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Republic of the Philippines




" #e!sus "


('R' No' )*+,-.




1anua!4 +. +..5



This petition fo! !e#ie7 un&e! Rule 8- see9s to !e#e!se an& set asi&e the Decision:); &ate& 1anua!4 +-
+..* of the Cou!t of Appeals <CA= in CA"('R' CR No' +->,) 7hich affi!2e& 7ith 2o&ification the
Ap!il >. +..) Decision:+; of the Re3ional T!ial Cou!t <RTC= B!anch >5 in Lin3a4en Pan3asinan in
C!i2inal Case No' L"-.+*' The RTC foun& petitione! Ro&el U!bano 3uilt4 be4on& !easonable &oubt of
the c!i2e of %o2ici&e'

The $acts

In an Info!2ation file& befo!e the RTC petitione! 7as cha!3e& 7ith %o2ici&e co22itte& as

That on o! about the +*th of Septe2be! )55> in the e#enin3 in Ba!an3a4 Poblacion Municipalit4 of
Lin3a4en P!o#ince of Pan3asinan Philippines an& 7ithin the ?u!is&iction of this %ono!able Cou!t the
abo#e"na2e& accuse& 7ith intent to 9ill &i& then an& the!e 7illfull4 unla7full4 an& feloniousl4
attac9 assault hit an& 2aul B!i3i&o To2el&en inflictin3 upon hi2 2o!tal in?u!ies an& as bo!ne out
f!o2 the autops4 !epo!t the follo7in3 fin&in3s/


A" Softene& po!tion of the scalp o#e! <R= occipito"te2po!al a!ea about - inches abo#e an& poste!io!
to the <R= ea!'

B" Clotte& bloo& o#e! the <R= occipito"te2po!al a!ea'

C" No lace!ations note&'


A" On openin3 the s9ull the!e is ooAin3 of &a!9 colo!e& bloo& f!o2 the b!ain substances'

B" Mo!e &a!9e& bloo& #essels at the <L= si&e of the b!ain'


Ca!&io"!espi!ato!4 a!!est secon&a!4 to ce!eb!al concussion 7ith !esultant ce!eb!al he2o!!ha3e
&ue to 2aulin3 inci&ent'

Bhich &i!ectl4 cause& his &eath to the &a2a3e an& p!e?u&ice of the hei!s of the sai& B!i3i&o To2el&en'

CONTRARC to A!ticle +85 of the Re#ise& Penal Co&e'

Petitione! 7hen a!!ai3ne& plea&e& not 3uilt4 to the cha!3e' $ollo7in3 the pa!tiesD 7ai#e! of p!e"
t!ial t!ial on the 2e!its then ensue&'

As su22a!iAe& in the &ecision sub?ect of !e#ie7 the p!osecutionDs e#i&ence establishe& the
follo7in3 facts/

On Septe2be! +* )55> at a!oun& */.. p'2' the #icti2 B!i3i&o To2el&en an& petitione! 7e!e at
the co2poun& of the Lin3a4en Bate! Dist!ict <LIBAD= in Lin3a4en Pan3asinan ha#in3 ?ust a!!i#e&
f!o2 a picnic in the nea!b4 to7n of Bu3allon Pan3asinan 7he!e 7ith so2e othe! co"7o!9e!s the4
&!un9 bee! in a !estau!ant' Bhile insi&e the co2poun& the t7o ha& a heate& alte!cation in the cou!se of
7hich To2el&en hu!le& insultin3 !e2a!9s at petitione!' Reactin3 petitione! as9e& 7h4 To2el&en 7hen
&!un9 has the penchant of insultin3 petitione!'

The e6chan3e of 7o!&s le& to an e6chan3e of blo7s' Coole! hea&s succee&e& in b!ea9in3 up the fi3ht
but onl4 fo! a b!ief 2o2ent as the p!ota3onists !efuse& to be pacifie& an& continue& th!o7in3 fist
blo7s at each othe!' Then petitione! &eli#e!e& a Eluc94 punchF as &esc!ibe& b4 e4e7itness O!?e
SalaAa! on To2el&enDs face 7hich 2a&e To2el&en topple &o7n' To2el&en 7as on the #e!3e of hittin3
his hea& on the 3!oun& ha& thei! co2panions not cau3ht hi2 an& p!e#ente& the fall' The blo7 ho7e#e!
cause& To2el&enDs nose to blee& an& !en&e!e& hi2 unconscious'

Petitione! an& his othe! co"7o!9e!s b!ou3ht To2el&en to the office of the LIBAD 3ene!al 2ana3e!
7he!e he spent the ni3ht' %e !e2aine& in the co2poun& the follo7in3 &a4 Septe2be! +5 )55>' Upon
a!!i#in3 ho2e at a!oun& G/.. p'2' of that &a4 To2el&en info!2e& his 7ife Rosa!io of the fi3ht the
p!e#ious ni3ht an& of his ha#in3 been !en&e!e& unconscious' %e co2plaine& of pain in his nape hea&
an& ea! 7hich i2pelle& Rosa!io to i22e&iatel4 b!in3 hi2 to the Lin3a4en Co22unit4 %ospital 7he!e
D!' Dais4 A!ellano e6a2ine& hi2 an& t!eate& his lace!ate& left in&e6 fin3e! contusions an& he2ato2a
at the !i3ht ce!eb!u2'

On Octobe! + an& , )55> To2el&en 7ent bac9 to the hospital co2plainin3 of &iAAiness hea&ache an&
othe! pains' The atten&in3 &octo!s obse!#e& the patient to be in a state of &!o7siness an& f!eHuent
#o2itin3' On Octobe! * )55> Rosa!io b!ou3ht To2el&en to the Sison Me2o!ial P!o#incial %ospital in
Da3upan Cit4 7he!e the atten&in3 ph4sician D!' Ra2on Ra2os &ia3nose& To2el&en suffe!in3 f!o2
Eb!ain in?u!4 secon&a!4 to 2aulin3 to consi&e! ce!eb!al he2o!!ha3e'F:>;

To2el&en 7as confine& in the p!o#incial hospital until >/.. p'2' of Octobe! ). )55> an& &ue to
financial const!aints 7as the!eafte! &ischa!3e& &espite si3ns ne3atin3 ph4sical con&ition i2p!o#e2ent'
Upon !eachin3 thei! house ho7e#e! To2el&en a3ain co2plaine& of e6t!e2e hea& pain p!o2ptin3 his
7ife to b!in3 hi2 bac9 to the Lin3a4en Co22unit4 %ospital 7he!e D!' A!ellano a3ain atten&e& to hi2'
This ti2e thin3s tu!ne& fo! the 7o!st the &octo! notin3 that To2el&en appea!e& to be se2i"conscious
sleep4 uncoope!ati#e an& not !espon&in3 to an4 sti2ulant' To2el&en &ie& at 5/.. p'2' of that &a4 &ue
pe! D!' A!ellano to Eca!&io"!espi!ato!4 a!!est secon&a!4 to ce!eb!al concussion 7ith !esultant ce!eb!al
he2o!!ha3e &ue to 2aulin3 inci&ent'F

The &efense p!esente& petitione! 7ho &enie& ha#in3 an4 intention to 9ill asse!tin3 that h4pe!tension
fo! 7hich To2el&en 7as !ecei#in3 t!eat2ent 7as the cause of the latte!Ds &eath'

The Rulin3 of the RTC

On Ap!il >. +..) the RTC !en&e!e& ?u&32ent fin&in3 petitione! 3uilt4 as cha!3e&' The fallo of the
RTCDs &ecision !ea&s/

B%ERE$ORE the p!osecution ha#in3 establishe& be4on& !easonable &oubt the 3uilt of the
accuse& of the c!i2e of %OMICIDE as &efine& an& penaliAe& un&e! A!t' +85 of the Re#ise& Penal
Co&e this Cou!t in the absence of an4 2o&if4in3 ci!cu2stances he!eb4 sentences sai& accuse& to
suffe! the in&ete!2inate p!ison te!2 of ei3ht <*= 4ea!s an& one <)= &a4 of P!ision Ma4o! as 2ini2u2 to
se#enteen <),= 4ea!s an& fou! <8= 2onths of Reclusion Te2po!al as 2a6i2u2 an& to in&e2nif4 the
le3al hei!s of the #icti2 in the a2ount of P%P-....'.. plus cost of the suit'

The pe!io& of p!e#enti#e i2p!ison2ent suffe!e& b4 the accuse& shall be c!e&ite& in full in the
se!#ice of his sentence in acco!&ance 7ith A!t' +5 of the Re#ise& Penal Co&e':8;

The!ef!o2 petitione! appeale& to the CA his !ecou!se &oc9ete& as CA"('R' CR No' +->,)'
The Rulin3 of the CA

On 1anua!4 +- +..* the CA !en&e!e& a &ecision affi!2in3 the con#iction of petitione! but a7a!&in3
2o!al &a2a3es to the hei!s of To2el&en &isposin3 as follo7s/

B%ERE$ORE in the li3ht of the fo!e3oin3 the appeal of the accuse&"appellant is DISMISSED'
The &ecision appeale& f!o2 is A$$IRMED 7ith MODI$ICATION that an a7a!& of P-....'.. 2o!al
&a2a3es is (RANTED'

Re2an& of the !eco!&s shoul& i22e&iatel4 follo7 finalit4 fo! the conseHuent e6ecution of the

The appellate cou!t hel& that the co22ission b4 petitione! of the c!i2e of ho2ici&e as &efine& an&
penaliAe& un&e! A!ticle +85:G; of the Re#ise& Penal Co&e <RPC= ha& been p!o#e& be4on& 2o!al
ce!taint4 of &oubt pointin3 to the luc94 punch as the p!o6i2ate cause of To2el&enDs hospitaliAation
an& ulti2atel4 his &eath' An& li9e the RTC the CA foun& no Hualif4in3 ci!cu2stance to inc!ease o!
lo7e! the penalt4'

$ollo7in3 the &enial of petitione!Ds 2otion fo! !econsi&e!ation pe! the CA Resolution:,; of Ap!il +8
+..* he inte!pose& this petition'

The Issues

On essentiall4 the sa2e issues !aise& befo!e the CA petitione! no7 u!3es the Cou!t to set asi&e the
appeale& &ecision o! at least 2o&if4 it 2aintainin3 that the appellate cou!t/

I' 6 6 6 e!!e& in affi!2in3 the &ecision of the :RTC; fin&in3 :hi2; 3uilt4 be4on& !easonable &oubt of
the c!i2e cha!3e&'

II' 6 6 6 e!!e& in not app!eciatin3 the 2iti3atin3 ci!cu2stances of sufficient p!o#ocation on the pa!t of
the #icti2 an& lac9 of intent to co22it so 3!a#e a 7!on3 in fa#o! of the petitione!':*;

The Cou!tDs Rulin3

The petition is pa!tl4 2e!ito!ious'

%o2ici&e Dul4 P!o#e&

It is petitione!Ds th!eshol& postu!e that the fistic in?u!4 To2el&en sustaine& 7as not Ethe 2ain
un&e!l4in3 cause of his &eath'F:5; In this !e3a!& petitione! &!a7s attention to the fact that the fist fi3ht
in Huestion happene& on Septe2be! +* )55>' To2el&en ho7e#e! &ie& onl4 on Octobe! ). )55> o! )+
&a4s the!eafte! an& that &u!in3 the inte!#enin3 &a4s pa!ticula!l4 Septe2be! +5 )55> the &ecease&
!e3ula!l4 !epo!te& fo! 7o!9' Mo!eo#e! petitione! a#e!s that &a4s p!io! to the fateful inci&ent of
Septe2be! +* )55> To2el&en faile& to co2e to 7o!9 as he 7as suffe!in3 f!o2 2ali3nant
h4pe!tension an& that this ci!cu2stance 3!eatl4 en3en&e!s &oubt as to the p!o6i2ate cause of the
#icti2Ds &eath' Petitione! thus conten&s that he coul& onl4 be a&?u&3e& 3uilt4 of ph4sical in?u!ies':).;

Be a!e not pe!sua&e&'

The p!osecution 7itness SalaAa! testifie& about petitione!Ds luc94 punch hittin3 To2el&en !i3ht s2ac9
on the face' An& e#en if To2el&enDs hea& &i& not hit the 3!oun& as his co"7o!9e!s a#e!te& that
actualit4 that punch 3a#e hi2 a blee&in3 nose an& !en&e!e& hi2 unconscious !i3ht afte! the Septe2be!
+* )55> fi3ht' $!o2 then on To2el&en 7as in an& out of the hospital co2plainin3 of hea&ache a2on3
othe! pains until his &e2ise on Octobe! ). )55> o! )+ &a4s afte! the blo7 that 2a&e To2el&en

Si3nificantl4 D!' A!ellano testifie& con&uctin3 an autops4 on the bo&4 of To2el&en an&
st!esse& that the Esoftene& po!tion of the scalp o#e! <R= occipito"te2po!al a!ea about - inches abo#e
an& poste!io! to the <R= ea!F of the #icti2 coul& ha#e been cause& b4 a fist blo7' She also opine& that
the fist blo7 7hich lan&e& on To2el&enDs hea& coul& ha#e sha9en his b!ain 7hich cause& the ce!eb!al
concussionI an& that the cause of the #icti2Ds &eath 7as Eca!&io"!espi!ato!4 a!!est secon&a!4 to ce!eb!al
concussion 7ith !esultant ce!eb!al he2o!!ha3e &ue to 2aulin3 inci&ent'F

The co2bine& effects of the testi2onies of SalaAa! an& D!' A!ellano butt!esse& b4 that of
Rosa!io 7ho !elate& about he! husban&Ds post Septe2be! +* )55> se#e!e hea& pain clea!l4 establish
be4on& ca#il the cause of To2el&enDs &eath an& 7ho 7as liable fo! it'

The CA obse!#e& aptl4/

It 7as th!ou3h the &i!ect accounts of the p!osecution 7itnesses of the e#ents that t!anspi!e&
&u!in3 the fisticuff inci&ent 6 6 6 2o!e specificall4 the lan&in3 of the Eluc94 punchF on the face of
:To2el&en; ta9en to3ethe! 7ith the !esult of the 2e&ical e6a2inations an& autops4 !epo!t 7hich
&esc!ibe& the &eath of the #icti2 as Eca!&io"!espi!ato!4 a!!est secon&a!4 to ce!eb!al concussion 7ith
!esultant ce!eb!al he2o!!ha3e &ue to 2aulin3 inci&entF that 7e a!e con#ince& that the Eluc94 punchF
7as the p!o6i2ate cause of :To2el&enDs; &eath' The p!osecution ha& satisfacto!il4 p!o#en that it 7as
onl4 afte! the inci&ent that t!anspi!e& on Septe2be! +* )55> that the #icti2 7as hospitaliAe& on
se#e!al occasions until he e6pi!e& t7el#e &a4s late! 6 6 6' It is 2o!eo#e! of no conseHuence 7hethe!
the #icti2 7as able to !epo!t fo! 7o!9 &u!in3 the inte!#enin3 &a4s 6 6 6'

Be fin& no !eason to &epa!t f!o2 the &oct!inal !ule that 3!eat 7ei3ht is acco!&e& the factual
fin&in3s of the t!ial cou!t pa!ticula!l4 7ith !espect to the asce!tain2ent of the c!e&ibilit4 of 7itnesses'
The!e 7as absence of an4 ill 2oti#e on the pa!t of 6 6 6 SalaAa! 7ho in fact testifie& that he 7as a
f!ien& of both :petitione!; an& :To2el&en;I 2o!e so on the pa!t of the atten&in3 ph4sicians':)); 6 6 6

Petitione!Ds su33estion that To2el&en succu2be& to hea!t ail2ent an&Jo! that his &eath 7as the !esult
of his 2ali3nant h4pe!tension is untenable 3i#en that the post"2o!te2 !epo!t 4iel&s no positi#e
in&ication that he &ie& f!o2 such 2ala&4'

Miti3atin3 Ci!cu2stances P!esent

Petitione! ne6t conten&s that the 2iti3atin3 ci!cu2stances of no intention to co22it so 3!a#e a 7!on3
an& sufficient p!o#ocation on the pa!t of the #icti2 ou3ht to be app!eciate& in petitione!Ds fa#o!'

On this sco!e 7e a3!ee 7ith petitione!'

Pa!a3!aphs > an& 8 of A!t' )> RPC p!o#i&e as follo7s/

A!t' )>' Miti3atin3 ci!cu2stances'KKThe follo7in3 a!e 2iti3atin3 ci!cu2stances/

6 6 6 6

>' That the offen&e! ha& no intention to co22it so 3!a#e a 7!on3 as that co22itte&'

8' That sufficient p!o#ocation o! th!eat on the pa!t of the offen&e& pa!t4 i22e&iatel4 p!ece&e& the act'

Bhen the la7 spea9s of p!o#ocation eithe! as a 2iti3atin3 ci!cu2stance o! as an essential ele2ent of
self"&efense the !efe!ence is to an un?ust o! i2p!ope! con&uct of the offen&e& pa!t4 capable of e6citin3
incitin3 o! i!!itatin3 an4oneI:)+; it is not enou3h that the p!o#ocati#e act be un!easonable o! anno4in3I
:)>; the p!o#ocation 2ust be sufficient to e6cite one to co22it the 7!on3ful act:)8; an& shoul&
i22e&iatel4 p!ece&e the act':)-; This thi!& !eHuisite of self"&efense is p!esent/ <)= 7hen no
p!o#ocation at all 7as 3i#en to the a33!esso!I <+= 7hen e#en if p!o#ocation 7as 3i#en it 7as not
sufficientI <>= 7hen e#en if the p!o#ocation 7as sufficient it 7as not 3i#en b4 the pe!son &efen&in3
hi2selfI o! <8= 7hen e#en if a p!o#ocation 7as 3i#en b4 the pe!son &efen&in3 hi2self it 7as not
p!o6i2ate an& i22e&iate to the act of a33!ession':)G;

In the instant case To2el&enDs insultin3 !e2a!9s &i!ecte& at petitione! an& utte!e& i22e&iatel4 befo!e
the fist fi3ht constitute& sufficient p!o#ocation' This is not to 2ention othe! i!!itatin3 state2ents 2a&e
b4 the &ecease& 7hile the4 7e!e ha#in3 bee! in Bu3allon' Petitione! 7as the one p!o#o9e& an&
challen3e& to a fist fi3ht'

Petitione!Ds un!ebutte& testi2on4 on the e#ents i22e&iatel4 p!ece&in3 the fisticuff an& ea!lie! &o#etails
7ith the testi2on4 of SalaAa!'

In 3ist petitione! testifie& bein3 in the afte!noon of Septe2be! +* )55> in the nea!b4 to7n of
Bu3allon fo! a picnic' %e 7as 7ith To2el&en an& se#e!al othe!s inclu&in3 Do2ina&o! Na#a!!o
Chai!pe!son of LIBAD' At a !estau!ant in Bu3allon the 3!oup o!&e!e& 3oatDs 2eat an& &!an9 bee!'
Bhen it 7as ti2e to &epa!t Na#a!!o as9e& petitione! to info!2 To2el&en then seate& in anothe! table
to p!epa!e to lea#e'

Bhen so info!2e& To2el&en insulte& petitione! tellin3 the latte! he ha& no business stoppin3 hi2
f!o2 fu!the! &!in9in3 as he 7as pa4in3 fo! his sha!e of the bill' Chastise& petitione! !etu!ne& to his
table to !epo!t to Na#a!!o' At that ti2e petitione! sa7 that To2el&en ha& al!ea&4 consu2e& ), bottles
of bee!' In all the 3!oup sta4e& at the picnic place fo! th!ee an& a half hou!s befo!e !etu!nin3 to the

Upon !eachin3 the LIBAD co2poun& To2el&en alle3e&l4 slappe& an& hu!le& insults at hi2 callin3
hi2 EsipsipF ?ust to 2aintain his e2plo42ent as Na#a!!oDs t!ic4cle &!i#e!' To2el&en alle3e&l4 then
&eli#e!e& se#e!al fist an& 9ic9 blo7s at petitione! a couple of 7hich hit hi2 &espite his e#asi#e actions'
Petitione! 2aintaine& that he onl4 bo6e& the #icti2 in !etaliation lan&in3 that luc94 punch in the
cou!se of pa!!4in3 the latte!Ds blo7s'

The follo7in3 testi2on4 of SalaAa! attests to the p!o#ocati#e acts of To2el&en an& to his bein3 the


0 Afte! 4ou hea!& f!o2 the accuse& those !e2a!9s 7hat if an4 &i& the #icti2 !eplie& if an4L


A The4 e6chan3e& an3!4 7o!&s si!'
0 Bhat 7e!e these 7o!&sL
A Ro&el U!bano sai& EBhen 4ouD!e al!ea&4 &!un9 4ou 9eep on insultin3 2e'F
0 An& 7hat 7as the !epl4 if an4L
A MA9ina tua lantiF'


0 Bho sai& thatL


A It 7as B!i3i&o To2el&en si!'
0 An& 7hat t!anspi!e& ne6tL
A Afte! that the4 e6chan3e 7o!&s si!' E If 4ou li9e 7e 7ill ha#e a fist fi3htF he sai&'
0 Bho sai& thatL
A B!i3i&o To2el&en sai&'
0 At that ti2e 7e!e 4ou al!ea&4 insi&e the co2poun& of the LIBADL
A Ces si!'
0 Afte! the #icti2 alle3e&l4 tol& the accuse& EIf 4ou 7ant a fist fi3htF 7hat t!anspi!e& ne6tL
A Ro&el U!bano sai& Eif it is a fist fi3ht 7e fi3ht'F:),;

0 An& 7hen 4ou 7e!e al!ea&4 in the co2poun& of LIBAD Office B!i3i&o To2el&en 7as
challen3in3 the accuse& fo! a fist fi3htL
A Ces si!'
0 An& the accuse& !efuse& to accept the challen3eL
A Ces because M!' B!i3i&o To2el&en is #e!4 2uch bi33e! than M!' Ro&el U!bano' %e is stoute!
than the accuse&'

0 But finall4 the fist fi3ht too9 placeL
A Ces si!':)*;


0 Bhen the #icti2 an& this accuse& ha& this fi3ht fist fi3ht the4 e6chan3e& blo7s but the!e 7as
this luc94 punch that hit the #icti2 because the #icti2 fall &o7n is that co!!ectL
A Bhen I stop pacif4in3 the2 6 6 6 I sa7 Bi!in3 the late B!i3i&o To2el&en he 7as 2uch
a33!essi#e than the accuse& si!'
0 Cou 2ean that althou3h it 7as the #icti2 7ho 7as 2o!e a33!essi#e than the accuse& he!e he
also :th!e7; punches but so2eti2e so2e of his punches 2ost of 7hich &i& not hit the #icti2L
A %e t!ie& to pa!!4 the blo7s of the late B!i3i&o To2el&en si!'
0 Because he t!ie& to pa!!4 the blo7 of the B!i3i&o To2el&en 7hen the accuse& th!o7 punches
the punch 7as &i!ecte& to the #icti2 but 2ost of the2 &i& not hit the #icti2 is that 7hat 4ou sa7L
A Ces si!':)5; <E2phasis a&&e&'=

It is abun&antl4 clea! f!o2 the abo#e t!ansc!ipt that the p!o#ocation ca2e f!o2 To2el&en' In fact
petitione! bein3 #e!4 2uch s2alle! in hei3ht an& heft ha& the 3oo& sense of t!4in3 to a#oi& a fi3ht'
But as e#ents tu!ne& out a fisticuff still ensue& su&&enl4 en&in3 7hen petitione!Ds luc94 punch foun&
its 2a!9' In People #' Macaso:+.; a case 7he!e the accuse& police office! shot an& 9ille& a 2oto!ist
fo! !epeate&l4 tauntin3 hi2 7ith &efiant 7o!&s the Cou!t app!eciate& the 2iti3atin3 ci!cu2stance of
sufficient p!o#ocation o! th!eat on the pa!t of the offen&e& pa!t4 i22e&iatel4 p!ece&in3 the shootin3'
The Cou!t ha& the sa2e attitu&e in Na#a!!o #' Cou!t of Appeals:+); a case also in#ol#in3 a police2an
7ho 9ille& a 2an afte! the latte! challen3e& hi2 to a fi3ht' %ence the!e is no !h42e o! !eason 7h4 the
sa2e 2iti3atin3 ci!cu2stance shoul& not be consi&e!e& in fa#o! of petitione!'

Mo!eo#e! the 2iti3atin3 ci!cu2stance that petitione! ha& no intention to co22it so 3!a#e a 7!on3 as
that co22itte& shoul& also be app!eciate& in his fa#o!' Bhile intent to 9ill 2a4 be p!esu2e& f!o2 the
fact of the &eath of the #icti2 this 2iti3atin3 facto! 2a4 still be consi&e!e& 7hen atten&ant facts an&
ci!cu2stances so 7a!!ant as in the instant case' Consi&e!/ Petitione! t!ie& to a#oi& the fi3ht bein3 #e!4
2uch s2alle! than To2el&en' %e t!ie& to pa!!4 the blo7s of To2el&en albeit he 7as able &u!in3 the
scuffle to connect a luc94 punch that en&e& the fi3ht' An& lest it be o#e!loo9e& petitione! helpe& ca!!4
his unconscious co"7o!9e! to the office of the LIBADDs 3ene!al 2ana3e!' Su!el4 such 3estu!e cannot
!easonabl4 be e6pecte& f!o2 an& 7oul& be unbeco2in3 of one inten&in3 to co22it so 3!a#e a 7!on3
as 9illin3 the #icti2' A ba!e"9nuc9le fi3ht as a 2eans to pa!!4 the challen3e issue& b4 To2el&en 7as
co22ensu!ate to the potential #iolence petitione! 7as facin3' It 7as ?ust unfo!tunate that To2el&en
&ie& f!o2 that luc94 punch an e#entualit4 that coul& ha#e possibl4 been a#e!te& ha& he ha& the
financial 2eans to 3et the p!ope! 2e&ical attention' Thus it is clea! that the 2iti3atin3 ci!cu2stance of
Eno intention to co22it so 3!a#e a 7!on3 as that co22itte&F 2ust also be app!eciate& in fa#o! of
petitione! 7hile fin&in3 hi2 3uilt4 of ho2ici&e' That petitione! lan&e& a luc94 punch at To2el&enDs
face 7hile thei! co"7o!9e!s 7e!e t!4in3 to sepa!ate the2 is a co2pellin3 in&iciu2 that he ne#e!
inten&e& so 3!a#e a 7!on3 as to 9ill the #icti2'

Bithal 7ith no a33!a#atin3 ci!cu2stance an& t7o 2iti3atin3 ci!cu2stances app!eciable in fa#o! of
petitione! 7e appl4 pa!' - of A!t' G8 RPC 7hich pe!tinentl4 p!o#i&es/

A!t' G8' Rules fo! the application of penalties 7hich contain th!ee pe!io&s'KKIn cases in 7hich the
penalties p!esc!ibe& b4 la7 contain th!ee pe!io&s 7hethe! it be a sin3le &i#isible penalt4 o! co2pose&
of th!ee &iffe!ent penalties each one of 7hich fo!2s a pe!io& in acco!&ance 7ith the p!o#isions of
A!ticles ,G an& ,, the cou!ts shall obse!#e fo! the application of the penalt4 the follo7in3 !ules
acco!&in3 to 7hethe! the!e a!e o! a!e no 2iti3atin3 o! a33!a#atin3 ci!cu2stances/

6 6 6 6

-' Bhen the!e a!e t7o o! 2o!e 2iti3atin3 ci!cu2stances an& no a33!a#atin3 ci!cu2stances a!e p!esent
the cou!t shall i2pose the penalt4 ne6t lo7e! to that p!esc!ibe& b4 la7 in the pe!io& that it 2a4 &ee2
applicable acco!&in3 to the nu2be! an& natu!e of such ci!cu2stances'

The p!esc!ibe& penalt4 fo! ho2ici&e un&e! A!t' +85 of the RPC is !eclusion te2po!al o! f!o2 )+ 4ea!s
an& one &a4 to +. 4ea!s' Bith the app!eciation of t7o 2iti3atin3 ci!cu2stances of no intention to
co22it so 3!a#e a 7!on3 as that co22itte& an& of sufficient p!o#ocation f!o2 the #icti2 an& the
application of pa!' - of A!t' G8 RPC the i2posable penalt4 7oul& thus be the ne6t lo7e! penalt4
p!esc!ibe& fo! ho2ici&e an& this shoul& be p!ision 2a4o! o! f!o2 si6 4ea!s an& one &a4 to )+ 4ea!s'
ConseHuentl4 7ith the application of the In&ete!2inate Sentence La7 petitione! ou3ht to be
inca!ce!ate& f!o2 p!ision co!!eccional as 2ini2u2 an& p!ision 2a4o! as 2a6i2u2' In #ie7 of the
ci!cu2stances of the case consi&e!in3 that the petitione! ne#e! 2eant o! inten&e& to 9ill the #icti2 a
p!ison te!2 of ei3ht <*= 4ea!s an& one <)= &a4 of p!ision 2a4o! as 2a6i2u2 pe!io& is p!ope! 7hile the
pe!io& of t7o <+= 4ea!s an& fou! <8= 2onths of p!ision co!!eccional as 2ini2u2 pe!io& is !easonable'

Be fin& no !eason to 2o&if4 the a7a!& of ci#il in&e2nit4 an& 2o!al &a2a3es'

B%ERE$ORE the CA Decision &ate& 1anua!4 +- +..* in CA"('R' CR No' +->,) is in the li3ht of
the p!esence an& the app!eciation of t7o 2iti3atin3 ci!cu2stances in fa#o! of petitione! he!eb4
MODI$IED b4 &ec!easin3 the te!2 of i2p!ison2ent' As thus 2o&ifie& petitione! Ro&el U!bano is
he!eb4 sentence& to se!#e an in&ete!2inate p!ison te!2 of f!o2 t7o <+= 4ea!s an& fou! <8= 2onths of
p!ision co!!eccional as 2ini2u2 to ei3ht <*= 4ea!s an& one <)= &a4 of p!ision 2a4o! as 2a6i2u2
7ith 7hate#e! i2p!ison2ent he has al!ea&4 se!#e& full4 c!e&ite& in the se!#ice of this sentence' The
!est of the ?u&32ent is he!eb4 A$$IRMED'

No p!onounce2ent as to costs'


Associate 1ustice

Associate 1ustice

Associate 1ustice Associate 1ustice

Associate 1ustice


I attest that the conclusions in the abo#e Decision ha& been !eache& in consultation befo!e the
case 7as assi3ne& to the 7!ite! of the opinion of the Cou!tDs Di#ision'

Associate 1ustice

C E R T I $ I C A T I O N

Pu!suant to Section )> A!ticle VIII of the Constitution an& the Di#ision Chai!pe!sonDs
Attestation I ce!tif4 that the conclusions in the abo#e Decision ha& been !eache& in consultation befo!e
the case 7as assi3ne& to the 7!ite! of the opinion of the Cou!tDs Di#ision'

Chief 1ustice
:); Rollo pp' *G").)' Penne& b4 Associate 1ustice Apolina!io D' B!uselas 1!' an& concu!!e& in b4
Associate 1ustices Bien#eni&o L' Re4es an& Monina A!e#alo Nena!osa'
:+; I&' at -)"G.' Penne& b4 1u&3e Dionisio C' Sison'
:>; I&' at *5'
:8; Sup!a note + at -5"G.'
:-; Sup!a note ) at )..'
:G; A!t' +85' %o2ici&e'KKAn4 pe!son 7ho not fallin3 7ithin the p!o#isions of A!t' +8G shall
9ill anothe! 7ithout the atten&ance of an4 of the ci!cu2stances enu2e!ate& in the ne6t p!ece&in3
a!ticle shall be &ee2e& 3uilt4 of ho2ici&e an& be punishe& b4 !eclusion te2po!al'
:,; Rollo p' )).'
:*; I&' at ),'
:5; I&' at )*'
:).; I&' at )5'
:)); Sup!a note ) at 5G"5,'
:)+; Na#a!!o #' Cou!t of Appeals ('R' No' )+).*, Au3ust +G )555 >)> SCRA )-> )GGI
citin3 Pepito #' CA ('R' No' ))558+ 1ul4 * )555 >). SCRA )+*'
:)>; Cano #' People ('R' No' )--+-* Octobe! , +..> 8)> SCRA 5+ ).-I citin3 ) AHuino
:)8; Na#a!!o sup!aI citin3 People #' Nabo!a ,> Phil' 8>8 <)58)='
:)-; I&'I citin3 People #' Pa3a No' L">+.8. Octobe! +- )5,, ,5 SCRA -,.'
:)G; Cano sup!a note )>I citin3 ) L'B' Re4es T%E REVISED PENAL CODE ),5")*. <)8th !e#ise&
e&' )55*='
:),; TSN No#e2be! +- )55* pp' G",'
:)*; TSN Dece2be! ) )55* p' 8'
:)5; TSN 1anua!4 >) +... pp' +)"++'
:+.; No' L">.8*5 1une >. )5,- G8 SCRA G-5'
:+); Sup!a note )+'

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