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Book 4: ‘Life Destiny

Mapping’ (LDM)

“Map Your Dream Life”

“U s i n g y o u r i n n a t e a b i l i t y t o m a n i f e s t
y o u r d re a m life ”

©2004 Brian Morgan LDM Method

13 pages
“If it’s going to be, it’s up to me.” Great words that we really
need to honor in life. In the developed world, we are born
into a world of commerce. And the media all around us
feeds this belief that the world is for our benefit and that we
need to compete and win to gain the material benefits of a
wealthy lifestyle. The media messages also tell us that we
can have everything we want; all we need to do is purchase
it; that’s consumerism. Schools themselves teach us how to
reason and use our intellectual capacities for our future
positions in a company. So from the start we are
programmed that life is all about work and normally
working for someone other than yourself. What if we
instead believed that we had to start our own LIFE and our
own business to succeed? That’s exactly what people did
hundreds of years ago! That would be very different,
wouldn’t you agree? Life starts out very structured being in
a school environment and then perhaps a similarly
structured college environment. But the world of business
and service to others is not so structured. In business
normally, we don’t deal with text books and notes on the
board, we deal with human beings. Human beings that
we have no idea about their real reasons for needing our
services. We just tend to fit into society and companies and
do as we are told from the ‘upper management’. And with
your life dictated by the plans and goals of other people
(people you serve as customers and people you serve as an
employee) you don’t get much time to live the life that you
want. Why? Because in every job there is someone that
needs your service (customers) and there is someone
that needs your obedience (your boss and company).
So, it’s no wonder that people tend to feel that their life may
be ‘out of control’. In the above examples, most of us spend
at least 8 hours a day doing things to please other people.
Somewhere in our brain we rationalize this as just the way
the world works. You become imprisoned by a company
and it’s plans, and the people you have to serve in
accordance to the company’s plans. So I can see why many
people feel as though they are being pulled in many
directions, and escape is just a dream.

Having real freedom, I guess, would mean that each day

would be like a day on vacation. You could get up and plan
to do whatever you wish for the day, knowing full well there
will be plenty of people to serve your needs. Or perhaps
your view of freedom is doing exactly what you want to do
whenever you want to do it. This route might also seem
like a prison, because by nature we feel more secure in
having a little ‘game plan’ and ‘reason’ for the day we
are living. Total freedom must also be bound with plans
and reasons. Otherwise freedom becomes just a vast circle
of doing things with no reason or plan. And maybe for some
that is real freedom. At my stage in life I enjoy knowing that I
can be spontaneous, yet feel overly drawn to planning my
day or life so that an underlying purpose is
acknowledged. I am not one that likes going, going, and
going just for no apparent reason. Innate within me is a part
of my being that wants the pieces of my life to attain some
semblance of being a creation of my desires, not just
random puzzle pieces that all come from different puzzles.

So freedom to me, is the desire to reach a point

(perhaps financially) in which my daily life coincides
with the vision I have for the perfect life. Working for
others always was the way I did things until new
opportunities came up for me to work part-time jobs and
learn about business ownership. Much of what I have
learned came from the MLM-Network Marketing industry.
Today I have a company that I am growing, bit by bit, and
just the process of creating something of value for
others is very rewarding. It’s like an inventor’s emotions
after he invents the airplane. First it was just an idea, next
there where tests, next there were flights. And today flying is
a common mode of transportation, but one invented from a
single idea. So ideas that we have are very important, if
we build upon them, otherwise they become just files
somewhere in our memory banks. Ideas have the power to
change our entire lives, but we must first cancel any
‘doubt’ that the mind/spirit has limits. Limits are
generally a self-imposed mask that we put on daily to not
appear too crazy or grandiose to the normal people stuck at
work with us. Would we ever have the nerve to try
something different, or something that others saw as risky.

Who we are and who we become, I’ve read, is based on

our ‘beliefs’ about who we can become, if we desire
change. And who we are generally is a result of the
circumstances of life that have kept us from doing what we
really love, whether it be a job, lack of education, or being
‘stuck’ in a situation that we did not plan for.

This book is all about changing the “you” you don’t

want… into the “you” you do want! If that makes

I must interrupt and say this one thing, we humans on this

earth are all at different stages of growth. Some of us
may be at the college level of life, while others of us want to
remain at a lower level of simple life say 5th grade. I am not
saying these things to offend people or say that either one is
better than the other, I am merely making a point. For
some people this book will bring greater meaning into their
lives and for others it may just seem like a bunch of

This book started out as a fictional tale to describe Life

Destiny Mapping, (one of my educational eBooks) but at
this stage of my life I feel that shear facts will serve the way I
write much better than painting a pretty fictional story that
has an underlying teaching. And I must thank the many
authors that I have read in the past, for I feel that reading is
a science that delves into the mystical, yet I won’t entertain
that here.

I sincerely hope that this banter is logical and coherent to

you the reader, and you’ll be able to take away from this one
book a sort of key to unlock your future and live the life
you always dreamt about in some way.
All the best, Brian Morgan 10/21/04 Indiana
Can you nutshell Life Destiny Mapping?
Sure, and here goes. Human beings were meant to evolve.
Hopefully to evolve to a better and more fulfilling lifestyle.
Perhaps you picture yourself in your dream lifestyle daily
skiing down the slopes of a large mountain, there are people
doing that today. Or let’s say you always wanted to live in a
big city with all the restaurants and shops to visit each and
very day, there are people living that life today also. But is
there a way to radically turn your life into what your
dream is? Can you change how you see yourself and
your future? The answer I say is absolutely. And this life
change can happen with Life Destiny Mapping or LDM.
LDM is a tool that I will teach you to use, and you will
reap the rewards if you use it daily, even if your not 100%
sure about “How It Works”! So let’s start.

What is a Life Destiny Map?

Very simply it is a picture book that you assemble with your
dreams in it. Each day you pray & meditate and review your
LDM and by the process of prayer & meditation on it and
reviewing it you will bring the right circumstances and right
people and opportunities into your life. There is much
‘science’ behind this method, but I will leave out the
particulars to make this more of a belief or faith based
process, rather than a scientific based plan. In essence
you simply review photos and affirmations about the life you
want to live on a daily basis. It’s best to track your progress
in a journal so that you will “see” when the method is working
for you. I have used this method to create a business of my
own, to attract a new girlfriend into my life, and also to finally
buy the dream car I always wanted. A little Porsche Boxster.
So from my personal experience this process is not theory
but fact. I hope it will operate much the same way for you.

How to make a Life Destiny Map?

First you’ll need to shop for a small 4x6 inch photo album
with room for about 30 or so photos. This is the book that
will contain all your dreams and desires. It’s your LDM
book. Once you have your photo album I want you to ask
yourself some serious questions, you’ll need to write these
out longhand. And be very specific and know why you
answer them the way you do. Start now.

1. If I had $100 million dollars how would I live my


2. If I could have the best job in the world, where

would I work?

3. If I could live anywhere on the planet, where

would that be?

4. If I could do each day the things I desire, what

would they be?

5. What in life gives me the most joy and happiness?

6. Am I living my dream life now, why not?

7. Do I listen to people tell me what’s possible for
me, or what’s not possible for me?

8. Does it make sense to live your life, and then look

back and say you were sorry that you never took
the risks that you knew might have brought you to
your dream life?

Now that those questions have been answered on paper

or in a journal, please keep them in a place you can
review them for a few days.

They are intended to help you break down the limits that
you (and everyone) might have about your life now. We all
have limits and obstacles, yet sometimes we don’t ask
ourselves the right questions to get beyond our mental
limits and try new things in life. To become happier, do
so by planning to become happy each day by doing
what you love. Does that make sense…I hope you’ll
agree with me here? Life becomes more fulfilling if we
are more creatively doing what we enjoy doing.

This is the rough part.

I am going to explain something that may seem to you as a
bit silly or even crazy. Much of your entire life has had limits,
normally. Even ones you are not aware of. To get beyond
these limits (like a new job or new home) you’ve normally
required yourself to want the change (desire) and then
worked overly hard to make the change happen (physical
working). Here’s the rough part. You may be able to
change your entire life just by raising your emotions
(feeling for desire) high enough to ‘believe’ that your
dreams are right around the corner. I won’t go into
discussion of the brain, mind, consciousness, or God, but I
will give you clues as to how your own abilities can help
you create the dream life you seek. First think of your
brain and body as a whole unit. The brain can make the
body feel emotionally good, or emotionally bad. So it’s
important what we keep our thoughts on. If you have
ever had a ‘bad day’ and you do a little thinking- you’ll notice
that your mind talked you into having a bad day. This
internal dialogue between you and yourself is what we are
going to rapidly change in Life Destiny Mapping. Our own
‘beliefs’ trigger how we will feel….either good, bad, or
somewhere in the middle. The rough part is accepting the
fact that only you can make yourself feel good, bad, or
otherwise. That is the rough part. Wouldn’t you like to
feel good all the time? If you did feel great all the time your
life would change in an instant. So remember this short
section on ‘the rough part’, because your feelings are up
to you. You are now in control of them. By choosing to
think about the good things or the bad things in life you
control your emotions. Many people get stuck in the past,
but your past is never really your future. The past is like a
stone that’s already been thrown away from you, it doesn’t
control you and you should not let past emotions control your
present emotions. Choose to feel good, even great by
simply going back to a time in life when everything was
perfect for you, or dream about the future in which
everything works out as planned. That vision should bring
you happiness at anytime you need to ‘pick yourself up’ a bit.
You choose your emotions, so choose ones that you
like living with!

Let’s Make a Life Destiny Map….

See- Hear- Feel- Do-
I want you to write out the perfect life for yourself.
Write, write, write down to the last detail of everything
you want your future life to be. It’s smart to keep this to
yourself, because they are your dreams and your life. You
don’t need any critics helping you ‘believe’ that life is going
to be worse than what you can imagine as your perfect
lifestyle. So write down everything that you want, desire,
need, and also picture yourself living your perfect life
what will that be like? Exactly. When you wake up, what
do you see & do? During the morning what to you see and
do? During the afternoon, what do you see and do? Then in
the evening, what do you see, hear, feel, and do?

Now comes the great part.

Now that you have answered some serious questions about
yourself and the perfect life you want, it’s time to put them
into your LDM book. Find pictures of the car you want,
the house you need, the job or career you’d love, the
family that you want, the place or city you’d love to live
in. To make this easier I will give you an initial guide for the
pictures you’ll need in your LDM book.
1. Where are you living? (Get a picture of it for the book)
2. What kind of job do you have? “ “
3. How many friends do you have? “”
4. What kind of house do you have? “”
5. What do you do in morning, afternoon, evening?””
6. What kind of financial freedom do you have?””
7. What activities do you do in spare time?””
8. What do you do for yourself - health?””
9. What do you do for your family?””
10. What activities do you do that bring you daily

So at this point you should have found about 10 pictures of

your dream life. Put these pictures in your LDM book.

>>> But keep it private, for your eyes only.

Next, type or write a caption about each picture. Like for

#1 above: “I am living in the Colorado Mountains seeing the
sun come up daily, and getting ready for work while enjoying
my favorite music.” Each picture in your LDM book will
have a statement that brings you a feeling of ‘being
there’ and ‘feeling great’. The more you can attach more
emotional words to these pictures the better. So as you
finish you have 10 (or so) pictures of your dream lifestyle.
And each photo has under it an affirmation, like I mentioned

The next steps

Now that you have your LDM book, I will explain to you how
it’s used. In the morning if you have prayer, meditation,
affirmation, or reading time you’ll want to set aside 10-30
minutes for the LDM Method. Pick a spot in your home that
is quiet and one in which is private for you. I sit in a
meditative position on a pillow with my back against a couch
or wall. Next I flip through my LDM book one page at a time.
During the time I look at the pictures and read the words
below it, I emotionally take myself there, so that I can
hear, feel, see, and touch in my mind’s eye all that is
around me in that picture. The more emotion you can
generate, the better the response of your body/mind
sending out the energy (or prayer) for what you know
will manifest. Like if I picture myself jogging up a snowy
mountain trail before breakfast, I might close my eyes and
feel all the senses of actually being there. In this way you
are orchestrating with the energies of this world (universe)
and feeling the result you want (it’s like a very emotionally
packed prayer). So as you go through each page you do the
same thing of tying your feelings, thoughts, emotions, and
visions into really believing that you are experiencing that
moment in that picture. So each morning and night repeat
this exercise and you’ll be amazed at how seemingly
random events will happen to take you to your dream
lifestyle. It is important to shed any and all doubt while
you practice your LDM Method. Feel in your entire being
that the pictures you’ve chosen and the words you’ve
selected are coming true. Your mind and body is
communicating with the mind of the universe or of “God”,
however you describe the intelligent life force that creates
and generates new life each moment.

A journal is a great way of keeping track of your LDM

Method Practices. You really want to get into the habit of
doing these practices at least twice per day for 10 to 30
minutes each.

In this way you are communicating to your inner self what is

going to happen in your life (outer self). Also you are
communicating these powerful emotions, thoughts, and
feelings (prayers) to the universe (or “God”) that will
empower your dreams to manifest with more regularity and
with ease rather than struggle. So know that once you
start practicing the LDM Method you must keep at it, and
even journal your daily results or your weekly results. Your
mind might not know how the your life is going to go from
“now” to “then” but by honoring ‘what you want’ the universe
will respond to help you. Sometimes very quickly, and other
times with a bit of work and knowledge on your part.

Please send me detailed comments about this manuscript as

I need to k now w hat to improv e bef ore I publish it. “Life
D es t in y M a p p in g ” ( LD M ) w a s c r ea t ed b y B r ia n M o r g a n
af ter doing much reading and y ears of practice w ith such
ex pert authors lik e D eep a k C h o p r a , A n t h o n y ( T o n y )
R o b b in s , W a y n e D y er , T o m H o p k in s , Z ig Z ig l a r , and many

©2004 Brian Morgan LIFE DESTINY MAPPING™

METHOD©2006 Brian Morgan / Digital Products LLC.

email Brian=

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