An
Interview with Zygmunt Bauman

SEMINAR 3: Definirea relaiilor internaionale.

Chris Brown, Understanding International Relations (e-book)

SEMINAR 4: Noua ordine mondial.

H. Kissinger, Diplomacy, Chapter One

SEMINAR 5: Relaiile internaionale naintea Pcii de la Westphalia.

Bruce Rusett, Harvey Starr (1996) World Politics. The Menu for
Choice (ed. a V-a).
K.J. Holsti (1972) International Politics. A Framework for

SEMINAR 6: Consecinele Pcii de la Westphalia. Balana de putere nainte de
Revoluia francez.

Bruce Rusett, Harvey Starr (1996) World Politics. The Menu for
Choice (ed. a V-a).
Frederik A. Hartman (1978) The Relations of Nations, Cap. 16-17.


SEMINAR 7: Concertul european. Transformarea sistemului european de relaii
internaionale ntr-unul global

H. Kissinger, Diplomacy, Chapter.

SEMINAR 8: Noua fa a diplomaiei. Tratatul de la Versailles.

Margaret Macmillan (2002) Peacemakers. The Paris Conference of 1919 and
Its Attempts to End War.
H. Kissinger, Diplomacy, Chapter Nine.

SEMINAR 9: Distrugerea tratatului de la Versailles.

H. Kissinger, Diplomacy, Chapter Twelve.
SEMINAR 10: De la Rzboi la Rzboi: Al Doilea Rzboi Mondial.

H. Kissinger, Diplomacy, Chapter Sixteen.


nceputul Rzboiului Rece.

H. Kissinger, Diplomacy, Chapter Seventeen.


Concepte ale unitii Vestice.

H. Kissinger, Diplomacy, Chapter Twenty-Four.


Sfritul Rzboiului Rece.

H. Kissinger, Diplomacy, Chapter Thirty.


Noua Ordine Mondial reconsiderat.

H. Kissinger, Diplomacy, Chapter Thirty-One.


- Pierre Renouvin, Jean-Baptiste Duroselle (1991) Introduction lhistoire des relations
internationales (Paris: Armand Collin)
- Jean-Baptiste Duroselle, Andr Kaspi (1993, trad. lb. romn 2006) Istoria relaiilor
internaionale din 1919 pn n zilele noastre (Bucureti: Editura tiinelor Sociale i
- Paul Kennedys Rise and Fall of the Great Powers
- Serge Bernstein, Pierre Milza (1998) Istoria Europei (Iai: Institutul European)
- Henry Kissinger (1998) Diplomaia (Bucureti: All)
- Peter Calvocoressi (2000) Politica mondial dup 1945 (Bucureti: Alfa)
- Geoffrey Barraclough (1964, ediia din 1974) An Introduction to Contemporary History
(Londra: Penguin Books)
- Paul Kennedy (1988) The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers (Londra: Fontana Press)
- Allan Palmer (1983) The Chancelleries of Europe (Londra: Routledge)
- Mark Walker (1968) Metternichs Europe (New York: Walker & co.)
- James Joll (1990) Europe since 1870. An International History (Londra, New York:
- James Joll (1993) The Origins of the First World War (Londra, New York: Longman)
- William James Rosen (1976) The Age of Louis XIV. The Rise of Modern Diplomacy
(Cambridge, Massachusetts: Schenkman)
- E.N. Williams (1970) The Ancien Regime in Europe. Government and Society in the
Major States (Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin Books)
- Steven T. Ross (1969) European Diplomatic History 1789 1815 (Garden City, New
York: Anchor Books)
- Paul Johnson (1991) The Birth of the Modern World Society 1815 1830 (Londra:
Weidenfeld and Nicholson)
- Franois Fejt (1969) Histoire des democraties populaires (Paris: Editions du Seuil)
- John Lewis Gaddis (1972) The United States and the Origins of the Cold War (New
York: Oxford University Press).

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