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ASTECHNOVA Conference Sample Extended Abstract

First A. Author
" Second #. Author
" Third C.&. Author
First-Third Department, First-Third University, Address Including Country Name
econd Company, Address Including Country Name
Keywords( Include at least 3 keywords or phrases
This document is a template. An electronic cop+
can be do,nloaded from the conference ,ebsite.
For -uestions on paper .uidelines" please contact
the conference paper committee as indicated on the
conference ,ebsite. /nformation about final paper
submission is a0ailable from the conference
An eas+ ,a+ to compl+ ,ith the conference
paper formattin. re-uirements is to use this
document as a template and simpl+ t+pe +our text
into it.
A! "age #ayout
Extended abstract is one to t,o 1our
paper must use a pa.e si2e correspondin. to A3
,hich is %!4mm 56.%789 ,ide and %:7mm 5!!.;:89
lon.. The mar.ins must be set as follo,s<
Top = !:mm 54.7>89
#ottom = 3'mm 5!.;:89
?eft = * = !3.'%mm 54.>;89
1our paper must be in t,o column format ,ith a
space of 3.%%mm 54.!789 bet,een columns.
All para.raphs must be indented. All para.raphs
must be @ustified" i.e. both leftA@ustified and ri.htA
A! Te$t Font o% &ntire Document
The entire document should be in Times Ne,
*oman or Times font. T+pe ' fonts must not be
used. Other font t+pes ma+ be used if needed for
special purposes.
*ecommended font si2es are sho,n in Table !.
'! Title and Author Details
Title must be in %3 pt *e.ular font. Author name
must be in !! pt *e.ular font. Author affiliation
must be in !4 pt /talic. Email address must be in :
pt Courier *e.ular font.
TA#?E /
Appearance (in Time New Roman or Times)
Regular old Italic
6 table caption 5in
Small Caps9"
fi.ure caption"
reference item
reference item
: author email address
5in Courier9"
cell in a table
abstract headin.
5also in #old9
!4 le0elA! headin. 5in
Small Caps9"
le0elA% headin."
le0elA' headin."
author affiliation
!! author name
%3 title
All title and author details must be in sin.leA
column format and must be centered.
E0er+ ,ord in a title must be capitali2ed except
for short minor ,ords such as DaE" DanE" DandE"
DasE" DatE" Db+E" DforE" DfromE" DifE" DinE" DintoE"
DonE" DorE" DofE" DtheE" DtoE" D,ithE.
To a0oid confusion" the famil+ name must be
,ritten as the last part of each author name.
Each affiliation must include" at the 0er+ least"
the name of the compan+ and the name of the
countr+ ,here the author is based.
Email address is compulsor+ for the
correspondin. author.
C! Content
The abstract should .i0e a clear indication of the
ob@ecti0es" scope" results and conclusion of +our
,orF. /ntroduction ,ill .i0e a bacF.round on the
sub@ect. Gaterials and methods ,ill be presented as
applicable follo,ed b+ results and discussion. /t is
recommended to limit the number of references to
D! Figures and Ta(les
One fi.ure and one table can be included in
+our extended abstract. Fi.ures and tables must be
centered in the column. ?ar.e fi.ures and tables
ma+ span across both columns. An+ table or fi.ure
that taFes up more than ! column ,idth must be
positioned either at the top or at the bottom of the
Hraphics ma+ be full color. All colors ,ill be
retained on the C&F. Hraphics must not use stipple
fill patterns because the+ ma+ not be reproduced
properl+. Clease use onl+ )#ID FI## colors
,hich contrast ,ell both on screen and on a blacFA
andA,hite hardcop+" as sho,n in Fi.. !.
Fi.. ! A sample line .raph usin. colors ,hich contrast ,ell both on screen
and on a blacFAandA,hite hardcop+

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