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Shree Ganeshay Namah:

Semester, HR Specialization: SHRM
Assignment Questions
!Q"# Ho$ do technological %orces and social %orces a%%ect the success%ul implementation o%
strategic planning %or &usiness unit'
!Q"(# Brie%ly e)plain the process o% %ormulation o% mar*et dri+en strategy
!Q",# -hat is a &usiness organization' Ho$ en+ironmental %orces compel it to plan its actions
$ell in ad+ance'
!Q"4# -hat are the practical pro&lems associated $ith using prescriptions o% mar*et dri+en
!Q".# -hat &usiness policies a %irm should adopt to maintain its ad+antageous positions in its
product mar*et'
!Q"/# -hat is a capa&ility' 0)plain the characteristics %or sustaina&ility o% resource &ased
competiti+e ad+antage"
!Q"1# 23roduct 3ort%olio Analysis is a dynamic +alue chain analysis o% internal departments
and di+isions4" 0)plain $ith Boston 5onsulting Group (6( Matri)"
!Q"7# -hat is the di%%erence &et$een an organization4s process resources and its cultural
!Q"8# 9t is o%ten said that an employer does not ha+e appropriation rights o+er employee
human capital" :hen ho$ could it create a sustaina&le competiti+e ad+antage that is
employee dri+en'
!Q";# 5ompare and 5ontrast the ad+antages and disad+antages o% human resource<&ased and
physical resource<&ased competiti+e ad+antages"
Module (
!Q"# 9denti%y the macro and micro parts o% HR ser+ice %or each o% the ser+ices" 0lucidate
ad+antages o% e)ternal employees4 mar*et"
!Q"(# Bet$een indi+idual per%ormance and team per%ormance<&ased incenti+es $hich one is
most e%%ecti+e in crating employee strengths<&ased competiti+e ad+antage and $hy'
!Q",# Ho$ does strategic HR planning di%%er %rom con+entional HR planning' 0)plain 2A line
manager is one o% the most important HR manager4"
!Q"4# 2HR system<&ased competiti+e ad+antage is sustaina&le &ut HR policies are $ell
documented and could &e duplicated easily4" 0)plain this apparent parado)"
!Q".# Human resource<&ased competiti+e ad+antage could &e &uilt %rom employee s*ills and
e)pertise, organizational culture, and human resource systems" Among these three
methods $hich one a tough challenger $ould %ind hardest to duplicate and $hy'
!Q"/# -hat are the essential s*ill re=uirements %or an HR manager to do success%ul strategic
HR planning' -hy HR planning is li*ely to &ecome more integrated $ith its strategic
plan $hen it goes %or %re=uent ac=uisition and merger'
!Q"1# :hough a %resh college graduate recruit has much more longer years o% ser+ice le%t than
a senior manager $ho may ha+e >ust %i+e or Si) years o% ser+ice le%t, yet in a company
strategic analysis o% company assets, the +alue o% human asset o% a senior manager is
considered %ar higher than that o% the %resh college graduate recruit" -hy'
!Q"7# -hat are the essential pre<conditions %or success o% mar*o+ method in estimating
recruitment re=uirements in a company' 0)plain o&>ecti+e o% strategic selection"
!Q"8# -hat is meant &y strategic recruitment' 0)plain ho$ the recruitment strategy o% a
company %ollo$ing a mar*et dri+en strategy may di%%er %rom that o% a company
%ollo$ing a resource dri+en strategy"
!Q";# ?aced $ith high turno+er and acute shortage o% young employees, B3@ companies are
using ad+ertisement agencies %or ma*ing their employment ad+ertisement" Some o%
them are using dedicated call center to contact potential candidates directly" 0)plain the
reason $hy B3@ companies are using pro%essional ad+ertisement agencies to design
their employment ad+ertisements"
Module ,
!Q"# State the conditions under $hich micro<HR lose their rele+ance'
!Q"(# Suggest the chec*list on appraisal system con%irming $ith strategic recruitment" Also
discuss +arious stages o% learning program"
!Q",# 0)plain structure o% a company that di+ersi%ied along related product line and unrelated
product line"
!Q"4# -hy is post learning >o& placement so critical %or de+eloping managerial e)pertise'
Ander $hat conditions an employee de+elopment manager may %ind high learners
!Q".# -hat is meant &y organizational isomorphism' -hy only organizational structure
sho$s high degree o% isomorphism &ut not other HR ser+ice'
!Q"/# Most o% the 9ndian &an*s $ith &usiness all o+er the country operate under a region
centric management structure" -hy' Ander $hat condition an 9ndian &an* is li*ely to
mo+e into a separate &usiness centric structure'
!Q"1# Suggest the chec*list on appraisal system con%irming $ith strategic recruitment"
!Q"7# -hat is human in%rastructure o% a company' -hy should a strategic assessment o% a
company per%ormance include an assessment o% its human in%rastructure'
!Q"8# -hy despite lots o% ad+antages, ,/; degree appraisal method is still not +ery popular in
most 9ndian &usiness organizations'
!Q";# Ho$ does a strategic assessment o% a company per%ormance re=uire assessment o% its
per%ormance at many le+els'
Module 4
!Q"# 5ompare the +irtues and +ices o% seniority and per%ormance<&ased compensation
policies" Ho$ the compensation strategy o% a company $ould get a%%ected i% it goes %or
ac=uisition o% another company'
!Q"(# 0mployees $or*ing in industries $here technology and structure o% industry are in state
o% %lu) are li*ely to &e more sensiti+e to compensation matters than their counterparts
$or*ing in relati+ely sta&le industries" 0)plain $hy"
!Q",# :here $as ne$s that B3@ employees $ere planning to %orm trade union %or negotiating
their employment duration and $or*place %acilities" -hat are pros and cons to such a
!Q"4# -hat is the managerial implication i% an organization decides to ta*e a proacti+e
approach to$ards %ormation o% trade union o% its employees'
!Q".# Ho$ multiple trade unions $ithin the same organization could a%%ect strategic plan and
its e)ecution' -hy employers disli*e trade unions o% their $or*ers'
!Q"/# Ho$ can you >usti%y the outsourcing policy o% a company %rom a resource dri+en
strategy point o% +ie$' Ho$ $ould you implement such a policy'
!Q"1# 9t is o%ten said B%unctional separation o% >o&s creates higher employee producti+ity
$hich also creates scope %or outsourcingC" 0)plain"
!Q"7# 9magine that you are the GM !HR# o% a &ig manu%acturing organization $ith as many as
(;;; $or*ers and a&out .;; managers" Dour $or*ers are all unionized and there are
t$o registered trade unions in the company representing the $or*ers and another
association o% managers" Eue to gro$ing a+aila&ility o% lo$<cost $or*ers, you decide to
engage a&out ;F contract la&our in the plant" But as soon as the ne$s &ecame pu&lic,
you %ound &oth the la&our unions ha+e as*ed %or a meeting" -hy $ould trade union o%
permanently employees &e concerned a&out the company going %or contract
employment' Ho$ $ould you allay their apprehension'
!Q"8# 9t is o%ten said that e)perience and li%e o% managers o% a company $hich is &eing sold to
another company under distress is more li*e a %ish >umping %rom a %rying pan into %ire"
!Q";# Ho$ $ould you select managers $ho are gi+en the role o% managing integration o%
internal process o% the ac=uired and ac=uiring %irms'

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