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Abrams, P., 359
absolute power, 41314
academic competition and interdisciplinar-
ity, 3313
and mutual dissatisfaction, 4223
in historical perspective, 41323
vertical, checks and balances, 41720
Acemoglu, Daron, 176
Achenwald, Gottfried, 346
sociologists and, 360
action capacities limitation, and rights,
action concept (Pareto), 104, 1056
action cycle analysis, 24363
actor/act and distinction, 2578, 25963
adaptive rationality, 3645
defnitions/usage eighteenth century,
Quesnays usage, 126
AEA Economic Bulletin, 77
agricultural labour/land ownership, Con-
stant/Sismondi on, 143
agricultural taxation, 123, 12832
Akhabbar, Amanar, 4
on Samuelson and NST methodology,
Alesina, Alberto, on DSGE models, 161
Allisson, Franois, 15
on Samsonofs rent theory, 11322
American Economic Review, 69, 80, 82, 113
American economists, on fscal stimulus, 162
Amsterdam University, 340
Anderson Intelligencer, 297
Anglo-Italian tradition of economic
thought, 16978
Annals of the Academy of Political and Social
Science, 70
anthropology and economics relations,
antisociologism, 347
Antonelli, Etienne, 92
application logic, 454
architectural work, imaginative intelligence,
Arena, Richard, 3
on Srafa and Walras, 5367
Aristarco, Guido, 391
Magna Moralia, 2801
Nicomachean Ethics, 2801
on absolutes, 272
on distributive/rectifcatory justice, 243
sociologists and, 360
Armstrong, on primitive money, 216, 219
Arrow, Kenneth J., 5, 15
ArrowDebreu equilibrium proof, 279
ArrowDebreu model, 41011
arts, imaginative intelligence, 36871,
artworks, reference-dependence efect,
Association Internationale Walras, 3
Ateliers nationaux, 1534
Athens, Peoples Court/Peoples Assembly,
Atlantic Network of Universities, 340
Austrian school
journal discussions, 77
on Great Depression, 398
theory of the cycle, 193
authority, and objective will, 4501
538 Economics and Other Branches
Backhouse, Roger E., 3
and Medema, on Walras in the age of
Marshall, 6986
Bailey, Martin and Robert Mundell, ISLM
model, 197
Balzac, Honor de
as antisociologist, 347
sociologists and, 360
Bank for International Settlement, Bridel
and, 2
Bank of the United States, 298
Baranzini, Roberto, 15
Baring, Alexander, 302
Barkan, Raymond, on realism, 38991
Barro, Robert, 162, 402
barter concept
propensity concept, Smiths, 231, 232
usage, 214, 215
barter equilibria, 20612
money acceptance, 206
Bartolini, S., 341
Bastiat, Frdric, 98, 147, 14950, 154
Harmonies conomiques, 1512
Baume, Sandrine, 4
on government transparency and public
confdence, 42533
Baumol, William Jack, 5
Bayesian learning process, 274
Bazin, Andr
Ontology of the Photographic Image,
Qu est-ce que le cinma?, 384, 3915
Bean, C. et al., Monetary Policy afer the
Fall, 183
Beccaria, 175
primitive money negation, 214
Becker, Gary S.
A Teory of Marriage, 354
on market paradigm, 354
Begbie, Matthew, on weather, 303
Bella, Giano della, Ordinamenti di giustizia,
benefcence, in natural distributions, 2589
Bentham, Jeremy
Of Publicity, 42830
on public opinion, 4323
on transparency, 425, 426, 42730
Political Tactics, 429
Rationale of Judicial Evidence , 430
Berenson, Bernhard, 377
Berger, Peter
on choice under constraints, 3201
on irrationality, 322
Bergeret, Agns, on primitive money, 219
Bergson, H., 269, 275
on perception, 387, 392
Bertrand, J.
and Walras, 66
Bertrand equilibrium, 312
objections, 317
Besomi, Daniele, 4
on weather metaphors for crises,
Bilimovic, A., on Samsonofs rent theory,
Blanc, Louis, 25, 148
and Commission du Luxembourg, 154
and right to labour decree, 153, 154
Organization of Labour, 149, 1523
Blanqui, Adolphe-Jrme, 147, 148, 150,
Crise commerciale, 296
Des classes ouvrires en France pendant l
anne 1848, 150
Blaug, Mark
and operationism, 314
on Sraf an schools, 1767
Blumer and Gofmann, and linguistics,
Boas, F., on primitive money, 216
Bof to, Srafa and, 66
Bohannan, Paul, Markets in Afica, 215
Boisguilbert, Pierre de, 127, 133
Boninsegni, Pasquale, 115, 121
bootstrap efect, monetary equilibrium, 205,
Borzaga, C. and Tortia, on coping behav-
iour, 445
Boudon, Raymond, on irrationality, 322
Bourdieu, Pierre, on habitus, 325
Boven, Pierre, 113, 115, 121
Bridel, Pascal
academic career, 15
and collective projects, 4
and history methods, 267
bibliography, 715
Cambridge Monetary Tought , 2
Index 539
General Equilibrium Analysis: A Century
afer Walras, 5
Le Chne et l architecte, 3
Loi des dbouchs et principe de la
demande efective , 1
Money and General Equilibrium Teory,
on emotions/sentiments possible role,
on general equilibrium theory, 267, 269,
on Hirschman, 279
on Homo conomicus, 317
Bridgman, Percy W., Logic of Modern Phys-
ics, 313, 314, 316
broad questions, interdisciplinarity and,
Bruni and Zamagni, Economia civile, 176
Buchanan, James, Te Limits of Liberty, 283
Buchanans Public Choice, 176
Buchez, Philippe, 148
bureaucratic accountability, 41719, 4223
business ethics, 4401
Business Week, commentators and Fisher
efect, 192, 194
Busino, Giovanni, 4
on sociology as infrm science, 34361
Cabet, tienne, 148
Cagan, Philip, on infation, 197
Cahiers du cinma, 384
Cambridge economists, 15778
Keynesians versus Sraf ans, 16970
Cambridge, MA operationism, 31213
Capron, M., and F. Quairel-Lanoizele, on
CSR, 446
Carnap, Rudolf
on tolerance logic, 273
operationism, 313, 314, 316
Carroll, A. B. on CSR, 441
Cartelier, Jean, 2
on endogenous money in an elementary
search model, 20512
Cato Institute, 162
Cavaignac, General Eugne, 154, 155
central banks
and fnancial stability, 17988
and macroprudential policy implementa-
tion, 1868
LOLR role, 180, 1878
Centre Walras-Pareto, Bridel and, 23, 4, 5
character-based moral judgement
of economic system, 2404
Smiths IIO concept, 23740, 239f18.1
Chevalier, Michel, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151,
152, 154
child labour laws, France, 150
choice under constraints, 3201
chronophotographic method, 383
Cicero, Marcus Tullius
and justice, 282
De legibus, 41516
cinema realism/reality, 38396
Cinema Nuovo, 391
civil society and economics, 397459
Clark, Kenneth, 370
classical age transparency/confdence,
Cleary, Matthew R., and Susan C. Stokes, on
trust, 4301
Clment, Ambroise, 154
Club de la libert du travail, 154
Coenen-Huther, Jacques, 4
Homo conomicus and Homo Sociologi-
cus, 31727
coercion as social mechanism, 288
Cohen, J., on Samuelson and Popper, 314
coherence versus rationality, 3246
Colajanni, Napoleone, on criminal man, 102
collective production
Marx on, 425
Walras on, 41, 456
Colquhoun, Patrick, Refections on the
Causes , 299
Commission du Luxembourg, 148, 151, 154
commitment, realism of, 38991
complexity, social sciences and, 33541
Comte, Auguste, 3312, 343, 359, 360
conceptual dynamics in philosophy, 2713
Conring, Hermann, 346
Conring, sociologists and, 360
Constant, Benjamin, 5
Additions, 137, 138
as reader of Sismondi, 13546
540 Economics and Other Branches
Commentaires sur louvrage de Filangeri,
Fragments sur la possibilit dune consti-
tution rpublicain , 135, 13746
Mlanges de littrature et de politique, 139
on transparency, 425, 426, 4289
Principes de politique, 135, 137, 13846,
41617, 423, 4289
speech to Athne Royale, 139
consumers, costs of polluter pays principle,
consumption theory, operational theorems
for, 316
cooperative movement, Walras and, journal
discussions, 76
Coppets circle, 1356, 139, 141, 146
corporate accountability, and CSR, 4407
corporate criminal liability, 4367, 4425
corporate social responsibility (CSR),
Corsetti, Giancarlo et al., on fscal stimulus,
costs assessment, for polluter pays principle,
costs, of polluter pays principle, 4389
Cournot, Augustin, Researches into the
Mathematical Principles of the Teory
of Wealth
Bertrand on, 31, 324, 37
Cowles Commission, 316
Craik, G. L., and MacFarlane, Te Pictorial
History of England, 2945
credit accommodation, search models, 206
criminal law and corporate environmental
protection, 4425
criminals, sociology of, 1023
as expurgation of cumulated excesses,
as perturbations to natural state of trade,
weather metaphors for, 291308
criticism, external, in philosophy versus
economics history, 269
currencies, primitive, in anthropology/eco-
nomics relations, 21322
Currie, Lauchlin, 194
Curtius, E. R., as antisociologist, 347
Daal, Jan van, 3
and Walker, on Studies in Social Econom-
ics (SSE), 87100
Dahrendorf, Ralf, on science/reality, 317
Daily Globe, 297, 300
Daily News, 305
Dalton, R., on trust, 432
Danthine, Jean-Pierre, 2
fnancial stability: role of central banks,
Daquin, Louis, Le Point du jour, 38990
Das Adam Smith Problem, 241
de Broglie, A., storm metaphors, 298
De Long and Summers, on fscal stimulus,
De Vroey, Michel, 5
on social utility of modern macroeco-
nomics, 39712
Debreu and Scarf, on instability, 270
Debreu, Grard, Teory of Value, 57
DebreuSonnenscheinMantel theorem
(DSM), 55
debt, money as, anthropology/economics
on, 217
deductive methodology and operationism,
Degan, Francesca Dal, 5
and Sofa, on Constant as reader of
Sismondi, 13546
democratic systems, accountability in,
Derrida, Jacques, on realism, 388
Descartes, Ren, 268, 345
Treatise of Passions, 270, 271
Desternes, Jean, on recreated reality, 3845,
387, 38890, 392, 294
Dickens, Charles, as antisociologist, 347
Dictionnaire de lAcadmie fanaise, 124
Dictionnaire de lconomie politique, 155
Dictionnaire de Trvoux, 124
discourse, forms, Smith on, 22633
distributive/rectifcatory justice, 2434
Docks, Pierre, 3
on synthetic holism, 23
on Walras, Marx and philosophy of his-
tory, 3952
doctrinal imperativeness, 4523
Dongois, Nathalie, 4
Index 541
and Swaton, on environmental protec-
tion responsibility, 43547
Doniol-Valcroze, Jacques, 394
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, as antisociologist, 347
Doudintsev, Vladimir, 321
DSGE macro, 409
models and Keynesian multiplier, 160,
Dufaure, Jules-Armand, 153
Dunoyer, Charles, 139, 147, 148, 149, 150
Dupont de Nemours, P. S., 133
Durkheim, Emile, 331, 3489
and linguistics, 355
Les rgles de la mthode sociologique, 349
dynamic general equilibrium theory, and
Samsonofs rent theory, 122
Earth Summit 2002, and CSR, 4356
Earth Summit 1992, on labelling/certifca-
tion, 441
Eatwell, John, 2
Eco, Umberto, on logic, 454
Econometrica, 80, 812, 83, 85
economic and non-economic phenomena
interaction, 1068
economic life, imaginative intelligence,
Economic Journal, 69, 158, 159, 216
Economica, 801
and civil society, 397459
history/philosophy history, 26775
sociologists and, 3535
Economie et socit, 4
Economist, 160
Einzig, Paul, Primitive Money in its Ethno-
logical Historical and Economic Aspects,
Elias, 359
Eliot, T. S., as antisociologist, 347
emotions/sentiments possible role, Bridel
on, 269
empirical reality versus scientifc constructs,
Encyclopdie, Quesnays articles, 1258, 134
endogenous money search model, 20710
Engels, Friedrich, 43, 49
as antisociologist, 347
Enger, Karl, on monetary evolution, 214
environmental protection penal responsibil-
ity, 43547
epistemic imperativeness, 453
equality and justice, Walras on, 223
equilibrium/disequilibrium, Walrasian,
equilibrium, economic, and interest-based
expectations, 27880
ethics, eighteenth-century defnitions,
European Journal of the History of Economic
Tought, 4
European Society for the History of Eco-
nomic Tought, 3
European Union
and multilevel governance research, 331,
and public policy analysis, 3401
European Commission, on CSR, 4356,
439, 445
European Court, polluter pays applica-
tion, 43950
Frame Programmes of Research Develop-
ment, 334, 340
identity, 338
on multiplier, 1634
European University Institute of Florence,
Evans, Morier, 304
exchange/barter propensity concept, Smiths,
231, 232
interest-based and economic equilibrium,
mutual, and interest-based prediction,
exports, efect of polluter pays principle,
Eyguesier, Nicolas, 5
falsifcationism, 314, 316
Faucher, Lon, 147, 151, 153, 155
Favereau, Olivier, on African economies, 221
Federal Reserve policy rates, 2001
Federalist Papers, 420
Feldstein and Chamberlain, on infation, 197
Ferguson, Adam, 360
Te Origin of the Distinction of Rank, 344
542 Economics and Other Branches
Ferreira, Rodolphe Dos Santos, 3
on case against market perfection, 317
Fetter, Frank, on Samsonofs rent theory,
fnance/money hypothesized as common
good, 21822
fnancial booms, monetary policy for, 1812
fnancial meltdown 20078, 179
and attitude to Keynesian thinking,
impact, 1646
fnancial policy consensus, pre-crisis 20078,
fnancial stability
macroprudential approach, 1846
role of central banks, 17989
Financial Times, 160
on Keynesian multiplier, 158
fscal stimulus packages, 162
Fisher, Irving, 2, 70, 191
Brief Introduction to Infnitesimal Calcu-
lus, 74
Fisher efect, 1912
Fisher relation, 191204
(trans.), Geometrical Teory of the
Determination of Prices, 73
Te Money Illusion, 195
Te Teory of Interest, 193
Flaubert, Gustav, as antisociologist, 347
Florence, Republic of, Otto di Guardia e di
Balia, 137, 138
Fontana, Biancamaria, 4
on accountability in historical perspec-
tive, 41323
Foucault, Michel, Te Eye of Power, 426,
Fourier, 148
Civil Code
Article 180, 452, 453
Article 1382, 455
Dlgation Gnrale Recherche Scienti-
fque et Technique, 334
economists, 12355
labour and 1848 Revolution, 14755
liberal economists and 1840s labour
question, 14755
National Centre for Research, 332, 334
parlements, 418
socio-economy, 332
Sustainable Urban Development pro-
gramme (SUD), 331, 3357
Freedley, E. T., Opportunities for Industry,
Frege, Gottlob, on absolutes, 272
Friedman, Milton
and Keynesian theory, 402
on fscal policy, 159
on Fisher relation, 1967, 198
on infation, 200
Te Quantity Teory of Money, a
Restatement, 196
Te Social Responsibility of Business is
to Increase Profts, 440, 445
Friend of India, 303
Garegnani, Pierangelo, 57, 58, 66
Garfnkel and Cicourel, and linguistics,
Garnier, Joseph, 147, 149, 154
Gaudin, Jean Pierre, 4
on social sciences in front of broad ques-
tions, 32942
Geddes, P., on cities, 334
general equilibrium theory, 548
Bridel on, 267, 269
critiques, 578
general will (Rousseau), Constants critique,
reactionary phase, 1401
University, Bridel and, 3
Genovesi, Antonio, Lectures of Commerce
or Civil Economy, 175
Georg, Stefan, as antisociologist, 347
Georgescu-Roegen non-substitution theo-
rem, 309
Brgerliches Gesetzbuch, 455
historical schools, on primitive money,
Gibbard, Allan, on individual preferences,
Gibbons, J. G., Te Banks of New York, 295
Gibson, W., on infation, 197
Girardin, Emile de, 25
Index 543
global responsibility, and CSR, 4456
Gdel, Kurt, on absolutes, 272
Gogol, Nikolai, as antisociologist, 347
gold standard generalization, money as, 205
Gombrich, E. H., on realism, 395
good action/good social state, action cycle
analysis, 24950
Goodman, Nelson
analytical theory, 395
and operationism, 313
Gottingen School, 139
Gournay, Vincent de, 123
Constant/Sismondi on, 1326, 1379,
defnitions/usage eighteenth century,
Le Trosne on, 1234, 1302
Mirabeau on, 12931
multilevel, EU and research, 331, 33841
Quesnay on, 125, 12934
representative, emergence, 4267
transparency and public confdence,
Graziadei, Antonio, on value, 1712
Great Depression
Fisher relation in, 1925
Keynes and, 3978
interval, Fisher relation in, 1959
Great Moderation, 179
Great Recession, Fisher relation and,
Greenberg, J.-B., on primitive money, 2212
Grmion, P., Le pouvoir priphrique, 341
Grimmelkhuijsen, Stephan, on trust, 431,
Griswold, C. L., on Smith, 241
Grotius, on justitia expletrix/justitia attribu-
trix, 242
Guesnerie, Roger, 5
Gui and Sugden, 176
Habermas, Jrgen, on transparency, 4267
Hahn, Frank Horace, 2
on ArrowDebreu model, 41011
on PCC, 56
Hall, Robert, 162
Hanneman, Robert, on Pareto, 10910, 111
Harbinger, 304
Hardin, R., on trust, 425
harmony/moral approbation, Smiths IIO
concept, 23340, 236t18.1, 239f18.1
Harrod, Sir Roy, and Fisher efect, 196
Harvard operationism, 31213
Hawtrey, Ralph, and Fisher efect, 193, 194
Hayek, Friedrich, 70, 801
individualistic theories, 25, 26
on mind/reason, 364, 367
Hegelian system, 272
Hempel, Carl Gustav, and operationism, 313
Hermann, on theories of rent, 119
Hicks, Sir John
and Fisher efect, 196
and ISLM model, 399
Value and Capital, 69
Higgins, Polly, on ecocidal ofenses, 446
Hirschman, A. O., 146
on Hobbes, 279
Te Rhetoric of Reaction, 150
historical reconstruction, Hobbesian
approach, 27980
laws of, 4752
philosophy of, Walras versus Marx,
sociologists and, 353
Hjelmslev, L., 391
Hobbes, Tomas, 345, 349
Bridel on, 279
Leviathan, 28190, 41314
Hobbesian methodology, normative value,
holism and individualism, Walras on, 236
Homans, I. S., storm metaphors, 294
Homo conomicus and Homo Sociologicus,
Hooghe, L., 340
humanities, economics and, 31761
Hume, David
and universals theory, 230
Te Independency of Parliament, 419
ideal-types, contrasted, 31720
phenomenological, 3849
versus materialism, 406
544 Economics and Other Branches
imaginative intelligence, 36871, 37881
imperfect markets
competition of producers in, 334
price adjustment with ongoing exchange
in, 367
and nature distinction, Walras on, 1718
and society, Walras on, 1819
and state, Walras on, 246
interest and spontaneous social interac-
tion assessment, 27884
preferences, and rights-exercising choices,
rationality and rights restrictions, 2847
and holism, Walras on, 236
methodological, Walras and, 1530
industrial legislation, French liberal econo-
mists on, 14851
industrial protectionism, Pareto on, 1068
Ingrao, Bruna, 45
on visual arts cognition versus economics
rationality, 36381
intelligence, imaginative, 36871, 37881
interdisciplinarity, social sciences, 32942
and academic competition, 3313
and complexity, 33541
and emergence of broad questions,
-based reasons/action, 2834
in the other (IIO) concept, 231, 232,
justice/rationality, 2802
interest rates
and fnancial booms, 181, 1824
real and nominal, Fisher relation,
International Monetary Fund
Bridel and, 2
on multiplier, 158, 1634, 1645
International Network of Inter and Trans-
Disciplinarity, 333
irrationality as misguided diagnosis, 3223
ISLM model, 399
ISO standards, and CSR, 4412
Italian Enlightenment, 175
Italian Neorealism, 384
Jaf, William
and Srafa, 5962
Correspondences of Lon Walras and
Related Papers, 59
Jakobson, Roman, on realism, 395
Jevons, Stanley
Money and the Principles of Exchange,
on rent, 119
Srafa on, 62, 656
Walras and, 73, 74, 778, 80, 83, 86
Johannesburg Earth Summit 2002, and
CSR, 4356
Johnson, Harry, on Monetarist counter-
revolution, 196
Journal des conomistes, 147
Journal des Savants, 31
Journal of Political Economy, 69, 80, 82
journals analysis 18901939, 6986
JSTOR, occurrences of prominent names
18901944, 70t5.1
Jubb, Samuel, 304
jurisprudence as source of law, 4523
just society, true theory of, Walras on, 201
and equality, Walras on, 223
rationality/interest, 2802
Smiths usages, 242, 2434
Kahn, Richard
Te Financing of Public Works, 159
on multiplier, 158
Kahneman, D., on reasoning/intuitive
judgement, 3667, 369, 373, 374
Kaldor, Nicholas, 171, 1723
Kant, Immanuel
on transparency, 426
on absolutes, 272
Kelsenian normativism, 44950, 453
Keynes, John Maynard
and Fisher efect, 193, 1956
and primitive money, 214
Can Lloyd George Do It, 158
General Teory, 158, 166, 195, 397401,
on Says Law, 169
Treatise on Money, 159
analysis, independent variables, 319
Index 545
macroeconomics, benchmarks, 399401,
multiplier, 15767
Keynesians, 171
versus Sraf ans, 16970
Kirman, 5
Kiyotaki and Wright, search-theoretic
model, 206, 207
Klein, Lawrence, and ISLM model, 399
Knies, K. G. A., on primitive money, 214
Kocherlakota, Narayan, on Fisher relation,
Kolabinska, Marie, 113
Koopmans, C. and operationism, 316
Kracauer, S. on realism, 387
Krugman, Paul, 163
Kuhn, Tomas, on scientifc revolution, 402
Kydland and Prescott, RBC model, 4089,
Lquilibre gnral comme savoir, 3
La monnaie souveraine, 213, 216, 21718
La Revue du cinma, 3845
labelling/certifcation issues, 4412
as right, French liberal economists on,
association/organization, French liberal
economists on, 149, 1513
question, French liberal economists and,
theory of value, Smiths, 232
work, liberty of, French liberal econo-
mists on, 14851
Laidler, David, 2
and Parkin, Infation A Survey, 197,
1989, 202
on Fisher relation, 191204
Lallement, Jrme, 3
on Walras between holism and individu-
alism, 1530
Lamb, M. J., storm metaphors, 294
land ownership, Walras on, 889
Lausanne School, 10022
emergence, journal discussions, 767
Lausanne University, 1
and SSE, 92
Bridel and, 23, 4
Laveleye, . de, Le march montaire, 2956,
299, 300
as normative production system, 44959
environmental protection, 43547
interpretation/application, 4538
theory, legal epistemology as core, 4512
Le Chapelier law, 149
Le Mercier de la Rivire, Pierre-Paul, 131,
132, 133
Le Play, F., 332, 360
Le Trosne, Gabriel-Franois
De ladministration et de la rforme
de limpt, 1234, 1302
Leduc, Gaston, 92
legal epistemology as core of law theory,
legal imperativeness modes, 4523
Lehman Brothers collapse, 181
Leibnitz, 345
Leijonhufvud, Axel, on Keynes General
Teory reception, 3989
Leonardo da Vinci, Trattato della Pittura,
373, 375, 376
Leontief, W.
and operationism, 313
models, 30912
generalized, 31012
multi-sector, 53
open, substitutability theorem, 31012
simple, 310
Lepenies, W. on sociology, 347
Leroux, Pierre, 148
Letort, Charles, 59
Lvi-Strauss, C. and linguistic research, 356
Li, Y., on money system, 206
liberalism, and rights-allocation mecha-
nisms, 2858
of coalition, 149
of work, French liberal economists on,
Liep, John, on primitive money, 219
linguistics, sociologists and, 3556
Lipsey, Richard, on Keynesian theory,
Livet, Pierre, 4
on philosophy history/economics his-
tory, 26775
Locke, John, 349
logic of interpretation/application, 4535
546 Economics and Other Branches
logical empiricism, 313
Lombard Paradigm, 178
Lombroso, Cesare, on criminal man, 1023
Louis XV and parlements, 1289
Lowenthal, Esther, on Samsonofs rent
theory, 113
Lucas, Robert, 15960
and new classical revolution, 402, 4059,
410, 41112
Lucas Critique, 4023
methodology, 309
Luhmann, Niklas, Trust and Power, 4301
Mach, Ernst, 349
Mach-Vienna Circle, 314
Keynesian, benchmarks, 399401,
modern, social utility, 39712
new classical, benchmarks, 4057,
rise of, 3979
approach to fnancial stability, 1846
policy implementation, 1868
Madison, James, on factions, 41920
Majone, G., 3401
Malebranche, Nicolas, 270, 271
Malesherbes, Guillaume-Chrtien de Lam-
oignon de, on fscal administration, 129
Malthus, Tomas Robert, 120, 349
management, defnitions/usage eighteenth
century, 1246
Mandeville, Bernard
on individual interest, 279
private vice/public good conundrum,
Mangoldt, on theories of rent, 119
Mann, Tomas, as antisociologist, 347
Marcuzzo, Maria Cristina, 2
on Keynesian multiplier, 15767
Marey, Etienne-Jules, chronophotographic
method, 383
market economy, role of state in, Walras on,
market paradigm, sociologists and, 3535
market perfection, case against, 317
Marks, G., 340
Marshall, Alfred, 349
complex mind model, 364
MarshallWalras divide, 4035, 410
neoclassical theory, 403, 4045
and Great Depression, 3978
on social economy, 169, 172, 177
theory of competition and prices, 57, 64
Walras linked to, 73
Marx, Karl, 349
as antisociologist, 347
Capital, 42, 43
Te Civil War in France, 42
collectivism, Walras on, 41, 456
Critique of the Gotha Programme, 42,
434, 45
Manifesto of the Communist Party, 42
Mehrwert (surplus theory), 169, 170
on collective production, 425
on monetary evolution, 214
philosophy of history, 4850
Te Poverty of Philosophy, 43
weather metaphors, 3045
Marxian infuences, Anglo-Italian School,
16970, 1712
materialism versus idealism, 406
mathematization of social data, 3501
Mauss, Marcel, 321
Max Planck Institute, 340
Mead, Margaret, and linguistics, 355
Meade, J., on multiplier, 158
mechanists model, sociology, 3456
Medema, Steven G., 3
and Backhouse, on Walras in the age of
Marshall, 6986
Meltzer, Alan H., 162
on Fisher and interest rates, 192, 1945
Memphis Daily Appeal, 297
Menger, Carl
Srafa on, 62, 656
Walras linked to, 73, 74, 78, 80, 83, 84,
merit/demerit, action cycle analysis, 2479
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, on painting, 377
metallic money systems, 205, 206
metaphors for crises, 291308
nature of sentiments, Smith and, 2303
universals theory, Smith and, 22933
Index 547
methodological individualism, Walras and,
methodology, 223316
Michaux, Henri, 359
Michie, J. W., 306
microprudential regulation, 181
Milgate, Murray, 2
Mill, John Stuart, 1012, 110
methodological choices, 1012
Millar, John, 230, 320, 344
ministry, defnitions/usage eighteenth
century, 1246
Mirabeau, Marquis de, Torie de limpt,
123, 12931
Mirowski, Philip, on economists and melt-
down, 167
Modigliani, Franco, 159
Moggridge, Donald, Collected Writings of
John Maynard Keynes, 2
Molinari, Gustave de, 147, 149
La crise fnancire , 2967
Les Soires de la Rue Saint-Lazare, 149
monetarism, 159, 196, 199200
monetary equilibrium
bootstrap efect, 205, 206
models, 20512
monetary policies
and fnancial stability, 1804
interaction, coordination issues, 1878
rate changes, 1801
monetary theory, 179222
acceptance, barter equilibria, 206
as debt, anthropology/economics on,
exogenous/endogenous, 20512
hypothesized as common good, 21822
illusion, Fisher on, 195
primitive, in anthropology/economics
relations, 21322
Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat,
284, 360
De lEsprit des Lois, 344, 41819
Moor, Pierre, x, 4
on law as normative production system,
Moore, H. L., Synthetic Economics, 82
moral analysis of actions, 24463
moral approbation/harmony, Smiths IIO
concept, 23340, 236t18.1, 239f18.1
moral philosophy, Smith on, 226
Mornati, Fiorenzo, x, 3
on Pareto and social complexity, 10111
Morning Chronicle, 3034
Morvant-Roux, Solne, 2
Morvant-Roux, Solne, and Servet, on
anthropology/economics relations,
multi-sector models, 53
attitude changes to, 1624
concept, history, 15860
rejection justifcations, 1602
mutual protection and absolute power,
Napoleoni, Claudio, LEquilibrio Economico
Generale, 545
Nash equilibrium, 364
Nashville Union and American, 295
National Republican, 297
natural distributions benefcence/spillover,
Naurin, D., on transparency, 431
Naveau, Financier citoyen, Quesnay on,
Necker, Jacques, De ladministration des
fnances de la France, 133
Negri and Hardt, Empire paradigm, 333
Nestl, and CSR, 440
net product concept, 12930
Neumann, J. von
axioms of expected utility, 367
multi-sector model, 53
new classical economics, 159, 199
macroeconomics, benchmarks, 4057,
revolution, 4023
New Keynesians, 15960
New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2, 4
new sociology, 34950
New York Herald, 299300
New York Observer, 304
New York Sun, 300
New York Times, 440
New-York Daily Tribune, 294, 306
548 Economics and Other Branches
New-York Day Book, 300
Newman, Peter, 2
newspapers, storm metaphors usage, 295,
297, 299302, 3034, 3056
Newtonian discourse, 224, 227
NGOs, and CSR enforcement, 4356
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 275
Niles Weekly Register, 302
nineteenth century, weather metaphors for
crises, 291308
non-complex authors, Paretos criticism of,
non-substitution theorem (NST) methodol-
ogy, Samuelson and, 30916
norms, law as normative production system,
North Carolina, University of, 340
North, Douglass, 176
Nouveau dictionnaire dconomie politique,
ONeill, Onora, A Question of Trust, 4312,
Observer, 305
conomia, 4
defnitions/usage eighteenth century,
government, Quesnay on, 12633
Ohlin, B., Interregional and International
Trade, 166
Olympian rationality, adaptive routines and
bounded rationality, 3635
ontological realism, 3916
Walrass world vision, 1719
operationism, 31216
and deductive methodology, 31213
theorems, 31416
ordinal utility function, 31416
organicist model, sociology, 3478
Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development
Bridel and, 2
on polluter-pays application, 4378, 439
Ostrom, Elinor, on common goods, 222
ownership and actor/act and distinction,
2578, 25963
Pantaleoni, Mafeo, 104
and Pareto, 104
and Walras, 77, 79
Srafa on, 60, 61, 66
Papadopoulos, Y., on trust, 432
Pareto, Vilfredo, 2
and linguistics, 355
as journal contributor, 70
Bridel on, 267
Comment se pose le problme de lconomie
politique pure, 104
Cours dconomie politique, 103, 106, 120,
Srafa and, 625
general equilibrium theory, 309
on theories of rent, 119, 120, 122
Samsonof and, 113, 115, 11618
sociology, 3478, 349
complexity interpretation, 10910
construction, 1038
interests pre-treatise, 1023
social complexity, 10111
Te Mind and Society, 1012, 109
Pareto-Walrasian general equilibrium theory,
309, 310, 312
Parsons, Talcott
Te Social System, 34950
Te Structure of Social Action, 349
Pasinetti, Luigi, Keynes and the Cambridge
Keynesians, 1708
Pakov, A. I., on Samsonof, 113
Patinkin, Don, 2, 3
penal/social responsibility, environmental
protection, 43547
peoples tribunals, 4201
Peoples Bank of China, 3
perceptive illusions in visual arts, 3715
perceptual capacities, 3758
Perec, Georges, La disparition, 405
perfect markets
competition of producers in, 323
price adjustment with suspended
exchange in, 35
perfect rationality, adaptive routines and
bounded rationality, 3635
persuasion principle, Smiths, 231
Peterson, B., on metallic money system, 206
Petty, William, 346
Index 549
phenomenological idealism, 3849
philosophers, as historians of philosophy,
history/economics history, 26775
of history, Walras versus Marx, 3952
sociologists and, 36
Physiocrats, 123, 125
reform proposals, 12933
Samsonof on, 11516
theory, Sully and, 126
Piaget, Jean, as organicist, 348
Picasso, Pablo, Femme Fleur, 370
Picavet, Emmanuel, xi, 4
on Hobbesian methodology, 27790
Pigou, Arthur Cecil, on polluter pays princi-
ple, 437, 438
Pittsburg Dispatch, 306
on relational ideas, 272
Republic, 281, 286
Poete, M., on cities, 334
Poincar, Henri, 349
and Walras, 66
political economy vocabulary, 1238
Political Science Quarterly, 113
as profession, 41517
defnitions/usage eighteenth century,
personalization, 422
polluter pays principle, 4379
Popper, Karl, 275
and operationism, 313, 314, 316
Die Logik der Forschung, 314
individualistic theories, 256
Porta, Pier Luigi, xi, 2
on Anglo-Italian tradition of economic
thought, 16978
Posner, Michael, 5
Potier, Jean-Pierre, 3, 5
on French liberal economists and 1840s
labour question, 14755
poverty, extreme, Walras on eliminating,
Powers, Charles H., on Pareto, 10910, 111
Pozner, Vladimir, Le Point du jour, 38990
prediction, self-interest based, and mutual
expectations, 27790
costs, and polluter pays principle, 438
theory, operational theorems for, 316
profts collapse and CSR, 442
property rights and social progress, Con-
stant/Sismondi on, 1426
propriety, action cycle analysis, 2457
proto-sociologists, 3445, 3458
Proudhon, P.-J.
on right to labour, 153
scientifc socialism, 40, 42
public policy analysis, EU and, 3401
Publications of the American Economic
Association, 69
purifcation weather metaphors, 3017
Pushkin, Alexander, as antisociologist, 347
Quadrio Curzio, Alberto, 176, 1778
quantifcation, sociology, 346
Quarterly Journal of Economics, 69, 79, 80,
Quesnay, Franois
Maximes gnrales du gouvernement
conomique dun royaume agricole, 128
political economy, 12334
Quadro economico, 172
semantic nexus, 134
vocabulary, 1238
Walras on, 50
Qutelet, Adolphe, 346
sociologists and, 360
Quiggin, Alison Hingston, A Survey of
Primitive Money, 21314
Radclife Committee, 196
Raison et Rationalit, 4
Ramsey model, 408
rational action theory (RAT), 3545
rationalities, various, 3203
and adaptive routines, 3635
individual, and rights restrictions, 2847
justice/interest, 2802
versus coherence, 3246
Rawls, J., A Teory of Justice, 242, 404
Raynaud, P., 141
550 Economics and Other Branches
real business cycle (RBC)
macroeconomics, 4089, 41012
models, 160
of commitment, 38991
ontological, 3916
cinema, 38396
theory of representation, 3859, 391
reasoning/intuitive judgement, 3668
reference-dependence efect, artworks,
rent theory
Samsonof on, 11322
static versus dynamic theories, 11820
res judicata principle, 452
revealed preference theory and NST,
Revue europenne des sciences sociales, 4
Ricardo, David, 127
Bridel on, 267
Ricardianism, 169, 171
static/dynamic theories of rent, 11819
Richir, Marc, on transparency, 426
allocation mechanisms, 2858
and action capacities limitation, 28490
relinquishment, rationality of, 2878
Rio Summit 1992, on labelling/certifcation,
risk perception/tolerance, 1801
Robbins, Lionel, 178
Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced
Studies, 339
Rome, peoples courts, 421
Romer and Romer, on Fisher relation, 192
Rosanvallon, P., on trust, 433
Roscher W., 304
on primitive money, 214
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 51, 423
on General Will, Constants critique,
on transparency, 426
Royal, Sgolne, on citizens juries, 421
Sachs, J., 162
Sacks and Scheglof, and linguistics, 356
Saint-Simon, Claude-Henri de, 148, 346,
Samsonof, Basile, 3
Esquisse d une thorie gnrale de la
rente, 113, 11621, 118f8.2
biography, 11416, 117f8.1
on rent theory, 11322
Samuelson, Paul A.
Foundations of Economic Analysis,
non-substitution theorem methodology,
on Smiths economic model, 86, 265
operational theorems, 31316
Sargent, Tomas, 402
Say, Jean-Baptiste, 127, 133, 149, 305
Says Law, 169
Scazzieri, Roberto, 173
Schf e, Albert, on theories of rent, 119
Scharpf, F., 339
Schefold, Bertram, on general equilibrium
theory, 578
Schmitt, Carl, on transparency, 427
Schmitt-Grohe, Stephanie, and Martin
Uribe, on Fisher efect, 202
Schmitter, P., 339
Schultz, Henry, operationism, 31213
Schumpeter, J.
History of Economic Analysis, 113
on Socit dconomie politique de Paris,
on theories of rent, 119
on Walras, 74, 78, 803
Te Teory of Economic Development,
364, 371
Sciences Po, 340
scientifc constructs versus empirical reality,
search models
endogenous money, 20710
elementary, and exogenous/endogenous
money, 20512
Seccareccia, Mario, on Return to Keynes
path, 163
seeing-in in painting, 3758
action cycle analysis, 2547
based prediction and mutual expecta-
tions, 27790
Index 551
character, inadequacy of moral exonera-
tion, 2402
versus symbolic gratifcations, 3234
semiotics, law and, 44959
Servet, Jean-Michel, 2
and Morvant-Roux, on anthropology/
economics relations, 21322
Seven Years War, 123, 125
Shapiro, N., on pattern of consumption, 165
Sidrauski, Miguel, asset accumulation
model, 1989, 200
Simmel, G., 348
Simon, Herbert, on Olympian rationality,
Sismondi, J. C. L.
Bridel on, 267
Constant as reader of, 13546
De la richesse commerciale, 1406
Histoire des Rpubliques Italiennes, 136,
Recherches sur les constitutions des peuples
libres, 135, 13746
Ressources de la Toscane, 143
Statistique du Dpartment du Leman,
Sismondi, Simonde de, Oeuvres conomiques
compltes, 5
Skidelsky, R., on Keynes, 398
Smith, Adam, 16, 127, 149, 175, 176, 177,
action cycle analysis, 24363
and equilibrium, 403
and metaphysics, 22933
Bridel on, 267, 270
Essays on Philosophical Subjects (EPS),
Essays on Rhetoric and Belle Lettres
(ERBL), 224
ethics/economics, 22365
History of Ancient Physics, 228, 22930
History of Astronomy (HA), 2267,
History of Logics and Metaphysics, 228,
Lectures on Jurisprudence (LJ), 231
Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres
(LRBL), 226, 2278
methodology, 22633
on individual interest, 279
philosophical enquiries, 2267, 22833
primitive money negation, 214
social theory, IIO concept, 231, 232,
Teory of Moral Sentiments (TMS), 224,
227, 229, 23340, 242, 244, 252,
2634, 265, 2701, 275
Wealth of Nations (WN), 141, 146, 224,
227, 229, 237, 2401, 2545, 263,
270, 275
social data mathematization, 3501
social interaction assessment and self-inter-
est, 27884
social mechanics, 3456
social order, and economy, Constant/Sis-
mondi on, 14146
social/penal responsibility, environmental
protection, 43547
social phenomena, interdependence, 1012
social philosophy, Walrass, 8792
social relationships, Walras on, 478
Social Science Research Council (US), 330
social sciences, 32931
and complexity, 33541
economics and, 31761
social scientists, and trust, 430
social theory, Smiths IIO concept, 231, 232,
social utility of modern macroeconomics,
social wealth
distribution, 901
property and exchange, Walras on, 8992
socialism, French liberal economists oppose,
Socit dconomie politique de Paris,
society, Walrass theory of, 1530
socio-economic equilibrium (Pareto), 1056
sociologism, 3489
antisociologism, 347
as infrm science, 34361
mechanists model, 3456
new, 34950
organicist model, 3478
probable origins, 3445
552 Economics and Other Branches
quantifcation, 346
stagnation/conficts, 3523
Sofa, Francesca, 5
and Degan, on Constant as reader of
Sismondi, 13546
Solow, Robert, 5
Sorokin, Pitirim, 350
Spencer, Herbert, 1012, 110
Spinoza, Baruch, Ethics, 270, 271, 345
Srafa, Piero
Advanced Teory of Value, 172
Archives, 53, 58
correspondence, 5962
Lectures on the Advanced Teory of
Value, 625
Marxian infuence, 16970, 1712
on Neoclassical/Marginalist system
alternative, 16970
Prelude to a Critique of Economic
Teory, 53, 578
Production of Commodities by Means of
Commodities (PCC), 538
Walras books owned by, 59
Walrass infuence on, 5367
Sraf ans versus Keynesians, 16970
Stal, Germaine de
Considrations sur la Rvolution, 137
Des circonstances actuelles , 135
on politics personalization, 422
Starobinski, Jean, on transparency, 426
and individual
roles, 201
Walras on, 246
revenue, Walras on, 2930
role of, Walras on, 2730
Quesnays usage, 125
Steiner, Philippe, xi, 5
on Quesnays political economy, 12334
Stendhal, as antisociologist, 347
Steward, D., on Smith, 230
Stiglitz, Joseph, 163
storm metaphors, 293308
Strauss, Leo, 268
Struve, Petr, on Samsonofs rent theory, 113
subsisting state/acceptable actions, action
cycle analysis, 2513
substitutability theorem, Leontief open
models, 31012
Sully, Maximilien de Bthune, and oeco-
nomic government, Quesnay on, 126
Summers, Lawrence, zero lower bound
problem, 200
Swaton, Sophie, 4
and Dongois, on environmental protec-
tion responsibility, 43547
Swiss Confederation, 416
Swiss National Bank, 2
Switzerland, Law on Environmental Protec-
tion (EPA), 436
Article 102 CP, 436, 4425
symbolic gratifcations versus self-interest,
symmetric operationist theory of value, 316
sympathy concept, Smiths, 231, 232, 2701
systematization/revision test, 273
and oeconomic government, Quesnay
on, 12832
Walras on, 89, 91
Taylor, John, Getting Of Track, 201
Taylor rule, 2001, 202
Tiers, Adolphe, 30
Tilly, Charles, 359
Tinbergen principle, 184
Tortajada, Maria, xi, 5
on cinema realism/reality, 38396
Toulmin and Grize, and linguistics, 356
transparency and public confdence, 42533
Trinity College, Cambridge, Bridel and, 2
trust and transparency, 42533
Tugan-Baranovsky, M. I., weather meta-
phors, 305
Turgot, Anne-Robert-Jacques, 75
and right to work, 148
primitive money negation, 214
Tversky, A., 366
uncertainty/vagueness in economics/phi-
losophy, 2735
universals theory (metaphysics), Smith and,
unjust state/bad action, action cycle analysis,
Index 553
urban development, sustainable (SUD), 331,
utility concept, Smiths, 231, 238
value, symmetric operationist theory, 316
Van Frassen, 275
Velde, Weber and Wright, search-theoretic
model, 206
Venice, Republic and Council of Ten, 137,
Verri and Beccaria, 175, 176
Victoria Herald, 3012
Vidal de la Blache, P., 331
Vienna circle, 312
Villerm, Louis-Ren, 360
Viner, J., on moral analysis of exchange, 258
visual arts
cognition versus economics rationality,
insights from, 36396
Volcker disinfation, 199
Walker, Donald, xi, 3
and Daal, on Studies in Social Economics
(SSE), 87100
Walras, Aline, 92
Walras, Auguste, 92
Walras, Lon
and Auguste, Oeuvres conomiques
compltes, 3
and scientifc socialism, 40
Bertrands objections to, 347
between holism and individualism,
Bridel and, 23, 267
capital analysis, journal discussions, 756
contemporaneous simultaneity system,
correspondence, Srafa on, 5962
economic thought, 1567
Elments dconomie politique pure, 122
Elements of Pure Economics, 15, 17, 18,
32, 54, 404
general equilibrium theory, 309
Srafa and, 656
General Teory of Society, 17, 24
infuence on Srafa, 5367
journal discussions analysis, 6986
analysis specifcs, 75
and cooperative movement, 76
during lifetime, 737
18901939, 71t5.2
equations, 856
18901944, 73f5.3
mathematical approach development, 74
monetary analysis, 75
on monopoly, 75
UK/US 18901944, 72f5.2
US 18901944, 72f5.1
Mathematical Teory of Social Wealth,
Bertrand on, 31, 347
Method of conciliation or synthesis, 25
neoclassical theory, 4035, 406, 41011
notes dhumeur, 1
on Marxian collectivism, 41, 456
on social relationships, 478
on theory of rent, 118, 122
philosophy of history, 3952
Principles of Economics, 69
reception, 69100
Seeking the Social Ideal, 41, 48
social philosophy, 8792
Studies in Social Economy, 3, 41, 87,
ideas presentation, 946, 989
terminology, translating, 934
style, 968
ttonnements, 35, 61
theory of production, 310
Teory of Property, 456
True Teory of a Just Society, 16
world vision, 1619
WalrasPareto correspondence, 60, 61
WalrasPareto system, 81
Walsh, Vivian
and Harey Gram, Classical and Neo-Clas-
sical Teories of General Equilibrium,
on structural dynamics, 177
Warming, Jens, on multiplier, 159
weather metaphors for crises, 291308
Weber, Max, 348, 349
Weberian Verstehen, 326
welfare in endogenous money search model,
West, J., storm metaphors, 294
554 Economics and Other Branches
Wicksell, Knut, on Fisher relation, 194
Wilson, Edward O., on biocultural revolu-
tion, 348
Wirth, Max, weather metaphors, 3045
Witztum, Amos, 4
on Smiths ethics/economics, 22365
Wolkof, on theories of rent, 119
Wollheim, R., on perceptual capacities, 375
Wolowski, Louis, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151,
Woodford, M., 200
Worms, J.-P., Le prfet et ses notables, 341
Wren Library, 50, 58
Yohe and Karnowsky, on infation, 197
Young, J.
on moral analysis of exchange, 258
on Smiths ethics/economics, 223
Zajonc, Robert, primacy afect theory, 431
Zanotelli, F., on primitive money, 221
zero lower bound problem, 200
Zola, Emile, 325
as antisociologist, 347
naturalism, 389

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