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Water Act 1974 to prevent and

control water pollution

Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 is
a comprehensive leislation that reulates aencies
responsi!le for chec"in on water pollution and
am!it of pollution control !oards !oth at the centre
and states# $he Water (Prevention & Control of
Pollution) Act, 1974 was adopted !% the &ndian
parliament with the aim of prevention and control of
Water Pollution in &ndia# 'ome of the important
sections reulatin the prevention of water pollution
as per the act are as discussed !elow#
Functions of the State Board
'ection 17 of the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 clearl% lists all
functions of the respective state !oards for counterin water pollution# $he state
!oard of respective states is empowered to plan a comprehensive proram for the
prevention, control or a!atement of pollution of streams and wells, collect and
disseminate information relatin to water pollution and encourae, conduct and
participate in investiations and research relatin to pro!lems of water pollution
and prevention#
$he state water !oards also have the riht to inspect sewae or trade effluents,
wor"s and plants for the treatment of sewae and trade effluents and to review all
water purification plants# $he (oard ma% esta!lish or reconi)e a la!orator% or
la!oratories to ena!le the (oard to perform its functions under this section
efficientl%, includin the anal%sis of samples of water from an% stream or well or of
samples of an% sewae or trade effluents#
Consent of the State Board is necessary to discharge sewage
'ection *+ of the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 states that
Prior Consent of the 'tate (oard under section *+ is necessar% to set up an%
industr%, plant or process which is li"el% to dischare sewae or trade effluent into a
stream or well or sewer or on land or !rin into use an% new or altered outlets for
the dischare of sewae or !ein to ma"e an% new dischare of sewae# $he
section further states that ever% 'tate (oard is lia!le to maintain a reister
containin particulars or conditions imposed under the section related to an% outlet,
or to an% effluent, from an% land or premises which must !e open to inspection !%
the state !oard#
Power to take emergency measures
'ection ,* of the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 descri!es the
power to ta"e emerenc% measures in case of pollution of stream or well# -nder the
act, 'tate (oard ma% issue orders to re move the matter, which is, or ma% cause
pollution. or remed% or mitiate the pollution, or issue prohi!ition orders to the
concerned persons from discharin an% poisonous or no/ious or pollutin matter#
'ection *4 and 4, of the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 relate
to prohi!ition on use of stream or well for disposal of pollutin matter and penalt%
for contravention thereof -nder the scope of the provision, no person shall
"nowinl% cause or permit an% poisonous, no/ious or pollutin mater as determined
!% the 'tate (oard to enter into an% stream or sewer or on land# An%one failin to
a!ide !% the laws of under is lia!le for imprisonment under 'ection *4 & 'ection 4,
ranin from not less than one %ear and si/ months to si/ %ears alon with
monetar% fines# $he section further states that 0o person shall "nowinl% cause or
permit to enter an% other matter which ma% impede the flow of water of the stream
causin pollution of an% "ind#
Penalties and fines
'ection 4* of the of the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 states
penalties and fines for certain acts includin pullin down pillars, 1!structs an%
person actin under the orders or direction of the (oard, 2amaes an% wor"s or
propert% !elonin to the (oard and 3ailure to furnish an% officer other emplo%ee of
the (oard an% information re4uired# $he fine and penalt% includes &mprisonment for
a term which ma% e/tend up to three months or with fine to 5s# 16,66678 or !oth#
Understanding Water Class
2ependin on the pollution of the water, water is demar"ed under various water
classes in accordance with the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974#
2rin"in water at source found without conventional treatment !ut after disinfection
is desinated as Class A while water desinated for outdoor !athin comes under
Class (# An% drin"in water source which has !een conventionall% treated comes
under Class C while water used for propaation of wildlife and fisheries is demar"ed
as Class 2# Water under Class 9 is used for irriation and industrial coolin alon
with waste disposal#
Some Key Points of Water Act 1974
Water Act 1974 aims to prevent and control water pollution#
-nder Water Act, 1974, pollution control !oards were created, who are
responsi!le for implementation of its provisions#
1ne of the important provision of the Water Act, 1974 is to maintain and
restore the :wholesomeness; of our a4uatic resources#
-nder Water Act 1974, 'ewae or pollutants cannot !e dischared into water
!odies includin la"es and it is the dut% of the state pollution control !oard to
intervene and stop such activit%#
An%one failin to a!ide !% the laws of under is lia!le for imprisonment under
'ection *4 & 'ection 4, ranin from not less than one %ear and si/ months
to si/ %ears alon with monetar% fines#
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