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the circle and arc of Mercury trading positions. This symbol is described by Dane Rudhyar as
"suggest[ing] the planetary character of the Pluto mind by the circle, floating above the open

The symbol for the centaur Chiron, a key with the letter K (for discoverer Charles T. Kowal) was
proposed by astrologer Al Morrison, who presented the symbol as "an inspiration shared
amongst Al H. Morrison, Joelle K.D. Mahoney, and Marlene Bassoff."

The symbol for retrograde motion is , a capital R with a tail stroke.
An R with a tail
stroke was used to abbreviate many words beginning with the letter R; in medical prescriptions,
it abbreviated the word recipe
(from the Latin imperative of recipere "to take"
), and in
missals, an R with a tail stroke marked the responses.

Meanings of the symbols
Celestial bodies
The glyphs of the planets are usually (but not always) broken down into four common elements:
A circle denoting spirit, a crescent denoting the mind, a cross denoting practical/physical matter
and an arrow denoting action or direction.


Signs of the zodiac



Lunar phases

Miscellaneous symbols


Some other meanings are:
The Ascendant/Descendant axis horizontal line is a symbol of Earth, while the vertical
(MC/IC)line is a symbol of God (of course, the Circle representing the whole chart is symbolic
of All is God - the entire Universe, God is Love, God is everlasting, He has no beginning and no

Myanmar-Burmese Zodiac Animal Signs

Burmese zodiac animal signs are the invention of ancient, wise monks of Myanmar (formerly
Burma). They created this astrological system through a keen understanding of the cosmic
world and incorporated this knowledge with their observations of the skies and the animal

This ancient branch of astrology is called Mahabote (also depicted as: MaHaBote). The term
Mahabote translates to mean "little vessel" or "little key," probably because it is a smaller
branch-off from the larger Hindu astrological system. Nevertheless, big things come in small
packages and Mahabote is a valuable container or key to extremely powerful insight within the
realm of esoteric knowledge.
Myanmar astrology is based on the number eight. The energy of eight proposes cosmic balance
and resonates at a frequency of divine equilibrium. It is said the number eight reflects harmony
in energy: deflecting imbalance and ever perpetuating congruence.
The essential elements of Eight in Myanmar - Burmese astrology:
Eight Planetary Energies
Eight Days of the Week
Eight Cardinal Directions
Eight Burmese Zodiac Animal Signs
Appropriately, we see the eight in all manner of powerful symbols native to Burma - Myanmar
and its surrounding regions. Most noteworthy is the sacred lotus blossom splaying out its eight
voluptuous petals for our contemplation.
In-line with the foundational Eight energy, we learn that the ancient Burmese astrological system
is based on seven planets (seen in Hindu astrology), plus Rahu. Rahu is unique in that it is not a
planet, but a conceptual celestial presence. Literally defined, Rahu is the point of intersection
between the earth, sun and moon at the time of eclipse. For astrological purposes, Rahu serves as
an invisible planet of the Burmese zodiac system. This makes eight planetary entities that dance
into our own orbit and thus makes their mark on our lives as we move through time.
Mahabote is also based on the eight days of the week. To accommodate for the extra day, the
ancient Myanmar monks split Wednesday in half making two days: Wednesday morning (12:01
am to 12:00 p.m.) and Wednesday afternoon (12:01 p.m. to 12:00 a.m.).
Another aspect of this form of astrology incorporates the cardinal directions. Here again, we see
the utilization of the mystical power of the number eight, as there are eight cardinal directions.
Each direction vibrates in it's own distinct symbolic energy. According to your day of birth,
your direction should prove beneficial for you.
Below, I've provided the basic personality traits for your zodiac animal signs according to
Mahabote. Horoscopes and charts are determined by following an intricate (and fascinating)
process of chart-drafting which involves consulting a myriad of influences such as: planets,
stars, houses, times, gems, deities, geographic locations, elements, polarities, classifications,
anatomy - the list of variables is pretty impressive.

Zodiac animal signs are just the surface layer of Mahabote. A deeper study is encouraged to get
the vast depth of this amazing astrological art form. Do some research on your own and you will
discover some incredible insights into yourself and the world in which you live. Further, the
more you learn of the "little key" more astounding doors of esoteric knowledge will be open for
In the meantime, enjoy this (somewhat over) simplified version of this intricate and colorful
form of astrology: The Myanmar - Burmese zodiac animal signs.


Exploring Sun Symbolism
The Sun Symbol is found in all cultures throughout history.
Considered by most peoples as a cosmic power, its not surprising we see the sun emblazed
upon countless artifacts and writings.
Ancient Chinese culture recognized the sun as the Great Male Principle the ultimate Yang.
These symbolically appreciative people also personified the sun as a cosmic eye viewing out
upon its dominion during the day.
Alchemically, the sun is sol and is esoterically symbolic of the mind or intellect. Gold is
considered the material of the sun in outwardly symbolic practices of alchemy.
Other materials that are esoterically recognized as sun symbols are:
The planetary sign of the sun (a circle with a dot in the center) is also an alchemical symbol of
origin signifying completion of the Great Work. Furthermore, this sun symbol represents the Self
in its relation to the cosmic whole.
This is also the case in astrology where the sun is symbolic of the Self that is expressed
outwardly the self that shines openly to our friends, family, co-workers, etc. The sun position at
our time of birth gives special illumination as to our characteristics. It's as if the sun shines upon
our symbolic selves and makes us most visible to the world (see your astro sun sign here).
A quick list of sun symbolism includes:
In Christianity the sun is the house of Archangel Michael (Gabriel lives within the moon), and is
also a symbol of the Christ, or Christ-like attributes.

In ancient Egypt the sun is associated with the Horus, Ra and Osiris. Horus represents the rising
sun, Osiris the setting sun, and Ra represents the suns zenith.
Again we see the sun symbolism in association with eyes or vision as the sun is the eye of Zeus
in Greek mythology.
Likewise, in Hindu mythology the sun is the eye of Varuna, and is also considered the divine
The sun resonates with male energy in most cultures. However, Celtic perspective places
feminine power within the suns rays. Likewise, ancient African, Japanese, Germanic, and some
Native American tribes all hold the sun as a feminine energy.
Animals can also be considered as sun symbols. For example, the eagle was a symbol of the sun
rising in its glory and power over their cities. The tiger is the sun in its setting aspect
Other solar animals that are considered sun symbols are:
A flower may also be considered a sun symbol. Here are a few flowers that radiate with sun
energy, and are considered symbolic of the sun:
Other common symbols for the sun include:
Our ancestors have long considered the sun as the center of humankinds existence. Modern
mankind tends to overlook this priority, and perhaps takes for granted the life-affirming essence
the sun exemplifies.
I hope this post encourages you to reconsider some of your symbolic ideas about the sun, and
perhaps even adopt a sun symbol for yourself. These symbols can provide immensely
enlightening in meditations, and focus/affirmation practices.





This page on symbolic moon facts is devoted to the various illuminating qualities of the moon
from a philosophical/metaphysical perspective.
Throughout nature we find a cavalcade of energetic counterparts: Light/Dark, Male/Female,
Increase/Decrease, etc., and the moon takes her place in the balance as the counter part to the sun.
The sun is symbolic of the fraternal (male, yang) aspect of guidance; and so logically the moon
stoically stands as the maternal (female or yin) influence.
This gender association is a generalization, and (as with most symbolic meanings) there are
departures. Moon symbolism in Native American tribes (Navajo, Eskimo, Pueblo come to mind),
along with African, Japanese, Maori, Teutonic, Oceania, and Sumerian-Semitic groups refer to
the moon as a masculine force.
More intriguing than gender, is the means by which the moon wields her force and influence.
She is considered a luminary, but she produces no light of her own accord. She is reliant upon
the suns light to reflect (mirror) her image to our earthly eyes.
This method of projecting light makes the moon a symbol of subtlety. Clarity, reflection, and
indirect deduction are gained by passive means. Where the sun will boldly bear down its blaze
upon a given philosophical subject the moon softly enfolds our attention illumining our
psyche in a gossamer glow that is more open to esoteric impressions.
Some key words relating to symbolic moon facts include:
Astrologically speaking the moon is ruler of the sign of Cancer and governs the realm of intuitive
thinking as well as emotions. The moon is a symbolic soul mate to water, and shares this affinity
with Cancer as we learn Cancers foundational element is water.
In animal symbolism, the moon shares an association with water (and her influence over the tides)
makes her matron of all sea creatures specifically those with shell coverings.
Her domain doesnt stop at the sea however, because the moon is also queen of the night, her
kingdom includes all nocturnal creatures too.
Here are just a few lunar animals that dance to the rhythmic pull of the moon (more lunar
animals will be added to this moon facts page as they are written):
Toad and Frog
The symbolic moon facts can be found in alchemical teachings wherein the moon is a facet of
silver. In the ever-parabolic perspective of the practicing alchemist, we know silver is symbolic
of clarity, purity, and brilliance. Silver is one of the three foundational metals of the Prima
Materia and so the silver-personified moon is prominently placed upon the triune throne of
More symbolic moon facts are derived from myth, lore and culture as we see lunar associations
tied with deities and cyclical events in human collective consciousness.
To wit, the moon is associated with such symbolic archetypes as :
Greek hunter goddess whose personality highlights include chastity, protection,
avengement, and childbirth.
Also a huntress archetype, and woodland goddess of the Romans; she is protector of
women and animals.
Adopted Greek goddess of the night specializing in birth, cycles, purification, crossroads
and second (otherworldly) sight.
Egyptian god (note male attribution) of the moon having connections with magic,
wisdom, writing, and hidden meanings (associated with Hermes in Greek myth, who
interestingly, like Hecate is a figurehead of crossroads too).
Virgin Mary:
Christian symbolism features her with the new moon where she resonates with the
concepts of purity, peace, illumination, and perfection.
Kuan Yin:
Chinese goddess of purity, grace, kindness, selflessness and benevolence. She is believed
to be a matron of childbirth, and is called upon for aid in conception as well as healing.
She also protects transitioning souls and travelers.
These are just a few amidst a global pantheon of symbolic archetypes that embody the
illumined movements of the moon.
We gain more symbolic moon facts by delving into the language of the Tarot where the lunar
energies are represented in the Moon card of the Major Arcana.
The phases of the moon serve as another glimpse into her intricate meanings. For example:
Waning Moon:
Symbolic of letting go, surrender, release, quiet time, contemplation, and a time of
New Moons:
Symbolic of new beginnings, a fresh start, rebirth

Waxing Moon:
Symbolic of growth, manifestation, attainment, gravidity (heavy with child both
philosophical and literal).
Full Moon:
Symbolic of the height of power, the peak of clarity, fullness and obtainment of desire.
The nature-wise, and cosmically conscious Native American Indians recognized power of full
moons to the extent they framed each months fullness with a contextual attribute. Meaning, they
recognized the full moon in each month as having a specific (restorative, outstanding) quality.
Ive written about the Native American Full Moon names here.
Don't miss my page on Moon Sign Personality Types.
I hope you have enjoyed this summary of observations on symbolic moon facts. I would
encourage you to use this page as a jumping-off-point to launch you into broader research on
your own.
Take the time to observe, quantify, research, and theorize about the moon for yourself. Connect
with her many faces, and apply your findings to your own life experience. I guarantee the lunar
depths you dive into will instill you with inspiration, expansion, and liberation.
Keep up the moon momentum! See these related pages below:



Also known as the sign for "maleness" the Mars symbol embodies the yang principle (see quick-
reference list below).
Mars is a planet of dubious repute. It's often referred to as the "fiery planet" because of its red
hue. It's also popularly known as a planet of war, and we see this in connection with Mars the
Roman god (Ares in Greek myth) of war.
But what isn't so popular is the ability for Mars to confront life-and-death issues. The planet is
incredibly influential in illuminating our vision as to what is no longer serving us.
Indeed, Mars symbol is affiliated with the astrology sign of Aries - the spring sign, and thus
symbolic of new beginnings, birth and initiation. Mars is also a ruler for Scorpio - the fall sign,
with symbolism of retreat, death and submerging.
This makes Mars symbolism relevant to cycles, and the natural rhythms of life and death. On
the one hand we have the driving force of new beginnings followed by a period of thoughtful
retreat and a symbolic death to the things which no longer serve.
Mars energy is comprised of, and includes the following symbolism:
Goal Oriented
Working with the Mars symbol and Mars symbolism means being honest with ourselves. Mars
energy forces us to confront our deepest, darkest secrets (a Scorpio proclivity) and drive a spike
of active understanding in the heart of our shadows.
Conversely, Mars will resurrect certain themes in our lives, and working with this planet will
allow us to see renew our understanding about who we are in the context of our shadow natures.
Furthermore, moving in synchronicity with Mars orbit will cause us to burn through the darkness
with a ferocious kind of illumination.
Mars both repels and attracts, so you will need to focus when working with its energy. And how
do we work with Mars symbol and Mars symbolism?
The Mars symbol is a representation of the shield and spear of the Roman god of war, Mars.
Incorporate this symbol when you are "going into battle." Draw the symbol on a piece of paper,
or keep a Mars medallion with you when:
You need to bolster your confidence
You are proposing a new idea and need your point to be driven home to your audience
You are embroiled in a heated debate or battle and you need strength to see yourself to
the finish
You are starting a new project and you need enthusiastic inspiration
You desire to have an enhanced libido
In autumn months, pay tribute to the wisdom of Mars by meditating upon the energy of this red
planet. As you bid farewell to the summer months, while holding the clarifying power of Mars
in your awareness, new discoveries will be made known to you. Mars has an uncanny power to
reveal truth behind the veil. By recognizing this power in the fall, we open the door for great
expansion and awareness during this season.
When contemplating Mars symbolism, it's worthy to note iron as Mars' corresponding metal
(also identified with the Mars symbol). In alchemy, iron is symbolic of hardness, force and
strength. Iron is the fourth stage in the process of reaching philosophical/spiritual gold. I hope
you have enjoyed these random thoughts about the Mars symbol and Mars symbolism.


The Mercury symbol (shown above) can be a catalyst for our broader, symbolic view of this
wholly engaging planet.
I love the look of this symbol, and how it offers us a tell-tale story of Mercurys personality.
To wit, we see the crescent opening upward, a gesture of receptivity. This physical attribute of
the Mercury symbol certainly falls in-line with the symbolic personality of this planet, as
Mercury is the planet of open-mindedness, new ideas and intelligence.
In astrological terms, Mercury rules the sign of Gemini who are prodigious thinkers and expert
idea factories punching out ever increasing concepts to the delight of everyone around them.
And, that this crescent moon motif sits at the tippy top of the symbol marks the utmost
importance of free thinking in the Mercurial realm.
This free-minded thinking passes out of the crescent and down into the belly of the Mercury
symbol where we see a perfect circle. Here ideas are gestated in a womb of contemplation.
Indeed, the circle is a common symbol for Earth (as well as a symbol of the sun). It speaks to us
of formulating whole concepts, making ideas real and substantial. This line of thought plays into
the Mercurial influences on the Virgo signs, who, are also aligned with the element of Earth. The
presence of the earthy Virgo lends substance to otherwise mere whispers of the mind.
The visual journey of the Mercury symbol ends at an equal-armed cross. This is the final stage of
solidification of thought. This indicates our thoughts have become manifest in the material world.
We could say Mercury is a midwife to thoughts conceived in the ephemeral world, and moving
through the birth canal into physical form.
How is the planet Mercury expressed in personality terms? As mentioned, it is the planet of the
Mind, and well discover attributes like these when philosophizing about Mercury:
We can apply further personality to Mercury and its influences by looking to classic Roman
mythology for clarity (Hermes in Greek). Wielding archetypal symbols such as the caduceus, a
winged helmet (or sandals), we find themes of balance, wisdom, movement (travel) and creative
flexibility. His name is derived from the Latin root merx which indicates merchant, as Mercury
was known for efficient commerce.
Indeed, his quick delivery of silver-tongued negotiations and messages, as well as his fleet-
footed nature caused him to be identified with the planet because Mercury is the swiftest of
planets, never ceasing its high energy spinning.
Adding intrigue to the Mercury symbol, Ive provided a list of energetic correlations to the planet
(and god as they are essentially inseperable). By doing this we gain broader awareness and
become more balanced in the macro/micro scheme of being.
As you browse through these symbolic correspondences, think upon this mighty planet and its
potential influence on your thoughts, behavior and life.

Animal associations with the planet/god Mercury:
When we encounter these animals, we can enhance our big picture understanding by
incorporating Mercurial attributes. For example, finding feathers on my path means something
specific to my symbolic thinking. Adding planetary personality gives that symbolic meaning a
Mercurial quality. Give these associations a try the next time these creatures come into your
Serpent (in the form of the caduceus): An emblem of balance betwixt polarities
Cock (rooster): Symbolic of messaging the break of a new day
Turtle (tortoise): From which Mercurys invention, the lyre was crafted
Bull: Also used (stretched intestines) in creating the lyre, the horns of the bull are also
symbolic of (feminine/reproductive) receptivity
Ram: A Mercury symbol of energy, drive as well as fertility (of ideas)
Wings (feathers): An icon of thought taking flight as well as messaging good news
Dragon: In Chinese alchemy, chui-yin is liquid silver and corresponds to the Chinese
dragon who speaks of movement, fluidity, the yin principle and travel

Stone associations for Mercury:
Rocks are holographs. They carry energetic reverberations of a whole and much larger advantage.
They are ancient carriers of subtle messages vessels of a primitive language. Consider
carrying one of these stones in your pocket with a goal to coax Mercurial qualities of self-
improvement, enhanced metal focus, and safe travel.
Agate = Augments balance + good judgment
Amber = Enhances flow thought + memory
Aventurine = Promotes leadership + skills of commerce
Jasper = Encourages safe travel + protection

Plants affiliated with Mercury:
Consider growing a bit of one of these plants in your kitchen windowsill to solidify the Mercurial
concepts within each resonates. You could also keep a bit of root or dried leaves of an affiliated
plant with you in a locket or a sachet. Practices like these merely root and concretize our
intentions and strengthen our connection with Mercury symbol ism.
Almond = A remnant of home and safe returns from travel
Daffodil = High-minded communication, cheerful leadership
Dandelion = Bright ideas
Lily = Equanimity of gender, purity of wisdom

Miscellany associations to Mercury
You might have noticed the prevalence of the color yellow in stones and plants. Yellow is
a color of intellect and clarity. Wear yellow when youre having a fuzzy-minded spell.
Mercurys attention is attracted to yellow, and offers clarity in response to it. See also
symbolic meaning of colors.
Tarot Magician:
I use the Tarot to draw connections in meaning. Appropriately, Mercury partners with the
Magician archetype of the major arcana. This figurehead possesses all the elements to
facilitate self-development, communication and forging ethereal into material.
Ones, Fours and Fives:
Within the realm of symbolism there are thousands of languages. Some languages speak
more clearly to some people than others. Sometimes numbers speak volumes to an
analytical mind. If this is the case with you, consider the symbolic meaning of the
number one (initation, drive), number four (balance) and number five (travel/adventure)
in conjunction with Mercury symbol meanings.
Alchemical: In the symbolic language of alchemy, our minds can retrieve simple
qualities represented by Mercury which are the passivity, resolution, and surreptitious
movement. We also see themes of balance as the conjugation of Mercury (feminine) and
Sulphur (male) brings about the manifestation of metallic strength unifying forces to a
slick, effective, metaphysical balance (a Western alchemical concept).
I hope you have enjoyed these observations on the Mercury symbol. I hope this page inspires
you to incorporate the personality of this oft elusive, yet powerfully beneficial planet.
In the spirit of mental travel, continue your journey by browsing through these other pages of





Exploring Symbolic Implications of Jupiter

The Jupiter symbol is comprised of several elements. The crescent with a horizontal line (looks
like an Arabic "2") also known as the Greek letter zeta. This component suggests evolutionary
development (maturity, and knowledge gained through a time of growth).
The second component is the cross, which is symbolic of a meeting of ideas - a cross roads
coming together to unite and combine two paths of philosophy. This plays nicely in Jupiter's
symbolism of being a feature of balance.
The Jupiter symbol meanings include attributes such as:

The personality of this deity is mammoth. Large, and in charge, Jupiter wields his authority with
swagger and confidence. His rule and judgment is law Discussion or persuasion neither
required nor permitted when his rule was implemented.
Other symbols associated with Jupiter include:
the crown
the sword
the lightning bolt
a throne
and the eagle
All of these aforementioned items are symbolic of power, confidence, authority, rulership,
wisdom and dominion.
The Celtic god Taranis is likened to Jupiter for his thunderous traits. Dagda, the Celtic "good
god" is also associated with Jupiter. Interestingly, Dagda is also known as the Celtic god of
manifestation which is an excellent description of Jupiter's qualities.
The Jupiter symbol meanings is closely aligned with manifestation because of its situation in
the solar system. It rests in the center of the orbital line of planets, with four planets preceding it
(from the sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) and four planets extending past it (Saturn,
Uranus, Neptune, Pluto). This position of balance makes the energy of Jupiter ideal for justice,
manifestation and perfect order.
Indeed, part of Jupiter symbol, the Greek letter zeta holds the value of seven, which is a number
of perfection, scholarly pursuit and order.
Astrologically speaking, the Jupiter symbol makes its mark as the ruler of Sagittarius which is a
fire sign and holds personality traits of wisdom, teacher, traveler and is ever expanding his/her
circle of influence to gain more knowledge. Jupiter shares rulership of Pisces with Neptune. Here
we see themes of receptivity and expanse in the arena of intuitive knowledge.
Alchemically speaking, the Jupiter symbol is reflected in the material form of tin. Tin is an
alchemical symbol representing mediation and a balance between hot and cold (situated
between Mars/Iron and Saturn/Lead). The thunderbolt is a stand-in for the Jupiter symbol in
alchemical texts, and signifies the second phase of the Lesser Work of the grand alchemical
process .
In Chinese symbolism, Jupiter is ally to the element of wood and carries themes of patience,
compassion as well as strength and durability. The Chinese element of wood is also symbolic of
the spring season and so it's associated with growth, renewal and transition. Jupiter has a
twelve year orbit cycle, and is very auspicious for the Chinese zodiac as the planet marks each
new Chinese year.
If you're looking to incorporate the energy of the Jupiter symbol and meaning in your life to
garner luck, wealth, prosperity and confidence, you can keep certain stones with you that
resonate with Jupiter energy. These stones include: Sapphire, Topaz, Citrine and Tiger Eye.
I hope you have enjoyed these thoughts on Jupiter symbol meanings.


The Venus symbol meaning is a combination of the circle and the cross.
Visually this symbol speaks to us on two levels: Spiritual and Material.
The circle reminds us of the inclusive nature of our universe. Here there is no exclusion. Only
inclusion. All is welcome, and all is ever-expanding. Spirituality holds hands with this same
inclusive concept. The mystic mind never pushes away, but always embraces what is. And, the at
the base of all inclusion is the vibrating construct of love.
The cross (added in the 16th century) talks to us about nurturing our immaterial understanding
into the realm of material. It rests beneath the womb (represented by the circle in the Venus
symbol). The location of the cross under the circle indicates all matter is birthed from a
spiritually inclusive, loving womb.
As is my nature, I'm drawn by the duality the Venus symbol meaning represents. On the top half
we feel the openness and inclusivity (circle). Yet, on the lower half we experience a narrowing,
or a "coming to the crux." Visually you can see opening and closing, beginnings and endings, in
this symbol.
That duality of Venus is underscored by her placement in the skies as both the "morning star" (as
it rises in the east) and the "evening star" (setting in the west).
The Venus symbol meaning deals with:
Unification of opposites
Further symbolism comes from the Roman goddess Venus (Aphrodite = Greek) whose (in the
most popular version of myth) presence churned forth from the frothy seas. Gentle sea breezes
moved the lovely Venus to her final destination, Cyprus where she is said to scintillate with the
amorous powers.

Interestingly, the Venus symbol is also an alchemical elemental symbol for copper and Cyprus
was a major exporter of the copper. water. It's also symbolic of light as copper was used to make
mirrors because of its reflective, luminous qualities. Here we recapture themes of aesthetic
beauty and appreciation by reflecting (mirror) upon finery. Astrologically, Venus influences
Taurus and Libra. Both signs are impeccably equipped to appreciate the finer things in life.
These personalities are lovers of beauty, style, and elegance. Even if they don't enhance these
aspects of themselves, they know value when they see it - and that knowledge tends to motivate
them in all they do.
Animal Associations with Venus symbol meaning:
Dove: Because the goddess Venus herself is associated with the soft, gentle nature of the
dove - which also connects with themes of love, purity and renewal.
Serpent: Because copper is associated with the snake and copper shares its physical
properties with Venus. Snakes carry symbolism of sensuality, creativity and fertility
which are also associated with the Venus symbol meaning.
Lizards and reptiles: Because of Venus' (the planet) rising and setting natures. Lizards
rise with the morning warmth and retreat (set) as the evening does. These creatures are
also symbolic of duality, and thus another connection to the dual nature of Venus symbol
Cow: Because of Venus' relationship with Taurus, the sign of the bull. Also, the cow is a
sacred symbol of fertility for countless ancient cultures. It is the provisioner, the patient,
the nurturer of life. Interestingly, the ancient (love, sex, war) goddess Ishtar was
worshipped in the island of Cyprus. And, as mentioned earlier, copper was the major
export of Cyprus in ancient times (copper is identified by the Venus symbol). Bull masks
were often worn for fertility ritual by the ancient people of Cyprus.
Fish and Shells: According to myth (and the famous painting by Botticelli) Venus
emerged from a(and is associated with) the seas sailing on a half shell. This fits in nicely
with water being symbolic of emotion and love. Ergo, creatures of the sea will be natural
animals associated with Venus.
Swan: The swan is a symbol of love, purity and grace and so is associated with the deific
qualities of Venus (Ishtar, Aphrodite, Astarte, etc). Also associated with water, the swan
rides gently on the waves of emotion. The swan also holds themes of duality like Venus
because it is a creature of both the waters (also symbolic of openness and the womb like
we see in the circle top of the Venus symbol) and a creature of the earth (firmament and
the realm of matter as seen in the cross portion of the Venus symbol).

Stones associated with Venus symbolism:
Turquoise = Boosts receptivity, attraction of desire and protection
Sapphire = Warms the blood, ignites the body
Emerald = Enhances healing, augments nature-inspired wisdom
Jade = Safe journeying, grounding, attraction of monetary stability

Plants and Flowers Associated with Venus Symbol and Venus Symbol Meaning
Rose: For obvious reasons, the goddess Venus is associated with rose for its symbolism
of beauty, vitality, life, passion and love.
Palm: Because of Venus' themes of fertility and growth it is associated with the palm
because this tree is considered a symbol of fertility too. Also, the palm spreads out like a
star, and the orbit pattern of Venus can be traced in a perfect pentagram.
Rowan: Continuing with the pentagram orbit pattern of Venus, the rowan is also a carrier
of the pentagram on the underside of its berries. This reinforces the theme of perfecting
balance and unifying harmonies.
Apple: Also a carrier of the pentagram, and so affiliated with Venus, the apple also
beams with symbolism of love, romance, beauty and an appreciation of art, poetry and
beauty. Also symbolic of fertility and nourishment.
Lily: Because of its connotations of purity, cleansing and loveliness, the lily is a perfect
match to the goddess aspects of Venus.

Miscellany associations with Venus and further Venus symbol meaning
The pentagram is the sign of Venus (the planet) because of its orbit pattern. In the span of
time it takes to come full circle of her trajectory (four years), her path traces the outline of
the five-pointed star. This gives further fuel to the pentagram as a symbol of harmony,
love and perfect union.
Venus is almost exclusively deemed feminine, including in Asian traditions where Venus
is associated with yin energy. However, ancient Incans understood Venus (the planet and
persona) to be masculine and a protector of the moon. Because of its luminosity in the
skies it was associated with bright virility and proffered wise counsel to the sun within
the sentient cosmos.
Mayans used Venus as a basis for their intricate systems of time, and the planet was a
foundation to establish their calendars. The planet Venus was represented by Quetzalcoatl
which plays nicely with the theme of duality I've been discussing in this article.
Quetzalcoatl (Mayan god of wind) blew Venus out of existence in the west and then
revived the planet in the east. This is analogous of the rising and setting of the planet,
carrying themes of duality, life, death and rebirth.
The planet Venus is associated with the colors green and red.
Venus corresponds with Friday in the days of the week
Venus is associated with the Empress card as well as the Lovers card in the language of
Its numerological correspondence is four and six.
I hope you have enjoyed this page on varied Venus symbol meaning.


Saturn Symbol Meaning
The Saturn symbol is composed of two design elements. The top cross, which is symbolic of the
culmination of matter as well as the function of a intense focus. The second component of the
Saturn icon is a crescent an element which it signifies receptivity.
Note: My image above doesn't show a top cross. Click here to see a non-stylized (more
traditional) Saturn symbol.
This lower "crescent" portion of the Saturn symbol is also reminiscent of a scythe or sickle.
These are of particular interest because the symbolism of the planet Saturn (and the agricultural
Roman god Saturn) often addresses themes of death. Note that in the archetype of death, this
personification carries the sickle to acknowledge the opportune moment of harvesting current
This theme of harvesting joins with the Saturn symbol meaning of recycling old to new.
Underlying mythological themes further reveal the god Saturn dethroned his father, Uranus. This
dethroning symbolizes the changing of an old regime (death) to a new one (rebirth), and this
ties in with Saturn's symbolism.
In Chinese symbolism, the Saturn symbol embodies the concept of rulership, imperial control in
In animal symbolism, Saturn historically governs snakes, mice, foxes, dragons, and nocturnal
birds of prey such as the owl. It is interesting to note that the owl is commonly misunderstood as
a symbol of death. This fallacy might have originated from its ancient association with Saturn.
In symbolic alchemy, the Saturn symbol doubles as a symbol for lead. Philosophical alchemy
explains lead is a component of transformation brought about from hardening, strengthening
and staunch willpower.
In astrology, Saturn rules the sign of Capricorn. This sign, as its ruling planet, moves through life
with slower, methodical, purposeful structure.
In symbolic astrology, Jupiter is the expansive, gregarious planet whereas Saturn is the limiting,
restrictive planet. These two planets also symbolize a replacement of old to new patterns as
Jupiter overthrew Saturn in the ongoing saga of power in ancient myth. Herein lies symbolism
of "old father" and "new father" as well as old ways and methods replaced by newer methods.
General symbolic meaning of Saturn include:
Slower pace
Long study
Unrevealed power
The Saturn symbol, planet and myth, might mislead the student into a negative impression, but it
shouldn't. Saturn represents a facilitating energy. Without its presence, nothing in the world
could get accomplished.
We can dream of a house, but it won't be built without Saturn's influence (stability, structure,
hard work). We can visualize a business, but the vision means nothing without Saturn's
methodical planning, and authoritative counsel to staunchly lead the way to business success.
This is important to note. When you need perseverance, and rigid follow-through, Saturn is the
energy to invoke.
You can incorporate the Saturn symbol into your devotions and meditations to bring about
intense focus to facilitate in matters requiring long-term vigilance. Focus on the Saturn symbol
also promotes fluid transitions even if it means moving through change with detached interest
(rather than taking things personally and adding drama to the situation).
Certain stones like jet, obsidian and onyx resonate with Saturn energy. Carry these with you
when you need Saturn's unwavering, dogged determination in your corner. These stones will
ground you and keep you stabilized (also very protective and enhances confidence).
I hope you have enjoyed these thoughts on the Saturn symbol and its many counterparts.

Zodiac Signs and Meanings

I mention there is more to astrology than merely learning the zodiac signs and meanings on my
"about astrology" page. This is true. To really be in touch with the beauty astrology has to offer,
it requires a commitment to learning all aspects of the art.
However, everybody knows that half the fun to astrology is learning about all the different
zodiac signs and meanings for each. Theres something exciting and wonderful about reading the
characteristics of our zodiac signs. We all smile and say "Yes, thats me!" or "Wow, that really
describes my personality!"
When we look at our zodiac sign dates (that is, the date we were born indicating our zodiac signs
and meanings) we are looking at our sun sign. Sun signs refer to the position of the sun upon the
time of our birth. I have described this in a bit more detail on my "about astrology" page found
Below, I have offered the twelve zodiac signs and meanings along with a summary of
characteristics for each.
Ive also made a quick-reference chart of zodiac sign dates viewable here. Print it out and learn
which zodiac falls within a specific date range.
As you continue to study astrology, you can begin to associate these zodiac traits to your co-
workers, friends and family even strangers! Once you know the date a person is born and the
zodiac signs and meanings associated with his/her birthday, you have some amazing deductive
capabilities at your disposal.

Astrology is a window into unseen realms. It helps us learn who we are and others too. Further,
it serves as a tool to enhance our understanding and compassion towards others.
For example, if your co-worker snaps at you in irritation and seems cranky this week, you may
want to consult the zodiac signs and meanings for an explanation. If you find your co-worker is a
Sagittarius, you know shes usually pretty easy-going, so something major might be going on in
her life. With a little more research, you may find that certain planets moving through her sign
can cause your Sagittarian co-worker to be in a bit of a tailspin.
Knowing these details gives you more patience and compassion. Instead of barking back at your
co-worker, you can empathize and understand that shes just going through a phase nothing
personal. Have fun with the zodiac signs and meanings below listed. Use them as a basic guide
to help you understand the various personalities of the people in your life. But please, this is only
a guide I encourage you to study further and continue to gather your own knowledge on the
fascinating subject of astrology.

Aries - The Ram
March 21 April 19
Aries people are creative, adaptive, and insightful. They can
also be strong-willed and spontaneous (sometimes to a fault).
Aries people can be driven and are very ambitious often
making them over-achievers in anything they set their mind
to tackle. Aries are fire signs, and so too is their personality.
They may be quick to anger, but dont take it personally, its
just their fiery, passionate personalities showing through.
Aries signs have excellent sense of humor, and they get
along with almost everyone at the party (and they DO know
how to party). Aries can be impatient, but we love them
anyway because they are devoted friends, lovers and family
members they are loyal to then end and will fight for their
causes (usually supporting the underdog). See symbolic
meanings of the Ram here.

Taurus - The Bull
April 20 May 20
Taurus zodiac signs and meanings, like the animal that
represents them, is all about strength, stamina and will.
Stubborn by nature, the Taurus will stand his/her ground to
the bitter end (sometimes even irrationally so). But thats
okay because the Taurus is also a loving, sympathetic and
appreciative sign. The Taurus is very understanding and
when we need someone to unburden ourselves to, we often

share our deepest fears with the Taurians of the zodiac.
Taurians are very patient, practical and efficient, they are
excellent in matters of business and are also wonderful
instructors/teachers. Although initially they may have their
own best

interest at heart, they are ultimately & endlessly generous
with their time, possessions and love.

Gemini - The Twins
May 21 - June 20
Flexibility, balance and adaptability are the keywords for the
Gemini. They are quick to grasp the meaning of a situation
and act on it, often with positive effects. They tend to have a
duality to their nature, and can sometimes be tough to predict
how they will react. They can turn from hot to cold and may
be prone to noticeable mood swings. However, they are
generous signs with tendencies of being affectionate, and
imaginative. They also inspire others easily as they seem to
naturally motivate themselves their charisma and
accomplishments are infectious. Geminians are very
supportive, and are especially good at promotions, sales, and
driving hard bargains.

Cancer - The Crab
June 21 July 22
Cancerians love home-life, family and domestic settings.
They are traditionalists, and enjoy operating on a
fundamental level. They love history, and are fascinated with
the beginnings of things (heraldry, ancestry, etc.). The moon
is their ruler, so they can be a bit of a contradiction and
sometimes moody. However, they are conservative, so
theyll be apt to hide their moods from others altogether.
They have a reputation for being fickle, but theyll tell you
that isnt true, and its not. Cancerians make loyal,
sympathetic friends. However Cancerians need alone time,
and when they retreat, let them do so on their terms.

Leo - The Lion
July 23 August 22
The zodiac signs and meanings of Leo is about expanse,
power and exuberance. Leos are natural born leaders, and
they will let you know it as they have a tendency to be high-
minded and vocal about their opinions. Thats okay, because
if you observe, the Leo is usually correct in his/her
statements. Leos have a savvy way of analyzing a situation
and executing swift judgment with a beneficial outcome. It
comes from being a leader. They are brave, intuitive, and
also head-strong and willful. Beneath their dynamic persona
lies a generous, loving, sensitive nature that they do not
easily share with others. They might be a bit bossy, but those
who know them understand this comes from a source need to
do good, not (usually) from an inflated ego.

Virgo - The Virgin
August 23 September 22
Virgos have keen minds, and are delightful to talk with,
often convincing others of outlandish tales with ease and
charm. Virgos are inquisitive and are very skilled at drawing
information from people. This trait also makes them
naturally intuitive. Combine this with their remarkable
memories, and we see an advanced, analytical personality.
However the Virgo needs balance in their lives otherwise
they may become short-tempered, impatient and self-serving.
Virgos are excellent teammates in work and social
activities. They work well with others, although they freely
express their opinions (even when unwarranted).

Libra - The Scales
September 23 October 22
As their zodiac signs and meanings would indicate, Libras
are all about balance, justice, equanimity and stability. They
easily surround themselves with harmony and beauty, but
sometimes go to extremes to do so if their goals are
unreasonable or unhealthy. With Venus as their ruling planet,
Libras are very understanding, caring, and often the
champion of underdogs. They have keen intuitions, but often
dont give themselves enough credit for their perceptions.
They can be quiet and shy if not persuaded to come out of
their shell. Ironically and in spite of their introverted nature
they make excellent debaters, often proving a point from out
of seemingly nowhere.
. (38)

Scorpio - The Scorpion
October 23 November 21
The Scorpio is often misunderstood. These personalities are
bold and are capable of executing massive enterprises with
cool control and confidence. They can surmount seemingly
all obstacles when they put their mind to the task, and they
have unshakable focus when the situation calls for it.
Regardless of their bold nature, they are often secretive, but
they are always observing behind their withdrawn manner.
Being associated with a solar animal, (the scorpion) they are
not withdrawn for long, and when they come out again they
do so with force, vigor and determination. It is true,
Scorpios can be argumentative and pack a powerful sting,
but thats simply because they see all opposition as a healthy

Sagittarius - The Centaur
November 22 December 21
Here we have the philosopher among the zodiac signs and
meanings. Like the Scorpio, they have great ability for focus,
and can be very intense. However, they must channel their
energy or they will waste time and wear themselves out
going in too many directions at once. They are not very
patient and expect quick results. However, when encountered
with failure they make extreme comebacks often against
incredible odds. They make loyal friends and lovers, but they
do not handle commitment well as they refuse to be tied
down while chasing philosophical pursuits.

Capricorn - The Goat
December 22 January 19
Capricorns are also philosophical signs and are highly
intelligent too. They apply their knowledge to practical
matters, and strive to maintain stability and order. They are
good organizers, and they achieve their goals by purposeful,
systematic means. They are very intuitive, although they
dont share this trait with others freely. They do not deal well
with opposition or criticism but a healthy Capricorn will
often shrug off negative comments towards their character.
They are patient and persevering they know they can
accomplish any task as long as they follow a their plan step-
by-step. Capricorns have broad shoulders, and typically take
on others problems with aplomb. Ironically, they rarely
share their own problems and tend to go through bouts of
inner gloom after a spell of dwelling on these problems.

Aquarius - The Water Bearer
January 20 February 18
Often simple and unassuming, the Aquarian goes about
accomplishing goals in a quiet, often unorthodox ways.
Although their methods may be unorthodox, the results for
achievement are surprisingly effective. Aquarians will take
up any cause, and are humanitarians of the zodiac. They are
honest, loyal and highly intelligent. They are also easy going
and make natural friendships. If not kept in check, the
Aquarian can be prone to sloth and laziness. However, they
know this about themselves, and try their best to motivate
themselves to action. They are also prone to philosophical
thoughts, and are often quite artistic and poetic.

Pisces - The Fish
February 19 March 20
Also unassuming, the Pisces zodiac signs and meanings deal
with acquiring vast amounts of knowledge, but you would
never know it. They keep an extremely low profile compared
to others in the zodiac. They are honest, unselfish,
trustworthy and often have quiet dispositions. They can be
overcautious and sometimes gullible. These qualities can
cause the Pisces to be taken advantage of, which is
unfortunate as this sign is beautifully gentle, and generous.
In the end, however, the Pisces is often the victor of ill
circumstance because of his/her intense determination. They
become passionately devoted to a cause particularly if they
are championing for friends or family.
I hope enjoyed these zodiac signs and meanings. Please bear in mind, these are incredibly brief
summaries of each sign. I would encourage you to delve in your own personal study of zodiac
signs and meanings. The more you invest in the fascinating realm of astrology, the higher your
Let your mind wander down more paths pertaining to astrology, follow these in-site links:

Celtic Tree Astrology
Celtic tree astrology is based on the ancient idea that the time of our births is pivotal to the
formation of our personality and behavior.
The spiritually savvy Celts, particularly the druids were expert observers. Over time, they
recognized that a child born within a certain season would develop certain qualities. Further, the
druids observed patterns in the color and shape of a persons life according to the motions of
the moon (their calendar being based on a lunar year) and the season in which we are born.
The system of Celtic tree astrology was developed out of a natural connection with the druids
knowledge of earth cycles and their reverence for the sacred knowledge held by trees. As
mentioned on my Celtic Meaning of Trees Page, the druids had a profound connection with trees
and believed they were vessels of infinite wisdom.
Carrying this concept a step forward, we can associate the likeness and personality of trees to our
own human nature. By doing so, we gather inspired insight and clarity into who we are.
Below I have provided my interpretation of the Celtic tree astrology signs. I hope you enjoy
these perspectives as much as I did while writing them. Oh, and don't miss my page on Celtic
Animal Zodiac Signs here.
Click on the pictures or links for each sign to learn more about the tree within the Celtic Ogham

Birch - The Achiever
December 24 January 20
If you were born under the energy of the Birch you can be highly
driven, and often motivate others they become easily caught in
your zeal, drive and ambition. You are always reaching for
more, seeking better horizons and obtaining higher aspirations.
The Druids attributed this to your time of birth, which is a time
of year shrouded by darkness, so consequently you are always
stretching out to find the light. Birch signs (just like the tree)
are tolerant, tough, and resilient. You are cool-headed and are
natural-born rulers, often taking command when a situation
calls for leadership. When in touch with your softer side, you
also bring beauty in otherwise barren spaces, brightening up a
room with you guile, and charming crowds with you quick wit.
Celtic tree astrology Birch signs are compatible with Vine signs
and Willow signs.


Rowan - The Thinker
January 21 February 17
Celtic tree astrology recognizes Rowan signs as the
philosophical minds within the zodiac. If you were born under
the Rowan energy, you are likely a keen-minded visionary,
with high ideals. Your thoughts are original and creative, so
much so, that others often misunderstand from where you are
coming. This sometimes makes you aloof when interacting with
others as you feel they wouldnt understand where you are
coming from anyway. Nevertheless, although you may appear to
have a cool exterior, you are burning within from your
passionate ideals. This inner passion provides inner motivation
for you as you make your way through life. You have a natural
ability to transform situations and people around you by your
mere presence. You are highly influential in a quiet way and
others look to you for your unique perspectives. Rowan pairs
well with Ivy and Hawthorn signs.

Ash - The Enchanter
February 18 March 17
Those born under the Celtic tree astrology sign of the Ash are
free thinkers. Imaginative, intuitive, and naturally artistic, you
see the world in water-color purity. You have a tendency to
moody and withdrawn at times, but thats only because your
inner landscape is in constant motion. You are in touch with
your muse, and you are easily inspired by nature. Likewise,
you inspire all that you associate with and people seek you out
for your enchanting personality. Art, writing (especially poetry),
science, and theology (spiritual matters) are areas that strongly
interest you. Others may think you are reclusive, but in all
honesty, you are simply immersed in your own world of
fantastic vision and design. You are in a constant state of self-
renewal and you rarely place a value on what others think about
you. Ash signs partner well with Willow and Reed signs.


Alder - The Trailblazer
March 18 April 14 If you are an Alder sign within the Celtic
tree astrology system, you are a natural-born pathfinder. Youre
a mover and a shaker, and will blaze a trail with fiery passion
often gaining loyal followers to your cause. You are charming,
gregarious and mingle easily with a broad mix of personalities.
In other words, Alder signs get along with everybody and
everybody loves to hang around with you. This might be because
Alders are easily confident and have a strong self-faith. This
self-assurances is infectious and other people recognize this
quality in you instantly. Alder Celtic tree astrology signs are
very focused and dislike waste. Consequently, they can see
through superficialities and will not tolerate fluff. Alder people
place high value on their time, and feel that wasting time is
insufferable. They are motivated by action and results. Alders
pair well with Hawthorns, Oaks or even Birch signs.

Willow - The Observer
April 15 May 12
If you are a Willow sign, you are ruled by the moon, and so your
personality holds hands with many of the mystical aspects of the
lunar realm. This means you are highly creative, intuitive
(highly psychic people are born under the sign of the Willow)
and intelligent. You have a keen understanding of cycles, and
you inherently know that every situation has a season. This gives
you a realistic perspective of things, and also causes you to be
more patient than most tree signs. With your intelligence comes
a natural ability to retain knowledge and you often impress your
company with the ability to expound on subjects from memory.
Willow Celtic tree astrology signs are bursting with potential,
but have a tendency to hold themselves back for fear of
appearing flamboyant or overindulgent. It is your powers of
perception that ultimately allow your true nature to shine, and
what leads you to success in life. Willow signs join well with the
Birch and the Ivy.


Hawthorn - The Illusionist
May 13 June 9
Hawthorn signs in Celtic tree astrology are not at all what they
appear to be. Outwardly, they appear to be a certain persona,
while on the inside Hawthorns are quite different. They put the
term never judge a book by its cover to the test. They live
seemingly average lives while on the inside they carry fiery
passions and inexhaustible creative flame. They are well
adjusted and can adapt to most life situations well making
themselves content and comforting others at the same time. You
are naturally curious, and have an interest in a broad range of
topics. You are an excellent listener, and people seek you out as
an outlet to release their burdens. You have a healthy sense of
humor, and have a clear understanding of irony. You tend to see
the big picture, and have amazing insight although you
typically wont give yourself enough credit for your
observations. Hawthorn signs match up nicely with Ash and

Oak - The Stabilizer
June 10 July 7
Those born under the Celtic tree astrology sign of the Oak have a
special gift of strength. They are protective people and often
become a champion for those who do not have a voice. In other
words, the Oak is the crusader and the spokesperson for the
underdog. Nurturing, generous and helpful, you are a gentle
giant among the Celtic zodiac signs. You exude an easy
confidence and naturally assume everything will work out to a
positive outcome. You have a deep respect for history and
ancestry, and many people with this sign become teachers. You
love to impart your knowledge of the past to others. Oak signs
have a need for structure, and will often go to great lengths to
gain the feeling of control in their lives. Healthy Oak signs live
long, full, happy lives and enjoy large family settings and are
likely to be involved with large social/community networks. Oak
signs pair off well with the Ash and Reed, and are known to
harmoniously join with Ivy signs too.


Holly - The Ruler
July 8 August 4
Among the Celtic tree astrology signs the Holly is one of regal
status. Noble, and high-minded, those born during the Holly era
easily take on positions of leadership and power. If you are a
Holly sign you take on challenges easily, and you overcome
obstacles with rare skill and tact. When you encounter setbacks,
you simply redouble your efforts and remain ever vigilant to
obtain your end goals. Very seldom are you defeated. This is
why many people look up to you and follow you as their leader.
You are competitive and ambitious even in the most casual
settings. You can appear to be arrogant but in actuality youre
just very confident in your abilities. Truth be known, you are
quite generous, kind and affectionate (once people get to know
you). Highly intelligent, you skate through academics where
others may struggle. Because many things come to you so easily,
you may have a tendency to rest on your laurels. In other words,
if not kept active, you may slip into an unhealthy and lazy
lifestyle. Holly signs may look to Ash and Elder signs for
balance and partnership.

Hazel - The Knower
August 5 September 1
If you are born under the energy of the Hazel, you are highly
intelligent, organized and efficient. Like the Holly, you are
naturally gifted in academia, and excel in the classroom. You
also have the ability to retain information and can recall, recite
and expound on subjects youve memorized with amazing
accuracy. You know your facts, and you are always well
informed. This sometimes makes you appear like a know-it-all
to others, but you cant help that; youre genuinely smart and
usually know the right course of action because of your
impressive knowledge base. You have an eye for detail, and like
things to be just so. Sometimes this need for order and control
can lead to compulsive behaviors if left unchecked. You have a
knack for numbers, science and things that utilize your analytical
skills. You like rules, although you are typically making them
rather than playing by them. The Celtic tree astrology sign of
Hazel joins harmoniously with Hawthorn and Rowans.


Vine - The Equalizer
September 2 September 29
Vine signs are born within the autumnal equinox, which makes
your personality changeable and unpredictable. You can be full
of contradictions, and are often indecisive. But this is because
you can see both sides of the story, and empathize with each
equally. It is hard for you to pick sides because you can see the
good points on each end. There are, however, areas in your life
that you are quite sure about. These include the finer things of
life like food, wine, music, and art. You have very distinctive
taste, and are a connoisseur of refinement. Luxury agrees with
you, and under good conditions you have a Midas touch for
turning drab into dramatic beauty. You are charming, elegant,
and maintain a level of class that wins you esteem from a large
fan base. Indeed, you often find yourself in public places where
others can admire your classic style and poise. Vine signs pair
well with Willow and Hazel signs.

Ivy - The Survivor
September 30 October 27
Among other cherished qualities of the Ivy Celtic tree astrology
sign, most prized is your ability to overcome all odds. You have
a sharp intellect, but more obvious is your compassion and
loyalty to others. You have a giving nature, and are always there
to lend a helping hand. You are born at a time of the waning sun
so life can be difficult for you at times. This sometimes seems
unfair because it appears that obstacles are coming at with no
prompting on your part. Nevertheless, you endure troubling
times with silent perseverance and soulful grace. Indeed, Ivy
signs have a tendency to be deeply spiritual and cling to a deep-
rooted faith that typically sees them trough adversity. You are
soft spoken, but have a keen wit about you. You are charming,
charismatic, and can effectively hold your own in most social
settings. Ivy signs are attracted to the Celtic tree astology sign of
Oak and Ash signs.


Reed - The Inquisitor
October 28 November 24
Reed signs among the Celtic tree astrology signs are the secret
keepers. You dig deep inside to the real meaning of things and
discover the truth hidden beneath layers of distraction. When
there is a need to get to the heart of the matter, most certainly the
Reed sign will find the core. You love a good story, and can be
easily drawn in by gossip, scandals, legend and lore. These
tendencies also make you an excellent historian, journalist,
detective or archeologist. You love people because they
represent a diversity of meanings for you to interpret. You are
adept at coaxing people to talking to you, and sometimes you
can be a bit manipulative. However, you have a strong sense of
truth and honor so most of your scheming is harmless. Reed
people join well with other Reeds, Ash or Oak signs.

Elder - The Seeker
November 25 December 23
Elder archetypes among Celtic tree astrology tend to be
freedom-loving, and sometimes appear to be a bit wild to the
other signs of the zodiac. In younger years you may have lived
life in the fast lane, often identified as a thrill seeker. At the
time of your birth the light of the sun was fast fleeting and so
you take the same cue from nature. You are often misjudged as
an outsider as you have a tendency to be withdrawn in spite of
your extroverted nature. In actuality, you are deeply thoughtful
with philosophical bent. You also tend to be very considerate of
others and genuinely strive to be helpful. These acts of
assistance are sometimes thwarted by your brutal honestly
(which you openly share solicited or otherwise). Elder Celtic tree
astrology signs fit well with Alders and Hollys.
I hope enjoyed this page on Celtic Tree Astrology, but don't stop
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Celtic Animal Signs

This page on Celtic animal signs is an extension of the Celtic tree astrology section. Ive selected
each Celtic sign according to their prominence and affiliation with the full moon within each
segment of the Celtic (lunar) year.
The Celts honored the rhythms of Nature, and observed different flavors of their environment
according to the season. Like our Native American kin, the full moon in each month held a
special personality. To know more clearly what I mean by this, (check out this page devoted to
Native American full moons and their personalities).
I cannot say the ancient Celts designated zodiac totem animals according to the time and day of a
kinsman/kinswomans birth. However, I can attest the Celts were undeniably bound to the
animal world.
There seems to be no separation between Celtic-kind and animal-kind.
Cast your mind back to the time of the Celts, and observe: Their breath united with the
breathing forests. Their eyes blink with the flittering feathers from their bird kin. Their hearts
beat in rhythm with the wild beasts of the wood.
Indeed, no distinction between man and nature is made in Celtic ideology. Just as all prime
people know, there is no delineation. There is only one.
In that energetic spirit of oneness, I invite you connect with your own lunar Celtic animal sign.
Explore the possibilities your lunar totems have for you. Further, explore all the animal
personalities in the Celtic year. Doing this might expand your awareness about the people around
you, the animals we resonate with, and the glory of our universe.
I hope you enjoy these perspectives on Celtic animal signs as much as I did while writing them.
Click on the pictures or links for each sign to learn more about each Celtic animal sign.

December 24 January 20
The stag Celtic animal sign has high ideals and aspirations. If
you want to start a new project, get a Stag sign to help you. They
will not be deterred from their vision. They are thorough, patient
and their persistence insures their triumphs. When others have
long given up, Stags buck their way past boundaries. They are
proud, and rightfully so they hold themselves in a regal way.
They are naturally noble, like they came from royalty. This is
not to say Stags feel entitled. Far from it. They believe in
righteous hard work, and their integrity is their trademark.

January 21 February 17
Quick minded, and even quicker wit, the cat of the Celtic year
packs a pounce in the realm of intellect. This Celtic animal sign
has impeccable reasoning abilities, but moreover they have a
knack for seeing the underside of things, a sixth mental sense
if you will. They have unorthodox vision, and should be called
upon when fresh new perspectives are needed in a project. They
also have a kind, humanitarian quality that makes them lovable.
Although sometimes they can appear aloof because they like to
be on the fringe, always observing. Nevertheless, they have the
best intentions at heart. Cats are also very creative, and need an
artistic outlet to express themselves.

February 18 March 17
The Celtic animal sign of the snake has a cool exterior but are
infinitely lively. They are curious and are always full of
questions about how the world works, and how the people
around them work (even if they arent openly asking, you can
bet theyre figuring out the answers in their own mind). Snakes
are natural communicators, and they can be hugely persuasive. If
they are passionate about a cause they can round up the whole
neighborhood with their zeal and enthusiasm for their purpose.
Snakes can be spontaneous and unpredictable too. And although
theyre pretty flexible, they like things to go their way (who
doesnt?), and will prove to be uncooperative if pushed in a

March 18 April 14
The fox sign is amazingly cunning and knows how to work a
room with sly, sexy humor. Full of guile, vigor and bright
intelligence the fox is an untamable force. This Celtic animal
sign is the one to take with you on exotic vacations, they will
wind your ways into amazing adventures. They have a knack for
story telling, and every experience is fodder for their tales. They
are tender-hearted, although they dont show that soft side too
often because theyre too busy playing and cracking jokes.
However, they arent shy about showing their loyalty; if you are
the friend of the fox, you have a friend for life. Highly energetic
and courageous, the fox has an indomitable spirit.

April 15 May 12
Strong, loving, stable and sure are the watchwords for the bulls
of the Celtic lunar year. Cows/bulls are the ones you turn to
when you need a shoulder to cry on, honest opinions and solid
advice (particularly in relationships). These Celtic animal signs
have bullseye intuition and can spot a liar from a mile away.
Because theyre highly intuitive, they can be misunderstood as
moody or over emotional. They also come by stubborness
honestly. They have excellent taste, and have a flair for classy
elegance in fashion and home dcor. These signs are as
trustworthy as the day is long, and know how to keep a secret.

May 13 - June 9
The Celtic animal sign of seahorse is vastly flexible and
resourceful. The seahorse is the person you want managing your
finances or handling your legal matters because these people are
infinitely clever (if there's a loophole, they've either found it or
invented it). They also have amazing memory retention. They
are sometimes hard to follow because theyre minds are so
sharp. They can also be changeable, but they always come back
around to a level of high charisma. These people are
astoundingly versatile and adapt remarkably well in any
environment. Seahorses are so loveable too. Even better, they
love being adored, and easily reciprocate affection.


June 10 - July 7
The wren Celtic animal sign is associated with freshness, and
opening to new insights, and sunnier dispositions. They are
natural care givers and will sign sweet melodies to cheer their
friends and family. They remain calm in the midst of stormy
weather. You want to have these people with you if you find
yourself in a crisis; they are resourceful and stay cool under
pressure. Wrens are self-motivated (they know how to get what
they want) and work best in solo situations. They are also have a
high sense of responsibility and moral integrity. They seek
balance in their lives by being leaders at work on in the
community, but secretly they would rather be traveling abroad
living a life of a gypsy (this however, is often against their better

July 8 - August 4
Exuberant, expansive and powerful, the Celtic animal sign of the
horse will give you a run for your money. Naturally competitive,
and rightfully so. The horse has loads of talent, and enough
confidence to go round, particularly in business matters. They
have a sixth sense when it comes to strategy and navigation
(these signs have an uncanny internal compass). They are
gregarious, and openly charming (even flirty). They make grand
appearances, and know how to carry themselves with style and
authority. They do well in leadership positions, but they are just
as happy to be the helpers of the clan (as long as they are given
adequate recognition for their talents and contributions).
Potentially headstrong, they are also valiant in times of


August 5 - September 1
Salmon signs dive deep in their inner waters for inspiration,
bright visions and dreamy perspective. They are naturally
intuitive but they dont make a big deal out of it. These people
have a unique view of the world which makes them some of the
communitys best artists, poets and visionaries. Some times they
dive way too deep for the rest of us, and some just cant follow
where they swim. But thats okay, the fish sign needs that kind
of depth, isolation and introspection because when they come
back up for air, the world is awed by their brilliance and insight.

September 2 - September 29
Spiritually evolved, and eloquent in expressing themselves, the
swan swims in a class of their own. They have high standards,
infinitely discriminating tastes and they have a keen eye for
beauty (even when others cannot see it). Very refined and noble,
sometimes the swan is mistaken as detached. This however, is
not the case. The swan is a lover, and can prove to be quite
passionate in relationships. That "coolness" comes from the
swan's understanding of composure. Theyre natural aristocrats.
They can be exacting in details, and have specific ideas about
how things should be done. If you want someone who is
perceptive, organized and extremely tasteful, get a swans

September 30 - October 27
This Celtic animal sign lives up to the adage social butterfly.
Flitting from friend to friend in parties, and always in contact
with loved ones (theyre the ones always on the phone, or
texting). They cant help it. Butterflies are gentle souls who cant
be tied down for very long. They love to dream, express new
ideas and talk about high- falutin plans with all their friends.
These are the people who brighten up any dark day with their
cheer and magnetically bright personalities. They are naturally
empathetic, and would never intentionally harm anyone. Rather,
they make easy friends, and like to see others uplifted.
Butterflies bring a sense of wonder and youth to our world. Keep
these people around you to remind you of how truly good life
can be.


October 28 - November 24
Wolves have a strong sense of purpose, and will go to great
lengths to see their point is made, and fully understood. This
Celtic animal sign is fearless, brave and they rarely compromise.
These are the heros you want by your side in the heat of battle.
They will not back down, and they will take no quarter. Others
marvel at their inner fortitude. Where do they find the energy
and wherewithal to keep going? They thrive on challenge, thats
what gives them their stamina. They have impeccable character,
and honor is their middle name. They are strong willed, and
sometimes live up to the lone wolf label. Nevertheless, you
always know where you stand with them, and they will unite
with you as long as you share their cause.

November 25 - December 23
Seldom do we see more focus in the Celtic animal signs than that
of the hawk. When these signs see something they want, they go
after it with a force that is remarkable. If, however, they arent
interested in a project, they will fly off to other more interesting
prospects. They care deeply for wisdom, and often focus on
sharing that knowledge with others. They can be very
philanthropic and generous. Hawks have a keen sense of
balance, and they navigate through life with an internal true
north that creates an uncanny integrity within them. They are
open minded and philosophical. Although they entertain all
manner of hypotheses, they are strongly opinionated (that inner
true north thing). That is not to say they cannot be persuaded.
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Chinese Zodiac Signs

The Chinese zodiac signs are determined by the lunar year in which you were born. The Chinese
believe the animal ruling one's birth year has a profound influence on personality, and destiny.
The saying is: "This animal hides in your heart."
Unlike Western astrology, it does not look the heavenly constellations or planets to predict one's
destiny. Rather, Chinese astrology deals with divining sciences of wuxing or the five elements
(earth, fire, water, metal, wood), Yin and Yang, Chi, and the cycles of time.
Legend has it that inception of the Chinese zodiac signs began when the Buddha beckoned all the
animals to bid him farewell before his departure from the Earth. Only twelve arrived at his
summoning, and so those were given a place of honor in a year being named after each.
You can determine your animal sign by referring to the year you were born and matching it up
with the corresponding animal in the chart below.

Zodiac Flower Signs

Zodiac flower signs are based on the astrological zodiac signs. These are provided here as
another method of self-discovery.

Flowers offer us a blossoming perspective into our personalities. When we see ourselves as ever
expanding and growing flowers, we know that we are infused with infinite potential.
Associating our personality with our zodiac flower signs also allows us to accept various phases
in our lives. Even though our personalities can be trying at times, our flower signs remind us that
every season has its peaks and valleys.
Our flower signs are born, grow, and wither only to re-germinate and start the business of growth
and expansion once again.
As you read through your zodiac flower sign, remember these cycles. Remember that just like
the flowers of the field we all grow at our own pace. We cannot force the flower to blossom,
and so we must accept our own soul-growth at its own pace too.
Also, when we are first learning about astrology and the signs of the zodiac, it sometimes help to
assign the traditional signs with corresponding symbols like these flowers.

For example, some people will remember personality traits of an orchid more readily than the
symbolic representation of Aquarius, the water bearer.
Below I have provided zodiac flower signs according to date of birth. I also give a catch phrase
that your flower sign might use as a motto. A brief personality summary follows each sign.
Keep in mind, this is just a reference. Your zodiac flower sign personality may differ according
to the conditions of your soil, water, sunlight, and weather conditions. :-)
Oh, and if you love flowers, don't miss my pages on Flower Meanings (general), and Flower
Color Meanings.

"My vines climb to great heights."
March 21 April 19
If you are born under the sign of the honeysuckle you are sweet to the
senses of others. Meaning, you naturally entice others with your charm
and grace. You have a smooth confidence that attracts a wide variety of
friends and business partners. Just as bees cant resist the lure of the
honeysuckle people cant resist your energy. You are the first of the
flower signs and so you are assertive and a natural leader of the vine.
Honeysuckle people are strong and determined, weaving their way
through any challenge, and are quite deft at finding innovative
solutions.See Aries.

"I provide beauty to your senses."
April 20 May 19
If you are a poppy among the zodiac flower signs you love the finer
things in life, and you love to share them with other people. You have a
flare for design, a good eye for detail, and a knack for putting things
together with style. Refinery comes natural to you, and you have a
classy way about you that others find alluring. Poppy people are about
pleasure: giving and receiving it. You enjoy security and comfort. Those
with the flower sign of the poppy are very resilient too, and can weather
any storm because of their patience and headstrong nature. See Taurus.


"My beautiful expanse will inspire you."
May 20 - June 20
If you are a lavender flower sign you freckle your landscape with
beautiful ideas. You love to share these ideas with other people and get
more new insights as you do so. You are expansive in your expressions,
and you always seem to be able to find your muse. You are amazingly
productive, creative and have an active mind. Sometimes you feel pulled
in too many directions, but part of the lavenders beauty is that it spreads
itself far and wide for all to enjoy. See Gemini.

"Look to my petals for your nurturing."
June 21 July 22
Sensitivity is the watchword for accanthus flower signs. You are
perceptive, and have high intuition in matters of the heart, and
environment. You often react to others (even when they dont speak
their feelings, you still know what is going on inside their hearts), and
your surroundings. You are warm and sympathetic, and a natural healer
too. Accanthus zodiac flower signs are highly influenced by outside
forces especially the pull of the moon. A secure home life, surrounded
by friends and family who love you and you love back often help ground
you and keep you from falling prey to negative influences.See Cancer.

"I will brighten your darkness."
July 23 August 21
Sunflower signs are warm, open, and natural leaders. You rise to any
occasion with confidence and assurance you have no doubt that you
are the perfect person for any challenge, and you know how to reach to
the top. You tend to be the center of attention and others look to you for
advice and mentoring. You are a loving, faithful and tenderhearted
friend. You are generous and enjoy a wide range of intellectual gifts. See


Morning Glory
"I bring you clarity."
August 22 September 22
Morning glory zodiac flower signs are thoughtful and reflective. You
tend to think and plan first before you take any action. You are
organized and very observant. You have a natural eye for detail, and can
be very analytical. You love to help people, and often use your
organization skills to help others who struggle in getting their act
together. You bloom beautifully right where you are planted, and you
have a neat way of making things right and tidy. People come to you for
guidance and healing. See Virgo.

"I will balance you in my beauty."
September 23 October 22
The rose zodiac flower sign exposes the truth in all things. If you have
this flower sign you have a unique ability to see the hidden meanings in
things and expose the underlying evidence for what it is. You have an
eye for classic beauty, and you love to surround yourself with beautiful
things too. You are attracted to philosophy, poetry and art. Because you
see the beauty and truth in all things, you do not tolerate injustice or
cruelty. You are most happy when you are with friends and family
taking a walk and enjoying nature. See Libra. Also see rose symbolic
meanings here.

"My mysteries are forever unfolding."
October 23 November 21
You have many layers to you, and just as soon as someone thinks they
have you identified, you pop out with another blossom of surprises. You
like clarity and honesty in all things. In fact, when situations are murky
or unhealthy you are the perfect sign to come in and clear the air or heal
the situation. You are focused and tend to be serious in your emotions,
but you are very intuitive and help others identify areas they need to
work on for their own emotional growth. You are active and amorous
with no end to suitors. See Scorpio.


"Escape into my dreamy depth."
November 22 December 21
Narcissus zodiac flower signs can be very influential and enjoy sharing
their philosophical ideas with others. You are direct, to the point,
trustworthy and honest. You are naturally wise, and you also are gifted
with good luck. You come on strong, but have a sensitive side you dont
share with too many people. You have an active imagination and love to
dream the days away. See Sagittarius.

"Simplicity is its own reward."
December 22 January 21
Those with the carnation flower sign are beautifully adept at putting
things in order, and organizing. You are strong willed and determined
for others to see your point of view. You are a natural leader, and others
look to you to lean on. You can be driven and determined and this makes
you a strong personality. You are no stranger to hard work, and you like
to get things done your way. You like security, particularly if you are
building a comfort zone with your own two hands. See Capricorn.

"My uniqueness is my effectiveness."
January 21 February 19
Those with the zodiac flower sign of the orchid are curious and
inventive. You can be contradictory but you know exactly where you are
coming from. You have a dreamy persona and people are attracted to
your unique, sometimes eccentric ways. You have a different way of
looking at the world. You are a natural humanitarian, and love to unravel
mysteries. You are also very good at organizing or completing tasks that
allow you to establish order. See Aquarius,

Water Lily
"My roots touch unseen knowledge."
February 20 March 20
Water lily flower signs are perceptive and deeply psychic. Water runs
through all the flower signs but especially through yours and this
accentuates your intuitive abilities. You are sometimes able to absorb
ideas and thoughts of those around you. You can be emotionally swayed
by other people's feelings too. Sometimes your emotions can run out of
control, but you can turn to your natural creative abilities to help you get
grounded. You are a natural artist, dancer, and musician. You are also an

excellent communicator, and may be drawn to other languages too.See
Pisces. Also see lily symbolic meanings here.
I hope enjoyed these zodiac flower signs and meanings.
Find other pages of interest here:
Native American Animal Symbols

Native American animal symbols can encompass just about all the animals, and their symbolic
representation to the many tribes of the Americas.
To narrow down the focus a bit, this page is devoted to birth animals or zodiac animals.
Many Native American cultures have the belief that a person is assigned an animal upon the time
of birth.
Below are interpreted Native American symbols of the zodiac and the characteristics for each
Another source of Native American animal symbols is the Animal Totems is a link to a page on
this website.
Otter: Jan 20 - Feb 18
A little quirky, and unorthodox, the Otter is a hard one to figure sometimes.
Perceived as unconventional, the Otter methods aren't the first ones chosen to get
the job done. This is a big mistake on the part of others because although
unconventional, the Otter's methods are usually quite effective. Yes, the Otter has
unusual way of looking at things, but he/she is equipped with a brilliant
imagination and intelligence, allowing him/her an edge over every one else.
Often very perceptive and intuitive, the Otter makes a very good friend, and can

be very attentive. In a nurturing environment the Otter is sensitive, sympathetic,

courageous, and honest. Left to his/her own devices, the Otter can be unscrupulous, lewd,
rebellious, and isolated. See other water totems here.

Wolf: Feb 19 Mar 20
Deeply emotional, and wholly passionate, the Wolf is the lover of the zodiac in
both the physical and philosophical sense of the word. The Wolf understands that
all we need is love, and is fully capable of providing it. Juxtaposed with his/her
fierce independence this Native American animal symbol is a bit of a
contradiction in terms. Needing his/her freedom, yet still being quite gentle and compassionate
we get the picture of the "lone wolf" with this sign. In a nurturing environment the Wolf is
intensely passionate, generous, deeply affectionate, and gentle. Left to his/her own devices the
Wolf can become impractical, recalcitrant, obsessive, and vindictive. See also this page on Wolf
totem meanings.

Falcon: Mar 21 Apr 19
A natural born leader, the Falcon can always be looked upon for clear judgment in sticky
situations. Furthermore, the characteristics for this Native American animal symbol never wastes
time, rather he/she strikes while the iron is hot, and takes action in what must be done. Ever
persistent, and always taking the initiative, the Falcon is a gem of a personality to have for
projects or team sports. The Falcon can be a little on the conceited side but he/she is usually
right in his/her opinions so a little arrogance is understood. In a supportive environmental the
Falcon "soars" in his/her ability to maintain passion and fire in relationships, and
always remaining compassionate. Left to his/her own devices, the Falcon can be
vain, rude, intolerant, impatient, and over-sensitive. See more information on
Falcon meanings here.

Beaver: Apr 20 May 20
Take charge, adapt, overcome this is the Beaver motto. Mostly business, the Beaver is gets the
job at hand done with maximum efficiency and aplomb. Strategic, and cunning the Beaver is a
force to be reckoned with in matters of business and combat. One might also think twice about
engaging the Beaver in a match of wits as his/her mental acuity is razor sharp. The Beaver has

everything going for him/her however tendencies toward "my way or the highway" get them in
trouble. Yes, they are usually right, but the bearer of this Native American animal symbol may
need to work on tact. In a nurturing environment the Beaver can be compassionate, generous,
helpful, and loyal. Left to his/her own devices the Beaver can be nervous, cowardly, possessive,
arrogant, and over-demanding. Learn more about the Beaver totem here.

Deer: May 21 Jun 20
This Native American animal symbol is the muse of the zodiac. The Deer is
inspiring lively and quick-witted. With a tailor-made humor, the Deer has a
tendency to get a laugh out of anyone. Excellent ability for vocalizing, the Deer
is a consummate conversationalist. This combined with his/her natural
intelligence make the Deer a must-have guest at dinner parties. Always aware of
his/her surroundings, and even more aware of his/her appearance, the Deer can
be a bit self-involved. However, the Deer's narcissism is overlooked because of his/her
congeniality and affability. In a supportive environment the Deer's natural liveliness and sparkly
personality radiate even more. He/she is an inspiring force in any nurturing relationship. Left to
his/her own devices the Deer can be selfish, moody, impatient, lazy, and two-faced. Read more
about Deer totems here.

Woodpecker: Jun 21 Jul 21
Woodpeckers are usually the most nuturing of all the Native American animal symbols. The
consummate listener, totally empathic and understanding, the Woodpecker is the one to have on
your side when you need support. Of course, they make wonderful parents, and equally
wonderful friends and partners. Another proverbial feather in the Woodpeckers cap is the
tendency to be naturally frugal, resourceful, and organized. In a nurturing
environment the Woodpecker is of course caring, devoted, and very romantic.
Left to his/her own devices the Woodpecker can be possessive, angry, jealous,
and spiteful. Learn more about Woodpecker meanings.

Salmon: Jul 22 Aug 21
Electric, focused, intuitive, and wholly creative, the Salmon is a real live-wire. His/her energy is
palpable. A natural motivator, the Salmon's confidence and enthusiasm is easily infectious. Soon,
everybody is onboard with the Salmon even if the idea seems too hair-brained to work.
Generous, intelligent, and intuitive, it's no wonder why the Salmon has no shortage of friends.
This Native American animal symbol expresses a need for purpose and goals, and has no trouble
(62)finding volunteers for his/her personal crusades. In a supportive environment, the Salmon is
stable, calm, sensual, and giving. Left to his/her own devices, those that bear this Native
American animal symbol can be egotistical, vulgar, and intolerant of others. See symbolic
meaning of fish here.

Bear: Aug 22 Sep 21
Pragmatic, and methodical the Bear is the one to call when a steady hand is
needed. The Bear's practicality and level-headedness makes him/her an excellent
business partner. Usually the voice of reason in most scenarios, the Bear is a
good balance for Owls. The Bear is also gifted with an enormous heart, and a
penchant for generosity. However, one might not know it as the Bear tends to be very modest,
and a bit shy. In a loving environment this Native American animal symbol showers love and
generosity in return. Further, the Bear has a capacity for patience and temperance, which makes
him/her excellent teachers and mentors. Left to his/her own devices the bear can be skeptical,
sloth, small-minded and reclusive. Read more about Native American bear symbolism here.

Raven: Sep 22 Oct 22
Highly enthusiastic, and a natural entrepreneur, the Crow is quite a charmer. But
he/she doesn't have to work at being charming it comes easily. Everyone
recognizes the Crow's easy energy, and everyone turns to the Crow for his/her
ideas and opinions. This is because the Crow is both idealistic and diplomatic and is quite
ingenious. In nurturing environments this Native American animal symbol is easy-going, can be
romantic, and soft-spoken. Further, the crow can be quite patient, and intuitive in relationships.
Left to his/her own devices, the Crow can be demanding, inconsistent, vindictive, and abrasive.
Learn more about Raven symboism here.

Snake: Oct 23 Nov 22
Most shamans are born under this Native American animal symbol. The Snake is a natural in all
matters of spirit. Easily attuned to the ethereal realm the Snake makes an excellent spiritual
leader. Also respected for his/her healing capacities, the Snake also excels in medical professions.
The Snake's preoccupation with matters intangible often lead others to view them as mysterious,
and sometimes frightening. True, the Snake can be secretive, and a bit dark he/she is also quite
sensitive, and caring. In a supportive relationship the cool Snake can be passionate, inspiring,
humorous, and helpful. Left to his/her own devices, the Snake can be despondent, violent, and
prone to abnormal mood swings. Learn more about the Snake totem here.

Owl: Nov 23 Dec 21
Changeable and mutable as the wind, the Owl is a tough one to pin down. Warm,
natural, with an easy-going nature, the Owl is friend to the world. The bearer of
this Native American animal symbol is notorious for engaging in life at full
speed, and whole-hearted loves adventure. This can be to his/her detriment as the
Owl can be reckless, careless, and thoughtless. Owls make great artists, teachers, and
conservationists. However, due to his/her adaptability and versatility the Owl would likely
excel in any occupation. In a supportive, nurturing environment the Owl is sensitive, enthusiastic,
and an attentive listener. Left to his/her own devices, the Owl can be excessive, overindulgent,
bitter, and belligerent. Learn more about Owl totem meanings here.

Goose: Dec 22 Jan 19
If you want something done give it to the Goose. Persevering, dogged, and ambitious to a fault,
the Goose sets goals for accomplishment, and always obtains them. The goose is determined to
succeed at all cost not for the approval of other but those with this Native American animal
symbol competes with his/her own internal foe. Driven is the watchword for the Goose's
dominating personality trait which makes them excellent in business and competitive sports.
When tempered with supportive, nurturing family and friends, the Goose excels in all things
he/she attempts. In a loving environment the Goose can be very passionate, humorous,
gregarious, and even sensual. However, lead to his/her own devises, the Goose may fall into
obsessive or addictive behaviors that will inevitably be his/her demise. Learn more about Goose
symbolism here..
I hope you have enjoyed these Native American animal symbols. Continue your learning
experience by browsing other in-site pages shown below.

Zodiac Gemstone Meanings

I am a self-confessed rock junkie, so this page on gemstone meanings according to your zodiac
sign is a no-brainer.
As I was writing this page, I rummaged through my gigantic bowl of stones, oogling over each
one like a crow; mesmerized by the bling-bling.
I also had a chance to reminisce about my foremother's who were total gem-freaks too. These
ladies taught me a great deal about the powers our natural environment has to heal and transform
our realities.
Do a little of your own transforming by incorporating a few of these birthstones and gemstone
meanings into your daily life. Observe any shifting in your awareness as you wear or work
with these zodiac stones. The results might surprise you.
Aries Gemstones:

Diamonds: These will enhance your ability to cut through
clutter and see facts clearly. Diamonds also enhance luck in
wealth for Aries personalities.
Amethyst: Perfect for activating patience, and balancing out
your moods if things aren't going the way you want.
Emerald: Wear for protection, and when you need a bit of
settling and grounding after having been charged up with action.


Taurus Gemstone Meanings:

Emeralds: Opens up creativity and a feeling of connection. Also
a protective stone for Taureans, as well as boosts self-esteem .
Rose Quartz: Wear for social occasions and when you want
your environment wrapped in a loving, caring feeling.
Lapis Lazuli: If you're feeling unstable, lapis will help you
regain your connections to that which is most important to you.
Also helps with intuitive clarity.
Gemini Gemstones:

Agate: Wear when you need your highest intention to be
revealed. Good for bringing about softness, comfort and healing
Tourmaline: Magnificent for focus and mental acuity. Also
good to keep with you to aid with meditative practices.
Citrine: A great stone when you just need a lift. Wear to keep
your mood sparkly, fresh and bright.
Cancer Gemstone Meanings:

Pearls: Perfect to keep with you when you're contemplating
decisions as it helps strengthen inner wisdom.
Moonstone: Soothes moodiness. Wear when you're feeling out
of sorts as it helps with clarity. Also great to wear while doing
for intuitive work.
Peridot: Outstanding gem for healing. And, for Cancerians, this
stone is also useful for lifting depression.


Leo Gemstones:

Ruby: Enhances the warmth and generosity inherent to your
nature. Wear during social events when your intent is to
experience harmonious communication.
Topaz: Helps clear physical blockages. Also good for mental
clarity. Wear when you need to focus on projects.
Tiger Eye: Enhances perception, great for psychic development
and intuition work. Also helpful for visions (scrying).
Virgo Gemstone Meanings:

Sapphire: Wear when you need to escape from the every day.
This stone lifts moods, and enhances dreams for Virgos.
Amethyst: Promotes calm and healing. Wear when you need
relief from worry, stress or depression.
Carnelian: Perfect stone when you need to be reminded of your
personal power. Increases feelings of security and confidence.
Libra Gemstones:

Opal: Sparks the fire within your creative self. Wear when you
need inspiration.
Peridot: Enhances your heart energies. Wear when you need to
communicate your heart's desire with clarity.
Jade: Brings balance to your finances. Keep a jade chip in your
pocket or purse to remind you of your deserved prosperity.


Scorpio Gemstone Meanings:

Onyx: Fabulous stone for getting in touch with your latent
psychic abilities. Perfect for shadow work.
Black pearls: Feeling edgy? Wear black pearls to sooth your
choppy emotions. Enhances calm and tranquility
Garnet: Stimulates libido. Wear when you want to enhance your
beauty, virility and/or sensuality.
Sagittarius Gemstones:

Turquoise: Tempers your ambition and aggression. Protects
against injury and enhances psychic communication.
Topaz: A great stone to help keep you mellow. Wear in the
evenings during dinner parties for the perfect harmonic mood
amongst guests.
Quartz: Assists in unifying your duplicitous nature. Facilitates
communication between your hedonistic and puritan selves.
Capricorn Gemstone Meanings:

Snowflake Obsidian: Galvanizes your sense of authority and
leadership while also helping you to be flexible in negotiations.
Garnet: Offers a light confidence and lifts some of the
seriousness of your disposition. Also a great stone for attracting
health and social warmth.
Sapphire: Enhances your intuitive abilities, allowing you to see
with the third eye more clearly.


Aquarius Gemstones:

Amethyst: Enhances an amicable mood, and assists in
communicating with love and clarity.
Amber: Perfect stone for healing emotional injuries. Wear when
you are receiving or giving counsel or advice.
Hematite: Brings you back down to the ground after you've
been flying high. Wear when you need focus, order and
Pisces Gemstone Meanings:

Bloodstone: The power to ground. Wear when those deep
currents of yours threatened to pull you away from safe harbor.
Aquamarine: Offers heightened awareness, and gives you spot-
on clarity when worn with intent for psychic accuracy.
Opal: For Pisces, this stone has a unique comforting effect, and
helps protect against addictive behaviors.

Celtic Symbols and Signs

For centuries, Celtic symbols and signs held incredible power for the ancient Celts in every way
of life.
Today, we can learn about this power and utilize it by learning the language of Celtic symbols.
The word "Celtic" refers to people who lived in Britain and Western Europe from 500 BC and
400 AD. Celts were of the Iron Age and lived in small villages which were led by warrior chiefs.
The written records remaining from the Celts of Europe are scant, therefore signs and symbols
can be hard to determine and trace. Many facts come by way of the Romans, who conquered the
Celtic lands during the rise of the Roman Empire.
Regardless, thanks to time-honored traditions, (like story-telling) enough history was salvaged,
and the Celtic heritage remains strong.
In honor of the bravery and magic of the Celts, and to celebrate their rich history, I now provide
you with a wealth of information. Just click the images or links to get what you need.




























Image credit: Thanks to Cari Buziak at Aon Celtic for all the designs seen in the center section of
this page.
Native American Symbols

Native American symbols offer us a complete and reverent language of life, nature, and spirit.
This language is unmatched in its depth and power.
This language derives it's power from the fact that American Indians viewed all things - whether
seen or touched - living or inanimate - as possessors of a spirit.

Further, they recognize that everything in the universe holds a deeper meaning. As a result, all
objects and beings deserve one's attention and respect. Therefore, Native American symbol
meanings are an integral part of the Indian life.
Native American symbols bring concepts to mind that surpass words. These pictographs convey
profound beliefs and perceptions.
Native American use of symbols vary according to different nations and regions here are a few
The Native American Indian, as a whole, is constantly aware of its relationship with Mother
Earth and her creatures. The spiritual goal of the Native American is to live in harmony with the
As such, every-day use of signs, symbols, fetishes, animal totems, and emblems is just as
commonplace, as using these tools in celebrations and ceremonies.
Simply click on one of the links below to learn more about Native American Indian symbol
meanings on this website.
















I hope you enjoy browsing through these pages on Native American Symbols. Stay tuned as
more pages will be added as time allows.
Ancient Alchemy Symbols

Ancient Alchemy Symbols and
Universal Meanings
Ancient Alchemy Symbols and their oft times cryptic meanings began out of necessity as
alchemists disguised their practices from the hugely powerful European church. At the height of
its practice, alchemy was considered heretical craft by the church, punishable by death (or worse,
torture). The church body at the time viewed alchemy as a way for the practitioner to ascend to
salvation outside of the "traditional" church methodology.
Although ancient alchemy symbols were born out of this necessity, the foundation of alchemical
practice is based on inner transformation and the achievement of that transformation. As a
means for this transmutation, the alchemist utilized the changing properties of matter in addition
to the philosophical meanings of the symbols themselves.
The very act of turning base metals to gold is a symbol of (wo)mans ascension and achievement
of enlightenment. All things, no matter how banal, hold deeper spiritual symbolic meaning to
the alchemist in all of us.
Below are some ancient alchemy symbols and their meanings.
















Thus concludes this short summary on a few common alchemy symbols. I hope you have
enjoyed perusing these ancient alchemy symbols and will begin incorporating a few to enhance
your life path.

Moon Signs and Meanings

Moon signs represent proclivities and vast potentials within us that are often obscured by a
murky veil of midnight in our awareness.
Where a sun sign represents active principals of ourselves, our moon signs are far more elusive.
Some astrologists define our moon sign as our unconscious. Others say our lunar traits are primal
and describe our instinctual motivations.
I say our moon sign is a vessel of promise, to be viewed through the mystical telescope of
focused awareness. Once that light of awareness shines on our lunar faces, a whole new universe
of self-understanding is made known to us.
The following entries are a sampling of some personality traits of moon signs.

Moon Signs in Aries:
You light up best when you're recognized for your talents, but
this can be a bit dodgy because Aries as your moon sign dictates a
bit of modesty with your accomplishments (had you Aries in your
sun, there'd be no issue with tooting your own horn).
Nevertheless, you are illuminated with incredible perseverance,
so even if you aren't bragging about your inventiveness and
accomplishments most people will see you shine brightly simply
because you never give up, and persist in your goals. You've got a
brilliant sense of humor that puts people at ease. This is a good
thing because your exuberance and full-on voltage is sometimes
off-putting to more sedate or reserved people. But you can't be asked to hold back from your
electric impulsiveness - you absolutely must express yourself. You do this exceedingly well in
group projects - you are a consummate cheerleader; always motivating the group.

Moon in Taurus:
Your moon side becomes illuminated when you are clear about
your place, and where you stand within the grand scheme of
things. You like utter honesty, and if you feel mind games are
being played, you want no part of it. You tend to be very classy,
with killer taste in design, fashion, art, etc. In fact, you need to
surround yourself with refinery and loveliness. Otherwise, you'll
pick up on lower energies and dingy or sullied environments will
send you to an abyss of depression. Taurean moon signs have
notorious inner-wisdom. Your job is to trust that inner-knowing
(because often these signs lack the conviction behind their gut
instincts) because you are always dead-right. Do not make a move until you feel it is right on a
visceral level. It's your gift, and a fantastic tool for self-preservation. Trust your inner guidance,

Moon Signs in Gemini:

Your mind is as sharp and clear as the fullest moon in the sky on
a crystal-bright night. With this kind of mental alacrity comes a
tendency to over-think. And, with over-thinking comes anxiety,
worry or even doubt about your own judgment. Gemini moons do
best when they can balance their active minds with some sort of creative outlet. Music is
particularly effective as it activates both
left and right brain functions. You have remarkable communication skills. You easily speak to
others with confidence, and have the uncanny ability to "know" what is being said to you - even
when your mind is thinking instead of listening to what the other is saying. This makes you an
effective liaison, communicator and negotiator - but to a point. Gemini moons must be heard. If
you feel you aren't being listened to, you'll tend to retreat from the scene (rather than push your

Moon in Cancer:
You shine your brightest when your mission to help, heal and
support others. Moreover, you are "over the moon" with joy when
you can see all your hard work pay off. You need to see the
difference you make in the lives of others - this is your highest
reward. Of course, recognition for all your support and nurturing
is a great motivation for you too. As a moon sign, you're not
likely to show your touchy-feely-emotional nature to others,
which is ironic seeing as how you are such a great mentor and
supportive ally. Give acknowledgement to your inner stirrings
rather than hide them. You've got amazing intuitive skills and,
under stress you're known to just blurt out thoughts on your mind that are incredibly accurate on
a psychic level. You can train yourself to express your intuition more fluidly and openly, but
you've got to open up a bit, come out of your shell.

Moon Signs in Leo:

No amount of night will dampen your gloriously bright light. You
have energy that is undeniable. Indeed, if someone denies you
your proper place of respect and authority, it does not bode well.
You are in your element when you are being admired for your
amazing wit, charm and intelligence. With your sharp intellect
comes a tendency to process to quickly and this makes you miss
subtle clues in communication with others. Consequently, some
misunderstandings can take you completely by surprise. Just
remember the phases of the moon, and train your mind to move a
bit like a rolling storm (rather than at lightning speed). You like

to take risks, and these usually pay off for you because you tend to be naturally lucky. Perhaps
that's why your outlook is usually optimistic.

Moon in Virgo:
You know how the moon orbits the earth? Well, your intuition
orbits everything, and that means you're often on "sensory
overload" making you anxious and twitchy much of the time.
Virgin moons tend to pick things up arbitrarily like a sponge
gathers water. What's more, you try to make sense of it all -
putting chaos into order. Sorting out details and making
everything tidy and logical tends to make you edgy, and others
often have no idea what's gotten you irritated. Just know you are
this way, and be patient and accepting of this aspect of yourself.
This kind of intuition is a gift. Work with it. And while you're at
it, ease up on the self-criticism. No one else is as harshly critical about you - so why are you
being so relentless with yourself? Simply know your standards (even for yourself) are higher
than everyone else's. That means your "average" performance is actually excellence by anyone
else's standards.

Moon Signs of Libra:

Your life is best illuminated when you keep things simple. You
see tremendous beauty in the simplest elements, and seek to keep
purity and clarity in place in all your dealings. Just because you
have a need for simplicity doesn't mean you're life is
uncomplicated. A moon in Libra is always looking for a yin to
your yang (or vice versa). Meaning, you're always seeking a
complimentary balance to your energy - particularly in
partnerships. You love a challenge, and you work very hard to
balance the equation by finding solutions. This means you often
attract partnerships with people who have some glaring flaws
(because you know you can tip the balance and sort them out). You have incredible style too.
The arts, fashion and literary excellence lures every inch of your inherent creativity and
electrifies you.


Moon in Scorpio:
You'll find your more emotionally synchronized during the
waning moon. This is because you process better in private,
where watching eyes cannot see you. You are deeply intuitive and
other people's thoughts and feelings reveal themselves to you like
curious magic. With all this information coming your way, it's
no wonder you need time alone to process everything. Your
challenge is to be more forgiving of your natural cycles (you get
impatient and angry with yourself - and tend to hide these
feelings from others which just exacerbates your tension). You
also tend to be guarded, and take great measures to manipulate
your environment to match your ideal setting. And you are incredibly idealistic, which is a
fabulous balance to your intensity.

Moon Signs in Sagittarius:

The moon is constantly in motion, which compounds your
Sagittarian need for activity, variety and mobility. Ever the
adventurer, you require life to show you excitement and high
times. When things get dull, you get weary and set looking for
something better, brighter. This need for shiny newness
sometimes gets you into trouble because sometimes you stir the
pot in the wrong direction - churning up too much activity or
drama. Your saving grace is a strong sense of justice, and a love
for humanity. These passions bring about your philosophical
nature, which easily puts you in a position of teacher and mentor.
Actually, you're quite a brilliant tutor, and win a great deal of admiration from your followers (of
which, there are many). It's your enthusiasm that holds people in rapt attention of you and your

Moon in Capricorn:
To those who don't know you well, you appear as cool as the
moon. In control, self-disciplined and dignified, you are often
mistaken as unfeeling. You're extremely productive, capable and

thorough. This means you make everything you do look easy, which can also put people off.
They have no idea beneath your
cool exterior you are pragmatically planning the next five moves in your strategy to accomplish
your goals. And accomplish goals is a forte. A unique mixture of patience, willingness and
dogged determination usually insures victory. You're also remarkably dependable; others
naturally seek you out for guidance and advice. Your special ability to stay collected under
pressure makes you a fantastic leader. You also win respect from your peers easily because you
don't just talk the talk (you rarely boast), you actually walk the walk. You prove your value
through consistent action. People really look up to you for that, and admire your integrity.

Moon Signs in Aquarius:

Nothing much gets past you, particularly when communicating
with others. You're the one who hears what a person is saying,
but is also knows what is unsaid. I'd hate to play poker with you
because you're the one who knows everybody's tells and quirky
mannerisms. It's the moon that enhances your knack for
perception, and the Aquarian nature is to intellectualize what
you're perceiving. So, it only makes sense you are able to "read"
people to the extreme. In fact, a lot of your decisions and actions
are based on unseen intellect. This makes you look a wee bit daft
or eccentric to others. Odds are you don't mind the label - maybe
even relish it. Although you have brilliant perception of what others are all about, you never use
it for ill will. Quite the contrary. You are a humanitarian, and easily serve as a catalyst for
positive change in the lives of those around you. You also give off a comforting, secure vibe that
puts people at ease and makes them trust you. This enhances your ability to help others.

Moon in Pisces:
You live on the darker side of the moon and tend to be reserved,
sometimes downright withdrawn. Some people mistake this for
shyness, but that's really not the case. You're just sensitive.
Deeply sensitive. In fact, you have a vein of psychic gold that is
so accurate, it scary even to yourself at times. You are incredibly

gifted in your powers of observation. Even better, you are incredibly shrewd, you make accurate
assessments and have
sound judgment. This unique combination makes you a force to be reckoned with, but you tend
to use your powers in creative ways. As long as others allow you to work and play in your own
unique way you're able to remain pretty content. However, if pushed into conformity, or
criticized can unleash a raging sea of animosity. No one can blame you though because you have
such a unparalleled perspective of the world - you really deserve to dance to your own
specialized music and rhythm.

I hope you have enjoyed these brief personality summations on moon signs.
Native American Moon Signs and Meanings

This page on Native American moon signs is inspired by a special lineage I share with the
Wabanki, people of the Dawn (most commonly known as Algonquin). I spend a lot of time with
these people, and over a span of understanding we've come to agree on these moon signs from
their native perspective.
Your Native American moon sign is reflective. Because we are dealing with attributes of the
moon, the personality types shared below will speak to your shadow selves.
However, most astrological zodiacs are based on sun signs (the position of the sun at your birth).
Sun signs describe how you appear to the world (it fits with the metaphor of the visible sun
radiating brightly for all to see upon the earth).
These moon signs are a metaphor - they express shadows, motion, change and soft
illuminations of the personality - just like the moon.
Moreover, if you do not see yourself (your personality) in these Native American moon signs,
that might not be unusual. Typically, moon sign personality types can hide within us, and need
the light of our attention in order to shine brightly out of our shadows (again, just like the moon
needs the light of the sun to be seen).
Your Native American moon sign can be determined according to the month in which you were
born. Each month experiences one full moon (sometimes two). That full moon within the month
you were born expresses certain aspects of your personality. Read your personality type within
the month you were born - it will convey unique illumination about yourself.

January : Wolf Moon Sign

If you were born under the January Wolf Moon, you very likely had
(maybe still have) many challenges to face in your life. This makes you
uniquely skilled to tackle most difficulties with a cold exterior. Your
accustomed to hard work and moving diligently through obstacles.
People see you as a lone wolf, and this is true in the fact you would rather
work alone. The truth is you have a very close niche of people (your pack)
whom you feel fierce love for (although you may not openly show your
affection). Your life lesson is about faith, and letting more than only hard work move you
through life. See symbolic meaning of Wolf here.

February : Snow Moon Sign

Much like your brothers and sisters of the Wolf Moon tribe, you are no
stranger to hard work. Many of you had incredibly challenging
childhoods, and have overcome insurmountable odds. These
circumstances can make you see the world as a harsh place, sometimes
you may even be critical or jaded about people and the world. This does
not make you blind to beauty, however and you appreciate physical
beauty - particularly in nature. Flowers, trees, animals will all sing
sweetly to you and carry you to other worlds where you can escape. Your
life lesson is about escaping into these natural worlds more often & letting go of the cold hard
facts of reality.

March : Crow Moon Sign

If you were born in March, your Native American moon sign indicates
you are an expansive communicator. Your skill to convey yourself and
your ideas comes from your ability to be extremely flexible and adaptable.
You were born in a time of tempestuous transition. This gives you a
unique alacrity, a moveable mind. This specialized mental condition
allows you to communicate with other realms of life - you will be
particularly drawn to fire animals and birds because these creatures are
fast-thinkers like you. You are the midwives and overseers of great
change. Your life lesson is about helping yourself and others through transition. See symbolic
meaning of Raven here.

April : Seed Moon Sign

You are known as the Seed Moon if you are born in April because you
represent the promise of new growth. You are a league of people who are
determined to be seen and heard in your own special way. You have
likely seen a great deal of struggle in your childhood, and as you grow
into maturity you become adamant about establishing yourself
righteously within the community. You have a need to feel deep
connections with others, to root yourself within the tribe. Your integrity
and honesty is immense and you cannot tolerate injustice. Your sign
indicates you are full of potential. That means you will uncover special gifts and aspects about
yourself all throughout your life - even in your elderly years. Your life lesson is about gaining
perspectives from other viewpoints (not just your own).


May : Flower Moon Sign
Although you've had your fair share of struggle, yours is a charmed sign
as you tend to be fairly lucky in life. You have a knack for avoiding
hardship. You are gifted with a friendly disposition, it seems you can get
along well with almost everyone. Many of you will be natural beauties,
and your physical appearance will win you many suitors. Even if you
hide your physical beauty away from the world, people will still be
attracted to you because you radiate loveliness that's really irresistible. You are very generous,
and love to share your bounty with others. Flower Moon signs sometimes find it easier to go
along with the crowd. Your life lesson is about following your own light - listening to your own
inner voice. See symbolic meaning of Flowers here.

June : Strawberry Moon

You have so many ideas and dreams you have a hard time keeping track.
Within you there is a wealth of genius pertaining to enterprise. Within the
tribe, people come to you for your insight and advice because they know
you are ripe with perspective. Although, your opinions might not be the
most objective. You know this about yourself however, and have a keen
ability to manipulate situations because you can see the inner workings
and outer workings of a scenario at the same time. You love to nurture
those around you and are particularly doting to family members -
especially your children and/or domestic pets. Your life lesson is about channeling your vast
understandings into a specific direction that serves your community.

July : Thunder Moon Signs

You have a bright disposition and easily uplift others just by being in
their presence. Your sunny outward personality is a paradox because you
also have a tremendous depth. Most people don't realize this about you.
You keep your inner depth concealed, it rumbles below your surface.
This duality causes you to be highly intuitive. That you know what
people will do next is very matter-of-fact to you. Indeed, you often act on
future events that have not taken place yet. Likewise, you tend to act on
future behaviors of other people too. Knowing things can make you
extremely moody, and people often cannot understand a sudden dark shift in your demeanor.
Your life lesson is about separating your intuitive knowing from common reality - identifying the
difference between inner knowing and outer (real-time) experience.

August : Sturgeon Moon

Although you may have had to endure hardships in your life, you know
intrinsically what it feels like to thrive. You have an expansive nature that
magnetizes the very best the earth can offer. This makes it quite easy for
you to attract the ways and means in your life to succeed in most
endeavors. It's uncanny how resources come together to suit your
purposes. Sometimes you take this for granted. But, most of you honor
the resources at your fingertips. In fact, you can be extremely protective
of your friendships, families and provisions of the earth. If you feel these
areas are threatened you can be vicious in guarding them. Although you are extremely generous,
you can be self-focused. Your life lesson is about seeing the world from other people's eyes
(point-of-view). See symbolic meaning of Fish here.

September : Harvest Moon

As your moon sign suggests, you have remarkable gifts for gathering
people and energies together at optimal times. You have a knack for
making outstanding connections. People of the tribe will come to you for
matchmaking because you know which people will marry best with each
other. You can look out into the world and instantly see what
partnerships/relationships will work. You are also the information
gatherer and tacitly in charge of disseminating information. You are
the keeper of wisdom, and also responsible for doling out advice in an
honorable way. You have an inherent balance with an superior sense of right and wrong. Your
amazing gifts can make you an elitist. Your life lesson is about maintaining humility.

October : Hunters Moon

Your sense of timing is impeccable. Moreover, your sense of knowing
through extrasensory perception is uncanny. You have a keen
awarenessabout yourself and your environment. This unnerves a lot of

people, and many within your tribe fear you because of your powerful knowing.
Consequently, you often find yourself in solitude - although you always long for a partner who
understands you. In fact, you spend much of your time seeking partnership and this has made
you adept at the "social dance." You know when to withdraw and when to reveal yourself. You
have many layers of personality and you can pull these out to suit your needs at will. Your life
lesson is about self- acceptance as well as accepting others for who they are (and accepting how
they feel about you too).

November : Beaver Moon

Much like your Crow Moon brothers and sisters, you too were born into a
time of transition. You are uniquely poised to act on new trends. You will
also be a trend-setter yourself. There is also a sense of urgency about you,
it is as if you are always preparing for the next step in your evolution.
You are also eager to help others move to the next level on their path too.
So much so, the people of your tribe will ask for your help with
transitions. You are a facilitator and love to create structure from chaos.
You can easily get caught up in all the excitement of transition, and you
can also get lost in other people's drama. This blocks your ability to help and heal yourself and
others. Your life lesson is about not getting lost in transition. See symbolic meaning of Beaver

December : Cold Moon Signs

As your moon sign name implies, you tend to have a cold exterior - but
the fact is you actually have a glowing warmth within you that when
nurtured and encouraged, will radiate outwards. In fact, this inner warmth
of yours has the power to fuel the dreams of an entire tribe if you allow it.
You, along with many of your winter moon sign family members have
faced adverse conditions. But adversity is never your enemy, and you
tend to miraculously overcome insurmountable odds with a casualness
that boggles onlookers. You have a keen intellect with the ability to
create effective strategies from the slightest bits of information. People in the tribe look to you as
a person of great strength and stability. Your life lesson is about relying and trusting others (as
you tend to rely mostly on yourself).
I hope you have enjoyed these Native American moon signs as much as I have enjoyed creating
them with my kin.
You might also be interested in my observations of personality types according to traditional
western astrology moon signs here. If you are unsure about your astrological lunar sign (requires
time, date and place of birth),
Alchemy Symbols and Signs

Alchemy symbols provide us with a wide variety of insight into the potential transformation of
the human landscape both internal and external.
Consequently, putting the science of alchemy together with its underlying philosphy of inner
transformation, opens up a broad range of power in our lives. Understanding this tradition's
symbol meanings is a first step in accessing that power.
The world of alchemy signs is rife with deeper (hidden) meanings. Many are used to define
elements as well as conditions of the spirit. Planetary symbols and animal signs were also used in
alchemy to define elements.
Webster's dictionary defines alchemy as "any seemingly magical process of transmuting ordinary
materials into something of true merit."
A little history lesson: The roots of alchemy can be traced back to Egypt. The word alchemy
may be derived from the Arabic "al kimiya" meaning "the magical craft of the black country."
Ancient Egyptians were master metalworkers and believed that magic powers were contained in
all matter. This is significant as we discover the double meanings behind elemental symbols.
When Egypt was conquered by the Arabs, they took the science back with them to Spain. From
there, the science of alchemy along with the knowledge of alchemy signs spread to England,
France and Germany.
Alchemy can be credited for being the foundation of modern-day chemistry. But more than
science, alchemy represents the spiritual progress of humanity.
Ancient alchemists were evolved thinkers, combining efforts to transform matter to another
form all the while having an internal goal of transforming the heart and soul of mankind into
another form.
Alchemy symbols provide us with understanding and clarity of thought when focused upon.
When the mind focuses on symbols, answers inevitably come. To view many beautiful
alchemy symbols and discover more about alchemy symbol meanings, simply click on the
links below.







Elemental Alchemy Symbols

At the most basic level, elemental alchemy symbols represent the raw self; having the capacity of
being transmuted into a higher, incorruptible self.
This page investigates alchemy element symbols and their philosophical meanings.

The realm of alchemy is filled with hidden and double meanings. Just as each element has a
physical representation, so too does it have a philosophical meaning in the alchemical school of
It should be noted that the ancient founders of alchemy were avidly loyal to their craft. So much
so, that many of the surviving reference material is quite obscure. Alchemists shrouded much of
their craft to assure the seeker is determined and devoted to learning. This technique is effective -
as once a seeker delves into the world of alchemy; many are dissuaded by the complexity and
obscurity surrounding alchemical meaning.
That said, below are just a few elemental alchemy symbols with a brief summary of their
philosophical (symbolic) meanings.


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