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Marcus Nuckolls

Maegan Carroll

Read this interview with Sherman Alexie and answer the following questions:

Does your perception of the novel change knowing that this is a
partially autobiographical novel?
Why might Alexie want to write about this period of his life?

Watch this clip from Smoke Signals and respond to the following questions:
Explain the significance of the oral tradition of Native American

Look at this image. Note how the drawing has distinct parts of his identity portrayed.
How would you draw yourself in this way?
Using this visual representation as a model, how would you draw
yourself and the various aspects of your identity?

Look at the map of the Native American tribes in Washington State and locate the
tribe that Alexie came from.
Locate the tribe Alexie is from, then click the corresponding link
below. Explore the page and record one interesting thing about that
tribe that Alexie hadnt already mentioned in the book.
Repeat this step for a tribe near where you live.

Scroll through the list of quotes and find one with which you connect.
Write a paragraph on how this quote resonates with you and why.

1. How does this code support your lesson?
This code quest acts as an activity for students to move beyond the pages of
the text and explore the way themes and concepts in the novel relate to students
own experiences. Students look at visual images, theme, textual evidence, Native
American culture, and their own personal identity. The activity keeps students
engaged and actively moving throughout the classroom.

How will you use this code quest in the classroom? (i.e. Will you post QR codes
around the room? Will you provide a handout with the QR codes as possibly a worksheet
to be completed?)
This code quest would be structured as five separate code stations around the
classroom. Students would break into groups and spend 7-10 minutes at each station
looking at QR links and answering questions on a corresponding worksheet. Students
would use their phones or a group members phone.

Which QR code creator did you use? Provide a very brief evaluation of the QR code
This QR code creator was quick and efficient, and it worked every time. It is very
user friendly.

Which QR code reader do you to plan to use? Provide a very brief evaluation of the
QR code reader.
QR Reader
This code reader is very user friendly, easy to use, and it connected to the site
very quickly. Students could easily download this application on their own phones.

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