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Q1) what do you think of the idea of google correlating

personal traits from the employees answer on the survey to their

performance and then using that as the bases for screening job

Ans1. googles new head of human resource says that google is
trying to strike a balance letting google and the candidate get to
know each other while also moving quickly
In a survey employees had to respond relating to about 300
variables including the performance on standardized test how
old they were when they use the computer and how many
foreign languages they speak .
The google survey team they compared the answers against 30
or 40 job performance factors they keep for each employee.
They their by identify clusters of traits that google might better
In that survey there are certain questions they will be asking to
the job candidates from which their personality traits will be
screened. for eg their will be aptitude questions ,psychometric
questions and their college projects related questions.


Ans3) For recruiting the brightest people around they need to
attract people who are super bright love to work have fun can
handle the stress and also have flexibility.
They need to graduate with great grades from the best university
including stand ford,harvard and MIT google would'nt even
consider hiring with less than 3.7 average.
They need to be brilliant, team oriented and driven.They should
be highly intense and goal directed.


4)list specific HR policies of practises that google has
implemented or should be implemented to support its strategies?
explain your answer

Ans google doesnt hire lone voolves but wants people who work
together,who have diverse interest

Q5)what sort of factors do you think google will have to take
into consideration as it tries transferring its culture and reward
system and way of doing business to its operation abroad?

Ans Google is introducing new vertical market based structure
across europe to attract more business advertisers to its search
Each of these vertical market heads have to educate their market
Google can attract new advertisers. Google already had 12 office
across europeand its london office had trippled in size to 100 in
just 2 years.


Ans google is introducing in new vertical market based structure
across europe , to attract more business advertisers to its search
engine each of these vertical market heads will have to educate



From this case study we can conclude that google is the best of
the 100 best companies to work for because they recruit the
most talented people around the world.
As their HR policies and strategies are unique they tend to be
different from other companies and has maintained their
They also provide benefits to the employees which motivate
them and encourage them to work hard for the company.

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