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Candida Albicans Yeast Infection

Yeast is a fungus that's cientifically called candida albicans, and cultivates in moist areas
on the human body; thereby causing infections. Candida infections can be chronic for
some individuals. This constant
cycle is called candidiasis.
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Candidiasis is associated with metabolic disorders like autoimmune diseases (A!",
Addison's disease, fibromyalgia, lu#us, and rheumatoid arthritis$, bowel diseases,
chronic fatigue syndrome, high %!% cholesterol, and neuron disorders (Autism$.
Candida is also known as thrush, a disease that has white s#ots and ulcers found in the
mouth caused by the #arasitic fungus.
&ecause the number of #atients with immunocom#romised systems has been on the rise
in the #ast '( years, candida has also increased. Candida thrives in a weakened immune
system. n a weakened immune system, candida can affect the organs, causing #ain and
dysfunction. )ver *+, of A!" #atients develo# a yeast infection. !ehydration then
becomes a threat.
)f the -( strains of candida that can live in the human body, candida albicans is the
most #revalent. Candida albicans is found in all humans, and when found in low
concentrations, #erforms healthy functions and assists the ideal intestinal flora levels.
This is one way how we know our bodies are in balance.
t's estimated three out of every four women will have a yeast infection at least once in
their life. .owever, candida infections affect both men and women.
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dental #lates
endocrine conditions
immune deficiencies
iron deficiency
#lastic #ants worn by babies
skin diseases
systemic steroids
the young and old
warm climate
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&ecause candida sym#toms are many and varied, it is often defined as #sychosomatic or
sim#ly misdiagnosed. The following candida sym#toms, an8iety, chemical and digestive
sensitivities, decreased se8 drive, de#ression, fatigue, headaches, hives and itching,
9oint and muscle weakness and #ain, slee# disorders, and vaginal yeast infection mimic
multi#le chemical sensitivity (6C"$. These sym#toms have also been com#ared to
chronic fatigue syndrome (C3"$ and food allergies.
0eturning infections may be misdiagnosed because of the similar sym#toms to diabetes,
leukemia, and A!".
3or women, if the above sym#toms are e8#erienced and accom#anied with a vaginal
discharge, medical advice should be sought because the sym#toms are often confused
with a##endicitis, kidney infections, or #elvic inflammatory disease.
nfections do not have to be #resent in order for yeast:related #roblems like the
following sym#toms to a##ear; abdominal bloating, an8iety, bladder infections, cravings
for sugar or alcohol, consti#ation, de#ression, diarrhea, difficulty in concentrating,
di<<iness, ear #roblems, fatigue, hives, im#otence, infertility, irritability, mood swings,
menstrual #roblems, muscle and 9oint #ains, #soriasis, res#iratory #roblems, and
une8#ected weight gain.
t's unnecessary for a yeast #roblem to be diagnosed if there aren't any medical signs of
infection. These sym#toms may include discharge, itching, a rash, or soreness.
f you e8#erience chills, fever, illness, or a worsening rash, seek immediate medical
advice. A medical #rofessional must be sought before an accurate diagnosis can be
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3or a woman to receive an accurate diagnosis, this means a com#lete gynecologic
3or children and healthy adults to receive an accurate diagnosis, an e8amination in the
mouth or on the skin is sufficient.
3or #eo#le with weakened immune systems to receive an accurate diagnosis, a medical
#rofessional only need to look at the sym#toms. Additional tests may include a
s#ecimen, catheter ti#s may be sent in
for culture, a bio#sy may be taken, or a CT or 60 may be scheduled.
/.AT A01 T.1 !A4710" )3 CA4!!A 431CT)4"5
Candida yeast overgrowth has become the cause of many health disorders. Candida
albicans easily becomes out of control and then threatens our health. 0ecent studies
show that candida infections have a mortality rate of >(:?(,. Candida has now become
the fourth leading common cause of hos#ital stays for blood infections.
Yeast infections are usually minor, but serious infections can develo# if left untreated.
f in your bloodstream, candida can cause fever. f the candida infection s#reads to the
brain, mental and behavior alterations will be noted.
/.AT CA@"1" CA4!!A 431CT)4"5
A weakened immune system and a high carbohydrate diet seem to be the leading
cul#rits. A big contributor to a weakened immune system is stress. 1liminate stress and
e8cess carbohydrates and you will relieve your candida sym#toms.
A healthy digestive system also wards off candida. Your body will function and digest
#ro#erly if you ease stress in your life, increase #hysical activity, and get enough slee#.
&irth control #ills and certain drugs stimulate overgrowth of yeasts. Antibiotics are also
known contributors of candida infections.
!iet is a big contributor to candida. t's im#ortant to reduce sugary foods and
carbohydrates from your diet since candida thrives in a sugary environment. That
includes all refined and natural sugar foods like fruit, syru#, 9uices, and honey.
Yeast #roducts like alcohol, yeast, and white bread should also be eliminated from your
&e aware that additives and #reservatives are harsh on the digestive system. The most
common environmental to8in we ingest is the to8ins in our food. "tart the habit of
reading labels to see what chemicals are in the foods you eat, and then consider other
o#tions, if needed.
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!iet modification will hel#. "tress relief will hel#. "ome medical #rofessionals may
recommend antifungal #rescri#tion drugs as treatment, but careful consideration must
be given to the #ossible side effects.
There are natural su##lements s#ecially designed to relieve and alleviate your candida
infection sym#toms.
=robiotics (live bacteria$ are a fairly new treatment o#tion.
=ro#er treatment can successfully rid candida infections, and usually without any other
#roblems. The following irritations will usually clear between one:two weeks; vaginal
yeast infections, dia#er rash, and thrush. 3or those with a weakened immune system,
infections take longer to rid and usually come back and are harder to treat.
Created by Wellness-Studio

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