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DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.


User Manual

Version 6.4

Jun 2014
Flexense Ltd.
DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.

1 DiskPulse Overview ............................................................................................3
2 DiskPulse Product Versions.................................................................................5
3 Usin Deskto! Product Version...........................................................................6
!.1 Product "nstallation ............................................................................................#
!. Monitoring Disk Changes .....................................................................................$
!.! %sing File Categories and File Filters.....................................................................&
!.' %sing DiskPulse Pie Charts ..................................................................................(
!.) *a+ing Disk Change Monitoring ,eports .............................................................. 1-
!.# *a+ing PDF ,eports .......................................................................................... 11
!.$ .xporting ,eports to an */L Data0ase................................................................ 1
!.& *earching File *1stem Changes.......................................................................... 1!
!.( Monitoring Multiple Directories ........................................................................... 1)
!.1- Monitoring *pecific File 21pes ............................................................................ 1)
!.11 .xcluding Directories from the Monitoring Process ................................................ 1#
!.1 *ending .3Mail 4otifications............................................................................... 1$
!.1! 5enerating ,eports and .xecuting Custom 6ctions ............................................... 1&
!.1' *ound 4otifications........................................................................................... 1(
!.1) 6utomatic ,eport Management .......................................................................... -
!.1# %sing the *1stem 2ra1 "con............................................................................... 1
!.1$ 7indows *hell "ntegration.................................................................................
!.1& Managing Disk Monitoring Profiles ...................................................................... !
!.1( Configuring DiskPulse Desktop 6pplication........................................................... '
!.- DiskPulse 5%" La1outs ...................................................................................... #
!.1 DiskPulse Command Line %tilit1 ......................................................................... $
!. Product %pdate Procedure ................................................................................. &
!.! ,egistering Desktop Product 8ersion................................................................... (
4 Usin DiskPulse "erver .....................................................................................30
'.1 "nstalling DiskPulse *er+er ................................................................................ !1
'. %sing DiskPulse *er+er client 5%" application....................................................... !
'.! *a+ing ,eports to the DiskPulse ,eports Data0ase ............................................... !'
'.' *a+ing *ummar1 Disk Change Monitoring ,eports................................................ !)
'.) 7e039ased Management "nterface ..................................................................... !#
'.# Managing Disk Change Monitoring Commands ..................................................... !$
'.$ ,e+iewing Monitoring *tatus and Detected Changes ............................................. !&
'.& 6d+anced Disk Change Monitoring :ptions .......................................................... !(
'.( Monitoring *pecific 21pes of Files ....................................................................... '-
'.1- .xcluding Directories from the Monitoring Process ................................................ '1
'.11 *ending .3Mail 4otifications............................................................................... '
'.1 *a+ing Disk Change Monitoring ,eports .............................................................. '!
'.1! *a+ing ,eports to an */L Data0ase.................................................................... ''
'.1' Disk Change Monitoring ;istor1 *tatistics............................................................ '#
'.1) %sing DiskPulse .nterprise ................................................................................ '$
'.1# %sing DiskPulse *er+er Command Line %tilit1 ...................................................... '(
'.1$ Configuring DiskPulse *er+er ............................................................................. )1
'.1& Configuring Custom %ser 4ame and Password ..................................................... )1
'.1( Configuring Custom *er+er Ports........................................................................ )
'.- Configuring .3Mail *er+er .................................................................................. )
'.1 %pdating DiskPulse *er+er................................................................................. )!
'. ,egistering DiskPulse *er+er ............................................................................. )'
'.! Disk Pulse *er+er :.M 8ersion........................................................................... ))
5 #!!endi$...........................................................................................................56
).1 "nstalling M1*/L Data0ase ................................................................................ )#
). Configuring M1*/L Data0ase............................................................................. #1
).! "nstalling and Configuring M1*/L :D9C Data *ource............................................ #
).' Configuring DiskPulse Data0ase Connection......................................................... #!
).) *upported :perating *1stems............................................................................ #'
).# *1stem ,e<uirements....................................................................................... #'
DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
1 DiskPulse Overview

DiskPulse is a powerful real3time disk change monitoring solution allowing one to monitor
changes in one or more disks and directories= send .3Mail notifications= sa+e +arious t1pes of
reports= generate statistical pie charts= export detected changes to an */L data0ase= send
error messages to the s1stem e+ent log and execute custom commands when a user3specified
num0er of changes detected.

DiskPulse intercepts file s1stem change notifications issued 01 the operating s1stem and
detects newl1 created files= modified files= deleted files and renamed files. 6ll file s1stem
changes are detected in real3time allowing one to send an .3Mail notification= execute a
custom command and>or sa+e a disk change monitoring report within a couple of seconds
after one or more critical changes detected.

2he user is pro+ided with the a0ilit1 to re+iew= categori?e and filter detected file s1stem
changes= generate +arious t1pes of statistical pie charts showing the num0er of changes per
file extension= the num0er of changes per change t1pe= the num0er of changes per user= etc.
DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
"n addition to the 5%" application= DiskPulse %ltimate and DiskPulse *er+er pro+ide a
command line utilit1= which can 0e used to execute disk change monitoring operations locall1
and control one or more DiskPulse *er+ers through the network. 2he DiskPulse command line
utilit1 pro+ides the a0ilit1 to control disk change monitoring operations from shell scripts and
0atch files and allows one to integrate DiskPulse capa0ilities into user3custom solutions.

"2 professionals and enterprise customers are pro+ided with DiskPulse *er+er 3 a ser+er30ased
product +ersion= which runs in the 0ackground as a ser+ice and can 0e controlled using a full3
scale client 5%" application or a command line utilit1 locall1 or through the network. DiskPulse
*er+er allows one to monitor multiple disks or directories simultaneousl1= send disk change
monitoring reports to a centrali?ed */L data0ase and generate histor1 trend anal1sis reports.

Finall1= corporate customers are pro+ided with the DiskPulse .nterprise product +ersion= which
is capa0le of recei+ing disk change monitoring reports from multiple production ser+ers=
searching critical changes across the entire data0ase= anal1?ing reports using a centrali?ed set
of user3defiled rules and policies and sending .3Mail notifications when critical issues are
detected in one or more disk change monitoring reports recei+ed from production ser+ers.
DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
2 DiskPulse Product Versions

%eatures Pro Ulti&ate "erver 'nter!rise
Maximum 4um0er of Files 1- M )- M 1-- M %nlimited
Maximum *torage Capacit1 1- 29 )- 29 1-- 29 %nlimited
Maximum 4um0er of Monitors 1- )- 1-- %nlimited
*upport for %nicode File 4ames @es @es @es @es
*upport for Long File 4ames @es @es @es @es
Monitor Multiple Disks or Directories @es @es @es @es
%ser3*electa0le Monitoring .+ents @es @es @es @es
File Categories and File Filters @es @es @es @es
:ption to Monitor *pecific File 21pes @es @es @es @es
:ption to *end .3Mail 4otifications @es @es @es @es
:ption to .xecute Custom Commands @es @es @es @es
;2ML= 2ext= PDF and .xcel C*8 ,eports @es @es @es @es
*/L Data0ase "ntegration 4o @es @es @es
:ption to *earch Changes in the Data0ase 4o @es @es @es
Disk Monitoring Command Line %tilit1 4o @es @es @es
,uns in the 9ackground as a *er+ice 4o 4o @es @es
Multiple= Parallel Monitoring :perations 4o 4o @es @es
DiskPulse Client 5%" 6pplication 4o 4o @es @es
:.M Product 8ersion 4o 4o @es @es
Centrali?ed ,eports Data0ase 4o 4o 4o @es
Centrali?ed ,eports 6nal1sis ,ules 4o 4o 4o @es
Disk Change Monitoring ;istor1 *tatistics 4o 4o 4o @es
7e039ased Management "nterface 4o 4o 4o @es
Price (25 (50 (125 (3)5

A Product features= prices and license terms are su0Bect to change without notice.

DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
3 Usin Deskto! Product Version
3.1 Product *nstallation

DiskPulse is a+aila0le as a free download on our we0 site and from a large num0er of software
directories from around the world. 2o 0e sure 1ou are getting the latest product +ersion check
the following pageC httpC>>>downloads.html

DiskPulse is especiall1 designed to 0e as simple as possi0le. 2he installation procedure is +er1
simple= re<uires no special knowledge and ma1 0e completed in less than - seconds. 2here is
no need for an1 additional software. Dust download the DiskPulse installation package= run the
setup program and 1ou are done.

:n the E7elcomeE screen press the E4extE 0utton. ,ead the end3user license agreement and
press the E" 6greeE 0utton if 1ou agree with the license terms or the ECancelE 0utton to stop the
installation process. *elect the destination director1= press the E"nstallE 0utton and wait for the
installation process to complete. 2hatEs all 1ou need to do to install the DiskPulse disk change
monitor utilit1 on 1our computer.
DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
3.2 Monitorin Disk +,anes

2he simplest wa1 to start monitoring a disk or director1 is to enter the director1 name in the
director1 entr1 located under the main tool0ar and to press the EMonitorE 0utton located in the
top3left corner of the main tool0ar. :n the profile dialog +erif1 that all the parameters are
selected correctl1 and press the E*tartE 0utton to 0egin the monitoring process.

91 default= DiskPulse will monitor all file s1stem changes including file creations= modifications=
file name changes= file attri0ute changes= file delete operations= etc. 6 custom set of file
s1stem change e+ents that should 0e monitored ma1 0e selected on the E.+entsE ta0.

6s soon as a file s1stem change will 0e detected it will 0e displa1ed in the change +iew. "n
order to temporar1 pause the monitoring process= press the EPauseE 0utton. Press the
EContinueE 0utton to resume a pre+iousl1 paused monitoring operation. "n order to finish the
monitoring process= press the E*topE 0utton located on the main tool0ar.

Click on a change item to open the change properties dialog. *elect a change item= press the
right mouse 0utton and select the E:pen 7ithE menu item to open the changed file with
another program. *elect a change item= press the right mouse 0utton and select the E:pen
Location in .xplorerE menu item to open the itemEs director1 in 7indows .xplorer.
DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
3.3 Usin %ile +ateories and %ile %ilters

DiskPulse pro+ides the a0ilit1 to categori?e and filter detected file s1stem changes 01 the file
extension= file t1pe and change t1pe. 7hen monitoring one or more disks or directories=
DiskPulse automaticall1 categori?es all detected file s1stem changes and constantl1 updates
the list of file categories= which is located Bust under the change list in the main 5%"

91 default= DiskPulse categori?es all files 01 the file extension and shows a list of all t1pes of
detected file extensions sorted 01 the num0er of changed files. For each categor1= Disk Pulse
shows the amount of disk space= the num0er of changed files and the percentage of changed
files relati+e to other file categories. %se the ECategoriesE com0o 0ox to categori?e files 01 the
file t1pe or change t1pe.

:ne of the most useful features of DiskPulse is the a0ilit1 to filter detected file s1stem changes
using one or more categori?ed file filters. For example= in order to see all newl1 created files=
select the change3t1pe30ased file categori?ation mode and dou0le click on the ECreated FilesE
file categor1. DiskPulse will filter the list of detected disk changes and show the newl1 created
files onl1.

DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
3.4 Usin DiskPulse Pie +,arts

2he DiskPulse disk change monitor pro+ides multiple t1pes of pie charts capa0le of showing
num0ers of changed files and the amount of changed disk space per extension= change t1pe=
file si?e and file t1pe. "n order to open the charts dialog in the DiskPulse 5%" application=
select the ECommand 3 8iew ChartsE menu item.

Depending on the currentl1 selected categori?ation mode= the charts dialog shows num0ers of
files or the changed disk space per extension= change t1pe= file si?e or file t1pe. 2he mode
selector= which is located in the 0ottom side of the dialog= pro+ides the a0ilit1 to switch
0etween the a+aila0le chart modes. For example= in order to open a chart showing num0ers of
files per file categor1= set the ECategori?e 01 File 21peE change categori?ation mode and open
the charts dialog.

"n addition= the charts dialog pro+ides the user with the a0ilit1 to cop1 the displa1ed chart
image to the clip0oard allowing one to easil1 integrate DiskPulse charts into userEs documents
and presentations. "n order to customi?e the chart description= press the E:ptionsE 0utton and
specif1 a custom chart date= time or chart title.
DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
3.5 "avin Disk +,ane Monitorin -e!orts

DiskPulse pro+ides the a0ilit1 to export disk change monitoring reports to the ;2ML= PDF=
FML= .xcel C*8 and text formats. "n order to export a disk monitoring report= press the
E,eportE 0utton located on the main tool0ar.

:n the E,eportE dialog enter the report title= specif1 the file name to sa+e the report to and
select one of the following report formatsC ;2ML= PDF= FML= .xcel C*8 or 6*C"" text. 91
default= DiskPulse will sa+e a disk change monitoring report containing the last 1-=--- file
s1stem changes.

"n order to export a full report containing all file s1stem changes= increase the num0er of file
s1stem changes to an appropriate +alue. Geep in mind that disk monitoring reports containing
thousands of changes ma1 0e +er1 large and difficult to open using standard tools especiall1
when exported to the ;2ML format.
DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
3.6 "avin PD% -e!orts

DiskPulse Pro= DiskPulse %ltimate and DiskPulse *er+er allow one to export detected file
s1stem changes to PDF reports. "n order to export a PDF report= detect file s1stem changes in
one or more disks or directories and press the E*a+eE 0utton located on the main tool0ar.

:n the sa+e report dialog= select the PDF report format= enter a report title= enter the name of
the file to sa+e the report to and press the E*a+eE 0utton. 91 default= DiskPulse exports the last
1-=--- file s1stem changes. "n order to export a full report= which ma1 result in a +er1 long
PDF document= Bust increase the num0er of exported file s1stem changes to an appropriate

"n addition to the information pro+ided in other report formats= DiskPulse PDF reports pro+ide
more summar1 charts showing the num0er of file s1stem changes and the amount of disk
space per file extension= the num0er of changes per change t1pe= the num0er of changes per
file owner followed 01 the list of detected file s1stem changes.

DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
3.) '$!ortin -e!orts to an "./ Data0ase

DiskPulse %ltimate and DiskPulse *er+er pro+ide the a0ilit1 to su0mit disk change monitoring
reports into a centrali?ed */L data0ase through the :D9C data0ase interface. ,eports ma1 0e
su0mitted to an */L data0ase using the main 5%" application or the command line utilit1=
which ma1 0e used to perform disk monitoring operations on multiple ser+ers or desktop
computers and su0mit all reports to a centrali?ed */L data0ase.

2he report data0ase dialog displa1s reports that were su0mitted to the data0ase and allows
one to search reports 01 the report title= host name= date or directories that were monitored.
For each report in the data0ase= DiskPulse displa1s the report date= time= host name=
directories that were monitored= the amount of changes and storage space the report refers to
and the report title. "n order to open a report= Bust click on the report item in the report
data0ase dialog.

"n order to connect DiskPulse to an */L data0ase= the user is re<uired to define an :D9C data
source in the computer where DiskPulse is installed on and to specif1 the :D9C data source in
the DiskPulse options dialog. :pen the options dialog= select the EData0aseE ta0= ena0le the
:D9C interface and specif1 a +alid user name and password to connect DiskPulse to an */L

"n order to export a report to an */L data0ase= press the E*a+eE 0utton on the results dialog
and select the E*/L Data0aseE format. "n addition= the user is pro+ided with the a0ilit1 to use
the command line utilit1= which is a+aila0le in DiskPulse %ltimate and DiskPulse *er+er= to
export reports to an */L data0ase.

DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
3.1 "earc,in %ile "2ste& +,anes

DiskPulse allows one to search file s1stem changes 01 the file name= categor1= modification
date= file owner= file si?e= etc. in all disk change monitoring reports stored in an */L data0ase.
"n order to search file s1stem changes in DiskPulse %ltimate or DiskPulse *er+er= open the
data0ase dialog and press the E*earchE 0utton. "n order to search file s1stem changes in the
reports data0ase= press the E*earchE 0utton located on the main tool0ar.

2he host selector= located in the top3left corner of the search dialog= pro+ides the a0ilit1 to
search changes in disk change monitoring reports su0mitted from all hosts or to select a
specific host name to search for. 2he change t1pe selector= located in the top3right corner of
the search dialog= allows one to search for all t1pes of file s1stem changes or to select a
specific change t1pe such asC created files= modified files= renamed files or deleted files.

DiskPulse is capa0le of searching file s1stem changes 01 one or more search rules which ma1
0e configured to find changes 01 the file name= extension= location= categor1= file si?e= file
owner and modification date. 6lso= ad+anced users are pro+ided with the a0ilit1 to create
hierarchical search rules with logical operators allowing one to find +er1 specific changes.

DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
For example= in order to search for all changed programs= executa0le files and DLL li0raries=
select the ECategor1E file search rule and press the E...E 0utton to 0rowse for a+aila0le file

:n the ECategoriesE dialog= select the EPrograms= .xtensions and *cript FilesE file categor1 and
press the E:kE 0utton. "f re<uired= add a date range rule to find changes that occurred during a
specific time inter+al or a location rule to find changes in a specific location such as the
7indows s1stem director1= etc.

:nce finished adding search rules= press the E*earchE 0utton and wait for the search operation
to complete. *earch results are displa1ed in the standard disk change monitoring results
window allowing one to categori?e and filter results= sa+e ;2ML= text= .xcel C*8 or FML
reports and generate pie and>or 0ars charts.

DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
3.3 Monitorin Multi!le Directories

DiskPulse is capa0le of monitoring multiple disks or directories. "n order to monitor multiple
directories= press the EManage ProfileE 0utton= which is located on the right side of the profile
selector com0o 0ox and specif1 all the disks or directories that should 0e monitored.

6ll the specified disks and>or directories= including all su0directories= will 0e monitored
simultaneousl1 and all file s1stem changes will 0e reported in a single= interlea+ed +iew. %sers
re<uiring separate change lists for multiple disks or directories ma1 start multiple instances of
the DiskPulse 5%" application and select a different monitoring profile in each of them.

3.10 Monitorin "!eci4ic %ile 52!es

DiskPulse Pro pro+ides power computer users with the a0ilit1 to monitor specific file t1pes
according to the specified file matching rules. For example= the user ma1 specif1 to monitor
changes in program files and DLL li0raries located on the s1stem disk.

"n order to add one or more file matching rules= open the profile dialog= select the E,ulesE ta0
and press the E6ddE 0utton. :n the E,ulesE dialog select an appropriate rule t1pe and specif1 all
the re<uired parameters. During the disk monitoring process= DiskPulse Pro will monitor all the
input directories and appl1 the specified file matching rules to all changed files. Files not
matching the specified rules will 0e skipped and the results +iew will contain user3selected files

DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
3.11 '$cludin Directories 4ro& t,e Monitorin Process

DiskPulse pro+ides the a0ilit1 to exclude one or more directories from the disk change
monitoring process. "n order to configure exclude directories for a disk change monitoring
operation= open the monitoring profile dialog= select the E.xcludeE ta0 and add one or more
directories to exclude.

"n the simplest case= Bust add a full director1 path to exclude from the disk change monitoring
process. "n addition= ad+anced users are pro+ided with a num0er of exclude directories macro
commands allowing one to exclude multiple directories using a single macro command.

DiskPulse pro+ides the following exclude directories macro commandsC

(6'7*8" 95e$t "trin: 3 this macro command excludes all changes detected in
directories 0eginning with the specified text string.
(+O85#*8" 95e$t "trin: 3 this macro command excludes all changes detected in
directories containing the specified text string.
('8D" 95e$t "trin: 3 this macro command excludes all changes detected in
directories ending with the specified text string.
(-'7'; 9-eular '$!ression: 3 this macro command excludes all changes
detected in directories matching the specified regular expression.

For example= the exclude macro command EHC:426"4* 2emporar1 FilesE will exclude all
changes detected in directories with E2emporar1 FilesE at an1 place in the full director1 path
and the exclude macro command EH,.5.F I.J2MPK2.MPLHE will exclude changes detected in
directories ending with E.2MPE or E.2.MPE.

DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
3.12 "endin '<Mail 8oti4ications

*ometimes= it ma1 0e re<uired to send .3Mail notifications a0out changes in critical s1stem
directories or files. "n order to ena0le .3Mail notifications for a disk change monitoring
command= open the monitoring command dialog= select the E6d+ancedE ta0= ena0le disk
change monitoring actions and specif1 the num0er of file s1stem changes that should trigger
the specified notifications actions.

4ow= press the E6ddE 0utton and add an .3Mail notification. .+er1 time the specified num0er of
file s1stem changes will 0e detected= DiskPulse will send an e3mail notification containing a list
of detected file s1stem changes to the specified e3mail address. 6fter each e3mail notification=
DiskPulse will clear the change list and restart the disk monitoring operation. "n order to send
multiple notifications to different .3Mail addresses= Bust add a num0er of notification actions
with each one configured to send notifications to a different destination .3Mail address.

Finall1= open the E:ptionsE dialog= select the E.3MailE ta0= ena0le .3Mail notifications and specif1
an *M2P ser+er and a +alid e3mail account to sent notifications through. :nce finished
configuring the *M2P ser+er= press the E8erif1 .3MailE 0utton to +erif1 the specified ser+er host
name and .3Mail account.

DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
3.13 7eneratin -e!orts and '$ecutin +usto& #ctions

DiskPulse %ltimate and DiskPulse *er+er pro+ide power users and "2 professionals with the
a0ilit1 to automaticall1 generate reports= send messages to the s1stem e+ent log= sa+e reports
to an */L data0ase and>or execute custom commands= scripts and>or 0atch files when a disk
monitoring operation detects a user3specified num0er of file s1stem changes.

"n order to configure one or more notification or report generation actions= open the disk
change monitoring command dialog= select the E6d+ancedE ta0= ena0le disk monitoring actions=
specif1 the num0er of changes that should trigger disk monitoring actions and add one or
more actions configured to perform re<uired operations.

.+er1 time the specified num0er of file s1stem changes will 0e detected= DiskPulse will
perform the specified operations. "n order to allow a custom command to access the latest list
of file s1stem changes= add an automatic report generation action and specif1 a pre3defined
report file name= which will 0e used 01 the su0se<uent command action to access the change
list. 6fter finishing execution of the specified disk monitoring actions= DiskPulse will clear the
change list and restart the disk monitoring operation.
DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
3.14 "ound 8oti4ications

DiskPulse pro+ides the a0ilit1 to pla1 notification sounds when a monitoring operation started=
completed or failed. "n addition= the user is pro+ided with the a0ilit1 to pla1 a notification
sound when a user3specific num0er of changes is detected. Finall1= DiskPulse allows one to
ena0le= disa0le or customi?e all t1pes of sound notifications.

"n order to open the E4otification *oundsE dialog= select the menu E2ools 3 4otification *oundsE.
2he E4otification *oundsE dialog allows one to ena0le or disa0le specific notifications and>or set
a custom sound file for a notification. "n order to select a custom sound file for a notification=
click on the notification item in the E4otification *oundsE dialog and select a custom 768 file.
"n order to pla1 the currentl1 set notification sound file= select a notification item and press the
EPla1E 0utton.

"n addition= DiskPulse pro+ides the a0ilit1 to pla1 a notification sound when a user3specific
num0er of disk changes is detected. "n order to add a sound notification action= open the disk
monitoring profile dialog= select the E6d+ancedE ta0= ena0le disk change monitoring actions=
press the E6ddE 0utton and select the EPla1 4otification *oundE action t1pe.

2he sound notification option is especiall1 useful in conBunction with report generation actions
allowing one to pla1 sound notifications each time a new disk change monitoring report is

DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
3.15 #uto&atic -e!ort Manae&ent

DiskPulse allows one to keep a user3specified num0er of reports in the reports director1 or the
reports */L data0ase while automaticall1 deleting old reports and freeing up the disk space.
2hese features are especiall1 useful for full1 automated disk change monitoring configurations
when the user needs to keep a histor1 of report files in a reports director1 or a histor1 of disk
change monitoring reports in an */L data0ase.

91 default= DiskPulse keeps all reports in the reports director1 or the */L data0ase. "n order
to ena0le automatic report management= open the E:ptionsE dialog= select the E,eportsE ta0
and change the E,eport FilesE or E,eport Data0aseE options to appropriate +alues.

2he E=ee! in -e!orts Director2E option is applica0le to ;2ML= text= .xcel C*8= FML and
DiskPulse nati+e reports sa+ed to a reports director1 or to the userEs home director1 using
automated report generation actions. 6fter sa+ing each new report= DiskPulse will check if
there are too man1 reports of the same t1pe J;2ML= FML= C*8= etc.L in the reports director1
and delete old reports according to the user3specified configuration.

2he E=ee! in "./ Data0aseE option is applica0le to disk change monitoring reports su0mitted
to an */L data0ase using the DiskPulse 5%" application= the DiskPulse command line utilit1 or
the DiskPulse ser+er. 6fter sa+ing each new report to the data0ase= DiskPulse will check if
there are too man1 reports from the same host computer= monitoring the same set of disks or
directories and delete old reports according to the user3specified configuration. For example= if
two ser+ers are su0mitting reports to the same */L data0ase= DiskPulse will keep in the
data0ase F last reports for each ser+er.

DiskPulse .nterprise= which is capa0le of recei+ing and anal1?ing reports recei+ed from
multiple ser+ers or desktop computers= manages reports in the data0ase according to the
same configuration options. For each ser+er and each set of monitored disks or directories=
DiskPulse .nterprise keeps a histor1 of F last disk change monitoring reports according to the
user3specified configuration.

2he E"ave %ile +ateoriesE option allows one to ena0le>disa0le exporting of file categories to
;2ML= text= .xcel C*8 and FML reports. *econd3le+el file categories are a+aila0le when
reports are sa+ed using the DiskPulse 5%" application manuall1. 6utomaticall1 generated
reports or reports sa+ed using the DiskPulse command line utilit1 alwa1s sa+ed without file
categories. 7hen the EFile CategoriesE option is ena0led= DiskPulse 5%" application will sa+e
second3le+el file categories to ;2ML= text= .xcel C*8 and FML reports.

2he E"ave +o&!ressed -e!ort %ilesE option allows one to sa+e automaticall1 generated
;2ML= text= .xcel C*8 and FML reports as compressed archi+e files.
DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
3.16 Usin t,e "2ste& 5ra2 *con

DiskPulse Pro and DiskPulse %ltimate pro+ide the a0ilit1 to minimi?e the main 5%" application
to the s1stem tra1 while allowing one to control the disk monitoring process using the s1stem
tra1 iconEs context menu.

"n order to ena0le the s1stem tra1 icon= open the ad+anced options dialog and select the
EMinimi?e to *1stem 2ra1E option. 7ith this option ena0led= the DiskPulse main 5%" application
will minimi?e itself into the s1stem tra1 and allow one to start= pause= continue and stop the
disk monitoring process using the s1stem tra1 iconEs context menu.

6 minimi?ed application ma1 0e shown at an1 time 01 clicking on the s1stem tra1 icon.
6nother option is to click the right mouse 0utton o+er the s1stem tra1 icon and to select the
E*how Disk PulseE menu item.

DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.

3.1) >indows ",ell *nteration

DiskPulse pro+ides 7indows shell integration capa0ilities allowing one to start disk change
monitoring operations directl1 from the 7indows .xplorer application. "n order to monitor one
or more disks or directories= select the re<uired disks or directories in the 7indows .xplorer
application= press the right mouse 0utton and select the EDiskPulse 3 Monitor ChangesE menu.

DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
3.11 Manain Disk Monitorin Pro4iles

"n order to simplif1 disk monitoring process of numerous disks or directories using customi?ed
sets of parameters= DiskPulse pro+ides the user with the a0ilit1 sa+e a num0er of profiles and
specif1 pre3defined directories to process and configuration options for each of them. 2he
simplest wa1 to add a new profile is to press the E6ddE 0utton located on the left side of the
profile com0o 0ox. 2he same ma1 0e done on the profiles dialog= which ma1 0e accessed
using the EProfilesE 0utton located on the main tool0ar.

2he profiles dialog shows all the defined user profiles and allows one to add new profiles= edit
profiles and delete profiles. "n addition= the user is profiled with the a0ilit1 to associate a
ke10oard shortcut with each user3defined profile. Finall1= DiskPulse Pro allows one to create a
direct desktop shortcut for each profile= which ma1 0e used to start monitoring directories
specified in the profile in a single mouse click.

"n order to edit a profile= click on the profile item in the profiles dialog. *elect a profile item
and press the EDeleteE 0utton to delete the profile from the product configuration. 6ll the user3
defined profiles listed on the profiles dialog are stored in the user3specific product
configuration file= which ma1 0e exported for 0ackup purposes and later used to restore the
product configuration on the same or another computer.

DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
3.13 +on4iurin DiskPulse Deskto! #!!lication

*elect the E2ools 3 6d+anced :ptionsE menu item to open the options dialog.

2he E7eneralE ta0 allows one to control the following optionsC

*how Main 2ool0ar 3 .na0les>Disa0les the main tool0ar
6lwa1s *how Profile Dialog 9efore *tart 3 "nstructs DiskPulse to show the profile dialog 0efore
starting the monitoring process.
6utomaticall1 Check For Product %pdates 3 select this option to instruct DiskPulse to
automaticall1 check for a+aila0le product updates.
60ort :peration :n Critical .rrors 3 01 default DiskPulse is tr1ing to process as man1 files as
possi0le logging non3fatal errors in a process log. *elect this option to instruct DiskPulse to
a0ort operation when encountering a critical error.

2he E",ortcutsE ta0 pro+ides the user with the a0ilit1 to customi?e ke10oard shortcuts. Click
on a shortcut item to edit the currentl1 assigned ke1 se<uence. Press the EDefault *hortcutsE
0utton to reset all ke10oard shortcuts to default +alues.

2he EPro$2E ta0 pro+ides the user with the a0ilit1 to configure the ;22P prox1 settings.
DiskPulse uses the ;22P protocol in order to in<uire whether there is a new product +ersion
a+aila0le on the we0 site. 91 default= DiskPulse detects prox1 settings and connects to the
"nternet directl1 or through an ;22P prox1 depending on the configuration of the host
computer. Depending on a specific host and network configuration= the user is pro+ided with
the a0ilit1 to connect to the "nternet directl1= trough automatic ;22P prox1 disco+er1 or
manuall1 01 entering the ;22P prox1 ser+er name and port.
DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
2he E'<MailE ta0 allows one to specif1 an *M2P e3mail ser+er to 0e used to send e3mail
notifications. Check the E.na0le .3Mail notificationsE check0ox and specif1 a +alid *M2P ser+er
name= an account name= a password and a source e3mail address to 0e used to send e3mail
notifications through.

DiskPulse %ltimate and DiskPulse *er+er pro+ide power computer users and "2 professionals
with the a0ilit1 to export lists of detected file s1stem changes to an */L data0ase +ia the
:D9C interface.

"n order to ena0le the data0ase export capa0ilit1= open the E:ptionsE dialog= select the
EData0aseE ta0 and specif1 a +alid :D9C data source name= user name and password.

DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
3.20 DiskPulse 7U* /a2outs

"n order to impro+e 5%" usa0ilit1= the DiskPulse main 5%" application pro+ides three user3
selecta0le 5%" la1outs. Press the ELa1outsE 0utton to switch the 5%" application to the next
5%" la1out.

2he first JdefaultL 5%" la1out displa1s large tool0ar 0uttons with descripti+e text la0els under
each 0utton and shows the directories entr1 and the profiles com0o 0ox under the main

2he second 5%" la1out displa1s small tool0ar 0uttons with descripti+e text la0els 0eside each
0utton and shows the directories entr1 and the profiles com0o 0ox under the main tool0ar.

2he third 5%" la1out displa1s small tool0ar 0uttons without descripti+e text la0els and shows
the directories entr1 and the profiles com0o 0ox as a single tool0ar.
DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
3.21 DiskPulse +o&&and /ine Utilit2

"n addition to the DiskPulse 5%" application= DiskPulse %ltimate and DiskPulse *er+er pro+ide
a command line utilit1 allowing one to monitor disks or directories from 0atch files and shell
scripts. "n addition= the command line utilit1 allows one to control one or more DiskPulse
*er+ers locall1 or through the network. 2he DiskPulse command line utilit1 is located in the
?9ProductDir:@0in? director1.

+o&&and /ine "2nta$A

disk!ulse <e$ecute 9Pro4ile 8a&e:

2his command executes the specified disk change monitoring operation.

disk!ulse <&onitor <dir 9Director2 1: B ... Director2 ; C

2his command monitors the specified disks or directories.


<dir 9Director2:

2his parameter specifies a disk of director1 to monitor. "n order to ensure proper parsing of
command line arguments= directories containing space characters should 0e dou0le <uoted.



2his option shows detected file s1stem changes on the standard output.

<saveD,t&lDre!ort B %ile 8a&e C
<saveDte$tDre!ort B %ile 8a&e C
<saveDcsvDre!ort B %ile 8a&e C
<saveD$&lDre!ort B %ile 8a&e C
<saveD!d4Dre!ort B %ile 8a&e C

2his option sa+es detected changes to the specified report file.


2his option exports detected file s1stem changes to an */L data0ase using the :D9C data
source configured in the options dialog.

<title 9-e!ort 5itle:

2his option sets a custom report title.

<&a$Dc,ane 9Ma$i&u& 8u&0er o4 +,anes to '$!ort:

2his option sets the maximum num0er of last file s1stem changes to export Jdefault is 1=---L.


2his option instructs to export a compressed report file.

<v < 2his command shows the product +ersion.

<,el! < 2his command shows the command line usage information.

DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
3.22 Product U!date Procedure

6lmost e+er1 month= Flexense releases 0ug3fixes and product updates for the DiskPulse disk
change monitor. 2hese product updates are uploaded to the product we0 site and ma1 0e
applied to an1 installed product +ersion. .ach time DiskPulse is started= the update manager
checks if there is a new product +ersion a+aila0le on the we0 site and shows an E%pdateE link in
the right3most corner of the status 0ar.

"f there is a new product +ersion a+aila0le= the update dialog will show the +ersion of the new
product update and two 0uttonsC the E,elease 4otesE 0utton and the E"nstallE 0utton. Press the
E,elease 4otesE 0utton to see more information a0out new features and 0ug3fixes pro+ided 01
the new product +ersion. Press the E"nstallE 0utton to download and install the new product

6fter pressing the E"nstallE 0utton= please wait while the update manager will download the
new product +ersion to the local disk. 2he update package will 0e downloaded to a temporar1
director1 on the s1stem dri+e and automaticall1 deleted after the update manager will finish
updating the product.

6fter download is completed= close all open DiskPulse applications and press the E:kE 0utton
when read1. "f one or more DiskPulse applications will 0e open during the update= the
operation will fail and the whole update process will need to 0e restarted from the 0eginning.
6fter finishing the update process= DiskPulse will show a message 0ox informing a0out the
successfull1 completed operation.
DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
3.23 -eisterin Deskto! Product Version

DiskPulse licenses and discounted license packs ma1 0e purchased on the following pageC


6fter finishing the purchase process= wait for the following two e3mail messagesC the first one
with a receipt for 1our pa1ment and the second one with an unlock ke1. "f 1ou will not recei+e
1our unlock ke1 within 1 hours= please check 1our spam 0ox for e3mail messages originating
from su!!ortE4le$ and if it is nor here contact our support team.

"f the computer is connected to the "nternet= press the E,egisterE 0utton located in the top3
right corner of the main DiskPulse 5%" application= enter 1our name Jor the compan1 nameL=
the pro+ided unlock ke1 and press the E,egisterE 0utton.

"f the computer is not connected to the "nternet= press the EManual ,egistrationE 0utton= enter
1our name Jor the compan1 nameL= the pro+ided unlock ke1= export a product "D file and send
the product "D file to reisterEdisk! 7ithin a couple of hours 1ou will recei+e an
unlock file= which should 0e imported to finish the manual product registration procedure.

DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
4 Usin DiskPulse "erver

DiskPulse *er+er is a ser+er30ased product +ersion= which runs in the 0ackground as a ser+ice
and allows one to perform multiple= parallel disk change monitoring operations= send .3Mail
notifications= sa+e +arious t1pes of reports= export detected changes to a centrali?ed */L
data0ase= send error messages to the s1stem e+ent log and>or execute custom user
commands when a user3specified num0er of changes detected.

DiskPulse *er+er ma1 0e controlled using a full3scale client 5%" application or a command line
utilit1 locall1 or through the network. 2he DiskPulse client 5%" application is +er1 similar to the
desktop product +ersion= 0ut pro+ides the a0ilit1 to configure multiple= parallel disk change
monitoring operations and adds ad+anced statistics and histor1 trend anal1sis capa0ilities.

DiskPulse *er+er is especiall1 designed to run on production ser+ers using a +er1 small
amount of s1stem memor1 and CP% resources in order to minimi?e the potential impact on
running applications. For mission3critical ser+ers= DiskPulse pro+ides the a0ilit1 to completel1
offload disk change monitoring reports management and anal1sis to a centrali?ed DiskPulse
data0ase ser+er= which can recei+e reports from multiple production ser+ers= anal1?e detected
changes using user3specified rules and policies= send notifications and>or sa+e reports when
critical changes are detected.
DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
4.1 *nstallin DiskPulse "erver

DiskPulse *er+er is especiall1 designed to 0e as simple as possi0le. 2he product does not
re<uire an1 third3part1 software applications and ma1 0e installed and configured within a
couple of minutes. 6 full1 functional !-3da1s trial +ersion of DiskPulse *er+er ma1 0e
downloaded from the following pageC httpC>>>downloads.html.

2he installation package is +er1 small= )M9 3 #M9 depending on the target operating s1stem=
and the product re<uires Bust -M9 of the free disk space on the target ser+er. "n order to
install DiskPulse *er+er= start the setup program= select a destination director1 and press the
E4extE 0utton.

:ptionall1= enter custom ser+er control and>or we0 access ports. 2he ser+er control port is
used 01 the DiskPulse client 5%" application and the command line utilit1 to connect to
DiskPulse *er+er. 2he we0 access port is the port for the we030ased management interface
allowing one to control DiskPulse *er+er using a standard we0 0rowser from an1 computer on
the network. "f DiskPulse *er+er should 0e controlled remotel1 through the network= make
sure one or 0oth of these ports are open in the ser+erEs firewall.
DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
4.2 Usin DiskPulse "erver client 7U* a!!lication

2he DiskPulse client 5%" application connects to DiskPulse *er+er locall1 or through the
network and allows one to setup disk change monitoring operations= configure reports= .3Mail
notifications and>or custom user commands to 0e executed when a user3specified num0er of
changes detected.

2he client 5%" application pro+ides an eas13to3use interface= which is +er1 similar to the
DiskPulse desktop 5%" application. 2he user is pro+ided with the a0ilit1 to re+iew and anal1?e
detected file s1stem changes= sa+e report files and>or export disk change monitoring reports
to a centrali?ed */L data0ase through the :D9C interface.

"n order to connect to a DiskPulse ser+er= open the DiskPulse client 5%" application= press the
EConnectE 0utton located on the main tool0ar= enter the host name Jor an "P addressL of the
ser+er to connect to= enter DiskPulse user name and password Jdefault is ad&inFad&inL and
press the EConnectE 0utton. 91 default= DiskPulse client 5%" application connects to DiskPulse
*er+er trough the 2CP>"P port (1-. "f the default DiskPulse ser+er control port is used 01
another software product or s1stem ser+ice= open the ser+er E:ptionsE dialog= select the
E*er+erE ta0 and change the DiskPulse ser+er control port. "n order to 0e a0le to connect to the
ser+er through the network= make sure that the port is open in the hostEs firewall.

DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
91 default= in order to ensure all disk change monitoring operations are automaticall1 started
when the computer starts= DiskPulse *er+er ena0les the auto3start mode for all disk change
monitoring operations. "n order to manuall1 start one or more disk change monitoring
commands using the client 5%" application= connect to the DiskPulse *er+er= select the
re<uired disk change monitoring commands in the commands +iew= press the right mouse
0utton and select the E*tart CommandE menu item.

"n order to re+iew detected file s1stem changes= Bust click on a disk change monitoring
command item in the commands +iew. For each detected file s1stem change= the monitoring
results dialog shows the date= time= t1pe of change= file si?e= file owner and the name of the
changed file or director1. "n addition= the 0ottom +iew shows categories of detected changes
according to the currentl1 selected file categori?ation mode.

2he monitor results dialog pro+ides the a0ilit1 to categori?e and filter detected file s1stem
changes= sa+e +arious t1pes of disk change monitoring reports and generate pie charts
showing the num0er of changes per categor1 according to the currentl1 selected file
categori?ation mode.

DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
4.3 "avin -e!orts to t,e DiskPulse -e!orts Data0ase

DiskPulse *er+er includes a 0uilt3in reports data0ase allowing one to keep a histor1 of disk
change monitoring reports= search changes in the reports data0ase and generate summar1
disk change monitoring reports. "n order to open the DiskPulse *er+er reports data0ase= press
the E,eportsE 0utton located on the main tool0ar.

2he DiskPulse reports dialog shows pre+iousl1 sa+ed disk change monitoring reports and
allows one to open reports= search specific file s1stem changes in one or more disk change
monitoring reports= sa+e summar1 reports= export and import reports= delete reports= etc. "n
addition= the reports dialog pro+ides the a0ilit1 to filter reports 01 the disk change monitoring
command name= monitored directories= report title and ser+er host name.

"n order to automaticall1 sa+e disk change monitoring reports to the reports data0ase= open
the disk change monitoring command dialog= select the E6d+ancedE ta0= ena0le automated disk
change monitoring actions and add an action to sa+e a report to the DiskPulse reports
data0ase after e+er1 F changes. "n addition= the user is pro+ided with the a0ilit1 to sa+e disk
change monitoring reports 0ased on the disk change rate or after a user3specified period of
time. "n order to configure ad+anced disk change monitor actions trigger options= press the
E6ctions 2rigger :ptionsE 0utton.

DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
4.4 "avin "u&&ar2 Disk +,ane Monitorin -e!orts

DiskPulse *er+er pro+ides the a0ilit1 to sa+e a num0er of disk change monitoring reports to a
consolidated graphical PDF summar1 report including +arious t1pes of pie charts and disk
change monitoring statistics. "n order to sa+e a summar1 report= press the E,eportsE dialog
located on the main tool0ar= select one or more disk change monitoring reports= press the
right mouse 0utton and select the E*a+e *ummar1 ,eportE menu item.

DiskPulse sa+es summar1 reports as graphical PDF reports including general information a0out
each disk change monitoring report= a pie chart showing the num0er of changes per file
extension= a pie chart showing the num0er of changes per file owner and a pie chart showing
the num0er of changes per change t1pe.

"n addition= DiskPulse .nterprise pro+ides the a0ilit1 to collect disk change monitoring reports
from multiple production ser+ers to a centrali?ed reports data0ase and then generate
summar1 reports containing information a0out all monitored ser+ers.
DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
4.5 >e0<6ased Manae&ent *nter4ace

DiskPulse .nterprise pro+ides a complete we030ased management interface allowing one to
control= configure and manage one or more DiskPulse *er+ers using a regular we0 0rowser
from an1 computer on the network.

"n order to ena0le the we030ased management interface for a DiskPulse .nterprise
installation= connect to the ser+er using the DiskPulse client 5%" application= open the
E:ptionsE dialog= select the E*er+erE ta0= ena0le the E7e0 *er+erE option and press the E*a+eE

91 default= the DiskPulse we0 ser+er uses the 2CP>"P port &-= which is a standard port used
01 we0 0rowsers to connect to we0 ser+ers. *ometimes= the standard we0 access port ma1 0e
in use 01 other applications or ser+ices installed on the ser+er= pre+enting the DiskPulse we0
interface to operate properl1. "n this case= the user needs to change the we0 access port
num0er and then= in order to connect to the custom port= t1pe in the we0 0rowser address
0arC httpC>>ser+er3nameCport3num0er.

2he DiskPulse .nterprise we030ased interface is a d1namic we0 application= which
automaticall1 updates the status of acti+e disk change monitoring operations= and in order to
operate properl1= the we030ased interface re<uires Da+a*cript to 0e ena0led in the we0

DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
4.6 Manain Disk +,ane Monitorin +o&&ands

DiskPulse *er+er pro+ides the a0ilit1 to setup a num0er of disk change monitoring commands
with each one configured to monitor one or more disks and>or directories. 2he DiskPulse
*er+er status page shows the configured disk change monitoring commands and allows one to
start= stop= add= edit and delete disk change monitoring commands and configure ad+anced
disk change monitoring options.

"n order to add a new disk change monitoring command= press the E6dd CommandE 0utton
located on the DiskPulse *er+er status page= enter a uni<ue command name= specif1 one or
more directories to monitor Jmultiple directories should 0e separated 01 the EME characterL and
press the E*a+eE 0utton.

2he newl1 created disk change monitoring command will 0e displa1ed on the DiskPulse *er+er
status page and in order to start the monitoring command= click on the commandEs E*tartE
0utton located in the E2oolsE column. DiskPulse *er+er pro+ides a large set of ad+anced disk
change monitoring options allowing one to customi?e monitoring operations for user3specific
needs and re<uirements. "n order to customi?e ad+anced disk change monitoring options= click
the E.dit CommandE 0utton located in the E2oolsE column.
DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
4.) -eviewin Monitorin "tatus and Detected +,anes

"n order to +iew an extended status for a disk change monitoring command= click on the
monitoring command item on the DiskPulse *er+er main status page. 2he command status
page shows the current status of the disk change monitoring command= the num0er of
detected file s1stem changes= the change rate= the monitoring process time and the total
num0er of executed actions= sa+ed reports and sent .3Mail notifications.

"n order to re+iew detected changes for an acti+e or completed disk change monitoring
command= open the monitoring command status page and press the E8iew ChangesE 0utton.
For each detected file s1stem change= the disk change monitoring results page shows the date
and time of the change= the t1pe of the change operation Jcreated= modified= deleted= etc.L=
the si?e of the file as recorded at the time of the change= the owner of the changed file or
director1 and the name of the changed file or director1.

DiskPulse *er+er pro+ides the a0ilit1 to export detected file s1stem changes into a large
num0er of different formats including ;2ML= text= .xcel C*8= FML= PDF and the DiskPulse
nati+e report format= which ma1 0e used to 0ackup a histor1 of disk change monitoring
reports= su0mit reports from multiple production ser+ers into a centrali?ed */L data0ase and
then perform ad+anced search and anal1sis operations.
DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
4.1 #dvanced Disk +,ane Monitorin O!tions

DiskPulse pro+ides a large num0er of ad+anced disk change monitoring options allowing one
to control specific t1pes of file s1stem changes to monitor= which t1pes of files to monitor and
allows one to automaticall1 sa+e reports and>or send .3Mail notifications when a user3specified
num0er of changes detected.

"n order to open the ad+anced disk change monitoring options page= open the disk change
monitoring command configuration page and press the E6d+ancedE 0utton. 2he ad+anced
options page pro+ides the a0ilit1 to control the default report title= the num0er of file s1stem
changes to keep in s1stem memor1= the num0er of changes to trigger automatic report
generation and .3Mail notification actions and a user3defined list of actions to execute when
the specified num0er of changes detected.

"n order to configure which t1pes of file s1stem changes to monitor= open the monitoring
command configuration page and press the EMonitorE 0utton. 91 default= DiskPulse monitors all
t1pes of file s1stem changes= 0ut in some situations= the user ma1 need to focus on +er1
specific t1pes of changes. For example= in order to monitor file delete operations onl1=
unselect created files= modified files and renamed files change notifications.
DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
4.3 Monitorin "!eci4ic 52!es o4 %iles

*ometimes= it ma1 0e re<uired to monitor specific t1pes of files while hiding changes detected
in not important or temporar1 files. For example= the user ma1 0e interested to detect all
changed programs and DLL li0raries and hide all other file s1stem changes. DiskPulse pro+ides
the a0ilit1 to configure one or more file matching rules specif1ing which files to monitor. 7hen
one or more file matching rules are configured for a disk change monitoring command=
DiskPulse will show files matching the rules and skip all other files.

"n order to configure file matching rules for a disk change monitoring command= open the
monitoring command configuration page and press the E,ulesE 0utton. 4ow= press the E6dd
,uleE 0utton= select an appropriate rule t1pe and specif1 all the re<uired parameters.

DiskPulse pro+ides man1 different t1pes of file matching rules allowing one to filter files 01 the
file t1pe= si?e= location= attri0utes= user name= etc. Multiple different t1pes of file matching
rules ma1 0e added to a single disk change monitoring operation allowing one to precisel1
select which t1pes of files to monitor.
DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
4.10 '$cludin Directories 4ro& t,e Monitorin Process

DiskPulse *er+er pro+ides the a0ilit1 to exclude one or more directories from the disk change
monitoring process. "n order to configure exclude directories for a disk change monitoring
operation= open the monitoring profile dialog= select the E.xcludeE ta0 and add one or more
directories to exclude.

"n the simplest case= Bust add a full director1 path to exclude from the disk change monitoring
process. "n addition= ad+anced users are pro+ided with a num0er of exclude directories macro
commands allowing one to exclude multiple directories using a single macro command.

DiskPulse *er+er pro+ides the following exclude directories macro commandsC

(6'7*8" 95e$t "trin: 3 this macro command excludes all changes detected in
directories 0eginning with the specified text string.
(+O85#*8" 95e$t "trin: 3 this macro command excludes all changes detected in
directories containing the specified text string.
('8D" 95e$t "trin: 3 this macro command excludes all changes detected in
directories ending with the specified text string.
(-'7'; 9-eular '$!ression: 3 this macro command excludes all changes
detected in directories matching the specified regular expression.

For example= the exclude macro command EHC:426"4* 2emporar1 FilesE will exclude all
changes detected in directories with E2emporar1 FilesE at an1 place in the full director1 path
and the exclude macro command EH,.5.F I.J2MPK2.MPLHE will exclude changes detected in
directories ending with E.2MPE or E.2.MPE.

DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
4.11 "endin '<Mail 8oti4ications

DiskPulse pro+ides the a0ilit1 to send .3Mail notifications when a disk change monitoring
command detects a user3specified num0er of changes. "n order to configure .3Mail
notifications= open the main settings page and click on the EConfigure .3Mail *er+erE link.

:n the .3Mail ser+er configuration page= enter the *M2P ser+er host name= port= user name=
password and the source .3Mail address to use to send .3Mail notifications. :ptionall1= ena0le
the secure *M2P connection mode and select an appropriate securit1 algorithm.

4ow= open the ad+anced disk change monitoring options page= press the E6dd 6ctionE 0utton=
select an appropriate .3Mail notification t1pe and enter a destination .3Mail address to send
notifications to. 2he simplest notification t1pe is the E;2ML .3Mail 4otificationE which includes
detected file s1stem changes in the .3Mail message 0od1 in the ;2ML format. 6 more
ad+anced option is the EPDF ,eportE notification= which attaches a PDF report to each .3Mail
notification and includes graphical pie charts and additional statistics.
DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
4.12 "avin Disk +,ane Monitorin -e!orts

"n addition to .3Mail notifications= DiskPulse pro+ides the a0ilit1 to automaticall1 sa+e disk
change monitoring reports when a user3specified num0er of changes detected. "n order to
configure automatic report generation= open the ad+anced disk change monitoring page= press
the E6dd 6ctionE 0utton= select an appropriate report format and specif1 a file name or a
director1 name to sa+e reports to.

"f a file name is specified= DiskPulse will alwa1s sa+e reports to the same file and this file will
contain last F file s1stem changes according to the user3specified configuration. "f a director1
name is specified= DiskPulse will automaticall1 generate report file names including the report
date and time for each new report file.

DiskPulse pro+ides a +ariet1 of report formats including ;2ML= text= .xcel C*8= FML= PDF and
the nati+e DiskPulse report format= which ma1 0e used to 0ackup a histor1 of detected file
s1stem changes= su0mit reports from multiple ser+ers to a centrali?ed */L data0ase and then
perform ad+anced search and anal1sis operations.
DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
4.13 "avin -e!orts to an "./ Data0ase

DiskPulse allows one to sa+e disk change monitoring reports in an */L data0ase. "n order to
ena0le */L data0ase reports= open the main settings page and click on the EConfigure */L
Data0aseE link. :n the */L data0ase configuration page enter the :D9C data source= user
name and password to use to sa+e reports to the */L data0ase.

4ow= open the ad+anced disk change monitoring options page= press the E6dd 6ctionE 0utton
and select the E*a+e ,eport to */L Data0aseE action t1pe. During the disk change monitoring
process= DiskPulse ser+er will sa+e e+er1 F detected file s1stem changes to the specified */L
data0ase according to the configuration set on the ad+anced monitoring options page.

DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
7ith an ena0led and properl1 configured */L data0ase= all reports sa+ed in the */L data0ase
will 0e displa1ed on the reports page. "n order to open the reports page= press the E,eportsE
0utton located on the DiskPulse *er+er main status page. For each disk change monitoring
report= the reports page shows the report "D= the report date and time= the name of the disk
change monitoring command generated the report and the num0er of file s1stem changes
sa+ed in each specific report.

DiskPulse *er+er pro+ides the a0ilit1 to export pre+iousl1 sa+ed disk change monitoring
reports to one of the standard report formats including ;2ML= text= .xcel C*8= FML= PDF and
the DiskPulse nati+e report format. "n order to export a pre+iousl1 sa+ed disk change
monitoring report= press the E*a+eE 0utton located in the E2oolsE column.

"n order to open a pre+iousl1 sa+ed disk change monitoring report= Bust click on the report
item displa1ed on the reports page. For each detected file s1stem change= the disk change
monitoring results page shows the date and time of the change= the t1pe of the change
operation Jcreated= modified= deleted= etc.L= the si?e of the file as recorded at the time of the
change= the owner of the changed file or director1 and the name of the changed file or
DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
4.14 Disk +,ane Monitorin Gistor2 "tatistics

DiskPulse .nterprise allows one to displa1 histor1 statistics pie charts showing the num0er of
changes per file extension= the num0er of changes per change t1pe and the num0er of
changes per user name.

"n order to open the disk change monitoring statistics dialog= start the DiskPulse client 5%"
application= select a disk change monitoring command= press the right mouse 0utton and
select the ECommand *tatisticsE menu item.

91 default= DiskPulse .nterprise keeps disk change monitoring statistics for the last 1- da1s.
"n order to change the histor1 statistics configuration options= connect to DiskPulse .nterprise
using the client 5%" application and open the E:ptionsE dialog.

DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
4.15 Usin DiskPulse 'nter!rise

DiskPulse .nterprise can 0e used as a centrali?ed reports data0ase ser+er capa0le of recei+ing
disk change monitoring reports from multiple production ser+ers. DiskPulse .nterprise allows
one to define a centrali?ed set of report anal1sis rules= which are automaticall1 applied to disk
change monitoring reports recei+ed from production ser+ers= detect critical file s1stem
changes and send .3Mail notifications.

DiskPulse .nterprise runs in the 0ackground as a ser+ice and uses a 0uilt3in reports data0ase
to store disk change monitoring reports recei+ed from production ser+ers. 2he user is pro+ided
with a client 5%" application= which connects to DiskPulse .nterprise through the network and
allows one to re+iew recei+ed reports= configure report anal1sis rules and manage the reports

"n order to define one or more anal1sis rules= press the E,ulesE 0utton located on the main tool
0ar in the DiskPulse client 5%" application. :n the E6nal1sis ,ulesE dialog= press the E6ddE
0utton= specif1 the rule description= select the t1pe of the action to perform and enter an .3
Mail address to send notifications to.
DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
:ptionall1= select the E,ulesE ta0 and add one or more file matching rules specif1ing file t1pes
the rule should 0e applied to. Finall1= the E6d+ancedE ta0 allows one to control the following
ad+anced optionsC hosts the rule should 0e applied to Jall or a specific hostL= report titles the
rule should 0e applied to and change t1pes the rule should 0e applied to Jall or a specific
change t1peL.

2he specified report anal1sis rules are applied to incoming disk change monitoring reports in
the same order as specified in the E,ulesE dialog. "n order to change the order of a rule= select
the rule and press the E%pE or EDownE 0uttons. 2he simplest wa1 to su0mit a disk change
monitoring report to DiskPulse .nterprise is to use the regular DiskPulse 5%" application=
which is a+aila0le in DiskPulse= DiskPulse Pro and DiskPulse %ltimate installations. "n order to
su0mit a disk change monitoring report= start the DiskPulse 5%" application and select the EFile
3 *u0mit to DiskPulse *er+erE menu item.

:n the E*u0mitE dialog specif1 the host name or the "P address of the DiskPulse .nterprise and
press the E:kE 0utton. 91 default= the DiskPulse .nterprise uses the 2CP>"P port (1- to
recei+e reports from production ser+ers= 0ut the port num0er ma1 0e changed to an1 custom
port num0er according to user3specific needs. "n order to specif1 a user3custom port num0er
when su0mitting reports to the DiskPulse .nterprise use the following formatC hostnameCport.

Manual su0mission of disk change monitoring reports to the DiskPulse .nterprise is good for
testing purposes= 0ut if 1ou need to automaticall1 collect disk change monitoring reports from
a num0er of production ser+ers to a central DiskPulse data0ase ser+er= 1ou need to configure
automatic report su0mission actions.

"n order to configure DiskPulse ser+ers Jrunning on production ser+ersL to automaticall1
su0mit disk change monitoring reports to the DiskPulse data0ase ser+er= open the disk change
monitoring command Jon each production ser+erL= select the E6d+ancedE ta0= ena0le execution
of automatic disk monitoring actions= specif1 the num0er of changes to trigger the actions and
add a disk monitoring action configured to send reports to a DiskPulse .nterprise.

DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
4.16 Usin DiskPulse "erver +o&&and /ine Utilit2

DiskPulse *er+er pro+ides a command line utilit1 allowing one to control one or more ser+ers
locall1 or through the network using 0atch files and shell scripts. 2he DiskPulse command line
utilit1 is located in the ?9ProductDir:@0in? director1.

DiskPulse +o&&and /ine Utilit2 "erver +o&&andsA

disk!ulse <serverDs,owDco&&ands

2his command shows disk change monitoring commands configured in the DiskPulse ser+er.

disk!ulse <serverDe$ecuteDco&&and 9Monitorin +o&&and 8a&e:

2his command s1nchronousl1 executes the specified disk change monitoring command.

disk!ulse <serverDstartDco&&and 9Monitorin +o&&and 8a&e:

2his command starts the specified disk change monitoring command and exists.

disk!ulse <serverD!auseDco&&and 9Monitorin +o&&and 8a&e:

2his command pauses an acti+e disk change monitoring command.

disk!ulse <serverDresetDco&&and 9Monitorin +o&&and 8a&e:

2his command resets and clears detected file s1stem changes from an acti+e disk change
monitoring command.

disk!ulse <serverDsto!Dco&&and 9Monitorin +o&&and 8a&e:

2his command stops an acti+e disk change monitoring command.

disk!ulse <serverDs,owDc,anes 9Monitorin +o&&and 8a&e:

2his command shows file s1stem changes detected 01 a disk change monitoring command.
DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
disk!ulse <serverDsaveDre!ort 9+o&&and 8a&e: <4or&at 9-e!ort %or&at:

2his command sa+es file s1stem changes detected 01 a disk change monitoring command to a
report file according to the specified report format= which ma1 0e set to one of the following
+aluesC ;2ML= 2.F2= C*8= FML= PDF and FL, Jthe nati+e DiskPulse report formatL. "n addition=
the command line utilit1 pro+ides the ?<re!ort? command line option= which ma1 0e used to
specif1 a file name or a director1 name to sa+e the report to. "f no file name or director1 name
is specified= the report will 0e sa+ed in the userEs home director1 with an automaticall1
generated file name including the current date and time.

disk!ulse <serverDsaveDtoDdata0ase 9+o&&and 8a&e:

2his command sa+es detected changes to the */L data0ase configured on the E:ptionsE dialog.

disk!ulse <serverDco&&andDstatus 9+o&&and 8a&e:

2his command shows the status of the specified disk change monitoring command.

disk!ulse <serverD status

2his command shows the DiskPulse *er+er de0ug status.

disk!ulse <serverDs,owDde0uDlo

2his command shows the DiskPulse *er+er de0ug message log.

disk!ulse <serverDclearDde0uDlo

2his command clears the DiskPulse *er+er de0ug message log.

disk!ulse <serverDsetDuser 9User 8a&e:

2his command sets the DiskPulse *er+er user name. "n order to reset a forgotten user name=
execute the command locall1 on the same host where the DiskPulse ser+er is installed on.

disk!ulse <serverDsetD!assword 9Password:

2his command sets the DiskPulse *er+er password. "n order to reset a forgotten password=
execute the command locall1 on the same host where the DiskPulse ser+er is installed on.

disk!ulse <serverDsetD!ort 9"erver +ontrol Port:

2his command sets the DiskPulse ser+er control port Jdefault is (1-L. 6fter executing this
command= the DiskPulse ser+ice should 0e restarted. "n order to 0e a0le to connect to the
ser+er through the network the ser+er control port should 0e open in the ser+erEs firewall.

+o&&and /ine O!tionsA

<,ost 9Gost 8a&e:

*ets the host name of the DiskPulse ser+er to connect to Jdefault is localhostL.

<!ort 9Port 8u&0er:

*ets the DiskPulse ser+er control port num0er to connect to Jdefault is (1-L.

<user 9User 8a&e:

*ets the DiskPulse ser+er user name to login with Jdefault is Ead&inEL.

<!assword 9Password:

*ets the DiskPulse ser+er password to login with Jdefault is Ead&inEL.
DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
4.1) +on4iurin DiskPulse "erver

DiskPulse *er+er pro+ides a +ariet1 of configuration options allowing one to easil1 integrate
the product into a user3specific network en+ironment. "n order to open the main settings
page= click on the E*ettingsE link located on the top menu 0ar.

4.11 +on4iurin +usto& User 8a&e and Password

2he DiskPulse *er+er we030ased management console re<uires users to login with a DiskPulse
user name and password. 2he default user name and password is set to ad&in>ad&in. "n
addition= DiskPulse *er+er pro+ides the a0ilit1 to set a custom user name and>or password for
the DiskPulse we030ased management interface and the command line utilit1= which ma1 0e
used to automate configuration and management tasks.

"n order to set a custom user name and password= click on the EConfigure *er+er LoginE link
located on the main settings page= enter a new user name and password and press the E*a+eE
DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
4.13 +on4iurin +usto& "erver Ports

DiskPulse *er+er uses the 2CP>"P port (1- as the default ser+er control port and the 2CP>"P
port &- as the default we0 access port. *ometimes= these ports ma1 0e in use 01 some other
software products or s1stem ser+ices. "f one or 0oth of these ports are in use= DiskPulse
*er+er will 0e una0le to operate properl1 and the user needs to change the DiskPulse ser+er
control port and>or we0 access port.

"n order to set a custom ser+er control port and>or we0 access port= click on the E*etup *er+er
PortsE link located on the main settings page and enter a custom ser+er control port or we03
access port to use. "f the DiskPulse ser+er should 0e controlled through the network= make
sure the ser+er control port and the we0 access port are open in the ser+erEs firewall.
4.20 +on4iurin '<Mail "erver

"n order to 0e a0le to send .3Mail notifications= open the main settings page and click on the
EConfigure .3Mail *er+erE link. :n the .3Mail ser+er configuration page= enter the *M2P ser+er
host name= port= user name= password and the source .3Mail address to use to send .3Mail
notifications. :ptionall1= ena0le the secure *M2P connection mode and select an appropriate
securit1 algorithm.

DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
4.21 U!datin DiskPulse "erver

Flexense de+elops DiskPulse *er+er using a fast release c1cle with minor product +ersions=
updates and 0ug fixes released e+er1 month and maBor product +ersions released e+er1 1ear.
4ew product +ersions and product updates are pu0lished on the product we0 site and ma1 0e
downloaded from the following pageC httpC>>>downloads.html.

Due to the fact that the product is especiall1 designed for ser+ers running in production
en+ironments where sta0ilit1 is a maBor decision factor= DiskPulse *er+er updates should 0e
manuall1 installed 01 the user. "n order to update an existing product installation= download
the latest product +ersion and Bust start the setup program.

2he DiskPulse *er+er setup program will properl1 shutdown the running DiskPulse ser+ice=
update the product and restart the DiskPulse ser+ice after finishing the update procedure. 6ll
product configuration files= configured disk change monitoring commands= sa+ed disk change
monitoring reports and product registration will remain +alid and there is nothing to
reconfigure or manage after the update.

DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
4.22 -eisterin DiskPulse "erver

7ithin a couple of hours after purchasing a product license= the customer will recei+e two e3
mail messagesC the first one confirming the pa1ment and the second one containing an unlock
ke1= which should 0e used to register the product. "f 1ou will not recei+e 1our unlock ke1
within ' hours= please check 1our spam 0ox and if the unlock ke1 is not in the spam 0ox
contact our support teamC su!!ortE4le$

"f the computer where DiskPulse *er+er is installed on is connected to the "nternet= login to
the DiskPulse ser+er Jdefault user name and passwordC ad&in>ad&inL using a standard we0
0rowser= click on the E60outE link located on the top menu 0ar= press the E,egisterE 0utton=
enter 1our name or 1our compan1 name= enter the recei+ed unlock ke1 and press the
E,egisterE 0utton.

"f the computer is not connected to the "nternet= press the EManual ,egistrationE 0utton=
export the product "D file and send the product "D file to reisterEdisk! as an
attachment. 7ithin a couple of hours= 1ou will recei+e an unlock file= which should 0e imported
in order to finish the registration procedure.
DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
4.23 Disk Pulse "erver O'M Version

Flexense pro+ides s1stem integrators= +alue3added distri0utors and "2 ser+ice pro+iders with
the a0ilit1 to resell DiskPulse *er+er and>or pro+ide ser+ices 0ased on the product under third3
part1 0rand names. ,esellers and integrators are pro+ided with the a0ilit1 to change the
product name= the product we0 site address= the product +endor name and the product +endor
we0 site address.

"n order to 0e a0le to set custom :.M product and +endor information= the user needs to
register the product using a special :.M3.na0led unlock ke1= which ma1 0e purchased on the
product purchase page. :nce the product is registered using an :.M unlock ke1= open the
E60outE page= press the E*et :.M "nfoE 0utton= specif1 1our custom :.M product and +endor
information and press the E*a+eE 0utton.

Custom :.M product and +endor information will 0e displa1ed on all pages of the DiskPulse
we030ased management interface= in all t1pes of reports generated 01 the product and all
notification .3Mail messages sent 01 DiskPulse *er+er.

DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
5 #!!endi$
5.1 *nstallin M2"./ Data0ase

DiskPulse is capa0le of sa+ing disk change monitoring reports in an */L data0ase. ,eports
ma1 0e sa+ed manuall1 or automaticall1 using conditional report generation actions triggered
when a user3specified num0er of changes detected in a disk or director1. */L Data0ase
integration is a+aila0le in DiskPulse %ltimate= DiskPulse *er+er and DiskPulse .nterprise.

"n order to configure DiskPulse to use the M1*/L data0ase= the user needs to install the
following two componentsC the M1*/L *er+er and the M1*/L :D9C connector. First of all=
letNs install the M1*/L *er+er. Download the latest +ersion of the M1*/L ser+er from the
M1*/L we0 site and execute the setup program to start the installation procedure. :n the
setup t1pe page= select the O21picalN setup t1pe and press the O4extN 0utton. 91 default= the
setup will install the M1*/L ser+er and a command line utilit1= which will 0e used to configure
the M1*/L ser+er.

:n the next setup page= select the OConfigure the M1*/L *er+er nowN option and press the
OFinishN 0utton. 2he setup program will open a M1*/L configuration wi?ard allowing one to
configure 0asic ser+er settings.

DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
:n the next setup page= select the ODetailed ConfigurationN option and press the O4extN 0utton.
2he detailed configuration mode is re<uired to configure the M1*/L ser+er for maximum
data0ase performance.

:n the next page= select the O*er+er MachineN option= which is the most 0alanced configuration
for t1pical DiskPulse *er+er and DiskPulse .nterprise workloads. "f the ser+er is intended to
process large +olumes of reports and is dedicated for DiskPulse .nterprise= select the
ODedicated *er+erN configuration option.

DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
:n the next page= select the O4on32ransactional Data0aseN option. DiskPulse does not perform
concurrent insert or modif1 operations on the data0ase and a transactional data0ase is not
re<uired. Moreo+er= configuring the M1*/L ser+er as a non3transactional data0ase will
significantl1 impro+e the performance of data0ase import operations.

:n the next page= select the OManual *ettingN option and set the num0er of concurrent
data0ase connections to )= which is the optimal num0er for DiskPulse %ltimate= DiskPulse
*er+er and DiskPulse .nterprise installations.

DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
:n the next page= ena0le 2CP>"P networking and if the ser+er will 0e accessed from other
computers on the network= add a firewall exception for the M1*/L ser+er port. "n general= a
single M1*/L ser+er ma1 0e used to collect reports from multiple DiskPulse *er+ers using
remote :D9C connections.

:n the next page select an appropriate character set. 91 default= DiskPulse uses the %2F3&
character set to store names of files and directories= 0ut if there is no need to process %nicode
file names= this option ma1 0e set to the standard Latin1 character set.

DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
:n the next page= select the O"nstall as 7indows *er+iceN option and select the O"nclude 9in
Director1 in 7indows P62;N option. 2he P62; option will ena0le execution of the M1*/L
command line utilit1 from an1 location.

:n the next page= select the OModif1 *ecurit1 *ettingsN option and specif1 a root password for
the M1*/L ser+er= which later will 0e used to configure regular M1*/L users.

2hatNs all. Press the O4extN 0utton to finish the installation procedure.

DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
5.2 +on4iurin M2"./ Data0ase

2he M1*/L data0ase pro+ides the Om1s<lN command line utilit1= which ma1 0e used to
configure the data0ase and the user account to 0e used 01 DiskPulse.

"n order to configure the M1*/L data0ase= open the command prompt window and t1pe the
following commandC

&2sHl Iu root I!

2his command will start the Om1s<lN command line utilit1 and login to the M1*/L ser+er with
root permissions. 2he user will 0e asked to pro+ide the root password= which was specified
during the M1*/L ser+er installation procedure.

:nce logged in= the user needs to create a data0ase that will 0e used 01 DiskPulse to store
disk change monitoring reports. "n order to do that= t1pe the following commandC

create data0ase disk!ulseJ

4ow= add a user account that will 0e used 01 DiskPulse to su0mit reports to the data0ase.
*ingle <uotes are re<uired and should 0e specified exactl1 as displa1ed.

create user Kdisk!ulseLELlocal,ostL identi4ied 02 K!asswordLJ

4ow= grant permissions to the user account using the following commandC

rant all !rivilees on M.M to Kdisk!ulseLELlocal,ostLJ

Finall1= flush user pri+ileges using the following command.

4lus, !rivileesJ

2hatNs all. 4ow the M1*/L ser+er is full1 configured. "n order to disconnect from the M1*/L
data0ase= Bust t1pe OHuitN in the command window.
DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
5.3 *nstallin and +on4iurin M2"./ OD6+ Data "ource

DiskPulse connects to the M1*/L data0ase through the :D9C interface. Download an
appropriate +ersion of the M1*/L :D9C connector from the M1*/L we0 site and execute the
setup program. 2here are no critical configuration options in the M1*/L :D9C connector
installation procedure and the user can Bust press the O4extN 0utton until the last page keeping
the default configuration options.

6fter finished installing M1*/L :D9C Connector= open the 7indows control panel and select
O6dministrati+e 2ools Data *ources J:D9CLN. :n the :D9C 6dministrator window= select the
O*1stem D*4N ta0 and press the O6ddN 0utton. :n the next page= select the OM1*/L :D9C
Dri+erN and press the OFinishN 0utton.

DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
:n the next page= enter a new data source name= which will 0e used 01 DiskPulse to connect
to the data0ase. *pecif1 the name of the host where the M1*/L ser+er is running on and
enter the M1*/L user name and password that should 0e used 01 DiskPulse to connect to the
data0ase. Finall1= select the name of the data0ase that should 0e used to store disk change
monitoring reports. 6fter finished specif1ing all the re<uired information= press the O2estN
0utton to check the data0ase connection.

5.4 +on4iurin DiskPulse Data0ase +onnection

"n order to configure DiskPulse to use the installed M1*/L data0ase= open the options dialog
and select the OData0aseN ta0. .na0le the :D9C interface and enter the name of the :D9C
data source= the data0ase user name and password that were specified for the :D9C data
source. Finall1= press the O8erif1N 0utton to check the DiskPulse data0ase connection.

DiskPulse Disk Change Monitor Flexense Ltd.
5.5 "u!!orted O!eratin "2ste&s

"u!!orted 32<6it O!eratin "2ste&s

7indows ---
7indows FP
7indows 8ista
7indows $
7indows &
7indows &.1
7indows *er+er --!
7indows *er+er --&
7indows *er+er -1

"u!!orted 64<6it O!eratin "2ste&s

7indows FP #'39it
7indows 8ista #'39it
7indows $ #'39it
7indows & #'39it
7indows &.1 #'39it
7indows *er+er --! #'39it
7indows *er+er --& #'39it
7indows *er+er -1 #'39it

5.6 "2ste& -eHuire&ents

Mini&al "2ste& +on4iuration

*upported :perating *1stem
1 5;? or 0etter CP%
)1 M9 of s1stem memor1
) M9 of free disk space
"nternet .xplorer (= FireFox 1= Chrome 1$ or newer is re<uired for proper operation
of the DiskPulse *er+er we030ased management interface

-eco&&ended "2ste& +on4iuration

*upported :perating *1stem
5;? or 0etter dual3core CP%
1 59 of s1stem memor1
) M9 of free disk space
"nternet .xplorer (= FireFox 1= Chrome 1$ or newer is re<uired for proper operation
of the DiskPulse *er+er we030ased management interface

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