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Omelette of 2 eggs, multigrain toast with low fat cheese and black coffee.
2-3 idlis with sambhar.
1 cup fresh yoghurt (dahi), an apple, a handful of almonds or walnuts.
2 rotis (without oil or ghee), 1 plate rice, 1 cup dal, cup vegetable or chicken curry and 1
bowl salad.
1 cup cooked rice (without starch) with cup vegetable curry.
1 cup moong bean sprouts, 15 peanuts with salt pepper and lemon to taste.
1 cup yoghurt with cut fruits.
1 apple.
Cucumber or carrot slices.
1 roti ( without oil or ghee), cup vegetable curry, 1 cup dal and 1 bowl of salad.
1 cup rice (without starch),1 cup of dal and 1 bowl of salad 1 cup of chicken curry, cup of
boiled rice ( without starch), 2 rotis (without oil or ghee) and 1 bowl of salad.
1 glass milk.
Lime juice
Watermelon or any other fruit.
1. Increase the Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables:
At least 5 portions of fruits and vegetables should be eaten each day. Fruits are extremely beneficial when
taken on an empty stomach. Therefore, starting your day with a fruit is a healthy option. Do not take fruits
immediately after any meal.
2. Limit the intake of Stimulants:
Limit the intake of stimulants such as caffeine, alcohol and refined sugar. Caffeine is harmful when taken on an
empty stomach; therefore, bed tea or coffee should be avoided. It is advisable to take tea or coffee with meals.
3. Do not skip Breakfast:
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. In fact, it is recommended to have something for breakfast that
generates energy slowly, such as a bowl of porridge or a cup of low fat yoghurt (dahi).
4. Drink plenty of Water:
Water aids in proper digestion and also acts as a detoxifying agent. Hence, it is recommended to drink at least 8
glasses of water every day. Moreover, drinking plenty of water keeps your skin healthy.
5. Smaller gaps between the Meals:
Avoid taking long gaps between the meals because the food that you eat gets converted into fat instead of being
used for energy. It is not recommended to have a gap of more than 3 hours in between your meals.
6. Do not starve:
Allowing your body to starve is not a healthy option as it has its own adverse effects. Hence, eat properly to fulfil
your nutritional needs.
7. Have your last meal early:
You should have the last meal at least two hours before going to bed.
8. Restrict your Calorie Intake:
Keeping a watch on your caloric intake is extremely crucial in any diet plan. Calorie dense food like fried food,
sweets and pastries should be avoided.
9. Remove Fat from your Food:
All visible fat should be removed from food before cooking. Processed meat like sausages and burgers should be
avoided as they contain high calories.
10. Eat Healthy Snacks:
Replace the processed or fried foods with healthy snacks such as fresh or dried fruits, low fat yoghurts, whole grain
cereals and rice cakes.

If you feel weak, irritable and anxious at all times, you are suffering from magnesium deficiency. The
recommended daily value (DV) of magnesium is 400 milligrams. It is quite easy to obtain the required amount of
magnesium on a daily basis as there are plenty of foods that are rich in this essential mineral. All you need to do is
make it a part of your diet. Given below are some of the foods rich in magnesium that can help cure magnesium
1. Wild Rice:
Besides being tasty and healthy, wild rice is an amazing source of magnesium. A cup of wild rice contains about 52
milligrams of magnesium which is equivalent to 13% DV of this mineral. It is also a rich source of other minerals
like folate, fibre, iron and zinc. This delicious rice can be cooked with herbs or combined with salmon to make a
healthy and hearty meal.
2. Buckwheat:
This versatile fruit seed is packed with magnesium, with one serving providing a whopping 229 milligrams of this
mineral. It is gluten free and does not lead to extreme spikes in blood sugar levels unlike other whole grains. You
can cook it in butter or make porridge out of it for a nutritious breakfast. It can even be added to soups or made
into pancakes.
3. Wheat-germ:
Wheat-germ is categorized among some of the richest sources of magnesium, providing 440 milligrams per serving
which drops to 420 milligram in cereal form. The fact remains that it fulfills a full day requirement of magnesium
for an adult male and 100 milligrams more for an adult female. If you want to make up for your magnesium
deficiency quickly, you can add wheat-germ to your salads, smoothies and soups.
[ Read: Magnesium Deficiency ]
4. Spinach:
This green leafy vegetable is rich in almost every nutrient you can think of. This high health and low calorie super
food is a rich source of magnesium. A cup of cooked spinach provides about 157 milligrams or 39% DV of
magnesium while an equal amount of raw spinach provides 24 milligrams or 6% DV of this mineral. Start including
spinach in your salads and soups if you want to boost your magnesium as well as other nutrient levels without
putting on weight. Swiss chard and Kale are other leafy greens contributing 38% and 19% DV of magnesium
5. Cooked Cabbage:
If you are looking for an easy option in terms of taste to boost your magnesium levels, then cabbage is probably
the answer to your question. A cup of cooked cabbage provides 12 milligrams of magnesium. Though this amount
is quite less in comparison to its other counterparts, it is comparatively tastier and can be added to recipes
containing other magnesium rich foods.
6. Oatmeal:
Being rich in fiber and antioxidants, oatmeal has been considered a healthy cereal. It is known for its cholesterol
and blood pressure lowering qualities. Magnesium is one of the many nutrients contained in oatmeal. A breakfast
of cup of oatmeal provides 47 milligrams or 12% DV of magnesium. Indeed, a healthy way to begin your day!
7. Avocado:
Avocado is renowned for its various health benefits which include cancer prevention, lowering cholesterol levels,
protection against cataracts and prevention of heart diseases and strokes. An avocado can provide you with 58
milligrams of magnesium which is equivalent to 15 % DV of this mineral. If you are fond of guacamole, you can
obtain up to 25 milligrams of magnesium in a regular serving. Enjoy this fruit to get a bonus of health-benefiting
nutrients including magnesium!
[ Read: Benefits Of Magnesium For Health ]
8. Banana:
This fruit is probably one of the easiest options to boost your magnesium levels as it is easily available and tasty
enough. Besides being excellent energy-boosting snacks, bananas are loaded with vitamins and minerals including
magnesium. A medium sized banana provides about 32 milligrams of magnesium along with other nutrients like
potassium, fiber and Vitamin C. Why not add a banana to your breakfast to make up for the magnesium deficiency!
9. Watermelon:
Refreshing and delicious, watermelon is the best option to tackle your magnesium deficiency during summer. A
cup of cubed watermelon provides about 15 milligrams of magnesium.
10. Pumpkin Seeds:
If you thought that fruits, vegetables and whole grains are the only good sources of magnesium, you can take a
look at pumpkin seeds. They are particularly rich in Vitamin E, copper and magnesium. A half cup serving of
pumpkin seeds provides 369 milligrams of magnesium which is about 93% of the daily recommended amount. If
you wish to roast these seeds in an oven, do not keep them for longer than 20 minutes as this might destroy some
of their nutrients.
11. Flaxseeds:
This is another versatile super food rich in magensium that is worth being incorporated in your diet. Just a
tablespoon of flaxseeds provides 39 milligrams of magnesium, contributing 10% DV of this mineral. You can easily
make it a part of your diet by sprinkling it on your meals, mixing it with juice or blending it in a smoothie.
12. Sunflower Seeds:
These flavorful and nutritious seeds can give you a magnesium boost. A half cup serving of sunflower seeds
provides 83 milligrams or 12% DV of magnesium. Magnesium found in these seeds promotes stronger bones and a
healthy heart, reduces asthma and arthritis symptoms as well as prevents certain types of cancer. Make these
seeds a part of your diet. Eat this magnesium rich food in moderation as they are high in calories (373 calories).
13. Brazil Nuts:
Brazil nuts are a fantastic source of magnesium, sourced from the Amazon Forest. Their high calorie content is
outweighed by their rich nutritional value comprising of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. A half cup serving of
Brazil nuts provides about 250 milligrams or 63% DV of magnesium. Munch on these delicious nuts for a quick
boost in magnesium!
14. Dates:
These sweet and tasty snacks are equally nutritious. Their rich array of vitamins and minerals include magnesium
as well. A 100 gram serving provides 43 milligrams, contributing 11% of an average persons daily magnesium
15. Pecans:
If you are looking for a lower calorie, magnesium-rich counterpart of Brazil nuts, then pecans can be your best
choice for magnesium rich food. Besides being extremely delicious, these nuts are packed with health-benefiting
nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants which boost your nutrition and energy. An ounce serving of pecans provides
34 milligrams of magnesium or 8% DV of this mineral.
16. Black Eyed Peas:
These are a relatively cheaper alternative to boost your nutrition. Black eyed peas are considered a nutrition
powerhouse, providing your body with high levels of protein, fiber, potassium, iron and magnesium. A cup serving
of black eyed peas provides 91 milligrams of magnesium which is equivalent to 23% DV of this mineral.
17. Baked Beans:
Baked beans are another great source of magnesium, a mineral that contributes to strong bones, reduces cramps
and alleviates chronic pain. A cup serving of baked beans provides 68 milligrams or 17% DV of magnesium.
18. Yellow Corn:
This sweet, delicious food is enjoyed by all and sundry. If you are looking for a low calorie source of magnesium,
then yellow corn is the answer. A cup of yellow corn provides 211 milligrams or 53% DV of magnesium along with a
bonus of fiber and protein.
19. Wild Salmon:
Among the non-vegetarian sources of magnesium, fish can be a great choice. Wild salmon is one such fish whose
rich variety of nutrients and minerals keep your body healthy. Besides being a good source of magnesium, it is high
in Vitamin B12, Vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids. Half a fillet of salmon provides 35 milligrams or 13% DV of
20. Halibut:
This oily fish can contribute to healthy heart, bones and skin. Half a fillet provides 170 milligrams, contributing 43%
of the DV of magnesium. Being a delicious and versatile fish, it can be baked, fried, broiled or grilled. To cure an
acute magnesium deficiency, it can be paired with magnesium-rich wild rice.
21. Oysters:
Apart from fish, oyster is seafood that is a good source of magnesium. A 3.5 ounce serving of oysters provides
about 76 milligrams of magnesium which is more than most greens that are considered good sources of this
mineral. These can be cooked and added to stews or other recipes of magnesium containing foods.
22. Roasted Soybeans:
Most of us are aware of the health benefits of soybeans. These nutritious legumes are loaded with vitamins,
minerals, fibre and amino acids. A half cup serving of dry, roasted soybeans provides 196 milligrams or 49% DV of
magnesium. Magnesium in combination with other vitamins and minerals in soybeans help in maintaining a
healthy immune system and normal heart rhythm as well as building strong bones and muscles.
23. Cocoa:
Now, this will give you enough reason to love your chocolate which is usually considered unhealthy for its sugar
and calories. A cup of cocoa powder provides 429 milligrams of magnesium. Similarly a 1.45 ounce bar of dark
chocolate provides 13 milligrams or 3% DV of magnesium. Being loaded with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants,
dark chocolate is good for your heart, brain and nervous system. You can continue to enjoy your chocolate cake,
hot cocoa and other desserts containing dark chocolate for a boost in magnesium among other nutrients.
24. Whole Milk:
Whole milk is known to be a rich source of calcium. Few of us are aware of the fact that it contains magnesium as
well. This mineral makes it easier for your body to absorb calcium and utilize it. Whole milk is a rich source of both
calcium and magnesium. A cup of whole milk provides 24 milligrams or 6% DV of magnesium. Drinking a glass of
milk every day can make your bones healthy and strong as well as prevent osteoporosis.
25. Molasses:
Most sweeteners are white in color due to the fact that they have been stripped off their nutrients and minerals. If
you are looking for a healthier alternative for your baked dishes and desserts, molasses is the right option for you.
It can be suitably used to replace the sugar or artificial sweeteners in your cookies and cakes. Just a tablespoon of
molasses offers 48 milligrams or 12% DV of magnesium. If you like to have sweetened coffee, you can try infusing
it with some blackstrap molasses instead of sugar for a boost of good wholesome nutrition.
26. Bone Broth Stock:
This nutrient-rich base for soups is also a great source of minerals including magnesium. Though its exact content
of magnesium is not known, this stock prepared from cooked carcass is extremely nutritious. In spite of being the
result of slow cooking, it yields fast results metabolically.
27. Water:
Water also deserves a mention among the worthy sources of magnesium. In spite of being a vital part of our diet,
most of us are unaware of the fact that water is a rich source of magnesium though the dose varies from place to
place. It is probably the easiest way to refill your bodys store of magnesium.

1. GM Diet Day One:
The first day of the GM Diet is your preparation for the upcoming program that you have enrolled yourself in. Day
one is an all fruits day. The GM Diet Chart instructed me to eat all the fruits we possibly can with the exception of
bananas. Any fruit can be consumed any time except bananas. The suggestion was to intake more of watermelon
and cantaloupe. Also, we were supposed to drink 8-12 glasses of water throughout the day. If one feels hungry,
that person is not doing the diet properly. Moreover, it is suggested that if one consumes just melons on the first
day of the diet, one can lose about a kilogram of weight which is massive!
I followed day one to a T. I crammed myself with fruits. I had oranges, papaya, watermelon, cantaloupe,
pomegranate, apples, peaches, pears, strawberries, custard apples and all else. And of course, water as advised. I
did not experience hunger. Whenever I was hungry, I had more fruits. And thus went day one, peacefully.
2. GM Diet Day Two:
Day two was an all vegetables day. We could eat any cooked and uncooked vegetables of our choice. Make sure to
use no oil while cooking the vegetables. In fact, there is no limit on the type or amount of vegetables you can eat!
My day happily started with a large boiled potato (for the complex carbohydrates it contains) for breakfast. And
again, 8-12 glasses of water throughout the day.
By day two, I was feeling very enthusiastic. I had not experienced any hunger the day before. So I was pretty sure I
could manage day two as well. I started off with the boiled potato. It was funny having the potato with nothing,
but I somehow got it down. The rest of the day I spent eating veggies. I downed cucumber, carrots uncooked as
well as boiled, boiled beans, raw lettuce, boiled bottle guard and water. By evening I was feeling a bit
uncomfortable. The fiber in the vegetables had me rushing to the toilet again and again. But ultimately my
digestive system was being cleaned up. So I was fine with it. Again, no hunger on day two.
[Read: How to Count Calories?]
3. GM Diet Day Three:
Day three of the GM diet plan is a fruit and vegetable day. Any quantity of it is allowed. No potatoes on this day
and no bananas yet. Same with the water 8-12 glasses of water throughout the day.
By day three, my system got used to all the food I was giving it. I had a happy day with the variety of fruits and
vegetables the market had to offer. Except the toilet situation, I was happy with the diet till now.
[Read: 14 Daily Fitness Tips for People who Hate Working Out]
4. GM Diet Day Four:
The fourth day of the GM diet chart and plan is the bananas and milk day! Did that catch you by surprise? We are
supposed to have as many as 8-10 bananas and 3-4 glasses of milk throughout the day.
I was a little worried about day four. I wasnt sure whether 8-10 bananas and 3 glasses of milk would be enough to
last me through the day. I started off with one banana and a glass of milk for breakfast. By mid-morning, I was
hungry enough for two more bananas. For lunch, I had one more glass of milk with two more bananas. I was
surprised. Five bananas and half a day was already over. I had one more banana in the evening with another glass
of milk. And for dinner I had two bananas. By the end of the day I was really surprised. I managed the day with just
three glasses of milk and 8 bananas, and no sign of hunger! I was so full with all the bananas I was having. That was
truly amazing!
[Read: Banana Diet for Weight Loss ]
5. GM Diet Day Five:
Day five is a feast day on the GM Diet plan. We can have one cup of rice for lunch and have to have six large
tomatoes throughout the day. By day five, we would be producing a lot more of uric acid in our body, so the water
intake has to be increased to 15 glasses throughout the day.
Here came the problem. I hate tomatoes. No matter in which form, raw or cooked, I just cannot eat tomatoes.
They do not go down my throat. So I was a little worried about how I was going to handle the tomatoes. Then my
mom suggested, why not puree the tomatoes, cook them, add coriander, cumin, and pepper, salt and make it into
a soup. Well, I can drink tomato soup. And thus, my tomatoes were ground and eaten up as soup. I had this soup
throughout the day. Not the ideal way may be, but I surely got the tomatoes down.
[Read: GM Diet Side Effects]
6. GM Diet Day Six:
Day six is another feast day in the GM Diet. We could have one cup of rice for lunch and all the vegetables we can
eat throughout the day. Again the water intake was to be 8-12 glasses throughout the day.
By day six, I was definitely feeling lighter. I did not weight myself at any point during the GM Diet, but I was feeling
much lighter. I had no trouble with the vegetables on day six as my body had gotten used to the diet already. I
drank the required amount of water. I realized, whether or not I was losing weight, I was definitely improving my
digestive system.
7. GM Diet Day Seven:
This is the last day of the GM Diet. Day seven consists of one cup rice, all the vegetables we care to consume and
any fruit juice.
Day seven is a perfect finale to the diet. We eat all the vegetables we can possibly eat and flush out everything
with fruit juices.
I was so happy that I managed to stick to the diet and complete it. My face was glowing with all the nutrients I
gave my body. My digestion was back on track after the superb cleansing I put it through and I was definitely
looking less round. I had noticeably thinned down after the diet.
I got onto the scales to see how much weight I had lost during the course of the diet. To my horror, I had lost only
about 3 kilos. I was so disappointed for not having achieved the 5-8 kilos mentioned. Then I realized all my dresses
which werent fitting earlier, were now comfortably sliding down me. I had lost three inches off my body which is
quite an achievement.
My body is grateful to me that I put it through such a wonderful wellness diet that it rewarded me with the
required inch loss rather than the weight loss.
So for all you enthusiasts who are starving yourselves to achieve a slimmer and trimmer you, please stop. There is
a much healthier way to get what you want. The GM Diet is really a miraculous diet. Try it for yourself and share
your experiences with us. Wish you good luck!
Diet Plan To Reduce Belly Fat:
1. Oatmeal: There is still much debate whether its good for you or not. But the fact is that oatmeal
tastes great and it keeps you fuller for so much longer than any other food. Its also filled with fiber.
Make sure to opt for plain oats rather than the flavored kind, as the latter is filled with artificial
flavoring and sugar.
2. Almonds: These are rich in monosaturated fat and contain Vitamin E. Together they combat belly
fat and help reduce cholesterol.
3. Olive Oil: Whenever youre cooking, try to include more olive oil. The hormones present in olive
oil trick your brain into thinking that your stomach is full. You could even try consuming a tablespoon
of olive oil 15-20 minutes before your dinner in order to eat less.
4. Green vegetable: Including green vegetables, like kale, lettuce and spinach during your lunch
and snack time, in order to feel fuller for longer and to prevent yourself from going in for something
5. Dark chocolate: It is filled with zinc and other goodness that help increase bodys satiety levels.
Just make sure that you are getting the kind that is low in sugar and is NOT milk chocolate.
6. Less salt: Stop adding extra salt to your foods. Try and add less salt while cooking. Consuming
more salt can make your body retain water and bloat up your stomach.
7. Avocado: This fruit is filled with MUFA and contains high levels of beta-sitosterol that help to fight
belly fat. Try to include more of this fruit in your breakfast and in your salads to stock upon its
8. Banana: It helps your body get rid of excess water. The extra amount of potassium that your body
gets helps you rebalance the sodium amount. It also helps flush out extra fluid, thus reducing the
bloated tummy.
9. Yoghurt: Eating normal yoghurt or Greek yoghurt promotes the growth of healthy bacteria in our
belly and eliminates all bacteria and other issues that cause bloating, thus giving you a flatter
10. Berries: They are fiber rich and are a great slim-down snack. The antioxidants present in berries
improve blood flow and help you lose more belly fat.
The best way to reduce belly fat and to improve overall fitness is to keep an eye on what you eat.
Plan your meals beforehand and try cooking them yourself. Eat your fill but make sure you dont
overeat. The best time to stop eating is when youre feeling almost full and just a little pang of
hunger is left.
[Read:Exercises To Reduce Belly Fat]
How to plan your meal to burn excess belly fat:
Try to plan every meal in advance. Buy the necessary ingredients, preferably fresh, or a day or two
in advance and do your prep work beforehand. This will give you ample time to prepare, and you
wont have to worry about not having enough time to cook, thus resorting to snacking or ordering
food. Understand the times of day when you feel most hungry. Never plan to deny yourself food at
this particular time and attempt to power through the crave hour, because it wont work in the
longer run. Instead, make sure you have something healthy and filling ready for consumption during
the time your hunger hits you the strongest.
While planning your meal, here are a few tips on how to make the best diet plan to reduce belly fat
for yourself:
1. Always eat something healthy after you wake up and before you work out to start up your
metabolism and keep it revving.
2. Make salads the main star of your meal, since they fill up your stomach and dont have too many
3. Go easy on the store-bought dressings or better still, skip it altogether. Whip up something
yourself that is much healthier and tastier without any additives.
4. Drink lots of water throughout the day. This will prevent water retention and will help to flush out
any toxins from your body.
5. Do not entirely skip carbs. Instead, try to eat a limited amount of carbs every day to keep your
bodys need for carbohydrates in check. For instance, if you like roti cut it down to 1 roti instead of 2
or 3.
6. Always go light on dinner. Dinner is the time when your body starts to wind down for the day, so
stay away from anything heavy. Plan a light meal for the night, like a clear soup, a piece of chicken
with half a cup of salad, or maybe just a fruit or a glass of milk.
7. Last but not the least, plan on getting enough sleep. Sleep early since youre having a light
dinner. Staying up late will make you feel hungry again and youll need to eat.
[Read:Yoga Asanas To Reduce Belly Fat]
It requires a considerable amount of time and persistence to achieve any sort of weight loss,
especially the tummy area. So be constant in your resolve and soon that flat stomach wont be a
distant dream.

Top Fiber-Rich Foods
1. Get on the Bran Wagon
One simple way to increase fiber intake is to power up on bran. Bran from many grains is very rich in dietary fiber.
Oat bran is high in soluble fiber, which has been shown to lower blood cholesterol levels. Wheat, corn, and rice
bran are high in insoluble fiber, which helps prevent constipation. Bran can be sprinkled into your favorite
foods,from hot cereal and pancakes to muffins and cookies. Many popular high-fiber cereals and bars are also
packed with bran.
Food Portion Amount of Fiber
Oat bran, raw 1 ounce 12 g
Wheat bran, raw 1 ounce 12 g
Corn bran, raw 1 ounce 22 g
Rice bran, raw 1 ounce 6 g
Fiber One Bran Cereal 1/2 cup 14 g
All-Bran Cereal 1/2 cup 10 g
Fiber One Chewy Bars 1 bar 9 g
2. Take a Trip to Bean Town
Beans really are the magical fruit. They are one of the most naturally rich sources of fiber, as well as protein, lysine,
vitamins, and minerals, in the plant kingdom. It's no wonder so many indigenous diets include a bean or two in the
mix. Some people experience intestinal gas and discomfort associated with bean intake, so they may be better off
slowly introducing beans into their diet. Encourage a variety of beans as an animal protein replacement in stews,
side dishes, salads, soups, casseroles, and dips.
Food Portion Amount of Fiber
Lima beans, cooked 1 cup 14 g
Adzuki beans, cooked 1 cup 17 g
Broad beans (fava), cooked 1 cup 9 g
Black beans, cooked 1 cup 15 g
Garbanzo beans, cooked 1 cup 12 g
Lentils, cooked 1 cup 16 g
Cranberry beans, cooked 1 cup 16 g
Black turtle soup beans, cooked 1 cup 17 g
Kidney beans, cooked 1 cup 16 g
Navy beans, cooked 1 cup 19 g
White beans, small, cooked 1 cup 19 g
French beans, cooked 1 cup 17 g
Mung beans, cooked 1 cup 15 g
Yellow beans, cooked 1 cup 18 g
Pinto beans, cooked 1 cup 15 g

3. Go Berry Picking
Jewel-like berries are in the spotlight due to their antioxidant power, but let's not forget about their fiber bonus.
Berries happen to yield one of the best fiber-per-calorie bargains on the planet. Since berries are packed with tiny
seeds, their fiber content is typically higher than that of many fruits. Clients can enjoy berries year-round by
making the most of local berries in the summer and eating frozen, preserved, and dried berries during the other
seasons. Berries make great toppings for breakfast cereal, yogurt, salads, and desserts.
Food Portion Amount of Fiber
Raspberries, raw 1 cup 8 g
Blueberries, raw 1 cup 4 g
Currants (red and white), raw 1 cup 5 g
Strawberries, raw 1 cup 3 g
Boysenberries, frozen 1 cup 7 g
Gooseberries, raw 1 cup 6 g
Loganberries, frozen 1 cup 8 g
Elderberries, raw 1 cup 10 g
Blackberries, raw 1 cup 8 g
4. Wholesome Whole Grains
One of the easiest ways to up fiber intake is to focus on whole grains. A grain in nature is essentially the entire
seed of the plant made up of the bran, germ, and endosperm. Refining the grain removes the germ and the bran;
thus, fiber, protein, and other key nutrients are lost. The Whole Grains Council recognizes a variety of grains and
defines whole grains or foods made from them as containing all the essential parts and naturally-occurring
nutrients of the entire grain seed. If the grain has been processed, the food product should deliver approximately
the same rich balance of nutrients that are found in the original grain seed. Have clients choose different whole
grains as features in side dishes, pilafs, salads, breads, crackers, snacks, and desserts.
Food Portion Amount of Fiber
Amaranth, grain 1/4 cup 6 g
Barley, pearled, cooked 1 cup 6 g
Buckwheat groats, cooked 1 cup 5 g
Popcorn, air popped 3 cups 4 g
Oats (old fashioned), dry 1/2 cup 4 g
Rye flour, dry 1/4 cup 7 g
Millet, cooked 1 cup 2 g
Quinoa, cooked 1 cup 5 g
Teff, grain, dry 1/4 cup 6 g
Triticale, flour, dry 1/4 cup 5 g
Wheat berries, dry 1/4 cup 5 g
Wild rice, cooked 1 cup 3 g
Wheat flour (whole wheat), dry 1/4 cup 4 g
Brown rice, cooked 1 cup 4 g
Bulgur, cooked 1 cup 8 g
Bread (whole wheat), sliced 1 slice 2 g
Crackers, rye wafers 1 ounce 6 g
Spaghetti (whole wheat), cooked 1 cup 6 g

5. Sweet Peas
Peas,from fresh green peas to dried peas,are naturally chock full of fiber. In fact, food technologists have been
studying pea fiber as a functional food ingredient. Clients can make the most of peas by using fresh or frozen green
peas and dried peas in soups, stews, side dishes, casseroles, salads, and dips.
Food Portion Amount of Fiber
Cow peas (blackeyes), cooked 1 cup 11 g
Pigeon peas, cooked 1 cup 9 g
Peas, split, cooked 1 cup 16 g
Peas, green, frozen 1 cup 14 g
Peas (edible podded), cooked 1 cup 5 g
6. Green, the Color of Fiber
Deep green, leafy vegetables are notoriously rich in beta-carotene, vitamins, and minerals, but their fiber content
isn't too shabby either. There are more than 1,000 species of plants with edible leaves, many with similar
nutritional attributes, including high-fiber content. While many leafy greens are fabulous tossed in salads, saut
ing them in olive oil, garlic, lemon, and herbs brings out a rich flavor.
Food Portion Amount of Fiber
Turnip greens, cooked 1 cup 5 g
Mustard greens, cooked 1 cup 5 g
Collard greens, cooked 1 cup 5 g
Spinach, cooked 1 cup 4 g
Beet greens, cooked 1 cup 4 g
Swiss chard, cooked 1 cup 4 g
7. Squirrel Away Nuts and Seeds
Go nuts to pack a fiber punch. One ounce of nuts and seeds can provide a hearty contribution to the day's fiber
recommendation, along with a bonus of healthy fats, protein, and phytochemicals. Sprinkling a handful of nuts or
seeds over breakfast cereals, yogurt, salads, and desserts is a tasty way to do fiber.
Food Portion Amount of Fiber
Almonds 1 ounce 4 g
Pistachio nuts 1 ounce 3 g
Cashews 1 ounce 1 g
Peanuts 1 ounce 2 g
Walnuts 1 ounce 2 g
Brazil nuts 1 ounce 2 g
Pinon nuts 1 ounce 12 g
Sunflower seeds 1/4 cup 3 g
Pumpkin seeds 1/2 cup 3 g
Sesame seeds 1/4 cup 4 g
Flaxseed 1 ounce 8 g
8. Play Squash
Dishing up squash,from summer to winter squash,all year is another way that clients can ratchet up their fiber intake. These
nutritious gems are part of the gourd family and contribute a variety of flavors, textures, and colors, as well as fiber, vitamins,
minerals, and carotenoids, to the dinner plate. Squash can be turned into soups, stews, side dishes, casseroles, salads, and
crudit s. Brush squash with olive oil and grill it in the summertime for a healthy, flavorful accompaniment to grilled meats.
Food Portion Amount of Fiber
Crookneck squash, cooked 1 cup 3 g
Summer scallop squash, cooked 1 cup 5 g
Hubbard squash, cooked 1 cup 7 g
Zucchini squash, cooked 1 cup 3 g
Acorn squash, cooked 1 cup 9 g
Spaghetti squash, cooked 1 cup 2 g
9. Brassica or Bust
Brassica vegetables have been studied for their cancer-protective effects associated with high levels of
glucosinolates. But these brassy beauties, including broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts, are
also full of fiber. They can be enjoyed in stir-fries, casseroles, soups, and salads and steamed as a side dish.
Food Portion Amount of Fiber
Kale, cooked 1 cup 3 g
Cauliflower, cooked 1 cup 5 g
Kohlrabi, raw 1 cup 5 g
Savoy cabbage, cooked 1 cup 4 g
Broccoli, cooked 1 cup 5 g
Brussels sprouts, cooked 1 cup 6 g
Red cabbage, cooke 1 cup 4 g
10. Hot Potatoes
The humble spud, the top vegetable crop in the world, is plump with fiber. Since potatoes are so popular in
America, they're an easy way to help pump up people's fiber potential. Why stop at Russets? There are numerous
potatoes that can provide a rainbow of colors, nutrients, and flavors, and remind clients to eat the skins to reap
the greatest fiber rewards. Try adding cooked potatoes with skins to salads, stews, soups, side dishes, stir-fries,
and casseroles or simply enjoy baked potatoes more often.
Food Portion Amount of Fiber
Russet potato, flesh and skin 1 medium 4 g
Red potato, flesh and skin 1 medium 3 g
Sweet potato, flesh and skin 1 medium 4 g

11. Everyday Fruit Basket
Look no further than everyday fruits to realize your full fiber potential. Many are naturally packed with fiber, as
well as other important vitamins and minerals. Maybe the doctor was right when he advised an apple a day, but he
could have added pears, oranges, and bananas to the prescription as well. When between fruit seasons, clients can
rely on dried fruits to further fortify their diet. Encourage including fruit at breakfast each morning instead of juice;
mixing dried fruits into cereals, yogurts, and salads; and reaching for the fruit bowl at snack time. It's a healthy
habit all the way around.
Food Portion Amount of Fiber
Banana 1 medium 3 g
Pear 1 medium 6 g
Orange 1 medium 4 g
Apple 1 medium 4 g
Prunes, dried 1/2 cup 6 g
Raisins 2 ounces 2 g
Peaches, dried 1/4 cup 3 g
Figs, dried 1/2 cup 8 g
12. Exotic Destinations
Some of the plants with the highest fiber content in the world may be slightly out of your clients' comfort zone
and, for that matter, time zone. A rainbow of indigenous fruits and vegetables used in cultural food traditions
around the globe are very high in fiber. Entice clients to introduce a few new plant foods into their diets to push up
the flavor, as well as their fiber, quotient.
Food Portion Amount of Fiber
Jicama, raw 1 cup 6 g
Chayote fruit, cooked 1 cup 4 g
Starfruit (carambola), raw 1 cup 4 g
Asian pear, raw 1 fruit 4 g
Hearts of palm, cooked 1 cup 4 g
Guava, raw 1 cup 9 g
Straw mushrooms, canned 1 cup 5 g
Abiyuch, raw 1/2 cup 6 g
Lotus root 10 slices 4 g
Persimmons, raw 1 fruit 6 g
Breadfruit 1 cup 11 g
Avocado, raw 1/2 fruit 9 g
Edamame, frozen 1 cup 6 g
Taro, sliced 1 cup 4 g

13. Fiber Fortification Power
More foods,from juice to yogurt,are including fiber fortification in their ingredient lineup. Such foods may help
busy people achieve their fiber goals. As consumer interest in foods with functional benefits, such as digestive
health and cardiovascular protection, continues to grow, expect to see an even greater supply of food products
promoting fiber content on supermarket shelves.
Food Portion Amount of Fiber
Nature's Own Double Fiber
Wheat Bread
1 slice 5 g
Wasa Crispbread, Fiber Rye 2 slices 4 g
Weight Watcher's
Flakes 'N Fiber
1/2 cup 9 g
Silk Soy Milk Plus Fiber 1 cup 5 g
Bob's Red Mill Organic
High Fiber Hot Cereal
1/3 cup, dry 10 g
Tropicana Orange Juice
With Fiber
1 cup 3 g
Gnu Foods High Fiber Bar 1 bar 12 g
Fiber One Yoplait Yogurt 4 ounces 5 g
Sharon Palmer, RD, is a c

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