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SenalpAWN-EdPW Words: 7,640 Updated: 131012

Another World, Now!

Coming of the Transnational Revolutions and the P2P Prince
rsan enal
!ummar" :
I first i!e a personal re!ie" on t#e i$portant spa%es of %on!eren%e and $o&ilisations so$e too'
pla%e in 2011 and 2012, and ot#ers %(rrentl) in proress: li'e, *oint So%ial +onferen%es, Alter
S($$it, ,(& -eetins of Indinados, .lo&al -a), /lo%'(p), lo&alN0ISE, Aora 11 and 2iren3e
104105 6#en I ar(e t#at "it# t#e spread of t#e P2P or 7ad!an%ed %o$$(nal8 for$s of !al(e and
p(&li% spa%e %reation, &ased on P2P relational d)na$i%s, and t#e %ross fertilisation &et"een t#e
ne" eneration P2P a%ti!ists, te%#noloies and ne" eneration so%ial 9(sti%e a%ti!ists, "e $a) t#is
ti$e &(ild $(%# stroner and transnationall) %onne%ted allian%es &et"een radi%al de$o%rati% and
re!ol(tionar) for%es5 S(%# P2P allian%es "o(ld allo" %olla&oration &et"een #ori3ontal and !erti%al
for$s of aen%), in t#e West and t#e East, e:perien%ed in !ar)in fields of str(le and prod(%e
a%%essi&le, feasi&le, de$o%rati%all) &(ilt, anti-totalitarian and alter-s)ste$i% e$an%ipator) pro9e%ts
to repla%e t#e %apitalist $ode of prod(%tion "it# t#e e$erin ne" P2P $ode5 In t#e #ands of
e$erin allian%es s(%# pro9e%ts "o(ld &e $(%# $ore po"erf(l t#an t#e %o$$(nist, so%ialist and
so%ial de$o%rati% pro9e%ts of t#e pre!io(s %ent(r)5 6#en "e $i#t &e a&le to t(rn t#e tide in fa!o(r
of t#e people5 6#e rEvolution, in t#is sense, $i#t #a!e alread) &e(n;

In 2011 t#e "orld "itnessed t#e &einnin of t#e first tr(l) transnational and lo&al rass-roots
(prisin5 6#e peer to peer <P2P= self-oranisin, %onne%ti!it), #ori3ontalit), and %o$$it$ent to
non-!iolen%e #a!e &e%o$e t#e %o$$on %#ara%teristi%s of t#e risin lo&al $o!e$ent5 Proressi!e
and re!ol(tionar) %i!il so%iet) orani3ations and trade (nions #a!e pla)ed a %r(%ial role in t#e
(prisins t#at too' pla%e in 6(nisia, E)pt, I%eland, .ree%e, Spain, Israel, +#ile, t#e U>, t#e US as
"ell as $an) ot#er pla%es5
'rEvolution' and 'r-love-ution' have become popular at Occupy and 15M camps and used widely during the
1 1
2ollo"in t#is %onstellation of for%es and (prisins 2012 #as &e(n as a )ear in "#i%# t#e
transnational %apital and r(lin elite #a!e at#ered aro(nd a %onsens(s on !ario(s t)pes of
a(t#oritarian and neoli&eral state %apitalis$5 -ore and $ore di!or%e &et"een %apitalis$ and
de$o%ra%), follo"ed t#e $ar'et fail(re deepenin in t#e West5 I$perial %onfrontations and %onfli%ts
a$on t#e elite did not disappear &(t t#e offensi!e to"ards t#e nat(re, poor and "or'in %lasses
#as str(%t(rall) and stratei%all) in%reased5 6#e !iolen%e #as &een #ardened aainst t#e pea%ef(l
so%ial opposition al$ost e!er)"#ere5 Not onl) a(sterit), fle:-sla!er) and proletarianisation #a!e
spread t#ro(#o(t t#e "orld? pea%ef(l p(&li% spa%e o%%(pations "ere !iolentl) e!i%ted,
$ilitarisation, s(r!eillan%e and %ri$inalisation %apt(red all do$ains of so%ial life, stri'es "ere
&anned, and e!en as #appened in -ari'ana traed) in So(t# Afri%a, tens of stri'in "or'ers #a!e
&een $assa%red &) t#e poli%e for%es in %old &lood5

0n t#e ot#er #and, 1@- and 0%%(p) $o!e$ents #a!e rea%#ed to a s(staina&le p#ase "it#in
20125 After 1@0, 11511511 0%%(p) t#e World, 1 -a) .eneral Stri'e and .lo&al -a) A Sprin
$o&ilisations a lot of e:perien%e #as &een ained5
17 Septe$&er, one )ear anni!ersar) of 0%%(p)
Wall Street <0WS= and t#e (p%o$in a(t($n 2012 $o&ilisations are t#e proof of t#e s(staina&ilit)
t#at t#e )o(n $o!e$ent #as a%#ie!ed for t#e ti$e &ein5
In ti$e of "ritin a ne" lo&al
$o&ilisation is &ein rapidl) and %aref(ll) oranised fro$ one to"n to ot#er, fro$ one %o(ntr) to
ot#er, and fro$ one %ontinent to ot#er5 -ore t#an 160 %ities endorsed to a pot &anin a%tion in
order to %reate a !er) $eaninf(l noise5 International "or' ro(ps and lo%al ro(ps #a!e &een
at#erin and s#arin ne" ideas all o!er t#e "orld and adoptin into t#e $ater plan5 No one is
a&le to esti$ates "#at "ill &e t#e s%ale and t#e end for$5 .lo&al Noise $o&ilisation "ill $ar' t#e
first anni!ersar) of t#e 1@ 0%to&er (prisin5 6#ere "ill &e $an) lo%al and national $o&ilisations for
!ario(s %a(ses &et"een 12

and 20 0%to&er and t#e 13 0%to&er "ill &e t#e lo&al da) of a%tion5
6#ere are also $an) ot#er initiati!es and $o&ilisations oin to ta'e pla%e d(rin t#is a(t($n and
&e)ond5 -ean"#ile "e #a!e &een o&ser!in t#e for$ation of larer allian%es a$on $ore
traditional proressi!e for%es,5 I$portant spa%es and %on!eren%e pro%esses #a!e &een initiated
la(n%#ed &) radi%al de$o%rati% as "ell as re!ol(tionar) alter-for%es espe%iall) in E(rope5 In t#e
&einnin of No!e$&er t#ere "ill &e t"o e!ent ta'in pla%e: Aora 11 in -adrid &et"een 1-4
No!e$&er and 2iren3e 10410 in 2loren%e Ital), &et"een B and 11 No!e$&er5
0&9e%ti!e is
ena&lin %onstr(%ti!e intera%tion &et"een non-representational ne" $o!e$ents and proressi!e
N.0 net"or's and (nions, and definin t#e %o$$on ro(nd and %o$$on $o&ilisations to"ards
alternati!e "orld5
In t#e arti%le I first report on so$e of t#ese i$portant spa%es of %on!eren%e and $o&ilisations,
so$e alread) too' pla%e and ot#ers &ein planned5 I "ill also ar(e t#at "it# t#e spread of t#e P2P
or 7ad!an%ed %o$$(nal8 for$s of !al(e and p(&li% spa%e %reation &ased on P2P relational
in!ol!e$ent of t#e ne" eneration of P2P a%ti!ists and P2P te%#noloies, "e $i#t
t#is ti$e #a!e a potentiall) $(%# stroner alternati!e to %apitalist $ode of prod(%tion t#an t#e
%o$$(nis$ and so%ialis$ pra%ti%es of t#e last %ent(r)5
/ein a&le to for$(late t#is ne"
p#eno$enon into a %lear and a%%essi&le %o(nter #ee$oni% pro9e%t as "ell as $et#odolo) for
solidarit) and %olla&oration, it $i#t &e possi&le to for$ lo&al P2P allian%es &et"een radi%al
refor$ist and re!ol(tionar) for%es? #ori3ontal and !erti%al for$s of aen%)? in a "a) t#at
transnationall) %onne%ts t#e$ fro$ lo%al to lo&al le!els5 A %lear anti-totalitarian and alter-s)ste$i%
#15O: and $ #11.11.11:
http:www.%aceboo&.comevents1'(1)**+21*"2)5 $ #1M,-: and $ #,lobal May: http:www.globalmay.orgen .# sign re%ers to the online aspects o% the
movement. # is a symbol used %or tweet campaigns on /witter0
#1'-: http:s1' $ O1-:
2gora ((: http:(($ 3iren!e 14514: http:%iren! $ global6O7-E:
8. 9igi .24120 ':eer to :eer :roduction as the 2lternative to ;apitalism': http:peerproduction.netissuesissue-
1invited-commentsa-new-communist-hori!on$ M. <auwens .24450 '/he :olitical Economy o% :eer :roduction':
@as 7ndias .24120 The P2P Mode of :roduction: http:english.lasindias.comlas-indias-new-boo&-the-p2p-mode-o%-
production$ 2. Aavidson .24140 '1i&ilea&s$ Barl Mar= and Cou': http:www.libertyandsolidarity.orgnode14+ 24120
':eer :roduction: a 6ew Economic Aawn>': http:moh&ohn.wordpress.com24124(25peerDproduction $
2 2
e$an%ipator) dis%o(rse and politi%al prora$ in t#e #ands of s(%# allian%es "o(ld ser!e to ain
non-%entralised A distri&(ted, %reati!e, fle:i&le, and effe%ti!e $ass po"er t#at %o(ld t(rn t#e tide in
fa!o(r of t#e people5 6#e rEvolution, as it "as 9oined &) t#e 1@- and 0%%(p) $o!e$ents, in t#is
sense $i#t #a!e alread) &e(n;
#ndignation, mo$ilisation, occuation, general stri%e
6#e "or' and plans aro(nd t#e idea of a .lo&al Sprin &ean to %r)stallise to"ards t#e end of
2irst after t#e s(%%ess of t#e 0a'land .eneral Strie on No!e$&er 25 S(%# #istori%al e!ent
not onl) prepared t#e ro(nd for t#e -a) Ca) .eneral Stri'e idea, t#at too' pla%e in t#e US, &(t
also $ade it possi&le for t#e West +oast do%'"or'ers8 (nion <IDWU= to et stroner position !is-E-
!is t#e %o$pan) in disp(te, and %ertainl) pla)ed a role in t#e (nion "innin t#e &attle (nder-"a)5
Sin%e *an(ar) 2012, 0%%(p) .eneral Asse$&lies <.As= &ean oranisin t#e first federal le!el
.eneral Stri'e in US #istor), too' pla%e on -a) 1st, international "or'er8s da), s)$&ol of t#e B-
#o(r-da) str(le and t#e (nit) of s(&altern %lasses5 Indignados in E(rope &ot# en%o(raed and
responded to t#is %all "it# a %all to for$ pop(lar "or'erA%iti3en asse$&lies t#at "o(ld at#er on
-a) Ca) &eside or after t#e $o&ilisations oranised &) (nions, in order to i!e s(pport to t#e
la&o(r $o!e$ent str(le in eneral5
0n t#e ot#er #and, &einnin Ce%e$&er 2011, t#e 1@-
and 0%%(p) -o!e$ents in E(rope "ere oranisin a da) of lo&al $o&ilisation on t#e -a) 12
<F12-=, t#e anni!ersar) of t#e 7Spanis# Ge!ol(tion8 &e(n at P(erta del Sol sH(are in -adrid a
)ear ao on 1@ -a)5
Anot#er idea on an 7open so(r%e8 and indefinite lo&al transition stri'es on
1@ -a) <F1@-= #as also &een la(n%#ed5
-an) initiati!es #as (nderta'en to lin' t#e d)na$i%s of
t#e ne" $o!e$ent to oranised ro(ps li'e resistin "or'ers, (nions, %a$pain ro(ps and N.0
net"or's in order to in%rease t#e $anit(de of t#e Sprin $o&ilisations and t#e stri'es5 Alt#o(#,
t#ese a$&i(o(s plans of t#e self-oranised $asses did not find a stron resonan%e a$on lare
part of t#e #ierar%#i%all) 7oranised8 for%es, t#e ne" eneration of a%ti!ists #as ained an i$$ense
a$o(nt of e:perien%e and %onfiden%e5
+onne%tin to t#e 1-, 12- and 1@- a%tions, $an) ro(ps t#at "ere lin'ed to or a%ted in solidarit)
"it# t#e 0%%(p) and 1@- -o!e$ents in E(rope #ad initiated t#e E(ropean $irror i$ae of 0WS:
6#e /lo%'(p) a%tion, to ta'e pla%e in .er$an) &et"een 16-11 -a)5
-assi!e $o&ilisations "ere
planned to protest, &lo%', and o%%(p) t#e 2ran'f(rt 2inan%ial +entre and t#e E(ropean +entral
/an' <E+/=, "#i%# "ere seen as t#e E(ropean ,ead 0ffi%e of .old$an Sa%#s5 In t#e USA, anti-
.B and anti-NA60 $o&ilisations "ere planned in +#i%ao for t#e -a) 1@-21 in tande$ to t#ese
pre%edin $o&ilisations5
Alt#o(# 2ran'f(rt %it) o!ern$ent #ad iss(ed a stron &an on all t#e
protests in entire 2ran'f(rt a$ -ain55 Poli%e repression "as !er) stron and t#e and iss(in a s(%#
&an iss(ed for all protests did not #appened sin%e t#e Na3is "ere in po"er? indi%atin t#e dept# of
(nde$o%rati% r(le do$inatin t#e old %ontinent5 -ean"#ile, in t#e US, 0&a$a "as $o!in t#e
!en(e of t#e .B fro$ #is #o$e to"n to +a$p Ca!id5 Under s(%# %onditions t#e /lo%'(p) a%#ie!ed
to &lo%' t#e E+/ and to et a 30 t#o(sands people stron rall) orani3ed on t#e 11t#5

3or Oa&land -tri&e: http:occupyoa&land.org241114general-stri&e-mass-day-o%-action $"occupy-oa&land-general-stri&e-live
" "
6#e s(%%essf(l oranisin and t#e lo&al s(pport i!en to t#e 0a'land .eneral Stri'e too' t#e
dis%ontent in t#e Nort# "#i%# #as &een ro"in sin%e t#e Seattle 1111 and $ade a H(ant($ leap
"it# t#e 0WS, e!en a step f(rt#er5 It (nderlined t#e #istori%al roots of t#e %(rrent $o$ent of t#e
lo&al (prisin and strent#ened %onne%ti!it), %o$$(ni%ation and solidarit) a$on !ario(s for%es5
Aro(nd sin%e t#e free fall of t#e De#$an /rot#ers in 200B, t#e eneral stri'e #ad alread) $ade a
spe%ta%(lar ret(rn in E(rope5
,o"e!er t#e -a) Ca) .eneral Stri'e in t#e US #as a%t(all)
a"a'ened t#e lea%) of ideas li'e 70ne /i Union8, 7S#orter Wor' Ca)8, 7International Stri'e8 and
#i#li#ted t#e ties %onne%tin t#e old, ne", ne"er and t#e ne"est proressi!e and re!ol(tionar)
$o!e$ents5 ,(ndreds of $illions $ar%#in aro(nd t#e "orld #as i!en a stron e%#o to t#is
7#appenin8, and allo"ed (s to !is(alise %lear i$aes of ne" eneration a%tions and eneral
stri'es t#at %an start a radi%al so%ial %#ane pro%esses5
6#e a&o!e $entioned $o&ilisations and a%tions "ere t#e international ones dire%tl) oranised &)
non-representational ro(ps in%l(din 0%%(p), 1@- and t#ose "#o %olla&orated "it# t#e$5 2or t#e
sa'e of t#e ar($ent of t#e paper "e fo%(s on t#e lo&al le!el5 In order to (n%o!er t#e real n($&er
of t#e lo%al, national and reional e!ents, dire%t a%tions, $o&ilisations and stri'es t#at #ad
oranised &) t#ese ro(ps, and t#eir i$pa%t "e s(rel) need an intense s)ste$ati% st(d)5 In order
&(ild (p $) ar($ent no" I "ill #a!e a loo' at t#e $et#ods and tools t#at #a!e &een e:peri$ented
and de!eloped &) t#e ne" eneration a%ti!ists "#en %reatin a s#ared feelin and e:perien%e,
strate) and ta%ti%s, p(&li% spa%e and an politi%al i$pa%t5
&eneral assem$lies, transnational wor% grous, and hu$ meetings
Sin%e Seattle and first World So%ial 2or($ in Porto Alere, lo&al solidarit) and 9(sti%e a%ti!ists
#a!e &een intensi!el) (sin e$ail lists, S')pe $eetins, !ideo-s#arin, "e&sites and ot#er
soft"are a!aila&le in order to oranise alter- or anti-s($$its as "ell as rea%# o(t t#e p(&li%5
,o"e!er sin%e 2004, "it# t#e arri!al of #i# %apa%it) ser!ers and fi&relass %a&les t#at allo"ed t#e
trans$ittin of $(%# larer a$o(nt of infor$ation in a s#orter ti$e, t#e a!aila&le tools #a!e
&e%o$e $ore and $ore intera%ti!e and a%%essi&le5 6#e ne" We& <We& 250= opened (p t#e
%)&erspa%e for (sers parti%ipation, for %ontent prod(%tion, self-p(&lis#in and s#arin, "it#o(t an)
%o$p(ter prora$$in 'no"lede5 0n t#e ot#er #and t#e deepenin of t#e %risis of neoli&eral
lo&alis$, "#i%# alread) triered radi%al politi%isation of t#e %)&era%ti!is$ d(rin t#e late B0s and
6#e first eneration parti%ipants of t#e P2P $o!e$ent "as leadin an (nderro(nd fi#t
aainst t#e %o$$odifi%ation of t#e Internet aainst intelle%t(al propriet) rei$e la(n%#ed &) .A6S
tro(# t#e W605
.A6S "as pro!idin t#e leal fra$e"or' for "#at #as &een %alled It#e se%ond
en%los(reI -of t#e %)&erspa%e and allo"in pri!ate %apital to &(ild t#e %lient-ser!er $odel <World
Wide We&= on top of (nprofita&le distri&(ted net"or' 'no"n as Internet5
W#ile part of t#is first
eneration P2P a%ti!is$ #ad transfor$ed into 2ree and 0pen So(r%e Soft"are $o!e$ent and
a%%ess to free infor$ation $o!e$ent #as enerated (sef(l tools and pro9e%ts as res(lt of t#eir
fi#t? li'e Din(:, Wi'ipedia, +op) Deft, +reati!e +o$$ons, 60G, 6ele'o$$(nisten et%5, "#i%#
"ere politi%all) $oti!ated and pra%ti%all) attra%ti!e for lo&al a(dien%e, radi%al "in %)&era%ti!st$
%olla&orated in t#e lo&alisation of t#e Japatista $o!e$ent fi#tin aainst t#e NA26A <and .A66=
&) (sin t#e ne" We&5
6#e $o!e$ent #a!e &een a%ti!e in t#e terrain of %apital, t#e We&,
http:en.wi&ipedia.orgwi&i15DOctoberD2411DglobalDprotests$ http:cryptome.orgin%oows-1*ows-1*.htm
;yberpun& movement: http:en.wi&ipedia.orgwi&i;yberpun&$ :2:;ategory:Movements
B. Milberry .244(0 ',ee&s and ,lobal 8ustice: 2nother .;yber01orld is :ossible'
http:gee&sandglobalEustice.comwp-contentMilberry-Aissertation-%or-@ibrary.pd%$ 6etwor&s o% Aissent:
2 /ypology o% -ocial Movements in a ,lobal 2ge:
M. <erlinguer .24140 '/he E%%ects o% the Open -ource Movement on the Aevelopment o% :olitics and -ociety':
,6F:$ @inu=: http:en.wi&ipedia.orgwi&i@inu=$ 1i&ipedia: http:en.wi&ipedia.orgwi&i@inu=$
;opy @e%t: http:www.gnu.orgcopyle%t $ ;reative ;ommons:$ /O9:$ /ele&ommunisten: http:tele&
+ +
&e%a(se t#is "as allo"ed t#e$ to rea%# o(t t#e ne" a%ti!ists, in%l(din non-%)&er ones5 6#e
%olla&oration and %ross fertili3ation #ad &een e:tended !ia Seattle and t#e World So%ial 2or($ )et
#ad to sta) li$ited &e%a(se of t#e for$ of t#e We& at t#e ti$e5 6#is #as %#aned radi%all) "#ile
t#e reat anti-"ar $o!e$ent of 2003 and So%ial 2or($ -o!e$ents "ere in de%line d(rin t#e
se%ond #alf of t#e 2000s5 After t#e arri!al of t#e ne" We& s(%# intera%tion and %ross fertili3ation
a$on t#e %)&er-a%ti!ists and so%ial 9(sti%e a%ti!ists #as &ro(#t a&o(t t#e ne"est so%ial
$o!e$ents "#i%# "ere lo&all) ta'in off li'e t#e Pirates $o!e$ent, #a%'er ro(ps Anon)$o(s
and D(l3Se%, Wi'ilea's 9(st to $ention "idel) 'no"n ones5
We "ere loo'in at t#e $anifestation
of e$po"ered so%ial oranisation and %olle%ti!e a%tion %apa%it) t#at %an %reate ne" possi&ilities
and !isions to realise radi%al %#ane5
1@-, "idel) 'no"n as Indignados, and 0%%(p) $o!e$ents #a!e initiall) &e%o$e a transnational
politi%al spa%es for %on!eren%e a$on t#is ne" eneration P2P $o!e$ents and a%ti!ists,
a%ti!ists in!ol!ed in (nion and %o$$(nit) oranisin, iss(e %a$pains, proressi!e N.0s,
pre!io(sl) non-a%ti!e &(t politi%ised independent indi!id(als and s$all s%ale politi%al %olle%ti!es,
aain of ne" enerations, 2ollo"in t#e 2007 %risis, and $ost re%entl) d(rin t#e protests in
Wis%onsin, US, and t#e st(dent re!olts in E(rope in 2010, t#ere "as a rapid in%rease in t#e
intera%tions &et"een %)&er-a%ti!is$, internet &ased $edia a%ti!is$, and diital a%ti!ist artists5
6#erefore ri#t after t#e 6a#rir, t#e (se of &ot# P2P soft"are and ne" We&-&ased te%#noloies for
t#e pra%ti%e of transnational oranisin, de%ision $a'in, !isionin, strate) for$in, rea%# o(t,
loisti%s, so on s(ddenl) e:ploded5 6#e a%tions of Anon)$o(s and Wi'ilea's #a!e displa)ed t#e
%onne%ti!it) and solidarit) &et"een t#e ne"est $o!e$ents and t#e so%ial (prisins5 Anon)$o(s
#a!e %reated $assi!e $edia %#annels for its o"n net5 Prod(%ed !er) effe%ti!e artisti% !ideo
$essaes to de%lare t#eir s(pport, $a'e a p(&li% state$ent, %all for a%tion or "#at t#e) %all
W#en t#e protesters in Wis%onsin and 6a#rir #ailin ea%# ot#er, at t#at se%ond
!is(als of t#e e!ent "as s#ared a$on $illions on t#e We& and "ent !iral5
Di!e !ideo %#annels
"ere strea$in to tens of t#o(sands of people a%ross t#e "orld "#en t#e $asses at P(erta Cel
Sol SH(are in -adrid %arr)in $essaes for At#ens, I%eland, and Dondon5 Wi'ilea's triered t#e
Ara& sprin and Anon)$o(s atta%'ed E)ptian sites and sta)ed in solidarit) "it# (prisins
e!er)"#ere and t#ese pi%t(res too "ere fra$ed and s#ared "it# li#t speed5 0n t#e ro(nd t#ere
"ere alread) online and real "orld %o$$(ni%ation &et"een t#ese spa%es, ro(ps and re&els "ere
esta&lis#ed and at "or'5 W#en al$ost all t#e Spanis# %it) sH(ares "ere o%%(pied for se!eral
"ee's, startin fro$ t#e -a) 1@ 2011 and "it# %lear referen%e to t#e 6a#rir SH(are, not $an)
"o(ld (ess t#at t#ese o%%(pations and re(lar %iti3en asse$&lies t#at "ere %o$para&le to
pre!io(s Datin A$eri%an e:perien%es "as a%t(all) s)ste$ati%all) &ein spread to $an) E(ropean
%ities and &e)ond t#e Atlanti%5
2ollo"in t#e international asse$&lies oranised in Dis&on and Paris, 0%to&er 1@ "as de%ided as
t#e date of t#e 7.lo&al Ge!ol(tion8, t#at "as t(rned into a $assi!e $o&ilisation5 2irst ties "ere
esta&lis#ed in t#e US and t#e first tr(l) internationalAtransnational net"or's of online and offline
"or' ro(ps and %o$$ittees %o!erin t#e (prisin -editerranean, E(ropean and t#e A$eri%an
reions "ere for$ed5 70n t#e road to dinit)8 rap#i% "as refle%tin t#e %orner stones on t#e ti$e
6#ese ro(ps #a!e at#ered, s#ared, "or'ed and dis%(ssed on a re(lar &asis in order to
&(ild t#e $o!e$ent and oranise t#e 1@0 $o&ilisation5 ,a%'ti!ists and arti!ists #a!e a%ti!el)
for$ed t#e international infrastr(%t(re for oranisin t#e $o&ilisations and a%tions &(t also
de!elopin a pra%ti%e of 7real de$o%ra%)85 Asse$&l) proto%ols, $et#odoloies, desins, sins,
r(les, et%5 "ere for$(lated, e:peri$ented, tested and i$pro!ed a%ross E(ropean %ities, &(t $ore
intense in t#e Spanis# %onte:t5 6#is 'no"lede and e:perien%e "it# added !al(e #ad %rossed t#e
Atlanti% d(rin t#e s($$er 20115 People8s asse$&lies started to pop (p in US %ities and
Adbusters Magazine $ade a %all to 0%%(p) Wall Street on t#e Septe$&er 17 last )ear5
:irate :arties 7nternational:$ 1i&ilea&s: http:wi&ilea&$ 2nonymous ;entral:
5 5
0n t#e sa$e da) "#en t#e Wall Street "as o%%(pied, t#e E(ropean 6rade Union +onfederation
<E6U+= and E(ropean trade (nions oranised a $ass $o&ilisation in Poland to protest t#e
$eetin of t#e E(ropean finan%e $inisters5
Ket no %onne%tion "as $ade &et"een t#ese t"o
deepl) %onne%ted e!ents, so t#at t#e i$pa%t of t#e &ot# e!ent %o(ld #a!e in%reased5 As a res(lt,
t#at da) and for t#e follo"in %o(ple of "ee's t#ere "as al$ost no $edia %o!erae of t#ese t"o
&i and related e!ents5 People aro(nd t#e "orld did not #ear $(%# a&o(t "#at #appened in Wall
Street and Poland and %o(ld not see t#e %onne%tion5 ,o"e!er, after se!eral "ee's of non-!iolent
resistan%e of t#e %iti3ens o%%(p)in t#e J(%%otti Par' in Wall Street "ere se!erel) atta%'ed &) t#e
poli%e $ainstrea$ $edia %o(ld not inore "#at "as #appenin5 6#is er(ption of (na!oida&le $ass
$edia attention, %o$in $ainl) &) international ri!als of t#e //+ and t#e +NN, li'e G(ssa 6oda)
<G6=, +#inese ne"s %#annel ++6L, as "ell as Al *a3eera, fed into t#e $assi!e lo&al
$o&ilisations on t#e 1@t# of 0%to&er, and %on%o$itant o%%(pations of $ore t#an 1000 %entral %it)
sH(ares in $ore t#an 10 %o(ntries a%ross fi!e %ontinents5
*(st &efore t#e Wall Street o%%(pation, in /ar%elona Indignados "ere #oldin t#e transnational
,(& -eetin to e:%#ane on lo%al sit(ations and preparations, !isions and f(t(re perspe%ti!es
to"ard 1@0 and after"ards5 6#e se%ond #(& $eetin "as #eld in -ilan on 30-31 -ar%# and 1
April 2012 A%ti!ists fro$ $an) E(ropean %ities and %a$ps in t#is $eetin, s#ared infor$ation and
dis%(ssed strateies to"ards -a) 20125
.lo&al SprinA.lo&al -a) "or'in ro(p and /lo%'(p)
oranisation a!e an (pdate and a S')pe %all $ade to a -a) Ca) oraniser fro$ t#e 0WS5 6itles
for anal)sis dis%(ssed in t#e "or's#ops "ere a(sterit) poli%ies, de&t, pri!atisations, t#e anti-
de$o%rati% "a!e, t#e rise of t#e ri#t "in5 Anal)ses "ere s#ared #ori3ontall) and &ro(#t &a%' to
lo%al ro(ps and %olle%ti!es in!ol!ed5 Sin%e t#ere "as no oranisational representation, or
o&9e%ti!e of de%ision $a'in d(rin t#ese $eetins, no irresol!a&le disp(te arose ste$$in fro$
ideoloi%al, traditional, %(lt(ral di!ersit)5 6#e asse$&l) st)le "or'in "as adopted &) all and
parti%ipants "ere indi!id(als5 6#erefore it "as easier and faster to "or' and rea%# a %onsens(s5
E!er)&od) %o(ld 9oin in spontaneo(s s(pport i!in pro$isin initiati!es a&o(t "#i%# t#e) ot first
eno(# infor$ation, and raise points reardin t#e $et#odolo)5 Sin%e for$al representation "as
not an iss(e, in pra%ti%e t#e $eetin "as $ainl) one of e:%#ane and i!in feed &a%' to t#e risin
initiati!es5 6#e $ain i$pa%t of s(%# oranised net"or' $eetins, #o"e!er, %o$es "#en t#ese
interlin'ed indi!id(als &rin &a%' t#e infor$ation and %onsens(al anal)ses to t#e lo%al asse$&lies
and ro(ps5 At t#e end of t#e se%ond ,(& -eetin, s(pport for .lo&al Sprin, 12- and 1@-
$o&ilisations "as areed "it# f(ll %onsens(s5 6#ere "as a &i s(pport to -a) Ca) in t#e US
/lo%'(p), alt#o(# t#ere "ere %on%erns a&o(t t#e dedi%ation to non-!iolen%e in 2ran'f(rt,
#ori3ontalit) in t#e plannin of t#e $o&ilisation, and %olla&oration "it# !erti%al oranisations and
6o note &efore pro%eedin, as for t#e International le!el pra%ti%es? infor$ation at#erin and
e:%#ane &efore $a'in proposals to t#e lo%al .eneral Asse$&lies of t#e $o&ilisation, a%tion or
alternati!e initiati!es to &e ta'en for"ard, #a!e &een representin a %o$&ination of dire%t
de$o%ra%) po"ered &) P2P relational d)na$i%s, "#i%# "ere de!eloped and adopted &) t#e
pre!io(s and %(rrent eneration P2P $o!e$ent, li'e Anon)$o(s <po"er and #ierar%#) in
anon)$o(s=5 We "ill ela&orate &elo" on t#e P2P relational d)na$i%s and its i$portan%e5
'uroean fellowshi of the ring(
A $ont# &efore t#e -a) Ca) 2012, on -ar%# 2B-21, t#e ne:t p#ase of an i$portant e:peri$ent
"as ta'in pla%e at t#e International 6rade Union /(ildin in /r(ssels, "#i%# #osts t#e esta&lis#ed
lo&al (nion str(%t(res additional to t#e International 6rade Union +onfederation <I6U+= and
E6U+5 A$on t#e parti%ipants of t#e 2nd Sprin So%ial +onferen%e t#ere "ere $ore t#an 140
7nteractive$ Jideos: http:roarmag.org241114global-revolution-mass-protests-in-
Kub Meetings:$ reporting %rom the 2. Kub Meeting in Milan:
* *
representati!es of aro(nd 40 proressi!e oranisations, (nions, and N.0 net"or's &ased in
6#e first edition of t#e +onferen%e #ad &een #eld at t#e sa$e !en(e in -ar%# 2011 &) t#e
parti%ipants in t#e 7*oint So%ial +onferen%e8 pro%ess5 6#e *oint So%ial +onferen%e initiati!e "as
offi%iall) &orn o(t of t#e E(ropean So%ial 2or($ in -al$o in 20015 Ket t#e roots of t#e pro%ess %an
&e tra%ed &a%' to t#e fo(ndation of t#e Da&o(r and .lo&alisation Net"or' <DM.= d(rin t#e World
So%ial 2or($ in 20075
DM. is a loose net"or' of la&o(r and (nion a%ti!ists oriinall) ai$ed at
$a'in la&o(r $ore !isi&le "it#in t#e so%ial for($ pro%esses5 Sin%e t#e -al$o ES2, se!eral so%ial
$o!e$ents, N.0 net"or's and la&o(r (nions #a!e &e%o$e in!ol!ed in *S+ pro%ess and t#e)
#a!e de!eloped $(t(al tr(st and re%onition, and t#e) tried to e:peri$ent "it# inno!ati!e "a)s of
"or'in toet#er5 6#e first +onferen%e "as a prod(%t of so$e )ears of "or', "as not eas) to p(t
toet#er and rea%# o(t5 It "as a diffi%(lt e:peri$ent of %olla&oration in order to deli!er %on%rete
res(lts, &e%a(se of t#e differen%es in %(lt(res, ideoloies, t#e "a)s of "or'in and different
interests5 /(t lessons #a!e &een learned and $(t(al tr(st and re%onition ained5 /esides, t#e
in%reasin press(re of t#e %risis and $o&ilisations on t#e streets %ontri&(ted to a $(%# $ore
s(%%essf(l se%ond edition5
C(rin t#e 2nd Sprin So%ial +onferen%e $an) people, in%l(din t#e E6U+ .eneral Se%retar),
repeated t#e need for a E(ropean "ide eneral stri'e and 9oint a%tions, in order to &e a&le to resist
%apital and %#ane t#e &alan%e of po"er, alt#o(# statin t#at it "o(ld !er) #ard to realise s(%#
a%tions5 ,o"e!er, standin %loser to so(t#ern E(ropean (nion positions, as "ell as t#e Indignados
and 0%%(p) $o!e$ents8 a%tions, t#e .eneral Se%retar) of t#e larest E(ropean (nion federation,
E(ropean P(&li% Ser!i%es Unions <EPSU=, de%lared t#at e!en toda) s(%# transnational stri'es are
possi&le to realise, if onl) "e &rin t#e e:istin str(les toet#er and lin'ed onoin national
eneral stri'es 5
At t#e end of t#e da), t#ere "as no dire%t s(pport to a -a) Ca) stri'e in t#e US or E(rope, nor a
%all for $o&ilisation as proposed &) 12- and 1@-, &(t t#e effort "as relati!el) s(%%essf(l and a
H(ite stron final do%($ent "as prod(%ed "it# an e:%itin %ontent5
Geardless of t#e diffi%(lties
and interest %onfli%ts, predi%ta&le "it# t#e %o$&ination of a%tors in!ol!ed, a %o$$on anal)sis,
resistan%e and $o&ilisations "ere identified5
After t#e end of t#e %onferen%e an inter-net"or' $eetin at#ered "it# t#e sa$e parti%ipants and
ot#ers, to "or' on a %all for oranisin an AlterS($$it in t#e foreseea&le f(t(re5
6#e %all "as
$ade to &(ild a E(ropean "ide so%ial $o!e$ent, s#arin a %o$$on ro(nd of anal)sis, and
define %olle%ti!e a%tions and alternati!es aainst t#e a(sterit) poli%ies, dere(lations,
pri!atisations, anti-de$o%rati% $eas(res in E(rope, as "ell as lo&all)5 6#e %ornerstones for
&(ildin s(%# a $o!e$ent "ere identified as @-6 -a) 2012 6NI-+E0 %onferen%e t#at too' in
/r(ssels, 17-20 -a) /lo%'(p) for .lo&al +#ane $o&ilisation in 2ran'f(rt, @-11 -a) S(&!ersi!e
2or($ in Jare& and 2rien3e 10410 to &e oranised to"ards t#e end of 2012, "ere %onsidered as
t#e %ornerstones for t#e &(ildin of s(%# $o!e$ent5

Indi!id(al a%ti!ists 9oined t#e $eetin and raised %alls for s(pport to t#e -1.S, 12- and 1@-
lo&al a%tions oranised &) 0%%(p) and 1@- -o!e$ents5 6#ese parti%ipants fro$ Indinados and
0%%(p) $o!e$ents reported on t#e %onferen%e to t#e 25 ,(& -eetin at#erin in -ilan, "#i%#
"as $entioned a&o!e, ri#t after t#is e!ent on -ar%# 305 As I said &ot# Sprin So%ial +onferen%e
and ,(& -eetin parti%ipants endorsed and de%lared a%ti!e s(pport to t#e /lo%'(p) a%tion, "#i%#
8-;:>lang?%r$ E/F;:$ 7/F;:
Jideo interview with M. <erlinguer:>v?AL,!5)=-3h) $ :. 1aterman .244(0
'@abour at the 244( <elem 1orld -ocial 3orum':
9esisting 3inancial Aictatorship M9eclaiming Aemocracy and -ocial 9ightsN:
' '
"as inspired &) t#e 0WS and 1@- and oranised &) "ider %oalition of for%es in%l(din 0%%(p)
ro(ps in .er$an)5
So$e of t#e parti%ipatin net"or's li'e A66A+ and 6ransfor$, N.0s li'e +E0 and 6NI a$on
ot#ers, #a!e lin'ed t#e o(t%o$es of t#e %onferen%e to anot#er pro%ess la(n%#ed in %olla&oration
"it# politi%al a%tors li'e E(ropean Deft, t#at too' pla%e on t#e -ar%# 30-315
0n @ and 6 -a)
2012, follo"in t#is line of intera%tions, anot#er i$portant allian%e &(ildin e!ent "as oranised in
/r(ssels t#is ti$e &) +orporate E(rope 0&ser!ator) <+E0= and 6ransnational Instit(te5 Aro(nd
300 parti%ipants, fro$ a%ross E(rope %a$e toet#er to see t#e possi&ilities of ta'in %olla&oration
a$on a%ti!ists, (nions, $o!e$ents and net"or's one step f(rt#er5 6#e) prod(%ed an inspirin
state$ent %allin for a #alt to t#e EU A(sterit) 6reat)5
6#e t"o-da) EU in +risis +onferen%e
$ar'ed +E08s 1@t# anni!ersar)5 2ollo"in t"o da)s of dis%(ssion and de&ate a ne" Pan-
E(ropean net"or' to fi#t aainst t#e EU8s a(sterit) poli%ies, and s(pport a fairer, reener, $ore
de$o%rati% E(rope, "as la(n%#ed5 6#ere "ere %alls $ade to s(pport t#e o%%(pation of t#e
E(ropean +entral /an' on t#e 17-20 -a) and t#e lo&al Ca) of A%tion on 12 -a)5
6#ere "ere
also %alls $ade to s(pport t#e 7No8 %a$pain in t#e Iris# Geferend($ on t#e A(sterit) 6reat) t#at
too' pla%e on 31 -a) 20125 Sinifi%ant ele$ents of t#e transnational "ater 9(sti%e $o!e$ent "ere
also at present in t#e %onferen%e5 6#e !al(a&le e:perien%e of t#ese a%tors in ter$s of transnational
allian%e &(ildin %ontri&(ted to t#e %on!eren%e5 A ne" %a$pain to %#allene t#e p(s# for t#e
pri!atisation of "ater ser!i%es "as la(n%#ed, in%l(din s(pport for t#e %a$pain for a E(ropean
+iti3ens8 Initiati!e, statin t#at 7Water and sanitation are #($an ri#ts; Water is a p(&li% ood, not a
Anot#er i$portant E(ropean net"or's t#at "ere e$erin and interlin'in "it# t#is
pro%ess of "ider alin$ent aro(nd si$ilar iss(es "as E(ropean Alternati!es and t#e Anot#er Goad
for E(rope5
C(rin t#e 6NI-+E0 e!ent t#ese net"or's enaed %losel) to Alter S($$it pro%ess
and t#e 2iren3e 10410 spa%e5 W#ile E(ropean Alternati!e net"or' $a'es stron e$p#asis on
alternati!es, %o$$ons and rass-roots, Anot#er Goad for E(rope net"or' %onsist of E(ropean
politi%al parties and resear%# net"or's5
After t#e -a) $o&ilisations, d(rin t#e s($$er of 2012, t#ere "ere series of real "orld and %)&er
e!al(ations and re-e!al(ations too' pla%e, 6#ese e!al(ations #elped to diest t#e e:perien%es of
-a) $o&ilisations and to dra" lessons as "ell as to re-enerise for t#e a(t($n5 C(rin t#e sprin
and end of t#e s($$er in t#e Nort#ern #e$isp#ere $an) a%tions oranised $ainl) in t#e US and
Spain &(t $a) &e $ore i$portantl) all e!i%ted 0%%(p) %a$ps #a!e de!eloped t#eir o"n online
spa%es and tools to 'eep in to(%# "it# lo%al a%ti!ists5 Se!eral i$portant "e& portals "ere
de!eloped and la(n%#ed5
de!elopin ne" %o$$(ni%ation %#annels lo%al net"or's #a!e &(ilt
%loser lin's a$on t#e pre!io(sl) %reated spa%es for international %o$$(ni%ation and
%oordination a$on 1@- and 0%%(p) asse$&lies, %a$ps, and net"or's in different %ontinents5
/(ildin on t#e pre!io(s e:perien%es, ne" ideas for date and %ontent of t#e lo&al $o&ilisations
"ere dis%(ssed, and an international "or' ro(p "as for$ed -t#is ti$e "it# e!en %loser and "ider
international parti%ipation fro$ !ar)in lo%alities5 .lo&al Noise a%tion too' a for$ in a distri&(ted
"a)5 A ne" international road to dinit) "as dra"n for t#e rest of 2012 and 2013 lin'in t#e %orner
stones to"ards t#e lo&al %#ane5

At t#e end of A((st parti%ipants of t#e al$ost all a&o!e $entioned proressi!e and less #ori3ontal
net"or's oranised a preparator) $eetin on S')pe in order to %o$e (p "it# a draft prora$ for
http:bloc&upy-%ran&%urt.orgennode(5$ http:www.peoplesassemblies.org241245may-12th-globalmay-
European 2lternatives:$ 2nother 9oad %or Europe:
+4$ /he ,lobal -Guare:
) )
Septe$&er 14-17 preparator) $eetin and to "or' on it in -ilan to"ards 2iren3e 104105
-ilan $eetin "ent relati!el) s(%%essf(l in ter$s of %on!eren%e of ideas and %(lt(res5 An online
per-%on!eren%e pro%ess "#i%# is e$&edded in t#e preparator) "or' of fi!e t#e$ati% ro(ps
esta&lis#ed and last ro(p to "or' on t#e %on!eren%e5 .ro(p and a%tors "ere as'ed to %o$e (p
"it# proposals for %o$$on !ision, strate) and a%tion in order to i$pro!e t#e %on!eren%e in
2iren3e and $o!e f(rt#er on a %on%rete and s#ared pat#5
6#e -ilan $eetin #ad %oin%ided "it#
t#e anni!ersar) of 0%%(p) Wall Street5 Gi#t after t#e openin session for t#e $eetin 0%%(p) and
1@- a%ti!ists "#o "ere parti%ipatin a!e indi!id(al inp(t on lo&alN0ISE preparations, Aora11
$eetin, "or'in $et#odoloies of t#e $o!e$ent5 C(rin t#e follo"in da)s t#e) $ade
s(estions for t#e "or'in t#e$es and t#e $et#odolo) for t#e oranisation of 2iren3e 10410,
6#e) "or'ed on se!eral possi&le ideas a&o(t #o" to in!ol!e 0%%(p) 1@- net"or's in t#e spa%e
"ill &e %reated in 2loren%e5

0n t#e ot#er #and, a%%ordin to t#e de%ision ta'en &) t#e transnational asse$&l) at t#e end of
/lo%'(p) a%tion in 2ran'f(rt, a "or' ro(p "as for$ed in order to %oordinate t#e oranisation of a
transnational and trans!ersal $eetin in -adrid %alled Aora 115 Aora 11 #as &een oranised as
an open $eetin &) %olle%ti!es and indi!id(als ta'in part in 1@-, 0%%(p) and /lo%'(p)
$o!e$ents5 As 2iren3e is an open spa%e for oranisations, (nions, net"or's and indi!id(al
a%ti!ists? Aora11 is for politi%al %olle%ti!es, ro(ps and indi!id(als 9oinin in 0%%(p) and 1@-
asse$&lies $ainl) to "or' on pra%ti%al iss(e5 /ased on self-representation5 And "#ile 2iren3e
fo%(ses on E(rope, Ce&t, +o$$ons, Da&o(rM So%ial Gi#ts, Ce$o%ra%) t#e$ati%all), t#e t#e$es
of t#e Aora 11 at#erin are Ce&t, +risis and Ce$o%ra%)5 Indi%atin t#e P2P d)na$i%s &e#ind t#e
e!ent so$e of t#e sloans on t#e &anners are P2P Ce$o%ra%), P2P Aora5
W#ile -adrid
oranisers #a!e $ade dire%t referen%e to P2P, oranisers of t#e 2iren3e #as opened t#e
preparator) pro%ess to online parti%ipation of indi!id(als, net"or's and N.0s, &) (sin open pads
ne:t to t#e e$ail lists5 6#ere are also planes &ein $entioned li'e (sin .er$an PiratesI DiH(id
Ce$o%ra%) soft"are "#i%# is de!eloped and (sed espe%iall) for P2P poli%) and de%ision $a'in,
as one of t#e "or'in $et#odoloies for t#e peopleIs asse$&l) "ill ta'e pla%e in 2loren%e
2ollo"in t#e s($$er, politi%al $o$ent($ is risin on%e $ore5 Up%o$in ele%tions in t#e US,
Israel, and transition of po"er in +#ina $a'es intra%lass %onfli%ts $ore and $ore diffi%(lt to #andle
in lo&al ter$5 6#e %o$in $ot#s "ill potentiall) &e f(ll of a tension5 In%rease in $ilitar)
%onfrontations, tension &et"een +#ina and *apan, 6(r'e) and S)ria, Israel M US !s5 Iran, e:pose
t#ese fraternal %onfli%ts5 W#i%# in $ost of t#e %ases $er%ilessl) #it #ardest t#e inno%ent %i!ilians,
poor, %#ildren and elderl)5 6#e #ope is al"a)s t#ere and t#e a&o!e des%ri&ed %on!eren%es $i#t
&e t#e sinals of risin allian%es: a I2ello"s#ip of t#e GinI, as in 6ol'ienIs stor)5 A for%e t#at %an
attra%t t#e e)e of -ordor on #erself and e:pand fro$ t#e $iddle Eart# to"ards t#e -editerranean,
t#e A$eri%as and a%ross t#e lo&e5

The P2P Prince( form and the rogram of the transnational r'volutionar" su$)ectivit"

The modern prince, the myth-prince, cannot be a real person, a concrete
individual. It can only be an organism, a complex element of society in hich
a collective ill, hich has already been recognised and has to some extent
asserted itself in action, begins to ta!e concrete form. "A. #ramsci$
Minutes o% the -&ype meeting: http:snuproEect.wordpress.com24124)2'alter-%orces-are-converging-in-europe-to-
%ight-bac&-against-the-1-Eoin-in-the-struggle-%or-Eustice-and-solidarity$ 2ctual :rogram:
Open pad %or proposals: http:%iren!"
7ndignados' report:: http:titanpad.commilano%iren!e15moccupy$ O%%icial report:
http:%iren!e1414.euinde=.phpenpartecipate-2milan-international-seminar(*-report-o%-the-milan-meeting$ %ull video
report: http:open%sm.netproEectsoccupy15m-%iren!eoi%iren!e-milano-videoreport
A. Meyer .24120 'Kow the ,erman :irate :arty's @iGuid Aemocracy 1or&s':
8.8.9. /ol&ien: :en.wi&ipedia.orgwi&i8.D9.D9.D/ol&ien$ http:en.wi&ipedia.orgwi&i/heD@ordDo%DtheD9ings
( (
Italian politi%al a%ti!ist and t#eorist Antonio .ra$s%i8s %ore %on%epts li'e #ee$on), orani% %risis,
#istori% &lo%, "ar of position and "ar of $anoe(!re are %entral to o(r (nderstandin of toda)8s
%o$ple: lo&al %apitalist s)ste$ as "ell as t#e %atastrop#i% %#anes t#at are %(rrentl) ta'in pla%e
in it5 Geferrin to t#e oriinal %on%ept de!eloped &) .ra$s%i, lo&al politi%al e%ono$) t#eorist
Step#en .ill des%ri&es t#e 200B lo&al finan%ial t(r$oil as t#e $anifestation of an orani% %risis at
t#e lo&al le!el5
We %an also read t#e o(t%o$es of t#e lo&al orani% %risis follo"in anot#er
neo-.ra$s%ian t#eorist Go&ert +o: as a $i:t(re of t#ree s%enarios #e des%ri&es5
2irst one is a
lo&al <$ilitar)= >e)nesian re%o!er) &ein p(s#ed &) t#e West5 Geional "ars $o!in fro$ t#e
perip#er) to t#e %entre in!ol!in $assi!e destr(%tion of li!es, %ities and t#e nat(re, as "e "itness it
#appenin sin%e t#e 1A115 6#e se%ond s%enario is t#e rise of lo&al fas%is$ in tande$ "it# t#e
reional "ars5 6#is #as also &een #appenin, espe%iall) in%reasinl) in t#e %entre, sin%e 2007?
#i#li#tin t#e ra%e to t#e &otto$ %a(sed &) t#e strent#enin of totalitarian for$s of %apitalis$ at
t#e $ain %ontenders li'e +#ina, G(ssia and India5 2inall) and t#e last s%enario is a%%o$pan)in
transnational re!ol(tions, li'e t#e (prisins in t#e nort#ern Afri%a, A$eri%as and E(rope also

W#at &ro(#t #($anit) to t#is point is not a se%ret and also $ade %lear &) $an) t#in'ers,
intelle%t(als, and a%ti!ists5 6#e a&o!e $entioned arti%le &) .ill is onl) one of t#e p(&li% re%ords5 It
is !er) %lear #o"e!er "#ere "e #a!e to dri!e #istor) as t#e #($anit), t#e t#ird option:
6ransnational re!ol(tions5 Aain, follo"in .ra$s%i and .ill, "e %an t#in' of t#e realisation of t#e
transnational re!ol(tions in relation to t#e IPrin%e85 2or #is ti$e .ra$s%i t#o(#t of it as t#e
%olle%ti!e s(&9e%ti!it) "#i%# "ill i!e t#e $oral leaders#ip to a "ider %o(nter-#ee$oni% #istori%
&lo%, and s#ape t#e for$ and %ontent of t#e %o$$(nist re!ol(tion in a national %onte:t5 And it "as
t#e %o$$(nist part of t#e "or'in %lass5 .ill referred to t#e anti- and alter-lo&alisation $o!e$ent5
In order to lead transnational re!ol(tions of toda) "e #a!e a nati!e transnational and diital prin%e
t#at $asters t#e %)&erspa%e and operate in $an) national %onte:t si$(ltaneo(sl) in order to &rin
$an) a(tono$o(s for%es in alin$ent5 2or t#e for$ation of s(%# a %olla&orati!e lo&al s(&9e%ti!it)
and a lo&al allian%e, and to lead t#e re!ol(tion "o(ld ta'e a %lear transnational %o(nter-
#ee$oni% narrati!e5 So t#at t#e Prin%e "o(ld &e a&le to %on!in%e different %lass for%es t#at #a!e
!ar)in realities, interests, ideoloi%al &a%' ro(nds, !isions so on, on t#e possi&ilit) and ne%essit)
of %reatin ne" "orlds needed, and a&le to $oti!ate and $o&ili3e t#e$ to %olla&orate in an tr(l)
ealitarian and tr(l) de$o%rati% $anner to realise t#ose "orlds5
6ere are stron positi!e indi%ators in t#e a&o!e $entioned de!elop$ents and pro%esses indi%atin
t#e e$eren%e of t#is ne" Prin%e and transnational re!ol(tionar) pro9e%t, "#i%# "o(ld trans%end
t#e %apitalist $ode of prod(%tion in an ealitarian, de$o%rati%, and #opef(ll) non-!iolent "a)5 6#e
ne" for$s of rass-roots allian%es t#at are &ein for$ed a$on old, ne", ne"er and t#e ne"est
so%ial $o!e$ents "it# dire%t referen%e to and stratei% inp(t fro$ t#e P2P $o!e$ents #a!e t#is
potential of for$in t#e ne" P2P Prin%e5 In order to de!elop a en(ine %ooperation a$on
different le!els, enerations, fields of str(le and so on, and to lead t#e transnational solidarit)
f(rt#er5 t#ere is a need for a %lear !ision of real transitions t#at "o(ld #a%' t#e e:istin %apitalist
relations and o &e)ond t#e$5 6#e e:a%t %ontent of #o" and "#en and "#at, needs to &e, and
alread) &ein i!en5 &) t#e risin allian%es in a &otto$ (p and distri&(ted "a) -as it #as (s(all)
&een #appenin "it#in t#e P2P #ori3ontal $o!e$ents5 /) no" it is ettin %lear t#at t#e alternati!e
/heorisation o% transnational hegemony$ transnational capitalist class and Empire have also been inspired by
,ramsciPs writings and they have been enlightening %or social Eustice activists. 2 discussion on ;o=' contribution:$D:owerDandD1orldDOrders$ B$ van der :iEl .1(()0 Transnational Classes and
International Relations: $ M.
Kardt and 2. 6egri .24440 Empire http:boo&>id?DKrwu)B-m<7;IredirDesc?y$
1.7. 9obinson .24450 ',ramsci and ,lobalisation: 3rom 6ation -tate to /ransnational Kegemony': $
-. ,ill .24440 ''/oward a :ostmodern :rince>': and .24140
'/he ,lobal Organic ;risis': http:mr!ine.monthlyreview.org2414gill154214.html .
B. van der :iEl .1((*0 Q/ransnational 9evolutionsQ: http:snuproEect.wordpress.com24124(2'a-theory-o%-
14 1
to t#e %apitalist $ode of prod(%tion %an &e fra$ed as the %&% mode of production as *a%o& Gii
p(ts it: t#e ne" %o$$(nist #ori3on5

6#e P2P as a referen%e for t#e ne" lo&al $o!e$ent, as "ell as t#e relational d)na$i%s adopted
&) t#e ne" so%ietal a%tors and inter-s(&9e%ti!ities "it#in t#is $o!e$ent, ro"in sin%e t#e late B0s
till toda), #a!e a%t(all) &een refle%tion of %#anin %(lt(ral, ideoloi%al, e%ono$i%, and politi%al
so%ial relations#ips "it#in %apitalis$5 6#is "as #appenin (nder t#e %onditions %reated &) t#e
lo&al %risis of t#e late 60s and earl) 70s5 6#e ne" %o$$(ni%ation and transportation te%#noloies
#ad to &e de!eloped and e$plo)ed sin%e t#en in order to %reate a transnational 7"orld $ar'et8 as a
response to t#is %risis5 6#is #a!e $ade a reat i$pa%t on t#e pri$ar) prod(%ti!e for%es: So%iet)
itself and t#e ot#er $eans of prod(%tion5 6#e %apitalist relations of prod(%tion #a!e one t#ro(#
$assi!e %#anes5 +o$$odifi%ation in dept# and lent# infe%ted all t#e aspe%ts of so%ial relations5
6#e ne" infrastr(%t(re %reated for t#e "ell f(n%tionin of t#e transnationalisation pro%ess "as
repla%in t#e old one5 W#ile it "as doin so it also pa!ed a "a) to t#e rise of ne" alternati!e
%(lt(res, for%es, and for$s5 Cistri&(ted, de%entralised or peer to peer <P2P= net"or's a$on
indi!id(als and %olle%ti!es t#at are %apa&le of enain in inno!ati!e ne" for$s of %olla&orati!e
!al(e prod(%tion, o"ners#ip and distri&(tion relations#ips #a!e e$ered and spread5
A er$
for$ of a ne" $ode of N%o$$ons &ased peer prod(%tionO, "#i%# is also transnational in nat(re,
appeared first in t#e real$ of diital prod(%tion of 'no"lede-infor$ation5 -ore re%entl) s(%# for$s
#a!e started to penetrate in t#e real$ of p#)si%al prod(%tion, "it# a ro"in $o!e$ent, s#aped
re%entl), for peer prod(%tion of #ard"are5 6#e strent# of t#e P2P $o!e$ent, 2ree and 0pen
So(r%e Soft"are, or Wi'ipedia #a!e &een e:e$plar) %ases of t#e s(%%ess a%#ie!ed5 6#e spread in
ne" infor$ational %apitalisti% for$s, s(%# as .oole or 2a%e&oo', et%5 of a loi% #)&ridised "it#
t#e diital %o$$ons, and of pro9e%ts t#at are &ased on open inno!ation f(rt#er testif) t#e ro"in
i$pa%t and $at(ration of t#ese ne" for$s of prod(%tion5
6#e e%ono$i%, %(lt(ral and politi%al sp#eres al"a)s s#ape ea%# ot#er diale%ti%all) 6#is e$erent
P2P $ode of prod(%tion #as &een (nderl)in t#e str(%t(ral %#anes t#at &e%o$e in%reasinl)
refle%ted on a lo&al s%ale in t#e %(lt(ral sp#ere, arts, politi%s sin%e t#e ne" $illenni($ d(rin t#e
B0s, 10s and 2000s5 As $entioned earlier, t#e en%los(re of free and P2P Internet, so$e#o"
triered %riti%al intera%tions &et"een t#e P2P $o!e$ent and t#e lo&al 9(sti%e and solidarit)
$o!e$ents of t#e 10s5 /et"een 2004 and 2001 i$portant initiati!es #ad &een (nderta'en in order
to lin' t#ese $o!e$ent, li'e t#e Net"or'ed Politi%s and 2ree +(lt(re 2or($5
2ollo"in t#e 200B
s)ste$i% %ollapse, P2P relational d)na$i%s and relations#ips %a(sed a 7!iral spiral8 aro(nd t#e
for$ation of an in%reasinl) radi%alised lo&al politi%al aen%)5 6#e ne" so%ial a%tors #a!e &een
often s#arin %o$$on %lai$s and positions on %i!il ri#ts, dire%t de$o%ra%) A parti%ipation,
%op)ri#t and patent la", free s#arin of 'no"lede, data pri!a%), transparen%), freedo$ of
infor$ation, free ed(%ation, (ni!ersal #ealt# %are and ser!i%es et%5 6#ese a%tors #a!e ad!o%ated
in t#eir o"n "a)s t#at t#e net"or' ne(tralit) and (ni!ersal, (nrestri%ted a%%ess to t#e Internet are
indispensa&le %onditions to realise t#ese %lai$s5 Sa$e iss(es #a!e initiall) &een ta'en (p at t#e
rass-roots le!el &) in%reasinl) politi%ised P2P %o$$(nities5 2D0SS $o!e$ent, 2ree +(lt(re and
2ree >no"lede $o!e$ent5 ,o"e!er t#e rise of Pirate Parties, Wi'ilea's, Anon)$o(s in%reasinl)
ena&led, fa%ilitated, s(pported so%ial resistan%e and (prisins li'e Ara& Sprin, 1@- and 0%%(p)
Wall Street5 2ollo"in t#is $an) net"or's of indi!id(al, a%ti!ists, and a%ti!ist %olle%ti!es ot
transnationall) net"or'ed "it# ea%# ot#er5 6#is "as t#e %o$in of a tr(l) #)&rid for of politi%al
aen%) into t#e %entre of t#e lo&al politi%al &attle field5 As dis%(ssed &efore P2P $o!e$ents, old
and ne" eneration so%ial 9(sti%e and solidarit) a%ti!ists o!erlapped, infl(en%ed and %ontri&(ted to
t#e f(nda$ental aspe%ts of ea%# ot#er in a P2P "a)5
.oin one step &a%': 6#e Ara& Sprin, 1@-, 0WS, 1-.S, 121-1@-, /lo%'(p), and lo&alN0ISE
#a!e &een t#e 'e) a%tions t#at %onstantl) re-na$ed t#e sa$e $o!e$ent and e!er) initiati!e too'
8. 9igi .24120 ':eer to :eer :roduction as the 2lternative to ;apitalism': http:peerproduction.netissuesissue-
O. -enalp .24120 '/hin&ing o% :eer production and /ransnationalisation o% :roduction /ogether':
M. <erlinguer .24120 QE=ploring the ;ommons': http:www.opendemocracy.netmarco-berlinguere=ploring-
11 11
t#e "#ole t#in one step f(rt#er? in an identi%al fas#ion "it# t#e peer prod(%tion of an 0pen So(r%e
and 2ree Soft"are5 6#is "as done &) potentiall) eH(al peers parti%ipatin in a transnational
distri&(ted net"or' aro(nd t#e pro9e%t at #and5
6#e $o&ilisations "ere p(t for"ard, %oordinated
and oranised !ia distri&(ted net"or's of indi!id(als and %olle%ti!es? &ased on free and open
parti%ipation, %ontri&(tion, initiati!es ta'in, poolin feed&a%'s and $o!in (pon t#e $ost attra%ti!e
ideas5 6#erefore no sinle ro(p, national or international %o(ld not %apt(re t#e 7leaders#ip8 of t#e
leaderless $o!e$ent5 Infor$ation a&o(t t#e initiati!es and $o&ilisation, as "ell as all %onne%tions
$ade in prin%ipal open to all t#e nodes in t#e s)ste$, fro$ t#e !er) &irt# of an ea%# and e!er) ne"
idea and t#ro(#o(t of t#eir de!elop$ent5 6#is "as s(r!i!al in order to &e a&le to ro" and
%ontin(e it #ad to &e li'e t#at ot#er "ise people "o(ld people "o(ld not respond5 6#ese pro%esses
"ere and still are open to all e:ternal parties, in%l(din ene$ies and 7trolls8, so t#e) are still on t#e
"e& so$e"#ere and tra%ea&le5 Sin%e e!er) ti$e ne" people 9oin and t#e) are "illin to in!ol!e,
and e!er) ti$e different t#ins %o$e (p, t#ere #as &een no deadl) daner of infiltration and
$anip(lation5 So in a "a), t#e real f(n%tional leader #as &een t#e P2P %o$$onsense5 6#ese
for$s of relations#ips and prod(%in politi%s "ere identi%al to t#e P2P and distri&(ted net"or's
and prod(%tion of t#e %o$$ons "it#in s(%# net"or's, as "ell and t#e relational d)na$i%s dri!in
6#at is "#), in $) opinion, t#at t#e lo&al $o!e$ent in &et"een 2010-2011 $ade a
H(alitati!e 9($p in a lo&al sense5 It #as &een !er) s(%%essf(l and "ill &e e!en $ore s(%%essf(l5
Sine it prote%ts a%ti!ists fro$ e:#a(stions &) distri&(tin t#e "or' needs to &e done, P2P
%olla&oration also trains t#e eo of t#e indi!id(al a%ti!ists and t#e %olle%ti!es in t#e pro%ess, is is
(ne:pe%ted and %reati!e eno(# to %apt(re $ass $edia and p(&li% attention and %o(ld not &e
$anip(lated &) trolls, o!ern$ent aents et% a%%ordin to t#e rand strate) of %las#in elite
fra%tions and t#ere are $an) po"erf(l H(alities $ore it #as5 In a sense, t#e ne" $o!e$ents
%onstit(tin t#e lo&al $o!e$ent of $o!e$ents are open and free P2P politi%al p(&li% spa%es, in
"#i%# $e$&ers of $ore #ori3ontal oranisations, parties, N.0s, %i!il so%iet) oranisations #a!e
%o$e toet#er, &(t in a !er) different fro$ t#an t#e pre!io(s e:perien%es li'e so%ial for($
$o!e$ent e:perien%es sin%e t#is ti$e t#e) ena&le t#e for$ation of an #)pere$po"ered %olle%ti!e
At t#e $o$ent, on t#e one #and proressi!e oranisations ettin in%reasinl), at least partl),
net"or'ed and 7#ori3ontalised8 <&e%o$in into net"ors= and on t#e ot#er loose distri&(ted
net"or's of indi!id(als or ro(ps &e%o$in $ore and $ore oranised in an inter%ontinental and
transnational $anner <for$in ornets=5 6o rep#rase, "#at "e "itness toda) is t#e %o$in of a
ne" s(&9e%ti!it) "#i%# is lo&al in nat(re5 E$erin P2P %olla&oration a$on t#e t"o pre!io(s
for$s of proressi!e and re!ol(tionar) aen%) is !er) li'el) to de!elop into a #i#er s)nt#esis soon
"#i%# "o(ld rad(all) repla%e t#e traditional for$ of oranisations5 7allian%es8, 7platfor$s8 or 7 &lo%s8
as in .ra$s%i8s 7,istori% /lo%85 As t#ese net"ors and ornets are adoptin distri&(ted P2P
relational d)na$i%s &ased on t#e prin%iple of eH(ipotentialit), "#i%# a%%epts ea%# parti%ipatin
nodes in t#e net"or' are potential eH(als and %ons%io(sl) disperse an) #ierar%#) a$on t#ose
eH(als, and P2P online net"or'in tools in order to $ediate t#ose relations lo&all), a real sense
of lo&al and di!erse 70ne /i Union8 <as %oined &) Ind(strial Wor'ers of t#e World a %ent(r) ao=
"ill &e rein!ented in a stronl) ealitarian and transnational ter$s5 6#ese t"o pro%esses are ta'in
pla%e (nder t#e reat str(%t(ral press(res of t#e %risis and t#at8s "#) t#e) $o!e faster t#an (s(al
So t#e) $a) prod(%e a "or'in s)nt#esis &et"een t#e !erti%al oranisation <part)=, and #ori3ontal
net"or' <$o!e$ent= in a foreseea&le f(t(re and $elt t#ese into a #)per-e$po"ered ne" for$ t#at
I %all t#e rE!ol(tionar) net"oranisation5 S(%# s)nt#esis %an &rin a&o(t a potential for%e and
pro9e%t to %reate anot#er "orlds fro$ toda), &) lin'in t#e e:istin spa%es, pro9e%ts, $o!e$ents to
ea%# ot#er and &) #a%'in t#e entiret) of t#e %apitalist s)ste$ and transfor$in it to its neati!e5
M. <auwens .24110 'Fnderstanding :eer to :eer as a 9elational Aynamics' http:www.i-r-i-
e.netinhalt415415D%ull.pd% $ .244*0 'Ae%ining :2: as the relational dynamic o% distributed networ&s':
M. <auwens .24450 ':2: and Kuman Evolution: :eer to peer as the premise o% a new mode o% civili!ation':
M. :esce .24140 Q/he new tool &itP$ the human networ&: http:blog.%uturestreetconsulting.com24114224the-new-
12 1
So, t#e $entioned %#anes in t#e nat(re of t#e prod(%ti!e for%es and prod(%ti!e relations are not
onl) str(%t(ral for%es &rinin a&o(t an orani% %risis of %apitalis$ &(t t#e) also are pro!idin (s
"it# t#e possi&ilit) to neate t#e %ontradi%tions &et"een t#e s(&str(%t(re and s(perstr(%t(re of
%apitalis$ and inter %apitalist-state politi%s "#ile sol!in t#e oranisational and leaders#ip
pro&le$s5 6#ere are s(rel) $an) %#allenes5 /(t t#e %reation of a tr(l) ealitarian s(&9e%ti!it) "it#
a %lear !ision to"ards transition to P2P A ad!an%ed %o$$(nist %i!ili3ation, %an in fa%t &e t#e onl)
"a) left for #($anit) in order to pre!ent fro$ a %ollateral destr(%tion and lead t#e "orld to dinit)5
0(r "al' sin%e Wis%onsin in 2010 t#an 6(nisia, 6a#rir, P(erta del Sol, Wall Street, 1@0, -a) Ca)
2012, 12-1@-, /lo%'(p), anti-NA60 and .B #ad &een $a'in of a s(%# road to dinit) for all5
0n t#is road "e #a!e &een &(ildin a P2P rE!ol(tionar) s(&9e%ti!it), in a distri&(ted and a&sol(te
de$o%rati% "a)5 At t#e $o$ent of "ritin "e are #eaded to t#e F130 Flo&alN0ISE $o&ilisation
"#i%# is onl) a part of $an) ot#er a%tions5 In No!e$&er "e "ill #a!e spa%es li'e Aora 11 and
2iren3e 10410 and t#e Alter S($$it "ill &e la(n%#ed in 2loran%e5 St(dent8s eneral stri'e5 lo&al
da) of a%tion for pre%ario(s "or'ers, Anon)$o(s Pro9e%t -e)#e$ 2012, and WS2 for Palestine
and WS2 2013 in 6(nisia are so$e of t#e i$portant dates t#e road5
6#ere "ill s(rel) &e $an)
ot#er e!ents and a%tions in &et"een and for t#e 20135 6#ere are alread) o&ser!a&le sins on t#e
road of t#e for$(lation of transnational rE!ol(tionar) prora$s t#at are &ased on ideas and
pro9e%ts related to t#e e$erin P2P %o$$(nal $ode of prod(%tion and P2P de$o%ra%) as t#e
o!ernan%e for$ "it#in t#is $ode5 All "e need is to open o(r #earts and $inds to ot#ers, and
%ontri&(te to it sin%erel) as $(%# as "e %o(ld, so "e %an re%lai$ t#e anot#er "orld "e #a!e lon
&een "aitin for toda)5
Another World, Now!
About the author
Prsan Qenalp is a independent la&o(r spe%ialist, (nionist, %)&er A so%ial 9(sti%e a%ti!ist and
international politi%al e%ono$ist5 In t#e past #e in!ol!ed in left part) politi%s, la&o(r and %ons($er
$o!e$ents in 6(r'e)5 ,e also "or'ed for t#e National Asse$&l) as a politi%al A international
relations e:pert and ad!isor5 In t#e Net#erlands #e "or'ed "it# 6ransnational Instit(te and 6IE-
Net#erlands as freelan%e %ons(ltant and resear%#er5 ,e #as ta'en part in international $o!e$ent-
net"or'-(nion %olla&orations li'e t#e Water *(sti%e $o!e$ent and *oint So%ial +onferen%e5 In
2010, #e la(n%#ed t#e So%ial Net"or' Unionis$ Pro9e%t and initiated t#e .lo&al Allian%e for
I$$ediate Alteration5 Sin%e *an(ar) 2011 #e #as &een a%ti!e in t#e 1@- and 0%%(p) $o!e$ents
at t#e international and lo%al le!els5 ,e #as ta'en part in 0%to&er 2011 F1@0 United for .lo&al
+#ane, 11 No!e$&er 2012 F11511511 0%%(p) t#e World, -a) 2012 F.lo&al-a) and 0%to&er
2012 F130 Flo&alN0ISE $o&ilisations5
'*mail+ orsan1234R$ail5%o$
7nternational 9oad to Aignity: http:roadtodignity.blogspot.nlptimeline.html
8. /eunissen .24120 '2nother 1orld -ocial 3orum is possible': http:snuproEect.wordpress.com24124)4)another-
/67:$ /7E-6etherlands:$ 8-;:$ -ocial
6etwor& Fnionism:$ ,272: https:n-1.ccpggroups(+")21global-alliance-%or-
immediate-alteration-gaia $ #15O: and $ #11.11.11:
http:www.%aceboo&.comevents1'(1)**+21*"2)5$ #,lobal May: http:www.globalmay.orgen$ global6O7-E:
1" 1

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