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Tipos de bibliotecas (Joan Reitz)

Del griego , que a su vez viene de la unin de los trminos (libro)
y (caja). Ya Platn, en su obra La Repblica, nos habla de los libros
(! !"#$) compuestos por Museo y Orfeo%. &l trmino biblioteke, 'or su 'arte, est(
atestiguado en el libro de &sdras de la )e'tuaginta, que es la versin griega del
*+,+-, el libro sagrado jud.o/
por ore! el rey "ar#o$ se %iciero! i!&esti'acio!es e! la
biblioteca 0!1!"123 45167 e (abilo!ia)
&sd. 8, 9
+unque biblio suele traducirse 'or libro, tambin 'uede a'licarse a too soporte
e escritura, ya que el mismo 'od.a re:erir tanto a la arcilla (de origen mineral)
como al 'a'iro (de origen vegetal), al 'ergamino (de origen animal) y al cdice
&n la actualidad, los griegos llaman ;biblio< incluso al libro moderno (libro
impreso). &n lat.n, el trmino corres'ondiente es liber y es de igual a'licacin que
biblio. +mbos trminos signi:ican corte*a e +rbol%
Joan Reitz: Biblioteca es una coleccin o grupo de colecciones de libros y/u
otros materiales impresos o no impresos organizados y conservados para
su uso (lectura, consulta, estudio, investigacin, etc.). as bibliotecas
institucionales, organizadas para !acilitar el acceso "a la in!ormacin#, est$n
con!ormadas por bibliotecarios y otro personal preparados para proveer
servicios %ue satis!agan las necesidades de los usuarios. &or e'tensin, la
(abitacin, edi!icio, o instalacin %ue alo)a tal coleccin, usualmente pero no
necesariamente construido para tal propsito. *+ase tambi+n ,-./01
ibraries &ortal 2 0oncibe a las bibliotecas como 3repositorios de libros y
otros materiales impresos4 "repositories of books and other printed material#
y las considera instrumentos 3clave para promover la lectura y la escritura4.
Tambi+n re!iere a una coleccin de programas de computadoras o arc(ivos
de in!ormacin, o un con)unto de rutinas pre!i)adas, a veces llamadas
mdulos, %ue pueden asign$rseles a un programa, liberando al programador
de las necesidades de repetir el cdigo cada vez %ue se produzca la rutina.
Entre los pergaminos, el de mayor calidad era el papel vitela (del francs antiguo Vlin, "cuero de novillo"),
que se fabricaba a partir de la piel de animales nonatos o recin nacidos! Este tipo de pergaminos permiti" la
evoluci"n al c"dice, es decir, el formato encuadernado!
$f! %agle, &atilde (#'1()! )istoria del libro * te+to e im,genes, p! (1
5losario 6..6.: Biblioteca es una coleccin de materiales de in!ormacin
organizada para %ue pueda acceder a ella un grupo de usuarios. Tiene
personal encargado de los servicios y programas relacionados con las
necesidades de in!ormacin de los lectores. / .n in!orm$tica, coleccin
organizada de programas a disposicin de los usuarios del ordenador.
7. Biblioteca -acional
>iblioteca designada y :undada 'or un gobierno nacional 'ara servir a la nacin
mediante la conservacin de una coleccin e?haustiva de la literatura 'ublicada y
no@'ublicada de la nacin en conjunto, incluyendo 'ublicaciones del mismo
gobierno. Aa mayor.a de las >ibliotecas ,acionales son tambin res'onsables de
la com'ilacin de la bibliogra:.a nacional, y algunas sirven como de'sito legal
'ara obras 'rotegidas 'or derechos de autor en el 'a.s. Aa biblioteca nacional de
los &stados Bnidos es la >iblioteca del Congreso (Aibrary o: Congress), situada en
Dashington, D.C.
8. Biblioteca 9ogare:a
Eabitacin o alcoba en una residencia 'rivada, equi'ada con estantes que
albergan una coleccin de libros, 'eridicos y otros materiales 'ara su lectura,
an(lisis y consulta, :recuentemente con un escritorio 'ara estudio y una silla o so:(
cmodo con una l(m'ara de lectura.
;. udoteca (Toy library)
Coleccin de juguetes 'ara chicos y juegos que 'ueden 'edirse en condicin de
'rstamo 'or cortos 'er.odos de tiem'o, usualmente 'rovistos en la seccin
in:antil de una biblioteca 'Fblica.
<. Biblioteca 6cad+mica
Bna biblioteca que es 'arte integral de un instituto terciario, una universidad u otra
institucin de educacin 'ost@secundaria, administrada 'ara :acilitar el acceso a la
in:ormacin y satis:acer las necesidades de sus estudiantes, su :acultad y su
=. Biblioteca 6!iliada
Bna biblioteca que es, 'or un acuerdo :ormal, 'arte de un sistema m(s am'lio de
biblioteca 'ero administrado inde'endientemente 'or sus 'ro'ios directivos.
>ibliotecas mdicas y jur.dicas en las grandes universidades con :recuencia entran
dentro de esta categor.a. Com'(rese con bra!c% library.
>. Biblioteca de las !uerzas armadas (o Biblioteca ?ilitar)
>iblioteca :inanciada 'or una entidad gubernamental res'onsable de la de:ensa
nacional, que conserva colecciones 'ara uso del 'ersonal militar, aunque a veces
su uso 'uede ser m(s abierto, incluyendo accesibilidad al 'Fblico en general.
&l trmino tambin se a'lica a bibliotecas 'rivadas dedicadas a conservar el
'atrimonio documental militar.
@. Biblioteca de arte
>iblioteca encargada de adquirir, organizar, 'reservar y 'roveer acceso a la
in:ormacin y a los recursos en los diversos cam'os de las artes visuales
(arquitectura, dibujo, diseGo gr(:ico, 'intura, :otogra:.a, escultura, etc.). Bna
biblioteca de arte generalmente :unciona como una unidad dentro de una
>iblioteca +cadmica o PFblica, o como >iblioteca &s'ecial :inanciada 'or una
organizacin 'atrocinante tal como galer.a, museos, institutos de arte o casas
A. Biblioteca &restataria
>iblioteca que solicita y recibe material de otra biblioteca, generalmente en
condicin de 'rstamo interbibliotecario. Com'(rese con >iblioteca Prestadora
(lending library).
B. Biblioteca eclesial o eclesi$stica
>iblioteca enmarcada en las 'remisas de una casa de culto. Hncluye libros,
'an:letos y otros ti'os de materiales relacionados con su :e o la historia de la
institucin. Aas bibliotecas eclesiales muy antiguas con :recuencia tienen, en sus
colecciones, libros y manuscritos di:.ciles de encontrar. Aas bibliotecas de
catedrales 'ueden limitar el uso total o 'arcial de su :ondo bibliogr(:ico a los
lectores que tienen inters investigativo de sus colecciones. Aa mayor.a de las
sinagogas incluso tienen biblioteca, con algunos materiales en hebreo.
7C. Biblioteca 0irculante
Bn ti'o de biblioteca establecida 'or vendedores de libros y otros comerciantes en
Iran >retaGa a 'rinci'ios del siglo JKHHH que 'rove.a material de lectura 'o'ular
'ara el 'Fblico en general 'or un tiem'o limitado a cambio de una modesta tari:a
(generalmente no m(s de un chel.n 'or mes). Lichael E. Earris sostiene en su
obra Eistory o: Aibraries in the Destern Dorld ()carecroM Press, 9NNO) que 'ara
9PQQ la mayor.a de los grandes 'ueblos en Iran >retaGa tales bibliotecas,
'ermaneciendo algunas de ellas hasta 'rinci'ios del siglo JJ. )egFn Earris,
Dilliam Aane de Aondres :ue uno de sus m(s e?itosos :undadores, estableciendo
cadenas de que colecciones circulantes, e incluso llegando a
'ublicar novelas y te?tos no@novel.sticos de lectura 'o'ular 'ara llenar sus
estantes. Con la a'aricin de los econmicos libros de bolsillo% ('a'erbacR) y el
crecimiento de las >ibliotecas PFblicas a 'rinci'ios del siglo JJ, se 'erdi el
inters 'or las >ibliotecas Circulantes. )innimo de tMo@'enny library% (biblioteca
de dos centavos). Com'(rese con subscriptio! library.
77. Biblioteca $ulica
Bna 'equeGa coleccin de materiales de biblioteca ubicada de modo 'ermanente
o :ijo en un saln escolar 'ara uso del docente y los estudiantes. Dicha coleccin
'uede incluir materiales de re:erencia (consulta) tales como diccionarios, tesauros,
atlas, enciclo'edias generales, etc. Com'(rese con classroom collectio!.
78. Biblioteca empresarial (o de empresa)
Bn ti'o de biblioteca es'ecializada establecida y :inanciada como una unidad
dentro de una sociedad u organizacin con el :in de satis:acer las necesidades de
in:ormacin de sus em'leados y :acilitar el logro de su misin y objetivos. +lgunas
bibliotecas em'resariales incluso sirven como re'ositorio 'ara los registros
o:iciales de la organizacin. Por razones de seguridad interna, la mayor.a de las
bibliotecas em'resariales 'ermanecen cerradas al 'Fblico, con e?ce'cin de
'edidos es'eciales. Com'(rese con business library.
7;. Biblioteca de correccional o carcelaria
Bn ti'o de biblioteca es'ecializada dentro de los muros de una carcel, 'risin u
otra institucin correccional 'ara uso de los reclusos y el 'ersonal, usualmente
dirigida y administrada 'or un bibliotecario carcelario. Aa coleccin 'or lo general
incluye t.tulos de inters general 'ara una lectura recreativa, educacional y
vocacional, y recursos legales.
7<. Biblioteca cortesana
Bna biblioteca 'rivada de gran tamaGo alojada en un edi:icio monumental
(monumental building), similar a las bibliotecas que e?istieron en la antigua Soma,
:inanciadas 'or hombres ricos de la nobleza, :amilias aristocr(ticas, o altos
dignatarios eclesi(sticos del Senacimiento italiano cuyo amor 'or los libros se
mani:estaba 'or el hecho mismo de coleccionar. Como e?'resin del
resurgimiento humanista de inters en la cultura cl(sica, las bibliotecas cortesanas
estaban abiertas al uso de :orasteros a criterio del 'ro'ietario y, segFn
-onstantinos )taiRos (*he Ireat Aibraries/ Trom +ntiquity to the Senaissance, UaR
-nollV>ritish Aibrary, =QQQ), algunas incluso :uncionaban como bibliotecas de
'rstamo 'ara lectores al:abetizados.
*ambin, una biblioteca jur.dica alojada en una corte, 'ara uso de los jueces,
'ersonal de la corte, abogados y sus clientes.
7=. Biblioteca departamental
Bn ti'o de biblioteca acadmica que cubre las necesidades de in:ormacin e
investigacin de los miembros de la :acultad de un de'artamento dentro de una
institucin de altos a'rendizajes, usualmente una Bniversidad de grandes
'ro'orciones. Aas bibliotecas de'artamentales son tambin utilizadas 'or los
estudiantes que cursan alguna de las disci'linas enseGadas 'or el de'artamento,
es'ecialmente estudiantes graduados. )i las adquisiciones son :inanciadas a
travs del de'artamento, la seleccin es usualmente res'onsabilidad de la
:acultad de enseGanza en colaboracin con el bibliotecario de'artamental.
7>. Depository library
+ library legally designated to receive Mithout charge all or a 'ortion o: the
government documents 'rovided by the B.). Iovernment Printing U::ice (IPU)
and other :ederal agencies to the )u'erintendent o: Documents :or distribution
through the Tederal De'ository Aibrary Program (TDAP), having made a legal
commitment to com'ly Mith :ederal regulations concerning maintenance and
accessibility. )ome :ederal de'ositories also collect 'ublications issued by state
government agencies. + regional de'ository library receives and retains
'ermanently at least one co'y o: all the documents distributed through the TDAP,
but a selective de'ository library receives only a 'ercentage o: the available
'ublications and is required to retain them :or a minimum o: O years. De'ository
libraries are required to com'lete a sel:@study andVor undergo ins'ection at
intervals o: 8@W years to assure com'liance Mith TDAP rules and regulations. ClicR
here to connect to the Tederal De'ository Aibrary Directory. Com'are Mith
re'ository. )ee also/ basic collection, De'ository Aibrary Council, and de'ository
library number.
7@. Digital library
+ library in Mhich a signi:icant 'ro'ortion o: the resources are available in machine@
readable :ormat (as o''osed to 'rint or micro:orm), accessible by means o:
com'uters. *he digital content may be locally held or accessed remotely via
com'uter netMorRs. Tor a distributed e?am'le, see the Lountain Dest Digital
Aibrary established by the Btah +cademic Aibrary Consortium. Hn libraries, the
'rocess o: digitization began Mith the catalog, moved to 'eriodical inde?es and
abstracting services, then to 'eriodicals and large re:erence MorRs, and :inally to
booR 'ublishing. +bbreviated d@lib. Com'are Mith virtual library. )ee also/ Digital
Aibrary Tederation, Digital Public Aibrary o: +merica, and ,ational )cience Digital
7A. Eederal library
+ library oMned and o'erated by the :ederal government o: the Bnited )tates,
usually containing a collection o: government documents 'ertaining to the :ield(s) it
is mandated to cover. *he largest are the Aibrary o: Congress, the ,ational Aibrary
o: Ledicine, the ,ational Aibrary o: &ducation, and the ,ational +gricultural
Aibrary. *he Tederal Aibrary and Hn:ormation Center Committee (TAHCC) o: the
Aibrary o: Congress has 'rovided the T&DAH,- guide to :ederal libraries since
9N8O. Tederal librarians are organized in the Tederal and +rmed Torces Aibraries
Sound *able (T+TAS*) o: the +merican Aibrary +ssociation (+A+).
7B. Eilm library
+ ty'e o: s'ecial library containing a collection o: P, 98, XO, or WQmm motion
'ictures, videorecordings, DKDs, and other materials related to cinematogra'hy
and :ilm studies, classi:ied :or ease o: access and retrieval, :or e?am'le, the ,eM
YorR Public Aibrary :or the Per:orming +rts. KieMing or borroMing 'rivileges may be
restricted to registered members or subscribers Mho are required to 'ay :ees.
Com'are Mith :ilm archives.
8C. 5raduate library
*he academic library at a university that maintains se'arate collections (and
usually :acilities) :or undergraduates and graduate students, containing the major
research collections, sta::ed and equi''ed to meet the in:ormation needs o:
graduate students and :aculty but also o'en to undergraduates (e?am'le/ )uzzallo
and +llen Aibraries, Bniversity o: Dashington).
87. 9ealt( science library / ?edical library
+ ty'e o: s'ecial library maintained by a university medical school, hos'ital,
medical research institute, 'ublic health agency, or medical association to serve
the in:ormation needs o: students, researchers, and 'ractitioners in the health
sciences (medicine, nursing, dentistry, 'harmacy, etc.), Mith collections that include
'rint and online resources related to medicine and allied health. *he largest
medical library in the Bnited )tates is the ,ational Aibrary o: Ledicine, located in
Dashington, D.C. Ledical librarians are organized in the Ledical Aibrary
+ssociation (LA+). )ynonymous Mith health science library. )ee also/ hos'ital
88. 9ospital library
+ medical library maintained Mithin the Malls o: a hos'ital, containing a collection o:
'rint and online resources on medicine and allied health to serve the in:ormation
and research needs o: doctors, nurses, 'atients, and sta::, usually managed by a
medical librarian. Eos'ital librarians are organized in the Eos'ital Aibraries )ection
o: the Ledical Aibrary +ssociation.
8;. aF library
+ ty'e o: s'ecial library Mith a collection consisting 'rimarily o: materials :or legal
research and study, including case laM, :ederal and state statutes, international
legal agreements, treatises, re:erence MorRs, legal 'eriodicals, and electronic
search tools (see this e?am'le). + laM library maintained by a court, laM school, or
legal :irm is normally managed by a laM librarian Mho may hold a Y.D. degree in
addition to the L.A.). or L.A.H.). )ee also/ +merican +ssociation o: AaM Aibraries.
8<. ending library
+ library that alloMs users to borroM materials, as o''osed to a library used only
:or re:erence. +lso re:ers to a library or other institution that sends materials on
request to other libraries, usually via interlibrary loan. Com'are Mith borroMing
library. )ee also/ net lender.
8=. ?ap library
+ library or unit Mithin a library, Mhich has collections consisting 'rimarily o:
cartogra'hic materials o: current or historic interest, including ma's and charts,
globes, relie: models, remote sensing images, s'atial data, atlases, gazetteers,
and booRs about cartogra'hy and cartogra'hers, :or e?am'le, the Perry@
CastaGeda Aibrary La' Collection at the Bniversity o: *e?as, +ustin. *he
Ieogra'hy and La' Seading Soom at the Aibrary o: Congress also 'rovides
digital images o: items in its collections. *he Yohn S. >orchert La' Aibrary at the
Bniversity o: Linnesota 'rovides an online directory o: La' Aibraries on the Dorld
Dide Deb. La' librarians are organized in the La' and Ieos'atial Hn:ormation
Sound *able (L+IHS*) o: the +merican Aibrary +ssociation (+A+), in the
Ieogra'hy and La' )ection o: the )'ecial Aibraries +ssociation ()A+), and in the
+ssociation o: Canadian La' Aibraries and +rchives (+CLA+). )ee also/
Cartogra'hic Bsers +dvisory Council.
8>. ?iniature library
Hn 9PQQ, the &nglish 'ublisher Yohn Larshall issued the :irst o: several series o:
miniature childrenZs booRs in glazed 'a'er bindings. &ach series included as many
as 98 se'arate titles o: diminutive size encased in a small Mooden bo? Mith a lid to
Mhich an engraved 'a'er label Mas 'asted and an ornamental 'ediment added to
give the im'ression o: a glass@:ronted booRcase. *he te?t in each volume, usually
didactic in intent, served to draM the readerZs attention to details o: the illustration
on the :acing 'age. *he conce't Mas imitated by other 'ublishers o: childrenZs
literature in the early 9Nth century. Tor e?am'les, see the online e?hibition
Liniature Aibraries :rom the ChildrenZs >ooRs Collections, courtesy o: the ,ational
+rt Aibrary at the Kictoria and +lbert Luseum, Aondon. Liniature libraries Mere
commissioned by individuals as early as the 9Wth@century (see this e?am'le,
courtesy o: the Bniversity o: Aeeds). Hn modern 'ublishing, the term is sometimes
a''lied to a set o: childrenZs booRs sold as a single unit, o:ten encased in a gi:t
bo?, sli'case, or other container (e?am'le/ *he Dr. )euss Liniature Aibrary
'ublished by Collins in =QQ[).
8@. ?onastic library
*he collection o: booRs and manuscri'ts oMned by a monastic establishment and
maintained :or the use o: its monRs and their guests, traditionally associated Mith
the Christian Church. Tor many centuries :olloMing the s'read o: Christianity to
&uro'e, monastic libraries Mere the 'rimary re'ositories o: recorded RnoMledge.
*he booRs in early monastic collections Mere 'ainstaRingly hand@co'ied by monRs
trained as scribes Mho MorRed in a room called the scri'torium. *he 'rimacy o:
monastic libraries began to Mane in the 9=th century Mith the groMth o: universities.
ClicR here to see an engraving o: a 9Wth@century Trench >enedictine library and
here to see a 'hotogra'h o: the interior o: the >aroque@style library at +dmont
>enedictine +bbey in +ustria.
8A. ?useum library
+ ty'e o: s'ecial library maintained by a museum or gallery, usually Mithin its Malls
but sometimes in a se'arate location, containing a collection o: booRs, 'eriodicals,
re'roductions, and other materials related to its e?hibits and :ields o: s'ecialization
(see this e?am'le). +ccess may be by a''ointment only. >orroMing 'rivileges may
be restricted to museum sta:: and members. Luseum librarians are organized in
the Luseums, +rts, and Eumanities Division (L+ED) o: the )'ecial Aibraries
+ssociation ()A+).
8B. ?usic library
+ library containing a collection o: materials on music and musicians, including
'rinted and manuscri't music scores, music 'eriodicals, recorded music (CDs,
audiocassettes, 'honogra'h records, etc.), booRs about music and musicians,
'rogram notes, discogra'hies, and music re:erence materials.
Lusic collections in 'ublic libraries are selected and maintained :or li:elong
learning and leisure 'ursuits. +cademic and conservatory libraries 'rovide
resources :or music study and research, including original source materials
(e?am'le/ Columbia Bniversity Lusic \ +rts Aibrary). ,ational libraries o::er unique
and o:ten rare musical heritage collections (e?am'le/ *he +aron Co'land
Collection at the Aibrary o: Congress). Lusic librarians are organized in the Lusic
Aibrary +ssociation (LA+). )ee also/ Hnternational +ssociation o: Lusic Aibraries,
+rchives and Documentation Centres.
;C. -eFs library ((emeroteca)
+ ty'e o: s'ecial library maintained in the o::ices o: a neMs'a'er 'ublisher, or
other neMs agency, that includes in its collection neMs'a'er and magazine
cli''ings, 'hoto :iles (sometimes Mith negatives), ma's, 'am'hlet :iles,
micro:orms, re:erence materials, and online databases related to neMs and current
events. Lost are o'en to subscribers and librarians at the discretion o: the neMs
librarian, usually by a''ointment. ,eMs libraries are listed in *he Hnternational
Directory o: ,eMs Aibraries, a serial 'ublished in coo'eration Mith the ,eMs
Division o: the )'ecial Aibraries +ssociation ()A+).
;7. -eFspaper library / ?orgue
+ library maintained by the 'ublisher o: a neMs'a'er, usually consisting o: bacR
issues, re:erence materials, inde?es and databases, cli''ings, notes, 'hotogra'hs,
illustrations, and other resources needed by re'orters and sta:: to research, Mrite,
and edit articles :or 'ublication. *he term originally re:erred to the re'ository o:
biogra'hical materials collected on 'ersons o: interest, :or the 'ur'ose o: Mriting
obituaries. *he :irst neMs'a'er library in the Bnited )tates Mas established at the
o::ice o: the >oston Pilot in 9PX9.
;8. 1neGperson library (1&)
+ library or in:ormation service o'erated and managed by a single individual,
usually Mith minimal assistance, more common in s'ecial libraries than in other
ty'es o: libraries. Hn 'ublic library systems, small branch libraries are o:ten run by a
solo librarian or 'ara'ro:essional, sometimes Mith the hel' o: volunteers :rom the
community. >ooRmobiles are nearly alMays o'erated by a single 'erson.
;;. &(ilatelic library
+ library devoted to the history o: 'ostage stam's and stam' collecting, Mith a
collection consisting o: booRs and 'eriodicals on 'hilately, auction catalogs,
government documents, ma's, cli''ings, etc., :or e?am'le, the +merican Philatelic
Sesearch Aibrary at )tate College, Pennsylvania.
;<. &icture library
+ library collection consisting 'rimarily o: visual documents ('rints, 'hotogra'hs,
illustrations, 'osters, 'ostcards, cli''ings, etc.), mounted or unmounted. *he
largest collections are maintained by national libraries and museums. Hnde?ing is
usually limited to a s'eci:ic collection. Digitization has made 'icture collections
more accessible. ClicR here to connect to the Prints \ Photogra'hs Seading Soom
at the Aibrary o: Congress, or broMse the ,eM YorR Public AibraryZs Picture
Collection Unline or the Picture Aibrary at the ,atural Eistory Luseum in Aondon.
Tor more in:ormation on 'icture libraries, see the entry by Eilary &vans in the
Hnternational &ncyclo'edia o: Hn:ormation and Aibrary )cience (Soutledge, =QQX).
*he term is also used by commercial outlets that s'ecialize in 'roviding visual
images (see the Lary &vans Picture Aibrary in Aondon).
;=. &rivate library
+ library o: any size that is not su''orted by 'ublic :unds, es'ecially one oMned by
an individual or :amily :or 'ersonal enjoyment or by a 'rivate club, cor'oration, or
:oundation, :or e?am'le, the library o: the Irolier Club in ,eM YorR City.
Eistorically, large 'rivate collections have been the nucleus o: many academic,
research, and national libraries. &?am'les include the 'rivate collection o: *homas
Ye::erson acquired by the Aibrary o: Congress and the 'ersonal library o: :inancier
Pier'ont Lorgan, :ounder o: the Lorgan Aibrary in ,eM YorR City. ClicR here to
search the 'rivate library o: +l:red ,obel, noM 'art o: the +l:red ,obel Luseum in
)Meden and here to see a reconstruction o: the ancient Soman 'rivate library at
the Killa Eadriana. ClicR here and here to see the interior o: the 'rivate library at
the Euntington Aibrary, )an Larino, Cali:ornia.
;>. &roprietary library
+n early :orm o: library in Mhich the ca'ital ('ro'erty) Mas held in a common :und
as joint stocR oMned by the members in shares that could be sold or trans:erred
inde'endently. Pro'rietors Mere required to 'ay an annual assessment on their
shares, and non'ro'rietors Mere alloMed use o: the library only u'on 'ayment o:
an annual :ee. Com'are Mith subscri'tion library.
;@. &rotoGlibrary
Hn the history o: libraries, an ancient 'recursor o: the true library. Hn Eistory o:
Aibraries in the Destern Dorld ()carecroM, 9NNO), library historian Lichael E.
Earris identi:ies :ive distinct ty'es/
*em'le collections containing religious literature (sacred te?ts, rituals and
incantations, songs, creation stories, biogra'hies o: godsVgoddesses, and
commentaries by religious authorities)
Iovernment archives containing records o: 'ro'erty oMnershi', ta?ation, laMs and
decrees, treaties, re'orts, military histories, genealogies o: rulers, chronicles, etc.
>usiness records covering 'ro'erty oMnershi', 'urchases and sales, inventories,
ta?es and tributes, etc.
Tamily manuscri't collections relating to 'ro'erty oMnershi' and inheritance,
genealogy, astrology and divination, omens, etc.
U::icial or ]co'yright] collections containing authorized e?em'lars used in maRing
manuscri't co'ies to guarantee the authenticity and integrity o: te?ts
;A. &ublic library (&)
+ library or library system that 'rovides unrestricted access to library resources
and services :ree o: charge to all the residents o: a given community, district, or
geogra'hic region, su''orted Mholly or in 'art by 'ublic :unds. >ecause 'ublic
libraries have a broader mandate than academic libraries and most s'ecial
libraries, they must develo' their collections to re:lect diversity. *he largest 'ublic
library system in the Bnited )tates is the ,eM YorR Public Aibrary. ClicR here to
connect to the AibMeb directory o: B.). 'ublic libraries, or try the Public Aibrary
Aocator maintained by the ,ational Center :or &ducation )tatistics (,C&)). )ee
also/ Public Aibrary +ssociation.
Aa biblioteca 'Fblica es un centro de in:ormacin que :acilita a los usuarios todo
ti'o de datos y conocimientos.
Aa biblioteca 'Fblica 'resta sus servicios sobre la base de igualdad de acceso de
todas las 'ersonas, inde'endientemente de su edad, raza, se?o, religin,
nacionalidad, idioma o condicin social. Debe contar adem(s con servicios
es'ec.:icos 'ara quienes 'or una u otra razn no 'uedan valerse de los servicios y
materiales ordinarios, 'or ejem'lo, ling^.sticas, de:icientes :.sicos y
mentales, en:ermos o reclusos.
&s menester que todos los gru'os de edad 'uedan contar con materiales que
corres'ondan a sus necesidades. Aos :ondos y servicios bibliotecolgicos deben
incluir todos los ti'os de medios y modernas, as. como materiales
tradicionales. )on :undamentales su buena calidad y su adecuacin a las
necesidades y condiciones locales. Aos materiales deben re:lejar las tendencias
actuales y la evolucin de la sociedad, as. como la memoria del es:uerzo e
imaginacin del ser humano.
,i los :ondos ni los servicios estar(n sujetos a :orma alguna de censura
ideolgica, 'ol.tica o religiosa, ni a 'resiones comerciales.
B,&)CU _ Lani:iesto en :avor de las bibliotecas 'Fblicas (9NN[)
,%e Ma!ifesto is prepare i! cooperatio! -it% t%e .!ter!atio!al /eeratio! of
Library 0ssociatio!s a! .!stitutio!s 1./L023
;B. Researc( library
+ library containing a com'rehensive collection o: materials in a s'eci:ic :ield,
academic disci'line, or grou' o: disci'lines, including 'rimary and secondary
sources, selected to meet the in:ormation needs o: serious researchers (e?am'le/
Tolger )haRes'eare Aibrary in Dashington, D.C.). *he 'rimary em'hasis in
research libraries is on the accumulation o: materials and the 'rovision o: access
services to scholars quali:ied to maRe use o: them. Hn most large research libraries,
access to collections containing rare booRs and manuscri'ts is restricted. )ee also/
+ssociation o: Sesearch Aibraries, Center :or Sesearch Aibraries, and Sesearch
Aibraries Irou'.
<C. Rural library
+ library or library system that serves a 'o'ulation living 'rimarily on :arms and
ranches, and in remote communities, rather than in a toMn or city (see this
e?am'le). Sural libraries ty'ically 'rovide outreach services such as booRmobiles
and booRs@by@mail to bring library resources and services to users. )ee also/
+ssociation :or Sural and )mall Aibraries.
<7. /c(ool library
+ library in a 'ublic or 'rivate elementary or secondary school that serves the
in:ormation needs o: its students and the curriculum needs o: its teachers and sta::,
usually managed by a school librarian or media s'ecialist. + school library
collection usually contains booRs, 'eriodicals, and educational media suitable :or
the grade levels served. ClicR here to connect to the AibMeb directory o: s'ecial
and school libraries in the Bnited )tates. )ynonymous Mith learning resources
center, library media center, and school library media center. )ee also/ +merican
+ssociation o: )chool Aibrarians, Hnternational +ssociation o: )chool Aibrarianshi',
and )chool Aibrary Yournal.
<8. /elective depository library
+ de'ository library in the Tederal De'ository Aibrary Program (TDAP) that
receives only item numbers that :ul:ill the 'rimary needs o: users Mithin the
geogra'hic area it is designated to serve, usually based on its stated mission. Lost
de'ository libraries are selective, receiving only a 'ercentage o: the total number o:
government 'ublications available :ree o: charge :rom the B.). Iovernment
Printing U::ice (IPU). ClicR here to read the TDAPZs Collection Develo'ment
Iuidelines :or )elective Tederal De'ository Aibraries ()e'tember 9NN[). Com'are
Mith regional de'ository library.
<;. /ister library
+ library that enters into a voluntary 'artnershi' Mith a library :rom another culture
:or the 'ur'ose o: encouraging multicultural e?change and international
understanding. Hn 9NNN, the ,ational Commission on Aibraries and Hn:ormation
)cience (,CAH)) and )ister Cities Hnternational ()CH) embarRed on a major
initiative, )ister Aibraries/ + Dhite Eouse Lillennium Council Project, chaired by
Tirst Aady Eillary Sodham Clinton, to 'air 'ublic and school libraries in the Bnited
)tates Mith similar libraries MorldMide, Mith :ocus on 'rograms :or children and
adolescents. Lany sister libraries are in locations already a::iliated through )CH, an
organization :or sister city, county, and state 'rograms in the Bnited )tates (see
this e?am'le). ,CAH) su''ort :or the 'roject ended in =QQQ. ClicR here to learn
more about the sister libraries, courtesy o: the +merican Aibrary +ssociation.
<<. /pecial library
+ library established and :unded by a commercial :irm, 'rivate association,
government agency, non'ro:it organization, or s'ecial interest grou' to meet the
in:ormation needs o: its em'loyees, members, or sta:: in accordance Mith the
organizationZs mission and goals. *he sco'e o: the collection is usually limited to
the interests o: the host organization. )'ecial librarians are organized in the
)'ecial Aibraries +ssociation. Hn:ormation on s'ecial libraries in the Bnited )tates
and Canada is available in the Directory o: )'ecial Aibraries and Hn:ormation
Centers 'ublished by Iale. )ee also/ church library, cor'oration library,
correctional library, medical library, museum library, and neMs library.
<=. /tandGalone library
+ library containing no nonlibrary com'onent Mithin the building, as o''osed to a
library occu'ying a multi'ur'ose :acility. Lore common in recently
constructedVrenovated libraries than in older buildings, nonlibrary :acilities ty'ically
include a se'arately administered con:erence room, technology center, multimedia
center, art gallery, andVor snacR bar or cyberca:e.
<>. /ubscription library
+ ty'e o: library that develo'ed in >ritain during the second hal: o: the 9Pth century
as a natural e?tension o: 'rivate booR clubs, in Mhich a grou' o: :airly 'ros'erous
readers in a community joined to :orm a ]reading society] that included a library :or
the e?clusive use o: members. Lichael E. Earris notes in Eistory o: Aibraries in the
Destern Dorld ()carecroM Press, 9NNO) that dues Mere usually collected :rom
members on a monthly or yearly basis, and the quality o: the reading matter
available Mas generally higher than that 'rovided by circulating libraries o: the
same 'eriod. +t :irst, subscri'tion libraries Mere usually housed in rented quarters,
Mith a 'erson on duty at certain hours, but by the mid@9Nth century, many had
acquired their oMn :acilities. *he Aondon Aibrary, established in 9P[9 and still in
e?istence, is one o: the most success:ul e?am'les, containing over OQQ,QQQ
volumes by 9NQQ. Tor a brie: history o: subscri'tion libraries, see the entry by Peter
Eoare in the Hnternational &ncyclo'edia o: Hn:ormation and Aibrary )cience
(Soutledge, =QQX). Com'are Mith 'ro'rietary library.
<@. Tec(nical library
+ library that su''orts one or more o: the a''lied sciences, such as engineering or
com'uter science. + technical library can be a branch library in a large university, a
major collection Mithin a large academic or 'ublic library, or a s'ecial library
maintained by a 'rivate cor'oration or government agency. ClicR here to see the
Yahoo` list o: engineering libraries. )ee also/ ,ational *echnical Hn:ormation
<A. Tribal library
+ 'ublic library located on ,ative +merican tribal land (reservation, 'ueblo, etc.),
usually sta::ed by a tribal librarian Mho s'eaRs the native language. Tunding :or
tribal libraries lags :ar behind that o: libraries outside tribal lands in the Bnited
)tates. *he ,ative +merican +ccess to *echnology Program (,++*P), :unded by
the >ill and Lelinda Iates Toundation :rom 9NNN@=QQX, hel'ed to redress this
inequity. *he Hnstitute o: Luseum and Aibrary )ervices (HLA)) o::ers ,ative
+merican Aibrary )ervices &nhancement Irants to tribal libraries. )ee also/
+merican Hndian Aibrary +ssociation.
<B. ,ndergraduate library
+ se'arate library established, su''orted, and maintained by a university to serve
the in:ormation and research needs o: its undergraduate students and the
instructional requirements o: the undergraduate curriculum (e?am'le/ Udegaard
Bndergraduate Aibrary and Aearning Commons at the Bniversity o: Dashington).
)ometimes administered as a branch library. Com'are Mith graduate library. )ee
also/ college library.
=C. ,niversity library
+ library or library system established, administered, and :unded by a university to
meet the in:ormation, research, and curriculum needs o: its students, :aculty, and
sta::. )ome large universities maintain se'arate undergraduate and graduate
libraries. Aarge university libraries Mith com'rehensive collections are considered
research libraries. Com'are Mith college library. )ee also/ de'artmental library and
Bniversity Aibraries )ection.
=7. *atican ibrary
+lthough the Catholic 'o'es alMays had 'rivate libraries, in the 9Oth century Po'e
,icholas K created a library s'eci:ically :or the clerics and scholars Mho lived and
MorRed in and around the 'a'al 'alace. + suite o: rooms Mas set aside, and he
began collecting the most beauti:ul manuscri't booRs o: the time. Po'e )i?tus HK
continued the MorR, and the libraryZs holdings greM ra'idly :rom about 9,=QQ booRs
in 9[OO to X,OQQ in 9[P9 Mhen the :irst handMritten catalog Mas made by the
librarian Platina.
Trom the beginning, the library included not only >ibles and MorRs on theology and
canon laM but also secular MorRs, 'articularly the IreeR and Aatin classics, Mhich
the 'o'es collected in te?ts as close to the original as they could :ind. During the
Senaissance, the Katican Aibrary became a center o: classical culture in &uro'e,
and its librarians Mere o:ten distinguished scholars. Ht continues to be one o: the
great libraries o: the Destern Morld, attracting scholars o: all nationalities to its
collections o: im'ortant historical documents and rare and :ine booRs (see this
'hotogra'h o: the interior). *he online e?hibition Some Seborn/ *he Katican
Aibrary \ Senaissance Culture is s'onsored by the Aibrary o: Congress. ClicR here
to connect to the home'age o: the Katican Aibrary.
=8. *irtual library
+ ]library Mithout Malls] in Mhich the collections do not e?ist on 'a'er, micro:orm,
or other tangible :orm at a 'hysical location but are electronically accessible in
digital :ormat via com'uter netMorRs. )uch libraries e?ist only on a very limited
scale, but in most traditional 'rint@based libraries in the Bnited )tates, catalogs and
'eriodical inde?es are available online, and some 'eriodicals and re:erence MorRs
may be available in electronic :ull@te?t. )ome libraries and library systems call
themselves ]virtual] because they o::er online services (e?am'le/ Colorado Kirtual
*he term digital library is more a''ro'riate because virtual (borroMed :rom ]virtual
reality]) suggests that the e?'erience o: using such a library is not the same as the
]real] thing Mhen in :act the e?'erience o: reading or vieMing a document on a
com'uter screen may be qualitatively di::erent :rom reading the same 'ublication in
'rint, but the in:ormation content is the same regardless o: :ormat.
=;. 5reen library / sustainable library
+ library designed to minimize negative im'act on the natural environment and
ma?imize indoor environmental quality by means o: care:ul site selection, use o:
natural construction materials and biodegradable 'roducts, conservation o:
resources (Mater, energy, 'a'er), and res'onsible Maste dis'osal (recycling, etc.).
Hn neM construction and library renovation, sustainability is increasingly achieved
through A&&D (Aeadershi' in &nergy and &nvironmental Design) certi:ication, a
rating system develo'ed and administered by the B.). Ireen >uilding Council
(B)I>C). ClicR here to learn more about sustainable libraries. )ynonymous Mith
green library

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