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Abstract - These instructions give you basic guidelines

for preparing papers for the ICCIC2011 Proceedings.

Papers up to 5 pages must be submitted using this format.
This document is a template for Microsoft Word. If you are
reading a paper version of this document please do!nload
the electronic file from the Conference !ebsite so you can
use it to prepare your manuscript. "bstract should not
e#ceed 150 !ords. To allo! retrieval by C$%&'M soft!are
please include appropriate (ey !ords in your abstract in
alphabetical order separated by commas.
Keywords - )onts formatting margins
Your goal is to simulate, as closely as possible, the
usual appearance of typeset papers in the IEEE
Transactions. One ifference is that the authors!
affiliations shoul appear immeiately follo"ing their
names # o not inclue your title there. $or items not
aresse in these instructions, please refer to a recent
issue of an IEEE Transactions.
*ll papers must be submitte electronically in pf
format. +repare your paper using a *, page si-e of ./0
mm .12 mm 34..25 //.6157.
/7 Type sizes and typefaces8 The best results "ill be
obtaine if your computer "or processor has se9eral
type si-es. Try to follo" the type si-es specifie in Table I
as best as you can. Use /, point bol, capital letters for
the title, /. point Roman 3normal7 characters for author
names an /0 point Roman characters for the main te:t
an author;s affiliations.
.7 Format8 In formatting your page, set top margin
to .< mm 3/57 an bottom margin to =/ mm 3/ />,?7. (eft
an right margins shoul be /1 mm 3=>,57. Use a t"o-
column format "here each column is 4= mm 3= />,57
"ie an spacing of 6 mm 3/>,57 bet"een columns.
Inent paragraphs by 6 mm 3/>,57.
(eft an right-@ustify your columns. Use tables an
figures to a@ust column length. Use automatic
hyphenation an checA spelling. *ll figures, tables, an
eBuations must be inclue in-line "ith the te:t. Do not
use linAs to e:ternal files.
A. Figures and Tables
)raphics shoul be in TI$$, 600 pi 3/ bit>sample7
for line art 3graphics, charts, ra"ings or tables7 an ..0
pi for photos an gray scale images
+osition figures an tables at the tops an bottoms of
columns. *9oi placing them in the mile of columns.
(arge figures an tables may span across both columns.
$igure captions shoul be belo" the figuresD table names
an table captions shoul be abo9e the tables. Use the
abbre9iation E$ig.? e9en at the beginning of a sentence.
$igure a:is labels are often a source of confusion. Try
to use "ors rather than symbols. *s an e:ample, "rite
the Buantity E%agneti-ation,? or E%agneti-ation M,? not
@ust EM.? +ut units in parentheses. Do not label a:es only
"ith units. *s in $ig. /, for e:ample, "rite
E%agneti-ation 3*>m7? or E%agneti-ation 3* m
7,? not
@ust E*>m.? Do not label a:es "ith a ratio of Buantities
an units. $or e:ample, "rite ETemperature 3F7,? not
%ultipliers can be especially confusing. Grite
E%agneti-ation 3A*>m7? or E%agneti-ation 3/0
Do not "rite E%agneti-ation 3*>m7 /000? because the
reaer "oul not Ano" "hether the top a:is label in $ig. /
meant /6000 *>m or 0.0/6 *>m. $igure labels shoul be
legible, appro:imately /0-point type.
Title of the Paper
, *uthor
Designation of author/, Institute, City, Country
Designation of author., Uni9ersity or College , City, Country
3e-mail aress7
T*H(& I
TY+& CII&C $OR C*%&R*-R&*DY +*+&RC
Regular Hol Italic
2 Table captions
4 Cection titles, tables, table names
first letters in table captions
, table
superscripts, figure captions, te:t
subscripts an superscripts,
references, footnotes
1 *bstract
/0 *uthors! affliations, main te:t,
eBuations, first letter in section
, first letter in table names
/. *uthors! names
/, +apertitle
Capital letters
$ig. /. %agneti-ation as a function of applie fiel.
Note ho" the caption is centere in the column.
B. eferences
Number citations consecuti9ely in sBuare bracAets
J/K. The sentence punctuation follo"s the bracAet J.K.
Refer simply to the reference number, as in J=K. Do not
use ERef. J=K? or Ereference J=K? e:cept at the beginning
of a sentence8
EReference J=K sho"s ... .?
Number footnotes separately in superscripts. +lace
the actual footnote at the bottom of the column in "hich it
"as cite. Do not put footnotes in the reference list. Use
letters for table footnotes 3see Table I7. IEEE
Transactions no longer use a @ournal prefi: before the
9olume number. $or e:ample, use EIEEE Trans. Magn.,
9ol. .<,? not E9ol. %*) .<.?
+lease note that the references at the en of this
ocument are in the preferre referencing style. )i9e all
authors! namesD o not use Eet al.? unless there are si:
authors or more. Use a space after authors; initials. +apers
that ha9e not been publishe, e9en if they ha9e been
submitte for publication, shoul be cite as
Eunpublishe? J,K. +apers that ha9e been accepte for
publication shoul be cite as Ein press? J<K.
Capitali-e only the first "or in a paper title, e:cept
for proper nouns an element symbols. $or papers
publishe in translation @ournals, please gi9e the &nglish
citation first, follo"e by the original foreign-language
citation J6K.
!. Abbre"iations and Acronyms

Define abbre9iations an acronyms the first time they
are use in the te:t, e9en after they ha9e alreay been
efine in the abstract. *bbre9iations such as I&&&, CI,
%FC, C)C, ac, c, an rms o not ha9e to be efine.
*bbre9iations that incorporate perios shoul not ha9e
spaces8 "rite EC.N.R.C.,? not EC. N. R. C.? Do not use
abbre9iations in the title unless they are una9oiable 3for
e:ample, EI&&&? in the title of this article7.
#. E$uations
Number eBuations consecuti9ely "ith eBuation
numbers in parentheses flush "ith the right margin, as in
3/7. To maAe your eBuations more compact, you may use
the solius 3 > 7, the e:p function, or appropriate e:ponents.
Use a long ash rather than a hyphen for a minus sign.
Use parentheses to a9oi ambiguities in enominators.
+unctuate eBuations "ith commas or perios "hen they
are part of a sentence, as in
A L B M !. 3/7
He sure that the symbols in your eBuation ha9e been
efine before the eBuation appears or immeiately
follo"ing. Italici-e 9ariables 3T might refer to
temperature, but T is the unit tesla7. Refer to E3/7,? not
E&B. 3/7? or EeBuation 3/7,? e:cept at the beginning of a
sentence8 E&Buation 3/7 is ... .?
E. %t&er ecommendations
The Roman numerals use to number the section
heaings are optional. If you o use them, number
R&$&R&NC&C, an begin Cubheaings "ith letters. Use one
space after perios an colons. 'yphenate comple:
moifiers8 E-ero-fiel-coole magneti-ation.? *9oi
angling participles, such as, EUsing 3/7, the potential "as
calculate.? Grite instea, EThe potential "as calculate
using 3/7,? or EUsing 3/7, "e calculate the potential.?
Use a -ero before ecimal points8 E0..<,? not E..<.?
Use Ecm
,? not Ecc.? Inicate sample imensions as E0./
cm 0.. cm,? not E0./ 0.. cm
.? The abbre9iation for
Esecons? is Es,? not Esec.? Do not mi: complete
spellings an abbre9iations of units8 use EGb>m
? or
E"ebers per sBuare meter,? not E"ebers>m
.? Ghen
e:pressing a range of 9alues, "rite E2 to 1? or E2-1,? not
E2N1.? Cpell units "hen they appear in te:t8 EOa fe"
henries,? not EOa fe" '.? If your nati9e language is not
&nglish, try to get a nati9e &nglish-speaAing colleague to
proofrea your paper. Number each page at top, right
corner8 E/ of =,? E. of =,? etc.
Use either CI 3%FC7 or C)C as primary units. 3CI
units are strongly encourage.7 &nglish units may be use
as seconary units 3in parentheses7. This applies to papers
in ata storage. $or e:ample, "rite E/< )b>cm
7.? *n e:ception is "hen &nglish units are use as
ientifiers in trae, such as E=.<-inch isA ri9e.?
*9oi combining CI an C)C units, such as current
in amperes an magnetic fiel in oerstes. This often
leas to confusion because eBuations o not balance
imensionally. If you must use mi:e units, clearly state
the units for each Buantity that you use in an eBuation.
$inally, you are responsible for language as eitors
"ill not checA it. Do a spell an grammar checA. This is
a9ailable in Gor. If &nglish is not your nati9e language,
get a professional proof-reaer to help if possible.
The "or Eata? is plural, not singular. The subscript
for the permeability of 9acuum Q0 is -ero, not a lo"ercase
letter Eo.? In *merican &nglish, perios an commas are
"ithin Buotation marAs, liAe Ethis perio.? * parenthetical
statement at the en of a sentence is punctuate outsie of
the closing parenthesis 3liAe this7. 3* parenthetical
sentence is punctuate "ithin the parentheses.7 * graph
"ithin a graph is an Einset,? not an Einsert.? The "or
Ealternati9ely? is preferre to the "or Ealternately?
3unless you really mean something that alternates7. Use
the "or E"hereas? instea of E"hile? 3unless you are
referring to simultaneous e9ents7. Do not use the "or
Eessentially? to mean Eappro:imately? or Eeffecti9ely.?
Do not use the "or Eissue? as a euphemism for
He a"are of the ifferent meanings of the
homophones Eaffect? 3usually a 9erb7 an Eeffect?
3usually a noun7, Ecomplement? an Ecompliment,?
Eiscreet? an Eiscrete,? Eprincipal? 3e.g., Eprincipal
in9estigator?7 an Eprinciple? 3e.g., Eprinciple of
measurement?7. Do not confuse Eimply? an Einfer.?
+refi:es such as Enon,? Esub,? Emicro,? Emulti,? an
Eultra? are not inepenent "orsD they shoul be @oine
to the "ors they moify, usually "ithout a hyphen.
There is no perio after the Eet? in the (atin abbre9iation
Eet al.? 3it is also italici-e7. The abbre9iation Ei.e.,?
means Ethat is,? an the abbre9iation Ee.g.,? means Efor
e:ample? 3these abbre9iations are not italici-e7.
The preferre spelling of the "or
EacAno"legment? in *merican &nglish is "ithout an Ee?
after the Eg.? Use the singular heaing e9en if you ha9e
many acAno"legments. *9oi e:pressions such as EOne
of us 3R.S.*.7 "oul liAe to thanA ... .? Instea, "rite ER.
S. *uthor thanAs ... .? Cponsor an financial support
acAno"legments are place in the unnumbere footnote
on the first page.
J/K D. R. Heebe, ECignal con9ersion 3HooA style "ith paper title
an eitor7,? in Biomedical #igital 'ignal (rocessing, G. R.
TompAins, &. &ngle"oo Cliffs, NR8 +rentice-'all, /11=,
ch. =, pp. 6/#2,.
J.K %. *Aay, Time Fre$uency and )a"elets in Biomedical
'ignal (rocessing 3HooA style7. +iscata"ay, NR8 I&&&
+ress, /114, pp. /.=#/=<.
J=K ). H. )entili, P. Tesi, %. (inari, an %. %arsili, E*
9ersatile micro"a9e plethysmograph for the monitoring of
physiological parameters 3+erioical style7,? IEEE Trans.
Biomed. Eng., 9ol. ,1, no. /0, pp. /.0,#/./0, Oct. .00..
J,K P. %eina, R. Pales, R. *-piro-, an &. Cacristan, ETitle
of paper if Ano"n,? unpublishe.
J<K &. '. %iller, E* note on reflector arrays 3+erioical styleT
*ccepte for publication7,? IEEE Trans. Antennas
(ropagat., in press.
J6K T. %enene-, C. *chenbach, G. %oshage, %. $lug, &.
Heiner, *. Follert, *. Hittel, an F. Hachmann, E+renatal
recoring of fetal heart action "ith magnetocariography?
3in )erman7, *eitsc&rift f+r Kardiologie, 9ol. 42, no. ., pp.
///#4, /114.
J2K R. &. %on-on, EThe cultural approach to telemeicine in
(atin *merican homes 3+ublishe Conference +roceeings
style7,? in (roc. ,rd !onf. Information Tec&nology
Applications in Biomedicine, ITAB-.., *rlington, P*, pp.
J4K $. *. Cauners, E&lectrotactile sensory ais for the
hanicappe 3+resente Conference +aper style7,?
presente at the /t& Annu. Meeting Biomedical Engineering
'ociety, (os *ngeles, C*, /12=.
J1K R. R. HoheAi, E*apti9e *R moel spectral parameters for
monitoring neonatal &&) 3Thesis or Dissertation style7,?
+h.D. issertation, Hiome. &ng. +rogram, Uni9. $e. Rio
e Raneiro, Rio e Raneiro, Hra-il, .000.
J/0K R. +. GilAinson, ENonlinear resonant circuit e9ices 3+atent
style7,? U.C. +atent = 6., /., Ruly /6, /110.

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