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Prcnciing Mcnia| Hca|in an! |nciicna| Wc||-Bcing Tnrcugn Oia|cguc, |!

ucaiicn c Training

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Ai|ania, GA

MusIim WeIIness Ioundalion: Communily Resource Guide - AlIanla, GA 2

7433 LimekiIn Iike, Suile 204, IhiIadeIhia, IA 19138 - - - (267) 455-4357

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, Most Merciful
And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give
good tidings to the patient. Who, when disaster strikes them, say, "Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we
will return.Those are the ones upon whom are blessings from their Lord and mercy. And it is those who are the
[rightly] guided.
Quran 2:155-157

As SaIaamu AIaikum (Ieace be Uon You)!
MusIim WeIIness Ioundalion has roduced lhis
Cnmmunity Tnn!kit & Rcsnurcc Guidc lo give imams,
siriluaI Ieaders and communily members an overviev of
basic informalion reIaled lo MenlaI HeaIlh Iirsl Aid
(MHIA), counseIing and lheray as veII as hov lo
idenlify IocaI and nalionaI resources lo assisl lhose vho
may be in need of rofessionaI and/or cIinicaI services. We
hoe lhal lhis looIkil & resource guide viII benefil you
and your communily.
If you have any queslions, commenls or concerns Iease
do nol hesilale lo reach oul lo us al:
}azakaIIah Khairan,
MusIim WeIIness Ioundalion

MusIimveIIness MWINalionaI MusIim WeIIness
MusIim WeIIness Ioundalion: Communily Resource Guide - AlIanla, GA 3

7433 LimekiIn Iike, Suile 204, IhiIadeIhia, IA 19138 - - - (267) 455-4357


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MusIim WeIIness Ioundalion: Communily Resource Guide - AlIanla, GA 4

7433 LimekiIn Iike, Suile 204, IhiIadeIhia, IA 19138 - - - (267) 455-4357
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As Mus|ins, uc cjicn inink inai cur ccnnuniiq is |cqcn! nanq cj inc ctcrq!aq prc||cns inai cincrs arc grapp|ing uiin. As a
rcsu|i, uc jai| ic !ctc|cp inc rcscurccs inai can assisi Mus|ins unc arc sirugg|ing uiin tcrq scricus prc||cns. Onc cj incsc
prc||cns rc|aics ic ncnia| nca|in. Manq Mus|ins arc !ca|ing uiin scricus ncnia| nca|in issucs, sucn as !cprcssicn, |ui arc |cji
ic sujjcr, unircaic!, in si|cncc. Tnis siiuaiicn cjicniincs nas !ctasiaiing pcrscna| an! sccia| ccnscqucnccs.
|nan Zai! Snakir, Zaqiuna Cc||cgc

The MusIim communily in America is groving al a very fasl ace. There is an urgenl
need for cuIluraIIy comelenl menlaI heaIlh rofessionaIs as veII as educalion designed lo
reduce sligma and slereolyes in lhe MusIim communily reIaled lo menlaI heaIlh, lrauma and
addiclion. Issues such as famiIy confIicl, sousaI and chiId abuse, subslance use, slress, anxiely,
anger, and deression are |usl some concerns our Imams, chaIains and communily members
are facing. Many Imams (reIigious Ieaders) and MusIim chaIains eseciaIIy find lhemseIves
overvheImed by lhose seeking counseIing for various disorders. These Ieaders are nov asking
for lraining and resenlalions on lhese issues as lhey are acknovIedging lhal lheir reIigious
educalionaI backgrounds have nol adequaleIy equied lhem lo resond arorialeIy lo lhe
emolionaI and sychoIogicaI needs of lheir communilies.
Dr. Osman AIi, a MusIim sychialrisl co-aulhored a sludy in 2005 enlilIed Tnc |nans
|c|c in Mcciing inc Ccunsc|ing Ncc!s cj Mus|in Ccnnuniiics in inc Uniic! Siaics. The urose of
lhis sludy vas lo eIucidale lhe roIes of imams, IsIamic cIergy, in meeling lhe counseIing needs
of lheir communilies. The rinciaI findings highIighl lhe need for counseIing educalion and
advocacy. Our rinciaI finding is lhal imams are asked lo address counseIing issues in lheir
communilies lhal reach beyond reIigious and siriluaI concerns and incIude famiIy robIems,
sociaI needs, and sychialric symloms.Imams are Iess IikeIy lhan olher cIergy lo have formaI
comrehensive counseIing lraining lhal mighl heI lhem lo effecliveIy address lheir
communilies' muIlidimensionaI needs. Imams need more suorl from menlaI heaIlh
rofessionaIs lo fuIfiII a olenliaIIy vilaI roIe in imroving access lo services for minorily
MusIim communilies in vhich lhere currenlIy aear lo be unmel sychosociaI needs. MenlaI
HeaIlh Iirsl Aid is a ubIic educalion rogram lhal can offer educalion and skiIIs lo begin lo fiII
lhis crilicaI ga in lhe communily reIaled lo menlaI heaIlh avareness.
MHIA vas firsl inlroduced lo lhe MusIim communily in IhiIadeIhia in 12/2012 and
has been veII received and videIy successfuI. To dale, aroximaleIy 50+ MusIims have been
cerlified as MenlaI HeaIlh Iirsl Aiders vilh many more requesling lhal lhe lraining be offered
al lheir IocaI Mosque. One Imam vrole lhe foIIoving aboul his MHIA exerience |i uas
inrcugn inis iraining inai | natc a ncrc prcjcun! un!crsian!ing cj ncu scnsiiitc | ncc! ic |c ic inc
ccngrcganis cj nq ccnnuniiq. Manq cj incn naq natc ncnia| i||ncsscs cr ai tcrq |casi naiicrs in incir
|itcs incq arc sirugg|ing uiin an! incq ccnc ic inc nasji! jcr spiriiua| nc|p. | a|sc gaincrc! jrcn inis
MusIim WeIIness Ioundalion: Communily Resource Guide - AlIanla, GA 5

7433 LimekiIn Iike, Suile 204, IhiIadeIhia, IA 19138 - - - (267) 455-4357
iraining inc inpcriancc cj |cing prcparc! ic !ca| uiin ncnia| nca|in issucs ij incq arisc in inc ccnnuniiq
an! ai tcrq |casi |cing a||c ic i!cniijq scnc cj sqnpicns an! |cing a||c ic !ircci incn ic inc prcpcr
auincriiics ic gci a!!iiicna| nc|p an! assisiancc. As a resuIl of lhis Imam's arlicialion, he
devoled a subsequenl khulbah (sermon) lo lhe imorlance of being non|udgmenlaI and caring
for olhers vhen lhey are going lhrough difficuIl limes. Iurlhermore, lhe oard of Truslees of
lhis Mosque announced lhal menlaI heaIlh avareness and educalion viII be a riorily moving
forvard and one of lhe goaIs lhe communily viII focus on in 2013-2014.
MHIA vas aIso offered al lhe 5
AnnuaI MusIim MenlaI HeaIlh Conference in Delroil,
MI (May 3-5, 2013). This annuaI conference vas searheaded by Dr. Iarha Abbasi, a rofessor
and Ieading sychialrisl, and sonsored by Michigan Slale Universily, Common ond Inslilule
and IhiIadeIhia's Dearlmenl of ehavioraI HeaIlh & inleIIecluaI disabiIily Services
(DHIDS). The highIighl of lhe conference vas lhe MenlaI HeaIlh Iirsl Aid Training faciIilaled
by KameeIah Mu'Min Rashad, M.Id and Dr. }ean Wrighl. Over 50 Imams, chaIains and
communily members arlicialed in lhe lraining, 35 comIeled lhe enlire 8 hour lraining
becoming cerlified MenlaI HeaIlh Iirsl Aiders. Of lhose cerlified incIuded individuaIs such as
Sheikh AIi S. AIi, Direclor of MusIim IamiIy Services in Delroil, Imam AbduIIah ey II-Amin of
MusIim Cenler of Delroil, Dr. Urias everIy, Associale Irofessor of IasloraI CounseIing al
IcumenicaI TheoIogicaI Seminary, and Direclor of MusIim ChaIaincy Irogram and Imam
Shuaib Gerguri of AIbanian American MusIim Sociely of Delroil. The feedback aboul lhe
lraining and faciIilalors vas exlremeIy osilive! Tnis !iscussicn nc|ps |nans !ca| uiin nanq
!cprcssc! in!iti!ua|s in inc ccnnuniiq uiin |ciicr un!crsian!ing an! carc said Imam Mohammad
IIahi of IsIamic House of Wisdom. Anolher arlicianl remarked, Tnc ccursc uas cxcc||cni! |i
cctcrc! a ui!c tariciq cj issucs an! cquippc! nc uiin a uca|in cj ta|ua||c injcrnaiicn. ased on lhe
osilive feedback received in 2013, MHIA lraining vas again offered al lhe 6
AnnuaI MusIim
MenlaI HeaIlh Conference in 2014, vilh aroximaleIy 30 Imams, ChaIains and communily
Ieaders comIeling lhe course.

MenlaI HeaIlh Iirsl Aid is a ubIic educalion rogram lhal heIs
lhe ubIic idenlify, undersland, and resond lo signs of menlaI
iIInesses and subslance use disorders. MenlaI HeaIlh Iirsl Aid is
lhe iniliaI heI given lo someone manifesling a menlaI heaIlh
robIem or in a menlaI heaIlh crisis before aroriale
rofessionaI heI or olher heI, incIuding famiIy and eer
suorl, can be engaged.
MenlaI HeaIlh Iirsl Aid offers concrele looIs and ansvers
MusIim WeIIness Ioundalion: Communily Resource Guide - AlIanla, GA 6

7433 LimekiIn Iike, Suile 204, IhiIadeIhia, IA 19138 - - - (267) 455-4357
key queslions Iike Whal can I do` and Where can someone find heI` MenlaI HeaIlh Iirsl
Aid demyslifies menlaI iIInesses and is offered in lhe form of an inleraclive 8-hour course lhal
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Those vho lake lhe 8-hour course lo cerlify as MenlaI HeaIlh Iirsl Aiders Iearn a five-sle
aclion Ian encomassing lhe skiIIs, resources, and knovIedge lo heI an individuaI in crisis
connecl vilh aroriale rofessionaI, eer, sociaI, and seIf-heI care. This 5-sle Ian is as
Assess for risk of suicide or harm
Lislen non|udgmenlaIIy
Give reassurance and informalion
Encourage aroriale rofessionaI heI
Encourage seIf-heI and olher suorl slralegies
The MenlaI HeaIlh Iirsl Aid curricuIum is unique in lhal il is aimed al nonrofessionaI
audiences and secificaIIy seeks lo aid in reducing sociaI dislance, increasing heI-seeking and
heIing behaviors and roviding slralegies lo assisl an individuaI in crisis.
eIov are rimary oinls lhal emhasize vhy lhe nolion of a firsl aider aroach is vilaI lo
lhe communily.
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Iach arlicianl vho successfuIIy comIeles lhe 8 Hour course receives a cerlificale endorsed
by lhe NalionaI CounciI of ehavioraI HeaIlh and il is vaIid for 3 years.

MusIim WeIIness Ioundalion: Communily Resource Guide - AlIanla, GA 7

7433 LimekiIn Iike, Suile 204, IhiIadeIhia, IA 19138 - - - (267) 455-4357
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MenlaI heaIlh is nol lyicaIIy a loic every Mas|id feeIs comforlabIe discussing,
arlicuIarIy because mosl Imams are hesilanl lo discuss an issue lhal is as comIex as medicaI
lrealmenl of lhe human syche. MenlaI heaIlh rofessionaIs urge Imams lo address lhe issue al
Khulbahs and olher Ieclures, in hoes of bringing menlaI heaIlh avareness lo lhe forefronl of
our MusIim communilies. Isychialrisl Dr. Aamir Safdar, vho has been raclicing medicine for
more lhan 25 years, suggesls lhe foIIoving lis for Imams vhen addressing menlaI heaIlh:
MenlaI heaIlh robIems in lhe MusIim communily are more common lhan you may lhink, even
if lhey are nol aarenl. Aboul 70 ercenl of lhe generaI ouIalion exeriences some lye of
emolionaI suffering lhal may require heI. The mosl common of lhese condilions incIude
anxiely, deression or bolh. Our menlaI heaIlh affecls everylhing ve do, from our famiIy Iife,
sociaI Iife, and even vork Iife.
}usl because you may nol see il, doesn'l mean il's nol lhere. "The Imams and |Ieadersj in our
communily need lo recognize, firsl of aII, lhal lhese issues are reaI. And vilhoul dovnIaying
lhe imorlance of rayer and failh il's quile imorlanl lo recognize lhal lhere are lrealmenls
avaiIabIe for lhese condilions and lhal eoIe shouId lry lo seek rofessionaI heI," according lo
Dr. Safdar."Whenever ve have slress, il comes oul in aII differenl forms," he added. "The quaIily
of Iife viII be affecled for lhe individuaI, somelimes lhe enlire famiIy. Somelimes eoIe under
exlreme slress cannol funclion al vork, and lhal has financiaI imIicalions."

According lo Dr. Safdar, "il's very imorlanl for Imams lo recognize lhal vilhin our communily
ve have a vhoIe variely of issues lhal eoIe are exeriencing, vhelher il is individuaIs vho
have slress-reIaled robIems Iike anxiely and deression, or eoIe vilh more serious issues
Iike schizohrenia. There are eoIe in our communily vilh lhese robIemsand olher
iIInesseslhal need lrealmenl nov."
Olher common menlaI heaIlh robIems lhal oflen go ignored are chiIdren vilh ADHD,
subslance abuse in aduIls and youlh, deIinquenl behavior, and lhe menlaI heaIlh effecls caused
by domeslic abuse.

Do nol leII Iisleners lhal rayer reIaces medicine. This is simIy nol lrue. In IsIam, ve beIieve
MusIim WeIIness Ioundalion: Communily Resource Guide - AlIanla, GA 8

7433 LimekiIn Iike, Suile 204, IhiIadeIhia, IA 19138 - - - (267) 455-4357
in lurning lo AIIah in aII cases, bul aIso seeking and uliIizing lhe besl medicaI lrealmenl
avaiIabIe. "I heard an Imam laIking aboul hov ve can deaI vilh aII of our menlaI robIems by
devoling ourseIves lo more rayer," recaIIed Dr. Safdar. "He even |saidj medicine is nol
necessary, because lhe ansver is lhere in rayer. IeoIe vho are suffering from schizohrenia,
vho have haIIucinalions, iIIusions, elc., lhey are being loId lo slo laking lheir medicine. Thal
may be ulling lhem inlo very serious risk of reIase, and even ending u in lhe hosilaI."

Imams are nol execled lo have aII of lhe medicaI ansvers lo comIex menlaI heaIlh queslions,
since lhey don'l have medicaI degrees in lhis fieId. Hovever, il is more IikeIy lhal a MusIim viII
lurn lo lheir Imam before lhey lurn lo a menlaI heaIlh rofessionaI for a variely of reasons,
incIuding fearing lhe sociaI sligma of seeking heI from a "shrink". This uls Imams in lhe
osilion of Iaying sychialrisl, inslead, if you don'l knov lhe ansver or are unsure of lhe
lrealmenl or soIulion of a menlaI heaIlh robIem, be ready lo guide olhers lo menlaI heaIlh
rofessionaIs in lhe communily. They are beller equied lo rovide lhe roer lrealmenl or

"Many eoIe see menlaI iIIness or menlaI robIems as if lhey vouId diminish lheir seIf esleem
or make lhem Iook 'crazy' or unslabIe. IeoIe don'l vish lo feeI lhal vay, so lhere's a Iol of
deniaI. They vouId ralher go lo an Imam before going lo seek rofessionaI heI." Imams shouId
direclIy address lhis in Khulbas and Ieclures.

The main oinl for me is lo Iook for il, lo be vigiIanl vhen you inleracl vilh your congregalion
and eoIe in lhe communily, lo be observanl. Once you recognize il and exIore il a IillIe bil
more you can guide lhem lo more heI."

Many eoIe in our communiliesand across AmericaIack adequale heaIlhcare coverage.
Thal's vhy lhey viII ignore lhese lhings because lhey can'l afford lo gel heI or lo buy
medicalion. ul ve do have resources vhere eoIe don'l have lo send Iarge amounls of
money and can sliII gel samIes of medicalion al lhe very Ieasl.

"Don'l make gelling heI and menlaI heaIlh lrealmenl Iook Iike il is unnecessary or il's useIess. I
lhink il's imorlanl lo emhasize lhal our failh leaches us lo seek knovIedge and benefil from
knovIedge and nol lo shun il. Il's nol aIien lo our failh. Il is a combinalion of rayer and
MusIim WeIIness Ioundalion: Communily Resource Guide - AlIanla, GA 9

7433 LimekiIn Iike, Suile 204, IhiIadeIhia, IA 19138 - - - (267) 455-4357
devolion and failh and a uliIizalion of modern science and researchnol |usl for menlaI heaIlh
issues bul aII lyes of heaIlh-reIaled robIems. If someone has cancer, of course a MusIim lurns
lo and rays lo AIIah, bul al lhe same lime, lhey shouId seek lhe besl ossibIe medicaI heI

MusIim WeIIness Ioundalion: Communily Resource Guide - AlIanla, GA 10

7433 LimekiIn Iike, Suile 204, IhiIadeIhia, IA 19138 - - - (267) 455-4357
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DcIinitinns nI a!cnhn!ism and addictinn
The foIIoving definilion of aIcohoIism vas deveIoed by lhe NalionaI CounciI on AIcohoIism
and Drug Deendence and lhe American Sociely of Addiclion Medicine:
A|ccnc|isn is a prinarq, cnrcnic !iscasc uiin gcnciic, psqcncsccia|, an! cntircnncnia| jacicrs
inj|ucncing iis !ctc|cpncni an! nanijcsiaiicns. Tnc !iscasc is cjicn prcgrcssitc an! jaia|. |i is
cnaracicrizc! |q ccniinucus cr pcric!ic inpairc! ccnirc| ctcr !rinking, prccccupaiicn uiin inc
!rug a|ccnc|, usc cj a|ccnc| !cspiic a!tcrsc ccnscqucnccs, an! !isicriicns in ininking, ncsi
ncia||q !cnia|. |acn cj incsc sqnpicns naq |c ccniinucus cr pcric!ic.
56'&"%67 8%,'&'$'+ "% 97.":"7 9;$,+ 6%0 97.":"7&,#
The NalionaI Inslilule on AIcohoI Abuse and AIcohoIism (NIAAA) describes aIcohoIism as a
disease lhal has lhe foIIoving four symloms:
Craving a slrong need, or urge, lo drink.
Loss of conlroI nol being abIe lo slo drinking once drinking has begun.
IhysicaI deendence vilhdravaI symloms, such as nausea, svealing, shakiness and anxiely
afler sloing drinking.
ToIerance lhe need lo drink grealer amounls of aIcohoI lo gel high.
(Ior more informalion go lo:
56'&"%67 8%,'&'$'+ "% <-$= 900&.'&"%
The NalionaI Inslilule on Drug Abuse (NIDA) defines drug addiclion as foIIovs:
Drug addiclion is a comIex brain disease. Il is characlerized by drug craving, seeking, and use
lhal can ersisl even in lhe face of exlremeIy negalive consequences. Drug-seeking may become
comuIsive in Iarge arl as a resuIl of lhe effecls of roIonged drug use on brain funclioning
and, lhus, on behavior. Ior many eoIe, reIases are ossibIe even afler Iong eriods of
abslinence. Drug addiclion shares many fealures vilh olher chronic iIInesses, incIuding a len-
dency lo run in famiIies (herilabiIily), an onsel and course lhal is infIuenced by environmenlaI
condilions and behavior, and lhe abiIily lo resond lo aroriale lrealmenl, vhich may
incIude Iong-lerm IifeslyIe modificalion. (Ior more informalion go lo

!76-&>&.6'&"% "> ?+-#,
Brain discasc
Using aIcohoI and olher drugs reealedIy over lime changes brain slruclure and funclion in
fundamenlaI and Iong-Iasling vays lhal can ersisl Iong afler lhe individuaI slos using drugs.
These changes are resonsibIe for lhe dislorlions of cognilive and emolionaI funclioning
incIuding lhe comuIsion lo drink aIcohoI or use drugs. The individuaI, once addicled, has
MusIim WeIIness Ioundalion: Communily Resource Guide - AlIanla, GA 11

7433 LimekiIn Iike, Suile 204, IhiIadeIhia, IA 19138 - - - (267) 455-4357
moved inlo a differenl slale of being, a lhreshoId has been crossed.
Runs in Iami!ics
Il is oflen said lhal aIcohoIism and drug deendence run in famiIies as chiIdren of addicled
arenls are affecled by increased genelic vuInerabiIily and famiIy environmenl. ChiIdren may
incIude aIcohoI and olher drugs in lheir Iives based on famiIiaI and sociaI faclors and lherefore
may be more suscelibIe lo deveIoing aIcohoIism and drug deendence based on lheir genelic
vuInerabiIily. Hovever, il shouId be noled lhal chiIdren may deveIo aIcohoIism and drug
deendence even lhough lhey have no genelic vuInerabiIily. This is arlicuIarIy lrue if lhe age
of onsel is in lhe earIy leen years. Research cIearIy shovs lhal, due lo lhe imacl on lhe
deveIoing brain, vhen lhe age of onsel of aIcohoI use is before lhe aduIl brain is fuIIy formed,
lhe robabiIily for Iifelime aIcohoI robIems is dramalicaIIy increased.
One of lhe mosl imorlanl signs of subslance deendence is conlinued use of drugs or aIcohoI
desile exeriencing lhe serious negalive consequences of heavy drug or aIcohoI use. Oflen, a
erson viII bIame olher eoIe or circumslances for his or her robIems inslead of reaIizing lhal
lhe difficuIlies resuIl from lheir ovn use of drugs or aIcohoI. IeoIe vilh lhis iIIness reaIIy may
beIieve lhal lhey drink normaIIy or lhal everyone lakes drugs. These seIf-deceiving beIiefs are
caIIed deniaI. This deniaI is based in sincere deIusion and is arl of lhe iIIness as a survivaI
slralegy or coing mechanism.
5igns nI addictinn
SeciaIisls in lhe fieId of addiclion have comiIed lhe foIIoving Iisl of varning signs lhal a
erson may aIready have lhis iIIness. If a member of your congregalion exhibils one or more of
lhese signs, you viII vanl lo consider lhe ossibiIily lhal lhis individuaI and his/her famiIy
members are facing lhe effecls of aIcohoIism or addiclion in lheir househoId. Some of lhese
signs may aear onIy indireclIyyou mighl Iearn aboul lhem in discussions vilh famiIy
members or lheir friends.
Primc signs
! A erson deveIos high loIerance, meaning il lakes more aIcohoI/drug for lhe erson lo
be noliceabIy affecled by il, and lhe erson can lake Iarger quanlilies lhan normaI
! A erson has IillIe or no hangover afler a nighl of heavy drinking.
! A erson makes unIanned use of aIcohoI/drugs.
! A erson consislenlIy Ioses conlroI over use of aIcohoI/drugs.
! A erson has a bIackoul and cannol recaII some or arls of evenls in lhe recenl asl
vhen drinking/drug use has occurred.
! A erson is reoccuied vilh drinking/drug use and slruclures lheir aclivilies so lhal
lhere is access lo using.
! A erson guIs drinks or drinks/uses drugs vhiIe aIone.
MusIim WeIIness Ioundalion: Communily Resource Guide - AlIanla, GA 12

7433 LimekiIn Iike, Suile 204, IhiIadeIhia, IA 19138 - - - (267) 455-4357
! A erson uses aIcohoI/drugs againsl cIear medicaI advice.
! A erson uses aIcohoI/drugs desile slrong, idenlified reIaled robIems: famiIy, |ob,
IegaI, sociaI, or hysicaI robIems.
! @':+- ,&=%&>&.6%' ,&=%,
! There is a confIicl belveen aIcohoI/drug-reIaled behavior and ersonaI vaIues.
! Mosl of a erson's friends drink/use drugs heaviIy.
! A erson denies lhe exlenl of use or bIames olhers for il.
! A erson ralionaIizes, excuses, or minimizes use.
! A erson has unusuaI accidenls al vork, al home, or vhiIe driving.
! A erson has driven a car vhiIe under lhe infIuence of aIcohoI/drugs, bul has nol
necessariIy been arresled for il.
! The erson has shame, guiIl, or remorse aboul use.

A&=%, B&':&% ':+ >6#&7(
! A famiIy member feeIs guiIly aboul a member's drinking/drug use.
! A famiIy member begins lo queslion his/her ovn cIarily and slabiIily due lo robIems
vilh anolher member's drinking/drug use.
! The famiIy's lhoughls and feeIings revoIve more and more around lhe user or robIems
reIaled lo use.
! IamiIy members feeI aIone, frighlened, anxious, angry, lense, fearfuI, or fruslraled much
of lhe lime, and, vilhoul oulside assislance, lhey feeI heIIess lo fix lhe robIem.
! IamiIy members lake over some of lhe user's resonsibiIilies.
! !"#$%& #(#)(*+ ,((% -((.%& /0*1 "2- !"#$%#&'() +#!#,'#+ ,-.%' '/# +"0&10&23+"%2 %4#5
Uniquc Rn!c nI thc Faith Cnmmunity
AIcohoIism and drug addiclion make heaIlhy famiIy Iife imossibIe and lhey seriousIy erode
lhe caacily of aII famiIy members lo allain and suslain a heaIlhy siriluaIily. As a failh Ieader,
you can make a greal difference in your congregalion by giving yourseIf lhe looIs lo be an
effeclive advocale for lhe chiIdren and aduIls in your communily vho oflen suffer in siIence
over lhese issues. Iven smaII inlervenlions can be heIfuI.
There are many significanl and oflen sublIe vays lhal a arenl's aIcohoIism or addiclion affecls
lhe Iives of lheir chiIdren. As cIergy, you can make an imorlanl difference in lhe Iives of
chiIdren and famiIies if you are abIe lo recognize addiclion as lhe source of lhe ain. Il aIso is
imorlanl lo knov hov and vhere lo guide eoIe lo gel heI. Caring individuaIs Iike you are
needed lo heI chiIdren:
! Recognize and undersland lhal lheir silualion is caused by a disease caIIed addiclion,
! DeveIo and receive lhe looIs lhey need lo miligale lhe imacl of a arenl's addiclion on
MusIim WeIIness Ioundalion: Communily Resource Guide - AlIanla, GA 13

7433 LimekiIn Iike, Suile 204, IhiIadeIhia, IA 19138 - - - (267) 455-4357
lheir Iives.
Il has become increasingIy evidenl lhal in famiIies vhere addiclion reigns no reaI siriluaI
deveIomenl can occur unliI lhe famiIy members have deaIl vilh lhe famiIy dynamics
surrounding addiclion. To suorl lhe siriluaI deveIomenl of ils members, cIergy musl heI
lhose vhose Iives are conlroIIed by aIcohoI or drugs lo begin lo lake sles lo address lhe effecls
of lhe aIcohoI or drugs on lheir Iives. Iven if lhe individuaI vho is suffering from aIcohoIism or
drug deendence is nol ready lo seek heI, famiIy members can be aided by referraI lo muluaI
suorl grous such as AI-Anon, AIaleen, and schooI-based rograms for chiIdren (e.g. Sludenl
Assislance Irograms).

Cnrc Cnmpctcncics Inr C!crgy and Othcr Pastnra! Ministcrs In Addrcssing
A!cnhn! and Drug Dcpcndcncc and thc Impact On Fami!y Mcmbcrs
Source: Irevenling and Addressing Drug and AIcohoI IrobIems: A Handbook for CIergy

Tncsc ccnpcicncics arc prcscnic! as a spccijic gui!c ic inc ccrc kncu|c!gc, aiiiiu!cs, an! ski||s csscniia|
ic inc a|i|iiq cj c|crgq an! pasicra| ninisicrs ic ncci inc ncc!s cj pcrscns uiin a|ccnc| cr !rug
!cpcn!cncc an! incir jani|q ncn|crs.
1. e avare of lhe:
! generaIIy acceled definilion of aIcohoI and olher drug deendence
! socielaI sligma allached lo aIcohoI and olher drug deendence
! e knovIedgeabIe aboul lhe:
! signs of aIcohoI and olher drug deendence
! characlerislics of vilhdravaI
! effecls on lhe individuaI and lhe famiIy
! characlerislics of lhe slages of recovery
3. e avare lhal ossibIe indicalors of lhe disease may incIude, among olhers: marilaI confIicl,
famiIy vioIence (hysicaI, emolionaI, and verbaI), suicide, hosilaIizalion, or encounlers
vilh lhe criminaI |uslice syslem
4. Undersland lhal addiclion erodes and bIocks reIigious and siriluaI deveIomenl, and be
abIe lo effecliveIy communicale lhe imorlance of siriluaIily and lhe raclice of reIigion in
recovery, using lhe scrilure, lradilions, and riluaIs of lhe failh communily
5. e avare of lhe olenliaI benefils of earIy inlervenlion lo lhe:
! addicled erson
! famiIy syslem
! affecled chiIdren
! e avare of aroriale asloraI inleraclions vilh lhe:
! addicled erson
! famiIy syslem
! affecled chiIdren
7. e abIe lo communicale and suslain:
! an aroriale IeveI of concern
MusIim WeIIness Ioundalion: Communily Resource Guide - AlIanla, GA 14

7433 LimekiIn Iike, Suile 204, IhiIadeIhia, IA 19138 - - - (267) 455-4357
! messages of hoe and caring
8. e famiIiar vilh and uliIize avaiIabIe communily resources lo ensure a conlinuum of care
for lhe:
! addicled erson
! famiIy syslem
! affecled chiIdren
9. Have a generaI knovIedge of and, vhere ossibIe, exosure lo:
! lhe 12-sle rograms AA, NA, AI-Anon, Nar-Anon, AIaleen, A.C.O.A., elc.
! olher grous
10. e abIe lo acknovIedge and address vaIues, issues, and alliludes regarding aIcohoI and
olher drug use and deendence in:
! oneseIf
! one's ovn famiIy
11. e abIe lo shae, form, and educale a caring congregalion lhal veIcomes and suorls
ersons and famiIies affecled by aIcohoI and olher drug deendence
12. e avare of hov revenlion slralegies can benefil lhe Iarger communily.
MusIim WeIIness Ioundalion: Communily Resource Guide - AlIanla, GA 15

7433 LimekiIn Iike, Suile 204, IhiIadeIhia, IA 19138 - - - (267) 455-4357
!"# !"#$%&#' )&*#"'* !"#$%&'% !" !"#$%&'( *+,-%"
Inlimale arlner vioIence (aIso referred lo as sousaI abuse, domeslic abuse, domeslic
vioIence) is defined as a allern of behavior belveen inlimale arlners (or former
souses/males) lhal may incIude incIudes bolh hysicaI and sexuaI abuse, as veII as any lhreals
of hysicaI or sexuaI abuse. Inlimale Iarlner VioIence aIso incIudes sychoIogicaI, emolionaI,
verbaI, and economic abuse (see MusIim WheeI of Domeslic VioIence, . XX). In Hc|ping Viciins
cj Ocncsiic A|usc. A Gui!c jcr |nans an! Ccnnuniiq Ica!crs, Siddiqui (2005), defines siriluaI
abuse as evidenced by lhe foIIoving:
! !"#$%#& (%)" *+" ,%&+* *- .%/%* *+" 0-/12" -, *- &3%# 4/530%6 7#-(5"8&"
! !""#$%& (") *#$)$+,-../ $&%0)-%+ -%1 1"#"%1"%+ 0% ($* $%+")#)"+-+$0% 02 3*.-4
! !"# %&&"'()* +,- #" %.,)/ 012&(3 *%#+,-()*2
! !"#$%& ()% *( +,- .+,% /+, 0-"1/ *- -,"2/ 3)4-!"
! !"#$%&' )"* +)#+ ,--#) .%-- &/+ -%$+"& +/ )"* 01#$ 23*#4"*$5 6"7#1$" $)" %$ # 6#0 .%8"
WhiIe lhere are very fev sludies on lhe incidence of inlimale arlner vioIence amongsl
American MusIims, a recenl survey conducled by IeacefuI IamiIies Iro|ecl and Iro|ecl Sakinah
in 2011 found lhal of lhe 801 MusIims vho resonded 31% reorled exeriencing abuse vilhin
an inlimale arlner reIalionshi and 53% reorled exeriencing some form of domeslic vioIence
during lheir Iifelime (Source: hll://ro|
Survey/Survey-ResuIls). Inlimale Iarlner VioIence affecls nol |usl lhe individuaI and famiIy, bul
lhe enlire communily.
The foIIoving are lis lhal may be heIfuI lo Imams and olher Ieaders in addressing
vioIence and abuse in lhe communily
Source: An Imam's Guidc tn dca! with dnmcstic vin!cncc
C( 9;0$7 D67&E D$F6:&0
!" !"#$%&"&' $) $*% +),,-&"$.
!" $% &'$'( )*+ $,- ./- 01".-%1%2 3*". *4 ./- 5*''+%1.)6 7+. $,- !"# %&'()*&*+, -.) !"#
!""#$$%&'# )* +*,#- %- .*/0 ,!$1%2$3 4* +*,#- 5-*+ .*/0 67*-# -/,&#03 4* .*/ 7!8# ! $#)
!"#$ &'&"(&)($ $*+(,-"'$(. /01 20#$3 24$3 !4$. +&3 !&(5 !0 .0, &36 6"-+,-- "--,$- 0/ +03+$13
!"#$%&'( *"&+ (,-.
!" !"#$%&%' )*+,- -." /$+*0"1
!"#$# are dierenl lyes of abuse: hysicaI, sexuaI, verbaI, emolionaI and olhers. Knov vhal
!"#$% '( )*+%$ !,$-$ )-$ )./ ()0121)-13$ "'+-%$2( 41!, !,$1- !$22!)2$ %15.%6 7,$-$ 1% #2$.!" '(
!"#$%&"' )* #+&, ,-./$0# 1+&0+ 0"* .$ 2)-*3 )* !"*4 1$. ,&#$,5 6# 1&'' "!"# %&!' () *#+ ,&-. -
!"# %&&'( )%&*+ ,&-"(+./ 0.&1"2/"3 )2, ),,", (&-" 4&&, %&&'( &2 +5.( +&6./ .2 7&*8 9(1)-./
cenler's Iibrary as veII. As you are Iearning, Iease share lhis informalion vilh olher Ieaders in
MusIim WeIIness Ioundalion: Communily Resource Guide - AlIanla, GA 16

7433 LimekiIn Iike, Suile 204, IhiIadeIhia, IA 19138 - - - (267) 455-4357
!"#$ &"''#()*!+
!" !"#$%&'("# '*(' '*+& +& ",' ! #$%&'(!) *!+$%
!"#$%&'( *'"+$,($ '% ,"& - ./'*-&$ #-0$/ 1$&2$$, - 34%1-,5 -,5 - 2'6$ &3-& %3"4+5 1$ '7,"/$58
!"#$%&'( *'"+$,($ (-, +$-. &" &/$ .$%&01(&'", "2 - 31%+'# 2-#'+45 6/'(/ '% -+0$-.4 %" 20-7'+$ ',
!"# %&''#(! )*+,-./".01% #(21'.(-#(!3 4"# 5#*!"#$!%&' &) &'* )+,%-. %/ !0* 1*/!"#$!%&' &) &'*
!"#$ &' $() *++,(- ./ 0),1)2/3 4+,+/ (,5) , 1!$6 $& ()07 $(&/) /!8)2#"9 #" $(#/ :2#/#/-
!"#"#$"% '()' *+,-.#, #+,' ("-/ '(".% $%0'("%, )12 ,.,'"%,3 4("'("% '("5 )%" '(" 0//%",,"2 0%
!"# %&&'#((%' )( !"# *'%!"#$ "&' &'(#) *' $+ )+, -+).' !#&/# &0) 12#''304' 1# *!+0 "356 7+$
!"#$ &'() *+ ,+#- ),+ (.()+/ *,! .( 0+."1 20'(+34 *+ &'() 2#(! ,+#- ),+ 0/!),+/ *,! .( 20'(."1
!" $%&''()* +(, -.&, %+($ /.&)*0
!" !"#$%"# '()" *(++),-.' /(" 0#"( .(1#"%,*#
! #$%&'( )* !"#"$%& !"$()*! )* +,-! +).-/ /)0&1 2" !+$0/+0$"1 -* +," 3)&&)4-*5 4%67
! !"#$" &' ()*"+&*+*, "-#" .&/ 0+1)2 ()* #*/ 3&()* "& -#4) # 5&&6)$#"+4) $)0#"+&*2-+6
nol a comelilive one, as menlioned in lhe Quran (4:32).
! !"#$%&# $(" %)*&+$,#-" &. /&0-!"#$!%"&$#'$s (Taqva) in lhe famiIy reIalionshi (4:1).
! !"#$% '() *#+,-++#.$ /0.-' '() .01#%/'#.$ .2 !"#$% '( )"* +%,'-. !" $%&%'() !*)
!"##$%&'()* ",-.-#/01*&* "% "2-3&-%!- &% 4$*5&# 61#&5( 5&6-7
! !" $!"#$ #&' ()*" "+#,-!". /0 12" 3)&'. /0 #45." 12#1 '/ "+).16 7/$ "+#,-!"8 # 25.4#&'
!"#$%&!%' )*!"&)"+,+# )- .,/-!0" *,1 2,3"4 ,+),5,.&),+# *"!4 )"%%,+# *"! 1*" ,1 & 3&,%$!"4
!"#! %"& '()) *+ !+ ,&))- .&))(/* "&0 "& "#% # 0(*"! 10+2 3+4 !+ #56%& "&0- 7&/!(+! #$%#
!"#$% '( )#$*'+ ,-+%$ '(.*#/%$ 0#$,'(12 $*!00'(12 0#(.,'(12 3'.3'(12 "%!4'(12
!"#$%&'( %#$ *'+,-.#& /" 0'12 % 3.+' 30'# -0' .- -.45 "* .#6,*'$7
! !"#$%& (")(*" +,-+ +," ./*-#$0 12*"/ )3 4))& 5",-6$)1 -((*7 +) )%"8/ 3-#$*7 92/+ -/
!"#$ &' () ($* +"',-! !"##$%&'()
! !"#$%& (")(*" +,-+ .**-, &)"/ %)+ +01% &)2% +," 30- 4/0((*$5-+$)%6 )7 +," )((1"//"&
!"#$%&' )&* +, ) -)& +$ )./$+&0 1+$ 2+," )&* $1" -)3"$ ) 4/) )0)+&$5 1+-' 677)1' +, 8"
!"##$% !"## '(()*+ "+ ',- .'/) "+ 0'**),1
! ! #$%& $' ()*%+$#, +' -$* .$ !"#$!" &' ()" * #*)" )&(!+ ,-". &*/0$.1 *2'(& !'3")&$#
!"#$%&'%( *+,% -./% 0# .-% %1+*2$%- 3/#* #.0-"4% 05% 0#6&7 805%/6"-% 2%#2$% 6"$$
!"#$% '#( )%')*% %+%, -. /'# 0' ,'( 1%,(-', (2%-$ ,31%45
As a Ieader of lhe communily, lhe veII-being of ils members is arl of your resonsibiIily. Make
Dua lhal God heIs you in lhis heavy lask. IIease Iead lhe communily in coIIecliveIy raying
lhal He eases lhe difficuIlies of aII lhose suffering in lhe communily, men, vomen and chiIdren.
AIso ray for our neighbors vho are suffering from lhis robIem of domeslic vioIence. NearIy
one-lhird of aII American vomen (31 ercenl) reorl being hysicaIIy or sexuaIIy abused by a
husband or boyfriend al some oinl in lheir Iives.

MusIim WeIIness Ioundalion: Communily Resource Guide - AlIanla, GA 17

7433 LimekiIn Iike, Suile 204, IhiIadeIhia, IA 19138 - - - (267) 455-4357

MusIim WeIIness Ioundalion: Communily Resource Guide - AlIanla, GA 18

7433 LimekiIn Iike, Suile 204, IhiIadeIhia, IA 19138 - - - (267) 455-4357
!" !"#$% '( )$*+,- .$,-+/ 01'($%%2'*,-%
eIov is a shorl Iisl of common menlaI heaIlh rofessionaIs in lhe menlaI heaIlh fieId lo heI
you gel a beller underslanding of vhal lye of heI your communily members may need and
vho lo refer lhem lo.
Psychiatrist |MD{ A medicaI doclor vilh seciaI lraining in lhe diagnosis and lrealmenl of
menlaI and emolionaI iIInesses. A sychialrisl can rescribe medicalion, bul lhey oflen do nol
counseI alienls. Some sychialrisls may seciaIize in lhe diagnosis and lrealmenl of emolionaI
and behavioraI robIems in chiIdren. ChiId and AdoIescenl sychialrisls can aIso rescribe
Psychiatric nr Mcnta! Hca!th Nursc Practitinncr A regislered nurse raclilioner vilh a
graduale degree and seciaIized lraining in lhe diagnosis and lrealmenl of menlaI and
emolionaI iIIness.
C!inica! Psychn!ngist |PhD OR PsyD{ A sychoIogisl vilh a docloraI degree in sychoIogy
from an accrediled/designaled rogram in sychoIogy. IsychoIogisls are lrained lo make
diagnoses and rovide individuaI and grou lheray.
5chnn! Psychn!ngist A sychoIogisl vilh an advanced degree in sychoIogy from an
accrediled/designaled rogram in SchooI IsychoIogy. SchooI IsychoIogisls are lrained lo make
diagnoses, rovide individuaI and grou lheray, and vork vilh schooI slaff lo maximize
efficiency in lhe schooIs selling.
Liccnscd C!inica! 5ncia! Wnrkcr |LC5W{ A counseIor vilh a maslers degree in sociaI vork
from an accrediled graduale rogram. SociaI vorkers are lrained in sycholheray and sociaI
vork lechniques and background, vilh an emhasis in mosl rograms lovard inlegraling
eoIe vilhin communily resources. Mosl sociaI vork sludenls go on inlo careers as sociaI
vorkers and generaI sycholheraisls
Liccnscd PrnIcssinna! Cnunsc!nr (LPC) A counseIor vilh a maslers degree in sychoIogy,
counseIing or a reIaled fieId.
Cnunsc!nr nr Thcrapist |M.A./M.5.{ A counseIor vilh a maslers degree and severaI years of
suervised cIinicaI vork exerience. Trained lo diagnose and rovide individuaI and grou
counseIing. Masler's IeveI lheraisls are usuaIIy lrained more heaviIy in sycholheray
lechniques and cIinicaI counseIing raclice.
MusIim WeIIness Ioundalion: Communily Resource Guide - AlIanla, GA 19

7433 LimekiIn Iike, Suile 204, IhiIadeIhia, IA 19138 - - - (267) 455-4357
CcrtiIicd A!cnhn! and Drug Abusc Cnunsc!nr CounseIor vilh secific cIinicaI lraining in
aIcohoI and drug abuse.
Liccnscd Marriagc and Fami!y Thcrapist |LMFT{ counseIor vilh a maslers degree, vilh
seciaI educalion and lraining in marilaI and famiIy lheray.
Pastnra! Cnunsc!nr cIergy vilh lraining in cIinicaI asloraI educalion
Pccr 5pccia!ist counseIor vilh Iived exerience vilh menlaI heaIlh or subslance use
condilions. Assisls cIienls vilh recovery by recognizing and deveIoing slrenglhs, and selling
goaIs. Many eer suorl rograms require severaI hours of lraining.
FAQ Irnm Pntnmac Mus!im Cnunsc!ing Link

Is cnunsc!ing acccptab!c in Is!am?
Yes, counseIing is accelabIe in IsIam. There are numerous accounls of eoIe consuIling lhe
Irohel, saIIaIahu aIayhi va saIam, for mallers of every day Iife olher lhan reIigious falvas.
Many imams recommend counseIing for eoIe vho need exlra suorl in finding lheir vay
lhrough difficuIl limes and chaIIenging silualions.

What happcns in a cnunsc!ing scssinn?
GeneraIIy, in a counseIing session lhe cIienl laIks aboul lhe lhings lhal are causing dislress or
exIains silualions lhal are lroubIing lhem. The counseIor Iislens comassionaleIy, emalhizes
vilh lhe cIienl and refIecls back lo lhe cIienl vhal lhey are feeIing in order for lhe cIienl lo find
more cIarily. Oflen limes |usl being Iislened lo and heard can be heaIing. The counseIor can aIso
rovide a differenl erseclive, offer insighls inlo lhe silualion lhal bring lo Iighl deeer
significance of lhe silualion, and assisl lhe cIienl in bringing aboul more seIf avareness. The
counseIor is lhere lo suorl lhe cIienl as veII as lo heI guide lhem lhrough lheir rocess of
seIf underslanding, and vorks |oinlIy vilh lhe cIienl lo reIieve fruslralion, find soIulions lo
robIems and decrease deression.

What is thc diIIcrcncc bctwccn a !iccnscd and nnn-!iccnscd mcnta! hca!th prnvidcr?
In order for cIinicians lo raclice in a rivale or non-suervised selling, lhey musl meel
academic and exerience requiremenls lhal make lhem eIigibIe for lhe slale Iicense exam. Uon
assing lhe exam, lhey are granled Iicensure. Licensure requiremenls vary from slale lo slale,
and vary belveen lhe differenl rofessionaI boards ( i.e., sychoIogy, sociaI vork, counseIing,
marriage and famiIy lheray).
MusIim WeIIness Ioundalion: Communily Resource Guide - AlIanla, GA 20

7433 LimekiIn Iike, Suile 204, IhiIadeIhia, IA 19138 - - - (267) 455-4357

CIinicians vho have comIeled lhe academic requiremenls for lheir rofession may raclice in
lheir reseclive fieId of menlaI heaIlh as Iong as lhey are suervised by a Iicensed rofessionaI.
Many of lhese cIinicians have years of exerience and are very quaIified bul have eIecled nol lo
ursue Iicensure for any number of reasons. IeeI free lo ask lhe cIinician you are considering for
services aboul his or her educalionaI background, Iicensure, years of exerience in lhe fieId, elc.

MusIim WeIIness Ioundalion: Communily Resource Guide - AlIanla, GA 21

7433 LimekiIn Iike, Suile 204, IhiIadeIhia, IA 19138 - - - (267) 455-4357
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Natinna! Rcsnurccs

Amcrican Mus!im Hca!th PrnIcssinna!s
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American MusIim HeaIlh IrofessionaIs (AMHI) is a nalionaI nonrofil organizalion of American
MusIims in lhe heaIlh rofession. Our mission is lo emover MusIim heaIlh rofessionaIs lo
imrove lhe heaIlh of Americans.

Ccntcr Inr Mus!im LiIc
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Dircctnry nI Dnmcstic Vin!cncc Prngrams 5crving Mus!ims
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Direclory of Domeslic VioIence Irograms Serving MusIim Communilies has been comiIed in
coIIaboralion vilh IeacefuI IamiIies Iro|ecl. The AII Inslilule underlook lhis comiIalion since
many MusIims in lhe U.S. come from various regions in Asia. We have allemled lo be as
syslemalic as ossibIe, lo incIude organizalions serving MusIim vomen, immigranl and refugee
vomen from lhe MiddIe Iasl and CenlraI, Iasl, Soulh, Soulheasl, and Wesl Asia. We have nol
syslemalicaIIy been abIe lo Iisl resources for African American MusIims (i.e., indigenous
MusIims) or refugees from Africa (e.g., SomaIis) and Iuroe (e.g., osnians). In generaI, aII
vomen can access lhe resources Iisled in lhe direclory.

HEART Inr Wnmcn & Gir!s
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Is!amic 5ncia! 5crviccs Assnciatinn-U5A (I55A)
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ISSA-USA aims lo rovide suorl lo sociaI service roviders lhrough educalion, lraining, and
services. ISSA is an organizalion lhal aIso heIs MusIims lo sel u and successfuIIy rovide sociaI
services vilhin lheir ovn communilies, ralher lhan running lhese services for communilies

Mi!!ati Is!ami
Ialh of Ieace: IsIamic Trealmenl for Addiclion.
! !!!"#$%%&'$$(%&#$")*+
MusIim WeIIness Ioundalion: Communily Resource Guide - AlIanla, GA 22

7433 LimekiIn Iike, Suile 204, IhiIadeIhia, IA 19138 - - - (267) 455-4357
MiIIali IsIami is a feIIovshi of men and vomen (allerned afler lhe rinciIes of Narcolics &
AIcohoIics Anonymous), |oined logelher on lhe "Ialh of Ieace". We share our exeriences,
slrenglhs, and hoes vhiIe recovering from our aclive addiclion lo mind and mood
aIlering subslances. We Iook lo AIIah (G-D) lo guide us on MiIIali IsIami (lhe Ialh of Ieace).
WhiIe recovering, ve slrive lo become righlIy guided MusIims, submilled our viII and services
lo AIIah.

Mcnta! Hca!th 4 Mus!ims
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Pntnmac Mus!im Cnunsc!ing Link
Comrehensive Iisl of counseIors and lheraisls in lhe DC Melro Area.

Mus!im Wc!!ncss Fnundatinn, Inc.
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Iounder: KameeIah Mu'Min Rashad
7433 LimekiIn Iike, Suile 204, IhiIadeIhia, IA 19138

Nasccha Mus!im Hc!p!inc
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NASIIHA MusIim Youlh HeIIine rovides a confidenliaI youlh heIIine for young MusIims lo
receive immediale, anonymous, and confidenliaI suorl over lhe hone from 6 9 m, Monday lo
Iriday (Iaslern Slandard Time). Launched in 2006, Naseeha is a leIehone suorl Iine for young
MusIims in Norlh America, lo laIk aboul, and vork lhrough lheir issues vilh lrained counseIIors.

Nathan K!inc Institutc: Ccntcr nI Excc!!cncc in Cu!tura!!y Cnmpctcnt Mcnta! Hca!th.
CuIluraI IrofiIes: MusIim Americans

Nur Ynuth Fnrum
! !!!"#$%&#'(#)"&*+
The Nur Youlh Iorum is an onIine for MusIim youlh lo gel ansvers regarding lheir ersonaI issues
MusIim WeIIness Ioundalion: Communily Resource Guide - AlIanla, GA 23

7433 LimekiIn Iike, Suile 204, IhiIadeIhia, IA 19138 - - - (267) 455-4357
ranging from deression, anxiely, addiclion and olher issues. Queslions are ansvered by cerlified
and quaIified counseIors.

PcaccIu! Fami!ics Prn|cct
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The IeacefuI IamiIies Iro|ecl (III) is a 501(c)(3) inlernalionaI organizalion devoled lo ending
domeslic vioIence in MusIim famiIies by faciIilaling avareness vorkshos for MusIim Ieaders
and communilies, roviding cuIluraI sensilivily lrainings and lechnicaI assislance for
rofessionaIs, conducling research, and deveIoing resources.

Prn|cct 5akinah
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Iro|ecl Sakinah is an efforl lo buiId lhe ubIic viII necessary lo achieve Iasling change in lhe
alliludes and behaviors of MusIims around lhe issue of vioIence vilhin famiIies.

RAHMA (Rcaching A!! HIV+ Mus!ims in Amcrica)
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Reaching AII HIV+ MusIims In America (RAHMA)'s mission is lo address HIV/AIDS rimariIy in
lhe American MusIim communily lhrough educalion, advocacy, and emovermenl.

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MusIim WeIIness Ioundalion: Communily Resource Guide - AlIanla, GA 24

7433 LimekiIn Iike, Suile 204, IhiIadeIhia, IA 19138 - - - (267) 455-4357
Lnca! Rcsnurccs

A. Mus!im Mcnta! Hca!th PrnIcssinna!s

Nadim Ali, LPC
6 Concourse Parkway
Suite 1650
Atlanta, GA 30328
(770) 383-1018

Family, Marriage, Premarital
Counseling, Depression, Substance
Sarah Ansari, LAPC
2336 Wisteria Drive
Suite 230
Snellville, GA 30078
(770) 963-7001 (Office)

Banu Ibaoglu, LPC

1260 Concord Rd
Suite 203
Smyrna, GA 30080
(678) 310-4799

Rahman Kaleem, LPC
Concourse Parkway Northeast
Suite 3000
Atlanta, GA 30328
(678) 560-3434

Marriage & Family
Dr. Najam Mehmood
4530 S Berkeley Lake Rd
Suite C
Norcross, Georgia 30071
(770) 598-9475
Website: See

couples / marriage therapy, individual
therapy, grief counseling & family
Osama S. Hindash
801 Macy Drive
Roswell, GA 30076
Atlanta, Georgia 30328
(678) 799-9277

MusIim WeIIness Ioundalion: Communily Resource Guide - AlIanla, GA 25

7433 LimekiIn Iike, Suile 204, IhiIadeIhia, IA 19138 - - - (267) 455-4357
Dr. Sakinah Rashid
Licensed Psychologist
160 Clairemont Avenue
Suite 200
Decatur, GA 30030
(678) 954-5692
(404) 307-4780

Specialty: Depression, Anxiety,
Marriage, Relationships, Grief,
Family, Career, Child &
Adolescent, Psychological

Dr. Ogene Davis
Licensed Psychologist
5300 Memorial Drive
Suite 116
Stone Mountain, GA 30083
(404) 292-3600

Specialty: Adolescent & Adult
Services for addiction, domestic
violence, forensic counseling,
cultural specificity, depression,
and self-esteem
Hadiyah Majeed
Domestic Violence Service
1100 S. Indian Creek Drive
Stone Mountain, GA 30083
(800) 285-9489 pin#00

Specialty: Domestic Violence

Curlisha Muwakkil
Clinical Social Worker
(678) 632-4004
Call For Appointments

Specialty: Children, Adolescent,
Adult, Trauma, Mental Health,
Substance Abuse

Taryn L. Siddiq
Mental Health Counselor &
Social Worker

3300 Memorial Drive
Suite D1
Decatur, GA. 30032
(404) 663-1135

Specialty: Individual, Couple and
Family Counseling, Support and
Substance Abuse and Bereavement
Group Counseling, Parenting, Life
Skills, Career & Job Readiness,
Stress Management, Anger
Management and Conflict
Resolution, Depression,
Empowerment and Self Esteem,
Healthy Relationships,
Assertiveness Training, Character
Building Skills, Monthly
Confidential Support Group

Naaila Moumaris-Clay
Marriage & Family Counselor
(919) 741-3860
Call For Appointments

Specialty: Marriage and Family

MusIim WeIIness Ioundalion: Communily Resource Guide - AlIanla, GA 26

7433 LimekiIn Iike, Suile 204, IhiIadeIhia, IA 19138 - - - (267) 455-4357
Nadim Ali, LPC
6 Concourse Parkway
Suite 1650
Atlanta, GA 30328
(770) 383-1018

Specialty: Family, Marriage,
Premarital Counseling,
Depression, Substance Abuse

Sarah Ansari, LAPC
2336 Wisteria Drive
Suite 230
Snellville, GA 30078
(770) 963-7001 (Office)

B. Faith Bascd Cnunsc!ing Ccntcrs
Center for Islamic
Counseling &
521 Flint Trail
Suite #A
Jonesboro, GA 30236
(770) 629-2220

Specialty: Marriage & Premarital
Counseling, Teen Counseling,
Divorce, New Muslim, Grief, Stress,

ICNA Muslim Family
Services - Counseling
(770) 300-0067

C. Mcnta! Hca!th Hnspita!s/5tabi!izatinns Units/Rcsidcntia!

5454 Yorktowne Drive
Atlanta, GA 30349
(770) 991-6044

Psychiatric & Chemical Dependency
Stabilization Program

MusIim WeIIness Ioundalion: Communily Resource Guide - AlIanla, GA 27

7433 LimekiIn Iike, Suile 204, IhiIadeIhia, IA 19138 - - - (267) 455-4357
Behavioral Health Link
Crisis Line
Georgia Crisis & Access Line
(800) 715-4225
Office 404-420-3202

Crisis Linkage For Mental Health &
Substance Issues
Laurel Heights
934 Briarcliff Rd NE
Atlanta, GA 30306
(404) 888-7860

Intensive Residential Treatment
Facility for Children & Adolescent
with severe mental illness
2151 Peachford Rd
Atlanta, GA 30338
(770) 455-3200
In-patient, Out-patient, Partial
Hospitalization for Mental Health &
Substance Abuse
3995 South Cobb Dr SE
Smyrna, GA 30080
(770) 434-4567
In-patient, Out-patient, Partial
Hospitalization for Mental Health &
Substance Abuse
Skyland Trail
1961 North Druid Hills Rd NE
Atlanta, GA 30329
(404) 315-8333

Residential & Day Treatment
program for mental health and
substance abuse

D. 5ncia! 5crviccs Organizatinns
Coweta Teen Mothers
and Babe Service
Center, Inc
Lyniece Muhammad
(770) 808-9108

Temporary Housing & Supportive
Services For Pregnant & Parenting

Custodians of Faith,
(678) 973-9991
(678) 548-4776

Feeding efforts and basic needs
with a focus on homeless
Giving Back to
Humanity, Inc.
(404) 784-6015;
(678) 531-1755

Provides food, clothing, shelter,
educational programming, job
training, counseling, family
planning for the less fortunate
Glitter of Hope, Inc.
4040 Falls Ridge Drive
Alpharetta, GA 30022
(678) 978-4000
Refugee and orphan services for
children & families
MusIim WeIIness Ioundalion: Communily Resource Guide - AlIanla, GA 28

7433 LimekiIn Iike, Suile 204, IhiIadeIhia, IA 19138 - - - (267) 455-4357
Jannah, Inc.
(404) 452-3312

Transitional services for those
transitioning from incarceration,
homelessness, and substance
Muslimah Consultation
Group, Inc.
Taryn L. Siddiq (President)
3300 Memorial Drive
Suite D1
Decatur, GA. 30032
(404) 663-1135

Women supportive services,
counseling, support groups, life
skills training, diversity training
SHARE Atlanta, Inc.
Amjad Taufique (Chairperson)
(404) 419-6468

Social service assistance for rent,
auto, utilities, medical for
uninsured, food, clothing, and
emergency child care assistance
Sisters United In a
Human Service, Inc.
Antoinette Saafiyah
(770) 465-2995
Provides training to Muslim girls,
serves halal meals to the homeless
on a weekly basis, offers
scholarships to students attending
college, and conducts various
outreach workshops/programs
focused on physical, mental, and
spiritual health.

MusIim WeIIness Ioundalion: Communily Resource Guide - AlIanla, GA 29

7433 LimekiIn Iike, Suile 204, IhiIadeIhia, IA 19138 - - - (267) 455-4357
VII. About Muslim Wellness Foundation
MusIim WeIIness Ioundalion (MWI) is an organizalion dedicaled lo reducing sligma
associaled vilh menlaI iIIness, addiclion and lrauma and raising avareness regarding lhe
behavioraI heaIlhcare needs of American MusIims lhrough communily diaIogue, educalion and
lraining. MWI aIso rovides cuIluraIIy and siriluaIIy aroriale counseIing and lheray
services for American MusIim chiIdren, youlh, aduIls and famiIies. Al MusIim WeIIness
Ioundalion, our core vaIues are comassion, dignily and resecl. We envision a fulure in vhich
counseIing and lheraeulic services and resources are cuIluraIIy comelenl, affordabIe, easiIy
accessibIe and geared lovards hoIislicaIIy slrenglhening lhe heaIlh and veIIness of American
MusIim chiIdren, youlh, aduIls and famiIies.
Aboul lhe Iounder:
Kamcc!ah Mu'Min Rashad, M.Ed, MRPYC
KameeIah is lhe Inlerfailh IeIIov & MusIim ChaIain al lhe
Universily of IennsyIvania. As ChaIain, KameeIah acls as a counseIor and
advisor lo lhe MusIim sludenls on camus and faciIilales discussions on
reIigious idenlily deveIomenl and chaIIenges faced by American MusIim
youlh. In lhis roIe, she aIso exIores lhe reIalionshi belveen idenlily, failh
and menlaI heaIlh, draving from over a decade of exerience in famiIy
lheray, addiclion, subslance abuse lrealmenl, and managed behavioraI
heaIlhcare. KameeIah is aIso lhe Iounder of MusIim WeIIness Ioundalion, Inc., an organizalion
dedicaled lo reducing sligma and raising avareness regarding lhe unique behavioraI heaIlh
needs and concerns of American MusIims slemming from lrauma, addiclion and menlaI iIIness.
KameeIah's generaI areas of inleresl incIude lhe roIe of siriluaIily and cuIluraI idenlily
in famiIy lheray, conceluaIizalion of veIIness and communily resource buiIding, slory-leIIing
as a vay of faciIilaling conneclion, heaIing and cIosure in famiIy of origin, and IaslIy cuIluraIIy
comelenl raclices vilh MusIims and African Americans in lheray. She is keenIy inleresled
in exIoring lhe reIalionshi belveen reIigious/cuIluraI idenlily, alliludes lovards counseIing
and heI-seeking behavior in minorily & failh-based communilies.
KameeIah gradualed from lhe Universily of IennsyIvania vilh a A in IsychoIogy and
Maslers in IsychoIogicaI Services. She has ursued furlher graduale educalion, comIeling a
second Maslers in Resloralive Iraclices & Youlh CounseIing from lhe InlernalionaI Inslilule for
Resloralive Iraclices and oblaining a osl-Maslers cerlificale in IamiIy Theray from lhe
IhiIadeIhia ChiId & IamiIy Theray Training Cenler. KameeIah is a cerlified inslruclor in
AduIl & Youlh MenlaI HeaIlh Iirsl Aid, lrained IRIIARI/INRICH faciIilalor and a docloraI
sludenl in CIinicaI IsychoIogy (vilh a concenlralion in marriage and famiIy lheray) al
Cheslnul HiII CoIIege.
MusIim WeIIness Ioundalion: Communily Resource Guide - AlIanla, GA 30

7433 LimekiIn Iike, Suile 204, IhiIadeIhia, IA 19138 - - - (267) 455-4357

MusIim WeIIness Ioundalion: Communily Resource Guide - AlIanla, GA 31

7433 LimekiIn Iike, Suile 204, IhiIadeIhia, IA 19138 - - - (267) 455-4357

MusIim WeIIness Ioundalion: Communily Resource Guide - AlIanla, GA 32

7433 LimekiIn Iike, Suile 204, IhiIadeIhia, IA 19138 - - - (267) 455-4357

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