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Q. Which one of the following is a name of a model for

communication process:
(a)Shannon-weaver Model
(b)Berlo model
(c)Transactional process model
(d)All of the above
Q. Pictorial communication uses _______ to communicate.
(c)Diarams ! charts
(d)All of the above
Q. Nonverbal communication is usually understood as the process
of communication through:
(d)All of the above
Q. In oral communication both the parties to the communication
process!sender and receiver! e"change their ideas through :
(a)"ral words
(b)Pictorial form
(c)Bod# lanuae
(d)$one of the above
Q. Communication is the transfer of_________ from one person to
another person.
(d)All of the above
Q. #he problem!solving process begins with
(a)clarification of the situation
(b)establishment of alternatives
(c)identification of the difficult#
(d)isolation of the cause
Q. %anagement deals with:
(a)establishin structure
(b)focuses on the bottom line
(c)monitorin and controllin results
(d)All of the above
Q. %anagement deals with:
(a)establishin structure
(b)focuses on the bottom line
(c)monitorin and controllin results
(d)All of the above
Q. $eadership deals with:
(b)focuses on the top line
(c)inspired and motivates people
(d)All of the above
Q. #hree dimension a"es of tridimensional grid are:
(a)tas& orientation
(b)relationship orientation
(c)and effectiveness
(d)All of the above
Q. Power &rientation approach of leadership styles is based on:
(a)deree of authorit#
(b)Trust and confidence in subordinates'
(c)Surroundin feelin of freedom
(d)$one of the above
Q. Which one of the following is a leadership styles:
(a)Power "rientation
(b)(eadership as a continuum
(c)Manaerial Grid
(d)All of the above
Q. $eadership is the process of:
(a)influencin the behavior of others
(b)interpersonal influence e)ercised
(c)Supportin others to wor& enthusiasticall# towards achievin'
(d)All of the above
%anagement meaning ' nature
Q. Which one of the following is not a management function(
(c)Plannin ! "rani+in
(d)All of the above
Q. )niversality of management includes:
(a)All si+es and shapes of orani+ations
(b)orani+ational levels
(c)orani+ational areas ! orani+ational fields
(d)All of the above
Q. Concept that describe attitude of an employee:
(a)Business Morale
(b)Business ethics
(c)Business culture
(d)$one of the above
Q. *usiness +thics e"amines:
(a)Moral values
(d)A ! * both
Q. Which one of the following is not a level of management:
(a)Middle level manaement
(b)Top level Manaement
(c)(ower (evel manaement
(d)All of the above
Q. %anagement as a process has:
(a)Social Process
(b)%nterated Process
(c)*ontinuous Process ! %nteractive process
(d)All of the above
Q. %anagement is a ____________process.
(a)"n oin
(d)$on chaneable
Q. Which one of the following is not the nature of %anagement:
(a)Manaement is oal oriented
(b)Manaement is universal
(c)Manaement is an %nterative ,orce
(d)Manaement is static
Q. &rgani,ation is ________________in nature.
(c)A ! B both
(d)$one of the above'
Q. %anagement is the process of:
%anagement of changes
Q. What do you mean by resistance to change:
(a),iht aainsed chane
(b)Strule aainsed chane
(c)*onflict aainsed chane
(d)All of the above
Q. -or the Process of change a manager needs:
(a)%dentif# the forces demandin chane'
(b)%dentif#in the need of chane'
(c).econi+in the problem re/uirin chane
(d)All of the above
Q. &rgani,ational change is a rational response to changing
re.uirements for:
(a)orani+ational survival
(d)All of the above
Q. &rgani,ational change is:
(a)planned chane
(b)alteration in the role
(c)Technolo# ! environment in the orani+ation
(d)All of the above
Q. Which one of the following is a limitation of planning(
(a)Difficult# of accurate premisin
(b)Problems of rapid chanes
(c)%nternal infle)ibilities ! -)ternal %nfle)ibilities
(d)All of the above
Q. Which one of the following is an advantage of planning(
(a)Primac# of plannin
(b)To offset uncertaint# and chane
(c)To focus attention on ob0ective
(d)All of the above
Q. Which one of the following is a type of plan(
(a)Standin and sinle-use plans
(b)Strateic or operational plans
(c)A and B both
(d)$one of the above
Q. Which one of the following is a part of planning process(
(a)-stablishin "b0ectives
(b)Plannin Premises
(c)%dentification of alternatives ! -volution of alternatives
(d)All of the above
Q. Which one of the following type of planning involves Coverage of
(a)*orporate plannin and functional plannin
(b),ormal plannin and informal plannin
(c)strateic plannin and calculated plannin
(d)proactive plannin and reactive plannin
Q. Which one of the following type of planning involve time period(
(a)lon-term plannin and short-term plannin
(b)proactive plannin and reactive plannin
(c),ormal plannin and informal plannin
(d)strateic plannin and calculated plannin
Q. Which one of the following is not a type of planning(
(a)corporate plannin
(b)functional plannin
(c)strateic plannin
(d)calculated plannin
Q. Which one of the following is not an approach of planning(
(a)A rational approach
(b)An open s#stem approach
(c)Pervasiveness of plannin
(d)All of the above
Q. Which one of the following is the principals of control(
(a)Principals of ob0ectives'
(b)Principals of standards'
(c)Principals of strateic point control
(d)All of the above
Q. &perational control covers(
(a)1oe we are performin
(b)Action control
(c)%nternal orani+ation
(d)All of the above
Q. /trategic control Covers(
(a)Are we movin in the riht direction2
(b)Steerin the future direction of the orani+ation
(c)-)ternal environment
(d)All of the above
Q. Controlling is a process of:
(a)Gatherin and feedin bac& information
(c)Strateic point control
(d)All of the above
0ecision ma1ing
Q. Which one of the following is not step of creativity in decision
(a).adical innovation
(b)S#stems innovation
(c)Decrement innovation
(d)%ncremental innovation
Q. Which one of the following is not a step in process of decision
(a)Problem identification
(b)Search for alternatives
(c).e-desin of the decision
(d)-valuation of alternatives
Q. Which one of the following is a type of decision ma1ing:
(a)Prorammed decision
(b)$on- Prorammed decision
(c)Strateic decisions ! Tactical decisions
(d)All of the above
Q. 0ecision is ma1ing a choice of:
(a)desirable alternative
(b)own choice
(c)"rani+ation strateies
(d)$one of the above
Q. %otivation is a comple" forces starting and 1eeping:
(a)A person at wor&
(b)Affectin behavior and performance
(c)A Person in action
(d)All of the above
Q. Non!financial incentives can be grouped into
(a)*ollective incentives
(b)%ndividual incentives
(c)A ! B both
(d)All of the above
Q. %otivation is the process of_________________.
(a)boostin the morale
(b)encourae emplo#ee
(c)Boost them to ive their best
(d)All of the above
Q. Which one of the following is the nature of motivation(
(a)Goal-directed behavior
(b).elated to satisfaction
(c)Person motivated in totalit#
(d)All of the above
Q. 2 motivation is a behavior towards ____________.
(d)All of the above
Q. %otivation is a comple" forces starting and 1eeping:
(a)A person at wor&
(b)Affectin behavior and performance
(c)A Person in action
(d)All of the above
Q. Non!financial incentives can be grouped into
(a)*ollective incentives
(b)%ndividual incentives
(c)A ! B both
(d)All of the above
Q. %otivation is the process of_________________.
(a)boostin the morale
(b)encourae emplo#ee
(c)Boost them to ive their best
(d)All of the above
Q. Which one of the following is the nature of motivation(
(a)Goal-directed behavior
(b).elated to satisfaction
(c)Person motivated in totalit#
(d)All of the above
Q. 2 motivation is a behavior towards ____________.
(d)All of the above

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