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ConLacL: kaLherlne rocop
Mayor | ClLy of 1wlnsburg
kprocop[ | 330.486.7100

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1WlnS8u8C, Chlo (!uly 14, 2011) - WhaL once sLood as Lhe cornersLone of 1wlnsburg's economlc success, Lhe
former Chrysler SLamplng lanL wlll undergo slgnlflcanL redevelopmenL as new owners from Scannell
roperLles and ulCeronlmo Cos. closed on Lhe purchase of Lhe faclllLy and properLy earller Loday. 1he
redevelopmenL ushers ln a new era for Lhe clLy and Lhe norLheasL Chlo reglon.

We are aggresslvely movlng forward Lo brlng new lndusLrles and [obs Lo 1wlnsburg," sald Mayor kaLherlne
rocop. We have found a developmenL Leam commlLLed Lo 1wlnsburg's long-Lerm success and Lhe
revlLallzaLlon of Lhe Chrysler faclllLy and surroundlng land."

Whlle Lhe purchase prlce has noL been released, Lhe faclllLy and 167 acres wlll be Lurned over Lo Lhe
ulCeronlmo Cos., based ln lndependence, Chlo, and Scannell roperLles, based ln lndlanapolls, from Maynards
lndusLrles, Lhe Canadlan llquldaLlon company LhaL broughL Lhe properLy ln March 2010. Much of Lhe sLamplng
planL's equlpmenL has already been sold off durlng Lhe pasL year.

1he developmenL plans call for Learlng down abouL 63 percenL of Lhe 2.2 mllllon square-fooL faclllLy, accordlng
Lo 1lmoLhy Llam, developmenL manager, for Scannell roperLles. 1he remalnlng 800,000 square-feeL would
lnclude Lhe hlgh bay secLlon of Lhe bulldlng and ls move-ln ready.

Larry llnch, lannlng and uevelopmenL ulrecLor for Lhe ClLy of 1wlnsburg, sald Lhe developmenL plans are
flexlble dependlng on whaL Lype of lndusLrles are aLLracLed Lo Lhe slLe.

1he flrsL Lwo developmenL pro[ecLs on Lhls slLe wlll deLermlne how Lhe resL of Lhe pro[ecL geLs developed,"
llnch sald. We have already seen lnLeresL from companles boLh ln and ouLslde of Chlo. 1hey recognlze Lhe
poLenLlal for Lhelr success based on our locaLlon, workforce and Lhe beneflLs of llvlng and worklng ln

lf fully developed, Lhe nearly Lwo mllllon square feeL of lndusLrlal faclllLles could brlng slgnlflcanL [ob growLh
and revenue Lo Lhe ClLy, accordlng Lo llnch. lf Lhe bulldlngs are valued aL $70 per square fooL, Lhe LoLal markeL
value of Lhe properLy would be more Lhan $200 mllllon, produclng more Lhan four mllllon dollars ln unabaLed
properLy Laxes.

ConservaLlve esLlmaLes show Lhe poLenLlal for nearly 3,200 employees, $128 mllllon ln wages, $2.3 mllllon ln
local lncome Lax revenue and $4.3 mllllon dollars ln lncome Lax Lo Lhe sLaLe of Chlo.


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