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Registered under the Societies

Registration Act, XXI of 1860

Memorandum of Association
A' Na(e of the Association)
The name of Association shall be *DHAKA UNIVRSI!" #$A ASS%&IA!I%N+.
$' Address of the Association)
The registered office of the Association is situated at House#52/6, West a!a "a!ar,
#antha$ath, %ha&a'(2(5, "angladesh. "ut u$on decision of the "oard of the Association
it can be changed an)*here in "angladesh and in abroad.
&' Area of %,eration)
The area of o$eration of the Association shall be *hole of "angladesh and as $er
decision branch offices ma) be o$ened an)*here *ithin "angladesh.
D' Nature of the Association )
+t is a ,on'$rofitable, ,on'$olitical, ,on'-o.ernment and /haritable Association.
0. %-.ecti/e and ,ur,ose) The Association *ill $erform its acti.ities, to the best of its
efforts, in the interest of the mass $eo$le irres$ecti.e of caste, creed, se1, race, religion,
color and nation. The ob2ects for *hich the Association is established are all or an) of
the follo*ing. All the ob2ects herein *ill be im$lemented after obtaining necessar)
$ermission from the -o.ernment//oncerned Authorit)//or$oration/com$etent authorit)
and the ob2ects contrar) to the $ro.ision of section 23 of the act shall be treated as in.
(. To build a common $latform for business graduates, so that the) can raise the .oice for
the economic de.elo$ment of the countr).
2. To build better $rofessionalism for better business de.elo$ment.
4. To *or& on Human esources %e.elo$ment b) organi!ing seminar, s)m$osium,
*or&sho$, training $rograms, etc through an academic centre.
5. To $romote the members of the Association b) $ro.iding scholarshi$, internshi$,
em$lo)ment o$$ortunities 6 career counseling.
5. To regulate the $rofessional acti.ities and assist in maintaining high standards in the
general conduct of its members.
6. To establish a #rofessional /lub 7M"A /lub8 to e1change $rofessional ideas and
.ie*s for the betterment of business graduates.
9. To $artici$ate in .arious social acti.ities for the social *elfare, de.elo$ment and
:. To $romote the $rofessional interests and *elfare of its members.
;. To encourage research in business de.elo$ment 6 economic utili!ation of the
countr)<s resources.
(3. To foster co'ordination *ith similar Association in "angladesh and in other countries,
for mutual benefits in furthering the ob2ects of Association.
((. To diffuse among its members information on all matters affecting business
administration and to encourage, assist and e1tend &no*ledge and information
connected there*ith b) establishment and $romotion of lectures, discussions or
corres$ondence= b) holding of conferences, b) $ublication of $a$ers, $eriodicals and
2ournals, $roceedings, re$orts, boo&s or other literar) underta&ing= b) encouraging
research *or&s or b) the formation of librar) or libraries and collection of models, and
articles of interest in connection *ith business administration or other*ise *
(2. To co'o$erate *ith .arious -o.ernment agencies and +ndustrial and /ommercial
enter$rises connected *ith ad.ising them in matters concerning the $rofession and
$ractices of business de.elo$ment and $romotion of education in business
(4. To do all such other acts and things as are incidental or conduci.e to the abo.e ob2ects
or an) of them.
(5. To recei.e all &inds of aid, grants, donations, assistance, benefaction, subscri$tions for
the $ur$ose of the Association 7in case of some >oreign %onation 7?oluntar)
Acti.ities8 egulations Ordinance 7Ordinance ,o. @A?+ of (;9:8 and the >oreign
/ontributions 7egulation8 Ordinance 7Ordinance ,o. @@@++ of (;:28 as amended
from time to time should be strictl) com$lied *ith, and to collect .arious funds and
acBuire and $reser.e assets and $ro$erties through of such donations, grants,
aid, assistance and benefaction.
0' Inco(e
i. The income and $ro$ert) of the Association * deri.ed shall be
a$$lied solel) to*ards the $romotion of the and the $ur$oses of the
Association as set forth on this Memorandum of Association no $ortion here'of shall
be $aid or transferred directl) or indirectl) b) *a) of di.idend, bonus, salar), $oc&et
mone) or other*ise ho* b) *a) of $rofit to the $ersons *ho at an) time are or
had been members of the Association.
ii' 0und #o-i1i2ation and Uti1i2ation)
+n order to be able to fulfill of the Association, the Association *ill acce$t
donations, Members subscri$tions, cash or &ind from -o.ernment, an) $erson, an)
association or Association, ,on -o.ernment organi!ation, /ommunit), foundation or
com$anies from home or abroad as same to*ards the $romotion and maintenance of
the, $ro.ided that the Association shall not recei.e an) foreign donation
*ithout undergoing the formalities as laid do*n in the foreign donation 7?oluntar)
acti.ities8 egulation Ordinance 7Ordinance no. @A ?+ of (;9:8 and the foreign
contributions 7egulation8 Ordinance 7Ordinance no. @@@+ of (;:28 as amend form
time to time.
3' 4,enditure
The fund of the Association *ill be s$ent in im$lementing aims and of the
Association and income of the Association shall not be distributed among the members
of the Association b) *a) of di.idend or bonus.
H' Audit
The 01ecuti.e /ommittee *ill get the accounts of the Association audited b) an)
/hartered Accountant >irm. Audit re$ort *ill be submitted and a$$ro.ed in the Annual
-eneral Meeting.
I' Disso1ution of the Association
C$on the *inding u$ or dissolution of the Association there shall remain, after the
satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities an) $ro$ert) *, the same shall be
handed or transferred or gi.en to some other institutions, similar
to the of Association, to be determined b) the 4/5 .oting of the general and
founder members of the Association in the e1tra ordinar) general meeting at or before
the dissolution.
5' 4ecuti/e &o((ittee
The first 01ecuti.e /ommittee is hereb) constituted *ith the follo*ing membersD'
Na(e and Address Designations
(. #r' #' Sha(su22a(an
E/O. D '''
AddressD 01ecuti.e %irector, o1) #aints Atd., House# 3:, d.#
(57,e*8, %hanmondi, %ha&a'(23;
Occu$ation D #ri.ate, "angladeshi.
2. Mr. %i$a& Fumar Eaha Sr' Vice76resident
4. Ms. "ertha -iti "aroi
E/O. '
AddressD %irector, /orr The Gute Wor&s 7a trust of /aritas8,
H#29, #((;, -ulshan, %ha&a'(2(2
Occu$ation D #ri.ate, "angladeshi.
5. #r' #d Ataur Rah(an Sar8er
E/O. D Late Mohammad Musleh Uddin Sarker
House # 28 (3
Floor), Road # 01, Mohammadi Housin
Limited, Mohammad!ur,"haka#120$
Occu$ation D #ri.ate, "angladeshi.
5. ngr' #d' #ohsin #iah
E/O. D A.K.M Abdul Aziz
AddressD58/Ga/5, West Rajabazar
Sher-E-Bangla agar, !ha"a-#$#5
Occu$ation D "usiness, "angladeshi.
3enera1 Secretar9
6. #r' S # Su1tan Ka-ir
E/O. D Md. Abul Hossain
AddressD Habib "an& Aimited, 9 -ulshan A.enue, -ulshan,
Occu$ation D #ri.ate, "angladeshi.
9. #r' Hossien #uha((ed :a8i
%rgani2ing Secretar9
:. #r' #d Hassan !an/ir #ah(ud
E/O. D A.F.M. Mu&hlesur ahman
AddressD House'4/(2, "loc& H 0, Aalmatia, %ha&a'(239.
Occu$ation D #ri.ate, "angladeshi.
Assistant 3enera1 Secretar9
;. #s' Sa1eha 6ar/in Assistant !reasurer
(3. #r' #oha((ad A-idur Rah(an
E/O. D %handaker %ha&ir Uddin 'hmed
AddressD 1/ H (1
Floor), Mirbagh
Occu$ation D #ri.ate, "angladeshi.
Assistant 3enera1 Secretar9
((. #s' Sa-rina Khan
%/O.D Md. Ehamsul HaBue Fhan
AddressD Assistant ?ice #resident, One "an& Atd., #rinci$al
"ranch, 55 %il&usha //A, %ha&a'(333
Occu$ationD #ri.ate, "angladeshi.
Assistant %rgani2ing Secretar9
(2. #r' #d' Ataur Rah(an
E/O. D Md. ,a!rul +slam
AddressD M"A, "i2o)nagar "ranch, %ha&a
Occu$ation D "usiness, "angladeshi.
(4. #r' #d' Shafiu1 A2a( Khan
E/O. D Muhammad Abul Hashem
AddressD "A/, >armgate,%ha&a.
Occu$ation D #ri.ate, "angladeshi.
(5 #r' #d' #o8taru1 Is1a(
E/O. D Md. Ataur ahman
AddressD 5;/(, a2arbagh, #.O. "ashabo,
#.E. Ehabu2bagh, %ha&a'(2(5
Occu$ation D #ri.ate, "angladeshi.
(5 ngr' Hossain Ah(ed #e(-er
(6 #r' #d' Ati;ua22a(an #e(-er
(9 #r' #oha((ad #asudur Rah(an #e(-er
(:. ngr' #d' Re2au1 Is1a( <Ra.a= #e(-er
(;. ngr' S'>a2ed A1i #e(-er
3enera1 &o((ittee )
We, the fifteen $ersons *hose the name<s father<s /husband<s name, address, nationalit), $rofession,
designation of us is stated belo*. We do hereb) $ut signature against each of our names, being united and
agreed in decision of establishing a Association as $er this Memorandum of Association.D'
Na(e and Address Designations
(. #r' #' Sha(su22a(an
E/O. D '''
AddressD 01ecuti.e %irector, o1) #aints Atd., House# 3:, d.#
(57,e*8, %hanmondi, %ha&a'(23;
Occu$ation D #ri.ate, "angladeshi.
2. Mr. %i$a& Fumar Eaha Sr' Vice76resident
4. Ms. "ertha -iti "aroi
E/O. '
AddressD %irector, /orr The Gute Wor&s 7a trust of /aritas8,
H#29, #((;, -ulshan, %ha&a'(2(2
Occu$ation D #ri.ate, "angladeshi.
5. #r' #d Ataur Rah(an Sar8er
E/O. D Late Mohammad Musleh Uddin Sarker
House # 28 (3
Floor), Road # 01, Mohammadi Housin
Limited, Mohammad!ur,"haka#120$
Occu$ation D #ri.ate, "angladeshi.
5. ngr' #d' #ohsin #iah
E/O. D A.K.M Abdul Aziz
AddressD58/Ga/5, West Rajabazar
Sher-E-Bangla agar, !ha"a-#$#5
Occu$ation D "usiness, "angladeshi.
3enera1 Secretar9
6. #r' S # Su1tan Ka-ir
E/O. D Md. Abul Hossain
AddressD Habib "an& Aimited, 9 -ulshan A.enue, -ulshan,
Occu$ation D #ri.ate, "angladeshi.
9. #r' Hossien #uha((ed :a8i
%rgani2ing Secretar9
:. #r' #d Hassan !an/ir #ah(ud
E/O. D A.F.M. Mu&hlesur ahman
AddressD House'4/(2, "loc& H 0, Aalmatia, %ha&a'(239.
Occu$ation D #ri.ate, "angladeshi.
Assistant 3enera1 Secretar9
;. #s' Sa1eha 6ar/in Assistant !reasurer
(3. #r' #oha((ad A-idur Rah(an
E/O. D %handaker %ha&ir Uddin 'hmed
AddressD 1/ H (1
Floor), Mirbagh
Occu$ation D #ri.ate, "angladeshi.
Assistant 3enera1 Secretar9
((. #s' Sa-rina Khan
%/O.D Md. Ehamsul HaBue Fhan
AddressD Assistant ?ice #resident, One "an& Atd., #rinci$al
"ranch, 55 %il&usha //A, %ha&a'(333
Occu$ationD #ri.ate, "angladeshi.
Assistant %rgani2ing Secretar9
(2. #r' #d' Ataur Rah(an
E/O. D Md. ,a!rul +slam
AddressD M"A, "i2o)nagar "ranch, %ha&a
Occu$ation D "usiness, "angladeshi.
(4. #r' #d' Shafiu1 A2a( Khan
E/O. D Muhammad Abul Hashem
AddressD "A/, >armgate,%ha&a.
Occu$ation D #ri.ate, "angladeshi.
(5 #r' #d' #o8taru1 Is1a(
E/O. D Md. Ataur ahman
AddressD 5;/(, a2arbagh, #.O. "ashabo,
#.E. Ehabu2bagh, %ha&a'(2(5
Occu$ation D #ri.ate, "angladeshi.
(5 ngr' Hossain Ah(ed #e(-er
(6 #r' #d' Ati;ua22a(an #e(-er
(9 #r' #oha((ad #asudur Rah(an #e(-er
(:. ngr' #d' Re2au1 Is1a( <Ra.a= #e(-er
(;. ngr' S'>a2ed A1i #e(-er
Registered under the Association
Registration Act, XXI of 1860
(. The rules and regulations consistent *ith the Eociet) Act, @@+ of (:63 shall along *ith
the regulations hereinafter ado$ted to be the regulations of the Association.
2. +n these rules and regulations, unless there be something in the sub2ect or conte1t
inconsistent there*ith D
i8 AActB means the Eociet) Act, @@+ of (:63, or an) other statutor)
enactment for the time being in force.
ii8 IAssociationB means, the *DHAKA UNIVRSI!" #$A
ASS%&IA!I%N7DU#A+ its 2urisdiction all "angladesh8.
iii8 I#$A A1u(ni AssociationB means, the *DHAKA UNIVRSI!"
#$A ASS%&IA!I%N7DU#A+ its 2urisdiction all
i.8 *DHAKA UNIVRSI!" #$A ASS%&IA!I%NB means Association
of -raduates *ho ha.e com$leted -raduation under M"A #rogram from
an) %e$artment of >acult) of "usiness Etudies, Cni.ersit) of %ha&a.
.8 *$9e71aCs+ means the b)e'la*s of the Association for the time being in
.i8 *4traordinar9 Reso1ution+ shall ha.e the meaning as assigned to it b)
the Act.
.ii8 *3enera1 $od9+ means the -eneral "od) of the members of Association
entitled to attend and .ote at the -eneral Meeting of the Association.
.iii8 *3enera1 #eeting+ means a meeting of the -eneral "od), *hether
ordinar) or e1traordinar).
i18 *%ffice+ means the egistered office of the Association for the time
18 *Annua1 3enera1 #eeting+ means an Annual -eneral Meeting of the
-eneral "od) called and constituted and an) ad2ourned meeting thereof.
1i8 *Sea1+ means the seal of the Association.
1ii8 *Register+ means the egister of members acBuired to be &e$t in
$ursuance of Eection 4( of the Act.
1iii8 *S,ecia1 Reso1ution+ shall ha.e the meaning assigned to it b) section :(
of the Act.
1i.8 *"ear+ means a )ear rec&oned from (
Ganuar) and ending on the thirt)
first da) of %ecember.
1.8 *&o((ittee+ means the 01ecuti.e /ommittee of the Association under
these ules and regulations.
1.i8 *Secretar9+ means the Eecretar) of the Association *ho shall be a *hole
time $aid em$lo)ee of the Association.
1.ii8 *%ffice $earer+ means and includes all the members of the 01ecuti.e
1.iii8 +f and *hen the conte1t so reBuires *ords im$orting the singular shall
include the $lural and .ice .ersa and *ords im$orting the masculine
gender shall include female and *ords im$orting $ersons shall include
bodies cor$orate.
4. >or the $ur$ose of registration, the Association is declared to consist of unlimited
number of members.
5. The office of the Association shall be situated an)*here in "angladesh. The Association
ma) ha.e branch office at .arious $laces in "angladesh and abroad.
E' DUA?I0I&A!I%NS 0%R ##$RSHI6)
i= ##$RSHI6)
Membershi$ of DHAKA UNIVRSI!" #$A ASS%&IA!I%N shall consist of follo*ing
a8 >or M"A -raduates of >acult) of "usiness Etudies, %ha&a Cni.ersit)
i8 Aife Member
ii8 -eneral Member
iii8 Associate Member
b8 Other then M"A -raduates of >acult) of "usiness Etudies, %ha&a Cni.ersit)
i8 /or$orate Member
ii= A$$RVIA!D !I!?S)
Members shall be entitled to the e1clusi.e use after their names the follo*ing abbre.iated
designation to indicate the class Membershi$D
Aife Member AM
-eneral Member -M
Associate Member AM
/or$orate Member /M
,o $erson *ho has ceased to be a member of the Association is entitled to ma&e use of the
title or an) designation.
An) $erson, *ho is not a Member or ceases to be a Member of the Association, using an) of
the abo.e designations ma) be liable to legal action.
iii8 DUA?I0I&A!I%N D
1' ?ife #e(-er candidate for election to the class of Aife Member or transfer from a -eneral Member
into this class shall $roduce e.idence satisfactor) to the 01ecuti.e /ommittee that he fulfills
the follo*ing conditionsD
i8 Occu$ationD At the time of his a$$lication for election he shall be actuall)
engaged in the $rofession of business administration and /or the e1ecution of
business related *or&s.
ii8 Jualification D He shall ha.e one of the follo*ing BualificationD
a. He shall ha.e com$leted an M"A degree form >acult) of "usiness
Etudies, %ha&a Cni.ersit) and shall ha.e at least 2 7t*o8 )ears $ractical
2ob or business e1$erience.
The abo.e all criteria of Aife Member shall not be a$$licable for the e1isting Aife Member.
F' 3enera1 #e(-ers) candidate for election to the class of -eneral Member or transfer from an Associate
Member into this class shall $roduce e.idence satisfactor) to the 01ecuti.e /ommittee that
he fulfills the follo*ing conditionsD
i8 Occu$ationD At the time of his a$$lication for election he shall be actuall)
engaged in the $rofession of business administration and /or the e1ecution of
business related *or&s.
ii8 Jualification D He shall ha.e one of the follo*ing BualificationD
A. He shall be an Associate Member follo*ed b) at least t*o )ears
$rofessional e1$erience.
". He shall ha.e com$leted an M"A degree form >acult) of "usiness
Etudies, %ha&a Cni.ersit) and shall ha.e at least 2 7t*o8 )ears $ractical
e1$erience after com$letion of M"A degree.
The abo.e all criteria of -eneral Member shall not be a$$licable for the e1isting -eneral
G' Associate #e(-ers) candidate for attachment to The Association as an Associate member shall satisf) the
follo*ing conditionsD
He shall ha.e com$leted M"A degree from >acult) of "usiness Etudies, Cni.ersit) of
8' &or,orate #e(-er)
The 01ecuti.e /ommittee ma) at its discretion attach to the Association as a
/or$orate Member an) Etate, %e$artment of -o.ernment, #ublic "od), egistered
,ational or Multi ,ational /om$an), >irm or indi.idual, not eligible to be a Aife
Member, -eneral Member, Associate Member *ho ma) desire to be so attached.
0ach /or$orate Member shall be entitled to attend or 7if the /or$orate Member be
other than an indi.idual8 to de$ute re$ to attend the /on.ention.
i.8 A66?I&A!I%N 0%R ##$RSHI6D a$$lication for membershi$ shall be made on such form or forms as ma) from time to
time be $rescribed b) the 01ecuti.e /ommittee. The 01ecuti.e /ommittee ma) reBuest the
a$$licant to submit such additional information as the 01ecuti.e /ommittee thin&s necessar)
in order that a decision on the a$$lication can be ta&en.
The 01ecuti.e /ommittee ma), after the necessar) in.estigation to confirm that the
a$$licant full) meets the Association<s membershi$ Bualifications, admit the a$$licant to
membershi$ of the Association= or ma), in accordance *ith their rules and $rocedures,
decline such a$$lication.
The decision of the 01ecuti.e /ommittee on each a$$lication for membershi$ of the
Association shall be communicated $rom$tl) *ithin one month to the a$$licant in *riting.
Where the a$$lication has been acce$ted the a$$licant shall be informed as to the amount of
the entrance fee and the annual subscri$tion and an) other subscri$tions to be made b) the
member in accordance *ith these ")la*s. The name of the a$$licant shall not be entered in
the egister of Members until the $a)ment of all sums due b) him/her has been made.
Where the a$$lication has been re2ected, the a$$licant shall be notified in *riting of the
reasons for such re2ection and of its right to a$$eal against the decision *ithin (5 da)s of the
date of such notification. Euch a$$eal *ill be made in the first instance to the -eneral
Eecretar) acting as Eecretar) to the -eneral #olic) /ommittee.
01ecuti.e /ommittee *ill e1ecute same duties and res$onsibilities as the 01ecuti.e
/ommittee in its interim $eriod and the member of 01ecuti.e /ommittee *ill e1ecute same
duties and res$onsibilities as the member of 01ecuti.e Member of the 01ecuti.e /ommittee.
esignations must be sent to the #resident of the Association b) E$ecial or other
similar recei$t recorded method.
esignations become effecti.e three months after date of recei$t b) the #resident, but,
sub2ect to the discretion of the 01ecuti.e /ommittee, the full annual subscri$tion *ill be
$a)able b) the resigning Member, for the financial )ear in *hich the resignation becomes
01ecuti.e /ommittee *ill e1ecute same duties and res$onsibilities as the 01ecuti.e
/ommittee in its interim $eriod and the member of 01ecuti.e /ommittee *ill e1ecute same
duties and res$onsibilities as the member of 01ecuti.e Member of the 01ecuti.e /ommittee.
/i= Annua1 Su-scri,tion member of the Association shall $a) to the Association an annual subscri$tion of such
a sum or sums and in such a manner as the 01ecuti.e /ommittee shall time to time
&%NDI!I%NS %0 ##$RSHI6
6. All members of the Association shall abide b) the Memorandum and ules 6
egulations of the Association as *ell as an) rules, *hich ma) be made from time to
An) member *ishing to resign ma) do so b) three month<s notice in *riting,
addressed to the #resident of the Association at an) time. He shall cease to be a
member from the date of acce$tance of his/her resignation b) the 01ecuti.e
An) member so resigning shall ne.ertheless, be liable for the $a)ment of all dues and
outstanding against him to the Association. Ehould He fail to do so the Association
ma) ta&e such action against him as ma) consider necessar).
9. A $erson shall be deemed to be disBualified from becoming or continuing to be a
member of the Association on an) of the follo*ing grounds D
i8 +f He, declared insol.ent b) an) /ourt of Aa* and is remained
undercharged or is mentall) inca$acitated.
ii8 +f He fails to $a) his subscri$tion before 4(
%ecember of each )ear or
before the e1$ir) of the last date fi1ed b) a general meeting for $a)ment of
the annual subscri$tion of the members.
iii8 +f He indulges in acti.ities detrimental to interests of the Association.
i.8 An) member *hose name is to be remo.ed from the membershi$
register shall be dull) informed at least (5 da)s before the date of the meeting
of the /ommittee, b) notice in *riting, deli.ered at his/her last &no*n $lace
of business, to enable him to be $resent at the meeting and to defend
himself/herself $ersonall) or through some one nominated b) him/her for the
$ur$ose, such member shall ha.e the right to a$$eal to the ne1t meeting of the
-eneral "od) of the Association against the decision of the /ommittee. The
decision of the -eneral "od) ta&en b) secret ballot is final.
01ecuti.e /ommittee *ill e1ecute same duties and res$onsibilities as the 01ecuti.e
/ommittee in its interim $eriod and the member of 01ecuti.e /ommittee *ill e1ecute same
duties and res$onsibilities as the member of 01ecuti.e Member of the 01ecuti.e /ommittee.
R3IS!R %0 ##$RS
:. A egister of Members shall be maintained at the registered office of the Association in
*hich the names and addresses of all members and changes in membershi$ shall be
recorded. The egister shall also indicate the nature of business carried on b) each
member together *ith name of its re$resentati.e. member shall ha.e the right to ins$ect the egister and if He is not satisfied
*ith the entr) or entries made therein, He ma) reBuest the -eneral Eecretar) to
amend it as necessar).
&R!I0I&A! %0 ##$RSHI6
;. 0ach member shall, *ithout $a)ment, be entitled to a certificate of membershi$ under
the /ommon Eeal of the Association.
(3. The Management of the affairs of the Association shall be .ested in a bod) of the
members called the 01ecuti.e /ommittee.
The 01ecuti.e /ommittee shall consist of (; member including 35 7>i.e8 office
bearers to be elected b) the 01ecuti.e /ommittee as follo*sD'
i. #resident ' ( 7One8
ii. Eenior ?ice'#resident ' ( 7One8
iii. ?ice'#resident ' 2 7T*o8
i.. -eneral Eecretar) ' ( 7One8
.. Treasurer ' ( 7One8
.i. Assistant Treasurer ' ( 7One8
.ii. Organi!ing Eecretar) ' ( 7one8
.iii. Assistant -eneral Eecretar)' ( 7one8
i1. Goint Organi!ing Eecretar)' 27t*o8
1. 01ecuti.e Member ' : 70ight8
Cntil the >irst 0lection, 01ecuti.e /ommittee is elected/selected for ma1imum
327t*o8 )ears from the date of incor$oration, the affairs of the Association shall be
managed b) an 01ecuti.e /ommittee consisting of the follo*ing from the date of
incor$oration D'
(. Mr. M. Ehamsu!!aman
2. Mr. %i$a& Fumar Eaha
4. Ms. "ertha -it) "aroi
5. 0ngr. Md. Ataur ahman Ear&er
5. 0ngr. Md. Mohsin Miah
6. Mr. Md Hassan Mahmud
9. Mr. E M Eultan Fabir
:. Mr. Hossien Muhammed Ka&i
;. Mr. Alam Fhan
(3. Ms. Ealeha
((. Mr. Md. Abidur ahman
(2. Mr. Md. Ehafiul A!am Fhan
(4. Mr. Hossain Ahamed
(5. Mr. Md. AtiBua!!aman
(5. Mr. Mohammad Masudur ahman
(6. Mr. e!aul +slam
(9. 0ngr. E.Wa!ed Ali
(:. Mr. Md. Mo&tarul +slam
(;. Mr. Ataur ahman
01ecuti.e /ommittee *ill e1ecute same duties and res$onsibilities as the 01ecuti.e
/ommittee in its interim $eriod and the member of 01ecuti.e /ommittee *ill
e1ecute same duties and res$onsibilities as the member of 01ecuti.e Member of the
01ecuti.e /ommittee.
The 01ecuti.e /ommittee/ 01ecuti.e /ommittee ma) em$lo) a Eecretar) and office
staff *here necessar) to carr) out the da)'to da) *or& of the Association.
((. The 01ecuti.e /ommittee/ 01ecuti.e /ommittee shall ha.e the follo*ing $o*ers and
duties D'
i8 To $romote carr) out all the rules, aims and of the
ii8 To ma&e arrangements for the annual election of the 01ecuti.e
iii8 To $romote and $rotect the interest of the Members in accordance *ith
the aims and of the Association.
i.8 To $resent the .ie*s of the Association on matters relating to the aims
and of the Association.
.8 With the interests of the Association as a *hole firml) in mind, to
initiate, $rosecute and defend such actions, as ma) be deemed necessar)= also
to arbitrate *here necessar), in dis$utes *hich ma) arise in the course of
business bet*een members of the Association and *ith third $arties.
.i8 To be res$onsible and o.ersee the *or& and affairs of the Association
and to manage assets.
.ii8 To recommend to the -eneral "od) an) ste$s and s$ecial measure
necessar) for the smooth running of the Association.
.iii8 To a$$oint an) number of sub'committees of standing committees, to
deal *ith the $roblems relating to the industries and underta&ing re$resented
b) the Association.
i18 To delegate from time to time an) of its $o*ers to an) of the sub'
committees or standing committees.
18 To frame and $ut into effect rules, regulations and b)e'la*s for the
office administration, election, trade $ractices, arbitration, a$$ointment of
um$ires and a$$eal boards, com$ensation, allo*ance and remunerations of
the officers for their ser.ices to the Association and for all such $ur$ose as
are conduci.e to the $romotion of ob2ects of the Association and in li&e
manner rescind, and or alter such rules, regulations and b)e'la*s for the time
being in force.
1i8 To collect admission fees, subscri$tions and donations on behalf of the
1ii8 To raise fund and loans on behalf of the Association *ith the a$$
of the -eneral "od), such a$$ should be b) a sim$le ma2orit) of .otes
of the members of the Association.
1iii8 To &ee$ or cause to be &e$t $ro$er boo&s of accounts in *hich shall be
entered true and com$lete accounts of the Association and to $lace the
audited statement of accounts at the Annual -eneral Meeting.
1i.8 To defra) all reasonable e1$enses of the delegates selected b) the
Association to re$resent it at e.ents both in and outside "angladesh.
1.8 To nominate members to re$resent the Association on non'$olitical
$ublic bodies, and commodities of interest to the Association.
1.i8 To con.ene the annual, ordinar) or e1tra'ordinar) -eneral Meeting of
the Association.
1.ii8 To fill .acanc) caused b) death, resignation or e1$ulsion of an)
member of the 01ecuti.e /ommittee, sub2ect to the a$$ of the -eneral
"od) at its ne1t meeting.
1.iii8 To commence, institute, $rosecute and defend all such actions or suits
as the /ommittee ma) deem necessar) and to com$romise or submit to
arbitration, an) action, suite or dis$ute or difference as the /ommittee ma) in
its discretion thin& fit.
1i18 -enerall) to ado$t and to carr) out all such measures, not inconsistent
*ith the Memorandum and ules and regulations of Association of the
LAssociationM as ma) be necessar) from time to time in order to achie.e the
ob2ects of the Association.
X&U!IV &%##I!! #!IN3
(2. i8 The meetings of the 01ecuti.e /ommittee/ 01ecuti.e /ommittee shall
be held as often as reBuired.
ii8 ,otice of at least se.en da)s s$ecif)ing the .enue, date and time to the
meeting as *ell as the general nature of business to be transacted shall be
gi.en. ,on'recei$t of notice b) an) member due to $ostal or other dela)s
shall not in.alidate the $roceedings, in the case of an emergenc), shorter
notice ma) be gi.en b) the #resident or a ?ice'#resident.
iii8 One half members of the 01ecuti.e /ommittee/ 01ecuti.e /ommittee sub2ect
to a minimum of si1 members $resent in $erson shall be a Buorum for a
meeting of the 01ecuti.e /ommittee/ 01ecuti.e /ommittee.
i.8 One half members of the Association sub2ect to a minimum of fift) one
$ercent members $resent in $erson shall be a Buorum for a meeting of Annual
-eneral Meeting 7A-M8/ 01tra'ordinar) -eneral Meeting 70-M8.
.8 The #resident shall $reside at all the meetings of the /ommittee. +n his/her
absence the ?ice'#resident shall $reside, should neither be $resent the
Members $resent, shall elect a /hairman from among to $reside the meeting.
.i8 +n case of eBualit) of .otes at a meeting of the /ommittee the /hairman of
the meeting shall ha.e a casting .ote.
.ii8 The minutes of all the meetings shall be recorded regularl) and $ro$erl) b)
the Eecretar) in a minute boo& of the Association.
DUA?I0I&A!I%N !% $ A &ANDIDA! 0%R ?&!I%N
(4. Jualification of the candidates for election shall be the follo*ingD
a. Jualification of the #residentD
The #resident shall be at least a Aife Member stationed at %ha&a and he
shall be actuall) engaged for (3 7ten8 )ears in the $rofession of business
administration and /or the e1ecution of business related *or&s.
b. Jualification of the Er. ?ice'#resident/?ice #residentD
A ?ice'#resident shall be at least a Aife Member stationed at %ha&a
and he shall be actuall) engaged for 9 7se.en8 )ears in the $rofession of
business administration and /or the e1ecution of business related *or&s.
c. Jualification of the -eneral Eecretar) D
The -eneral Eecretar) shall be at least a Aife Member stationed at
%ha&a and he shall be actuall) engaged for (3 7ten8 )ears in the
$rofession of business administration and /or the e1ecution of business
related *or&s.
d. Jualification of the Assistant -eneral Eecretar)
The Assistant -eneral Eecretar) shall be at least a Aife Member
stationed at %ha&a.
e. Jualification of the Treasurer/Assistant Treasurer D
A Treasurer shall be at least a Aife Member stationed at %ha&a.
f. Jualification of the Organi!ing Eecretar)D
An Organi!ing Eecretar) shall be at least a Aife Member stationed at
%ha&a and he shall be actuall) engaged for 9 7se.en8 )ears in the
$rofession of business administration and /or the e1ecution of business
related *or&s.
g. Jualification of the Assistant Organi!ing Eecretar)D
0ach Assistant Organi!ing Eecretar) shall be at least a Aife Member
stationed at %ha&a.
h. Jualification of the 01ecuti.e MemberD
0ach 01ecuti.e Member shall be at least a Aife Member stationed at
?&!I%N %0 %00I& $ARRS
(5. i8 The election of members of the 01ecuti.e /ommittee and office bearers shall be
held b) secret ballot as $er rules framed b) 01ecuti.e /ommittee and result
thereof shall be announced at the related Annual -eneral Meeting of the
ii8 All members of the 01ecuti.e /ommittee of the Association shall be deemed
to ha.e retired from their res$ecti.e office u$on com$letion of their terms of
office for a $eriod of t*o )ears.
iii8 The members of the 01ecuti.e /ommittee shall be elected t*o )ears.
i.8 ,o members shall ser.e on the 01ecuti.e /ommittee for more than t*o
consecuti.e terms.
.8 /asual .acancies in the 01ecuti.e /ommittee shall be filled b) co'o$tion b)
the 01ecuti.e /ommittee from amongst the Members of the Association and
those of the #resident, and ?ice'#resident shall be filled b) the 01ecuti.e
/ommittee from amongst the resultant .acancies of the Members
shall be filled in b) co'o$tion.
.i8 The ne* elected committee shall ta&en office from the outgoing committee at
the related Annual -eneral Meeting.
.ii8 The candidate *ho the largest number of .alid .otes shall be deemed
to ha.e been dul) elected.
.iii8 +n the e.ent of eBualit) of .otes bet*een t*o or more members, the decision
shall be b) lot and the member in *hose fa.our the lot is dra*n shall be
declared dul) elected.
i18 ,ot more than one re$resentati.e of an) member shall be eligible to stand for
election of the /ommittee.
18 ,o member, *ho has not $aid his subscri$tion before the election ta&es $lace
or *ho has not been enrolled at least three months before the date of election
shall be eligible to nominate or stand for election or .ote. #ro.ided that the
restriction of three months shall not a$$l) in the case of the first election to be
held after incor$oration of the Association.
1i8 member of the Association shall be entitled to cast one .ote onl) for
each .acanc) in the /ommittee.
1E' 1ection ,rocess for the 4ecuti/e &o((ittee
(5 7(8. 1ection $oard and 1ection A,,ea1 $oard)
The 01ecuti.e /ommittee shall a$$oint an 0lection "oard and an 0lection
A$$eal "oard at least ;3 da)s $rior to the election, in order to e1ecute the
election $rocess. The 0lection "oard and The 0lection A$$eal "oard shall
each consist of 4 7three8 $ersons nominated b) three member entities *ho are
not members of the current 01ecuti.e /ommittee or see&ing election or
signing nomination as $ro$oser or seconder of the candidates see&ing
election. These members of 0lection "oard and the 0lection A$$eal "oard
ma) or ma) not be the nominated re$resentati.e of Aife Member of %HAFA
C,+?0E+TN M"A AEEO/+AT+O, but must be a shareholder director of
the member entit). >urthermore, in case member entities do not .olunteer for
0lection "oard/ 0lection A$$eal "oard, then the 01ecuti.e /ommittee ma)
select res$ectable $ersons from the Association for the said $ur$ose.
(5 728 7a8. +f the 0lection "oard and 0lection A$$eal "oard are not formed on due
time, if the 0lection Echedule is not $ublished in time, if the election is not
held on time, or if the election results are challenged or if the election result is
cancelled b) the a$$ro$riate authorit) or the Annual -eneral Meeting is not
con.ened or not held in time, the e1isting 01ecuti.e /ommittee members
shall be treated as automaticall) retired from the date of e1$ir) of their tenure
*hether the A-M is held or not. #ro.ided that, if the aforesaid election can
not be held in due time due to acts of -od, the 01ecuti.e /ommittee ma)
a$$l) to the %irector, Trade Organi!ation 7%.T.O8 for e1tension of time for
election on the basis of the recommendation from the 0lection "oard as *ell
as a resolution ado$ted in this regard b) the 01ecuti.e /ommittee. And if
such $ra)er for e1tension of time is considered acce$table b) the %.T.O. the
election must be com$leted *ithin the e1tended time granted b) the %.T.O.
Other*ise, the members of the 01ecuti.e /ommittee shall be considered to
ha.e been relie.ed from charges from the date of e1$ir) of the e1tended
$eriod. +f the $ra)er for e1tension of time is re2ected the members of the
"oard shall be treated to ha.e been relie.ed from charges from the date of
e1$ir) of their original term
7b8. +n case of automatic retirement of the 01ecuti.e /ommittee members for
not holding election in due time, or if the election result is challenged b)
an)one or the result is cancelled b) the a$$ro$riate authorit) one
Administrator shall be de$uted b) the %TO to run the da) to da) *or& of
%HAFA C,+?0E+TN M"A AEEO/+AT+O,. The de$uted Administrator
shall hold the 0lection *ithin ninet) 7;38 da)s of his ascension or as $er of the -o.t. and hand the charges to the ne*l) elected
01ecuti.e /ommittee.
7c8. The concerned 01ecuti.e /ommittee members should ha.e to com$l)
*ith the abo.e mentioned $rinci$les in to for holding 0lection and Annual
-eneral Meeting in due time. +n case of failure to abide b) the abo.e rules no
member of the concerned 01ecuti.e /ommittee *ould be eligible to contest
in the 0lection for ne1t 6 )ears.
(5 748. 0unctions of the 1ection $oard and the 1ection A,,ea1 $oard
The 0lection of the Association shall be conducted follo*ing the Eociet) Act
@@+ of (:63.
a. The 0lection board shall at least :3 7eight)8 da)s
before the date of holding election announce the schedule of such election.
b. ,otice of election and election schedule shall be
$ublished and e1hibited in the official ,otice "oard and shall be circulated to the
member entities under certificate of $osting under the su$er.ision of the 0lection
c. The 0lection "oard shall $ublish a $reliminar)
.oters list at least 53 7fift)8 da)s $rior to the date of election and shall &ee$ it
o$en in the office of %HAFA C,+?0E+TN M"A AEEO/+AT+O, and its
,otice "oard for ins$ection of the member entities for at least 6 7si18 da)s.
d. An) dis$ute regarding inclusion or e1clusion of an)
name in the ?oters Aist ma) be raised before the 0lection A$$eal "oard *ithin
67si18 da)s of the $ublication of the ?oters Aist and 0lection A$$eal "oard
*ithin the ne1t 4da)s dis$ose of the dis$ute after reasonable hearing to the
concerned $arties and intimate its decision to the 0lection "oard. The 0lection
"oard *ithin 4 7three8 da)s of such decision of the 0lection A$$eal "oard shall
$ublish the >inal ?otersO Aist.
e. An) $erson *hose name is not included in the final
?oterOs list cannot be a candidate or $ro$oser or seconder of an) candidate in the
f. ,omination #a$ers shall be submitted in $rescribed
form *ithin such date and time as shall be fi1ed in the 0lection Echedule *hich
shall be at least 43 7thirt)8 da)s before the date of holding election. Euch
nomination $a$er shall be dul) filled in *ith full $articulars 7as s$ecified in the
$rescribed ,omination >orm8 of candidate, his $ro$oser and seconder.
,omination $a$ers thus filled in should be signed b) the concerned candidate,
his $ro$oser and seconder and must reach the office of %HAFA C,+?0E+TN
M"A AEEO/+AT+O, on or before the last date and time fi1ed in the 0lection
g. The 0lection "oard shall scrutini!e the nomination
$a$ers on the date and time mentioned in the 0lection schedule and $ublish the
list of .alid nomination at the notified time and date. /andidate himself or his
re$resentati.e, $ro$oser and seconder ma) remain $resent at the time of scrutin)
of the concerned nomination $a$er.
h. +f an) nomination $a$er is re2ected b) the 0lection
"oard, the aggrie.ed candidate ma) *ithin 47three8 da)s of the date of
$ublication of the Aist of .alid ,ominations a$$eal in *riting to the 0lection
A$$eal "oard. The 0lection A$$eal "oard shall *ithin the ne1t 4 da)s dis$ose of
the a$$eal reasonable hearing to all concerned and intimate the 0lection
"oard about the result of such a$$eal. The 0lection "oard shall forth*ith $ublish
the final list of candidates.
i. +f after *ithdra*al of candidature, the number of
candidates is eBual to the number of seats to be filled u$ then such candidates
shall be declared as elected. +f the number of candidates is less than the number
of seats to be filled u$, the candidates shall be declared as elected and for the
seats, not filled u$, the 0lection "oard shall hold election *ithin (5 7fifteen8 da)s
from the original date of election on the basis of the same ?otersO Aist after
$ublishing in the ,otice "oard of the >ederation a ne* 0lection Echedule and in
such case the time limit $rescribed in these ules and regulations shall not a$$l).
+f the total number of final .alid nominations is more than the number of offices
to be filled, a $oll shall be held on the date and time fi1ed for such $oll in the
0lection Echedule. ?oters shall $ersonall) cast their .otes in secret ballot. ?oting
b) #ro1) shall not be allo*ed.
2. The 0lection "oard ma) determine the form of
"allot #a$er for contested election. 0ach ballot $a$er in $rescribed form shall
bear the seal of the >ederation and shall also be signed b) the /hairman of the
0lection "oard. ,o ballot $a$er shall be considered .alid unless it is so signed
bearing the seal of the >ederation
&. "allot $a$er shall be issued to a .oter b) a member
of the 0lection "oard at the $otting centre after
l. #ro$er identification b) com$aring his signature *ith
the s$ecimen signature recorded in the Association.
m. /andidates highest number of .otes shall
be declared elected and in, case of eBualit) of .otes the candidates shall be
selected b) lotter) to be conducted b) the 0lection "oard.
n. The 0lection "oard shall forth*ith $ublish the result
of such election in the ,otice "oard of %HAFA C,+?0E+TN M"A
o. An) candidate an) ob2ection in the said
results of election ma) file an ob2ection to the 0lection A$$eal "oard *ithin the
date and time fi1ed for the $ur$ose in the 0lection Echedule *hich shall be 4
7three8 da)s from the date of $ublication of results of election.
$. The 0lection A$$eal "oard after an
o$$ortunit) of hearing to all $arties concerned shall dis$ose of the ob2ection and
communicate its decision to the 0lection "oard *ithin 4 7three8 da)s from the
last date fi1ed in the 0lection Echedule for filing of such a$$eals.
B. The 0lection "oard on recei$t of the decision of the
0lection A$$eal "oard about the results of election shall forth*ith $ublish the
final results of election on the basis of such decision. +n case *here no ob2ection
has been raised *ithin the date and time fi1ed in the 0lection Echedule the results
declared b) the 0lection "oard shall be treated as the final results of election.
r. At least (5 da)s $rior to conclusion of the Term of
Office of the e1isting 01ecuti.e /ommittee, the 0lection for ne* 01ecuti.e
/ommittee must be com$leted b) the 0lection "oard. /harges of the office shall
be handed to the ne*l) elected committee b) holding an Annual -eneral
Meeting *ithin the Term of Office of the $re.ious committee. +n the e.ent the
Annual -eneral Meeting does not ta&e $lace as mentioned abo.e, the ne*l)
elected members for the 01ecuti.e /ommittee'shall then be deemed to ha.e
assumed the office from the dale of e1$ir) of the term of the retiring committee.
s. The election shall be held 2 7t*o8 )ears b)
secret ballot and its result shall be announced at the Annual -eneral Meeting of
the Association. The office bearers for the $receding )ear shall retire and ne*l)
elected ones shall ta&e their res$ecti.e offices at the Annual -eneral
16' ?&!I%N RU?S @ R3U?A!I%NS)
(. 0lection "oard shall conduct all functions relating to the 0lection. The 01ecuti.e
/ommittee shall not interfere in an) matter $ertaining to the election, sa.e
e1tending all su$$ort and coo$eration to the 0lection "oard.
2. The 0lection "oard shall a$$oint one or more 0lection Officer 7s8 in order to
assist them *ith the $rocess of conducting the election $ro.ided that the
01ecuti.e /ommittee members, candidates or $ro$oser and seconder signing the
nomination for a candidate cannot be a$$ointed as an election officer.
4. Members shall be entitled to .ote for their re$ for the /ommittee
$ro.ided that each .oter shall be entitled to cast one .ote against each $ost of
.acancies to be filled
5. The office bearers *ho ha.e held office in the Association before under these
ules and regulations of Association shall be eligible to stand for election e1ce$t
those *ho ha.e held office on the 01ecuti.e, /ommittee for a total $eriod of 4
7three8 consecuti.e terms.
5. /andidates see&ing election must abide b) the H&ode of &onduct for e1ectionH
a$$licable from the time of declaration of the election schedule u$ to the
com$letion of the election.
Action ma) be ta&en b) the 0lection "oard against an) candidate for .iolation of
the H&ode of &onduct for 1ectionH *hich includes cancellation of the
candidature $ro.ided that the said candidate *ill be gi.en the o$$ortunit) to
defend himself against the charges.
&ode of &onduct for 1ections'
i8 Ad.ertisement, an) &ind of $oster, *all *riting or banner cannot be used
for the $ur$ose of election.
ii8 0lection cam$aign in *a) of $rocession or slogan is banned.
iii8 "lac& 6 White leaflets of A5 si!e can be circulated among members, but
no gift of an) &ind can be $resented to an)one.
i.8 0lection cam$aigns are to be sto$$ed 5:hrs. $rior to the commencement
of .ote casting,
.8 On the da) of 0lection, the candidates or their su$$orters are not allo*ed
to gather, meet, *ear badges or carr) $osters *ithin (33 )ards. of the
$olling center or as declared b) the 0lection "oard im$osing restriction,
.i8 ,o candidate or .oter should linger in and around the $olling center,
disregarding the of the 0lection "oard.
6. The 0lection "oard ma) organi!e $ro2ection meetings for all candidates and the
chair$erson of the 0lection "oard shall $reside the meeting. Euch $ro2ection
meetings shall be held at least 5: hours $rior to the $olling time of the ensuing
election. All candidates *ill be allo*ed to $resent their s$eeches to the attending
.oters *ithin a time frame. #ro.ided that, the) must not slanderous,
im$olite statement against an)one and refrain from $olitical s$eeches.
9. +f one or more rules of this /ode of /onduct is .iolated or com$laint recei.ed
against an) candidate for such .iolation, then the 0lection board *ill decide the
issue in the light of this 0lection ules $ro$er o$$ortunit) to the accused
$erson to defend himself. +f the $erson concerned has an ob2ection against the
ruling gi.en b) the 0lection "oard, he should $lace an a$$eal to The A$$eal
"oard *ithin 25 hours.
:. The A$$eal "oard on recommendation of the 0lection "oard shall sit for a
meeting from time to time to settle such issues concerning .iolation of the /ode
of /onduct a$$licable for the election and The A$$eal "oard shall also ha.e to
be $resent at the $olling center *hile .otes are being cast.
;. 0lection "oard shall control the entr) of .oters at the $olling booth, in cases
*here man) .oters see& entr) at a time. A$art from the candidates, listed .oters,
members from the la* enforcing agencies, 0lection Officers and the 0lection
"oard members, no one shall be $ermitted to enter the $olling booth.
(3. "allot $a$ers are not to be carried outside of the $olling booth and no more than
one $erson at a time shall be allo*ed to enter in the secret'room ascertained for
mar&ing on the ballot $a$er.
((. All .oters to cast their .otes through secret ballot onl) inside the $olling booth
follo*ing the issued b) the 0lection "oard and concerned 0lection
Officers. The 0lection "oard is em$o*ered to e1$el an) candidate or .oter from
the $olling centre= those are engaged in can.assing or enticing other .oters or for
an) indecent beha.ior contradictor) to this rule as directed.
(2. "allot #a$ers *ill ha.e a $hotogra$h of the candidates.
(4. /andidates are not $ermitted to discuss or inside the $olling booth *ith
one another or *ith an) .oter.
(5. /andidates ma) submit their ob2ection to the 0lection board or to an) of the
0lection Officers against such .oter / .oters, *hose name is not listed in the >inal
?oter Aist or *ho ha.e alread) cast their .ote or a fa&e .ote or .iolating
the code of conduct during the election.
(5. The 0lection "oard shall act u$on such ob2ection/s, com$laints and ensure
necessar) action to conclude the same.
(6. %es$ite being *arned b) the 0lection board or the 0lection Officers, if an)
candidate/s continues can.assing or enticing the .oters inside the $olling centre,
such candidate7s8 *ill be relie.ed of his candidature and be e1$elled from
$artici$ating the election follo*ing the rules of sub'clause 758 abo.e $ro.ided
that he/the) *ill be gi.en full o$$ortunit) to ad.ocate in self'defense.
(9. The 0lection "oard shall determine the form of "allot $a$er. The "allot #a$ers
must ha.e serial numbers $rinted on the counter foil and com$ulsoril) bear the
Eeal of the Association together *ith signature of the /hairman of the 0lection
"oard, or other*ise it *ill not be acce$table.
(:. Onl) after ascertaining the identification of the .oter *ithout an) doubt, the
concerned election officer shall issue the ballot $a$er= ensuring that first $art of
the ballot $a$er bears the name and number of the .oter, .oterOs signature,
signature of the election officer *ith seal and the other $art of the ballot $a$er .is
to be gi.en to the .oter for casting the .ote. The 0lection officer shall *rite do*n
the number of the ballot $a$er against the name of the .oter in the final .oter list
to record the casting of .ote. A .oter shall in no case, be gi.en more than one
ballot $a$er.
(;. An) .oter being $h)sicall) inca$able to cast .ote *ithout assistance of other
shall be assisted b) one of the official from among the 0lection "oard to hel$
him inside the $olling booth.
23. At least (5 minutes $rior to the start of .ote casting, the 0lection "oard, in front
of the candidates 7if $resent there8, shall close and seal off the ballot'bo1 after
e1amining and determining the said to be full) em$t). The said ballot bo1 shall
be &e$t in such a $lace that it is .isible to 0lection "oard, ?oters and the
2(. %uring intermission or in the cases *here the casting of .otes has been
sus$ended tem$oraril) b) the 0lection "oard, the "allot'bo1 has to be sealed off
b) the 0lection "oard and shall be &e$t in $rotected custod) till the resum$tion
of the .ote casting.
22. All .oters that are $resent at the $olling centre on the a$$ointed date and time as
$er the 0lection Echedule shall be entitled to cast their .otes.
24. of .otes, shall sto$ *hen the time for casting of .otes ends. This *ill
be follo*ed b) counting of .otes and be continued *ithout brea& till com$letion.
/andidates ma) sta) $resent at the time of counting of .otes. An) candidate
unable to be $resent at the counting ma) a$$oint one re$resentati.e to re$lace
him *ith $rior $ermission from the 0lection "oard.
25. With intention to count the .otes, the 0lection commission *ill ta&e out the
ballot $a$ers'from inside the ballot "o1 and record the number of the ballot
$a$ers in a list before counting of .otes cast.
25. "allot #a$ers *ill be treated as cancelled for the follo*ing reasons=
i. +f there is no seal or signature of an 0lection Officer
ii. 01cess mar&ing than that of a$$ointed $osts or .otes gi.en to
lesser number of candidates see&ing election, and
iii. Tam$ering,'*riting that is illegible and filling u$ the ballot
$a$er disregarding the rules mentioned therein.
26. The 0lection "oard *ill ma&e se$arate $ac&ing of the said ballot
$a$ers and &ee$ record in *riting of such numbers.
29. The 0lection "oard, from among the .alid ballot $a$ers, shall count
the .otes cast in fa.our of each of the candidates and ma&e record of those.
#ro.ided that to $erform the counting, a$art from the 0lection "oard or the
0lection Officers no one else can ta&e $art.
2:. The 0lection "oard after com$letion of the .oting and counting of the
.otes shall declare and $ublish the results of the election.
2;. The follo*ing documents shall be sealed, signed and $ac&ed
se$aratel) under the su$er.ision of the 0lection "oard and the A$$eal "oard and
shall be $reser.ed under s$ecial custod) after declaration of the election result
*ith note, such as='
i8 Cnused "allot #a$ers, ?alid "allot #a$ers, /ancelled "allot #a$ers of
*hich Eerial ,os. and $ieces at hand to be recorded.
ii8 >irst $art of the "allot #a$ers attached to the bounded "oo&, those
*ere su$$lied in the 0lection 7Eerial ,os. and $ieces to be recorded8.
iii8 ?ote /ounting and record Aist that has been signed b) the 0numerator
and 0lection "oard.
43. #reser.ed documents mentioned under sub clause 72;8 can be
reo$ened for ins$ection and e1amination in #resence of the concerned
candidate7s8 onl) after being ordered b) the 0lection A$$eal "oard, The
-o.ernment or the /ourt of Aa*.
,o $erson shall be eligible to contest in the election of %HAFA C,+?0E+TN M"A
AEEO/+AT+O, 01ecuti.e /ommittee if he or she is con.icted b) the court on criminal
case, corru$tion case or case moral tur$itude and unless a $eriod of 5 7fi.e8 )ears
has ela$sed since his release.
3NRA? #!IN3
(:. i8 The >irst -eneral Meeting and 0lection of the members of the 01ecuti.e
/ommittee of the Association *ill be held at such a time not being than one
month and not more than three 748 months after the incor$oration of the
Association b) the egistrar of Goint Etoc& /om$anies and thereafter once at
least in calendar )ear at such time, date and $lace determined b) the
01ecuti.e /ommittee. Euch a Meeting shall be called Annual -eneral Meeting.
ii8 The follo*ing business shall be transacted at the Annual -eneral Meeting D
a8 /onfirmation of the minutes of the Annual -eneral Meeting of the
$roceeding )ear.
b8 #resentation and ado$tion of the Annual e$ort of the Association.
c8 #resentation and ado$tion of dul) audited statements of accounts and the
a$$ of the budget for the ensuing )ear.
d8 A$$ointment of the auditor or auditors for the ensuing )ear and the
a$$ of remuneration.
e8 Announcement of the name of the 01ecuti.e /ommittee in the related
Annual -eneral Meeting.
f8 An) other ordinar) business, notice of *hich shall ha.e been gi.en to the
01ecuti.e /ommittee (3 clear da)s before the date fi1ed for the Annual
-eneral Meeting or such other business as ma) *ith the $ermission of the
/hair be $laced before the meeting.
iii8 Meeting of the -eneral "od) of the Association other than the Annual
-eneral Meetings be called 01tra'ordinar) or E$ecial -eneral Meetings, and
shall be held at such time and $lace as the committee ma) deem con.enient
for the dis$osal of the business of the Association.
i.8 The 01ecuti.e /ommittee shall u$on reBuisition in *riting b) at last fi.e
members, con.ene an 01tra'ordinar) general Meeting and such Meeting shall
be called *ithin 2( da)s from the date of recei$t of such reBuisition and a
notice of such meeting shall be circulated among all the members for their
information at least 2( da)s before the date fi1ed for the meeting. +n case the
01ecuti.e /ommittee fails to con.ene the meeting, the reBuisitionists or ma2orit) of them ma) call the meeting sub2ect to condition that
all formalities of such reBuisition meeting shall be com$leted *ithin ;3 da)s
from the date of reBuisition.
.8 Buestion submitted to a -eneral Meeting shall be decided b) a ma2orit)
of the members $resent in $erson or b) $ro1).
.i8 ,ot*ithstanding an)thing contained in clause 7.8 no s$ecial or 01tra'ordinar)
esolutions, $articularl) concerning amendment to the Memorandum and
ules and regulations of the Association< shall be deemed to ha.e been
carried unless it has recei.ed the .otes of three fourth ma2orit) of members
$resent and entitled to .ote on such resolution.
.ii8 ,o business shall be transacted at an) -eneral Meeting unless a Buorum of
members is formed. +f the members of the Association at the time of the
meeting do not e1ceed ten, the Buorum shall be fi.e, if the) e1ceed ten, there
shall be added to the abo.e Buorum one for fi.e additional members
*ith the limitation that no Buorum shall in an) case, e1ceed ten.
.iii8 At least (5 da)s notice for an Annual general Meeting entitled to $ass
ordinar) resolutions and at least 2( da)s notice for an 01tra'ordinar) or
E$ecial -eneral Meeting entitled to $ass s$ecial resolution, s$ecif)ing the
$lace, date and hours of the meeting, shall be circulated to all the members
along *ith a statement of business to be transacted in it. ,on'recei$t of such
notice b) an) member shall not in.alidate the $roceedings at such meetings,
$ro.ided that co$ies of the notice for such meetings ha.e been gi.en $ublicit)
in at least t*o national dail) ne*s$a$ers.
i18 +f *ithin half an hour from the time a$$ointed for a -eneral Meeting or
E$ecial -eneral Meeting the Buorum is not formed, the meeting, if con.ened
u$on reBuisition, shall be dissol.ed, but in an) other case it shall stand
ad2ourned to the same da), of the ne1t *ee& at the same hour and $lace and at
such ad2ourned meeting a Buorum is not $resent *ithin half an hour from the
time a$$ointed for the meeting, it shall be ad2ourned sine die.
18 +n the case of an eBualit) of .otes, *hether b) sho* of hands or ballot, the
$resident of the meeting at *hich the sho* of hands ta&es $lace or at *hich a
ballot is demanded shall e1ercise a casting or second .ote.
1i8 The #resident ma), *ith the consent of the members $resent, ad2ourn the
meeting but no business shall be transacted at an) ad2ourned meeting other
than the business left unfinished at the meeting from *hich the ad2ournment
too& $lace.
1ii8 Minutes of the $roceedings of all meetings of the Association shall be
recorded in a minute boo& to be &e$t b) the #resident for this $ur$ose. This
boo& shall be o$ened for ins$ection b) an) member of the Association at an)
reasonable time.
1iii8 resolution dul) $assed at an) -eneral Meeting shall be binding u$on
all the members of the Association.
6%>RS AND DU!IS %0 %00I& $ARRS
(;. 7A8 6residentD The #resident shall be the Head and ha.e general control
the management and affairs of the Association *ho ma) delegate his $o*ers to
the Eenior ?ice'#resident and the ?ice'#residents *ithin the $ro.isions of the
/onstitution 6 ")e'Aa*s. The #resident shall $reside meetings of the
01ecuti.e /ommittee and -eneral "od) of the Association and lead all
de$utations and delegations.
7"8 Senior Vice 6resident and Vice76residentD +n the absence of the #resident
the Eenior ?ice'#resident/ ?ice'#resident in addition to his functions and
res$onsibilities *hich the 01ecuti.e /ommittee ma) delegate to him from
time to time shall $erform all functions and duties of the $resident. The ?ice'
#resident shall assist the #resident in matters of the Association and e1ecute
the functions and res$onsibilities *ith the guidance of the 01ecuti.e
7/8 i. 3enera1 Secretar9D -eneral Eecretar) shall be the /hief 01ecuti.e of
the Association and shall be the custodian of accounts of the
ii. He ma) cause to be summoned meetings of the 01ecuti.e /ommittee
and the -eneral "od) of the Association.
iii. He ta&es .otes of the members at all meetings and in the case of
eBualit) of .otes, He ha.e a casting or second .ote.
i.. He also distributes res$onsibilities among the members of the
01ecuti.e /ommittee *ith the a$$ of the /ommittee.
.. He maintains the decorum of the Association as $er its constitutional
$ro.isions and disci$line amongst the members as *ell as at meetings.
.i. He $resents re$orts of the *or&ing of the Association at all -eneral
7"8 !reasurerD
+. He shall &ee$ or cause to be &e$t the correct accounts of the
Association and res$onsible for e1$laining the accounts to the 01ecuti.e and
-eneral "od).
++. He shall also $resent audited statement of Account of the Association
of the $roceeding )ear and $resent budget for the ensuing )ear.
+++. He shall loo& after accounts, budget, audit or an) treasur) related
acti.ities and carr)out duties and the res$onsibilities *ith the guidance
of the 01ecuti.e /ommittee.
+?. The Treasurer shall be res$onsible for the recei$t, custod) and
disbursement of Association funds and other assets, shall be custodian
of the financial records of the Association and shall ha.e charge of
in.estment of the Association funds. Eub2ect to direction or a$$ of
the 01ecuti.e /ommittee , the treasure shall gi.e such bond for the
faithful discharge of his her duties as the 01ecuti.e /ommittee
reBuires. +n general, the treasure and such other duties as ma) from time
to time be assigned to him/her b) the -o.erning "od). Time to time he
*ill be re$otted to Eecretar) for fund allo*ed and disbursement.
?. To ma&e and sign all deeds/contracts to an) $a$ers of the
Association including contracts for sales and $urchase and $urchase
and contracts for leases of an) land and $ro$ert).
7/8 %rgani2ing Secretar9 and 5oint %rgani2ing Secretar9) He shall organi!e
the different $rograms and co'o$erate different sub'committees of the
Association and carr)out duties and the res$onsibilities *ith the guidance of
the 01ecuti.e /ommittee.
7%8 Assistant 3enera1 Secretar9 and Assistant %rgani2ing Secretar9D The)
are Assistant -eneral Eecretar) and Assistant Organi!ing Eecretar) of the
-o.erning bod) and carr)out duties and the res$onsibilities *ith the guidance
of the 01ecuti.e /ommittee.
708 4ecuti/e #e(-ersD The 01ecuti.e Members of the Association shall
$erform such duties and functions in regards to management of the affairs of
the Association as the 01ecuti.e /ommittee ma) from time to time delegate.
0UNDS and $ANK A&&%UN!
23. The funds of the Association shall be de$osited in an) schedule ban&. The
account in the "an& shall be o$erated under the .oint signature of an) t*o
among 7i8 the 6resident, <ii= the 3enera1 Secretar9 and <iii= the !reasurer
$ro.ided that the signature of the treasurer is a must.
The 01ecuti.e /ommittee shall cause true accounts to be &e$t of the sums of mone)
recei.ed and e1$anded b) the Association and matters in res$ect of *hich such
recei$t and e1$enditure too& $lace and of all the assets and liabilities of the
The "oo&s of Accounts and other documents shall be &e$t at the registered office of
the Association. The Accounts of the Association shall be o$ened for ins$ection b)
an) member of the Association at an) reasonable time.
2(. )ear the accounts of the Association shall be e1amined and the correctness
of the balance sheets certified b) one or more Bualified auditor or auditors. Audit
re$ort *ill be submitted and a$$ro.ed in the Annual -eneral Meeting.
The Association at the Annual -eneral Meeting in each )ear shall a$$oint Bualified
auditor/auditors to hold office until the Annual -eneral Meeting in the follo*ing
)ear and shall fi1 his/their remuneration, $ro.ided that the 01ecuti.e /ommittee ma)
fill u$ an) casual .acanc) in the office of the auditor/auditors and fi1 his/their
The duties of an auditor7s8 shall be regulated in accordance *ith the #ro.isions of
Eection (55 and (55 of the Act and an) statutor) modification thereof for the time
being in force. account of the Association *hen audited and a$$ro.ed b) a -eneral Meeting
shall be conclusi.e, e1ce$t as regards an) error is disco.ered *ithin three 748 months
after the a$$ thereof and * an) such error disco.ered *ithin that $eriod
the account shall forth*ith be corrected and henceforth shall be conclusi.e.
The auditor or auditors shall be entitled to recei.e notice of and to attend an) -eneral
Meeting of the Association at *hich an) account/accounts *hich ha.e been
e1amined or re$orted b) him or them, are to be $laced before the members, and ma)
ma&e an) statement or e1$lanation He or the) ma) desire in res$ect of the accounts.
22. To effecti.el) carr) out the of the Association for .oluntar)
the 01ecuti.e /ommittee ma), from time to time frame b) la*s on the maters not
co.ered b) the e1isting regulations, $ro.ided that the b)'la*s on the maters not
co.ered b) the e1isting regulations, $ro.ided that the b)' la*s so framed shall be
submitted to the ne1t annual or e1traordinar) general meeting for a$$
$ro.ided further that the refusal of the general meeting to a$$ro.e this said b)'
la*s shall not in.alidate the action alread) ta&en under the said b)'la*s
24. An) amendment, alteration or modification in the ules and egulations of the
Association shall be effected at the meeting of the 01tra Ordinar) -eneral
Meeting b) the .ote three'fifth 74/58 member sub2ect to the $ro.isions of the
Eociet) egistration Act. (:63.
25. The members of the Association at an) time on a resolution $assed b) at least
three /fifth 74/58 of the members, transfer the assets and liabilities of the
Association to another nonHcommercial and non'go.ernment organi!ation
established for e1clusi.el) non'$rofitable $ur$ose the same as or similar to
the ob2ects.
25. a8 The Association ma) be dissol.ed .oluntaril) b) three'fifth 74/58 .otes of the
members of the Association in *hich e.ent the assets and liabilities of the
members shall be dis$osed off in accordance *ith the $ro.isions of the Eocieties
egulations Act (:63.
b8 +t shall be the dut) of the 01ecuti.e /ommittee to $a) out of the funds to the
members of the Association for all costs, losses and e1$enses *hich such $erson
ma) ha.e incurred or become liable b) reason of an) contract entered into or an)
act and thing done b) them or such acting in good faith in the discharge of their
c8 C$on the *inding u$ or dissolution of the Association there shall remain, after
the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities an) $ro$ert) *, the same
shall be handed or transferred or gi.en to some other institutions, similar to the of Association, to be determined b) the 4/5
.oting of the general and founder members of the Association in the e1tra
ordinar) general meeting at or before the dissolution.
&%##%N SA?
26. The 01ecuti.e /ommittee shall $ro.ide a common seal for the Association. The
seal shall be de$osited *ith the -eneral Eecretar) and shall be affi1ed to
an) document e1ce$t *ith the $rior authorit) of the /ommittee and signed b) the
-eneral Eecretar) $ro.ided that an) instrument bearing the Eeal of Association
and issued for a .aluable consideration shall ne.ertheless be binding on the
Association not*ithstanding an) irregularit) touching the authorit) of the
/ommittee to issue the same.
&%6IS %0 ##%RANDU# AND RU?S @ R3U?A!I%NS
29. The Memorandum and rules and regulations of Association shall be &e$t *ith the
records of the Association. #rinted co$ies of the same be su$$lied to all members
on a$$lication.
A&AD#" and A&AD#I& @ 6R%0SSI%NA? A&!I!IVI!S
F8' Acade(9
a8 "oard of Academ)D
+n order to de.elo$ $rofessional e1$ertise in an) s$ecial field or branch or
broad sub2ect and to facilitate the acBuisition and interchange of &no*ledge
amongst its members, the 01ecuti.e /ommittee shall establish an Academ)
named as IAcadem) of %HAFA C,+?0E+TN M"A AEEO/+AT+O,< in
abbre.iation Academ) of %CMA, as $ro.ided for in the ")e'Aa*s.
b8 The /om$osition of the "oard D
The com$osition of the "oard shall be as follo*sD
%irector ( 7One8
Eecretar) ( 7One8
Member 4 7Three8
c8 >ormation of "oardD
i. The %irector shall be an eminent 0ducationist in Management to be
nominated b) the 01ecuti.e /ommittee of the Association from a
$anel of three eminent 0ducationalists $ro$osed b) a search
committee formed b) the #resident of the Association.
ii. The Eecretar) shall be nominated from the 01ecuti.e /ommittee of
the Association.
iii. The Members shall be an) eminent 0ducationist in Management to be
nominated b) the 01ecuti.e /ommittee of the Association or
nominated from the 01ecuti.e /ommittee of the Association.
d8 Terms of Office of the "oardD
i. The terms of the "oard shall be 2 7T*o8 )ears.
FJ' 6u-1ications )
To achie.e the aims and of the Association, the 01ecuti.e /ommittee shall
arrange for the $ublication of such 2ournals, ne*sletters, $eriodicals, $a$ers and documents
as ma) be deemed necessar) to ad.ance $rofessional &no*ledge, $romote business
administration and $ractices and to hel$ accelerate socio'economic de.elo$ment.
>or this $ur$ose the 01ecuti.e /ommittee shall constitute one or more "oards of 0ditors
consisting of -eneral Members 6 >ello* Members and a$$oint Honorar) Managing
ditorKditor as defined in the $9e7?aCs' $a$er, ma$, $lan, dra*ing, $hotogra$hs or model $resented to the Association shall be
considered the $ro$ert) thereof unless there shall ha.e been some $re.ious arrangement to
the contrar) and the 01ecuti.e /ommittee ma) $ublish these in an) *a) and at an) time it
ma) thin& $ro$er. ,o author or an)bod) else can $ublish an) such document else*here
*ithout the a$$ of the rele.ant "oard of 0ditors.
L0' ?i-raries )
The Association shall maintain Aibraries of boo&s, 2ournals and also of allied sub2ects at the
HeadBuarters and at such /entres and $laces as the 01ecuti.e /ommittee ma) decide and
shall &ee$ in touch *ith the +nstitutions/ the uni.ersities/cor$orate bodies/$rofessionals in
other $arts of the *orld. Euch Aibraries *ill be maintained 6 o$erated as ")e'Aa*s.
The 01ecuti.e /ommittee shall ha.e $o*er to grant from time to time as it ma) thin& fit use
of the rooms and $remises of the Association to an) Association for $ur$ose analogous to
those of the Association or to an) $ersons *ho ma) be desirous of holding meetings or
gatherings connected *ith the aims and of the Association or for an) $ur$oses the
0/ ma) define from time to time.
L1' Research >or8s )
a8 The 01ecuti.e /ommittee ma) constitute
esearch Teams for stud) of $articular as$ect. Euch Teams *ill be
headed b) a >ello* of rele.ant e1$ertise and members *ill be
nominated b) the 01ecuti.e /ommittee from amongst the -eneral
Members and or >ello* Members of the Association. Ho*, the
01ecuti.e /ommittee ma) nominate members from outside the
Association, if it is considered beneficial of an) $articular research
b8 The 01ecuti.e /ommittee ma) authori!e to create
$ublic charitable trusts for ad.ancement of business administration. The
Association ma) also create funds the ad.ancement of business
administration for research *or&s.
c8 Acti.ities of the esearch Teams 6 o$eration of
Trust >und *ill be as $er $ro.ision of the ")e'Aa*s.
LF' 6ri2es, #eda1s @ &ertificates )
a8 The Association ma) a*ard /ertificates, in recognition of
related to fulfill the Aims 6 of the Association.
b8 The Association ma) also a*ard #ri!es and Medals for outstanding
$a$ers and contribution to business or business related acti.ities.
#rocedures for selection 6 a*ard of /ertificates, #ri!es and Medals *ill
be as $er $ro.ision of the ")e'Aa*s.
LL' #$A &1u- <&1u- of DHAKA UNIVRSI!" #$A ASS%&IA!I%N=
01ecuti.e /ommittee *ill e1ecute all acti.ities of M"A /lub 7%CMA /lub or /lub
of %HAFA C,+?0E+TN M"A AEEO/+AT+O,8 and *ill be res$onsible for the
/lub. The) can form an Administrati.e /ommittee as a re$resentati.e of 01ecuti.e
/ommittee. This Administrati.e /ommittee *ill e1ecute the dail) acti.ates of the
/lub *ith concern of 01ecuti.e /ommittee.
We, the se.eral $ersons, *hose names and addresses are subscribed hereto, are desirous of being
formed into a Association in $ursuance of this Ru1es and Regu1ations of Association.
Na(e, 0athersKHus-and na(e and Address Signature of Su-scri-ers
(. #r' #' Sha(su22a(an
E/O. D '''
AddressD 01ecuti.e %irector, o1) #aints Atd., House# 3:, d.#
(57,e*8, %hanmondi, %ha&a'(23;
Occu$ation D #ri.ate, "angladeshi.
2. Mr. %i$a& Fumar Eaha
4. Ms. "ertha -iti "aroi
E/O. '
AddressD %irector, /orr The Gute Wor&s 7a trust of /aritas8,
H#29, #((;, -ulshan, %ha&a'(2(2
Occu$ation D #ri.ate, "angladeshi.
5. #r' #d Ataur Rah(an Sar8er
E/O. D Late Mohammad Musleh Uddin Sarker
House # 28 (3
Floor), Road # 01, Mohammadi Housin
Limited, Mohammad!ur,"haka#120$
Occu$ation D #ri.ate, "angladeshi.
5. ngr' #d' #ohsin #iah
E/O. D A.K.M Abdul Aziz
AddressD58/Ga/5, West Rajabazar
Sher-E-Bangla agar, !ha"a-#$#5
Occu$ation D "usiness, "angladeshi.
6. #r' S # Su1tan Ka-ir
E/O. D Md. Abul Hossain
AddressD Habib "an& Aimited, 9 -ulshan A.enue, -ulshan,
Occu$ation D #ri.ate, "angladeshi.
9. #r' Hossien #uha((ed :a8i
:. #r' #d Hassan !an/ir #ah(ud
E/O. D A.F.M. Mu&hlesur ahman
AddressD House'4/(2, "loc& H 0, Aalmatia, %ha&a'(239.
Occu$ation D #ri.ate, "angladeshi.
;. #s' Sa1eha 6ar/in
(3. #r' #oha((ad A-idur Rah(an
E/O. D %handaker %ha&ir Uddin 'hmed
AddressD 1/ H (1
Floor), Mirbagh
Occu$ation D #ri.ate, "angladeshi.
((. #s' Sa-rina Khan
%/O.D Md. Ehamsul HaBue Fhan
AddressD Assistant ?ice #resident, One "an& Atd., #rinci$al
"ranch, 55 %il&usha //A, %ha&a'(333
Occu$ationD #ri.ate, "angladeshi.
(2. #r' #d' Ataur Rah(an
E/O. D Md. ,a!rul +slam
AddressD M"A, "i2o)nagar "ranch, %ha&a
Occu$ation D "usiness, "angladeshi.
(4. #r' #d' Shafiu1 A2a( Khan
E/O. D Muhammad Abul Hashem
AddressD "A/, >armgate,%ha&a.
Occu$ation D #ri.ate, "angladeshi.
(5 #r' #d' #o8taru1 Is1a(
E/O. D Md. Ataur ahman
AddressD 5;/(, a2arbagh, #.O. "ashabo,
#.E. Ehabu2bagh, %ha&a'(2(5
Occu$ation D #ri.ate, "angladeshi.
(5 ngr' Hossain Ah(ed
(6 #r' #d' Ati;ua22a(an
(9 #r' #oha((ad #asudur Rah(an
(:. ngr' #d' Re2au1 Is1a( <Ra.a=
(;. ngr' S'>a2ed A1i
AS 6R !H S%&I!" R3IS!RA!I%N A&! F1 %0 1860'

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