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MIAA360: Lesson Study

Team Members: _____Cassie McLemore, Kara Villalobos and Aritz Cardenas_____________________________________________________

Teaching Dates: _____Tuesday, May 6, !"#___Chandler and $ogers classrooms at %ohn $& 'illiams (lementary________________________
Conce)t *or this lesson: Counting collections o* coins using counting on strategies& ________ +rade ,)an_nd +rade_____________
Stage of Lesson Teacher Does
Directions or Teacher Questions
Student Does
Expected Student Responses
Student Activities
__"!__ minutes
-nternet Connection
Video *rom
LCD )ro.ector
Coin sets
Consider Decision
Points Assessments
-ntroduction o* Teaching Team and the )lan *or the
0a/e students get out their 1or2boo2s and o)en to
)age ##& ,tart ne3t lesson 1ith /ideo& ,tudents need
the re/ie1 and introduction )ro/ided by /ideo&
'hat are the names and /alues o* these coins4 50al*
dollar, 6!, 7uarter 6, dine "!, nic2el, 6 and )enny, "8&
,tart 1ith the coin 1ith the greatest /alue and count
u)& 6!, 96, :6, ;!, ;"8

<lace a 7uarter, a dime and a nic2el on your 1or2 mat
and discuss in your grou)s and *ind the total /alue o*
this grou) o* coins& =e ready to e3)lain>demonstrate
ho1 you reached your total /alue&
Mo/e this section to e3)lore&
Teacher dra1s t1o coins out o* a bag and holds u) the
t1o coins and as2s students 1hich coin has the
greatest /alue4 'hat is the /alue o* the greatest coin4
'hich coin has the least /alue4 'hat is the /alue o*
the least coin4
Mo/e this section to (3)lore&
,ays hello to teachers& Ans1ers teachers
7uestions about siblings that they ha/e at
+ets out 1or2boo2&
?ollo1s along 1ith /ideo
Ans1er@s 7uestions )osed by teacher&
&A=T&Bse )lace
and )ro)erties o*
o)erations to add
and subtract&
6& ?luently add
and subtract
1ithin "!! using
strategies based
on )lace /alue,
)ro)erties o*
o)erations, and>or
the relationC
shi) bet1een
addition and
Teaching and Learning Collaborati/e Lesson ,tudy
Ada)ted *rom KC" Alliance>'est(d
Stage of Lesson Teacher Does
Directions or Teacher Questions
Student Does
Expected Student Responses
Student Activities
_"!__ minutes
Consider Decision
Points Assessments
0a/e students get out their 1or2boo2s and o)en to
)age ##& ,tart ne3t lesson 1ith /ideo& ,tudents need
the re/ie1 and introduction )ro/ided by /ideo&
,tart 1ith this
'hat are the names and /alues o* these coins4 50al*
dollar, 6!, 7uarter 6, dine "!, nic2el, 6 and )enny, "8&
,tart 1ith the coin 1ith the greatest /alue and count
u)& 6!, 96, :6, ;!, ;"8
Mo/e to (ngage&
Teacher dra1s t1o coins out o* a bag and holds u) the
t1o coins and as2s students 1hich coin has the
greatest /alue4 'hat is the /alue o* the greatest coin4
'hich coin has the least /alue4 'hat is the /alue o*
the least coin4
Teacher then dra1s out *i/e coins and sets them on an
elmo so students can see all 6 coins& Teacher then
as2s students 1hich coin has the greatest /alue4 'hat
is this coins name and /alue4 A*ter the greatest /alue
coin is decided all students 1ill dra1 and label in
1or2 area&
Teachers re)eats this )rocess until all *i/e coins are
named and labeled *rom greatest to least /alue& Then
1e count as a grou) to *ind the total /alue o* the set&
,tudents loo2 at coins and *ind the one that
match the coins being held u) and )lace
them on their mat& The 7uarter is the coin
1ith the greatest /alue& -t is 1orth 6& The
Aic2el is the coin 1ith the least /alue and it
is 1orth 6&
,tudents )lace the same coins that - dra1
out in order *rom greatest to least& ,tudents
ans1er 7uarter and 6, then dime and "!
then nic2el and 6 then )enny and " then
)enny and "& ,tudents count u) 6, D6, #!,
#", #&
&M=&:& ,ol/e
1ord )roblems
in/ol/ing dollar
bills, 7uarters,
dimes, nic2els,
and )ennies,
using E and F
(3am)le: -* you
ha/e dimes and
D )ennies, ho1
many cents do
you ha/e
Teaching and Learning Collaborati/e Lesson ,tudy
Ada)ted *rom KC" Alliance>'est(d

Stage of Lesson Teacher Does

Directions or Teacher Questions
Student Does
Expected Student Responses
Student Activities
_"!__ minutes
Consider Decision
Points Assessments
Teachers must read directions to students and ha/e
them choral read along&
Teacher 1ill model Counting on 1ith t1o 7uarters
and t1o nic2els& ?irst )utting them in order *rom
greatest to least& Then dra1ing and labeling their
names& Then teacher 1ill model counting on 6, 6!,
66, 6! cents total&
Teacher 1ill then model a second counting on set o*
coins& 0al* dollar, 7uarter, nic2el and )enny& 6!, 96,
:!, :"&
Teacher 1ill then as2 students 'hy it is a good idea
to )ut " nic2el, " )enny and " 7uarter in a di**erent
order to *ind the total4
Teacher 1ill then instruct students to do inde)endent
)ractice in )airs and discuss their *inding on number #
and 6&
Teacher 1ill 1al2 around and monitor students
)rogress in com)leting inde)endent )ractice&

,tudents 1ill com)lete guided )ractice
along 1ith teachers *inding coins and
counting /alues&
Counting coins along 1ith teacher&
,tudents 1ill ans1er 7uestions in their o1n
,tudents 1ill begin doing the inde)endent
9&" Bse
strategies to ma2e
estimates in
)roblem sol/ing&
CA :& Mentally
add "! or "!! to a
gi/en number
"!!G;!!, and
mentally subtract
"! or "!! *rom a
gi/en number
"!!G;!!& ;&
(3)lain 1hy
addition and
strategies 1or2,
using )lace /alue
and the )ro)erties
o* o)erations&D"
Teaching and Learning Collaborati/e Lesson ,tudy
Ada)ted *rom KC" Alliance>'est(d
Stage of Lesson Teacher Does
Directions or Teacher Questions
Student Does
Expected Student Responses
Student Activities
__"!_ minutes
Consider Decisions
Point Assessments
%ournal : 'rite a story about *inding 96 Cents& Dra1
the coins&
'rite a story about ho1 - *ound 96 cents
and identi*y the coins that you *ound that
total 96 cents&
CC,, 'riting
starndards +rade
G :& $ecall
e3)eriences or
*rom )ro/ided
sources to
ans1er a
Teaching and Learning Collaborati/e Lesson ,tudy
Ada)ted *rom KC" Alliance>'est(d
Cassie McLemore, Kara Villalobos H Aritz Cardenas
M-AA D9!
Dr& ,yl/ia Turner
: %une !"#
$e*lection o*
+rade Lesson ,tudy
+oing into a classroom o* students that you 2no1 nothing about and trying to gage students understanding 1hile teaching a
lesson you designed 1ithout that 2no1ledge 1as di**icult& 0a/ing only taught 9
grade and abo/e, 1e 1ere unclear about the
language le/el nd graders 1ere o)erating at& -n the u))er grades, directions do not necessarily need to be read /erbatim and students
/ery rarely echo read direction, ho1e/er this is a sta)le in the lo1er grades& -t 1as great to ha/e the classroom teacher in 1ith us
during out lesson, because she made notes o* 1hat 1e did 1rong and needed to correct *or the ne3t lesson& As 1ith the second grade
lesson 1e began 1ith a re*resher acti/ity to gage student@s current understanding o* 1hat 1e 1ere )lanning to teacher& ,tudents 1ere
not *luent in 1hat 1as learned yesterday and 1e s)end a good amount o* time going o/er 1hat the di**erent coins 1ere and their
1orth& Ine thing that 1e 1ere hy)er a1are o* 1as the need *or academic language and using the 1ords greater and less 1hen
establishing the relationshi)s bet1een coins&
Another issue 1e had 1as 1ith se7uencing& Ine o* the standard classroom routines 1as to start 1ith a /ideo *or the ne1
lesson 5this actually did a lot o* the re*reshing 1e co/ered in the beginning lessons8 and ha/e students *ollo1 along in their 1or2boo2&
Ine o* thing that 1e 1ere sur)rised by is the enthusiasm o* the students 1hen ans1ering 7uestions& (/eryone 1anted to )artici)ate,
e/en be*ore they had an ans1er they 1ould raise their hands& -n teaching this lesson 1e learned a lot about then language richness o*
Teaching and Learning Collaborati/e Lesson ,tudy
Ada)ted *rom KC" Alliance>'est(d
math at this le/el and the need *or teaching reading in all sub.ect areas& -t 1ould be /ery easy at this le/el to teach multi)le sub.ects
1ithin the same lesson to accommodate the common core state standards&
Teaching and Learning Collaborati/e Lesson ,tudy
Ada)ted *rom KC" Alliance>'est(d

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