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Chanchal Lalwani - Edexcel

Physics - Unit 5
Energy is transferred (to surroundings, to damping spring, etc.) NOT
Force (or acceleration) must be directly proportional to the
displacement and always acting towards the equilibrium position
Perfect time to aim to hit an oscillating system is when it is at a
maximum displacement, since it is momentarily stationary at that
If Pendulum C has same/similar length as pendulum X:
C has the same/similar natural frequency as pendulum X
C is driven at its natural frequency
The energy transfer from X to C is most efficient, and at a
The amplitude of oscillation decreases with each cycle because:
Although total energy of the system remains constant
Air resistance acts on the object, or energy is transferred to
thermal energy
Work is done against frictional forces
Energy is transferred from the system, its damped

For springs:
F = ma a = F/m, where F = -kx
Chanchal Lalwani - Edexcel

This equation is of the form a = -w
x , where w =

Hooke s law vs SHM
Hookes Law: for a spring, force is proportional to extension
F = k x
An extension of the spring causes a force towards the equilibrium
Resultant force acts towards the equilibrium position, so ma= -k
Condition for SHM is restoring force is proportional to
displacement from equilibrium position

The dampers absorb energy (from the bridge)
Because the springs deform and oscillate with the natural
frequency of the bridge
Hence there is a maximum energy transfer
Dampers must not return energy to bridge, they must dissipate
the energy

Object x is forced to vibrate at the frequency of object y
Object x and object y have similar natural frequencies
Energy is transferred from object x to object y

Radioactive decay
Radioactive: A radioactive atom has an unstable nucleus which emits
alpha, beta or gamma radiation
Spontaneous: The decay cannot be influenced by external factors
Chanchal Lalwani - Edexcel

We cant identify which atom/nucleus will decay next
We cant identify when an individual atom/nucleus will decay
We cant state exactly how many atoms/nuclei will decay in a set
We can only estimate the fraction of the total number that will
decay in the next time interval

Popcorn model
Similarities Differences
Both are random events Not all the popcorn are identical,
whereas in radioactive decay, all
nuclei are
Rate of decay depends on number
of unchanged nuclei
Radioactive decay doesnt depend
on external factors
Both have a decreasing rate of

Rate of decay depends on the type
of nucleus (isotope)

Radioactive decay is an
irreversible change

Alpha particles
Highly ionising
Therefore will not penetrate the skin and enter the body
Beta particles
They can easily penetrate the body/skin
Since they are not very ionising
Once inside, they may damage the DNA
Absorbed by a few mm of aluminium

Ideal gases
A gas that obeys the equations under all conditions!!
At 0K, an ideal gas would exert no pressure
We assume that air behaves as one
When the air is heated, the density of air in the balloon decreases,
so the upthrust is greater than the weight of the balloon, and it

Chanchal Lalwani - Edexcel

Internal energy
Internal energy is (sum of) molecular kinetic and potential
In (an ideal) gas the molecules do not have potential energy
Therefore, Ek T
If the gas reached absolute zero, then the K. E. of the molecules
would be zero
But if air is identified as not being ideal, then molecules would
still have potential energy at 0 K

Why pressure exerted decreases as it cools
The average/mean kinetic energy of the molecules decreases (see
the formula!!)
Molecules travel slower on average
Rate of collisions with walls is less
So rate of change of momentum (during collisions) with walls is

Specific heat capacity
We assume that all the energy supplied results in a rise in temperature

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