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The LORD will cause men to hear his majestic voice and will
make them see his arm coming down with raging anger and
consuming fire, with cloudburst, thunderstorm and hail.
Isaiah 3!3
Di# $moramon,
%stas tr&s escrituras est'o bem de acordo com a verdade de Deus.
%las s'o as (alavras de um )rofeta de Israel e de dois a(*stolos do
+eridiano dos Tem(os. $,ui o dem-nio n'o teve como introdu#ir
,uais,uer (rod.gios seus (ara enganar os homens.
)or isso elas (odem ser citadas (or ,uem ,uer ,ue seja e nenhum
deles estar/ colocando mentiras ou doutrinas falsas na mente do
$contece ,ue (or elas serem verdadeiras, n'o significar/ ,ue as
outras 0revela12es0 e doutrinas a,ui 0ensinadas0 n'o tenham
algumas (inceladas do dem-nio (ara deter o (rogresso es(iritual dos
filhos de Deus.
$+OR$+O3 D%4$5I$ O L%ITOR $ 4%)$R$R O 67% 8%+ D% D%74 DO
67% 39O 8%+: % 4% 39O 8%+ D%L%, 8%+ D% 67%+;
4% 8O<= $+$ $ )$L$8R$ D% <RI4TO )OR 4%74 )RO5%T$4 %
$)>4TOLO4 ? <%RTO 67% 5I<$R@ <O+ %L$4 % D%4)R%4$R@ $4
67% 4% LA% O)B%+.
4% O)T$R )%L$4 O7TR$4 C@ T%R@ R%<%DIDO 47$ R%<O+)%34$.
O $7TOR D%4T% TR$D$LAO )%D% $O L%ITOR 67% O %3<$+I3A% $
67$3T$4 )%44O$4 )O44$:
? %E$T$+%3T% I44O O 67% )%D% $+OR$+O3, D%4D% 67% O T%ETO
DO $7TOR 4IF$ C73TO <O+ O %3T%3DI+%3TO $FOR$ %E)O4TO
)OR $+OR$+O3... )%LO D%+ D% TODO4, +%3O4 DO %3F$3$DOR
D$4 $L+$4.
GThis centurH is remarkable for the number of a((aritions of
Cesus and +arH. Our LadH of 5atima is (erha(s the most well known,
but since then, three se(arate visitations of Cesus and +arH stand out
in terms of the im(ortance of the message that was (roclaimed.
In each case the message to us is that Fod loves us with
infinite love and com(assion, and calls all of humanitH to a loving
friendshi( with him bH re(enting of our sins and converting our lives
into conformitH with Ais commandments.
Ie are told that we must choose whether we will meet Aim
through the gates of Ais +ercH, or the gates of Ais Custice.
There are no other o(tions! indifference or indecision is, in
effect, a choice for FodJs Custice:
The following (ages contain an outline of the Divine +ercH
devotion, Our LadH of $kita, and the continuing a((aritions of +arH,
the mother of Cesus, at +edjurgorje.
The actual (ro(hetic words concerning the warning are
highlighted in Hellow.K
$moramon di#,
%m todo o 8elho Testamento e o 3ovo Testamento, s* est'o
relatados a(arecimentos de Ceov/, de seus anjos e da vo# do )ai
dando testemunho do 4eu 5ilho Cesus. ? altamente sur(reendente o
,ue (assou a acontecer desde o evento milagroso de LMLN " +ulheres
gloriosas se a(resentando em v/rios lugares da Terra a mulheres e
crian1as (rinci(almente e , eventualmente, como no caso de 5/tima,
a manifesta1'o de um (rod.gio (ara uma multid'o.
Os (rod.gios se (ode admitir ,ue aconteceram. $s (alavras, em
grande (arte, nos (arecem verdadeiras... +as h/ coisas encrustradas
nelas, ,uando ensinam (rocedimentos devocionais e o uso de objetos
de culto, ,ue s'o absolutamente (ag'os.
Os homens ,ue (retendem re(resentar Deus na Terra, nunca
(oderiam aceitar revela12es (ara o mundo ,ue n'o fossem feitas
diretamente (ara o <hefe de sua Igreja.
Deus mudou, deiOou de (restigiar os homens ,ue (ortam o
Ou eles (erderam o direito ao 4acerd*cio; 4e (erderam, nosso Deus
teria ,ue restaurar a autoridade e (oder de seus ministros (ara
continuar a condu#ir os (ovos da atualidade como condu#iu"os no
(assado... Deus (recisa ter na Terra 4ua Igreja, como a Igreja ,ue
<risto organi#ou na 4ua (assagem (ela Terra no +eridiano dos
4em isso, teremos de admitir ,ue Deus n'o P o mesmo e ,
sendo assim, ,ue deiOou de ser Deus, (ois (assou a 4e revelar num
sistema desordenado (elo mundo afora.
$contece ,ue agora vemos um fato muito dif.cil (ara o
discernimento humano " 4e os (rod.gios eOistiram e continuam a
eOistir, ,uem P o seu autor;
De acordo com as escrituras, o dem-nio faria grandes (rod.gios
e ,ue se fosse (oss.vel enganaria atP mesmo aos escolhidos.
? ensinada a ora1'o do Ros/rio, nela a multi(lica1'o de
(alavras re(etitivas P estonteante...
+esmo no Ros/rio e no Ter1o constando a ora1'o do )ai 3osso,
as re(eti12es descaracteri#am inteiramente o (ro(*sito das
%nsinou Cesus! 03as vossas ora12es, n'o multi(li,ueis as
(alavras como fa#em os (ag'os (ensando ,ue ser'o ouvidos (or
(ronunciar muitas (alavrasQ n'o os emiteis, orai assim ! )ai 3osso
,ue estais nos <Pus...
%m ,uem acreditar;
8oc& fa1a sua decis'o... $moramon j/ fe# a dele.
L. Divine +ercH Devotion
On October 5, 1938 a young nun by the name of Sister Faustina (Helen
Kowalsa! "ie" in a con#ent of the $ongregtation of Sisters of Our %a"y of &ercy in
$racow, 'olan"( She came from a #ery )oor family that ha" struggle" har" on their little
farm "uring the terrible years of *orl" *ar 1( She ha" only three years of #ery sim)le
e"ucation( Hers were the humblest tass in the con#ent, usually in the itchen or the
#egetable gar"en, or as a )orter
Divine +ercH Image
On Feb( ++, 1931, Our %or" an" Sa#iour ,esus $hrist a))eare" to this sim)le
nun, bringing with him a won"erful message of &ercy for all humanity( Sister Faustina
tells us in her "iary un"er this "ate- ./n the e#ening when / was in my cell, / became
aware of the %or" ,esus clothe" in a white garment( One han" was raise" in blessing,
the other was touching the garment at the breast( From the o)ening in the garment at the
breast there came forth two large rays, one re", an" the other )ale( /n silence / ga0e"
intently at the %or"1 my soul was o#erwhelme" with fear, but also with great 2oy( 3fter a
while ,esus sai" to me- . )aint an image accor"ing to the )attern you see, with this
inscri)tion- 4,esus, / trust in you( 4 .
Some time later, Our %or" again s)oe to her- . 5he )ale ray stan"s for the *ater which
maes souls righteous1 the re" ray stan"s for the 6loo" which is the life of souls( 5hese
two rays issue" forth from the "e)ths of my most ten"er &ercy at that time when &y
agoni0ine" heart was o)ene" was o)ene" by a lance on the $ross(((( Fortunate is the one
who will "well in their shelter, for the 2ust han" of 7o" shall not lay hol" of him.
5he 'romise
Our %or" tol" her that He wante" this )icture to be #enerate" an" attache" a
)romise to it-
./ )romise that the soul that will #enerate this )icture will not )erish( / further )romise
to that soul #ictory o#er enemies here on earth an" es)ecially in the hour of "eath( /
myself, shall "efen" that soul as &y own 7lory((((. / will )reser#e the cities an" homes
in which this image shall be #enerate"(.
5he $ha)let
/n 1933, 7o" ga#e Sister Faustina a striing #ision of His &ercy( She tells us- . /
saw a great light, with 7o" the Father in the mi"st of it( 6etween this light an" the earth
/ saw ,esus naile" to the $ross an" in such a way that 7o", wanting to loo u)on the
earth, ha" to loo through Our %or"4s woun"s( 3n" / un"erstoo" that 7o" blesse" the
earth for the sae of ,esus(. Of another #ision on Se)tember 13, 1935, she writes- ./ saw
an 3ngel, the e8ecutor of 7o"4s wrath((( about to strie the earth(((( / began to beg 7o"
earnestly for the worl" with wor"s which / hear" interiorly( 3s / )raye" in this way, /
saw the 3ngel4s hel)lessness, an" he coul" not carry out the 2ust )unishment(((.
5he following "ay an inner #oice taught her to say this )rayer (5he $ha)let! on
or"inary rosary bea"s-
.First say one 4Our Father4, 4Hail &ary4 an" 4the 3)ostle4s $ree"4(
5hen on the large bea"s say the following wor"s-
49ternal Father, / offer you the 6o"y an" 6loo", Soul an" :i#inity of ;our
"early belo#e" Son, Our %or" ,esus $hrist, in atonement for our sins an" those of the
whole worl"(4
On the smaller bea"s you are to say the following wor"s-
4For the sae of His sorrowful )assion ha#e mercy on us an" the whole worl"4
/n conclusion you are to say these wor"s three times-
4Holy 7o", Holy &ighty One, Holy /mmortal One, ha#e mercy on us an" on the whole
worl"( 4 .
,esus sai" later to Sister Faustina- .Say unceasingly this cha)let that / ha#e
taught you( 3nyone who says it will recei#e great &ercy at the hour of "eath( 'riests
will recommen" it to sinners as the last ho)e( 9#en the most har"ene" sinner, if he
recites this cha)let e#en once, will recei#e grace from &y infinite &ercy( / want to gi#e
unimaginable graces to those who trust in &y &ercy(.
,esus tol" Sister Faustina to write "own many things in o#er <== )ages of "iary
&ercy for 3ll
.*rite, the greater the sinner, the greater the mercy( Summon all those to
confi"ence in the incom)rehensible "e)th of &y &ercy for / "esire to sa#e all( 5he *ell
of &ercy was o)ene" wi"e with a lance on the $ross, for all souls( / "o not e8clu"e
anyone(((>o souls that come to &e "e)art without being comforte".
9n" 5imes
,esus sai" . *rite "own these wor"s, &y "aughter( S)ea to the worl" about &y &ercy1
let all manin" recogni0e &y unfathomable &ercy( /t is a sign for the en" times1 after
it , will come the "ay of 2ustice( *hile there is still time, let them ha#e recourse to the
fount of &y &ercy1 let them )rofit from the 6loo" an" water which gushe" forth for
them(((((((( before / come as the 2ust one, / first o)en wi"e the gates of &y &ercy( He
who "oes not )ass through the gates of &y &ercy must )ass through the gates of
6efore / come as the 2ust 2u"ge, / am coming first as the King of &ercy( 6efore
the "ay of 2ustice arri#es, there will be gi#en to )eo)le a sign in the hea#ens of this sort-
3ll light in the hea#ens will be e8tinguishe", an" there will be a great "arness
o#er the whole earth( 5hen the sign of the cross will be seen in the sy, an" from the
o)enings where the han"s an" the feet of the Sa#iour were naile" will come forth great
lights which will light u) the earth for a )erio" of time( 5his will tae )lace shortly
before the last "ay(.
On a later occasion Our %a"y a))eare" to St Faustina an" sai" the following
wor"s- ./ ga#e the Sa#iour to the worl"( 3s for you, you ha#e to s)ea to the worl"
about His great mercy an" )re)are the worl" for the Secon" $oming of Him who will
come, not as a merciful sa#iour, but as a 2ust ,u"ge( O how terrible is that "ay?
:etermine" is the "ay of 2ustice, the "ay of "i#ine wrath( 5he angels tremble before it(
S)ea to souls about this great mercy while it is still time for mercy( /f you ee) silent
now, you will be answering for a great number of souls on that terrible "ay(.
,esus tol" Sr( Faustina .5ell souls who s)rea" the honour of my mercy / shiel"
through their entire life an" at the hour of "eath / will not be a 2u"ge for them, but the
&erciful Sa#iour(
5he Hour of 7reat &ercy
Our %or" ma"e this re@uest of Sr( Faustina- .3t three o4cloc im)lore &y &ercy
es)ecially for sinners1 an", if only for a brief moment, immerse yourself in my 'assion,
)articularly in &y aban"onment at the moment of agony( 5his is the hour of great mercy
for the whole worl"((((/n this hour / will refuse nothing to the soul that maes a re@uest
of &e in #irtue of &y 'assion.(
Feast of &ercy
,esus tol" Sr( Faustina that He wante" a new feast to celebrate His :i#ine
&ercy- .&y "aughter, s)ea to the worl" of &y ine8haustible &ercy( / "esire that this
feast be a refuge an" shelter for all souls, es)ecially for )oor sinners( 5he #ery "e)ths of
&y &ercy will be o)ene" on that "ay( / will )our out a sea of graces u)on those souls
that will a))roach the fount of &y &ercy on this "ay( (((%et no soul fear to come to &e,
e#en if its sins be as scarlet( 5his feast emerge" from the bosom of &y &ercy an" is
foun"e" in the "e)ths of &y &ercies( / "esire that it be celebrate" with great solemnity
on the first Sun"ay after 9aster ((((.*hoe#er recei#es the Source of %ife ( i(e( goes to
Holy $ommunion an" $onfession! on this "ay will be grante" com)lete forgi#eness of
sins an" )unishment(. ,esus ase" that this feast be )rece"e" by a no#ena, consisting of
the recitation of the $ha)let for nine "ays )rece"ing the Feast of :i#ine &ercy ,
commencing on 7oo" Fri"ay( . 6y this no#ena / will grant souls all )ossible graces.
$on#ersion 'rayer
,esus sai"- ./ "esire that you now more )rofoun"ly the lo#e that burns in my
heart for souls, an" you will un"erstan" this when you me"itate u)on &y 'assion( $all
u)on &y &ercy on behalf of sinners1 / "esire their sal#ation( *hen you say this )rayer,
with a contrite heart an" with faith on behalf of some sinner, / will gi#e that soul the
grace of con#ersion(.
5his is the )rayer-
O 6loo" an" *ater, which gushe" forth from the heart of ,esus as a fount of
mercy for us, / trust in ;ou. 5o bring ,esus into the life of another )erson (name
)erson!, recite this in front of a )icture of the :i#ine /mage(
$ha)let of &ercy an" the :ying
,esus sai",.*rite that when they say this $ha)let in the )resence of the "ying, /
will stan" between &y Father an" the "ying )erson, not as the 2ust 2u"ge but as the
&erciful Sa#iour.
St Faustina also was gi#en #isions of hea#en an" hell( Of hea#en she says-
.5o"ay / was in hea#en in s)irit, an" / saw its inconcei#able beauties an" the ha))iness
that awaits us after "eath( / saw how all creatures gi#e ceaseless )raise an" glory to
7o"( / saw how great is ha))iness in 7o", which s)rea"s to all creatures maing them
ha))y1 an" then all the glory an" )raise which s)rings from this ha))iness returns to its
source1 an" they enter into the "e)ths of 7o", contem)lating the inner life of 7o", the
Father, the Son an" the Holy S)irit, whom they will ne#er com)rehen" or fathom(
5his source of ha))iness is unchanging in its essence, but is always new,
gushing forth ha))iness for all creatures( >ow / un"erstan" St 'aul, who sai" .9ye has
not seen, nor ear has hear", nor has it entere" into the heart of man what 7o" has
)re)are" for those who lo#e Him.
.&ost of the souls there are those that "isbelie#e" that there is a hell(.
St Faustina was also shown hell- .5o"ay / was le" by an 3ngel to the chasms of
hell( /t is a )lace of great torture1 how awesomely large an" e8tensi#e it is? 5he in"s of
torture / saw-
the first torture that constitutes hell is the loss of 7o"1
the secon" torture is )er)etual remorse of conscience1
the thir" is that one4s con"ition will ne#er change1
the fourth torture is the fire that will )enetrate the soul without "estroying itA a
terrible suffering, since it is a )urely s)iritual fire, lit by 7o"4s anger1
the fifth torture is continual "arness an" a terrible suffocating smell, an",
"es)ite the "arness, the "e#ils an" the souls of the "amne" see each other an" all the
e#il, both others an" their own1
the si8th torture is the constant com)any of satan1
the se#enth torture is horrible "es)air, hatre" of 7o", #ile wor"s, curses an"
5hese are the tortures suffere" by all the "amne" together, but that is not the en"
of the sufferings( 5here are s)ecial tortures "estine" for )articular souls( 5hese are
torments of the senses( 9ach soul un"ergoes terrible an" in"escribable sufferings,
relate" to the manner in which it has sinne"( 5here are ca#erns an" )its of torture where
one form of agony "iffers from another( / woul" ha#e "ie" at the #ery sight of these
tortures if the omni)otence of 7o" ha" not su))orte" me-
%et the sinner now that he will be torture" throughout all eternity, in those
senses which he ma"e use of to sin(
/ am writing this at the comman" of 7o", so that no soul may fin" an e8cuse by
saying there is no hell, or that nobo"y has e#er been there, an" so no one can say what it
is lie(
/, Sister Faustina, by the or"er of 7o", ha#e #isite" the abyss of hell so that /
might tell souls about it an" testify to its e8istence( .

Subse@uent History
One "ay in that same year, 1935, Sister Faustina wrote for her s)iritual "irector-
.5he time will come when this wor, which 7o" so commen"s, Bwill beC as though in
com)lete ruin, an" su""enly the action of 7o" will come u)on the scene with great
)ower which will bear witness to the truth( /t will be as a new s)len"our for the church,
though it has been "ormant in it from long ago(.
5his in"ee" came to )ass( On the <th &arch, 1959, the Holy See, acting on
information that was inaccurately )resente", )rohibite" .the s)rea"ing of images an"
writings a"#ocating "e#otion to the :i#ine &ercy in the form )ro)ose" by Sister
Faustina(. 3s a result, there followe" almost twenty years of total silence( 5hen, on the
15th 3)ril, 19D8, the Holy See, after a thorough e8amination of original "ocuments
)re#iously una#ailable to it, com)letely re#erse" its "ecision an" again )ermitte" this
"e#otion( 5he one man )rimarily res)onsible for this re#ersal of "ecision was Karol
$ar"inal *o2tyla, the 3rchbisho) of Sister Faustina4s home "iocese of $racow( On
October 1<, 19D8, he was ele#ate" to the See of 'eter as 'o)e ,ohn 'aul //( Sr( Faustina
was canonise" on the 3=th 3)ril +===( 7o" is in"ee" mysterious an" won"rous in his
4aint 5austina
Divine +ercH Iebsite
;ou $an Eecei#e 7o"Fs &ercy >ow?
First of all we must a"mit to our sin an" cry out to 7o" for mercy an"
forgi#eness( 7o" will always res)on" with infinite com)assion an" merciful lo#e to the
sincere cry of one of his chil"ren an" we are 3%% his chil"ren(
Secon"ly we must turn away from sin an" resol#e to )lace our li#es in the han"s
of ,esus an" to )lace all our trust in Him, an" to obey His comman"ments(
5hir"ly- 'ray on a "aily basis(
5he $ha)let is an e8cellent form of )rayer( &any )eo)le ha#e testifie" that they
ha#e recei#e" great blessings an" graces as a result of a"o)ting the "e#otion to the
:i#ine &ercy( One 6risbane, 3ustralia man was facing ma2or brain surgery an" was
also without a )ermanent 2ob when he crie" out to 7o" for mercy an" forgi#eness for
his many sins( *ithin a few wees the surgery was cancelle" an" the con"ition
gra"ually im)ro#e" until the sym)toms ha" com)letely gone( 3s well as that, he
obtaine" )ermanent em)loyment with a go#ernment "e)artment ?
&ary has ase" each of us to )ray the Eosary "aily(
Fourthly- Fre@uent $ommunion, "aily if )ossible, an" monthly confession
Fifthly- Eea" the 6ible on a "aily basis e#en if only for a few minutes( 5he 6ible is the
*or" of 7o", an" He will s)ea to you in a )owerful way through His *or"(
RosarH Iebsite
4t Cose(h will intercede for Hou. Fet Hour (raHers answered. 3
daH 3ovena in honour of 4t Cose(h. TrH it and believe:

+( Our %a"y Of 3ita
On 3)ril ++, 198G, after eight years of in#estigations, after consultation with the
HO%; S99, the messages of Our %a"y of 3ita were a))ro#e" by the 6isho) of the
"iocese( /n the ,a)anese #illage of 3ita, a statue of the &a"onna, accor"ing to the
testimony of more than 5== $hristians an" nonA$hristians, inclu"ing the 6u""hist
mayor of the town, has she" bloo", sweat an" tears( 3 nun, 3gnes Katsuo Sasagawahas
recei#e" the stigmata an" has recei#e" messages from Our %a"y(
5he e8traor"inary e#ents began on ,une 1+, 19D3, when Sr( 3gnes saw brilliant
mysterious rays emanate su""enly from the tabernacle( 5he same thing ha))ene" on
each of the two "ays that followe"(
On ,une +8, 19D3, a cross sha)e" woun" a))eare" on the insi"e left han" of Sr(
3gnes( /t ble" )rofusely an" cause" her much )ain( On ,uly <, Sr( 3gnes hear" a #oice
coming from the statue of the 6lesse" Hirgin &ary in the cha)el where she was )raying(
5he statue was car#e" from a single bloc of woo" from a Katsura tree an" is three feet
tall( On the same "ay, a few of the sisters notice" "ro)s of bloo" flowing from the
statue4s right han"( On four occasions, this act of bloo" flow re)eate" itself( 5he woun"
in the statue4s han" remaine" until Se)tember +9, when it "isa))eare"
Iee(ing statue of +arH at
On 3ugust 13, Sr( 3gnes recei#e" a secon" message( On October 13, (the
anni#ersary of Our %a"y4s final a))earance at Fatima! she recei#e" a final thir"
5wo years later on ,anuary G, 19D5, the statue began to wee)( /t continue" to
wee) at inter#als for the ne8t < years an" eight months( /t we)t on 1=1 occasions(
6isho) /to, in 198G, officially recogni0e" the occurrence of the su)ernatural
)henomenon an" the &a"onna4s messages( Since then there has been a stea"y influ8 of
)ilgrims from throughout the worl"( $ar"inal Eat0inger recei#e" the 6isho) of >igata,
,ohn Shori2o /to an" 2u"ge" the Hirgin4s messages as cre"ible(
Here is )art of the thir" message of Our %a"y of 3ita to Sr 3gnes(
October 13, 19D3
.&y "ear "aughter, listen well to what / ha#e to say to you( ;ou will inform your
3s / tol" you, if men "o not re)ent an" better themsel#es, the Father will inflict a
terrible )unishment on all humanity( /t will be a )unishment greater than the "eluge,
such as one will ha#e ne#er been seen before( Fire will fall from the sy an" will wi)e
out a great )art of humanity, the goo" as well as the ba", s)aring neither )riests nor
faithful( 5he sur#i#ors will fin" themsel#es so "esolate that they will en#y the "ea"( 5he
only arms which will remain for you will be the Eosary an" the Sign left by &y Son(
9ach "ay recite the )rayers of the Eosary( *ith the Eosary, )ray for the 'o)e, the
bisho)s an" )riests(
5he wor of the "e#il will infiltrate e#en into the $hurch, in such a way that one
will see car"inals o))osing car"inals, bisho)s against bisho)s( 5he )riests who #enerate
&e will be scorne" an" o))ose" by their confreres(((((((churches an" altars sace"1 the
$hurch will be full of those who acce)t com)romises an" the "emon will )ress many
)riests an" consecrate" souls to lea#e the ser#ice of the %or"(
5he "emon will be es)ecially im)lacable against souls consecrate" to 7o"( 5he
thought of the loss of so many souls is the cause of my sa"ness( /f sins increase in
number an" gra#ity, there will be no longer )ar"on for them(.
$moramon di#,
+ais um ve# P a(resentado um (rocedimento inteiramente
alheio ao mPtodo de Deus (ara revelar 4ua vontade aos homens.
Outra ve# uma freira na sua clausura recebe uma mensagem (ara
advertir o mundo: %sse (oder enganador se manifestar/ nos dias ,ue
(recedem a 4egunda 8inda de <risto com grande for1a de (ersuas'o.
%le se a(oiar/ em todas as sedu12es do mal ,ue se alicer1aram nas
falsas tradi12es religiosas ,ue dominaram as consci&ncias desde o
desa(arecimento dos a(*stolos no +eridiano dos Tem(os. Deus
(rometeu ,ue viria em socorro do homem (ara livrar a,ueles ,ue o
,uisessem ouvir nos Rltimos Dias. O <risto seria mantido nos cPus
atP o tem(o da restaura1'o de todas as coisas anunciadas (elos
(rofetas desde o (rinc.(io do mundo Sdeste nosso mundoT. %le disse
,ue chamaria um (rofeta semelhante a +oisPs... SLeiam $tos 3!LM"
U3T <omo seria identificado esse (rofeta; 4eria ele chamado
diretamente dos cPus; 4eria ele chamado atravPs de uma virgem
luminosa; Ou ,uem sabe, seria chamado como todos os (rofetas da
antiguidade " $d'o, %no,ue, 3oP, $bra'o, +oisPs, Cesus e os
a(*stolos; +uito dif.cil essa res(osta; 4* mesmo (ara a,ueles ,ue se
deiOaram im(ressionar (ela bele#a luminosa das 0virgens santas0 e
dos 0ministros luminosos falsos0Q mas n'o se im(ressionam com as
a12es discretas de Deus em todos os tem(os. Os homens (referem
acreditar na,uilo ,ue se a(resenta ostensivamente e n'o na,uilo ,ue
s* (ode ser con,uistado individualmente (or fP aut&ntica e ardente
busca (ela verdade de Deus nas 4uas escrituras antigas e modernas.
4er/ ,ue o (rofeta (rometido j/ veio; ? uma boa ,uest'o (ara ser
(erguntada a Deus.
Our LadH of $kita Iebsite
3. Our LadH of )eace at

/n ,une 1981, the 6lesse" Hirgin &ary was re)orte" to ha#e a))eare" to a
number of young )eo)le in the #icinity of &e"2urgor2e in ;ugosla#ia( 5he e8traor"inary
as)ect of these a))aritions are that they are continuing to the )resent "ay(
Our la"y has state" that she has come to call the worl" to urgent re)entance an"
con#ersion to 7o"( She gi#es us gra#e warnings that 7o"4s chastisement is soon to fall
u)on the worl", but can be mitigate" by )rayer an" )enance( She ass each of us to )ray
the com)lete 15 "eca"es of the Eosary "aily, an" to fast on brea" an" water on
*e"nes"ay an" Fri"ay(
Feb( ++, 1931, Our %or" an" Sa#iour ,esus $hrist a))eare" to this sim)le nun, bringing with him a won"erful message of
&ercy for all humanity( Sister Faustina tells us in her "iary un"er this "ate- ./n the e#ening when / was in my cell, /
became aware of the %or" ,esus clothe" in a white garment( One han" was raise" in blessing, the other was touching the
garment at the breast( From the o)ening in the garment at the breast there came forth two large rays, one re", an" the other
)ale( /n silence / ga0e" intently at the %or"1 my soul was o#erwhelme" with fear, but also with great 2oy( 3fter a while
,esus sai" to me- . )aint an image accor"ing to the )attern you see, with this inscri)tion- 4,esus, / trust in you( 4 .
Some time later, Our %or" again s)oe to her- . 5he )ale ray stan"s for the *ater which maes souls righteous1 the re" ray
stan"s for the 6loo" which is the life of souls( 5hese two rays issue" forth from the "e)ths of my most ten"er &ercy at that
time when &y agoni0ine" heart was o)ene" was o)ene" by a lance on the $ross(((( Fortunate is the one who will "well in
their shelter, for the 2ust han" of 7o" shall not lay hol" of him.
5he 'romise
Our %or" tol" her that He wante" this )icture to be #enerate" an" attache" a )romise to it-
./ )romise that the soul that will #enerate this )icture will not )erish( / further )romise to that soul #ictory o#er enemies
here on earth an" es)ecially in the hour of "eath( / myself, shall "efen" that soul as &y own 7lory((((. / will )reser#e the
cities an" homes in which this image shall be #enerate"(.
5he $ha)let
/n 1933, 7o" ga#e Sister Faustina a striing #ision of His &ercy( She tells us- . / saw a great light, with 7o" the
Father in the mi"st of it( 6etween this light an" the earth / saw ,esus naile" to the $ross an" in such a way that 7o",
wanting to loo u)on the earth, ha" to loo through Our %or"4s woun"s( 3n" / un"erstoo" that 7o" blesse" the earth for
the sae of ,esus(. Of another #ision on Se)tember 13, 1935, she writes- ./ saw an 3ngel, the e8ecutor of 7o"4s wrath(((
about to strie the earth(((( / began to beg 7o" earnestly for the worl" with wor"s which / hear" interiorly( 3s / )raye" in
this way, / saw the 3ngel4s hel)lessness, an" he coul" not carry out the 2ust )unishment(((.
5he following "ay an inner #oice taught her to say this )rayer (5he $ha)let! on or"inary rosary bea"s-
.First say one 4Our Father4, 4Hail &ary4 an" 4the 3)ostle4s $ree"4(
5hen on the large bea"s say the following wor"s-
49ternal Father, / offer you the 6o"y an" 6loo", Soul an" :i#inity of ;our "early belo#e" Son, Our %or" ,esus
$hrist, in atonement for our sins an" those of the whole worl"(4
On the smaller bea"s you are to say the following wor"s-
4For the sae of His sorrowful )assion ha#e mercy on us an" the whole worl"4
/n conclusion you are to say these wor"s three times-
4Holy 7o", Holy &ighty One, Holy /mmortal One, ha#e mercy on us an" on the whole worl"( 4 .
,esus sai" later to Sister Faustina- .Say unceasingly this cha)let that / ha#e taught you( 3nyone who says it will
recei#e great &ercy at the hour of "eath( 'riests will recommen" it to sinners as the last ho)e( 9#en the most har"ene"
sinner, if he recites this cha)let e#en once, will recei#e grace from &y infinite &ercy( / want to gi#e unimaginable graces
to those who trust in &y &ercy(.
,esus tol" Sister Faustina to write "own many things in o#er <== )ages of "iary entries(
&ercy for 3ll
.*rite, the greater the sinner, the greater the mercy( Summon all those to confi"ence in the incom)rehensible "e)th
of &y &ercy for / "esire to sa#e all( 5he *ell of &ercy was o)ene" wi"e with a lance on the $ross, for all souls( / "o not
e8clu"e anyone(((>o souls that come to &e "e)art without being comforte".
9n" 5imes
,esus sai" . *rite "own these wor"s, &y "aughter( S)ea to the worl" about &y &ercy1 let all manin" recogni0e
&y unfathomable &ercy( /t is a sign for the en" times1 after it , will come the "ay of 2ustice( *hile there is still time, let
them ha#e recourse to the fount of &y &ercy1 let them )rofit from the 6loo" an" water which gushe" forth for them((((((((
before / come as the 2ust one, / first o)en wi"e the gates of &y &ercy( He who "oes not )ass through the gates of &y
&ercy must )ass through the gates of 2ustice(
6efore / come as the 2ust 2u"ge, / am coming first as the King of &ercy( 6efore the "ay of 2ustice arri#es, there will
be gi#en to )eo)le a sign in the hea#ens of this sort-
3ll light in the hea#ens will be e8tinguishe", an" there will be a great "arness o#er the whole earth( 5hen the sign
of the cross will be seen in the sy, an" from the o)enings where the han"s an" the feet of the Sa#iour were naile" will
come forth great lights which will light u) the earth for a )erio" of time( 5his will tae )lace shortly before the last "ay(.
On a later occasion Our %a"y a))eare" to St Faustina an" sai" the following wor"s- ./ ga#e the Sa#iour to the
worl"( 3s for you, you ha#e to s)ea to the worl" about His great mercy an" )re)are the worl" for the Secon" $oming of
Him who will come, not as a merciful sa#iour, but as a 2ust ,u"ge( O how terrible is that "ay? :etermine" is the "ay of
2ustice, the "ay of "i#ine wrath( 5he angels tremble before it( S)ea to souls about this great mercy while it is still time
mercy( /f you ee) silent now, you will be answering for a great number of souls on that terrible "ay(.
,esus tol" Sr( Faustina .5ell souls who s)rea" the honour of my mercy / shiel" through their entire life an" at the
hour of "eath / will not be a 2u"ge for them, but the &erciful Sa#iour(
5he Hour of 7reat &ercy
Our %or" ma"e this re@uest of Sr( Faustina- .3t three o4cloc im)lore &y &ercy es)ecially for sinners1 an", if only
for a brief moment, immerse yourself in my 'assion, )articularly in &y aban"onment at the moment of agony( 5his is the
hour of great mercy for the whole worl"((((/n this hour / will refuse nothing to the soul that maes a re@uest of &e in #irtue
of &y 'assion.(
Feast of &ercy
,esus tol" Sr( Faustina that He wante" a new feast to celebrate His :i#ine &ercy- .&y "aughter, s)ea to the worl"
of &y ine8haustible &ercy( / "esire that this feast be a refuge an" shelter for all souls, es)ecially for )oor sinners( 5he #ery
"e)ths of &y &ercy will be o)ene" on that "ay( / will )our out a sea of graces u)on those souls that will a))roach the
fount of &y &ercy on this "ay( (((%et no soul fear to come to &e, e#en if its sins be as scarlet( 5his feast emerge" from the
bosom of &y &ercy an" is foun"e" in the "e)ths of &y &ercies( / "esire that it be celebrate" with great solemnity on the
first Sun"ay after 9aster ((((.*hoe#er recei#es the Source of %ife ( i(e( goes to Holy $ommunion an" $onfession! on this
"ay will be grante" com)lete forgi#eness of sins an" )unishment(. ,esus ase" that this feast be )rece"e" by a no#ena,
consisting of the recitation of the $ha)let for nine "ays )rece"ing the Feast of :i#ine &ercy , commencing on 7oo"
Fri"ay( . 6y this no#ena / will grant souls all )ossible graces.
$on#ersion 'rayer
,esus sai"- ./ "esire that you now more )rofoun"ly the lo#e that burns in my heart for souls, an" you will
un"erstan" this when you me"itate u)on &y 'assion( $all u)on &y &ercy on behalf of sinners1 / "esire their sal#ation(
*hen you say this )rayer, with a contrite heart an" with faith on behalf of some sinner, / will gi#e that soul the grace of
5his is the )rayer-
O 6loo" an" *ater, which gushe" forth from the heart of ,esus as a fount of mercy for us, / trust in ;ou. 5o bring
,esus into the life of another )erson (name )erson!, recite this in front of a )icture of the :i#ine /mage(
$ha)let of &ercy an" the :ying
,esus sai",.*rite that when they say this $ha)let in the )resence of the "ying, / will stan" between &y Father an"
the "ying )erson, not as the 2ust 2u"ge but as the &erciful Sa#iour.
St Faustina also was gi#en #isions of hea#en an" hell( Of hea#en she says- .5o"ay / was in hea#en in s)irit, an" /
saw its inconcei#able beauties an" the ha))iness that awaits us after "eath( / saw how all creatures gi#e ceaseless )raise
an" glory to 7o"( / saw how great is ha))iness in 7o", which s)rea"s to all creatures maing them ha))y1 an" then all the
glory an" )raise which s)rings from this ha))iness returns to its source1 an" they enter into the "e)ths of 7o",
contem)lating the inner life of 7o", the Father, the Son an" the Holy S)irit, whom they will ne#er com)rehen" or fathom(
5his source of ha))iness is unchanging in its essence, but is always new, gushing forth ha))iness for all creatures(
>ow / un"erstan" St 'aul, who sai" .9ye has not seen, nor ear has hear", nor has it entere" into the heart of man what 7o"
has )re)are" for those who lo#e Him.
.&ost of the souls there are those that "isbelie#e" that there is a hell(.
St Faustina was also shown hell- .5o"ay / was le" by an 3ngel to the chasms of hell( /t is a )lace of great torture1
how awesomely large an" e8tensi#e it is? 5he in"s of torture / saw-
the first torture that constitutes hell is the loss of 7o"1
the secon" torture is )er)etual remorse of conscience1
the thir" is that one4s con"ition will ne#er change1
the fourth torture is the fire that will )enetrate the soul without "estroying itA a terrible suffering, since it is a )urely
s)iritual fire, lit by 7o"4s anger1
the fifth torture is continual "arness an" a terrible suffocating smell, an", "es)ite the "arness, the "e#ils an" the
souls of the "amne" see each other an" all the e#il, both others an" their own1
the si8th torture is the constant com)any of satan1
the se#enth torture is horrible "es)air, hatre" of 7o", #ile wor"s, curses an" blas)hemies(
5hese are the tortures suffere" by all the "amne" together, but that is not the en" of the sufferings( 5here are s)ecial
tortures "estine" for )articular souls( 5hese are torments of the senses( 9ach soul un"ergoes terrible an" in"escribable
sufferings, relate" to the manner in which it has sinne"( 5here are ca#erns an" )its of torture where one form of agony
"iffers from another( / woul" ha#e "ie" at the #ery sight of these tortures if the omni)otence of 7o" ha" not su))orte" me-
%et the sinner now that he will be torture" throughout all eternity, in those senses which he ma"e use of to sin(
/ am writing this at the comman" of 7o", so that no soul may fin" an e8cuse by saying there is no hell, or that
nobo"y has e#er been there, an" so no one can say what it is lie(
She has gi#en each of the seers se#eral secrets concerning the future of the
worl"( 9ach seer will recei#e ten secrets in all an" when this has been accom)lishe", the
a))aritions will cease(
&e"2urgor2e has become a site of )ilgrimage to hun"re"s of thousan"s of $hristians,
an" numerous miracles of healing an" con#ersion ha#e been wi"ely re)orte"( 5he
com)lete &e"2urgor2e story is beyon" the sco)e of this leaflet, but has been well
"ocumente" in many of the boos that ha#e been written on &e"2urgor2e(
/n a re)ort that Father 5omisla# Hlasic sent to the 'o)e an" to the 6isho) of &ostar at
the en" of 1983, he ga#e a summary of the messages an" warnings gi#en by Our %a"y
to the seers-
.5he ninth an" tenth secrets are gra#e matters( 5hey are a chastisement for the sins of
the worl"( 5he )unishment is ine#itable because we cannot e8)ect the con#ersion of the
entire worl"( 5he chastisement can be mitigate" by )rayers an" )enance( /t cannot be
su))resse"( 3n e#il which threatene" the worl", accor"ing to the se#enth secret, has
been eliminate" through )rayer an" fasting, &ir2ana sai"( For that reason, the 6lesse"
Hirgin continues to as for )rayer an" fasting- .;ou ha#e forgotten that with )rayer an"
fasting you can war" off wars, sus)en" the laws of nature.(
3fter the first warning the others will follow within a rather brief )erio" of time( So it is
that )eo)le will ha#e time for con#ersion(
5his time is a )erio" of grace an" con#ersion( 3fter the #isible sign, those who are still
ali#e will ha#e little time for con#ersion( For that reason, the 6lesse" Hirgin calls for
urgent con#ersion an" reconciliation(.
5he in#itation to )rayer an" )enance is "estine" to war" off e#il an" war an" abo#e all
to sa#e souls(
3ccor"ing to &ir2ana, we are close to the e#ents )re"icte" by the 6lesse" Hirgin(
6ecause of this, &ir2ana says to manin"- .$on#ert yoursel#es as @uicly as )ossible(
O)en your hearts to 7o".
How ;ou $an Hel) to S)rea" this &essage
1( 9#ery single )erson on this )lanet nee"s to hear this message( *e can4t "o this
on our own( /f you feel mo#e" by what you ha#e rea" here, )lease tell all your friends,
relatives, workmates and colleagues about the numerous prophecies relating to the
coming judgement of God so they too can be warned and turn to His Mercy. Tell them
of this website. Send them an email with this web address.
Some of you may be shy or embarresse" to "o this( /f so, 2ust get a free
anonymous yahoo or hotmail email a""ress an" sen" the following message or
something similar-
7o"s4s *arning to the *orl"- 3 'ro)hecies concerning the $oming ,u"gement
of 7o"(
)lease go to htt)-IIwww(go"swarningtotheworl"(com as you really nee" to rea"
the message(
From a frien" who nows you, but wishes to remain anonymous on this
'lease "o not s)am but only sen" the message to )eo)le you now( /n this way,
together, we will get the message to the whole worl"(
+( 'lease )ray for us( /f we try to "o this wor in our strength we will fail( /t is
only through 7o"4s grace that we can reach others( 'lease )ray that all who nee" to hear
this message will be le" to this site(
O my ,esus, forgi#e us our sins1 sa#e us from the fires of hell an" lea" all souls
to hea#en, es)ecially those in most nee" of 5hy &ercy(

$losing &essage
/f you lo#e 7o" an" obey His comman"s you ha#e nothing to fear( /f you "o not
now 7o", or feel that you are far from Him, turn to Him with all your heart an" as for
His &ercy( He will not refuse , but will embrace you in His lo#ing arms(
His &ercy is greater than His ,ustice, but you must act now before it is too late(
3moramon Fecha sua &ensagem
4e voc& ama a Deus e obedece 4eus mandamentos n'o tem
nada a temer. 4e voc& n'o conhece a Deus, ou sente ,ue est/ longe
dele, torne"se a %le de todo o cora1'o e (e1a a 4ua +iseric*rdia. %le
n'o a recusar/, mas abra1ar/ voc& nos 4eus bra1os amorosos.
4ua +iseric*rdia P maior do ,ue 4ua Custi1a, mas voc& (recisa agir
agora antes ,ue seja muito tarde.

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