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Natural Numbers:

The group of numbers starting from 1 and including 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and so on. Zero, negative numbers,
and decimals are not included this group.
1. If n is an odd natural number, what is the highest number that alwas divides n!n
" 1#$
%nswer& n'!n
" 1# ( !n " 1#'n'!n ) 1#, which is a product of three consecutive numbers. *ince n is odd,
the numbers !n " 1# and !n ) 1# are both even. +ne of these numbers will be a multiple of 2 and the
other a multiple of 4 as the are two consecutive even numbers. ,ence, their product is a multiple of -.
*ince one out of ever three consecutive numbers is a multiple of 3, one of the three numbers will be a
multiple of three. ,ence, the product of three numbers will be a multiple of - . 3 ( 24.
,ence, the highest number that alwas divides n'!n
" 1# is 24.
2. /or ever natural number n, the highest number that n'!n
" 1#'!5n ) 2# is alwas divisible b is
!a# 0 !b# 24 !c# 30 !d# 4-
Case 1: If n is odd, n'!n
" 1# is divisible b 24 as proved in the earlier 1uestion.
Case 2: If n is even, both !n " 1# and !n ) 1# are odd. *ince product of three consecutive natural
numbers is alwas a multiple of 3 and n is even, the product n'!n
" 1# is divisible b 0. *ince n is even
5n is even. If n is a multiple of 2, 5n is a multiple of 2 and hence 5n ) 2 is a multiple of 4. If n is a
multiple of 4, 5n ) 2 is a multiple of 2. ,ence, the product n'!5n ) 2# is a multiple of -.
,ence, the product n'!n
" 1#'!5n ) 2# is a multiple of 24.
,ence, 2b3
Rule: The product of n consecutive natural numbers is divisible b n4, where n4 ( 1 5 2 5 3 5 4 5
56. 5 n
3. 7rove that !2n#4 is divisible b !n4#
%nswer& !2n#4 ( 18283848 6 8!n " 1#8n8!n ) 1#8 682n
( !n#48!n ) 1#8!n ) 2#8 682n.
*ince !n ) 1#8!n ) 2#8 682n is a product of n consecutive numbers, it is divisible b n4. ,ence, the
product !n#48!n ) 1#8!n ) 2#8 682n is divisible b n48n4 ( !n4#
Whole Numbers:
%ll 9atural 9umbers plus the number : are called as ;hole 9umbers.
%ll ;hole 9umbers and their negatives are included in this group.
Rational Numbers:
%n number that can be e<pressed as a ratio of two integers is called a rational number.
This group contains decimal that either do not e<ist !as in 0 which is 0=1#, or terminate !as in 3.4 which
is 34=1:#, or repeat with a pattern !as in 2.333... which is >=3#.
Irrational Numbers:
%n number that can not be e<pressed as the ratio of two integers is called an irrational number
!imaginar or comple< numbers are not included in irrational numbers#.
These numbers have decimals that never terminate and never repeat with a pattern.
?<amples include pi, e, and @2. 2 ) @3, 5 A @2 etc. are also irrational 1uantities called ur!s.
Real Numbers:
This group is made up of all the Bational and Irrational 9umbers. The ordinar number line encountered
when studing algebra holds real numbers.
Imaginar" Numbers:
These numbers are formed b the imaginar number i !i ( @A1#. %n real number times i is an
imaginar number.
?<amples include i, 3i, CD.3i, and !pi#i. 9ow i
( C1, i
( i
5 i ( Ci, i
( 1.
Com#le$ Numbers:
% Eomple< 9umbers is a combination of a real number and an imaginar number in the form a ) bi. a is
called the real part and b is called the imaginar part.
?<amples include 3 ) 0i, - ) !C5#i, !often written as - A 5i#.
Prime Numbers:
%ll the numbers that have onl two divisors, 1 and the number itself, are called prime numbers. ,ence,
a prime number can onl be written as the product of 1 and itself. The numbers 2, 3, 5, >, 1163>, etc.
are prime numbers.
Note: 1 is not a prime number.
8. If <
( 1:1, find the value of <
, given that < and are natural numbers.
%nswer& <
( !< ) #!< " # ( 1:1. Fut 1:1 is a prime number and cannot be written as product of
two numbers unless one of the numbers is 1 and the other is 1:1 itself.
,ence, < ) ( 1:1 and < " ( 1. AG < ( 51, ( 5:.
AG <
( 51
) 5:
( 51:1.
D. ;hat numbers have e<actl three divisors$
%nswer& The s1uares of prime numbers have e<actl three divisors, i.e. 1, the prime number, and the
s1uare itself.
%!! an! E&en Numbers:
%ll the numbers divisible b 2 are called even numbers whereas all the numbers not divisible b 2 are
called odd numbers. 2, 4, 0, -6 etc. are even numbers and 1, 3, 5, >.. etc. are odd numbers.
Biddler A

Iet me introduce m E%T 2::- students to another pillar of our TathaJat teamA The Biddler. Biddler can
maKe LI 1uestions as fast as he can churn out information on various cars, their models and their prices.
+ur classroom students often find him smoKing on the stairs and lost in thought. 9o, he is not thinKing
about some 1uestion that he is maKingM he maKes them too fast and doesnNt waste time. ,e is probabl
thinKing about price of a ,ummer or a ,onda EBO. If not that, he would probabl be wondering which
movie to watch ne<t because he religiousl watches each of them. The good part about his 1uestions is
that the are solvableM the 1uestions are not made to harass students unnecessaril. +f course, I am the
poor soul whom Biddler bashes first with all his 1uestions in order to checK their validit. *o toda I
decided to give the TJites a taste of his riddles. Jood lucK gus4A Total Gadha

*i< students& %, F, E, L, ? and / are staing in a hostel. Their heights are integer multiples of :.5 feet.
%verage height of the group is 5.5 feet and the average height of % P E is 5 feet. L is the tallest in this
group and / is the shortest. The are accommodated in two rooms of different siQes, which can
accommodate three beds each. ?ach student re1uires one bed for himself. The have the option of three
different siQes of beds with the lengths of 4 feet, 5 feet P 0 feet. +nl 4 P 5 feet beds can be put in the
smaller room but the other room can have an siQe of bed. It is assumed that a student will be satisfied to
have a bed onl if the length of the bed is within
:.5 feet of that studentNs height. ?ach siQe of bed is available in enough number. It is also Know that each
of the si< student was satisfied to have his bed.
1. ;ho could be the roommate of ?$
!a# L
!b# E
!c# /
!d# %
!e# Eannot be determined

2. ;hich among the following groups is accommodated in the smaller room$
!a# LF?
!b# E%/
!c# /%F
!d# %LE
!e# 9one of these

3. ;hich two students are having same height$
!a# L P ?
!b# E P /
!c# / P F
!d# % P E
!e# E P ?

% botanical e<periment is being conducted on three varieties of sweet peaA ,ealth, infected and resistant.
In the three stages of the e<periment, e1ual number of plants from two of the three varieties are chosen
and crossed with each other in pairs. ;henever, a plant of health variet is crossed with that of infected
variet, it results in the health plant also becoming infected. ;henever a plant of infected variet is
crossed with that of resistant variet, it results in the infected plant ding out. ;henever a plant of
resistant variet is crossed with that of health variet, it results in the health plant also becoming
resistant. The bar chart below shows the initial and stageAwise percentage of plants of the three varieties
out of the total number of plants.
1. The crossing between the health variet and the resistant variet is happening in
!a# stage 1
!b# stage 2
!c# stage 3
!d# cannot be determined

2. ;hat is the percentage change in the number of plants of the health variet in stage 1 compared with
the initial number of plants$
!a# 1:R
!b# 12.5R
!c# 10.0R
!d# no change

3. ;hat can be the minimum change in the number of plants of infected variet from the initial stage to
stage 3$
!a# 3
!b# 4
!c# 5
!d# 1:

4. In stage 3, the crossing taKes place between which two varieties$
!a# health and infected
!b# infected and resistant
!c# resistant and health
!d# cannot be determined
7ico /ermi Fagels is a math=logic game commonl taught to schoolchildren to help them develop deductive
reasoning sKills. 7laer +ne thinKs of a number with each digit different, and records it on a hidden piece of
paper. 7laer Two must now guess at what the number is. 7laer +ne must answer each guess with a
combination of three responses&
,ere is a se1uence showing the numbers guessed b plaer one !about a fourAdigit number guessed b
plaer 2# and the response !in 7ico, /ermi and bagels# given b plaer 1&
1. /or how man digits can their placement be accuratel determined$
!a# 1
!b# 2
!c# 3
!d# 4
!e# cannot be determined

2. ,ow man numbers are possible from the above the observation$
!a# 1
!b# 2
!c# 3
!d# 4
!e# cannot be determined

7rior to the /lim flam %wards in Tollwood, a poll is conducted among the audience, which asKs them to
guess four nominees for the best actor award and rate them 1, 2, 3 P 4 !1 means the best and 4 means the
worst#. In the *harma famil, four of the famil members made their guesses. ;hen the final result is
declared the observed the following data&
1. ;ho ranKed first$
!a# %mitab or Lev
!b# /aruKh or Fobb
!c# Janesh
!d# Lev
!e# Eannot be determined

2. ;ho, out of the following, could not maKe into the first four$
!a# Lev
!b# /aruKh
!c# Janesh
!d# Ehitwan
!e# Fobb

3. ;ho ranKed 2
!a# Janesh or Fobb
!b# Lev or /aruKh
!c# %mitab or Lev
!d# Janesh
!e# Ehitwan

4. ;hose statement is definitel re1uired to Know the four actors who got nominated among the top four$
!a# Hrs *harma
!b# Bishu
!c# Hona
!d# *pic
!e# %ll of them

*uppose ou have a 1 ::: I tanK to be filled with water. The bucKets that are available to ou all have siQes that are powers of 3, i.e. 1, 3, D, 2>, -1,
243, and >2D I. ;hich bucKets do ou use to fill the tanK in the minimum possible time$
Sou will certainl tell me that the first bucKet ou will use is of >2D I. That will leave 2>1 I of the tanK still empt. The ne<t few bucKets ou will use
will 243 I, 2> I and 1 I. The use of bucKets can be shown as below
;e can sa that
1 ::: ( >2D ) 243 ) 2> ) 1
( 1 5 3
) 1 5 3
) : 5 3
) 1 5 3
) : 5 3
) : 5 3
) : 5 3
The number 1 ::: has been written in increasing powers of 3. Therefore, 3 is Known as the TbaseN in which we are e<pressing 1 :::.
/or e<ample, The number >30- can be written as - ) 0 5 1: ) 3 5 !1:#
) > 5 !1:#
The number 1: is called the UbaseU in which this number was written.
Iet a number abcde be written in base p, where a, b, c, d and e are single digits less than p. T he value of the number abcde ( e ) d 5 p ) c 5 p
b 5 p
) a 5 p
/or e<ample, i f the number >30- is written in base D,
The value of !>30-# D ( - ) 0 5 D ) 3 5 D
) > 5 D
( 54:- !this value is in base 1:#
There are two Kinds of operations associated with conversion of bases&
1.'A (on&ersion )rom an" base to base ten
The number !p1rstu# b is converted to base 1: b finding the value of the number. i.e. !p1rstu# b ( u ) tb ) sb
) rb
) 1b
) pb
3*. Eonvert !21344# 5 to base 1:.
%nswer& !21344# 5 ( 4 ) 4 5 5 ) 3 5 25 ) 1 5 125 ) 2 5 025 ( 14>4
1.'b (on&ersion )rom base 1+ to an" base
% number written in base 1: can be converted to an base UbU b first dividing the number b UbU, and then successivel dividing the 1uotients b UbU.
The remainders, written in reverse order, give the e1uivalent number in base UbU.
3D. ;rite the number 25 in base 4.

;riting the remainders in reverse order the number 25 in base 1: is the number 121 in base 4.
1.'( A!!ition, subtra(tion an! multi#li(ation in bases:
-+. %dd the numbers !4235# > and !2354# >
%nswers& The numbers are written as

The addition of 5 and 4 !at the units place# is D, which being more than >
would be written as D ( > 5 1 ) 2. The Vuotient is 1 and written is 2.
The Bemainder is placed at the units place of the answer and the Vuotient
gets carried over to the tenUs place. ;e obtain

%t the tens place& 3 ) 5 ) 1 !carr# ( D
*imilar procedure is to be followed when multipl numbers in the same base
-1. Hultipl !43# - 5 !0># -
> 5 3 ( 21 ( - 5 2 ) 5
> 5 4 ) 2 ( 3: ( - 5 3 ) 0
0 5 3 ( 1- ( - 5 2 ) 2
0 5 4 ) 2 ( 20 ( - 5 3 ) 2

/or subtraction the procedure is same for an ordinar subtraction in base 1: e<cept for the fact that whenever we need to carr to the right we
carr the value e1ual to the base.
-2. *ubtract 45:20 from 51231 in base >.

In the units column since 1 is smaller than 0, we carr the value e1ual to the base from the number on the left. *ince the base is > we carr >. 9ow,
1 ) > ( -
and - " 0 ( 2. ,ence we write 2 in the units column. ;e proceed the same wa in the rest of the columns.
1.'. IMP%R/AN/ R0LE A1%0/ 1AE
Rule1. % number in base 9 when written in base 1: is divisible b 9 " 1 when the sum of the digits of the number in base 9 is divisible b 9 " 1.
-3. The number 35%240>>2 is in base D. This number when written in base 1: is divisible b -. /ind the value of digit %.
%nswer& The number written in base 1: will be divisible b - when the sum of the digits in base D is divisible b -.
*um of digits ( 3 ) 5 ) % ) 2 ) 4 ) 0 ) > ) > ) 2 ( 30 ) %. The sum will be divisible b - when % ( 4.
Rule2. ;hen the digits of a KAdigits number written in base 9 are rearranged in an order to form a new KAdigits number, the difference of the two
numbers, when written in base 1:, is divisible b 9 " 1.
--. % fourAdigit number 91 is written in base 13. % new fourAdigit number 92 is formed b rearranging the digits of 91 in an order. Then the
difference 91 " 92 when calculated in base 1: is divisible b
!a# D !b# 1: !c# 12 !d# 13
%nswer& c

ee! Numbers
*eed 9umbers are used to find if a given number is divisible b a prime number. %lthough the concept is not used often, for some number, the
divisibilit rules cannot be applied and seed numbers come in hand there.
?ver odd number !consider onl odd prime numbers# gives unit digits of 1 and D in two of their first 1: multiples. /or e<ample, 3 5 3 ( D, and 3 5
> ( 21. /or 1>, 1> 5 3 ( 51, and 1> 5 > ( 11D. Sou can do this for an odd prime number and see that it is true. 9ow numbers ending in 1 or D can
be written as multiples of 1: W 1. /or e<ample 51 ( 5 5 1: ) 1, 11D ( 12 5 1: A 1, etc. No2 these numbers 2hi(h are multi#le! b" 1+ 34 an!
12 in this (ase5 are the see! numbers )or a #arti(ular #rime number. /he numbers are ta6en negati&e in the (ase o) 7 1 an! #ositi&e in
the (ase o) 81. Therefore, ever prime number has two seed numbers. In the above e<ample, the seed numbers of 1> are A5 and 12. ,ere are seed
numers of some prime numbers listed down.
9umbers Hultiples ending in 1 Hultiples ending in D *eed numbers
3 21 ( 2 5 1: ) 1 D ( 1 5 1: A 1 A 2, 1
> 21 ( 2 5 1: ) 1 4D ( 5 5 1: A 1 A 2, 5
13 D1 ( D 5 1: ) 1 3D ( 4 5 1: A 1 A D, 4
1> 51 ( 5 5 1: ) 1 11D ( 12 5 1: A 1 A 5, 12
1D 1>1 ( 1> 5 1: ) 1 1D ( 2 5 1: A 1 A 1>, 2
23 101 ( 10 5 1: ) 1 0D ( > 5 1: A 1 A 10, >
9o2 to use see! numbers:
*uppose ou want to find out if D:44 is divisible b 1>. Sou Know that the seed number of 1> is A5. ,ere is what ou do&
1. TaKe out the unit digit of the number, multipl it with the seed number and add it to the number left after removing the unit digit. Therefore,
taKe out the unit digit of D:44 i.e. 4, multipl it b A5, 4 5 A5 ( A2:, and add it to the number left, i.e. D:4. D:4 A 2: ( --4.
2. Xeep repeating this operation. /or --4, taKe out 4, multipl it b A5 AAG 4 5 A5 ( A2:, add it to number left AAG -- A 2: ( 0-.
3. In the end ou will come up with a single digit or two digit number. If this number is divisible b the prime number, the original number is
divisible b the prime number. ,ere, 0- is divisible b 1>, therefore D:44 is divisible b 1>.
IetUs do it once more.
/ind if 43D-5 is divisible b 1D.
;e use the seed number 2 for 1D.
1. /irst step& 43D- ) 5 5 2 ( 44:-
2. *econd step& 44: ) - 5 2 ( 450
3. Third step& 45 ) 0 5 2 ( 5>
9ow 5> is divisible b 2. Therefore, 43D-5 is divisble b 2.
Sou can use seed numbers to find divisibilit b an prime number.
Total Jadha
I hope the readers did not find the first article difficult to digest. The readers are advised not to hurr themselves. The are to go through these
thoughts with absolute peace of mind, for the mind shall reveal its true potential one da for a good cause. 9o more lectures. Iet us get bacK to
mathematics. ,ave ou noticed how a small seed holds the Ke to a big tree$ ,ere is a 1uestion to prove the pointA
To Know the answer to this 1uestion, ou will have to pa homage to the simplest of all rulesA the digitAsum rule.
What is .igit um:
Jiven a number 91, all the digits of 91 are added to obtain a number 9 2 . %ll the digits of 92 are added to obtain a number 93, and so on, till we obtain
a single digit number 9. This single digit number 9 is called the digit sum of the original number 91.
E$am#le: ;hat is the digit sum of 123450>-D$
%nswer& 1 ) 2 ) 3 ) 4 ) 5 ) 0 ) > ) - ) D ( 45 AAG 4 ) 5 ( D. ,ence, the digit sum of the number is D.
Note: In finding the digitA*um of a number we can ignore the digit D or the digits that add up to D. /or e<ample, in finding the digitAsum of the
number 240-1D, we can ignore the digits 2, 0, 1, and D. ,ence, the digitAsum of 240-1D is ( 4 ) - ( 12 ( 1 ) 2 ( 3.
.igit8um Rule o) Multi#li(ation: The digitAsum of the product of two numbers is e1ual to the digit sum of the product of the digit sums of the two
E$am#le: The product of 12D and 35 is 4515.
Ligit sum of 12D ( 3 and digit sum 35 ( -
7roduct of the digit sums ( 3 5 - ( 24 AAG LigitAsum ( 0.
LigitAsum of 4515 is ( 4 ) 5 ) 1 ) 5 ( 15 ( 1 ) 5 ( 0.
LigitAsum of the product of the digit sums ( digit sum of 24 ( 0
AAG Ligit sum of the product !4515# ( LigitAsum of the product of the digit sums !24# ( 0
A##li(ations o) .igit8um
1. Ra#i! (he(6ing o) (al(ulations 2hile multi#l"ing numbers
*uppose a student is tring to find the product 310 5 234 5 350, and he obtains the number 20525:04.
% 1uicK checK will show that the digitAsum of the product is 3. The digitAsums of the individual numbers !310, 234 and 350# are 1, D, and 5. The digitA
sum of the product of the digit sum is 1 5 D 5 5 ( 45 ( 4 ) 5 ( D.
AAG the digitAsum of the product of the digitAsums !D# is N%/ e1ual to digitAsum of the 20525:04 !3#
,ence, the answer obtained b multiplication is not correct.
Note: %lthough the answer of multiplication will not be correct if the digitAsum of the product of the digitAsums is not e1ual to digitAsum of the
product, but the reverse is not true i.e. the answer of multiplication ma" or ma" not be correct if the digitAsum of the product of the digitAsums is
e1ual to digitAsum of the product
2. ;in!ing the sum o) the !igits o) a number raise! to a #o2er
E$am#le: The digits of the number !4#
are summed up continuall till a single digit number is obtained. ;hat is that number$
%nswer& 4
( 04. Ligit sum of 04 is ( 1.
( 4
5 4
5 4
6 5 4
!- times#
Ligit sums on both sides will be the same.
Y digit sum of 4
( digit sum of 1 5 1 5 1 5 16 !- times# ( 1
E$am#le: /ind the sum of the sum of the sum of the digits of 254
254 ( 1 5 2 5 3 5 6 5 24 5 25. %s one of the multiplicands is D, the digit sum will be D.
3. .etermining i) a number is a #er)e(t s<uare or not
It (an be seen )rom the table that the !igit8sum o) the numbers 2hi(h are #er)e(t s<uares 2ill al2a"s be 1, -, =, or '.
Note: % number will N%/ be a perfect s1uare if its digitAsum is N%/ 1, 4, >, or D, but it ma" or ma" not be a perfect s1uare if its digitAsum is 1, 4,
>, or D.
E$am#le: Is the number 323321 a perfect s1uare$
Ans2er: the digitAsum of the number 323321 is 5. ,ence, the number cannot be a perfect s1uare.
E$am#le: % 1:Adigit number N has among its digits one 1, two 2Ns, three 3Ns, and four 4Ns. Is N be a perfect s1uare$
Ans2er& ;e can see that the digit sum of a perfect s1uare is alwas 1, 4, >, or D. %s the digit sum of the number is 3, it cannot be a perfect s1uare.
9ow can ou answer the 1uestion that I posed$ I bet that ou can.
;e are done here for toda. I hope the reader found this simple concept a useful weapon for his mathematical armour. It would be an honour if the
ghost can help ou regarding our 1ueries and doubts. Heet ou on the ne<t page after I finish m cigar4

This brilliant article was contributed to Total Gadha by Ashish Tyagi, a regular TGite. I do not think there can be
easier or more lucid method of finding the last two digits of a number. Kudos to Ashish for this article. We will also
welcome similar contributions from our other users. Do you hae some useful or life!saing funda that you would
like to share" #end it to us and we will $ublish it with your name! Total Gadha

I am dividing this method into four parts and we will discuss each part one b one&
a. Iast two digits of numbers which end in one
b. Iast two digits of numbers which end in 3, > and D
c. Iast two digits of numbers which end in 2
d. Iast two digits of numbers which end in 4, 0 and -
Fefore we start, let me mention binomial theorem in brief as we will need it for our calculations.
Last t2o !igits o) numbers en!ing in 1
IetNs start with an e<ample.
What are the last t2o !igits o) 31
*olution& 31
( !3: ) 1#
E+ 1
E1 1
!3:# )
E2 1
) ..., 9ote that all the terms after the second term will end
in two or more Qeroes. The first two terms are
E+ 1
E1 1
!3:#. 9ow, the second term will end with one Qero and the tens
digit of the second term will be the product of >-0 and 3 i.e. -. Therefore, the last two digits of the second term will be -:. The last digit of
the first term is 1. *o the last two digits of 31
are -1.
9ow, here is the shortcut&

,ere are some more e<amples&
;in! the last t2o !igits o) -1
In no time at all ou can calculate the answer to be 01 !4 D ( 30. Therefore, 0 will be the tens digit and one will be the units digit#
;in! the last t2o !igits o) '1
Iast two digits will be D1 !> > gives D and 1 as units digit#
9ow tr to get the answer to this 1uestion within 1: s&
;in! the last t2o !igits o) 41

The last two digits of 51
will be :1 and the last two digits of 01
will be 21. Therefore, the last two digits of 51
will be the last
two digits of :1 21 ( 21
Last t2o !igits o) numbers en!ing in 3, ' or =
;in! the last t2o !igits o) 1=
( !1D
. 9ow, 1D
ends in 01 !1D
( 301# therefore, we need to find the last two digits of !01#
+nce the number is ending in 1 we can straight awa get the last two digits with the help of the previous method. The last two digits are -1
!0 3 ( 1-, so the tens digit will be - and last digit will be 1#
;in! the last t2o !igits o) 33
( !33
. 9ow 33
ends in 21 !33
( 33
( 1:-D 1:-D ( <<<<<21# therefore, we need to find the last two digits of 21
. F the
previous method, the last two digits of 21
( 41 !tens digit ( 2 2 ( 4, unit digit ( 1#
*o hereNs the rule for finding the last two digits of numbers ending in 3, > and D&
9ow tr the method with a number ending in >&
;in! the last t2o !igits o) *'
( ->
( !->
( !0D 0D#
0D !The last two digits of ->
are 0D# ( 01
0D ( -1 0D ( -D
If ou understood the method then tr our hands on these 1uestions&
;in! the last t2o !igits o):
1. 2>
2. >D
3. 5-3

Last t2o !igits o) numbers en!ing in 2, -, > or *
There is onl one even twoAdigit number which alwas ends in itself !last two digits# A >0 i.e. >0 raised to an power gives the last two digits
as >0. Therefore, our purpose is to get >0 as last two digits for even numbers. ;e Know that 24
ends in >0 and 2
ends in 24. %lso, 24
raised to an even power alwas ends with >0 and 24 raised to an odd power alwas ends with 24. Therefore, 24
will end in >0 and 24
end in 24.
IetNs appl this funda&
;in! the last t2o !igits o) 2
( !2
( !24#
!24 raised to an even power# 2
( >0 - ( :-
!N%/E: ,ere if ou need to multipl >0 with 2
, then ou can straightawa write the last two digits of 2
because when >0 is multiplied with
the last two digits remain the same as the last two digits of 2
. Therefore, the last two digits of >0 2
will be the last two digits of 2
*ame method we can use for an number which is of the form 2
. ,ere is an e<ample&
;in! the last t2o !igits o) >-
( !2
( 2
( !2
( 24
!24 raised to odd power# 04 ( 24 04 ( 30
9ow those numbers which are not in the form of 2n can be broKen down into the form 2n odd number. ;e can find the last two digits of
both the parts separatel.
,ere are some e<amples&
;in! the last t2o !igits o) >2
( !2 31#
( 2
( !2
( >0 04 -1 ( -4
;in! the last t2o !igits o) 4-
( !2 3
( 2
( !2
( >0 -1
( >0 :1 ( >0.
;in! the last t2o !igits o) 4>
( !2
( 2
( !2
( >0 12 !:1#
43 ( 10
;in! the last t2o !igits o) '*
( !2 3D#
( 2
( !2
3D ( 24 12 -1 3D ( D2
9ow tr to find the last two digits of
1. 34
2. 2-
%shish Tagi
I am a compulsive problem solver, and alwas on hunt for new problems that maKe me sweat m brains. ,ere are some of the problems that I
enZoed solving during the wee hours of man nights. I will Keep on updating problems in this article. %lthough the level of geomter re1uired in HF%
e<ams is lower than that of the problems covered here, I have e<perienced that solving problems liKe these tests the fundamentals and strengthen
the abilit to appl all the fundamentals at the same time. 9e<t weeK I am going to pose a challenger here, a problem that will test all our geometr
fundamentals in one go. Till then, enZo these4A Total Jadha
It would be a shame if E%T 2::> or E%T 2::- aspirants have still not discovered that geometr is one of the most important areas to prepare
in the 1uant section. The should also Know that triangle is the most common figure the will see in the geometr section. Fe it a
1uadrilateral or a he<agon, triangles and their properties will be present in ever figure. %lthough the ideal wa to learn these properties is
to practice and derive all the theorems related to these properties themselves, the students can go through this small compendium to have a
1uicK recap of those formula. The following properties do not cover the similarit of triangles. +f course that will taKe an entire article b
e been suffering from the writerNs blocK latel and therefore I decided to do what I liKe to do the mostA
solving problems. To help all the E%T 2::>=::- aspirants on Total Jadha, I decided to hunt TJ 1uant
forum for the time, speed and distance problems and solve them. ;hat a treasure I discovered4 *ome of
these problems will baffle brains of even some of the most e<perienced instructors. I am posting all the
problems I solved along with their solutions. %ll of ou please first tr to solve the problems on our own
and then see the solutions. This wa, ou would appreciate the solution to man of these problems. %lso,
notice that I again used onl ratios to solve these problems. *till no e1uations.

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