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Smart Touch Access t o t he World of Hackers

HACKInf osec Et hical Hackers Corp

HACKInfosec Ethical Hacking and Information Security
Awareness Seminar. - 1 Hour
As our main object ive is t o spread awareness about comput er and
securit y of personal inf ormat ion among people, t heref ore we conduct
f ree seminars on Et hical Hacking and Inf ormat ion Securit y so as t o
make comput er users aware of all t he at t acks which are prevailing in
t he Digit al World. We give Live Demonst rat ions of t he common
at t acks in t he Comput er world, which Hackers use t o misuse your
Dat a, Passwords and Money, at t acks including Syst em At t acks,
Net work At t acks, Wireless Cracking, Sof t ware Key Cracking, Websit e
Hacking and Many more. Our primary goal is t o make you realize t hat
your saf et y lies in your own hands.
HACKInfosec Ethical Hacking and Information Security
Workshop - 16 hours (For Schools & Colleges)
It is a Two day workshop on t he Et hical Hacking and Inf ormat ion
Securit y f or School and College st udent s, so as t o make t hem aware
of t he at t acks, it consequences and ways t o prot ect oneself . In t hese
workshops we make st udent s underst and "How hackers t hinks and
prepares f or t he at t acks", making sure t hat each and every st udent
who is at t ending t he workshop knows about t he At t acks and most
import ant ly can save himself f rom t hose at t acks by manually
manipulat ing t he resource opt ions. We also provide HACKInf osec
Et hical Hacking Toolkit and HACKInf osec EHIS Handout s, which
consist s of all t he Tools and Techniques covered in t he Workshop.
HACKInfosec Ethical hacking and Information Security Lab
Workshop - 24 hours (For Schools & Colleges)
This workshop is especially f or t he School and College going st udent s
who want t o pract ically t ry t he Tools and Techniques included in
Et hical Hacking and Inf ormat ion Securit y in Live Lab Environment . All
st udent s are provided wit h t he Live Comput ers along wit h t he
HACKInf osec Et hical Hacking Toolkit and HACKInf osec EHIS Handout .
In t his workshop we promise t o t ake st udent s t o a Next level of
underst anding because t hey t hemselves t ry t he Tools and Techniques
wit h Hands on Pract ice.
HACKInfosec Ethical Hacking and Information Security Short
Term Certification - 30 hours (For Institutes)
HACKInf osec EHIS Short Term Cert if icat ion is t he First level of
Cert if icat ion in Et hical Hacking, so as t o provide a Bold Plus t o t he
Career of t he St udent s who are willing t o go in f or Inf ormat ion
Technology Sect or. St udent s get t o work wit h t he Working
Prof essionals in Digit al Securit y Field and get t o mat ch up t heir
Knowledge and Experience. To make sure t hat t he Cert if icat ion is
provided t o t he deserving candidat es, st udent s have t o pass an Exam
in which t hey will be t est ed f or t heir Technical Underst anding and
Logics of t he Comput er At t acks and t heir count er-measures.
HACKInfosec Ethical Hacking and Information Security Long
Term Certification - 120 hours (For Institutes)
HACKInf osec EHIS Short Term Cert if icat ion help st udent s get t o know
t he higher t akes levels on Inf ormat ion Securit y t o give t hem a Push in
f ield of Inf ormat ion Securit y. This module covers t he Hist ory, Present
and Fut ure of t he Inf ormat ion Securit y and Cyber Crime. We cover
dif f erent Toolset s used in t he Securit y Test ing and Cyber Forensics.
One can be a real Securit y Expert when he knows t he Nut s and Bolt s
of all t he at t acks and pract ice t he at t acks himself and t hen prot ect ing
t he resources by count er-at t acking t he Hackers. This cert if icat ion
makes you available wit h best Securit y Toolset s t o pass t he Live Lab
Environment Examinat ion and submit t ing a Securit y Audit Report .
HACKInfosec Digital Security Expert -6 Weeks (Summer Training
for Engineering & MCA Students)
Expert ise in Digit al Securit y comes af t er t his module specially
designed f or t he Engineering St udent s as a Summer Training course in
which t hey will be t aken t horough t he complet e pract ice of Digit al
Securit y. St art ing f rom t he Basics of Comput er Net working t o t he
best t echniques available in Securit y, t he f low of t he module will end
up in preparing a project in Net work and Applicat ion Securit y which
includes a pract ical securit y t est in t he Live working environment . This
will be a t raining as well as experience f or t he st udent s t o get in t ouch
wit h t he people who are already working on t he Cyber Crime Cases
and Net work Securit y.
HACKInfosec Network Security Expert - 75 hours
This module is especially f or t he people who see t heir f ut ure in
Net work Securit y. It covers t he concept s and live conf igurat ions of
Hardware and Sof t ware Firewalls, Int rusion Det ect ion and Prevent ion
Syst ems, Demilit arized Zone Servers, Net work Scanning and Audit ing,
Log Analysis, et c. It is a highly rat ed module in Corporat e Sect ors, help
you grow f rom a Net work Trainee t o a Net work Securit y
Administ rat or.
HACKInfosec Security Tool Development Expert - 75 hours
This is an at t ract ive module designed f or t he candidat es who want t o
develop t heir own Securit y Tools. It includes t he development of
Monit oring Sof t ware, Remot e Administ rat ion Tools, Aut omat ed
Server Script ing in Linux as well as Windows, et c. One will experience
working on his own developed Securit y Tools.
HACKInfosec Cyber Security Expert -150 hours
Here is t he complet e career Perf orma, The Cyber Securit y Expert , it is
a long t erm module covering all t he At t acks of Past , Present and
Fut ure. It includes Set t ing up t he Inf ormat ion Securit y, Test ing t he
Securit y as an out side at t acker and Finally t he Incident Response and
Cyber Crime Invest igat ion. One will get t o work on real lif e Cyber
Crime Cases along wit h t he people in Nat ional Cyber Securit y. Ent ry
t o t his module will require passing an Ent rance Exam on "Comput er
and Int ernet ".
Providing Eminence
Knowledge for Smarter
Generation and make
INDIA more Open for
Innovations, Spawn the
Young Entrepreneurs
For thisWORLD.

AmBR8(Am BRight ) is NIT & IIT Al umni Fo und at io n, Providing Eminence
Training f or Smart er Generat ion. AmBR8 not only af f ord t he power of knowledge,
cult ivat es vision and encourages new ideas, also inculcat es human values and builds
up awareness about t he self as well as t he societ y around us.

AmBR8 cont ribut ing eminent ef f ort s t o make t he St udent s more Knowledgeable in
Technical as well as Ent repreneurs dist inct ive knowledge f or f ut ure growt h.
Success enlighten from Quality, Join with us
Int erest ed St udent s can send t heir det ails (resume) t hrough mail or drop a
Message t o t he below cont act .

Sunil Kumar Pokkalla, Alumni of NIT Warangal.
NIT and IIT Technical Management Head, Sout h India,
CEO and Founder of AmBR8, NIT and IIT Al umni Foundat ion.
Email us: St udent, Cont act : +91 8867461531@Bangalore, AmBR8; www.t wit t AmBR8CEO

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