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Chapter 7: Data Modeling Using the Entity-Relationship (ER) Model


Answers to Selete! E"er#ses
7$%& - Consider the following set of requirements for a U!"ER#!$% data&ase that is used to
'eep tra(' of students) trans(ripts* $his is similar &ut not identi(al to the data&ase shown in
+igure ,*-:
(a) $he uni.ersity 'eeps tra(' of ea(h student)s name/ student num&er/ so(ial se(urity
num&er/ (urrent address and phone/ permanent address and phone/ &irthdate/ se0/ (lass
(freshman/ sophomore/ ***/ graduate)/ ma1or department/ minor department (if any)/ and
degree program (2*3*/ 2*#*/ ***/ 4h*D*)* #ome user appli(ations need to refer to the (ity/
state/ and 5ip of the student)s permanent address/ and to the student)s last name* 2oth
so(ial se(urity num&er and student num&er ha.e unique .alues for ea(h student*
(&) Ea(h department is des(ri&ed &y a name/ department (ode/ offi(e num&er/ offi(e phone/
and (ollege* 2oth name and (ode ha.e unique .alues for ea(h department*
(() Ea(h (ourse has a (ourse name/ des(ription/ (ourse num&er/ num&er of semester hours/
le.el/ and offering department* $he .alue of (ourse num&er is unique for ea(h (ourse*
(d) Ea(h se(tion has an instru(tor/ semester/ year/ (ourse/ and se(tion num&er* $he se(tion
num&er distinguishes different se(tions of the same (ourse that are taught during the same
semester6year7 its .alues are ,/ -/ 8/ ***/ up to the num&er of se(tions taught during ea(h
(e) 3 grade report has a student/ se(tion/ letter grade/ and numeri( grade (9/ ,/ -/ 8/
: for +/ D/ C/ 2/ 3/ respe(ti.ely)*
Design an ER s(hema for this appli(ation/ and draw an ER diagram for that s(hema*
#pe(ify 'ey attri&utes of ea(h entity type and stru(tural (onstraints on ea(h relationship type*
ote any unspe(ified requirements/ and ma'e appropriate assumptions to ma'e the
spe(ifi(ation (omplete*
Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley.
Chapter 7: Data Modeling Using the Entity-Relationship (ER) Model
7$%7 - Composite and multi-.alued attri&utes (an &e nested to any num&er of le.els*
#uppose we want to design an attri&ute for a #$UDE$ entity type to 'eep tra(' of pre.ious
(ollege edu(ation* #u(h an attri&ute will ha.e one entry for ea(h (ollege pre.iously attended/
and this entry is (omposed of: (ollege name/ start and end dates/ degree entries (degrees
awarded at that (ollege/ if any)/ and trans(ript entries ((ourses (ompleted at that (ollege/ if
any)* Ea(h degree entry is formed of degree name and the month and year it was awarded/
and ea(h trans(ript entry is formed of a (ourse name/ semester/ year/ and grade* Design an
attri&ute to hold this information* Use the (on.entions of +igure 7*;*
< 4re.iousEdu(ation ( Collegeame/ #tartDate/ EndDate/
< Degree (Degreeame/ Month/ %ear) =/
< $rans(ript (Courseame/ #emester/ %ear/ >rade) = ) =
Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley.
Chapter 7: Data Modeling Using the Entity-Relationship (ER) Model
'$%( - #how an alternati.e design for the attri&ute des(ri&ed in E0er(ise 7*,7 that uses only
entity types (in(luding wea' entity types if needed) and relationship types*
$his e0ample illustrates a per(ei.ed wea'ness of the ER model/ whi(h is: how does the
data&ase designer de(ide what to model as an entity type and what to model as a
relationship type* !n our solution/ we (reated a wea' entity type 3$$ED3CE7 ea(h (wea')
entity in 3$$ED3CE represents a period in whi(h a #$UDE$ attended a parti(ular
C?@@E>E/ and is identified &y the #$UDE$ and the #tartDate of the period* Aen(e/ the
#tartDate attri&ute is the partial 'ey of 3$$ED3CE* Ea(h 3$$ED3CE entity is related
to one C?@@E>E and 5ero or more DE>REEs (the degrees awarded during that attendan(e
period)* $he $R3#CR!4$ of the #$UDE$ during ea(h attendan(e period is modeled as a
wea' entity type/ whi(h the re(ords of the student during the attendan(e period* Ea(h
(wea') entity in $R3#CR!4$ the re(ord of the sudent in one (ourse during the
attendan(e period/ as shown in the ER diagram &elow* ?ther ER s(hema designs are also
possi&le for this pro&lem*
Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley.
Chapter 7: Data Modeling Using the Entity-Relationship (ER) Model
7$%) - Consider the ER diagram of +igure 7*-9/ whi(h shows a simplified s(hema for an
airline reser.ations system* E0tra(t from the ER diagram the requirements and (onstraints
that resulted in this s(hema* $ry to &e as pre(ise as possi&le in your requirements and
(onstraints spe(ifi(ation*
(,) $he data&ase represents ea(h 3!R4?R$/ 'eeping its unique 3irportCode/ the 3!R4?R$
ame/ and the City and #tate in whi(h the 3!R4?R$ is lo(ated*
(-) Ea(h airline +@!>A$ has a unique num&er/ the 3irline for the +@!>A$/ and the Bee'days
on whi(h the +@!>A$ is s(heduled (for e0ample/ e.ery day of the wee' e0(ept #unday (an
&e (oded as C7)*
(8) 3 +@!>A$ is (omposed of one or more +@!>A$ @E>s (for e0ample/ flight num&er
C?,--8 from ew %or' to @os 3ngeles may ha.e two +@!>A$ @E>s: leg , from ew %or'
to Aouston and leg - from Aouston to @os 3ngeles)* Ea(h +@!>A$ @E> has a DE43R$URE
3!R4?R$ and #(heduled Departure $ime/ and an 3RR!"3@ 3!R4?R$ and #(heduled $ime*
(:) 3 @E> !#$3CE is an instan(e of a +@!>A$ @E> on a spe(ifi( Date (for e0ample/
C?,--8 leg , on Duly 89/ ,EFE)* $he a(tual Departure and 3!R4?R$s and
$imes are re(orded for ea(h flight leg after the flight leg has &een (on(luded* $he
um&er of a.aila&le seats and the 3!R4@3E used in the @E> !#$3CE are also 'ept*
(;) $he (ustomer RE#ER"3$!?s on ea(h @E> !#$3CE in(lude the Customer ame/
4hone/ and #eat um&er(s) for ea(h reser.ation*
Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley.
Chapter 7: Data Modeling Using the Entity-Relationship (ER) Model
(G) !nformation on 3!R4@3Es and 3!R4@3E $%4Es are also 'ept* +or ea(h 3!R4@3E
$%4E (for e0ample/ DC-,9)/ the $ypeame/ manufa(turing Company/ and
Ma0imum um&er of #eats are 'ept* $he 3!R4?R$s in whi(h planes of this type
C3 @3D are 'ept in the data&ase* +or ea(h 3!R4@3E/ the 3irplane!d/ $otal num&er of
seats/ and $%4E are 'ept*
7$*+ - o solution pro.ided*
7$*% -
3dditional information:
- $here are :8; (ongresspersons in the U*#* Aouse of*
- #tates ha.e &etween one (3H/ DE/ M$/ D/ #D/ "$/ and B%) and ;- (C3)*
- M represents num&er of &ills during the --year session*
$he resulting ER Diagram is shown in +igure 3*
7$** - 3 data&ase is &eing (onstru(ted to 'eep tra(' of the teams and games of a sports
league* 3 team has a num&er of players/ not all of whom parti(ipate in ea(h game*
!t is desired to 'eep tra(' of the players parti(ipating in ea(h game for ea(h team/ the
positions they played in that game/ and the result of the game* $ry to design an ER s(hema
diagram for this appli(ation/ stating any assumptions you ma'e* Choose your fa.orite sport
(so((er/ foot&all/ &ase&all ***)*
$he following design may &e used for a &ase&all league* Aere/ we assumed that ea(h game
in the s(hedule is identified &y a unique >ameI/ and a game is also identified uniquely &y
the (om&ination of Date/ starting $ime/ and +ield where it is played* $he 4erforman(e
Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley.
Chapter 7: Data Modeling Using the Entity-Relationship (ER) Model
attri&ute of 43R$!C!43$E is used to store information on the indi.idual performan(e of ea(h
player in a game* $his attri&ute (an &e designed to 'eep the information needed for
statisti(s/ and may &e quite (omple0* ?ne possi&le design for the 4erforman(e attri&ute may
&e the following (using the notation of +igure 7*F):
4erforman(e( <Aitting(3t2atI/ !nningI/ Ait$ype/ Runs/ Runs2atted!n/ #tolen2ases)=/
<4it(hing(!nningI/ Aits/ Runs/ EarnedRuns/ #tri'e?uts/ Bal's/ ?uts/
2al's/ Bild4it(hes)=/
<Defense(!nningI/ <+ieldingRe(ord(4osition/ 4ut?uts/ 3ssists/ Errors)=)= )
Aere/ performan(e is a (omposite attri&ute made up of three multi.alued (omponents:
Aitting/ 4it(hing/ and Defense* Aitting has a .alue for ea(h 3t2at of a player/ and re(ords
the Ait$ype (suita&le (oded7 for e0ample/ , for single/ - for dou&le/ 8 for triple/ : for
home run/ 9 for wal'/ -, for stri'eout/ -- for fly out/ ***) and other information
(on(erning the 3t2at* 4it(hing has a .alue for ea(h inning during whi(h the player
pit(hed* Defense has a .alue for ea(h inning a player played a fielding position* Be (an
ha.e a less detailed or a more detailed design for the performan(e of a player in ea(h
game/ depending on how mu(h information we need to 'eep in the data&ase* #uita&le
.ariations of the ER diagram shown &elow (an &e used for other sports*
7$*' - Consider the ER diagram shown in +igure 7*-, for part of a 23H data&ase* Ea(h
&an' (an ha.e multiple &ran(hes/ and ea(h &ran(h (an ha.e multiple a((ounts and loans*
(a) @ist the strong (nonwea') entity types in the ER diagram*
(&) !s there a wea' entity typeJ !f so/ gi.e its name/ its partial 'ey/ and its identifying
(() Bhat (onstraints do the partial 'ey and the identifying relationship of the wea' entity type
spe(ify in this diagramJ
Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley.
Chapter 7: Data Modeling Using the Entity-Relationship (ER) Model
(d) @ist the names of all relationship types/ and spe(ify the (min/ma0) (onstraint on ea(h
parti(ipation of an entity type in a relationship type* Dustify your (hoi(es*
(e) @ist (on(isely the user requirements that led to this ER s(hema design*
(f) #uppose that e.ery (ustomer must ha.e at least one a((ount &ut is restri(ted
to at most two loans at a time/ and that a &an' &ran(h (annot ha.e more than
,999 loans* Aow does this show up on the (min/ma0) (onstraintsJ
(a) Entity types: 23H/ 3CC?U$/ CU#$?MER/ @?3
(&) Bea' entity type: 23H-2R3CA* 4artial 'ey: 2ran(ho*
!dentifying relationship: 2R3CAE#*
(() $he partial 'ey 2ran(ho in 23H-2R3CA spe(ifies that the same 2ran(ho .alue ay
o((ur under different 23Hs* $he identifying relationship 2R3CAE# spe(ifies that
Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley.
Chapter 7: Data Modeling Using the Entity-Relationship (ER) Model
2ran(ho .alues are uniquely assigned for those 23H-2R3CA entities that are related
to the same 23H entity* Aen(e/ the (om&ination of 23H Code and 2ran(ho together
(onstitute a full identifier for a 23H-2R3CA*
(d) Relationship $ypes: 2R3CAE#/ 3CC$#/ @?3#/ 3-C/ @-C* $he (min/ ma0) (onstraints
are shown &elow*
(e) $he requirements may &e stated as follows: Ea(h 23H has a unique Code/ as well as a
ame and 3ddress* Ea(h 23H is related to one or more 23H-2R3CAes/ and the
2ranho is unique among ea(h set of 23H-2R3CAes that are related to the same 23H*
Ea(h 23H-2R3CA has an 3ddress* Ea(h 23H-2R3CA has 5ero or more @?3# and
5ero or more 3CC$#* Ea(h 3CC?U$ has an 3((to (unique)/ 2alan(e/ and $ype and is
related to e0a(tly one 23H-2R3CA and to at least one CU#$?MER* Ea(h @?3 has a
@oano (unique)/ 3mount/ and $ype and is related to e0a(tly one 23H-2R3CA and to at
least one CU#$?MER* Ea(h CU#$?MER has an ## (unique)/ ame/ 4hone/ and
3ddress/ and is related to 5ero or more 3CC?U$s and to 5ero or more @?3s*
(f) $he (min/ ma0) (onstraints would &e (hanged as follows:
7$*, - Consider the ER diagram in +igure 7*--* 3ssume that an employee may wor' in up to
two departments or may not &e assigned to any department* 3ssume that ea(h department
must ha.e one and may ha.e up to three phone num&ers* #upply (min/ ma0) (onstraints on
this diagram* #tate (learly any additional assumptions you ma'e* Under what (onditions
would the relationship A3#K4A?E &e redundant in this e0ampleJ
3ssuming the following additional assumptions:
- Ea(h department (an ha.e anywhere &etween , and ,9 employees*
- Ea(h phone is used &y one/ and only one/ department*
- Ea(h phone is assigned to at least one/ and may &e assigned to up to ,9 employees*
- Ea(h employee is assigned at least one/ &ut no more than G phones*
$he resulting ER Diagram will ha.e the (min/ ma0) (onstraints shown in +igure 3*
Relationship A3#-4A?E would &e redundant under the following (onditions:
- Ea(h employee is assigned all of the phones of ea(h department that he6she wor's in*
Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley.
Chapter 7: Data Modeling Using the Entity-Relationship (ER) Model
- 3n employee (annot ha.e any other phones outside the departments he6she wor's is*
A3#-4A?E C?$3!#
(9/ -)
(,/ 8)
(,/ ,9)
(,/ ,9) (,/ ,)
(,/ G)
7$*- - Consider the ER diagram in +igure 7*-8* 3ssume that a (ourse may or may not use a
te0t&oo'/ &ut that a te0t &y definition is a &oo' that is used in some (ourse* 3 (ourse may not
use more than fi.e &oo's* !nstru(tors tea(h from two to four (ourses* #upply (min/ ma0)
(onstraints on this diagram* #tate (learly any additional assumptions you ma'e* !f we add
the relationship 3D?4$# &etween !#$RUC$?R and $EC$/ what (min/ ma0) (onstraints
would you put on itJ BhyJ
3ssuming the following additional assumptions:
- Ea(h (ourse is taught &y e0a(tly one instru(tor*
- Ea(h te0t&oo' is used &y one and only one (ourse*
- 3n instru(tor does not ha.e to adopt a te0t&oo' for all (ourses*
- !f a te0t e0ists:
- KKKit is used in some (ourse/
- KKKhen(e it is adopted &y some instru(tor who tea(hes that (ourse*
- 3n instru(tor is (onsidered to adopt a te0t if it is used in some (ourse taught
- &y that instru(tor*
$he resulting ER Diagram will ha.e the (min/ ma0) (onstraints shown in +igure 2*
7$*& - Consider an entity type SECTION in a UNIVERSITY data&ase/ whi(h des(ri&es the
se(tion offerings of (ourses* $he attri&utes of SECTION are #e(tionum&er/ #emester/
%ear/ Courseum&er/ !nstru(tor/ Roomo (where se(tion is taught)/ 2uilding (where se(tion
is taught)/ Bee'days (domain is the possi&le (om&inations of wee'days in whi(h a se(tion
(an &e offered <MB+/ MB/ $$/ et(*=)* 3ssume tat #e(tionum&er is unique for ea(h (ourse
Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley.
Chapter 7: Data Modeling Using the Entity-Relationship (ER) Model
within a parti(ular semester6year (om&ination (that is/ if a (ourse if offered multiple times
during a parti(ular semester/ its se(tion offerings are num&ered ,/ -/ 8/ et(*)* $here are
se.eral (omposite 'eys for SECTION/ and some attri&ute sare (omponents of more than one
'ey* !dentify three (omposite 'eys/ and show how they (an &e represented in an ER s(hema
7$*7 - Cardinality ratios often di(tate the detailed design of a data&ase* $he (ardinality ratio
depends on the real-world meaning of the entity types in.ol.ed and is defined &y the spe(ifi(
appli(ation* +or the &inary relationships &elow/ suggest (ardinality ratios &ased on (ommon-
sense meaning of the entity types* Clearly state any assumptions you ma'e*
Entity , Cardinality Ratio Entity -
,* #tudent #o(ial#e(urityCard
-* #tudent $ea(her
8* ClassRoom Ball
:* Country Current4resident
;* Course $e0t2oo'
!tem (that (an &e
found in an order)
Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley.
Chapter 7: Data Modeling Using the Entity-Relationship (ER) Model
7* #tudent Class
F* Class !nstru(tor
E* !nstru(tor ?ffi(e
E-&ay 3u(tion
E-&ay &id

Entity , Cardinality Ratio Entity -
,* #tudent
3 student may ha.e more
than one so(ial se(urity
(ard (legally with the
same unique so(ial
se(urity num&er)/ and
e.ery so(ial se(urity
num&er &elongs to a
unique student*
-* #tudent
>enerally students are
taught &y many tea(hers
and a tea(her tea(hes
many students*
8* ClassRoom
DonLt forget that the wall
is usually shared &y
ad1a(ent rooms*
:* Country
3ssuming a normal
(ountry under normal
(ir(umstan(es one
president at a time*
;* Course
3 (ourse may ha.e many
te0t&oo's and a te0t &oo'
may &e pres(ri&ed for
different (ourses*
Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley.
Chapter 7: Data Modeling Using the Entity-Relationship (ER) Model
!tem (that (an &e
found in an order)
3ssuming the same item
(an appear in different
7* #tudent
?ne student may ta'e
se.eral (lasses* E.ery
(lass usually has se.eral
F* Class
3ssuming that e.ery (lass
has a unique instru(tor* !n
(ase instru(tors were
allowed to team tea(h/
this will &e many-many*
E* !nstru(tor
3ssuming e.ery instru(tor
has only one offi(e and it
is not shared* !n (ase of
offi(es shared &y -
instru(tors/ the
relationship will &e --,*
Con.ersely/ if an
instru(tor has a 1oint
appointment (in two
departments) and offi(es
in &oth departments/ then
the relationship will &e ,-
-* !n a .ery general (ase/
it may &e many-many*
E-&ay 3u(tion
, item has many &ids and
a &id is unique to an item
(assuming a regular
au(tion format)*
E-&ay &id
7$*(-7$*) M o solutions pro.ided*
'$'+ - !llustrate the UM@ Diagram for e0er(ise 7*,G* %our UM@ design should o&ser.e the
following requirements:
a* $he student should ha.e the a&ility to (ompute his6her >43 and add or drop ma1ors
and minors*
Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley.
Chapter 7: Data Modeling Using the Entity-Relationship (ER) Model
&* Ea(h department should &e to a&le add or delete (ourses and hire or terminate
(* Ea(h instru(tor should &e a&le to assign or (hange a grade to a student for a (ourse*
Note: #ome of these fun(tions may &e spread multiple (lasses*

Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley.
CourseNumber: {Course}
SectionNumber: {!"#"$}
Letter%ra(e: {&")"C"D"*}
Number%ra(e: {+"!"#","-}
)irt2(ate: Date
Se3: {4"*}
Class: {*"So"5"Se"%}
De7ree: {)&")S"$}
Name: {CS"$}
DepartmentCo(e: {Co(es}
Colle7e: {Colle7es}
Chapter 7: Data Modeling Using the Entity-Relationship (ER) Model
$his one isnLt finished yet* $he relationships need to &e added and some of the fun(tions
should &e mo.ed to span (lasses*
Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley.

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