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Running and Debugging SAS code
SAS Integration
Integration: execute a SAS program and view the results without leaving the editor
Debugging: tools help programmers separate the wheat from the chaff in SAS logs
Subset the log: hide all but specific line types of the log
Synchronize source and log: hop between log file errors and the source line that created them
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Executing a Program in SAS
You can run your SAS program (Sans JCL of course) from within Multi-Edit. You must have SAS installed on your PC of course!
Press F3 , use the "running man" button on the SAS toolbar, or select Run SAS from the context sensitive menu. Your program
runs in the background and the results (log and output) display in new edit windows. You can use Change SAS Directory
selection on the context sensitive menu to hop between different release levels of SAS if you have multiple installations.
Log and Output file names
The log and output file names are created by combining the path and filename of the source code file and replaces the SAS
extension with log or out. Both the log and output file are overwritten upon subsequent runs of the same program. If you need to
compare logs from multiple runs use the log backup tool.
Automatic log clean up
Since Multi-Edit is used with a screen, not a Teletype, the log files are cleaned up. Notably, multiple occurrences of the same
line (like printing an error number 3 times) are reduced to one line. Multiple blank lines are also reduced. Error messages with
numbers are moved up to just after the line that generated the error. In the example below you can see that the textual error
message is listed below the error column marker instead of being 30 lines later.
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Sub-setting the Log
When you view the log, your context sensitive menu changes. It now has entries to Show Only certain types of lines from the
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When you view the log, your context sensitive menu changes. It now has entries to Show Only certain types of lines from the
log. This selection displays a sub-menu with entries that indicate what type of lines are not hidden. The descriptions of what is
not hidden are listed below. These functions are also accessed through the LOG toolbar. The toolbar buttons have Shortened
versions of the menu item names. Turn Off is the Clear button, Unintended Conversions is the Conv button.
Errors Show only ERROR messages.
Warnings Show only WARNING messages.
Notes Show only (and all) NOTE messages.
Source Lines Shows only the lines of source code, e.g.. Proceeded with a line number.
Observations Shows only note messages indicating the number of observations processed.
Zero Obs. Shows only note messages indicating that zero observations were processed.
Unintended ConversionsShows only note messages indicating numeric to character conversions or visa-versa
Missing Values Shows only note messages indicating that there were missing values.
Macro Messages Shows only the lines that are macro related output.
Debug Shows only lines with the word "Debug" as the first word, and the next line below it.
Turn Off Turns off show only so that all log file lines are listed.
Using a Subset Log
Now that you have reduced the lines shown in the log to some subset of the whole log, what can you do? Notice there are small
buttons with a plus sign on the far left of the lines that are visible. You can click on a button and the hidden lines below the
button are shown down to the next non-hidden line. At this point the button changes to a minus sign. Clicking this button will re-
hides the exposed lines.
The context sensitive menu has an selection to Toggle Show Only off and on. This can also be accomplished from the On Off
button on the LOG toolbar. When you use this option your cursor remains on the line that it was on (and so does your view).
But all the hidden lines are shown. This does not alter the position of the line in the edit window.
Synchronizing Source and Log
While viewing the log, you can put your cursor on any source code line and jump to that line in the code file. If the file is not
open in an edit window then it opens. This function only works with source code lines in the log file. You invoke this function by
selecting Hop to Source Line in the LOG context menu, or press the Go To button on the LOG toolbar. open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
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EZRTools created by Martin Works, Inc.
50 Myrtle Street, Susquehanna, PA 18847 570-396-3121 open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
Copyri ght 2000-2014, Marti n Works Inc., Text, graphi cs, and HTML code are protected by US and Internati onal Copyri ght Laws, and may not be copi ed, repri nted,
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i s a trademark of Mul ti -Edi t Software Inc. Al l other l ogos and trademarks i n thi s si te are property of thei r respecti ve owners.

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