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1: The word Jinn comes from the verb janna meaning to conceal.

They are spiritual beings that are

mentioned by the Quran to be made of smokeless, scorching fire. The Quran clarifies that despite
this, they are physical in nature.
2: They can interact with people and be interacted upon by people. They can be good, bad, or
neutrally benevolent and have a free will, like humans and unlike angels. They are mentioned
frequently in the Quran and the 72
Surah is named Surat-al-Jinn.
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1: Jinn have a lot of similarities to humans. As mentioned before, they have free will and have an
identical life to ours. This includes being able to choose religion; reproduce, live in houses, including
ours, go to school/work and they will be judged. They can be seen be animals. They are the reason a
crow starts cawing, or a donkey starts braying.
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2: Just like humans, there are good and bad Jinn. However, a major difference is that polytheist Jinn
are devils, for example Shaytan. They are the deities that whisper bad thoughts into our brains.
Shaytan has an evil Jinn for every human that has lived. He made this promise when he refused to
bow down to Adam (as). This means that there are more Jinn than humans and it also means that all
evil Jinn are the son of Shaytan.
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1: Jinn, particularly evil Jinn and Shaytan, can be heavily involved in our lives if we are careless.
When a couple have a marital relationship, the man must seek refuge from Shaytan. Otherwise,
Shaytan folds himself up in the mans urethra and has sexual relations along with him. Moreover,
when a man goes to his wife while she is in her menses, Shaytan precedes him. She shall conceive
and will bring forth a sterile person. The baby is considered to be child of the Jinn. Jinns may also
possess humans for indefinite periods of time.
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2: There are 5 types of Jinn: Marid, Effrit, Ghoul, Sila and Vetala.
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2: Marids are the most powerful, possessing great knowledge of magic and having assisted kings and
priests. They are commonly associated with barrelchested men coming out of bottles, like genies.
They are not very clever and were originally sea spirits.
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2: Ifrit are intelligent and cunning, thought to live in complex societies similar to humans. They are
evil and powerful, and difficult to control.
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1: Ghouls are known in English as undead monster this is because they have travelled north and
west. They are nocturnal, cannibalistic, shape-shifters who haunt graveyards and prey on human
flesh. The most feared type is a female (ghula) which has the ability to appear as a normal, mortal
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1: Sila are talented shape-shifters who are more tolerant of humans than all Jinn. They are
extremely intelligent and rare to be seen but can effortlessly look human.
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2: Vetala are semi-malevolent spirits that can possess corpses and prevent them from decaying.
They also change shape at will, are assumed to be natural psychics, are able to tell the future and
gain insight to the past as well as read thoughts of others.
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2: Qareen are unique to each individual, born when you are in the womb of your mother, and killed
when you die. They push you to do evil with the exception for the Prophets (PBUH), who was
converted by the Prophet asking Allah to help him. Scholars say that only the Prophet can do this
and that normal Muslims cannot and should not attempt to do so.
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