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Christof Teuscher

Fall 2013


Group Presentation
o You will be woiking in teams of 4 foi this assignment. Teams aie assigneu (see list below).
o Each team will have to wiite a team agieement. The team agieement must contain a uefinition of
the iole anu the specific tasks of each team membei.
o Each gioup has an assigneu topic. The piesentation must offei an in-uepth analysis of this topic.
o You aie encouiageu to auuiess how the topic evolveu ovei time. E.g., how was life uefineu in
meuieval times anu how is it uefineu now.
o You aie also encouiageu to look at the issue fiom the peispective of uiffeient uisciplines. E.g.,
science, humanities, liteiatuie, ieligion, technology, etc.
o You must take a scientific appioach, uo ieseaich, anu finu ielevant liteiatuie to auuiess the topic.
Nake suie you evaluate youi souices.
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o Think of the piesentation as putting the pieces of a puzzle togethei. This will neeu a significant
amount of uiscussion anu cooiuination within the team.
o Youi piesentation must have an intiouuction anu a conclusion.
Ciitical Thinking:
o 0nueistanu the backgiounu anu context of "uefinitions of life."
o Bo auuitional ieseaich that suppoit aiguments anu help to inteipiet the eviuence.
o Apply youi own ciitical thinking to iuentify those aieas that aie not as well suppoiteu, oi aie
open to othei inteipietations. Boes what you ieau make sense. Biu you spot any fallacies anu
pitfalls. Can you apply the scientific methou.
o Look to othei souices foi uiffeient ways of viewing the situation(s).
o Iuentify the uiffeient peispectives people hau in uiffeient times anu places.
o Compaie anu analyze theii peispectives of life anu ueath to those we have touay.
EthicsSocial Responsibility
o Recognize the types of "iational" anu "iiiational" thinking that leau inuiviuuals oi societies to the
uiffeient peispectives.
o Piactice cleai anu compelling oial communication.
o Piactice teamwoik
o 0se PoweiPoint (oi Libie0ffice, Keynote, oi Piezi) to suppoit youi veibal aiguments with text
anu images.

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!(",+ %0@'? 4 (assigneu teams)
A02#$ +('%'2-#-0"2 %$0/'%? The final piesentation sliues must be e-maileu to teachingteuschei- at 1u:uupm the evening befoie the piesentation.
B() (,2%? Non, Nov 18 anu Weu, Nov 2u
8('%'2-#-0"2%? Non, Nov 2S, Weu, Nov 27, anu Non, Bec 2. See B2L foi uetails.
Each piesentation must take no moie than CD :02,-'% (stiict!). Leave a few minutes at the enu foi
A geneial iule foi expeiienceu speakeis is to have no moie than 1 sliue pei minute. So you shoulu
piepaie about 2u sliues as a staiting point. 0nce you have uone a couple of piactice iuns, you can
fine-tune the numbei of sliues.
Each team membei must speak.

Christof Teuscher
Fall 2013

The piesentation time anu mateiials shoulu be spieau evenly among team membeis. Nake suie you
know how anu when to tiansition. Bave a plan on wheie you stanu! Also, have a plan if a team
membei uoes not show up.
PoweiPoint, Libie0ffice, Keynote, oi Piezi must be useu. No tianspaiencies! The 0NST machines
only have PoweiPoint installeu, but you can biing youi own laptop if you wish.

We will use a iubiic foi the giauing.
Two of youi peeis (ianuomly selecteu) will evaluate each gioup's uiy iun.
Youi engagement, involvement, anu peifoimance in the team will be evaluateu by youi team
Youi giaue foi this activity will be composeu of S uiffeient paits:
o Biy iun peei giaue aveiage: 2upts |u pts if absentj
o In-class piesentation instiuctoi giaue: 6upts |u pts if absentj
o Teamwoik peei evaluation: 2upts
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o Weu, 0ct Su, 2u1S, 1u:uupm
B() (,2% (in mentoieu session):
o Non, Nov 19: All gioups
The final piesentation sliues must be e-maileu to at 1u:uupm the evening
befoie the piesentation.

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First Last
session Group
run Presentation Topic
Jonathan McGee 1 1 18-Nov 25-Nov The definition of life
Brandon Sigler 1 1 18-Nov 25-Nov The definition of life
Escobedo 1 1 18-Nov 25-Nov The definition of life
Tshaquille Pe'a 1 1 18-Nov 25-Nov The definition of life
Daniell Hazell 1 2 18-Nov 25-Nov When does life start?
Brenda Ramirez 1 2 18-Nov 25-Nov When does life start?
Michelle Mitu 1 2 18-Nov 25-Nov When does life start?
Ethan Watkins 1 2 18-Nov 25-Nov When does life start?
Tyler Coleman 1 3 20-Nov 25-Nov
How can something living
emerge from non-living
Taylor Bucy 1 3 20-Nov 25-Nov
How can something living
emerge from non-living

Christof Teuscher
Fall 2013

Makayla Vogel 1 3 20-Nov 25-Nov
How can something living
emerge from non-living
Skyler Kawahara 1 3 20-Nov 25-Nov
How can something living
emerge from non-living
Gabriella Tolley 2 4 18-Nov 27-Nov The evolution of life
Avery Norris 2 4 18-Nov 27-Nov The evolution of life
Payton Hensler 2 4 18-Nov 27-Nov The evolution of life
Alexa Patey 2 4 18-Nov 27-Nov The evolution of life
Ryon Clement 2 5 18-Nov 27-Nov The meaning of life
Zahreh McClure 2 5 18-Nov 27-Nov The meaning of life
Sherlee Brenes 2 5 18-Nov 27-Nov The meaning of life
Brian Truong 2 5 18-Nov 27-Nov The meaning of life
Peter Nguyen 2 6 20-Nov 27-Nov
Ending life: assisted suicide
and abortion
Justin Frank 2 6 20-Nov 27-Nov
Ending life: assisted suicide
and abortion
Jeremy Smith 2 6 20-Nov 27-Nov
Ending life: assisted suicide
and abortion
Ryan Meshke 2 6 20-Nov 27-Nov
Ending life: assisted suicide
and abortion
Jones 3 7 18-Nov 2-Dec The definition of death
Iman Khoshnaw 3 7 18-Nov 2-Dec The definition of death
Sebastian Keller 3 7 18-Nov 2-Dec The definition of death
Timothy Nguyen 3 7 18-Nov 2-Dec The definition of death
Hai Yang Wang 3 8 18-Nov 2-Dec Life after death?
Ashley Stoner 3 8 18-Nov 2-Dec Life after death?
Isaac Cawthorne 3 8 18-Nov 2-Dec Life after death?
Jacob Tietsort 3 8 18-Nov 2-Dec Life after death?
Alexis Applebee 3 9 20-Nov 2-Dec The future of life

Christof Teuscher
Fall 2013

Timmethy Tran 3 9 20-Nov 2-Dec The future of life
Geneve Settle 3 9 20-Nov 2-Dec The future of life
Rebekka Faaberg 3 9 20-Nov 2-Dec The future of life

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