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Grade: 7th

Level: intermediate
Textbook: High Flyer Intermediate, Longman
Unit 11 Great Adventures: An Adventure Story
Relative clauses !ho, that, !hose, !hich, !here"
Time: #$ min
Location: the classroom
Type of lesson: develo%ing s&ills
' to narrate according to the events in the te(t
' to initiate discussion
Skills: reading, !riting, listening, s%ea&ing integrated rece%tive and %roductive s&ills"
Lesson aims:
' to develo% students) reading'com%rehension s&ills
' to develo% students) s%ea&ing s&ills tal&ing a*out adventure tri%s"
' to ma&e students a!are o+ the use o+ relative %ronouns !ho, !hose, that, !hich" and
adver*s !here" in relative clauses
Aids: *lac&*oard, te(t*oo&, !or&'sheets
Teaching methods: *rainstorming, conversation, dialogue, e(ercise, e(%lanation, role %lay
initial: home!or& chec&'u%
' continue: through activities, error correction
' +inal: through oral and !ritten +eed'*ac& and home!or&
Stages of lesson:
Activity ! : "armup
General #ompetence: to develo% %ositive attitude to!ards learning ,nglish
Specific competence: to correct mista&es
$ethod: dialogue
%rocedure: -eacher -" chec&s the home!or& +irst. /s read their home!or& and correct it i+
&nteraction: -'/0 /'-
#lass management: !hole class activity
Timing: # min
Activity ': %re(eading
General #ompetence: to e(%ress +le(i*ility in e(changing ideas !hile !or&ing in a grou%
values and attitudes"
Specific competence: to e(%ress %oints o+ vie! *ased on %ersonal e(%erience on the to%ic o+ the
lesson, 1adventure story.2
$ethod: conversation
%rocedure: - challenges /s introducing a strong motivational tas& related to /s) e(%erience on
the to%ic 1adventure:2
3hat does 1Adventure2 mean to you4 '5 1An activity 6ourney, e(%erience" !hich is unusual,
exciting, possibly dangerous.2
1An adventure tri% means things that ha%%en according to the %lan and e(%ectations, *ut
es%ecially sur%rises or situations in !hich you have to +ind a solution. Have you ever *een on an
adventure tri%42 /s' 7es8 9o0 e.g. an adventure in the +orest, you got lost or anything else". -he
%oints o+ vie! are shared !ith the class.
&nteraction: /s'/s0 /s'/s'-
#lass management: !hole class activity
Timing: 1$ min
9o!, the - as&s the /s to loo& at the %icture on %age :; and ans!er some <uestions e(.78%g.:;"
in +ull sentences.
Activity ) : "hile(eading
General #ompetence: to receive and %roduce an oral message
$ethod: dialogue
Aids: te(t*oo&, note*oo&, *lac&*oard
%rocedure: - announces the %ur%ose o+ the lesson: 1-oday !e are going to *e reading and
tal&ing a*out the adventure story o+ a child and his +riends !ho travel to a %lace in the Andes,
!here the Incas lived a*out =oo years ago. 3e !ill +ind out together !hat the children are
loo&ing +or in this +ar a!ay land.2 -he /s start reading the te(t out loud the - %ays attention to
%ronunciation" and +ind any un&no!n !ords. A+ter each sentence, the mate is translating so !e
can identi+y easyer the un&no!n !ords. -he - !rites the un&no!n !ords on the *lac&*oard and
the /s in their note*oo&s.
Timing: 1# min
Activity *: %ost (eading
- gives the /s a +e! minutes to loo& through the entire te(t and as&s the /s to do e(. ;8 %g.:;. /s
also have to ans!er a +e! <uestions related to the te(t e(.>8 %g.:;".
Timing: # min
Activity +:
General #ompetence: to understand and inter%ret a !ritten message in ,nglish
Specific competence: to use relative %ronouns !ho, !hose, that, !hich" and adver*s !here" in
relative clauses to em%hasi?e the stylistic dimension o+ the adventure story
$ethod: conversation
Aids: !or&'sheets0
%rocedure: - tells the /s !hat is a relative clause, its %osition and the introductory !ord the
relative clause is the sentence !hich adds more in+ormation a*out one o+ the nouns in the main
clause and *egins !ith who, whose, which, that and where. -he relative clause goes immediately
a+ter the noun. -he relative %ronouns are: who, whose, that, which0 where is a relative adver*". /s
notice that these sentences ma&e the te(t more +luent and easy to read, as they connect ideas
e(%ressed *y the narrator.
- gives the /s some !or&'sheets and they solve together the e(ercise.
&nteraction: / /0 /s'-
#lass management: !hole class activity
Timing: 1$ min
Activity ,: Feedback giving assignment- evaluation of the lesson
General #ompetence: to develo% interest in the discovery o+ socio'cultural s%eci+ic e(%ressed in
te(ts in ,nglish
Specific competence: to !rite a di++erent ending +or the adventure story *ased on the evolution o+
the events and characters
$ethod: conversation
Aids: te(t*oo&
%rocedure: - assigns the home!or&. /s as& <uestions in case there are as%ects that need to *e
&nteraction: /'-
#lass management: individual !or&
Timing: # min @$ min home!or& at home"
"orksheet !
#an you make these sentences easier to read by putting in:
.ho / that / .hich / .here or .hose 0
Example: $anco #apac is the king 1 founded the &nca Empire2
1. I am !riting a*out a caveAAAAA. has dra!ings o+ ancient %eo%le.
@. -hese %eo%le are the e(%lorersAAAAA discovered the cave.
B. I am !riting a*out a caveAAAAAAA. I visited last year.
:. -hese %eo%le are the e(%lorersAAAAA. I met last year.
#. -hat manAAAAAAA discovery you sa! is a !ell'&no!n e(%lorer.
=. 3e came to a %laceAAAAA.. the vegetation !as very overgro!n.
T3E (ELAT&1E %(45465 AS T3E S678E#T 4F A (ELAT&1E #LA6SE
(elative clauses about things
' I am !riting a*out a cave.
' &t has dra!ings o+ ancient %eo%le.
I am !riting a*out a cave that9.hich has dra!ings o+ ancient %eo%le.
(elative clauses about people
' -hese %eo%le are the explorers.
' They discovered the cave.
-hese %eo%le are the explorers .ho discovered the cave
T3E (ELAT&1E %(45465 AS T3E 478E#T 4F A (ELAT&1E #LA6SE
(elative clauses about things
' I am !riting a*out a cave.
' I visited it last year.
I am !riting a*out a cave .hich9that I visited last year.
(elative clauses about people
' -hese %eo%le are the explorers.
' I met them last year.
-hese %eo%le are the explorers .ho I met last year.
"hose :relative pronoun; < clause
' -hat man is a !ell'&no!n explorer.
' 7ou sa! his discovery.
-hat man .hose discovery you sa! is a !ell'&no!n e(%lorer.
"here :relative adverb; < clause
' 3e came to a place.
' -he vegetation !as very overgro!n there.
3e came to a %lace .here the vegetation !as very overgro!n.

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