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Forum Report Social Networking

Last Tuesday on 12:50 p.m, 10

July 2012 at BB(1-5) has been held one forum
entitled Social Networking: Pros and Cons. This forum focused on the advantages and
disadvantages of social networking. This forum had been conducted by Amin Yusuf as
the moderator of the forum and attended by five panels which were Sylvia who
represented the Head of PIBG, Maleewan as a student from IPG Raja Melewar, Sarah
as a secondary school teacher, SMK Balik Pulau, Firuz as an ustazah from Maahad Al-
Mizan and Azrul represented as a blogger. Amin started the forum by introducing the
panels and giving some insight on the topic for the day.
First, Sylvia Langie talked about her disagree about social networking give more
benefit to us. She said that social networking bring no good to us. She also stated that a
pedophile use social networking as a place to lure his or her victims. This situation is
dangerous to the social networking user. For the next from Sylvia, she strictly said
nowadays teen shut themselves inside their room without their parents knowing what
they are doing. Without knowing this teenagers had committed suicide due to social
networkings love that did not work out.
From the IPG student view, Maleewan said that this social networking was good
but we have to have a proper time management. She also said she personally will do
the priority thing first like doing assignment before online. Besides, she also stated that
social networking can give a lot of latest information especially from friends. Social
networking also can be as a medium in sharing materials between each other in helping
in doing course works or assignment.
But from a secondary school teacher, Sarah, she divided social networking into
two different aspects. One of aspect was advantages and one more was disadvantages.
She stated that pros of social networking was able to sharing materials through
facebook and twitter and make communication with others easier such can answer the
friends question immediately. In contrast, she said the social networking make people
especially students cannot concentrated or focus in class and face to face
communication became less. If face to face communications lessen, social skill will also
reduce in daily life.
Next is from Ustazah Firuz that spoke from Islamic view. She said that social
networking was not wrong in Islam but have to know how to behave properly because
this site is a place where we can build new relationships and get new friends. But we as
Muslim especially Muslimah must not post their picture or video that show aurat.
Because in Islam showing aurat to someone who is not your mahram is forbidden and
it will become a sin. She insisted that social networking was something good but when
misuse it will became bad. For example as been said earlier by Sylvia about social
networking were uses as bait for bad people such as pedophile to get their prey by lying
about their true background.
Final panel is from bloggers point of view, Azrul. He stated that social networking
was environmentally friendly and much convenient to get in touch with friends because
this site we can sharing thoughts such as info and personal experiences in the net but it
still needs parental control. Parents have to know with who or what their kids doing in
socialize with. Azrul also said that blog is a virtual opportunity to get side income such
as and e-bay. Blogger usually use their blog as a commercial site to get this
extra income.
Finally, this forum had been concluded by Amin by stated that social networking
was neither good nor bad. It depends on people. If it was misused, then, it will lead to
bad consequences. If it was used properly, we can get many benefits from it.
This forum ended with comment from our beloved lecturer. She said that moderator
plays an important role and need to intervene whenever necessary. She added that
student must not to depending on script and moderator was supposed to sit in the
middle to monitor the conservation.
Reported by,
Secretary of MT1

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