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Module 1

1. Activities- the specifically human way of relating to the world.
2. Consciousness - means being awake, alert and responsive with the
3. Constructive relations - relations or cooperation, mutual assistance, or
competition, organized so as to facilitate the achievement of positive results.
4. Destructive relationships - a relationship in which the overall thrust of staff
interests and social groups does not meet the objectives of the enterprise.
5. Discrimination - is based on arbitrary, illegal restriction of the rights of
subjects of social and labor relations.
6. Employers 'association - a non-profit organization that brings together, on a
voluntary basis for the representation of employers' legitimate interests and
rights of its members in relations with trade unions, government agencies
and local authorities.
7. Employment - a measure of the degree of participation of the working
population in the social work.
8. Entrepreneur - a person engaged in business of their own, having a business
for profit or other gain.
9. Goods - or service created by the labor, the thing having public use value
and serves to exchange (the market) for another commodity.
10. I ncome - money or goods received by the state, a person or entity as a result
of any activities for a certain period of time.
11. Labor force - a person's ability to work.
12. Labor market - is a constant source of controversy, social "battles" between
capital and labor about wages and working conditions.
13. Labor resources - working-age population, with its physical development,
mental ability and knowledge necessary to perform useful work in the
national economy.
14. Labour - this is deliberate, expedient, creative, productive human activity
aimed at transforming natural resources into tangible and intangible assets to
meet human needs.
15. Marginal utility - in economics, the marginal utility of a good or service is
the utility gained (or lost) from an increase (or decrease) in the consumption
of that good or service.
16. Market - mechanism that takes the form of the model of "supply-demand"
and is based on competition and the information received as changing prices.
17. Paternalism (or parentalism) - a form of regulation of social and labor
relations between the state, the company and the employees. Manifested in
the patronage of the state (the firm) to entities dependent on them.
18. Rate of growth - attitude the absolute value of the labor force at the end of
this period to their highest in the early period.
19. Social and labor relations - a set of economic, social - psychological, legal
methods and rules aimed at inclusion of labor in the labor process and its
reproduction based on market mechanisms.
20. Social care - a system of measures providing social protection of disabled
people and mostly socially vulnerable layers of the working population;
21. Social partnership - a special type of social and labor relations inherent in
the market society, which provides an optimal balance of the best interests
of different social groups, especially employees and employers.
22. The agreement - the legal act regulating social and labor relations and
laying down the general principles of regulation related economic relations
concluded between the authorized representatives of workers and employers
on the international, regional, sectoral (inter-branch) and territorial levels of
social partnership within their competence.
23. The collective agreement - the basic document for social policy, for those
people who are working on it.
24. The object of social partnership - the main directions of social and labor
policy, based on estimates of living standards and indicators that
characterize this level in Ukraine as a whole, as well as in the regions, cities
and organizations.
25. The subject of labor relations - the various parties working life: self-
employment, vocational guidance, employment, dismissal, professional
development, social and psychological development, training and Persian-
training, job evaluation and compensation, etc.
26. The union - a voluntary public association of citizens, by common industrial
and professional interests by the nature of their work, created in order to
represent and protect their social and labor rights and interests.
27. Tripartite sectoral tariff agreements - agreements between the government,
trade unions and employers' representatives are to establish the obligations
of the parties in the field of social and labor relations
28. Unemployment - the state of the labor market when the total supply exceeds
the total demand.
29. Workplace - this is part of the production process, served by one or more
working for performing one or more manufacturing or service operations,
equipped with the appropriate equipment and industrial equipment.

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