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Google To Push Android TV can coexist with Chromecast

Recentl! the rumors a"out the u#coming Google started a new Android TV set$to# "ox #lat%orm
is graduall increasing. &ut considering Chromecast has gained su##ort %rom hardware 'endors
and so%tware de'elo#ers! Google wh ou want to launch another li'ing room entertainment
e(ui#ment) Time maga*ine recentl wrote that these two de'ices are not the same! it can exist
simultaneousl. The article reads as %ollows+
Chromecast not intended to "e a com#lete #lat%orm. Although 'er use%ul! "ut this de'ice has its
own limitations. ,ou can not use a dedicated remote control Chromecast! which itsel% is not what
the actual inter%ace. More im#ortantl! this de'ice is not o"tained %or content search or the center
o% the #ro#osed method. -i.e all a##lications are tra##ed in the island in general.
/o! Chromecast should "e seen as a com#lement to traditional TV inter%ace. The great #otential o%
the de'ice is not its low #rice o% 0 12! "ut as a TV and set$to# "ox manu%acturers to add to their
#roducts among technolog. 3Our goal is to ma.e more Google Cast "ecome a standard.3 Mario
4ueiro*! 'ice #resident o% #roduct management at Google! told the media last ear.
Currentl! there is no TV or set$to# "ox manu%acturers to add ca#acit Chromecast their #roducts!
"ut we can at least see this a##eal+ /amsung and /on! these com#anies can continue to "uild their
own smart TV #lat%orm! while su##ort %or additional %eatures as Chromecast launched.
Contrast Google TV! which is a di%%erent strateg. Google as an alternati'e to Google TV /mart
TV #lat%orm! as is the relationshi# "etween Android and smart#hones. &ut this attem#t ultimatel
%ailed "ecause the TV manu%acturers are reluctant on Google5s #lat%orm des#erate and gi'e u#
control. And i% re#laced Chromecast! the need not "e so.
As mentioned a"o'e! Chromecast not a com#lete solution to its isolated nature also allows Google
can not #ut our own content $ es#eciall 'ideo %rom Google Pla Mo'ies 6 TV5s $ #laced in %ront
o% the user.
The re$de'elo#ment o% Android TV! ou can %ill the 'acanc. 7t allows Google can recommend
their own content to the user! while o%%ering com#lete TV inter%ace and su##ort %or remote control.
8urther! Android TV also "rings the #ossi"ilit o% the game! and then Chromecast 'er limited in
this res#ect.
Whether 7 will acce#t Android TV TV manu%acturers remain s.e#tical! "ecause this new Google
TV #lat%orm does not sol'e the #ro"lems! and is des#erate to gi'e u# control o% %ear. With this in
mind! Google is a"out the rumors o% a set$to# "ox has "ecome more credi"le. Chromecast
can "ecome a #lat%orm %or other hardware manu%acturers to mass ado#tion! and Android TV is a
Google #roduce their own e(ui#ment.
&ut the de'elo#er5s su##ort is still a serious #ro"lem. Chromecast is gaining su##ort %rom ma9or
streaming media ser'ices and small a##lication de'elo#ers! and a%ter #romotion Android TV!
Chromecast will %ace the ris. o% losing su##ort! and 'ice 'ersa.
The extent o% this ris. will de#end on how Chromecast and Android TV can coexist harmoniousl.
Perha#s Google has come u# with a wa to "ring through a com#rehensi'e a##lication o%
Chromecast Android TV su##ort! this #ossi"ilit should not "e ruled out! into account their
Android Wear this strateg is ado#ted.
At least this is the case 7 want to see. 8or me! e'en i% alread ha'e a set$to# "ox or home machine!
Chromecast 7 still "e a"le to meet a need. And when "uing a TV! 7 would "e more inclined to
choose "uilt$Chromecast su##orted models. Android TV sounds li.e an interesting idea! as long as
it does not im#ede Chromecast reali*e their #otential

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