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Thinking Maps Ideas 2012

Kit Thinking Map

The Natural
World II
Circle Map for each planet
Bubble Map for each planet
Double bubble Map
comparing/contrasting Earth and another
Circle map for the sun
Bubble map for the un
#stems $
and %
Brace map &ith parts of plants
'lo& Map &ith life c#cle of plants
Circle map describing li"ing things
Double Bubble Map
comparing/contrasting plants and
Bridge Map &ith relating factor (gets its
food b#)* using specific plants and
Bridge map &ith relating factor (needs
this to sur"i"e*
Brace map &ith parts of ecos#stem
Tree map &ith kinds of ecos#stems and
Brace Map &ith relating factor (is a li"ing
thing found in a)*
Brace Map &ith relating factor (is a
nonli"ing thing found in a)*
Multi+'lo& Map sho&ing &hat happens
&hen organisms compete for resources
Circle Map &ith a li"ing thing in the
middle and its habitat needs in the outer
'lo& Map sho&ing food chain
,remember arro& sho&s flo& of energ#
and points to the organism that
-ECEI.E the energ#/
Bridge Map sho&ing predator/pre#
Bridge Map sho&ing organism/habitat
need relationship
Multi+'lo& Map sho&ing the cause and
effect relationships of changes
organisms make &hen faced b# changes
in habitats
Brace Map for parts of organisms that
help them sur"i"e
Thinking Maps Ideas 2012
Bridge Map sho&ing adaptations and
purpose ,relating factor0 is needed for
sur"i"al because)1 or needs 2222 to
Tree Map &ith inherited traits and
learned traits as categories and list #our
traits that are inherited and learned from
#our parents
Circle Map &ith inherited traits of a
particular animal
Circle Map &ith inherited traits of a
particular plant
Kit Thinking Map
The Natural
World II
'lo& map of energ# of ocean
Multi+'lo& &ith cause/effect of ocean
energ# and land
Circle map defining &eathering1 erosion1
Double Bubble comparing/contrasting
&eathering and erosion1 &eathering and
deposition1 deposition and erosion
Brace map &ith parts of soil
Brace map &ith la#ers of soil
Double Bubble different soils
Bridge map (plants hold soil in place* like
(2222 hold 2222*
Bridge map (fossils gi"e us clues about
the en"ironment* like 2222 gi"es us
clues about 222
#stems I and
Double Bubble comparing/contrasting
traits and learned beha"iors
Bridge Map &ith relating factor (learns to*
Bridge Map &ith relating factor (inherits
traits of*
'lo& Map &ith stages of metamorphosis
Double Bubble comparing/contrasting
each stage
Circle Map listing animals that gro&
Circle Map listing plants that gro&
Bridge map &ith relating factor (gro&s
Tree Map listing sur"i"al needs of
Tree Map listing sur"i"al needs of plants
Thinking Maps Ideas 2012
Tree Map listing animal and its
adaptations for sur"i"al
Double Bubble comparing/contrasting
different animals adaptations for sur"i"al
Bridge Map &ith relating factor of (is a
sur"i"al adaptation of*
Kit Thinking Map
The Natural
World II
Tree Map of the &ater c#cle listing solids1
li3uids1 and gases in the c#cle
Bridge Map &ith relating factor (is
important to us because* &ith e4amples
from the &ater c#cle
Multi+'lo& &ith cause/effect relationships
of forces on landforms
Tree Map &ith forces as ma5or
categories and &hat results from those
Double Bubble to compare/contrast
erosion1 &eathering
Double Bubble to compare/contrast
t#pes of rocks to sedimentar# rocks
'lo& Map to sho& different processes to
make sedimentar# rocks
Circle Map &ith characteristics of
sedimentar# rocks
Circle Map for rene&able resources
Circle Map for nonrene&able resources
Circle Map for ine4haustible resources
Double Bubble to compare/contrast
rene&able and nonrene&able1
nonrene&able and ine4haustible1 etc6
Tree Map &ith t#pes of resources and
e4amples of each
Tree Map &ith t#pes of energ# and
e4amples of uses of each
Tree Map &ith t#pes of natural resources
and uses of each
Bridge Map &ith relating factor (is
needed for* or (&ithout 2222 &e 22222*
'lo& Map &ith formation of fossil fuels
'lo& Map &ith formation of minerals
Double Bubble comparing/contrasting
minerals and rocks
#stems I and
Thinking Maps Ideas 2012
'lo& map of the life c#cle of a particular
plant or animal
Bridge Map &ith relating factor of (mo"e
Bridge Map &ith of sensor# organ and
use ,include name of organism &ith
Double Bubble to compare/contrast
instructi"e beha"iors and learned
Tree Map of t#pes of tropism
Circle Map defining adaptation1 niche1
habitat1 ecos#stem1 producers1
consumers1 herbi"ores1 carni"ores1
Tree Map &ith e4amples of an# of the
abo"e terms
Double Bubble comparing/contrasting
an# of the abo"e related terms
Circle Map &ith organism in the middle
and description of its roles in the niche in
the outer circle
Brace Map &ith communities1
populations1 species1 parts in a particular
Make a Tree Map of the traits #ou ha"e
that come from #our mother1 #our father
Tree Map &ith % &a#s organisms change
and e4ample of ho& humans change

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