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Global Awakening News

Commentary and Guidance for Enlightened Change During Rapidly Changing Times

~ Special article reprint ~

April 2009
Wealth Collapse and War

These essays are presented for their value to anyone who cares about the future as
humanity prepares to make the greatest shift in consciousness and existence ever.
We cover a wide range of topics including social-values research, future-views,
the world situation, and advanced spiritual perspectives.
GLOBAL AWAKENING means individuals and
communities becoming aware of and embracing their
true nature one of interconnectedness, service, and
spirituality, as we express extraordinary dimensions of
our larger being.
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Global Awakening Press PO Box 969 Stevensville, MT 59870 USA E-mail:

That is $1.6 quadrillion at the top of this inverted
pyramid that provides a high-level perspective of an
accounting of global economic wealth value. One
quadrillion is one million billion, as if that is any help.

This wealth is all based upon high level boasting
agreements as the current value of wealth. While
those at the top of the food chain may lose half of the
measure of their wealth or more, they still have many
millions or billions. In most countries, people working
for paycheck are one to two months from financial
April 2009
Wealth Collapse and War
by Alex Kochkin

NOTE: This is one of the last commentaries we will be making concerning the severity of and
breakdown and collapse of the old ways. Many are already moving into a new level of awareness
with an increase in their overall light quotient. Over these coming months and few years, all
humans will be presented with ongoing opportunities to upshift and let go of the old. The more of
the old that is let go of, the more complete and more rapid will be the upshifting process. Initially
it will be confusing to many, so it is best to remember to stay with the larger transformation process
and not settle into the first level that offers slight improvement.

When we wrote of the anticipated breakdown of the economic, social and political systems of
control, few believed it could come to what is now playing out in daily life and the mass
media. For those tightly wound up over disasters and the end of the world, naturally any dire
pronouncement would simply feed into that perspective. Most however were in denial because
they could not imagine things getting that bad
and crashing so quickly. In the USA as in most
modern consumer societies, the stores were well
enough stocked and hyperinflation was not a
concern and the electricity grids and Internet were
up and running.

Now more people are aware but curiously, still in
general denial that material life could become
worse than what is evoked by stories of the Great
Depression of the 1930s. It is more than possible
and it is most likely. The situation is even worse
given the lack of useful practical skills and the lack
of local productive capacity to support material

As a simple measure, the value in US dollars of
what is estimated to have been stolen, expended
on war, and legally handed out to the highest
levels of corporate owners from the USA alone is
approximately 6 trillion dollars or $50,000 for every
household in the USA. And that is only cover the
most recent decade or so.

One estimation of artificially constructed, finance-
based wealth is $1.6 quadrillion US dollars. This
translates to nearly $1,000,000 per household
globally, based on 1.6 billion households. These
numbers are not only staggering to the imagination,
they represent an enumeration of surreality!
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Global Awakening Press PO Box 969 Stevensville, MT 59870 USA E-mail:

Surreality can be better explained as the lies that are at the basis of how humans have been
taught to define their lives. From simple accumulation and family accumulation multiplied by
many strong healthy children, to data pushers in office complexes, the value and meaning
of life for the vast majority of humanity has been and is based upon lies and falsehoods
promoted by faceless and deeply corrupt individuals. These individuals constitute the powers
that be and their top layers of minions who are mostly organized through soulless corporate
entities that have reserved the privilege of vacuuming all available wealth for distribution to a
small number of owners.

Imagine the wealth of the world is based upon high level gentlemens agreements and
outright betting. Actual wealth is based upon the labor time required to produce and distribute
it to the user. This value is further enhanced by utilitarian value. These basic values become
inflated or otherwise enhanced by psychological factors such as greed or desire and
eventually market manipulations.

So the question comes down to how people can exchange their time and abilities in as
respectfully equal a manner as possible. There is no divine edict that supports the private
ownership of a portion of the planet for private gain and there is no divine edict that supports
the accumulation of wealth and its concentration into the hands of a small number at the
expense of a large number of people.

The next level of this mass looting of all of humanitys measurable economic wealth is about to
begin. The result will be the extensive impoverishment of a majority of humanity. Presently,
the actual USA unemployment rate is around 20% within 12 months this could exceed 50%
unemployment in the USA alone and the popular stock indexes could be 25% to 50% of their
present levels, further deleting numerical wealth. The level of consequential social conflict can
only be distracted by natural disasters of large proportion and by formal engagement of inter-
national war at an increased level of engagements.

The level of catastrophic breakdown is barely underway. In contemporary history, this feeds
into war preparations and the use of destructive means to rapidly diminish and redistribute
human and material infrastructure and global power centers. This is where human events are
leading this year and on. The human and other dark forces that manipulate world wars and
other major wars have not stopped their actions.

As of the week of April 7
, humanity was moved one notch closer to escalation of international
wars. The material world indicators included a concatenation of cultural, national, religious,
economic, and ethnic factors.

Presently there are enough humans at various levels of influence who are bent upon a
restructuring of global civilization under their near singular control that the only question is the
extent and duration of such war, not a matter of if it is to happen.

The mention of such conflicts typically evokes images of the end of the world. But we would
remind readers that roughly 200 million people died in the past century in human warfare. In
1900 there were roughly 1.7 billion humans resident, in 1950, 2.5 billion. Using a mid-point of
2.1 billion, it can be seen that roughly ten percent of the worlds population died directly from
war. The consequential effects from injuries, disease, demographic imbalances, and
environmental destruction dramatically add to these death statistics. Yet ways were found to
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Global Awakening Press PO Box 969 Stevensville, MT 59870 USA E-mail:

make this all acceptable and eventually forgotten by enough humans so that they could go on
with the various concerns of their lives.

So major global war that involves both the use of high-tech energy weapons as well as human
operated mechanized and infantry is not only possible, but has been a part of modern
civilization for the last hundred or so years.

Nuclear weapons have been exploded in the thousands for testing and other purposes, and
tons of depleted uranium atomized into the air, soil and water worldwide. Although human
and biospheric health continues to decline along with the mental acuity of humanity, people go
on, for the most part unconsciously, as they do.

While a true global-scale war is not likely for this year or next, the likelihood is very, very high
of significant escalations of many areas of new and old conflicts. These are likely to bring
about significant death and injury of both military people and the civil populations. The after-
math of such escalations will affect people severely for a considerable period of time, possibly
due to disease and injuries from biological or nuclear effects, as well as ongoing poisoning of
the physical environment.

As the matrix world unravels, there will be those who seek ways to maintain what they are
most familiar with and will even fight others to maintain their unconscious addiction. There
will be those who will be upset and angered and who will seek retribution and ways to hasten
the end of the old world in favor of what, they will know not. There will be those who will
begin new ways of cooperation with one another and the planet.

Largely outside of this sphere of dynamics, there will be those who will choose to connect with
their true nature as spiritual beings and engage with spiritual evolution, mindful of the lessons
of the old. Some of these will become bridges between the new earth, a new world, and those
from the old who are most open to making a dramatic shift in their existence.

All will be affected by the energies and intent of creation to heal and correct itself from the


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