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Conie Angulo
Ali M. Meghdadi
Writing 39C/ Section 33374
May 1,2014
Organ Fabrications Bring Rise to a New Medical Era
Genetic engineering has brought rise to many new promising fields that have bridged the
gap for organ shortage and transplantation needed. It has also been useful detecting early on
diseases in fetuses and has completely changed the face of medicine. Genetic engineering has
brought rise to genetically constructed organs where the organs are produced by 3D printing
methods and cellular tissue constructs have shed light to a new medical field. Due to the vast
increase in human population, organ shortage has become a problem. According to the Health
Resources and Services Administration, there are currently one hundred and twenty two
thousand four hundred and thirty nine people that need an organ transplant, and there are
approximately only fourteenth thousands donors, resulting in a lack of organs. Although
genetically created organisms have brought new innovations and solutions regarding the lack of
organs, there are several obstacles that physicians have faced due to the lack of research as well
as oppositions from different parties.
Historical Background
For the past decades scientist have been changing the face of medicine. In 1973,
Herbert Boyer and Stanley Cohen, scientist made the greatest discoveries when they completed
the first DNA transfer from one organism to another. Due to the rise of the new innovative
technology that arose during this time period, made it possible for new advancements in the
medical field. Robert Veatch, a Professor at Kennedy Institute of Ethics, explains this
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phenomenon in The Basics of Bioethics. He explains, that the pace of human tampering with the
genetic code of plants and animals are rapidly increasing. The new ideas that Boyer and Cohen
brought to the world were the first steps to genetic engineering. With this new found knowledge
regarding DNA transfers, scientist found a way in order to extract cells from the body and were
able to grow the cells outside of the human body. Stem Cell Research began during the 20

century when Ernst Haeckel, he took a certain cells and allowed them to evolve into a
multicellular organism (Brunt, Weisel and Li). The development of stem cell research then lead
to the process of tissue engineering that lead to the innovation of the constructed organ in the 21

century. Anthony Atala, world-renowned surgeon and Director of Wake Forest Institute for
Regenerative Medicine, was the first to produce the worlds first lab-grown bladder using the
process of growing his own patients cells onto scaffolds
(Atala). Figure1 shows one of the steps as to how the
Atala constructs the organs.

The process of genetic engineering explained by Ibrahim Ozbolat and Yin Yu, professors
at the University of Iowa who specialize in Biomedical Engineering, begins with the process of
extracting cells from the body and duplicating them. Over the years the process of being able to
grow cells outside of the body has been made possible due to stem cell research. The traditional
process of engineering organs is extracting cells onto scaffolds. Scaffolds are either natural or
artificial molds that helps the cells grow in a given shape. These scaffolds are then used to direct
the cells into three-dimensional tissues. The tissues may either have been printed or the cells are
Figure 1 (Atala)
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added to cartridges that eventually print the organs (Ozbolat and Yu). Synthetic and natural
polymers are used to engineer tissue grafts such as skin, bladders and sometimes bone cartilages.
In order for the body to accept these man made tissues the materials need to be made
biocompatible. The body must recognize the tissue as a part of the body otherwise it will reject
the given pieces.
The Need for Genetic Engineering
One of the main problems that has arised regarding the growing population around the
world is the lack of organs needed for transplants. For this reason, scientists have created new
methods in order to keep up with this epidemic that continues to increase. Genetic engineering is
yet a complex subject because society is still undergoing new research to understand the human
body. Trying to utilize a method that is still unpredictable can cause a great deal of harm to
Genetically Modified Organs have provided a solution to the lack of organs, however, a
technological barrier still exists when it comes to creating the organs. Since genetically modified
organs are unable to provide the nutrients and blood vessels necessary to be inserted to a human
it has become a challenge to use them. This is the main problem that is trying to being overcome
today because the organs are that printed by the machines, are unable to replicate the same
materials as a real human organ. The organs are not viable and lack certain elements such as
blood vessels and usually they are not able to work on their own.
Problems Regarding Genetic Engineering
A problem that faces genetic engineering is the fact that the printed organs are not viable
after a certain amount of time. The living cells eventually die after hours, sometimes days after
replicating an organ due to the lack of qualities it posses. Till this moment many scientists are
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unable to create living organs especially hearts, kidneys and livers due to the lack of research
that has been accomplished. Anthony Atala gave a speech at the Technology, Entertainment,
Design where he first introduced the process of three- dimensional printing to the world. The
audience was able to see the process of an organ printing and Atala held a printed organ that
resembled a kidney although the organ was not viable because it lacked blood vessels. Although
the fist models of the 3D organ was not viable, Atala was able to create something much more
useful that helped save one of his patients lives. At the time, he was working on printing grafts
using different shafts and was able to create a bladder for his patient using his own cells. Atalas
presentation also paved the way for further advancements in the process of being able to use ones
own cells and use them to print tissues.
In addition to unviable organs, there are some organs that have been tested on humans
and are incapable of being used due to complications that arise. Kal Renganathan Sharma,
Professor at the Texas Southern University explains complications that arise from artificial
organs. For example, an artificial kidney (one of the most needed transplanted organ) admits two
problems: blood clotting and water removal that produces uric acid (product of metabolism in
urine, that is usually poisonous if not treated in time) (Sharma). These are some of the problems
that scientist face nowadays. They are unable to pass these barriers produced from major organs
such as the heart and kidney since they are major organs of the body.
Although organs such as the heart and kidney have failed, scientists continue to come up
with solutions that may or may not work. Katherine Harmon explains in her article, A Sweet
Solution for Replacing Organs that a team of scientists from the University of Pennsylvania and
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has come up with a solution to the problem of viable
organs. Instead of printing an organ and its inner vessels all at once, they print a dissolvable
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sugar mold of the vessels and then build up the appropriate cells around the mold. Later, the
mold is washed away, leaving behind the structurally sound passageways that are able to stand
up to the varying blood pressure levels found in the body. These ideas are currently being tested.
If this process of sugar molds where to work then, there would be an even further problem of
having to run clinical trials and getting approval of the Food and Drug Administration which
could take months, possibly years. Once the research has been founded, ultimately it is up to the
society to accept artificial organs as a new medical treatment. Genetically created organs, are the
only possible solution for the lack of organs, however these issue have yet to be resolved.
Since genetic engineering is relied on pure science, many argue that it challenges the
nature of human beings and religion. When changes are being made to the human body that do
not occur naturally, it ignores the destiny for life. The main purpose of life is to live, reproduce
and die, thus with the creation of genetically constructed organisms, there might be preventable
methods to avoid death.
One of the main arguments that objects to this kind of science is Religion. God is known
to create everything with a purpose and, Novotny explains that, the establishment of boundaries
between species is also for everyone's own benefit and by flouting this boundary via genetic
engineering, humanity and all of nature is bound to suffer unimaginable consequences
(Novotny, Genetic Engineering News). Many underestimate the use of genetic engineering and
the process that it may bring in the future. All of science at some point does in fact interfere with
religion, however, this should not stop the process of this life changing procedure. Scientist must
continue finding new research in order to develop the organs.

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Although Genetically Modified Organs are not yet to be further discovered, they will be
able to better the world by providing a solution to the lack of organs. Additionally with the
development of genetic organs, the scientific world will be able to develop new ideas that can
change the front of medicine. For example the rise of the penicillin brought a cure to many
diseases that helped save millions of lives during the epidemic, genetic organs will have the
same affect on society. Many lives will be saved and a lack of problem will arise, such as the
black market of organs. Artificial Organs are the future of medicine and they should be
acknowledged worldwide.
Human organ experimentation raises several issues. The reality is dangerous and must be
carefully evaluated. Genetic engineering is still in its prime stage, where results are still being
gathered. However, if successfully practiced, it is capable to remove diseases and illnesses
through the correction of genes such as cancer or AIDS. It can improve the human life span and
allow people to obtain a normal, healthy lifestyle. What prevents this scientific breakthrough to
become widely accepted by the community is the possibility for abuse of power for human
needs. It may also give rise to corruptive practices such as genetic discrimination and treat life as
a commodity. In addition, the practice of genetic engineering is not yet developed, therefore,
results can be unpredictable. This can be due to a lack of funding and financial support because
genetic engineering still has not convinced the effectiveness and safety of its procedures. Society
needs to be assured that the medical treatment they are receiving will be successful. This medical
practice differs from other procedures because it is highly involved in the process of changing
genetic information, which can be overwhelming to many people. Many see it has too much
tampering with nature and plays against the works of God. In the end, genetic engineering has
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made itself known among the scientific and medical community, which only leaves time to
decide to what extent it will be accepted by society.

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Works Cited
Atala Anthony: Printing a Human kidney Perf. Atul Gawande. TED Talk, 2011. Video.
Brunt, Keith R., Richard D. Weisel, and Li Ren-Ke. "Stem Cells And Regenerative Medicine --
Future Perspectives." Canadian Journal Of Physiology & Pharmacology 90.3 (2012):
327-335. Academic Search Complete. Web. 1 May 2014.
Novotny, Eva. "Genetic Engineering News." Buzzle. Buzzle, 31 05 2011. Web. 8 Mar 2014.
Ozbolat, Ibrahim T., and Yin Yu. "Bioprinting Toward Organ Fabrication: Challenges And
Future Trends." IEEE Transactions On Biomedical Engineering 60.3 (2013): 691-699.
Academic Search Complete. Web. 19 Apr. 2014.
Piguet P, Poindron P (eds): Genetically Modified Organisms and Genetic Engineering in
Research and Therapy. BioValley Monogr. Basel, Karger, 2012, vol 3, pp 132
Sharma , Kal Renganathan . Transport Phenomena in Biomedical Engineering Artifical Organ
Design and Development, and Tissue Engineering: Artifical organ Design and
Development, and Tissue Engineering.. : McGraw-Hill, 2010. Print.
"Uniting People and Information to Help Save Lives." OPTN: Organ Procurement and
Transplantation Network. Health Resources and Services Administration, U.S.
Department of Health & Human Services, 1 May 2014. Web. 1 May 2014.
Veatch, Robert M. The Basics of Bioethics. 3rd . New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc, 2012.

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