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All Star Driving: Session 1 07/06/2014 6:03:00 AM

Course Outline
o 20 hours, 4 sessions in total
o final test on 4
session, 50 multiple choice
80% required to pass
o 10 lessons, 1-2 hours per lesson
o 1 on 1 instruction
o drive at your time
o 24 hour cancellation notice required

G1 Restrictions
cannot drive alone
blood alcohol 0%
must be with full license driver
no freeway driving, unless with instructor
no driving between 12:00 am and 5:00 am
seat belt
G2 Restrictions
blood alcohol 0%
seat belt
first 6 months: no passengers under the age of 19 from midnight to
5:00 am
after max 3 passengers until you get your full G license
if expired, you go back to G1 Test

12 Types of Driver Licenses
Large Vehicles
o A: Tractor Trailer
o B: School Bus
o C: Regular Bus
o D: Truck Combination
o E: School Bus
o F: Ambulance
Small Vehicles
o G: Full License
o G2: Under graduated
o G1: Under graduated
o M1: Motorcycles, limited speed
o M2: Motorcycles, limited time
o M: Full License

3 Levels of Traffic Laws
Federal Laws
o stays in record 10-25 years
Provincial Laws
o stays in record 3-5 years
Municipal Laws

Demerit Point System for G1 and G2
maximum 9 DP for G1/2
o 2 warning letter
o 6 interview with suspension
o 9 suspension up to 2 years
o 3 years in provincial record, 5 years in insurance record

Table of Offences
7 points
o failing to remain at scene of collision
o failing to stop for police
o dangerous driving
o drinking and driving
6 points
o careless driving
o racing
o exceeding speed by 50 km/h or more
o failing to stop for school bus
5 points
o driver of bus failing to stop at unprotected railway crossing
4 points
o exceeding the speed by 30 km/h or more
o following too closely
3 points
o exceeding the speed by 16-29 km/h
o failing to obey police directions
o failing to obey stop sign
o failing to report a collision
o failing to yield right of way
o failing to obey traffic light
o improper use of HOV lanes
2 points
o failing to lower head light beam
o improper opening of a vehicle door
o prohibited turns
o failing to obey signs
o failing to share the road
o improper right turn
o improper left turn
o failing to signal
o unnecessary slow driving
o reversing on a highway
o failing to wear seatbelt
o driver failing to ensure infant passenger/child is secured
o failing to ensure passenger under 16 is wearing a seat belt

Blind Spot vs. Blind Zone
blind spot: area you cant see using the side view mirrors; must
turn your head 95 degrees to either side (only head, not shoulders)
blind zone: area you cant see in your vehicles immediate
surroundings; depends on the size of the vehicle

One Way Stop Signs
minimum 3 sec stop
scan properly
6 sec clearance
only move when safe
3 stopping positions (initial stop at sign, secondary stop for road
scanning, tertiary stop to yield right of way)
always at fault
no right of ways

All Way Stop Signs
3 second stop
first come, first go
yield right of way; if unsure, give right of way
only one stopping position
safer stop signs since everyone stops

Auto Insurance is Required in Ontario
up to $50,000 in fines
covers you against
o liability for other cars
o property
o health
o income lost
o lawsuit and more

Kinds of Auto Insurance no insurance fines ($5,000 - $50,000)
Third Party or One Way
o required by law
Comprehensive Coverage
o fire, theft and vandalism
o optional
Collision or Full Coverage
o optional
male insurance is more expensive than female experience

Insurance always goes up when youre at fault in a collision
failing to obey right-of-way
o rear end crashes
o lane changes
o left turns
o reversing
o exiting from a driveway
o poor judgement calls
Session 2 07/06/2014 6:03:00 AM
Smith System of Safe Driving
Aim High Steering
o watch ahead about 15-20 sec ahead
Get the Big Picture
o scan the entire roadway, from side to side
Keep the Eyes Moving
o watch not only ahead, but side and even back using mirrors
Leave Yourself an Out
o stop at least one car length before a car to give yourself
space to change lanes
Make Sure They See You

Transmission: helps transmit power from engine to the wheel
2 types: manual and automatic
o manual has 7 positions
first (0-20)
second (20-40)
third (40-60)
fourth (60-90)
fifth (90+)
o automatic has 7 positions, but easier
low (4 or 3 or 2)
low (2 or 1)
lowest (1)

Using Accelerator or Braking Pedals
apply smooth pressure
feel first before pressing it
avoid sudden jerk
brake early
weather and road conditions
check road traction
always use your RIGHT foot

Steering Wheel
hands at 9 and 3 position
speed of airbags 300 km
hand over hand technique when turning

Speedometer and Speed Control
shows the speed
located in front of the driver
speed markers in km
the only valid judge of your speed
should be checked every 10 seconds

Emergency Situations
boost cables
car jack
tire wrench and spare tire
screw driver
windshield washer
motor oil
air pump

Communication Devices
brake lights
reverse lights
directional signals
emergency lights

Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS)
best braking system
prevents car from skidding and sliding
allows driver to steer and brake at the same time
shorter braking distance

Kinds of Parking
forward, front, angle
back and reverse
uphill (turn wheel to the left)
downhill (turn wheel to the right)
down or up without curb
emergency parking
o MSB, then emergency lights
blind spot

Parallel Parking
not allowed on highway, near a fire hydrant, or any intersection or
stop sign, or in any place designated by a no parking sign (within
specified times)
3 steps:
o 1. Stop beside the car and align back bumpers using the
triangle window at the back of the vehicle
change gear to reverse and look all the way around
before reversing
turn steering wheel 360 degrees to the right
o 2. Reverse until vehicles side mirror reaches the back light of
the vehicle
at this point, turn steering wheel 360 degrees back to
the normal position (to the left)
o 3. Keep reversing until headlights are aligned with the back
light of the vehicle in front
at this point turn steering wheel 360 degrees to the left
vehicle must be maximum 30 cm away from the curb
make sure that there is equal distance both in front and
behind you
if there is only one car to park with (either in front
or behind), make sure there is at least half-a-car
length distance between the vehicles

Changing Lanes (remember MSB)
check rear-view and side mirror; rear view gives 90% of the info
check blind spot
make sure your speed is with the flow of traffic
move gradually
move the steering wheel (in mm)
turn the signal off

150m rule visibility and traffic clearance
4 types of turning
o U-Turn most efficient turn
150m visibility
no right of way
must be legal
sufficient space
avoid busy roads
MSB checks
always look for signs
o Two Point Turn forces you to reverse into a street or
o Three Point Turn forces you to block two lanes of traffic
not allowed:
to go into any driveway
to do close to an intersection
on one-way streets
when U-turns are illegal
near construction
within 30m of a railway crossing sign
1. MSBr and stop, cancel right signal and turn on
left signal
2. Turn head 180 degrees to the left and check
for traffic clearance; once clear, signal to the left
and turn wheel 1 and move forward
3. Change to reverse gear and signal to the right;
look back and check for traffic clearance and once
clear, reverse to other curb
4. Change gear to drive, and signal to the left;
then when clear, move forward
must be done within 25-30 seconds of initiation
Turning Around the Block safest way of turning

Right of Way
must be obeyed
should be given if unsure
never fight for it
starts from the driveway
failure to obey results in fines and jail times
Session 3 07/06/2014 6:03:00 AM
Dealing with School Buses
6 demerit points
$2000 fine
must stop
20m behind, 5m in front
wait until the bus moves
never pass the bus when lights are flashing and the stop sign is

When to Call 911
in emergency only
o police, ambulance, fire
o collisions
o dangerous driving report
make sure you know the exact location
foul callers will be prosecuted

Dealing With Police
always stop when asked
o if not, 7 demerit points
o stays on criminal record for minimum 10 years
stay in your car
hands on the wheel
documents (license, insurance and ownership)
know your rights

Left Turns
no right of way
15-20 km/h when turning
be aware of:
o oncoming traffic
o proper lane
o vehicle position (1/3 of the way in the intersection)
o timing of lights

Sharing the Road
utility and transit vehicles
school buses

Emergency Vehicles
police car, fire truck and ambulance
failure to give them right of way costs 3 demerit points
keep a distance of 150m
do not pass with speed

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