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Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America.
The North Gate.
Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos.
Aboriginal and Indigenous Natural Peoples of the Land.
The true an e !ure A" Moro##an$ % A&er'#an$
Averment Of Jurisdiction - Quo Warranto
For The Re#or( To Be Rea Into The Re#or
Not'#e to A)ent '$ Not'#e to Pr'n#'*a" + Not'#e to Pr'n#'*a" '$ Not'#e to A)ent,
June , !"#
$RAN%LIN &'(N)* &SEA
L'RE))A N )+'MPS'N
,! E. $(L)'N S)REE)
&'L(M-(S '+ ##."/0!!!
Re- 1!12!.!!/! Orer- !3J("/,!3
Res Judicata
Hagans v Lavine 415 U.S. 533., There is no discretion to ignore lack of jurisdiction. Joyce v U.S. 474 2d 215;
The law provides that once State and Federal jurisdiction have been challenged, it must be proven. Main v
Thibouo 1!!. S. " 25!1 #1$%!&; " Jurisdiction can be challenged at any time " and "jurisdiction, once
challenged, cannot be assumed and must be decided". 'asso v Uah (o)e* and Ligh "o. 4$5 +.2d $!,,$1!.
As all go4ern5ent entities and alleged pri4ate corporations 5ust be a creature of the A5erican &onstitution, this is a
for5al Re6uest and &o55and for $RAN%LIN &'(N)* &SEA and7or Loretta N )ho5pson to produce for the
record, the ph8sical docu5ented 9:elegation of Authorit8;, as Proof of Jurisdiction, as re6uired b8 La<, per Article III,
Section " of the (nited States Republic &onstitution.
P(-LI& +A=AR: -'N:IN> '$ &'RP'RA)E A>EN)S All officials are re6uired b8 federal, state, and 5unicipal
la< to pro4ide the na5e, address and telephone nu5ber of their public ha?ard and 5alpractice bonding co5pan8 and
the polic8 nu5ber of the bond and, if re6uired, a cop8 of the polic8 describing the bonding co4erage of their specific
@ob perfor5ance. $ailure to pro4ide this infor5ation constitutes corporate and li5ited liabilit8 insurance fraud A"/
(S&B and is pri5 a facie e4idence and grounds to i5pose a lien upon the official personall8 to secure their public oath
and ser4ice of office. A", (S& 3"B.
"hoever, having taken an oath before a competent tribunal, officer, or person, in any case in which a law of the
!nited States authori"es an oath to be administered, willfully and contrary to such oath states or subscribes any
material matter which he does not believe to be true, is guilty of perjury and shall be fined no more than #$,%%%.%% or
imprisoned not more than five years or both." &' !.S.(. )&*$&
)hank *ou,
*usuf A5en El -e8, EE0Relatione Andre R Midget Si5s
Authori?ed Representati4e
$lesh and -lood -eing, In Propria Persona
All Rights Reser4edC (.&.&. "0!17"0.!,F (.&.&."0"!.
Gc7o Street Near &I)* S)A)EH
North<est A5eEe5
(nited Nations +onorable President -arack 'ba5a
+igh &o55issioner for +u5an Rights Ihite +ouse Iashington :&
Palais Iilson
(nited States :epart5ent of State
International &ri5inal &ourt +illar8 &linton
Luis Moreno0'ca5po
>reat Seal National Association of Moorish Affairs
International &ourt of Justice Minister CA0El 7 Minister )a@ )arik -e8 7 Minister Iillia5 Salaa5
Peace Palace
)he +ague Netherland (nited States Justice :epart5ent
Attorne8 >eneral Eric +. +older Jr.
L8on, $rance

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