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Personal Finance- CREDIT

SUBJECT/COURSE: Personal Finance/Intro. To Business DATE: Credit Unit

By the end of this unit, students will be able to distinguish between the different types of credit. This unit will include a
hands-on actiity dealing with creditworthiness and !horror" stories dealing with credit. #tudents will research credit
horror stories on the internet. They will report these stories to their class$ates ia Touchcast. #tudents will use the app,
Touchcast, to create a teleision show or docu$entary to share with their peers. These ideos will include a green screen
bac%ground, i$ple$entation of a !set", and presentation roles of all $e$bers of the group.
&e'uire$ents( The Touchcast ideo $ust)
Be at least * $inutes in length
Create a script to present and hand in when co$pleted
+ie adice to correct a bad credit situation
Include all group $e$bers
Credit the author of the story
,in% the webpage into your presentation
I$ple$ent a the$e
-e$onstrate professionalis$
Upload the finished ideo to our classroo$ touchcast site
By the end of this unit, students will be able to)
Identify the different types of credit
Understand the ris%s inoled with credit lines
-e$onstrate what it ta%es to be creditworthy
I$ple$ent an iPad application into the classroo$
.a%e connections with real world issues
Economics & Person! "innce
VII# Usin$ Cre%i&
Achievement Standard: Analyze factors that affect the choice of credit, the cost of credit, and the legal aspects of using
,eel /(
-escribe the ris%s and responsibilities associated with using credit
Identify the opportunity cost of credit decisions
,eel 0(
1aluate the arious $ethods of financing a purchase
-efine interest as a cost of credit and e2plain why it is charged
,eel *-3(
4naly5e arious sources and types of credit and related costs
Co$pare and contrast the legal aspects of different for$s of credit
Person! "innce
S&n%r% (. #tudents will understand the strategies used to establish, build, $aintain, $onitor, and control credit.
Benc)mr* (#+: 4naly5e factors that affect the choice of credit, the cost of credit, and the legal aspects of using credit.
"or S&,%en&s-
Critical Thin%ing, Proble$ #oling, and -ecision .a%ing
#tudents use critical thin%ing s%ills to plan and conduct research, $anage pro6ects, sole proble$s, and $a%e
infor$ed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources.
a. Identify and define authentic proble$s and significant 'uestions for inestigation
b. Plan and $anage actiities to deelop a solution or co$plete a pro6ect
c. Collect and analy5e data to identify solutions and/or $a%e infor$ed decisions
d. Use $ultiple processes and dierse perspecties to e2plore alternatie solutions
"or Tec)ers-
Facilitate and Inspire #tudent ,earning and Creatiity
a. Pro$ote, support, and $odel creatie and innoatie thin%ing and inentieness
b. 1ngage students in e2ploring real-world issues and soling authentic proble$s using digital tools and
c. Pro$ote student reflection using collaboratie tools to reeal and clarify students7 conceptual understanding
and thin%ing, planning, and creatie processes
d. .odel collaboratie %nowledge construction by engaging in learning with students, colleagues, and others in
face-to-face and irtual eniron$ents
Touchcast 8http(//$/9
+reen #creen/+reen paper
:otes oer Credit
;orror #tory researched online
INTRODUCIN. T/E LESSON: -iscuss with your partner the different types of credit aailable
4. Bell &inger
B. <ocabulary (I implement vocabulary into my classroom to build business terms)
C. &eiew :otes
a. Credit = :earpod
-. Credit ;orror #tories
a. &esearch #tories
b. Create Touchcast ideo following pro6ect re'uire$ents
1. Closure
MODI"ICATIONS "OR SPECIAL NEEDS STUDENTS: :o $odifications are needed.
ASSESSMENT: #tudents will be assessed on their ability to contribute to group wor% during hands on actiities and
pro6ects. #tudents are e2pected to e2press the$seles using the application Touchcast. #tudents will de$onstrate their
ability to operate >eb 0.? tools by incorporating these into their presentations. #tudents will de$onstrate their %nowledge
on credit by presenting and uploading their ideo on to the class site.
CLOSURE: >hat is principle@
BAC'-UP: &eiew for Credit Test.

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