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Coconut, Banana, Coffee are of the high value commercial crops being given top
priority by the government because of its great export potential next to banana and
pineapple. Moreover, Coconut production is mainly backyard and thus a source of
livelihood for small-hold farming household. Similarly, goat is a low-input, low
maintenance farm animal and thus known as the poor mans cow. Isabela is one of
the top ten Coconut producing provinces in the Philippines with about two percent
contribution in terms of volume of production. Goat on the other hand, is getting
popular as a livelihood enterprise in the province (Isabela) due to the establishment
of the Small Ruminant Project at ISU which has recognized its potential for
upgrading and commercialization. Given these facts, a study on the economics of
goat-crop-forestry mixed green farming system is deemed necessary for rapid
commercialization and to improve not only the livelihood and income of farming
households in the rural communities it serves but for the country as a whole.

General Objective:

This project is part of the over-all strategy to improve the productivity and profitability
of goat-crop-forest mixes under a green farming system production environment. It is
composed of two studies more specifically designated below.


Specific objectives:

1. To determine the cost, income and profit potential of goat/sheep, crop, and
forestry under existing farming system production environment;

2. To identify the optimum combination and suitable economic size for a Coconut-
goat/sheep green farming system enterprise;

3. To formulate policy recommendations for the packaging and rapid
commercialization of the ISU Goat/Sheep-Crops-Forestry farming system


1. To map out and describe the value chain for goat/sheep, crops, forest;

2. To estimate the cost and return faced by each segment in the value chain;

3. To analyze the value chain for goat and crop, forestry in terms of efficiency;

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4. To formulate policy recommendations to strengthen marketing efficiency for
goat/sheep-crop-forest mixed farming system.


This project study on economic analysis of the goat/sheep-crops-forest farming
system will be governed by the concept of cost and return and value chain analysis
and will include all the foregoing projects.

Cost and return analysis which determines the profitability of an enterprise or
alternative is an important consideration in the farmers adoption decision. Farming is
said to be profitable if it could pay the use of all resources in the farm. Moreover, the
returns from the crop/livestock enterprise determine the ability of the farmer to
acquire and sustain certain type and quantity of resources for his future use.

On the other hand, the concept of supply chain refers to the distribution channel of
the product or service, from its sourcing, to its delivery to the end consumer (also
known as the value chain). This includes the network of retailers, distributors,
transporters, storage facilities and suppliers that participate in the sale, delivery and
production of the product or service.


1. A package of technology for a Goat/Sheep-Crops-Forest Farming System that will
provide optimum income for an average farming household.

2. Cost and Return Analysis of Goat /Sheep Crops Forest Farming System

3. Value Chain Analysis and Efficiency Indicators for Goat/Sheep Crops Forest
Farming System

4. Policy Recommendations for Goat/Sheep Crops Forest Farming System

5. Commercialization of the developed package of technology for Goat/Sheep
Crops Forest Farming System Farming System


Study 1 - Integration of Goat/Sheep and Cash Crops with Forestry for
Enterprise Value Adding
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1. To establish the best animal-crop-forestry mix that could optimize

2. To determine the growth and yield performance of crops grown
under forestry with goat integration

3. To develop/validate goat/sheep-crops-forestry technologies
appropriate for the system and the probable model for technology

4. To determine the farm size that can generate a family income that
could support a decent living.


Fruit tree seedlings having a height of about two meters will be planted in an area of
16,200 square meters. The distance of planting will be 10m x 10m between trees
and the area per plot will be 900 square meters. Before planting the fruit tree
seedlings, a 0.5m x 0.5m hole will be dug to a depth of 0.70m. This will be placed
with 5kg compost organic fertilizer to serve as the base of the hole to facilitate easy
penetration of roots and at the same time source of nutrients for easy establishment.
The fruit tree seedlings will be sprayed with compost/vermin tea of known nutrients
and concentration. Before the onset of the rainy season, 3 kg of compost organic
fertilizer will be applied.

There will be nine trees per treatment and the number of goats prescribed per
treatment will be integrated. The treatment combinations will be replicated two (2)
times and will be fitted in a Randomized Complete Block Design:

The treatments are as follows:

I. 9 coconut with 2 goats/sheep + org. rice-rice rotation +forest

II. 9 coconut with 2 goats/sheep + org. rice-vegetable rotation +forest

III. 9 coconut with 2 goats/sheep + org. rice-legume rotation + forest

IV. 9 coconut with 3 goats/sheep + org. rice-rice rotation + forest

V. 9 coconut with 3 goats/sheep + org. rice-vegetable rotation +forest

VI 9 coconut with 3 goats/sheep + org. rice-legume rotation

VII 9 coconut with 4 goats/sheep + org. rice-rice rotation

VIII 9 coconut with 4 goats/sheep + org. rice-vegetable rotation
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IX 9 coconut with 4 goats/sheep + org. rice-legume rotation

The study will use 54 upgraded female goats about 4-5 months of age with
approximately similar body weight. These will be integrated in the crops-forest- mix
based on the above treatments. The goats will occupy half of the plot (approximately
450 sq. m.) This will be fenced and a temporary house will be constructed in each
plot according to their floor space requirement The area will be planted with grass
and forage legumes at 70-30 ratio for grazing purposes. The biomass production will
be quantified using a plant imager and will be validated using a 2m x 2m quadrant.

Three bucks will also be used in the breeding practices as the female does reached
their breeding age. Semi-intensive system will be followed and cut and carry
system will be employed in addition to the undergrowth available for grazing. If the
supply of forage is not enough, concentrate feeds will be used as supplement at
about 25% of the dry matter requirement.

The study will determine a farm size that can support the growth of determined
number of animals to augment family income for a decent living.

Among the practices that will be incorporated and studied are as follows:

1. Increasing availability of feeds through improved productivity of grazing area and
use of waste products from agricultural activities

2. Supplementary feeding

3. Reduction of occurrence of animal pests and diseases

4. Improvement of breeding practices

Deworming of the animals will be done before the start of the study and will be
implemented regularly depending upon the parasite infestation level after fecalysis.

Data to be Gathered/Expected Output


1. Initial weight of the animals

2. Average daily gain in weight

3. Final/marketable weight

4. Forage biomass

5. Feed Conversion Ratio
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6. Cost and return analysis

For crops component:

The cash crop component is rice-based. Rice will be planted during the wet season
while vegetables and legumes during the dry season except for the rice-rice pattern.
Before land preparation for rice, a mound of soil with 0.5m height and 1m wide will
be put around the young trees. Direct seeded rice using dry land culture (aerobic
rice) will be followed. The recommended seeding rate will be implemented. Chicken
manure or organic fertilizer/compost will be applied at the rate based from soil

Ecological pest management with botanical pesticides as the main feature of pest
control will be followed. Weeds will be controlled using hand weeding if necessary.
Controlled irrigation with alternate wetting and drying will be implemented to reduce
water requirement and conserve water as a whole.

Green pepper (panigang) will be used for the vegetable component. The technology
developed by the ISUs Research Office will be followed except for nutrient
management which will be based from soil analysis. Spraying of vermin/compost tea
will be done every two weeks until the termination of the experiment.

For the legume component, string beans will be planted. Seeds will be inoculated by
Rhizobia before planting. As a starter fertilizer, organic fertilizer/compost will be
applied based on soil analysis. Similar with the green pepper, spraying of vermin
compost teat will be done every two weeks until harvest.

EPM technologies will also be employed for pests and diseases control.

Crop Data to be Gathered/Expected Output:

1. Height of tree at monthly interval

2. Diameter at breast height (DBH) at monthly interval

3. Biomass of natural and established forages, and cash crops

4. Carrying capacity of the system

5. Economic yield of cash crops

6. Fruit yield starting at year 4

7. Cost and return analysis

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Study 2. Ecological Pest-Disease /Weed Management and Botanical
Pesticides Formulation for Goat/Sheep-Crop-Forestry Mixed Green
Farming System


1. To adopt and validate EP/WM interventions for goat-crop-forest mixed farming

2. To monitor the incidence of pests and diseases in the system

3. To monitor the weed succession patter of the system

Numerous IPDM interventions for Coconut have been developed to reduce pests at
levels below those causing significant losses. Such pest and disease management
interventions aim to increase profit by improving fruit yield quantity and quality
through reduction of damage caused by insect pests and diseases and reduction of
pest management costs. Consequently, the sustainability of crop production will be
improved by the reduction of deleterious effects of pesticides such as pesticide
resistance and hazards to humans and the environment (PCARRD, 2006).

Selected recommended ecological pest management (EPDM) such as cultural
practices, bio/botanical pesticides and mechanical control will be
implemented/adopted for the protection of the crop from the attack of insect pests
and diseases including weeds.


Considering that organic rice technology will be adapted, effective weed control
using thorough land preparation will be implemented. Every after harvest, alternate
cultivation and fallow will be implemented to allow weeds to grow. This will be done
2-3x before seeding the next crop to reduce weed population aside from the
mechanical weeding to be done regularly after crop establishment.

For the control of pests and diseases, bio/botanical pesticides such as the use of
hot pepper extracts, neem tree, and others will be formulated for application. This
will be done during the weak links in the life cycle of the insect pests. Incidence of
insect pests and diseases will be monitored while weed population and succession
will be determined. Parasites/predators associated with the insect pests will be
identified for the formulation of an effective ecological cultural management of the

Sanitary pruning for Coconut and other sanitation practices such as removal and
destruction of infected or infested plant parts, mummified panicles, branch terminals,
litters, and unwanted plants will be done to reduce sources of inoculums.

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Study 3 - Improved Nutrition and Breeding Practices Enhancement for
Sustained Goat Meat and Milk Production


1. To evaluate the reproductive performance of upgraded does using artificial
insemination (AI)

2. To improve the performance of goats using multi-purpose trees for feed


The animals to be used in this study are the expected progenies from the females in
Study 1 which will reach age of breeding 3 to 4 months after the start of the first
study and on the assumption that there will be 18 kids born after a year. Thus, this
study will be conducted on the second year of the project. The same management
practices will be employed to all the animals with cut and carry feeds except for the
following supplementation:

I. without MPTs supplementation

II. with MPTs supplementation

The growth performance of the animals will be monitored and evaluated. Feed
offered will be weighed and orts will be collected in the morning of the following day.
Feed and fecal samples will be analyzed for nutrient composition.

Sexually matured, healthy upgraded does will be used. A genetically superior buck
will be trained for semen collection. Collection will be done twice a week and the
ejaculates will be evaluated in the laboratory. Normally cycling does will be artificially
inseminated using fresh extended semen (Extender to be used: Skim Milk Extender
and the Illini Variable Temperature extender (IVT) .

The use of estrus synchronization could be done as part 2 of this study to develop a
controlled breeding program for the animals.

Data to be Gathered

1. Initial weight of the animals

2. Final weight

3. Average daily gain
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4. Feed Conversion Ratio

5. Cost and return analysis

6. Nutrient composition of feed samples and the feces

7. Weight of feed offered

8. Weight of feces voided

9. Feed and nutrient intake

Reproductive Performance of the Inseminated Does

1. Conception rate

2. Kidding size

3. Kidding interval

4. Kids male to female ratio

5. Birth weight

6. Weaning weight

7. Pre-weaning mortality

8. Post-weaning mortality

Expected Output:

1. Kids born could be used as replacement animals

2. Some could be used as breeders for sale to small hold raisers

3. Kids unfit for breeding purpose could be sold as slaughter animals


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Item 1 2 3 Total

I. Personal Service
1 Project Leader @ 8,000/mo 96, 000 96, 000 96, 000 288,000
1 Research Assistant (12,000/mo)* 144,000 158,400 174,240 476,640
1 Research Aide (9,000/mo)* 108,000 118,800 130,680 357,480
2 laborers (6,000/mo)* 144,000 158,400 174,240 476,640
Year end bonus* 33,000 36,300 39,930 109,230
Other benefits 20,000 20,000 20,000 60,000

Sub-total 545,000 587,900 635,090 1,767,990

II. Maintenance and other Operating Expenses*

1. Cost of Stock:
54 Does, upgraded (7,000 @) 378,000 378,000
3 Bucks, upgraded (15,000@) 45,000 45,000
2. Supplies and materials 60,000 66,000 72,600 198,600
3. Construction materials for goat
Housing 200,000 200,000
4. Gas and oil 24,000 30,000 36,000 90,000
5. Printing and binding 10,000 15,000 20,000 45,000

Sub-total 817,000 111,000 128,600 956,600

III. Equipment 1,108,500 967,000 1,031,200 3,106,700

TOTAL 2,370,500 1,665,900 1,794,890 5,831,290

Assumption: *10% increase yearly

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P.A. 58

1.________________________this refers to the interaction between the social environment
and abstract political system which processes demand into output
2.________________________is the art of science and governance
3.________________________it specifies the activities of a viable political system
4.________________________are concern with relationship between the government and
public policy
5.________________________is the skill in the adaptation of things in the natural world to
the uses of human life
6.________________________refers to the rights of the government or leadership to exist
7.________________________it is the right to act rather than the power to do so
8.________________________refers to the norms that guide the society both the leader and
the followers established political system
9.________________________refers to the community of person permanently occupying a a
definite portion of territory
10._______________________as the fundamental right of a state to enact laws and
11._______________________it compels people to achieve and follow orders emanating
from political superior
12._______________________it is a field of study that aims to develop reliable explanation
phenomena through repeatable experiment observation and deduction
13._______________________are those sovereign political entities which are free to control,
manage and direct all their affairs internally and externally without interference from other
14._______________________is principally the geographical profile of state that that
includes the land, water and the space above
15._______________________it is refers to the power of the state to acquire confiscate or
take properties for public use upon payment of just compensation

II.TRUE or FALSE. Write T if the stamen is true and write F if the statement is false in the
provided space before the item. Erasures of answer are not credited. ( 20 Pts. )

____1.Bureaucratic is a rule making and adjudication by bureaucrats with inputs from clients
and professionals
____2.Policies reflects issue characteristic such as typology, visibility and complexity
____3.Structural- functional approach include political system
____4.The essential characteristic of sovereignty is inalienability
____5.Man by nature is a political animal
____6.Politics as private affairs, it has personal aim in life
____7.Patriarchal theory is the result of mans desire for common protection by stronger and
influential ruler
____8.Prescrition is a bilateral agreement where by one state transfer sovereignty to another
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____9.Auto limitation is embrace in the concept of sovereignty that include passing laws
governing territory
____10.consensus is a willingness to make decision through consultation and bargaining
____11.Poltics consist of common decision for a group of people through the use of power
____12.Government achieve legitimacy by the structure of government
____13.Government achieve legitimacy by manipulating national symbols
____14.If a government rule is legitimate, it has legitimacy
____15.Authority is the right to act
____16.The Philippines as an independent state and sovereign entity in the international
economy of nation
____17.Neutralized state is one whose independence integrity and guaranteed by treaty
____18.The acquired private property of the government shall be exclusively used for
personal used
____19.The term public use may mean to cover direct advantage for the people and the
____20.Service function of the state include acquisition of private property by the


1 - 3 Basic issue in politics
4 - 6 Three traditional classification of authority
7 - 10 Essential elements of the state
11 - 20 Images of politics
21 - 24 Duties and obligation of state
25 - 29 Theories of the origin of state
30 - 32 Principles of sovereignty
33 - 35 Manifestation of sovereignty
36 - 40 Approaches to the study of politics


1.Discuss briefly why politics is a science and art
2.Explain briefly the system approach in politics and give example to justify your


Subject Professor

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Name______________________ Score___


FRM 11

1._________________________a sustainable management system for land that increase total
production that combine agricultural crops, tree crops and forest tree crops
2._________________________refers to the oldest form of agro forestry that involves
clearing, burning and planting of land with agricultural crops
3._________________________ a planting system that tree crops are planted around the
farm lot
4._________________________refers to safeguarding forest resources against injurious and
destructive forest agents and practices
5._________________________a disease cause by environmental conditions that diminish
the tree vigor
6._________________________a disease cause by certain insect plant parasites, viruses,
bacteria and fungi
7._________________________a method of control which include forest management
practices and treatment
8._________________________refers to unconstrained and freely spreading combustion
which consume natural forest fuels
9._________________________is the branch of forestry which deals with the study of man
and the forest and their interrelationship
10.________________________involves the planting of hedgerows along the contour of the


1 - 5 Give at least 5 biological advantages of agroforestry
6 - 8 Approaches to forest protection
9 - 13 Requisite for the success of social forestry
14 - 20 Biological disadvantages of agroforestry
21 - 25 Give at least 5 agroforestry system in the Philippines

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1. Agroforestry
2. Fallow system
3. Boundary planting
4. Forest Protection
5. Abiotic disease
6. Biotic disease
7. Silvicultural control
8. Forest Fire
9. Social forestry
10. Alley cropping
1 - 5 Give at least 5 biological advantages of agroforestry
1.Increased space utilization
2.Improved soil chemicals
3.Increased productivity
4.Potential reduction in soil erosion
5.Reduce microclimate extreme
-Reduce risk of complete crop failure
-Physical support for herbaceous climbers

6 - 8 Approaches to forest protection
6.Punitive or legal approach
7.Social approach
8.Technological approach
9 - 13 Requisite for the success of social forestry
9.Assessment of peoples needs
10.Commotment of government
11.Appropriate technologies
12.Organization and training of staff
13.Support institution and services
14 - 20 Biological disadvantages of agroforestry
14.Increase competition
15.Potential for accelerated nutrient loss
16.Mechanical damage from cultivation and harvest
17.Damage to tree and crop components from livestock
19.Potential for increase erosion
20.Habitat or alternative host for pest
21 - 25 Give at least 5 Agroforestry sytem in the Philippines
21.Adigenous agroforesttry system
22.Alley cropping
23.Multistorey cropping
24.Biundry planting
25.Wind break system
-Taungya system
-PICOP system
-Silvicultural system

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Republic of the Philippines
Cauayan, Extension

P.A. 230/MBA 234


1.Discuss exhaustively the critical path method (CPM) method of project management.
Identify the factors which you think critical in the accomplishment of such activity.
Explain. Is it necessary to consider critical factors? Explain? Why and give Example to
your answer.

2.Discuss exhaustively the integrated system of project management and its application in
the success of project. Give example to supplement your answer.

3.Explain comprehensively the project leadership loop of project management.

4.Decision making means choosing alternative the course of action to resolve such problem.
Discuss its importance in the management of organization.

5.What is feasibility study? Explain its features. Identify its component as a basis of
formulating study.

6.Why project management is a process? Explain. Is it possible to planned and implement the
project without conducting the feasibility study? Why? Explain.

7.Discuss exhaustively the Triple C Model of project management and how this model being
apply to present/ existing project of the government. Explain.


Subject Professor

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This chapter present the review of related literature and recent studies as framework of
reference in the conduct of this study.

Bautista, (2002) in her writing tracing the history of Minimum Basic Needs Approach during
the term of President Fidel V. Ramos and has continued to be used at present. It embodies a
set of the involve in the different plans of management development activities. Second, it
enables the participation of the private sector in development activities through its
involvement in the functions and activities of the national and local development. Third, it
provides for a more rationale of identifying poor areas and functions. Fourth, channels
research to meet peoples basic needs particularly those marginalized farmers.

Del Rosario, (2002) the minimum basic needs approach to development was institutionalized
through the Republic Act 8425 cresting the provincial Technical Working Group ( TWG)
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manage and coordinate the minimum basic needs implementation down the line, all mayors
and barangay chairperson created their respective TWG these technical working group serves
as the convergence point of all concerned line agencies and governmental organization
(NGO) and the private sector involve in the program. The challenge then is to reinvent the
service delivery initiative so they become responsive to our peoples basic needs. As
expected, the strategy provided the opportunity to touch base with our people. It provided
bench mark for our performance, the direction for local development planning and basic for
improved service delivery.

Within the framework of self reliance and people empowerment, the provincial
government initiated program and projects that raise the quality of life of our people. Some of
these interventions may be commonly heard in the public discussion, but they answer basic
needs and have marked improvement in the lives of our people. To address the low income
of families we introduced livelihood projects and pursued human resources development by
providing fishery and agricultural programs and built infrastructure to facilitate the
movement of goods and services. To improved the number of households with backyard or
farm garden, we established a farmer field school on vegetable and corn. Initiated spawn
production and vegetable seed distribution for backyard and communal school garden.

Grass root Change
All of these interventions are obviously consistent with the mission of the government
to uplift the quality of life through the minimum basic needs by providing adequate services
and facilities, effective governance, people empowerment and ensuring sustainable

Legaspi, ( 2001).the livelihood assistance of Pagadian city. The city has a population of
137,237 with a density of 3.18 percent per head. Its economy is basically agriculture based.
Agriculture is considered to be the citys priority concern, with approximately 18,000 hectare
planted to rice corn and coconut. The city government decided to adopt some strategies that
would which would increase output. These strategies included:

1. The production of high value crops livestock and tree crops
2. The provisions of infrastructure services
3. The provisions of capital as loans to farmers and fisher folks
4. The adoption of Plant Now Later Scheme

The Plant Now Later Scheme
With the objective of reforesting the denuded areas and to enhance watershed areas,
the government attempted to motivate the community particularly the farmers to plant trees.
The plant now pay later scheme was implemented by the city government in 1993 wit DA
loaning amount of 200 seedling of mango and durian.

The Livelihood Development Assistance
To respond further to identify need and concerns in the agriculture sector, the city
administration developed and implemented the ( CILDAP) City Livelihood Development
Assistance Program. This was an expanded of plant now pay later program which provided a
package of technology to farmers. This included the provisions of local part of which were
form inputs such as barb wires and fertilizer.

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The Management Structure and Operation of the Program
The city administration created the CILDAP management committee which as an
advisory body on the technical administration and supervisory aspect of all project. The
committee member includes the following.
The city mayor as an adviser, SP chairman committee in agriculture and fisheries as
chair city agriculturist as vice chair planning officer, budget officer, treasurer, accountant,
agriculturist as member of the committee. The management committee meets monthly to
discuss geral operation, plans, problems loan application and other services and problems
pertinent to the program.

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