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I. Engage effectively in collaborative discussion.

A. Create and present persuasive arguments on different viewpoints of an issue during the
Progressive Era.
1. Create and present on a specific viewpoint of a political cartoon
a. The Progressive Era
B. Interact during a dinner party activity and gain information about other historical figures and
issues during the Progressive Era.
1. Dinner Party
a. The Progressive Era
b. Historical Figures
II. Learn major issues of the Progressive Era.
A. Present a visual and oral presentation on social, economic, and political issues of the Progressive
1. Create and present on a specific viewpoint of a political cartoon
a. The Progressive Era
2. Jigsaw Activity
a. The Progressive Era
B. Participate in an online discussion on figures contributions to society during
the Progressive Era.
1. Online FaceBook discussion as historical figures
a. Historical Figures
b. The Progressive Era
III. Identify different viewpoints of an issue.
A. Identify and determine the viewpoint of specific texts from Muckrakers during the Progressive
1. Identify/analyze Muckraker excerpts.
a. Muckrakers
B. Use prior knowledge of Muckrakers, Yellow Journalism, and Upton Sinclair to participate in a
Fishbowl activity, including discussion of The Jungle, using textual evidence to support their
answer and viewpoints.

1. Fishbowl Activity
a. Muckrakers
b. Working Conditions
c. Industrial Revolution
IV. Using multiple methods to gather information.
A. Use articles from the Progressive Era to create a working definition of Yellow Journalism and
using their definition, determine what specific texts would be considered Yellow Journalism.
1. Create a headline/article example
a. Yellow Journalism
B. Using texts to investigate the social, economic, and political issues of the Progressive Era.
1. Find a political cartoon
a. Yellow Journalism
b. Child Labor
c. Big Business
d. Working Conditions
2. Read the Jungle Graphic Novel
a. Working Conditions
V. Determine a theme or central idea of multimodal texts.
A. Analyze political cartoons.
1. Create and present on a specific viewpoint of a political cartoon
a. Big Business
b. Working Conditions
c. Child Labor
B. Use various texts, articles and online research to determine who historical figures were, what
they viewpoints were, and what their role was in the Progressive Era.
1. Create a FaceBook for a historical figure
a. Historical Figures
b. The Progressive Era
VI. Create various visual and written representations of historical figures and their viewpoints.
A. Create a headline pertaining to a historical figure from the Progressive Era that would be
considered an example of Yellow Journalism.
1. Create a headline/article example
a. Yellow Journalism
b. Historical Figures
B. Create a FaceBook page of a historical figure in the Progressive Era including important
information pertaining to the era.
1. Create a FaceBook for a historical figure
a. The Progressive Era
b. Historical Figures

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