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101 Different Types of Web Content For Building Your Site

We keep hearing it over and over again: Content is King. Content is King. And its true.
Content is the single best way to drive people to your website today. Various types of
ontent! strategially onneted to your brand! an work wonders in apturing the
attention of onsu"ers and leading the" in your diretion! but you have to provide so"e
sort of value. #eah the" so"ething. $ntertain the". %o so"ething that "akes it worth
their while. #hats where you have the opportunity to tell the" about your brand and
what you an do for the".
& always enourage "y lients to reate boatloads of great ontent. #hats when they
say: Well! we already blog! so what "ore an we do' Ahhh! yes. &" so glad you
asked. (eause in fat! there are atually )** "ore things you an do.
&ve o"piled a list of )*) things that an at as ontent on your website. +o"e are
standalone! so"e work together! but "ost i"portant! they an all be pro"oted on soial
"edia and be used as resoures to drive your target audiene to your website. Content
will help attrat traffi! au"ulate "ore soial shares! i"prove +$, efforts! and "ore.
-our end goal is to leverage these types of "aterials so you an do a better .ob of
eduating or entertaining your audiene to sell your produts or servies! strengthen
your brand! or both.
Are you ready' /ere we go:
). A0( testing and results
1. Affiliations and partners
2. Aggregation of artiles
3. Ani"ated gifs
4. Assoiations and "e"berships
5. Audio reordings
6. (akground and e7periene info
8. (log posts
9. (ook su""aries
)*. (rohures
)). Cartoons
)1. Case studies
)2. Certifiations
)3. Charts
)4. Cheat sheets
)5. Co"is
)6. Co""ents
)8. Co""erials
)9. Co"parisons
1*. Contests
1). Creative stories
11. Custo" software
12. Custo"er reviews
13. %ata and statistis
14. $:books
15. $"ail newsletters
16. $"bedded tweets
18. $vent infor"ation
19. ;A<s
2*. ;iles and spreadsheets
2). ;lyers
21. ;ree guides
22. ;ull videos
23. =iveaways
24. =raphs
25. =uest posts
26. /istory
28. /ow:to guides
29. &llustrations
3*. &nfographis
3). &nterviews
31. >ists
32. >ive hats
33. >ive:strea"ing video
34. ?aps
35. ?edia "entions
36. ?e"es
38. ?iroblog posts
39. ?iro:videos
4*. ?ind "aps
4). ?obile apps
41. ?usi videos
42. @ews
43. @ews releases
44. @ews.aking write:ups
45. @ewsletters
46. ,nline ga"es
48. Aersonal bios
49. Ahoto galleries
5*. Ahotos
5). Ain boards
51. Alug:ins
52. Aodasts
53. Aolls
54. Aortfolio piees
55. AowerAoint or +lide+hare presentations
56. Areditions
58. Ariing
59. Ariing sheets
6*. Arodut de"os
6). Arodut or servie infor"ation
61. A+As or video A+As
62. <BAs
63. <uestionnaires
64. <uiCCes
65. <uotes and &nspirational "essages
66. Datings
68. Desearh or synthesiCed infor"ation
69. Desoure pages
8*. Desults of polls! surveys! and Euestionnaires
8). Deviews
81. D,& alulators
82. +ales sheets
83. +reenasts
84. +reenshots
85. +ite tour videos
86. +oftware reviews
88. +peifiation or data sheets
89. +tupid! fake! and funny i"ages and aptions
9*. +urveys
9). #e"plates
91. #esti"onials
92. #i"elines
93. F#o doF and Fwhat not to doF artiles
94. #witter hats
95. Gser:generated ontent
96. Vlogs
98. Webinars
99. White papers
)**. Wikis
)*). Worksheets
De"e"ber. $ntertain! eduate! persuade! onvert. #hats your goal.
All the ontent above an be inluded in your ontent "arketing plan to do a better .ob at
building your online presene and boosting your traffi.
+o ne7t ti"e youre in a onversation about ontent "arketing! or if you are developing
your ontent alendar! you should no longer struggle to o"e up with ways your
o"pany an start leveraging this tati. +elet one or "ore fro" the ideas above. =ood

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