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Lift a Latina, Lift a Community

Helping a Latina with her education is akin to helping an entire family; they are the engines of
Latino social and economic advancement. Latinos are the bellwether for the countrys future, the
fastest growing ethnic group in the country, expected to grow 167% by 2050.
In 2014 Latinos will surpass whites as the majority population in California. Nationwide
Latinas are expected to grow to 30% of the female population by 2060 while white women drop by
43%. More locally in Los Angeles, Latinos will grow by 11% by 2016, while the total population will
only grow 5.7%. Needless to say, if we get Latinas into high paying jobs, it will have seriously positive
implications for the broader LA Economy.

Are Latinas graduating from college at the same rate as whites?
Latinas have exceeded white women in college enrollment
8% of Latinas received a bachelors degree in 2007, compared to 70.8% of white women
67.7% of white women received Masters degrees in 2007, compared to 6.1% of Latinas
! Latinas are growing as the recipients of college degrees.

How are Latinas faring in the tech sector currently?

Unemployment rates are higher for Latina scientists and engineers than for whites
Latinas comprise about 2% of scientists and engineers working in 2010
Just 1.5% of computing occupations in the country are filled by Latinas
! Latinas are underrepresented in the tech industry, so theres lots of room to grow.

Do Latinos suffer from higher rates of poverty than whites?
In Los Angeles 9% of white children lived in poverty, compared to 29% of Latino children
11% of white adults in Los Angeles lived in poverty, compared to 18% for Latinos
! Latinos tend to live in higher rates of poverty than their white counterparts.

Are Latinas and Latinos more likely to be negatively affected by unemployment?
In 2008 5.4% of women nationwide
were unemployed, 7.7% for Latinas
From 2006-2010 Californias white
unemployment rate was 7.8%; 10.8%
for Latinos
In 2011 LA Countys unemployment
rate was 11.2% for whites and 13.3%
for Latinos
! Latinos typically suffer more than
whites during recessions and times of
high unemployment.

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State of the Hispanic Consumer: The Hispanic Market Imperative, Nielsen, Q2 2012.
Latina Power Shift, Nielsen, April 2013.

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