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Terrrr-End Examinati$n

oF sSGtALsTuDlEs

Time : 3 hours Msxfmuffr t'{t'efghfage : Filss

Nofe ;

fij AII fhe faur quesfisnsnre ccrnpulsory.

ffil All fhe guesff*ns enrry equal u.refghfage.

1. Ansu.rerthe f*ll*wing questionin abaut 6il0 wards :

trifferentiatebetween'social Studies'and 'S*eial Scieneqs'.

Di=cussvariaus competenciesrequiredcf an effeetiueSceial


What is a leeture ? Diseusswith examples the st*ps rf

arganising lecture in the teaching of Sacial Studies.

E=-343 F,T.*.
2 . Answer the follcwing question in about 600 words :

Discuss briefly the major supporting structures which

constitute the econcmie structure of Indian Economy.
De'u'elop an instructianal strategy to teach this topic
mentioning main c*ntent points, specific instructional
objectives, teaciring-learning activities and evaluatiorr


Explain environmental degradation and its various causes.

Develop an instructional strategy to teach this topic
mentioning main content points, specific instructional
objectives, teaching-learning activities and evaluation

3 . Write short answers to any four of the following questions

in about 150 words each :

(i) Briefly elaborate the significance of discussion as a

method of teaching Social Studies and also mention
the various skills required to participate in discussion.

(ii) Discuss various areas which are taken into account

while planning instruction in Social Studies.

(iii) Discuss various types of charts and mention their use

in teaching Social Studies, with examples.

(iv) Explain the significance and steps of demonstration in

teaching of Social Studies, with examples.

{v) What methads and media would yfiu use to teach
and architeeture af ancient India ?

{vi} What are the main teaching paints cf the t*pic

of Educatian and its impact' during th*
British rule in India ? Forrnulate instructional
objectives for the same teaehing points.

of India ? Discu=s
{vii} what are major physieal dMsions
the instruetional media you will use to teaeh the
you will plan to
{uiii} Discuss the teaehing-learning actiuities
teach conselTatisn of natural resources.

4. Answer the f*llaruing question in about 600 ruords :

Suppose you had developed a Question llaFer in Social

Studies for Class IH. Discuss the various steps ycu fallcr$ed
in the development af the Question paper.

fwffr q Fffirdnsqlfr E-rris.q
Htil wnqt
E-{, gs08

€.qE*-B4E : ErqTfttff' e1tnflq{EF1ailEIITFf

Fffi: 5 qEf $rFr€fl4qrFrr: F**s


riJ Fr# arTfsF srfud f I

firl +rsfsrt +? ryFHrffira d r

+ t. ffi EI sfl{ ffi?FT 6o0 ETdf fr e :

'grgJffi €{EuTzFI'
gui {Hrqlffifi FnfT' + Eh + efu
+t sg Bifdq r Eqrql HTqTH-{E{E=FFT qtqrr+ ET
trfErdaTtffi sqffirefr ETqC +1Fq I

4IG4TFI {Lecture}fTT * ? Hqffi-S a+qq{ h e{+ETIIFT

EEf *f .q I
fi qrcry-{ ffiT+ + q{u?iH1frETE+T

E5-343 F_T_*.
z. ffi HFr Hr FR Fnrq 600qrq} fr t :
qTffiq srpfq++sTr.
H1 flTfuH drqqT Hi TEn qri
qrnl Hgs sffi Tirqqefr Hi sfo fr qqf qim I
T-qEfqqq-q F+-€$fr,
Ff,{rs @ r+{,fr,
eTF4{Fr-BTqrq{sr{+ETqi qE k€+il Hr
strfrs q{e Hq Sq fryqq-EmS affi si
fu qrdfrn"
ffin.Tk{ |
Tq|q{rhq f{qT+ruTqq w+ frhq qT{"il +1 qfcqf
rfrtrr5| rgs fqqq-{q fc-€sfr,FRrs fu
s+flqi, erqq{-iTtzTlrlqffi qE qwi6a*fu€.il
sI sds q'Tfr gq {s lEqq-qtr + BTF4rr{ "+t
fu qrdf,fd ffin +}1"1qI
3. ffi Tfl{i fr fi frc qrr + {+Rrrdsil{ arrpn.
1soEreTqqdqy fr frd :
(i) qmr|qfr eTr4fi h sTtrTrrlq
+1 FqfBT
t' Fq fr Tqf
+ q-ffi Hi d*q fr qtr qituq qq rqi fr
fri + BTtRnil
frhE shrn) sr qi ntrs
+iFq I
(ii) HlqTFq{ BTqq;Tfr -TJfoT +1 qtffT qqrt HErq
rqn fr wi qh=T
Frq+frii q1qqf cfuq I
(iii) rqFq Fffi + qd qi qqf HHrffiil sTF4{Fr +
fr FTh E+T 4T tsdE frqrd{'T 6{T gq
(iv) Hrq-r|q-fr 3TL|q{ + ftR1TUTfr frEHh
+ {Ff qq q{uil +1 or[5zTT,
HhE{rT ffifdq I
{v} Erfr TREHr sryTIF aE+-dT + FIqTET fr ffiq
E+rT fuq fqF#f ei ffidEru qltqfi 4T Fj'T
qiir ?
(vi) Efffi fr +tffi + Ertqq+ drlq Ef€ qq
g** sa15E' frwT EE rTI * ? F{
trryq A E"-rys
frte*fdg*+ffl fu =ffi41 q54€
qTfqq I

tvii] qftr + ry€ -+frffi FI{Tffi {physicaldivisions}

* ? Ts fuq-e=q 3{+=TIT4 fr E$F
"+q* ffi I
fr qi{qTrr+ e+atq{ fr qffi
{viii}EIFfrs €'fltr1-41
n#EFF{-ffi3Trq{fur4EIqT 41 Tqf dirdq I

4, ffi HFT sT efl{ f,rItTrI 600 Erdf ti q :

qrq Cfqg i{Tq+ rE1 HqI + qTqTfrffiE{*Effi fuq
H1 TFr E{ FrfsTr € | TF1-q1 EqTh fr sTqh $TI
qi qEf +ifdq I
. %ffi Ftr*T Etrt

=5==+'3 T1 . * * *

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