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This task is designed to test your ability to ork ith histori!al do!u"ents and is
based on the a!!o"#anying do!u"ents $%&'() So"e o* the do!u"ents ha+e
been edited *or the #ur#oses o* this ,uestion) -s you analy.e the do!u"ents/
take into a!!ount both the sour!e o* ea!h do!u"ent and any #oint o* +ie that
"ay be #resented in the do!u"ent)
Directions: Read the do!u"ents in 0art - and anser the ,uestions a*ter ea!h
do!u"ent) Then/ read the dire!tions *or 0art B and rite your essay)
Historical Context: The idea o* re+olution s#read orldide during the *irst
global age)
Task: Using in*or"ation *ro" the do!u"ents and your knoledge o* global
history and geogra#hy/ rite an essay in hi!h you dis!uss the #oliti!al/
e!ono"i!/ and so!ial !onditions that led to #oliti!al re+olutions in the *irst global
Document #1
1Si"2n Bol3+ar sent a 4oyous letter to a *ello general on 5anuary 6/ %677/
dis#laying his belie* in a uni*ied -"eri!a) 8e rote/ 1-"eri!a9s greatest day has
not yet daned) :e ha+e indeed dri+en out our o##ressor/ s"ashed the tablets
o* their tyranni!al las/ and established legiti"ate institutions; but e ha+e yet to
lay the *oundation ))) that ill "ake o* this #art o* the orld a nation o* re#ubli!s)1
Bol3+ar as !on*ident that this uni*ied -"eri!a ould i"#ress Euro#e: 1:ho shall
o##ose an -"eri!a united in heart/ sub4e!t to one la/ and guided by the tor!h o*
=adated !rom Selected Writings of Bolvar, comiled "# $icente %ecuna
and edited "# Harold A& 'ierck( )r& *1+,1-
:hat is Bol3+ar9s +ision o* the -"eri!as<
Boli+ar>s +ision *or the -"eri!as ere *or the" to be united) 8e belie+ed that
on!e united -"eri!a ould i"#ress Euro#e be!ause/ ? :ho shall o##ose an
-"eri!an united in heart/ sub4e!t to one la/ and guided by the tor!h o*
liberty)@ Boli+ar anted a uni*ied -"eri!a that ould be unde*eatable by #ast
and *uture o##ressors)
Document #.
8o as the relationshi# beteen #o#ulation and land onershi# one the
!auses o* the Aren!h Re+olution<
The third estate had the largest #o#ulation and oned the largest #er!entage
o* land in Aran!e hoe+er they ere the "ost o##ressed estate) The *irst and
se!ond estate o* Aran!e held all the #oer e+en though they totaled a "ere
7B o* the #o#ulation) Tired o* being denied !i+il liberties/ the third estate
rallied in their "asses o* eCtraordinary #o#ulation and !o""en!ed the
Aren!h Re+olution)
Document #/
Use this re#resentation o* the Third Estate to anser the *olloing ,uestion)
8o do the !artoon and gra#hs abo+e indi!ate hy the Airst and Se!ond
Estate/ des#ite their #oer/ ould *ear the Third Estate<
The third estate had the "asses and !ould easily a!!ess tons o* ea#ons
and that !aused the *irst and se!ond estate to be *ear*ul o* the") :hen they
stor"ed the bastille/ the third estate had #ut the"sel+es in a #osition to age
ar against the other to hen!e the se!urity o* the *irst and se!ond estate
as threatened)
Document #0
-!!ording to this diagra"/ hi!h re+olutions ere #art o* the !hain
rea!tion set o** by Enlighten"ent ideas<
DDDThe North -"eri!an Eolonies re+olution in %FF'/ the Aren!h re+olution o*
%F6G/ the Re+olutions in S#ain>s Latin -"eri!an !olonies/ 8aitian re+olution
*ro" Aran!e/ re+olution *ro" 0ortugal/ and the Euro#ean re+olutions in
%6HI and %6J6)D
Document #,
1The #retended #oer o* sus#ending KendingL o* las) ))) by Kthe king9sL
authority ithout !onsent o* 0arlia"ent is illegal) ))) It is the right o* the sub4e!ts
to #etition the king) ))) The le+ying o* "oney *or ))) the use o* the !ron ))) ithout
grant o* 0arlia"ent ))) is illegal) The raising and kee#ing o* a standing ar"y ithin
the kingdo" in ti"e o* #ea!e unless it be ith the !onsent o* 0arlia"ent is
against the la) The s#ee!h and debates ))) in 0arlia"ent ought not to be )))
,uestioned in any !ourt or #la!e out o* 0arlia"ent) ))) EC!essi+e bail ought not to
be re,uired/ nor eC!essi+e *ines i"#osed/ nor !ruel or unusual #unish"ents
1'ill o! Ri23ts( En2land *145+-
1Men are born *ree and re"ain e,ual in rights) ))) La is the eC#ression o* the
general ill) E+ery !iti.en has a right to #arti!i#ate #ersonally or through his
re#resentati+e in its Kthe la9sL *or"ation) ))) -ll !iti.ens/ being e,ual in the eyes
o* the la ))) no #erson shall be a!!used/ arrested/ or i"#risoned eC!e#t in the
!ases and a!!ording to the *or"s #res!ribed by la) No one shall be dis,uieted
Katta!kedL on a!!ount o* his o#inions/ in!luding his religious +ies) ))) E+ery
!iti.en "ay s#eak/ rite/ and #rint ith *reedo"/ but shall be res#onsible *or su!h
abuses o* this *reedo" as shall be de*ined by la)1
1Declaration o! t3e Ri23ts o! 6an and t3e Citi7en( 8rance *195+-
1Eongress shall "ake no la res#e!ting Kha+ing to do ithL an establish"ent
o* religion/ or #rohibiting the *ree eCer!ise thereo*; or abridging Ktaking aayL the
*reedo" o* s#ee!h/ or o* the #ress; or the right o* the #eo#le #ea!eably to
asse"ble/ and to #etition the go+ern"ent) )))
No soldier shall/ in ti"e o* #ea!e/ be ,uartered in any house/ ithout the
!onsent o* the oner) )))
))) Nor shall Kany #ersonL be !o"#elled ))) to be a itness against hi"sel* )))
))) the a!!used shall en4oy the right to a s#eedy and #ubli! trial/ by an
i"#artial 4ury ))); to be !on*ronted ith itnesses against hi") )))
EC!essi+e bail shall not be re,uired/ nor eC!essi+e *ines i"#osed/ nor !ruel
and unusual #unish"ents in*li!ted)1
='ill o! Ri23ts( :nited States *19+1-
8o do these three do!u"ents illustrate !ultural di**usion<
The idea o* rights that ste""ed *ro" the English Bill o* Rights trans!ended
and in si"ilar *or" "ade their ay into de!larations o* inde#enden!e in both
Aran!e and the United States o* -"eri!a) The idea o* *reedo" and "an
hi!h as #re+iously unasso!iated eC!e#t in the regard o* religion di**used
the #re+iously !ultural +alues o* "onar!hy and aristo!ra!y that had on!e
eCisted in Aran!e and -"eri!a)
Document #4
1The reason "en enter into so!iety is to #rote!t their #ro#erty) -nd the reason
they !hoose a go+ern"ent is to "ake las to guard that #ro#erty) ))) Eertainly
so!iety does not ant to gi+e the go+ern"ent the #oer to destroy the +ery
#ro#erty hi!h it as !hosen to #rote!t) There*ore/ hene+er go+ern"ent tries to
take aay and destroy the #ro#erty o* the #eo#le/ or redu!e the #eo#le to
sla+ery/ it #uts itsel* in a state o* ar ith the #eo#le) The #eo#le are *reed *ro"
any *urther obedien!e to that go+ern"ent ))) and ha+e the right to establish a ne
=)o3n %ocke( Two Treatises on Civil Government *14+;-
1:e hold these truths to be sel* e+ident/ that all "en are !reated e,ual/ that
they are endoed by their !reator ith !ertain inalienable rights/ that a"ong
these are li*e/ liberty/ and the #ursuit o* ha##iness) That to se!ure these rights/
go+ern"ents are instituted a"ong "en/ deri+ing their 4ust #oers *ro" the
!onsent o* the go+erned) That hene+er any *or" o* go+ern"ent be!o"es
destru!ti+e o* these ends/ it is the right o* the #eo#le to alter or abolish it/ and to
institute ne go+ern"ent)1
=T3omas )e!!erson( Declaration of Independence *1994-
:hat ideas did Tho"as 5e**erson !o#y *ro" 5ohn Lo!ke<
DTho"as 5e**erson !o#ied the ideas o* se!ured rights *ro" 5ohn Lo!ke) Li*e/
liberty and #ro#erty ere blatantly !o#ied *ro" 5ohn Lo!ke) The idea that
go+ern"ent takes *reedo" aay is also "entioned in both do!u"ents) One
!an assu"e that Tho"as 5e**erson>s De!laration o* Inde#enden!e is 4ust a
#ara#hrased +ersion o* 5ohn Lo!ke>s To Treatises on Ei+il No+ern"ent) It
as a !ase o* one English"an #er#etuating the ideas o* another)
Directions: Using in*or"ation *ro" the do!u"ents #ro+ided and your knoledge
o* United States history/ rite a ellOorgani.ed essay on looselea* that in!ludes
an introdu!tion/ se+eral #aragra#hs/ and a !on!lusion)
Historical Context: The idea o* re+olution s#read orldide during the *irst
global age)
Task: Using in*or"ation *ro" the do!u"ents and your knoledge o* global
history and geogra#hy/ rite an essay in hi!h you anser the *olloing
W3at =ere t3e olitical( economic( and social conditions t3at led to olitical
re>olutions in t3e !irst 2lo"al a2e?
@uidelines: :hen riting your essay/ be sure to
address all as#e!ts o* the Task by a!!urately and inter#reting at
least !our do!u"ents)
in!or#orate in*or"ation *ro" the do!u"ents in the body o* the essay)
in!or#orate rele+ant outside in*or"ation throughout the essay)
ri!hly su##ort the the"e ith rele+ant *a!ts/ eCa"#les/ and details)
rite a ellOde+elo#ed essay that !onsistently de"onstrates a logi!al and
!lean #lan o* organi.ation)
introdu!e the the"e by establishing a *ra"eork that is beyond a si"#le
restate"ent o* the Task or Historical Context and !on!lude the essay ith a
su""ation o* the the"e)
The political and social and economic conditions that led to the political revolutions in
the first global age were perpetual in motion. It was a chain reaction, one domino fell and
three more followed right after it. The revolutions were courtesy of the Enlightenment
era, when the idea of humanism shook the foundations of the world, specifically the
grounds of Europe. Voltaire, Rousseau, Locke and many others theoried on the right and
ability of man. The !cientific, "gricultural and Industrial revolutions aided the spurring
of these political revolutions. #ne can assume that the revolution in England, the
establishment of a constitutional monarchy was the driving force for revolutions in the
$orth "merican %olonies and even the &rench Revolution. The idea that man had
potential and the development of new technologies are responsible for the global age.
Interconnectedness had reached a new level, the world was communicating on its own

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