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To light when there is no light

To hang and to adorn the wall

To reveal your photos to the instant

To guard valuable and ancient objects

To weigh the quantity of any past thing

To catch up and to sand the wood

To renew your clothes

To warm and to boil water


1. serves to sew and to renew clothes of dressing . (sirve para
coser y renovar la ropa de vestir.)
2. serves to match the wood and making furniture and
tables.( sirve para emparejar la madera y realizar muebles y
3. serves for look the time as also garnish the room. (sirve
para mirar la hora como tambin adornar la sala.)
4. serve for illuminate when no there light.(sireve para
iluminar cuando no hay luz)
5. serves for take photographs and have a memory. (sirve
para tomar fotografas y para tener un recuerdo.)
6. serves for save stuff valuable as : letters , toys ,
jewelry.(sirve para guardar cosas valiosas como: cartas,
juguetes, joyas )
7. serves for know that weight and know the amount. (sirve
para saber cunto pesa y saber la cantidad )
8. serves for prepare delicious meals, desserts and boil aqua.
(sirve para preparar deliciosas comidas, postresy hervir

1. How Works the machine of sew ?
Placing a hand for turn and can be pass the thread to the
2. how that material this is the lamp and how it lit ?
Era of copper and is prediabetes to kerosene.
3. how is used the brush?
Grasping the tool with the two hands.
4. for the timepiece that batteries is used?
Is used the batteries of biggest.
5. of that color came out the photos?
came out of color White and black.
6. that other stuff saved in the bal?
Clothing that no use, pots, books.
7. few ornillas were coming in the kitchen?
Only were coming two ornillas .
8. the lamp single it used for light?
No, also for walk and read or study.
9. who used the machine of sew?
it Used the consture .
10). had oven the kitchen ?
Si, to kerocene era the kitchen.

Verdadero y falsos
1. The sewing machine Serves for sewing shoes. (false )
2. The tool Brush also used it the electricians. (false)
3. The clock you indicated look the hour . (truel)
4. The lamp us lights when no there light. (truel)
5. The cmara you serves of have regards of the scenery
6. the trunk was to put a deceased. (false)
7. the balance serves of Despite all kinds of amounts.
8. the kitchen serves of setter of dishes. (false)
9. the balance also serves of measure size. (false)
10. the sewing machine serves of gather pants. (truel)

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