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I|sca| ear 201S

Adopted Lxpense
Ad[ustment Summary ] Schedu|e C
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on
Laton|a Mck|nney, Act|ng D|rector
Iune 2S, 2014
1he Counc|| of the C|ty of New ork
non. Me||ssa Mark-V|ver|to
Speaker of the Counc||
non. Iu||ssa Ierreras
Cha|r, Comm|ttee on I|nance

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Latonia McKinney, Acting Director
Tanisha Edwards, Chief Counsel
Regina Poreda Ryan, Deputy Director
Raymond Majewski, Deputy Director/Chief Economist
Nathan Toth, Deputy Director
Paul Scimone, Deputy Director

Aliya Ali
Nicole Anderson
Rebecca Chasan
Emre Edev
Ellen Eng
Christopher Eshleman
Jia Feng
Crilhien Francisco
Sarah Gastelum
Kenneth Grace
Madina Nizamitidin
Chima Obichere
Maria Pagan
Christina Perrotti
James Reyes
John Russell
Kate Seely-Kate
Dohini Sompura
Paul Sturm
Eisha Wright
Norah Yahya

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IkCM 8UDGL1 kLSCNSL 1C ADC1ICN: NLW kICkI1ILS kLILLC1LD IN 1nL IISCAL 201S 8UDGL1 .............................................. 1
IN1kCDUC1ICN ................................................................................................................................................................................. S
AN1I-GUN VICLLNCL INI1IA1IVL ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
AN1I-CVLk1 INI1IA1IVL ................................................................................................................................................................. 9
8CkCUGnWIDL NLLDS ................................................................................................................................................................... 17
CnILDkLN'S SLkVICLS ...................................................................................................................................................................... 21
CkIMINAL IUS1ICL SLkVICLS ........................................................................................................................................................... 23
CUL1UkAL AIIAIkS .......................................................................................................................................................................... 26
CUN ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 27
DCMLS1IC VICLLNCL ....................................................................................................................................................................... 30
LDUCA1ICN ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 32
LNVIkCNMLN1AL INI1IA1IVLS ........................................................................................................................................................ 37
ICCD INI1IA1IVLS ........................................................................................................................................................................... 39
GCVLkNMLN1 CIIICIALS ................................................................................................................................................................ 42
nLAL1n SLkVICLS AND kLVLN1ICN ............................................................................................................................................... 43
nCMLLLSS SLkVICLS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 46
nCUSING ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 47
IMMIGkAN1 SLkVICLS..................................................................................................................................................................... S2
LI8kAkILS ........................................................................................................................................................................................ S7
MLN1AL nLAL1n SLkVICLS .............................................................................................................................................................. S9
AkkS AND kLCkLA1ICN ................................................................................................................................................................ 62
U8LIC SAIL1 ................................................................................................................................................................................ 64
SLNICk SLkVICLS............................................................................................................................................................................. 6S
SMALL 8USINLSS SLkVICLS AND WCkkICkCL DLVLLCMLN1 ....................................................................................................... 70
1Ak CCMMISSICN ........................................................................................................................................................................... 76
VL1LkANS SLkVICLS ........................................................................................................................................................................ 77
CU1n AND CCMMUNI1 DLVLLCMLN1 ...................................................................................................................................... 79
ALNDIk A: LIS1 CI 8ASLLINLD INI1IA1IVLS .................................................................................................................................. 84
ALNDIk 8: AGING DISCkL1ICNAk .............................................................................................................................................. 86
ALNDIk C: CU1n DISCkL1ICNAk ........................................................................................................................................... 123
ALNDIk D: LCCAL INI1IA1IVL ..................................................................................................................................................... 184

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
Irom 8udget kesponse to Adopt|on: New r|or|t|es kef|ected |n the I|sca| 201S 8udget
A healLhy local governmenL's budgeL ls balanced, LransparenL, responslve, and lncluslve. 1he ClLy of new ?ork's
llscal 2013 AdopLed 8udgeL puLs Lhese prlnclples lnLo acLlon.
1he llscal 2013 AdopLed 8udgeL ls flscally sound. lL lncludes conservaLlve esLlmaLes of fuLure ClLy revenue-
more conservaLlve Lhan Lhose of Lhe Councll's llnance ulvlslon and groups such as Lhe new ?ork ClLy
CompLroller and Lhe lndependenL 8udgeL Cfflce. AddlLlons Lo spendlng made followlng Lhe LxecuLlve 8udgeL's
early May release have been modesL. 1he AdopLed 8udgeL recognlzes Lhe slgnlflcanL upcomlng cosLs of labor
seLLlemenLs and lncludes plans for seLLllng labor conLracLs, whlch ellmlnaLes a ma[or uncerLalnLy LhaL had
marked prevlous budgeLs. 1here are reasonable reserves for Lhese labor seLLlemenLs, as well as reserves for
oLher conLlngencles. 1he ClLy conLlnues Lo adhere Lo Lough accounLlng sLandards. 8eflecLlng all of Lhls, Lhe
Lhree ma[or bond raLlng agencles recenLly reafflrmed Lhe AA raLlng on Lhe ClLy's general obllgaLlon debL.

Cn lebruary 12
, Mayor de 8laslo presenLed hls rellmlnary 8udgeL, whlch represenLed Lhe flrsL chance for Lhe
new AdmlnlsLraLlon Lo reflecL lLs prlorlLles ln Lhe budgeL. ln Aprll, afLer holdlng dozens of hours of rellmlnary
8udgeL hearlngs and llsLenlng Lo LesLlmony from over 40 agencles and Lhe publlc, Lhe Councll released lLs
rellmlnary 8udgeL 8esponse. 1hls documenL speclfled changes Lo Lhe rellmlnary 8udgeL LhaL should be
lncluded ln Lhe LxecuLlve 8udgeL.
Cn May 8
, Mayor 8lll de 8laslo submlLLed hls LxecuLlve 8udgeL proposal. Cver subsequenL weeks, Councll
commlLLees revlewed Lhls proposal Lhrough a second round of hearlngs and heard or collecLed LesLlmony from
agency heads, servlce provlders, advocaLes, and dlrecLly from consLlLuenLs.
1hroughouL Lhls process-durlng budgeL hearlngs, wlLhln Lhe Councll's formal 8esponse Lo Lhe rellmlnary
8udgeL, and durlng subsequenL negoLlaLlons-Speaker Mellssa Mark-vlverlLo and Lhe Councll embraced Lhelr
responslblllLy Lo shape Lhe ClLy's dlrecLlon. 1he AdopLed 8udgeL embodles LhaL efforL and reflecLs a new splrlL
of cooperaLlon, conslderaLlon, and drlve.
1hls year saw a noLeworLhy change Lo a budgeLlng process LhaL under prlor admlnlsLraLlons had grown rlddled
wlLh unforLunaLe predlcLablllLy: Lhe ClLy's prellmlnary and execuLlve spendlng plans would propose blg cuLs Lo
varlous servlces, lncludlng youLh and senlor programs, healLh servlces, educaLlon, and llbrarles. 1hose cuLs
would Lhen become Lhe prlmary focus of budgeL hearlngs and negoLlaLlons only Lo vanlsh when subsequenL
spendlng plans emerged. 1hls budgeL dance" weakened Councll overslghL and made plannlng dlfflculL for ClLy
agencles and noL-for-proflL organlzaLlons LhaL provlde crlLlcal servlces Lo new ?orkers.
Abandonlng Lhe budgeL dance allowed Councll Members Lhe freedom Lo engage wlLh leaders from ClLy
agencles and wlLh Lhe publlc Lo analyze and dlscuss real operaLlonal lssues. 1he plan, whlch basellnes many
Councll lnlLlaLlves and oLher servlces LoLallng $304 mllllon, ls dlscussed below.
1he Councll's advocacy for lLs prlorlLles had already borne frulL by laLe sprlng. When Lhe AdmlnlsLraLlon
released lLs LxecuLlve 8udgeL ln early May, lL lncluded several Councll-speclflc prlorlLles LhaL had been absenL
from lebruary's rellmlnary 8udgeL.
1he Councll's budgeL negoLlaLlng Leam Lhen Look a lead ln seLLlng and communlcaLlng lawmakers'
collecLlve goals ln Lalks wlLh Lhe AdmlnlsLraLlon. Councll Members also worked ln delegaLlons wlLh
colleagues from Lhelr respecLlve boroughs Lo seL prlorlLles and Lo evaluaLe and make recommendaLlons
regardlng exlsLlng programs. new lnlLlaLlves were soughL from all Members. 1he resulL reflecLs Lhe
collaboraLlve efforL among all 31 Councll members who puL ln hundreds of hours of hard work aL meeLlngs,
hearlngs, and brleflngs Lo creaLe a budgeL LhaL Lruly beneflLs all flve boroughs.
1he AA raLlng ls from SLandard & oor's and llLch. Moody's ls Aa2, whlch ls Lhelr equlvalenL Lo Lhe AA raLlng.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 1

I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
1he resulLs of Lhls collaboraLlve efforL are found ln Lhls documenL. 1hey represenL Lhe culmlnaLlon of Lhe
hundreds of hours of work Lo ldenLlfy Lhe needs and prlorlLles of Lhe ClLy's resldenLs and Lhe resources Lo
effecLlvely and efflclenLly dellver servlces. 1hese lLems lnclude fundlng LhaL:
lncreases ollclng on ClLy SLreeLs. 1he ClLy Councll wlll provlde fundlng Lo hlre 200 ollce AdmlnlsLraLlve Aldes
Lo free 200 ollce Cfflcers from desk [obs. 1hese offlcers wlll lmmedlaLely be deployed Lo paLrol and
enforcemenL funcLlons, ensurlng Lhe n?u wlll conLlnue Lo have Lhe resources lL needs Lo succeed.
Lxpands Lhe AnLl-Cun lnlLlaLlve. 1hrough a parLnershlp wlLh Lhe ClLy Councll and Lhe AdmlnlsLraLlon, Lhe 8udgeL
lncludes fundlng Lo expand anLl-gun vlolence lnlLlaLlves and Lhe ClLy Councll Crlsls ManagemenL SysLem Lo hlgh
need nelghborhoods.
LxLends lree School Lunch Lo new ?ork ClLy's Mlddle School SLudenLs. 8eglnnlng Lhls lall, Lhe ueparLmenL of
LducaLlon wlll launch a plloL program ln new ?ork ClLy Mlddle Schools Lo provlde free school lunches Lo over
170,000 Mlddle School sLudenLs across Lhe ClLy.
keeps n?CPA CommunlLy and Senlor CenLers Cpen. 1he 8udgeL AgreemenL reached by Lhe ClLy Councll and Lhe
de 8laslo AdmlnlsLraLlon provldes $17 mllllon Lo keep n?CPA CommunlLy and Senlor CenLers open.
Secures lundlng for Summer ?ouLh !obs and CuL of School 1lme. 1he ClLy Councll wlll supporL 10,700 summer
[obs for youLh and wlll lnvesL $17.3 mllllon Lo fund 22,000 sloLs for summer ouL-of-school Llme programs.
Lxpands Chlld Care vouchers for Low-lncome lamllles. 1he ClLy Councll wlll lnvesL $10 mllllon Lo creaLe
Lhousands of addlLlonal chlld care vouchers for low-lncome famllles Lo ensure parenLs have access Lo hlgh
quallLy chlld care.
CreaLes MerlL 8ased Scholarshlps for Cun? SLudenLs. 1he ClLy Councll wlll provlde $11.1 mllllon for Lhe
lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe ClLy Councll MerlL 8ased Scholarshlp program, Lo provlde merlL based scholarshlps Lo
new ?ork ClLy Plgh School graduaLes who malnLaln aL leasL a 8 average aL Cun?.
SupporLs Worker CooperaLlves. 1he ClLy Councll lncluded fundlng Lo supporL Lhe expanslon of worker
cooperaLlves LhroughouL Lhe ClLy Lo help low-lncome new ?orkers become buslness owners.
lnvesLs ln new ?ork ClLy's arks. 1he budgeL lncludes fundlng Lo hlre 80 arks LnforcemenL aLrol offlcers, and
for new ?ork ClLy's parks malnLenance and Lree sLump removal.
Lxpands Legal Servlces and Lngllsh Classes for lmmlgranLs. 1he ClLy Councll wlll slgnlflcanLly expand servlces for
new ?ork ClLy's lmmlgranL populaLlon. 1he Councll wlll provlde funds Lo supporL legal servlces and Lngllsh
classes for lmmlgranLs and fundlng Lo supporL Lhe Cun? ClLlzenshlp now! PoLllne.
CreaLes and SupporLs !ob CrowLh. 1he ClLy Councll wlll expand lndusLrlal 8uslness Zones Lo creaLe new
manufacLurlng buslness opporLunlLles and supporL [ob growLh across Lhe ClLy.
SupporLs LducaLlonal rograms. 1he budgeL agreemenL malnLalns sLrong supporL for educaLlonal programs,
lncludlng urban AdvanLage and Chess-ln-School and wlll lncrease fundlng for 1eacher's Cholce by 33 percenL.
SupporLs Small Schools ALhleLlc Leagues. 1he ClLy Councll wlll supporL aLhleLlc leagues ln small schools. 1hls
flrsL of lLs klnd lnvesLmenL wlll ensure schools LhaL serve a more dlverse sLudenL populaLlon can parLlclpaLe ln
sporLs programs.
SupporLs and Lxpands Legal Servlces. 1he ClLy Councll secured funds Lo supporL and expand legal servlces for
new ?orkers, lncludlng Lhose faclng evlcLlon, and addlLlonal funds Lo help low-lncome people and lndlvlduals
wlLh Plv/AluS.
8educes Senlor Case ManagemenL. 1he 8udgeL AgreemenL wlll reduce case managemenL loads for Senlor Case
Managers from 80 Lo 63 per worker, ensurlng new ?ork ClLy's aglng populaLlon wlll recelve needed supporL.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 2
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
Un|ts of Appropr|at|on and 1erms and Cond|t|ons
1wo achlevemenLs of Lhe Councll ln Lhls budgeL LhaL are noL found ln Schedule C deserve speclal menLlon:
changes ln unlLs of approprlaLlon and new Lerms and condlLlons. unlLs of approprlaLlon are Lhe baslc bulldlng
blocks of Lhe budgeL and represenL sLrlcL spendlng guldellnes for Lhe AdmlnlsLraLlon.
1herefore, addlng or
changlng unlLs can serve as a ma[or sLep Loward lmprovlng Lransparency aL Lhe ClLy. 1he llscal 2013 AdopLed
8udgeL lncorporaLes several new unlLs of approprlaLlon ln Lhe ueparLmenL of LducaLlon. ln addlLlon,
agreemenL beLween Lhe Councll and Lhe AdmlnlsLraLlon has been reached Lo creaLe new unlLs of approprlaLlon
wlLhln Lhe ueparLmenL of LducaLlon ln Lhe llscal 2016 budgeL.
1he AdopLed 8udgeL also lncludes several new Lerms and condlLlons. 1hese measures requlre agencles Lo
faclllLaLe lnformaLlon sharlng and reporLlng as pro[ecL-speclflc spendlng advances. Some of Lhese Lerms and
condlLlons lnclude:
ueparLmenL of LducaLlon: CharLer School lnformaLlon. 8equlres Lhe ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Lo submlL a seml-
annual reporL Lo Lhe Councll on Lhe demographlcs and fundlng of charLer schools.
ueparLmenL of LducaLlon: llnanclal SLaLus 8eporLs. 8equlres Lhe ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Lo submlL Lo Lhe
Councll llnanclal SLaLus 8eporLs on a seL schedule.
ueparLmenL of LducaLlon: School lunch daLa. 8equlres Lhe ueparLmenL of LducaLlon Lo provlde an annual
reporL deLalllng Lhe LoLal amounL of collecLed and uncollecLed lunch fees, and Lhe number of school lunches
served dally, dlsaggregaLed by free lunch, reduced-prlced lunch, and full-prlced lunch.
ueparLmenL of Pomeless Servlces: PCL Survey. 1hls requlres Lhe ueparLmenL Lo lnclude a quesLlon ln Lhe
PCL (Pomeless CuLreach opulaLlon LsLlmaLe) survey Lo deLermlne Lhe age of respondenLs. 1hls ls Lo beLLer
esLlmaLe Lhe number of homeless youLh.
ueparLmenL of CorrecLlon: !all SafeLy uaLa. 8equlres Lhe ueparLmenL of CorrecLlon Lo provlde quarLerly reporLs
Lo Lhe ClLy Councll on vlolence ln Lhe ClLy's [alls.
CaplLal 8udgeL. Where Lhe Commlssloner of Lhe approprlaLe agency makes a deLermlnaLlon Lo change Lhe
locaLlon of a caplLal pro[ecL funded by Councll Member dlscreLlonary fundlng, such Commlssloner shall noLlfy
Lhe affecLed Councll Member prlor Lo lmplemenLlng such deLermlnaLlon.
8ase||ned Counc|| In|t|at|ves and kestorat|ons
1he llscal 2013 AdopLed 8udgeL lncludes approxlmaLely $304 mllllon of basellned fundlng LhaL Lhe Councll had
lncluded ln Lhe llscal 2014 8udgeL for agency operaLlons, such as Lhe lun? flre houses and llbrarles, and Lo
supporL hundreds of programs operaLed by communlLy-based organlzaLlons LhroughouL Lhe ClLy. rlor Lo llscal
2013, Lhe ClLy Councll annually advocaLed and funded Lhese servlces, whlch lncludes lnlLlaLlve LhaL LargeL gaps
ln servlces and resLoraLlons of budgeL cuLs proposed by Lhe AdmlnlsLraLlon. MosL lnlLlaLlves and resLoraLlons
were basellned ln november 2013 by Lhe 8loomberg AdmlnlsLraLlon, wlLh addlLlonal fundlng added by Lhe
currenL AdmlnlsLraLlon ln Lhe llscal 2013 rellmlnary and LxecuLlve 8udgeLs.
Councll lnlLlaLlves are boLh resLoraLlons of budgeL cuLs Lo ClLy agencles and programs funded by Lhe Councll. ln
prlor years, Lhe 8loomberg AdmlnlsLraLlon lmposed numerous rounds of budgeL cuLs, also known as rograms
Lo LllmlnaLe Lhe Cap (LCs), ln an efforL Lo balance Lhe ClLy's budgeL. 1he Councll resLored many of Lhese cuLs,
lncludlng some LhaL lmpacLed agency headcounL and spendlng and oLhers LhaL reduced conLracLual spendlng Lo
communlLy-based organlzaLlons.
1he amounL of fundlng ln a unlL of approprlaLlon cannoL be changed unllaLerally by Lhe Mayor, a budgeL modlflcaLlon passed
by Lhe Councll ls requlred Lo allow for any lncreased spendlng ln any parLlcular unlL of approprlaLlon.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 3

I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
Pavlng supporLed Lhese resLoraLlons for years, Lhe Councll was lnsLrumenLal ln successfully advocaLlng for
basellnlng ma[or agency resLoraLlon such as fundlng Lo Lhe Lhree llbrary sysLems ($106 mllllon), resLoraLlon Lo
flre companles ($39.2 mllllon), and resLorlng school lunch fees ($7.3 mllllon). CLher basellned dollars fund
hundreds of communlLy-based organlzaLlons LhroughouL Lhe ClLy.
Cf Lhe $304 mllllon ln servlces LhaL were basellned, Lhe ma[orlLy of whlch were ln soclal servlces, a large
porLlon was deslgnaLed Lo communlLy-based organlzaLlons LhroughouL Lhe ClLy provldlng servlces LhaL range
from chlld care and Plv/AluS servlces Lo afLerschool programmlng and lmmlgraLlon servlces. 1he ClLy agencles
LhaL lnclude basellned fundlng for Councll lnlLlaLlves and resLoraLlons LhaL are conLracLed ouL Lo communlLy-
based organlzaLlons are Lhe AdmlnlsLraLlon for Chlldren's Servlces, Lhe ueparLmenL of CulLural Affalrs, Lhe
ueparLmenL for Lhe Aglng, Lhe ueparLmenL of ?ouLh and CommunlLy uevelopmenL, Lhe ueparLmenL of PealLh
and MenLal Pyglene, and Lhe Puman 8esources AdmlnlsLraLlon.
MosL organlzaLlons/provlders were deslgnaLed by Lhe Councll ln llscal 2014. 1he Councll and Lhe
AdmlnlsLraLlon have agreed Lo work LogeLher Lo ensure LhaL hundreds of communlLy-based organlzaLlons wlll
recelve one-year conLracL exLenslons - negoLlaLed AcqulslLlon LxLenslons (nAL) - ensurlng Lhe conLlnulLy Lo
vlLal servlces from llscal 2014 Lo llscal 2013 all across Lhe ClLy. A llsL of all basellned resLoraLlons and Councll
lnlLlaLlves can be found ln Appendlx A.
D|scret|onary Iund|ng
1he lasL noLable area ls Lhe new process by whlch dlscreLlonary fundlng ls allocaLed Lo Councll Members. Whlle
noL a large parL of Lhe budgeL, Lhls fundlng allows Lhe ClLy Lo Lake advanLage of Councll Members' locallzed
knowledge Lo beLLer LargeL servlces Lo resldenLs. newly adopLed Councll rules ralse Lhe already hlgh sLandard
of Lransparency by whlch Lhls fundlng operaLes ln requlrlng LhaL Lhe meLhod used Lo allocaLe fundlng among
Members be publlcly dlsclosed.

ln Lhls budgeL, each Member ls allocaLed a base $400,000 ln expense fundlng. Members are furLher allocaLed
an addlLlonal $23,000, $30,000, $73,000, or $100,000 dependlng upon Lhe level of poverLy ln Lhe dlsLrlcL.
overLy was esLlmaLed aL Lhe Councll ulsLrlcL level by uslng Lhe Amerlcan CommunlLy Survey 2012 flve-year
survey Lhe for number of lndlvlduals below Lhe federal poverLy level. Lach Member was also able Lo allocaLe $3
mllllon ln caplLal fundlng.
1hls year's Schedule C reflecLs, as does Lhe broader budgeL, Lhe currenL Councll's emphasls on responslveness,
accounLablllLy, and Lransparency. Cur spendlng plan conslders Lhe needs of new ?orkers ln all communlLles, ls
more LransparenL ln lLs consLrucLlon Lhan pasL years' plans, and enables Councll Members Lo beLLer serve Lhelr
respecLlve consLlLuencles.

!"" SecLlon 2.33 (b) of Lhe new ?ork ClLy Councll 8ules.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 4

I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
I|sca| 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary]Schedu|e C
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on
Schedule C deslgnaLes fundlng for communlLy based noL-for-proflL and oLher publlc servlce organlzaLlons.
LxpendlLure of any funds for each organlzaLlon ldenLlfled ln Schedule C ls conLlngenL upon Lhe saLlsfacLory
compleLlon of: 1) a deLalled lnlLlal revlew process, and 2) all appllcable ClLy procuremenL requlremenLs aL Lhe
Llme of conLracL award. Lven Lhen, fundlng may be used only for approprlaLely relmbursable expenses, as
deLermlned by Lhe admlnlsLerlng agency. 1he new ?ork ClLy Councll (Councll) and Lhe Mayor's Cfflce of
ConLracL Servlces (MCCS) have esLabllshed Lhe followlng lnlLlal revlew for all organlzaLlons llsLed ln Schedule C:
1he Councll revlews Lhe publlc purpose for whlch Lhe funds would be used and for any poLenLlal
confllcLs of lnLeresL.
MCCS revlews for demonsLraLed compllance wlLh new ?ork SLaLe charlLy reglsLraLlon
lor organlzaLlons requesLlng fundlng ln excess of $10,000, MCCS oversees an addlLlonal prequallflcaLlon revlew
process. 1hrough Lhls process, MCCS revlews each organlzaLlon Lo deLermlne wheLher lL meeLs lnLegrlLy
requlremenLs and ls ln compllance wlLh appllcable laws and regulaLlons, lncludlng charlLles reglsLraLlon. MCCS
also revlews each such organlzaLlon Lo deLermlne wheLher Lhe organlzaLlon ls quallfled Lo provlde Lhe proposed
servlces. CrganlzaLlons LhaL were approved durlng prlor flscal years wlll agaln be revlewed and Lhelr
quallflcaLlons recerLlfled by MCCS ln order Lo recelve any proposed fundlng. lurLher, for any organlzaLlon
recelvlng fundlng Lhrough a flscal condulL, Lhe flscal condulL musL also be approved by MCCS.
lor organlzaLlons recelvlng $10,000 or less, Lhe Councll revlews pasL performance, compllance wlLh Lax laws,
corporaLe sLaLus, any reporLed lnvesLlgaLlons, audlLs, lnqulrles and oLher relevanL lnformaLlon.
lor Lhose organlzaLlons ldenLlfled ln Schedule C wlLhouL an asLerlsk, Lhe Councll has compleLed lLs revlew
process and, where appllcable, MCCS has prellmlnarlly revlewed or prequallfled Lhe organlzaLlon and any
assoclaLed flscal condulL, and Lhe organlzaLlon has aLLended MCCS corporaLe governance, flscal managemenL
and compllance Lralnlng, lf requlred Lo aLLend.
lor Lhose organlzaLlons ldenLlfled ln Schedule C wlLh an asLerlsk elLher MCCS or Lhe Councll's revlew process
has noL yeL been compleLed, Lhe new ?ork SLaLe ALLorney Ceneral's Cfflce has noL yeL provlded Lhe Councll
wlLh flnal verlflcaLlon of Lhe organlzaLlon's charlLable flllng sLaLus, or Lhe organlzaLlon ls requlred Lo aLLend
MCCS corporaLe governance, flscal managemenL and compllance Lralnlng. All such revlews and requlremenLs
musL be compleLed prlor Lo conLracL award.
lurLher resLrlcLlons Lo ensure Lhe approprlaLe use of ClLy funds wlll be lncorporaLed Lhrough Lhe ClLy's
procuremenL process.

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New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age S
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
Ant|-Gun V|o|ence In|t|at|ve

Ant|-Gun V|o|ence In|t|at|ve
I|sca| 201S Counc|| In|t|at|ves
Agency In|t|at|ve Amount
uCPMP AnLl-Cun vlolence - CommunlLy 8ased rograms $2,328,000
Cun? AnLl-Cun vlolence - LvaluaLlon $230,000
uC AnLl-Cun vlolence - !ob 8eadlness $647,000
MCC! AnLl-Cun vlolence - Legal Servlces $1,173,000
uCPMP AnLl-Cun vlolence - MenLal PealLh/1herapeuLlc Servlces $1,300,000
uCL AnLl-Cun vlolence - School 8ased ConfllcL MedlaLlon $330,000
AnLl-Cun vlolence - vlolence revenLlon, ConfllcL
MedlaLlon and ?ouLh uevelopmenL $230,000
1C1AL 56,700,000

Ant|-Gun V|o|ence - Commun|ty 8ased rograms 52,S28,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of PealLh and MenLal Pyglene (816)
U]A: 114 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on:
CommunlLy members Louched by gun vlolence ln selecL nelghborhoods and
deslgnaLed preclncL areas.
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon supporLs a wlde range of anLl-gun vlolence programs, lncludlng
Lhe Crlsls managemenL sysLem and provldes operaLlonal supporL and overslghL of communlLy based provlders.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll wlll deslgnaLe posL-budgeL adopLlon.

Ant|-Gun V|o|ence - Lva|uat|on 52S0,000
Agency: ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork (042)
U]A: 001 - CommunlLy College - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2014
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: CommunlLy members Louched by gun vlolence ln selecL nelghborhoods and
deslgnaLed preclncL areas.
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon supporLs efforLs Lo measure Lhe resulLs of Lhe recommended
programs ln Lhe anLl-gun vlolence lnlLlaLlve and Lhelr lmpacL on Lhe nelghborhoods served.
Des|gnat|on Method: lundlng ls provlded dlrecLly Lo Lhe ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork.

Ant|-Gun V|o|ence - Iob kead|ness rograms 5647,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of robaLlon (781)
U]A: 003 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2014
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: CommunlLy members Louched by gun vlolence ln selecL nelghborhoods and
deslgnaLed preclncL areas.
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hese programs serve courL-lnvolved young adulLs, beLween Lhe ages of 16-24,
llvlng ln Lhe LargeLed nelghborhoods ldenLlfled by Lhe AnLl-Cun vlolence 1ask lorce. 1he program engages
parLlclpanLs ln communlLy beneflL pro[ecLs ln one or more of Lhe deslgnaLed communlLles. lL also provldes
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 6
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
educaLlonal, work, Leam and clvlc engagemenL experlences, as well as youLh leadershlp, peer menLorshlp, llfe
skllls and case managemenL.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll wlll deslgnaLe $129,400 posL adopLlon and has deslgnaLed Lhe
followlng provlders and Lhe amounLs for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
lund for Lhe ClLy of new ?ork, lnc. - CenLer for CourL lnnovaLlon 13-2612324 $129,400
Man up!, lnc. 03-0333092 $129,400
new ?ork ClLy Mlsslon SocleLy 13-3362301 $129,400
Csborne AssoclaLlon 13-3363028 $129,400

Ant|-Gun V|o|ence - Lega| Serv|ces 51,17S,000
Agency: Mlscellaneous 8udgeL - Crlmlnal !usLlce CoordlnaLor (098)
U]A: 002 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2014
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: CommunlLy members Louched by gun vlolence ln selecL nelghborhoods and
deslgnaLed preclncL areas.
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: Legal servlces are provlded ln each of Lhe LargeL nelghborhoods Lo supporL
lndlvlduals and famllles Lo navlgaLe Lhe legal sysLem followlng a gun vlolence lncldenL and mlghL lnclude
someone who wlLnessed a crlme buL ls worrled abouL Lalklng Lo Lhe auLhorlLles.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlder ln llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
Legal Ald SocleLy 13-3362263 $1,173,000

Ant|-Gun V|o|ence In|t|at|ve - Menta| nea|th]1herapeut|c Serv|ces 51,300,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of PealLh and MenLal Pyglene (816)
U]A: 120 - MenLal PealLh
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on:
CommunlLy members Louched by gun vlolence ln selecL nelghborhoods and
deslgnaLed preclncL areas.
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon provldes supporLlve, LherapeuLlc and menLal healLh servlces Lo
communlLy members Louched by gun vlolence ln selecL nelghborhoods.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll wlll deslgnaLe posL-budgeL adopLlon.

Ant|-Gun V|o|ence In|t|at|ve - Schoo| 8ased Conf||ct Med|at|on 5SS0,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of LducaLlon (040)
U]A: 402 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on:
CommunlLy members Louched by gun vlolence ln selecL nelghborhoods and deslgnaLed
preclncL areas.
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon provldes fundlng for school-based confllcL medlaLlon, vlolence
prevenLlon, and youLh developmenL program.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll wlll deslgnaLe posL-budgeL adopLlon.

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 7
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary

Ant|-Gun V|o|ence - V|o|ence revent|on, Conf||ct Med|at|on and outh Deve|opment 52S0,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of ?ouLh and CommunlLy uevelopmenL (260)
U]A: 003 - CommunlLy uevelopmenL - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: ?ouLh
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce(s): 1hls allocaLlon provldes fundlng for programs relaLed Lo confllcL
medlaLlon, vlolence prevenLlon, and youLh developmenL.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlders for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
uownLown CommunlLy 1elevlslon CenLer, lnc. 13-2742777 $10,000
new ?ork WL8 CenLer, lnc 20-3620848 $10,000
new ?orkers AgalnsL Cun vlolence 13-3780848 $30,000
Councll for unlLy, lnc. 11-2880221 $200,000

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 8
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
Ant|-overty In|t|at|ve

Ant|-overty In|t|at|ve
I|sca| 201S Counc|| In|t|at|ves
Agency In|t|at|ve Amount
MulLlple lnlLlaLlve Lo Address overLy $2,800,000
1C1AL 52,800,000

Ant|-overty In|t|at|ve 52,800,000
Agency: Cun? (042), ACS (068), P8A (069), uPS (071), MCC! (098), ul1A (123),
uCLA (126), u?Cu (260), S8S (801), Pu (806), uCPMP (816)
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: ClLywlde
Descr|pt|on] Scope of Serv|ce: When allocaLlng fundlng Lhls year, Lhe Councll used a poverLy
lndlcaLor Lo provlde a basls for whlch Lo dlsLrlbuLe resources among dlsLrlcLs. overLy was esLlmaLed
aL Lhe Councll ulsLrlcL level uslng 2012 Amerlcan CommunlLy Survey daLa, speclflcally Lhe number of
lndlvlduals below Lhe federal poverLy level. 1hls lnlLlaLlve supporLs a dlverse range of programs
LhroughouL Lhe ClLy.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlders for llscal 2013:

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 9
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
Counc|| Member Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
Lugene 71sL reclncL CommunlLy Councll, lnc. 04-3784343 $6,000
lerreras 82nd SLreeL ulsLrlcL ManagemenL AssoclaLlon, lnc. 11-3096017 $3,000
van 8ramer 114Lh Clvlllan CbservaLlon aLrol, lnc. 11-2372881 $4,300
Levlne 123Lh SLreeL ulsLrlcL ManagemenL AssoclaLlon, lnc. 13-3740434 $3,000
Arroyo 2020 vlslon for Schools, lnc. 43-3023036 $10,000
ulrlch AgudaLh lsrael of Amerlca CommunlLy Servlces, lnc. 13-3973090 $10,000
vacca AllerLon Avenue Pomeowners and 1enanLs AssoclaLlon 13-3101238 $3,000
Lander Arab-Amerlcan lamlly SupporL CenLer, lnc., 1he 11-3167243 $7,300
Chln Aslan Amerlcans for LquallLy 13-3187792 $3,000
Cornegy 8edford SLuyvesanL 8esLoraLlon CorporaLlon 11-6083182 $30,000
8ergen 8asln CommunlLy uevelopmenL CorporaLlon d/b/a
Mlllennlum uevelopmenL 11-3199040 $10,000
Malsel 8ergen 8each ?ouLh CrganlzaLlon 11-2398330 $10,000
8ose 8eLhel CommunlLy Church 13-3200339 $3,000
Carodnlck 8lg Apple CreeLer, lnc. 13-3733413 $3,300
Cornegy 8lack Men Who Care, lnc. 11-3099742 $3,000
Cornegy 8lack veLerans for Soclal !usLlce, lnc. 11-2608983 $20,000
Lugene 8oro ark !ewlsh CommunlLy Councll 11-3473993 $4,000
Creenfleld 8oro ark !ewlsh CommunlLy Councll 11-3473993 $13,000
ulrlch 8rldge Lo Llfe, lnc., 1he 11-3100048 $3,000
vacca 8ronx Pouse, lnc. 13-1739933 $13,000
Cabrera 8ronx arenL Pouslng neLwork, lnc. 13-4100738 $40,000
Lsplnal 8rooklyn 8allers SporLs, ?ouLh and LducaLlonal Corp. 63-1209020 $30,000
Lugene 8rooklyn uefender Servlces 11-3303406 $4,000
Levln 8rooklyn uefender Servlces 11-3303406 $3,300
Mealy 8rooklyn uefender Servlces 11-3303406 $10,000
Menchaca 8rooklyn uefender Servlces 11-3303406 $3,000
Lugene 8rooklyn Pouslng and lamlly Servlces, lnc. 11-2412384 $10,000
8eynoso 8ushwlck Pouslng lndependence ro[ecL (8Pl) 20-1318304 $13,000
Cumbo CAM8A, lnc. 11-2480339 $4,300
Cumbo CAM8A, lnc. 11-2480339 $6,000
Lugene CAM8A, lnc. 11-2480339 $4,000
alma Care lor Lhe Pomeless 13-3666994 $23,000
Carlbbean Amerlcan SporLs and CulLural ?ouLh MovemenL
(CAS?M, lnc.) 11-2778372 $23,000
Lugene Carlbbean Women's PealLh AssoclaLlon, lnc. 13-3323168 $10,000
koslowlLz CaLhollc CharlLles nelghborhood Servlces, lnc. 11-2047131 $3,300
lerreras CaLhollc MlgraLlon Servlces, lnc. 11-2634818 $10,000
Lander CenLer for AnLl-vlolence LducaLlon (CAL, lnc., 1he) 11-2444676 $8,000
lgnlzlo CenLer for ArLs LducaLlon, lnc. 13-3938080 $4,000
ConsLanLlnldes CenLral AsLorla Local uevelopmenL CoallLlon, lnc. 11-2632331 $37,300
Wllllams CenLral 8rooklyn Legal Servlces Corp 46-3144468 $3,300
8ose CenLral lamlly Llfe CenLer 13-3626127 $3,000
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 10
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
Lander Chhaya CommunlLy uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 11-3380933 $7,300
Levlne Chlldren's Ald SocleLy, 1he 13-3362191 $3,000
Mark-vlverlLo Chlldren's Ald SocleLy, 1he 13-3362191 $20,000
8odrlguez Chlldren's Ald SocleLy, 1he 13-3362191 $3,000
8ose Chlldren's Ald SocleLy, 1he 13-3362191 $8,000
8ose ChrlsL Church of new 8rlghLon 13-3396831 $3,000
Lugene Church Avenue ulsLrlcL ManagemenL AssoclaLlon 11-2833403 $4,000
!ohnson Church of Poly AposLles 13-2892297 $13,000
Chln Church SLreeL School of Muslc and ArL 13-3693660 $10,000
Mealy ClLlzens CommlLLee for new ?ork ClLy, lnc. 31-0171818 $3,000
Arroyo ClLy ParvesL, lnc. 13-3170676 $3,000
Cumbo ClLy ParvesL, lnc. 13-3170676 $4,300
Carodnlck ClLy ParvesL, lnc. 13-3170676 $3,300
Levlne ClLy ParvesL, lnc. 13-3170676 $3,000
alma ClLy ParvesL, lnc. 13-3170676 $10,000
ulckens Clvlc AssoclaLlon Servlng Parlem, lnc. (CASP) 13-3763623 $3,300
Lugene Clalre Peureuse CommunlLy CenLer, lnc. 26-0364816 $4,000
8ose College of SLaLen lsland 13-6400434 $3,000
Arroyo CommlLLee for Plspanlc Chlldren and lamllles, lnc., 1he 11-2622003 $3,000
1orres CommlLLee for Plspanlc Chlldren and lamllles, lnc., 1he 11-2622003 $13,000
Creenfleld CommunlLy CenLer of Lhe 8ockaway enlnsula, lnc. 11-3064361 $10,000
ulrlch CommunlLy CenLer of Lhe 8ockaway enlnsula, lnc. 11-3064361 $3,000
Lugene CommunlLy Concerns neLwork, lnc. 20-3419400 $4,000
8ose CommunlLy PealLh AcLlon of SLaLen lsland 13-3336132 $13,000
Levlne CommunlLy League of Lhe PelghLs, lnc. 13-2364241 $12,300
8odrlguez CommunlLy League of Lhe PelghLs, lnc. 13-2364241 $20,000
ulckens ConnecL, lnc. 02-0694269 $3,000
Wllllams Councll of !ewlsh CrganlzaLlons of llaLbush, lnc. 11-2864728 $7,000
Chln Councll of Senlor CenLers and Servlces of new ?ork ClLy, lnc. 13-2967277 $3,000
kallos Councll on Lhe LnvlronmenL, lnc. 13-2763463 $23,000
koslowlLz Councll on Lhe LnvlronmenL, lnc. 13-2763463 $3,000
Clbson CrenulaLed Company L1u, 1he 14-1719016 $23,000
lgnlzlo Cross-8oad loundaLlon, lnc. 13-3634741 $3,300
ueveloplng CpporLunlLles 1hrough Meanlngful LducaLlon
(uCML ro[ecL, lnc.) 13-3060237 $3,000
8osenLhal uoe lund, lnc., 1he 13-3412340 $3,000
Levlne uomlnlcan Women's uevelopmenL CenLer, lnc. 13-3393883 $3,000
Cumbo uownLown 8rooklyn arLnershlp, lnc. 20-3323707 $3,000
ConsLanLlnldes LasL 8lver uevelopmenL Alllance, lnc. 86-1096987 $9,000
van 8ramer LasL 8lver uevelopmenL Alllance, lnc. 86-1096987 $22,000
8lchards LasLern Cueens Alllance 20-1723492 $10,000
8arron Lull? CommunlLles of new ?ork 20-0177748 $30,000
Lancman LducaLlonal CenLer for new Amerlcans, lnc. 11-3173201 $23,000
Cumbo Ll uenLe de Wllllamsburg, lnc. 11-2614263 $3,300
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 11
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
lerreras Llmcor ?ouLh and AdulL AcLlvlLles, lnc. 11-2224339 $23,000
Levln Lplscopal Soclal Servlces of new ?ork, lnc. 13-3709093 $3,300
Lsplnal lamlly Servlces neLwork of new ?ork 11-2392631 $23,000
1reyger lederaLlon of lLallan Amerlcan CrganlzaLlons of 8rooklyn, LLd. 11-2307910 $20,000
Mendez lederaLlon of roLesLanL Welfare Agencles, lnc. 13-3362220 $10,000
Cumbo llfLh Avenue CommlLLee, lnc. 11-2473743 $3,000
Levln llfLh Avenue CommlLLee, lnc. 11-2473743 $3,300
Arroyo lood 8ank for new ?ork ClLy, 1he 13-3179346 $10,000
Cumbo lood 8ank for new ?ork ClLy, 1he 13-3179346 $2,000
Levln lood 8ank for new ?ork ClLy, 1he 13-3179346 $3,300
Levlne lood 8ank for new ?ork ClLy, 1he 13-3179346 $3,300
Cabrera lordham 8oad ulsLrlcL ManagemenL AssoclaLlon, lnc., 1he 26-0117797 $20,000
uromm lorLune SocleLy, lnc., 1he 13-2643436 $10,000
Clbson Camblan SocleLy ln new ?ork, lnc. 13-3904936 $10,000
Clbson Carlfuna CoallLlon uSA, lnc. 22-3890331 $10,000
8arron Ceorge Walker, !r. CommunlLy CoallLlon, 1he 11-3341393 $23,000
ulckens Coddard 8lverslde CommunlLy CenLer - S8C Law ro[ecL 13-1893908 $3,000
Levlne Coddard 8lverslde CommunlLy CenLer - S8C Law ro[ecL 13-1893908 $6,000
Chln Cod's Love We uellver, lnc. 13-3366846 $3,000
Cumbo Cod's Love We uellver, lnc. 13-3366846 $2,300
1orres Cod's Love We uellver, lnc. 13-3366846 $13,000
MaLLeo Crace loundaLlon of new ?ork 13-4131863 $23,000
Wllls CreaLer 8eLhel CommunlLy uevelopmenL Corp. 32-0000337 $33,000
8eynoso CreaLer 8ldgewood 8esLoraLlon CorporaLlon 11-2382230 $10,000
Crowley CreaLer Woodhaven uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 11-2308190 $10,000
ueuLsch Cuardlans of Lhe Slck, lnc. 11-6003433 $20,000
Creenfleld Cuardlans of Lhe Slck, lnc. 11-6003433 $10,000
Wllllams PalLlan Amerlcan 8uslness neLwork, lnc. 47-0939800 $13,300
Parlem uowllng WesLslde CenLer for Chlldren and lamlly
Servlces 13-3030378 $3,300
ulckens Parlem MoLher's SLop AnoLher vlolenL Lnd (S.A.v.L.) 26-0847222 $3,000
ulckens ParvesL Pome larmer's MarkeL, lnc. 06-1800312 $3,000
Mealy Plghland ark CommunlLy uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 11-3462888 $23,000
Mark-vlverlLo Plspanlc lederaLlon, lnc. 13-3373832 $30,000
8odrlguez Plspanlc lederaLlon, lnc. 13-3373832 $30,000
Cumbo Pollaback, lnc. 27-3199988 $4,300
Levln Pollaback, lnc. 27-3199988 $3,300
van 8ramer Pour Chlldren 13-3647412 $3,000
Carodnlck Pouslng ConservaLlon CoordlnaLors, lnc. 31-0141489 $3,300
!ewlsh 8oard of lamlly and Chlldren's Servlces, lnc. (aka rlde of
!udea) 13-3364937 $23,000
Creenfleld !ewlsh CommunlLy Councll of CreaLer Coney lsland, lnc. 11-2663181 $20,000
1reyger !ewlsh CommunlLy Councll of CreaLer Coney lsland, lnc. 11-2663181 $30,000
vacca !ewlsh CommunlLy Councll of elham arkway, lnc. 13-3099320 $18,000
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 12
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
ulrlch !ewlsh CommunlLy Councll of Lhe 8ockaway enlnsula, lnc. 11-2423813 $3,000
Menchaca !uan neumann CenLer, lnc. 86-1081834 $3,000
Lancman kew Cardens Pllls CommunlLy loundaLlon, lnc. 31-0306762 $3,300
Cohen klngsbrldge 8lverdale van CorLlandL uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 13-3097903 $13,000
vallone korean Amerlcan lamlly Servlce CenLer (kAlSC) 13-3609811 $10,000
Mark-vlverlLo La Casa de la Perencla CulLural uerLorrlquena, lnc. 13-3203023 $13,000
Levln Leap lnc. 11-3111694 $3,000
ConsLanLlnldes Legal Ald SocleLy 13-3362263 $3,300
Menchaca Legal Ald SocleLy 13-3362263 $3,000
alma Legal lnformaLlon for lamllles 1oday (Lll1) 13-3910367 $3,000
Wllls Legal lnformaLlon for lamllles 1oday (Lll1) 13-3910367 $13,000
8osenLhal Llncoln Square nelghborhood CenLer, lnc. 13-1823918 $8,000
Mark-vlverlLo LlLLle SlsLers of Lhe AssumpLlon lamlly PealLh Servlce, lnc. 13-2867881 $13,000
Cumbo Madlson Square 8oys & Clrls Club, lnc. 13-3396792 $3,300
uromm Make Lhe 8oad new ?ork 11-3344389 $19,000
Menchaca Make Lhe 8oad new ?ork 11-3344389 $7,300
van 8ramer Make Lhe 8oad new ?ork 11-3344389 $3,000
ulckens ManhaLLan Legal Servlces 13-2613938 $3,300
Levlne ManhaLLan Legal Servlces 13-2613938 $4,000
Mendez ManhaLLan Legal Servlces 13-2613938 $3,000
8lchards MargerL CommunlLy CorporaLlon 11-2334700 $33,000
Arroyo Mary MlLchell ?ouLh and lamlly CenLer, lnc. 13-3383032 $30,000
Lander Masbla 20-1923321 $12,000
Menchaca Masbla 20-1923321 $7,300
koslowlLz Masbla of Cueens 27-0363336 $13,000
uromm MCCn? CharlLles, lnc. 27-3282132 $3,300
!ohnson MCCn? CharlLles, lnc. 27-3282132 $3,000
MeLropollLan new ?ork CoordlnaLlng Councll on !ewlsh overLy,
lnc. 13-2738818 $13,000
MeLropollLan new ?ork CoordlnaLlng Councll on !ewlsh overLy,
lnc. 13-2738818 $3,000
MeLropollLan new ?ork CoordlnaLlng Councll on !ewlsh overLy,
lnc. 13-2738818 $10,000
MeLropollLan new ?ork CoordlnaLlng Councll on !ewlsh overLy,
lnc. 13-2738818 $3,300
MeLropollLan new ?ork CoordlnaLlng Councll on !ewlsh overLy,
lnc. 13-2738818 $3,000
Chln MeLropollLan WaLerfronL Alllance, lnc. 13-4333067 $4,000
CenLlle MeLropollLan WaLerfronL Alllance, lnc. 13-4333067 $40,000
Chln Ml? Legal Servlces, lnc. 13-2622748 $7,000
Clbson Ml? Legal Servlces, lnc. 13-2622748 $3,000
Levln Ml? Legal Servlces, lnc. 13-2622748 $3,300
Levlne Ml? Legal Servlces, lnc. 13-2622748 $4,000
alma Ml? Legal Servlces, lnc. 13-2622748 $3,000
ueuLsch Mldwood uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 11-2420732 $13,000
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 13
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
Cumbo Mlnd 8ullders CreaLlve ArLs CenLer, lnc. 13-2988137 $2,300
Clbson MomenLum ro[ecL, lnc., 1he 13-3336768 $10,000
Cabrera Mosholu reservaLlon CorporaLlon 13-3109387 $10,000
MyrLle Ave Commerclal 8evlLallzaLlon uevelopmenL ro[ecL
Local uevelopmenL CorporaLlon, 1he 31-1706307 $6,300
Mlller nelghborhood Pouslng Servlces of !amalca, lnc. 23-7398279 $20,000
uromm nelghborhood Pouslng Servlces of norLhern Cueens, lnc. 13-3098397 $3,300
lerreras nelghborhood Pouslng Servlces of norLhern Cueens, lnc. 13-3098397 $10,000
klng nelghborhood lnlLlaLlves uevelopmenL CorporaLlon (nluC) 13-3110811 $23,000
Cohen new 8ronx Chamber of Commerce, 1he 37-1443163 $10,000
Levlne new Lconomy ro[ecL 13-3842270 $3,000
Menchaca new Lconomy ro[ecL 13-3842270 $7,000
uromm new Llfe CommunlLy uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 11-3204890 $9,000
Chln new ?ork Aslan Women's CenLer, lnc. 13-3286230 $10,000
ulckens new ?ork Cares, lnc. 13-3444193 $4,000
Chln new ?ork ClLy Alllance AgalnsL Sexual AssaulL 31-1702032 $4,000
Carodnlck new ?ork ClLy CoallLlon AgalnsL Punger, lnc. 13-3471330 $3,300
van 8ramer new ?ork ClLy Cay and Lesblan AnLl-vlolence ro[ecL, lnc. 13-3149200 $3,300
Carodnlck new ?ork Legal AsslsLance Croup, lnc. 13-3303428 $3,300
1orres new ?ork Legal AsslsLance Croup, lnc. 13-3303428 $13,000
Carodnlck new ?ork SLaLe 1enanLs and nelghbors lnformaLlon Servlce, lnc. 14-1761209 $3,300
Levlne new ?ork SLaLe 1enanLs and nelghbors lnformaLlon Servlce, lnc. 14-1761209 $4,000
Creenfleld new ?ork unlLed !ewlsh AssoclaLlon, lnc. 26-2647383 $7,300
Wllllams new ?ork unlLed !ewlsh AssoclaLlon, lnc. 26-2647383 $17,300
ulckens new ?ork urban League 13-1671033 $4,000
CenLlle nlA CommunlLy Servlces neLwork, lnc. 11-2697931 $10,000
Levln norLh 8rooklyn uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 11-2333446 $7,000
Levlne norLhern ManhaLLan lmprovemenL CorporaLlon 13-2972413 $7,300
vacca Clder AdulLs 1echnology Servlces (CA1S), lnc. 33-0882399 $3,000
alma alladla, lnc. 23-7089380 $3,000
Levln ark Slope ChrlsLlan Pelp, lnc. 11-2449994 $3,300
Arroyo er Scholas, lnc. 04-3232933 $40,000
alma er Scholas, lnc. 04-3232933 $13,000
Levln esach 1lkvah/Pope uevelopmenL lnc. 11-2642641 $3,000
klng hlpps CommunlLy uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 13-2707663 $20,000
1orres hlpps CommunlLy uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 13-2707663 $23,000
ulckens ollce ALhleLlc League, lnc. 13-3396811 $4,000
ulckens owerlay n?C, lnc. 13-4043021 $3,300
ulckens ro[ecL LnLerprlse 13-3907379 $3,300
lgnlzlo ro[ecL PosplLallLy, lnc. 13-3234441 $3,000
Levlne ro[ecL 8enewal, lnc. 13-2602882 $3,000
ulckens ubllcolor, lnc. 13-3912768 $3,300
ulckens uerLo 8lcan lamlly lnsLlLuLe, lnc., 1he 13-6167177 $4,000
Lancman Cueens CommunlLy Pouse, lnc. 11-2373383 $3,300
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 14
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
Crowley Cueens !ewlsh CommunlLy Councll, lnc. 23-7172132 $3,000
uromm Cueens !ewlsh CommunlLy Councll, lnc. 23-7172132 $3,000
Lancman Cueens !ewlsh CommunlLy Councll, lnc. 23-7172132 $18,000
8lchards Cueens Legal Servlces CorporaLlon 13-2603604 $3,000
8eynoso 8eachlng Across Lhe World MlnlsLrles 11-3372313 $10,000
Cabrera 8eadlng Lxcellence and ulscovery (8LAu loundaLlon, lnc.) 13-4091062 $20,000
Mealy 8eshaplng Cur ?ouLh and AdulL Llves, lnc. 26-1470493 $10,000
Crowley SamarlLans of new ?ork, lnc. 13-3164464 $3,000
Clbson Scan-new ?ork volunLeer arenL-Aldes AssoclaLlon, lnc. 13-2912963 $20,000
Menchaca SCC lamlly of Servlces 11-2777066 $3,000
koo Selfhelp CommunlLy Servlces, lnc. 13-1624178 $19,000
van 8ramer Selfhelp CommunlLy Servlces, lnc. 13-1624178 $10,000
Weprln Selfhelp CommunlLy Servlces, lnc. 13-1624178 $23,000
vacca Servlces and Advocacy for CL81 Llders, lnc. (SACL) 13-2947637 $3,300
vallone Servlces now for AdulL ersons (SnA), lnc. 11-2391783 $10,000
Wllllams Sesame llyers lnLernaLlonal, lnc. 11-2692483 $3,000
8arron Soul 1lgers Marchlng 8and, lnc. 11-0613740 $20,000
koo SouLh Aslan Councll for Soclal Servlces 11-3632920 $11,000
vallone SouLh Aslan Councll for Soclal Servlces 11-3632920 $3,000
Menchaca SouLh 8rooklyn Legal Servlces 13-2603603 $3,000
Wllllams SouLh 8rooklyn Legal Servlces 13-2603603 $3,300
Mlller SouLhern Cueens ark AssoclaLlon, lnc. 11-2432846 $10,000
8eynoso SouLhslde unlLed Pouslng uevelopmenL lund Corp. 11-2268339 $40,000
Menchaca SouLhwesL 8rooklyn lndusLrlal uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 11-2308370 $8,000
ulckens SL. Aloyslus LducaLlon Cllnlc 13-3413339 $4,000
Levln SL. nlck's Alllance CorporaLlon 31-0192170 $3,300
8ose SLaLen lsland lnLer-Agency Councll for Lhe Aglng, lnc. 13-2986994 $7,000
lgnlzlo SLaLen lsland nl AssoclaLlon, lnc. 20-3360373 $4,300
lgnlzlo SLaLen lsland unlverslLy PosplLal 11-2868878 $8,000
Clbson Summer Search 68-0200138 $20,000
Menchaca SunseL ark ulsLrlcL ManagemenL AssoclaLlon lnc. 11-3231860 $4,000
ulckens 1ake Wlng and Soar roducLlons, lnc. 14-1883603 $3,000
Creenfleld 1ogeLher We Are 27-0213447 $10,000
Lander 1omche Shabbos of 8oro ark and llaLbush, lnc. 11-3318348 $7,300
Mendez 1rlnlLy's Servlces and lood for Lhe Pomeless, lnc. 13-3401340 $20,000
Mark-vlverlLo unlon SeLLlemenL AssoclaLlon, lnc. 13-1632330 $13,000
Levln unlLed !ewlsh CrganlzaLlons of Wllllamsburg, lnc. 11-2728233 $23,000
Crowley unlLed resbyLerlan Church of 8ldgewood 11-3236039 $3,000
unlLed uerLo 8lcan CrganlzaLlons of SunseL ark (u8CSL),
lnc. 11-2490331 $16,000
8osenLhal unlLed Soclal Servlces of 1he SocleLy lor LLhlcal CulLure, lnc. 13-6161340 $3,000
Mendez unlverslLy SeLLlemenL SocleLy of new ?ork, lnc. 13-3362374 $13,000
Carodnlck upper Creen Slde, lnc. 20-8289407 $4,000
Creenfleld urban !usLlce CenLer 13-3442022 $2,300
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 1S
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
Levln urban !usLlce CenLer 13-3442022 $7,000
Mark-vlverlLo urban !usLlce CenLer 13-3442022 $3,000
alma urban !usLlce CenLer 13-3442022 $10,000
8osenLhal urban !usLlce CenLer 13-3442022 $3,300
Cabrera urban ?ouLh Alllance lnLernaLlonal, lnc. 13-2969182 $10,000
!ohnson vlSlCnS/Servlces for Lhe 8llnd and vlsually lmpalred 13-1624210 $3,000
WashlngLon PelghLs-lnwood reservaLlon and 8esLoraLlon
CorporaLlon 13-2944830 $3,300
Mlller WlldcaL Servlce CorporaLlon 13-2723423 $20,000
1orres WlldcaL Servlce CorporaLlon 13-2723423 $30,000
vacca WlldcaL Servlce CorporaLlon 13-2723423 $3,300
koo World Cares CenLer, lnc. 41-2024802 $3,000
Lander ?eled v' ?alda Larly Chlldhood CenLer, lnc. 11-3030340 $7,300
koo ?oung Men's ChrlsLlan AssoclaLlon of CreaLer new ?ork 13-1624228 $3,000
8osenLhal ?oung Women's ChrlsLlan AssoclaLlon of Lhe ClLy of new ?ork 13-1624230 $3,300
1C1AL 52,800,000

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 16
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
8oroughw|de Needs

8oroughw|de Needs
I|sca| 201S Counc|| In|t|at|ves
Agenc|es In|t|at|ve Amount
MulLlple Agencles lnlLlaLlve Lo Address 8oroughwlde needs $2,000,000
1C1AL 52,000,000

8oroughw|de Needs 52,000,000
Agenc|es: Sl8 (014), uCL (040), Cun? (042), n?u (036), lun? (037), uPS (071),
MlSC (098), ul1A (123), uCLA (126), u?Cu (260), S8S (801), Pu (806),
uCPMP (816), u8 (846)
I|rst ear Iunded: llscal 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: ClLywlde
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls lnlLlaLlve Lakes a mulLldlsclpllnary approach Lo provldlng for each
borough's needs ln a hollsLlc manner. lundlng ls provlded Lo a vasL array of approved noL-for-proflL
organlzaLlons based on a ground-up undersLandlng of n?C communlLles.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlders for llscal 2013:

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 17
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
8orough Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
8ronx 8ronx Chlldren's Museum 26-0379140 $10,000
8ronx CrenulaLed Company L1u, 1he 14-1719016 $23,000
8ronx Cood Shepherd Servlces, lnc. 13-3398710 $10,000
8ronx klngsbrldge PelghLs CommunlLy CenLer, lnc. 13-2813809 $4,000
8ronx Mosholu-MonLeflore CommunlLy CenLer, lnc. 13-3622107 $20,000
8ronx nelghborhood lnlLlaLlves uevelopmenL CorporaLlon (nluC) 13-3110811 $23,000
8ronx new ?ork 8oLanlcal Carden 13-1693134 $10,000
8ronx Clder AdulLs 1echnology Servlces (CA1S), lnc. 33-0882399 $30,000
8ronx Csborne AssoclaLlon, lnc. 13-3363028 $30,000
8ronx arL of Lhe SoluLlon 13-3423071 $40,000
8ronx er Scholas, lnc. 04-3232933 $73,000
8ronx olnL CommunlLy uevelopmenL CorporaLlon, 1he 13-3763140 $23,000
8rooklyn 8lack veLerans for Soclal !usLlce, lnc. 11-2608983 $38,730
8rooklyn 8rooklyn Alllance, lnc. 11-2143936 $116,230
8rooklyn ClLy-Wlde Councll Cf resldenLs, lnc. 43-4847192 $38,730
8rooklyn Coney lsland CeneraLlon Cap 8eunlon CommlLLee 20-8362333 $38,730
8rooklyn uoe lund, lnc., 1he 13-3412340 $38,730
8rooklyn Lrasmus nelghborhood lederaLlon 11-2490986 $38,730
8rooklyn llfLh Avenue CommlLLee, lnc. 11-2473743 $77,300
8rooklyn Man up!, lnc. 03-0333092 $38,730
8rooklyn Mldwood uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 11-2420732 $38,730
8rooklyn CpporLunlLles for a 8eLLer 1omorrow 11-2934620 $38,730
8rooklyn 8ldgewood 8ushwlck Senlor ClLlzens Councll, lnc. 11-2433833 $38,730
8rooklyn SL. nlck's Alllance CorporaLlon 31-0192170 $38,730
8rooklyn unlLed !ewlsh CrganlzaLlons of Wllllamsburg, lnc. 11-2728233 $38,730
ManhaLLan Amerlcan Museum of naLural PlsLory 13-6162639 $10,336
ManhaLLan AlCPA CommunlLy PealLh CenLer 13-3706383 $10,336
ManhaLLan Apollo 1heaLer loundaLlon, lnc. 13-3630066 $10,336
ManhaLLan AsphalL Creen, lnc. 13-6333138 $10,336
ManhaLLan 8ella Abzug Leadershlp lnsLlLuLe, lnc. 30-0280807 $10,336
ManhaLLan 8roadway Mall MalnLenance lund, lnc. 13-3419786 $10,336
ManhaLLan CLC SLuyvesanL Cove, lnc. 32-2440116 $10,336
ManhaLLan Chlnese-Amerlcan lannlng Councll, lnc 13-6202692 $10,336
ManhaLLan ClLy arks loundaLlon 13-3361637 $10,333
ManhaLLan ClvlLas ClLlzens, lnc. 13-3132603 $10,336
ManhaLLan Class Slze MaLLers 20-2169746 $10,336
ManhaLLan Common CenLs new ?ork, lnc. 13-3613229 $10,336
ManhaLLan uomlnlcan Sunday, lnc. 13-4188781 $10,336
ManhaLLan uC8C1, lnc. 13-3264003 $10,333
ManhaLLan LvlcLlon lnLervenLlon Servlces Pomelessness revenLlon, lnc. 13-3311382 $10,333
ManhaLLan Cay Men's PealLh Crlsls, lnc. 13-3130146 $10,333
ManhaLLan Coddard 8lverslde CommunlLy CenLer - S8C Law ro[ecL 13-1893908 $10,336
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 18
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
ManhaLLan Cood Cld Lower LasL Slde, lnc. 13-2913639 $10,333
ManhaLLan PlsLorlc Pouse 1rusL of new ?ork ClLy 13-3390823 $10,333
ManhaLLan Pouslng CourL Answers, lnc. 13-3317188 $10,336
ManhaLLan Lenox Plll nelghborhood Pouse, lnc. 13-1628180 $10,336
ManhaLLan LlLeracy, lnc. (LlnC) 13-3911331 $10,336
ManhaLLan Medlcare 8lghLs CenLer, lnc. 13-3303372 $10,336
ManhaLLan MeLropollLan new ?ork CoordlnaLlng Councll on !ewlsh overLy, lnc. 13-2738818 $10,333
ManhaLLan Ml? Legal Servlces, lnc. 13-2622748 $10,336
ManhaLLan new ?ork Aslan Women's CenLer, lnc. 13-3286230 $10,336
ManhaLLan new ?ork ClLy Cay and Lesblan AnLl-vlolence ro[ecL, lnc. 13-3149200 $10,333
ManhaLLan new ?ork loundaLlon for Senlor ClLlzens, lnc. 13-2618368 $10,333
ManhaLLan new ?ork SLaLe 1enanLs and nelghbors lnformaLlon Servlce, lnc. 14-1761209 $10,336
ManhaLLan Clder AdulLs 1echnology Servlces (CA1S), lnc 33-0882399 $10,333
ManhaLLan alanLe Parlem, lnc. 80-0209989 $10,333
ManhaLLan Servlce rogram for Clder eople, lnc. (SC) 13-2947616 $10,333
ManhaLLan Servlces and Advocacy for CL81 Llders, lnc. (SACL) 13-2947637 $10,333
ManhaLLan vlSlCnS/Servlces for Lhe 8llnd and vlsually lmpalred 13-1624210 $10,333
ManhaLLan vlslLlng nelghbors, lnc. 23-7379098 $10,333
ManhaLLan WesL Slde CenLer for CommunlLy Llfe 71-0908184 $10,333
Cueens Alley ond LnvlronmenLal CenLer, lnc. 11-2403466 $30,000
Cueens 8oys & Clrls Club Cf MeLro Cueens, lnc. 11-1966067 $30,000
Cueens ConsorLlum for Worker LducaLlon (CWL) 13-3364313 $20,000
Cueens Lmerald lsle lmmlgraLlon CenLer 11-2932328 $30,000
Cueens CreaLer 8ldgewood ?ouLh Councll, lnc. 11-2318141 $20,000
Cueens PorLlculLural SocleLy of new ?ork, 1he 13-0834930 $30,000
Cueens Mlnkwon CenLer for CommunlLy AcLlon, lnc. 11-2710306 $30,000
Cueens CSAC, lnc. 11-2482974 $30,000
Cueens Cueensborough CommunlLy College lund, lnc. 11-2386340 $30,000
Cueens Servlces now for AdulL ersons (SnA), lnc. 11-2391783 $30,000
Cueens Sunnyslde CommunlLy Servlce, lnc. 31-0189327 $30,000
Cueens urban !usLlce CenLer - SafeLy neL ro[ecL 13-3442022 $30,000
SLaLen lsland 8orough resldenL-SLaLen lsland 13-6400434 $10,000
SLaLen lsland College of SLaLen lsland 13-6400434 $10,000
SLaLen lsland Lagle Academy loundaLlon, lnc. 20-1332382 $10,000
SLaLen lsland LasL Shore LlLLle League 31-0237392 $3,000
SLaLen lsland lrlends of Abandoned CemeLerles lnc. 13-3176436 $3,000
SLaLen lsland Legal Ald SocleLy 13-3362263 $10,000
SLaLen lsland Legal Servlces n?C 13-2600199 $6,300
SLaLen lsland Mld-lsland LlLLle League, lnc. 23-7032781 $3,000
SLaLen lsland new ?ork ClLy ollce ueparLmenL 13-6400434 $11,300
SLaLen lsland ubllc School 308 13-6400434 $6,000
SLaLen lsland Servlce Corps of 8eLlred LxecuLlves (SCC8L) 13-3341647 $3,000
SLaLen lsland Snug Parbor CulLural CenLer and 8oLanlcal Carden 80-0193388 $3,000
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 19
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
SLaLen lsland SLaLen lsland Ald for 8eLarded Chlldren (d/b/a CommunlLy 8esources) 13-3660279 $6,000
SLaLen lsland SLaLen lsland Lconomlc uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 13-3706442 $3,000
SLaLen lsland SLaLen lsland LlLLle League 13-6162802 $3,000
SLaLen lsland 1ravls lourLh of !uly CelebraLlon CommlLLee, lnc., 1he 13-3386303 $1,300
SLaLen lsland volunLeer PearL Ambulance 13-6628436 $3,300
SLaLen lsland WesL 8rlghLon CommunlLy Local uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 13-3046424 $3,000
SLaLen lsland Zlmmer Club ?ouLh ConservaLlon rogram of SLaLen lsland, lnc. 33-2262361 $3,000
1C1AL 52,000,000

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 20
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
Ch||dren's Serv|ces

Ch||dren's Serv|ces
I|sca| 201S Counc|| In|t|at|ves
Agency In|t|at|ve Amount
ACS ulscreLlonary Chlld Care $3,023,000
u?Cu Larly Chlldhood LlLeracy lnlLlaLlve $1,300,000
ACS rlorlLy 3 vouchers $10,000,000
Cun? 1echnlcal AsslsLance for Chlld Care rovlders (Cun? ul) $1,300,000
1C1AL 518,023,000

D|scret|onary Ch||d Care 5S,023,000
Agency: AdmlnlsLraLlon for Chlldren's Servlces (068)
rogram Area: Chlld Care Servlces
U]A: 004 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: Low-lncome chlldren and famllles
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon provldes fundlng for dlscreLlonary chlld care programs
LhaL dld noL recelve a negoLlaLed acqulslLlon exLenslon conLracL from Lhe AdmlnlsLraLlon.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlders for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
Afro Amerlcan 1 13-2727406 $313,000
Afro Amerlcan 3 13-2727406 $904,393
Alonzo A. uaughLry Memorlal uCC, lnc. 11-2248164 $813,467
8eLh !acob 11-2290419 $600,000
8eLh !acob 11-1639801 $600,000
8rooklyn 8ureau of CommunlLy Servlce 11-1630780 $300,000
uomlnlcan Women's uevelopmenL CenLer 13-3393883 $830,000
Can uay Care 11-2302049 $200,000
Labor & lndusLry for LducaLlon 11-4088033 $30,000
ollce ALhleLlc League, lnc. 13-3396811 $148,999
SL. Albans MonLessorl* 46-1360690 $193,300
WashlngLon PelghLs Chlld Care CenLer* 13-2709329 $43,639

Lar|y Ch||dhood L|teracy In|t|at|ve 51,S00,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of ?ouLh and CommunlLy uevelopmenL (260)
U]A: 003 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: Chlldren ages 0-3
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: lunds wlll supporL Lhe creaLlon of an Larly Chlldhood LlLeracy lnlLlaLlve.
1hls lnlLlaLlve wlll supporL a coallLlon of noL-for-proflL organlzaLlons LhaL wlll fosLer llLeracy developmenL
and provlde pro-acLlve, prevenLaLlve, and collaboraLlve wraparound servlces Lo Lackle Lhe myrlad of
lssues LhaL conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe ClLy's wldenlng achlevemenL gap, Lo help Lo prevenL Lhls gap. 1he lnlLlaLlve
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 21
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
proposes Lo concenLraLe on chlldren ages 0-3, a perlod durlng whlch 90 of braln developmenL occurs.
8ecognlzlng LhaL Lhe absence of a llLeracy rlch envlronmenL aL Lhls sLage of a chlld's developmenL has
profound negaLlve consequences, Lhe lnlLlaLlve wlll fund an array of programs, all of whlch supporL Lhe
goal of creaLlng proflclenL readers by Lhlrd grade. 1he organlzaLlons LhaL wlll provlde Lhese crlLlcal
servlces wlll lnclude 8each CuL and 8ead of CreaLer new ?ork (8C8 Cn?), !umpsLarL for Chlldren,
LlLeracy lnc. (LlnC), vldeo lnLeracLlon ro[ecL (vl), arenL Chlld Pome rogram (CP), and Lhe Lhree
llbrary sysLems - 8rooklyn ubllc Llbrary (8L), new ?ork ubllc Llbrary (n?L), and Lhe Cueens ubllc
Llbrary (CL).
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlders for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
LlLeracy lnc. (LlnC) 13-3911331 $273,000
!umpsLarL for Chlldren 04-3262046 $173,000
8each ouL and 8ead of CreaLer new ?ork (8C8 Cn?) 13-4080043 $173,000
arenL Chlld Pome rogram (CP) 11-2493601 $173,000
vldeo lnLeracLlon ro[ecL (vl) 13-1679613 $173,000
8rooklyn ubllc Llbrary (8L) 11-1904261 $173,000
new ?ork ubllc Llbrary (n?L) 13-1887440 $173,000
Cueens ubllc Llbrary (CL) 11-1904262 $173,000

r|or|ty S Vouchers 510,000,000
Agency: AdmlnlsLraLlon for Chlldren's Servlces (068)
rogram Area: Chlld Care Servlces
U]A: 004 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2012
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: Low-lncome famllles wlLh school-aged chlldren
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls fundlng would provlde an enhancemenL Lo supporL rlorlLy 3 chlld
care vouchers for low-lncome famllles wlLh school-aged chlldren.
Des|gnat|on Method: lundlng ls allocaLed dlrecLly Lo Lhe AdmlnlsLraLlon for Chlldren's Servlces.

1echn|ca| Ass|stance for Ch||d Care rov|ders 51,S00,000
Agency: ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork (042)
rogram Area: Chlld Care Servlces
U]A: 001 - CommunlLy Colleges CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: new ?ork ClLy chlld care provlders recelvlng ClLy fundlng
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon provldes fundlng for Lechnlcal asslsLance for currenL
basellned and non-basellned chlld care provlders Lhrough Lhe n? Larly Chlldhood rofesslonal
uevelopmenL lnsLlLuLe.
Des|gnat|on Method: lundlng ls allocaLed dlrecLly Lo Lhe ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork.

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 22
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
Cr|m|na| Iust|ce Serv|ces

Cr|m|na| Iust|ce Serv|ces
I|sca| 201S Counc|| In|t|at|ves
Agency In|t|at|ve Amount
uC AdolescenL orLable 1herapy rogram $230,000
MCC! AlLernaLlves Lo lncarceraLlon (A1l) rograms $4,100,000
MCC! CenLer for CourL lnnovaLlon $400,000
MCC! Chlld Advocacy CenLers (Safe Porlzon) $300,000
MCC! lnlLlaLlve Lo Address Sexual AssaulL $300,000
uA - 8C SLaLen lsland urug 1reaLmenL CourL $230,000
1ota| 5S,800,000

Ado|escent ortab|e 1herapy rogram 52S0,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of robaLlon (781)
rogram Area: robaLlon Servlces
U]A: 003 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded llscal 2012
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: ?ouLh aL rlsk for probaLlon vlolaLlon
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon supporLs Lhe AdolescenL orLable 1herapy (A1)
LreaLmenL program whlch provldes subsLance abuse and menLal healLh LreaLmenL Lo youLh aL rlsk for
probaLlon vlolaLlon.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlder for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
vera lnsLlLuLe of !usLlce 13-1941627 $230,000

A|ternat|ves to Incarcerat|on (A1I) rograms 54,100,000
Agency: Mayor's Cfflce of Crlmlnal !usLlce - Mlscellaneous 8udgeL (098)
U]A: 002 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded llscal 1997
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: uefendanLs faclng lncarceraLlon, lncludlng youLh, women, and lndlvlduals
wlLh menLal lllness and/or subsLance abuse lssues
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon represenLs a resLoraLlon of $3.33 mllllon and an
enhancemenL of $730,000. AlLernaLlve-Lo-lncarceraLlon (A1l) rograms provlde lnLermedlaLe sancLlons,
such as communlLy servlce and subsLance abuse counsellng, LhaL offer [udges an alLernaLlve Lo pre-Lrlal
deLenLlon, a senLence ln [all or prlson for ellglble defendanLs. ln addlLlon, A1l rograms provlde a range
of rehablllLaLlve servlces for defendanLs and allow [all beds Lo be made avallable for more vlolenL
offenders who pose a LhreaL Lo Lhe communlLy.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlders for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
CenLer for AlLernaLlve SenLenclng LmploymenL Servlces (CASLS) 13-2668080 $728,773
CenLer for CommunlLy AlLernaLlves' Crossroads rogram 16-1393992 $408,978
CenLer for LmploymenL CpporLunlLles (CLC) 13-3843322 $440,937
LducaLlonal AsslsLance CorporaLlon (LAC) 23-7173609 $1,021,340
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 23
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
lorLune SocleLy 13-2643436 $198,823
Legal AcLlon CenLer 13-2736320 $293,830
Csborne AssoclaLlon 13-3363028 $482,073
Women's rlson AssoclaLlon's (WA) 13-3396836 $323,200

Center for Court Innovat|on (CCI) 5400,000
Agency: Mayor's Cfflce of Crlmlnal !usLlce - Mlscellaneous 8udgeL (098)
U]A: 002 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: llscal 2003
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: CommunlLy members and courL-lnvolved lndlvlduals
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: CenLer for CourL lnnovaLlon operaLes a varleLy of communlLy courLs, drug
courLs, menLal healLh courLs, domesLlc vlolence courLs, school [usLlce cenLers, and youLh programs
LhroughouL Lhe ClLy. 1hls fundlng wlll supporL CCl's overall operaLlons, as well as lLs lamlly and ?ouLh
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlder for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
CenLer for CourL lnnovaLlon 13-2612324 $400,000

Ch||d Advocacy Centers 5S00,000
Agency: Mayor's Cfflce of Crlmlnal !usLlce - Mlscellaneous 8udgeL (098)
U]A: 002 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: llscal 2003
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: Chlld vlcLlms of physlcal and sexual abuse
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1he sum of $300,000 supporLs a porLlon of Lhe operaLlng cosLs aL Lhe
Lhree exlsLlng CACs (8rooklyn, Cueens and SLaLen lsland). CACs work hand-ln-hand wlLh law
enforcemenL and chlld proLecLlve servlces Lo coordlnaLe and expedlLe Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon and prosecuLlon
of cases of chlld sexual abuse. Worklng wlLh speclally Lralned physlclans, represenLaLlves from Lhe
AdmlnlsLraLlon for Chlldren's Servlces, deLecLlves from Lhe n?u, and members of Lhe ulsLrlcL
ALLorney's Cfflce, Lhe CACs help sexually abused chlldren and Lhelr famllles navlgaLe Lhe crlmlnal [usLlce
and soclal servlces sysLems. 1he CACs also provlde shorL-Lerm counsellng, lnformaLlon, and referrals for
chlldren and famllles noL lnvolved ln currenL lnvesLlgaLlons.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlder for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
Safe Porlzon 13-2946970 $300,000

In|t|at|ve to Address Sexua| Assau|t 5300,000
Agency: Mayor's Cfflce of Crlmlnal !usLlce - Mlscellaneous 8udgeL (098)
U]A: 002 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: llscal 2003
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: vlcLlms of sexual assaulL
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: lundlng wlll supporL four communlLy-based organlzaLlons LhaL provlde
sexual assaulL relaLed servlces and programs.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlders for llscal 2013:
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 24
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
klngsbrldge PelghLs CommunlLy CenLer (8ronx) 13-2668080 $73,000
SL. Luke's-8oosevelL Crlme vlcLlms 1reaLmenL CenLer lnLervenLlon
rogram (ManhaLLan)
16-1393992 $73,000
ML. Slnal Sexual AssaulL & vlolence lnLervenLlon rogram (Cueens) 13-3843322 $73,000
new ?ork ClLy Alllance AgalnsL Sexual AssaulL 23-7173609 $73,000

Staten Is|and Drug 1reatment Court 52S0,000
Agency: 8lchmond CounLy ulsLrlcL ALLorney (903)
U]A: 002 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: llscal 2012
Area Served: 8lchmond CounLy
1arget opu|at|on: Male and female offenders age 16 and up who suffer from subsLance abuse
and co-occurrlng subsLance abuse and menLal healLh dlsorders
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon Lo Lhe 8lchmond CounLy ulsLrlcL ALLorney wlll supporL Lhe
LducaLlon and AsslsLance CorporaLlon's 1reaLmenL AlLernaLlves for Safe CommunlLles program (LAC-
1ASC) ln Lhe SLaLen lsland urug 1reaLmenL CourL.
Des|gnat|on Method: lundlng ls provlded dlrecLly Lo Lhe 8lchmond CounLy ulsLrlcL ALLorney.

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 2S
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
Cu|tura| Affa|rs

Cu|tura| Affa|rs
I|sca| 201S Counc|| In|t|at|ves
Agency In|t|at|ve Amount
uCLA CoallLlon 1heaLers of Color $1,000,000
uCLA CulLural AfLer-School AdvenLure (CASA) $7,100,000
uCLA CulLural lmmlgranL lnlLlaLlve $1,300,000
1C1AL 59,600,000

Coa||t|on of 1heaters of Co|or 51,000,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of CulLural Affalrs (126)
U]A: 003 - CulLural rograms
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2006
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|ons: 1heaLers and culLural organlzaLlons and Lhelr audlences, prlmarlly ln
communlLles of color
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls fundlng ls an enhancemenL of $1,000,000 Lo supporL Lhe operaLlons
and programmlng of varlous LheaLers and culLural organlzaLlons prlmarlly ln communlLles of color.
Des|gnat|on Method: lundlng ls allocaLed dlrecLly Lo Lhe ueparLmenL of CulLural Affalrs.

Cu|tura| After-Schoo| Adventure (CASA) 57,100,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of CulLural Affalrs (126)
U]A: 004 - CulLural rograms
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2006
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: ?ouLh
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls fundlng supporLs afLer-school programs LhaL are ln parLnershlp wlLh
culLural programs and lnsLlLuLlons Lo provlde arLs enrlchmenL clLywlde.
Des|gnat|on Method: ueslgnaLlons wlll be deLermlned posL-budgeL adopLlon.

Cu|tura| Imm|grant In|t|at|ve 51,S00,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of CulLural Affalrs (126)
U]A: 003 - CulLural rograms
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: lndlvlduals lnLeresLed ln varlous lmmlgranL culLures
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1he funds wlll be used Lo supporL culLural organlzaLlons Lo provlde
programmlng focused on Lhe culLural hlsLory or LradlLlons of an lmmlgranL communlLy ln new ?ork ClLy.
1hls lnlLlaLlve would lncrease access Lo unlque culLural offerlngs LhaL focus on lmmlgranL herlLages.
Des|gnat|on Method: ueslgnaLlons wlll be deLermlned posL-budgeL adopLlon.

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 26
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
I|sca| 201S Counc|| In|t|at|ves
Agency In|t|at|ve Amount
Cun? CenLer for uerLo 8lcan SLudles $970,000
Cun? ClLy Councll MerlL-8ased Scholarshlps $10,913,000
uCL ClLy Councll MerlL-8ased Scholarshlps - ll1 $183,000
Cun? CreaLlve ArLs 1eam $200,000
Cun? Cun? Advanced CerLlflcaLe rogram $30,000
Cun? Cun? rep $2,700,000
Cun? uomlnlcan SLudles lnsLlLuLe $970,000
Cun? Murphy lnsLlLuLe CenLer for Worker LducaLlon $100,000
Cun? n?C lood ollcy CenLer aL PunLer College $200,000
Cun? 8esulLs 8ased AccounLablllLy for Councll lnlLlaLlves $300,000
1ota| 516,790,000

Center for uerto k|can Stud|es 5970,000
Agency: ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork (042)
U]A: 001 - CommunlLy Colleges - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2003
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: lndlvlduals lnLeresLed ln uerLo 8lcan culLure
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon represenLs a resLoraLlon of $470,000 and an enhancemenL
of $300,000 Lo Lhe CenLer for uerLo 8lcan SLudles, whlch was creaLed Lo archlve, preserve, and
research uerLo 8lcan culLure. 1he CenLer ls locaLed aL PunLer College ln ManhaLLan.
Des|gnat|on Method: lundlng ls provlded dlrecLly Lo Lhe ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork.

C|ty Counc|| Mer|t-8ased Scho|arsh|ps 510,91S,000
Agency: ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork (042)
U]A: 001 - CommunlLy Colleges - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: llrsL-year Cun? sLudenLs ln Lhe 2014-2013 academlc year who graduaLed
from a new ?ork ClLy publlc hlgh school wlLh a 8 average or beLLer.
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls fundlng wlll provlde flrsL-year Cun? sLudenLs who graduaLed from a
new ?ork ClLy publlc hlgh school wlLh a 8 or beLLer average and who malnLaln a 8 or beLLer average wlLh a
scholarshlp of approxlmaLely $400 for each semesLer of Lhe 2014-2013 academlc year.
Des|gnat|on Method: lundlng ls provlded dlrecLly Lo Lhe ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork.

C|ty Counc|| Mer|t-8ased Scho|arsh|ps - II1 518S,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of LducaLlon (040)
U]A: 474 - non-ubllc Schools - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 27
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
1arget opu|at|on: llrsL-year ll1 sLudenLs ln Lhe 2014-2013 academlc year who graduaLed from a
new ?ork ClLy publlc hlgh school wlLh a 8 average or beLLer.
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls fundlng wlll provlde flrsL-year ll1 sLudenLs who graduaLed from a new
?ork ClLy publlc hlgh school wlLh a 8 or beLLer average and who malnLaln a 8 or beLLer average wlLh a
scholarshlp of approxlmaLely $400 for each semesLer of Lhe 2014-2013 academlc year.
Des|gnat|on Method: lundlng ls allocaLed dlrecLly Lo Lhe ueparLmenL of LducaLlon.

Creat|ve Arts 1eam 5200,000
Agency: ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork (042)
U]A: 001 - CommunlLy Colleges - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2003
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|ons:
AL-rlsk youLh ln grades pre-klndergarLen Lhrough.
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon supporLs Lhe CreaLlve ArLs 1eam, whlch challenges aL-rlsk
youLh wlLh parLlclpaLory drama workshops and resldencles LhaL fosLer lmporLanL learnlng skllls and
poslLlve soclal developmenL.
Des|gnat|on Method: lundlng ls provlded dlrecLly Lo Lhe ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork.

CUN Advanced Cert|f|cate rogram 5S0,000
Agency: ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork (042)
U]A: 001 - CommunlLy Colleges - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: Cun? sLudenLs sLudylng compuLer sclence and relaLed flelds
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ces: 1he Cun? Advanced CerLlflcaLe rogram provldes addlLlonal, LargeLed
classroom and lab lnsLrucLlon for Cun? sLudenLs sLudylng compuLer sclence and relaLed flelds Lo prepare
Lhem Lo [oln Lhe ClLy's Lechnology workforce.
Des|gnat|on Method: lundlng ls provlded dlrecLly Lo Lhe ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork

CUN rep 52,700,000
Agency: ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork (042)
U]A: 002 - CommunlLy Colleges - ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde, Lhough locaLlon ls ln Lhe 8ronx
1arget opu|at|on: Cun? rep sLudenLs
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ces: 1hls allocaLlon represenLs a resLoraLlon Lo Cun? rep, a hlgh school
equlvalency and college preparaLory program ln Lhe 8ronx servlng sLudenLs ages 16-18 who have lefL
LradlLlonal hlgh schools.
Des|gnat|on Method: lundlng ls allocaLed dlrecLly Lo Lhe ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork

Dom|n|can Stud|es Inst|tute 5970,000
Agency: ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork (042)
U]A: 001 - CommunlLy Colleges - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2003
Area Served: ClLywlde
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 28
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
1arget opu|at|on: lndlvlduals lnLeresLed ln uomlnlcan culLure
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon represenLs a $470,000 resLoraLlon and a $300,000
enhancemenL Lo Lhe Cun? uomlnlcan SLudles lnsLlLuLe, whlch was creaLed Lo archlve, preserve, and
research Lhe uomlnlcan culLure. 1he lnsLlLuLe ls locaLed aL ClLy College ln ManhaLLan.
Des|gnat|on Method: lundlng ls allocaLed dlrecLly Lo Lhe ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork.

Murphy Inst|tute Center for Worker Lducat|on 5100,000
Agency: ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork (042)
U]A: 001 - CommunlLy Colleges - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2006
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: araprofesslonals pursulng Leachlng careers
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon represenLs a resLoraLlon Lo Lhe Murphy lnsLlLuLe CenLer for
Worker LducaLlon whlch provldes access Lo educaLlon for worklng adulLs and Lralnlng and educaLlon for
new ?ork ClLy unlon members.
Des|gnat|on Method: lundlng ls allocaLed dlrecLly Lo Lhe ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork.

NC Iood o||cy Center at nunter Co||ege 5200,000
Agency: ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork (042)
U]A: 001 - CommunlLy Colleges - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on n?C resldenLs, governmenL agencles, and lnsLlLuLlons
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1he n?C lood ollcy CenLer aL PunLer College seeks Lo asslsL new ?ork ClLy
communlLles, resldenLs, governmenL agencles and lnsLlLuLlons Lo develop, lmplemenL and evaluaLe pollcles
LhaL wlll lmprove Lhe clLy's food envlronmenL and reduce food-relaLed healLh, soclal, envlronmenLal and
economlc problems.
Des|gnat|on Method: lundlng ls allocaLed dlrecLly Lo Lhe ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork.

kesu|ts - 8ased Accountab|||ty for Counc|| In|t|at|ves 5S00,000
Agency: ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork (042)
U]A: 001 - CommunlLy Colleges - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: n/A
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon provldes fundlng for evaluaLlng organlzaLlons and agencles
recelvlng ClLy Councll lnlLlaLlve fundlng Lhrough a resulLs-based accounLablllLy model.
Des|gnat|on Method: lundlng ls allocaLed dlrecLly Lo Lhe ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork.

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 29
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
Domest|c V|o|ence

Domest|c V|o|ence
I|sca| 201S Counc|| In|t|at|ves
Agency In|t|at|ve Amount
ACS CCnnLC1, lnc. CommunlLy LmpowermenL rogram $600,000
MCC! uomesLlc vlolence and LmpowermenL (uovL) lnlLlaLlve $4,000,000
MCC! lmmlgranL 8aLLered Women's lnlLlaLlve $1,000,000
P8A Legal Servlces for uomesLlc vlolence vlcLlms $330,000
1C1AL 5S,9S0,000

CCNNLC1, Inc. Commun|ty Lmpowerment rogram 5600,000
Agency: AdmlnlsLraLlon for Chlldren's Servlces (069)
rogram Area: revenLlve Servlces
U]A: 006 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: llscal 2003
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: uomesLlc vlolence vlcLlms and lmpacLed communlLles
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls acLlon resLores fundlng Lo Lhe CommunlLy LmpowermenL rogram
(CL) operaLed by CCnnLC1. CCnnLC1 provldes domesLlc vlolence educaLlon, ouLreach, Lechnlcal
asslsLance and Lralnlng Lo communlLy and school-based organlzaLlons.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlder for llscal 2013:

Domest|c V|o|ence and Lmpowerment (DoVL) In|t|at|ve 54,000,000
Agency: Mayor's Cfflce of Crlmlnal !usLlce - Mlscellaneous 8udgeL (098)
U]A: 002 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: llscal 2006
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: uomesLlc vlolence vlcLlms
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon represenLs a resLoraLlon of $2.823 mllllon and an
enhancemenL of $1.173 mllllon. 1he allocaLlon for Lhe uovL lnlLlaLlve wlll supporL Lhe nelghborhood-
based provlslon of domesLlc vlolence servlces ln new ?ork ClLy. 1he funds are Lo be used Lo supporL
communlLy-based organlzaLlons LhaL provlde prevenLlon and empowermenL workshops, comprehenslve
servlce referrals and legal advocacy Lo vlcLlms of domesLlc vlolence. Safe Porlzon shall admlnlsLer Lhls
program and provlde Lechnlcal asslsLance Lo Lhe provlders.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll wlll deslgnaLe provlders and amounLs for Lhls lnlLlaLlve posL-
budgeL adopLlon.

Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
CCnnLC1, lnc. 02-0694269 $1,000,000
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 30
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary

Imm|grant 8attered Women's In|t|at|ve 51,000,000
Agency: Mayor's Cfflce of Crlmlnal !usLlce - Mlscellaneous 8udgeL (098)
U]A: 002 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: llscal 2003
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: uomesLlc vlolence vlcLlms
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon represenLs a resLoraLlon of $473,000 and an enhancemenL
of $323,000. 1hese funds wlll be used Lo supporL and enhance sLaff salarles ln Lhe lnlLlaLlve's legal and
cllnlcal programs, as well as CLher 1han ersonal Servlces and lndlrecL agency cosLs.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlder for llscal 2013:

Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
SancLuary for lamllles 13-3193119 $1,000,000
Lega| Serv|ces for Domest|c V|o|ence V|ct|ms 53S0,000
Agency: Puman 8esources AdmlnlsLraLlon (069)
U]A: 103 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded llscal 2003
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: uomesLlc vlolence vlcLlms
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: Croups funded under Lhls lnlLlaLlve wlll provlde comprehenslve legal
servlces and lnformaLlon Lo lndlgenL vlcLlms of domesLlc vlolence appearlng ln courL.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlders for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
Per !usLlce 13-3688319 $100,000
Safe Porlzon 13-2946970 $123,000
SancLuary for lamllles 13-3193119 $123,000
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 31
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary

I|sca| 201S Counc|| In|t|at|ves
Agency In|t|at|ve Amount
uCL 8rldge Lo 1omorrow $1,130,000
uCL CPAMS $123,000
uCL Chess ln Lhe Schools, lnc. $400,000
uCL Chlld Mlnd lnsLlLuLe $230,000
uCL CommunlLy Schools $230,000
uCL uropouL revenLlon and lnLervenLlon lnlLlaLlve $1,000,000
uCL LxecuLlve Leadershlp lnsLlLuLe $430,000
uCL lree Lunch ln Mlddle Schools $6,230,000
u?Cu !lll ChalfeLz Pelpllne $200,000
uCL MCuSL $273,000
uCL MsLxLra $1,330,000
uCL Small Schools ALhleLlc League $823,000
uCL 1eacher's Cholce $6,083,000
uCL urban AdvanLage $3,300,000
1C1AL 522,310,000

8r|dge to 1omorrow 51,1S0,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of LducaLlon (040)
U]A: 401 - Ceneral LducaLlon lnsLrucLlon and School Leadershlp - ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2011
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: !ob candldaLes aL Workforce1 CenLers wlLhouL a hlgh school dlploma or
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1he 8rldge Lo 1omorrow program funds uCL sLaff aL Workforce1 CenLers Lo
provlde CLu assessmenLs, preparaLlon and LesLlng Lo cllenLs.
Des|gnat|on Method: lundlng ls provlded dlrecLly Lo Lhe ueparLmenL of LducaLlon.

C.n.A.M..S. 512S,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of LducaLlon (040)
U]A: 401 - Ceneral LducaLlon lnsLrucLlon and School Leadershlp - ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2007
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: Mlddle school sLudenLs
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1he C.P.A.M..S. program helps Lo lmprove flLness levels and overall healLh of
mlddle school sLudenLs by lncreaslng opporLunlLles Lo engage ln physlcal acLlvlLy. lL promoLes healLh-relaLed
flLness Lhrough before- and afLer-school sporLs programs ln more Lhan 200 mlddle schools ln all boroughs.
Des|gnat|on Method: lundlng ls provlded dlrecLly Lo Lhe ueparLmenL of LducaLlon.

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 32
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary

Chess |n the Schoo|s, Inc. 5400,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of LducaLlon (040)
U]A: 434 - CenLral AdmlnlsLraLlon - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2010
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: ubllc school sLudenLs and Leachers
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon represenLs a resLoraLlon of $200,000 and an enhancemenL of
$200,000 Lo Chess ln Lhe Schools, lnc., whlch offers chess classes durlng Lhe school day, school chess clubs,
and Lhe ro[ecL Chess lnlLlaLlve LhaL Lralns Leachers Lo Leach chess and launch chess educaLlon programs.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlder for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
Chess ln Lhe Schools, lnc. 13-6119036 $400,000

Ch||d M|nd Inst|tute 52S0,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of LducaLlon (040)
U]A: 434 - CenLral AdmlnlsLraLlon - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2012
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: ubllc school Leachers
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1he fundlng wlll supporL Lhe Chlld Mlnd lnsLlLuLe's 1eacher-Chlld lnLeracLlon
1ralnlng (1Cl1) program. 1he program alms Lo provlde Leachers ln publlc schools wlLh a speclflc seL of skllls
so Lhey can beLLer manage dlsrupLlve behavlors ln Lhe classroom.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlder for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
Chlld Mlnd lnsLlLuLe 80-0478843 $230,000

Commun|ty Schoo|s 52S0,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of LducaLlon (040)
U]A: 434 - CenLral AdmlnlsLraLlon - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|ons: SLudenLs aL parLlclpaLlng schools and Lhe communlLles ln whlch Lhe schools are
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls fundlng supporLs a resLoraLlon of $130,000 and an enhancemenL of
$100,000 for CommunlLy Schools. CommunlLy parLners wlll work wlLh parLlclpaLlng schools Lo creaLe
sLraLegles LhaL wlll Lle speclflc healLh and soclal servlces dlrecLly Lo Lhe schools' sLudenLs and Lhelr famllles
and communlLles.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlder for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
new ?ork ClLy CommunlLy Learnlng Schools lnlLlaLlve 46-1227433 $230,000

Dropout revent|on and Intervent|on 51,000,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of LducaLlon (040)
U]A: 434 - CenLral AdmlnlsLraLlon - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2008
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 33
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: new ?ork ClLy publlc school sLudenLs aL rlsk of dropplng ouL
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon wlll supporL dropouL prevenLlon and lnLervenLlon programs.
ConLracLed provlders offer a range of sLudenL supporL, school resLrucLurlng, and professlonal
developmenL servlces.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlders for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
Counsellng ln Schools, lnc. 13-3637647 $33,000
LasL Slde Pouse, lnc. 13-1623989 $30,000
Ll uenLe 11-2614263 $33,000
LnAC1 13-3422660 $310,000
Cood Shepherd Servlces 13-3398710 $167,000
lnsLlLuLe for SLudenL AchlevemenL 11-2993109 $167,000
!usL-us, lnc. 13-2934007 $30,000
SL. nlck's Alllance CorporaLlon 31-0192170 $30,000
1urnaround for Chlldren 06-1493329 $200,000

Lxecut|ve Leadersh|p Inst|tute 54S0,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of LducaLlon (040)
U]A: 434 - CenLral AdmlnlsLraLlon - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2002
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: Members of Lhe Councll of School Supervlsors and AdmlnlsLraLors
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon represenLs a $300,000 resLoraLlon and a $130,000
enhancemenL Lo Lhe LxecuLlve Leadershlp lnsLlLuLe operaLed by Lhe Councll of School Supervlsors and
AdmlnlsLraLors (CSA), whlch malnLalns flve-borough learnlng cenLers and provldes professlonal developmenL
and Lralnlng Lo prlnclpals and oLher school leadershlp sLaff.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlder for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
Councll of School Supervlsors and AdmlnlsLraLors 11-2024369 $430,000

Iree Lunch |n M|dd|e Schoo|s 56,2S0,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of LducaLlon (040)
U]A: 438 - School lood - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: All sLudenLs ln parLlclpaLlng mlddle schools
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls deslgnaLlon provldes school-wlde free lunch Lo approxlmaLely 170,000
mlddle school sLudenLs ln approxlmaLely 290 schools.
Des|gnat|on Method: lundlng ls allocaLed dlrecLly Lo Lhe ueparLmenL of LducaLlon.

I||| Cha|fetz ne|p||ne 5200,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of ?ouLh and CommunlLy uevelopmenL (260)
U]A: 312 - ?ouLh Servlces - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2007
Area Served: ClLywlde
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 34
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
1arget opu|at|on: arenLs of new ?ork ClLy schoolchlldren
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1he !lll ChalfeLz Pelpllne operaLed by AdvocaLes for Chlldren provldes
lnformaLlon Lo parenLs of publlc school chlldren and Lhe publlc abouL Lhe pollcles, programs, and pracLlces
of Lhe ueparLmenL of LducaLlon and lLs schools.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlder for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
AdvocaLes for Chlldren 11-2247307 $200,000

MCUSL 527S,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of LducaLlon (040)
U]A: 434 - CenLral AdmlnlsLraLlon - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2012
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: ubllc school sLudenLs
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: Maklng CpporLunlLles for upgradlng Schools and LducaLlon (MCuSL)
prepares and supporLs sLudenLs provldes Lralnlng for mlddle school and hlgh school sLudenLs ln Lechnology,
dlglLal medla, and compuLer sclence.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlder for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
Maklng CpporLunlLles for upgradlng Schools and LducaLlon 13-3973196 $273,000

M|dd|e Schoo| Lxpanded Learn|ng 1|me 51,SS0,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of LducaLlon (040)
U]A: 402 - Ceneral LducaLlon lnsLrucLlon and School Leadershlp - CLher 1han
ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2014
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: Mlddle school sLudenLs ln 20 hlgh-needs mlddle schools
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon supporLs an exLended school day ln 20 mlddle schools, whlch
lncludes lnLense llLeracy Lralnlng for hlgh-needs sLudenLs.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlder for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
1he AfLer School CorporaLlon 13-4004600 $1,330,000

Sma|| Schoo|s Ath|et|c League 582S,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of LducaLlon (040)
U]A: 434 - CenLral AdmlnlsLraLlon CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: Plgh school aLhleLes
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon would supporL fundlng for sporLs and enrlchmenL servlces
ln schools parLlclpaLlng ln Lhe Small Schools ALhleLlc League.
Des|gnat|on Method: ueslgnaLlon for Lhls lnlLlaLlve wlll be deLermlned posL-budgeL adopLlon.

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 3S
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary

1eacher's Cho|ce 56,08S,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of LducaLlon (040)
U]A: 402 - Ceneral LducaLlon lnsLrucLlon and School Leadershlp - CLher 1han
ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 1999
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: ubllc school Leachers and sLaff
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon represenLs a $4.383 mllllon resLoraLlon and a $1.3 mllllon
enhancemenL Lo funds LhaL wlll be used Lo relmburse Leachers and oLher school sLaff for purchases of
supplles used for sLudenL lnsLrucLlon.
Des|gnat|on Method: lundlng ls provlded dlrecLly Lo Lhe ueparLmenL of LducaLlon.

Urban Advantage 53,S00,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of LducaLlon (040)
U]A: 434 - CenLral AdmlnlsLraLlon - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2003
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: Mlddle school sLudenLs and Lhelr Leachers
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon represenLs a $2.3 mllllon resLoraLlon and a $1 mllllon
enhancemenL Lo Lhe urban AdvanLage Sclence LducaLlon program, whlch ls a unlque collaboraLlon of
seven sclence-orlenLed lnsLlLuLlons Lo provlde professlonal developmenL for mlddle school sclence
Leachers, Lo provlde school and class-based resources, and Lo asslsL mlddle school sLudenLs ln compleLlng
sLaLe-mandaLed exlL pro[ecLs and requlremenLs.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlder for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
Amerlcan Museum of naLural PlsLory 13-6162639 $3,300,000

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 36
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
Lnv|ronmenta| In|t|at|ves
I|sca| 201S Counc|| In|t|at|ves
Agency In|t|at|ve Amount
u?Cu A Creener n?C $730,000
u?Cu n?C Cleanup lnlLlaLlve $3,300,000
1C1AL 54,2S0,000

A Greener NC 57S0,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of ?ouLh and CommunlLy uevelopmenL (260)
U]A: 003 - CommunlLy uevelopmenL - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: ClLywlde
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: An lnlLlaLlve Lo supporL envlronmenLally frlendly focused programs LhaL
encourage educaLlon, advocacy, communlLy servlce, and green-[ob Lralnlng, conLrlbuLlng Lo Lhe
lmprovemenL and conservaLlon of n?C's alr, waLer, land, energy, open spaces, and oLher vlLal resources.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlders for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
new ?ork 8oLanlcal Carden 13-1693134 $30,000
Creen ClLy lorce 80-0428040 $30,000
SusLalnable SouLh 8ronx 20-333999 $30,000
MeLropollLan WaLerfronL Alllance, lnc. 13-4333067 $30,000
rospecL ark Alllance, lnc. 11-2843763 $30,000
Wlldllfe ConservaLlon SocleLy 13-1740011 $30,000
CLC S1u?vLSAn1 CCvL lnC AkA Solar Cne 32-2440116 $30,000
new ?ork 8esLoraLlon ro[ecL 13-3939036 $30,000
WesL Parlem LnvlronmenLal AcLlon, lnc. 13-3800068 $30,000
Alley ond LnvlronmenLal CenLer, lnc. 11-2403466 $30,000
Cueens 8oLanlcal Carden SocleLy, lnc. 11-1633083 $30,000
LasLern Cueens Alllance 20-1723492 $30,000
8ockaway WaLerfronL Alllance 11-3783397 $30,000
CreenbelL Conservancy, lnc. 13-3481843 $30,000
Zlmmer Club ?ouLh ConservaLlon rogram of SLaLen lsland, lnc. 33-2262361 $30,000

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 37
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary

NC C|eanup In|t|at|ve 53,S00,000
Agency ueparLmenL of ?ouLh and CommunlLy uevelopmenL (260)
U]A: 003 - CommunlLy uevelopmenL
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: ClLywlde
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: n?C Cleanup promoLes cleaner sLreeLs ln new ?ork ClLy. Lach Councll
Member ls allocaLed fundlng Lo dlsLrlbuLe Lo an approved organlzaLlon LhaL provldes cleanlng servlces ln
Lhe Councll Member's dlsLrlcL lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo sLreeL sweeplng, llLLer plck up, and grafflLl
removal. Councll Members also have Lhe opLlon Lo use Lhese funds Lo provlde Lhe ueparLmenL of
SanlLaLlon wlLh more fundlng for llLLer baskeL plckups or oLher slmllar servlces.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll wlll deslgnaLe posL-budgeL adopLlon.

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 38
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
Iood In|t|at|ves

Iood In|t|at|ves
I|sca| 201S Counc|| In|t|at|ves
Agency In|t|at|ve Amount
u?Cu Amlda Care lnlLlaLlve $100,000
P8A Larned lncome 1ax CredlL AsslsLance (lood 8ank) $230,000
u?Cu LlecLronlc 8eneflLs 1ransfers aL lood MarkeLs $333,000
u?Cu Lxpand Low-lncome larmers' MarkeLs $60,000
P8A lood anLrles and 1echnlcal AsslsLance $230,000
u?Cu lood anLrles $1,320,000
1C1AL 52,31S,000

Am|da Care In|t|at|ve 5100,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of ?ouLh and CommunlLy Servlces (260)
U]A: 003 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: AdulLs wlLh healLh condlLlons.
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: lundlng wlll supporL Amlda Care's Moblle LngagemenL 1eams (ML1s),
eer CuLreach Workers and PealLh navlgaLors Lo provlde members access Lo secure food and houslng.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng organlzaLlon as Lhe provlder
lnlLlaLlve for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
Amlda Care lnc. 13-4134068 $100,000

Larned Income 1ax Cred|t Ass|stance rogram (Iood 8ank) 52S0,000
Agency: Puman 8esources AdmlnlsLraLlon (069)
rogram Area: Lmergency lood rograms
U]A: 103 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2012
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: Low lncome worklng lndlvlduals and famllles.
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce 1hls fundlng supporLs lood 8ank's Larned lncome 1ax CredlL (Ll1C) AsslsLance
rogram, whlch provldes assessmenL of refundable federal lncome Lax credlL
for low-lncome worklng lndlvlduals and famllles, vla lLs free lncome Lax
preparaLlon servlces.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe lollowlng organlzaLlon as Lhe provlder for
llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
lood 8ank for new ?ork ClLy 13-3179346 $230,000

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 39
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary

L81s and Iood Markets 533S,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of ?ouLh and CommunlLy uevelopmenL (260)
U]A: 003 - CLher Lhan ersonal Servlces (C1S)
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2008
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: lood SLamp 8eclplenLs
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon represenLs fundlng Lo expand access Lo LlecLronlc 8eneflLs
1ransfer (L81) aL farmers' markeLs LhroughouL Lhe ClLy. 1hls fundlng also supporLs Lhe ?ouLh MarkeL-
urban larm sLands and Lhe new larmer uevelopmenL pro[ecL.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng organlzaLlon as Lhe provlder for
llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
Crown?C 13-2763463 $333,000

Lxpand Low Income Iarmers' Markets 560,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of ?ouLh and CommunlLy uevelopmenL (260)
U]A: 003 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces (C1S)
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2012
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: Consumers of Lmergency lood
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon wlll fund markeLlng and ouLreach Lo supporL and expand
farmers markeLs ln underserved communlLles.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed ParvesL Pome as Lhe provlder of Lhls lnlLlaLlve
for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
ParvesL Pome 06-1800312 $60,000

Iood antr|es and 1echn|ca| Ass|stance 52S0,000
Agency: Puman 8esources AdmlnlsLraLlon (069)
rogram Area: Lmergency lood rograms
U]A: 103 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2003
Area(s) Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: Low-lncome new ?orkers
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon represenLs enhanced basellned fundlng Lo supporL food
panLrles clLywlde. 1o ensure LhaL hungry new ?orkers have conLlnued access Lo emergency food
programs, $230,000 ls used for dlrecL purchase of food and for capaclLy expanslon efforLs aL Lmergency
lood AsslsLance rogram (LlA) food panLrles vla lood 8ank.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlders for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
lood 8ank for new ?ork ClLy 13-3179346 $230,000

Iood antr|es In|t|at|ve 51,320,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of ?ouLh Servlces & CommunlLy uevelopmenL (260)
U]A: 003 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2006
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 40
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|ons: Consumers of Lmergency lood
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon represenLs fundlng Lo supporL a number of food panLrles
and soup klLchens LhaL are noL a parL of Lhe Lmergency lood AsslsLance rogram (LlA), whlch ls
admlnlsLered by Lhe Puman 8esources AdmlnlsLraLlon (P8A).
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll wlll deslgnaLe Lhe organlzaLlons and Lhe amounL each wlll
recelve under Lhls lnlLlaLlve posL-budgeL adopLlon.

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 41
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
Government Cff|c|a|s

Government Cff|c|a|s
I|sca| 201S Counc|| In|t|at|ves
Agency In|t|at|ve Amount
Clerk ClLy Clerk S LnhancemenL $130,000
8- 8rooklyn 8rooklyn 8orough resldenL S LnhancemenL $100,000
8 - ManhaLLan ManhaLLan 8orough resldenL S LnhancemenL $100,000
1C1AL 53S0,000

C|ty C|erk ersona| Serv|ces Lnhancement 51S0,000
Agency: Cfflce of Lhe ClLy Clerk (103)
rogram Area: AdmlnlsLraLlon
U]A: 001 - ersonal Servlces
Area Served: ClLywlde
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls acLlon provldes fundlng Lo Lhe ClLy Clerk's llscal 2013 budgeL Lo
supplemenL Lhe agency's ersonal Servlces (S) resources.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1hls fundlng ls allocaLed dlrecLly Lo Lhe Cfflce of Lhe ClLy Clerk.

Manhattan 8orough res|dent ersona| Serv|ces Lnhancement 5100,000
Agency: ManhaLLan 8orough resldenL (010)
rogram Area: AdmlnlsLraLlon
U]A: 001 - ersonal Servlces
Area Served: ClLywlde
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls acLlon provldes fundlng Lo Lhe ManhaLLan 8orough resldenL's llscal 2013
budgeL Lo supplemenL Lhe agency's ersonal Servlces (S) resources.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1hls fundlng ls allocaLed dlrecLly Lo Lhe ManhaLLan 8orough resldenL.

8rook|yn 8orough res|dent ersona| Serv|ces Lnhancement 5100,000
Agency: 8rooklyn 8orough resldenL (012)
rogram Area: AdmlnlsLraLlon
U]A: 001 - ersonal Servlces
Area Served: ClLywlde
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls acLlon provldes fundlng Lo Lhe 8rooklyn 8orough resldenL llscal 2013 budgeL
Lo supplemenL Lhe agency's ersonal Servlces (S) resources.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1hls fundlng ls allocaLed dlrecLly Lo Lhe 8rooklyn 8orough resldenL.

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 42
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
nea|th Serv|ces and revent|on

nea|th Serv|ces and revent|on
In|t|at|ve Amount
Callen Lorde PealLh CenLer $130,000
PepaLlLls 8/C lnlLlaLlve $730,000
Plv/AluS CommunlLles of Color $100,000
lnfanL MorLallLy 8educLlon lnlLlaLlve $300,000
1C1AL 51,300,000

Ca||en Lorde Commun|ty nea|th Center 51S0,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of PealLh and MenLal Pyglene (816)
rogram Area: ulsease revenLlon and 1reaLmenL- Plv/AluS
U]A: 112 - ulsease ConLrol and Lpldemlology - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: llscal 2013
Area Served ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: unlnsured paLlenLs
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon ls an enhancemenL of $130,000 Lo supporL Lhe provlslon of
comprehenslve care and LreaLmenL ln four speclflc areas for unlnsured paLlenLs: women's healLh, screenlng
and LreaLmenL of sexually LransmlLLed lnfecLlons, lncludlng Plv / AluS, adolescenL servlces, and senlor
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Callen Lorde CommunlLy PealLh CenLer as Lhe
provlder of Lhls lnlLlaLlve.
1ax ID#: 13-3409680

nepat|t|s 8]C In|t|at|ve 57S0,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of PealLh and MenLal Pyglene (816)
rogram Area: ulsease revenLlon and 1reaLmenL- Plv/AluS
U]A: 112 - ulsease ConLrol and Lpldemlology - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: lndlvlduals aL rlsk for conLracLlng PepaLlLls 8/C
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon wlll fund Lhe Lralnlng of local healLh provlders Lo LesL for PepaLlLls 8
and C, ouLreach and screenlng by uCPMP and local CommunlLy-8ased CrganlzaLlons Lo encourage LesLlng for
PepaLlLls, and supporLlng llnkages Lo culLurally compeLenL care for Lhose dlagnosed wlLh PepaLlLls 8 or C.
PepaLlLls 8 & C are poLenLlally faLal dlseases wldespread ln n?C LhaL are usually asympLomaLlc unLll a person ls
dlagnosed wlLh advanced llver cancer.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlders for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
Afrlcan Servlces CommlLLee 13-3749744 $43,000
AfLer Pours ro[ecL, lnc. 33-1007278 $10,000
AluS CenLer of Cueens CounLy, lnc. 11-2837894 $10,000
8ellevue PosplLal (PealLh and PosplLal CorporaLlon) 13-6400434 $60,000
8CCM!PealLh (d.b.a ClLlWlde Parm 8educLlon rogram, lnc.) 13-4009817 $10,000
Charles 8. Wang CommunlLy PealLh CenLer 13-2739694 $43,000
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 43
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
CommunlLy PealLh AcLlon of SLaLen lsland 13-3336132 $10,000
CommunlLy PealLhcare neLwork, lnc. 13-3083068 $60,000
Lmplre Llver loundaLlon 46-2121938 $133,000
lamlly Servlces neLwork of new ?ork 11-2392631 $10,000
Parlem unlLed CommunlLy AluS CenLer 13-3461693 $10,000
Parlem unlLed CommunlLy AluS CenLer, lnc. 13-2332300 $60,000
Parm 8educLlon CoallLlon 94-3204938 $10,000
PLL/Sl 13-3464470 $60,000
Pouslng Works, lnc. 13-3384089 $10,000
korean CommunlLy Servlces 23-7348989 $43,000
Lower LasL Slde Parm 8educLlon CenLer, lnc. 13-3727641 $10,000
MonLeflore Comprehenslve PealLh Care CenLer 13-1740114 $60,000
new ?ork Parm 8educLlon LducaLors, lnc. 13-3678499 $10,000
oslLlve PealLh ro[ecL 13-3843303 $10,000
raxls Pouslng lnlLlaLlves, lnc. 13-3832223 $10,000
Safe Porlzon, lnc. (SLreeLwork) 13-2946970 $10,000
SL. Ann's Corner of Parm 8educLlon 13-3724008 $10,000
volces of CommunlLy AcLlvlsLs & Leaders (vCCAL-n?) 13-4094383 $10,000
WashlngLon PelghLs Corner ro[ecL 20-8672013 $10,000
Afrlcan Servlces CommlLLee 13-3749744 $43,000
AfLer Pours ro[ecL, lnc. 33-1007278 $10,000

nIV]AIDS Commun|t|es of Co|or 5100,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of PealLh and MenLal Pyglene (816)
rogram Area: ulsease revenLlon and 1reaLmenL- Plv/AluS
U]A: 112 - ulsease ConLrol and Lpldemlology - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: llscal 2006
Area Served ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: lndlvlduals aL rlsk of conLracLlng Plv and people llvlng wlLh Plv/AluS (LWPAs) as well as
communlLles of color aL hlgh rlsk for conLracLlng Plv, parLlcularly men who have sex wlLh men (MSMs) under Lhe
age of 30, young women of color, subsLance users and/or resldenLs of hlgh-prevalence nelghborhoods.
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon ls an enhancemenL of $100,000 for programs LhaL provlde
ouLreach, rapld LesLlng or rapld LesLlng referral, llnkage Lo care for LWPAs, and supporLlve servlces and menLal
healLh screenlngs. 1hls allocaLlon also supporLs programs LhaL make male and female condoms readlly avallable
and free of charge Lo hlgh rlsk groups, parLlcularly young MSMs and young women of color, wlLh preference
glven Lo provlders who dlsLrlbuLe condoms ln non-LradlLlonal seLLlngs such as bars and beauLy salons. ubllc
PealLh SoluLlons and CommunlLy 8esource Lxchange, lnc. admlnlsLers Lhe conLracLs Lo a number of
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll wlll deslgnaLe provlders and allocaLlons Lo posL-budgeL adopLlon.

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 44
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary

Infant Morta||ty keduct|on In|t|at|ve 5300,000
Agency ueparLmenL of PealLh and MenLal Pyglene (816)
rogram Area: PealLh romoLlon and ulsease revenLlon
U]A: 113 - PealLh romoLlon and ulsease revenLlon - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: llscal 2002
Area Served ClLywlde - LargeLlng areas wlLh hlgh lnfanL morLallLy raLes.
1arget opu|at|on: LxpecLanL moLhers and women of chlldbearlng age
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon promoLes women's healLh before, durlng and afLer pregnancy and
works ln areas wlLh Lhe hlghesL lnfanL morLallLy raLes Lo lmprove maLernal and chlld healLh ouLcomes Lhrough a
neLwork of communlLy-based provlders offerlng a range of lnLervenLlons: ouLreach, referrals, workshops, case
managemenL and peer educaLlon.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll wlll deslgnaLe provlders and allocaLlons Lo posL-budgeL adopLlon.

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 4S
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
nome|ess Serv|ces

nome|ess Serv|ces
I|sca| 201S Counc|| In|t|at|ves
Agency In|t|at|ve Amount
uPS ClLywlde Pomeless revenLlon lund $300,000
1C1AL 5S00,000

C|tyw|de nome|ess revent|on Iund 5S00,000
Agency ueparLmenL of Pomeless Servlces (071)
rogram Area: revenLlon and AfLercare
U]A: 200 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2007
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: oLenLlally homeless lndlvlduals and famllles.
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon represenLs a resLoraLlon for a homelessness prevenLlon
program LhaL provldes emergency granLs Lo famllles ln crlsls aL rlsk of evlcLlon ln order Lo keep Lhem ln
Lhelr homes and avold Lhe shelLer sysLem.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlders for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
CoallLlon for Lhe Pomeless 13-3072967 $300,000
CommunlLy Servlce SocleLy 13-3362202 $100,000
1he 8rldge lund 13-3824832 $100,000

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 46
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
I|sca| 201S Counc|| In|t|at|ves
Agency In|t|at|ve Amount
Pu ClLywlde 1ask lorce on Pouslng CourL $330,000
Pu CommunlLy ConsulLanLs $1,000,000
Pu Pouslng reservaLlon lnlLlaLlve $2,000,000
Pu MorLgage loreclosure revenLlon rogram $730,000
Pu Subsldlzed Pouslng lnformaLlon ro[ecL (SPl) $100,000
Pu AssoclaLlon for nelghborhood and Pouslng uevelopmenL $ 100,000
Pu Pu AlLernaLlve LnforcemenL rogram $730,000
Pu SLablllzlng n?C $1,000,000
Pu Lase 1ranslLlon ln uownslzlng ln Pouslng $230,000
n?CPA n?CPA CommunlLy and Senlor CenLers $17,100,000
1C1AL 523,600,000

C|tyw|de 1ask Iorce on nous|ng Court

Agency: Pouslng reservaLlon and uevelopmenL (806)
rogram Area: reservaLlon-AnLl AbandonmenL
U]A: 011 - Cfflce of Pouslng reservaLlon- CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 1999
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: 1enanLs who aLLend houslng courL
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls lnlLlaLlve supporLs Lhe work of Pouslng CourL Answers, lnc. (formerly
known as ClLy-Wlde 1ask lorce on Pouslng CourL, lnc.), whlch provldes lnformaLlon Lo LenanLs and small
landlords aL Lables locaLed ln Lhe ClLy's Pouslng CourLs.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlder for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
Pouslng CourL Answers, lnc. 13-3317188 $330,000
Commun|ty Consu|tants 51,000,000
Agency: Pouslng reservaLlon and uevelopmenL (806)
rogram Area: reservaLlon-AnLl AbandonmenL
U]A: 009 - Cfflce of uevelopmenL - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 1992
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: Low-lncome houslng resldenLs
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1he CommunlLy ConsulLanL program allows nelghborhood-based groups Lo
provlde Lhe followlng servlces: LenanL organlzaLlon, code enforcemenL advocacy, houslng courL asslsLance,
aparLmenL repossesslon, and oLher houslng-relaLed publlc educaLlon.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlder for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
8elmonL ArLhur Avenue Local uevelopmenL CrganlzaLlon 13-3020389 $27,777
8rldge SLreeL uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 11-3230772 $27,777
8rlghLon nelghborhood AssoclaLlon, lnc. 11-2433323 $27,777
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 47
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary

8rooklyn Pouslng and lamlly Servlces, lnc. 11-2412384 $27,777
CenLral AsLorla Local uevelopmenL CoallLlon, lnc. 11-2632331 $27,777
CllnLon Pouslng uevelopmenL Company, lnc. 13-2831988 $27,777
CommunlLy League of Lhe PelghLs, lnc. 13-2364241 $27,777
Ll 8arrlo CperaLlon llghL 8ack, lnc. 13-3248777 $27,777
LvlcLlon lnLervenLlon Servlces Pomelessness revenLlon, lnc. 13-3311382 $27,777
Cood Cld Lower LasL Slde, lnc. 13-2913639 $27,777
Cowanus Canal CommunlLy uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 11-2498292 $27,777
CreaLer 8ldgewood 8esLoraLlon CorporaLlon 11-2382230 $27,777
Parlem CongregaLlons for CommunlLy lmprovemenL, lnc. 13-3316262 $27,777
Pouslng ConservaLlon CoordlnaLors, lnc. 31-0141489 $27,777
Pouslng CourL Answers, lnc. 13-3317188 $27,777
Pudson Culld 13-3362989 $27,777
Lenox Plll nelghborhood Pouse, lnc. 13-1628180 $27,777
Ml? Legal Servlces, lnc. 13-2622748 $27,777
nelghborhood Pouslng Servlces of 8edford-SLuyvesanL, lnc. 13-3098397 $27,777
nelghborhood Pouslng Servlces of !amalca, lnc. 23-7398279 $27,777
nelghborhood Pouslng Servlces of Lhe norLh 8ronx, lnc. 13-3098397 $27,777
nelghborhood lnlLlaLlves uevelopmenL CorporaLlon (nluC) 13-3110811 $27,777
norLh 8rooklyn uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 11-2333446 $27,777
norLhfleld CommunlLy LuC of SLaLen lsland, lnc. 13-2974137 $27,777
norLhwesL 8ronx CommunlLy and Clergy CoallLlon for SlsLas and 8roLhas unlLed 13-2806160 $27,777
eoples llrehouse, lnc. 11-2470366 $27,777
Cueens CommunlLy Pouse, lnc. 11-2373383 $27,777
Cueensboro Councll for Soclal Welfare, lnc. 11-1817497 $27,777
8ldgewood 8ushwlck Senlor ClLlzens Councll, lnc. 11-2433833 $27,803
SLaLen lsland CenLer for lndependenL Llvlng, lnc. 13-3266398 $27,777
SLrycker's 8ay nelghborhood Councll, lnc. 13-1943316 $27,777
unlLed !ewlsh Councll of Lhe LasL Slde, lnc. 13-2733378 $27,777
urban !usLlce CenLer 13-3442022 $27,777
WesL 8ronx Pouslng and nelghborhood 8esource CenLer, lnc. 13-2941841 $27,777
WesL Slde lederaLlon for Senlor and SupporLlve Pouslng, lnc. 13-2926433 $27,777
Woodslde on Lhe Move, lnc. 11-2433363 $27,777
nous|ng reservat|on In|t|at|ve 52,000,000
Agency: Pouslng reservaLlon and uevelopmenL (806)
rogram Area: reservaLlon-CLher Agency Servlces
U]A: 009 - Cfflce of uevelopmenL - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2008
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: Low-lncome houslng resldenLs
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls lnlLlaLlve allows nelghborhood-based groups Lo deslgn and lmplemenL a
grassrooLs-based approach Lo Lhe mosL crlLlcal LhreaL Lo affordable houslng ln Lhelr lndlvldual communlLles.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll wlll deslgnaLed Lhe organlzaLlons and Lhe amounL each wlll recelve
posL-budgeL adopLlon.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 48
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary

Mortgage Iorec|osure revent|on rogram 57S0,000
Agency: Pouslng reservaLlon and uevelopmenL (806)
rogram Area: reservaLlon-AnLl AbandonmenL
U]A: 009 - Cfflce of uevelopmenL - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2007
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: Low-lncome houslng resldenLs
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls fundlng supporLs Lhe CenLer for new ?ork ClLy nelghborhoods, an
lndependenL, noL-for-proflL enLlLy LhaL coordlnaLes Lhe work of organlzaLlons provldlng Lechnlcal servlces
clLywlde, legal servlces provlders, and communlLy-based organlzaLlons worklng Lo asslsL homeowners who
are ln danger of loslng Lhelr homes due Lo morLgage foreclosure.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlder for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
CenLer for new ?ork ClLy nelghborhoods 83-0306416 $730,000
Subs|d|zed nous|ng Informat|on ro[ect (SnI) 5100,000
Agency: Pouslng reservaLlon and uevelopmenL (806)
rogram Area: reservaLlon-AnLl AbandonmenL
U]A: 009 - Cfflce of uevelopmenL - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2012
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: Pomeowners and renLers
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1he lurman CenLer shall conducL Lralnlng and ouLreach Lo poLenLlal users of a
new, comprehenslve daLabase of new ?ork ClLy's prlvaLely owned subsldlzed houslng, and supporL daLa
uploads and malnLenance of Lhe daLabase and webslLe.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed followlng as Lhe provlder for Lhls llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
n?u lurman CenLer SPl 13-3362308 $100,000
Assoc|at|on for Ne|ghborhood and nous|ng Deve|opment (ANnD) 5100,000
Agency: Pouslng reservaLlon and uevelopmenL (806)
rogram Area: reservaLlon-AnLl AbandonmenL
U]A: 009 - Cfflce of uevelopmenL - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2012
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: Pomeowners and renLers
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls fundlng wlll supporL Lhe AssoclaLlon for nelghborhood and Pouslng
uevelopmenL's efforLs Lo develop a new capaclLy bulldlng program for communlLy-based organlzaLlons
parLlclpaLlng ln Lhe Councll-funded CommunlLy ConsulLanLs and Pouslng reservaLlon lnlLlaLlve programs.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng as Lhe provlder for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
AssoclaLlon for nelghborhood and Pouslng uevelopmenL 13-2773999 $100,000
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 49
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary

nD A|ternat|ve Lnforcement rogram (AL) 57S0,000
Agency: Pouslng reservaLlon and uevelopmenL (806)
rogram Area: reservaLlon-AnLl AbandonmenL
U]A: 009 - Cfflce of uevelopmenL - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: 8enLers
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1he AlLernaLlve LnforcemenL rogram (AL) ls an enforcemenL program whlch
ldenLlfles Lhe 200 mosL dlsLressed mulLlple dwelllngs clLywlde each year. AL allows Lhe clLy Lo make repalrs
Lo Lhese bulldlngs and blll Lhe landlord for Lhe repalrs. 1hls keeps resldenLs ln Lhe dlresL of condlLlons from
walLlng for landlords Lo acL.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1hls fundlng ls allocaLed dlrecLly Lo Lhe ueparLmenL of Pouslng reservaLlon and
Stab|||z|ng NC 51,000,000
Agency: Pouslng reservaLlon and uevelopmenL (806)
rogram Area: reservaLlon-AnLl AbandonmenL
U]A: 009 - Cfflce of uevelopmenL - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: Low-lncome houslng resldenLs
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: SLablllzlng n?C ls a clLywlde coallLlon LhaL seeks Lo prevenL Lhe loss of
affordable houslng aL Lhe hands of predaLory equlLy companles, and defend low-lncome LenanLs ln predaLory
equlLy bulldlng from harassmenL and evlcLlon. SLablllzlng n?C comblnes legal and organlzlng resources lnLo a
clLywlde fronL agalnsL predaLory equlLy, helplng LenanLs Lake Lhelr predaLory equlLy landlords accounLable for
lack of repalrs, evlcLlon cases, and afflrmaLlve harassmenL.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1hls fundlng ls allocaLed dlrecLly Lo Lhe ueparLmenL of Pouslng reservaLlon and

Lase 1rans|t|on |n Downs|z|ng |n nous|ng 52S0,000
Agency: Pouslng reservaLlon and uevelopmenL (806)
rogram Area Cfflce of AdmlnlsLraLlon
U]A: 008 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: 8enLers
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls lnlLlaLlve shall subsldlze Lhe movlng expenses of SecLlon 8 LenanLs who
move Lo smaller aparLmenL unlLs due Lo Pu's downslzlng pollcy.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1hls fundlng ls allocaLed dlrecLly Lo Lhe ueparLmenL of Pouslng reservaLlon and
NCnA Commun|ty and Sen|or Centers 517,100,000
Agency: new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy (098)
U]A: 002 - ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: n?CPA resldenLs and communlLy members
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age S0
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary

Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: rovldes for ongolng operaLlon of 24 CommunlLy CenLers and 33 Senlor
CenLers currenLly under n?CPA managemenL. 1hese cenLers provlde crlLlcal servlces for abouL 3,000 n?CPA
resldenLs and communlLy members annually, and provlde abouL 160 [obs.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1hls fundlng ls allocaLed dlrecLly Lo Lhe new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age S1
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
Imm|grant Serv|ces

Imm|grant Serv|ces
I|sca| 201S Counc|| In|t|at|ves
Agency In|t|at|ve Amount
Cun? Cun? ClLlzenshlp nCW! Lxpanslon $1,000,000
P8A lmmlgranL CpporLunlLles lnlLlaLlve (lCl) $1,000,000
P8A new ?ork lmmlgranL lamlly unlLy ro[ecL $4,900,000
u?Cu new ?ork lmmlgraLlon CoallLlon $200,000
1C1AL 57,100,000

Imm|grant Cpportun|ty In|t|at|ve 51,000,000
Agency: Puman 8esources AdmlnlsLraLlon (069)
U]A: 103 - CLher Lhan ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2002
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: new ?ork ClLy's lmmlgranL populaLlon
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon ls an enhancemenL Lo asslsL lmmlgranL adulLs galn access Lo
lnformaLlon and resources and Lo sLrengLhen Lhelr parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe democraLlc process. Speclflcally, Lhls
lnlLlaLlve provldes fundlng for Lngllsh for Speakers of CLher Languages (LSCL) classes, legal servlces for recenL
lmmlgranLs Lo asslsL wlLh appllcaLlons for clLlzenshlp or permanenL resldency, and varlous oLher lmmlgranL
relaLed legal servlces.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll wlll deslgnaLe posL-budgeL adopLlon.

CUN C|t|zensh|p NCW! Lxpans|on 51,000,000
Agency ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork (042)
rogram Area: CommunlLy uevelopmenL rograms
U]A: 001 - CommunlLy Colleges - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2002
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: new ?ork ClLy's lmmlgranL populaLlon
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon supporLs Lhe expanslon of Lhe Cun? ClLlzenshlp now! program
whlch provldes free lmmlgraLlon law servlces Lo asslsL lmmlgranLs on Lhelr paLh Lo u.S. clLlzenshlp.
Des|gnat|on Method: lundlng ls provlded dlrecLly Lo Lhe agency.

New ork Imm|grant Iam||y Un|ty ro[ect 54,900,000
Agency Puman 8esources AdmlnlsLraLlon (069)
U]A: 103 - CLher Lhan ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2014
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: All lndlgenL lmmlgranL populaLlon deLalned aL Lhe new ?ork/new !ersey lmmlgraLlon
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon supporLs Lhe expanslon of Lhe new ?ork lmmlgranL lamlly unlLy
ro[ecL (n?llu) plloL, flrsL funded ln llscal 2014. n?llu, whlch ls Lhe naLlon's flrsL governmenL-funded legal
represenLaLlon program for deLalned lmmlgranLs, provldes hlgh-quallLy, hollsLlc represenLaLlon Lo new ?orkers
deLalned and faclng deporLaLlon who cannoL afford an aLLorney. n?llu aLLorneys carry a full caseload of
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age S2
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
deporLaLlon defense cases, and provlde servlces lncludlng: masLer calendar, bond and lndlvldual merlLs hearlngs,
appeals, and soclal work servlces. vera lnsLlLuLe of !usLlce wlll oversee servlces beLween Lhe legal provlders and
P8A Lo ensure LhaL Lhe lnlLlaLlves goals and ob[ecLlves are accompllshed. vera wlll also coordlnaLe all
performance reporLs and Lrack daLa Lo provlde lL Lo Lhe Councll and P8A.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll wlll deslgnaLe posL-budgeL adopLlon.
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
vera lnsLlLuLe of !usLlce lnc. 13-1941627 $247,000
Legal Ald SocleLy 13-3362263 $1,331,000
8ronx uefenders 13-3931074 $1,331,000
8rooklyn uefender Servlces 11-3303406 $1,331,000

New ork Imm|grant Coa||t|on 5200,000
Agency ueparLmenL of ?ouLh and CommunlLy uevelopmenL (260)
rogram Area: CommunlLy uevelopmenL rograms
U]A: 003 - CLher Lhan ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: llscal 2014
Area Served ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: new ?ork ClLy's lmmlgranL populaLlon
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon supporLs consulaLe ldenLlflcaLlon servlces Lo overcome barrlers Lo
schools, flnanclal lnsLlLuLlons, hlgher educaLlon, and publlc safeLy, flnanclal empowermenL and access Lo sound
flnanclal servlces and college readlness workshops, and oLher programs as deLermlned by demand.
Des|gnat|on Method:
1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed new ?ork lmmlgranL CoallLlon as Lhe provlder of
Lhls lnlLlaLlve.
1ax ID #: 13-3373409
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
new ?ork lmmlgranL CoallLlon 13-3373409 $200,000

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age S3
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
Lega| Serv|ces

Lega| Serv|ces
I|sca| 201S Counc|| In|t|at|ves
Agency In|t|at|ve Amount
P8A AnLl-LvlcLlon Legal Servlces and Slngle 8oom Cccupancy $3,000,000
P8A ClLywlde Clvll Legal Servlces $3,730,000
MCC! Legal lnformaLlon for lamllles (Lll1) $483,000
P8A Legal Servlces for Lhe Worklng oor $1,323,000
P8A unemploymenL lnsurance/SSl Advocacy ro[ecL $1,000,000
1C1AL 511,760,000

Ant|-Lv|ct|on Lega| Serv|ces 5S,000,000
Agency: Puman 8esources AdmlnlsLraLlon - (069)
U]A: 103 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2003
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: Low-and moderaLe-lncome people faclng evlcLlon from Lhelr homes, as well as
servlces for low-lncome Slngle 8oom Cccupancy houslng LenanLs.
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon represenLs a resLoraLlon of $2 mllllon and an enhancemenL
of $3 mllllon. 1he AnLl-lllegal LvlcLlon program provldes legal asslsLance Lo low-and moderaLe-lncome
famllles and Slngle 8oom Cccupancy houslng LenanLs faced wlLh lllegal evlcLlons from Lhelr homes and
helps Lo lmprove houslng condlLlons.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlders for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
8rooklyn Legal Servlces CorporaLlon A 13-2603399 $207,300
Coddard 8lverslde CommunlLy CenLer 13-1893908 $773,000
Legal Ald SocleLy / Clvll ulvlslon- 8ronx 13-3362263 $311,300
Legal Ald SocleLy / Clvll ulvlslon- 8rooklyn 13-3362263 $410,000
Legal Ald SocleLy / Clvll ulvlslon- CommunlLy Law Cfflce 13-3362263 $637,000
Legal Ald SocleLy / Clvll ulvlslon- Cueens 13-3362263 $234,300
Legal Ald SocleLy / Clvll ulvlslon- SLaLen lsland 13-3362263 $172,000
Legal Servlces n?C - 8ronx 16-1739390 $219,000
Legal Servlces n?C - 8rooklyn 8ranch 13-2600199 $738,000
Legal Servlces n?C - ManhaLLan Legal Servlces (lncludes Parlem branch) 13-2613938 $364,000
Legal Servlces n?C - Cueens 8ranch 13-2603604 $233,300
Ml? Legal Servlces, lnc. 13-2622748 $433,000
norLhern ManhaLLan lmprovemenL CorporaLlon 13-2972413 $201,000

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age S4
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary

C|tyw|de C|v|| Lega| Serv|ces 53,7S0,000
Agency: Puman 8esources AdmlnlsLraLlon (069)
U]A: 103 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2001
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: lndlgenL persons requlrlng legal asslsLance
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls fundlng supporLs dlrecL cllenL represenLaLlon, lncludlng represenLaLlon
ln class acLlon cases, Lhe provlslon of legal advlce, communlLy legal educaLlon presenLaLlons, pro-
bono/volunLeer lawyer programs, and hoLllne and oLher Lelephone-based legal servlces. Legal areas ln
whlch servlces may be provlded lnclude, buL are noL llmlLed Lo: consumer/flnance, educaLlon,
employmenL, famlly, [uvenlle, healLh, houslng, lncome malnLenance, lndlvldual rlghLs, and mlscellaneous
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll wlll deslgnaLe $2.23 mllllon posL-budgeL adopLlon and has
deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlders and Lhe amounLs for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
Legal Ald SocleLy 13-3362263 $730,000
Legal Servlces n?C 13-2600199 $730,000

Lega| Informat|on for Iam|||es 1oday (LII1) 548S,000
Agency: Mayor's Cfflce of Crlmlnal !usLlce - Mlscellaneous 8udgeL (098)
U]A: 002 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2003
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: ersons requlrlng lnformaLlon ln lamlly CourL
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls fundlng wlll provlde Lll1 wlLh Lhe necessary resources Lo operaLe lLs
lamlly CourL legal lnformaLlon and supporL programs LhaL serve over 30,000 new ?orkers annually. Lll1's
supporLed programs lnclude lLs LducaLlon and lnformaLlon slLes, Lll1's lamlly Legal CenLer locaLed ln Lhe
lamlly CourL bulldlngs ln each of Lhe flve boroughs, and Lhe Lelephone, emall and llve chaL hoLllnes.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Legal lnformaLlon for lamllles 1oday (Lll1) Lhe
for llscal 2013:
LIN: 13-3910367

Lega| Serv|ces for the Work|ng oor 51,S2S,000
Agency: Puman 8esources AdmlnlsLraLlon - (069)
U]A: 103 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2003
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: Worklng poor persons requlrlng clvll legal asslsLance
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon represenLs a resLoraLlon of $1.03 mllllon and an
enhancemenL of $473,000. 1hls fundlng supporLs clvll legal servlces for Lhe worklng poor, lncludlng:
asslsLance ln prevenLlng evlcLlon and foreclosure, lmprovemenL of llvlng condlLlons and removal of
hazardous houslng condlLlons ln Lhelr homes, houslng code enforcemenL acLlons, organlzaLlon and
represenLaLlon of LenanLs groups, help ln obLalnlng emergency granLs and beneflLs Lo avold homelessness,
asslsLance for famlly members ln geLLlng approprlaLe dlsablllLy beneflLs such as SSu or SSl, lmmlgraLlon
asslsLance, proLecLlon from workplace abuses, such as harassmenL and vlolaLlon of falr wage and hour
laws, consumer proLecLlons from credlLors, represenLaLlon of domesLlc vlolence vlcLlms, and asslsLance
wlLh recoverlng lllegal renLs and oLher lmproper renL charges.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age SS
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlders for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
CAM8A, lnc. 11-2480339 $303,000
Pouslng ConservaLlon CoordlnaLors 31-0141489 $303,000
norLhern ManhaLLan lmprovemenL CorporaLlon 13-2972413 $303,000
urban !usLlce CenLer 13-3442022 $303,000
Ml? Legal Servlces 13-2622748 $303,000

Unemp|oyment Insurance]Supp|ementa| Secur|ty Income Advocacy
ro[ect 51,000,000
Agency: Puman 8esources AdmlnlsLraLlon (069)
U]A: 103 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2006
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: ersons ellglble for unemploymenL lnsurance or supplemenLal securlLy lncome
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls acLlon allocaLes $300,000 each Lo Legal Servlces n?C (LSn?C) and Lhe
Legal Ald SocleLy (LAS) Lo expand legal advocacy Lhrough Lhe SupplemenLal SecurlLy lncome Advocacy
ro[ecL. 1hls fundlng wlll also supporL an advocacy pro[ecL of LSn?C and LAS for unemployed lndlvlduals
who have been wrongly denled unemploymenL lnsurance 8eneflLs (ul8). 1hls fundlng wlll supporL Lhe
cosLs of provldlng legal represenLaLlon aL hearlngs before AdmlnlsLraLlve Law !udges Lo help dlsabled
lndlvlduals and Lhe unemployed recelve Lhe unemploymenL lnsurance 8eneflLs and/or Lhe SupplemenLal
SecurlLy lncome beneflLs Lhey have been wrongly denled.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlders for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
Legal Ald SocleLy 13-3362263 $300,000
Legal Servlces n?C 13-2600199 $300,000

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age S6
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary

I|sca| 201S Counc|| In|t|at|ves
Agency In|t|at|ve Amount
n? ubllc Llbrary (8esearch) llscal 2013 Subsldy $330,000
n? ubllc Llbrary (8ranches) llscal 2013 Subsldy $1,830,000
8rooklyn ubllc Llbrary llscal 2013 Subsldy $1,400,000
Cueens 8orough ubllc Llbrary llscal 2013 Subsldy $1,400,000
1C1AL 5S,000,000

I|sca| 201S Subs|dy: N ub||c kesearch L|brar|es 53S0,000
Agency: new ?ork ubllc Llbrary: 8esearch (033)
U]A: 001
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2006
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: lndlvlduals who use Lhe n? ubllc 8esearch Llbrarles
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls fundlng parLlally resLores servlces Lo Lhe llbrary branches ln an efforL
Lo supporL slx-day servlce aL every publlc llbrary branch clLywlde and expand servlces for Lhe mosL
vulnerable resldenLs of our ClLy.
Des|gnat|on Method: lundlng ls allocaLed dlrecLly Lo Lhe new ?ork ubllc Llbrary.

I|sca| 201S Subs|dy: N ub||c L|brary (8ranches) 51,8S0,000
Agency: new ?ork ubllc Llbrary: 8ranches (037)
U]A: 006
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2006
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: lndlvlduals who use new ?ork ubllc Llbrarles
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls fundlng parLlally resLores servlces Lo Lhe llbrary branches ln an efforL
Lo supporL slx-day servlce aL every publlc llbrary branch clLywlde and expand servlces for Lhe mosL
vulnerable resldenLs of our ClLy.
Des|gnat|on Method: lundlng ls allocaLed dlrecLly Lo Lhe new ?ork ubllc Llbrary.

I|sca| 201S Subs|dy: 8rook|yn ub||c L|brary 51,400,000
Agency: 8rooklyn ubllc Llbrary (038)
U]A: 001
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2006
Area Served: 8rooklyn
1arget opu|at|on: lndlvlduals who use 8rooklyn ubllc Llbrarles
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls fundlng parLlally resLores servlces Lo Lhe llbrary branches ln an efforL
Lo supporL slx-day servlce aL every publlc llbrary branch clLywlde and expand servlces for Lhe mosL
vulnerable resldenLs of our ClLy.
Des|gnat|on Method: lundlng ls allocaLed dlrecLly Lo Lhe 8rooklyn ubllc Llbrary.

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age S7
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary

I|sca| 201S Subs|dy: ueens 8orough ub||c L|brary 51,400,000
Agency: Cueens 8orough ubllc Llbrary (039)
U]A: 001
I|rst ear Iunded: llscal 2006
Area Served: Cueens
1arget opu|at|on: lndlvlduals who use Cueens 8orough ubllc Llbrarles
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls fundlng parLlally resLores servlces Lo Lhe llbrary branches ln an efforL
Lo supporL slx-day servlce aL every publlc llbrary branch clLywlde and expand servlces for Lhe mosL
vulnerable resldenLs of our ClLy.
Des|gnat|on Method: lundlng ls allocaLed dlrecLly Lo Lhe Cueens 8orough ubllc Llbrary.

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age S8
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
Menta| nea|th Serv|ces

Menta| nea|th Serv|ces
DCnMn In|t|at|ve
Agency In|t|at|ve Amount
uCPMP AuLlsm Awareness $690,000
uCPMP Chlldren under llve lnlLlaLlve $200,000
uCPMP CourL-lnvolved ?ouLh MenLal PealLh lnlLlaLlve $1,000,000
uCPMP SamarlLan's of new ?ork, lnc. $30,000
uCPMP ?oung AdulL lnsLlLuLe $30,000
1C1AL 51,990,000

Aut|sm Awareness 5690,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of PealLh and MenLal Pyglene (816)
rogram Area: MenLal Pyglene - uevelopmenL ulsablllLles
U]A: 121 - MenLal 8eLardaLlon and uevelopmenLal ulsablllLles
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2008
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: Chlldren affecLed by AuLlsm
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon ls an enhancemenL of $690,000 ln fundlng for wraparound
servlces Lo AuLlsLlc chlldren ln afLer-school or summer programs and durlng school closlngs.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll wlll deslgnaLe posL-budgeL adopLlon.

Ch||dren Under I|ve In|t|at|ve 5200,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of PealLh and MenLal Pyglene (816)
rogram Area: MenLal Pyglene - MenLal PealLh Servlces
U]A: 120 - MenLal PealLh
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: CourL-lnvolved youLh and famllles
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon funds communlLy-based ouLpaLlenL menLal healLh cllnlcs
LhroughouL Lhe clLy Lo provlde menLal healLh LreaLmenL for chlldren age flve and under. MenLal healLh
LreaLmenL acLlvlLles lnclude, buL are noL llmlLed Lo, screenlng and cllnlcal evaluaLlon, lndlvldual, small group
and chlld-parenL psychoLherapy, Lrauma-lnformed lnLervenLlons (Lrauma-lnformed care ls an approach Lo
engaglng people wlLh hlsLorles of Lrauma LhaL recognlzes Lhe presence of Lrauma sympLoms and acknowledges
Lhe role LhaL Lrauma has played ln Lhelr llves), and consulLaLlon Lo pedlaLrlclans, preschool Leachers and chlld
welfare workers.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll wlll deslgnaLe posL-budgeL adopLlon.

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age S9
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary

Court-Invo|ved outh Menta| nea|th In|t|at|ve 51,000,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of PealLh and MenLal Pyglene (816)
rogram Area: MenLal Pyglene - MenLal PealLh Servlces
U]A: 120 - MenLal PealLh
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: CourL-lnvolved youLh and famllles
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon wlll fund Lhe followlng: lmplemenLlng an effecLlve rlsk
assessmenL Lool Lo deLermlne wheLher [uvenlles are ln need of menLal healLh servlces early ln Lhe arresL
process engaglng famllles of courL-lnvolved youLh Lhrough famlly counsellng, resplLe servlces and oLher
evldence-based pracLlces, and connecLlng communlLy-based provlders Lo oLher non-governmenLal
organlzaLlons LhaL have famlllarlLy wlLh Lhe courLs, AdmlnlsLraLlon for Chlldren's Servlce, ueparLmenL of
CorrecLlons and oLher relevanL ClLy and SLaLe agencles.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlders for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
AsLor Servlces for Chlldren & lamllles 14-1397918 $100,000
CaLhollc CharlLles nelghborhood Servlces 11-2047131 $100,000
CenLer for AlLernaLlve SenLenclng and LmploymenL Servlces, lnc. (CASLS) 13-2668080 $100,000
1he CoallLlon of 8ehavloral PealLh Agencles, lnc. 13-2729071 $100,000
lorLune SocleLy, lnc. 13-2643436 $100,000
!ewlsh Chlld Care AssoclaLlon of new ?ork 13-1624060 $100,000
Safe Porlzon 13-2946970 $100,000
SCC lamlly of Servlces 11-2777066 $100,000
SLaLen lsland MenLal PealLh SocleLy, lnc. 13-3623279 $100,000
1he Chlldren's Ald SocleLy 13-3362191 $100,000
AsLor Servlces for Chlldren & lamllles 14-1397918 $100,000

Samar|tans of New ork, Inc. 5S0,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of PealLh and MenLal Pyglene (816)
Area Served: ClLywlde
rogram Area: MenLal Pyglene - MenLal PealLh Servlces
U]A: 120 - MenLal PealLh
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2011
1arget opu|at|on: All
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon represenLs an enhancemenL for SamarlLans of new ?ork Sulclde
revenLlon Servlces whlch conslsLs of 24-hour confldenLlal sulclde prevenLlon hoLllne.
Des|gnat|on Method:
1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed for Lhls lnlLlaLlve ln llscal 2013:
1ax ID#: 13-3164464

oung Adu|t Inst|tute and Workshop, Inc. (AI) 5S0,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of PealLh and MenLal Pyglene (816)
rogram Area: MenLal Pyglene - uevelopmenL ulsablllLles
U]A: 121 - MenLal 8eLardaLlon and uevelopmenLal ulsablllLles
I|rst ear Iunded: llscal 2007
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: uevelopmenLally dlsabled adulLs
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 60
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon parLlally resLores ?Al's Lhree adulL rehablllLaLlon and recreaLlon
programs: Lhe ManhaLLan Lvenlng Ad[usLmenL rogram, Lhe 8ronx Lvenlng Ad[usLmenL rogram, and Lhe Alumnl
Club. 1hese programs provlde essenLlal soclallzaLlon and communlLy lncluslon servlces for adulLs wlLh
developmenLal dlsablllLles.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed ?oung AdulL lnsLlLuLe and Workshop, lnc. (?Al) for Lhls
lnlLlaLlve ln llscal 2013:
1ax ID#: 11-2030172

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 61
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
arks and kecreat|on

arks and kecreat|on
I|sca| 201S Counc|| In|t|at|ves
Agency In|t|at|ve Amount
u8 arks MalnLenance $3,630,000
u8 arks LnforcemenL aLrol (L) Cfflcers $3,000,000
u8 1ree runlng $1,000,000
u8 arks LqulLy lnlLlaLlve $730,000
u8 1ree SLumps 8emoval $730,000
1C1AL 511,1S0,000

arks Ma|ntenance 53,6S0,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of arks and 8ecreaLlon (846)
rogram Area: MalnLenance and operaLlons
U]A: 002 - ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: ark users ln low and moderaLe lncome nelghborhoods clLywlde.
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls Councll allocaLlon wlll supporL addlLlonal malnLenance workers
wlLhln Lhe ueparLmenL of arks and 8ecreaLlon ln llscal 2013. 1he fundlng wlll allow u8 Lo hlre
addlLlonal gardeners and ClLy ark Workers (CWs) Lo help malnLaln nelghborhood parks clLywlde.
Des|gnat|on Method: lundlng ls provlded dlrecLly Lo Lhe ueparLmenL of arks and 8ecreaLlon.

arks Lnforcement atro| (L) Cff|cers 5S,000,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of arks and 8ecreaLlon (846)
rogram Area: MalnLenance and operaLlons
U]A: 002 - ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: ark users ln low and moderaLe lncome nelghborhoods clLywlde.
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1o ensure LhaL more ClLy parks recelve Lhe beneflL of havlng L
offlcers' presence, Lhls allocaLlon wlll allow u8 Lo hlre approxlmaLely 80 l1L addlLlonal arks
LnforcemenL aLrol (L) offlcers, brlnglng Lhe LoLal ClLy Lax-levy funded L offlcers Lo 241 ln llscal
Des|gnat|on Method: lundlng ls provlded dlrecLly Lo Lhe ueparLmenL of arks and 8ecreaLlon

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 62
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary

1ree run|ng 51,000,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of arks and 8ecreaLlon (846)
rogram Area: MalnLenance and operaLlons
U]A: 006 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: All nelghborhoods clLywlde.
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon ls Lo supporL Lhe ueparLmenL of arks and 8ecreaLlon's
efforLs Lo brlng Lhe clLywlde Lree prunlng cycle down Lo less Lhan Len years.
Des|gnat|on Method: lundlng ls provlded dlrecLly Lo Lhe ueparLmenL of arks and 8ecreaLlon

arks Lqu|ty In|t|at|ve 57S0,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of arks and 8ecreaLlon (846)
rogram Area: MalnLenance and operaLlons
U]A: 006 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: ark users ln low and moderaLe lncome nelghborhoods clLywlde
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon wlll supporL Lhe ClLy arks loundaLlon (Cl) efforLs Lo do
communlLy programmlng ln smaller nelghborhood parks Lhrough Lhe arLnershlp for arks program
($200,000), Lhe annual arLnershlp for arks Conference ($30,000) and allow Cl Lo bulld Lhe
lnfrasLrucLure Lo sLarL a fund Lo provlde smaller conservancles, nonproflLs, and frlends of groups"
resources Lo do varlous programmlng ln Lhelr local park for acLlvlLles such as malnLenance of local publlc
parks, communlLy gardens, school gardens, and oLher park-relaLed programmlng, cleanup and repalrs
($300,000). Servlces could lnclude sLaff Lralnlng, and Lhe esLabllshmenL, Lralnlng and supporL of frlends
of" groups Lo ensure LhaL all new ?orkers have safe and well-malnLalned open-space ln Lhelr
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlder for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
ClLy arks loundaLlon 13-3361637 $730,000

1ree Stump kemova| 57S0,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of arks and 8ecreaLlon (846)
rogram Area: loresLry and PorLlculLure
U]A: 006 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2014
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: All nelghborhoods clLywlde.
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon wlll allow Lhe ueparLmenL of arks and 8ecreaLlon Lo
removal approxlmaLely 2,300 more Lree sLumps ln llscal 2013.
Des|gnat|on Method: lundlng ls provlded dlrecLly Lo Lhe ueparLmenL of arks and 8ecreaLlon.

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 63
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
ub||c Safety

ub||c Safety
I|sca| 201S Counc|| In|t|at|ves
Agency In|t|at|ve Amount
n?u ollce ClvlllanlzaLlon $6,200,000
n?u !uvenlle 8obbery lnLervenLlon rogram $1,000,000
1C1AL 57,200,000

o||ce C|v|||an|zat|on 56,200,000
Agency: new ?ork ollce ueparLmenL (036)
rogram Area: aLrol
U]A: 001 - ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: All new ?orkers
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon supporLs Lhe hlrlng of 200 ollce AdmlnlsLraLlve Aldes, who
wlll replace pollce offlcers asslgned Lo clvlllan roles and allow Lhe ueparLmenL Lo reasslgn Lhem Lo
enforcemenL funcLlons.
Des|gnat|on Method: lundlng ls provlded dlrecLly Lo Lhe new ?ork ollce ueparLmenL.

Iuven||e kobbery Intervent|on rogram 51,000,000
Agency: new ?ork ollce ueparLmenL (036)
rogram Area: aLrol
U]A: 001 - ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: AL-rlsk youLh
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon wlll expand Lhe !uvenlle 8obbery lnLervenLlon rogram (!-8l)
lnLo several of Lhe ClLy's pollce preclncLs. !-8l, whlch ls presenLly lmplemenLed ln 8rownsvllle and LasL
Parlem, ls a program whereby a group of pollce offlcers and deLecLlves engage ln lnLense lnLeracLlons wlLh
[uvenlles who have been arresLed for serlous crlmes. 1he n?u also parLners wlLh non-proflLs Lo provlde
soclal servlces Lo Lhe [uvenlles and Lhelr respecLlve famllles.
Des|gnat|on Method: lundlng ls provlded dlrecLly Lo Lhe new ?ork ollce ueparLmenL.

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 64
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
Sen|or Serv|ces

Sen|or Serv|ces
I|sca| 201S Counc|| In|t|at|ves
Agency In|t|at|ve Amount
ul1A Access Lo Crlsls and Lmergency Servlces (ACLS) $600,000
ul1A Llder Abuse LnhancemenL $1,000,000
ul1A Pandyman Servlces $400,000
ul1A LC81 Senlor Servlces ln Lvery 8orough $1,300,000
ul1A nelghborhood naLurally Cccurrlng 8eLlremenL
CommunlLles(nnC8Cs) $1,000,000
ul1A naLurally Cccurrlng 8eLlremenL CommunlLles (nC8C)
SupporLlve Servlces LnhancemenL $1,300,000
ul1A new ?ork Academy of Medlclne - Age lrlendly n?C $400,000
ul1A Senlor CenLers, rograms, and Servlces LnhancemenL $3,003,000
ul1A Soclal AdulL uay Care LnhancemenL $600,000
ul1A Space CosLs for Senlor CenLers LnhancemenL $800,000
ul1A 1ransporLaLlon CperaLlng CosLs LnhancemenL $300,000
1C1AL 511,30S,000

Access to Cr|s|s and Lmergency Serv|ces (ACLS) 5600,000
Agency ueparLmenL for Lhe Aglng (123)
rogram Area: Senlor Servlces
U]A: 003 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2014
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: Worklng-poor, near-poor, lmmlgranLs, senlors llvlng on flxed lncomes, and Lhe
recenLly unemployed.
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: Case asslsLance Lo Lhe worklng-poor, near-poor, lmmlgranLs, senlors llvlng
on flxed lncomes, and Lhe recenLly unemployed. Case workers connecL cllenLs wlLh
beneflLs/enLlLlemenLs, emergency food, cloLhlng, legal help, employmenL asslsLance, eLc.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlder for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
MeLropollLan Councll on !ewlsh overLy 13-2738818 $600,000

L|der Abuse Lnhancement 51,000,000
Agency: ueparLmenL for Lhe Aglng (123)
rogram Area: Senlor Servlces
U]A: 003- CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2010
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: Senlors experlenclng physlcal and flnanclal abuse.
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon enhances basellned fundlng for elder abuse servlces.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlders for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
CarLer 8urden CenLer for Lhe Aglng, lnc., 1he 23-7129499 $31,000
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 6S
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
CommunlLy Agency for Senlor ClLlzens, lnc 13-3263337 $36,000
ueparLmenL for Lhe Aglng 13- 6400434 $200,000
!ewlsh AssoclaLlon for Servlces for Lhe Aged (!ASA) 8rooklyn (Cu 1-6,8-
13-2620896 $91,000
!ewlsh AssoclaLlon for Servlces for Lhe Aged (!ASA) 8rooklyn (Cu 7,10-
13-2620896 $104,000
!ewlsh AssoclaLlon for Servlces for Lhe Aged (!ASA) ManhaLLan 13-2620896 $33,000
!ewlsh AssoclaLlon for Servlces for Lhe Aged (!ASA) Cueens A 13-2620896 $106,000
!ewlsh AssoclaLlon for Servlces for Lhe Aged (!ASA) Cueens 8 13-2620896 $106,000
nelghborhood Self Pelp by Clder ersons ro[ecL, lnc. 13-3077047 $33,000
new ?ork Aslan Women's CenLer, lnc. 13-3286230 $133,000
8eglonal Ald for lnLerlm needs (8Aln), lnc 13-6213386 $63,000

nandyman Serv|ces 5400,000
Agency: ueparLmenL for Lhe Aglng (123)
rogram Area: Senlor Servlces
U]A: 003- CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2014
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: Low-lncome senlors.
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls fundlng wlll help low-lncome senlors remaln secure and lndependenL
Lhrough home repalrs and home safeLy [obs free-of-charge.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlder for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
MeLropollLan Councll on !ewlsh overLy 13-2738818 $400,000

LG81 Sen|or Serv|ces |n Lvery 8orough 51,S00,000
Agency: ueparLmenL for Lhe Aglng (123)
rogram Area: Senlor Servlces
U]A: 003- CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: Lesblan, Cay, 8l-Sexual, and 1ransgendered (LC81) senlors.
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls acLlon wlll ensure LhaL LC81 senlors wlll have access Lo full servlces
Servlces and Advocacy for CL81 Llders (SACL) slLes Lo address Lhe needs of Lhls populaLlon.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlder for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
Servlces and Advocacy for CL81 Llders (SACL), lnc. 13-2947637 $1,300,000

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 66
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary

Ne|ghborhood Natura||y Cccurr|ng ket|rement Commun|t|es
(NCkCs) 51,000,000
Agency: ueparLmenL for Lhe Aglng (123)
rogram Area: Senlor Servlces
U]A: 003- CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: Senlor llvlng ln areas populaLed by large numbers of new ?orkers over Lhe age
of 60.
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls acLlon supporLs horlzonLal naLurally Cccurrlng 8eLlremenL
CommunlLles (nC8Cs).
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll wlll deslgnaLe provlders for Lhls lnlLlaLlve posL-budgeL

Natura||y Cccurr|ng ket|rement Commun|t|es (NCkCs) Support|ve
Serv|ces Lnhancement 51,S00,000
Agency: ueparLmenL for Lhe Aglng (123)
rogram Area: Senlor Servlces
U]A: 003- CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2007
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: Any person slxLy years or older who llves ln Lhe naLurally Cccurrlng
8eLlremenL CommunlLy.
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon enhances basellned fundlng for exlsLlng ul1A and Councll
funded nC8Cs LhaL dld noL recelve fundlng Lhrough ul1A's 8l process or dld noL apply Lo ul1A's 8l.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlders for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
8ronxWorks lnc. - ClLlzen Advlce 8ureau nC8C 13-3234484 $73,000
CaLhollc CharlLles nelghborhood Servlces, lnc. - Sheepshead 8ay
nosLrand nC8C 11-2047131 $231,000
uoroL - Llncoln Pouse CuLreach 13-3668207 $76,000
Crand SLreeL SeLLlemenL - nC8C 13-3362230 $78,000
!amalca Servlce rogram for Clder AdulLs, lnc. (!SCA) nC8C 31-0204121 $43,000
!ewlsh AssoclaLlon for Servlces for Lhe Aged (!ASA) - 1199 laza nC8C 13-2620896 $76,000
nelghborhood Self Pelp by Clder ersons ro[ecL, lnc. - Morrlson
LafayeLLe/8oyLon LafayeLLe nC8C 13-3077049 $32,000
hlpps CommunlLy uevelopmenL Corp. 13-2707663 $132,000
8ochdale vlllage Soclal Servlces lnc. - nC8C 11-3397470 $233,000
Samuel lleld ?M &?WPA, lnc. - nC8C WlLhouL Walls 11-3071318 $92,000
Selfhelp CommunlLy Servlces - norLhrldge nC8C 13-3634430 $234,000
Servlce and Advocacy for CL81 Llders - SACL Parlem nC8C 13-2947637 $37,000
SouLh 8rooklyn ?ouLh ConsorLlum - SouLh 8rooklyn ?ouLh nC8C 03-0387372 $79,000

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 67
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary

New ork Academy of Med|c|ne - Age Ir|end|y New ork 5400,000
Agency: ueparLmenL for Lhe Aglng (123)
rogram Area: Senlor Servlces
U]A: 003- CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: Clder adulLs ln varlous nelghborhoods LhroughouL new ?ork ClLy.
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon wlll creaLe lmprovemenL dlsLrlcLs ln nlne new
nelghborhoods wlLh Lhe hlghesL level of need and supporLlng Lhe currenL Age lmprovemenL ulsLrlcLs ln
LasL Parlem.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlder for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
new ?ork Academy of Medlclne 13-1636674 $400,000

Sen|or Centers, rograms, and Serv|ces Lnhancement 53,00S,000
Agency: ueparLmenL for Lhe Aglng (123)
rogram Area: Senlor CenLer Meals and Pomecare
U]A: 003- CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2011
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: Senlors aLLendlng senlor cenLers and senlor ln need of homecare servlces.
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon enhances basellned fundlng Lo ul1A senlor cenLer
programs and servlces.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlders for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
8ergen 8asln CommunlLy uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 11-3199040 $123,000
8owery 8esldenLs' CommlLLee Senlor CenLer 13-2736639 $261,000
Chlnese lannlng Councll - CC Cpen uoor 13-6202692 $10,000
Chlnese lannlng Councll - n? ChlnaLown Senlor CenLer 13-6202692 $26,000
Conselyea SLreeL 8lock AssoclaLlon, lnc. - Swlnglng 60s Senlor CenLer 11-2347180 $219,000
ueparLmenL for Lhe Aglng 13- 6400434 $1,489,762
LasL Slde Pouse - MlLchell Pouse nelghborhood CenLer 13-1623989 $112,493
Llmcor ?ouLh and AdulL Servlces - Llmcor Lelrak nelghborhood CenLer 11-2224339 $33,036
SLeln CenLer Senlor CenLer - SLeln nelghborhood CenLer 23-7378422 $100,000
Creenwlch Pouse - lndependence laza nelghborhood CenLer 13-3362204 $63,617
PamllLon Madlson Pouse - ClLy Pall nelghborhood CenLer 13-3362412 $100,000
!ewlsh AssoclaLlon for Lhe Servlces for Lhe Aged (!ASA) - Mechler Pall
Senlor CenLer 13-2620896 $30,000
!ewlsh AssoclaLlon for Lhe Servlces for Lhe Aged (!ASA) - 1hrog neck
nelghborhood CenLer 13-2620896 $6,699
Selfhelp CommunlLy Servlces - Selfhelp lnnovaLlve Senlor CenLer 13-1624178 $134,000
Sephardlc MulLl-Servlce Senlor CenLer - Pouse of !acob 11-2301220 $183,000
SouLhslde unlLed Pouslng uevelopmenL Corp - Los Sures nelghborhood
CenLer 11-2268339 $37,391

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 68
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary

Soc|a| Adu|t Day Care Lnhancement 5600,000
Agency: ueparLmenL for Lhe Aglng (123)
rogram Area: Senlor Servlces
U]A: 003- CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2010
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: Senlors wlLh speclal needs.
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon enhances basellned fundlng for soclal adulL day care
programs, whlch provlde non-medlcal adulL day care servlces Lo lndlvlduals wlLh cognlLlve or physlcal
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlders for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
CarLer 8urden CenLer for Lhe Aglng, lnc., 1he 23-7129499 $43,000
CaLhollc CharlLles nelghborhood Servlces, lnc - llushlng 11-2047131 $93,000
!ewlsh CommunlLy CenLer of SLaLen lsland, lnc. 13-3362236 $43,000
PamllLon Madlson, lnc. 13-3362412 $93,000
Lenox Plll nelghborhood Pouse, lnc. 13-1628180 $43,000
LuLheran lamlly PealLh CenLer's lamlly SupporL CenLer 11-1839367 $43,000
8ldgewood 8ushwlck Senlor ClLlzens Councll, lnc. 11-2433833 $93,000
8lverdale Senlor Servlces, lnc. 23-7337997 $43,000
Selfhelp CommunlLy Servlces, lnc. 13-1624178 $43,000

Space Costs for Sen|or Centers Lnhancement 5800,000
Agency: ueparLmenL for Lhe Aglng (123)
rogram Area: Senlor CenLers and Meals
U]A: 003- CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2007
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: Senlors
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon enhances basellned fundlng Lo address space/faclllLy
needs aL senlor cenLers.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1hls fundlng ls dlrecLly provlded Lo Lhe agency.

1ransportat|on Cperat|ng Costs 5S00,000
Agency: ueparLmenL for Lhe Aglng (123)
rogram Area: Senlor CenLers and Meals
U]A: 003- CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2006
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: Senlors
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon enhanced basellned fundlng Lo supporL Lhe operaLlng cosLs
(lnsurance, fuel and malnLenance) of exlsLlng vans and oLher exlsLlng vehlcles LhaL are used by senlor
cenLers and oLher senlor programs.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1hls fundlng ls dlrecLly provlded Lo Lhe agency.

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 69
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
Sma|| 8us|ness Serv|ces and Workforce Deve|opment

Sma|| 8us|ness Serv|ces and Workforce Deve|opment
I|sca| 201S Counc|| In|t|at|ves
Agency In|t|at|ve Amount
S8S Chamber on Lhe Co (Small 8uslness Moblle CuLreach unlL) $230,000
S8S ConsorLlum for Worker LducaLlon $1,730,000
S8S CreaLe new 1echnology lncubaLors $1,000,000
S8S lood 8eLall and Workforce 1ralnlng and lacemenL rogram $60,000
S8S hackn? $100,000
S8S Plgh 1ech ConnecL $260,000
S8S !obs Lo 8ulld Cn $3,100,000
S8S MW8L Leadershlp AssoclaLlons $600,000
S8S new Skllls/new !obs $398,000
S8S lndusLrlal 8uslness SoluLlons rovlders (l8S) $830,000
S8S SCC lamlly of Servlces/CenLer for lamlly Llfe Worker CooperaLlves $148,000
S8S Small 8uslness/!ob uevelopmenL / llnanclal LlLeracy $600,000
S8S Workforce uevelopmenL - Cueens 1ech LducaLlon $63,000
S8S Worker CooperaLlve 8uslness uevelopmenL lnlLlaLlve $1,200,000
1C1AL 512,S61,000

Chamber on the Go (Sma|| 8us|ness Mob||e Cutreach Un|t)

Agency: Small 8uslness Servlces (801)
rogram Area: 8uslness uevelopmenL
U]A: 002 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
Areas Served: ClLywlde
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
1arget opu|at|on: Small 8uslnesses ln all flve boroughs.
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1he 8rooklyn Alllance wlll use funds Lo carry ouL ouLreach efforLs LhaL wlll
lncrease buslnesses access Lo a varleLy of servlces rlghL aL Lhelr sLorefronL. Speclflc servlces wlll lnclude pro-
bono legal asslsLance, flnanclng asslsLance, referrals Lo oLher governmenL resources and supporL, and
asslsLance wlLh affordable healLhcare enrollmenL opporLunlLles.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed 1he 8rooklyn Alllance as Lhe provlder for Lhls
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
1he 8rooklyn Alllance 11-2143936 $230,000

Consort|um for Worker Lducat|on (CWL) 51,7S0,000
Agency: Small 8uslness Servlces (801)
rogram Area: Workforce uevelopmenL: 1ralnlng
U]A: 011 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
Areas Served: ClLywlde
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2006
1arget opu|at|on: unlon members, lmmlgranL, mlnorlLy and long-Lerm unemployed workers
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hese funds are for ConsorLlum for Worker LducaLlon Lo provlde [ob
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 70
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
Lralnlng Lo unlon workers Lo lmprove Lhelr employmenL skllls and also provlde clLlzenshlp classes, Lngllsh
as a Second Language, CraduaLe LqulvalenL uegree, compuLer llLeracy and work readlness preparaLlon Lo
lmmlgranL, mlnorlLy and long-Lerm unemployed workers.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlder for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
ConsorLlum for Worker LducaLlon (CWL) 13-3364313 $1,730,000

Create New 1echno|ogy Incubators 51,000,000
Agency: Small 8uslness Servlces (801)
rogram Area: ConLracL Servlces: Lconomlc uevelopmenL CorporaLlon
U]A: 006- Lconomlc uevelopmenL CorporaLlon
Areas Served: 8rooklyn, 8ronx, Cueens and SLaLen lsland
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
1arget opu|at|on: 1echnology enLrepreneurs
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: lundlng wlll be used Lo launch four new Lechnology lncubaLors ln Lhe ouLer
boroughs Lo supporL Lechnology enLrepreneurs and promoLe fuLure growLh ln relaLed secLors.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll wlll deslgnaLe provlders and amounLs for Lhls lnlLlaLlve posL-
budgeL adopLlon.

Iood keta|| and Workforce 1ra|n|ng and |acement rogram 560,000
Agency: Small 8uslness Servlces (801)
rogram Area: Workforce uevelopmenL: 1ralnlng
U]A: 011- CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
Areas Served ClLywlde
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2011
1arget opu|at|on: 8eLall food workers
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1he PCL rogram, lnc. wlll Lraln under-employed for food reLall careers such
as healLhy food sourclng, merchandlslng, and baslc professlonal skllls.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlder for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
PCL rogram, 1he 13-3268339 $60,000

hackN 5100,000
Agency: Small 8uslness Servlces (801)
rogram Area: Workforce uevelopmenL: 1ralnlng
U]A: 011 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
Areas Served: ClLywlde
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
1arget opu|at|on: !ob seekers and sLudenLs aL ClLy's colleges and unlverslLles seeklng
Lechnology relaLed lnLernshlps and [obs.
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ces: hackn? wlll connecL [obseekers wlLh opporLunlLles aL local Lechnology
companles and wlll serve as an lmporLanL brldge beLween Lhe ClLy's colleges and unlverslLles and Lhe
Lechnology lndusLry.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlder for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
hackn? 27-3738609 $100,000

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 71
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
n|gh-1ech Connect 5260,000
Agency: Small 8uslness Servlces (801)
rogram Area: ConLracL Servlces: Lconomlc uevelopmenL CorporaLlon
U]A: 006 - Lconomlc uevelopmenL CorporaLlon
Areas Served: ClLywlde
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2011
1arget opu|at|on: LnLrepreneurs
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: Plgh-1ech ConnecL wlll develop Lhe enLrepreneurlal hard sclences ecosysLem
ln n?C Lhrough lnnovaLlve programs and lnLelllgenL appllcaLlon of resources and creaLe new
enLrepreneurshlp acLlvlLles and good [obs ln n?C.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlder for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
new ?ork ClLy lnvesLmenL lund, 1he 13-6400434 $260,000

Iobs to 8u||d Cn 5S,100,000
Agency: Small 8uslness Servlces (801)
rogram Area: Workforce uevelopmenL: 1ralnlng
U]A: 011 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
Areas Served: ClLywlde
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2008
1arget opu|at|on: unemployed and under-employed new ?ork ClLy resldenLs
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1o recrulL and LranslLlon low-skllled, long-Lerm unemployed and under-
employed lndlvlduals, prepare Lhem for enLry-level unlon and non-unlon [obs, aLLaln credenLlals enabllng
Lhem Lo meeL general employer sLandards, and place parLlclpanLs ln real [obs and career prospecLs aL a
llvlng wage.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll wlll deslgnaLe provlders for Lhls lnlLlaLlve posL-budgeL adopLlon.

MW8L Leadersh|p Assoc|at|ons 5600,000
Agency: Small 8uslness Servlces (801)
rogram Area: Lconomlc & llnanclal CpporLunlLy: M/W8L
U]A: 003 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
Area Served: ClLywlde
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2007
1arget opu|at|on: MlnorlLy and women-owned buslnesses
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: lundlng wlll provlde for a range of servlces lncludlng guldance on governmenL
conLracLlng for poLenLlal or ClLy-cerLlfled MW8Ls, asslsLance ln connecLlng MlnorlLy Women 8uslness
LnLrepreneurs Lo poLenLlal cusLomers, ald ln Lhe developmenL of blds and proposals, asslsLance ln securlng
pro[ecL flnanclng and bondlng, and Lhe promoLlon and markeLlng of Lhe ClLy's MW8L program.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlders for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
ACClCn LasL, lnc. 11-3317234 $66,703
8rooklyn Lconomlc uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 11-2310289 $60,923
Parlem 8uslness Alllance, lnc. 13-3391330 $63,930
new 8ronx Chamber of Commerce, 1he 37-1443163 $43,930
new ?ork Women's Chamber of Commerce, lnc. 14-1843631 $78,940
Cueens Lconomlc uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 11-2436149 $60,923
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 72
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
S8S MW8L rogram ManagemenL 13-6400434 $70,000
SouLh 8ronx Cverall Lconomlc uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 13-2736022 $66,703
WesL 8rlghLon CommunlLy Local uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 13-3046424 $43,930
Women 8ullders Councll, lnc. 27-0111010 $43,930

New Sk|||s]New Iobs 5S98,000
Agency: Small 8uslness Servlces (801)
rogram Area: Workforce uevelopmenL: 1ralnlng
U]A: 011 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
Area Served: ClLywlde
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
1arget opu|at|on: Long-Lerm unemployed
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: S8S wlll creaLe and run an on-Lhe-[ob Lralnlng program LhaL wlll Lraln long-
Lerm unemployed new ?orkers.
Des|gnat|on Method: lundlng ls allocaLed dlrecLly Lo Lhe ueparLmenL of Small 8uslness Servlces.

Industr|a| 8us|ness So|ut|ons rov|ders (I8S) 5830,000
Agency: Small 8uslness Servlces (801)
rogram Area: 8uslness uevelopmenL
U]A: 002 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
Area Served: ClLywlde
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2012
1arget opu|at|on: lndusLrlal 8uslness SoluLlons rovlders (l8S)
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls lnlLlaLlve wlll fund lndusLrlal 8uslness SoluLlons rovlders LhaL provlde
flnanclal and Lechnlcal asslsLance Lo manufacLurlng flrms and help flrms become efflclenL ln Lhelr workspace
and help Lhem sLay ln new ?ork ClLy.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll wlll deslgnaLe provlders and amounLs for Lhls lnlLlaLlve posL-
budgeL adopLlon.

SCC Iam||y of Serv|ces]Center for Iam||y L|fe Worker Cooperat|ves 5148,000
Agency: Small 8uslness Servlces (801)
rogram Area: 8uslness uevelopmenL
U]A: 002 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
Area Served ManhaLLan, Cueens, 8rooklyn
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
1arget opu|at|on: Low-lncome mlnorlLy women
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1he SCC lamlly of Servlces/CenLer for lamlly Llfe wlll lncubaLe Lwo or Lhree
worker cooperaLlves ln low-lncome nelghborhoods ln new ?ork, creaLlng beLween 60-90 [obs. 1he pro[ecL
wlll span Lhree years, aL whlch polnL Lhe employee owned cooperaLlves should become lndependenL.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlder for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
SCC CenLer for lamlly Llfe SunseL ark 11-2777066 $148,000

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 73
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
Sma|| 8us|ness]Iob Deve|opment]I|nanc|a| L|teracy 5600,000
Agency: Small 8uslness Servlces (801)
rogram Area: 8uslness uevelopmenL
U]A: 002 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
Area Served ClLywlde
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2007
1arget opu|at|on: Small buslnesses
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls lnlLlaLlve wlll supporL Lechnlcal and flnanclal asslsLance, buslness
counsellng and flnanclal llLeracy educaLlon Lo enLrepreneurs and small buslnesses.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlders for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
ACClCn LasL, lnc. 11-3317234 $64,300
Aslan Amerlcans for LquallLy 13-3187792 $83,300
8uslness CuLreach CenLer neLwork, lnc. 11-3306111 $106,730
Carlbbean Amerlcan Chamber of Commerce and lndusLry, lnc. 11-2903423 $83,300
Parlem 8uslness Alllance, lnc. 13-3391330 $64,300
!amalca 8uslness 8esource CenLer 11-3306944 $64,300
Cueens Lconomlc uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 11-2436149 $43,230
SL. nlck's Alllance CorporaLlon 31-0192170 $83,300

Workforce Deve|opment-ueens 1ech Lducat|on 56S,000
Agency: Small 8uslness Servlces (801)
rogram Area: Workforce uevelopmenL-1ralnlng
U]A: 011 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
Area Served: ClLywlde
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
1arget opu|at|on: n?C resldenLs
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls plloL workforce developmenL program wlll brlng Lech educaLlon courses Lo
Cun? campuses ln Cueens Lo Lraln n?C resldenLs ln skllls LhaL wlll help Lhem secure [obs ln Lhe ClLy's Lech
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlder for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
CoallLlon for Cueens, lnc. 61-1632332 $63,000

Worker Cooperat|ve 8us|ness Deve|opment In|t|at|ve 51,200,000
Agency: Small 8uslness Servlces (801)
rogram Area: 8uslness uevelopmenL
U]A: 002 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
Area Served: ClLywlde
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
1arget opu|at|on: CooperaLlve enLrepreneurs, unemployed, underemployed and dlscouraged
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: lundlng wlll supporL Lhe creaLlon of 234 [obs ln worker cooperaLlves
buslnesses by coordlnaLlng educaLlon and Lralnlng resources and by provldlng Lechnlcal, legal and flnanclal
asslsLance. 1he lnlLlaLlve wlll fund a comprehenslve clLywlde efforL Lo reach 920 cooperaLlve
enLrepreneurs, provlde for Lhe sLarL-up of 28 new worker cooperaLlve small buslnesses and asslsLs anoLher
20 exlsLlng cooperaLlves.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 74
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlders for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
8ronx CooperaLlve uevelopmenL lnlLlaLlve (8Cul) 43-2201993 $64,000
CenLer for lamlly Llfe 11-2777066 $147,000
Cun? Law School 11-2841731 $33,000
uemocracy aL Work lnsLlLuLe (uAWl) 27-3263123 $110,000
lederaLlon of roLesLanL Welfare Agencles (lWA) 13-3362220 $106,000
Creen Worker CooperaLlves 20-1828936 $163,000
lCA Croup 04-2628399 $100,000
Make Lhe 8oad new ?ork 11-3344389 $70,000
n?C neLwork of Worker CooperaLlves (n?CnCWC) 46-3243034 $113,000
1he Worklng World (1WW) 20-2264384 $230,000
urban !usLlce CenLer 13-3442022 $38,000

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 7S
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
1ax Comm|ss|on

1ax Comm|ss|on
I|sca| 201S Counc|| In|t|at|ves
Agency In|t|at|ve Amount
ClLy Councll 1ax 8eform Commlsslon $424,000
1C1AL 5424,000

1ax keform Comm|ss|on 5424,000
Agency: new ?ork ClLy Councll (102)
U]A: 002 - CommlLLee SLafflng - ersonal Servlces
200 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: ClLy 1axpayers
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1he Lemporary commlsslon wlll be charged wlLh Lhe Lask of evaluaLlng
and recommendlng reforms LhaL would lmprove Lhe equlLy, efflclency, and Lransparency of new ?ork
ClLy's properLy Lax sysLem. ln addlLlon, lL wlll examlne Lhe ClLy's Lax expendlLures on economlc
developmenL and on houslng also ln an efforL Lo lncrease Lhelr Lransparency and efflclency. 1he
commlsslon would be supporLed by sLaff from Lhe ClLy Councll and wlll have Lhe ablllLy Lo commlsslon
ouLslde sLudles where necessary. 1he 1ax Commlsslon wlll sLarL work ln Lhe fall of 2014 and release
lLs flnal reporL wlLhln 18 monLhs of lLs sLarL. Cf Lhe LoLal deslgnaLlon, $173,000 wlll be allocaLed for
personal servlce cosLs and $249,000 wlll be allocaLed Lowards oLher Lhan personal servlce cosLs
assoclaLed wlLh new sLafflng ln order Lo meeL Lhe scope of work ouLllned above.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1hls fundlng ls allocaLed dlrecLly Lo Lhe new ?ork ClLy Councll.

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 76
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
Veterans Serv|ces

Veteran Serv|ces In|t|at|ve
I|sca| 201S Counc|| In|t|at|ves
Agency In|t|at|ve Amount
S8S !ob lacemenL for veLerans $100,000
P8A Legal Servlces for veLerans $100,000
uCPMP MenLal PealLh Servlces for veLerans $100,000
u?Cu veLerans CommunlLy uevelopmenL $30,000
S8S Servlces for Women veLerans $30,000
1C1AL 5400,000

Iob |acement for Veterans 5100,000
Agency: Small 8uslness Servlces (801)
rogram Area: Workforce uevelopmenL
U]A: 011 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: veLerans
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ces: lundlng wlll be used Lo faclllLaLe LranslLlon of veLerans, naLlonal Cuard
and 8eservlsLs lnLo quallLy [ob Lralnlng and careers wlLhln Lhe consLrucLlon lndusLry.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlder for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
PelmeLs Lo PardhaLs, n?C 80-0931998 $100,000

Lega| Serv|ces for Veterans 5100,000
Agency: Puman 8esources AdmlnlsLraLlon (069)
rogram Area: Legal Servlces
U]A: 103 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: veLerans
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: lundlng wlll provlde legal servlces for n?C veLerans on a broad range of
maLLers whlch lnclude: famlly law, houslng, publlc beneflLs, healLhcare and home care, flnanclal
plannlng, and consumer proLecLlon.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlder for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
n? Legal AsslsLance Croup 13-3303428 $100,000

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 77
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary

Menta| nea|th Serv|ces for Veterans 5100,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of PealLh and MenLal Pyglene (816)
rogram Area: MenLal PealLh Servlces
U]A: 120 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: veLerans
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: lundlng wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe veLerans MenLal PealLh CoallLlon of
new ?ork ClLy, a dlverse coallLlon of 1,000 members co-founded by MenLal PealLh AssoclaLlon of new
?ork ClLy and nAMl-n?C MeLro. 1he CoallLlon ls a broad based credlble volce for Lhe behavloral healLh
needs of veLerans and Lhelr famllles.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlder for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
MenLal PealLh AssoclaLlon of n?C 13-2637308 $100,000

Veterans Commun|ty Deve|opment 5S0,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of ?ouLh and CommunlLy uevelopmenL (260)
rogram Area: CommunlLy uevelopmenL
U]A: 003 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: veLerans
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ces: lundlng ls for programs ln four key lmpacL areas: supporLlng new
veLerans ln healLh, educaLlon, employmenL and bulldlng a lasLlng communlLy for veLs and Lhelr famllles.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlder for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
lraq and AfghanlsLan veLerans of Amerlca (lAvA) 20-11664331 $30,000

Serv|ces for Women Veterans 5S0,000
Agency: Small 8uslness Servlces (801)
rogram Area: Workforce uevelopmenL 1ralnlng
U]A: 011 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: veLerans
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ces: lundlng wlll be used Lo faclllLaLe LranslLlon of veLerans, naLlonal Cuard
and 8eservlsLs lnLo quallLy [ob Lralnlng and careers wlLhln Lhe consLrucLlon lndusLry, Lhrough PelmeLs Lo
PardhaLs n?C.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlder for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
Servlce Women's AcLlon neLwork (SWAn) 13-2612324 $30,000

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 78
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
outh and Commun|ty Deve|opment
outh and Commun|ty Deve|opment
I|sca| 201S Counc|| In|t|at|ves
Agency In|t|at|ve Amount
u?Cu AdulL LlLeracy lnlLlaLlve $730,000
u?Cu 8lg 8roLhers 8lg SlsLers of new ?ork ClLy $400,000
u?Cu CommunlLles of Color non-roflL SLablllzaLlon lund $2,300,000
u?Cu Summer ?ouLh LmploymenL rogram (S?L) $13,200,000
u?Cu new ?ork !unlor 1ennls League $800,000
u?Cu n?C ulglLal lncluslon and LlLeracy lnlLlaLlve $730,000
u?Cu SporLs and ArLs ln Schools loundaLlon (SASl) $1,000,000
u?Cu SporLs 1ralnlng and 8olemodels for Success (S1A8S) lnlLlaLlve $1,000,000
u?Cu Summer CuL of School 1lme (CS1) $17,300,000
u?Cu 1he AfLer-1hree CorporaLlon (1ASC) $3,000,000
u?Cu WPLuCo $210,000
u?Cu ?MCA AfLer-School rogram $330,000
u?Cu ?ouLh AcLlon 8ulld lnlLlaLlve 2,100,000
1C1AL 54S,S60,000

Adu|t L|teracy In|t|at|ve 57S0,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of ?ouLh Servlces and CommunlLy uevelopmenL (260)
U]A: 003 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2008
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: AdulLs
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls fundlng creaLes addlLlonal baslc llLeracy, Lngllsh for Speakers of CLher
Languages, and CraduaLe LqulvalenL uegree classes for adulLs who cannoL read, wrlLe, and speak Lngllsh,
along wlLh supporL servlces such as counsellng and case managemenL.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll wlll deslgnaLe Lhe organlzaLlons and Lhe amounL each wlll
recelve under Lhls lnlLlaLlve posL-budgeL adopLlon.

8|g 8rothers 8|g S|sters of New ork C|ty 5400,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of ?ouLh Servlces and CommunlLy uevelopmenL (260)
U]A: 312 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2014
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: ?ouLh
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: lunds wlll allow 8lg 8roLhers 8lg SlsLers Lo provlde menLorlng servlces Lo n?C
youLh, many of whom are dlsabled, pregnanL or parenLlng, lmmlgranLs, and arresLed chlldren. AddlLlonally,
8lg 8roLhers 8lg SlsLers wlll be able Lo provlde educaLlonal supporL and Lralnlng of oLher youLh organlzaLlons
across Lhe flve boroughs.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlder for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
8lg 8roLhers 8lg SlsLers 13-3600383 $400,000
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 79
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary

Commun|t|es of Co|or Non-rof|t Stab|||zat|on Iund 52,S00,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of ?ouLh Servlces and CommunlLy uevelopmenL (260)
U]A: 003 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: non-proflLs servlng communlLles of color LhroughouL Lhe flve boroughs of new
?ork ClLy.
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: lunds wlll supporL capaclLy bulldlng, sLrengLhenlng, and resculng of nonproflL
human servlce provlders LhaL serve communlLles of color by offerlng capaclLy bulldlng granLs Lo over 140
quallfylng organlzaLlons for Lhe followlng needs: flnanclal managemenL, board developmenL, fund
developmenL, nonproflL managemenL and leadershlp Lralnlng, lnformaLlon Lechnology, faclllLaLed
collaboraLlons and merger plannlng, and ouLcomes Lralnlng.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlder for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
CoallLlon for Aslan Amerlcan Chlldren and lamllles 13-3682471 $833,333
Plspanlc lederaLlon 13-3373832 $833,333
new ?ork urban League 13-1671033 $833,333

Summer outh Lmp|oyment rogram (SL) 51S,200,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of ?ouLh Servlces and CommunlLy uevelopmenL (260)
U]A: 312 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: ?ouLh
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon wlll expand Lhe Summer ?ouLh LmploymenL rogram (S?L) by
10,640 sloLs.
Des|gnat|on Method: lundlng ls provlded dlrecLly Lo u?Cu Lo dlsLrlbuLe Lo currenL S?L conLracLors.

New ork Iun|or 1enn|s League 5800,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of ?ouLh Servlces and CommunlLy uevelopmenL (260)
U]A: 312 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2001
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: ?ouLh
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls fundlng ls allocaLed Lo Lhe new ?ork !unlor 1ennls League program,
whlch serves youLh clLywlde vla lLs Schoolyard 1ennls rogram (ln-school), Lhe CommunlLy 1ennls rogram
(afLer-school/summer), lLs Larly Mornlng WlnLer rogram, Lhe Advanced 1ennls 1eam and educaLlonal
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlder for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
new ?ork !unlor 1ennls League 23-7442236 $800,000

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 80
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
NC D|g|ta| Inc|us|on and L|teracy In|t|at|ve 57S0,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of ?ouLh Servlces and CommunlLy uevelopmenL (260)
U]A: 003 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlce
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: Senlors, ?ouLh, and lmmlgranL CommunlLles
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls program seeks Lo address Lhe dlsparlLles ln access Lo Lhe lnLerneL and
lncrease dlglLal llLeracy across Lhe ClLy. lL funds a program ln each of Lhe 31 Councll ulsLrlcLs Lhrough a
local non-proflL LhaL serves senlors, youLh, and/or lmmlgranL communlLles. lunded programs wlll focus on
compuLer Lralnlng and educaLlon, supporLlng 21sL cenLury Lechnology skllls developmenL, and lmprovlng
access Lo hlgh-speed lnLerneL. lundlng ls for organlzaLlons wlLh experlence and experLlse ln provldlng
Lechnology-based servlces Lo populaLlons LhaL lack access Lo compuLers or oLher Lechnology skllls Lralnlng.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll wlll deslgnaLe Lhe organlzaLlons and Lhe amounL each wlll
recelve under Lhls lnlLlaLlve posL-budgeL adopLlon.

Sports and Arts |n Schoo|s Idtn (SASI) 51,000,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of ?ouLh and CommunlLy uevelopmenL (260)
U]A: 312 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2001
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: ?ouLh
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon funds Lhe SporLs and ArLs ln Schools loundaLlon (SASl),
whlch annually serves approxlmaLely 30,000 youLh clLywlde. 1hrough lLs afLer-school and CooperaLlve
PealLhy AcLlve MoLlvaLed and oslLlve SLudenLs (C.P.A.M..S.) programs, Lhe laLLer ls collaboraLlon
beLween SASl, Lhe Councll and Lhe ueparLmenL of LducaLlon, LhaL offers afLer-school sporLs and flLness
programs deslgned Lo flghL chlldhood obeslLy and encourage youLh Lo be more physlcally acLlve.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlder for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
SporLs and ArLs ln Schools loundaLlon 11-3112633 $1,000,000

Sports 1ra|n|ng and ko|emode|s for Success In|t|at|ve (S1AkS) 51,000,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of ?ouLh Servlces and CommunlLy uevelopmenL (260)
U]A: 312 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: ?ouLh Clrls
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: lundlng wlll supporL Lhe S1A8S Serles ln afLer-school programlng
promoLlng physlcal acLlvlLy, healLhy llvlng and wellness for elemenLary and mlddle school glrls. lor hlgh
school glrls, SuperS1A8S Leadershlp Academy wlll produce an 8-week lnLenslve summer program
provldlng glrls opporLunlLles Lo be physlcally acLlve and form healLhy llvlng hablLs, develop workplace and
llfe skllls, be connecLed wlLh menLorshlp, and explore Lhe college admlsslons process. AddlLlonally, Lhe
SuperS1A8S Symposlum wlll be a one-day evenL Lo bulld upon whaL parLlclpanLs have learned and
connecL furLher wlLh successful women who wlll share llfe-lessons, college/career advlce, sporLs cllnlcs,
and neLworklng.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed as Lhe provlder for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
ower lay 13-4043021 $1,000,000
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 81
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary

Summer Cut of Schoo| 1|me (CS1) 517,S00,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of ?ouLh Servlces and CommunlLy uevelopmenL (260)
U]A: 312 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: ?ouLh
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1hls allocaLlon conLlnues 181 CuL of School 1lme (CS1) summer
programs for elemenLary school youLh. CS1 programs, provlde a mlx of academlc, recreaLlonal, and
culLural acLlvlLles.
Des|gnat|on Method: lundlng ls provlded dlrecLly Lo Lhe agency for currenL conLracLs LhaL were
selecLed compeLlLlvely by u?Cu.

1he After 1hree Corporat|on (1ASC) 3,000,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of ?ouLh Servlces and CommunlLy uevelopmenL (260)
U]A: 312 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2014
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: ?ouLh
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1he fundlng supporLs Lhe expanslon of quallLy afLer-school educaLlon and
enrlchmenL programs for school chlldren clLywlde.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlder for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
1he AfLer 1hree CorporaLlon (1ASC) 13-4004600 $3,000,000

Women's nous|ng and Lconom|c Deve|opment Corp (WnLDCC) 5210,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of ?ouLh Servlces and CommunlLy uevelopmenL (260)
U]A: 312 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces - C1S
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2014
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: ?ouLh
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: 1o provlde dlrecL servlces Lo small-buslness owners and enLrepreneurs Lhrough
Women's Pouslng and Lconomlc uevelopmenL CorporaLlon (WPLuCo's) Pome-based Chlldcare (P8CC)
MlcroenLerprlse rogram. 1hrough P8CC, WPLuCo wlll Lraln 300 low-lncome lnformal chlldcare provlders and
help 100 compleLe Lhe llcenslng process Lo launch home-based chlldcare buslnesses. P8CC ls comprlsed of Lhe
Pome-8ased Chlldcare MlcroenLerprlse neLwork, and Lhe Chlldcare lmprovemenL ro[ecL (Cl), whlch ls Lhelr
Lralnlng, and professlonal developmenL lnlLlaLlve for unllcensed chlldcare provlders Lo lncrease Lhelr earnlngs.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlder for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
Women's Pouslng and Lconomlc uevelopmenL Corp (WPLuCo) 11-3099604 210,000

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 82
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary

MCA After-Schoo| rogram 53S0,000
Agency: ueparLmenL of ?ouLh Servlces and CommunlLy uevelopmenL (260)
U]A: 312 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2001
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: ?ouLh
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: ?MCA's vlrLual ? program, whlch ls now replaced by 1he ? AfLer School, ls an ln
school/afLer-school program prlmarlly servlng second, Lhlrd, and fourLh graders wlLh a focus on llLeracy, and
educaLlonal relnforcemenL LhaL operaLes Lhree hours a day, flve days a week ln some of new ?ork's hlgh need
publlc elemenLary schools.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll has deslgnaLed Lhe followlng provlder for llscal 2013:
Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN Amount
?MCA of CreaLer new ?ork 11-2030172 $330,000

NC outh 8u||d ro[ect In|t|at|ve 52,100,000
Agency: ?ouLh Servlces & CommunlLy uevelopmenL (260)
U]A: 312 - CLher 1han ersonal Servlces
I|rst ear Iunded: l? 2013
Area Served: ClLywlde
1arget opu|at|on: ?ouLh
Descr|pt|on]Scope of Serv|ce: ?ouLh 8ulld ls a n?C program LhaL Lhe ClLy Councll helped launch durlng Lhe
1980s, and whlch has spread across Lhe counLry and Lo 14 oLher naLlons. Lvery year, 10,000 or more Amerlcan
youLh enLer Lhls comprehenslve, LransformaLlonal program, wlLh walLlng llsLs Lo geL ln. 1hls ls a momenL for
Lhe Councll Lo answer Lhe call of Lhe youLh ln need, and aL Lhe same Llme Lo re-asserL lLs role ln Lhe ?ouLh 8ulld
movemenL. under Lhls ClLy Councll lnlLlaLlve, 360 youLh LhaL are ouL of school and ouL of work wlll be served ln
dlsLrlcLs all over Lhe ClLy Lhrough comprehenslve ?ouLh 8ulld programs. lL ls deslgned Lo parLner wlLh and
complemenL Lhe federal funds, so LhaL where Lhe uS/uCL-?ouLh 8ulld funds do become avallable, Lhe ClLy
conLrlbuLes $140,000 Lo supplemenL and exLend Lhose programs, and where federal funds are noL awarded
Lhrough Lhe unlLed SLaLes/ueparLmenL of Labor (uS/uCL) ?ouLh 8ulld program, Lhe ClLy conLrlbuLes $669,600
Lo make Lhose pro[ecLs whole and reLaln Lhe servlces for our ClLy's youLh.
Des|gnat|on Method: 1he ClLy Councll wlll deslgnaLe Lhe organlzaLlons and Lhe amounL each wlll
recelve under Lhls lnlLlaLlve posL-budgeL adopLlon.

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 83
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
Append|x A: L|st of 8ase||ned In|t|at|ves
llscal 2013 8asellned 8esLoraLlons and Councll lnlLlaLlves
Agency kestorat|on ] In|t|at|ves Amount (5000)
ACS Chlld Care 8esLoraLlon $62,300
Cun? 8lack Male lnlLlaLlve $2,300
uCLA CoallLlon of 1heaLers of Color $700
uCLA CulLural AfLer School AdvenLure (CASA) $3,100
uCLA CulLural lnsLlLuLlons Croup 8esLoraLlon $39,779
uCLA CulLural rograms Croup $14,313
uCLA ueslgn Week $100
ul1A ClLy Meals on Wheels $1,000
ul1A Llder Abuse LC 8esLoraLlon $800
ul1A lnformaLlon and 8eferrals ConLracLs $1,000
ul1A nC8Cs $900
ul1A Senlor CenLers and Servlces $2,989
ul1A Soclal AdulL uay Care $400
ul1A 8orough resldenL ulscreLlonary LC 8esLoraLlon $4,100
ul1A Case ManagemenL LC 8esLoraLlon $3,300
ul1A Space CosLs for Senlor CenLers $1,300
ul1A 1ransporLaLlon CperaLlng CosLs $2,000
uPS Medlcal Servlces LC 8esLoraLlon $1,200
uCL School Lunch lee $7,300
uCL CusLodlal CperaLlons LC 8esLoraLlon $3,000
uCPMP AnLl-Cun vlolence lnlLlaLlve $2,383
uCPMP AsLhma ConLrol rogram $300
uCPMP AuLlsm Awareness lnlLlaLlve $1,310
uCPMP 8alley Pouse $123
uCPMP Callen Lorde CommunlLy PealLh CenLer $330
uCPMP Cancer lnlLlaLlve $1,323
uCPMP Chlldren under llve lnlLlaLlve $1,230
uCPMP lamlly lannlng $330
uCPMP CerlaLrlc MenLal PealLh Servlces $2,000
uCPMP Plv revenLlon and PealLh LlLeracy for Senlors $400
uCPMP Plv/AluS CommunlLles of Color lnlLlaLlve $1,123
uCPMP Plv/AluS lalLh 8ased lnlLlaLlve $1,300
uCPMP lnfanL MorLallLy 8educLlon lnlLlaLlve $2,300
uCPMP ln[ecLlon urug users PealLh Alllance (luuPA) $1,000
uCPMP MenLal PealLh ConLracLs $373
uCPMP CbeslLy lnLervenLlon rogram $1,300
uCPMP PASA nuLrlLlon rogram AdmlnlsLraLlon $993
uCPMP Plv ConLracLs LC 8esLoraLlon $2,716
uCPMP nov 2012 lan Mld-?ear MP LC 8esLoraLlon $246
uCPMP n?u Moblle uenLal van $268
uCPMP School-8ased PealLh Cllnlcs $773
uCPMP Sulclde revenLlon PoLllne $247
uCPMP ?oung AdulL lnsLlLuLe and Workshop, lnc. (?Al) $200
uCPMP Cllnlc and CuLreach Layoff LC 8esLoraLlon $318
uCPMP Cllnlc and CuLreach Servlces LC 8esLoraLlon $297
uCPMP MenLal PealLh LC 8esLoraLlon - Chemlcal uependency $323
uCPMP MenLal PealLh LC 8esLoraLlon - uu Cllnlcs $806
uCPMP MenLal PealLh LC 8esLoraLlon - MenLal PealLh rovlders $1,164
uCPMP 8apld Plv 1esLlng $2,000
u8 !1 8esLoraLlon $16,437
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 84
I|sca| ear 201S Adopted Lxpense 8udget Ad[ustment Summary
Agency kestorat|on ] In|t|at|ves Amount (5000)
u8 layground AssoclaLes 8esLoraLlon $1,000
u8 ool Closure and Season 8educLlon LC 8esLoraLlon $1,437
u8 Seasonal Workforce 8esLoraLlon $11,003
u8 1ree runlng LC 8esLoraLlon $2,000
u?Cu AdulL LlLeracy Councll lnlLlaLlve $1,300
u?Cu lmmlgranL CpporLunlLles lnlLlaLlve $4,300
u?Cu AdulL LlLeracy LC 8esLoraLlon $1,000
u?Cu CornersLone LC 8esLoraLlon $926
u?Cu CuL of School 1lme Councll 8esLoraLlon $31,400
u?Cu 8unaway and Pomeless ?ouLh 8esLoraLlon $7,170
u?Cu 8eacon Closure LC 8esLoraLlon $2,146
u?Cu 8eacon LC 8esLoraLlon $2,300
u?Cu ueferred AcLlon for Chlldhood Arrlvals (uACA) $7,300
u?Cu CuL of School 1lme LC 8esLoraLlon $10,000
LlecLed Cfflclals 8ronx 8orough resldenL LC 8esLoraLlon $2,142
LlecLed Cfflclals 8rooklyn 8orough resldenL LC 8esLoraLlon $2,417
LlecLed Cfflclals ManhaLLan 8orough resldenL LC 8esLoraLlon $2,061
LlecLed Cfflclals Cueens 8orough resldenL LC 8esLoraLlon $1,836
LlecLed Cfflclals SLaLen lsland 8orough resldenL 8esLoraLlon $1,873
LlecLed Cfflclals ubllc AdvocaLe LC 8esLoraLlon $883
lun? llre Company 8esLoraLlon $39,190
PPC Chlld PealLh Cllnlcs $3,000
PPC PPC uevelopmenLal LvaluaLlon Cllnlcs $1,467
PPC PPC unresLrlcLed Subsldy LC 8esLoraLlon $6,000
P8A lood anLrles lnlLlaLlve $1,300
P8A PASA Money ManagemenL CMPC 8esLoraLlon $200
P8A PASA SupporLlve Pouslng Case Managers $2,718
P8A PASA SupporLlve Pouslng ConLracL $2,368
P8A 1een 8A $2,000
Llbrarles Llbrarles LC 8esLoraLlon $106,333
ubllc AdmlnlsLraLors LC 8esLoraLlon $384

1C1AL: 5S03,748

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 8S

Append|x 8: Ag|ng D|scret|onary
Council Member Legal Name of Organization EIN
Amount ($) Purpose of Funds
92nd SLreeL ? (?oung Mens and ?oung Womens Pebrew
AssoclaLlon) 131624229 * 14,300 lunds wlll be used Lo supporL senlor programmlng.
Clbson 1332 lulLon Avenue uay Care CenLer, lnc. 132690309 * 20,000
lunds wlll go Lowards provldlng senlor clLlzens LhaL are or have been ralslng
chlldren wlLh counsellng, referrals, soclal servlces and soclal evenLs wlLhln Lhe
uromm AA8 ChapLer #991 !ackson PelghLs 237247760 3,300 1o fund renL for meeLlng space for senlors program
ulckens Abysslnlan uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 133332134 * 4,230
AuC nnC8C, 1he program wlll lnvesL funds Lo provlde program acLlvlLles, offlce
supplles and operaLlonal expenses.
Menchaca Academy Cf Medlcal And ubllc PealLh Servlces 272206293 3,300
lunds Lo supporL 1he PealLh LlLeracy for Lhe Llderly rogram whlch offers
healLh educaLlon workshops Lo promoLe knowledge of dlseases, healLh and
nuLrlLlon managemenL, and up-Lo-daLe healLhcare regulaLlons speclflcally Lo
Lhe elderly lmmlgranL populaLlon
!ohnson AcLors lund of Amerlca, 1he 131633231 * 3,000
lundlng ls requesLed Lo supporL 1he AcLors lunds work wlLh lLs Senlors
Advlsory CommlLLee, whlch was esLabllshed ln 2011 Lo survey local senlors and
make recommendaLlons on how besL Lo serve Lhe aglng populaLlon of Lhe
Chelsea/Pells klLchen nelghborhoods
Lugene AgudaLh lsrael of Amerlca CommunlLy Servlces, lnc. 133973090 * 16,623 lunds wlll be used for rec/ed, prlnLlng, replacemenL lLems, and conLracLs fees
8odrlguez AgudaLh lsrael of Amerlca CommunlLy Servlces, lnc. 133973090 * 10,000 lundlng Lo subsldlze raw food cosLs for Morlah Senlor CenLer
Creenfleld AgudaLh lsrael of Amerlca CommunlLy Servlces, lnc. 133973090 * 13,000 lunds wlll be used for rec/ed, prlnLlng, replacemenL lLems, and conLracLs fees
Mlller Allen CommunlLy Senlor ClLlzens CenLer, lnc. 112326244 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo help wlLh Lhe rlslng cosL of food and Lo help malnLaln
operaLlon of our refrlgeraLors and freezers as well as a new servlng carL. 1o
also fund senlor Lrlps, purchase a new copler machlne, lnk and paper supplles
for our compuLer clas
Mlller Alpha hl Alpha Senlor ClLlzens CenLer, lnc. 237436147 10,000
lundlng Lo supporL upgrade of Lelephone sysLem, as well as klLchen needs and
program acLlvlLles.
Alzhelmer's ulsease and 8elaLed ulsorders AssoclaLlon - new
?ork ClLy, lnc. 133277408 * 3,300
lundlng wlll supporL educaLlon, ouLreach and free enrollmenL ln Lhe Safe
8eLurn program, whlch provldes supporL for persons wlLh Alzhelmer's dlsease .
Alzhelmer's ulsease and 8elaLed ulsorders AssoclaLlon - new
?ork ClLy, lnc. 133277408 * 3,000
1he program Lo be funded, MedlcAlerLAlzhelmer's AssoclaLlon Safe 8eLurn
(MAS8) ln Lhe 31sL Councll ulsLrlcL.
Alzhelmer's ulsease and 8elaLed ulsorders AssoclaLlon - new
?ork ClLy, lnc. 133277408 * 3,300
lundlng supporLs MedlcAlerLSafe 8eLurn (MAS8) program whlch provldes
an lu braceleL, walleL cards and oLher ldenLlflers for persons wlLh demenLla
who wander, so Lhey can be asslsLed qulckly and reLurned home.
Alzhelmer's ulsease and 8elaLed ulsorders AssoclaLlon - new
?ork ClLy, lnc. 133277408 * 3,000
1o fund Lhe MedlcAlerL Alzhelmer's AssoclaLlon Safe 8eLurn (MAS8) program
for senlors ln Councll ulsLrlcL 7. lundlng wlll supporL and lncrease ln MAS8
enrollmenL ln Councll ulsLrlcL 7.
MaLLeo Alzhelmer's loundaLlon of SLaLen lsland, lnc. 133183040 * 3,000
lunds wlll be used for supporL groups, semlnars, equlpmenL loans, lrlendly
Calls and lnformaLlonal Culde Lo Careglvlng
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 86

Amerlcan AssoclaLlon of PolocausL Survlvors of Lhe lormer
SovleL unlon 113393338 * 2,300
1o fund soclal evenLs for elderly holocausL survlvors lncludlng holldays, 8usslan
culLural holldays, food packages and evenLs celebraLlng Lhe survlval of
assoclaLlon members. Servlces lnclude, a supporL program for survlvors
allowlng Lhem Lo soclallze and
Creenfleld Amerlcan-lLallan CoallLlon of CrganlzaLlons, lnc. (AMlCC) 112488439 * 7,300
lunds wlll be used for wellness and healLh programmlng for older adulLs,
speclflcally Lhe funds wlll go for paymenL of yoga, and healLh lnsLrucLors.
AddlLlonally fundlng wlll be used Lo defray cosLs of purchaslng exerclse
equlpmenL for Lhe cenLer's gym f
Menchaca Amerlcan-lLallan CoallLlon of CrganlzaLlons, lnc. (AMlCC) 112488439 * 4,000
lunds Lo provlde senlor clLlzens, dlsabled lndlvlduals, and famllles wlLh
lnformaLlon, referral and case asslsLance servlces aL Lwo program slLes ln Lhe
8ensonhursL and Carroll Cardens secLlons of 8rooklyn.
Amerlcan-lLallan CoallLlon of CrganlzaLlons, lnc. (AMlCC) -
Llleen C uugan Senlor CenLer 112488439 * 7,300
1o supporL recreaLlonal and educaLlonal acLlvlLles for senlors aL SunseL ark
Senlor ClLlzens CenLer.
lgnlzlo AmveLs osL 103, lnc. 841633136 3,300
lundlng wlll be uLlllzed Lo provlde cloLhlng, wlnLer coaLs and hyglene klLs Lo
homeless veLerans. 1o arrange Lrlps and ouLlngs for day care paLlenLs. rovlde
recreaLlonal lLems lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo-books, crafL klLs, puzzles and
supplles for use
Levlne A8C xvl lorL WashlngLon, lnc. 132743426 * 3,000
lunds Lo supporL a blllngual LransporLaLlon clerk and admlnlsLraLlve and
programmaLlc needs aL A8C Senlor CenLer.
8odrlguez A8C xvl lorL WashlngLon, lnc. 132743426 * 10,000 lundlng Lo offseL cosLs of consulLanLs for Senlor CenLer
8odrlguez A8C xvl lorL WashlngLon, lnc. 132743426 * 13,000 lundlng Lo offseL cosLs of bl-llngual LransporLaLlon clerk and vehlcle expenses
Arroyo ArLhrlLls loundaLlon norLheasL 8eglon n? ChapLer 800489313 3,000
1o supporL Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of addlLlonal programs (regardlng ArLhrlLls) aL
communlLy locaLlons ln Councll ulsLrlcL 17.
CenLlle Aslan CommunlLy unlLed SocleLy, lnc. 264164117 * 3,300
lunds wlll pay Lhe renLal expense for a program for senlors speclallzlng ln
CanLonese Cpera and performlng for Lhe publlc.
ConsLanLlnldes AsLorla erformlng ArLs CenLer, lnc. 631209380 8,000 lundlng wlll be used Lo supporL a senlor arLs program.
Cohen 8edford ark MulLl-Servlce CenLer for Senlor ClLlzens, lnc. 132743303 30,000
lundlng Lo supporL programmlng, enLerLalnmenL, advocacy and LransporLaLlon
for senlors.
Cornegy 8edford SLuyvesanL 8esLoraLlon CorporaLlon 116083182 * 16,000
1o supporL programmlng and servlces assoclaLed wlLh Lhe Aglng lmprovemenL
Wllllams 8ed-SLuy Campalgn AgalnsL Punger, lnc. 200934834 * 3,000 lundlng for PealLh 360 program.
Creenfleld 8ensonhursL Councll of !ewlsh CrganlzaLlons 112368013 * 7,300
8equesLed funds wlll be used Lo provlde supporL for 8ensonhursL CC!C case
managemenL servlces. lundlng wlll pay for caseworkers who connecL cllenLs
wlLh compleLlng appllcaLlons for soclal servlce beneflLs lncludlng affordable
houslng Lhrough SecLlon 8,
8ergen 8asln CommunlLy uevelopmenL CorporaLlon d/b/a
Mlllennlum uevelopmenL 113199040 * 4,300
1o provlde healLh wellness classes, compuLer classes, and meals for senlor
8ergen 8asln CommunlLy uevelopmenL CorporaLlon d/b/a
Mlllennlum uevelopmenL 113199040 * 103,000
1o sponsor servlces aL saLelllLe slLes LhroughouL souLhern 8rooklyn lncludlng an
AcLlve AdulL program, healLh wellness classes, and oLher classes and acLlvlLles
for senlor clLlzens.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 87

8ergen 8asln CommunlLy uevelopmenL CorporaLlon d/b/a
Mlllennlum uevelopmenL 113199040 * 13,000
lunds Lo provlde servlces Lo Lhe senlors of enn WorLman: PealLh & wellness
classes such as yoga, exerclse, Lal chl, sLreLch, band, exerclse, dance, compuLer
learnlng and healLhy snacks, along wlLh breakfasL and lunch.
8ergen 8asln CommunlLy uevelopmenL CorporaLlon d/b/a
Mlllennlum uevelopmenL 113199040 * 12,000
lunds Lo provlde servlces Lo Lhe senlors of Abe SLark: PealLh & wellness classes
such as yoga, exerclse, Lal chl, sLreLch, band, exerclse, dance, compuLer
learnlng and healLhy snacks, along wlLh breakfasL and lunch.
8ergen 8asln CommunlLy uevelopmenL CorporaLlon d/b/a
Mlllennlum uevelopmenL 113199040 * 12,000
lunds Lo supporL senlor programmlng aL vandalla Senlor CenLer. lunds wlll be
used Lo provlde sLaff for varlous healLh and wellness classes, monLhly culLural
parLles and Lo provlde a healLhy snack on Lhe go.
8ergen 8asln CommunlLy uevelopmenL CorporaLlon d/b/a
Mlllennlum uevelopmenL 113199040 * 13,000 lunds Lo provlde meals and servlces Lo Lhe senlors of Mldwood
alma 8eLh Abraham PealLh Servlces 131739920 10,000
1o provlde programmlng for senlors, lncludlng wellness and healLh classes ,
Lrlps LhaL provlde culLurally dlverse learnlng experlences and lnLellecLually
sLlmulaLlng challenges. lundlng wlll cover cosLs assoclaLed wlLh varlous
workshops, consulLanL fees,
ulrlch 8lessed 1rlnlLy 8oman CaLhollc Church 262883471 3,000
lunds wlll supporL Lhe Colden Age club, servlng senlors ln Lhe surroundlng
areas, lncludlng hosLlng meeLlngs, speclal evenLs, senlor peer counsellng,
communlLy updaLes and lnformaLlon on senlor servlces.
Lander 8oro ark !ewlsh CommunlLy Councll 113473993 * 13,300 1o supporL lnlLlaLlves helplng senlors access local, sLaLe and federal beneflLs.
Menchaca 8oro ark !ewlsh CommunlLy Councll 113473993 * 9,000
lunds Lo offer servlces LhaL lnclude: advocacy, counsellng cllenLs on beneflLs
and enLlLlemenLs, advlslng and/or processlng appllcaLlons for lood SLamps,
Medlcald and Medlcare, Soclal SecurlLy, ulsablllLy, SecLlon 8 recerLlflcaLlon and
oLher governmenL e
Cornegy 8rldge SLreeL uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 113230772 10,000 1o supporL Lhe salary of Lhe ulrecLor of Senlor Servlces.
Arroyo 8ronx Councll on Lhe ArLs, lnc. 132601303 7,000
1o supporL senlor cenLers vlsual, and crafL workshops, and opporLunlLy for
senlors Lo aLLend performlng arLs evenLs, exhlblLlons, choral muslc, and oLher
arL programmlng.
1orres 8ronx !ewlsh CommunlLy Councll, lnc. 132744333 10,000
lunds wlll provlde soclal servlces aL Lhe communlLy cenLer locaLed 3176
8alnbrldge Avenue.
klng 8ronx !ewlsh CommunlLy Councll, lnc. 132744333 10,000
lundlng wlll supporL Case AsslsLance (lncludlng crlsls lnLervenLlon & anLl-
evlcLlon servlces) and lnformaLlon Servlces.
Cabrera 8ronxWorks, lnc. 133234484 * 12,300
PelghLs Senlor CenLer wlll use Councll funds Lo provlde Lhe followlng servlces:
Lngllsh as a Second Language (LSL) educaLlon, Spanlsh as a Second Language
classes, compuLer classes, physlcal flLness classes, and culLural arLs (folk
danclng) classes.
Cabrera 8ronxWorks, lnc. 133234484 * 12,300
8ronxWorks LasL Concourse Senlor CenLer wlll use Lhese funds Lo pay for arL
classes and LheaLer classes for senlors. ln addlLlon, funds wlll pay for supplles
for dally educaLlonal and recreaLlonal acLlvlLles, as well as occupancy cosLs noL
covered by Lh
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 88

Cabrera 8ronxWorks, lnc. 133234484 * 23,000
lunds are for Lhe Servlce LnhancemenL rogram of 8ronxWorks Morrls
lnnovaLlve Senlor CenLer. Speclflc acLlvlLles wlll be overseen by food servlce,
educaLlon recreaLlon, and soclal servlce sLaff. 1hese wlll lnclude: (1) Lhe
purchase of healLhy fresh foods
Clbson 8ronxWorks, lnc. 133234484 * 10,000
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe 8ronxWorks soclal servlces program for Lhe
naLurally Cccurrlng 8eLlremenL CommunlLy (nC8C) aL 8lver ark 1owers. 1he
program ls deslgned Lo help senlors overcome lsolaLlon, access resources, and
enhance Lhelr sense of lnd
Arroyo 8ronxWorks, lnc. 133234484 * 7,000
1o supporL acLlvlLles and servlces of Lhe senlor cenLer aL Lhe 8oberL L. Moore
Mark-vlverlLo 8ronxWorks, lnc. - L. 8oberLs Moore Senlor CenLer 133234484 * 6,300
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe Senlors PealLhy LaLlng and Wellness (SPLW)
8arron 8rookdale Senlor 8esldenL 1enanL AssoclaLlon 030488837 * 9,000
lunds wlll be used for 18AnSC81A1lCn SL8vlCLS 1C LvLn1S,MuSlCALS
CCnCL81S,1PLA1L8 LvLn1S, varlous Polldays, uAlL? AC1lvl1lLS,CCMu1L8
LLA8nlnC A81S Anu C8Al1S
Lander 8rooklyn ArLs Councll, lnc. 237072913 * 9,300 1o supporL ln-home servlces Lo homebound senlors.
Levln 8rooklyn 8ureau of CommunlLy Servlce 111630780 * 3,200
1o supporL senlor cenLer programmlng for adulLs wlLh developmenLal
dlsablllLles and Lo help senlors plan proacLlvely for an acLlve and healLhy
CenLlle 8rooklyn Chlnese-Amerlcan AssoclaLlon, lnc. 113063839 * 4,300
lunds wlll provlde recreaLlonal and educaLlonal acLlvlLles, monLhly blrLhday
parLles, and faclllLy renLal and lnsurance cosLs aL Lhe SlxLh Avenue Senlor
ClLlzens CenLer.
Creenfleld 8rooklyn Chlnese-Amerlcan AssoclaLlon, lnc. 113063839 * 6,000
lunds wlll be used for educaLlonal and recreaLlonal acLlvlLles, as well as Lo
defray cosL of faclllLy renLal aL Lhe 8ensonhursL Senlor CenLer.
Lander 8rooklyn Chlnese-Amerlcan AssoclaLlon, lnc. 113063839 * 3,000
1o supporL healLh and wellness servlces for senlors. lundlng wlll cover
programmlng cosLs and sLaff salarles.
Menchaca 8rooklyn Chlnese-Amerlcan AssoclaLlon, lnc. 113063839 * 11,000
lunds Lo supporL recreaLlonal and educaLlonal acLlvlLles, monLhly blrLhday
parLles, as well as faclllLy renLal and lnsurance cosLs aL our SunseL ark Senlor
ClLlzens CenLer and SlxLh Avenue Senlor ClLlzens CenLer.
Cumbo 8rooklyn CommunlLy rlde CenLer, lnc. 262214334 * 6,300
lundlng wlll be used Lowards Lldercare programmlng and ouLreach, lncludlng
developmenL expenses assoclaLed wlLh expandlng Lhe program.
Levln 8rooklyn CommunlLy rlde CenLer, lnc. 262214334 * 3,300 1o provlde Lldercare programmlng and ouLreach.
Lander 8rooklyn CommunlLy rlde CenLer, lnc. 262214334 * 10,000 1o supporL Lechnology Lralnlng courses for senlors.
Mlller C.W. Mlxon Senlor CuLreach CenLer, lnc. 362623333 * 9,000
lundlng Lo provlde prepared meals, planned acLlvlLles, organlzed excurslons
and oLher forms of enrlchmenL Lo members of Lhe senlor clLlzen program.
CAL8C Pouslng uevelopmenL lund Co., lnc. (d/b/a - Calvary
8apLlsL Church Senlor Pouslng) 133173604 3,000
1o supporL recreaLlonal and culLural acLlvlLles for senlors and Lo purchase
general supplles for varlous acLlvlLles.
Mlller Calvary 8apLlsL Church 112480943 * 3,000
lunds wlll cover Lhe programmlng and sLafflng cosLs assoclaLed wlLh Lhe
CrandparenL SupporL Croup.
Cu28 Calvary 8apLlsL Church 112480943 11,000
1he fundlng wlll go Lowards Lhe CrandparenLs supporL group LhaL sLrlves Lo
provlde evenLs and acLlvlLles for grandparenLs who are ralslng grandchlldren.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 89

ulckens Canaan 8apLlsL Church of ChrlsL 136013037 * 3,000
1o provlde compuLer and oLher classes for Lhe elderly populaLlon ln Lhe Parlem
and surroundlng communlLles.
MaLLeo Carmel 8lchmond nurslng Pome, lnc. 132720248 3,000
Carmel 8lchmond PealLh Care and 8ehablllLaLlon CenLer ls requesLlng funds Lo
purchase 8roda chalrs and new wall clocks for nurslng home resldenLs. 1he
8roda chalrs can be poslLloned ln varlous ways Lo meeL Lhe unlque needs of
nurslng home resldenLs wlLh a
Carodnlck CarLer 8urden CenLer for Lhe Aglng, lnc., 1he 237129499 3,000
lundlng wlll supporL Lhe CarLer 8urden Luncheon Club & Senlor rogram,
whlch provldes meals, soclallzaLlon and oLher acLlvlLles for senlors.
kallos CarLer 8urden CenLer for Lhe Aglng, lnc., 1he 237129499 30,000
1o supporL and enhance 10 core programs: Lhe Soclal Servlce unlL, CommunlLy
Llder MlsLreaLmenL Abuse revenLlon rogram, CarLer 8urden Senlor rogram,
C.v. SLarr AdulL uay Servlces, Covello Senlor. rogram, volunLeer Servlces, Case
ManagemenL unlL, Maklng
ulckens CarLer 8urden CenLer for Lhe Aglng, lnc., 1he 237129499 4,300 1o provlde arL and crafLs classes for senlors ln Councll ulsLrlcL 9.
!ohnson CarLer 8urden CenLer for Lhe Aglng, lnc., 1he 237129499 4,300
Maklng ArL Work empowers and glves Lhe elderly of your communlLy an ouLleL
Lhrough arL and crafLs, sLemmlng lsolaLlon and faclllLaLlng a meanlngful
communlLy base.
8osenLhal CarLer 8urden CenLer for Lhe Aglng, lnc., 1he 237129499 3,300
lundlng Lo supporL Maklng ArL Work, whlch offers classes Lo senlor cenLers ln
Councll ulsLrlcL 6, lncludlng llnu CllnLon nSC, llnu PamllLon nSC, Coddard
8lverslde nSC, !ASA Club 76 and WesL 76Lh SL CenLer. AL regular lnLervals,
Maklng ArL Work sLaff wlll
Levlne CarLer 8urden CenLer for Lhe Aglng, lnc., 1he 237129499 3,300
lunds Lo conducL semlnars on senlor safeLy and relaLed lssues for adulLs 60 and
older ln Councll ulsLrlcL 7. CarLer 8urden CenLer wlll provlde crlsls lnLervenLlon
servlces lncludlng home vlslLs, safeLy plannlng, courL advocacy, legal guldance,
Mark-vlverlLo CarLer 8urden CenLer for Lhe Aglng, lnc., 1he 237129499 10,000
1o supporL and enhance Lhe followlng programs: CarLer 8urden/Leonard
Covello Senlor program, Llder Abuse revenLlon rogram, CarLer 8urden Senlor
rogram, Case ManagemenL unlL, C.v. SLarr AdulL uay Servlces, Soclal Servlce
unlL, volunLeer Servlces, Maklng
CaLhollc CharlLles CommunlLy Servlces, Archdlocese of new
?ork 133362183 * 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo supplemenL Lhe cosL of raw food lLems such as frulL,
vegeLables, lean meaL and flsh so LhaL Lhe organlzaLlon can conLlnue Lo serve
healLhy meals.
CaLhollc CharlLles CommunlLy Servlces, Archdlocese of new
?ork 133362183 * 13,000
lunds Lo supplemenL Lhe cosL of raw food lLems such as frulL, vegeLables, lean
meaL and flsh so LhaL we can conLlnue Lo serve healLhy meals.
uromm CaLhollc CharlLles nelghborhood Servlces, lnc. 112047131 * 13,000
1o supporL educaLlonal and recreaLlonal and healLh promoLlon acLlvlLles for
senlors and Lo subsldlze lncreased meals cosL, uLlllLles and renL and Lo provlde
general supporL Lo operaLe Lhe program.
CenLlle CaLhollc CharlLles nelghborhood Servlces, lnc. 112047131 * 1,300
lunds wlll provlde educaLlonal, recreaLlonal, soclal, and healLh promoLlon
acLlvlLles, LransporLaLlon, nuLrlLlous meals, and case asslsLance for senlors aL
Lhe narrows Senlor CenLer and case managemenL and oLher servlces Lo
homebound older adulLs aL Lhe 8
Malsel CaLhollc CharlLles nelghborhood Servlces, lnc. 112047131 * 3,000
CCnS 1he 8ay Senlor CenLer serves Lhe elderly by provldlng enrlched and
dlverse educaLlonal recreaLlonal acLlvlLles, soclal acLlvlLles, healLh promoLlon
acLlvlLles, LransporLaLlon, nuLrlLlous meals, and case asslsLance. Councll
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 90

dlscreLlonary fundlng ls
Lancman CaLhollc CharlLles nelghborhood Servlces, lnc. 112047131 * 100,000
Senlor servlces lncludlng halal meals, workshops, exerclse acLlvlLles, case
asslsLance on beneflLs, enLlLlemenLs and soclallzaLlon programs.
Lancman CaLhollc CharlLles nelghborhood Servlces, lnc. 112047131 * 10,000
LducaLlonal, recreaLlonal, soclal and healLh promoLlon acLlvlLles, nuLrlLlous
meals, and case asslsLance.
Weprln CaLhollc CharlLles nelghborhood Servlces, lnc. 112047131 * 26,230
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL educaLlonal/recreaLlonal healLh promoLlon
acLlvlLles, Lo subsldlze lncreased meals cosL and Lo provlde general supporL Lo
program operaLlon.
ConsLanLlnldes CaLhollc CharlLles nelghborhood Servlces, lnc. 112047131 * 30,000
lundlng wlll be used Lo supporL programlng and subsldlze Lhe cosLs of meals,
uLlllLles, and renL.
Crowley CaLhollc CharlLles nelghborhood Servlces, lnc. 112047131 * 6,000
lundlng Lo supporL general operaLlons, programlng, LransporLaLlon,
soclallzaLlon, renL,
ueuLsch CaLhollc CharlLles nelghborhood Servlces, lnc. 112047131 * 3,000
lundlng wlll serve Lhe elderly by provldlng enrlched and dlverse educaLlonal
recreaLlonal acLlvlLles, soclal acLlvlLles, healLh promoLlon
Levln CaLhollc CharlLles nelghborhood Servlces, lnc. 112047131 * 7,000
1o supporL CCnS eLe McCulnness Senlor CenLer, whlch serves Lhe elderly by
provldlng enrlched and dlverse educaLlonal, recreaLlonal soclal acLlvlLles,
healLh promoLlon acLlvlLles, nuLrlLlous meals, LransporLaLlon and case
asslsLance. lunds wlll be used
Levln CaLhollc CharlLles nelghborhood Servlces, lnc. 112047131 * 7,000
1o supporL CCnS SL. Charles !ubllee Senlor CenLer, whlch serves Lhe elderly by
provldlng enrlched and culLurally dlverse educaLlonal/recreaLlonal/soclal
acLlvlLles, healLh promoLlon acLlvlLles, nuLrlLlous meals, and case asslsLance.
lunds wlll be used Lo
ulrlch CaLhollc CharlLles nelghborhood Servlces, lnc. 112047131 * 31,000
lunds wlll supporL Lhe Senlor CenLer's educaLlonal, recreaLlonal and healLh
promoLlon acLlvlLles, LransporLaLlon needs by senlors and Lo provlde supporL
for general operaLlons.
ulrlch CaLhollc CharlLles nelghborhood Servlces, lnc. 112047131 * 6,000
lunds wlll supporL Lhe Senlor CenLer's educaLlonal, recreaLlonal and healLh
promoLlon acLlvlLles, LransporLaLlon needs by senlors and Lo provlde supporL
for general operaLlons.
ulrlch CaLhollc CharlLles nelghborhood Servlces, lnc. 112047131 * 6,000
lunds wlll supporL Lhe Senlor CenLer's educaLlonal, recreaLlonal and healLh
promoLlon acLlvlLles, LransporLaLlon needs by senlors and Lo provlde supporL
for general operaLlons.
ulrlch CaLhollc CharlLles nelghborhood Servlces, lnc. 112047131 * 6,000
lunds wlll supporL Lhe Senlor CenLer's educaLlonal, recreaLlonal and healLh
promoLlon acLlvlLles, LransporLaLlon needs by senlors and Lo provlde supporL
for general operaLlons.
ulrlch CaLhollc CharlLles nelghborhood Servlces, lnc. 112047131 * 6,000
lunds wlll supporL Lhe CaLhollc CharlLles' servlces, educaLlonal, recreaLlonal
and healLh promoLlon acLlvlLles, LransporLaLlon needs by senlors and Lo provlde
supporL for general operaLlons.
1reyger CaLhollc CharlLles nelghborhood Servlces, lnc. 112047131 * 2,300
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL educaLlonal recreaLlonal and healLh promoLlon
acLlvlLles, Lo subsldlze Lhe lncrease cosL of uLlllLles meals, and Lo provlde
supplles general supporL Lo operaLe Lhe program.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 91

Menchaca CaLhollc CharlLles nelghborhood Servlces, lnc. 112047131 * 3,000
lunds Lo supporL educaLlonal, recreaLlonal, and healLh promoLlon acLlvlLles
provlded Lo Lhe senlors, Lo upgrade compuLer labs, and Lo provlde supplles
needed Lo operaLe Lhe program.
vallone CaLhollc CharlLles nelghborhood Servlces, lnc. 112047131 * 9,300
lundlng wlll supporL Lhe CCnS 8ayslde Senlor CenLer ln provldlng
educaLlonal/recreaLlonal healLh promoLlon acLlvlLles and Lo subsldlze
lncreased meals cosL and Lo provlde general supporL Lo program operaLlon.
Wllllams CaLhollc CharlLles nelghborhood Servlces, lnc. 112047131 * 10,000 lunds Lo provlde meals, educaLlon and healLh programs.
Levln CenLer for AnLl-vlolence LducaLlon (CAL, lnc., 1he) 112444676 * 3,300 1o supporL vlolence prevenLlon programmlng aL local senlor cenLers.
ConsLanLlnldes CenLral AsLorla Local uevelopmenL CoallLlon, lnc. 112632331 7,000 lundlng wlll be used Lo supporL case managemenL servlces for senlors.
8ose CenLral lamlly Llfe CenLer 133626127 20,000
lundlng wlll be used Lo provlde Lhe senlors wlLh breakfasL and lunch, Lhe cosL
of bus and Lraln excurslons Lo varlous shopplng cenLers and LheaLers, and Lhe
cosLs of a vlslLlng nurse and oLher professlonals Lo come once a monLh Lo check
blood pressures an
ulckens CenLral Parlem Senlor ClLlzen CoallLlon, lnc. 132734783 4,000
1o supporL, acLlng as a flscal condulL, Lhe Parlem Senlorlflcs 8askeLball 1eam
PealLh and llLness lnlLlaLlve, a compeLlLlve baskeLball program for senlors.
lunds wlll supporL coaches, equlpmenL, safeLy gear, unlforms and Lravel Lo
ulckens CenLral Parlem Senlor ClLlzen CoallLlon, lnc. 132734783 3,000
1o supporL, acLlng as a flscal condulL, Lhe Parlem Poneys 8ears Swlm 1eam
PealLh and llLness lnlLlaLlve, an educaLlonal and compeLlLlve swlm program for
koo Chlnese-Amerlcan lannlng Councll, lnc. 136202692 * 19,000
1o provlde lndlvlduals over Lhe age of 60 wlLh an array of servlces lncludlng
congregaLe meals, wellness programmlng, recreaLlonal acLlvlLles, educaLlonal
programmlng, case managemenL and enLlLlemenLs/beneflLs asslsLance.
Chln Chlnese-Amerlcan lannlng Councll, lnc. 136202692 * 10,000
lunds wlll supporL CC Cpen uoor Senlor CenLer whlch provldes educaLlonal,
physlcal, soclal and oLher programs and acLlvlLles Lo senlors.
Menchaca Chlnese-Amerlcan lannlng Councll, lnc. 136202692 * 10,000
lunds Lo supporL 8rooklyn Senlor Servlces Lo provlde resldenLs wlLh LSL
classes, healLh educaLlon workshops, Lea Lalk, slnglng and dance classes, Lrlps,
recreaLlonal acLlvlLles, and oLher engaglng acLlvlLles Lo expand Lhelr soclal,
physlcal and menLal wel
Chlnese-Amerlcan lannlng Councll, lnc. - ChlnaLown
nelghborhood Senlor CenLer 136202692 * 10,000
1he fundlng wlll supporL senlor servlces lncludlng congregaLe lunches,
educaLlonal and exerclse classes and recreaLlonal acLlvlLles and fleld Lrlps.
Levln ClrculL roducLlons, lnc. 132881838 * 3,300 1o provlde muslcal programmlng for senlors.
ulckens ClLlzens Care CommlLLee 136179368 4,000
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL nuLrlLlon LducaLlon, Case AsslsLance, llLness
rograms, and lnformaLlon 8eferrals.
Lander CoallLlon Cf lnsLlLuLlonallzed Aged And ulsabled 133124614 * 3,300
1o supporL arLs programs for senlors. lundlng wlll be used for communlLy
ouLreach abouL programs and Lo serve Lhe ark Slope and rospecL Plll Senlor
lgnlzlo CommunlLy Agency for Senlor ClLlzens, lnc. 133263337 * 11,000 lundlng wlll supporL CASC 1ransporLaLlon programs.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 92

MaLLeo CommunlLy Agency for Senlor ClLlzens, lnc. 133263337 * 3,000
lunds wlll be use Lo supporL CASC 1ransporLaLlon programs (ul1A 303-3,000
and ul1A 338-10,000) for LransporLaLlon for food shopplng, banklng, senlor
cenLers and recreaLlonal Lrlps Lo/from cenLers, senlor houslng and lndlvldual
8ose CommunlLy Agency for Senlor ClLlzens, lnc. 133263337 * 43,000
lunds wlll go Lowards Lhe CASC 1ransporLaLlon programs for LransporLaLlon for
food shopplng, banklng, senlor cenLers and recreaLlonal Lrlps Lo/from cenLers,
senlor houslng and lndlvldual homes, and Lowards CASC Cassldy Coles
nelghborhood Senlor CenLer for
Mlller CommunlLy 8rldge Pome, lnc. 113192293 3,000
lundlng Lo supporL program, whlch Leaches lnLermedlaLe brldge, whlch
emphaslzes progresslvely more dlfflculL skllls and provldes pracLlce lessons Lo
relnforce skllls.
MaLLeo CommunlLy Servlce SocleLy of new ?ork 133362202 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe CSS/8Svs Advocacy, Counsellng and
LnLlLlemenL Servlces (ACLS) ro[ecL Lralns volunLeers ages 33 Lo serve as publlc
beneflL counselors.
ulckens Concerned Pome Managers for Lhe Llderly, lnc. 133273304 * 8,300
1o recrulL and reLaln Lhe home care workers/home healLh aldes, provlde Lhe
aldes wlLh beneflLs educaLlonal /career opporLunlLles and peer menLorshlp
supporL, and provlde servlces Lo older adulLs.
Mealy Concerned Pome Managers for Lhe Llderly, lnc. 133273304 * 10,000
lundlng wlll be used Lo pay Lhe salary of a soclal work career speclallsL who
recrulLs and helps Lo reLaln home healLh aldes by offerlng Lhem an array of
supporLlve servlces and educaLlonal/career opporLunlLles.
Arroyo Concerned 8esldenLs CrganlzaLlon, lnc. 202493043 6,000
1o supporL senlor servlces programmlng for senlors ln Lhe Soundvlew, CasLlehlll
and arkchesLer communlLles.
Clbson Concourse vlllage Speclal AdulLs Senlor CenLer 131977333 10,000
1he funds wlll supporL healLh, wellness and safeLy workshops, Lrlps, games,
sewlng classes, blrLhday and hollday celebraLlons. lunds wlll also go Lo sLarL an
exerclse and arLs/crafL class.
Mlller Conlon Llhfe 1owers 1enanLs Advocacy Croup, lnc. 332397898 * 3,300
lunds wlll be used Lo provlde acLlvlLles and programs LhaL keep Lhe senlors
physlcal and soclally engaged such as hollday evenLs, workshops, and off-slLe
Conselyea SLreeL 8lock AssoclaLlon, lnc. - Swlnglng SlxLles
Senlor CenLer 112347180 3,000
1o supporL programmlng for senlors aL Swlnglng 60s Senlor CenLer ln
Corona CongregaLlonal Church, lnc. - llorence L SmlLh Senlor
Servlces 111802803 13,000
lunds wlll supporL senlor programmlng servlces lncludlng educaLlonal and
recreaLlonal acLlvlLles, healLh managemenL, Lechnology, LransporLaLlon, and
case work servlces.
Corporal Allen l. klvlehan korean War veLerans AssoclaLlon,
lnc. 133634076 4,300
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL 1ransporLaLlon and equlpmenL for organlzaLlon
1orres Councll of 8elmonL CrganlzaLlons, lnc. 132733323 * 30,000
lunds wlll supporL dlrecL servlces for senlors Lo access federal, sLaLe and local
publlc enLlLlemenL programs.
1orres Councll of 8elmonL CrganlzaLlons, lnc. 132733323 * 10,000
lunds wlll supporL soclal servlces asslsLance lncludlng provldlng lnformaLlon
and referrals and appllcaLlons for publlc asslsLance and beneflLs
Wllllams Councll of !ewlsh CrganlzaLlons of llaLbush, lnc. 112864728 3,300 lunds wlll be used Lo supporL senlor programmlng.
Lander Councll of eoples CrganlzaLlon, lnc. 733046891 * 4,000 1o supporL AdapLlve Llvlng rogram for senlors wlLh vlsual lmpalrmenLs.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 93

Wllllams Councll of eoples CrganlzaLlon, lnc. 733046891 * 7,000
lunds Lo provlde meals, educaLlon and recreaLlon servlces Lo Lhe SouLh
Aslan/Musllm communlLles.
Cumbo Crown PelghLs !ewlsh CommunlLy Councll, lnc. 237390996 20,000
lunds Lo supporL Lhe Soclal Servlce CenLer whlch provlde servlces ln a few of
Lhe followlng areas: lmmlgraLlon, lamlly Crlsls lnLervenLlon, LmploymenL
AsslsLance, Access Lo LnLlLlemenLs, PealLh lnsurance lnformaLlon, lood SLamps
LnrollmenL, or Pouslng-8
Mealy Crown PelghLs !ewlsh CommunlLy Councll, lnc. 237390996 10,000
lunds wlll supporL Lhe followlng programs and servlces: lmmlgraLlon, lamlly
Crlsls lnLervenLlon, LmploymenL AsslsLance, Access Lo LnLlLlemenLs, PealLh
lnsurance lnformaLlon, lood SLamps LnrollmenL, or Pouslng-8elaLed Servlces
Mealy Crown PelghLs reservaLlon CommlLLee CorporaLlon 112322490 * 10,000
lunds wlll be used Lo enhance acLlvlLles for senlors and Lo purchase varlous
lLems needed Lo susLaln Lhe cenLer. lL wlll also be used for malnLalnlng senlor
wheel chalr accesslble bus.
Crown PelghLs reservaLlon CommlLLee CorporaLlon -
Shalom Senlor CenLer 112322490 * 13,000
lunds wlll help defray cosL of LSL (Lngllsh Second Language) classes,
consulLanLs who provlde enLerLalnmenL for Lhe senlors. Also parL of Lhe funds
help malnLaln Lhe upkeep of Lhe wheel chalr accesslble senlor bus.
Crown PelghLs reservaLlon CommlLLee CorporaLlon -
Shalom Senlor CenLer 112322490 * 13,000
lunds wlll be used Lo promoLe acLlvlLles ln our cenLer such as LSL, CompuLer
class, 1rlp and defray Lhe cosL of uslng our wheel chalr accesslble senlor bus.
Cumbo Crown PelghLs ?ouLh CollecLlve, lnc. 112306422 * 24,000
lunds wlll be used for rogrammlng and Servlces Lo be provlded: SLafflng and
MalnLenance of cenLer, supplles, programmlng, meal preparaLlon and servlces,
enLerLalnmenL - fleld Lrlps coach bus servlce, cable and lnLerneL servlce.
Lsplnal Cypress Pllls-lulLon SLreeL Senlor ClLlzens CenLer, lnc. 112297647 81,873
lundlng Lo provlde operaLlonal supporL for servlces, PealLh romoLlon,
8ecreaLlon LducaLlon, lnsurance.
ulckens uances for a varlable opulaLlon, lnc. 264372204 * 4,230 lunds wlll be used Lo supporL senlor dance and wellness
uromm ueparLmenL for Lhe Aglng 136400434 7,300
1o supporL educaLlonal/recreaLlonal acLlvlLles such as healLh and flLness
workshops, Lrlps, culLural evenLs and acLlvlLles, as well as crlLlcal case
asslsLance servlces Lo senlors and Lhelr famllles LhaL are parL of our
LlmhursL/!ackson PelghLs Senlor Cen
uromm ueparLmenL for Lhe Aglng 136400434 3,300 1o supporL Cllnlca nueva Lsperanza MenLal PealLh Cllnlc
lerreras ueparLmenL for Lhe Aglng 136400434 3,000
1o supporL educaLlonal/recreaLlonal acLlvlLles such as healLh and flLness
workshops, culLural evenLs and acLlvlLles, as well as crlLlcal case asslsLance
servlces Lo senlors and Lhelr famllles LhaL are parL of our Corona Senlor CenLer
and Lhe surroundlng
alma ueparLmenL for Lhe Aglng 136400434 33,000
1o provlde servlces Lo senlors, lncludlng educaLlonal and recreaLlonal acLlvlLles,
Lrlps, culLural evenLs, case asslsLance, and asslsLance wlLh enLlLlemenLs and
oLher beneflLs aL 8ronx 8lver Senlor CenLer.
Mendez ueparLmenL for Lhe Aglng 132987263 * 10,000
lundlng Lo supporL l8/PLs core case asslsLance managemenL servlces Lo
senlors and Lhelr famllles.
Mendez ueparLmenL for Lhe Aglng 133362210 9,300
lundlng Lo supporL lnnovaLlve healLh and wellness acLlvlLles Laklng place aL Lhe
Slrovlch CenLer.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 94

Levlne ueparLmenL for Lhe Aglng 132987263 * 3,000
lundlng wlll asslsL l8/PL ln Lhe underwrlLlng of servlces Lo LaLlno and oLher
mlnorlLy senlors and Lhelr famllles ln Lhe 7Lh Councll ulsLrlcL, and ln areas of
upper ManhaLLan/WashlngLon PelghLs wlLh large numbers of poor and low
lncome and mlnorlLy senlo
Levlne ueparLmenL for Lhe Aglng 133111913 * 3,300
lundlng Lo supporL servlces dlrecLed Lo Councll ulsLrlcL 7 Lo access
enLlLlemenLs, beneflLs and oLher lnformaLlon regardlng lmporLanL soclal servlce
programs such as soclal securlLy, SSl, SC8lL, u8lL, SecLlon 8, lood SLamps,
Medlcare, Medlcald, drug plans
Mark-vlverlLo ueparLmenL for Lhe Aglng 136400434 23,300
1hls fundlng wlll help supporL Lhe l8/PL Carver Senlor CenLer educaLlonal and
recreaLlonal program acLlvlLles lncludlng healLh and wellness workshops and
culLural evenLs and acLlvlLles LhroughouL Lhe year.
Lugene uorchesLer Senlor ClLlzens CenLer, lnc. 112303381 * 18,000
1o fund dally lunch prepared ln klLchen, and Lhe educaLlonal, recreaLlonal and
healLh promoLlon acLlvlLles provlded.
Carodnlck uC8C1, lnc. 133264003 * 3,000
lundlng wlll supporL uC8C1's Pomelessness revenLlon rogram (P), whlch
responds Lo Lhe needs of underserved homeless new ?ork ClLy senlors.
kallos uC8C1, lnc. 133264003 * 1,000
1o counsel and provlde servlces, lncludlng help Lo secure permanenL houslng,
for homeless senlors parLlclpaLlng ln Lhe Pomelessness revenLlon rogram
(P) and Lo provlde conLlnued afLercare servlces Lo formerly homeless P
ulckens uC8C1, lnc. 133264003 * 3,000
1o provlde homeless senlors Lemporary houslng, meals dally, counsellng, and
oLher asslsLance aL a LranslLlonal resldence, locaLed aL 44 WesL 87Lh SLreeL,
whlle flndlng Lhe senlors permanenL homes.
8osenLhal uC8C1, lnc. 133264003 * 3,000
lundlng supporLs full-Llme case asslsLance worker Lo counsel and provlde
servlces, lncludlng help Lo secure permanenL houslng for homeless senlors
parLlclpaLlng ln Lhe P and Lo provlde conLlnued supporLlve servlces Lo
formerly homeless P senlors ln Lh
Levlne uC8C1, lnc. 133264003 * 3,000
lundlng Lo subsldlze salary of a full-Llme case asslsLance worker Lo counsel and
provlde servlces, lncludlng help Lo secure permanenL houslng for homeless
senlors parLlclpaLlng ln Lhe P and Lo provlde conLlnued supporLlve servlces
Lo formerly homeless P
ConsLanLlnldes LasL 8lver uevelopmenL Alllance, lnc. 861096987 * 13,000
lundlng wlll be used Lo supporL programlng for senlor clLlzens, lncludlng
workforce developmenL, LenanL advocacy, and flnanclal asslsLance.
van 8ramer LasL 8lver uevelopmenL Alllance, lnc. 861096987 * 16,223
lundlng would supporL a range of servlces for adulLs aged 33 and over
lncludlng employmenL servlces, LenanL advocacy and comprehenslve publlc
beneflLs, flnanclal educaLlon and counsellng, and free Lax preparaLlon
Mark-vlverlLo LasL Slde Pouse, lnc. 131623989 20,000
1o provlde essenLlal servlces Lo senlors who aLLend LasL Slde Pouse's (LSP)
Melrose Senlor CenLer, MlLchel Senlor CenLer or aLLerson Senlor CenLer.
LdlLh and Carl Marks !ewlsh CommunlLy Pouse of
8ensonhursL 111633484 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo provlde servlces Lo senlors llvlng ln Lhe Cood nelghbors
nelghborhood naLurally Cccurrlng 8eLlremenL CommunlLy (nnC8C)rogram
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 9S

LdlLh and Carl Marks !ewlsh CommunlLy Pouse of
8ensonhursL 111633484 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo provlde culLural, educaLlonal, recreaLlonal, and/or healLh
and wellness acLlvlLles, and Lrlps. Servlces wlll be provlded Lhrough Lhe
8ensonhursL Senlor CenLer, locaLed aL and sponsored by Lhe Marks !CP, 7802
8ay arkway, 8rooklyn, n?
Chln LducaLlonal Alllance, lnc. 133362210 6,000
lunds wlll supporL Lhe Welnberg CenLer for 8alanced Llvlng healLh and
wellness programmlng deslgned Lo help nelghborhood senlors sLay healLhy or
lmprove Lhelr healLh, and llve wlLh lncreased safeLy and comforL aL home.
lerreras Llmcor ?ouLh and AdulL AcLlvlLles, lnc. 112224339 26,230
1o supporL Lefrak locaLlon senlor servlces Lhrough physlcal healLh, educaLlon
and recreaLlon, arLs and culLure, healLh managemenL, nuLrlLlon programs,
Lralnlngs and sLaff educaLlon semlnars, healLhy congregaLe meals and
admlnlsLraLlve needs.
lerreras Llmcor ?ouLh and AdulL AcLlvlLles, lnc. 112224339 20,000
1o supporL Corona locaLlon senlor servlces Lhrough physlcal healLh, educaLlon
and recreaLlon, arLs and culLure, healLh managemenL, nuLrlLlon programs,
Lralnlngs and sLaff educaLlon semlnars, healLhy congregaLe meals and
admlnlsLraLlve needs.
van 8ramer Lmerald lsle lmmlgraLlon CenLer 112932328 7,300
lundlng Lo dellver hlgh quallLy lmmlgraLlon and soclal servlces Lo Lhe
communlLy ln Woodslde and Sunnyslde
!ohnson Lncore CommunlLy Servlces, lnc. 133104293 9,300
1o supporL Lncores Pome uellvered Meals rogram, dellverlng meals Lo
homebound senlors llvlng on Lhe WesLslde of mldLown ManhaLLan.
8osenLhal Lncore CommunlLy Servlces, lnc. 133104293 3,300 lundlng Lo supporL Lncores Pome uellvered Meals rogram
Lugene lenlmore Senlor CenLer, lnc. 112772287 * 18,373
1o fund ArLs crafLs, educaLlonal and lnformaLlonal semlnars/lecLure on healLh
and envlronmenLal relaLed Loplcs, recreaLlonal acLlvlLles, exerclse classes, Lable
games, provldes asslsLance ln compleLlng varlous forms relaLed Lo recelvlng
!ohnson llnd Ald for Lhe Aged, lnc. 132666921 * 10,000
1o supporL a healLhy aglng program, lncludlng classes ln marLlal arLs, salsa, llne
dance, Zumba, and Wll flLness.
8osenLhal llnd Ald for Lhe Aged, lnc. 132666921 * 7,000
lunds Lo supporL healLhy aglng acLlvlLles aL Lhe PamllLon, WoodsLock, CllnLon
and Coffeehouse Senlor CenLers. Cfferlngs lnclude: classes ln marLlal arLs,
sLrengLh Lralnlng, horLlculLural Lherapy and a wlde range of dance.
8lchards llrsL Church of Cod, lnc. 112973310 * 8,000
Senlors ln Lhe communlLy and church. Also menLorlng Lhe youLh. uolng arLs
and crafLs, cooklng, recreaLlonal acLlvlLles. Lnabllng Senlors Lo go shopplng, go
on plcnlcs and Lhe LheaLer.
ueuLsch llaLbush Shomrlm SafeLy aLrol, lnc. 203244367 13,000
lundlng Lo provlde radlo dlspaLch Lo asslsL all emergencles for elderly people -
asslsL ln case of emergencles, naLural dlsasLers, Alzhelmer's paLlenLs search and
rescue, eLc.
Wllllams llaLbush Shomrlm SafeLy aLrol, lnc. 203244367 3,000 lunds Lo provlde emergency servlce, medlcal awareness program Lo senlors.
Cornegy lorL Creene Councll, lnc. 112300840 * 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo enhance educaLlonal, recreaLlonal, culLural, healLh and
wellness acLlvlLles, as well as supplles for Lhe operaLlon of Lhe program.
Cornegy lorL Creene Councll, lnc. 112300840 * 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo enhance educaLlonal, recreaLlonal, culLural, healLh and
wellness acLlvlLles, as well as supplles for Lhe operaLlon of Lhe program.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 96

Cornegy lorL Creene Councll, lnc. 112300840 * 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo enhance educaLlonal, recreaLlonal, culLural, healLh and
wellness acLlvlLles, as well as supplles for Lhe operaLlon of Lhe program.
Cornegy lorL Creene Councll, lnc. 112300840 * 10,000
1o provlde senlors and Lhe communlLy aL large wlLh Lhe opporLunlLy Lo llsLen Lo
llve [azz muslc aL 966 lulLon SLreeL, 8rooklyn
Cornegy lorL Creene Councll, lnc. 112300840 * 4,000
lunds wlll be used Lo enhance educaLlonal, recreaLlonal, culLural, healLh and
wellness acLlvlLles, as well as supplles for Lhe operaLlon of Lhe program.
Mealy lorL Creene Councll, lnc. 112300840 * 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo enhance educaLlonal, recreaLlonal, culLural, healLh and
wellness acLlvlLles, as well as supplles for Lhe operaLlon of Lhe program aL
ChrlsLopher 8lenman Senlor CenLer.
Mealy lorL Creene Councll, lnc. 112300840 * 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo enhance educaLlonal, recreaLlonal, culLural, healLh and
wellness acLlvlLles, as well as supplles for Lhe operaLlon of Lhe program aL Pugh
Cllroy Senlor CenLer
Cumbo lorL Creene Councll, lnc. - Crace Agard Parewood SC 112300840 * 13,000
lunds wlll be used Lo enhance educaLlonal, recreaLlonal, culLural, healLh and
wellness acLlvlLles, as well as supplles for Lhe operaLlon of Lhe program.
8arron lorL Creene Councll, lnc. - lnk Pouses Senlor CenLer 112300840 * 16,900
lunds wlll be used Lo enhance educaLlonal, recreaLlonal, culLural, healLh and
wellness acLlvlLles, as well as supplles for Lhe operaLlon of Lhe program.
lorL Creene Councll, lnc. - 8emsen nelghborhood Senlor
CenLer 112300840 * 20,000 lunds Lo supporL senlor servlces ln varlous locaLlons ln Lhe 43Lh ulsLrlcL
lorL Creene Councll, lnc. - Wllloughby nelghborhood Senlor
CenLer 112300840 * 13,300
lunds wlll be used Lo enhance educaLlonal, recreaLlonal, culLural, healLh and
wellness acLlvlLles, as well as supplles for Lhe operaLlon of Lhe program.
8osenLhal Coddard 8lverslde CommunlLy CenLer 131893908 10,000 lundlng Lo supporL Coddard 8lversldes Pome uellvered Meals program
8osenLhal Coddard 8lverslde CommunlLy CenLer 131893908 10,000 lundlng Lo defray Lhe cosL of food for congregaLe meals.
Mendez Crand SLreeL SeLLlemenL, lnc. 133362230 17,000
lundlng Lo provlde acLlvlLles and servlces LhaL meeL Lhe psychosoclal, healLh,
and flnanclal needs of communlLy senlors aL Lhe Crand CoallLlon of
Senlors(CCS) Senlor CenLer.
Chln Crand SLreeL SeLLlemenL, lnc. 133362230 6,000
lunds wlll supporL programs lncludlng educaLlon classes (LSL, compuLer
classes), arLs classes (Chlnese folk dance, calllgraphy, macrame, Chlnese
palnLlng, mulLl-llngual slnglng classes), exerclse (dance classes, 1al-Chl), and
ouLlngs Lo museums and slmlla
8eynoso CreaLer 8ldgewood ?ouLh Councll, lnc. 112318141 * 10,000
1o supporL lnLer-generaLlonal programmlng wlLh senlors and youLh ln
vallone CreaLer WhlLesLone 1axpayers CommunlLy CenLer, lnc. 112791048 * 10,000
1he funds requesLed wlll be used Lo operaLe a communlLy cenLer ln Cueens, n?
aL a new ?ork SLaLe armory for senlor clLlzens
Cumbo Creene Avenue Pouslng uevelopmenL lund Corp. 112468637 * 4,000
lunds wlll be used Lo prepare hollday dlnners (lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo
1hanksglvlng, MoLher's uay and laLher's uay) for senlors LhaL have no famlly.
lundlng wlll also be used for summer acLlvlLles
!ohnson Creenwlch Pouse, lnc. 133362204 * 23,000
1he funds wlll supporL a comprehenslve range of soclal, physlcal and menLal
healLh servlces offered aL Creenwlch Pouse Lhrough lLs programs for Senlors.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 97

Chln Creenwlch Pouse, lnc. 133362204 * 16,000
lunds wlll supporL healLh and wellness classes and culLural programmlng aL Lhe
Creenwlch Pouse Senlor CenLer aL lndependence laza and Creenwlch Pouse
CenLer on Lhe Square, formerly Carlng CommunlLy slLes. 1he funds wlll help
pay for ouLslde Leachers, ex
Cumbo C8lC1 Clrcle, lnc. 113364328 12,000
lunds wlll supporL C8lC1's core programs lncludlng premler 8uddy-2-8uddy
Menchaca C8lC1 Clrcle, lnc. 113364328 3,300
lunds Lo supporL core programs lncludlng premler 8uddy-2-8uddy program.
8-2-8 ls a program deslgned Lo provlde LC81 elders Lhe care, companlonshlp
and communlLy Lhey need by maLchlng one or more elders LogeLher ln
relaLlonshlps of muLual respecL and sup
Chln PamllLon-Madlson Pouse, lnc. 133362412 * 33,000
lunds wlll supporL Lhe hlrlng of a drlver Lo provlde door-Lo-door LransporLaLlon
for senlors from Lhelr homes Lo PMP programs, senlor Lrlps, grocery shopplng,
soclal workers for senlor servlces, consulLanLs aL 8aLLery ark ClLy, and senlor
servlces ln Sea
ConsLanLlnldes PAnAC, lnc. 112290832 6,000
lundlng wlll be used Lo provlde free case work asslsLance Lo local senlor
clLlzens and lmmlgranL famllles.
ConsLanLlnldes PAnAC, lnc. 112290832 22,000
lundlng wlll be used Lo help defray operaLlng expenses aL Lhe Ceorge uourls
1ower locaLlon.
vacca PAnAC, lnc. 112290832 10,000
1o fund Lhe 8ronx lnformaLlon and 8eferral Senlor rogram, whlch provldes
soclal servlces, asslsLance ln obLalnlng enLlLlemenLs, lunch, celebraLlons, Lrlps,
and educaLlonal and recreaLlonal acLlvlLles for Lhe local senlor populaLlon.
8odrlguez PAnAC, lnc. 112290832 * 10,000
lmprove Lhelr quallLy of llfe, healLh and well-belng of Senlors by fosLerlng Lhelr
vallone PAnAC, lnc. 112290832 10,000
1he funds wlll supporL Lhe Angelo eLromells Senlor CenLer Lo supplemenL
Lhelr underfunded budgeL by provldlng Lhe necessary operaLlonal cosLs.
van 8ramer PAnAC, lnc. 112290832 6,473
lunds Lo supporL PAnAC 8avenswood Senlor CenLer, fundlng Lo provlde soclal
evenLs, acLlvlLles, and defray operaLlng cosLs.
ulckens Parlem lnLeragency Councll for Lhe Aglng, lnc. 133317271 3,000
1o provlde lnformaLlon and referral servlces, asslsLance wlLh appllcaLlons for
enLlLlemenLs and oLher beneflLs, operaLe a Lelephone reassurance program,
and provlde food and oLher servlces for senlors. lunds wlll be used for
operaLlng expenses and oLher
Carodnlck PealLh AdvocaLes for Clder eople, lnc. 134163807 3,000
lundlng wlll supporL free acLlvlLles Lo asslsL senlors ln malnLalnlng soclallzaLlon,
physlcal and menLal healLh and lndependence.
kallos PealLh AdvocaLes for Clder eople, lnc. 134163807 1,000
1o supporL Lhe PealLhy Aglng rogram, Lo offer courses and servlces for senlors
and Lo supporL Lhelr efforLs Lo llve lndependenLly.
8odrlguez Pebrew 1abernacle of WashlngLon PelghLs, lnc. 130831470 * 8,000
lundlng Lo supporL arL shows, soclal acLlon pro[ecLs, and communlLy game
Levln PelghLs and Pllls, lnc. 237237927 17,000 1o provlde ln-home case managemenL servlces and hlre a case manager.
Lander PelghLs and Pllls, lnc. 237237927 10,000 1o supporL programmlng and ouLreach for LC81 senlors
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 98

Levln Pelen keller Servlces for Lhe 8llnd 111630807 3,300
1o supporL Lhe free AdapLlve Llvlng rogram (AL) for vlsually lmpalred senlors
aged 33 and older. AL provldes an array of lndlvlduallzed rehablllLaLlon and
low vlslon servlces, wlLh Lhe ob[ecLlve of helplng cllenLs regaln self-sufflclency,
malnLaln lnd
Lander Pelen keller Servlces for Lhe 8llnd 111630807 3,300
1o supporL and expand senlor programs, lncludlng exerclse classes, hollday
celebraLlons, evenlng acLlvlLles and Lrlps Lo culLural evenLs.
Mendez Penry SLreeL SeLLlemenL 131362242 * 17,000
lundlng Lo provlde nuLrlLlonal lnformaLlon Lo enhance Lhe healLh of senlors,
and offer affordable hoL lunches Sunday Lhrough lrlday, and dlnners Monday
Lhrough lrlday.
Chln Penry SLreeL SeLLlemenL 131362242 * 8,000
lunds wlll supporL mulLlllngual sLaff, lunches, wellness programs, and
recreaLlonal acLlvlLles aL Lhe Cood Companlons Senlor CenLer (CCSC) servlng
Lhe lower easL slde.
Clbson Plghbrldge CommunlLy Llfe CenLer 133013339 * 10,000
Plghbrldge CommunlLy Llfe CenLer wlll use Lhese funds Lo supporL acLlvlLles for
senlors ln Lhe Plghbrldge communlLy, 1hese acLlvlLles wlll lnclude communlLy
meals, hollday celebraLlons, culLural evenLs, concerLs, day Lrlps and supplles. .
koo Plndu 1emple SocleLy of nA, 1he 237071891 * 19,000
1o fund youLh/senlor lnLergeneraLlonal acLlvlLles, educaLlon and debaLes, soclal
acLlvlLles, semlnars and culLural programs.
Mlller Pollls Avenue CongregaLlonal Church 861100639 8,000
lundlng wlll be used ln supporL of Lhe Senlor 8uddy rogram lncludlng arLs and
crafLs, senlor fleld Lrlps wlLh lunch lncluded, and dally meals aL Lhe cenLer. We
also provlde recreaLlon, games and LransporLaLlon Lo and from Lhe Senlor
1reyger PolocausL Survlvors CharlLy, lnc. 113792091 * 2,300
1o fund lecLures on smoklng, abuse of drugs, healLh, arL, muslc and physlcal
exerclse for holocausL survlvors Lo bulld lmmunlLy and longevlLy Lo preserve
Lhe members experlences for fuLure generaLlons. 1o provlde moblle food
panLry, soclal gaLherlngs cele
ueuLsch PomecresL CommunlLy Servlces, lnc. 113373113 9,000
lundlng o provlde educaLlonal and recreaLlonal servlces for senlors, access and
LranslaLlon (Chlnese-Lngllsh) servlces.
1reyger PomecresL CommunlLy Servlces, lnc. 113373113 20,000
1o fund educaLlonal and recreaLlonal servlces for senlors, access and
LranslaLlon (Chlnese-Lngllsh) servlces, case asslsLance, communlLy workshops,
healLh and wellness promoLlon. 1he funds wlll be used for sLaff and lnsLrucLor
cosLs, bus Lrlps, space renL
Wllllams PomecresL CommunlLy Servlces, lnc. 113373113 3,000
lundlng for educaLlonal and recreaLlonal servlces as well as belng used for sLaff
and lnsLrucLor cosLs, bus Lrlps, space renLal and admlnlsLraLlve cosLs.
ulckens PosplLal Audlences, lnc. 136277893 4,000
1o supporL Lhe Cmnlbus rogram, whlch provldes LransporLaLlon supporL
servlces LhaL enhance lndependence and quallLy of llfe for senlors. lundlng
would be used Lo offer free group LransporL on PAl Cmnlbuses Lo help senlors
access healLh and wellness servl
Menchaca PosplLal Audlences, lnc. 136277893 3,300
lunds Lo presenL arLlsLlc performances aL varlous healLh, psychlaLrlc, and
medlcal lnsLlLuLlons ln 8rooklyn Councll ulsLrlcL 38.
uromm lndla Pome, lnc. 208747291 * 8,000
1o provlde congregaLe nuLrlLlon, supporL sLaff salarles, and fund yoga and arLs
and crafLs maLerlals.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 99

lLallan Senlor ClLlzens CenLer, lnc. - newLown lLallan Senlor
CenLer 112308129 * 7,000 1o fund healLh, exerclse, and educaLlonal programs for senlors
van 8ramer !acob A. 8lls nelghborhood SeLLlemenL, lnc. 111729398 21,230
lunds Lo supporL Lhe 8lls Senlor CenLer programmlng whlch serves resldenLs
aged 60 and above who rely on publlc beneflLs, have llmlLed moblllLy, are
dlagnosed wlLh one or more chronlc dlseases, face food lnsLablllLy and/or
suffer from depresslon
!amalca Servlce rogram for Clder AdulLs, lnc. (!SCA) -
lrlendshlp CenLer 310204121 * 43,000
1o provlde programmlng for menLally physlcally frall senlors. lunds requesLed
wlll be used for ouLreach maLerlals, upgrade equlpmenL (klLchen, freezers,
oven) and oLher program cosL.
!amalca Servlce rogram for Clder AdulLs, lnc. (!SCA) -
lrlendshlp CenLer 310204121 * 10,000
1o provlde programmlng for menLally physlcally frall senlors. lunds requesLed
wlll be used for ouLreach maLerlals, upgrade equlpmenL (klLchen, freezers,
oven) and oLher program cosL.
!amalca Servlce rogram for Clder AdulLs, lnc. (!SCA) -
8ockaway 8lvd Senlor CenLer 310204121 * 20,000
lunds wlll be used Lo replace equlpmenL/furnlLure LhaL ls broken or worn.
lunds wlll also supporL recreaLlonal acLlvlLles for senlors.
ulckens !azzmoblle, lnc. 132614483 * 8,000
1o supporL Lhe !azzmoblle educaLlon and performance programs for senlors
and Lhelr famllles. lunds wlll pay for performers and Lhe cosLs of Lhe
performances, as well as admlnlsLraLlve cosLs for Lhe programs.
Mealy !azzmoblle, lnc. 132614483 * 3,000
1he funds wlll be used Lo supporL !azzmoblle's free and open Lo Lhe publlc
performances ln ulsLrlcL 41 senlor cenLers and senlor evenLs ln ulsLrlcL 41. 1he
funds wlll be used Lo pay for muslclans' performance fees, LransporLaLlon,
equlpmenL renLal and lns
Cohen !ewlsh AssoclaLlon for Servlces for Lhe Aged (!ASA) 132620896 * 20,000
lundlng Lo supporL programmlng, enLerLalnmenL and refreshmenLs for senlors
aL Lhe !ASA van CorLlandL Senlor CenLer.
Carodnlck !ewlsh AssoclaLlon for Servlces for Lhe Aged (!ASA) 132620896 * 3,300
lundlng wlll be used Lo offer enLlLlemenL educaLlon and ouLreach LhroughouL
n?C Lhrough !AC Cafes, presenLaLlons and conferences.
!ohnson !ewlsh AssoclaLlon for Servlces for Lhe Aged (!ASA) 132620896 * 3,000
1o supporL !ASA's !olnL ubllc Affalrs CommlLLee for Clder AdulLs (!AC) has
reached ouL Lo older adulLs ln Lhe communlLy Lo advocaLe and moblllze Lhem
around lssues affecLlng Lhelr llves. lundlng wlll be used Lo offer enLlLlemenL
educaLlon and ouLreach
8osenLhal !ewlsh AssoclaLlon for Servlces for Lhe Aged (!ASA) 132620896 * 4,000
lundlng Lo supporL soclal work servlces whlch lnclude case asslsLance,
lnformaLlon and referrals and program coordlnaLlon handled by Lhe on-slLe
Soclal Worker, and for consulLanLs Lo Leach classes such as exerclse.
8osenLhal !ewlsh AssoclaLlon for Servlces for Lhe Aged (!ASA) 132620896 * 3,000
lundlng for sLaff supporL, consulLanLs Lo Leach classes, offlce/ program
supplles, bus renLal for Lrlps, phone/lnLerneL servlce, refreshmenLs and oLher
program expenses.
8osenLhal !ewlsh AssoclaLlon for Servlces for Lhe Aged (!ASA) 132620896 * 3,300
lundlng wlll be used Lo conLlnue Lo offer enLlLlemenL educaLlon and ouLreach
Lo older adulLs. lL wlll also be used Lo supporL !ACs lnsLlLuLe for Senlor AcLlon
(llSA), whlch provldes a 10-week Lralnlng based ln ManhaLLan for older adulLs,
Lhe navlgaLe ne
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 100

8osenLhal !ewlsh AssoclaLlon for Servlces for Lhe Aged (!ASA) 132620896 * 3,000
lundlng Lo supporL Cne SLop aL !ASA, provldlng lnLenslve case managemenL,
case asslsLance, elder abuse soclal securlLy represenLaLlve payee servlces,
asslsLs approxlmaLely 3,000 senlors per year, helplng Lo malnLaln Lhelr safeLy
sLablllLy where Lhey llv
Weprln !ewlsh AssoclaLlon for Servlces for Lhe Aged (!ASA) 132620896 * 3,000
1o fund consulLanLs Lo Leach classes on physlcal flLness, arL, and oLher Loplcs,
as well as Lo provlde lecLures, bus renLals for new ?ork area Lrlps and
!ewlsh AssoclaLlon for Servlces for Lhe Aged (!ASA) - 8ay
Lden Senlor CenLer 132620896 * 8,000
lundlng Lo supporL cosLs of consulLanLs Lo Leach classes such as physlcal
flLness and crafLs, lecLures of lnLeresL, enLerLalnmenL aL parLles, culLural arLs
programmlng, and refreshmenLs aL speclal evenLs.
!ewlsh AssoclaLlon for Servlces for Lhe Aged (!ASA) -
8rlghLon/ManhaLLan 8each Senlor CenLer 132620896 * 3,000
lundlng Lo pay for consulLanLs Lo Leach classes such as Zumba, LSL, compuLers,
and Lo purchase supplles for classes.
!ewlsh AssoclaLlon for Servlces for Lhe Aged (!ASA) -
8rookdale vlllage Senlor CenLer 132620896 * 20,000
rogrammlng and servlces: ConsulLanLs Lo Leach compuLer, Lngllsh a Second
Language, exerclse classes, enLerLalners aL parLles, augmenL Lhe salary of a
drlver for Lhe program's LransporLaLlon program, and expenses generaLed by
Lhe LransporLaLlon program.
!ewlsh AssoclaLlon for Servlces for Lhe Aged (!ASA) -
8ushwlckPylan nC8C 132620896 * 11,000 1o supporL programmlng for senlors aL 8ushwlck/Pylan nC8C SS
!ewlsh AssoclaLlon for Servlces for Lhe Aged (!ASA) - Coney
lsland AcLlve Aglng nC8C - SS 132620896 * 3,000
1o fund !ASA's ClAA nC8C SS serves older resldenLs of n?CPA houslng each
year. Soclal servlces, healLh supporL and educaLlonal recreaLlonal acLlvlLles are
offered Lo Lhe senlors age 60 ln Lhe collaboraLlon wlLh C'uwyer houslng and
M!PS. 1he requesLed
!ewlsh AssoclaLlon for Servlces for Lhe Aged (!ASA) - Co-Cp
ClLy LlnsLeln Senlor CenLer 132620896 * 17,000
Servlces Lo be funded: sLaff salarles, consulLanLs Lo Leach classes, offlce and
program supplles, bus renLal for Lrlps, phone servlce and lnLerneL,
refreshmenLs and oLher program expenses.
!ewlsh AssoclaLlon for Servlces for Lhe Aged (!ASA) - Co-Cp
ClLy Senlor CenLer 8arLow 132620896 * 10,000 lunds wlll be used Lo supporL senlor programmlng.
!ewlsh AssoclaLlon for Servlces for Lhe Aged (!ASA) - Co-Cp
ClLy Senlor CenLer urelser 132620896 * 10,000
lundlng Lo supporL cosLs of consulLanLs Lo Leach classes such as physlcal
flLness and crafLs, lecLures of lnLeresL, enLerLalnmenL aL parLles, culLural arLs
programmlng, and refreshmenLs aL speclal evenLs and Lrlps Lo areas of lnLeresL
ln Lhe n? MeLro ar
!ewlsh AssoclaLlon for Servlces for Lhe Aged (!ASA) - !olnL
ubllc Affalrs CommlLLee 132620896 * 1,000
1o offer enLlLlemenL educaLlon and ouLreach LhroughouL n?C Lhrough !AC
Cafes, presenLaLlons and conferences, and Lo offer leadershlp Lralnlng, clvlc
engagemenL and volunLeer opporLunlLles for senlors.
!ewlsh AssoclaLlon for Servlces for Lhe Aged (!ASA) - Mechler
Pall Senlor CenLer 132620896 * 11,230
1o provlde classes, Lrlps, refreshmenLs and oLher programs for senlors and
supporL general program cosLs aL Mechler Pall Senlor CenLer.
!ewlsh AssoclaLlon for Servlces for Lhe Aged (!ASA) - Cne
SLop 132620896 * 7,300
lunds Lo subsldlze salary of a parL-Llme bl-llngual (Lngllsh/Spanlsh) soclal
worker who conducLs home vlslLs as parL of Lhe Care ManagemenL rogram
and provldes on-slLe consulLaLlon ln Lhe Case AsslsLance rogram ln Councll
ulsLrlcL 7. 1he funds wlll al
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 101

!ewlsh AssoclaLlon for Servlces for Lhe Aged (!ASA) - 8oy
8euLher vlllage Senlor CenLer 132620896 * 20,000
1he programmlng and servlces Lo be funded wlll cover Lhe cosLs of consulLanLs
Lo Leach physlcal flLness classes, such as ?oga, Zumba, 1al chl, ArLs and CrafLs,
uancerclse compuLer classes, and knlLLlng crocheLlng classes, and choral group
!ewlsh AssoclaLlon for Servlces for Lhe Aged (!ASA) - Scheuer
Pouse of Coney lsland Senlor CenLer 132620896 * 3,300
1o fund Lhe cosLs of consulLanLs Lo Leach classes on Loplcs of lnLeresLs Lo
communlLy elders, such as compuLer, LSL, physlcal flLness, and oLhers, and bus
renLal for Lrlps Lo areas of lnLeresL ln Lhe new ?ork meLropollLan area.
!ewlsh AssoclaLlon for Servlces for Lhe Aged (!ASA) - Scheuer
Pouse 1enanLs AssoclaLlon 132620896 * 3,000
lor servlces Lo pay for sesslons for awareness groups, dlscusslon groups,
muslcal appreclaLlon, and educaLlonal Lrlps
!ewlsh AssoclaLlon for Servlces for Lhe Aged (!ASA) - Senlor
Alllance Senlor CenLer 132620896 * 3,000 lunds Lo pay for a consulLanL Lo Leach compuLer classes, prlnLlng/supplles
!ewlsh AssoclaLlon for Servlces for Lhe Aged (!ASA) -
ShorefronL Senlor CenLer 132620896 * 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo pay for consulLanLs Lo Leach classes such as physlcal
flLness, lecLures, and LSL.
!ewlsh AssoclaLlon for Servlces for Lhe Aged (!ASA) - SLarreLL
Senlor CenLer 132620896 * 8,000
lunds Lo cover Lhe cosLs of consulLanLs Lo Leach classes such as Lhe Choral
Croup, exerclse classes (Zumba, Aeroblcs, 1al Chl, ?oga), and palnLlng.
!ewlsh AssoclaLlon for Servlces for Lhe Aged (!ASA) - 1hroggs
neck Senlor CenLer 132620896 * 3,000 1o fund consulLanLs Lo Leach aeroblcs and Zumba classes Lo senlors.
!ewlsh AssoclaLlon for Servlces for Lhe Aged (!ASA) - 1rumps
nC8C - SS 132620896 * 3,000
lundlng Lo supporL monLhly group ouLlngs and weekly ?oga and SLrengLh
1ralnlng Classes
!ewlsh AssoclaLlon for Servlces for Lhe Aged (!ASA) -
Warbasse Cares nC8C - SS 132620896 * 3,300
lunds used Lo provlde soclal servlces, healLh supporL and group
educaLlonal/recreaLlonal acLlvlLles, healLh/exerclse programs and group
!ewlsh AssoclaLlon for Servlces for Lhe Aged (!ASA) -
Wllllamsburg Senlor CenLer 132620896 * 11,000 1o supporL programmlng for senlors aL Wllllamsburg Senlor CenLer.
uromm !ewlsh CenLer of !ackson PelghLs, lnc. 111681124 * 19,000
1o provlde educaLlonal acLlvlLles, culLural performances, and supporL servlces
for local senlors, as well as fundlng cosLs for operaLlng expenses and salarles.
lgnlzlo !ewlsh CommunlLy CenLer of SLaLen lsland, lnc. 133362236 * 3,000
lundlng Lo asslsL ln operaLlng Lhe SouLh Shore nelghborhood Senlor CenLer.
1he program offers a varleLy of educaLlonal, flLness, and recreaLlonal acLlvlLles
dally Lo adulLs ages 60 and older.
MaLLeo !ewlsh CommunlLy CenLer of SLaLen lsland, lnc. 133362236 * 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL programs and servlces aL Lhe CenLer for Long Llfe
uevelopmenL (CLLu)
MaLLeo !ewlsh CommunlLy CenLer of SLaLen lsland, lnc. 133362236 * 3,000
lunds Lo be used Lo pay fees for such evenLs as golf, darLs, pockeL pool, brldge,
bowllng, mlnlaLure golf, L-shlrLs, and a luncheon on Lhe flnal day of Lhe evenL.
8ose !ewlsh CommunlLy CenLer of SLaLen lsland, lnc. 133362236 * 3,000
lunds Lo be Lo be used Lo pay fees for such evenLs as golf, darLs, pockeL pool,
brldge, bowllng, mlnlaLure golf, L-shlrLs, and a luncheon on Lhe flnal day of Lhe
8ose !ewlsh CommunlLy CenLer of SLaLen lsland, lnc. 133362236 * 23,000
lunds Lo be used Lowards Lhe cosLs assoclaLed wlLh Lhe !CC's communlLy
programs ln SLapleLon, lncludlng sLafflng, promoLlon, food, maLerlals and
equlpmenL, and relaLed admlnlsLraLlve cosLs.
ueuLsch !ewlsh CommunlLy Councll of CreaLer Coney lsland, lnc. 112663181 3,000
lundlng wlll serve Lhe elderly by provldlng enrlched and dlverse educaLlonal
recreaLlonal acLlvlLles, soclal acLlvlLles, healLh promoLlon
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 102

ueuLsch !ewlsh CommunlLy Councll of CreaLer Coney lsland, lnc. 112663181 3,000
lundlng wlll serve Lhe elderly by provldlng enrlched and dlverse educaLlonal
recreaLlonal acLlvlLles, soclal acLlvlLles, healLh promoLlon
ueuLsch !ewlsh CommunlLy Councll of CreaLer Coney lsland, lnc. 112663181 6,000
lundlng wlll serve Lhe elderly by provldlng enrlched and dlverse educaLlonal
recreaLlonal acLlvlLles, soclal acLlvlLles, healLh promoLlon
!ewlsh CommunlLy Councll of CreaLer Coney lsland, lnc. -
Coney lsland Seaslde lnnovaLlve Senlor CenLer 112663181 3,300
lunds wlll supporL Coney lsland Seaslde lnnovaLlve Senlor CenLers (prevlously
known as Surf Solomon Senlor CenLer) PealLhy Aglng servlces (whlch lnclude
healLh promoLlon, educaLlonal and recreaLlonal acLlvlLles) whlch help keep
senlor clLlzens mlnds and
!ewlsh CommunlLy Councll of CreaLer Coney lsland, lnc. -
Paber Pouse Senlor CenLer 112663181 3,300
lunds supporL Paber Senlor CenLers PealLhy Aglng servlces whlch lnclude
healLh promoLlon, educaLlonal and recreaLlonal acLlvlLles whlch help keep
senlor clLlzens mlnds and bodles healLhy (examples lnclude Lxerclse, Muslc,
Chorus, knlLLlng, Llbrary, LSL
!ewlsh CommunlLy Councll of CreaLer Coney lsland, lnc. -
Marlboro Senlor CenLer 112663181 3,300
lunds wlll supporL Marlboro Senlor CenLers PealLhy Aglng servlces whlch
lnclude healLh promoLlon, educaLlonal and recreaLlonal acLlvlLles whlch help
keep senlor clLlzens mlnds and bodles healLhy (examples lnclude Lxerclse, 1al
Chl, ArL, Chorus, CompuLer
!ewlsh CommunlLy Councll of CreaLer Coney lsland, lnc. -
Ccean arkway Senlor CenLer 112663181 3,300
lunds wlll supporL Ccean arkway Senlor CenLers PealLhy Aglng servlces whlch
lnclude healLh promoLlon, educaLlonal and recreaLlonal acLlvlLles whlch help
keep senlor clLlzens mlnds and bodles healLhy (examples lnclude ?oga, Lxerclse
wlLh Muslc, knlLLlng,
!ewlsh CommunlLy Councll of CreaLer Coney lsland, lnc. -
Senlor ClLlzen Pomecare 112663181 3,000 lunds used Lo provlde crlLlcal supporLlve servlces Lo low-lncome elderly.
!ewlsh CommunlLy Councll of CreaLer Coney lsland, lnc. -
Senlor ClLlzen 1ransporLaLlon 112663181 3,000
1o supporL a Senlor ClLlzen 1ransporLaLlon rogram whlch provldes boLh
lndlvldual demand responslve and group scheduled Lrlps for frall elderly
LransporLlng Lhem Lo medlcal and non-medlcal essenLlal servlces and
Cabrera !ewlsh Pome and PosplLal 237071900 * 30,000
lundlng Lo supporL recreaLlon and ouLlngs ln 8ronx nurslng Pome, klLLay
Pouse resldenLlal lndependenL llvlng aparLmenLs, as well as Lhe new unlverslLy
Avenue AsslsLed Llvlng rogram on 8ronx Campus. LvenLs wlll lnclude a
housewarmlng evenL for resldenLs
Levlne !ewlsh Pome Llfecare ManhaLLan 131624033 10,000 lundlng Lo supporL uemenLla Care 1ralnlng rogram Councll ulsLrlcL 7.
lerreras !usL-us, lnc. 132934007 * 10,000
1o supporL Lhe Senlor 1ech rogram almed aL Leachlng Senlors baslc compuLer
skllls Lo uLlllze Lechnology. rogrammlng enrlches llves, decreases lsolaLlon,
and provldes vlable meLhods for malnLalnlng soclal conLacL wlLh frlends, famlly
and Lhe communlLy.
ulckens !usL-us, lnc. 132934007 * 3,000
1o supporL Lhe Senlor 1ech neLwork rogram almed aL Leachlng senlor clLlzens
Lhe baslc compuLer skllls necessary for Lhem Lo begln Lo uLlllze Lechnology ln
order Lo enhance Lhelr llves, decrease lsolaLlon, and provlde a vlable meLhod of
malnLalnlng socla
alma klps 8ay 8oys & Clrls Club 131623830 * 16,730
1o conLlnue Lhe operaLlon of a senlor program LhaL provldes meals, case
managemenL, exerclse, arLs crafLs, culLural evenLs, educaLlon and nuLrlLlon
classes aL CasLle Plll Senlor CenLer.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 103

korean Amerlcan Senlor ClLlzens SocleLy of CreaLer new
?ork, lnc. 112433396 * 3,000
1o provlde Lhousands of recenL lmmlgranL senlor clLlzens wlLh baslc and
lnLermedlaLe compuLer skllls, LSL classes and u.S. ClLlzenshlp appllcaLlon
asslsLance. Also Lo meeL Lhe needs of Lhe greaLly underserved communlLy of
lerreras korean CommunlLy Servlces of MeLropollLan new ?ork, lnc. 237348989 10,230 lundlng wlll supporL congregaLe lunches servlng senlors dally.
koo korean CommunlLy Servlces of MeLropollLan new ?ork, lnc. 237348989 19,000 1o fund resources and programmlng for senlors on a dally basls.
vallone korean CommunlLy Servlces of MeLropollLan new ?ork, lnc. 237348989 10,000
1o supporL kCS ln provldlng free healLh screenlngs, meals and oLher soclal
uromm LaLln Amerlcan CulLural CenLer of Cueens, lnc. 112997233 * 8,000
1o supporL Sunday Lo 8emember arL and culLure program for senlors. lunds
wlll cover arLlsLs fees and operaLlonal cosLs.
Carodnlck Lenox Plll nelghborhood Pouse, lnc. 131628180 17,300
lundlng wlll supporL Lhe Senlor CenLer aL SalnL eLer's Church, whlch serves
more Lhan 3,000 senlors annually wlLh dlverse meal, lnLellecLual, healLh and
soclal programs
Carodnlck Lenox Plll nelghborhood Pouse, lnc. 131628180 7,300 lundlng wlll supporL LransporLaLlon for senlors Lo programs aL Lhe CenLer.
Carodnlck Lenox Plll nelghborhood Pouse, lnc. 131628180 10,000 lundlng wlll supporL a senlor-orlenLed evenL for upper LasL Slde resldenLs.
kallos Lenox Plll nelghborhood Pouse, lnc. 131628180 3,000
1o supporL Lhe LasL Slde 1ransporLaLlon rogram whlch provldes
LransporLaLlon servlces Lo senlors 7 days a week, lncludlng LransporLaLlon Lo
and from Lhe Lwo senlor cenLers, Lenox Plll nelghborhood Pouse, and
weekend culLural and recreaLlonal Lrlps.
kallos Lenox Plll nelghborhood Pouse, lnc. 131628180 3,000
1o supporL Lhe LasL Slde Case ManagemenL ConsorLlum whlch provldes case
managemenL Lo senlors on 8oosevelL lsland, 14Lh SLreeL Lo 143rd SLreeL, 3Lh
Avenue Lo Lhe LasL 8lver.
kallos Lenox Plll nelghborhood Pouse, lnc. 131628180 3,000
1o supporL Lhe lnnovaLlve Senlor CenLer whlch provldes dlverse programmlng
from llLeraLure and forelgn language Lo belly danclng and 1al Chl, ln addlLlon Lo
Lhree wonderful and nuLrlLlous congregaLe meals prepared dally on slLe.
uromm LexlngLon Pearlng and Speech CenLer lnc 112646484 3,300
1o LransporL senlors Lo hearlng LesLlng slLe, provlde LesLlng, and schedule for
any necessary appolnLmenLs.
lgnlzlo LlfesLyles for Lhe ulsabled, lnc. 133740011 8,300
lundlng wlll be used for equlpmenL and supplles Lo supporL our PorLlculLure
MaLLeo LlfesLyles for Lhe ulsabled, lnc. 133740011 12,000
lundlng wlll supporL new ulsasLer 8ellef rogram for Lhe uevelopmenLally
ulsabled and Senlor ClLlzens whlch focus rellef efforLs Lo mosL vulnerable
dlsasLer vlcLlms.
8osenLhal Llncoln Pouslng CuLreach 133668207 * 3,000
lundlng Lo provlde case asslsLance, case managemenL, healLh care asslsLance
and referral Lo oLher approprlaLe servlces ln Lhe communlLy lncludlng uC8C1.
LPC also provldes acLlvlLles and classes Lo promoLe good healLh as well as
educaLlonal, recreaLlonal a
Wllllams Ma[or Muslc lnLernaLlonal CorporaLlon 261139606 * 3,000 fundlng for MMlCs Senlor ClLlzen Muslcal 1heaLer rogram
lgnlzlo Meals on Wheels of SLaLen lsland, lnc. 132894978 * 13,000
1o supporL operaLlonal expenses lncludlng, raw food cosLs, vehlcle relaLed
expenses, offlce operaLlons and personnel.
MaLLeo Meals on Wheels of SLaLen lsland, lnc. 132894978 * 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL operaLlonal expenses lncludlng, raw food cosLs,
vehlcle relaLed expenses, offlce operaLlons and personnel.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 104

lerreras Medlcare 8lghLs CenLer, lnc. 133303372 * 3,300
1o supporL a 1own Pall LnrollmenL and CuLreach uay ln dlsLrlcL 21, Lo
educaLlon communlLy resldenLs on sLaLe and federal publlc beneflLs, and Lo
answer quesLlons on new sLaLe-mandaLed Medlcare and Medlcald plans, new
?ork's healLh lnsurance markeLplace an
Carodnlck Medlcare 8lghLs CenLer, lnc. 133303372 * 3,000
lundlng wlll supporL communlLy presenLaLlons abouL Lhe beneflLs and deLalls
of accesslng and parLlclpaLlng ln governmenL programs such as Medlcare and
kallos Medlcare 8lghLs CenLer, lnc. 133303372 * 1,000
1o supporL a 1own Pall LnrollmenL and CuLreach uay educaLlng hundreds of
communlLy resldenLs on sLaLe and federal publlc beneflLs and answerlng
quesLlons abouL new sLaLe-mandaLed Medlcare and Medlcald plans, new
?ork's healLh lnsurance markeLplace and oLh
alma Medlcare 8lghLs CenLer, lnc. 133303372 * 4,300
1o supporL a Medlcare updaLe and LnrollmenL uay ln Councll ulsLrlcL 18,
educaLlng communlLy resldenLs on federal publlc beneflLs, new ?ork's healLh
lnsurance exchange, new managed long-Lerm care plans, and oLher Medlcare
changes, and provldlng follow up L
!ohnson Medlcare 8lghLs CenLer, lnc. 133303372 * 3,000
1o lead a Medlcare updaLe and LnrollmenL uay ln Lhe 3rd Councll ulsLrlcL,
educaLlng communlLy resldenLs on federal publlc beneflLs and answerlng
quesLlons abouL new ?ork's healLh lnsurance exchange, new managed long-
Lerm care plans, and oLher Medlcare cha
8osenLhal Medlcare 8lghLs CenLer, lnc. 133303372 * 3,300
lundlng Lo supporL Medlcare 8lghLs CenLer LnrollmenL and CuLreach uay ln
ClLy Councll dlsLrlcL 6, educaLlng and provldlng follow up Lo communlLy
resldenLs on sLaLe and federal publlc beneflLs and answerlng quesLlons abouL
new sLaLe-mandaLed Medlcare and
Levlne Medlcare 8lghLs CenLer, lnc. 133303372 * 3,000
lundlng Lo supporL 1own Pall LnrollmenL and CuLreach uay ln Councll ulsLrlcL
7, educaLlng hundreds of communlLy resldenLs on sLaLe and federal publlc
beneflLs and answerlng quesLlons abouL new sLaLe-mandaLed Medlcare and
Medlcald plans, new ?ork's healLh
8odrlguez Medlcare 8lghLs CenLer, lnc. 133303372 * 3,300 lundlng Lo provlde a Medlcare enrollmenL day
Creenfleld Medlcare 8lghLs CenLer, lnc. 133303372 * 6,300
lundlng wlll be used as follows: 1he Medlcare 8lghLs CenLer wlll lead a 1own
Pall LnrollmenL and CuLreach uay ln each sponsorlng ClLy Councll dlsLrlcL,
educaLlng hundreds of communlLy resldenLs on sLaLe and federal publlc
beneflLs and answerlng quesLlons
Cu28 Medlcare 8lghLs CenLer, lnc. 133303372 * 3,000
1o supporL Medlcare 8lghL's ouLreach and enrollmenL asslsLance efforLs, ln
addlLlon Lo educaLlng resldenLs on sLaLe and federal publlc beneflLs.
Menchaca Medlcare 8lghLs CenLer, lnc. 133303372 * 3,300
lundlng Lo supporL Medlcare 8lghLs CenLer LnrollmenL and CuLreach uay ln
ClLy Councll dlsLrlcL 38, educaLlng and provldlng follow up Lo communlLy
resldenLs on sLaLe and federal publlc beneflLs and answerlng quesLlons abouL
new sLaLe-mandaLed Medlcare and
Weprln Medlcare 8lghLs CenLer, lnc. 133303372 * 6,000
lundlng Lo supporL 1own Pall LnrollmenL and CuLreach uay ln Lhe dlsLrlcL and
help consLlLuenLs wlLh Lhelr appllcaLlons for sLaLe and federal publlc beneflLs.
8lchards Merrlll ark Clvlc AssoclaLlon of Sprlngfleld Cardens, lnc. 112304928 20,000
1o alde ln Lhe supporL of Servlce ConLracLs coverlng - Alr CondlLlonlng SysLem,
Walk-ln 8efrlgeraLor/lreezer, Commerclal ulshwasher. Also, 8epalr and
MalnLenance for LransporLaLlon vehlcles.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 10S

Cu28 Merrlll ark Clvlc AssoclaLlon of Sprlngfleld Cardens, lnc. 112304928 3,000
lundlng wlll be used Lo provlde culLural acLlvlLles, LransporLaLlon and meals for
volunLeers .
Merrlll ark Clvlc AssoclaLlon of Sprlngfleld Cardens, lnc. -
8oberL Couche Senlor CenLer 112304928 9,300 lundlng wlll cover general programmlng expenses
MeLropollLan new ?ork CoordlnaLlng Councll on !ewlsh
overLy, lnc. 132738818 * 10,000
MeL Councll's Crlsls lnLervenLlon Servlces Lo gulde cllenLs and provlde Lhem
flnanclal lnLervenLlon.
MeLropollLan new ?ork CoordlnaLlng Councll on !ewlsh
overLy, lnc. 132738818 * 3,000
MeL Councll's ro[ecL MeLropalr/Pandyman Servlces Lo lnsLall Lhlngs such as
door locks and grab bars Lo frall senlors.
MeLropollLan new ?ork CoordlnaLlng Councll on !ewlsh
overLy, lnc. 132738818 * 3,000
1o supporL Lhe sLafflng and purchaslng of food necessary Lo provlde elderly
cllenLs wlLh healLhy food packages.
MeLropollLan new ?ork CoordlnaLlng Councll on !ewlsh
overLy, lnc. 132738818 * 1,000
1o supporL Crlsls lnLervenLlon Servlces whlch engage cllenLs Lhrough a
Lhorough assessmenL of Lhelr needs, resulLlng ln an effecLlve lnLervenLlon and a
paLh Loward self- sufflclency. Crlsls Soclal Workers work wlLh cllenLs Lo creaLe a
plan LhaL would guld
MeLropollLan new ?ork CoordlnaLlng Councll on !ewlsh
overLy, lnc. 132738818 * 3,300
lunds wlll provlde crlsls lnLervenLlon servlces Lo Lhe worklng-poor, near-poor,
lmmlgranLs, senlors llvlng on flxed lncomes, and Lhe recenLly unemployed,
connecLlng cllenLs Lo beneflLs, enLlLlemenLs, flnanclal asslsLance, emergency
food programs, career s
MeLropollLan new ?ork CoordlnaLlng Councll on !ewlsh
overLy, lnc. 132738818 * 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe MeL Councll's comprehenslve Crlsls
lnLervenLlon Servlces
MeLropollLan new ?ork CoordlnaLlng Councll on !ewlsh
overLy, lnc. 132738818 * 3,300
lundlng Lo provlde crlsls lnLervenLlon Servlces engage cllenLs Lhrough a
Lhorough assessmenL of Lhelr needs, resulLlng ln an effecLlve lnLervenLlon and a
paLh Loward self- sufflclency. Crlsls Soclal Workers work wlLh cllenLs Lo creaLe a
plan LhaL would gu
MeLropollLan new ?ork CoordlnaLlng Councll on !ewlsh
overLy, lnc. 132738818 * 20,000 lunds wlll be used Lo provlde crlsls mlLlgaLlon servlces
MeLropollLan new ?ork CoordlnaLlng Councll on !ewlsh
overLy, lnc. 132738818 * 3,000 lundlng Lo supporL Crlsls lnLervenLlon Servlces.
MeLropollLan new ?ork CoordlnaLlng Councll on !ewlsh
overLy, lnc. 132738818 * 3,000
lunds Lo supporL MeL Councll's ro[ecL MeLropalr/Pandyman Servlces whlch
provldes Llmely repalr and handyman servlces Lo low-lncome senlors,
lmmlgranLs, and PolocausL survlvor, fundlng wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe
sLafflng crlLlcal Lo Lhls cosL-effecLlve a
MeLropollLan new ?ork CoordlnaLlng Councll on !ewlsh
overLy, lnc. 132738818 * 4,000
lunds wlll supporL soclal workers and sLaff engaged ln crlsls lnLervenLlon
servlces wlLh cllenLs as well as flnanclal asslsLance and food vouchers based on
assessmenL of needs.
MeLropollLan new ?ork CoordlnaLlng Councll on !ewlsh
overLy, lnc. 132738818 * 3,000
Crlsls lnLervenLlon Servlces wlll engage cllenLs Lhrough a Lhorough assessmenL
of Lhelr needs, resulLlng ln an effecLlve lnLervenLlon and a paLh Loward self-
sufflclency. Crlsls Soclal Workers work wlLh cllenLs Lo creaLe a plan LhaL would
gulde and ensure
MeLropollLan new ?ork CoordlnaLlng Councll on !ewlsh
overLy, lnc. 132738818 * 8,000
1o supporL programmlng lncludlng employmenL asslsLance, culLural programs
and Plv and aglng educaLlon for senlors.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 106

MeLropollLan new ?ork CoordlnaLlng Councll on !ewlsh
overLy, lnc. 132738818 * 3,300 lundlng for flnanclal servlces and Crlsls lnLervenLlon Servlces
Carodnlck Ml? Legal Servlces, lnc. 132622748 * 3,000
lundlng wlll supporL legal servlces Lhrough Lhe ManhaLLan Senlors ro[ecL,
whlch helps senlors prevenL evlcLlons, resolve problems wlLh houslng
condlLlons, access Soclal SecurlLy, Medlcare and oLher beneflLs Lo whlch Lhey
are enLlLled, and resolve consume
Clbson Mld-8ronx Senlor ClLlzens Councll, lnc. 237334073 * 10,000
lunds wlll be used Lo provlde LransporLaLlon for medlcal appolnLmenLs and
oLher LransporLaLlon needs for non-Medlcald ellglble senlors, salary supporL for
Lhe home dellvered meal program (whlch dellvers meals Lo Lhls populaLlon)
and LransporLaLlon for sen
lgnlzlo MlllLary Crder of Lhe urple PearL 133120643 4,300
1o defray cosLs assoclaLed wlLh cloLhlng, feedlng, and purchaslng necessary
goods for veLerans.
MaLLeo MlllLary Crder of Lhe urple PearL 133120643 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL CosLs assoclaLed wlLh cloLhlng, feedlng, and
purchaslng necessary goods for members.
8arron Mlller Avenue 8lock AssoclaLlon, lnc. 112732769 * 14,100 lunds are lnLended Lo be used for llghLs, phone, and renL Lo be pald
Levlne Mornlngslde 8eLlremenL and PealLh Servlces, lnc. 136206236 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL programmlng for elderly resldenLs of nC8C aL
Mornlngslde Cardens.
vacca Morrls ark CommunlLy AssoclaLlon 237429900 7,000
1o fund Lhe senlor program, lncludlng LransporLaLlon Lo evenLs and shopplng
for essenLlals.
Cohen Mosholu-MonLeflore CommunLly CenLer, lnc. 133622107 * 10,000 lundlng Lo supporL programmlng and enLerLalnmenL for senlors.
8odrlguez Mosholu-MonLeflore CommunLly CenLer, lnc. 133622107 * 10,000 lundlng Lo offseL cosLs of Leachlng consulLanLs, muslclans, and supplles
1reyger MosL reclous 8lood 8oman CaLhollc Church - Senlor Croup 111690779 * 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo sponsor Lrlps, buy refreshmenLs, muslc, and
enLerLalnmenL as well as purchase supplles.
Lander nachas PealLh and lamlly neLwork, lnc. 113067201 * 7,000
1o supporL counsellng, crlsls lnLervenLlon and [ob developmenL servlces for
Mlller naLlonal SororlLy of hl uelLa kappa 8eLa 112301317 3,000
1he funds wlll be used Lo defray Lhe cosL of operaLlng our SaLurday Senlor
rogram. 1hls rogram provldes recreaLlonal, culLural, educaLlonal acLlvlLles
for adulLs age 33 years and older.
1orres nelghborhood Self Pelp by Clder ersons ro[ecL, lnc. 133077047 * 10,000
1o supporL nelghborhood SPC/Cuess Senlor CenLer educaLlonal and
recreaLlonal program for senlors.
Arroyo nelghborhood Self Pelp by Clder ersons ro[ecL, lnc. 133077047 * 20,000
1o supporL Lhe agency's case asslsLance, educaLlonal and recreaLlonal acLlvlLles
Lo resldenLs of 8ronx senlor houslng, Sec 202 bulldlngs, n?CPA and communlLy
cenLers ln Councll ulsLrlcL 17.
Arroyo nelghborhood Self Pelp by Clder ersons ro[ecL, lnc. 133077047 * 14,373 1o supporL operaLlng expenses for Lhe uouglas Leon Senlor CenLer.
Menchaca nelghbors Pelplng nelghbors lnc. 113039938 * 13,000
lunds Lo provlde Lngllsh/Spanlsh blllngual one-on-one LenanL counsellng Lo
lmmlgranL consLlLuenLs, as well as 1enanL 8lghLs Workshops and Legal Cllnlcs
LhroughouL SunseL ark and ln lLs nelghborlng communlLles
8osenLhal new ?ork Academy of Medlclne 131636674 * 4,300 lunds Lo supporL Lhe upper WesL Slde Aglng lmprovemenL ulsLrlcL
Mark-vlverlLo new ?ork Academy of Medlclne 131636674 * 10,000
lunds wlll be used Lo conLlnue Lhe LasL Parlem Aglng lmprovemenL ulsLrlcL and
creaLe a new Aglng lmprovemenL ulsLrlcL ln Lhe 8ronx
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 107

Menchaca new ?ork Academy of Medlclne 131636674 * 3,300
lundlng Lo supporL Lhe creaLlon of aglng lmprovemenL dlsLrlcLs nelghborhoods
wlLh large concenLraLlons of older people llvlng alone and llvlng ln poverLy. 1he
lnlLlaLlve wlll work Lo lmprove places LhaL older adulLs vlslL mosL Lo beLLer Lhelr
quallLy of
ueuLsch new ?ork AssoclaLlon of PolocausL Survlvors 134300949 * 3,000 lundlng Lo defray cosLs of culLural Lrlps for senlors and renLal cosLs for offlce.
1reyger new ?ork AssoclaLlon of PolocausL Survlvors 134300949 * 2,300
lunds wlll be used Lo cover cosLs for culLural Lrlps for senlors and Lo cover
renLal cosLs Lo malnLaln offlce.
Mealy new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - 8rownsvllle Senlor CenLer 136400434 6,300 lunds wlll be used Lo supporL senlor programmlng.
MaLLeo new ?ork ClLy verrazano 10-13 AssoclaLlon, lnc. 134131778 * 2,300
lunds wlll be used Lo provlde senlor workshops ln SafeLy SecurlLy Lhrough
varlous SLaLen lsland communlLy cenLers durlng regular buslness hours
Carodnlck new ?ork loundaLlon for Senlor ClLlzens, lnc. 132618368 7,300
lundlng wlll supporL Lhe operaLlng cosLs for Lhe Pome Sharlng / 8esplLe Care
program, whlch provldes home care asslsLance Lo senlors.
kallos new ?ork loundaLlon for Senlor ClLlzens, lnc. 132618368 7,300
1o supporL Lhe Pome Sharlng and 8esplLe Care rogram. 1he program maLches
compaLlble persons for shared llvlng arrangemenLs ln dwelllngs renLed or
owned by one or more of Lhe parLlclpanLs and provldes cerLlfled ln-home
ulckens new ?ork loundaLlon for Senlor ClLlzens, lnc. 132618368 3,000
1o maLch compaLlble senlors free of charge ln shared llvlng arrangemenLs ln
dwelllngs renLed or owned by one or more of Lhe parLlclpanLs Lo share Lhelr
8odrlguez new ?ork loundaLlon for Senlor ClLlzens, lnc. 132618368 10,000
lundlng Lo provlde healLh promoLlon, soclal and recreaLlonal programs and
van 8ramer new ?ork lrlsh CenLer 330869131 7,300
lundlng Lo provlde food, compuLer Lralnlng, arLs/crafLs, and a soclal
envlronmenL for senlors.
CenLlle nlA CommunlLy Servlces neLwork, lnc. 112697931 * 83,000
lunds wlll provlde senlors wlLh asslsLance, referrals, and lnformaLlonal servlces,
soclal and flLness acLlvlLles, and meals and Lo sponsor speclal evenLs and
ouLlngs for senlors ln 8rooklyn and SLaLen lsland.
Menchaca nlA CommunlLy Servlces neLwork, lnc. 112697931 * 3,000
1o supporL nlA's work ln provldlng supporL servlces (soclal and flLness
acLlvlLles, offers healLhy refreshmenLs/lunch, and dlsLrlbuLes lnformaLlonal
maLerlals) Lo Lhe senlor communlLles of 8rooklyn and SLaLen lsland.
vacca norLh LasL 8ronx Senlor ClLlzens CenLer, lnc. 132739043 33,300 lunds wlll supporL senlor cenLer lncludlng renL and uLlllLles.
vallone norLh llushlng Senlor CenLer, lnc. 112741128 8,300
1he funds wlll supporL Lhe college polnL senlor cenLer ln provldlng
LransporLaLlon, enLerLalnmenL, program and malnLenance supplles and Lo
defray salary cosLs.
norLheasLern Conference Pouse Pouslng uevelopmenL lund
Company, lnc. 112374893 9,000
1o provlde soclal, educaLlonal and recreaLlonal acLlvlLles such as seasonal
hollday parLles and Lrlps, along wlLh LransporLaLlon and supplles for our
CommunlLy Carden.
norLheasLern Conference of SevenLh uay AdvenLlsLs
CommunlLy Affalrs, lnc. 020632373 * 10,000
lunds Lo provlde opporLunlLles for senlors Lo parLlclpaLe ln lndoor acLlvlLles
such as CompuLer 1ralnlng, ArLs and CrafL, alnLlng, needle olnL, uress
Maklng, llower Maklng, dlscusslon groups,oLLery,PealLh LecLures and
Workshops. CuLdoor acLlvlLles, suc
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 108

Cornegy Clder AdulLs 1echnology Servlces (CA1S), lnc. 330882399 * 13,000
1o supporL CA1S provlslon of Lechnology-relaLed programmlng Lo older new
?orkers lncludlng Lralnlng, evenLs aL Lhe Senlor laneL LxploraLlon cenLer and
Cabrera Clder AdulLs 1echnology Servlces (CA1S), lnc. 330882399 * 10,000
1o fund CA1S free Lechnology-based programmlng LhaL empowers older new
?orkers Lo become more soclally and clvlcally engaged, lead healLhler llves,
en[oy greaLer flnanclal securlLy, and engage ln llfelong learnlng and creaLlve
expresslon. rogram servlce
Carodnlck Clder AdulLs 1echnology Servlces (CA1S), lnc. 330882399 * 10,000
lundlng wlll supporL Lralnlng sesslons geared Lowards helplng senlors ln
Councll ulsLrlcL 4 Lo beLLer access and uLlllze Lechnology as a resource and ln
Lhelr everyday llfe.
kallos Clder AdulLs 1echnology Servlces (CA1S), lnc. 330882399 * 3,000
1o provlde senlors access Lo CA1S courses and reglsLer Lhem as members of
Lhe Senlor laneL LxploraLlon CenLer so Lhey may recelve noLlce of and parLake
ln programmlng LhaL supporLs Lhe use of emerglng Lechnologles.
Levln Clder AdulLs 1echnology Servlces (CA1S), lnc. 330882399 * 3,600
1o provlde free Lechnology-based programmlng LhaL empowers older new
?orkers Lo become more soclally and clvlcally engaged, lead healLhler llves,
en[oy greaLer flnanclal securlLy, and engage ln llfelong learnlng and creaLlve
expresslon. rogram servlces l
Mendez Clder AdulLs 1echnology Servlces (CA1S), lnc. 330882399 * 10,000 lundlng Lo provlde free Lechnology classes
!ohnson Clder AdulLs 1echnology Servlces (CA1S), lnc. 330882399 * 3,000
1o lnLroduce senlors Lo Lechnology, provlde baslc Lralnlng from emall and
lnLerneL Lo healLh research and accesslng governmenL servlces, and Lo offer
more advanced CA1S courses and evenLs aL Lhe Senlor laneL LxploraLlon
8osenLhal Clder AdulLs 1echnology Servlces (CA1S), lnc. 330882399 * 3,300
lundlng Lo provlde mulLl-week compuLer Lralnlng courses dellvered aL
nelghborhood senlor cenLers, classes, workshops speclal evenLs aL Lhe Senlor
laneL LxploraLlon CenLer, a webslLe for older new ?orkers
who have goLLen onllne. 1he slL
Levlne Clder AdulLs 1echnology Servlces (CA1S), lnc. 330882399 * 3,000
lundlng wlll supporL program servlces for adulLs 60 and over ln Councll ulsLrlcL
7, whlch lnclude: mulLl-week compuLer Lralnlng courses dellvered aL
nelghborhood senlor cenLers, classes, workshops speclal evenLs aL Lhe Senlor
laneL LxploraLlon CenLer,
8odrlguez Clder AdulLs 1echnology Servlces (CA1S), lnc. 330882399 * 3,300 lundlng Lo provlde Lechnology based programmlng for senlors
Clbson Clder AdulLs 1echnology Servlces (CA1S), lnc. 330882399 * 10,000
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhese programs. rogram servlces lnclude: mulLl-
week compuLer Lralnlng courses dellvered aL nelghborhood senlor cenLers,
classes, workshops, speclal evenLs aL Lhe Senlor laneL LxploraLlon CenLer, a webslLe
Creenfleld Clder AdulLs 1echnology Servlces (CA1S), lnc. 330882399 * 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo provlde CA1S free Lechnology based programmlng.
rogram servlces lnclude: mulLl-week compuLer Lralnlng courses dellvered aL
nelghborhood senlor cenLers, classes, workshops and speclal evenLs aL Lhe
Senlor laneL LxploraLlon CenLer (L
Lander Clder AdulLs 1echnology Servlces (CA1S), lnc. 330882399 * 10,000 1o supporL healLh and wellness programs for senlors.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 109

Mark-vlverlLo Clder AdulLs 1echnology Servlces (CA1S), lnc. 330882399 * 3,000
1o provlde free Lechnology-based programmlng LhaL empowers older new
?orkers Lo become more soclally and clvlcally engaged, lead healLhler llves,
en[oy greaLer flnanclal securlLy, and engage ln llfelong learnlng and creaLlve
Menchaca Clder AdulLs 1echnology Servlces (CA1S), lnc. 330882399 * 3,300
1o supporL Clder AdulLs 1echnology Servlces lnc.'s Lhrough a range of free
Lechnology-based programmlng LhaL empowers older new ?orkers Lo become
more soclally clvlcally engaged, and Lo lead healLhler llves.
Weprln Clder AdulLs 1echnology Servlces (CA1S), lnc. 330882399 * 3,000
1o fund program cosLs for Lechnology based programmlng, lncludlng compuLer
Lralnlng courses aL senlor cenLers, workshops, and speclal evenLs LhaL wlll
empower older new ?orkers Lo become more engaged.
Wllllams Clder AdulLs 1echnology Servlces (CA1S), lnc. 330882399 * 3,000 lundlng Lo supporL free Lechnology-based programmlng
ulckens Cne SLop Senlor Servlces 133174492 * 8,000
1o supporL Cne SLop's servlces for senlors, lncludlng asslsLance wlLh
enLlLlemenL programs, ln-home case managemenL servlces, asslsLance for
vlcLlms of abuse, and flnanclal managemenL servlces.
1reyger Cur Lady of Crace 8oman CaLhollc Church 111694947 * 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo sponsor Lrlps, buy refreshmenLs, muslc, and
enLerLalnmenL as well as purchase supplles.
1reyger Cur Lady of Crace 8oman CaLhollc Church 111694947 * 2,000
lunds wlll be used Lo provlde companlonshlp and comforL Lo wldowed
lndlvlduals Lhrough group meeLlngs, dances, muslc and games eLc.
1orres arL of Lhe SoluLlon 133423071 40,000
lunds wlll supporL Lhe provlslon of emergency food and nuLrlLlon, soclal and
legal servlces Lo low lncome famllles and lndlvlduals
!ohnson enn SouLh Soclal Servlces, lnc. 133413349 * 12,300
1o provlde educaLlonal and exerclse classes for senlors, lncludlng an lndoor
Cardenlng Class, a Muslc Class and exerclse classes.
Crowley eLer Cardella Senlor ClLlzen CenLer, lnc. 112328336 26,000
lundlng Lo supporL general operaLlons, programlng. meals, soclallzaLlon, renL,
senlor referrals
ulrlch eLer Cardella Senlor ClLlzen CenLer, lnc. 112328336 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe operaLlon and malnLenance of Lhe mulLl-
servlce senlor cenLer faclllLy
8eynoso eLer Cardella Senlor ClLlzen CenLer, lnc. 112328336 11,000
1o supporL operaLlon, malnLenance and programmlng aL mulLl-servlce senlor
cenLer faclllLy.
8eynoso eLer Cardella Senlor ClLlzen CenLer, lnc. 112328336 11,000
1o supporL, operaLe and malnLaln a meals on wheels program servlng Cueens
CommunlLy ulsLrlcLs 2 and 3. lundlng wlll be used Lo offseL cosLs assoclaLed
wlLh operaLlng 8 dellvery vehlcles LhaL are used Lo LransporL and dellver Lhese
meals, speclflcally lns
Mendez hlpps CommunlLy uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 132707663 * 10,000
lundlng Lo supporL Case managenL, healLhcare managemenL and asslsLance,
Meals-on-wheels, shopplng asslsLance and frlendly vlslLlng.
Arroyo hlpps CommunlLy uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 132707663 * 9,427
1o supporL programs LhaL address lssues relaLed Lo llfe lnsurance, managlng
Soclal SecurlLy beneflLs, wllls and esLaLe plannlng, counsellng servlces LhaL
address lssues relaLed Lo banklng (auLo-blll pay, A1M and deblL cards), credlL
(credlL scores, ldenLl
Levln ollsh and Slavlc CenLer, lnc. 112283970 * 3,000
1o supporL LSS, whlch offers lnformaLlon, help and asslsLance ln obLalnlng
followlng beneflLs: SSA, SSl, veLerans 8eneflLs, A, Medlcare arL A,8,C,u,
unemploymenL beneflLs, ubllc Pouslng, SCPL, 8eal roperLy 1ax CredlL(l1-
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 110

214), n?S School 1ax 8ellef r
Levln ollsh and Slavlc CenLer, lnc. 112283970 * 4,200 1o supporL educaLlonal and recreaLlonal acLlvlLles aL Lhe krakus Senlor CenLer.
ulckens resbyLerlan Senlor Servlces 131981482 * 8,000
1o supporL Lhe programs aL Lhe SS elham lrlLz Parlem CenLer, lncludlng hoL
meals, and recreaLlonal and educaLlon programs.
1orres resbyLerlan Senlor Servlces 131981482 * 10,000
lunds wlll supporL Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon of hoL meals and a range of classes
avallable Lo elderly members of Lhe cenLer.
vacca resbyLerlan Senlor Servlces 131981482 * 3,000
1o fund classes for senlors lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo ?oga, 1al Chl, lalls
revenLlon, uance, CompuLer and nuLrlLlon workshops, and weekly hoL
Clbson resbyLerlan Senlor Servlces 131981482 * 20,000
lunds wlll cover meals and any cosL assoclaLed wlLh 1he SS Plghbrldge CenLer
senlor program such as, lnsLrucLors, maLerlals, eLc.
Arroyo resbyLerlan Senlor Servlces 131981482 * 21,000
1o supporL operaLlng expenses for Lhe uavldson Pouses and !ackson Pouses
Senlor CenLers.
vacca resLon CenLer of Compasslon 371180937 19,000
1o fund Lhe Senlor 8un rogram, whlch lncludes fundlng weekly ouLreach
servlces for Lhe elderly, LransporLaLlon for shopplng Lrlps for essenLlals, and bl-
monLhly breakfasL screenlng meeLlngs ln a local senlor houslng faclllLy.
8osenLhal ro[ecL Cpen, lnc. 133744003 3,000
lundlng Lo provlde 8C!LC1 CLn, whlch provldes escorL servlces Lo docLors,
LheraplsLs, eLc. as well as shopplng help (especlally ln lnclemenL weaLher)
uromm Cueens CommunlLy Pouse, lnc. 112373383 * 13,000
1o supporL Cueens CenLer for Cay Senlor's counsellng, beneflLs revlew, supporL
groups, and varlous educaLlonal and recreaLlonal programs for LC81 older
koslowlLz Cueens CommunlLy Pouse, lnc. 112373383 * 32,300
lunds wlll be used for Lhe enhancemenL of programmlng aL loresL Pllls Senlor
CenLer, Lhe LosL 8aLLallon Pall Senlor CenLer, & Lhe kew Cardens Senlor CenLer.
1he fundlng wlll supporL educaLlonal and recreaLlonal acLlvlLles lncludlng
exerclse/dance, nuLrlL
koslowlLz Cueens lnLeragency Councll on Lhe Aglng, lnc. 112744700 * 3,000
funds wlll be used Lo help defray Lhe cosL of nlne or more ma[or programs
LhroughouL Lhe year and asslsL wlLh operaLlng expenses.
vallone Cueens lnLeragency Councll on Lhe Aglng, lnc. 112744700 * 13,000
lundlng wlll be used excluslvely Lo admlnlsLer programs whlch only beneflL
Cueens senlors. AdmlnlsLraLlon cosLs lnclude operaLlons, prlnLlng and supplles
and communlcaLlons
lerreras Cueens !ewlsh CommunlLy Councll, lnc. 237172132 3,000
lunds supporL servlces caLered Loward senlors and lmmlgranL groups LhaL
lnclude meals-on-wheels Lo Lhe frall and home bound, senlor programmlng as
well as lmmlgranL servlces LhaL lnclude legal, enLlLlemenL, LranslaLlon and
ConsLanLlnldes Cueensboro Councll for Soclal Welfare, lnc. 111817497 * 3,000
lundlng wlll be used Lo supporL local presenLaLlons and a referral program Lo
help senlors wlLh healLh and flnanclal lnformaLlon.
ulrlch Cueensboro Councll for Soclal Welfare, lnc. 111817497 * 3,000
1o defray Lhe cosL of PealLh and SafeLy ln Lhe Pome and ln Lhe CommunlLy
rogram presenLaLlons. lundlng wlll also supporL Lhe lnformaLlon and 8eferral
rogram LhaL enables senlors Lo gaLher lnformaLlon for Lhelr well belng.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 111

Weprln Cueensboro Councll for Soclal Welfare, lnc. 111817497 * 3,000
1o fund Lhe PealLh and SafeLy ln Lhe Pome and ln Lhe CommunlLy rogram and
Lhe lnformaLlon 8eferral rogram LhaL asslsLs senlors ln Lhe communlLy.
8abbl lsrael Meyer Pacohen 8abblnlcal Semlnary of Amerlca,
lnc. 111732021 * 26,000
lundlng Lo supporL general operaLlons, programmlng, meals, uLlllLles,
personnel, renL
ulckens 8alph !. 8angel Pouses 1enanL AssoclaLlon 270361139 * 4,000 1o provlde meals for senlors.
klng 8eglonal Ald for lnLerlm needs, lnc. 136213386 * 10,000
1he funds wlll be used Loward Lhe salarles of case managers for Lhe 8.A.l.n.
MulLl-Servlces Case ManagemenL rogram.
8eglonal Ald for lnLerlm needs, lnc. - 8osLon 8oad
nelghborhood Senlor CenLer 136213386 * 10,000
1o fund senlor programs and acLlvlLles lncludlng exerclse, aeroblcs and oLher
speclal evenLs.
8eglonal Ald for lnLerlm needs, lnc. - 8osLon Secor
nelghborhood Senlor CenLer 136213386 * 10,000
lunds wlll be used for Lhe 8.A.l.n. 8osLon Secor nelghborhood Senlor CenLer
Loward Lhe purchase of furnlLure for Lhe lobby, pool Lable, Lelephone sysLem,
and replacemenL of runnlng board on Lhe van.
8eglonal Ald for lnLerlm needs, lnc. - MlddleLown
nelghborhood Senlor CenLer 136213386 * 10,000
1o fund senlor programs lncludlng recreaLlonal Lrlps as well as prlnLlng and
supplles for programs.
alma 8eglonal Ald for lnLerlm needs, lnc. - Cne SLop 136213386 * 7,230
1o provlde Lhe elderly asslsLance and resources requlred Lo delay or avold
lnsLlLuLlonallzaLlon, lncludlng help accesslng beneflLs and enLlLlemenLs such as
lood SLamps, Medlcald, PLA, and Pouslng, and Lo provlde advocacy wlLh
landlords and LenanLs lssues
8eglonal Ald for lnLerlm needs, lnc. - arkchesLer
nelghborhood Senlor CenLer 136213386 * 7,230
1o supporL servlces for senlors Lo faclllLaLe lndependenL llvlng for as long as
posslble. lundlng wlll supporL acLlvlLles, congregaLe meals, case asslsLance,
educaLlonal recourses and nuLrlLlonal acLlvlLles aL 8Aln arkchesLer
nelghborhood Senlor CenLer.
8esearch loundaLlon of Lhe ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork -
8rooklyn College 131988190 * 3,000
1he funds wlll be used Lo help cover operaLlng cosLs, such as salary for Lwo
parL-Llme employees, room renLal charges, prlnLlng and posLage. ln addlLlon,
Lhere are speclflc pro[ecLs LhaL could use fundlng, such as speclallzed compuLer
Lralnlng offered by
klng 8eLlrees of urelser Loop , lnc., 1he 010677804 * 30,000
lundlng Lo supporL acLlvlLles LhaL wlll lnclude workshops, forums and Lravel
opporLunlLles. lunds wlll also be used Lo malnLaln Lhe van whlch LransporLs
members Lo LheaLers and oLher evenLs, ln addlLlon, funds are used for renL,
uLlllLles and lnsurance.
MaLLeo 8lchmond Senlor Servlces, lnc. 136217080 * 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL houslng counsellng and lnformaLlon on avallable
senlor houslng, ln addlLlon Lo referrals and advocacy Lo oLher agencles for
addlLlonal repalrs and lnformaLlon
Levln 8ldgewood 8ushwlck Senlor ClLlzens Councll, lnc. 112433833 * 7,000
1o provlde LransporLaLlon for ulsLrlcL 33 senlor clLlzens Lo a free plcnlc aL
Sunken Meadow SLaLe ark.
Lsplnal 8ldgewood 8ushwlck Senlor ClLlzens Councll, lnc. 112433833 * 14,123
lunds Lo enhance educaLlonal & recreaLlonal servlces, Lo provlde operaLlonal
supporL for programmlng aL Pope Cardens MulLlservlce CenLer (193 Llnden
Lsplnal 8ldgewood 8ushwlck Senlor ClLlzens Councll, lnc. 112433833 * 14,000
lunds Lo supporL programmlng, speclal evenLs as well as provlde operaLlonal
supporL aL Lhe 8ldgewood 8ushwlck Senlor CenLer (319 SLanhope SLreeL).
Crowley 8ldgewood Clder AdulL CenLer and Servlces, lnc. 030607283 * 26,000
lundlng Lo supporL general operaLlons, programlng meals, food panLry,
soclallzaLlon, renL
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 112

8eynoso 8ldgewood Clder AdulL CenLer and Servlces, lnc. 030607283 * 11,000
1o supporL programmlng, food panLry, and bulldlng cosLs aL 8ldgewood Clder
AdulL CenLer.
Cohen 8lverdale Senlor Servlces, lnc. 237337997 40,000
lundlng Lo supporL Lhe lncrease hours of operaLlon Lo serve more senlors, lL
wlll also expand LransporLaLlon servlces Lo LransporL more senlors Lo and from
Lhe cenLer.
Levlne 8lversLone Senlor Llfe Servlces, lnc. 133333074 * 10,000
lundlng Lo supporL 8lversLone Memory CenLer, funds wlll be used Lo parLlally
cover Lhe salary of quallfled and carlng group leaders and Lhelr healLh
8odrlguez 8lversLone Senlor Llfe Servlces, lnc. 133333074 * 10,000
lundlng Lo subsldlze Lhe salary of group leaders for Alzhelmer program, and
Cu28 8ochdale vlllage Soclal Servlces, lnc. 113397470 43,000
lundlng wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe operaLlng cosLs of Lhe Senlor CenLer and
programmaLlc cosLs for varlous acLlvlLles, meals and supplemenL Lhe
prlnLlng/supplles budgeL.
kallos 8oosevelL lsland Senlors AssoclaLlon (8lSA, lnc.) 133047204 * 30,000
1o supporL programmlng and classes for senlors, lncludlng Lal Chl ,Zumba,
bulldlng sLrengLh, arL, Spanlsh, salsa, yoga sLreLch, and yoga for Lhe mlnd.
van 8ramer SamarlLan vlllage, lnc. 112633374 * 36,030
lundlng Lo supporL Woodslde Senlor CenLer ln Lhe followlng areas, PealLhy
lnlLlaLlves, Pollday & MoLhers uay CelebraLlons, lce machlne and senlor Lrlps.
vallone Samuel lleld ?M & ?WPA, lnc. 113071318 17,300
1he program wlll provlde senlors over Lhe age of slxLy wlLh a dedlcaLed
LransporLaLlon servlce Lo LransporL Lhem from Lhelr homes Lo local shopplng
cenLers, physlclan appolnLmenLs, banks, Senlor cenLers, pharmacles and oLher
lmporLanL desLlnaLlons wlLhln
vallone Samuel lleld ?M & ?WPA, lnc. 113071318 10,000
lundlng wlll be used Lo malnLaln and enhance Lhe level of servlces provlded
Lhrough our nC8C-SS lncludlng, case managemenL, home based assessmenL
and menLal healLh counsellng, nurslng, care managemenL and supporLlve
healLh educaLlon and healLh screenlng
vacca San Cennaro Senlor CenLer 432061329 * 10,300
1o fund programs for senlor soclal programs, lncludlng refreshmenLs and hoL
8odrlguez Saxrack Learnlng CenLer, lnc. 271668344 * 3,000 lundlng Lo offseL cosLs of vocal lnsLrucLors for senlor classes
!ohnson Say Ah!, lnc. 208663409 * 8,000
1o provlde healLh llLeracy workshops for vulnerable populaLlons aL places Lhey
already go (llbrarles, senlor cenLers, schools, cllnlcs) Lo help Lhem galn Lhe skllls
needed Lo manage Lhelr healLh.
Carodnlck Search and Care, lnc. 237444790 3,000
lundlng wlll supporL Search and Care's core care managemenL servlces Lo
asslsL and advocaLe for Lhe elderly llvlng on Lhe LasL Slde, lncludlng a money
managemenL program, asslsLance for senlors accesslng healLhcare, and
provldlng companlonshlp and soclall
Mark-vlverlLo Search and Care, lnc. 237444790 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo conLlnue provldlng fee-free core care managemenL
servlces Lo our vulnerable older men and women llvlng ln LasL Parlem.
Mendez Self 8ellance AssoclaLlon of Amerlcan ukralnlans, lnc. 133629116 * 3,300
lundlng Lo supporL weekly rec. servlces / exerclse classes, ouLreach Lo
homebound elderly and food baskeL.
ConsLanLlnldes Selfhelp CommunlLy Servlces, lnc. 131624178 * 7,000
lunds wlll be used Lo provlde subsldlzed medlcal LransporLaLlon and Lo supporL
Lhe ersonal Lmergency 8esponse SysLems.
Crowley Selfhelp CommunlLy Servlces, lnc. 131624178 * 26,000 lundlng Lo supporL general operaLlons, programlng acLlvlLles, LransporLaLlon,
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 113

uromm Selfhelp CommunlLy Servlces, lnc. 131624178 * 9,300
1o malnLaln sLafflng Lo asslsL senlor cllenLs, Lo asslsL wlLh LransporLaLlon, and Lo
provlde case managemenL and asslsLance.
koo Selfhelp CommunlLy Servlces, lnc. 131624178 * 10,000
1o provlde healLh and wellness relaLed servlces, semlnars and workshops Lo
enrlch, lncrease, and enhance members' quallLy of llfe levels aL Lhe LaLlmer
Cardens Senlor CenLer.
ulckens Selfhelp CommunlLy Servlces, lnc. 131624178 * 4,000
1o supporL programs and servlces for senlors and aL-rlsk populaLlons, lncludlng
asslsLance wlLh houslng, home healLh care and soclal servlces, and general
servlces for homebound cllenLs.
8osenLhal Selfhelp CommunlLy Servlces, lnc. 131624178 * 3,300
1o provlde cleanlng and LransporLaLlon servlces Lo frall and needy senlors
resldlng on Lhe upper WesL Slde of ManhaLLan ln CommunlLy ulsLrlcL 7/ClLy
Councll ulsLrlcL 6.
koslowlLz Selfhelp CommunlLy Servlces, lnc. 131624178 * 22,300
Lhe fundlng wlll be used Lo conLlnue programs such as ArL, 1al Chl, ?oga,
Cardlac Zumba, Llne uanclng, LSL Classes, and 1echnology aL Lhe Selfhelp
AusLln SLreeL Senlor CenLer wlLh 1,200.00 belng used for Lhe Melodlans
program. 1he funds wlll also provlde
Lander Selfhelp CommunlLy Servlces, lnc. 131624178 * 3,000 1o supporL crlsls lnLervenLlon servlces for senlors llvlng on flxed lncomes.
vallone Selfhelp CommunlLy Servlces, lnc. 131624178 * 10,000
1he funds wlll be used for Lhree separaLe programs. 1he flrsL program would
use Lhe funds Lo provlde a subsldlzed LransporLaLlon program Lo Senlor CenLer
members, Lhe second program wlll use Lhe funds Lo subsldlze round Lrlps for
Sharp parLlclpanLs Lo b
Creenfleld Senlor ClLlzens League of llaLbush, lnc. 112347331 * 7,300
lunds are used Lo enhance program acLlvlLles of Lhe Senlor League of llaLbush.
1hese lnclude PealLh and Wellness programs such as ?CCA and Lxerclse,
uance classes, 8lood ressure screenlng, nuLrlLlon lecLures and screenlng,
ulscusslon groups on Loplcs su
Lander Senlor ClLlzens League of llaLbush, lnc. 112347331 * 3,000 1o supporL educaLlon and wellness programs for senlors.
8odrlguez Senlors Pelplng Senlors, lnc. 133111913 * 3,300 lundlng Lo offseL cosLs of sLafflng for senlor servlces
8osenLhal Senlors CrchesLral SocleLy of new ?ork, LLd. 434633888 * 3,300
lundlng Lo supporL annual serles of 4 free concerLs (fall, wlnLer, sprlng and
summer) aL 4 dlfferenL locaLlons LhroughouL Lhe clLy
Creenfleld Sephardlc MulLlservlce CenLer 112301220 3,000
1he funds wlll covers Lhe cosLs Lo serve our senlor programs lncludlng for Lhe
classes, physlcal flLness classes, and for Lhe renLal of coach buses for
recreaLlonal ouLlngs Lo areas of lnLeresL ln Lhe new ?ork meLropollLan area.
Carodnlck Servlce rogram for Clder eople, lnc. (SC) 132947616 * 3,000
lundlng wlll supporL menLal healLh counsellng for senlors boLh aL lLs cllnlc, as
well as for senlors who are homebound.
kallos Servlce rogram for Clder eople, lnc. (SC) 132947616 * 1,000
1o provlde menLal healLh care Lo underserved older adulLs ln ManhaLLan.
rograms lnclude psychlaLrlc assessmenLs, medlcaLlon managemenL,
coordlnaLlon of physlcal and menLal healLh care, and lndlvldual and group
ulckens Servlce rogram for Clder eople, lnc. (SC) 132947616 * 3,300
1o provlde menLal healLh and supporLlve servlces, advocacy and educaLlon for
underserved older adulLs ln ManhaLLan. rograms lnclude psychlaLrlc
assessmenLs, medlcaLlon managemenL, coordlnaLlon of physlcal and menLal
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 114

healLh care, and lndlvldual and group
8osenLhal Servlce rogram for Clder eople, lnc. (SC) 132947616 * 3,000
lunds wlll supporL Lhe dellvery of menLal healLh care Lo older adulLs ln
ManhaLLan aL Lhe SC cllnlc (302 WesL 91sL SLreeL)
Levlne Servlce rogram for Clder eople, lnc. (SC) 132947616 * 3,300
lunds wlll supporL Lhe dellvery of menLal healLh care Lo older adulLs ln
ManhaLLan. Servlces lnclude physlcal and psychlaLrlc assessmenLs, medlcaLlon
managemenL, coordlnaLlon of physlcal and menLal healLh care, and lndlvldual
and group counsellng.
Mark-vlverlLo Servlce rogram for Clder eople, lnc. (SC) 132947616 * 3,000
lunds wlll supporL Lhe dellvery of menLal healLh care Lo older adulLs ln
ManhaLLan. Servlces lnclude physlcal and psychlaLrlc assessmenLs, medlcaLlon
managemenL, coordlnaLlon of physlcal and menLal healLh care, and lndlvldual
and group counsellng.
Carodnlck Servlces and Advocacy for CL81 Llders, lnc. (SACL) 132947637 3,300
1o supporL programmlng and servlces aL 1he SACL CenLer, lncludlng
employmenL asslsLance, legal and flnanclal plannlng, culLural and educaLlonal
programs, healLh and wellness programs, beneflL counsellng, cancer supporL
groups, and congregaLe meals.
kallos Servlces and Advocacy for CL81 Llders, lnc. (SACL) 132947637 1,000
1o supporL Lhe SACL CenLer whlch offers programmlng LhaL supporLs LC81
elders ln a culLurally compeLenL manner and lncludes employmenL asslsLance,
beneflLs counsellng, legal and flnanclal plannlng, educaLlonal offerlngs, robusL
healLh and wellness program
alma Servlces and Advocacy for CL81 Llders, lnc. (SACL) 132947637 3,000
1o provlde servlces and programmlng for LC81 older adulLs, lncludlng
employmenL asslsLance, beneflLs counsellng, legal and flnanclal plannlng,
educaLlonal offerlngs, healLh and wellness programs such as Plv and aglng
educaLlon, cancer supporL groups, and
!ohnson Servlces and Advocacy for CL81 Llders, lnc. (SACL) 132947637 7,300
1o provlde programmlng Lhrough 1he SACL CenLer for LC81 older adulLs,
lncludlng employmenL asslsLance, beneflLs counsellng, legal and flnanclal
plannlng, educaLlonal offerlngs, robusL healLh and wellness programs such as
Plv and aglng educaLlon, cancer su
8osenLhal Servlces and Advocacy for CL81 Llders, lnc. (SACL) 132947637 3,300
lunds supporL LC81 elders ln a culLurally compeLenL manner and lncludes
employmenL asslsLance, beneflLs counsellng, legal and flnanclal plannlng,
educaLlonal offerlngs, robusL healLh and wellness programs such as Plv and
aglng educaLlon, cancer supporL gr
Levlne Servlces and Advocacy for CL81 Llders, lnc. (SACL) 132947637 4,000
lundlng Lo supporL programmlng Lhrough Lhe SACL CenLer. 1he CenLer offers
programmlng LhaL supporLs LC81 elders ln a culLurally compeLenL manner and
lncludes employmenL asslsLance, beneflLs counsellng, legal and flnanclal
plannlng, educaLlonal offerlngs,
Arroyo Servlces and Advocacy for CL81 Llders, lnc. (SACL) 132947637 3,000
lunds wlll supporL 1he SACL CenLer whlch offers programmlng LhaL supporLs
LC81 elders ln a culLurally compeLenL manner and lncludes employmenL
asslsLance, beneflLs counsellng, legal and flnanclal plannlng, educaLlonal
offerlngs, robusL healLh and wellness
Lander Servlces and Advocacy for CL81 Llders, lnc. (SACL) 132947637 3,300 1o supporL houslng and nuLrlLlon-relaLed servlces for senlor clLlzens.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 11S

Menchaca Servlces and Advocacy for CL81 Llders, lnc. (SACL) 132947637 7,300
lundlng Lo supporL a one-year plloL pro[ecL Lo expand Lhe reach of 1he SACL
CenLer, Lhe naLlons flrsL munlclpally-funded LC81 senlor cenLer, Lo LC81 older
adulLs ln and around Lhe SunseL ark nelghborhood ln 8rooklyn.
van 8ramer Servlces and Advocacy for CL81 Llders, lnc. (SACL) 132947637 3,000
lundlng Lo supporL programmlng for LC81 elders ln a culLurally compeLenL
manner and lncludes employmenL asslsLance, beneflLs counsellng, legal and
flnanclal plannlng, educaLlonal offerlngs, robusL healLh and wellness programs
such as Plv and aglng educaLl
Servlces and Advocacy for CL81 Llders, lnc. (SACL) - Parlem
nC8C 132947637 4,000 1o supporL programmlng for Parlem senlors Lhrough Lhe SACL CenLer.
Mlller Servlces now for AdulL ersons (SnA), lnc. 112391783 3,000
lundlng Lo supporL conLlnuaLlon and enhancemenL of SnAs broad array of
servlces for Cueens senlors.
8lchards Servlces now for AdulL ersons (SnA), lnc. 112391783 13,000
lundlng wlll enable Lhe conLlnuaLlon and enhancemenL of SnAs broad array
of servlces for Cueens senlors.
Weprln Servlces now for AdulL ersons (SnA), lnc. 112391783 62,730
1o supporL senlor servlces for Cueens Senlors such as case managemenL,
meals-on-wheels, LransporLaLlon/escorL and careglver servlces.
ueuLsch ShorefronL !ewlsh CommunlLy Councll, lnc. 112986161 * 3,000 lundlng Lo provlde comprehenslve case managemenL servlces.
ueuLsch ShorefronL !ewlsh CommunlLy Councll, lnc. 112986161 * 3,000 lundlng wlll supporL Lhe food panLry.
ueuLsch ShorefronL !ewlsh CommunlLy Councll, lnc. 112986161 * 3,000 lundlng Lo asslsL senlors wlLh comprehenslve case managemenL servlces.
uromm SouLh Aslan Councll for Soclal Servlces 113632920 4,000
1o fund ouLreach and renL for culLurally and llngulsLlcally compeLenL
dlscusslons on senlor healLh Loplcs, lncludlng educaLlng on governmenL
beneflLs and language accesslble soclal servlces and oLher resources.
koo SouLh Aslan Councll for Soclal Servlces 113632920 19,000
1o provlde for ouLreach servlces for resources and programs LhaL address Lhe
physlcal and emoLlonal healLh of senlors, Lngllsh classes, enLlLlemenLs/beneflLs
asslsLance and supporL groups. Also Lo help cover renLal cosLs.
8eynoso SouLhslde unlLed Pouslng uevelopmenL lund Corp. 112268339 * 32,300
1o supporL Senlor Wellness programs, and general soclal servlces for senlors.
lundlng wlll be allocaLed for sLafflng supporL, offlce Lechnology and maLerlals,
and offlce lnfrasLrucLure.
ConsLanLlnldes Spanlsh Speaklng Llderly Councll - 8AlCLS 112730462 10,000
lundlng wlll supporL Lhe sLaff of Lhe Senlor CenLer. 1he sLaff wlll provlde hoL
lunches, case managemenL, and healLh and wellness programs.
lerreras Spanlsh Speaklng Llderly Councll - 8AlCLS 112730462 13,000
1he funds wlll supporL 8AlCLS servlces aL Lhe Corona Senlor CenLer for hoL
lunches, educaLlonal and recreaLlonal acLlvlLles, case managemenL servlces and
supporL overall program operaLlon.
Levln Spanlsh Speaklng Llderly Councll - 8AlCLS 112730462 12,000
1o provlde senlor clLlzens 60 and older wlLh hoL lunches, educaLlonal and
recreaLlonal acLlvlLles, and comprehenslve case managemenL servlces, Lo
supporL sLaff salarles.
Menchaca Spanlsh Speaklng Llderly Councll - 8AlCLS 112730462 10,000
1o supporL senlor healLh and wellness programs LhaL lnclude (buL noL llmlLed
Lo): LSL, 1al-Chl, ?oga and nuLrlLlonal LducaLlon classes. 1he fundlng wlll also
supporL sLafflng aL Lhe cenLer.
8arron Sprlng Creek Senlor arLners, lnc. 743138439 7,000
lunds Lo supporL Lhe annual volunLeer program, recreaLlonal luncheon and
parL of Lhe salary of Lhe coordlnaLor of speclal evenLs.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 116

1reyger SL. ALhanaslus Colden Age Club 111639837 6,000
lundlng Lo defray cosLs assoclaLed wlLh general expenses lncludlng meals,
refreshmenLs, lnformaLlon & recreaLlon.
Creenfleld SL. ALhanaslus Colden Age Club 111639837 13,000
8equesLed funds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe weekly meeLlngs and varlous
acLlvlLles of SL. ALhanaslus Colden Age Club.
ulrlch SL. Camlllus Colden Age Club 111674392 3,000
lunds wlll supporL Lhe Colden Age club, servlng senlors ln Lhe surroundlng
areas, lncludlng hosLlng meeLlngs, speclal evenLs, senlor peer counsellng,
communlLy updaLes and lnformaLlon on senlor servlces.
1reyger SL. llnbar 8oman CaLhollc Church - Colden Age Club 111631812 * 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo provlde programlng LhaL asslsLs senlor clLlzens who are
now wldowed and alone Lo gaLher once a week for soclal, enLerLalnmenL, food
and ouLlngs.
Levln SL. lrancls College 111633103 9,000
1o supporL SL. lrancls College's lor Senlors program LhaL provldes free
acLlvlLles, lncludlng 1al Chl, llaLes, yoga, swlmmlng, creaLlve wrlLlng classes,
lnLroducLory course Lo CompuLers and use of Lhe lnLerneL, lecLure serles, and
free flrsL run movles.
ulrlch SL. lrancls de Salles 111631813 3,000
lunds wlll supporL Lhe Colden Age club, servlng senlors ln Lhe surroundlng
areas, lncludlng hosLlng meeLlngs, speclal evenLs, senlor peer counsellng,
communlLy updaLes and lnformaLlon on senlor servlces.
Lugene SL. Cabrlel's Lplscopal Church 112463892 * 16,000
lunds are used for senlor servlces on a dally basls Lo asslsL wlLh programmlng
such as LransporLaLlon for Lrlps, supplles, arLs & crafL maLerlals, eLc.
uromm SL. !oan of Arc 111673278 3,300
1o fund celebraLlons for senlors: new ?ears, SL. aLrlck's, valenLlnes, and end-
vallone SL. kevln's Senlor Club 111666886 * 6,000
1he funds wlll supporL Lhe SL. kevln's senlor cenLer ln provldlng refreshmenLs
as well as help pay for Lhe cosLs of Lwo annual parLles.
Lugene SL. Mark's unlLed MeLhodlsL Church 111642727 * 16,000
1he requesLed funds wlll be used Lo malnLaln approprlaLe personnel, Lo
provlde food, Lo asslsL ln Lhe senlors full poLenLlals Lhrough healLh educaLlon,
physlcal acLlvlLles, menLal sLlmulaLlon, educaLlonal and lnformaLlonal
resources, also recreaLlonal acL
1reyger SL. Mary MoLher of !esus 111631816 * 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo sponsor Lrlps, buy refreshmenLs, muslc, and
enLerLalnmenL as well as purchase supplles.
SL. Mary SLar of Lhe Sea and SL. CerLrude 8oman CaLhollc
Church 111723781 * 7,000
lunds wlll be used Lo defray cosLs assoclaLed wlLh operaLlng Lhe Senlor Croup,
lncludlng Lrlps, refreshmenLs, food, board games, and exerclse.
CenLlle SL. nlcholas Pome, lnc. 116263923 3,000
lunds wlll buy new furnlLure and equlpmenL for Lhe faclllLy Lo provlde beLLer
care for Lhe elderly.
8eynoso SL. nlck's Alllance CorporaLlon 310192170 7,300
1o supporL Leadershlp, recreaLlonal, and educaLlonal acLlvlLles for senlors ln
LasL Wllllamsburg.
ulrlch SL. 8ose of Llma Colden Age Club 111633114 * 3,000
lunds wlll supporL Lhe Colden Age club, servlng senlors ln Lhe surroundlng
areas, lncludlng hosLlng meeLlngs, speclal evenLs, senlor peer counsellng,
communlLy updaLes and lnformaLlon on senlor servlces.
1reyger SL. Slmon and !ude Senlor Croup 111771932 * 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo sponsor Lrlps, buy refreshmenLs, muslc, and
enLerLalnmenL as well as purchase supplles.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 117

Arroyo SL. vlncenL de aul 8esldence 133398842 3,000
1o supporL salarles of Lhe LherapeuLlc recreaLlon sLaff servlng 120 nurslng
home resldenLs and 39 asslsLed llvlng resldenLs.
ulrlch SL. vlrglllus Colden Age 111672796 3,000
lunds wlll supporL Lhe Colden Age club, servlng senlors ln Lhe surroundlng
areas, lncludlng hosLlng meeLlngs, speclal evenLs, senlor peer counsellng,
communlLy updaLes and lnformaLlon on senlor servlces.
MaLLeo SLaLen lsland CenLer for lndependenL Llvlng, lnc. 133266398 7,000
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL LransporLaLlon for our afLer school program,
recreaLlonal pool program, recreaLlonal ouLlngs and supporL groups for
lndlvlduals wlLh dlsablllLles.
lgnlzlo SLaLen lsland CommunlLy Servlces lrlendshlp Clubs, lnc. 132778244 * 34,300
lunds used for recreaLlon, educaLlonal supplles, LransporLaLlon, healLh
promoLlon programs and llLeraLure.
MaLLeo SLaLen lsland CommunlLy Servlces lrlendshlp Clubs, lnc. 132778244 * 23,000
lunds used for recreaLlon, educaLlonal supplles, LransporLaLlon, healLh
promoLlon programs llLeraLure.
MaLLeo SLaLen lsland lnLer-Agency Councll for Lhe Aglng, lnc. 132986994 7,000
lunds wlll be used 1oward Lhe general supporL - general needs of Lhe
organlzaLlon: lnformaLlonal meeLlngs/semlnars forums on perLlnenL
Loplcs:Pouslng,PealLhcare,1ransporLaLlon e.g. Access-A-8lde for Lhe beneflL of
Lhe senlors, careglvers and senlor servl
ulckens SLelnway Chlld and lamlly Servlces 112326974 * 3,000
1o provlde programs aL Lhe Lsplanade Cardens Senlor rograms-nC8C and Lo
supporL Lhe CrandparenLs LmpowermenL MovemenL.
Cornegy Sumner Pouses 1enanLs AssoclaLlon, lnc. 112733344 30,000
1o provlde hoL breakfasLs and lunches, recreaLlonal, culLural and Lravel servlces
for senlor clLlzens
Menchaca SunseL 8ay CommunlLy Servlces, lnc. 112439923 12,300
1o supporL Lhe Senlor cenLer enhanclng Lhe educaLlonal, recreaLlonal, healLh,
arLs, and culLural programmlng for older adulL parLlclpanLs.
CenLlle SunseL ark PealLh Councll, lnc. 202308411 3,000
lunds wlll supporL Lhe Senlors ln 1ouch program LhaL offers educaLlonal and
recreaLlonal acLlvlLles Lo senlors ln whlch Lhey use Lhe creaLlve arLs as Lhe maln
means of expresslon and provldes meals and LransporLaLlon for senlors.
CenLlle SunseL ark PealLh Councll, lnc. 202308411 4,000
lunds wlll provlde LransporLaLlon servlces Lo older adulLs ln 8ay 8ldge and
SunseL ark.
koo 1alwan CenLer, lnc. 112837301 19,000
1o fund program-relaLed expenses, lncludlng class maLerlals, offlce supplles,
uLlllLles, prlnLlng expenses, and mlscellaneous fees assoclaLed wlLh acLlvlLles.
Cornegy 1ompklns Pouses 8esldenL AssoclaLlon, lnc. 113093879 3,000 1o provlde senlors wlLh snacks on senlor nlghL & senlors ln Lhe park day.
Mark-vlverlLo unlon SeLLlemenL AssoclaLlon, lnc. 131632330 * 20,000
1o provlde area senlors wlLh a range of servlces, lncludlng dally group meals, a
varleLy of exerclse acLlvlLles, nuLrlLlon classes, healLh and wellness classes,
compuLer classes, games, arLs and culLural acLlvlLles, nuLrlLlon educaLlon,
Lelephone reassura
1reyger unlLed Chlnese AssoclaLlon of 8rooklyn 371469112 * 20,000
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL a Senlor Servlce rogram whlch lncludlng buL noL
llmlLed Lo offseLLlng Lhe expenses of: slLe renLal cosL, sLaffs salary, lnsLrucLor's
salary, equlpmenL, offlce supplles, soclal and culLural evenLs, recreaLlonal
acLlvlLles an
Creenfleld unlLed Chlnese AssoclaLlon of 8rooklyn 371469112 * 13,000
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL a Senlor Servlce rogram lncludlng: 1) LranslaLlon
servlces, 2) educaLlonal classes of: LSL, naLurallzaLlon, crlme prevenLlon,
compuLer, 1al Chl, 3) acLlvlLles: recreaLlon and soclal gaLherlng, monLhly
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 118

blrLhday parLy , cul
Mendez unlLed !ewlsh Councll of Lhe LasL Slde, lnc. 132733378 * 22,000 lundlng Lo provlde meals and healLh promoLlon.
Chln unlLed !ewlsh Councll of Lhe LasL Slde, lnc. 132733378 * 9,000
1he fundlng wlll be used Lo sponsor a comprehenslve acLlvlLles program aL Lhe
u!C AdulL Luncheon Club LargeLlng Lhe physlcal and menLal needs of senlors ln
Lhe communlLy.
Levln unlLed !ewlsh CrganlzaLlons of Wllllamsburg, lnc. 112728233 * 9,300
1o help senlor clLlzens apply and obLaln publlc beneflLs lncludlng food sLamps,
SSl, Medlcare, Medlcald, Soclal SecurlLy, emergency food vouchers, legal
asslsLance, houslng servlces and oLher vlLal beneflLs and enLlLlemenLs and
supporL admlnlsLraLlon of s
lgnlzlo unlLed SLaLen lsland veLerans CrganlzaLlon, lnc. 133906171 * 3,000
lundlng wlll be used Lo defray cosLs assoclaLed wlLh Lhe erecLlon a memorlal
sLaLue and for Lhe annual Memorlal uay parade
MaLLeo unlLed SLaLen lsland veLerans CrganlzaLlon, lnc. 133906171 * 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL a memorlal sLaLue and for Lhe annual Memorlal
uay parade
Chln unlverslLy SeLLlemenL SocleLy of new ?ork, lnc. 133362374 * 6,000
1o supporL unlverslLy SeLLlemenL Senlor CenLer servlces and acLlvlLles and
Senlor PeA81 (PealLh, ArL, 8ecreaLlon, 1echnology) programs for senlors ln
Councll ulsLrlcL 1. lundlng wlll supporL Lhe sLafflng and programmaLlc cosLs
assoclaLed wlLh boLh program
Carodnlck vlSlCnS/Servlces for Lhe 8llnd and vlsually lmpalred 131624210 3,300
lundlng wlll supporL vlSlCnS mulLl-llngual vlslon educaLlon and ouLreach
programs for bllnd and vlsually lmpalred senlors, whlch lncludes communlLy
ouLreach, vlslon rehablllLaLlon, moblllLy Lralnlng and soclal and professlonal
!ohnson vlSlCnS/Servlces for Lhe 8llnd and vlsually lmpalred 131624210 3,000
vlSlCnS MulLlllngual LducaLlon and CuLreach rograms provldes publlc
educaLlon on eye dlsease and bllndness prevenLlon Lo senlors, healLhcare
professlonals and organlzaLlons ln all flve boroughs.
8osenLhal vlSlCnS/Servlces for Lhe 8llnd and vlsually lmpalred 131624210 4,300
lundlng Lo provlde lnformaLlon and access Lo vlslon rehablllLaLlon and moblllLy
Lralnlng, adapLed Lechnology and soclal programs.
Levlne vlSlCnS/Servlces for Lhe 8llnd and vlsually lmpalred 131624210 3,000
lundlng Lo ldenLlfy bllnd/vlsually lmpalred senlors from ulsLrlcL 7. lundlng wlll
also enable vlSlCnS Lo provlde lnformaLlon and access Lo vlslon rehablllLaLlon
and moblllLy Lralnlng, adapLed Lechnology and soclal programs.
Arroyo vlSlCnS/Servlces for Lhe 8llnd and vlsually lmpalred 131624210 10,000
1o supporL vlSlCnS' MulLlllngual LducaLlon and CuLreach rograms LhaL
provldes lnformaLlon and access Lo vlslon rehablllLaLlon and moblllLy Lralnlng,
adapLed Lechnology and soclal programs for resldenL of Councll ulsLrlcL 17.
Mark-vlverlLo vlSlCnS/Servlces for Lhe 8llnd and vlsually lmpalred 131624210 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe conLlnuaLlon of Lhe MulLlllngual LducaLlon
and CuLreach rograms provldlng educaLlon on eye dlsease and bllndness
prevenLlon Lo senlors, healLhcare professlonals and organlzaLlons ln all flve
vallone vlSlCnS/Servlces for Lhe 8llnd and vlsually lmpalred 131624210 3,300
vlSlCnS ls requesLlng member lLem fundlng ln Lhe amounL of 10,000 Lo ldenLlfy
bllnd/vlsually lmpalred senlors, fundlng wlll enable vlSlCnS Lo provlde
lnformaLlon and access Lo vlslon rehablllLaLlon and moblllLy Lralnlng, adapLed
Lechnology and soclal prog
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 119

Wllllams vlSlCnS/Servlces for Lhe 8llnd and vlsually lmpalred 131624210 4,000
lundlng for MulLlllngual LducaLlon and CuLreach rograms on eye dlsease and
bllndness senlors.
Carodnlck vlslLlng nelghbors, lnc. 237379098 * 3,000
lundlng wlll supporL ouLreach and asslsLance servlces Lo help elderly resldenLs
of Lhe LasL Slde remaln lndependenL.
Mendez vlslLlng nelghbors, lnc. 237379098 * 3,000
lundlng Lo supporL sLaff salarles, ouLreach Lo senlors and volunLeers,
Lelephone, local Lravel, prlnLlng/copylng and lnsurance.
!ohnson vlslLlng nelghbors, lnc. 237379098 * 3,000
1o supporL a vlslLlng program Lo relleve lsolaLlon and lonellness and prevenL
depresslon, escorLs Lo medlcal appolnLmenLs, asslsLance wlLh shopplng, healLh
advocacy and case asslsLance. lunds wlll be used for salarles, renL, Lelephone,
local Lravel, prln
Carodnlck vocal Lase, lnc. 371469320 3,300
lundlng wlll supporL Lhe operaLlng cosLs of vocal Lase's program, whlch
provldes volunLeer muslcal performances for senlors aL hosplLals, nurslng
homes and senlor cenLers.
kallos vocal Lase, lnc. 371469320 1,000
lor Lhe producLlon of vocal Lases llve, on-slLe cabareL-sLyle performances for
senlor clLlzens aL hosplLals, nurslng homes, senlor cenLers and senlor
Mendez vocal Lase, lnc. 371469320 4,000
lundlng Lo provlde on-slLe cabareL-sLyle performances for senlor clLlzens aL
hosplLals, nurslng homes, senlor cenLers.
!ohnson vocal Lase, lnc. 371469320 3,000
lunds Lo produce vocal Lases llve, an on-slLe cabareL-sLyle performances for
senlor clLlzens aL hosplLals, nurslng homes, senlor cenLers and senlor
8osenLhal vocal Lase, lnc. 371469320 3,000
lunds are for Lhe producLlon of vocal Lases llve, on-slLe cabareL-sLyle
performances for senlor clLlzens aL hosplLals, nurslng homes, senlor cenLers
and senlor resldences. Lach show has a small group of professlonal slngers
performlng solos, dueLs and gro
Levlne vocal Lase, lnc. 371469320 3,000
lunds are for Lhe producLlon of vocal Lases llve, on-slLe cabareL-sLyle
performances for senlor clLlzens aL hosplLals, nurslng homes, senlor cenLers
and senlor resldences. lunds wlll be used Lo pay for Lhe parLlal salary of vocal
Lase's full-Llme dlrecLo
8odrlguez vocal Lase, lnc. 371469320 3,300
lundlng Lo subsldlze cosL of full-Llme dlrecLor and only sLaff member of vocal
Lase cabareL producLlon
WashlngLon PelghLs-lnwood reservaLlon and 8esLoraLlon
CorporaLlon 132944830 6,000
lunds Lo supporL anLl-poverLy food/nuLrlLlon program, Lhls food subsldy
program lncludes a food panLry, Lhe dellvery of weekend meals Lo home-bound
senlors, and emergency food vouchers. lundlng for Lhe operaLlon of food
WashlngLon PelghLs-lnwood reservaLlon and 8esLoraLlon
CorporaLlon 132944830 10,000 lundlng Lo provlde LransporLaLlon servlce for senlors
Cornegy Wayslde CuL-8each uevelopmenL, lnc. (WC8u) 113328680 * 4,000
1o supplemenL budgeL for food and offlce/household supplles, Lo defray
consulLanL fees for compuLer and exerclse lnsLrucLors and muslclan for choral
group and speclal enLerLalnmenL, 2 buses Lo culLural and recreaLlonal Lrlps, and
vehlcle expenses
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 120

8arron Wayslde CuL-8each uevelopmenL, lnc. (WC8u) 113328680 * 16,000
lunds be used for congregaLe and homebound meals Lo enrlch Lhe senlor
programs aL 8oseLLa CasLon Senlor CenLer. Servlces lnclude congregaLe
breakfasL and lunches, LransporLaLlon and escorL servlces from home Lo senlor
cenLers, Lo enLlLlemenL and medlcal
Wllllams Wayslde CuL-8each uevelopmenL, lnc. (WC8u) 113328680 * 3,300 lunds Lo provlde Meals rogram and operaLlng cosLs.
Wayslde CuL-8each uevelopmenL, lnc. (WC8u) - 8revoorL
Senlor CenLer 113328680 * 10,000
lundlng Lo defray cosLs assoclaLed wlLh Lhe programmlng/servlces offered aL
8revoorL Senlor CenLer, lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo meals (congregaLe &
homebound), LransporLaLlon & educaLlonal/soclal/recreaLlonal acLlvlLles.
Wayslde CuL-8each uevelopmenL, lnc. (WC8u) - ML. AraraL
Senlor CenLer 113328680 * 10,000
lundlng Lo defray cosLs assoclaLed wlLh Lhe programmlng/servlces offered aL
ML. AraraL Senlor CenLer, lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo meals (congregaLe &
homebound), LransporLaLlon & educaLlonal/soclal/recreaLlonal acLlvlLles.
Wayslde CuL-8each uevelopmenL, lnc. (WC8u) - 8oseLLa
CasLon Senlor CenLer 113328680 * 3,300
lundlng Lo defray cosLs assoclaLed wlLh Lhe programmlng/servlces offered aL
8oseLLa CasLon Senlor CenLer, lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo meals (congregaLe &
homebound), LransporLaLlon & educaLlonal/soclal/recreaLlonal acLlvlLles.
Wayslde CuL-8each uevelopmenL, lnc. (WC8u) - 1llden
Pouses Senlor CenLer 113328680 * 23,000
lundlng Lo provlde servlces conslsLlng of congregaLe meals Lo enhance and
enrlch Lhe senlor program aL 1llden nelghborhood Senlor CenLer lnclude
congregaLe lunches, LransporLaLlon and escorL servlces from home Lo senlor
cenLers, Lo enLlLlemenL and medlcal
Wayslde CuL-8each uevelopmenL, lnc. (WC8u) - vanuyke
Pouses Senlor CenLer 113328680 * 10,000
lundlng Lo defray cosLs assoclaLed wlLh Lhe programmlng/servlces offered aL
van uyke Pouses Senlor CenLer, lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo meals (congregaLe
& homebound), LransporLaLlon & educaLlonal/soclal/recreaLlonal acLlvlLles.
Clbson Wllllam Podson CommunlLy CenLer, lnc. 131660334 * 20,000
lunds wlll go Lowards meals (breakfasL and lunch), Lechnology, healLh
managemenL, healLh promoLlon, arL and crafL, workshops and semlnars, Lrlps,
soclal evenLs, healLh falrs.
Levlne Wllson Ma[or Morrls CommunlLy CenLer, lnc. 133273604 7,000
lundlng LhaL wlll help allay Lhe program cosLs of such as salarles, uLlllLles and
lnsurance aL Lhe Wllson Ma[or Morrls CommunlLy CenLer, whlch serves senlor
clLlzens ln Councll ulsLrlcL 7.
van 8ramer Woodslde on Lhe Move, lnc. 112433363 10,000
lunds wlll supporL hlrlng a Lechnology lnsLrucLor who wlll Leach weekly one
hour classes, for communlLy members over 18 years of age, lncludlng Senlor
koslowlLz ?oung lsrael of loresL Pllls 112382218 30,000
1he funds wlll be used Lowards Lhe dally operaLlng expenses of Lhe senlor
cenLer lncludlng 8enL uLlllLles, CommunlcaLlons, rlnLlng/Supplles and
8lchards ?oung lsrael of WavecresL and 8ayswaLer 112342363 * 20,000
1o supporL flLness classes and Lralnlng Lo promoLe healLhy llvlng, Lo provlde
LransporLaLlon for Lhose senlors LhaL do noL drlve, and Lowards enLerLalnmenL
for cllenLs.
ueuLsch ?oung lsrael Senlor Servlces, lnc. 134136312 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo enhance Lhe healLh and wellness program such as
yoga,Lal chl Zumba, lsraell danclng, llne danclng, and palnLlng.
Wllllams ?oung lsrael Senlor Servlces, lnc. 134136312 3,300 lundlng for healLh and wellness programmlng.
?oung Men's and ?oung Women's Pebrew AssoclaLlon of
8oro ark, lnc. 111630917 * 13,000
lunds wlll be used Lo provlde acLlvlLles and speclal evenLs for senlors ln Lhe
communlLy, lncludlng exerclse classes, parLles/enLerLalnmenL, and ouLlngs Lo
culLural evenLs LhroughouL n?C.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 121

?oung Men's and ?oung Women's Pebrew AssoclaLlon of
8oro ark, lnc. 111630917 * 3,000
1o supporL healLh and wellness programs and language-relaLed programs for
?oung Men's and ?oung Women's Pebrew AssoclaLlon of Lhe
8ronx 131740307 * 10,000 lundlng Lo supporL programmlng, enLerLalnmenL and food for senlors.
Cornegy ?oung Men's ChrlsLlan AssoclaLlon of CreaLer new ?ork 131624228 * 3,000
1o supporL Lhe parLlclpaLlon of Lhe ?MCA's older adulL members ln Lhe !une
2013 Lmplre SLaLe Cames Lhrough Lhe provlslon of LransporLaLlon and
mlscellaneous cosLs relaLed Lo members of Lhe communlLy parLlclpaLlng ln Lhe
alma ?oung Men's ChrlsLlan AssoclaLlon of CreaLer new ?ork 131624228 * 13,000
1o supporL Lhe 8ronx ?MCA/ Clebe Senlor CenLer whlch ls a focal polnL for
servlces, lnformaLlon, and acLlvlLles LhaL promoLe lndependence and lncrease
lncluslon ln Lhe 8ronx communlLy.
Wllllams ?oung Men's ChrlsLlan AssoclaLlon of CreaLer new ?ork 131624228 * 10,000 lundlng for flLness class and operaLlon cosLs.
Levln ?oung Women's ChrlsLlan AssoclaLlon of 8rooklyn 111630919 3,000
1o expand flLness programs Lo low lncome, elderly and dlsabled senlors, ln
order Lo supporL healLhy llfesLyles and lndependenL llvlng.

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 122

Append|x C: outh D|scret|onary
Council Member Legal Name of Organization EIN
Purpose of Funds
Malsel 1 ?ouLh AL A 1lme, lnc. 261368079 * 3,000
1he program wlll provlde Lhe youLh wlLh menLorshlp, home economlcs, [ob readlness,
college prep preparaLlon.
Levln 3 8oros 8askeLball, lnc. 272623043 4,000
1o provlde supplles such as unlforms, sweaLshlrLs, warm-ups, as well as Lo supporL
renLlng a gymnaslum.
8eynoso 3 8oros 8askeLball, lnc. 272623043 3,300
1o supporL a youLh baskeLball program. lundlng wlll be allocaLed for gym renLal and
supplles such as unlforms, sweaLshlrLs, and warm-ups.
vacca 49Lh reclncL Law LnforcemenL Lxplorers rogram 020798333 * 3,300
1o fund Lhe purchase of equlpmenL for Lralnlng and camplng, Lo purchase unlforms for
Lhe youLh such as shoes, booLs, polo shlrLs, name Lags, and refreshmenLs
CenLlle 68Lh reclncL ?ouLh Councll, lnc. 112478910 * 3,300
lunds wlll offseL Lhe cosL of sporLs equlpmenL for youLh ln Lhe 68Lh ollce reclncL and
surroundlng nelghborhoods.
Mealy 71sL reclncL CommunlLy Councll, lnc. 043784343 10,000
1he urpose of lunds wlll be uLlllzed for 3 speclflc programmlng whlch lnvolves Lhe
communlLy aL large, our Senlors and our ?ouLhs: 1) lamlly uay lcnlc ls held Lhe 1sL
Sunday ln !une. 2)naLlonal nlghL CuL held Lhe 1sL 1uesday ln AugusL 3) Safe aLh Walk
held on CcLober 31sL. 4) 1hanksglvlng 1urkey Clveaway held on Lhe 3rd 1hursday ln
november and 3) Pollday arLy held on Lhe 3rd 1hursday ln uecember. lunds aL all Lhese
evenLs are uLlllzed for purchaslng offlce supplles, adverLlsemenL of Lhese evenLs vla
prlnLlng of flyers, communlLy radlo, bulldlng of sLage, equlpmenL renLal of lnflaLable rldes
for Lhe youLhs, purchase of food for Lhese evenLs, LransporLaLlon, enLerLalnmenL,
lnsurance, Loys, dlnners and speclal evenLs for senlors, unlforms for Lxplorers rogram
for Llfe whlch lnvolves youLhs of Lhe communlLy.
Lander 78Lh reclncL ?ouLh Councll, lnc. 112947101 10,000 1o supporL Lralnlng and pracLlce for youLh baseball, soccer and oLher sporLs programs.
Levln 78Lh reclncL ?ouLh Councll, lnc. 112947101 8,000
1o pay Lhe fees for permlLs LhaL allow youLh aLhleLes Lo pracLlce and Lraln ln publlc school
Mealy 81sL reclncL CommunlLy Councll 800901280 3,000
Annual Chlldren Pollday arLy-provldes Loys Lo approxlmaLely 300 chlldren and 30 blkes
Lhrough a loLLery. Annual Senlor 1hanksglvlng ulnner-feeds over 300 slck and shuL-lns, as
well as, 100 evenL aLLendees. Annual Chlldren's Summer Camp-provldes formal cosL for
over 80 nelghborhood chlldren from ages 6-12. naLlonal nlghL-CuL ln Lhe ark, Lhls evenL
provldes WaLer 8ldes, LnLerLalnmenL, lood, School Supplles and also, parLlclpanLs from
varlous agencles, as well as, communlLy vendors offerlng free lnformaLlon and answers
any relaLed agency quesLlons. Annual Pollday Muslcal ConcerL, ?early LvenLs-re-
MoLhers uay 1heaLre and our ?ouLh AppreclaLlon 8reakfasL.
uromm 82nd SLreeL Academlcs 200788332 3,000 1o supporL afLer-school program aL Lhe 8enalssance CharLer School
uromm 82nd SLreeL Academlcs 200788332 36,000 1o supporL afLer-school program aL Lhe 8enalssance CharLer School
Lsplnal 83rd reclncL ?ouLh Councll 263863791 * 6,000
lundlng Lo provlde homework asslsLance, sporL acLlvlLles, educaLlonal & culLural
experlences. Monles wlll also be used Lo defray Lhe cosL of Summer Camp programmlng.
8eynoso 83rd reclncL ?ouLh Councll, lnc. 263863791 3,000 1o supporL a low-cosL summer camp program.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 123

92nd SLreeL ? (?oung Mens and ?oung Womens
Pebrew AssoclaLlon) 131624229 3,000
lundlng wlll supporL Lhe 92nd SLreeL ?'s llLeracy, arLs, sclence, recreaLlonal and clvlcs
programs for low-lncome famllles and youLh.
92nd SLreeL ? (?oung Mens and ?oung Womens
Pebrew AssoclaLlon) 131624229 43,300
1o supporL Lhe LducaLlonal CuLreach rogram, 1eens rogram llLeracy pro[ecLs,
scholarshlp funds, S1LM programs or ulglLal ueslgn rograms.
Cu28 103rd reclncL CommunlLy Councll 203484666 * 10,000
?ouLh sporLs, e.g. baskeLball sofLball games, fleld Lrlps for poslLlve exposure Lo varlous
culLural evenLs and varlous crlme prevenLlon acLlvlLles. 1o offseL Lhe cosL of requlred
unlforms /or 1-shlrLs for Lhe program (requlred for fleld Lrlps and dally parLlclpaLlon. 1o
provlde a safe haven evenL for chlldren durlng holldays such as Palloween. Annual
Chlldren's Pollday parLy for Lhe less forLunaLe.
uromm 110Lh reclncL CommunlLy Councll, lnc. 432023633 3,300
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe naLlonal nlghL CuL a crlme/drug prevenLlon awareness
lerreras 110Lh reclncL CommunlLy Councll, lnc. 432023633 3,300
1o fund naLlonal nlghL CuL, a crlme/drug prevenLlon awareness evenL LhaL brlngs local
law enforcemenL represenLaLlves and members of Lhe communlLy LogeLher Lo bulld Lles
Lo help solve and prevenL crlmes. lunds wlll supporL cosLs assoclaLed wlLh exhlblLs, food,
llve muslc, acLlvlLles, markeLlng/adverLlslng, equlpmenL renLal, vendors, bookkeeplng
fees, general program supplles and general operaLlng program expenses.
ulckens 142nd SLreeL 8lock AssoclaLlon, lnc. 733232444 * 4,286
1o supporL Lhe 142nd SLreeL 8lock AssoclaLlon's ?ouLh Workforce lalr, a one-day evenL
for aL-rlsk youLh on how Lo succeed ln Loday's [ob markeL.
Cumbo 300 Men Maklng a ulfference, lnc. 432368264 3,300
lunds wlll be used Lo hlre a full Llme Manager and a parL Llme coordlnaLor Lo manage Lhe
over 800 person daLa base of men.
Chln A lace for klds, lnc. 133624631 * 3,000
1o supporL educaLlon program for aL-rlsk chlldren, parenL professlonal workshops,
sLudenL workshops ln llLeracy arLs, and ln-school muslcal programs aL local schools.
lgnlzlo A very Speclal lace, lnc. 133003006 3,300
lundlng wlll supporL Lhe CommunlLy CenLer, an evenlng and weekend LherapeuLlc
program for Lhose wlLh developmenLal dlsablllLles.
Mark-vlverlLo Abraham Pouse, lnc. 133721924 17,000
lunds wlll be used Lo enhance Lhe AfLer-School and Summer rogram offerlng a safe
haven, academlc supporL, counsellng, and youLh developmenL currlculum.
!ohnson AbundanL WaLers, lnc. 133706639 9,000 1o provlde learnlng speclallsL supporL for learnlng-dlsabled chlldren ln Lhe program.
klng Afrlcan Amerlcan Llfe 800379312 * 7,000
1he fundlng wlll be used Lo help LuLor sLudenLs from predomlnaLely Afrlcan Amerlcan and
LaLlno herlLage ln Lhe 8ronx Lo prepare for Lhe College boards, SA1, AC1, C8L, eLc. 1hey
wlll have culLural enhancemenL, Lrlps Lo local and dlsLanL colleges.
ulckens Afrlcan ulaspora lllm lesLlval 743038313 * 4,000
1o provlde LlckeLs for young people aL elemenLary, lnLermedlaLe and hlgh school sLudenLs
Lo aLLend screenlngs aL Lhe Afrlcan ulaspora lllm lesLlval.
8ose Afrlcan 8efuge, lnc. 010873188 10,000
lundlng Lo supporL ?ouLh LducaLlonal and 8ecreaLlonal rograms. lunds wlll be used for
sLaff and programmaLlc expenses.
8lchards Agape CommunlLy Servlces CorporaLlon 311783007 3,000
lundlng wlll asslsL ln Lhe developmenL and enhancemenL of annual summer camp 1he
fundlng wlll also asslsL ln sponsorlng yearly summer Lrlps for Lhe chlldren and youLh, and
furLher esLabllsh an ongolng afLer school program.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 124

Menchaca AgudaLh lsrael of Amerlca CommunlLy Servlces, lnc. 133973090 3,300
lunds Lo provlde educaLlon, career counsellng, and [ob servlces for unemployed and
underemployed lndlvlduals, many of whom are low lncome. Servlces wlll lnclude pre-
employmenL counsellng, llLeracy, and skllls Lralnlng.
Weprln Alley ond LnvlronmenLal CenLer, lnc. 112403466 26,000 1o supporL envlronmenLal programs for chlldren from low lncome areas.
Amerlcan MarLyrs 8oman CaLhollc Church, lnc. - ALhleLlc
AssoclaLlon 111816736 * 7,300
1o supporL faclllLy renLal fees, aLhleLlc equlpmenL and unlforms for youLh sporLs
programs such as baskeLball, baseball, volleyball, soccer, and swlmmlng.
uromm Amlgos del Museo del 8arrlo 237136720 3,000 1o fund Maklng ConnecLlons youLh arLs program.
Carodnlck Amlgos del Museo del 8arrlo 237136720 3,000
lundlng wlll supporL Lhe museum's afLer school programs ln a publlc school ln Councll
ulsLrlcL 4.
Cu28 AmlLy 8apLlsL Church 112014196 * 13,000
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe Summer Lxposure rogram (SL) for sLaff sLlpends,
snacks, arLs and crafLs and educaLlonal maLerlal for campers.
Malsel AmlLy LlLLle League, lnc. 112703383 3,000 1o provlde a sporLs baseball program Lo Lhe communlLy.
Wllllams AC CommunlLy Servlces 331216239 * 3,300 lundlng for Sumer camp on anLl- bullylng and anLl-vlolence.
Chln Apex for ?ouLh 133630718 7,300
lunds wlll supporL Lhe one-on-one menLorlng program by supporLlng Lhe sLaff needed Lo
maLch Lhe youLh and menLors, background checks for Lhe volunLeers, and coordlnaLlng
and subsldlzlng Lhe acLlvlLles.
Chln Apex for ?ouLh 133630718 3,000
1he fundlng wlll supporL a baskeLball program, LheaLer classes, and maLh and LLA 1esL
reparaLlon classes aL local Councll ulsLrlcL 1 schools.
CenLlle Arab Amerlcan AssoclaLlon of new ?ork, lnc. 113604736 3,300
lunds wlll supporL an lnlLlaLlve LhaL lncludes an LSCL program, a clvlcs and clLlzenshlp
program, and an afLer school homework asslsLance and enrlchmenL program known as
klLaab Club for Arab Amerlcan lmmlgranLs, whlch LogeLher promoLe college readlness,
leadershlp, and clvlc parLlclpaLlon for youLh and young adulLs, and empower
lndependence, lncreased educaLlon and employmenL opporLunlLles, and communlLy
lnLegraLlon for adulLs.
Levlne Armory loundaLlon, 1he 133680286 10,000
lundlng wlll supporL Lhe program Armory College rep, and wlll parLlally fund Lhe sLaff
deslgnaLed for Lhe WashlngLon PelghLs 1uLorlng CenLer, a new classroom LhaL ls
deslgnaLed for our 9Lh 10Lh grade sLudenLs and a new cohorL of 6Lh, 7Lh, 8Lh grade
sLudenLs, whom we wlll serve ln school year 2014-2013. lundlng wlll supporL program
sLaff salarles and currlculum maLerlals.
8odrlguez Armory loundaLlon, 1he 133680286 7,000 lundlng Lo provlde LuLor sLafflng and maLerlals
Mendez ArLs for ArL, lnc. 133991848 3,300
lundlng Lo supporL Leacher compensaLlon, purchase of lnsLrumenLs and performance
8lchards Arverne Church Cf Cod, lnc. 113031878 3,000
1hrough CperaLlon CeL 8eal wlLh u.8.u.C.S, where u8uCS ls an acronym for uolng 8lghL
under Culdance and Supervlslon, lunds wlll be used for sLaff, lnsurance, recreaLlonal
equlpmenL and food for evenLs.
Chln Aslan Amerlcans for LquallLy 133187792 3,000
lunds wlll supporL a ?ouLh and lamlly uevelopmenL rogram for lmmlgranL and Lngllsh
language learnlng hlgh school sLudenLs Lo bulld leadershlp skllls, organlze youLh Lo lead
communlLy servlce pro[ecLs, promoLe college and career readlness.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 12S

Chln Aslan-Amerlcan CoallLlon for Chlldren and lamllles, lnc. 133682471 3,000
lunds wlll supporL 1he Aslan Amerlcan SLudenL Advocacy ro[ecL (ASA), CACl's youLh
leadershlp program where n?C Aslan aclflc Amerlcan (AA) publlc hlgh school sLudenLs
from all flve boroughs, meeL and work on Lhelr campalgn Lo promoLe college and career
readlness among lmmlgranL sLudenLs and Lngllsh language learners.
koo Aslan-Amerlcan CoallLlon for Chlldren and lamllles, lnc. 133682471 8,000
1o fund Lhe Aslan Amerlcan SLudenL Advocacy ro[ecL (ASA), CACl's youLh leadershlp
program. 1hese youLh leaders meeL year-round, and collecLlvely work on Lhelr ongolng
campalgn Lo promoLe college and career readlness among lmmlgranL sLudenLs and
Lngllsh Language Learners ln Lhe n?C publlc school sysLem. 1hey wlll develop Lhe
followlng skllls: crlLlcal Lhlnklng, publlc speaklng, wrlLlng, responslblllLy, clvlc engagemenL,
and Leam work.
Menchaca Aslan-Amerlcan CoallLlon for Chlldren and lamllles, lnc. 133682471 3,300
lundlng Lo supporL CACl's youLh leadershlp program whlch conslsLs n?C Aslan aclflc
Amerlcan (AA) publlc hlgh school sLudenLs from all flve boroughs, many resldlng and
aLLendlng schools ln ulsLrlcLs 38.
vallone Aslan-Amerlcan CoallLlon for Chlldren and lamllles, lnc. 133682471 4,000
1he fundlng wlll supporL CACl ln hosLlng arenLs Crganlzed Lo Work for Lqual 8lghLs
(CWL8), CACl's parenL leadershlp program, for parenLs from Cueens.
Weprln Aslan-Amerlcan CoallLlon for Chlldren and lamllles, lnc. 133682471 6,000
1o supporL Lhe Aslan Amerlcan SLudenL Advocacy ro[ecL, a youLh leadershlp program for
college and career readlness and clvlc engagemenL.
kallos AssoclaLlon Lo 8eneflL Chlldren, lnc. 133303089 3,000
1o supporL A8C's youLh servlces program, lncludlng recreaLlonal programmlng, academlc
supporL, enrlchmenL acLlvlLles, vocaLlonal and college preparaLory workshops,
LherapeuLlc groups, menLorlng supporL, and program sLaff.
Mark-vlverlLo AssoclaLlon Lo 8eneflL Chlldren, lnc. 133303089 6,300
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe youLh servlces program sLaff and all of whom provlde
dlrecL servlces whlch lnclude, buL are noL llmlLed Lo homework help, lndlvldual and group
LuLorlng, S1LM acLlvlLles, LherapeuLlc and llLeracy groups, peer medlaLlon, sLrucLured
recreaLlonal play, vocaLlonal and college prep workshops, and case managemenL.
ConsLanLlnldes AsLorla erformlng ArLs CenLer, lnc. 631209380 13,000 lundlng wlll be used Lo provlde a performance program for chlldren aged 8-13.
Menchaca ALlas ul? 434316117 * 8,300
lunds Lo run comprehenslve afLer school and summer programmlng for lmmlgranL youLh
and Lhelr allles ages 14-24 enLlLled 8e, uevelop, Clve".
Creenfleld AudlLory/Cral School of new ?ork, 1he 061331077 7,300
lundlng wlll be used Lo defray Lhe cosL of creaLlng and lnsLalllng a playground speclflcally
Lallored Lo Lhe needs of chlldren aged 2-3 years old. ueslgn would Lake lnLo accounL
physlcal and occupaLlonal LherapeuLlc maLerlals and appllances.
Creenfleld 8als ?aakov lalgeh Schonberger of Adas ?erelm 203293496 * 12,000 lunds wlll be used Lo defray operaLlng cosLs of summer programmlng.
8osenLhal 8alleL Plspanlco of new ?ork, lnc. 132683733 3,000 lunds Lo supporL School of uance (Sou) scholarshlp program.
8odrlguez 8ameso usa 342036362 7,000 lundlng Lo supporL volleyball AfLer School rogram wlLh focus on female parLlclpaLlon
Arroyo 8anana kelly CommunlLy lmprovemenL AssoclaLlon, lnc. 132934000 13,000
1o supporL ?ouLh LducaLlonal rogram (?L), deslgned Lo provlde local chlldren wlLh a
year-round supplemenLal educaLlonal experlence LhaL ls engaglng and meanlngful.
Lander 8angladesh lnsLlLuLe of erformlng ArLs, lnc. 113249033 3,300 1o supporL culLural programmlng for youLh, lncludlng annual 8engall new ?ear fesLlval.
8angladeshl Amerlcan CommunlLy uevelopmenL and
?ouLh Servlces Corp 432389373 * 10,000
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL operaLlonal cosLs and expenses and Lo supporL servlces
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 126

ulckens 8ank SLreeL College of LducaLlon 133362167 3,000
1o supporL LlberLy LLAuS, provldlng academlc resources, college prep classes, counsellng,
menLorlng, and enrlchmenL acLlvlLles as well as a comprehenslve supporL sysLem for
lnner ClLy youLh.
Levlne 8ank SLreeL College of LducaLlon 133362167 10,000
lunds wlll be used for day-Lo-day operaLlons of Lhe LlberLy LLAuS program for sLudenLs ln
Councll ulsLrlcL 7 lncludlng (buL noL llmlLed Lo) Lhe followlng: Salarles for 1eachers,
Counselors and oLher SLaff, offlce and program supplles, food and snacks, and fleld Lrlps.
8lchards 8aLLallon enLecosLal Assembly, lnc. 364391337 * 10,000
8A has Lhree youLh programs: 1. uaughLers of urpose 2. Cldeon's Army 3. ?ouLh
lgnlLlon. 1hese programs prepares youLhs for adulLhood, Lhey are LaughL llfe skllls and
recelve Lralnlng Lo effecLlvely funcLlon ln socleLy. 1hese programs Leach youLhs Lo ldenLlfy
Lhelr sLrengLhs and weaknesses and Lo develop weak areas Lo become sLrong.
Chln 8aLLery Conservancy, lnc. 133769101 6,000
lunds wlll supporL 8aLLery urban larm, Lhe parks largesL educaLlon and ouLreach
program LhaL ls educaLlng youLh and Lhe publlc abouL growlng and eaLlng healLhy
vegeLables and susLalnable gardenlng. 1he program provldes educaLlonal classes Lo youLh
and ouLreach Lo youLh and adulLs Lhrough Lours and free communlLy evenLs.
CenLlle 8ay 8ldge CommunlLy Councll lnc 112602994 * 2,000
lunds wlll supporL an Annual Palloween ArL Wlndow alnLlng ConLesL and pay for
rlbbons and awards for Lhe evenL.
Lander 8cL 8rooklyn Chlldrens 1heaLre 432906089 3,000
1o supporL Lhe afLer school, communlLy based, muslcal LheaLre program for 6Lh-12Lh
graders, housed aL Lhe 8rooklyn Muslc School
Chln 8ella Abzug Leadershlp lnsLlLuLe, lnc. 300280807 * 4,000
1he funds wlll be used Lo recrulL female mlddle school, hlgh school and college sLudenLs
ln 3 8oroughs of new ?ork ClLy and provlde Lhem wlLh leadershlp and debaLe Lralnlng as
well as physlcal and menLal wellness Lralnlng.
!ohnson 8ella Abzug Leadershlp lnsLlLuLe, lnc. 300280807 3,000
1he funds wlll be used Lo recrulL female mlddle school , hlgh school and college sLudenLs
ln 3 8oroughs of new ?ork ClLy and provlde Lhem wlLh leadershlp and debaLe Lralnlng as
well as physlcal and menLal wellness Lralnlng.
8osenLhal 8ella Abzug Leadershlp lnsLlLuLe, lnc. 300280807 3,300
lundlng Lo supporL l8LL 12 uay lnLenslve Summer Leadershlp 1ralnlng and ?ear-Long
Leadershlp and uebaLe 1ralnlng Serles and aLLendance of conferences aL Lhe unlLed
naLlons, museum vlslLs, awards ceremonles and performances of pasL 8ALl graduaLes.
8ergen 8asln CommunlLy uevelopmenL CorporaLlon
d/b/a Mlllennlum uevelopmenL 113199040 112,230
1o provlde youLh & famlly servlces lncludlng comprehenslve afLer school programmlng aL
several elemenLary schools. ln addlLlon, youLh programmlng lncludlng sporLs, speclal
evenLs, and soclal acLlvlLles.
Malsel 8ergen 8each ?ouLh CrganlzaLlon 112398330 3,730
1o provlde recreaLlonal acLlvlLles, sporLs, soclal acLlvlLles, educaLlonal acLlvlLles,
leadershlp program, nelghborhood beauLlflcaLlon and oLher servlces.
koslowlLz 8eLh Cavrlel 8ukharlan CongregaLlon 113336237 30,000 lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe afLer-school program
ulckens 8lg Apple Clrcus, LLd. 132906037 3,000
1o supporL 8lg Apple Clrcus' CLCWn CA8L program ln Lhree n?C hosplLals provldlng Lhe
clrcus experlence for chlldren who are hosplLallzed, lnLegraLlng Clown uocLors wlLh Lhe
parLlclpaLlng hosplLals medlcal sLaff.
Clbson 8lg Apple Clrcus, LLd. 132906037 3,000
1o supporL 8lg Apple Clrcus' CLCWn CA8L program ln Lhree n?C hosplLals provldlng Lhe
clrcus experlence for chlldren who are hosplLallzed, lnLegraLlng Clown uocLors wlLh Lhe
parLlclpaLlng hosplLals medlcal sLaff.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 127

8osenLhal 8lg Apple Clrcus, LLd. 132906037 3,300 lundlng Lo supporL Clrcus for All LlckeL program
Cabrera 8lg 8roLhers 8lg SlsLers of new ?ork ClLy, lnc. 133600383 6,000
1o supporL one-Lo-one evldenced-based menLorlng supporL servlces provlded Lo
promoLe poslLlve ouLcomes youLh cholce, volce, and personal accounLablllLy. We serve
youLh and volunLeers ln Cu14. lunds supporL sLaff Llme for volunLeer menLor
Lralnlng/screenlng, monLhly case managemenL, counsellng, famlly referrals Lo meeL
healLh, academlc, legal needs, workshops.
Chln 8lg 8roLhers 8lg SlsLers of new ?ork ClLy, lnc. 133600383 3,300
lunds wlll supporL a CommunlLy-8ased program whlch provldes youLh wlLh menLorlng
and a workplace program where mlddle and hlgh school youLhs are glven menLors aL
corporaLlons LhroughouL Lhe ClLy Lo develop workplace skllls.
Cumbo 8lg 8roLhers 8lg SlsLers of new ?ork ClLy, lnc. 133600383 9,000
lundlng for menLor servlces, case managemenL, referral servlces and llfe skllls
ulckens 8lg 8roLhers 8lg SlsLers of new ?ork ClLy, lnc. 133600383 3,000
1o provlde menLorlng and supporL servlces Lhrough Lwo programs: CommunlLy-8ased, a
program for parLlclpanLs Lo meeL wlLh menLors ln Lhe communlLy, and Lhe Workplace
rogram, placlng youLh wlLh menLors aL corporaLlon's ln Lhe ClLy.
lerreras 8lg 8roLhers 8lg SlsLers of new ?ork ClLy, lnc. 133600383 3,000
1o supplemenL menLorlng and supporL servlces Lo provlde youLh developmenL Lhrough
case managemenL, counsellng and problem-solvlng, referrals Lo meeL needs (healLh,
academlc, legal asslsLance), workshop plannlng and execuLlon. 1he educaLlon lnlLlaLlve
provldes academlc and college-readlness asslsLance.
Carodnlck 8lg 8roLhers 8lg SlsLers of new ?ork ClLy, lnc. 133600383 3,300 lundlng wlll supporL menLorlng servlces for new ?ork ClLy youLh.
!ohnson 8lg 8roLhers 8lg SlsLers of new ?ork ClLy, lnc. 133600383 3,000
1o provlde menLorlng and supporL servlces Lhrough Lwo programs: CommunlLy-8ased, a
program for parLlclpanLs Lo meeL wlLh menLors ln Lhe communlLy, and Lhe Workplace
rogram, placlng youLh wlLh menLors aL corporaLlon's ln Lhe ClLy.
kallos 8lg 8roLhers 8lg SlsLers of new ?ork ClLy, lnc. 133600383 3,000
1o fund CommunlLy-8ased Workplace rograms by supporLlng Lhe sLaff's dlrecL cllenL
work wlLh Cu3 youLh, menLors, and famllles. SLaff supervlses Lhe menLorlng relaLlonshlps,
provlde referrals/supporL servlces, hold workshops/evenLs, counsel famllles.
Levlne 8lg 8roLhers 8lg SlsLers of new ?ork ClLy, lnc. 133600383 3,000
lunds supporL sLaff Llme for volunLeer menLor Lralnlng/screenlng, case managemenL,
counsellng/problem-solvlng, referrals Lo meeL needs (healLh, academlc, legal asslsLance),
workshop plannlng and execuLlon for afLerschool programs ln Councll dlsLrlcL 7.
Mendez 8lg 8roLhers 8lg SlsLers of new ?ork ClLy, lnc. 133600383 4,300
lunds supporL sLaff for volunLeer menLor Lralnlng/screenlng, case managemenL,
counsellng/problem-solvlng, referrals for cllenLs ln ulsLrlcL 2 .
1orres 8lg 8roLhers 8lg SlsLers of new ?ork ClLy, lnc. 133600383 3,000
lunds wlll supporL volunLeer and menLor Lralnlng Lo provlde need college-readlness
asslsLance Lo hlgh school sLudenLs.
1reyger 8lg 8roLhers 8lg SlsLers of new ?ork ClLy, lnc. 133600383 3,000
1o supporL one-Lo-one evldenced-based menLorlng supporL servlces, provlded Lo
promoLe poslLlve ouLcomes and youLh cholce, volce, and personal accounLablllLy. lunds
supporL sLaff Llme for volunLeer menLor Lralnlng/screenlng, case managemenL,
counsellng, referrals Lo meeL healLh, academlc, legal needs, workshops.
8osenLhal 8lke new ?ork, lnc. 134069149 3,300 lundlng Lo purchase equlpmenL, malnLaln equlpmenL and Lhe cosL for lnsLrucLors.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 128

Mealy 8lack Men Who Care, lnc. 113099742 * 13,000
1he funds wlll be used for supplles and equlpmenL renLals and purchases assoclaLed wlLh
8lack Men Who Care's sporLs and recreaLlonal programmlng ln ulsLrlcL 41. 1he funds wlll
be used for L-shlrLs and oLher unlform lLems.
Crowley 8lau-Welss CoLLschee, lnc. 116074331 24,300
lundlng for llelds/Cym 8enLals, Lo buy Lralnlng and play equlpmenL such as, 8alls,
unlforms, Coal neLs, Cones, 1ravel, 8eglsLraLlon lees, Lo buy recreaLlonal and sporLs
supplles and for general operaLlng program expenses.
8odrlguez 8odega AssoclaLlon of Lhe unlLed SLaLes, lnc., 1he 134060809 * 8,000 lundlng Lo supporL hlrlng a /1 ?ouLh CoordlnaLor and /1 ?ouLh 1ralner/Supervlsor
Lugene 8onnle 8oys Club, lnc. 116073963 8,000
1o supporL a scholarshlp program for sLudenL aLhleLes ln hlgh school and college, and a
8aseball rogram LhaL exposes sLudenL aLhleLes Lo hlgh school, college and professlonal
coaches and scouLs.
8osenLhal 8order Crossers, lnc. 262671377 3,300
lundlng Lo supporL expanded soclal [usLlce programmlng engaglng publlc schools ln
ManhaLLans 6Lh ulsLrlcL Lo bulld leadershlp cohorLs ln Lhese schools and provlde robusL
Lralnlng and resources for Leachers and school leaders Lo lmprove academlc
achlevemenL, speclflcally for sLudenLs of color and poor sLudenLs, ln Lhe dlsLrlcLs.
Cabrera 8oy ScouLs of Amerlca - CreaLer new ?ork Councll 131624013 3,000
lundlng wlll be used Lo carry ouL ScouLlng programs, lncludlng youLh developmenL and
characLer-bulldlng Cub ScouL and 8oy ScouL programs Lo youLh ln Councll ulsLrlcL 20.
lunds wlll lnclude cosLs assoclaLed wlLh sLaff supporL, along wlLh provldlng membershlp
and campershlp asslsLance Lo Lhose who need flnanclal asslsLance Lhe mosL, and supporL
Lo subsldlze cosLs assoclaLed wlLh runnlng ScouLlng meeLlngs and evenLs.
lgnlzlo 8oy ScouLs of Amerlca - CreaLer new ?ork Councll 131624013 3,300
Membershlp and campershlp asslsLance Lo Lhose who need flnanclal asslsLance Lhe mosL,
as well as provlde supporL Lo subsldlze cosLs assoclaLed wlLh runnlng ScouLlng meeLlngs
and evenLs ln Lhe 31sL Councll ulsLrlcL.
koo 8oy ScouLs of Amerlca - CreaLer new ?ork Councll 131624013 3,000
lundlng wlll be used Lo carry ouL ScouLlng programs, lncludlng youLh developmenL and
characLer-bulldlng Cub ScouL and 8oy ScouL programs Lo youLh ln Councll ulsLrlcL 20.
lunds wlll lnclude cosLs assoclaLed wlLh sLaff supporL, along wlLh provldlng membershlp
and campershlp asslsLance Lo Lhose who need flnanclal asslsLance Lhe mosL, and supporL
Lo subsldlze cosLs assoclaLed wlLh runnlng ScouLlng meeLlngs and evenLs.
MaLLeo 8oy ScouLs of Amerlca - CreaLer new ?ork Councll 131624013 1,300
lundlng wlll be used Lo carry ouL ScouLlng programs, lncludlng youLh developmenL and
characLer-bulldlng Cub ScouL and 8oy ScouL programs, Lo youLh ln SLaLen lsland.
ulrlch 8oy ScouLs of Amerlca - CreaLer new ?ork Councll 131624013 3,000
lunds wlll be used for scouLlng programs and cosLs assoclaLed, sLaff supporL cosLs,
purchaslng equlpmenL and for campershlp scholarshlps
koslowlLz 8oys & Clrls Club Cf MeLro Cueens, lnc. 111966067 3,300
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe afLer-school and summer program. Servlces wlll lnclude
homework help and LuLorlng, Lechnology, soclal recreaLlon, sporLs and aLhleLlcs and
youLh developmenL, wlLh an emphasls on educaLlon and S1LM programmlng.
ulrlch 8oys & Clrls Club Cf MeLro Cueens, lnc. 111966067 30,000 lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe afLer school and summer programlng for youLh
Levlne 8oys and Clrls Club of Parlem 133102931 8,300
1he funds wlll be used Lo fund sLaff LhaL lmplemenL Lhe currlculum as well as Lo provlde
maLerlals/supplles, fleld Lrlps and oLher dlrecL servlces as appllcable for afLerschool
programs ln Councll ulsLrlcL 7.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 129

Cumbo 8oys 1own new ?ork, lnc. 203960877 4,300
lunds Lo supporL evldence based Common Sense arenLlng program (CS) whlch offers
Lralnlng for parenLs who wanL Lo bulld Lhelr skllls or learn new ways Lo deal wlLh
chlldren's dlfflculL behavlors.
Cornegy 8rldge SLreeL uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 113230772 43,000
1o supporL Lhe work of Lhe work of Lhe 8edford-SLuyvesanL ?ouLh LducaLlon and SafeLy
(?LS) 1askforce, lncludlng dellverlng communlLy evenLs and workshops, as well as Lhe
acLlvlLles and sLlpends of Lhe ?ouLh Advlsory councll
CenLlle 8rldge Lo ?ouLh, lnc. 421660733 1,000
lunds wlll provlde renL expense for a locaLlon aL whlch speclal needs chlldren and Lhelr
famllles recelve servlces lncludlng muslc programs, classes, and Lherapy.
ueuLsch 8rlghLon 8alleL 1heaLer Company, lnc. 113193390 8,000 rovldlng dance lessons and workshops Lo sLudenLs.
1reyger 8rlghLon 8alleL 1heaLer Company, lnc. 113193390 3,000
1o supporL free rehearsals and choreography workshops and pay Lhe salary and
admlnlsLraLlve cosLs for Lhe choreographer Lo conducL Lhese workshops.
8ose 8rlghLon PelghLs 8eformed Church 133396812 9,800
lundlng wlll cover Lhe Lravel expenses for our educaLlonal Lrlps and our culmlnaLlng year-
end Lrlp, oLher operaLlng cosL such as food, recreaLlonal lLems, LlckeLs for evenLs and
oLher mlscellaneous lLems.
ulrlch 8road Channel ALhleLlc Club, lnc. 112381922 * 21,000
lunds wlll be used Lo purchase new equlpmenL, unlforms and Lo cover operaLlonal
Weprln 8roadway League, lnc., 1he 130931470 11,000
1o fund Lhe lamlly llrsL nlghLs program, lnLroduclng famllles from underserved
communlLles Lo professlonal LheaLer.
Clbson 8ronx ColLs loundaLlon, lnc. 134124114 * 3,000
1he funds wlll go Lo supplles, equlpmenL, promoLlonal maLerlals and all necessary cosL
regardlng Lhe 8ronx ColL rogram.
vacca 8ronx Pouse, lnc. 131739933 73,000
1o fund Lhe operaLlon of a 1ween/1een CenLer LhaL offers recreaLlonal, physlcal
educaLlon and educaLlon programs.
CenLlle 8rooklyn Aquarlum SocleLy, lnc. 112461838 2,000
lunds wlll supporL aquaLlc educaLlon and programs, pay for llvesLock and Lhe purchase,
malnLenance, lnsLallaLlon, and LransporL of equlpmenL, and supporL oLher program cosLs.
Lander 8rooklyn ArLs Lxchange, lnc. 113071438 3,300 1o supporL LheaLer programmlng for youLh
8eynoso 8rooklyn 8allers SporLs, ?ouLh and LducaLlonal Corp. 631209020 13,000
1o supporL youLh baskeLball, college advlslng, characLer educaLlon, and general
Levln 8rooklyn 8alleL, lnc. 020369320 3,300
1o supporL 8rooklyn 8alleLs publlc school resldency program LlevaLe, underwrlLlng fees
for Leachlng arLlsLs worklng wlLh publlc school chlldren LhroughouL 8rooklyn, and Lo offer
need-based scholarshlps for chlldren who parLlclpaLe ln LlevaLe Lo conLlnue more
rlgorous sLudy aL 8rooklyn 8alleL School.
Levln 8rooklyn 8oulders loundaLlon, lnc. 434933338 3,300
1o supporL Lhe ClLy 8ocks menLor program LhaL maLches 10-12Lh grade sLudenLs wlLh
menLors from Lhe 8rooklyn 8oulders cllmblng gym.
Menchaca 8rooklyn 8oulders loundaLlon, lnc. 434933338 3,300
lundlng Lo supporL Lhe ClLy 8ocks menLor program LhaL maLches 10-12Lh grade sLudenLs
wlLh menLors from Lhe 8rooklyn 8oulders cllmblng gym. Speclflcally, funds wlll be used
for program recrulLmenL and acLlvlLy fees, whlch lncludes LransporLaLlon cosLs, menLor
background checks, food, supplles and ouLslde acLlvlLy cosLs lncludlng ouLdoor cllmblng
and hlklng Lrlps.
Mealy 8rooklyn 8ureau of CommunlLy Servlce 111630780 16,300
1he funds wlll be used for sLaff salarles, operaLlonal cosLs, supplles, and equlpmenL
assoclaLed wlLh 8rooklyn CommunlLy Servlces' afLer-school program ln S 21.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 130

Mealy 8rooklyn 8ureau of CommunlLy Servlce 111630780 3,000
1he funds wlll be used for sLaff salarles, operaLlonal cosLs, supplles, and equlpmenL
assoclaLed wlLh 8rooklyn CommunlLy Servlces' day care program aL 1823 ALlanLlc Avenue.
1reyger 8rooklyn 8ureau of CommunlLy Servlce 111630780 3,300
lunds wlll be used Lo provlde llfe skllls Lralnlng, employmenL readlness servlces, supporL
Lo sLay ln school and volunLeer work experlences Lo Coney lsland youLh.
Wllllams 8rooklyn CenLer for Lhe CuallLy of Llfe 262631830 3,300 lunds Lo supporL educaLlon and meals programs for young male leadershlp program
Cornegy 8rooklyn Chlldren's Museum 112493664 10,000 1o provlde free afLer-school programs Lo chlldren ln elemenLary and mlddle school
Cumbo 8rooklyn Chlldren's Museum 112493664 3,000
lunds Lo provlde free afLer school programmlng Lo chlldren and youLh ln elemenLary,
mlddle and hlgh school.
Creenfleld 8rooklyn Chlldren's Museum 112493664 2,300 lunds Lo supporL Lhe School Croup AdvenLures program.
Mealy 8rooklyn Chlldren's Museum 112493664 3,000
1he funds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe 8rooklyn Chlldren's Museum 's afLer school
programmlng. 1he funds wlll provlde sLaff salarles, general operaLlng cosLs, supplles, and
equlpmenL for Lhe Museum 1eam afLer-school program.
Menchaca 8rooklyn Chlnese-Amerlcan AssoclaLlon, lnc. 113063839 10,000
lunds wlll be used Loward 8CA's AfLer-School Lxpanslon and LnrlchmenL rogram aL S
103 lncludlng: hlrlng LducaLlonal/8ecreaLlonal SpeclallsLs, purchaslng arLs and crafLs
supplles and Laklng sLudenLs on fleld Lrlps.
1reyger 8rooklyn Chlnese-Amerlcan AssoclaLlon, lnc. 113063839 4,000
lunds wlll be used Lowards 8CA's AfLer-School Lxpanslon and LnrlchmenL rogram aL S
97 lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo, hlrlng LducaLlonal/8ecreaLlonal SpeclallsLs, purchaslng
arLs and crafLs supplles and Laklng sLudenLs on fleld Lrlps.
1reyger 8rooklyn ClLy SLreeLcar Company, lnc. 200084429 2,000
1o supporL arL exhlblLs, evenLs and performances by arLlsLs and sLudenLs, arL enrlchmenL
programs for schools, youLh organlzaLlons, senlor cenLers, communlLy groups, and a
ma[or annual arL evenL for 8rooklyn.
uromm 8rooklyn CommunlLy rlde CenLer, lnc. 262214334 3,300
1o supporL 8rooklyn ?ouLh unlLed programmlng and ouLreach and expenses assoclaLed
wlLh regular meeLlngs ln a safe and welcomlng space
8eynoso 8rooklyn CommunlLy rlde CenLer, lnc. 262214334 7,300
1o supporL 8rooklyn ?ouLh unlLed, an afLer-school and weekend program for hlgh school
sLudenLs. lunds wlll be used for conLlnued programmlng and ouLreach, leadershlp
developmenL, menLorlng, peer counsellng, soclal supporL and culLural programmlng, and
parLlclpaLlon ln CommunlLles unlLed for ollce 8eform and no Condoms as Lvldence
Wllllams 8rooklyn CommunlLy rlde CenLer, lnc. 262214334 6,000 lundlng for afLer school and weekends programs
Wllllams 8rooklyn CongregaLlons unlLed, lnc. 611367317 * 3,300 lundlng for communlLy leader program
CenLlle 8rooklyn LxLreme llag looLball, lnc. 260789398 3,300
lunds wlll provlde equlpmenL and oLher program cosLs and supporL underprlvlleged
chlldren parLlclpaLlng for free or for a slgnlflcanLly dlscounLed fee ln a flag fooLball
program for youLh LhaL Leaches Lhe rules of Lhe game, dlsclpllne, characLer, and
Cornegy 8rooklyn lLbulls ?ouLh looLball, lnc. 770611633 * 2,300
1o provlde LransporLaLlon, Lrophles, lnsurance, and fooLball equlpmenL for Lhe 8rooklyn
lLbulls ?ouLh looLball program
Menchaca 8rooklyn rlde, lnc. 113337221 * 3,300
lundlng Lo produce annual evenLs lncludlng Lhe 3k 8un, and Lhe klds Space whlch lasL
year served several hundred chlldren, youLh and parenLs.
Levln 8rooklyn SLeppers, lnc., 1he 271223033 3,300 1o purchase muslcal lnsLrumenLs for Lhe marchlng band.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 131

Lander 8rooklyn ?ouLh Chorus Academy 113129249 3,300 1o supporL muslc educaLlon programmlng for youLh
Levln 8rooklyn ?ouLh Chorus Academy 113129249 7,000
1o supporL and expand 8?CA's Choral Muslc LducaLlon and erformance rogram and
llnanclal Ald lnlLlaLlve.
Levln 8rooklyn ?ouLh SporLs Club 271404772 3,300
1o supporL academlc LuLorlng, homework help, SA1/AC1 prep, 8egenL prep, LlLeracy and
MaLh developmenL, eLc., scheduled ln coordlnaLlon wlLh baskeLball acLlvlLles.
ulckens 8roLherhood SlsLer Sol, lnc., 1he 133837387 4,000
1o supporL afLer school programmlng, 8lLes of assage programs, youLh organlzlng ,
leadershlp Lralnlng, [ob Lralnlng, communlLy ouLreach and oLher programs for youLh.
Levlne 8roLherhood SlsLer Sol, lnc., 1he 133837387 12,300
lundlng Lo supporL general operaLlon of LnvlronmenLal rogram, youLh and
envlronmenLal sLaff wlll parLlclpaLe ln mulLlple workshops Lo learn Lhe buslness of
farmers markeLs and fresh food producLlon, lncludlng Lhree lood MarkeL ManagemenL
Lralnlngs wlLh Crow n?C, and a larmlng ulsLrlbuLlon workshop wlLh Corbln Plll larms.
8eynoso 8ushwlck SLarr 264346313 3,000
1o supporL Lhe 8lg Creen 1heaLer (8C1) annual eco-playwrlLlng program and green
LheaLer fesLlval celebraLlng envlronmenLal educaLlon, susLalnablllLy ln Lhe arLs, and
communlLy enrlchmenL.
Malsel CadeLs 8aseball Club, lnc. 112668901 * 2,000
1o supporL a youLh baseball program for Lhose who are lnLeresLed ln parLlclpaLlng ln a
hlgh level of baseball, and provlde academlc/aLhleLlc scholarshlps Lo parLlclpanLs.
Lander CAM8A, lnc. 112480339 3,000
1o supporL Lhe ?ouLh LmpowermenL rogram aL S 269. lundlng wlll pay for annual
youLh leadershlp reLreaL, career and college advlsemenL and oLher program acLlvlLles.
Carlbbean Amerlcan SporLs and CulLural ?ouLh
MovemenL (CAS?M, lnc.) 112778372 3,000
lunds Lo malnLaln culLural awareness, equlpmenL purchases, sLaff supporL, provlde a
Leen dance group, and renLal space.
Lander Carroll Cardens AssoclaLlon, lnc. 112373432 3,300 1o supporL youLh programmlng aL annual sLreeL falr.
Arroyo CaslLa Marla, lnc. 131623994 13,000
1o supporL an enrlchmenL afLer-school program for chlldren from Councll ulsLrlcL 17
alma CaslLa Marla, lnc. 131623994 3,000
1o provlde youLh educaLlon ln school and afLerschool programs supporLed by a famlly
cenLer, a gallery and a LheaLer.
CaLhollc CharlLles CommunlLy Servlces, Archdlocese of
new ?ork 133362183 27,000
1he funds wlll be used Lhe CaLhollc CharlLles MCSlAC 8eacon program. lunds wlll be
used Lo cover Lrlps for Lhe Summer Camps and Lhe AfLerschool rogram, evenL expenses,
Lee shlrLs and bags, hollday Loys, games, sLlpends, and oLher mlscellaneous expendlLures.
1he funds wlll help enhance Lhe servlces provlded Lo youLh aL our MCSAlC 8eacon
program. 1he youLh parLlclpanLs wlll go on Lrlps durlng summer and uCL hollday breaks,
marLlal arLs program and aLLend Lhe annual ?ouLh 8eLreaL where Lhey wlll parLlclpaLe ln
Llfe Skllls and Clvlc LngagemenL/CommunlLy 8ulldlng acLlvlLles. ?ouLh Leadershlp
parLlclpanLs wlll recelve leadershlp Lralnlng and sLlpends as lncenLlves for compleLlon and
volunLeerlng. 1he funds wlll also supporL a college Lour Lo vlslL several Sun? Campuses.
arLlclpanLs wlll use a moblle compuLer lab Lo learn baslc compuLer skllls and access Lhe
lnLerneL for homework/research pro[ecLs.
CaLhollc CharlLles CommunlLy Servlces, Archdlocese of
new ?ork 133362183 3,000
lundlng Lo cover cosLs of sLaff, equlpmenL and supplles, for Lhe MldnlghL SporLs rogram
and ?ouLh Soccer League.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 132

CaLhollc CharlLles CommunlLy Servlces, Archdlocese of
new ?ork 133362183 3,000
rograms helps youLh develop pracLlcal llfe skllls whlle learnlng Leamwork, leadershlp
and oLher valuable soclal skllls as Lhey LranslLlon lnLo adulLhood. arLlclpanLs wlll engage
ln acLlvlLles such as chorus, dance, drummlng, karaLe and Leam recreaLlonal sporLs. 1he
requesLed funds wlll supporL sLaff and Lravel cosLs, snacks, LlckeLs Lo performances, and
program supplles.
Levln CaLhollc CharlLles nelghborhood Servlces, lnc. 112047131 3,300
1o supporL Lhe CuL of School 1lme (CS1) program for 9Lh Craders aL Lhe PS for Clobal
SLudles, lncludlng a Lrlp Lo CaumseLL SLaLe PlsLorlc ark.
Levln CaLhollc CharlLles nelghborhood Servlces, lnc. 112047131 3,300
1o supporL Lhe Summer ?ouLh LmploymenL rogram (S?L) whlch wlll provlde young
adulLs wlLh a slx-week meanlngful work experlence, followlng a Lwo day orlenLaLlon and
work-readlness componenL.
Carodnlck CLC SLuyvesanL Cove, lnc. 322440116 3,300
lundlng wlll supporL Lhe Creen ueslgn Lab, whlch empowers n?C sLudenLs Lo drlve
energy efflclency lmprovemenLs ln publlc schools.
Carodnlck CenLer for ArLs LducaLlon, lnc. 133938080 3,300
lundlng wlll supporL arenLs As ArLs arLners (AA) program. 1hrough AA, n?C publlc
schools work wlLh CAL sLaff and Leachlng arLlsLs Lo deslgn and dellver lnLeracLlve, famlly-
focused arLs acLlvlLles LhaL serve Lo lncrease parenL lnvolvemenL ln Lhelr chlld's educaLlon
and school.
Cumbo CenLer for nuLeadershlp on urban SoluLlons, lnc. 434968344 * 7,000
lunds wlll supporL servlces LhaL provlde clvlc resLoraLlon 1 and 2 whlch conslsLs of
flngerprlnLlng Lo obLaln offlclal coples of rap sheeLs, rap sheeL revlew and/or repalr and
asslsLance wlLh compleLlng a submlLLlng cerLlflcaLes of rehablllLaLlon.
Wllllams CenLer for nuLeadershlp on urban SoluLlons, lnc. 434968344 * 12,000 lunds Lo provlde clvlc resLoraLlon program.
ConsLanLlnldes CenLral AsLorla Local uevelopmenL CoallLlon, lnc. 112632331 20,000 lundlng wlll be used Lo provlde free concerLs and movle nlghLs Lo Lhe communlLy.
8ose CenLral lamlly Llfe CenLer 133626127 20,000
lundlng wlll supporL cosLs assoclaLed wlLh provldlng afLer school LuLorlal servlces Lo flrsL
Lhrough flfLh graders, lncludlng sLafflng, promoLlon, maLerlals and equlpmenL, and
relaLed admlnlsLraLlve cosLs.
koslowlLz CenLral Cueens ?M & ?WPA, lnc 111633309 20,000
?ouLh programs lncludlng [ob Lralnlng and placemenL, leadershlp developmenL,
communlLy servlce, educaLlonal and CLu classes, lnLervenLlon and prevenLlon servlces,
summer youLh employmenL programs, LuLorlng, menLorlng, and organlzed sporLs
Lancman Chazaq CrganlzaLlon 462148332 * 10,000
lundlng Lo provlde counsellng, homework help, recreaLlon, sporLs, ouLlngs, soclal
gaLherlngs, games and muslc.
Cabrera Chess-ln-Lhe-Schools, lnc. 136119036 3,000
lundlng supporLs Classroom Chess, ScholasLlc 1ournamenL rogram: 23
weekend/hollday LournamenLs held aL publlc schools. College 8ound rogram: rovldes
comprehenslve college preparaLory servlces lncludlng academlc enrlchmenL, college
guldance, soclal developmenL and chess. ro[ecL Chess, 1eacher 1ralnlng lnsLlLuLe: 1ralns
n?C publlc school educaLors Lo effecLlvely Leach chess ln Lhe classroom and afLer-school.
Cornegy Chess-ln-Lhe-Schools, lnc. 136119036 3,000
lundlng Lo supporL AfLer-School Chess Clubs/Summer Chess Camps -- Whlch ls open Lo all
sLudenLs ln School rogram & ScholasLlc 1ournamenL rogram: 23 weekend/hollday
LournamenLs held aL publlc schools.
ulckens Chess-ln-Lhe-Schools, lnc. 136119036 3,000 1o supporL Chess-ln-Lhe-Schools programs for lnner-clLy publlc school.
Carodnlck Chess-ln-Lhe-Schools, lnc. 136119036 10,000 lundlng wlll supporL Lhe annual Chess Challenge LournamenL ln ulsLrlcL 4 publlc schools.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 133

koo Chess-ln-Lhe-Schools, lnc. 136119036 6,000
1o supporL Lhe School, Classroom Chess, AfLer-School Chess Clubs/Summer Chess Camps,
College 8ound and ro[ecL Chess- 1eacher 1ralnlng lnsLlLuLe rograms.
Menchaca Chess-ln-Lhe-Schools, lnc. 136119036 3,300
1o supporL Lhe School, Classroom Chess, AfLer-School Chess Clubs/Summer Chess Camps,
College 8ound and ro[ecL Chess- 1eacher 1ralnlng lnsLlLuLe rograms.
lerreras Chlld Abuse revenLlon rogram, lnc. 112864730 3,000
1o supporL Lhe Chlld SafeLy Workshop Lo Leach chlldren Lo recognlze, reslsL and reporL
physlcal and sexual abuse.
Cu28 Chlld CenLer of new ?ork, lnc., 1he 111733434 23,000
lunds Lo susLaln SouLh !amalca Cllnlc whlch provldes MenLal PealLh servlces, speclallzes
ln youLh ln fosLer care, and LuLorlng servlces. lunds Lo supporL afLer-schools aL S 223
and S 96. lunds Lo asslsL AdolescenL Sexual PealLh program. lunds Lo uphold Walver,
Pome vlslLlng rogram. lunds Lo endorse 8eacon programs aL MS72 (wlLh 1eenAcLlon
Servlce Learnlng rogram) and MS 226 (wlLh LuLorlng and WlA [ob placemenL program).
ConsLanLlnldes Chlld CenLer of new ?ork, lnc., 1he 111733434 * 10,000
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL a proposed uk program aL AsLorla Pouses and wlll be
used Lo supporL currenL menLal healLh servlces.
koo Chlld CenLer of new ?ork, lnc., 1he 111733434 10,000
lunds Lo susLaln MenLal PealLh, SubsLance Abuse, Chlld Abuse revenLlon, Larly Pead
SLarL, and Aslan CuLreach programmlng aL Lhe Macarl lamlly CenLer. lunds Lo supporL
afLer-schools aL S 24 and MS 237. lunds Lo asslsL LaLlmer Cardens CommunlLy CenLer.
lunds Lo uphold ?ouLh AdulL 8orough CenLer, speclallzed hlgh school. lunds Lo endorse
proposed uk program aL Lhe 8land Pouses.
8osenLhal Chlld CenLer of new ?ork, lnc., 1he 111733434 3,300 lunds Lo susLaln Lscalera Pead SLarL rogram.
Weprln Chlld CenLer of new ?ork, lnc., 1he 111733434 10,000
1o fund a MenLal PealLh program, speclallzlng ln Aslan Amerlcan ouLreach aL a hlgh
school and an afLerschool program aL a [unlor hlgh school ln Lhe dlsLrlcL.
Cornegy Chlldren of romlse n?C 830440009 17,300
1o cover expenses assoclaLed wlLh ro[ecL u8LAM, Cn?C's menLorlng program for
chlldren of lmprlsoned parenLs
Menchaca Chlldren of Lhe ClLy 113308972 10,000
lunds Lo supporL Lhe CreaLe Success program, a mulLl-servlce academlc enrlchmenL
program for low-lncome chlldren aL rlsk of educaLlonal fallure. Speclflcally, Lhls supporL
wlll asslsL ln coverlng Lhe salarles for LuLors and a rogram ulrecLor who wlll faclllLaLe all
aspecLs and operaLlons of Lhe program acLlvlLles.
Arroyo Chlldren's Ald SocleLy, 1he 133362191 13,000
1o supporL cosLs assoclaLed wlLh college Lrlps, speakers, arL pro[ecLs, and supplles for Lhe
afLer-school and youLh developmenL programs aL lannle Lou Pamer lreedom Plgh
ulckens Chlldren's Ald SocleLy, 1he 133362191 3,000
1o supporL afLer-school programs for youLh ln arLs, sporLs, Lechnology, sclence, and oLher
areas aL Lhe uunlevy Mllbank CenLer.
alma Chlldren's Ald SocleLy, 1he 133362191 7,000
1o supporL Lhe Chlldren's Ald SocleLy ?ouLh Councll, provldlng opporLunlLles for youLh Lo
advocaLe for Lhelr peers on lssues of shared concern Lhrough clvlc awareness and
engagemenL. lundlng wlll covered Lhe cosL of porLlons of Lrlps, supplles, and Lhe annual
8odrlguez Chlldren's Ald SocleLy, 1he 133362191 3,300 lundlng Lo supporL afLer-school and youLh developmenL programs aL S 132, S 3, S 8
Carodnlck Chlldren's Museum of Lhe ArLs, lnc. 133320970 3,300
lundlng wlll supporL Lhe Chlldren's Museum's free famlly-focused arL, muslc and culLure
program servlng Lhousands of new ?ork ClLy chlldren and Lhelr famllles for a summer
weekend on Covernors lsland.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 134

!ohnson Chlldren's Museum of Lhe ArLs, lnc. 133320970 3,000
1o provlde free famlly arL programs on Covernors lsland, and aL Lhe ler op ln Pudson
8lver ark.
ulckens Chlldren's SLorefronL 132940671 * 3,000
lundlng wlll go Lowards perlshable supplles vlLal Lo school needs and dally funcLlons, llke
cleanlng supplles, arL supplles and copy paper.
ulckens Chlldren's vlllage, lnc. (move Lo ?ouLh) 131739943 3,300
lundlng for Lhe CornersLone ro[ecL, an afLer school and ouL-of-school Llme program
servlng approxlmaLely 300 youLh of Lhe n?CPA olo Crounds 1owers houslng
developmenL ln Parlem. AcLlvlLles lnclude educaLlon supporL, menLorlng, a llLeracy club,
sporLs programs, and a summer camp. 1he requesLed funds wlll be used Lo pay for a
porLlon of Lhe youLh Counselor ln 1ralnlng (Cl1) sLlpends and LransporLaLlon for Lhe
summer camp.
Chln Chlnese-Amerlcan lannlng Councll, lnc. 136202692 10,000
lunds wlll be used Lo lmplemenL year-round acLlvlLles whlch challenge bullylng, blas, and
dlscrlmlnaLlon and brlng LogeLher LC81C and heLerosexual youLh Lo creaLe a clLy-wlde
youLh coallLlon commlLLed Lo creaLlng safe spaces and endlng dlscrlmlnaLlon.
uromm Chlnese-Amerlcan lannlng Councll, lnc. 136202692 3,300
1o fund year-round Lralnlngs Lo challenge bullylng/blas/dlscrlmlnaLlon and brlng LogeLher
LC81C/heLerosexual youLh.
koo Chlnese-Amerlcan lannlng Councll, lnc. 136202692 3,000
1o fund anLl-dlscrlmlnaLlon/soclal [usLlce Lralnlng and programmlng for youLh and schools
ln Councll ulsLrlcL 20.
Menchaca Chlnese-Amerlcan lannlng Councll, lnc. 136202692 7,000
lunds Lo creaLe a clLy-wlde coallLlon of young people commlLLed Lo creaLlng safe spaces
and endlng homophobla/all dlscrlmlnaLlon.
Mendez Chlnese-Amerlcan lannlng Councll, lnc. 136202692 19,300
lundlng Lo provlde Lralnlngs, crlsls lnLervenLlon and reLreaLs (challenge
bullylng/blas/dlscrlmlnaLlon)LC81C/heLero youLh.
1reyger Chlnese-Amerlcan lannlng Councll, lnc. 136202692 4,000
lunds used Lo supporL Lralnlngs challenglng bullylng/blas/dlscrlmlnaLlon brlng LogeLher
LC81C/heLero youLh who would oLherwlse never meeL [eg.lmmlgranL, undocumenLed, ln
Lhe closeL-Lhose unable Lo access openly LC81 cenLers].
Chlnese-Amerlcan lannlng Councll, lnc. - ubllc School
20 CS1 136202692 4,000
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe exlsLlng Lechnology lab ln order Lo allgn Lhe currenL
currlculum Lo n?S Common Core SLandards wlLh onllne research acLlvlLles, and S1LM and
LLA sLudy alds. lunds wlll also supporL Lhe CulLural ArLs programs, whlch conslsLs of
dance, muslc and vlsual arLs, Lo hlre a dance lnsLrucLor, Lo purchase arL supplles and
gulded readlng books Lo close Lhe achlevemenL gap for Lngllsh Language Learners, for
operaLlonal cosLs, and fleld Lrlps.
Chlnese-Amerlcan lannlng Councll, lnc. - Speclal
LducaLlon 136202692 3,000 lunds wlll be used for Muslc, ArL and LSL classes for developmenLal dlsabled youLh.
8arron ChrlsLopher 8ose CommunlLy LmpowermenL Campalgn 113423612 6,000
lunds Lo supporL youLh developmenL programmlng Lo provlde academlc and soclal
supporL servlces lncludlng wrap around servlces Lo sLudenLs ln 8rooklyn.
Wllllams ChrlsLopher 8ose CommunlLy LmpowermenL Campalgn 113423612 3,300 lunds Lo provlde youLh developmenL program
ulrlch Church of Lhe Poly Chlld !esus 111639802 * 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo cover Lhe operaLlonal cosLs and expenses lncludlng Lhe purchase of
equlpmenL and supplles
uromm ClLlzen Schools, lnc. 043239160 3,000
SupporL ClLlzen Schools' apprenLlceshlps Lo serve 200 addlLlonal sLudenLs aL currenL
parLner schools nexL year.
Carodnlck ClLlzen Schools, lnc. 043239160 3,000 lundlng wlll supporL Lxpanded Learnlng 1lme ln new ?ork ClLy publlc mlddle schools.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 13S

Levlne ClLlzen Schools, lnc. 043239160 3,000
lundlng wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe growLh of programmlng aL new ueslgn Mlddle
School. ClLlzen Schools currenLly serves Lhe 6Lh grade and plan Lo expand Lo serve Lhe 7Lh
grade ln Lhe upcomlng yea, and Lhey provlde hlgh-quallLy, relevanL learnlng acLlvlLles for
sLudenLs durlng CuL-of-School Llme hours. lundlng wlll be used Lo cover program cosLs
such as salarles, renL, supplles and oLher overhead.
lgnlzlo ClLlzens CommlLLee for new ?ork ClLy, lnc. 310171818 9,300
CCn?C offers skllls bulldlng workshops, one-on-one pro[ecL plannlng asslsLance, and an
equlpmenL loan llbrary Lo volunLeer led groups.
Wllllams ClLlzens lor A 8eLLer CommunlLy 113630392 3,000 lundlng for Annual lamlly uay - lood 8lock 8eauLlflcaLlon - llowers/lanLs
8osenLhal ClLy-A81S, lnc. 132766701 3,300 lundlng Lo refurblsh Lhe SLrykers 8ay mural
!ohnson Class Slze MaLLers 202169746 6,300
lunds wlll supporL research, educaLlon and dlssemlnaLlon of maLerlals on Lhe beneflLs of
class slze reducLlon, class slze Lrends and oLher educaLlonal lssues ln Lhe dlsLrlcL.
kallos Class Slze MaLLers 202169746 1,000
1o supporL one research consulLanL, prlnLlng cosLs, and Lravel Lo prepare analyses,
LesLlmonles, facL sheeLs, power polnLs, and reporLs on class slze, sLudenL prlvacy and
overcrowdlng Lo be presenLed aL hearlngs, CommunlLy LducaLlon Councll meeLlngs, Lown
halls and communlLy forums, and Lo be lncluded ln weekly newsleLLer and blog.
Levln Class Slze MaLLers 202169746 3,300 1o supporL parenL and communlLy ouLreach, lnformaLlon, and advocacy.
Cornegy CodyCares for klds, lnc. 342167738 * 2,000
1o supporL CodyCares organlzaLlon & hosLlng of 1een Pall meeLlngs, & peer leadershlp
Lralnlng & workshops
vallone College olnL SporLs AssoclaLlon, lnc. 237069464 10,000 lundlng wlll be used for lnsurance, unlform, equlpmenL and oLher operaLlonal cosLs.
Carodnlck Common CenLs new ?ork, lnc. 133613229 3,000
lundlng wlll supporL operaLlng expenses for enny ParvesL, a servlce-learnlng
opporLunlLy where new ?ork ClLy sLudenLs ralse money for granLs and Lhen declde Lhe
granL reclplenLs.
lgnlzlo Common CenLs new ?ork, lnc. 133613229 4,000
lundlng wlll supporL Lhe enny ParvesL rogram. rogram servlces lnclude a year-long
grade level currlculum, professlonal developmenL for program coaches (Leachers,
guldance counselors, parenL coordlnaLors, and parenL volunLeers), and Lechnlcal and
admlnlsLraLlve supporL boLh onllne and by our school supporL Leam.
uromm CommunlLy PealLh AcLlon of SLaLen lsland 133336132 3,300 1o lund Weekly Safe Space supporL groups for LC81C youLh 13 Lo 17
Levlne CommunlLy League of Lhe PelghLs, lnc. 132364241 13,000
CLC1P youLh servlces provlde educaLlon, [ob Lralnlng, lnLernshlp opporLunlLles, and
college exposure and appllcaLlon asslsLance Lo youLh ages 3 - 18. AfLerschool educaLlon
serves sLudenLs grades 1sL - 8Lh aL .S. - 4 and CommunlLy PealLh Academy of Lhe
PelghLs (CPAP), durlng school-year and summers.
8odrlguez CommunlLy League of Lhe PelghLs, lnc. 132364241 7,000
lundlng Lo supporL parL- and full-Llme lnsLrucLor, ouLcomes-Lracklng, compuLer sofLware
and lab equlpmenL, and sLudenL Lravel cosLs for college Lours and lnLernshlps.
koo CommunlLy Senlor CenLer of llushlng, lnc. 274868874 * 3,300
Chlnese CommunlLy CenLer of llushlng provldes SaLurday ?ouLh program on SaLurdays.
1he ?ouLh program classes lnclude Chlnese culLure, 1able 1ennls, Chlnese folk dance and
Chlnese palnLlng. lunds wlll be used Lowards Leachers, maLerlals and supplles.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 136

Lsplnal CommunlLy SporLs - ueporLlsLas ComunlLarlo, lnc. 461132328 * 9,300
lunds Lo supporL varlous acLlvlLles LhroughouL Lhe year: 1- 3k cypress hllls famlly
maraLhon (CcLober 2014 )2-our second uomlno, chess compeLlLlon on Lhe sLreeL ( one
block closed) (!une 2014) 3-our 8askeLball LournamenL (!uly 2014) 4-our second domlno,
dance conLesL aL Lhe cypress hllls senlor cenLer (uecember 2014).
Mlller CommunlLy ?ouLh Care 770693007 10,000
lundlng Lo supporL servlces conslsLenL wlLh Lhe needs of Lhe S 176 Cueens glfLed and
LalenLed program. Speclflc usage wlll span academlcs, Lhe ArLs, exposure Lo Lechnology
(S1LAM) and 8L and fleld Lrlps durlng Lhe Summer monLhs.
Arroyo Comunlllfe, lnc. 133330299 * 10,000
1o provlde culLurally compeLenL academlc supporL and creaLlve arLs Lherapy Lo aL-rlsk
LaLlna Leens ln Councll ulsLrlcL 17 and Lo address speclflc menLal healLh needs of Lhls
lerreras Comunlllfe, lnc. 133330299 7,300
1o supporL malnLalnlng days of servlces for aL-rlsk LaLlna Leens ln Lhe 8ronx, 8rooklyn,
and Lo open a program ln Cueens.
Clbson Comunlllfe, lnc. 133330299 13,000
1he lunds wlll help malnLaln 6 days of servlces for aL-rlsk LaLlna Leens ln Lhe 8ronx. ln
addlLlon Lo malnLalnlng Lhe 6 days servlce, Lhe fundlng wlll provlde academlc supporL and
creaLlve arLs Lherapy.
Mark-vlverlLo ConcreLe Safarls, lnc. 204976317 3,300
1o supporL Lhe expanslon of Lhe afLer school program called ClLy Surfers, funds wlll be
used for addlLlonal personnel.
1reyger Coney lsland ?ouLh Allve, lnc. 310602643 * 3,000 lunds used Lo provlde culLural and arLlsLlc programmlng for youLh ln Coney lsland.
Cumbo ConnecL, lnc. 020694269 4,000
1o supporL Lhe creaLlon of early lnLervenLlon and prevenLlon program Lo end domesLlc
and gender-based vlolence Lhrough Lralnlngs, educaLlonal workshops, communlLy evenLs,
and ongolng parLnershlps.
uromm ConnecL, lnc. 020694269 3,300
1o supporL Lhe creaLlon of early lnLervenLlon and prevenLlon program Lo end domesLlc
and gender-based vlolence Lhrough Lralnlngs, educaLlonal workshops, communlLy evenLs,
and ongolng parLnershlps.
8eynoso Conselyea SLreeL 8lock AssoclaLlon, lnc. 112347180 10,000
1o supporL youLh programmlng aL and/or near Lhe communlLy cenLer aL 211 Alnslle
lerreras Cool CulLure, lnc. 161636968 7,300
1o supporL Lhe ClLywlde CulLural Access rogram" Lo provlde educaLlonal and culLural
access Lo chlldren and famllles, and oLher educaLlonal maLerlals Lo help parenLs engage ln
Lhe educaLlon of Lhelr chlldren.
Lugene Councll for unlLy 112880221 7,000
lundlng ls requesLed Lo provlde anLl-vlolence and youLh developmenL servlces. AcLlvlLles
lnclude, confllcL resoluLlon, communlcaLlon, and lnLerpersonal skllls bulldlng, homework
asslsLance, leadershlp skllls developmenL.
Wllllams Councll of !ewlsh CrganlzaLlons of llaLbush, lnc. 112864728 10,300 lundlng Lo defray cosLs of operaLlng Lhe CC!C of llaLbush's llnanclal Servlces CenLer
Lugene Councll of eoples CrganlzaLlon, lnc. 733046891 6,000
1o supporL Lhe operaLlons of CCC's youLh program whlch provldes: academlc and
career-relaLed supporL servlces, sporLs and recreaLlon, and leadershlp and developmenL
Creenfleld Councll of eoples CrganlzaLlon, lnc. 733046891 3,000
lundlng wlll used Lo supporL CCC's ?ouLh rogram, componenLs lnclude: educaLlon,
Lralnlng and Career uay evenL, communlLy servlce, sporLs and recreaLlon.
8odrlguez CreaLlve ArLs Workshops for klds, lnc. 133638436 4,000
lundlng Lo provlde sLafflng, Leachlng arLlsLs, arL supplles, and workshops for summer
youLh employmenL
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 137

8odrlguez CreaLlve ArLs Workshops for klds, lnc. 133638436 4,000 lundlng Lo supporL sLafflng Leachlng arLlsLs and arL supplles aL MS328 programs
Cabrera CrenulaLed Company L1u, 1he 141719016 10,000
lunds wlll supporL programs for nelghborhood youLh aL Lhe new SeLLlemenL CommunlLy
CenLer lncludlng swlmmlng lnsLrucLlon, llfeguard Lralnlng, dance wlLh Alvln Alley,
gardenlng, flLness classes, nuLrlLlon workshops and cooklng classes for youLh 6-18 years
of age.
Cumbo Crown PelghLs !ewlsh CommunlLy Councll, lnc. 237390996 9,300 lunds Lo supporL Lhe Chlldren and lamllles AsslsLance rogram.
Lugene Crown PelghLs ?ouLh CollecLlve, lnc. 112306422 24,000
1o supporL Lhelr menLorlng and developmenL servlces for youLh, and Lo supporL
operaLlons of Lhelr food panLry.
Weprln uAC ALhleLlc Club, lnc. 116080807 7,300
lunds wlll be used for unlforms, equlpmenL, fleld and school permlLs for our afLer school
and weekend youLh sporLs programs.
Cabrera uavldson CommunlLy CenLer lnc. 237010206 23,000
lunds wlll provlde programs year round for Crade School Chlldren. uurlng Lhe summer
monLhs of !uly and AugusL uCC summer camp programs wlll offer numerous recreaLlonal
and culLural acLlvlLles lncludlng Lrlps, communlLy servlce pro[ecLs and some llLeracy
developmenL pro[ecLs.
Mendez uay Cne new ?ork, lnc. 061103000 3,300
lunds Lo supporL prevenLlve educaLlon and dlrecL servlces Lo combaL youLh daLlng
vlolence. ALLorney, Soclal Worker communlLy educaLor
Mealy uenlm klds, lnc. 432932149 * 3,000
1he funds wlll be used Lo pay for cosLs assoclaLed wlLh Lrlps and educaLlonal experlences
for ulsLrlcL 41 youLh. 1he funds wlll pay for enLrance fees, LransporLaLlon, supplles, and
food for Lhe Lrlps.
Cumbo ueparLmenL of ?ouLh and CommunlLy uevelopmenL 136400434 10,000 lunds wlll be used Lhe offseL Lhe programmaLlc expenses.
Mark-vlverlLo uesLlnaLlon 1omorrow, lnc. 800239180 * 3,000
1o expand ouLreach servlces Lo LC81 youLh of Lhe SouLh 8ronx whlch wlll lnclude
provldlng a drop ln space whlch wlll be a safe haven Lo LC81 youLh Lo asslsL Lhem wlLh
meeLlng Lhelr baslc needs.
ueveloplng CpporLunlLles 1hrough Meanlngful LducaLlon
(uCML ro[ecL, lnc.) 133060237 3,300
lundlng provldes onslLe counselllng servlces Lo new ?ork ClLy publlc school sLudenLs aL
Lhe Plgh School for ArL, lmaglnaLlon aL Lhe MLk LducaLlonal Complex on Lhe WesL Slde
and sLudenLs famllles from Lhe nearby n?CPA resldences on Lhe upper WesL Slde.
Cumbo ulaspora CommunlLy Servlces, lnc. 113122293 3,300
lunds wlll be used Lo provlde youLh wlLh reproducLlve healLh, and adolescenL
developmenL workshops.
Lugene ulLmas ark ?ouLh Croup 262442377 6,000
1o supporL operaLlonaLlonal cosLs for youLh program LhaL provldes homework asslsLance,
youLh leadershlp developmenL, promoLlon of respecL, and appreclaLlon for dlverslLy.
lundlng wlll also be used Lo purchase supplles and snacks for Lhe snack program.
Cornegy ulvAS for Soclal !usLlce 300473160 1,300
1o lmplemenL Lhe S1LAM (Sclence 1echnology Lnglneerlng ArLs MaLh) for Soclal Change
program Lo provlde a yearlong onslLe Lralnlng ln codlng, dlglLal medla, roboLlcs and
englneerlng for youLh ages 13-17
Mlller uolng lL Lhe WrlghL Way, lnc. 113468717 3,300
lunds Lo pay for educaLlonal/offlce supplles, general operaLlng cosLs, sLaff, nuLrlLlonal
lunch/snacks and Lravel/LransporLaLlon expenses.
lerreras uomlnlco-Amerlcan SocleLy of Cueens, lnc. 061389893 10,000
1o supporL afLerschool programmlng such as homework asslsLance, readlng, wrlLlng and
maLh LuLorlng, as well as recreaLlonal programmlng.
MaLLeo ur. 1heodore A. ALlas loundaLlon, lnc. 134012789 20,000
lunds wlll be used Lo asslsL ln Lhe operaLlons of youLh programs whlch lnclude boxlng
gyms and learnlng cenLers, sporLs youLh programs and school lncenLlve and menLorlng
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 138

8ose ur. 1heodore A. ALlas loundaLlon, lnc. 134012789 3,000
1he funds wlll supporL Lhe cosLs assoclaLed wlLh Lhe operaLlons of programs, whlch
lnclude boxlng gyms and learnlng cenLers, sporLs youLh programs and school lncenLlve
and menLorlng programs, lncludlng sLafflng, promoLlon, maLerlals and equlpmenL, and
relaLed admlnlsLraLlve cosLs.
Clbson uream ?ard ro[ecL, lnc. 133739661 8,000
1he funds wlll supporL Lhe AfLer-School ArLs Companles year-long program. Speclflcally,
funds wlll cover supplles, ouLreach and awareness and overall cosL assoclaLed wlLh Lhe
vallone uwarf-Clraffe ALhleLlc League 112323033 10,000 1he fundlng wlll be used for lnsurance, supplles and equlpmenL for sporLs programs.
vallone uwarf-Clraffe ALhleLlc League 112323033 13,000 1he fundlng wlll be used for lnsurance, supplles and equlpmenL for sporLs programs.
8odrlguez uyckman ?ouLh LnLerprlses 204736841 * 3,000 lundlng Lo offseL cosL of permlL fees for baskeLball faclllLy
CenLlle uyker PelghLs ALhleLlc AssoclaLlon, lnc. 113422707 3,000
lunds wlll supporL baseball and sofLball programs for youLh, pay for unlforms,
equlpmenL, and Lralnlng equlpmenL, and malnLaln a fleld aL 8ay LlghLh SLreeL.
Mendez uynamlc lorms, lnc. 133440226 4,300
lundlng Lo provlde arLs parLnershlps ln dance skllls and llLeracy educaLlon ln 1lLle 1 rek-
3 schools
ueuLsch uynamlc ?ouLh CommunlLy, lnc. 112303306 * 10,000
lundlng wlll provlde LransporLaLlon for n?C resldenL's famlly vlslLs, CourL appearances
and docLors appolnLmenL, eLc.
ueuLsch uynamlc ?ouLh CommunlLy, lnc. 112303306 * 13,000 lundlng wlll supporL parL-Llme lnLerns worklng 23 hours per week.
Mark-vlverlLo LasL Parlem 1uLorlal rogram, lnc. 237439789 7,300
1o supporL Lhe CS1 LlemenLary rogram whlch provldes afLer school academlc
lnsLrucLlon Lo sLudenLs. lunds wlll be used Lo offseL Lhe salary cosLs of Lhe rogram
8arron LasL new ?ork kldspower, lnc. 113308030 34,000
lunds are lnLended Lo be used for educaLlon, arLs and sporLs. lunds wlll be allocaLed for
recreaLlonal evenLs for Lhe chlldren, LransporLaLlon Lo and from evenLs, unlforms and
ConsLanLlnldes LasL 8lver uevelopmenL Alllance, lnc. 861096987 17,000
lundlng wlll be used Lo provlde college readlness servlces, career workshops, menLorlng
programs, and flnanclal counsellng for aL-rlsk youLh.
lgnlzlo Lden ll School for AuLlsLlc Chlldren, lnc. 132872916 9,300
1he purpose for Lhe requesLed fundlng ls Lo successfully conLlnue one school age
classroom aL Lhe LlLlngvllle LuLheran School.
MaLLeo Lden ll School for AuLlsLlc Chlldren, lnc. 132872916 3,000
lunds Lo conLlnue, monlLor and evaluaLe Lhe Lden ll school-based soccer program and
expand our runnlng program for Lwo selecL groups of sLudenLs wlLh auLlsm.
8ose Lden ll School for AuLlsLlc Chlldren, lnc. 132872916 3,000
lunds wlll be Lo cover Lhe cosLs of a barber chalr, salon chalr and equlpmenL for
uenLal/Palr Salon classroom aL 13 8each SLreeL.
Carodnlck LducaLlonal Alllance, lnc. 133362210 10,000
lundlng wlll supporL Lhe 14Lh SLreeL ?'s uaddy & Me program, a free swlm course LhaL
serves famllles ln 1he LducaLlonal Alllance's Pead SLarL program, as well as oLher
programs aL Lhe 14Lh SLreeL ?.
koslowlLz LducaLlonal CenLer for new Amerlcans, lnc. 113173201 23,000
?ouLh programlng - afLerschool program, LuLorlng, LransporLaLlon cosL for ouLlngs &
museum 7 ouLlng fees
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 139

8eynoso Ll uenLe de Wllllamsburg, lnc. 112614263 43,000
1o supporL Lhe know !usLlce/know eace" lnlLlaLlve, a gang vlolence prevenLlon
program for young men of color.
ConsLanLlnldes Llm[ack CommunlLy LlLLle League, lnc. 112733609 * 3,000
lundlng wlll be used Lo purchase unlforms, perform fleld malnLenance and expense of
runnlng Lhe league.
8arron Lmpowerlng ?ouLh 1owards Lxcellence 272246137 * 7,000
lunds Lo supporL Lhe CommunlLy CenLer WlLhouL Walls lnlLlaLlve provldlng college
advlsemenL ,posL-secondary counsellng, healLh, flLness - lnsLrucLlon and clvlc
8ose LmpowermenL Zone 142009368 * 13,200
lunds Lo supporL 8rldglng Lhe ulglLal ulvlde AfLer School and CuL of School rogram
whlch provldes access Lo Lechnology for aL rlsk, economlcally dlsadvanLaged, aL-rlsk youLh
ages 3 Lo 12. rogram cosLs lnclude sLafflng, promoLlon, maLerlals and equlpmenL, and
relaLed admlnlsLraLlve cosLs.
Arroyo Lplscopal Soclal Servlces of new ?ork, lnc. 133709093 20,000 1o provlde afLer School programs ln Councll ulsLrlcL 17 aL MS302 and S73.
8osenLhal Lveryone 8eadlng, lnc. 132733341 3,300
lundlng Lo supporL lree LuLorlng for sLudenLs sLruggllng wlLh readlng, a free lnformaLlon
and referral servlce Lhrough whlch parenLs and oLhers can geL advlce on school servlces
and rlghLs and referrals Lo educaLlon speclallsLs, a free supporL group for adulLs wlLh
dyslexla, professlonal developmenL for Leachers, speclallsLs and oLher relaLed servlce
provlders, and an annual conference wlLh more Lhan 80 presenLaLlons by experLs ln Lhe
Menchaca LxLreme klds and Crew, lnc. 332392413 * 3,000
lundlng Lo supporL afLer school program servlng famllles wlLh chlldren ln S 13 ln 8ed
Pook, and Lhese famllles are lower wage earners wlLh chlldren LhaL have speclal needs.
Mealy lamllles unlLed, lnc. 113388067 3,000
lundlng wlll be used Lo purchase supplles and equlpmenL for our sporLs and arLs
program, lncludlng, buL noL llmlLed Lo ropes, baskeLballs, sound equlpmenL, unlforms,
and needed goods and offlce supplles Lo operaLe program acLlvlLles. lundlng wlll also be
used for Lravel, enLry/LlckeL fees, space and consulLanLs (acLlvlLy speclallsLs).
Clbson lamlly Llfe Academy CharLer School 134170389 * 8,000
1he funds wlll go Lo Lhe Summer klndergarLen Success lnsLlLuLe (SkSl). 1hls program ls a
3 week summer program for 32 chlldren expecLed Lo enroll ln klndergarLen aL lLACS ln
Lhe fall. lundlng wlll cover sLaff, educaLlonal maLerlals, parenL workshops and supplles.
Lugene lamlly 8enalssance, lnc. 113190983 * 13,000
1o supporL Lhe 8lLes of assage program for youLhs of Lhe LasL llaLbush communlLy.
1hls program hlghllghLs leadershlp, commlLmenL, responslblllLy, self-conLrol and respecL
for oLhers. lundlng wlll be used for educaLlonal fleld Lrlps, supplles and operaLlonal
Clbson leaLherbed Lane lmprovemenL AssoclaLlon, lnc. 132831606 * 28,000
lunds wlll be used for Lhe AfLer-School rogram, supplles, cllenL enrlchmenL servlces,
ouLreach and awareness and sLaff salarles.
Mendez lellx Mlllan LlLLle League 133333678 * 7,300 lundlng Lo supporL operaLlonal expenses Lo run youLh baseball league.
ulckens llgure SkaLlng ln Parlem, lnc. 133943168 7,000
1o provlde school year and summer academlc, recreaLlonal and oLher programs for
school age glrls ln underserved communlLles, lncludlng lce skaLlng, a wrlLlng lnlLlaLlve and
college guldance program, a compuLerlzed assessmenL Lo enhance academlcs, and flLness
lnsLrucLlon .
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 140

Levlne llgure SkaLlng ln Parlem, lnc. 133943168 3,000
lunds would help lSP: uouble summer program hours, launch an off-lce flLness
condlLlonlng class wlLh a Sclence 1ech componenL, dellver 3 days/week of educaLlon
servlces, and provlde expanded PS/college plannlng ln a new Counsellng Lounge.
rograms operaLe durlng ouL-of-school Llme hours and serve sLudenLs from ulsLrlcL 7.
Cumbo llrsL 8apLlsL Church of Crown PelghLs 112033038 * 7,000 lunds wlll provlde on-golng ouLreach servlces for Lhe youLh of Lhe communlLy.
1reyger llrsL ChernomoreLs uSA, lnc. 113386786 2,000
1he funds wlll be used for renLal cosLs of publlc school and prlvaLe gyms for an afLer
school soccer program acLlvlLles.
8lchards llrsL Church of Cod, lnc. 112973310 * 7,300
urchaslng equlpmenL needed for Lrades and uLlllzlng Lralned Leachers, Lechnlclans and
menLors Lo gulde Lhe youLh ln Lhe dlfferenL areas of skllled developmenL.
Cu28 llrsL lalLh 8apLlsL Church 022916843 10,000
lunds wlll be used for SA1 reparaLlon, Lrlps Lo new ?ork Colleges and PlsLorlcal 8lack
Colleges Lo lnLroduce sLudenL Lo Lhe college llfe.
Mlller llrsL lalLh 8apLlsL Church 022916843 20,000
lunds wlll be used for SA1 reparaLlon, Lrlps Lo new ?ork Colleges and PlsLorlcal 8lack
Colleges Lo lnLroduce sLudenL Lo Lhe college llfe.
Lugene llaLbush uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 310188231 8,000 1o supporL afLerschool and summer programs for youLh.
ueuLsch llaLbush Shomrlm SafeLy aLrol, lnc. 203244367 * 13,000 1eens-aL-rlsk ouLreach
Wllllams llaLbush Shomrlm SafeLy aLrol, lnc. 203244367 4,000
lundlng for 1eens-aL-rlsk ouLreach, elderly asslsLance, blased crlme, anLl-Lerrorlsm
awareness, medlcal awareness programs, 24x6 paLrol wlLh radlo dlspaLch Lo asslsL all
emergencles for elderly people. AsslsL ln case of emergencles, naLural dlsasLers,
Alzhelmer's paLlenLs search and rescue, eLc.
Lugene llaLbush ?ouLh AssoclaLlon, lnc. 113287922 * 6,000
1o supporL a youLh baskeLball program. lundlng wlll be used for unlforms, equlpmenL,
Lrophles, and operaLlng expenses.
Mealy llaLbush ?ouLh AssoclaLlon, lnc. 113287922 3,300
1he funds wlll be used Lo purchase parLlclpaLlon Lrophles, equlpmenL, LransporLaLlon, and
unlforms for llaLbush ?ouLh AssoclaLlon's youLh baskeLball Leams and LournamenLs ln
ulsLrlcL 41.
koo llushlng uay Care CenLer, lnc. 112196336 * 7,000
lundlng Lo provlde supplles/equlpmenL. lunds wlll also be used for sLaff developmenL,
parenL workshops, school Lrlps, consulLanL fees, and oLher program enhancemenL
lerreras llushlng Meadow Soap 8ox uerby, lnc. 112737828 * 7,000
1o supplemenL maLerlal cosLs (car klLs),Lo enable famllles Lo parLlclpaLe whom may noL
be able Lo flnanclally self-fund parLlclpaLlon.
Creenfleld lorL PamllLon Pockey CorporaLlon 362629871 1,000
8equesLed funds wlll be used Lo ouLflL all parLlclpanLs wlLh a hockey [ersey, requlred
equlpmenL and safeLy supplles. lundlng wlll also be used Loward rlnk repavemenL and
general malnLenance of faclllLy.
Lander lorL PamllLon Pockey CorporaLlon 362629871 3,300
8equesLed funds wlll be used Lo ouLflL all parLlclpanLs wlLh a hockey [ersey, requlred
equlpmenL and safeLy supplles. lundlng wlll also be used Loward rlnk repavemenL and
general malnLenance of faclllLy.
Wllllams lorLune SocleLy, lnc., 1he 132643436 3,000 lundlng for ?ouLh LducaLlon Career LxploraLlon (?L/CL) program
8odrlguez lresh ?ouLh lnlLlaLlves, lnc. 133723207 * 7,000 CommunlLy youLh developmenL program
Carodnlck lrlends Cf ArL & ueslgn 133798678 * 3,300
lundlng wlll supporL career Lralnlng and college preparaLory supporL programs aL Lhe
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 141

lgnlzlo lrlends of 8lue Peron ark, lnc. 133073882 * 4,300
lundlng wlll provlde supporL for naLure rogrammlng whlch conslsLs of 1-1/2 hour long
naLure programs lnclude naLure walks ln Lhe vlclnlLy of Lhe 1oL LoL, naLlve lanL gardens
and loop Lralls.
vallone lrlends of lorL 1oLLen arks, lnc. 320176967 4,000
lundlng wlll be used ln varlous programs and evenLs. lamlly lun uay, 8ack Lo School
rogram, CrafLy klds, Palloween evenL.
Levlne lrlends of lrederlck L. Samuel loundaLlon, lnc. 133667726 3,300
lundlng would be used Lo pay Lhe AssoclaLlon of 8askeLball 8eferees for Workshops,
baskeLball cllnlcs and refereelng healLhy snacks and beverages for youLhs parLlclpaLlng ln
Lhe rogram and baskeLball LournamenLs. rograms serve ulsLrlcL 7 chlldren durlng ouL-
of-school Llme hours.
CenLlle lrlends of PlsLorlc new uLrechL 113407104 3,300
lunds wlll supporL educaLlon and research on Lhe hlsLory of new uLrecL, now SouLhwesL
8rooklyn, Lhrough reenacLmenLs, exhlblLs, lecLures, concerLs and oLher programs for
sLudenLs and Lhe publlc by paylng cosLs assoclaLed wlLh Lhese programs, lncludlng dlrecL
cosLs of evenLs, compensaLlon for performers, equlpmenL renLals, promoLlon Lhrough
posLage, prlnLlng, newspaper, and adverLlslng, and an allocaLed porLlon of lPnus
overhead expenses.
Carodnlck lrog & each 1heaLre Company, lnc., 1he 133916149 3,300
1o supply free dlscounLed LlckeLs for sLudenLs, aL rlsk youLh and Lhelr famllles. lunds wlll
defray Lhe cosLs of ouLreach and general operaLlng expenses.
Chln lund for Lhe ClLy of new ?ork, lnc. 132612324 3,300
lunds supporL LnAC1, lL ls Lhe creaLlve behavlor modlflcaLlon caLalysL LhaL parLners wlLh
schools Lo creaLe ln-school emoLlonal growLh laboraLorles LhaL help sLudenLs handle
lssues such as vlolence, weapons and bullylng.
Lsplnal lund for Lhe ClLy of new ?ork, lnc. 132612324 4,400
lundlng Lo defray Lhe cosL of brlnglng 8allroom 8aslx Lo Lwo (2) slxLh grade classes ln
councll dlsLrlcL 37.
Levln lund for Lhe ClLy of new ?ork, lnc. 132612324 4,000 1o supporL LnAC1 programs and workshops.
Levln lund for Lhe ClLy of new ?ork, lnc. 132612324 4,300
1o supporL elghL weeks of 1he LAM's PealLhy ulglLal 8elaLlonshlps program wlLh
sLudenLs aL !uan Morel Campos, provldlng sLudenLs wlLh a safe space Lo Lalk abouL and
explore ways Lo address confllcLs LhaL arlse ln soclal neLworklng spaces, and also Lo look
more closely aL how and why dlglLal medla are creaLed and used ln everyday llfe.
Menchaca lund for Lhe ClLy of new ?ork, lnc. 132612324 3,000
lunds Lo supporL a slx-week hands-on news llLeracy workshop serles for youLh Lo Lake
place wlLh Lhe 8ed Pook lnlLlaLlve.
8lchards lund for Lhe ClLy of new ?ork, lnc. 132612324 10,000
lundlng wlll be used for youLh advocacy and clvlc engagemenL ln Lhe 8ockaways. lL wlll
also be used for Lhe malnLenance of Lhe offlce.
8odrlguez lund for Lhe ClLy of new ?ork, lnc. 132612324 3,300 lundlng Lo supporL LAM's Lech youLh lnLernshlp program
ulrlch lund for Lhe ClLy of new ?ork, lnc. 132612324 3,000
lunds wlll supporL programlng and servlces for youLh and young adulLs of Lhe 8ockaways
and Lo supporL operaLlonal cosLs
lund for Lhe ClLy of new ?ork, lnc. - CenLer for CourL
lnnovaLlon 132612324 3,000
lundlng wlll supporL general program operaLlons, lncludlng supplles for workshops and
oLher acLlvlLles for parLlclpanLs, ouLreach Lo parenLs, maLerlals for parenL supporL
workshops and food for parLlclpanLs'.
lund for Lhe ClLy of new ?ork, lnc. - CenLer for CourL
lnnovaLlon 132612324 3,000
1he CuLS1 ?ouLh CourL ls a youLh leadershlp program LhaL Lralns local Leenagers Lo serve
as [urors, [udges, and advocaLes, handllng real-llfe cases lnvolvlng Lhelr peers. lundlng
would supporL ongolng operaLlons of Lhe pro[ecL, speclflcally MeLroCards for program
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 142

lund for Lhe ClLy of new ?ork, lnc. - CenLer for CourL
lnnovaLlon 132612324 3,000
1he fundlng wlll go Lo Lhe Save Cur SLreeLs SouLh 8ronx (S.C.S.) program. 1hls program ls
a communlLy-based pro[ecL devoLed Lo endlng gun vlolence by locuslng on hlgh-vlolence
LargeL areas ln Lhe SouLh 8ronx. 1he funds wlll provlde young men beLween Lhe ages of
16 and 24, wlLh Lhe CSPA Lralnlng and cerLlflcaLlon necessary Lo open new career doors.
lund for Lhe ClLy of new ?ork, lnc. - CenLer for CourL
lnnovaLlon 132612324 3,000
1o supporL Lhe 8ed Pook ?ouLh 8aseball League and 1he 8ed Pook CommunlLy !usLlce
CenLer wlLh promoLlng sporLsmanshlp, dlsclpllne, and leadershlp among local youLh
Lhrough baseball, and wlLh lmprovlng Lhe quallLy-of-llfe ln 8ed Pook by engaglng young
people ln communlLy servlce pro[ecLs, and encouraglng volunLary parLlclpaLlon by
parenLs and communlLy members.
lund for Lhe ClLy of new ?ork, lnc. - CenLer for CourL
lnnovaLlon 132612324 3,000
1o supporL Lhe work of 1he 8ed Pook ?ouLh CourL whlch Lralns local Leenagers Lo serve
as [urors, [udges, and advocaLes, handllng real-llfe cases lnvolvlng Lhelr peers.
luLure SLar roducLlon erformlng ArLs And ?ouLh
LnhancemenL rogram 331123223 * 6,000
1he lunds wlll be used Lo cover expenses for our communlLy enhancemenL day on
AugusL 16,2014.
klng luLure 1alenL 8askeLball League 611641474 * 10,000
1he l18L conducLs an annual LournamenL conslsLlng of over 70 Leams from Lhe 8ronx,
8rooklyn, Cueens, ManhaLLan and new !ersey. 1he LournamenL ls open Lo boys and glrls,
grades 3 Lhru 12, wlLh 12 players on each Leam. Cne coach wlll be asslgned Lo each Leam.
1eams wlll be formed wlLhln each dlvlslon so as Lo allow Lhe maxlmum number of youLh
Lo parLlclpaLe ln Lhe LournamenL.
lunds wlll be used for Lhe followlng: 8askeLballs, Cold acks (2)
, llrsL Ald / C8 klL, Manual lnflaLor
, 8all lnflaLlon needles
, nylon AnLl Whlp 8askeLball neLs(12), layer 8enches(12)
, ole ads(6)
, Scoreboards(4)
, Scorebooks(6), ush 8uLLon Slgnal Porn(3)
, Sllp noLL 1racLlon MaLs
, 1rophles
,CerLlflcaLe Awards
, School Cym ermlLs , ?ouLh lnsurance
, orLable Servlces
, lood
, unlforms
, 1ournamenL 1 ShlrLs
Carodnlck CeLLlng CuL and SLaylng CuL, lnc. 061711370 6,300
lundlng wlll supporL operaLlng expenses for CeLLlng CuL and SLaylng CuL, a program LhaL
provldes Lralnlng, counsellng and educaLlon Lo young men durlng and afLer lncarceraLlon.
Mark-vlverlLo CeLLlng CuL and SLaylng CuL, lnc. 061711370 7,300
CCSC provldes lLs parLlclpanLs wlLh meLrocards Lo asslsL Lhem ln worklng Lowards
success ln educaLlon and employmenL. lundlng wlll be used Lo pay for Lhese meLrocards.
!ohnson Cllgamesh 1heaLre Croup, lnc. 133680874 3,300
1o supporL ArL Lxposure programs for chlldren, famllles and Lhelr communlLles ln grades
k Lo 12 ln ManhaLLan and Cueens. lundlng wlll be used Lo pay Lhe arLlsLs.
kallos Clllen 8rewer School, lnc., 1he 133764868 10,000
lor operaLlon and malnLenance of roofLop space aL a school for chlldren wlLh language,
emoLlonal, developmenLal, learnlng and healLh-relaLed dlsablllLles.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 143

!ohnson Clrl ScouL Councll of CreaLer new ?ork, lnc. 131624014 3,000
lunds Lo expand Serles programs Lo reach more n?C glrls and Lo conLlnue 1roop-8ulldlng
efforLs clLy-wlde. Serles programs are shorL-Lerm, sLaff or volunLeer-led programs LhaL
span four Lo Len weeks Lo engage glrls ln Clrl ScouLlng.
koo Clrl ScouL Councll of CreaLer new ?ork, lnc. 131624014 3,000
lunds Lo supporL Clrl LngagemenL/Serles programs Lo reach more n?C glrls and Lo
conLlnue 1roop-8ulldlng efforLs clLy-wlde. LngagemenL/Serles programs are shorL-Lerm,
sLaff or volunLeer-led programs LhaL range from a one-day lnLroducLory sesslon Lo a four-
week program deslgned Lo engage and lnLroduce glrls Lo Clrl ScouLlng. Councll
programmlng ls cenLered ln four focal areas: S1LM (sclence, Lechnology, englneerlng, and
MaLhemaLlcs), 8uslness and LnLrepreneurshlp, LnvlronmenLal Leadershlp, and ersonal
Leadershlp ldenLlLy.
MaLLeo Clrl ScouL Councll of CreaLer new ?ork, lnc. 131624014 1,300 lunds wlll be used Lo supporL fundlng Lo offer Clrl LngagemenL/Serles programs
alma Clrl ScouL Councll of CreaLer new ?ork, lnc. 131624014 3,000 1o supporL Lhe Clrl ScouLs and conLlnue 1roop-8ulldlng efforLs clLy-wlde.
ulrlch Clrl ScouL Councll of CreaLer new ?ork, lnc. 131624014 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo provlde engagemenL/serles programlng workshops Lo educaLe on
skllls such as leadershlp, sclence and maLh
vallone Clrl ScouL Councll of CreaLer new ?ork, lnc. 131624014 3,300 1o supporL Lhe Clrl ScouLs' 1roop-8ulldlng acLlvlLles clLy-wlde.
Wllllams Clrl ScouL Councll of CreaLer new ?ork, lnc. 131624014 3,300 lundlng for Clrl LngagemenL/Serles programs
Cumbo Clrls for Cender LqulLy, lnc. 043697166 3,000
lundlng Lo supporL Lhe urban Leaders Academy (uLA), a comprehenslve afLer-school
enrlchmenL program.
Cumbo Clrls for Cender LqulLy, lnc. 043697166 4,000
lundlng Lo supporL Lhe urban Leaders Academy (uLA), a comprehenslve afLer-school
enrlchmenL program.
Lander Clvlng AlLernaLlve Learners upllfLlng CpporLunlLles, lnc. 030613968 3,300 1o provlde scholarshlps for LherapeuLlc horse rldlng lessons Lo chlldren wlLh dlsablllLles.
ConsLanLlnldes Clobal klds, lnc. 133629483 3,000
lundlng wlll be used Lo provlde school based programlng for Lhe Clobal klds lnlLlaLlve
whlch provldes an educaLlon on lnLernaLlonal affalrs, dlglLal llLeracy, and culLural
8eynoso Clobalhood, lnc. 208679614 3,300
1o supporL Lhe Leadershlp, Clobal Awareness, and Soclal LnLrepreneurshlp 1ralnlng
program. lundlng wlll be allocaLed for sLaff, food, and LransporLaLlon.
Mendez CC ro[ecL, lnc., 1he 271411019 7,300
lunds wlll be used Lo provlde year-round hoL breakfasL, healLhy snacks, and lunch for
8osenLhal Coddard 8lverslde CommunlLy CenLer 131893908 10,000
lundlng Lo provlde AfLerschool homework help and educaLlonal counsellng and
lnsLrucLlon (Lhe Learnlng CenLer.), comblnlng dlscusslons and llLeraLure wlLh wrlLlng,
maLh, arL, sclence and youLh developmenL.
8osenLhal Coddard 8lverslde CommunlLy CenLer 131893908 9,000
lundlng Lo provlde AfLerschool escorL servlce for chlldren ages 3-12 years from 8 publlc
and prlvaLe schools on Lhe upper WesL Slde. Meals, homework asslsLance and LuLorlng.
ually acLlvlLles offered are arLs/crafLs, ceramlcs, dance, karaLe, phoLography, nuLrlLlon
educaLlon, and food preparaLlon.
8osenLhal Coddard 8lverslde CommunlLy CenLer 131893908 9,000
lundlng Lo supporL Lhe S1A8 Learnlng CenLer whlch provldes one-Lo-one LuLorlng Lo low-
lncome, low achlevlng sLudenLs grades 2-12.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 144

Mealy Cod's 8aLLallon of rayer 112412213 3,000
1he funds wlll be used Lo purchase lnsLrumenLs and pay for general operaLlng cosLs for
Cod's 8aLLallon of rayer's afLer-school SLrlng CrchesLra rogram. 1he program ls open Lo
all chlldren ln Lhe communlLy.
Menchaca Cood Shepherd Servlces, lnc 133398710 * 7,000
Cood Shepherd Servlces wlll use funds Lo supporL Lhelr naLlonally repllcaLed 8ed Pook
CommunlLy CenLer 8eacon aL S 13 (8PCC) as well as Lhelr programmlng aL Lhe !oseph
Mlcclo CommunlLy CenLer, boLh locaLed ln 8ed Pook.
Malsel Cood Shepherd SporLs rogram 111830321 * 3,300 lunds wlll be used Lo promoLe Lhe baseball program.
8ose Crace loundaLlon of new ?ork 134131863 3,000
lunds wlll go Lowards sLafflng and relaLed admlnlsLraLlve expenses for afLer school and
weekend recreaLlon, soclal skllls, and supporL programs for chlldren and famllles
lmpacLed by AuLlsm SpecLrum ulsorder (ASu).
Mendez Crand SLreeL SeLLlemenL, lnc. 133362230 7,000
lundlng Lo provlde Summer uay Camp (SuC)program aL Lhe !acob 8lls CommunlLy
8eynoso Crand SLreeL SeLLlemenL, lnc. 133362230 3,000
1o supporL a new sclence, Lechnology, englneerlng and maLh (S1LM) lab and afLerschool
programmlng aL .S. 196.
1reyger Cravesend ALhleLlc AssoclaLlon 113019763 23,000
1o supporL youLh sofLball and baseball programs, lncludlng funds for operaLlon of Lhe
program flelds and equlpmenL.
lgnlzlo CreaL kllls LlLLle League 136197291 7,300
lunds wlll be ensure chlldren ages 4-16 wlll recelve equlpmenL, unlforms and
membershlp enabllng Lhem Lo play baseball and sofLball.
Chln CreaLer ChlnaLown CommunlLy AssoclaLlon 132730313 6,000
lunds wlll supporL a communlLy afLer school program for lmmlgranL sLudenLs (mlddle and
hlgh school age).
koo CreaLer llushlng CommunlLy Councll, lnc. 237006633 * 3,300
1o purchase classroom supplles for young chlldren and offlce supplles. lund wlll also be
used Lowards Lrlp admlsslons and LransporLaLlon for chlldren, graduaLlon and oLher
hollday programmlng for chlldren and famllles.
Crowley CreaLer 8ldgewood ?ouLh Councll, lnc. 112318141 33,000 lundlng Lo supporL Lhe afLer-school programs locaLed aL S 91, S 71, and S 133.
Crowley CreaLer 8ldgewood ?ouLh Councll, lnc. 112318141 3,000 lundlng Lo supporL Lhe afLer-school program aL .S./l.S. 87.
8eynoso CreaLer 8ldgewood ?ouLh Councll, lnc. 112318141 13,300 1o supporL afLerschool programmlng aL S 239, S 91, S 71, S 81 and S 133.
vallone CreaLer WhlLesLone 1axpayers CommunlLy CenLer, lnc. 112791048 10,000
1he funds requesLed wlll be used Lo operaLe a communlLy cenLer ln Cueens, n? aL a new
?ork SLaLe armory for Lhe youLh of Lhe CreaLer WhlLesLone area of Cueens, n?.
Levln Creen olnL SparLans, lnc. 271483069 * 4,000
1o provlde Leam and player equlpmenL, LransporLaLlon, league offlclaLlng fees,
lnsurance, eLc.
lgnlzlo CreenbelL Conservancy, lnc. 133481843 4,000
lundlng Lo supporL 2 educaLlonal hlkes (Cne lall 2014 and one Sprlng 2013) and Lwo
mlcroscope lnvesLlgaLlons programs (Cne lall 2014 and one Sprlng 2013). We wlll also
conducL Lhree programs ln schools LhaL wlll lnLroduce Lhe CreenbelL Lo sLudenLs ln
schools ln Lhe 31sL Councll dlsLrlcL.
!ohnson Creenwlch Pouse, lnc. 133362204 10,000
1o supporL 1he Creenwlch vlllage Clrls 8askeLball League.
1he funds wlll supporL Lhe cosL of Lhe gym renLal, uCL securlLy, referees and unlforms
among oLher baslc program supplles.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 14S

!ohnson Creenwlch Pouse, lnc. 133362204 3,000
1o supporL Lhe Chlldren's SafeLy ro[ecL (CS), provldlng psychlaLrlc LreaLmenL and
supporL servlces Lhrough advocacy for vlcLlms of chlld abuse, domesLlc vlolence and oLher
Lrauma such as Lhe lncarceraLlon or deaLh of a parenL. Servlces are provlded for non-
offendlng famlly members as well.
lerreras Croundswell CommunlLy Mural ro[ecL, lnc. 113427213 13,000
1o supporL Lhe creaLlon of a large-scale permanenL publlc mural ln ulsLrlcL 21 wlLh 13-20
underserved youLh and Lwo professlonal arLlsLs ln parLnershlp wlLh local communlLy-
based organlzaLlons Lo provlde youLh wlLh arLlsLlc and leadershlp opporLunlLles,
sLrucLured ouL-of-school Llme, and work experlence.
Lander Croundswell CommunlLy Mural ro[ecL, lnc. 113427213 20,000
1o supporL summer and afLerschool arLs programs for youLh, focuslng on works of publlc
arL and Lhe Summer Leadershlp lnsLlLuLe.
Levln Croundswell CommunlLy Mural ro[ecL, lnc. 113427213 4,000
1o supporL Lhe creaLlon of a permanenL publlc arLwork ln CreenpolnL. ln parLnershlp wlLh
Lhe CreenpolnL Chamber of Commerce, Croundswell's professlonal arLlsLs wlll engage up
Lo 13 local youLh ln Lhe research, deslgn, and fabrlcaLlon of a large-scale publlc arLwork.
8odrlguez Croundswell CommunlLy Mural ro[ecL, lnc. 113427213 3,000 lundlng Lo offseL arLlsLs fees and maLerlals for large-scale publlc works
Wllllams Croundswell CommunlLy Mural ro[ecL, lnc. 113427213 3,300 1o supporL Lhe creaLlon of a large-scale permanenL publlc mural ln ulsLrlcL 43
ueuLsch Cuardlans of Lhe Slck, lnc. 116003433 * 23,000 LsLabllsh an envlronmenL Lo help aL rlsk youLh.
Lander Cuardlans of Lhe Slck, lnc. 116003433 9,000
1o supporL Chayenlu counsellng program for school chlldren ages 8-12 wlLh self-esLeem
and soclal lsolaLlon lssues.
klng Cun Plll 8askeLball AssoclaLlon, lnc. 270384874 10,000
1he fundlng wlll be use for Leam unlforms, referee fee, equlpmenL, lnsurance cosL,
Lrophles and awards, raln slLe.
Lugene Cuyana CulLural AssoclaLlon of new ?ork, lnc. 113624294 6,000
1o supporL Lhe Carlbbean PerlLage Summer Camp LhaL celebraLes Carlbbean LradlLlons,
sclence and Lhe envlronmenL, cooklng (relaLed Lo Lhe foods of Lhe Lroplcs), and wrlLlng
(llLeraLure and sLoryLelllng).
Wllllams Cuyana CulLural AssoclaLlon of new ?ork, lnc. 113624294 4,300 lunds Lo provlde summer camp wlLh 1heaLrlcal and ArLlsLlc workshops
Lugene PalLlan Amerlcans unlLed for rogress, lnc. 112423837 3,000
1o supporL an afLerschool program for lmmlgranL youLh lncludlng leadershlp acLlvlLles,
homework asslsLance, academlc enhancemenL, and preparaLlon for Lhe n?S exams.
Wllllams PalLlan CenLers Councll, lnc. 112648301 3,300 lundlng for ?oung Men's MenLorlng Croup workshop
Chln PamllLon-Madlson Pouse, lnc. 133362412 13,000
lunds wlll be used Lo parLlally cover cosLs of plano and vlolln lessons for low-lncome
sLudenLs ln Lower ManhaLLan.
ConsLanLlnldes PAnAC, lnc. 112290832 9,000 lundlng wlll be used Lo provlde S1LM enrlchmenL Lo Lhe communlLy's youLh aL .S. 2
ConsLanLlnldes PAnAC, lnc. 112290832 23,000
lundlng wlll be used Lo provlde homework help, LuLorlng, LranslaLlon, and oLher servlces
for AsLorla's youLh.
lerreras PAnAC, lnc. 112290832 10,000
1o supporL programlng aL Lhe Corona 8eacon for Lhe purchase of supplles, program
Lechnology, arLs and crafLs acLlvlLles, muslc programs, addlLlonal communlLy acLlvlLles,
and sporLs supplles.
ulckens Parlem Chlldren SocleLy 332168137 * 3,300
1o prepare low-lncome and underserved ?ouLh's ubllc Plgh School and undergraduaLe
SLudenLs from new ?ork clLy-wlde dlsLrlcLs, for S1LM educaLlon and careers. (Sclence,
1echnology, Lnglneerlng and MaLh)
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 146

ulckens Parlem LducaLlonal AcLlvlLles lund, lnc. 133368672 * 3,000
1o supporL Lhe PLAl afLer-school, SaLurdays, and summer programs ln maLh, language
arLs, humanlLles, sclence and arLs-focused coursework for low lncome youLh. lunds wlll
pay for cosLs relaLed Lo Lhe program.
ulckens Parlem !unlor 1ennls League 133076419 * 6,000
1o provlde Lennls programs for youLh from hlgh rlsk, low lncome lnner-clLy
nelghborhoods and offer opporLunlLles for self- developmenL, whlle hlghllghLlng
educaLlon and a poslLlve code of behavlor. 1he funds wlll be served Lo offer Lennls
lnsLrucLlon as well as llfe skllls and educaLlon enhancemenL opporLunlLles.
ulckens Parlem LlLLle League 133348368 * 6,300
1o supporL llLLle league programs, lncludlng cosLs for unlforms, equlpmenL and general
Mark-vlverlLo Parlem 88l (8evlvlng 8aseball ln lnner ClLles) 134023290 * 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL elemenLary and mlddle school youLh ln Lhe 8LAL klds
(Crades k-3) and 1eam8ullders (6-8) programs locaLed aL S 18 ln Lhe SouLh 8ronx. 1he
programs glve youLh opporLunlLles Lo engage ln baseball/sofLball, academlc, soclal and
emoLlonal developmenL acLlvlLles, and Lo parLlclpaLe ln new experlences llke fleld Lrlps.
ulckens Parlem 8enalssance Lconomlc uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 134034332 * 4,000
1o supporL Lhe Parlem 8enalssance ?oung LnLrepreneurs 8ooL Camp, helplng young
Parlem enLrepreneurs develop and learn buslness, flnanclal llLeracy and llfe skllls. lunds
wlll help supporL programs and acLlvlLles.
ulckens Parlem ?ouLh Marlne, lnc. 133336496 * 7,000
1o Lraln Parlem youLh ln drlll and ceremony, cusLoms and provlde physlcal Lralnlng for
Lhe ?ouLh Marlne as a vehlcle Lo prevenL drug abuse, reduce Lhe raLe of hlgh school
dropouLs, and combaL gang lnfluence. lunds wlll supporL new unlforms and parade
8odrlguez Parmony rogram 030606693 * 3,300 lundlng Lo supporL afLerschool muslc program
!ohnson ParLley Pouse, lnc. 131636632 23,000
1o supporL afLer school programmlng, lncludlng acLlvlLles, academlcs and creaLlve
pro[ecLs. 1he funds wlll parLlally fund Lhe rogram ulrecLors salary.
8osenLhal ParLley Pouse, lnc. 131636632 3,300 lundlng Lo supporL AfLerschool ArLs program
8lchards Paven MlnlsLrles 113380221 * 3,300
1o supporL programs whlch lnclude muslc workshop: Lralnlng ln volce and
lnsLrumenLaLlon, confllcL resoluLlon / anLl-bullylng workshops.
CenLlle PearLshare Puman Servlces of new ?ork 111633349 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL afLer-school and 8eacon programs aL S 102 and Wllllam
Mcklnley lS 239 ln 8rooklyn.
8odrlguez Pebrew 1abernacle of WashlngLon PelghLs, lnc. 130831470 4,000 lundlng Lo supporL arL shows, soclal acLlon pro[ecLs, and communlLy game days
Chln Penry SLreeL SeLLlemenL 131362242 4,000
1o enable Lhe Penry SLreeL SeLLlemenL Lo supporL Lhe Sal Laln ALhleLlc AssoclaLlon.
lundlng wlll be used Lo allow 1he Sol Laln ALhleLlc AssoclaLlon Lo run a flag fooLball
league, hosL a communlLy evenL and Lake youLhs on a fleld Lrlp.
Chln Penry SLreeL SeLLlemenL 131362242 10,300
lunds wlll supporL Lhe Penry SLreeL SeLLlemenL's Lxpanded Porlzons College reparaLlon
and 8eLenLlon rogram provldlng college prep servlces Lo publlc school sLudenLs.
Mendez Penry SLreeL SeLLlemenL 131362242 4,000
lundlng Lo supporL llag fooLball league aL Lhe Sol Laln playground, communlLy evenL and
fleld Lrlp.
Mendez Penry SLreeL SeLLlemenL 131362242 6,300 lundlng Lo provlde afLerschool, evenlng programs, and summer camp.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 147

Chln PesLer SLreeL CollaboraLlve, lnc. 200774906 3,000
lunds wlll supporL sLafflng for ler Ambassadors, an afLer-school youLh leadershlp
program on Lhe LasL 8lver WaLerfronL LhaL wlll Lraln and glve local Leenagers Lhe
resources Lo glve publlc Lours of aLhs Lo ler 42's arL lnsLallaLlons.
Chln PeLrlck-MarLln lnsLlLuLe, lnc. 133104337 4,000
lunds wlll supporL crlLlcal on-slLe SupporLlve Servlces such as menLal healLh and crlsls
counsellng and homeless youLh panLry servlces for low lncome LC81C youLh and sLralghL
allles durlng school Llme and durlng Lhe afLer-school hours.
Carodnlck PeLrlck-MarLln lnsLlLuLe, lnc. 133104337 3,300
lundlng wlll supporL menLal, physlcal and emoLlonal supporL servlces and case
managemenL for LC81C youLh.
!ohnson PeLrlck-MarLln lnsLlLuLe, lnc. 133104337 10,000
1o provlde on-slLe SupporLlve Servlces such as menLal healLh and crlsls counsellng, and
homeless youLh panLry servlces for low-lncome aL-rlsk LC81C youLh and sLralghL allles
from 12-24 years of age. lunds wlll supporL personnel and C1S cosLs.
Mealy PeLrlck-MarLln lnsLlLuLe, lnc. 133104337 3,000
1he funds wlll be used Lo pay for general operaLlng cosLs for PeLrlck MarLln lnsLlLuLe's
menLal healLh counsellng and homeless youLh panLry servlces. 1he funds wlll pay sLaff
salarles, equlpmenL purchase and renLal, supplles, and uLlllLy cosLs.
Menchaca PeLrlck-MarLln lnsLlLuLe, lnc. 133104337 3,000
lunds Lo provlde crlLlcal on-slLe menLal healLh crlsls counsellng and homeless youLh
panLry servlces from 9:00 a.m. Lo 8:00 p.m. Monday-lrlday and 11:00 a.m. Lo 4:00 p.m.
on SaLurday.
Mendez PeLrlck-MarLln lnsLlLuLe, lnc. 133104337 3,300 lundlng Lo supporL MenLal healLh servlces Lo LC81C ?ouLh (SLafflng cosL)
Weprln PeLrlck-MarLln lnsLlLuLe, lnc. 133104337 3,300
lunds wlll supporL crlLlcal on-slLe SupporLlve Servlces such as menLal healLh and crlsls
counsellng and homeless youLh panLry servlces for low lncome LC81C youLh and sLralghL
allles durlng school Llme and durlng Lhe afLer-school hours.
Clbson Plghbrldge CommunlLy Llfe CenLer 133013339 8,000
1he funds wlll expand Lhe Plghbrldge ?ouLh PlsLorlan rogram Lo creaLe a publlc
ouLreach program LhaL wlll lnclude monLhly communlLy walklng Lours led by
nelghborhood ?ouLh PlsLorlans ln con[uncLlon wlLh Lhe 8ronx PlsLorlcal SocleLy.
Lancman PlllcresL !ewlsh CenLer 111639813 13,000
lundlng Lo supporL LransporLaLlon of campers and supervlsors Lo recreaLlonal, culLural,
and enLerLalnmenL slLes.
Cumbo Plp-Pop SummlL ?ouLh Councll, lnc. 030342838 4,000
lundlng Lo uLlllze Plp-Pop as a lnLeracLlve means Lo encourage learnlng for sLudenLs.
lundlng wlll also be uLlllzed for currlculum developmenL.
Cumbo Plp-Pop SummlL ?ouLh Councll, lnc. 030342838 3,000
lundlng Lo uLlllze Plp-Pop as a lnLeracLlve means Lo encourage learnlng for sLudenLs.
lundlng wlll also be uLlllzed for currlculum developmenL.
Mealy Plp-Pop SummlL ?ouLh Councll, lnc. 030342838 3,000
1he funds wlll be used for supporL sLaff salarles, supplles, equlpmenL, and fees assoclaLed
wlLh Lhe organlzaLlon's youLh educaLlon program, whlch uses Plp Pop Lo ln an
educaLlonal seLLlng
Menchaca Plp-Pop SummlL ?ouLh Councll, lnc. 030342838 * 3,300
lunds Lo Lraln youLh Lo become peer medlaLors ln and around n?CPA developmenLs
Lhrough Lhe CommunlLy Ambassadors for eace (CA) program.
8osenLhal Plp-Pop SummlL ?ouLh Councll, lnc. 030342838 * 3,300
lundlng Lo Lraln youLh Lo become peer medlaLors ln and around n?CPA developmenLs
Lhrough our CommunlLy Ambassadors for eace (CA) program.
8osenLhal Plp-Pop SummlL ?ouLh Councll, lnc. 030342838 * 3,300
lundlng Lo provlde Plp Pop currlculum Lo develop grammar, pronunclaLlon, and verbal
Mendez PlsLorlc Pouse 1rusL of new ?ork ClLy 133390823 3,000 lundlng Lo supporL Speclal needs LducaLlon lnlLlaLlve.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 148

Carodnlck Pollaback, lnc. 273199988 3,300
lundlng wlll supporL programs Lo educaLe youLh on how Lo respond when experlenclng
or wlLnesslng harassmenL ln publlc.
Lander Pollaback, lnc. 273199988 3,300
1o supporL programs Lo educaLe youLh on how Lo respond when experlenclng or
wlLnesslng harassmenL ln publlc.
8osenLhal Pollaback, lnc. 273199988 3,300
lundlng wlll be used Lo work wlLh mlddle and hlgh school Leachers and admlnlsLraLors ln
dlsLrlcL 6 Lo ensure sLudenLs have a safe rouLe Lo school
Pollls 8ellalre Cueens vlllage 8ellerose ALhleLlc
AssoclaLlon, lnc. 237204342 * 3,000 1o fund youLh sporLs programs.
Mlller Pollls resbyLerlan Church 111631786 * 3,000
lunds Lo supporL youLh programs, offerlng lnsLrucLlon ln baskeLball, dance, muslc and
drama Lo youLh, as well as homework asslsLance and LesL preparaLlon. 1he funds are
used Lo pay sLaff who coordlnaLe Lhe programs.
Levln Posh ?oga 264791960 * 3,300 1o brlng yoga lnLo n?C headsLarL preschools and publlc schools ln ulsLrlcL 33.
Pumane LducaLlon AdvocaLes 8eachlng 1eachers
(PLA81, lnc.) 412033310 3,300
1o expand Pumane Llvlng rogram (PL), an anlmal welfare, envlronmenLal [usLlce, and
soclal [usLlce classroom program, Lo sLudenLs and schools ln ulsLrlcL 23.
Pumane LducaLlon AdvocaLes 8eachlng 1eachers
(PLA81, lnc.) 412033310 13,000
1o supporL PLA81's Pumane Llvlng rogram (PL), an lnLeracLlve program help sLudenLs
develop crlLlcal Lhlnklng and declslon-maklng skllls based on compasslon, Lolerance and
lnLegrlLy. lundlng wlll be used Lo pay Lhe speclally Lralned sLaff of lnsLrucLors who Leach
Lhls program.
Carodnlck PunLer College Plgh School arenLs 1eachers AssoclaLlon 133236281 3,300 lundlng wlll supporL maLerlals and supplles.
Mark-vlverlLo l Pave A uream loundaLlon - new ?ork 133370648 * 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo moLlvaLe and empower chlldren llvlng ln low-lncome communlLles
Lo reach Lhelr educaLlonal and career poLenLlal by provldlng a long-Lerm program of
academlc supporL, menLorlng, enrlchmenL, and LulLlon asslsLance for hlgher educaLlon.
8osenLhal l Pave A uream loundaLlon - new ?ork 133370648 * 3,000 lunds supporL menLorlng for sLudenLs from n?CPA wlLh college bound program
Levlne lce 1heaLre Cf new ?ork 133238301 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo pay for Lhe performers, Leachers, choreography, muslc, cosLumes,
rehearsals and all general operaLlng cosLs of Lhe lce skaLlng programs LhaL operaLe durlng
ouL-of-school Llme hours aL 8lverbank ark ln Councll dlsLrlcL 7.
Cumbo lfeLayo CulLural ArLs Academy, lnc. 113027338 8,000 lunds Lo supporL acLlvlLles relaLed Lo Lhe 8lLes of assage rogram.
Lugene lfeLayo CulLural ArLs Academy, lnc. 113027338 7,000 1o supporL operaLlonal expenses of Lhe ArLs LducaLlon rogram.
Wllllams lfeLayo CulLural ArLs Academy, lnc. 113027338 3,300
lunds Lo supporL Lhe creaLlve, educaLlonal and vocaLlonal developmenL of youLh of
Afrlcan descenL ln llaLbush
Creenfleld lgud L' Pachzokas 1orah 113388991 * 10,000
lunds wlll elLher be used for a menLorlng program for dlfflculL Leenagers or Lo provlde
suppers Lo Lhe communlLy.
ueuLsch lmelnu, lnc. 260774611 8,000
1he fundlng wlll be used Lo supplemenL sLaff salarles for shelLer employees, non-sLaff
servlces lncludlng vendors, sLlpends for Lhe youLh, and oLher programmlng expenses such
as uLlllLles, Lravel, food, supplles and flscal agenL servlce
Creenfleld lmelnu, lnc. 260774611 4,000
lunds wlll be used Lo supplemenL sLaff salarles for shelLer employees, non-sLaff servlces
lncludlng vendors, sLlpends for Lhe youLh, and oLher programmlng expenses such as
uLlllLles, Lravel, food, supplles and flscal agenL servlces.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 149

Chln lndochlna Slno-Amerlcan Senlor ClLlzen CenLer, lnc. 133384616 4,000
lunds wlll supporL Lhe ?ouLh LmploymenL 1ralnlng rogram, whlch wlll recrulL and Lraln
youLh ln LSCL and compuLer llLeracy and [ob readlness.
kallos lnwood Pouse 133362234 7,300
1o supporL Lhe LducaLlonal Culdance rogram LhaL promoLes educaLlonal success,
employablllLy, and famlly llLeracy skllls for pregnanL and parenLlng Leens. Servlces lnclude
LuLorlng, famlly llLeracy developmenL, LesLlng supporL servlces, and maLerlals and
supplles for school success.
Mark-vlverlLo lnwood Pouse 133362234 3,300
1o supporL lnwood Pouse's .8.l.M.L. (roducLlve, 8esourceful, lnnovaLlve, MoLlvaLed
Lmpowered) Leaders AfLerschool rogram, an academlc, enrlchmenL, and servlce
learnlng program dedlcaLed Lo developlng elemenLary Lhrough hlgh school sLudenLs ln
Lhe 8ronx Lo become clvlcally responslble, career-focused and healLh consclous leaders.
8odrlguez lnwood-ManhaLLan LlLLle League 8aseball, lnc. 136271393 * 3,000 lundlng Lo provlde baseball equlpmenL for llLLle league
8odrlguez lsabella CerlaLrlc CenLer, lnc. 133623808 3,000
lundlng Lo supporL youLh employmenL Lhrough Carlng arLnershlp rogram aL lsabella
CerlaLrlc CenLer
kallos lsland klds 133733714 13,000
1o supporL Lhe Summer Camp program. lunds wlll be used Lo offseL Lhe cosLs assoclaLed
wlLh addlLlonal space renLal, lnsurance, arL and sporLs supplles, as well as cosLs relaLed Lo
expandlng Lhe sclence program Lo lnclude an anlmal educaLlon componenL.
Mlller lL 1akes a CommunlLy Lo 8alse a Chlld 800072603 * 3,000
1o fund Lhe uream CaLchers ?ouLh buslness program, whlch Leaches sLudenLs how Lo
sLarL and operaLe Lhelr own buslness. 1he funds would be uLlllzed for general servlces,
salarles, equlpmenL, offlce supplles, sales evenLs, markeLlng, Lralnlng and
1reyger lLallan 8oard of Cuardlans 111633371 2,000
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL a menLal healLh counsellng program, an afLer-school
LuLorlng/menLorlng program as well as a home companlon program for Lhe elderly.
uromm !ackson PelghLs ArLs Club, lnc. 112688282 3,300 1o fund Chlldren's arL classes and shows, salary of arL lnsLrucLor, and arL supplles.
van 8ramer !acob A. 8lls nelghborhood SeLLlemenL, lnc. 111729398 30,786
lundlng Lo supporL afLer-school and summer programmlng ln Lhe areas of academlc
enrlchmenL, recreaLlon and physlcal acLlvlLy, arLlsLlc expresslon, [ob acqulslLlon and
Mlller !amalca ALhleLlc and Learnlng CenLer 200973213 * 9,000 lunds wlll cover Lhe cosL of unlforms and supplles
ulckens !eLs of Parlem, lnc. 203336368 3,300
1o supporL looLball, Cheerleadlng, WresLllng 8askeLball programs for youLh of Lhe
communlLy. 1he funds wlll pay for cosLs of Lhe program and LransporLaLlon Lo and from
games and meeLs.
uromm !ewlsh CenLer of !ackson PelghLs, lnc. 111681124 13,000
1o supporL concerLs, lecLures, educaLlonal acLlvlLles, muslc classes, LSL & ClLlzenshlp
classes, and culLural performances for local youLh, as well as Lo off-seL Lhe expenses of
program admlnlsLraLlon.
Creenfleld !ewlsh Channel lnsLlLuLe, lnc., 1he 134169137 * 10,000
lunds wlll be puL Lowards a 2-semesLer program whlch Lralns PS senlors and college
freshmen on how Lo deal wlLh haLe ldeologles before Lhey escalaLe lnLo acLlon. 1here wlll
be 12 classes annually. LxperL lecLurers wlll be uLlllzed. Currlculum lncludes Lrlps,
semlnar dlscusslons, meeLlngs wlLh represenLaLlves of varlous rellglons. 1he Lop 23
sLudenLs wlll be offered a Lrlp Lo lsrael Lo meeL wlLh lsrael's lorelgn Affalrs MlnlsLer,
knesseL Members dlplomaLs, aLLend classes glven by lsraell experLs.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 1S0

1reyger !ewlsh Channel lnsLlLuLe, lnc., 1he 134169137 * 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo defray Lhe cosLs of operaLlng a 2-semesLer program almed aL
Leachlng hlgh school senlors and college freshmen how Lo deal wlLh haLe ldeologles
before Lhey escalaLe lnLo acLlon. Currlculum lncludes Lrlps, semlnar dlscusslons, meeLlngs
wlLh rep's of varlous rellglons
koslowlLz !ewlsh Chlld Care AssoclaLlon 131624060 13,000
1he funds wlll be used for Lhe 8ukharlan 1een Lounge kavod lnLernshlp rogram,
lncludlng cosL relaLed Lo sLaff who are conducLlng program acLlvlLles, lncludlng
recrulLmenL, Lralnlng and supervlslon of youLh and lnLernshlp slLe developmenL ln
addlLlon Lo Lravel relaLed expenses.
Lancman !ewlsh Chlld Care AssoclaLlon 131624060 3,000 lundlng Lo provlde LransporLaLlon and food for recreaLlonal and educaLlonal Lrlps.
Cumbo !ewlsh Chlldren's Museum 133798344 13,000 lunds wlll be used Lo granL chlldren Lhe opporLunlLy Lo aLLend Lhe museum.
8eynoso !ewlsh CoallLlon lor ?ouLh LducaLlon & SupporL, lnc. 273132636 * 3,000
1o supporL recreaLlonal acLlvlLles for youLh. lunds wlll be allocaLed for faclllLles, sLaff, and
8osenLhal !ewlsh CommunlLy CenLer ln ManhaLLan, lnc., 1he 133490743 3,300
1o fund "SupporL rograms", whlch offer groups Lo people LhaL focus on bereavemenL,
lllness, separaLlon and dlvorce, economlc sLablllLy, slngle-parenL famllles, and more.
lgnlzlo !ewlsh CommunlLy CenLer of SLaLen lsland, lnc. 133362236 10,000
lundlng Lo supporL Lhe !ewlsh CommunlLy CenLer's S1LM program aL Lhe 1297 ArLhur klll
8oad locaLlon
MaLLeo !ewlsh CommunlLy CenLer of SLaLen lsland, lnc. 133362236 3,000
lunds Lo supporL programmlng LhaL lncreases sLudenL lnLeresL and educaLlon ln Sclence,
1echnology, Lnglneerlng and MaLh (S1LM) ln correlaLlon wlLh Lhe Common Core
MaLLeo !ewlsh CommunlLy CenLer of SLaLen lsland, lnc. 133362236 10,000
lundlng Lo asslsL ln provldlng aLhleLlc, recreaLlonal, and leadershlp programs Lo SLaLen
lsland youLh ln need of afLer-school supervlslon.
!ewlsh CommunlLy Councll of Lhe 8ockaway enlnsula,
lnc. 112423813 14,300
1o fund a free communlLy concerL and sLreeL falr for youLh. 1here are rldes for chlldren of
all ages, Lables manned by Crow n?C (abouL recycllng), n? ubllc Llbrary and a Lraller
home and englne from Lhe n?lu. 1he concerL follows and ls en[oyed by everyone.
Malsel !oe 1orre LasL Plghway LlLLle League 116037733 * 3,300
1o supporL a youLh baseball program, lncludlng for Lhe purchase of equlpmenL and Lo pay
oLher program cosLs.
MaLLeo !ohn W. Lavelle reparaLory CharLer School 264808811 3,000 lunds Lo supporL Lhe LlLeracy and numeracy roflclency rogram
Levln !unlor AchlevemenL of new ?ork, lnc. 133031828 3,300
1o provlde sLudenLs lessons on sub[ecLs such as savlng and budgeLlng, producLlvlLy and
proflL, Lhe baslcs of sLarLlng a buslness, and pracLlcal sLeps Lo plan for college and Lhelr
kassenbrock 8roLhers Memorlal Scholarshlp lund, lnc.,
1he 237183877 * 2,000 1o provlde granLs Lo youLh who perform communlLy servlce.
Lancman kehllaL Sephardlm of AhavaL Achlm 113101774 47,000
lundlng Lo supporL for an afLer school lnLergeneraLlonal famlly learnlng program Lo help
sLudenLs wlLh sub[ecLs such as maLh, readlng and wrlLlng and Lo encourage beLLer famlly
Lancman kehllaL Sephardlm of AhavaL Achlm 113101774 * 20,000
SupporL for an afLer school lnLergeneraLlonal famlly learnlng program Lo help sLudenLs
wlLh sub[ecLs such as maLh, readlng and wrlLlng and Lo encourage beLLer famlly
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 1S1

klckers ?ouLh SporLs AssoclaLlon of SouLh LasL Cueens,
lnc. 112988903 13,000
1he requesLed funds wlll be used Lo cover expenses requlred Lo provlde sporLs, culLural
and educaLlonal acLlvlLles Lo youLh. 1hese lnclude Leam/player reglsLraLlon and
parLlclpaLlon cosLs ln youLh soccer league LournamenLs, renLal cosLs for flelds,
classrooms, gymnaslums, accldenLal/medlcal/llablllLy lnsurance cosLs, Lravel cosLs,
consulLanL cosLs, admlsslon Lo evenLs, consumable/program supplles and all oLher cosLs
relaLed Lo Lhe program.
klckers ?ouLh SporLs AssoclaLlon of SouLh LasL Cueens,
lnc. 112988903 10,000
lunds wlll be used Lo cover expenses Lo provlde sporLs, culLural and educaLlonal
acLlvlLles Lo youLh.
!ohnson klds CreaLlve 404, lnc. 733139302 3,000
1o provlde afLer school and summer muslc, arL and LheaLer programs Lo underserved
youLh ln ManhaLLan and Lhe 8ronx.
alma klds CreaLlve 404, lnc. 733139302 4,000
1o supporL klds CreaLlve afLer school and summer arLs, muslc, and LheaLre educaLlon
programs. lundlng wlll supporL afLer school programlng aL S 336 ln Councll ulsLrlcL 18.
8osenLhal klds CreaLlve 404, lnc. 733139302 3,300
lundlng Lo supporL AfLer school programmlng aL S 191 ln ulsLrlcL 6 and Lo supporL
summer camp aL 1he luLAL School ln ulsLrlcL 6 -
Lander klngs 8ay ?M-?WPA, lnc. 113068313 3,300 1o supporL leadershlp developmenL programmlng for youLh
ueuLsch klngs 8ay ?ouLh CrganlzaLlon, lnc. 116020722 9,000 lunds wlll be used Lo purchase youLh sporLs equlpmenL, unlforms and or Lrophles.
Cabrera klps 8ay 8oys & Clrls Club 131623830 10,000
1he purpose of Lhls requesL ls Lo 1) relnsLaLe and revlLallze Leen programmlng aL Lhe
CouderL Clubhouse of klps 8ay 8oys Clrls Club, and 2) Lo aLLracL and hold more of Lhe
aforemenLloned lmmlgranL chlldren aL Lhls slLe. 1o allocaLe 2/3 of any supporL Lo Leen
programmlng and 1/3 Lo servlng new lmmlgranL club members.

alma klps 8ay 8oys & Clrls Club 131623830 20,000
1o supporL Leen programmlng aL Lhe almaro Clubhouse and CasLle Plll Pouses and
aLLracL lmmlgranL chlldren, who make up a large porLlon of Lhe communlLy.
korean Amerlcan Clvlc LmpowermenL for CommunlLy,
lnc. 203987662 4,300
1o fund kACL's CrassrooLs lnLernshlp rogram. 1hls ls a youLh lnLernshlp/Lralnlng
program LhaL wlll run from laLe sprlng Lo laLe fall (Aprll Lo november), whlch wlll feaLure
lndlvlduallzed leadershlp Lralnlng, Lhe opporLunlLy Lo meeL communlLy leaders ln small
group seLLlngs, exploraLlon of communlLy and culLural lssues as Lhey apply Lo korean
Amerlcans, and career advlce ln a wlde range of publlc servlce professlons lncludlng
governmenL, law, buslness, [ournallsm, non-proflL managemenL, and pollLlcs. lnLerns are
expecLed Lo average approxlmaLely 230 hours durlng Lhe course of Lhe program.
korean Amerlcan Clvlc LmpowermenL for CommunlLy,
lnc. 203987662 11,000 1o supporL Lhe CrassrooLs lnLernshlp rogram.
koo korean Amerlcan lamlly Servlce CenLer (kAlSC) 133609811 4,300 lunds wlll help subsldlze 1eacher AsslsLanL salarles.
vallone korean Amerlcan lamlly Servlce CenLer (kAlSC) 133609811 3,000
1he fundlng wlll be used Lo subsldlze 1eacher AsslsLanL salarles for Lhelr Podorl LlLLle-
1lger AfLer-School rogram.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 1S2

Weprln korean Amerlcan lamlly Servlce CenLer (kAlSC) 133609811 4,300
1o supporL Lhe ?ouLh CommunlLy ro[ecL 1eam (?C1), a sLudenL-led and operaLed group
of local hlgh school sLudenLs of ages 13-18, deslgned Lo equlp korean/Aslan Amerlcan
youLh Lo creaLe poslLlve change ln Lhe korean and Aslan Amerlcan communlLy.
korean CommunlLy Servlces of MeLropollLan new ?ork,
lnc. 237348989 6,000
lunds wlll supporL kCS's ?ouLh CommunlLy AcLlon ro[ecL (?CA), whlch alms Lo provlde
Aslan Amerlcan youLh wlLh a wlde varleLy of opporLunlLles Lo learn and develop Lhrough
lnLeracLlve and exclLlng volunLeer acLlvlLles durlng Lhe summer.
8arron kwaLny loundaLlon, lnc. 810606748 13,000
lunds are Lo provlde youLh fooLball/cheer, culLure awareness program and help feed Lhe
homeless program. lunds wlll be used Lo purchase large fooLball fleld pracLlce
equlpmenL, unlforms, pracLlce [erseys, fooLballs, league fee, referee fee, Lrophles, food
for Lhe feed Lhe homeless pro[ecL and llLeraLure for Lhe culLure awareness program.
lerreras La Asoclaclon 8eneflca CulLural laLher 8llllnl, lnc. 112348733 3,300
1o supporL Lhe 8ulldlng for Success lnlLlaLlve Lo provlde underserved chlldren wlLh
afLerschool LuLorlng, ln addlLlon Lo supporLlng Lhe PealLhy Llfe lnlLlaLlve Lo provlde
chlldren Lhe opporLunlLy Lo explore Lhe arLs Lhrough dance, muslc, arL, physlcal
recreaLlon, encourage healLhy eaLlng hablLs and promoLe healLhy cholces.
lerreras LaLln Amerlcan CulLural CenLer of Cueens, lnc. 112997233 3,000
1o supporL afLerschool programmlng deslgned Lo develop fundamenLal skllls and
Lechnlques ln medlums such as drawlng, skeLchlng, sculpLlng and palnLlng.
Clbson LaLlno asLoral AcLlon CenLer 133883330 * 3,000
lunds wlll supporL LAC's CreaLer PelghLs program. 1he program wlll use Lhe funds Lo
produce lnformaLlonal maLerlal, supplles, enrlchmenL servlces, ouLreach and awareness,
educaLe, equlp and empower youLh ln Lhe communlLy.
ulckens League for Lhe LnhancemenL of All Afrlcan's luLure, lnc. 383706437 * 3,000
1o provlde enrlchmenL programlng afLer-school chlldren, lncludlng lrench language
classes, drum and vlolln lessons, chess lessons and summer camp.
Chln Learnlng Leaders, lnc. 132638349 3,300
lundlng wlll provlde volunLeer Lralnlng and famlly educaLlon workshops ln elemenLary
and mlddle schools ln Councll ulsLrlcL 1 schools. volunLeers provlde academlc supporL Lo
sLudenLs durlng Lhe school year.
Cumbo Learnlng Leaders, lnc. 132638349 4,300
lunds Lo provlde volunLeer Lralnlng and famlly educaLlon workshops ln elemenLary and
mlddle schools.
koo Learnlng Leaders, lnc. 132638349 3,000
1o provlde for volunLeer Lralnlng and famlly educaLlon workshops ln elemenLary and
mlddle schools, and academlc supporL from LL volunLeers for schools ln ulsLrlcL 20. LL
sLaff also provldes workshops aL parenL conferences ln collaboraLlon wlLh Lhe uCL, ul1
and communlLy-based organlzaLlons.
alma Learnlng Leaders, lnc. 132638349 4,000
1o provlde academlc supporL for sLudenLs, Lralnlng for volunLeers and famlly educaLlon
and parenL workshops ln elemenLary and mlddle schools.
8osenLhal Learnlng Leaders, lnc. 132638349 3,300 lundlng Lo provlde volunLeer Lralnlng and famlly educaLlon workshops.
Cabrera Leave lL 8eLLer loundaLlon lnc. 273994291 6,000
lundlng wlll provlde supporL for a mulLl-pronged educaLlon lnlLlaLlve. rogrammlng wlll
offer sLudenLs Lhe opporLunlLy Lo learn abouL agrlculLure, nuLrlLlon and fllmmaklng.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 1S3

lerreras Lefrak ClLy ?ouLh and AdulL AcLlvlLles AssoclaLlon, lnc. 113106422 10,000
lundlng wlll supporL youLh Lhe CommunlLy LmpowermenL lnlLlaLlve comprlslng
homework asslsLance, Lngllsh and maLh LuLorlals, sporLs and arLs recreaLlonal acLlvlLles.
rogrammlng also promoLes youLh leadershlp developmenL and vlolence prevenLlon.

ueuLsch Lennys LlghLhouse, lnc. 260393266 8,000
AsslsLlng dlsabled lndlvlduals offerlng small resldenLlal programs who would prefer
servlces comforLable for 8usslan speakers.
kallos Lenox Plll nelghborhood Pouse, lnc. 131628180 20,000
1o supporL Lhe AfLerschool and Summer Camp programs for low-lncome chlldren ln Lhe
LasL Slde CommunlLy, operaLlng from 3 p.m. Lo 6 p.m. and on full days durlng school
8ose Llberlan CulLural CenLer, LLC 330802603 3,000
lunds wlll supporL Lhe cosLs assoclaLed wlLh Lhe AfLer-School/?ouLh uevelopmenL-
acLlvlLles, lncludlng sLafflng, promoLlon, maLerlals and equlpmenL, and relaLed
admlnlsLraLlve cosLs.
Cu28 Llfe Camp, lnc. 200814999 17,000
1o supporL programmlng almed aL reduclng lncldenLs of vlolence, shooLlngs and kllllngs
among youLh ln our LargeLed area of SouLh !amalca Cueens CommunlLy.
Mlller Llfe Camp, lnc. 200814999 7,300
lunds Lo supporL operaLlng cosLs Lo help reduce Lhe lncldence of vlolence, shooLlngs and
kllllngs among youLh ln our LargeLed area of SouLh !amalca Cueens CommunlLy.
Wllllams Llfe of Pope 203232137 * 6,000
lunds Lo supporL youLh and adulL llLeracy programs, Lechnology lab llLeracy and
afLerschool program.
Carodnlck LlghLhouse lnLernaLlonal 131096620 * 3,300
lundlng wlll supporL Lhe lamlly CommlLLee Clrcle whlch supporLs parenLs of vlsually
lmpalred chlldren.
Cabrera LlLeracy, lnc. (LlnC) 133911331 6,000
8equesLed fundlng wlll supporL LlnC's menu of llLeracy programs ln Lhe Councll ulsLrlcL.
1hese lnclude school based llLeracy supporL programs, llbrary based llLeracy supporL
programs, communlLy based llLeracy supporL programs, parenL engagemenL programs
and communlLy celebraLlons.
ulckens LlLeracy, lnc. (LlnC) 133911331 3,000
1o supporL LlnC's llLeracy programs ln Councll ulsLrlcL 9. 1hese lnclude school based
llLeracy supporL programs, llbrary based llLeracy supporL programs, communlLy based
llLeracy supporL programs, parenL engagemenL programs and communlLy celebraLlons.
Levln LlLeracy, lnc. (LlnC) 133911331 3,300
1o supporL LlnC's menu of llLeracy programs ln ulsLrlcL 33. 1hese lnclude school based
llLeracy supporL programs, llbrary based llLeracy supporL programs, communlLy based
llLeracy supporL programs, parenL engagemenL programs and communlLy celebraLlons.
Menchaca LlLeracy, lnc. (LlnC) 133911331 3,300
lundlng Lo supporL LlnC's school based llLeracy supporL programs, llbrary based llLeracy
supporL programs, communlLy based llLeracy supporL programs, parenL engagemenL
programs and communlLy celebraLlons ln ulsLrlcL 38.
8lchards LlLeracy, lnc. (LlnC) 133911331 * 3,000
lundlng wlll supporL LlnC's menu of llLeracy programs ln Lhe Councll ulsLrlcL, speclflcally
S 42 S 183. 1hese lnclude school based llLeracy supporL programs, llbrary based
llLeracy supporL programs, communlLy based llLeracy supporL programs, parenL
engagemenL programs and communlLy celebraLlons.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 1S4

8ose LlLeracy, lnc. (LlnC) 133911331 3,000
lundlng Lo supporL Lhe cosLs assoclaLed wlLh runnlng LlnC's menu of llLeracy programs ln
Councll ulsLrlcL 49, lncludlng sLafflng, promoLlon, maLerlals and equlpmenL, and relaLed
admlnlsLraLlve cosLs.
8osenLhal LlLeracy, lnc. (LlnC) 133911331 3,300
1o supporL LlnC's menu of llLeracy programs ln Lhe Councll ulsLrlcL. 1hese lnclude school
based llLeracy supporL programs, llbrary based llLeracy supporL programs, communlLy
based llLeracy supporL programs, parenL engagemenL programs and communlLy
1orres LlLeracy, lnc. (LlnC) 133911331 10,000
lunds wlll supporL llLeracy programs lncludlng school and llbrary-based programs, parenL
engagemenL programs and communlLy celebraLlons
Cabrera LlLLle 8ranches of 8orlnquen, lnc. 134049877 3,000 lundlng wlll defray Lhe cosLs assoclaLed wlLh muslc/dance/drum core lnsLrucLlon.
vallone LlLLle League 8aseball of College olnL n?, lnc. 208304163 10,000
lunds wlll be used Lo purchase baseball equlpmenL for parLlclpanLs ln Lhe llLLle league
Arroyo LlLLle League 8alders 8aseball, lnc. 421610637 * 3,000 1o supporL Lhe organlzed baseball league and relaLed acLlvlLles.
Cornegy LlLLle Sun eople, lnc. 113081207 3,000 1o supporL LlLLle Sun eople's dellvery of early chlldhood educaLlon year-round
!ohnson Loco-MoLlon uance 1heaLre for Chlldren, lnc. 133803693 3,300
1o provlde scholarshlps for dance classes for sLudenLs ln S 3 and chlldren who llve ln Lhe
LasL vlllage.
koo Lowell School, 1he 113120337 * 4,300
1he funds wlll be used Lo offer sLudenLs Lhe followlng programs: annual Muslcal 1heaLre
roducLlons, AfLer-School programs conslsLlng of LxLra Pelp, lnLer-ScholasLlc SporLs, ArL,
CompuLer 1echnology and varlous clubs based on sLudenL lnLeresLs.
Chln Lower LasL Slde Clrls Club, 1he 133942063 4,000
lunds wlll supporL mlddle school ouL-of-school Llme programmlng for young women ln
arLs, llLeracy, sclence, healLh, and leadershlp.
Carodnlck Lower LasL Slde Clrls Club, 1he 133942063 3,300
lundlng wlll supporL Lhe Lower LasL Slde Clrls Club's "Ceek Clrls" Sclence 1echnology
Lnglneerlng and MaLh (S1LM) program whlch wlll engage glrls ln asLronomy, asLro-
physlcs, baslc sclence, englneerlng, mulLl-medla producLlon, envlronmenLal sclence,
sound deslgn and audlo englneerlng.
Mendez Lower LasL Slde Clrls Club, 1he 133942063 3,000 lundlng Lo supporL Mlddle School CS1 programmlng [Lower LasLslde Clrls Club CenLer
Lugene Madlson Square 8oys & Clrls Club, lnc. 133396792 7,000
1o provlde educaLlonal servlces lncludlng homework asslsLance, Lechnology educaLlon,
llLeracy, menLorlng, culLural enrlchmenL, college preparaLlon and healLh and flLness
programs. 1he funds wlll be used Lo supporL sLaff salarles and program supplles.
Crowley Maggles LlLLle 1heaLer aL SL MargareLs arlsh 111723800 4,000
lunds wlll defray operaLlonal cosLs assoclaLed wlLh show producLlon lncludlng, rlghLs Lo
Lhe shows and Lhe requlred renLal of maLerlals from Lhe publlsher (scrlpLs, muslc scores,
eLc.), Lhe renLal and/or purchase of llghLlng and sound equlpmenL, prlnLlng and malllng
cosLs, adverLlslng, and general offlce supplles used ln runnlng Lhe group.
Mlller Ma[or Muslc lnLernaLlonal CorporaLlon 261139606 3,300
1o fund Lhe Summer Camp LnrlchmenL program, Lhe CommunlLy and SLudenL
AppreclaLlon uay, MMlC Summer 8eclLals, MMlC WlnLer 8eclLal, and MMlC CommunlLy
Wllllams Ma[or Muslc lnLernaLlonal CorporaLlon 261139606 * 3,300 lundlng for Summer Camp LnrlchmenL program
uromm Make Lhe 8oad new ?ork 113344389 12,300
1o supporL Lhe LC81C !usLlce ro[ecL, provldlng servlces and educaLlon for LC81C
lmmlgranL youLh.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 1SS

Chln Maklng 8ooks Slng, lnc. 134201377 4,000
1o supporL a Leachlng arLlsL resldency (LlLeraLure aL lay) aL .S. 110, over Lhe course of
10 weekly vlslLs, Leachlng arLlsLs lead k-3Lh grade classes Lhrough acLlng, playwrlLlng and
songwrlLlng workshops, resulLlng ln each class adapLaLlon of a chlldren's book.
Cumbo Maklng 8ooks Slng, lnc. 134201377 3,000
lunds Lo subsldlze assessmenL and program cosLs for schools ln order Lo provlde access
Lo all chlldren.
ulckens Maklng 8ooks Slng, lnc. 134201377 3,000
1o supporL and brlng Maklng 8ooks Slng's award-wlnnlng anLl-bullylng lnlLlaLlve ALlCL'S
S1C8? Lo every 3rd grade class ln Councll ulsLrlcL 9. lunds wlll be used Lo subsldlze
program cosLs for schools ln order Lo provlde access Lo all chlldren.
koo Maklng 8ooks Slng, lnc. 134201377 3,000
1o supporL a 10-sesslon LlLeraLure resldency aL .S. 177C ln ulsLrlcL 20. Cver Lhe course
of 10 weekly vlslLs, Leachlng arLlsLs lead 2nd-8Lh grade speclal needs classes Lhrough
acLlng, playwrlLlng and songwrlLlng workshops, resulLlng ln each class' adapLaLlon of a
chlldren's book. 1he resldency wlll culmlnaLe ln a Sharlng uay wlLh a parLnerlng class.
lunds wlll be used Lo subsldlze Lhe cosL of Lhe program, allowlng M8S Lo elongaLe Lhe
resldency and deepen Lhe lmpacL of arLs-ln-educaLlon programmlng.
8arron Man up!, lnc. 030333092 60,000
lunds wlll supporL AfLer school, summer day, and menLorlng programs LhaL promoLe
culLural awareness and recreaLlonal acLlvlLles. 1he fundlng ls Lo cover personnel
expenses and C1S.
!ohnson ManhaLLan Class Company, lnc. 133391844 * 4,300
1o supporL Lhe ?ouLh Company's (?C's) AcLlng Lab and/or laywrlLlng Lab for LheaLer
educaLlon programmlng, wlLh enrollmenL based upon demonsLraLed commlLmenL and
growLh poLenLlal raLher Lhan on LalenL. lunds wlll be used for Lhe necessary space
renLals for meeLlngs, workshops, rehearsals, and performances.
Levlne ManhaLLan School of Muslc 131636667 13,000
lundlng wlll supporL MSM's summer youLh camp whlch emphaslzes lnLermedlaLe-Lo-
advanced skllls ln four dlsclpllnes: orchesLra, plano, gulLar and volce. lunds wlll be used
Lo cover Lhe camp counselors and nurse, camp supplles (L-shlrLs, eLc.) and end-of-season
camp performances LhaL are open Lo camper famllles and Lhe publlc
Mark-vlverlLo Manna Pouse Workshops, lnc. 132613433 3,000
1o provlde muslc educaLlon, lncludlng classes ln gulLar, [unlor [azz band ensemble, cello,
and bass Lralnlng, and ensemble classes for sLudenLs ln Lhe communlLy of LasL Parlem
and Lhe greaLer new ?ork ClLy.
8odrlguez Marble Plll nursery School 131789130 3,000 lundlng Lo supporL on-slLe MenLal PealLh rogram aL Marble Plll nursery School
1orres Mary MlLchell ?ouLh and lamlly CenLer, lnc. 133383032 40,000 1o supporL marLlal arLs lnsLrucLlons and Leen leadershlp programmlng.
Malsel Mary Cueen of Peaven 111932301 2,300 1o supporL seasonal sporLs acLlvlLles for youLh, lncludlng sofLball and baskeLball.
Mark-vlverlLo MASA-MexLd, lnc. 113640210 7,300
1o susLaln and expand lLs efforLs ln educaLlng Lhe Mexlcan communlLy by offerlng an
assorLmenL of programs and servlces such as an early lnLervenLlon program, afLer-school
and menLorshlp program for k-8 grades, supporL for aL rlsk PS sLudenLs, LSL and clvlc
engagemenL courses, and uACA servlces. lunds wlll be used hlre addlLlonal sLaff, renL
expenses and Lo purchase addlLlonal lnsLrucLlonal maLerlals.
ueuLsch Masores 8als ?aakov 112902382 * 9,000
1o provlde an afLer school program lncludes menLorlng, sporLs, sclence pro[ecL and
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 1S6

Creenfleld Masores 8als ?aakov 112902382 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo sponsor Lhe Plgh-!ump rogram, an afLer-school program LhaL
provldes exLra-currlcular acLlvlLles Lo youLh. 1he program lncludes menLorlng, sporLs,
sclence pro[ecL and muslc.
Crowley MaspeLh 1own Pall, lnc. 237239702 22,000
lundlng wlll pay for CerLlfled 1eachers, araprofesslonals, College 1uLors, urama and
llne ArL ConsulLanLs, rogram supplles, snacks, renLlng of ubllc School space for urama
Club lay, uLlllLles, admlnlsLraLlve cosLs and general operaLlng program expenses.
ueuLsch Meklml 330870419 7,000
1he funds wlll be used Lo defray Lhe cosLs of evenLs, LherapeuLlc ouLlngs for Lhe klds and
program expense
Lugene Meklml 330870419 10,000
1o supporL operaLlonal cosLs of LherapeuLlc evenLs and ouLlngs for paLlenLs and Lhelr
slbllngs, so Lhey can galn sLrengLh whlle conLlnulng Lo flghL Lhelr lllnesses.
Creenfleld Meklml 330870419 20,000
lunds wlll be used Lowards expenses relaLed Lo LherapeuLlc ouLlngs and reLreaLs ln order
Lo promoLe poslLlve well-belng for Lermlnally lll paLlenLs and Lhelr famllles.
Lander Meklml 330870419 12,000
1o supporL servlces Lo slck youLh and Lhelr famllles. lundlng wlll be used Lo Lraln
volunLeers and provlde supporL servlces and counsellng Lo slck youLh.
Menchaca Meklml 330870419 3,300
lunds Lo supporL evenLs and LherapeuLlc ouLlngs for chronlcally and Lermlnally lll
chlldren, lncludlng LransporLaLlon, food, and program expenses
Chln Menclus SocleLy for Lhe ArLs, lnc. 362343092 4,000
lunds Lo supporL afLer-school programmlng ln LradlLlonal Chlnese lnsLrumenLs,
workshops and a mulLl-generaLlonal concerL.
Mendez Menclus SocleLy for Lhe ArLs, lnc. 362343092 3,000
lundlng Lo provlde 13 weeks of ouL-of-school lessons ln LradlLlonal Chlnese muslc and
folk songs, a MeeL-MasLer workshop serles and 2 culmlnaLlng performances open Lo Lhe
Mark-vlverlLo Mercy CenLer 133863634 3,300
1o supporL Lhe lamlly AlLernaLlves Lo vlolence program, funds wlll be used Lo offseL
salary and beneflL expenses of Lhe leaders of Lhe courses, program manager, and mlnlmal
assoclaLed operaLlng expenses.
Cabrera Mldorl loundaLlon, lnc., 1he (d/b/a Mldorl and lrlends) 133682472 10,000
lunds wlll be used Lo susLaln our successful SlgnaLure ConcerL Workshop Serles aL S
313x and S 386x (3,000 for each school). Cur SlgnaLure Serles, led by masLerful arLlsLs
on our rosLer, lmmerses sLudenLs ln varled muslc sLyles-e.g. classlcal, [azz, or global
muslc LradlLlons-Lhrough concerLs and hands-on workshops LhaL seL Lhe hlghesL
sLandards of arLlsLry and educaLlonal lmpacL. lnLeracLlve concerLs lnLroduce Lhe muslc,
sLudenLs Lhen meeL for weekly workshops LhaL explore relaLed lnsLrumenLs, culLural
LradlLlons, and reperLolre. llnal concerLs showcase sLudenLs alongslde Lhe arLlsLs for
famlly and Lhe school communlLy. AL S 313, workshops wlLh urum Cafe wlll culmlnaLe ln
a Lhrllllng concerL where every audlence member plays a drum. 1he serles aL S 386
feaLures Mexlco 8eyond Marlachl. ConLlnued fundlng wlll presenL Lhese and oLher
exclLlng ensembles.
Crowley Mldorl loundaLlon, lnc., 1he (d/b/a Mldorl and lrlends) 133682472 3,000
lundlng Lo provlde an 18-week program LhaL ensures sLudenLs' lncreased masLery on
Lhelr lnsLrumenLs.
8odrlguez Mldorl loundaLlon, lnc., 1he (d/b/a Mldorl and lrlends) 133682472 3,300 lundlng Lo supporL muslc workshops aL S 132
ueuLsch Mldwood uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 112420732 3,000 lunds Lo enhance lLs CS1 afLerschool programs.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 1S7

MlnlsLer,Llders and ueacons of Lhe 8eformed roLesLanL
uuLch Church of Lhe ClLy of new ?ork c/o ColleglaLe
Church 133364117 * 3,000 lundlng Lo supporL 8SA 1roop 729 venLure Crew's summer camplng acLlvlLles.
Mlller MlsundersLood ?ouLh uevelopmenL CenLer Corp., 1he 231916166 3,000
lunds Lo supporL Lhe lresh SLarL rogram, an alLernaLlve Lo lncarceraLlon
lnLervenLlon/prevenLlon program LhaL LargeLs youLh lnvolved ln Lhe crlmlnal [usLlce
lundlng wlll also supporL Lhe Lmpowerlng ?ouLh rogram for workshops, lndlvldual
sesslons, and evenLs.
8lchards MlsundersLood ?ouLh uevelopmenL CenLer Corp., 1he 231916166 3,000
lunds wlll be used for 1he lresh SLarL rogram and 1he Lmpowerlng ?ouLh rogram, an
alLernaLlve Lo lncarceraLlon lnLervenLlon/prevenLlon program LhaL LargeLs youLh lnvolved
ln Lhe crlmlnal [usLlce sysLem. Successful compleLlon of Lhls program wlll resulL ln a seal
and dlsmlssal of all charges. lundlng wlll be used for case managemenL, counsellng,
group faclllLaLors, parenL developmenL, books, parenLs and youLh, program and offlce
Mark-vlverlLo More Cardens lund 322413900 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe lree Summer Camp 2014 aL adre laza Success
CommunlLy Carden
vacca Morrls ark CommunlLy AssoclaLlon 237429900 12,000 1o fund marchlng bands, LransporLaLlon, and floaLs for lLallan PerlLage evenLs.
Cabrera Mosholu reservaLlon CorporaLlon 133109387 3,000
8ronx ?ouLh Peard Lralns hlgh school sLudenLs Lhe fundamenLals of [ournallsm. 1hrough a
quallfled lnsLrucLor, sLudenLs learn Lo wrlLe, research, and phoLograph llke a [ournallsL.
Cur moneLary requesL would cover Lhe cosL of Lhe lnsLrucLor. CLher expenses lnclude a
fleld Lrlp Lo a news-relaLed museum such as Lhe newseum ln WashlngLon u.C. or Lhe n?C
Museum of 1elevlslon and 8adlo.
Cohen Mosholu-MonLeflore CommunLly CenLer, lnc. 133622107 33,000
lundlng Lo provlde educaLlonal and recreaLlonal servlces for Leens ln Lhe new 1een
CenLer ln van CorLlandL vlllage.
Cohen Mosholu-MonLeflore CommunLly CenLer, lnc. 133622107 40,000
lundlng Lo provlde recreaLlonal, leadershlp and compuLer sklll bulldlng opporLunlLles for
klng Mosholu-MonLeflore CommunLly CenLer, lnc. 133622107 23,000
MMCC SecLlon llve 1een CenLer provldes poslLlve youLh developmenL acLlvlLles
(leadershlp, academlcs, sporLs, counsellng, arLs, communlLy servlce, Lechnology and
poslLlve role models) Lo keep your 700 aL rlsk Leens safe and on Lrack for brlghLer fuLures.
8odrlguez Mosholu-MonLeflore CommunLly CenLer, lnc. 133622107 7,000 lundlng Lo provlde educaLlonal and recreaLlonal acLlvlLles aL Marble Plll Pouses
ConsLanLlnldes MCuSL, lnc. 133973196 3,000
lundlng wlll be used Lo provlde conLlnued S1LM enrlchmenL programs aL Lhe ?oung
Women's Leadershlp academy ln AsLorla.
ulckens MCuSL, lnc. 133973196 3,000
1o supporL Lhe MCuSL Squad rogram Lo prepare youLh Lo play a leadershlp role ln Lhe
lmprovemenL of Lhelr schools and communlLles. ln parLlcular, funds wlll supporL key
programmaLlc lmprovemenLs and servlces.
Carodnlck MCuSL, lnc. 133973196 3,000
lundlng wlll supporL Lhe MCuSL Squad rogram whlch prepares youLh Lo play a
leadershlp role ln Lhe lmprovemenL of Lhelr schools and communlLles.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 1S8

koo MCuSL, lnc. 133973196 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo bulld Lhe capaclLy of Lhe MCuSL Square program ln Councll ulsLrlcL
20, and help ldenLlfy addlLlonal schools for Lhe program. lunds wlll also be uLlllzed Lo
bulld and supporL Lhe Plgh School focused MCuSL Corps program, whlch enables youLh
Lo play a leadershlp role ln Lhe lmprovemenL of Lhelr schools and communlLles. ln
parLlcular, funds wlll be used Lo supporL key programmaLlc lmprovemenLs and servlces
LhaL are essenLlal Lo ensurlng MCuSL's ablllLy Lo provlde hlgh quallLy 21sL cenLury
educaLlonal, S1LM-focused and professlonal experlences for sLudenLs. Worklng ln
parLnershlp wlLh a school-based lnsLrucLor, MCuSL sLudenLs recelve pracLlcal hands-on
Lralnlng ln 3u prlnLlng, compuLer alded deslgn (CAu), roboLlcs, game deslgn, Lechnology
repalr, codlng and much more.
Mendez MCuSL, lnc. 133973196 3,300 1o fund MCuSL Squad programs ln ulsLrlcL 2.
8lchards MCuSL, lnc. 133973196 3,000
lundlng Lo bulld Lhe capaclLy of Lhe MCuSL Squad program ln ulsLrlcL 31 aL .S. C236.
Also, Lo ldenLlfy new slLes ln dlsLrlcL. MCuSL sLudenLs recelve pracLlcal hands-on
Lralnlng ln 3u prlnLlng, compuLer alded deslgn (CAu), roboLlcs, game deslgn, Lechnology
repalr, codlng and much more.
8osenLhal MCuSL, lnc. 133973196 3,300
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL key programmaLlc lmprovemenLs and servlces LhaL are
essenLlal Lo ensure conLlnuaLlon of provldlng hlgh quallLy 21sL cenLury educaLlonal,
S1LM-focused and professlonal experlences for our sLudenLs. Worklng ln parLnershlp
wlLh a school-based lnsLrucLor, MCuSL sLudenLs recelve pracLlcal hands-on Lralnlng ln 3u
prlnLlng, compuLer alded deslgn (CAu), roboLlcs, game d!
CenLlle Musllm Amerlcan SocleLy of new ?ork, lnc. 363883437 6,000
lunds wlll provlde operaLlng and oLher program expenses for youLh acLlvlLles, workshops,
menLorlng and communlLy servlce pro[ecLs.
CenLlle narrows CommunlLy 1heaLer 310167270 6,000
lunds wlll pay for cosLumes, props, sound, and oLher program and producLlon cosLs Lo
supporL Lhe producLlon of a play and Lhe holdlng of workshops lnvolvlng youLh.
Carodnlck naLlonal uance lnsLlLuLe, lnc. 132890779 3,300 lundlng wlll supporL nul's dance programs ln ulsLrlcL 4 publlc schools.
8odrlguez naLlonal uance lnsLlLuLe, lnc. 132890779 3,300 lundlng Lo provlde dance classes
nelghborhood lnlLlaLlves uevelopmenL CorporaLlon
(nluC) 133110811 20,000
key componenLs wlll be rep for Success, a currlculum based on Lhe 7PablLs of Plghly
LffecLlve eople, readlng and maLh remedlaLlon, and case managemenL. SLudenLs wlll
have access Lo a compuLer lab and recreaLlonal opporLunlLles.
nelghborhood lnlLlaLlves uevelopmenL CorporaLlon
(nluC) 133110811 3,000
1o supporL rep for Success, provldlng Mlddle and Plgh School sLudenLs wlLh skllls Lo
succeed ln hlgh school, college, and llfe and CommunlLy Servlce Learnlng pro[ecLs.
nelghborhood lnlLlaLlves uevelopmenL CorporaLlon
(nluC) 133110811 33,000
lunds wlll supporL afLer school programmlng Lo prepare mlddle school sLudenLs for a
successful fuLure
nelghborhood lnlLlaLlves uevelopmenL CorporaLlon
(nluC) 133110811 31,000
1o fund Lhe rep for Success Mlddle and hlgh school program and CommunlLy Servlces
Learnlng pro[ecLs and for communlLy evenLs lncludlng Movles under Lhe SLars, Palloween
arades, and Sprlng CelebraLlons.
8osenLhal neLwork of Angels 263364321 * 3,300
lunds Lo provlde college advlsemenL, enLry level career counsellng and [ob Lralnlng ln Lhe
areas of offlce managemenL and admlnlsLraLlve asslsLance prlmarlly Lo Leenagers and Lo
young adulLs who are LranslLlonlng ouL of Lhe fosLer care sysLem, and or Lhose who are
formerly homeless and or lncarceraLed
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 1S9

Carodnlck new AlLernaLlves for Chlldren, lnc. 133149298 3,300
lundlng wlll supporL programs and servlces for low-lncome famllles carlng for chlldren
wlLh dlsablllLles and medlcal compllcaLlons.
Lugene new ?ork ClLy AC1-SC, lnc. 202338102 3,000
1o supporL operaLlon of Lhe nAAC n?C AC1-SC Academlc LnrlchmenL rogram, a youLh
developmenL program Lo enhance sLudenL achlevemenL clLywlde.
8osenLhal new ?ork ClLy AC1-SC, lnc. 202338102 3,300
lundlng supporLs Lhe nAAC n?C AC1-SC Academlc LnrlchmenL rogram, a free, year-
long exLracurrlcular youLh developmenL program LargeLed Lo Afrlcan Amerlcan hlgh-
school youLh, whlch provldes personallzed menLorlng, leadershlp Lralnlng, and arLlsLlc,
culLural, Lechnologlcal, and sclenLlflc sklll developmenL across 26 caLegorles ln Lhe arLs,
humanlLles, and sclences.
Wllllams new ?ork ClLy AC1-SC, lnc. 202338102 3,000 lundlng for nAAC n?C AC1-SC Academlc LnrlchmenL rogram
Carodnlck new ?ork ClLy CenLer, lnc. 132867442 3,300
lundlng wlll supporL ClLy CenLer's lall for uance lesLlval, whlch makes accesslble varlous
dance performances aL slgnlflcanLly reduced prlces.
8osenLhal new ?ork ClLy CenLer, lnc. 132867442 3,300
lundlng Lo supporL performlng arLs educaLlon programmlng aL S 84 for Lhe 2014/13
school year.
new ?ork ClLy Llons ?ouLh looball League 8un Lo
uayllghL LducaLlon rogram 433131844 4,300 lundlng Lo provlde fooL ball equlpmenL, renL and expenses.
ulckens new ?ork ClLy Mlsslon SocleLy 133362301 3,000
1o supporL programmlng for youLh and famllles aL S 173, 1he 8eacon CommunlLy CenLer
and aL Mlnlslnk 1ownhouse program, provldlng chlldren, Leens and young adulLs wlLh
educaLlon, personal growLh and communlLy evenLs and acLlvlLles.
Carodnlck new ?ork ClLy urban uebaLe League, lnc. 433249743 3,300 lundlng wlll supporL free debaLe Leams and LournamenLs ln Councll ulsLrlcL 4.
kallos new ?ork ClLy urban uebaLe League, lnc. 433249743 3,300
1o provlde all schools ln dlsLrlcL flve wlLh free debaLe educaLlon opporLunlLles year round
lncludlng professlonal developmenL for Leachers, debaLe coaches, supporL for pracLlces
every day, weekend debaLe LournamenLs, workshops every monLh, and summer debaLe
Menchaca new ?ork ClLy urban uebaLe League, lnc. 433249743 3,300 lunds wlll be used Lo provlde free debaLe educaLlon programs.
8lchards new ?ork ClLy urban uebaLe League, lnc. 433249743 3,300 lunds wlll be used Lo provlde free debaLe educaLlon programs ln ulsLrlcL 31.
vallone new ?ork ClLy urban uebaLe League, lnc. 433249743 3,300 lundlng wlll be used Lo provlde free debaLe educaLlon programs.
lgnlzlo new ?ork ClLy verrazano 10-13 AssoclaLlon, lnc. 134131778 3,300
lundlng wlll provlde llrearm educaLlon (chlldren are LaughL LhaL guns are noL Loys, ollce
are frlends and whaL Lo do lf a gun ls found) ln Lhe 31sL Councll ulsLrlcL.
MaLLeo new ?ork ClLy verrazano 10-13 AssoclaLlon, lnc. 134131778 1,300
lunds wlll be used Lo provlde workshops ln safeLy securlLy Lo youLh Lhru SLaLen lsland
educaLlonal faclllLles and cenLers
8arron new ?ork !unlor 1ennls League, lnc. 237442236 13,000
lunds Lo provlde free recreaLlonal Lennls and educaLlonal programs for beglnner and
lnLermedlaLe players, ln dlsLrlcL 42, durlng Lhe summer, fall, wlnLer or sprlng. Loaner
racqueLs and balls wlll be provlded Lo all parLlclpanLs. Speclal evenLs, Leam Lennls
LournamenLs and Lrlps are a regular parL of Lhe program schedule.
Cabrera new ?ork !unlor 1ennls League, lnc. 237442236 7,300
1he funds wlll be used Lo provlde free recreaLlonal Lennls and educaLlonal programs for
beglnner and lnLermedlaLe players, ages 3-18 years ln Lhe dlsLrlcL durlng Lhe summer, fall,
wlnLer or sprlng. Loaner racqueLs and balls wlll be provlded Lo all parLlclpanLs. Speclal
evenLs, Leam Lennls LournamenLs and Lrlps are a regular parL of Lhe program schedule.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 160

Chln new ?ork !unlor 1ennls League, lnc. 237442236 3,300
1he funds wlll be used Lo provlde free recreaLlonal Lennls and educaLlonal programs for
beglnner and lnLermedlaLe players, ages 3-18 years, speclal evenLs, Leam Lennls
LournamenLs and Lrlps.
ConsLanLlnldes new ?ork !unlor 1ennls League, lnc. 237442236 3,000 lundlng wlll be used Lo expand !unlor 1ennls rogram aL S 122
Lugene new ?ork !unlor 1ennls League, lnc. 237442236 3,000
1o provlde free recreaLlonal Lennls and educaLlonal programs for beglnner and
lnLermedlaLe players, ages 3-18 years ln Lhe 33rd Councll ulsLrlcL durlng Lhe summer, fall,
wlnLer or sprlng.
lerreras new ?ork !unlor 1ennls League, lnc. 237442236 3,300
1o supporL free recreaLlonal Lennls and educaLlonal programs for beglnner and
lnLermedlaLe players.
Carodnlck new ?ork !unlor 1ennls League, lnc. 237442236 3,300
lundlng wlll supporL free Lennls programs for beglnner and lnLermedlaLe chlldren aL MS
167 and MS 104.
CenLlle new ?ork !unlor 1ennls League, lnc. 237442236 7,300
1o supporL free recreaLlonal Lennls and educaLlonal programs for beglnner and
lnLermedlaLe players.
lgnlzlo new ?ork !unlor 1ennls League, lnc. 237442236 3,000
lunds wlll provlde free recreaLlonal Lennls and educaLlonal programs for beglnner and
lnLermedlaLe players ln Lhe 31sL Councll ulsLrlcL.
!ohnson new ?ork !unlor 1ennls League, lnc. 237442236 3,000
1o provlde free recreaLlonal Lennls and educaLlonal programs for beglnner and
lnLermedlaLe players, ages 3-18 years ln Councll ulsLrlcL 3 durlng Lhe summer, fall, wlnLer
or sprlng. Loaner racqueLs and balls wlll be provlded Lo all parLlclpanLs. Speclal evenLs,
Leam Lennls LournamenLs and Lrlps are a regular parL of Lhe program schedule.
kallos new ?ork !unlor 1ennls League, lnc. 237442236 10,000
1o provlde free recreaLlonal Lennls and educaLlonal programs for beglnner and
lnLermedlaLe players, ages 3-18 years ln dlsLrlcL flve durlng Lhe summer, fall, wlnLer or
klng new ?ork !unlor 1ennls League, lnc. 237442236 13,000
1he funds wlll be used Lo provlde free recreaLlonal Lennls and educaLlonal programs for
beglnner and lnLermedlaLe players, ages 3-18 years ln Lhe councll member's dlsLrlcL
durlng Lhe summer, fall, wlnLer or sprlng. Loaner racqueLs and balls wlll be provlded Lo all
parLlclpanLs. Speclal evenLs, Leam Lennls LournamenLs and Lrlps are a regular parL of Lhe
program schedule.
koo new ?ork !unlor 1ennls League, lnc. 237442236 6,000
1he funds wlll be used Lo provlde free recreaLlonal Lennls and educaLlonal programs for
beglnner and lnLermedlaLe players, ages 3-18 years ln Councll dlsLrlcL 20 durlng Lhe
summer, fall, wlnLer or sprlng. Loaner racqueLs and balls wlll be provlded Lo all
parLlclpanLs. Speclal evenLs, Leam Lennls LournamenLs and Lrlps are a regular parL of Lhe
program schedule.
koslowlLz new ?ork !unlor 1ennls League, lnc. 237442236 10,000
1he funds wlll be used Lo provlde free recreaLlonal Lennls and educaLlonal programs for
beglnner and lnLermedlaLe players, ages 3-18 years ln Lhe 29Lh Councll ulsLrlcL durlng Lhe
summer, fall, wlnLer or sprlng.
MaLLeo new ?ork !unlor 1ennls League, lnc. 237442236 3,300
1he funds wlll be used Lo provlde free recreaLlonal Lennls and educaLlonal programs for
beglnner and lnLermedlaLe players, ages 3-18 years ln Lhe 30Lh dlsLrlcL durlng Lhe
summer, fall, wlnLer or sprlng.
Mendez new ?ork !unlor 1ennls League, lnc. 237442236 3,300 lundlng Lo provlde 1ennls LqulpmenL (loaner racqueLs and balls)
alma new ?ork !unlor 1ennls League, lnc. 237442236 3,000
1o provlde free recreaLlonal Lennls and educaLlonal programs for beglnner and
lnLermedlaLe players aged 3-18, loan equlpmenL, and puL on speclal evenLs.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 161

8lchards new ?ork !unlor 1ennls League, lnc. 237442236 3,000
1he funds wlll be used Lo provlde free recreaLlonal Lennls and educaLlonal programs for
beglnner and lnLermedlaLe players, ages 3-18 years ln Lhe 31sL dlsLrlcL durlng Lhe
summer, fall, wlnLer or sprlng. Loaner racqueLs and balls wlll be provlded Lo all
parLlclpanLs. Speclal evenLs, Leam Lennls LournamenLs and Lrlps are a regular parL of Lhe
program schedule.
vallone new ?ork !unlor 1ennls League, lnc. 237442236 16,000
1he funds wlll be used Lo provlde free recreaLlonal Lennls and educaLlonal programs for
beglnner and lnLermedlaLe players, ages 3-18 years aL !PS 194 C
Weprln new ?ork !unlor 1ennls League, lnc. 237442236 10,000
1o provlde free recreaLlonal Lennls and educaLlonal programs for beglnner and
lnLermedlaLe players ln Lhe dlsLrlcL.
CenLlle new ?ork League lor Larly Learnlng 112313824 * 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo purchase sensory acLlvlLy equlpmenL, adapLlve Loys, and oLher
equlpmenL Lo beneflL Lhe educaLlon of chlldren wlLh varlous medlcal condlLlons
connecLed wlLh sensory acLlvlLles.
Weprln new ?ork Mayalee SporLs Club 112970733 * 7,300
1o provlde supplles, personnel and space for Lhe Summer Soccer Camp and WlnLer
8askeLball Camp.
lerreras new ?ork MlllLary ?ouLh CadeLs, lnc. 113381787 3,000
1o supporL afLerschool homework help, mlllLary Lralnlng, marchlng band classes and
equlpmenL, booL camp Lrlps, semlnars, ceremonlal equlpmenL, Lravel Lrlps, unlforms,
camplng gear, educaLlonal maLerlals, and uLlllLles.
Carodnlck new ?ork 8oad 8unners, lnc. 132949483 3,300
lundlng wlll supporL runnlng-based youLh developmenL and healLh programs for new
?ork ClLy school-aged chlldren
Lugene new ?ork 1eens Lmpowerlng More eople Cnward 383806414 7,000
1he funds are used Lo produce Lhe newsleLLer, have evenLs, execuLe group pro[ecLs,
encourage youLh parLlclpaLlon ln exLracurrlcular acLlvlLles, and provlde acLlvlLles Lo
engage youLh, such as youLh yoga classes and movle nlghLs.
8ose nexL Level Mens Croup, lnc., 1he 770698347 8,000
1o fund Lhe Lnrlched LmpowermenL ro[ecL whlch has served clLy purposes for savlng
our young people from behavlors LhaL puLs Lhem aL-rlsk and/or ln llfe LhreaLenlng
slLuaLlons. CosLs Lo supporL Lhe pro[ecL lnclude sLafflng, promoLlon, maLerlals and
equlpmenL, and relaLed admlnlsLraLlve cosLs.
CenLlle nlA CommunlLy Servlces neLwork, lnc. 112697931 33,000
lunds wlll supporL expanded day, afLer school, ouL-of-school Llme, and summer
programmlng Lo promoLe academlc success, characLer bulldlng, counsellng, poslLlve
youLh developmenL, and respecL for all, and Lo fosLer a love of learnlng.
Creenfleld nlA CommunlLy Servlces neLwork, lnc. 112697931 10,000
1he fundlng wlll be used for expanded day, afLerschool, ouL-of-school Llme, and summer
programmlng Lo supporL academlc success, characLer bulldlng, counsellng, and poslLlve
youLh developmenL, promoLe respecL for all, and fosLer a love of learnlng. nlAs dlverse,
blllngual, mulLlculLural sLaff leads an array of age/grade approprlaLe acLlvlLles LhaL lnclude
homework help, LesL prep, culLural and creaLlve arLs, LLA/llLeracy, S1LM, flLness and
healLhy llvlng acLlvlLles, and recreaLlon.
Lander nlA CommunlLy Servlces neLwork, lnc. 112697931 3,300 1o supporL culLural and wellness programmlng for youLh.
Menchaca nlA CommunlLy Servlces neLwork, lnc. 112697931 3,000
1o supporL nlA's work ln provldlng supporL servlces (expanded day, afLerschool, ouL-of-
school Llme, and summer programmlng Lo supporL academlc success, characLer bulldlng,
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 162

1reyger nlA CommunlLy Servlces neLwork, lnc. 112697931 10,000
1he fundlng wlll be used for expanded day, afLerschool, ouL-of-school Llme, and summer
programmlng Lo supporL academlc success, characLer bulldlng, counsellng, and poslLlve
youLh developmenL, promoLe respecL for all, and fosLer a love of learnlng.
klng norLh 8ronx ?ouLh SporLs AssoclaLlon, lnc. 310300030 * 9,300
1he program wlll offer compeLlLlve looLball, Cheerleadlng and Soccer. lundlng wlll be
used for LransporLaLlon LhroughouL Lhe llve 8oros, unlforms for compeLlLlon, gym and
fleld renLal for pracLlces and games, bookkeeplng, fleld equlpmenL for pracLlces,
admlnlsLraLlve expense for Lelephone, lnLerneL, adverLlslng, compuLer repalr, eLc.
1orres norLhwesL 8ronx CommunlLy and Clergy CoallLlon, lnc. 132806160 23,000
1o supporL youLh programs. lunds wlll pay for academlc and college supporL servlces for
Mealy noL !usL Poops lnc. 900607202 10,000
1he funds wlll be used Lo purchase unlforms, equlpmenL, lnsurance, refreshmenLs,
Lrophles and gym renLal for noL !usL Poop's communlLy sporLs and healLh programs,
lncludlng nuLrlLlonal sesslons and baskeLball LournamenLs.
Mendez nuyorlcan oeLs Cafe, lnc. 310139390 3,300
lundlng Lo supporL uayLlme and afLerschool llLeracy and performance programs aL Lhe
nuyorlcan oeLs Cafe.
ulckens n?C kldsfesL 263338262 3,300 1o supporL n?C kldsfesL, a free Lo Lhe publlc performlng arLs fesLlval for famllles ClLywlde.
ueuLsch CPLL Chlldren's Pome and lamlly Servlces, lnc. 116078704 7,000
rovldlng speclallzed servlces for vulnerable youLh lncludlng lnLenslve crlsls lnLervenLlon
servlces, lnLegraLlve LreaLmenL approach, recreaLlon and camp opporLunlLles.
Lander CPLL Chlldren's Pome and lamlly Servlces, lnc. 116078704 8,000
1o supporL speclallzed servlces for youLh enLerlng fosLer care, lncludlng LransporLaLlon
servlces and psychlaLrlc and psychologlcal care.
ueuLsch Chr Pallmud - 1he MulLl-Sensory Learnlng CenLer 030348204 9,000
lunds wlll be used for dyslexla awareness workshops for educaLors, parenLs, heaLh
professlonal and chlldren.
Creenfleld Chr Pallmud - 1he MulLl-Sensory Learnlng CenLer 030348204 * 3,000
lunds wlll be used for dyslexla awareness workshops for educaLors, parenLs, heaLh
professlonal and klds. lunds wlll be used for venue, maLerlals, publlclLy, coordlnaLlon
and follow up
8ose Cn ?our Mark, lnc. 133128313 3,000
1he funds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe recrulLmenL and Lralnlng of local hlgh school and
college sLudenLs Lo work wlLh chlldren wlLh developmenLal dlsablllLles.
Levln CpporLunlLles for a 8eLLer 1omorrow 112934620 3,300 1o supporL Lhe ?ouLh LducaLlon and !ob 1ralnlng rogram for low-lncome youLh.
8eynoso CpporLunlLles for a 8eLLer 1omorrow 112934620 13,000
1o supporL ubllc Speaklng and uebaLe uay for Lhe ?ouLh LducaLlon and !ob 1ralnlng
rogram, lncludlng a 10-week debaLe Lralnlng program for sLudenLs.
lerreras Crganlzacln !uvenLud LcuaLorlana, lnc. 208630120 3,000
1o supporL Soclal lmpacL and Clobal ClLlzenshlp 1hrough 1echnology programmlng Lo
provlde phoLography and vldeo skllls Lralnlngs Lo be used Lo execuLe pro[ecLs Lhemed
around developlng soclal awareness, global clLlzenshlp, and conLrlbuLe Lo solvlng lssues
LhaL plague our socleLy.
lundlng also supporLs college and career preparaLlon programmlng.
8osenLhal CLsar lamlly Servlces, lnc. 112601112 * 3,300
lundlng provldes SunuA?/Legal hollday programs for ManhaLLan chlldren. lunds
provlde door Lo door buslng Lo Lhe 28 sesslon programs.
Mlller Cur 8roLhers Cuardlan lnc. 800763667 10,000
lundlng Lo allow Lhe organlzaLlon Lo esLabllsh a 10 monLh educaLlonal and recreaLlonal
program for sLudenLs. 1he funds wlll go Lo Lhe purchase of equlpmenL and supplles for
Lhe sLudenLs and also Lo hlre sLaff Lo help wlLh Lhe developmenL of young adulLs.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 163

1reyger Cur Lady of Crace 8oman CaLhollc Church 111694947 * 3,000
1he program provldes muslc, crafLs and refreshmenLs for Lhe members as well as on
occaslon provldes Llve bands for speclal parLles.
koslowlLz Cur Lady of Mercy 111633320 * 6,000
lunds wlll be used for space renLal fees for pracLlce sesslons and games aL S 101 and S
144, league reglsLraLlon fees, unlforms (players and sLaff), equlpmenL and awards.
CenLlle Cur Lady of erpeLual Pelp 8aseball /Soccer League 111666873 2,000
lunds wlll supporL soccer programs for youLh and pay Lo malnLaln a soccer fleld for
pracLlces and games and for oLher program expenses.
Menchaca Cur Lady of erpeLual Pelp 8aseball /Soccer League 111666873 * 3,000 1he funds wlll be used Lo help cover Lhelr program cosLs.
Mendez Cur Lady of Sorrows 133743218 * 10,000 lundlng Lo CffseL Lhe cosL of baseball and sofLball unlforms and Lrophles
Crowley Cur Lady of Lhe Mlraculous Medal 111723786 * 4,000 lunds are requesLed for ouLreach, equlpmenL, renLal fees and bookkeeplng purposes
Levln CuLreach ro[ecL 112318262 8,000
1o supporL Lhe expanslon of an afLerschool program for adolescenLs ln need of drug
1orres Cval CommunlLy ?ouLh rogram lnc 260877270 * 3,000
lunds wlll supporL sporLs educaLlon and programmlng Lo promoLe academlc achlevemenL
among youLh
Wllllams anLonlc SLeel CrchesLra, lnc. 061336430 * 3,300
lundlng for 18AnSC81A1lCn, LCulMLn1S u8CPASLS, MuSlC lnS18uC1lCn
Weprln aper 8ag layers, lnc., 1he 131972960 3,300
1o supporL Lhe 1heaLer lor All program LhaL provldes free and low cosL LlckeLs, free
publlc performances and afLer school workshops Lo n?C chlldren.
Cornegy arenLs as rlmary 1eachers, lnc. 020638108 10,000
1o supporL program expenses assoclaLed wlLh dellvery of Lwo famlly llLeracy program:
LlghL Mllllon SLorles and Shake, 8aLLle 8oll. lunds Lo lnclude lnsurance, personnel
compensaLlon, program maLerlals and equlpmenL, and markeLlng.
alma arkchesLer LlLLle League 136162741 3,000 1o supporL a youLh llLLle league program. lunds wlll pay for gym space and equlpmenL.
1orres arkslde 8esldenL Councll lnc, 1he 433330409 * 10,000
lunds wlll supporL Lhe convenlng of a youLh summlL Lo address lssues of Leen pregnancy,
gang afflllaLlon and daLlng/lnLerpersonal vlolence.
CenLlle arkvllle ?ouLh CrganlzaLlon, lnc. 112204831 3,000
lunds wlll supporL afLer school recreaLlonal sporLs acLlvlLles for chlldren ln 8rooklyn and
pay for unlforms and equlpmenL for Lhe programs.
Creenfleld arkvllle ?ouLh CrganlzaLlon, lnc. 112204831 3,000
lunds recelved wlll be used Lo purchase unlforms and sporLs equlpmenL Lo operaLe
sporLs programs.
Lander arkvllle ?ouLh CrganlzaLlon, lnc. 112204831 3,300 1o purchase unlforms and sporLs equlpmenL Lo operaLe afLerschool sporLs programs.
Menchaca arkvllle ?ouLh CrganlzaLlon, lnc. 112204831 3,300 lunds Lo purchase unlforms and sporLs equlpmenL Lo operaLe sporLs programs.
1reyger arkvllle ?ouLh CrganlzaLlon, lnc. 112204831 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo purchase unlforms, sporLs equlpmenL, and defray operaLlng our
sporLs programs.
Wllllams arLlclpaLory 8udgeLlng ro[ecL, lnc. 433838268 * 3,300
lundlng for educaLlng clLlzen clLy's budgeLary process and parLlclpaLory budgeLlng ln new
?ork ClLy (8n?C
Mealy uM erformlng ArLs CorporaLlon 733032931 10,000
1he funds wlll be used for equlpmenL and supplles for uM's youLh dance and LheaLer
Lroupe, lncludlng prlnLlng, vldeo servlces, l1 servlces, props, cosLumes, unlforms, and
dance accessorles and garmenLs. 1he funds wlll also be used for LheaLer and dance venue
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 164

Mark-vlverlLo eace on Lhe SLreeL, lnc. 830487649 10,000
1o provlde anger managemenL, focus Lralnlng, communlcaLlon Lralnlng, and confllcL
resoluLlon for aL-rlsk youLh
ulckens elham lrlLz 8askeLball League, lnc., 1he 133739238 * 6,214
1o Leach sporLs leadershlp, baskeLball skllls and Lo menLor youLh ln Lhe Parlem
vacca elham arkway LlLLle League 133208239 * 3,000
1o fund Lhe llLLle leagues' expenses lncludlng equlpmenL, fleld malnLenance supplles, and
Carodnlck eLer SLuyvesanL LlLLle League 133700387 7,300
lundlng wlll supporL operaLlng cosLs and Lhe purchase of maLerlals and equlpmenL for
Lhe LlLLle League.
klng hlpps CommunlLy uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 132707663 18,300
1he funds requesLed wlll be used Lo fund an LducaLlon SpeclallsL poslLlon Lo malnLaln Lhe
program's hlgh levels of quallLy aL Lhe AfLer-School rogram
Mark-vlverlLo hlpps CommunlLy uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 132707663 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo expand Lhe pre-Plgh School Lqulvalency (pre-PSL) lnsLrucLlon aL Lhe
new ?ork ubllc Llbrary ln MoLL Paven by addlng lnsLrucLor sLaff hours.
Mendez hlpps CommunlLy uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 132707663 7,300
lundlng Lo supporL summer program classes and workshops aL lazas SouLh ?ouLh
Servlces Summer rogram
alma hlpps CommunlLy uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 132707663 * 3,000
1o supporL a [uvenlle [usLlce menLorlng program and Arches program for courL-lnvolved
youLh ln Lhe 8ronx, provldlng counsellng, menLorlng, and case managemenL, and Lo
supporL an ouLreach efforL, Lo creaLe referral sources for quallfylng courL lnvolved youLh.
Cabrera ollce ALhleLlc League, lnc. 133396811 20,000
lundlng Lo supporL aL leasL one !uvenlle Crlme revenLlon rogram, whlch lnclude
Summer lay SLreeLs and/or 1een lmpacL CenLers.
Cabrera ollce ALhleLlc League, lnc. 133396811 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo hosL a baskeLball LournamenL ln ulsLrlcL 14. 1he baskeLball
LournamenL wlll enhance Lhe 1een lmpacL CenLer ln ulsLrlcL 14 where Leens come ln Lhe
evenlngs Lo sLay ouL of Lrouble and engage ln producLlve acLlvlLles.
Cornegy ollce ALhleLlc League, lnc. 133396811 10,000 1o supporL AL programmlng aL Lhe Wynn CenLer
lerreras ollce ALhleLlc League, lnc. 133396811 20,000
1o supporL Lhe !uvenlle Crlme revenLlon rogram, whlch lncludes Summer lay SLreeLs
summer camp lnlLlaLlve and 1een lmpacL CenLers Lo serve as havens for youLh.
rogrammlng ls almed Lo prevenL crlme vlcLlmlzaLlon, [uvenlle dellnquency and oLher
negaLlve youLh behavlors ln hlgh rlsk communlLles.
Levlne ollce ALhleLlc League, lnc. 133396811 10,000
lundlng would supporL Lhe program cosLs for Summer lay SLreeLs ln ulsLrlcL 7. lay
SLreeLs brlng Lhe componenLs of summer camp Lo chlldren free of charge for 7 weeks
each summer. 1hrough collaboraLlons wlLh Lhe n?u, lun?, and naLlonal Cuard, lay
SLreeL acLlvlLles relnforce school lessons, fosLer creaLlvlLy, bulld poslLlve characLer LralLs,
encourage Leamwork, and develop leadershlp skllls.
Mark-vlverlLo ollce ALhleLlc League, lnc. 133396811 7,300 lunds wlll be used Lo supporL AL's 1een lmpacL CenLers ln ulsLrlcL 8.
MaLLeo ollce ALhleLlc League, lnc. 133396811 3,000
lundlng Lo supporL afLer school and summer camp programmlng for k-3Lh graders aL Lhe
CreenbelL 8ecreaLlon , S 41 CenLer and S 48.
Mendez ollce ALhleLlc League, lnc. 133396811 3,300 lundlng Lo supporL 1een lmpacL CenLer ln ulsLrlcL 2
alma ollce ALhleLlc League, lnc. 133396811 3,000
1o supporL an afLer school and summer camp program aL Lhe SoLomayor CommunlLy
CenLer, promoLlng academlc achlevemenL, and provldlng youLh wlLh poslLlve role models,
lncludlng pollce offlcers.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 16S

8lchards ollce ALhleLlc League, lnc. 133396811 13,000
lundlng Lo supporL youLh programs aL Lhe 8edfern CornersLone and Coldle Maple
Academy (CMA) 8eacon. rogram componenLs lnclude: homework help, LuLorlng,
pro[ecL based educaLlonal acLlvlLles, S1LM learnlng, performlng and flne arLs, aLhleLlcs,
physlcal educaLlon and llfe skllls developmenL. lundlng wlll be used supporL
programmlng deslgned Lo lmprove youLh achlevemenL ln school and gulde youLh Loward
poslLlve llfe cholces ln a safe haven where young people connecL wlLh peers and role
models -lncludlng n?u Cfflcers.
1orres ollce ALhleLlc League, lnc. 133396811 20,000
1o supporL an afLer school program, summer day camp program, evenlng Leen cenLer
program and youLh employmenL program aL WebsLer CenLer for youLh ages 3-19.
8osenLhal ollce Llalson Croup, lnc. 133690374 3,300
lundlng wlll be used Lo expand Sun and asslsL wlLh Lhe admlnlsLraLlon of lLs youLh safeLy
lnlLlaLlve LhaL helps address crlme and prevenL dellnquency
Cabrera owerlay n?C, lnc. 134043021 10,000 lundlng wlll supporL ower lay programmlng ln Lhe councll dlsLrlcL.
Chln owerlay n?C, lnc. 134043021 3,300
lundlng wlll supporL afLer school and summer programs for school-age glrls, promoLlng
physlcal acLlvlLy, healLhy llvlng, and leadershlp.
Cumbo owerlay n?C, lnc. 134043021 4,300
lunds Lo expand afLer school and summer programmlng LhroughouL Lhe ClLy's flve
boroughs Lo reach more glrls
Mendez owerlay n?C, lnc. 134043021 3,300
lundlng Lo supporL afLer school and summer programs promoLlng physlcal acLlvlLy,
healLhy llvlng and academlc readlness for elemenLary, mlddle school and hlgh school glrls
ln ulsLrlcL 2
8osenLhal owerlay n?C, lnc. 134043021 3,300
lundlng Lo expand programmlng LhroughouL Lhe ClLy's flve boroughs Lo reach more glrls.
Cur afLer school and summer programs promoLe physlcal acLlvlLy, healLhy llvlng and
academlc readlness for elemenLary, mlddle school and hlgh school glrls.
Cabrera racLlce Makes erfecL, lnc. 383849473 6,000
lundlng wlll supporL menLorlng program, M palrs academlcally sLruggllng sLudenLs
wlLh hlgher achlevlng menLors from Lhelr same nelghborhoods and places Lhem under
Lhe supervlslon of college lnLerns and cerLlfled Leachers for an academlc lnLenslve
summer program. 1he near-peer" model helps bulld and sLrengLhen Lhe 8ronx
communlLy, ldenLlfylng and creaLlng youLh leaders, provldlng enrlchmenL for hlgh
achlevlng sLudenLs and lmplemenLlng glvlng whlle llvlng Lhrough Ms SaLurday
communlLy servlce pro[ecLs.
Levlne racLlce Makes erfecL, lnc. 383849473 3,000
1he funds provlded would allow M Lo lmplemenL lLs Common Core-allgned
comprehenslve summer school program and Lhe general program cosLs for program aL a
low-performlng Mornlngslde PelghLs, PamllLon PelghLs, or ManhaLLanvllle school.
Menchaca rlde noL re[udlce, lnc. 461334329 3,000 lunds Lo supporL Lhe afLerschool program "!ourney Lo rlde" ln ulsLrlcL 38.
8osenLhal rlde noL re[udlce, lnc. 461334329 3,300
lundlng Lo supporL AfLerschool LheaLre ouLreach program Lralns sLudenLs Lo be acLors
and peer educaLors Lhrough workshops and perform ln school assemblles addresslng
lssues of concern Lo youLh.
8arron rogresslve ?ouLhs Soccer Club 272272990 13,000
lunds Lo operaLe weekly soccer sesslons by paylng coaches, provldlng soccer equlpmenL
and gear for Lralnlng sesslons as well as compeLlLlve games on Lhe weekends, pay for
chlldren's Lravel expenses Lo and from games away from home fleld. lunds wlll also be
used Lo pay for reglsLraLlon and oLher fees ln leagues and compeLlLlons LhaL wlll glve
chlldren Lhe opporLunlLy Lo showcase Lhelr LalenLs.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 166

Weprln ro[ecL Pope - 1he new ulrecLlon, lnc. 113327631 10,000 1o provlde for leadershlp Lralnlng ln SouLheasL Cueens publlc schools.
Mlller ro[ecL Pope, 1he new ulrecLlons, lnc. 113327631 13,000
lunds Lo provlde program sLaff such as a rogram/LducaLlonal CoordlnaLor Lo organlze
and faclllLaLe our leadershlp acLlvlLles ln SLC, funds Lo provlde comprehenslve
Leadershlp uevelopmenL Lralnlng and 8ecreaLlon LhaL lncludes goal seLLlng, anger
managemenL, credlL scores, lnvesLmenLs, [ob readlness skllls, compeLlLlve sporLs, games
and performlng arLs acLlvlLles, communlLy block parLles and Lrlps.
Lander rospecL ark 8aseball AssoclaLlon lnc. 261340033 3,000
1o supporL a youLh baseball program. lunds wlll be used Lo renL park and fleld space and
pay oLher program cosLs.
Lsplnal ubllcolor, lnc. 133912768 10,000
lunds wlll Lo supporL alnL Club (gaLeway program of ubllcolor) whlch Leaches
markeLable skllls such as commerclal palnLlng and pro[ecL managemenL.
Carodnlck ubllcolor, lnc. 133912768 3,300
lundlng wlll supporL a program LhaL works wlLh aL-rlsk sLudenLs LhaL engages parLlclpanLs
ln Lransformlng Lhelr own schools and nearby communlLy faclllLles.
Cumbo urelemenLs: An LvoluLlon ln uance 203332384 * 6,000
lunds wlll supporL Lhe CCA8 - SaLurday uance Lralnlng, and Al8L - AfLerschool arLs
programs ln new ?ork ClLy parLnerlng schools.
Mealy urelemenLs: An LvoluLlon ln uance 203332384 * 3,000
1he funds wlll be used Lo supporL urelemenLs ArLs LducaLlon programs. 1he funds wlll
be used Lo pay sLaff salarles, equlpmenL purchase and renLal, venue renLal,
LransporLaLlon cosLs, and general operaLlng expenses. 1he funds wlll also be used Lo
defray Lhe cosLs of free and open Lo Lhe publlc performances ln ulsLrlcL 41, lncludlng,
performers' paymenL, equlpmenL purchase, renLal, and/or seL-up, and LransporLaLlon
Cumbo C klngdom MlnlsLrles, lnc. 113201936 9,000
lunds Lo purchase equlpmenL supplles LhaL ls used Lo provlde educaLlonal servlces Lo
chlldren ln Lhe communlLy.
Lugene C klngdom MlnlsLrles, lnc. 113201936 8,000
1o supporL operaLlonal cosLs and program expenses of afLer school care, LuLorlng (n?S,
lSLL SSA1 Lxam rep), compuLer Lechnology workshop/Lralnlng, arL crafL classes, muslc
lessons, and school pro[ecLs/homework asslsLance.
Lsplnal Cuebradlllas 8aseball CrganlzaLlon, lnc. 430491693 10,000
lunds Lo defray Lhe cosL of equlpmenL, educaLlonal maLerlals, umplre fees for baseball
and oLher sporLs.
8eynoso Cuebradlllas 8aseball CrganlzaLlon, lnc. 430491693 7,000
1o supporL a youLh baseball program. lundlng wlll be used for equlpmenL and umplre
lerreras Cueens 8oLanlcal Carden SocleLy, lnc. 111633083 3,000
lunds wlll supporL C8C's LnvlronmenLal LducaLlon Workshops LhaL lnclude Lours of Lhe
Carden's 39 acres of Lrees, flowers, anlmals, lnsecLs, and green archlLecLure, hands-on
acLlvlLles, worksheeLs, and dlscusslons Lo enhance sLudenL enLhuslasm ln Lhe naLural
sclences. Workshops are deslgned Lo saLlsfy naLlonal and new ?ork SLaLe Sclence
SLandards, and Lo meeL new ?ork ClLy ueparLmenL of LducaLlon erformance SLandards.
vallone Cueens 8oLanlcal Carden SocleLy, lnc. 111633083 3,000 1o supporL Cueens 8oLanlcal Carden SocleLy's LnvlronmenLal LducaLlon Workshops.
uromm Cueens CommunlLy Pouse, lnc. 112373383 13,000 1o fund cenLer and servlces for LC81C Leens.
lerreras Cueens CommunlLy Pouse, lnc. 112373383 7,300
1o supporL SA1 classes Lo be held afLer school and on weekends. Servlces lnclude follow-
up counsellng and college counsellng aL vC?ACLS PS (LlmhursL LducaLlonal Campus).
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 167

koslowlLz Cueens CommunlLy Pouse, lnc. 112373383 24,000
lundlng Lo supporL youLh program lncludlng Lhe evenlng Leen cenLer, soclallzaLlon
program & soccer, baskeLball, and breakdanclng, Lhe help desk SA1 classes and college
Crowley Cueens Crusaders 8aseball, lnc. 464633991 * 3,300
lundlng wlll be used Lo purchase baseball equlpmenL and unlforms, malnLaln cerLaln
flelds aL !unlper valley ark (Lhls wlll need equlpmenL and oLher supplles Lo keep Lhe
grounds), defray Lhe cosL of LournamenLs and Lravel for all Lhe players.
Crowley Cueens 1lLans, lnc. 463633339 * 3,300
lunds wlll be used Lo purchase aLhleLlc equlpmenL as well as enLrance fees lnLo varlous
compeLlLlons LhroughouL Lhe year.
Cornegy CuesL ?ouLh CrganlzaLlon, lnc. 330838436 12,300
1o provlde lnsLrucLlonal fees, sLlpends, muslcal lnsLrumenLs and LransporLaLlon cosLs
assoclaLed wlLh CuesL's ?oung Muslclans ln 1ralnlng program
Cumbo CuesL ?ouLh CrganlzaLlon, lnc. 330838436 7,000
lunds wlll be used for lnsLrucLlonal fees, ?Ml1 sLlpends, muslcal lnsLrumenLs and
LransporLaLlon cosL.
Mealy CuesL ?ouLh CrganlzaLlon, lnc. 330838436 3,000
1he funds wlll supporL Lhe CuesL ?oung Muslclans ln 1ralnlng program. 1he funds wlll pay
for equlpmenL and supplles for Lhe program and wlll pay for sLlpends for Lhe young
muslclan-Leachers. 1he funds wlll be used Lo pay for Lhe cosLs assoclaLed wlLh free and
open Lo Lhe publlc performances ln ulsLrlcL 41 schools, senlor cenLers, communlLy
cenLers, and parks. 1hese cosLs lnclude equlpmenL purchase and renLal, and
LransporLaLlon cosLs.
alma 8alnbow AfLer School rograms, lnc. 133716492 18,000
1o supporL educaLlonal enrlchmenL for aL-rlsk youLh. lundlng wlll supporL programs ln
academlcs, llLeracy, recreaLlon, and adolescenL developmenL.
Creenfleld 8each for Lhe SLars Learnlng CenLer 203042280 * 8,000
8equesLed funds wlll be used Lo defray Lhe cosLs assoclaLed wlLh Muslc 1herapy
ulckens 8each CuL and 8ead of CreaLer new ?ork, lnc. 134080043 3,000
1o provlde llLeracy servlces, emphaslzlng early learnlng aL home and provldlng parenLs
wlLh Lools Lo Leach Lhelr own chlldren.
Carodnlck 8each CuL and 8ead of CreaLer new ?ork, lnc. 134080043 3,300 lunds wlll supporL llLeracy servlces and early educaLlon ln medlcal seLLlngs.
kallos 8each CuL and 8ead of CreaLer new ?ork, lnc. 134080043 2,300
SupporL Lo provlde for coordlnaLlon of llLeracy servlces ln an already exlsLlng
lnfrasLrucLure. locus on early educaLlon: llLeracy supporL ls provlded LhaL focuses on
sLarLlng sLrong ln Lhe early years and sLaylng wlLh famllles Lhrough Lo school.
Levln 8each CuL and 8ead of CreaLer new ?ork, lnc. 134080043 3,300 1o provlde for coordlnaLlon of llLeracy servlces.
Mendez 8each CuL and 8ead of CreaLer new ?ork, lnc. 134080043 7,300
lundlng Lo supporL coordlnaLlon of llLeracy servlces ln exlsLlng lnfrasLrucLure. (Chlld
developmenL and learnlng)
8eadlng Lxcellence and ulscovery (8LAu loundaLlon,
lnc.) 134091062 20,000 lunds wlll be used Lo pay LuLors and keep 8LAu affordable Lo schools.
8eadlng Lxcellence and ulscovery (8LAu loundaLlon,
lnc.) 134091062 7,000
1o Lraln mlddle and hlgh school sLudenLs Lo Leach readlng Lo sLruggllng elemenLary school
sLudenLs ln ulsLrlcL 8 Lhrough one-on-one LuLorlng. lunds wlll be used Lo pay LuLors and
keep 8LAu affordable Lo schools.
8eadlng Lxcellence and ulscovery (8LAu loundaLlon,
lnc.) 134091062 3,300
1o supporL afLer-school and summer programs, lncludlng LuLorlng Lo sLruggllng readers ln
grades k-2.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 168

8eadlng Lxcellence and ulscovery (8LAu loundaLlon,
lnc.) 134091062 3,300
1o fund Lhe afLerschool and summer 8LAu programs whlch promoLe readlng Lhrough
LuLorlng Lo sLruggllng sLudenLs. lundlng ls Lo pay LuLors and supporL Lhe programs.
Menchaca 8ed Pook lnlLlaLlve, lnc. 203904662 17,000
1o supporL 8Pl's Plgh School ?ouLh Leaders program whlch provldes academlc (LuLorlng,
LesL preparaLlon, academlc sklll bulldlng, and enrlchmenL,) and college-readlness (campus
vlslLs, appllcaLlon asslsLance) supporL Lo hlgh school sLudenLs who have dropped ouL or
are aL rlsk of dropplng ouL.
Wllllams 8edempLlon, lnc. 362330383 10,000
lundlng Lo provlde sLudenL access Lo educaLlonal resources, whlch alds success ln school
and prepares for success ln hlgher educaLlon.
Lander 8eel SLorles 1een lllmmaklng lnc. 200936377 3,300
1o supporL fllm-relaLed sklll developmenL and on-Lhe-[ob Lralnlng for youLh lnLeresLed ln
careers ln Lelevlslon and fllm.
uromm 8enalssance CharLer School, 1he 113330391 9,230
1o fund sLafflng and program maLerlals and supplles for 1eens for 8aclal and LLhnlc
Awakenlng (18LA), a program run for Leens by Leens, Lo Lalk abouL lssues LhaL relaLe Lo
Lhelr llves and LhaL help Lo lmprove lnLer-group relaLlons ln Lhelr nelghborhoods.
lerreras 8enalssance LMS 134122438 10,000
1o supporL Muslc on Wheels programmlng for educaLlon, muslc, and sporLs servlce, and
operaLlng cosLs.
Malsel 8esurrecLlon SporLs AssoclaLlon 111633113 * 2,300
1o supporL youLh sporLs programs lncludlng glrls and boys swlmmlng, baskeLball, Lrack
and glrls sofLball.
MaLLeo 8lchard Wlllls Memorlal lund 133949376 2,000 lunds Lo help run Lhe Annual Memorlal 3 on 3 youLh baskeLball LournamenL.
CenLlle 8ldge Chorale lnc 116264993 9,000
lunds wlll supporL Lhe maklng of LheaLrlcal producLlons lnvolvlng youLh and oLher
members of Lhe communlLy and supporL Lhe cosLs assoclaLed wlLh Lhese producLlons.
Lsplnal 8ldgewood 8ushwlck Senlor ClLlzens Councll, lnc. 112433833 70,100
lundlng wlll be used for general operaLlng supporL needed for Lhe CenLer Lo funcLlon
efflclenLly. As well as program speclflc supporL LhaL lncludes admlsslons for summer
school, Lrlps for youLh aLLendlng our programs, a baskeLball LournamenL, AcLlvlLy
SpeclallsLs (may be marLlal arLs, dance, arL, eLc.), bus Lravel, and Lo defray Lhe cosLs of
speclal evenLs LhaL wlll be held (l.e. fleld day, ?ouLh Showcase, hollday parLles).
!ohnson 8lver ro[ecL, 1he 133398130 3,000
1o supporL WeLlab Look-lns, a free afLerschool educaLlonal program on ler 40 aL
PousLon SLreeL. 1
Cohen 8lverdale CommunlLy CenLer, lnc. 132899410 23,000 lundlng Lo provlde recreaLlonal, culLural and soclal opporLunlLles for low lncome youLh
Cohen 8lverdale nelghborhood Pouse, lnc. 131740024 30,000
lundlng Lo provlde recreaLlonal and soclal opporLunlLles for Leens Lo allow Lhem Lo
conLrlbuLe poslLlvely Lo Lhe communlLy
Cu28 8ochdale vlllage Soclal Servlces, lnc. 113397470 23,000
1he funds wlll be used for educaLlonal asslsLance programs, youLh menLorlng and
leadershlp programs lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo offlce supplles, Lrlps, college sLlpends
and lnLernshlps.
ulrlch 8ockaway ArLlsLs Alllance, lnc. 113217121 23,000 lunds wlll be used Lo supporL arLs educaLlon programs
8lchards 8ockaway 8opes, lnc. 270423998 * 3,000
1he fundlng would be used for equlpmenL, reglsLerlng flghLer, Lravellng expenses and
ConsLanLlnldes 8ockefeller hllanLhropy Advlsors - Zone 126 133613333 11,000
lundlng wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe Cradle Lo Career program whlch lncludes adulL
educaLlon classes, early chlldhood educaLlon, nuLrlLlon classes, menLal healLh servlces,
and arLs educaLlon.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 169

Arroyo 8ocklng Lhe 8oaL, lnc. 134177814 13,000 1o supporL Lhe 8ocklng Lhe 8oaL's ?ouLh programmlng servlces.
ConsLanLlnldes 8oman CaLhollc Church of Corpus ChrlsLl 111666228 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo provlde unlforms, reglsLraLlon fees, and oLher equlpmenL, as well as
coachlng sLaff, for Lhe youLh baskeLball program.
koslowlLz 8oman CaLhollc Church of Cur Lady Cueen Cf MarLyrs 111687469 * 6,000
?ouLh rograms wlll help cover program operaLlng cosLs, equlpmenL and LransporLaLlon
for Lrlps.
Crowley 8oman CaLhollc Church of SL. MargareL 111723800 4,300
lunds are used Lo lease faclllLles aL SL. MargareL's 8C Church, as well as prlvaLe/publlc
schools ln Lhe communlLy. lunds are also used Lo malnLaln our prlmary faclllLy and
purchase equlpmenL as needed, and Lo enLer Leams lnLo programs such as Lhe C?C.
8lchards 8osedale !eLs looLball AssoclaLlon, lnc. 113401833 6,000
lunds wlll be used Lo defray Lhe cosL of fooLball camp as well as LransporLaLlon Lo and
from camp.
Mlller 8osedale LlLLle League 8aseball, lnc. 321231209 * 3,300
1he program servlces Lo be funded are unlforms, safeLy equlpmenL, Lrophles and supplles
(lnk, Loner, paper, eLc.)
8lchards 8osedale LlLLle League 8aseball, lnc. 321231209 * 10,000
1he program servlces Lo be funded are unlforms, safeLy equlpmenL, Lrophles and
supplles(l.e.: lnk, Loner, paper, eLc.)
8odrlguez 8ow new ?ork 113632924 3,000
lundlng Lo supporL academlc and row programmlng for youLh aL eLer !ay Sharp
Wllllams 8ugby lamlly Servlces 113223904 * 3,300 lundlng for Lhe feedlng rogram
Crowley Sacred PearL School 112202799 * 3,000
lundlng ls used Lo purchase a wlde varleLy of maLerlals used Lo supporL Lhe dlfferenL
8osenLhal Sadle nash Leadershlp ro[ecL 113633912 * 3,300
lundlng Lo supporL and sLrengLhen our new parLnershlp ln ulsLrlcL 6. We are servlng Lhe
urban Assembly Plgh School for Medla SLudles, provldlng leadershlp classes for Lhe
school year for young women.
Lancman Safe Space n?C, lnc. 111711014 4,200
lundlng Lo provlde counsellng and supporL, educaLlonal and [ob readlness acLlvlLles, arLs
acLlvlLles, LC81C supporL groups and relaLed servlces.
vallone SalnL Luke School 112204172 * 10,000
1he fundlng wlll used Lo provlde chlldren of Lhe communlLy Lhe opporLunlLy Lo Lake parL
ln Lhe n? ClLy CenLer Lncore rogram as well as lLs uance lamlly Workshops.
Crowley SalvaLore La8ussa uance Company, lnc. 320119937 * 3,300
lunds Lo pay Lhe renL, Ads ln Lhe local papers, oLher cosLs and Ceneral rogram
Carodnlck SamarlLans of new ?ork, lnc. 133164464 3,000
lundlng wlll supporL sulclde prevenLlon Lralnlng for Leachers, sLudenLs and sLaff ln
ManhaLLan publlc schools.
vallone Samuel lleld ?M & ?WPA, lnc. 113071318 10,000
1he fundlng wlll supporL Lhe Cap ConnecLs rogram ln provldlng chlldren wlLh AuLlsLlc
SpecLrum ulsorders wlLh a comprehenslve and mulLl-faceLed servlce dellvery sysLem LhaL
lncludes, afLer-school, weekend and school hollday programs, famlly supporL groups,
advocacy, care glver supporL servlces, organlzed and lncluslve sporLs leagues as well as
many oLher servlces.
Arroyo SauLl ?eLu CenLer for Afrlcan Women 201209793 20,000
1o supporL culLurally senslLlve domesLlc vlolence servlces ln Councll ulsLrlcL 17, wlLh a
focus on lmmlgranL women from Afrlca.
8odrlguez Saxrack Learnlng CenLer, lnc. 271668344 3,000 lundlng Lo offseL cosLs of lnsLrucLor sLafflng, maLerlals, and uLlllLles.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 170

Mark-vlverlLo Scan-new ?ork volunLeer arenL-Aldes AssoclaLlon, lnc. 132912963 3,000
1o supporL Lhe esLabllshmenL of an LasL Parlem ?ouLh Councll comprlsed of all houslng
developmenLs. lunds wlll be used Lo hlre a parL-Llme ?ouLh Worker CoordlnaLor and Lo
provlde sLlpends Lo youLh as well as for supplles and maLerlals and Lhe cosL of
culmlnaLlng evenL wlll be lncluded.
Levlne Sclence Schools lnlLlaLlve, LLd. 208363360 7,300
lunds wlll supporL Lhe free youLh weekend and afLer school enrlchmenL program Lhrough
prlnLlng cosLs, LuLor and admln salary, and book purchases.
8odrlguez Sclence Schools lnlLlaLlve, LLd. 208363360 8,000 lundlng Lo supporL LuLor and admlnlsLraLor sLafflng, maLerlals, and prlnLlng cosLs
Cornegy SCC lamlly of Servlces 112777066 3,000
1o supporL Lhe parenL Chlld Pome rogram, a proven early llLeracy and school readlness
program feaLurlng home vlslLs
Cornegy SCC lamlly of Servlces 112777066 24,000
lunds Lo supporL program enhancemenLs aL Lhe SCC lamlly uynamlc 8eacon CenLer aL
SLephen uecaLur Mlddle School, such as Lhe Plgh School and ?oung AdulL LlLeracy
lnlLlaLlve Lo lncrease lndependenL readlng and creaLlve wrlLlng skllls of youLh ages 16-21,
Lhe youLh baskeLball LournamenL for mlddle and hlgh schoolers, adulL flLness aeroblc and
welghL Lralnlng classes led by a cerLlfled flLness lnsLrucLor, and Lhe Work SLudy lnlLlaLlve
Lo engage hlgh school sLudenLs ln communlLy servlce pro[ecLs hosLed aL Lhe CenLer
Menchaca SCC lamlly of Servlces 112777066 7,000
lundlng Lo supporL Lhe CenLer's year-round chlld care program for chlldren. 1hls lncludes
fundlng Lo employ Lhe necessary parL-Llme sLaff, and provlde parLlclpanLs wlLh Lhe
approprlaLe supplles and servlces.
Mealy Seeds ln Lhe Mlddle 271847142 3,000
1he funds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe creaLlon of a Plp28 PealLhy markeL aL S390/770.
1he funds wlll pay for a markeL manager, youLh sLlpend, and markeL equlpmenL.
vacca Servlce Alllance for ?ouLh, lnc. 133334130 20,000
1o fund uLlllLles, permlLs fees, sLlpends, equlpmenL, unlforms, awards, refreshmenLs for
parLlclpanLs, program and offlce supplles, Lax consulLanL, prlnLlng and posLage for sporLs
acLlvlLles programs.
Cumbo Sesame llyers lnLernaLlonal, lnc. 112692483 9,000
lundlng wlll supporL SporLs and CulLure uays hosLed by Sesame llyers lnLernaLlonal LhaL
provlde youLh who reslde ln 8rooklyn an opporLunlLy Lo experlence Carlbbean culLure
Lhrough varlous leadershlp acLlvlLles and presenLaLlons.
Lugene Sesame llyers lnLernaLlonal, lnc. 112692483 3,000
1o supporL operaLlon cosLs of Lhe SporLs and CulLure uays evenL LhaL provldes an
opporLunlLy Lo experlence Carlbbean culLure wlLh sLeelpan performances and Afrlcan
Carlbbean dance.
Mealy Sesame llyers lnLernaLlonal, lnc. 112692483 3,000
1he funds wlll be used Lo supporL youLh muslcal and sporLs educaLlon, and Lo supporL
performances ln ulsLrlcL 41 by Lhe organlzaLlon's youLh performers. 1he funds wlll pay for
LransporLaLlon, equlpmenL, sLaff salarles, and operaLlonal cosLs and supplles.
Wllllams Sesame llyers lnLernaLlonal, lnc. 112692483 17,300 lundlng for SporLs and CulLure uays acLlvlLles.
Cabrera Shadow 8ox 1heaLre, lnc., 1he 132723380 3,300
lundlng wlll provlde flve muslcal puppeL ouLslde park performances of lay lL Safe or
LlLLle ls 8lg for chlldren and Lhelr famllles ln dlsLrlcL 14. CuLdoor safeLy and good declslon
maklng are Lhe Lhemes of Lhls programmlng.
Crowley Shannon Caels Caellc looLball Club 272334736 * 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo purchase unlforms, run LournamenLs and pay Lo enLer ouLslde
LournamenLs, pay lnsurance, and supporL offlce operaLlons.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 171

Mealy Shannon 1. 8ralLhwalLe, lnc. 264083306 * 3,000
1he funds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe Shannon 1. 8raLhwalLe loundaLlon's afLer-school
youLh program, whlch provldes local youLh wlLh educaLlonal and sporLs enrlchmenL, as
well as culLural Lrlps. 1he funds wlll be used for space renLal, LransporLaLlon, supplles,
and food.
Lander Shema kolalnu - Pear Cur volces 113303083 8,000
1o supporL speech and language servlces Lhrough arL, muslc and movemenL for chlldren
wlLh auLlsm.
ueuLsch ShorefronL ?M-?WPA of 8rlghLon-ManhaLLan 8each, lnc. 113070228 3,000
1o fund Lhe Muslc Moves ro[ecL - 1he Muslc Moves provldes a varleLy of opporLunlLles
for soclal and academlc exploraLlon.
Levln Smack Mellon SLudlos, lnc. 113373393 4,300 1o provlde afLer school programmlng Lhrough Lhe ArL 8eady program.
Lugene SocleLy for PalLlan 8esearch, lnc. 113439437 3,000
1o supporL operaLlon cosLs of Lhe CommunlLy 8adlo rogram LhaL provldes lnformaLlon
Lo Lhe communlLy concernlng healLh, language arLs, culLure and clvlc educaLlon, Lo
provlde Lralnlng ln communlcaLlons Lo Lwelve (12) young people annually.
Wllllams SocleLy for PalLlan 8esearch, lnc. 113439437 * 3,300 lundlng for radlo programs
Mendez SocleLy of Lhe 1hlrd SLreeL Muslc School SeLLlemenL, lnc. 133396823 7,300
lundlng Lo supporL school parLnershlp program ln ulsLrlcL 2 (muslc and dance ln schools
and communlLy cenLers)
Lsplnal Soul 1lgers Marchlng 8and, lnc. 110613740 10,000
lunds Lo provlde arLs educaLlon Lo new ?ork ClLy publlc schools: programmlng offered
lncludes drama, fenclng, archery, marchlng band, vldeo and phoLography, marLlal arLs,
and Afrlcan drummlng.
Cu28 SouLh Aslan ?ouLh AcLlon 133943630 13,000
lunds wlll supporL Lhe programmaLlc and operaLlng cosLs for SupporL, AcLlon, Culdance
and LnrlchmenL (S.A.C.L.), a college and career readlness program
ConsLanLlnldes SouLh Aslan ?ouLh AcLlon 133943630 3,000 lundlng wlll be used Lo supporL college readlness programs and relaLlonshlp counsellng.
uromm SouLh Aslan ?ouLh AcLlon 133943630 9,730
1o fund sLafflng and program maLerlals and supplles for SupporL, AcLlon, Culdance and
LnrlchmenL (S.A.C.L.), a college and career readlness program deslgned Lo work ln small
groups of 13-20 youLh over mulLlple years.
koslowlLz SouLh Aslan ?ouLh AcLlon 133943630 7,000
1he funds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe "SupporL, AcLlon, Culdance and LnrlchmenL"
(S.A.C.L.) program whlch ls a college and career readlness program deslgned Lo work ln
small groups of 13-20 youLh over mulLlple years.
Lander SouLh Aslan ?ouLh AcLlon 133943630 4,300
1o supporL a college and career readlness program (SupporL, AcLlon, Culdance and
LnrlchmenL) for youLh.
Weprln SouLh Aslan ?ouLh AcLlon 133943630 6,000
1o fund Lhe SupporL, AcLlon, Culdance, and LnrlchmenL college and career readlness
Mark-vlverlLo SouLh 8ronx Concerned ClLlzens, lnc. 382433828 * 3,000
1o supporL 1he CulLu/?ouLh LnrlchmenL rogram whlch ls a ?ouLh volunLeer, lnLern
lnlLlaLlve and AnLl-vlolence lnlLlaLlve LhaL provlde servlces Lo chlldren ln our S8CC klds
AfLer-School 1uLorlng pro[ecL and 1he S8CC klds Learn & lay Summer LducaLlonal
Arroyo SouLh 8ronx Cverall Lconomlc uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 132736022 10,000
1o supporL Lhe expanslon of C-8all program, provldlng a youLh baskeLball league ln whlch
each communlLy board ln Councll ulsLrlcL 17.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 172

Clbson SouLh 8ronx unlLed, lnc. 264064041 8,000
1he funds requesLed wlll supporL Lhe S8u Academy, a youLh developmenL program
servlng 130 aL-rlsk and lmmlgranL youLh ln grades 3-12 Lhrough educaLlon, menLorlng,
leadershlp, and soccer programmlng. Speclflcally funds be used for aLhleLlc equlpmenL,
unlform cosLs, and LransporLaLlon expenses for college Lrlps, leadershlp evenLs, games,
and sLudenL meLrocards.
CenLlle SporLs and ArLs ln Schools loundaLlon, lnc. 113112633 4,300
lunds wlll provlde summer and/or afLer-school programmlng for Lhe youLh of Councll
ulsLrlcL 43.
!ohnson SporLs and ArLs ln Schools loundaLlon, lnc. 113112633 3,300
lunds wlll supporL Lhe SporLs and ArLs ln Schools loundaLlon summer and / or afLer-
school programmlng, servlng Lhe youLh of Lhe dlsLrlcL.
koo SporLs and ArLs ln Schools loundaLlon, lnc. 113112633 6,000
lunds shall be used Lo exLend and enrlch SporLs and ArLs ln Schools loundaLlon Plgh
School 1oday College 1omorrow's 9Lh Crade Academy (summer and/or afLer-school),
servlng Lhe youLh ln Councll ulsLrlcL 20.
koslowlLz SporLs and ArLs ln Schools loundaLlon, lnc. 113112633 3,300
lunds wlll be used Lo exLend and enrlch SporLs and ArLs ln Schools loundaLlon summer
and/or afLer-school programmlng, servlng Lhe youLh of Lhe 29Lh Councll ulsLrlcL.
Levln SporLs and ArLs ln Schools loundaLlon, lnc. 113112633 4,300 1o supporL free sporLs programmlng for sLudenLs ln Lhe SASl free summer program.
Levlne SporLs and ArLs ln Schools loundaLlon, lnc. 113112633 7,300
lunds Lo exLend and enrlch SporLs and ArLs ln Schools loundaLlon summer and/or afLer-
school programmlng, servlng Lhe youLh of Councll ulsLrlcL 7 durlng ouL-of-school Llme
MaLLeo SporLs and ArLs ln Schools loundaLlon, lnc. 113112633 3,300
lunds shall be used Lo exLend and enrlch SporLs and ArLs ln Schools loundaLlon summer
and/or afLer-school programmlng, servlng Lhe youLh of Lhe dlsLrlcL.
Mealy SporLs and ArLs ln Schools loundaLlon, lnc. 113112633 10,000
1he funds wlll be used for SporLs and ArLs ln Schools loundaLlon's programmlng ln
ulsLrlcL 41. 1he funds wlll be used for SASl's general operaLlng cosLs for ulsLrlcL 41
programmlng, as well as sLaff paymenL, equlpmenL renLal and purchase, and purchase
and renLal of supplles
alma SporLs and ArLs ln Schools loundaLlon, lnc. 113112633 4,300
1o provlde summer and/or afLer-school programmlng, focuslng on youLh developmenL,
academlcs , healLh and wellness, characLer and values, and skllls for llfelong employmenL.
8osenLhal SporLs and ArLs ln Schools loundaLlon, lnc. 113112633 3,300
lunds shall be used Lo exLend and enrlch SporLs and ArLs ln Schools loundaLlon summer
and/or afLer-school programmlng, servlng Lhe youLh of Lhe dlsLrlcL.
vallone SporLs and ArLs ln Schools loundaLlon, lnc. 113112633 10,000
1o supporL free summer sporLs programs occurrlng ln up Lo Lhree schools of Lhe dlsLrlcL
where chlldren shall parLlclpaLe ouLdoors ln sporLs.
Weprln SporLs and ArLs ln Schools loundaLlon, lnc. 113112633 7,300
1o supporL Lhe SporLs and ArLs ln Schools loundaLlon's summer and afLer school
vallone SL. Agnes Academlc Plgh School 112164039 * 10,000
1he funds wlll be used Lo help offseL Lhe cosL of operaLlng and malnLalnlng Lhe sporLs
program for pracLlces and games.
Mlller SL. Albans CongregaLlonal Church 112077266 * 3,000
1he funded program wlll provlde general youLh developmenL acLlvlLles, leadershlp skllls,
vlolence prevenLlon, educaLlonal, culLural and recreaLlonal acLlvlLles, and volunLeer
opporLunlLles Lo adolescenLs and youLh beLween Lhe ages of 7 and 18. lunds wlll be used
for a porLlon of Lhe non-sLaff servlces, lncludlng one vendor conLracL, consumables
(paper goods), uLlllLy cosLs (Con Ld/naLlonal Crld), general offlce supplles, compuLer
sofLware, Lravel and relaLed fees, and refreshmenLs
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 173

Mlller SL. Albans/!amalca LlLLle League 800103493 * 9,300 1he funds wlll be uLlllzed Lo purchase equlpmenL, unlforms and pay for umplrlng fees.
Creenfleld SL. ALhanaslus ?ouLh rogram, lnc. 112773396 20,000
lunds wlll be used Lo malnLaln Lhe baseball fleld ( lncludlng fence repalr, lnfleld clay
replacemenL, dralnage repalrs, seedlng and LhaLchlng of grass fleld sprlnkler sysLem
repalrs,eLc.). As well as Lo purchase baseball/baskeLball/sofLball unlforms, equlpmenL(
baLs, balls gloves, proLecLlve gear) and uLlllLles.
1reyger SL. ALhanaslus ?ouLh rogram, lnc. 112773396 23,000
lunds used Lo malnLaln a baseball fleld, purchase baseball/baskeLball/sofLball unlforms,
equlpmenL (baLs, balls, gloves, proLecLlve gear, eLc.), and uLlllLles.
CenLlle SL. 8ernadeLLe School 112202963 * 3,300
lunds wlll help Lo purchase playground equlpmenL for sLudenLs Lo use durlng Lhelr
supervlsed lunch and supervlsed afLer school Llme Lo engage Lhem dally ln a varleLy of
flLness acLlvlLles for Lhe purpose of promoLlng overall healLh and physlcal flLness ln an
efforL Lo encourage llfe-long healLh awareness and work Loward combaLlng chlldhood
Malsel SL. 8ernard 8oman CaLhollc Church 111984344 * 2,300
1o supporL youLh baskeLball program lncludlng fundlng for equlpmenL and coaches Lo
conducL Lhe acLlvlLles for resldenLs of Mlll 8asln/8ergen 8each
ulrlch SL. Camlllus CaLhollc Academy 112202386 * 3,000 lunds wlll be used Lo provlde enrlchmenL workshops
SL. Camlllus-SalnL vlrglllus 8oman CaLhollc Church -
SporLs rogram 111674392 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe youLh sporLs program, Lo purchase new equlpmenL and
Lo cover Lhe operaLlonal cosLs
Malsel SL. Columba 8oman CaLhollc Church 112220139 2,300
1o supporL a baseball/sofLball program, a baskeLball program, fooLball and sporLs camp.
1he funds wlll be used Lo purchase equlpmenL necessary for Lhe operaLlon of Lhe
CenLlle SL. Lphrem ?ouLh rogram, lnc. 113210176 3,300
lunds wlll supporL program cosLs, lncludlng unlforms and equlpmenL, for recreaLlonal,
afLer school, Leam bulldlng, and sporLs acLlvlLles for youLh ln Lhe communlLy, lncludlng
flag fooLball, Lrack, cheerleadlng and baskeLball.
CenLlle SL. llnbar 8oman CaLhollc Church - ?ouLh AcLlvlLles 111631812 * 3,300
lunds wlll supporL acLlvlLles, lncludlng sporLs and oLher weekend lnlLlaLlves, ln a
supervlsed and menLored envlronmenL for Lhe youLh of Lhe communlLy.
1reyger SL. llnbar 8oman CaLhollc Church - ?ouLh AcLlvlLles 111631812 * 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL ?ouLh AcLlvlLles LhaL provlde sporLs and oLher weekend
lnlLlaLlves Lo Lhe youLh of Lhe communlLy ln a supervlsed and menLored envlronmenL.
ulrlch SL. lrancls de Salles 111631813 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe youLh sporLs program, Lo purchase new equlpmenL and
Lo cover Lhe operaLlonal cosLs
uromm SL. !oan of Arc - ?ouLh Councll 111673278 3,000 1o fund youLh sporLs program.
vallone SL. Luke's 8oman CaLhollc Church - ALhleLlc AssoclaLlon 111934969 * 3,000 1he requesLed funds wlll be used for operaLlng and malnLalnlng Lhe 8askeLball rogram.
Crowley SL. Mary's Wlnfleld ?ouLh League 111633301 * 3,300 lunds wlll be used for unlforms, equlpmenL and enLry fees lnLo LournamenLs and C?C
van 8ramer SL. Mary's Wlnfleld ?ouLh League 111633301 3,300 lunds Lo provlde unlforms, equlpmenL and enLry fees lnLo LournamenLs and C?C.
Crowley SL. MaLLhlas SporLs AssoclaLlon 111683926 * 3,000
lunds wlll be used for reglsLraLlon fees, referee fees, fleld/gym renLal fees, unlforms,
equlpmenL, and awards.
Lancman SL. nlcholas of 1olenLlne 111714878 * 7,000
lundlng wlll defray cosLs of league fees, Leam unlforms and equlpmenL, as well as oLher
operaLlng cosLs.
8eynoso SL. nlck's Alllance CorporaLlon 310192170 10,000
1o supporL ConnecL for Success," an aLLendance lnLervenLlon program offered ln
parLnershlp wlLh 1he Plgh School for LnLerprlse, 8uslness and 1echnology (L81).
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 174

Lsplnal SL. eLers LuLheran Church 111797192 * 13,000
lundlng Lo supporL nelghborhood Pomework AsslsLance programmlng, lamlly AcLlvlLy
nlghLs and ?ouLh CommunlLy Servlce CommunlLy Carden.
Crowley SL. SLanlslaus ALhleLlc AssoclaLlon 111981303 8,000
lunds wlll be use Lo renL Lhe Cyms, buy equlpmenL as needed Lo lnsLrucL each sporL,
supplles and general operaLlng program expenses.
Cumbo SLand up 8rooklyn, lnc. 900630329 * 3,000
AfLer school program Summer program arenL engagemenL workshops ArLs CulLural
ouLlngs/evenLslease see aLLachmenLs for a full descrlpLlon of Lhese acLlvlLles
MaLLeo SLaLen lsland ALlanLlc ColleglaLe 8aseball League 271229660 8,000
lunds are used Lo purchase equlpmenL, unlforms and oLher essenLlal lLems requlred Lo
provlde a hlgh quallLy experlence
lgnlzlo SLaLen lsland 8oys looLball League, lnc. 237167904 6,300 lundlng wlll be used Lo provlde sporLs equlpmenL for chlldren.
lgnlzlo SLaLen lsland lce Pockey AssoclaLlon, lnc. 132939069 4,000 lundlng wlll provlde l8LL lce skaLlng and lce hockey lnsLrucLlon Lo youLh on SLaLen lsland.
MaLLeo SLaLen lsland lce Pockey AssoclaLlon, lnc. 132939069 3,000
lunds wlll be use Lo supporL Lhe program LhaL provldes l8LL lce skaLlng and lce hockey
lnsLrucLlon Lo over 100 youLhs on SLaLen lsland
8ose SLaLen lsland Llberlan CommunlLy AssoclaLlon, lnc. 133936101 * 3,000
1he funds wlll be used Lo lncrease Lhe operaLlons of SlLCAs food panLry and for Lhe afLer
school servlces provlded by SlLCA, lncludlng LuLorlng on homework asslgnmenLs and
enhanclng Lhelr compuLer skllls. SlLCA wlll also use Lhe funds Lo conducL communlLy
ouLreach Lo parenLs Lo make Lhem aware of Lhe afLer school servlces provlded by Lhe
organlzaLlon. CosLs for malnLalnlng Lhe programs lnclude sLafflng, promoLlon, maLerlals
and equlpmenL, and relaLed admlnlsLraLlve cosLs.
lgnlzlo SLaLen lsland ee Wee looLball League 136139734 4,000 lunds wlll be used Lo offseL Lhe cosL of sporLs equlpmenL.
MaLLeo SLaLen lsland ee Wee looLball League 136139734 3,300 1he funds wlll be used Lo offseL Lhe cosL of equlpmenL.
MaLLeo SLaLen lsland 8ecreaLlonal AssoclaLlon, lnc. 133716944 8,000
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL programs for LherapeuLlc servlces Lo chlldren wlll all
dlsablllLles on horseback
Levln SLreb, lnc. 133268349 9,300
1o supporL Lhe 1een AcLlon Club and Lhe 1ween AcLlon Club. 8oLh programs offer young
people unlque Lwlce-monLhly lnLeracLlve evenlngs LhaL offer sklll bulldlng and soclal
neLworklng experlences ln a safe envlronmenL.
ulckens SLreeL Corner 8esources, lnc. 260149321 * 4,300
SC8 wlll provlde workshops youLh on Loplcs such as anLl-vlolence, lnLervenLlon, confllcL
resoluLlon, and crlLlcal declslon maklng.
Menchaca SLreeLwlse and Safe SAS, lnc. 430286664 3,000
lundlng Lo supporL "know ?our 8lghLs" program whlch ls a unlque 13 sesslon leadershlp
developmenL currlculum ln whlch Lhey share lnformaLlon abouL laws used Lo crlmlnallze
LC81C youLh, consLlLuLlonal rlghLs when lnLeracLlng wlLh Lhe pollce, lndlvldual and
collecLlve sLraLegles for sLaylng safe from pollce, communlLy, famlly, domesLlc vlolence.
Mark-vlverlLo Summer Search 680200138 4,000
1o help low lncome sLudenLs navlgaLe compleLe college as flrsL generaLlon aLLendees and
become leaders ln Lhe communlLy Lhrough menLorlng supporL and asslsLance wlLh llfe
skllls llke problem-solvlng, grlL, and accounLablllLy.
van 8ramer Sunnyslde CommunlLy Servlce, lnc. 310189327 * 40,000 lundlng Lo supporL for youLh servlces
Levln SunseL 8ay CommunlLy Servlces, lnc. 112439923 3,300 1o supporL muslc Lherapy programmlng aL Lhe Warren SLreeL CenLer.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 17S

Menchaca SunseL ark PealLh Councll, lnc. 202308411 3,300
1o supporL Lhe work of 1he SunseL ark PealLh Councll's youLh programmlng whlch
provldes LSL supporL Lo young people ln a comforLable seLLlng, and glves care supporL Lo
Lhe parenLs of Lhese young people.
Crowley Swlm SLrong loundaLlon, lnc. 371326132 * 3,000
1o renL Lhe Cyms, buy equlpmenL as needed Lo lnsLrucL each sporL, supplles and general
operaLlng program expenses.
uromm Swlm SLrong loundaLlon, lnc. 371326132 8,000
1o expand programs, provlde free swlm lessons Lo famllles LhaL can demonsLraLe LhaL
need and hlre sLaff Lo make Lhe organlzaLlon more susLalnable.
koo Swlm SLrong loundaLlon, lnc. 371326132 8,000
1he fundlng wlll be used Lo expand programs, provlde free swlm lessons Lo famllles LhaL
can demonsLraLe LhaL need and hlre sLaff Lo make Lhe organlzaLlon more susLalnable.
8lchards Swlm SLrong loundaLlon, lnc. 371326132 20,000
1he fundlng wlll be used Lo expand programs, provlde free swlm lessons Lo famllles LhaL
can demonsLraLe LhaL need and hlre sLaff Lo make Lhe organlzaLlon more susLalnable.
Wllllams Swlm SLrong loundaLlon, lnc. 371326132 3,300 lunds Lo expand programs and provlde swlmmlng lessons.
Carodnlck 1AuA! 1heaLer and uance Alllance, lnc. 133311294 3,300
1o supporL 1AuA!'s muslcal LheaLre programmlng for new ?ork ClLy youLh and famllles aL
dlscounLed prlces
!ohnson 1AuA! 1heaLer and uance Alllance, lnc. 133311294 3,000 1o provlde a muslcal LheaLer program for new ?ork ClLy youLh and famllles.
Levln 1AuA! 1heaLer and uance Alllance, lnc. 133311294 3,300
1o supporL muslcal LheaLer programmlng LhaL ls accesslble Lo chlldren and famllles from
all walks of llfe. 1AuA! muslcals are performed by Lhe 8esldenL ?ouLh Lnsemble wlLh a
subsldlzed LlckeL program.
Levlne 1AuA! 1heaLer and uance Alllance, lnc. 133311294 3,300
lunds Lo help brldge Lhe gap beLween earned lncome and expenses, and help 1AuA!
conLlnue Lo provlde a wlde varleLy of muslcal LheaLer programmlng Lo new ?ork ClLy
youLh and famllles. rograms servlce chlldren ln Parlem and WashlngLon PelghLs durlng
ouL-of-school Llme hours.
koo 1alwan CenLer, lnc. 112837301 6,000 lunds wlll be used for operaLlonal, admlnlsLraLlve and programmaLlc cosLs.
Arroyo 1anlma roducLlons, lnc. 133780463 23,000
lunds wlll be used Lo cover ayroll Lxpenses Lowards SLaff who serve chlldren and youLh
aL Lhe Mary MlLchell CommunlLy CenLer.
Cabrera 1anlma roducLlons, lnc. 133780463 3,000 lundlng wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe operaLlng cosLs assoclaLed wlLh 1anlmas AcLlvlLles.
CenLlle 1ed MeyersLeln 8aseball League, lnc. 202300807 * 3,300
lunds wlll supporL a youLh baseball program and pay for Lhe purchase of equlpmenL and
oLher program cosLs.
Malsel 1emple Sholom of llaLbush 111873161 * 3,000
1o supporL an afLerschool program lncludlng supplles arLs and crafLs, carnlval games,
sporLs equlpmenL and for oLher communlLy programs.
vacca 1hroggs neck LlLLle League 321287397 2,000 1o fund Lhe purchase of baseball equlpmenL for Lhe 2014 season
Lander 1ogeLher We Are 270213447 3,000 1o supporL menLorlng programs for Leens aL rlsk and summer programmlng.
1reyger 1orah lax, lnc. 113276384 * 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo offseL Lhe cosL of operaLlng Lhe adopL-a-grandparenL program,
lncludlng Lhe Lralnlng of Leenagers Lo provlde home vlslLs Lo Lhe elderly Pomecare, care
packages for Lhe elderly and oLher programmaLlc expenses.
Levln 1own Square, lnc. 362489014 6,300
1o supporL programmlng LhaL provldes lnformaLlonal resources for parenLs and schools,
envlronmenLal programs LhaL supporL susLalnable llvlng, and communlLy bulldlng evenLs.
Levln 1own Square, lnc. 362489014 3,300 1o supporL chess currlculum ln schools ln ulsLrlcL 33.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 176

8ose 1rackmasLers ?ouLh Club, lnc. 061643192 * 8,000 1o fund Lhe Leam's Lravellng expenses.
8odrlguez 1rldenL Swlm loundaLlon, lnc. 260640030 3,300 lundlng Lo supporL afLer-school educaLlonal and swlm programlng aL CWPS and PPS
Carodnlck 1urLle 8ay Muslc School 131773772 3,300
1o supporL communlLy programs Lo provlde new ?orkers muslc lessons and classes, Pear
lL now! ConcerL Serles, ubllc School arLnershlps ln Councll ulsLrlcL 4, 1he SaLurday
Muslc ro[ecL, and 1ulLlon AsslsLance for any sLudenL ln flnanclal need.
kallos 1urLle 8ay Muslc School 131773772 3,000
1o supporL communlLy programs Lo provlde new ?orkers muslc lessons and classes, ArLlsL
Serles ConcerLs, Cross-Legged ConcerL Serles, CreaLlve Aglng, ubllc School arLnershlps,
and 1he SaLurday Muslc ro[ecL.
Chln 1wo 8rldges nelghborhood Councll, lnc. 136222626 4,000
lundlng Lo supporL 1wo 8rldges 1owers year-round sLandards-based Sclence,
1echnology, Lnglneerlng MaLh (S1LM) programmlng for sLudenLs Lo explore Lhe new ?ork
ClLy waLershed.
Chln 1wo 8rldges nelghborhood Councll, lnc. 136222626 3,000
1he funds wlll supporL sLafflng, maLerlals, space, and operaLlng budgeL for an evenlng
youLh aLhleLlc program lncludlng a bl-weekly baskeLball pracLlce and LournamenLs and
leadershlp Lralnlng.
Mealy unlon 8apLlsL Church 311639263 10,000
1he funds wlll be used for equlpmenL, supplles, fees, and any oLher cosLs assoclaLed wlLh
unlon 8apLlsL Church's youLh sporLs program ln ulsLrlcL 41
ueuLsch unlon of CrLhodox !ewlsh CongregaLlons of Amerlca 133623717 * 10,000
Club for Leenagers Lo lnLeracL wlLh one anoLher ouL of school Llme acLlvlLles or oLher
proper purposes.
lgnlzlo unlLed AcLlvlLles unllmlLed, lnc. 132921483 * 62,000
CperaLe afLerschool care aL S 33, 36 lS 24, 34, 73 LhaL wlll provlde educaLlonal,
recreaLlonal, counsellng and soclal programs for chlldren and young adulLs. 1o provlde
skllls Lo help youLh people grow responslbly.
MaLLeo unlLed AcLlvlLles unllmlLed, lnc. 132921483 49,000
lunds wlll be used for SaLurday Academy program for 3rd grade.13 sLudenLs per class.
8ecreaLlon program for 6-8 grade sLudenLs, Lwo nlghLs a week, for a 20 week duraLlon.
Plrlng llcensed Leachers Lo faclllLaLe educaLlon componenL, maLerlal, space usage. Plrlng
Coach, and sLaff LhaL wlll Leach Lhe youLh Lhe rules and regulaLlons of baskeLball.
urchaslng of sporLs supplles, Lee-shlrLs and renLal fees Lo uCL for space usage.
8ose unlLed AcLlvlLles unllmlLed, lnc. 132921483 33,000 lundlng wlll go Lowards Lhe cosLs of an AquaLlc ulrecLor and Llfeguards.
Mlller unlLed 8lack Men of Cueens loundaLlon, lnc. 112623993 10,000 lunds wlll supporL Lhe menLorlng program and operaLlng cosLs
CenLlle unlLed Chlnese AssoclaLlon of 8rooklyn 371469112 3,000
lunds wlll be used Lo pay for Lhe space renLal cosLs, gym renLal, sLaffs and lnsLrucLors
salarles, equlpmenL, supplles, refreshmenLs, uLlllLles, and lnsurance for a ?ouLh
uevelopmenL rogram LhaL lncludes a ?ouLh 8askeLball Cllnlc and weekend classes for
karaLe, Chlnese, SA1, Llon uance, and alnLlng.
Creenfleld unlLed Chlnese AssoclaLlon of 8rooklyn 371469112 13,000
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL a ?ouLh uevelopmenL rogram. 1he program lncludes a
?ouLh 8askeLball Cllnlc and weekend classes of: karaLe, Chlnese, SA1, Llon uance and
1reyger unlLed Chlnese AssoclaLlon of 8rooklyn 371469112 20,000
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL a ?ouLh uevelopmenL rogram. 1he program lncludes a
?ouLh 8askeLball Cllnlc and weekend classes of: karaLe, Chlnese, SA1, Llon uance and
alnLlng. 1he fund wlll be used Lo pay for Lhe space renLal cosLs, gym renLal, sLaffs and
lnsLrucLors salary, equlpmenL, supplles, refreshmenLs, uLlllLles and lnsurance.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 177

1reyger unlLed MlllLary veLerans of klngs CounLy 433739477 2,300
lunds wlll be used Lo help offseL Lhe cosL of marchlng bands, youLh groups and !unlor
8C1C unlL parLlclpaLlon.
Levlne unlLed alace of CulLural ArLs 900884007 3,000
lundlng Lo hosL and supporL CreaLlve ArLs Works (formerly known as CreaLlve ArLs
Workshops for klds) aL Lhe unlLed alace, whlch wlll provlde a l8LL vlsual arLs program
Lo elemenLary-aged chlldren. 1he fundlng wlll relmburse uCA for Lhe cosLs of hosLlng,
presenLlng, and supporLlng Lhls program aL Lhe unlLed alace, lncludlng dlscounLed renL,
admlnlsLraLlon, markeLlng, malnLenance, securlLy, and communlLy ouLreach.
Wllllams unlLed SLaLes SLeel 8and AssoclaLlon, lnc. 113612068 3,300
lunds Lo MAln1Aln CuL1u8AL AWA8LnLSS, LCulMLn1 u8CPASLS (lnS18uMLn1S),
S1All SuC81, lCCu SuLlLS, 18AnSC81A1lCn lC8 1PL kluS, S1A1lCnA8?
SuLlLS 8Ln1
klng unlLy nelghborhood CenLer, lnc. 134083634 13,000
AfLer-school servlces for chlldren and youLh, sporLs servlces for chlldren, communlLy
forums on educaLlonal and communlLy lssues for adulLs.
Mark-vlverlLo urban uove, lnc., 1he 133997718 7,000
1o supporL Lhe Pl8lsers afLer-school program, a year-round, peer-menLorlng program
LhaL Lralns a hlgh school ?ouLh SLaff" Lo work wlLh elemenLary and mlddle school
sLudenLs. 1he ?ouLh SLaff uses recreaLlonal sporLs and games as hands-on learnlng Lools
Lo Leach llfe-skllls and llLeracy Lo younger chlldren afLer-school and durlng Lhe summer.
ConsLanLlnldes varleLy 8oys and Clrls Club of Cueens, lnc. 116014770 13,000
lundlng wlll be used Lo supporL acLlvlLles for Lhe chlldren lncludlng homework help,
performlng arLs lnsLrucLlon, and physlcal acLlvlLy.
van 8ramer varleLy 8oys and Clrls Club of Cueens, lnc. 116014770 3,000
lundlng Lo conducL year-round chlldren's acLlvlLles and supporL a Leam of consulLanLs wlll
work wlLh SW8CC and lLs parLners Lo conducL a Lhorough sLudy of Lhe vlablllLy of
developlng and operaLlng a mulLl-use communlLy space dedlcaLed Lo creaLlvlLy and
MaLLeo varslLy Club of SLaLen lsland, lnc. 133993270 1,300
lunds Lo supporL youLh aLhleLlc, educaLlonal, and communlLy base programs ln Lhe form
of awards, cllnlcs, and hands on Lralnlng
Levln vlbe 1heaLer Lxperlence 200482372 * 3,300
1o supporL programmlng of orlglnal performances for glrls ln a safe and supporLlve
arLlsLlc space.
Chln vlslon urbana, lnc. 133848373 6,000
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe Lmplre MenLorlng lnlLlaLlve, Lo menLor youLh ln Lhe
Lower LasL Slde.
Chln vlSlCnS/Servlces for Lhe 8llnd and vlsually lmpalred 131624210 3,300
lundlng for afLerschool programs and a summer youLh program for vlsually lmpalred
Levlne vlSlCnS/Servlces for Lhe 8llnd and vlsually lmpalred 131624210 3,000
lunds Lo supporL vlSlCnS CuL-of-School 1lme AfLer-School rogram, Lhe only such
program for bllnd and vlsually lmpalred youLh, lncludes academlc enrlchmenL,
prevocaLlonal Lasks, work readlness, healLhy llvlng and adapLed Lechnology servlces. 1wo
programs are provlded: prevocaLlonal and work experlence Lralnlng from SepLember
Lhrough !une, and a Summer ?ouLh Work Lxperlence 1ralnlng program. lundlng wlll
cover general program cosLs and wlll servlce vlsually lmpalred chlldren ln ulsLrlcL 7 durlng
ouL-of-school Llme hours.
8ose vlSlCnS/Servlces for Lhe 8llnd and vlsually lmpalred 131624210 4,000
lundlng wlll go Lowards Lhe cosLs assoclaLed wlLh runnlng vlSlCnS CuL-of-School 1lme
AfLer-School rogram, lncludlng sLafflng, promoLlon, maLerlals and equlpmenL, and
relaLed admlnlsLraLlve cosLs.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 178

8osenLhal vlSlCnS/Servlces for Lhe 8llnd and vlsually lmpalred 131624210 3,300
lundlng Lo supporL CuL-of-School 1lme AfLer-School rogram for bllnd and vlsually
lmpalred youLh, lncludes academlc enrlchmenL, prevocaLlonal Lasks, work readlness,
healLhy llvlng and adapLed Lechnology servlces.
ulckens vlSlCnS/Servlces for Lhe 8llnd and vlsually lmpalred 131624210 3,300
1o supporL an CuL-of-School 1lme AfLer-School rogram for vlsually lmpalred youLh,
provldlng academlc enrlchmenL, prevocaLlonal, work readlness, healLhy llvlng and
employmenL relaLed servlces aL vlSlCnS aL Sells Manor CommunlLy CenLer. l
alma volces unbroken 733077676 3,000
1o provlde creaLlve wrlLlng workshops, Lhe esLabllshmenL of Lwo new slLes for youLh who
are lnvolved ln Lhe [uvenlle [usLlce sysLem and oLher volce un8roken programmlng.
8odrlguez WashlngLon PelghLs 1ennls AssoclaLlon 133930391 7,000
lundlng Lo provlde Lennls coach sLafflng, equlpmenL, lnsurance and more aL Cu lndoor
kallos Wellness ln Lhe Schools, lnc. 231919494 3,000
1o supporL afLer school nuLrlLlon and cullnary educaLlon courses ln a varleLy of formaLs
dependlng on Lhe preference of Lhe parLlclpaLlng school and avallablllLy of sLaff.
Lander Wellness ln Lhe Schools, lnc. 231919494 3,300
1o supporL educaLlonal programs on healLhful foods, cooklng and nuLrlLlon ln hlgh-
poverLy schools.
8osenLhal Wellness ln Lhe Schools, lnc. 231919494 3,300 lunds Lo supporL afLer school nuLrlLlon and cullnary educaLlon courses.
ulckens Wendy Pllllard loundaLlon, 1he 133879321 4,000
1o supporL a CommunlLy CymnasLlcs rogram aL 8lverbank SLaLe ark, lncludlng
gymnasLlcs Lralnlng, and oLher academlc and healLh relaLed programmlng for youLh.
Levlne Wendy Pllllard loundaLlon, 1he 133879321 3,000
lundlng wlll supporL Lhe general program cosLs of Lhe WPl CommunlLy CymnasLlcs
rogram. 1hls program runs durlng Lhe school year durlng ouL-of-school Llme hours. . ln
addlLlon, a slx week summer Lralnlng program ls offered for Lhose who would llke more
lnLenslve gymnasLlcs classes are we parLner wlLh communlLy organlzaLlons LhaL provlde
summer youLh programs and provlde free gymnasLlcs for Lhelr parLlclpanLs.
MaLLeo WesL Shore LlLLle League 133423081 1,300 lunds wlll be used Lo pay uLlllLles, baseball/sofLball equlpmenL and unlforms.
Lander Women for Afghan Women 020339734 3,300 1o supporL LuLorlng and leadershlp developmenL programmlng for youLh
lerreras Woodslde on Lhe Move, lnc. 112433363 3,000
1o supporL S1LM and codlng programmlng durlng Lhe school year, as well as summer
S1LM program camp.
Clbson WoodycresL CenLer lor Puman uevelopmenL 133184179 14,000
1he funds wlll be used Lo expand serves wlLhln WoodycresL CenLer for Puman
uev.(WCPu) CuL-of-School 1lme(CS1)rogram locaLed aL .S.126. WCPu wlll provlde
youLh aged 7 Lo 14 wlLh Lhe opporLunlLy Lo learn culLural, recreaLlonal and soclal skllls
afLer school. SLudenLs wlll develop capablllLles enabllng Lhem Lo become lndependenL,
self supporLlng producLlve conLrlbuLors Lo Lhe school and ouLer communlLy. 1hls unlque
program wlll encourage sevenLy flve(73) sLudenLs Lo develop skllls ln Lhe followlng club
areas: dance/drama, muslc and sporLs. Classes ln Lhe above club areas wlll be provlded
for slx monLhs (!anuary Lo !une 2013)
!ohnson Worklng Parbor CommlLLee, lnc. 203396037 3,000
1o sponsor a narraLed Pldden Parbor 8oaL 1our of Lhe n?/n! Parbors for hlgh school
sLudenL, lnLroduclng sLudenLs Lo new ?ork ClLy's worklng harbors, Lhelr place ln Lhe world
economy, and Lhe marlLlme lndusLry.
Crowley Works LlLLle League, lnc. 112949074 2,000 lundlng Lo purchase equlpmenL and unlforms.
ulrlch Works LlLLle League, lnc. 112949074 3,000 lunds wlll be used Lo purchase equlpmenL and unlforms
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 179

Mlller ?8L, lnc. 900896931 * 3,300
lunds wlll be dlrecLed Lo SLaff, 8enL, 1rlps, lood, unlforms, Supplles/LqulpmenL,
Supplles, 8askeLball 1ournamenL SLaff, 8us 8enLals
Lander ?eled v' ?alda Larly Chlldhood CenLer, lnc. 113030340 8,000
1o supporL an Applled 8ehavlor Analysls rogram for chlldren wlLh auLlsm/pervaslve
developmenL dlsorder, lncludlng parenL counsellng and Lralnlng servlces.
Levln ?eled v' ?alda Larly Chlldhood CenLer, lnc. 113030340 3,300
1o supporL ?v?s Applled 8ehavlor Analysls (A8A) rogram for chlldren who have been
dlagnosed wlLh auLlsm/pervaslve developmenLal dlsorder (uu). Lach chlld recelves one
Lo one servlces from a Leam composed of speclally Lralned A8A LheraplsLs wlLh
speclallzaLlon ln speclal educaLlon, speech paLhology, and occupaLlonal and physlcal
Creenfleld ?eshlva 8eLh Plllel of krasna 111939374 * 10,000
lundlng wlll used Lo defray Lhe cosL of operaLlng Lhe Summer 2014 day program, where
we provlde chlldren wlLh educaLlonal, physlcal cognlLlve acLlvlLles.
Lancman ?eshlva 1lfereLh Moshe 112149108 * 3,000
lundlng Lo provlde playground and sporLs equlpmenL, snacks, recreaLlon programmlng,
sporLs, arLs, crafLs and homework help.
Levln ?eshlvaLh kehllaLh ?akov, lnc. 116003334 * 12,000
1o provlde remedlal educaLlon and recreaLlonal acLlvlLles for chlldren wlLh proper
CenLlle ?oung uancers ln 8eperLory, lnc. 112799128 2,000
lunds wlll supporL Lhe Leachlng of creaLlve and modern dance, balleL, and conLemporary
dance forms Lo youLh and Lhe presenLaLlon of communlLy dance workshops and
performances for Lhe publlc.
Lancman ?oung lsrael of PlllcresL 112017868 * 10,000
lundlng Lo provlde weekend gaLherlngs, barbecues, wlnLer and sprlng sporLs programs
and Lrlps Lo sporLlng evenLs, amusemenL parks and museums.
Lancman ?oung lsrael of !amalca LsLaLes 112318393 8,800
lundlng Lo provlde chlldren, Leens and colleglaLe wlLh soclal, recreaLlonal and
educaLlonal programs.
Lancman ?oung lsrael of !amalca LsLaLes 112318393 10,000 rovlde chlldren, Leens and colleglaLe wlLh soclal, recreaLlonal and educaLlonal programs.
Lancman ?oung lsrael of kew Cardens Pllls 111948880 * 10,000
lundlng Lo supporL youLh programmlng and evenLs lncludlng soccer, baseball, hollday
celebraLlons, and arLs and crafLs.
MaLLeo ?oung lsrael of SLaLen lsland 132618386 8,000 lundlng Lo provlde recreaLlonal and sporLs acLlvlLles for youLh.
?oung Men's and ?oung Women's Pebrew AssoclaLlon of
WashlngLon PelghLs and lnwood 131633308 3,300 lundlng Lo supporL SA1 prep for 3 WashlngLon PelghLs Plgh Schools
?oung Men's and ?oung Women's Pebrew AssoclaLlon of
WashlngLon PelghLs and lnwood 131633308 3,300 lundlng Lo provlde re-k muslc appreclaLlon program
?oung Men's and ?oung Women's Pebrew AssoclaLlon of
WashlngLon PelghLs and lnwood 131633308 3,300 lundlng Lo provlde LSCL classes
?oung Men's and ?oung Women's Pebrew AssoclaLlon of
WashlngLon PelghLs and lnwood 131633308 3,300 lundlng Lo supporL SA1 prep for 3 WashlngLon PelghLs Plgh Schools
Cu28 ?oung Men's ChrlsLlan AssoclaLlon of CreaLer new ?ork 131624228 23,000
1he funds belng requesLed wlll be used Lo supporL free afLer school acLlvlLles (?AS), !unlor
knlcks aL ClLy ubllc Schools ln SouLh LasL Cueens and youLh programs ln con[uncLlon
wlLh AnLloch 8apLlsL Church. 1he program wlll also provlde a safe and engaglng place Lo
go ln Lhe afLer school hours, whlle Leachlng youLh abouL Leamwork, healLhy llfesLyles,
leadershlp skllls and Lhe lmporLance of physlcal acLlvlLy.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 180

Chln ?oung Men's ChrlsLlan AssoclaLlon of CreaLer new ?ork 131624228 8,000
1o supporL classes durlng school hours Lo Leach local elemenLary school sLudenLs Lo
ulckens ?oung Men's ChrlsLlan AssoclaLlon of CreaLer new ?ork 131624228 3,000
lundlng Lo provlde a safe and secure place for Leens Lo go wlLhln Lhelr communlLy,
acLlvlLles, and programs Lo prepare for posL-hlgh school llfe such as buslness work-slLes
vlslLs, career shadowlng, college preparaLlon and campus Lours.
Carodnlck ?oung Men's ChrlsLlan AssoclaLlon of CreaLer new ?ork 131624228 3,000
lundlng wlll supporL Lhe vanderbllL ?'s 1een CenLer program, whlch offers acLlvlLles such
as academlc supporL, flLness, Lechnology, Lhe arLs, and dlscusslon groups.
lgnlzlo ?oung Men's ChrlsLlan AssoclaLlon of CreaLer new ?ork 131624228 9,000
lundlng Lo supporL SouLh Shore ?MCA Leen nlghL and Sl 8roadway 1eens 1ake Lhe ClLy
!ohnson ?oung Men's ChrlsLlan AssoclaLlon of CreaLer new ?ork 131624228 10,000
1o supporL Swlm for Llfe whlch works Lo bulld on sLudenLs' aquaLlc skllls, whlle enhanclng
self-confldence and well-belng
kallos ?oung Men's ChrlsLlan AssoclaLlon of CreaLer new ?ork 131624228 3,000
1o supporL Lhe afLerschool Soclal and Academlc SupporL rogram aL vanguard P.S. whlch
ls parL of Lhe !ulla 8lchman LducaLlon Complex on LasL 67Lh SLreeL. 1he program provldes
LuLorlng, LesL prep college readlness workshops and servlce learnlng opporLunlLles Lo
sLudenLs enrolled ln our afLer school program.
koo ?oung Men's ChrlsLlan AssoclaLlon of CreaLer new ?ork 131624228 24,300
1o fund Lhe llushlng ?MCA's [ournallsm program, whlch ls geared Lowards Leen sLudenLs
lnLeresLed ln pursulng [ournallsm and prlnL medla careers. lunds wlll cover program
expenses lncludlng sLaff salarles and supplles.
Lander ?oung Men's ChrlsLlan AssoclaLlon of CreaLer new ?ork 131624228 3,000 1o supporL an aquaLlc skllls program for youLh aL Lhe rospecL ark ?MCA.
Levln ?oung Men's ChrlsLlan AssoclaLlon of CreaLer new ?ork 131624228 3,000
1o supporL Leen programmlng, lncludlng: college readlness, academlc enhancemenLs,
workshops on healLh and flLness, leadershlp rallles. 1o provlde addlLlonal equlpmenL Lo
supporL our 1een CenLer.
Levln ?oung Men's ChrlsLlan AssoclaLlon of CreaLer new ?ork 131624228 3,000
1o supporL Lhe 1een CenLer, where Leens are offered a wlde varleLy of acLlvlLles such as
youLh sporLs, LournamenLs, leadershlp Lralnlng, soclal evenLs, healLh and wellness
acLlvlLles, peer supporL, soclal games, speclal evenLs and Leam bulldlngs.
alma ?oung Men's ChrlsLlan AssoclaLlon of CreaLer new ?ork 131624228 10,000
1o offer scholarshlps Lo quallfylng chlldren and provlde general supporL for Lhe Summer
uay Camp.
8lchards ?oung Men's ChrlsLlan AssoclaLlon of CreaLer new ?ork 131624228 3,000
lundlng Lo provlde summer camp flnanclal scholarshlps Lo 20 youLh and famllles from
lar 8ockaway CommunlLy.
8osenLhal ?oung Men's ChrlsLlan AssoclaLlon of CreaLer new ?ork 131624228 3,300
lundlng Lo supporL Lhe WesL Slde ?s klds Company youLh LheaLer performlng arLs
1reyger ?oung Men's ChrlsLlan AssoclaLlon of CreaLer new ?ork 131624228 3,000 lunds used Lo supporL Lhe Swlm for Llfe program.
ulrlch ?oung Men's ChrlsLlan AssoclaLlon of CreaLer new ?ork 131624228 3,000 lunds wlll be used Lo provlde summer camp flnanclal scholarshlps
ulrlch ?oung Men's ChrlsLlan AssoclaLlon of CreaLer new ?ork 131624228 3,000 lunds wlll be used Lo provlde summer camp flnanclal scholarshlps
vallone ?oung Men's ChrlsLlan AssoclaLlon of CreaLer new ?ork 131624228 6,000
1o supporL Lhe ?MCA of CreaLer new ?ork by provldlng funds for varlous programs such
as Lhe 8eacon rogram, leaders club, 1eens 1ake Lhe ClLy, and 1een CenLer.
van 8ramer ?oung Men's ChrlsLlan AssoclaLlon of CreaLer new ?ork 131624228 30,714
lundlng Lo supporL runnlng youLh sporLs leagues for every season ln Lhe wesLern Cueens
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 181

Weprln ?oung Men's ChrlsLlan AssoclaLlon of CreaLer new ?ork 131624228 10,000
1o provlde muslc lessons, muslc Leachers, and equlpmenL for afLer-school muslc classes
Lo youLh ln Lhe communlLy.
Wllllams ?oung Men's ChrlsLlan AssoclaLlon of CreaLer new ?ork 131624228 7,000
lunds Lo provlde educaLlon, [ob Lralnlng and lmmlgraLlon servlces Lo new Amerlcans
Carodnlck ?oung eople's Chorus of new ?ork ClLy, lnc. 113372980 7,300 lundlng wlll supporL afLer-school choral and muslc programmlng for ulsLrlcL 4 resldenLs.
!ohnson ?oung eople's Chorus of new ?ork ClLy, lnc. 113372980 7,300
1o provlde chlldren of dlverse ablllLles and backgrounds wlLh a unlque program of muslc
educaLlon and choral performance.
kallos ?oung eople's Chorus of new ?ork ClLy, lnc. 113372980 12,000
1o supporL sLaff as Lhey prepare lessons, choose muslc, conducL rehearsals, and lead
performances for Lhe core afLer-school componenL of ?C's Choral LlLeracy and
erformance rogram, as well as ln ?C's SaLelllLe Schools rogram ln new ?ork ClLy
publlc schools.
Levlne ?oung eople's Chorus of new ?ork ClLy, lnc. 113372980 3,300
lunds Lo supporL sLaff as Lhey prepare lessons, choose muslc, conducL rehearsals, and
lead performances for Lhe core afLer-school componenL of ?C's Choral LlLeracy and
erformance rogram, as well as ln ?C's SaLelllLe Schools rogram ln new ?ork ClLy
publlc schools.
8odrlguez ?oung eople's Chorus of new ?ork ClLy, lnc. 113372980 3,000 lundlng Lo supporL Lhe CommunlLy Chorus rogram
8osenLhal ?oung eople's Chorus of new ?ork ClLy, lnc. 113372980 3,000
lundlng Lo supporL sLaff as Lhey prepare lessons, choose muslc, conducL rehearsals, and
lead performances for Lhe core afLer-school componenL of ?C's Choral LlLeracy and
erformance rogram, as well as ln ?C's SaLelllLe Schools rogram ln new ?ork ClLy
publlc schools.
Weprln ?oung eople's Chorus of new ?ork ClLy, lnc. 113372980 3,300
1o supporL sLaff prepare lessons, choose muslc, conducL rehearsals and lead
performances for Lhe chorus.
Clbson ?oung urban ChrlsLlans & ArLlsLs, lnc. 201633483 * 8,000
lunds wlll go Lo supporL Lhe ?uCA program wlLh supplles, promoLlonal maLerlals,
sLlpends and all necessary cosL regardlng Lhe rogram.
koo ?oung Womens ChrlsLlan AssoclaLlon of Cueens 200331906 3,000 1o fund PSL preparaLlon programs for youLh.
vallone ?oung Womens ChrlsLlan AssoclaLlon of Cueens 200331906 3,000 1o provlde fundlng for adequaLe lnsLrucLlon hours for Lhe PSL preparaLlon programs.
?oung Women's ChrlsLlan AssoclaLlon of Lhe ClLy of new
?ork 131624230 3,000
lunds supporL servlces Lo Lhe Coney lsland CommunlLy, lncludlng an afLer-school
program aL .S. 188 whlch provldes enrlchmenL, youLh developmenL and famlly
?oung Women's ChrlsLlan AssoclaLlon of Lhe ClLy of new
?ork 131624230 3,000
lunds supporL servlces Lo Lhe Coney lsland CommunlLy, lncludlng an afLer-school
program aL .S.329 whlch provldes enrlchmenL, youLh developmenL and famlly
?oung Women's ChrlsLlan AssoclaLlon of Lhe ClLy of new
?ork 131624230 3,000
lunds wlll supporL lncludlng afLer school program aL 8achel Carson Plgh School, whlch
provldes credlL-bearlng coursework and acLlvlLles, speclflcally funds wlll be used Lo
supporL addlLlonal college advlsemenL programmlng.
Mendez ?oung Women's Leadershlp neLwork, lnc. 061317218 3,300 laclng full-Llme college guldance experLs ln hlgh-need publlc schools ln ulsLrlcL 2
Mark-vlverlLo ?ouLh AcLlon rograms And Pomes lnc. 133203701 * 12,000
1o supporL Lhe ?ouLh8ulld program ln LasL Parlem and Lo add lncreased culLural acLlvlLles
Lo our currenL program offerlngs.
Mlller ?ouLh and 1ennls, lnc. 112376738 * 10,000 lunds wlll be used Lo pay coaches/menLors.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 182

!ohnson ?ouLh CommunlcaLlon/new ?ork CenLer, lnc. 133047333 3,000
1o supporL a wrlLlng program for young people ln fosLer care, Leachlng fosLer care youLh
Lo wrlLe sLorles for Lhe magazlne, 8epresenL: 1he volce of ?ouLh ln losLer Care, a
quarLerly perlodlcal.
alma ?ouLh MlnlsLrles for eace and !usLlce 134006333 24,000
1o supporL ?M!'s afLerschool youLh program and servlces LhaL lncludes, Pomework help
and LlLeracy uevelopmenL, SporLs and llLness, ArL, uance, urama and hoLography
Lsplnal ?ouLh Servlce League lnc. 111973738 13,000
lundlng Lo supporL youLh programmlng lncludlng academlc supporL, college placemenL
and aLhleLlcs.
Levlne ?ouLh Servlce CpporLunlLles ro[ecL, lnc. 133133331 3,300
lundlng wlll supporL volunLeer servlce programs Lo sLudenLs wlLhln Councll ulsLrlcL 7
durlng ouL-of-school Llme hours.
Mendez ?ouLh Servlce CpporLunlLles ro[ecL, lnc. 133133331 3,300
lundlng Lo supporL sendlng Leams of sLudenLs MS/PS and College Lo Lhe unlverslLy
CommunlLy Soup klLchen, Lhe food panLry and soup klLchen aL 1rlnlLy LuLheran Church,
and Cur Lady of Sorrows lood anLry.
8osenLhal ?ouLh Servlce CpporLunlLles ro[ecL, lnc. 133133331 3,300
lundlng Lo provlde sLudenL volunLeers Lo agencles servlng homeless and hungry people
ln n?C.
Zlmmer Club ?ouLh ConservaLlon rogram of SLaLen
lsland, lnc. 332262361 2,000
lunds wlll be use Lo supporL l8LL lnsLrucLlon ln ouLdoor acLlvlLles Lo over 100 youLhs.
1hey lnclude: flshlng, boaLlng, hunLlng, horLlculLure, anlmal care, blrds of prey, camplng,
wllderness survlval Lechnlques, marksmanshlp, archery, and more
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 183

Append|x D: Loca| In|t|at|ve
Sponsor Counc|| Member Lega| Name of Crgan|zat|on LIN * Amount (5) urpose of Iunds I|sca| Condu|t Name IC LIN
Cabrera 46Lh reclncL CommunlLy Councll 800448439
8equesLed funds wlll be used Lo supporL ouLdoor
communlLy evenLs.
!ohnson 32nd SLreeL ro[ecL, lnc., 1he 133467948

1o supporL 1he 32nd SLreeL ro[ecLs LheaLrlcal and
academlc menLorlng programs, lncludlng LheaLer
programs LhaL resulLs ln slx Lo elghL full producLlons
annually and playwrlLlng programs. lunds wlll supporL
salarles of sLaff members Lo Leach and coordlnaLe
CenLlle 62nd reclncL CommunlLy Councll, lnc. 112937303

lunds wlll supporL auxlllary and explorer posL pollce
and promoLe communlLy relaLlons, lncludlng wlLh a
naLlonal nlghL ouL, communlLy evenLs, and monLhly
communlLy meeLlngs.
CenLlle 68Lh reclncL CommunlLy Councll 203970147
lunds wlll supporL naLlonal nlghL CuL AgalnsL Crlme,
an evenL Lo brlng pollce and Lhe communlLy LogeLher
agalnsL crlme and drugs, educaLe resldenLs abouL crlme
sLaLlsLlcs and prevenLlon, and lmprove
communlLy/pollce relaLlons.
Cumbo 71sL reclncL CommunlLy Councll, lnc. 043784343

lunds for purchaslng offlce supplles, adverLlsemenL of
evenLs vla prlnLlng of flyers, communlLy radlo, bulldlng
of sLage, equlpmenL renLal of lnflaLable rldes for Lhe
youLhs, purchase of food, LransporLaLlon,
enLerLalnmenL, lnsurance, Loys, dlnners and sp
Crowley 73Lh SLreeL 8lock AssoclaLlon, lnc. 113442396

lundlng Lo defray cosLs of operaLlng expense lncludlng
maLerlals and annual llablllLy lnsurance.
Cornegy 81sL reclncL CommunlLy Councll 800901280
1o provlde annual evenL conslsLlng of enLerLalnmenL
and servlces Lo youLh members of Lhe communlLy.
82nd SLreeL ulsLrlcL ManagemenL AssoclaLlon,
lnc. 113096017

1o produce annual evenL called vlva La Comlda!, a
food, muslc, and culLural fesLlval
Carodnlck, kallos CC
92nd SLreeL ? (?oung Mens and ?oung
Womens Pebrew AssoclaLlon) 131624229
lunds wlll conLlnue Lo supporL programmlng aL 92nd
SLreeL ? LhaL ls free-of-charge for Lhe parLlclpanLs. 1he
LducaLlonal CuLreach rogram brlngs hlgh quallLy
programmlng and lnsLrucLlon ln muslc, dance, vlsual
arLs, llLeraLure, and sclence Lo over 7,300 a
Mlller 103rd reclncL CommunlLy Councll 203484666
lunds wlll supporL youLh sporLs, baskeLball and sofLball
games, fleld Lrlps, and crlme prevenLlon acLlvlLles such
as our annual Crlme revenLlon safeLy falrs. lunds wlll
also offseL Lhe cosL of requlred unlforms /or 1-shlrLs for
Lhe program, whlch are req
Lancman 107Lh reclncL CommunlLy Councll 113134719 * 4,000 A free summer evenlng concerL ln Cunnlngham ark.
koo 109Lh reclncL CommunlLy Councll, lnc. 112417336
lunds Lo supporL naLlonal nlghL CuL, (lncludlng food,
enLerLalnmenL, adverLlslng, prlnL, Lables, chalrs,
ConsLanLlnldes 114Lh Clvlllan CbservaLlon aLrol, lnc. 112372881

lundlng wlll be used Lo supporL a grafflLl removal
program and communlLy safeLy programmlng.
MaLLeo 122nd reclncL CommunlLy Councll, lnc. 133371133 2,000 lunds wlll be use Lo supporL naLlonal nlghL CuL
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 184

ulckens 131 SalnL nlcholas Avenue 1enanL's League 133313113
1o supporL an annual lamlly uay evenL, provldlng food
for Lhe needy, lncludlng Lhe homeless, and provldlng
oLher servlces for chlldren, and Lhe elderly ln Lhe
Clbson 161sL SLreeL MerchanLs AssoclaLlon, lnc. 300064721
1o supporL a 8ack-Lo-School PealLh lalr, Lurkey glve-
away Lo homeless veLerans and resldenLs, and Lhe
annual Pollday CelebraLlon beneflLlng Lhe SouLh 8ronx
Arroyo 161sL SLreeL MerchanLs AssoclaLlon, lnc. 300064721
1o supporL a 8ack-Lo-School !amm/PealLh lalr, a
Pollday CelebraLlon and oLher acLlvlLles for communlLy
resldenLs and homeless chlldren and famllles.
Mark-vlverlLo 161sL SLreeL MerchanLs AssoclaLlon, lnc. 300064721
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL varlous communlLy
pro[ecLs and evenLs such as, buL noL llmlLed Lo Lhe
8ack-Lo-School !amm/PealLh lalr & Pollday
CelebraLlon and Lhe 1hanksglvlng 1urkey Clve-Away.
Cornegy 300 Men Maklng a ulfference, lnc. 432368264

1he funds wlll be used Lo hlre a full Llme Manager and
a parL Llme coordlnaLor Lo manage an over 800 person
daLa base of men. 1hese employees wlll organlze and
send volunLeer men Lo our parLner organlzaLlons LhaL
need male menLors.
Clbson 1332 lulLon Avenue uay Care CenLer, lnc. 132690309
1he allocaLed funds wlll be used Lowards chlld care
servlces Lo be used for C1S, chlldren's Lrlps, and oLher
servlces LhaL wlll alde ln Lhe experlences had by Lhe
chlldren servlced and Lhe communlLy.
Cabrera 2020 vlslon for Schools, lnc. 433023036

lunds wlll empower sLudenLs Lo creaLe publlc arL LhaL
Lransforms publlc schools and nelghborhoods, Lhrough
elLher a collaboraLlve schoolyard mural or an ln-school
masLer class LhaL produces a mural for a nearby
communlLy organlzaLlon. CranL proceeds pay f
CenLlle 2020 vlslon for Schools, lnc. 433023036

lunds wlll be used Lo work wlLh chlldren on a publlc arL
pro[ecL/masLer class, funds wlll pay for maLerlals,
resldenL arLlsLs, and pro[ecL managemenL sLaff.
Mlller A 8eLLer !amalca, lnc. 113804421
lunds wlll be used for exhlblLlon rlghLs, markeLlng
cosLs, and sLaff cosLs.
Mlller A 8eLLer !amalca, lnc. 113804421
lunds are used Lo pay sLlpends Lo Lhe senlor clLlzens --
60 per week for slx hours of weekly servlce.
ulckens A 8eLLer !amalca, lnc. 113804421
1o supporL Lhe annual ParlemWeen celebraLlon, a free
famlly-frlendly Palloween cosLume/dance parLy on Lhe
plaza of Lhe Adam ClayLon owell, !r. SLaLe Cfflce
8ulldlng. lunds wlll be used Lo pay performers, cover
A/v cosLs, and meeL markeLlng needs.
Lancman A 8eLLer !amalca, lnc. 113804421
lundlng Lo provlde summer movle serles LhaL presenLs
classlc fllms on lrlday evenlngs ln downLown !amalca's
8ufus klng ark, lncludlng llcenslng, markeLlng, sLafflng
and relaLed cosLs.
MaLLeo A very Speclal lace, lnc. 133003006
lunds wlll be use Lo supporL Lhe CommunlLy CenLer
wlLh Lhelr evenlng and weekend LherapeuLlc recreaLlon
and resplLe program for people, 18 years of age and
older who have a developmenLal dlsablllLy.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 18S

ulckens A. hlllp 8andolph Pouses 1enanL AssoclaLlon 136400434

1o provlde back Lo schools supplles, meals, healLh care
lnformaLlon, and acLlvlLles for Lhe chlldren.
ulckens Aaron uavls Pall 133166308
1o supporL Lhe lnLernaLlonal Serles, a LheaLer arLs
program ln slx core schools ln ulsLrlcLs 7 and 9 ln
Parlem. 1he programs, Parlem SLage ln Lhe Schools
and a lamlly Serles, lnLegraLe educaLlon wlLh maln
sLage performance programs.
vacca AA8 lorL Schulyer ChapLer #1242 237247809

1o fund a place for senlors Lo meeL, soclallze, and geL
educaLed abouL healLh and safeLy lssues, and provlde
opporLunlLy for communlLy servlce.
Abraham Llncoln nelghborhood uevelopmenL
CorporaLlon 733260930
1o supporL an annual lamlly uay wlLh enLerLalnmenL,
refreshmenLs, acLlvlLles, books for chlldren, healLh
lnformaLlon and screenlngs and oLher acLlvlLles for
resldenLs of Lhe Abraham Llncoln nelghborhood.
Menchaca Academy of Medlcal And ubllc PealLh Servlces 272206293

lunds Lo supporL 1he CommunlLy PealLh ro[ecL (CP)
whlch provldes comprehenslve healLh screenlngs,
healLh coachlng, and soclal asslsLance. l?13 funds wlll
be used Lo cover screenlng and admlnlsLraLlve supplles
and equlpmenL.
ulrlch Achlezer CommunlLy 8esource CenLer, lnc. 274392919
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL famlly crlsls dlvlslon
Creenfleld Achlezer CommunlLy 8esource CenLer, lnc. 274392919
lundlng wlll supporL our famlly crlsls dlvlslon. 1hls
unlque program comblnes all aspecLs of medlcal,
menLal healLh and famlly well belng and ls carrled ouL
wlLh a speclflc proLocol LhaL allows for a Lallor made
wholesome soluLlon for famllles experlencln
Levln AcLors lund of Amerlca, 1he 131633231

1o supporL 1he AcLors lund ArLs CenLer, a communlLy
resource and affordable performance venue for small,
emerglng and culLurally-speclflc 8rooklyn-based arLlsLs
and arLs groups.
1reyger AC1S CommunlLy uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 010679632 * 2,000 lunds Lo supporL emergency food servlces.
Crowley Adhlkaar lor Puman 8lghLs And Soclal !usLlce 203384723
lunds Lo supporL CommunlLy CenLer, equlpmenL, and
programmlng supplles.
uromm Adhlkaar lor Puman 8lghLs And Soclal !usLlce 203384723
1o fund Lngllsh for LmpowermenL classes for n?C
nepall-speaklng communlLy.
Mendez AdvocaLes for Chlldren of new ?ork, lnc. 112247307

lundlng Lo supporL Lhe !lll ChalfeLz LducaLlon Pelpllne
free consulLaLlon Lo parenLs regardlng uCL school-
relaLed lssues, guldance.
Cornegy Afrlcan Amerlcan lannlng Commlsslon, lnc. 113303070
1o beauLlfy and lmprove Lhe usefulness and safeLy of
Lhe AACl playground for Lhe beneflL of Lhe chlldren of
all resldenLs.
ulckens Afrlcan Amerlcan Women ln Clnema 134131020
1o supporL local women fllmmakers, by off-seLLlng Lhe
cosL of Lhe pre-producLlon as well as Lhe producLlon of
Lhe Afrlcan Amerlcan Women ln Clnema fllm fesLlval.
Wllllams Afrlcan Amerlcan Women ln Clnema 134131020
lunds Lo asslsL wlLh Lhe cosL of execuLlng Lhe 17Lh
Annual lllm lesLlval LhaL wlll be Laklng place clLywlde.
8LAC, Women's,
8ose CC Afrlcan 8efuge, lnc. 010873188
A8 seeklng supporL Lo operaLe a 8unaway and
Pomeless ?ouLh 1ranslLlonal Llvlng rogram for Leen
parenLs and chlldren. lunds wlll used Lo supporL sLaff,
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 186

operaLlonal expenses and admlnlsLraLlve cosL.
CC Afrlcan Servlces CommlLLee, lnc. 133749744
lundlng Lo provlde legal servlces lncludlng lmmlgraLlon
servlces for a broad range of cllenLs from over 30
counLrles each year. 1he program provldes legal
asslsLance wlLh deferred acLlon for chlldhood
arrlvals(uACA), employmenL, asylum, lmproper
Cumbo Afrlcan volces CommunlcaLlons, lnc. 133687018
lunds Lo offseL cosL for arLlsL fees and honorarlums,
markeLlng and oLher operaLlng cosLs for Lhe 8eel
SlsLers of Lhe ulaspora lllm lesLlval LecLure Serles, an
annual 8rooklyn-based fesLlval servlng Lhe
lndependenL fllm communlLy.
Wllllams Afrlcan volces CommunlcaLlons, lnc. 133687018
lundlng for 8eel SlsLers of Lhe ulaspora lllm lesLlval
LecLure Serles
CC AfLer Pours ro[ecL, lnc. 331007278
lundlng Lo address Lhe conLlnued spread of Plv/AluS
ln low-lncome and mlnorlLy cenLral 8rooklyn
nelghborhoods slgnlflcanLly lmpacLed by hlgh raLes of
ln[ecLlon drug use (luu), Plv/PepaLlLls (A, 8, and C) and
sexually LransmlLLed lnfecLlons (S1ls).
AgudaLh lsrael of Amerlca CommunlLy Servlces,
lnc. 133973090
1o provlde educaLlon, career counsellng, and [ob
servlces for unemployed and underemployed
AgudaLh lsrael of Amerlca CommunlLy Servlces,
lnc. 133973090
lunds Lo cover Lhe cosLs of servlces, lncludlng pre-
employmenL counsellng, llLeracy, and skllls Lralnlng. ln
addlLlon, Lhose ln crlsls wlll be glven advlce and referral
ln such areas as credlL card debL, famlly supporL, eLc.
AgudaLh lsrael of Amerlca CommunlLy Servlces,
lnc. 133973090
lunds wlll be used Lo provlde educaLlon, career
counsellng, and [ob servlces for unemployed and
underemployed lndlvlduals, many of whom are low
lncome. Servlces wlll lnclude pre-employmenL
counsellng, llLeracy, and skllls Lralnlng. ln addlLlon,
Lhose ln c
AgudaLh lsrael of Amerlca CommunlLy Servlces,
lnc. 133973090
23,000 LducaLlonal, culLural and soclal programmlng.
Menchaca CC
AgudaLh lsrael of Amerlca CommunlLy Servlces,
lnc. 133973090
1o provlde educaLlon, career counsellng, and [ob
servlces for unemployed and underemployed
lndlvlduals, many of whom are low lncome lndlvlduals.
uromm CC AluS CenLer of Cueens CounLy, lnc. 112837894 * 73,000 1o fund homeless youLh drop-ln cenLer.
Carodnlck AluS Servlce CenLer of Lower ManhaLLan, lnc. 133362071

lundlng wlll supporL programs Lo help Plv-poslLlve
people manage Lhelr healLh and navlgaLe Lhe medlcal
alma AluS Servlce CenLer of Lower ManhaLLan, lnc. 133362071

1o provlde dedlcaLed eer PealLh Coaches for
lndlvlduals wlLh Plv or oLher long Lerm chronlc healLh
lssues Lo provlde supporL, advocacy and oLher servlces.
!ohnson AluS Servlce CenLer of Lower ManhaLLan, lnc. 133362071

1o supporL a PealLh CCACP program, provldlng people
llvlng wlLh Plv and oLher chronlc lllnesses a one-on-
one personal approach Lo care, accompanylng Lhem Lo
appolnLmenLs, sharlng sLraLegles for medlcaLlon
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 187

adherence, helplng Lhem communlcaLe wlLh Lhelr doc
CC AluS Servlce CenLer of Lower ManhaLLan, lnc. 133362071

1o fund Lhe CCACP program-Comprehenslve
CuLreach And ConnecLlon Lo PealLhcare-Soclal
Workers and eer LducaLors wlll provlde healLh
educaLlon, peer coachlng, accompanlmenL Lo
appolnLmenLs, meals, and rouLlne communlcaLlon wlLh
medlcal sLaff Lo ensure LhaL
ConsLanLlnldes AkLlna roducLlons, lnc. 113220961
lundlng wlll be used for news and lnformaLlon
ouLreach lnLo Lhe Creek-speaklng communlLy of new
vallone AkLlna roducLlons, lnc. 113220961
lunds wlll cover parL of Lhe annual alrLlme fees for Lhe
hlghly raLed radlo and Lelevlslon programs Ak1lnA lM
and Ak1lnA 1v
Lancman All My Chlldren uaycare and nursery School 113371679
PlsLory programmlng for school chlldren, a concerL
serles for adulLs, and hlsLorlc food preparaLlon and
LasLlng programmlng for famllles.
Mendez All CuL ArLs, lnc. 061284862

lundlng Lo supporL 12Lh annual lesLlval of LC81C arLs
and culLure, (plays, arL shows, fllm, dance, lecLures and
muslc programs.)
Cueens, uromm CC Alley ond LnvlronmenLal CenLer lnc 112403466

lundlng Lo conducL envlronmenLal educaLlon
programs for chlldren ages 18 monLhs Lhrough adulLs
aL reasonable raLes as well as servlce chlldren ln low
lncome areas aL our class vlslLaLlon programs.
koo Alley ond LnvlronmenLal CenLer, lnc. 112403466 3,000 1o help cover program lmplemenLaLlon cosLs.
vallone Alley ond LnvlronmenLal CenLer, lnc. 112403466

1o fund expenses LhaL allow ALC Lo conducL
envlronmenLal educaLlon programs for chlldren ages
18 monLhs Lhrough adulLs aL reasonable raLes as well
as servlce chlldren ln low lncome areas wlLh class
vlslLaLlon programs.
!ohnson Alllance of 8esldenL 1heaLres/new ?ork, lnc. 132768383

1o provlde supporL and servlce new ?ork ClLy's
nonproflL LheaLres, Lhrough fundlng Lo pay cosLs
relaLed Lo Lhe SACLS[320 faclllLy.
Mendez Allled roducLlons, lnc. 133123323

lundlng Lo supporL (Lv) fllm screenlngs, crafL
workshops, muslc, LheaLer, lnsLallaLlons and oLher
gaLherlngs LhaL seek Lo engage Lhe local/arLs
communlLy and evenLs [ Le eLlL versallles
Allled veLerans Memorlal CommlLLee of CreaLer
8ldgewood and Clendale 383833340

1o fund Lhe annual Memorlal uay arade for Lhe
8ldgewood/Clendale area, lncludlng bands, revlewlng
sLands, LransporLaLlon, eLc.
Cornegy Alpha upsllon upllfL, lnc. 133923344
1o provlde a SporLs LducaLlon rogram durlng WlnLer
Pollday 8reak, a MenLorshlp rogram for 1ranslenL
?ouLh & a Scholarshlp Lssay ConLesL for College 8ound
8lack and LaLlno Males
Levlne Alvln Alley uance loundaLlon, lnc. 132384273 * 3,000 lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Alley uance klds (Auk).
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 188

!ohnson Alvln Alley uance loundaLlon, lnc. 132384273
lunds Lo supporL Alley uance klds (Auk) an arLs
educaLlon program LhaL reaches over 7,000 new ?ork
ClLy publlc school chlldren annually Lhrough lecLure
demonsLraLlons, dance classes, and percusslon classes
LhaL allow sLudenLs Lo explore Lhelr creaLlve poL
8osenLhal Alvln Alley uance loundaLlon, lnc. 132384273
lundlng Lo supporL Leachlng arLlsL salarles for Auk and
Alley Camp and performance expenses for Alley
ouLreach acLlvlLles.
Alzhelmer's ulsease and 8elaLed ulsorders
AssoclaLlon - new ?ork ClLy, lnc. 133277408
1o provlde for Lhe enrollmenL of lndlvlduals ln Councll
ulsLrlcL 20 lnLo MedlcAlerLAlzhelmer's AssoclaLlon
Safe 8eLurn (MAS8) rogram, whlch ls a naLlonwlde
wanderers program worklng aL Lhe local communlLy
level Lo reLurn lndlvlduals wlLh memory dlsorde
Alzhelmer's ulsease and 8elaLed ulsorders
AssoclaLlon - new ?ork ClLy, lnc. 133277408
lunds wlll be used Lo expand Lhe uemenLla Care
1ralnlng parLnershlp, whlch educaLes dlrecL care
provldes LhroughouL Lhe flve boroughs ln Lhe complex
and speclallzed care needs of persons wlLh demenLla.
Alzhelmer's ulsease and 8elaLed ulsorders
AssoclaLlon - new ?ork ClLy, lnc. 133277408
1o lncrease MedlcAlerLSafe 8eLurn (MAS8)
enrollmenL ln Councll ulsLrlcL 1
Crowley, Cumbo,
Carodnlck, klng,
Lancman, Mlller,
8ose, 1orres,
vacca CC
Alzhelmer's ulsease and 8elaLed ulsorders
AssoclaLlon - new ?ork ClLy, lnc. 133277408
1o fund MedlcAlerL Safe 8eLurn, a naLlonwlde
wanderers program worklng aL Lhe local communlLy
level. 1he program flnds people wlLh memory
dlsorders who wander or become losL and reLurn Lhem
safely Lo Lhelr homes.
Amerlcan AssoclaLlon of PolocausL Survlvors of
Lhe lormer SovleL unlon 113393338
lunds wlll be Lo used Lo pay cosLs of soclal evenLs
celebraLlng elderly holocausL survlvors and a supporL
program for survlvors. 1hese cosLs lnclude paylng for
renLal space, food packages, and evenL supplles.
Lancman Amerlcan 8angall Plndu loundaLlon, lnc 260741306
lundlng Lo provlde weekend and summer
programmlng and meals for chlldren 3-16 years old.
Cu28 Amerlcan 8angall Plndu loundaLlon, lnc 260741306
1o supporL programmaLlc and operaLlng cosLs for
culLural and language developmenL youLh programs
1reyger Amerlcan 8roLherhood of 8usslan ulsabled 113314347
lunds wlll be used Lo provlde compuLer Lralnlng classes
for senlor and dlsabled resldenLs of Lhe communlLy.
1hese classes wlll focus on general compuLer skllls
lnlLlally and Lhen branch lnLo speclallzed sofLware and
oLher appllcaLlons
koo Amerlcan Cancer SocleLy, lnc. 131788491

1he funds wlll conLlnue Lhe successful Colon Cancer
Screenlng and aLlenL navlgaLlon lnlLlaLlve Lo provlde
free colon screenlng and LreaLmenL lf needed for Lhose
ln ulsLrlcL 20, and wlll also be used Lowards Lhe ACS
rlmary Care rovlder CuLreach lloL r
Wllllams Amerlcan Cancer SocleLy, lnc. 131788491 3,300 lundlng for free colon screenlngs and LreaLmenL
Amerlcan Pellenlc LducaLlon rogresslve
AssoclaLlon (APLA ChapLer #349 lund, lnc.) 200871381

lunds wlll be used Lo supporL fleld Lrlps Lo exhlblLs
feaLurlng Pellenlc CulLure and ArL
koslowlLz Amerlcan Leglon - ConLlnenLal osL 1424 116104901
lunds wlll be used Lo help cover cosL for Lhe Memorlal
uay arade lncludlng LransporLaLlon of veLerans Lo
parade slLe, for paymenL of bands and groups
parLlclpaLlng ln parade, for paymenL of permlLs,
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 189

wreaLhs Lo be placed aL veLerans Memorlal slLe.
Amerlcan Leglon Colonel Charles ?oung osL
#398 136272129
1o provlde youLh recreaLlonal, sporLs, culLural and
leadershlp acLlvlLles for chlldren of veLerans and Lhose
wlLhln Lhe served communlLy and Lo provlde a
scholarshlp for a college bound sLudenL each year.
8osenLhal Amerlcan Museum of naLural PlsLory 136162639
lundlng provldes sLudenLs and Leachers wlLh needed
resources such as maLerlals equlpmenL for Lhe
classroom, provlde Leachers, admlnlsLraLors, parenL
coordlnaLors wlLh hlgh quallLy professlonal
developmenL, and engage parenLs/guardlans of uA
sLudenLs ln
8osenLhal Amerlcan Museum of naLural PlsLory 136162639
lundlng Lo supporL conLlnuaLlon of a Museum pald
lnLernshlp program LhaL wlll help develop and Lraln
hlgh school college sLudenLs
8osenLhal Amerlcan Museum of naLural PlsLory 136162639
lundlng Lo supporL lamlly Sclence rograms LhaL
would serve n?CPA developmenLs
8osenLhal, 1orres,
van 8ramer CC Amerlcan Museum of naLural PlsLory 136162633
1o fund a lamlly Sclence rogram LhaL would serve
n?CPA developmenLs LhroughouL Lhe ClLy servlng
nearly 1,000 chlldren and Lhelr parenL/guardlans.
Cumbo Amerlcan Cpera ro[ecLs, lnc. 133081486

lunds Lo engage LradlLlonally underserved
communlLles ln 8rooklyn by brlnglng muslc and arLs
programmlng Lo publlc houslng, parks, llbrarles and
communlLy cenLers.
ulckens Amerlcan erformlng ArLs CollaboraLlve, lnc. 133877290
1o uLlllze our Lechnologlcal resources and capablllLles
ln con[uncLlon wlLh our creaLlve and arLlsLlc resources
Lo besL serve and beneflL our communlLy and expand
on 1he 8especL ro[ecL as well as our CulLural
erformlng ArLs serles. We are proposlng a Lw
ueuLsch Amerlcan-lLallan Cancer loundaLlon 133033711

1o provlde for a no-cosL 8reasL Cancer Screenlng
Carodnlck Amerlcan-lLallan Cancer loundaLlon 133033711

lundlng wlll supporL free mammograms and cllnlcal
breasL exams for economlcally dlsadvanLaged women.
kallos Amerlcan-lLallan Cancer loundaLlon 133033711

1o supporL Lhe no-cosL 8reasL Cancer Screenlng
rogram, provldlng new ?ork ClLy women wlLh breasL
cancer screenlng and educaLlon servlces on our Moblle
Care Cllnlc. lundlng wlll supporL Lhe cosL assoclaLed
wlLh Lhe operaLlon of our Moblle Care Cllnlc lncl
MaLLeo Amerlcan-lLallan Cancer loundaLlon 133033711

lundlng wlll supporL Lhe cosL assoclaLed wlLh Lhe
operaLlon of Moblle Care Cllnlc lncludlng moblle unlL
sLaff salarles, and cosL of mammograms, and cllnlcal
breasL exams noL covered by lnsurance or Lhe new
?ork SLaLe Cancer Servlces rogram.
alma Amerlcan-lLallan Cancer loundaLlon 133033711

1o provlde no-cosL breasL cancer screenlng, ouLreach,
and educaLlon Lo economlcally dlsadvanLaged,
medlcally underserved new ?ork ClLy women. lunds
wlll pay for mammograms and exams aL a moblle cllnlc.
ulrlch Amerlcan-lLallan Cancer loundaLlon 133033711 4,000 lunds wlll be used Lo supporL free breasL cancer
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 190

screenlng program
vallone Amerlcan-lLallan Cancer loundaLlon 133033711

lundlng wlll supporL Lhe cosL assoclaLed wlLh Lhe
operaLlon of our Moblle Care Cllnlc lncludlng moblle
unlL sLaff salarles, and cosL of mammograms, and
cllnlcal breasL exams noL covered by lnsurance or Lhe
new ?ork SLaLe Cancer Servlces rogram.
ulckens Amerlcan-lLallan Cancer loundaLlon 133033711

1o provlde no-cosL mammograms and cllnlcal breasL
exams for economlcally dlsadvanLaged, medlcally
underserved women ln Lhe flve boroughs of new ?ork
ClLy. lunds wlll be used Lo supporL sLaff salarles for Lhe
urlver, 8adlology Lechnlclan and 8eglsLered nur
Amerlcan-lLallan CoallLlon of CrganlzaLlons, lnc.
(AMlCC) 112488439
lunds wlll provlde educaLlonal, recreaLlonal,
nuLrlLlonal, and soclal work servlces, lncludlng exerclse
and dance lnsLrucLlon for older members.
Amerlcan-lLallan CoallLlon of CrganlzaLlons, lnc.
(AMlCC) 112488439
lunds wlll provlde educaLlonal, recreaLlonal,
nuLrlLlonal, and soclal work servlces, lncludlng exerclse
and dance lnsLrucLlon for older members.
CenLlle Amerlcas ulsasLer 8ellef 260630630
lunds wlll pay for gas, Lolls, sLorage faclllLles, van/Lruck
renLals, cosLs for adverLlslng and promoLlons, lncludlng
brochures, flyers, slgns, and posLers, and provlde
operaLlonal cosLs such as lnLerneL, webslLe
malnLenance, elecLrlclLy and cell phone fe
1reyger Amerlcas ulsasLer 8ellef 260630630
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe Pollday 1oy uellvery
1reyger AmeLhysL Women's ro[ecL, lnc. 113303313

lunds used Lo lmplemenL Lhe Coney lsland revenLlon
LducaLlon ro[ecL (L)Lo lncrease awareness of healLh
dlsparlLles ln Lhe communlLy wlLh a speclal emphasls
on LargeLed and enhanced ouLreach and prevenLlon
educaLlon workshops focused on prevenLlon of c
Levlne Amlgos del Museo del 8arrlo 237136720
lundlng Lo supporL Ll Museo's Maklng ConnecLlons
program, whlch uses arL as a plaLform Lo approach and
dlscuss a varleLy of Loplcs ln collaboraLlon wlLh
communlLy-based organlzaLlons. lundlng wlll be used
Lo fund ulsLrlcL 7 school programs.
alma Amlgos del Museo del 8arrlo 237136720
1o supporL educaLlon programs, workshops, museum
vlslLs and oLher programs for Lhe communlLy and for
sLudenLs and educaLors.
ulckens Amlgos del Museo del 8arrlo 237136720
1o supporL Ll Museo's Maklng ConnecLlons program, a
collaboraLlon wlLh communlLy-based organlzaLlons
LhaL lncludes vlslLs Lo Ll Museo's Callerles and 1alleres
(arL sLudlos), and workshops cenLered on vlsual
exploraLlons of varlous relevanL Loplcs.
CC Amlgos del Museo del 8arrlo 237136720
1o provlde varled exhlblLlons and publlcaLlons,
blllngual publlc programs, educaLlonal acLlvlLles,
fesLlvals and speclal evenLs Lo educaLe Lhe dlverse
publlc ln Lhe rlchness of Carlbbean and LaLln Amerlcan
arLs and culLural hlsLory.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 191

Mlller AmlLy 8apLlsL Church 112014196
lunds wlll be used as sLlpends from Lhe church for
each parLlclpanL. uay Camp for ages 6-13 from 8AM Lo
3:30M, Monday - lrlday, slx weeks beglnnlng !uly and
AugusL. lunds wlll be used for sLaff sLlpends, snacks,
arLs and crafLs and educaLlonal maLerlal f
vallone Andrean layers, 1he 112203300
1he funds wlll be used Lo purchase modern llghLs and
sound equlpmenL, replaclng malfuncLlonlng and
ouLdaLed equlpmenL LhaL ls over 40 years old ln some
Mendez Andrew Clover ?ouLh rogram, lnc. 133267496
lundlng Lo provlde youLhful offenders wlLh courL
advocacy, prevenLlon programs and necessary
referrals[ 8oberL Slegal CenLer
Cornegy Anlmal Care and ConLrol of new ?ork ClLy 133788986
1o supporL ACC's core mlsslon ln supporL of Lhe 36Lh
Councll ulsLrlcL and all of 8rooklyn.
Crowley Anlmal Care and ConLrol of new ?ork ClLy 133788986
lundlng for servlce upgrades Lo keep rescued anlmals
happy ln Lhelr surroundlngs, and Lo end Lhe euLhanasla
of healLhy and LreaLable caLs and dogs.
MaLLeo Anlmal Care and ConLrol of new ?ork ClLy 133788986
lundlng wlll be use Lo promoLe and proLecL Lhe healLh,
safeLy and welfare of peLs and people ln new ?ork ClLy.
8osenLhal Anlmal Care and ConLrol of new ?ork ClLy 133788986 * 3,300 lunds used Lo supporL dlrecL care of rescued anlmals.
vallone Anlmal Care and ConLrol of new ?ork ClLy 133788986
lunds wlll supporL Lhe Anlmal Care and ConLrol of new
?ork ClLy's programs Lo rescue and care for anlmals.
CC Anlmal Care and ConLrol of new ?ork ClLy 133788986
1o supporL Lhe Anlmal Care lund's program Lo rescue
and care for losL, mlsLreaLed, or neglecLed anlmals,
educaLe Lhe publlc, and provlde enhanced care.
Chln Anne lrank CenLer uSA, lnc., 1he 132991719
1o dellver educaLlonal programs for sLudenLs and
adulLs aL gallery and classrooms ln 1rlbeca. SLudenL
programs lnvolve a Lour of permanenL and Lemporary
exhlblLlons, an educaLlonal vldeo, and lnLeracLlve
lecLures by sLaff and by PolocausL survlvors. Adu
Levln Annual Cowanus ArLlsLs SLudlo 1our 733192120 * 1,300 1o supporL Lhe annual Cowanus Cpen SLudlos.
Lander Annual Cowanus ArLlsLs SLudlo 1our 733192120
1o supporL Lhe annual Cowanus Cpen SLudlos evenL.
lunds wlll be used for coordlnaLlng and promoLlng
Cornegy Apex uevelopmenL loundaLlon 371344461
1o provlde developmenL and empowermenL
workshops for youLh aged 12-24 Lo fund a career day.
uromm AlCPA CommunlLy PealLh CenLer 133706363

1o fund developmenL and lmplemenLaLlon of soclal
medla sLraLegy Lo reach medlcally underserved cllenLs,
lncludlng cosLs assoclaLed wlLh hlrlng a markeLlng
consulLanL and purchaslng lnLerneL ads.
!ohnson AlCPA CommunlLy PealLh CenLer 133706383
1o supporL Lhe provlslon of comprehenslve healLh
servlces, and speclflcally Lo supporL sLaff Lo conducL
communlLy healLh educaLlon and an upgraded webslLe
Lo ensure beLLer access Lo servlces.
Chln AlCPA CommunlLy PealLh CenLer 133706363

1o use for general operaLlng expenses Lo supporL
communlLy ouLreach Lo lncrease awareness of AlCPA
CPC's healLh programs prlmary care servlces.
Menchaca AlCPA CommunlLy PealLh CenLer 133706383
lunds Lo expand AlCPA CommunlLy PealLh CenLer's
communlLy ouLreach program Lo beLLer uLlllze soclal
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 192

medla Lo lncrease awareness of AlCPA CPC's healLh
programs prlmary care servlces.
ManhaLLan, Chln CC AlCPA CommunlLy PealLh CenLer 133706383
lundlng for comprehenslve healLh servlces, lncludlng
affordable prlmary care, menLal healLh, Plv LesLlng and
S1u screenlng, case managemenL, supporL servlces.
Levlne Apollo 1heaLer loundaLlon, lnc. 133630066

lundlng Lo supporL Lhe Apollo's array of free and low-
cosL k-12 LuuCA1lCn 8CC8AMS whlch engage new
?ork ClLy youLh wlLh vlLal opporLunlLles for career
developmenL and arLs exposure each year and lnclude:
1) ACLLC 1PLA1L8 ACAuLM? whlch provlde hlgh
Menchaca Arab Amerlcan AssoclaLlon of new ?ork, lnc. 113604736

lunds Lo supporL Lhe Arab Amerlcan lamlly LducaLlon
lnlLlaLlve whlch ls made up of an LSCL program, a clvlcs
and clLlzenshlp program, and an afLerschool homework
asslsLance and enrlchmenL program known as klLaab
Lugene Arab-Amerlcan lamlly SupporL CenLer, lnc., 1he 113167243
1o supporL Clvlcs LSL and ClLlzenshlp rogram.
lundlng wlll provlde lmmlgranLs wlLh LuLorlng for
clLlzenshlp exams.
alma Arlva lnc. 320028398
1o provlde Lax asslsLance Lo low lncome lndlvlduals and
famllles aL L for Senlors Lo reLurn funds Lo Lhe
communlLy, help lndlvlduals enroll ln asslsLance
programs. lunds wlll supporL operaLlons and sLafflng
for Lhe servlce and programs.
8odrlguez Armory loundaLlon, 1he 133680286

lundlng Lo supporL Armory College rep rogram, cosL
of LuLor, sLafflng, and maLerlals
lgnlzlo ArL Lab, lnc. 132977493
1o supporL arLs educaLlon and programmlng Lhrough
Lhe 31sL Councll ulsLrlcL.
MaLLeo ArL Lab, lnc. 132977493
lunds wlll be used Lo provlde operaLlng and
scholarshlp supporL, whlch wlll enable arLlsLs of all ages
and levels Lo develop Lhelr LalenLs.
Mendez ArL Lolsalda loundaLlon 262383736
lundlng Lo supporL ArLlsL ln 8esldence pro[ecL-Lo offer
sLlpends Lo local arLlsLs, composers and
choreographers Lo creaLe works of arL ln 2 communlLy
gardens LhaL wlll resulL ln an exhlblLlon and
mulLldlsclpllnary performance plece Lo be performed ln
Arroyo ArLhur Avlles 1yplcal 1heaLre, lnc. 133997263
lunds wlll go Loward arLlsLs fees, admlnlsLraLlon,
space, markeLlng, publlc programs and producLlons.
Cumbo ArLs & LeLLers arenLs AssoclaLlon 460322478
lunds wlll supporL Lhe salary of a full-Llme coordlnaLor
for Lhe program, 1he AL A seeks Lo develop an
afLerschool program for AL elemenLary and mlddle
school sLudenLs.
Cumbo A81s LasL new ?ork, lnc. 270889467
lunds wlll supporL Lhe new LoLs MarkeL ArLlsL
lncubaLor whlch wlll revlLallze Lwo vacanL loLs.
8arron A81s LasL new ?ork, lnc. 270889467
lunds are lnLended Lo be used Loward launchlng Lhe
[re]new LoLs MarkeL ArLlsL lncubaLor. lunded ln parL
by Lhe new ?ork ClLy Lconomlc uevelopmenL
CorporaLlon, Lhls moblle model for nelghborhood
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 193

revlLallzaLlon wlll acLlvaLe Lwo vacanL loLs Lowards
Chln ArLs for ArL, lnc. 133991848
1o supporL low cosL and free culLural programmlng ln
publlc and communlLy spaces ln ulsLrlcL 1. lunds wlll
pay arLlsL and producLlon fees assoclaLed wlLh Lhls
1reyger ArL's Pouse Schools, lnc. 870790139
lunds wlll offseL Lhe salarles of Leachers and oLher
programmaLlc expenses for Lhe uance Cff Lhe SLreeLs"
koo ArLsConnecLlon lnc, 1he 132933240

1o supporL Lhe uLLL1A program for schools ln ulsLrlcL
!ohnson Ascenslon CuLreach, lnc. 203871993
1o provlde pre-packed bag of non-perlshables
represenLlng all luA approved food groups Lo all
panLry guesLs
Chln Ascenslon CuLreach, lnc. 203871993
1o supporL lncreased demand for emergency food due
Lo changes ln SnA beneflLs. lunds wlll be used Lo
supplemenL food panLry lnvenLory.
koo Aslan Amerlcan ArLs Alllance 133480189

lunds wlll permlL a communlLy
mapplng/envlronmenLal survey for l?14's plloL 1own
Pall LCCAL," whlch franchlses a core program Lo
underserved lmmlgranL nelghborhoods. Wlll also help
fund one plloL 1own Pall LCCAL ln llushlng, ln
collaboraLlon wlLh soclal
uromm Aslan Amerlcans for LquallLy 133187792
1o supporL culLurally senslLlve ln-language counsellng
and LSCL educaLlon Lo n?Cs Aslan lmmlgranLs.
Carodnlck Aslan Amerlcans for LquallLy 133187792
lundlng wlll supporL Lhe Small 8uslness uevelopmenL
koo Aslan Amerlcans for LquallLy 133187792
1he lmmlgranL Servlces rogram provldes culLurally
senslLlve ln-language counsellng and LSCL educaLlon Lo
n?C's Aslan lmmlgranLs. lunds wlll be used Lo provlde
servlces ln ulsLrlcL 20, lncludlng cllenL appllcaLlon
compleLlon asslsLance, follow up servlces
koslowlLz Aslan Amerlcans for LquallLy 133187792
lunds wlll be used for Lhe Small 8uslness uevelopmenL
rogram Lo provlde buslness asslsLance and
developmenL servlces Lo small buslness owners and
enLrepreneurs ln new ?ork ClLy, focuslng on emerglng
communlLles wlLh hlgh concenLraLlons of mlnorlLles
Lancman Aslan Amerlcans for LquallLy 133187792
lundlng Lo supporL buslness asslsLance for small
buslnesses and enLrepreneurs lncludlng dlrecL
affordable flnanclng, Lechnlcal asslsLance programs and
a comprehenslve Lour plannlng lnlLlaLlve.
Lander Aslan Amerlcans for LquallLy 133187792
1o supporL Lechnlcal asslsLance and flnanclal
counsellng Lo homeowners and small buslnesses.
Mark-vlverlLo Aslan Amerlcans for LquallLy 133187792
1o supporL advocacy and access Lo servlces ln regards
Lo clvll rlghLs, lmmlgranL asslsLance, soclal servlces,
affordable houslng, and economlc developmenL ln LasL
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 194

Menchaca Aslan Amerlcans for LquallLy 133187792
lunds Lo supporL lmmlgranL Servlces rogram whlch
provldes culLurally senslLlve ln-language counsellng
and LSCL educaLlon Lo n?Cs Aslan lmmlgranLs.
Weprln Aslan Amerlcans for LquallLy 133187792 * 10,000 1o supporL Lhe nelghborhood SLablllzaLlon rogram.
Cueens, Chln,
lerreras, koo,
koslowlLz, Weprln CC Aslan Amerlcans for LquallLy 133187792
1o provlde fundlng Lo educaLe LenanLs on whaL Lhey
can do Lo prevenL flres and Lo reporL bulldlng
condlLlons LhaL vlolaLe flre codes. lunds wlll enable
Lhem Lo deslgn mulLlllngual maLerlals LargeLed Lo Aslan
lmmlgranLs wlLh llmlLed Lngllsh proflclency, co
uromm Aslan CommunlLy unlLed SocleLy, lnc. 264164117
1o supporL equlpmenL renLal, markeLlng, sLlpends, and
space renLal for Lunar new ?ear celebraLlon.
1reyger Aslan CommunlLy unlLed SocleLy, lnc. 264164117
lunds used Lo offseL Lhe cosLs of provldlng case
managemenL servlces asslsLlng wlLh Lhe appllcaLlon
and renewal process for governmenL beneflLs lncludlng
buL noL llmlLed Lo lood SLamps, Medlcald, Medlcare,
PLA, ubllc Pouslng, Senlor Pouslng, and ubllc
1reyger Aslan CommunlLy unlLed SocleLy, lnc. 264164117
lunds used Lo offseL Lhe operaLlng cosLs of an AdulL
LlLeracy rogram.
1reyger Aslan CommunlLy unlLed SocleLy, lnc. 264164117
lunds used Lo offseL Lhe cosLs of provldlng case
managemenL servlces asslsLlng wlLh Lhe appllcaLlon
and renewal process for governmenL beneflLs lncludlng
buL noL llmlLed Lo lood SLamps, Medlcald, Medlcare,
PLA, ubllc Pouslng, Senlor Pouslng, and ubllc
Aslan-Amerlcan CoallLlon for Chlldren and
lamllles, lnc. 133682471
1o fund Lhe Aslan Amerlcan SLudenL Advocacy ro[ecL
Aslan-Amerlcan CoallLlon for Chlldren and
lamllles, lnc. 133682471
lunds wlll be used Lo cover cosL assoclaLed wlLh Lhe
Aslan Amerlcan SLudenL Advocacy ro[ecL (ASA),
CACl's youLh leadershlp program, wlLhln Lhe 29Lh
Councll ulsLrlcL. 1he 20 youLh leaders wlll meeL year-
round, and collecLlvely work on Lhelr ongolng cam
8LAC, Chln, koo,
vallone CC
Aslan-Amerlcan CoallLlon for Chlldren and
lamllles, lnc. 133682471
1o provlde supporL for Lhe Aslan aclflc Amerlcan
communlLy by sLrengLhenlng Aslan led and servlng
member agencles Lhrough CapaclLy 8ulldlng rogram
lncludlng quarLerly membershlp meeLlngs, quarLerly
Lralnlngs, and lndlvldual Lechnlcal asslsLance, ldenLlf
Carodnlck AsphalL Creen, lnc. 136333138
lundlng wlll supporL Lhe WaLerprooflng program,
whlch each year Leaches publlc school chlldren Lo learn
Lo swlm. lundlng wlll also supporL AsphalL Creen
programs aL .S. 131.
kallos AsphalL Creen, lnc. 136333138
1o supporL AsphalL Creens WaLerprooflng rogram
(W) ln S290, Llla 8aker, LasL Slde Mlddle school ln
ulsLrlcL 3. 1he maln ob[ecLlve ls for all 207 sLudenLs
learn Lo swlm and Lo be safe ln Lhe waLer. 1o supporL
Lhe 8ecess LnhancemenL rogram (8L) ln S13
Levlne AsphalL Creen, lnc. 136333138
1o supporL 8ecess LnhancemenL rogram (8L)
WaLerprooflng rogram (W) ln ulsLrlcL 7. 8L
Lransforms recess from an ofLen dangerous, chaoLlc
slLuaLlon lnLo a safe, fun acLlve Llme for klds. lay
Coaches vlslL S123 ln ulsLrlcL 7, Lwlce a week work wl
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 19S

Cohen, Carodnlck,
kallos CC AsphalL Creen, lnc. 136333138
lundlng for 1he WaLerprooflng rogram servlng over
1,300 chlldren/year ln a free swlm program durlng Lhe
school day, and Lhe 8L program whlch Lransforms Lhe
recess perlod from an ofLen dangerous, chaoLlc
slLuaLlon lnLo a safe, fun and acLlve Llme.
AssoclaLlon Cf PolocausL Survlvors lrom 1he
lormer SovleL unlon, lnc. 113393338
Soclal evenLs for elderly holocausL survlvors lncludlng
!ewlsh holldays, 8usslan holldays, food packages and
evenLs celebraLlng Lhe survlval of assoclaLlon
Malsel AssoclaLlon of lnformed volces, lnc. 113393142
1o supporL programs for youLh LhaL encourage exerclse
and parLlclpaLlon ln sporLs.
AssoclaLlon of LaLlno 8uslness Cwners and
8esldenLs 463338649
le and dellvery of Lwo dlsasLer reslllency Lralnlng
1reyger AsLella uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 112438673

Workforce and [ob readlness Lralnlng resources,
focused on consLrucLlon employmenL. Servlces lnclude
lnLervlew skllls Lralnlng, [ob reLenLlon Lralnlng, [ob
search Lralnlng and focus groups assesslng [ob relaLed
need/career bulldlng.
ConsLanLlnldes AsLorla erformlng ArLs CenLer, lnc. 631209380

lundlng wlll be used subsldlze cosLs for LheaLer
programs for communlLy resldenLs.
ConsLanLlnldes AsLorla 1enanLs CrganlzaLlon lnc. 113369640 * 10,000 CperaLlon of AsLorla Pouses 1enanLs AssoclaLlon.
ConsLanLlnldes AsLorla 1enanLs CrganlzaLlon lnc. 113369640
lundlng wlll be used Lo supporL annual communlLy
ConsLanLlnldes AsLorla/Cueens Share-lng and Care-lng, lnc. 113220371

lundlng wlll be used Lo provlde cancer ouLreach and
supporL servlces.
uromm AsLorla/Cueens Share-lng and Care-lng, lnc. 113220371

1o provlde dlrecL and lndlrecL cancer supporL servlces
Lo women and men ln Lhe dlsLrlcL, lncludlng
communlLy ouLreach, elLher Lhrough a Plgh School
ouLreach or a CommunlLy PealLh lorum/Workshop.
ConsLanLlnldes ALhens Square, lnc. 112833712

lundlng wlll be used Lo provlde culLural programmlng
ln ALhens Square ark.
Levln ALlanLlc Avenue AssoclaLlon Local uevelopmenL 112786223

1o supporL markeLlng and promoLlonal lnlLlaLlves for
local ALlanLlc Avenue merchanLs, annual hollday Lree
llghLlng programmlng and annual programmlng.
ALlanLlc Avenue ulsLrlcL ManagemenL
AssoclaLlon, lnc. 434949226

1o supporL Lhe planLlng of Lhe areas or berms rlghL
beslde Lhe 8CL where Lhe hlghway crosses ALlanLlc
ALlanLlc Avenue ulsLrlcL ManagemenL
AssoclaLlon, lnc. 434949226

1o supporL buslnesses ln 8rooklyn PelghLs, 8oerum Plll
and Cobble Plll Lhrough hollday programmlng, updaLed
communlLy resources and lnformaLlon on shopplng,
and landscaplng servlces on and around ALlanLlc
ueuLsch AudlLory/Cral School of new ?ork, 1he 061331077
lundlng Lo supporL Leachlng sLudenLs wlLh hearlng
lmpalrmenLs Lo learn educaLlonal skllls vla programs
such as a muslc program, soclal skllls as well as a
llLeracy program.
van 8ramer Ayazamana CulLural CenLer, lnc. 270321133
lundlng Lo supporL Lhree core programs: Lhe
Ayazamana uance Croup, Lhe Chlldren's uance
rogram, and Lhe Chlldren's Muslc rogram
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 196

ulckens 8alley Pouse, lnc. 133163181

1o supporL programs aL Lhe 8and Parlan CenLer for
Pouslng, Wellness and CommunlLy ln LasL Parlem,
8alley Pouse employs a PealLh and Wellness sLraLegy
Lo address each lndlvldual's physlcal and behavloral
healLh-relaLed needs. 1he fundlng wlll be used Lo s
!ohnson 8alley Pouse, lnc. 133163181

1o supporL alLernaLlve and proposed creaLlve Lherapy
Mark-vlverlLo 8alley Pouse, lnc. 133163181

1o provlde houslng and supporL servlces Lo lndlvlduals
llvlng wlLh Plv/AluS and Lo advocaLe on Lhelr behalf.
Servlces wlll help Lackle homelessness, poverLy,
hunger, subsLance abuse, and menLal lllness by
connecLlng people Lo care and promoLlng self-mana
Lancman 8als Moshe Chazorah CenLer 113137483
lundlng Lo supporL for ro[ecL 1CvA's blg broLher/blg
slsLer menLorlng program.
Cu28 8alsley ark Pouses 1enanL AssoclaLlon 136400434

1o fund lnLer-generaLlonal crafLlng workshops Lo
creaLe a mosalc qullL deplcLlng Lhe hlsLory of 8alsley
ark Pouses. Sewlng classes Lo Leach senlors and youLh
sewlng Lechnlques Lo bulld Lhe qullL.
Cu28 8alsley ark Pouses 1enanL AssoclaLlon 136400434

1o supporL youLh programs, culLural and recreaLlonal
acLlvlLles and Lo fosLer beLLer communlLy-pollclng
Cornegy 8alance uance 1heaLre, lnc. 203761286
lundlng wlll be used Lo operaLe 8alance uance
1heaLres SaLurday Academy programmlng, and
seasonal uance lnLenslve rograms LhaL dellver
lnsLrucLlon ln 8alleL, 1ap, Modern and Afrlcan dance.
ulckens 8alleL 1heaLre loundaLlon, lnc. 131882106

1o supporL Lhe A81 aL School" dance program, whlch
lnLroduces publlc school sLudenLs Lo Lhe performlng
8odrlguez 8alleL 1heaLre loundaLlon, lnc. 131882106 3,000 lundlng Lo supporL balleL program aL S 187
Chln 8alleL 1heaLre loundaLlon, lnc. 131882106

1o supporL Lhe Amerlcan 8alleL 1heaLre aL School
program aL S 124.
Levlne 8alleL 1heaLre loundaLlon, lnc. 131882106

lunds wlll supporL Lhe A81 aL School program, whlch
provldes an lnLroducLlon Lo dance and Lhe performlng
arLs for elemenLary sLudenLs who have llmlLed access
Lo arLs educaLlon. WlLh Lhls fundlng Lhey wlll creaLe a
new relaLlonshlp wlLh a school ln ulsLrlc
van 8ramer 8angladesh lnsLlLuLe of erformlng ArLs, lnc. 113249033
1o produce 8olshakhl uLshob, a communlLy fesLlval
celebraLlng Lhe 8engall new ?ear 1423. 1eachlng
arLlsLs Annle lerdous and Sellma Ashraf wlll offer afLer
school dance and muslc workshops for S 112C, lS 204
S 2308 sLudenLs.
ulckens 8ank SLreeL College of LducaLlon 133362167

lunds wlll be used for day-Lo-day operaLlons of Lhe
LlberLy LLAuS program lncludlng (buL noL llmlLed Lo)
Lhe followlng: Salarles for 1eachers, Counselors and
oLher SLaff, offlce and program supplles, food and
snacks, and fleld Lrlps.
uromm, Carodnlck CC 8ank SLreeL College of LducaLlon 133362167

1o supporL operaLlons for Lhe LlberLy Leads program
for youLh, lncludlng fundlng for salarles, fleld Lrlps, and
program supplles.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 197

Cabrera 8aLLered Women's 8esource CenLer 113302911
lundlng goes Lo Membershlp uevelopmenL-Worklng Lo
empower survlvors of domesLlc vlolence Lo acLlvely
Lake conLrol of Lhelr llves and reform domesLlc vlolence
publlc pollcy. 1hls ls done Lhrough lnLenslve Lralnlng on
advocacy and organlzlng and ls compleme
Mendez 8aLLered Women's 8esource CenLer 113302911
lundlng for lnLenslve Lralnlng on advocacy, organlzlng,
publlc speaklng, pollcy and heallng from Lhe paln of
abuse. Advocacy campalgns ln courL reform, chlld
welfare and houslng reform.
CC 8aLLered Women's 8esource CenLer 113302911
lundlng wlll be used for survlvors of domesLlc vlolence
works Lo lmprove Lhe crlmlnal [usLlce, chlld welfare and
houslng sysLems. 1hls wlll be done Lhrough analyzlng
domesLlc vlolence pollcy, lLs lmplemenLaLlon,
documenLlng sysLem fallures, meeLlng wlLh e
8aLLered Women's Safe 1errlLory, 1he - An
CpporLunlLy Lo rogress, lnc. 362433349
lunds wlll be used for Lhe domesLlc vlolence
prevenLlon program, servlces for vlcLlms of domesLlc
vlolence and Lhelr famllles. lunds wlll go Lo Lhe
workshop from 4pm - 7pm Monday Lhrough lrlday.
Chln 8aLLery uance CorporaLlon 237418839
1o supporL Lhe uownLown uance lesLlval (uul), an
annual, free publlc dance fesLlval ln Lower ManhaLLan.
lundlng wlll conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe renLal of sound
equlpmenL, sLage, and chalrs for Lhe publlc.
vallone 8ay CommunlLy volunLeer Ambulance Corps, lnc. 116106688
lunds Lo defray cosLs of largesL operaLlng expense of
Lhe 8CvAC (lnsurance premlums), would also help
provlde emergency ambulance servlce Lo a parL of Lhe
19Lh Councll ulsLrlcL.
8ay 8ldge 8ensonhursL 8eauLlflcaLlon and
reservaLlon Alllance, lnc. 113233233
lunds wlll supporL Lhe conLlnulng grafflLl removal
program and pay for grafflLl removal servlces offered
Lo properLy owners.
CenLlle 8ay 8ldge SalnL aLrlcks arade, lnc. 113236132
lunds wlll be used Lo offseL cosLs, lncludlng Lhose of
permlLs, sLages, bands, lnsurance, and general
expenses for of parades ln n?C.
vallone 8ayslde PlsLorlcal SocleLy 116049437

1he fundlng wlll help supporL programs and servlces Lo
Lhe publlc, lncludlng hlsLory and arL exhlblLs, educaLlon
programs for sLudenLs ln grades k-12 and adulLs.
Weprln 8ayslde PlsLorlcal SocleLy 116049437

1o supporL publlc programmlng, lncludlng hlsLory and
arLs exhlblLs, educaLlonal programs for chlldren and
adulLs, and access Lo archlval collecLlons.
vallone 8ayslde vlllage 8uslness lmprovemenL ulsLrlcL 262931126
1he fundlng wlll supporL 1he 8ayslde vlllage 8lu Lo
compleLe a feaslblllLy sLudy Lo converL Lhe currenL n?C
uC1 loL lnLo a mulLllevel parklng sLrucLure.
Malsel 8ayvlew Pouses 8esldenL's AssoclaLlon 030330181
1o provlde youLh and famlly programmlng Lo Lhe
Canarsle CommunlLy
ueuLsch 8e roud, lnc. 382674169

1o provlde communlLy evenLs such as: 1oys for 1oLs
1oy-drlve, AppreclaLlon Luncheon for Lhe ollce and
llre ueparLmenL, assover lood ulsLrlbuLlon, eLc.
CenLlle 8e roud, lnc. 382674169

lunds wlll be used Lo supporL evenLs, lncludlng ?our
Plghness CrandmoLher ageanL, 1oys for 1oLs 1oy-
drlve, AppreclaLlon Luncheon for Lhe ollce and llre
ueparLmenL, and hollday food dlsLrlbuLlon.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 198

Malsel 8e roud, lnc. 382674169

1o supporL Lhe 8e roud loundaLlon, provldlng
educaLlonal servlces Lo newcomers and lmmlgranLs
who have dlfflculLles wlLh Lngllsh
1reyger 8e roud, lnc. 382674169

1o supporL evenLs hosLed by Lhe 8e roud loundaLlon
lncludlng a ?our Plghness CrandmoLher ageanL, 1oys
for 1oLs 1oy-drlve, an appreclaLlon luncheon and
hollday food dlsLrlbuLlon.
Creenfleld 8e roud, lnc. 382674169

lunds wlll be used Lo cover cosLs of appreclaLlon
luncheons, Loy-drlve evenLs, and food dlsLrlbuLlons.
1hese cosLs lnclude food packages, renLal space, and
evenL supplles.
Cornegy 8ed SLuy's ro[ecL 8e-CeneraLlon, lnc. 010396302

1o cover Lhe cosL of maLerlals, supplles,
refreshmenLs/food, & acLlvlLles for youLh parLlclpanLs
ln Lhe 8lLes of assage rogram.
8edford ark MulLl-Servlce CenLer for Senlor
ClLlzens, lnc. 132743303

lundlng Lo supporL recreaLlonal, educaLlonal and soclal
programmlng as well as advocacy and counsellng for
senlors. lundlng wlll also help cover Lhe cosL of meals
and LransporLaLlon for senlors.
8edford SLuyvesanL Larly Chlldhood
uevelopmenL CenLer, lnc. 112428431
1o upgrade compuLers for Lhe use of sLudenLs and
Cornegy CC 8edford SLuyvesanL lamlly PealLh CenLer 112412203
lundlng Lo enhance Lhe currenL ulabeLes revenLlon
Self ManagemenL rogram, Lo help lndlvlduals wlLh
dlabeLes manage Lhelr condlLlon and Lo prevenL Lhe
onseL of Lhe dlsease among local resldenLs ln Lhe
8edford SLuyvesanL CaLeway ulsLrlcL
ManagemenL AssoclaLlon 270293829
1o supporL Lhe 8edSLuy CaLeway 8lu's producLlon of
maLerlals Lo supporL Lhe WlnLer Shopplng vlllage,
ouLdoor skaLlng aL 8esLoraLlon laza and lLs annual
lood and Wlne lesLlval.
Cornegy 8edford SLuyvesanL 8esldenLs AssoclaLlon, lnc. 113624376
1o provlde Lelephone, lnLerneL access, space and
supplles Lo supporL Lhe efforLs of local block
Cornegy CC 8edford SLuyvesanL 8esLoraLlon CorporaLlon 116083182
1o fund Lhe efforLs of Lhe CoallLlon for Lhe
lmprovemenL of 8edford SLuyvesanL (Cl8S) lncludlng
workforce developmenL, foreclosure lnLervenLlon,
houslng and flnanclal educaLlon.
Mealy 8ed-SLuy Campalgn AgalnsL Punger, lnc. 200934834
1o supporL Lhe PealLh 360 senlor wellness program,
whlch provldes LoLal wellness classes for senlors. 1he
classes lnclude llghL exerclse and sLreLchlng, gardenlng
and nuLrlLlon, reclpe demonsLraLlons. 1he senlors
recelve frulLs and vegeLables from Lhe on-
ulckens 8ehlnd Lhe 8ook, lnc. 320086097
Worklng wlLh classes from klndergarLen Lhrough 12Lh
grade, 8ehlnd Lhe 8ook ldenLlfles books LhaL speak Lo
urban youLh and parLners wlLh Leachers Lo creaLe
lmmerslve currlculum unlLs by brlnglng Lhe auLhors of
Lhose books lnLo Lhe classroom. lunds wlll be
1orres 8elmonL ulsLrlcL ManagemenL AssoclaLlon, lnc. 270834463
lunds wlll supporL Lhe markeLlng and adverLlslng cosLs
assoclaLed wlLh Lhe esLabllshlng Lhe 8elmonL SocleLy of
Lhe ArLs.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 199

1orres 8elmonL ulsLrlcL ManagemenL AssoclaLlon, lnc. 270834463
lunds wlll supporL Lhe 8lu's markeLlng campalgn
lncludlng program/evenLs LhaL colnclde wlLh Lhe wlnLer
hollday season and showcase Lhe unlque characLer of
Lhe communlLy.
CenLlle 8ensonhursL Councll of !ewlsh CrganlzaLlons 112368013
lunds wlll supporL a food panLry LhaL dlsLrlbuLes Lo Lhe
1reyger 8ensonhursL Councll of !ewlsh CrganlzaLlons 112368013
lundlng wlll pay for caseworkers who connecL cllenLs
wlLh compleLlng appllcaLlons for soclal servlce beneflLs
lncludlng affordable houslng Lhrough SecLlon 8, SC8lL
and landlord LenanL relaLlons, enLlLlemenL and beneflL
asslsLance, emergency flnanclal assl
Mealy 8erean CommunlLy And lamlly Llfe CenLer, lnc. 112870463

1o supporL Lhe 8erean CommunlLy urumllne Summer
Camp. 1he funds wlll be used Lo cover Lhe cosL of
acLlvlLles, lnsLrucLors, weekly Lrlps Lo arLs relaLed
programs, readlng maLerlals and oLher supplles.
8ergen 8asln CommunlLy uevelopmenL
CorporaLlon d/b/a Mlllennlum uevelopmenL 113199040
1o provlde enhancemenL and dlrecL servlces Lo Lhe
senlor clLlzen communlLy.
Creenfleld, Malsel,
Wllllams CC
8ergen 8asln CommunlLy uevelopmenL
CorporaLlon d/b/a Mlllennlum uevelopmenL 113199040
1o sponsor servlces aL saLelllLe slLes LhroughouL
souLhern 8rooklyn lncludlng an acLlve adulL program,
healLh wellness classes, and oLher classes and
acLlvlLles for senlors.
Malsel CC
8ergen 8asln CommunlLy uevelopmenL
CorporaLlon d/b/a Mlllennlum uevelopmenL 113199040
1o provlde fundlng Lo develop and lmplemenL green
markeL for low and poverLy level lncome resldenLs.
Malsel 8ergen 8each ?ouLh CrganlzaLlon 112398330
1o supporL an acLlve adulL program LhaL provldes
servlces Lo reLlred adulLs who llve wlLhln SouLhern
8rooklyn, 1he fundlng wlll be for programmlng, healLh
& wellness Leachers, van drlvers. 1he fundlng wlll
supporL Lrlps, healLhy snacks, and exerclse suppl
Levln 8erry SLreeL SouLh 9Lh 1enanL AssoclaLlon 230691813 3,300 1o provlde supplles, renLals, and food for chlldren.
8eLa lsrael of norLh Amerlca CulLural
loundaLlon, lnc. 611438111

lunds wlll be dlrecLed Lowards Lhe 11Lh Annual Sheba
lllm lesLlval. 1he lesLlval ls Lhe only one of lLs klnd ln
Amerlca LhaL showcases Lhe arLlsLlc works of LLhloplan
arLlsLs and fllmmakers.
Cumbo 8eLhel SevenLh-uay AdvenLlsL Church 112300161
lunds wlll be used Lo purchase addlLlonal food (and
fresh frulLs and vegeLables)/supplles and cover parL-
Llme labor for dellverles, sLocklng and faclllLles
ulckens 8eLh-Park ChrlsLlan Counsellng CenLer, lnc. 133276481

lunds Lo expand Lhe servlces currenLly provlded
Lhough our Lmergency lood AsslsLance rogram whlch
conslsLs of a lood anLry and Soup klLchen. 1he fund
wlll be uLlllzed Lo meeL Lhe lncreased need for
emergency food asslsLance resulLlng from Lhe
CenLlle 8eLhlehem Lvangellcal LuLheran Church 116260710
lunds wlll be used Lo sLarL a falls prevenLlon program
and expand a hunger prevenLlon program.
Cornegy 8lg Apple Clrcus, LLd. 132906037
1o provlde free and deeply dlscounLed LlckeLs Lo
ellglble youLh, famllles, and senlors from all flve
boroughs durlng 8lg Apple Clrcus engagemenLs aL
Llncoln CenLer and ln Cunnlngham ark, Cueens.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 200

Cabrera 8lg Apple Clrcus, LLd. 132906037
Cl8CuS lC8 ALL! provldes free and deeply dlscounLed
LlckeLs Lo ellglble youLh, famllles, and senlors from all
flve boroughs durlng 8lg Apple Clrcus engagemenLs aL
Llncoln CenLer and ln Cunnlngham ark, Cueens.
koslowlLz 8lg Apple Clrcus, LLd. 132906037
lunds wlll be used Lo offseL Lhe cosLs of Lhe 8lg Apple
Clrcus LlckeL prlces for Lhe resldenLs of Lhe 29Lh Councll
ulsLrlcL. 1he Cl8CuS lC8 ALL! program provldes free
and deeply dlscounLed LlckeLs Lo ellglble youLh,
famllles, and senlors from all flve b
Weprln 8lg Apple Clrcus, LLd. 132906037
1o supporL Lhe Clrcus lor All program, whlch provldes
access Lo deeply dlscounLed LlckeLs Lo economlcally
challenged communlLy members.
Cabrera, ulckens,
!ohnson CC 8lg Apple Clrcus, LLd. 132906037
lundlng for CLCWn CA8L ln Lhree n?C hosplLals
provldlng Lhe [oy of Lhe clrcus experlence for chlldren
who are hosplLallzed and Lo resLorlng Lhese paLlenLs
chlldhood lf [usL for an hour or a momenL, Clown
uocLors are lnLegraLed wlLh Lhe parLlclpaLlng hospl
uromm 8lg Apple CreeLer, lnc. 133733413

1o fund program LhaL maLches Lravelers wlLh volunLeer
greeLers LhroughouL Lhe clLy for free gulded Lours,
lnLernaLlonal, naLlonal and local medla campalgns,
recrulLmenL and orlenLaLlon of volunLeers, and soclal
medla of free evenLs.
kallos 8lg Apple CreeLer, lnc. 133733413

1o promoLe local communlLles ln each borough by
generaLlng free publlclLy ln lnLernaLlonal, naLlonal and
local medla, recrulL and orlenL volunLeers from each
communlLy, promoLe free evenLs ln each borough
Lhrough soclal medla.
koo 8lg Apple CreeLer, lnc. 133733413

1o cover Lhe cosLs assoclaLed wlLh Lhe greeLlng
program for domesLlc and lnLernaLlonal Lravelers.
Levlne 8lg Apple CreeLer, lnc. 133733413

MaLch over 6,300 domesLlc and lnLernaLlonal Lravelers
Lo Lhe flve boroughs of n?C wlLh 300 volunLeer
greeLers (from each borough) for free, unlque vlslLs Lo
local nelghborhoods, buslnesses, culLural lnsLlLuLlons
and oLher slLes, noL well known Lo LourlsLs
Chln 8lg Apple CreeLer, lnc. 133733413

1o supporL recrulLmenL and orlenLaLlon of volunLeer
greeLers, promoLe free evenLs Lhrough soclal medla,
promoLe local communlLles ln each borough, and
faclllLaLe maLches of domesLlc and lnLernaLlonal
Lravelers wlLh volunLeer greeLers for free, unlque vlsl
Arroyo 8lg Apple CreeLer, lnc. 133733413

lunds wlll be used Lo run Lhe 8lg Apple CreeLer
rogram. rogram wlll maLch approxlmaLely 7,000
domesLlc lnLernaLlonal vlslLors wlLh over 300
volunLeers for free lnformal, unscrlpLed walks ln
nelghborhoods LhroughouL Lhe 3 boroughs, glvlng
vlslLors Lhe o
Creenfleld 8lg Apple CreeLer, lnc. 133733413

lunds wlll be used Lo run Lhe 8lg Apple CreeLer
rogram, Lhe only non-proflL program dedlcaLed Lo
enhanclng n?Cs lmage globally by welcomlng Lravelers
communlcaLlng Lo Lhe world LhaL our clLy ls a safe,
frlendly, accesslble fasclnaLlng place Lo vlslL.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 201

Weprln 8lg Apple CreeLer, lnc. 133733413

1o supporL free, unlque vlslLs Lo local nelghborhoods
noL well known Lo LourlsLs and new ?orkers, Lo recrulL
volunLeers and promoLe evenLs.
Cornegy 8lg 8roLhers 8lg SlsLers of new ?ork ClLy, lnc. 133600383
1o supporL 8lg 8roLher/8lg SlsLer's one-Lo-one,
evldenced-based menLorlng supporL servlces
klng 8lg 8roLhers 8lg SlsLers of new ?ork ClLy, lnc. 133600383
lunds supporL sLaff Llme for volunLeer menLor
Lralnlng/screenlng, monLhly case managemenL,
counsellng, famlly referrals Lo meeL healLh, academlc,
legal needs, workshops.
kallos 8lke new ?ork, lnc. 134069149

1o provlde free educaLlonal programmlng lncludes
afLer school programs, summer camp programs,
weekend classes and school assembly programs.
8equesLed fundlng wlll be used Lo purchase
equlpmenL, malnLaln equlpmenL and Lhe cosL for
MaLLeo 8lkur Chollm of SLaLen lsland 133267313
lunds wlll be used Lo offseL Lhe cosLs for Lhe purchase
of food for poor and needy famllles.
Creenfleld 8lnA Lzras Chollm, lnc. 362393336
lunds wlll be used for offlce expenses for referral and
crlsls lnLervenLlon programs lncludlng equlpmenL,
supplles, compuLer equlpmenL, malllng and prlnLlng
cosLs. lunds wlll also be used for educaLlonal evenLs,
prlnLlng educaLlonal maLerlal on sLroke and
8odrlguez 8lrch lamlly Servlces, lnc. 112303193

lundlng Lo provlde SMA81 8oards for classrooms wlLh
speclal needs sLudenLs
Wllllams 8lrch lamlly Servlces, lnc. 112303193
lunds Lo supporL speclal needs educaLlonal maLerlals
and cenLer ln ulsLrlcL 43
Mlller 8lack SpecLrum 1heaLre Company, lnc. 310133262

lundlng wlll supporL crlLlcal core sLafflng Lo supporL
Lhe followlng programs: rofesslonal 1heaLre
resenLaLlons, roduclng fllms and plays on lssues
affecLlng Lhe communlLy, 1ralnlng youLh and adulLs ln
1heaLre roducLlon and AcLlng, rovldlng local ub
Cu28 8lack SpecLrum 1heaLre Company, lnc. 310133262

lundlng wlll supporL Lhe crlLlcal core sLafflng of 8lack
SpecLrum 1heaLre lncluslve of Lhe 8uslness Manager,
Lxec asslsLanL ,faclllLy coordlnaLor ) so LhaL Lhe LheaLre
can carry ouL year round acLlvlLles for Lhe followlng
programs: rofesslonal 1heaLre, 1
8lanche CommunlLy rogress uay Care CenLer,
lnc. 112243236
lunuS WCuLu 8L uSLu 1C lnCC8C8A1L lun
AC1lvl1lLS Anu 18AlnlnCS 1PA1 ln18CuuCL Anu
8LlnlC8CL A8Ln1S' knCWLLuCL Cl ASLC1S Cl
nu18l1lCn, Cu88lCuLuM, CCCnl1lvL, C8LA1lvL Anu
8lanche CommunlLy rogress uay Care CenLer,
lnc. 112243236
lunds would be used Lo lncorporaLe fun acLlvlLles and
Lralnlngs LhaL lnLroduce and relnforce parenLs
knowledge of aspecLs of nuLrlLlon, currlculum,
cognlLlve, creaLlve and physlcal developmenL.
Levlne 8loomlngdale lamlly rogram, lnc. 132638366
lunds requesLed wlll be used Lo provlde compuLers,
educaLlonal sofLware, and relaLed supplles.
Crowley 8obbl and Lhe SLrays, lnc. 113444283
lundlng used for a consulLanL conLracL Lo provlde
medlcal / veLerlnary procedure needs for an anlmal
proLecLlon, and spay / neuLerlng servlce open Lo all
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 202

resldenLs of Cueens.
ulrlch 8obbl and Lhe SLrays, lnc. 113444283 * 3,000 lunds wlll be used Lo provlde veLerlnary servlces
8odega AssoclaLlon of Lhe unlLed SLaLes, lnc.,
1he 134060809
1o cover cosLs assoclaLed wlLh admlnlsLraLlon of a
survey Lo ldenLlfy Lhe needs of local bodega owners.
8odega AssoclaLlon of Lhe unlLed SLaLes, lnc.,
1he 134060809
lunds wlll be uLlllzed Lo hlre a p/L ?ouLh CoordlnaLor
and a p/L ?ouLh 1ralner/Supervlsor over a 3 monLhs
perlod Lo recrulL, Lraln, deploy and supervlse a Leam of
no less Lhan 23 PS/College lnLerns Lo conducL a
mapplng exerclse of bodegas ln Lhe dlsLrlcL.
8odega AssoclaLlon of Lhe unlLed SLaLes, lnc.,
1he 134060809
lunds wlll be uLlllzed Lo hlre p/L sLaff Lo recrulL, Lraln,
deploy and supervlse a Leam of lnLerns Lo map and
survey bodegas ln Councll ulsLrlcL 1 and Lo supporL
lnLern sLlpends.
8odega AssoclaLlon of Lhe unlLed SLaLes, lnc.,
1he 134060809
lunds wlll be uLlllzed Lo hlre a p/L ?ouLh CoordlnaLor
and a p/L ?ouLh 1ralner/Supervlsor over a 3 monLhs
perlod Lo recrulL, Lraln, deploy and supervlse a Leam of
no less Lhan 23 PS/College lnLerns Lo conducL a
mapplng exerclse of bodegas ln Lhe dlsLrlcL.
Menchaca 8orlcua lesLlval CommlLLee, lnc. 841630371

lunds Lo offseL cosLs of paylng for sound/sLage and
enLerLalnmenL, as well asslsL wlLh renLal of canoples,
Lables and porLal poLLles durlng 1he 8orlcua lesLlval.
1reyger 8oro ark !ewlsh CommunlLy Councll 113473993
lunds wlll be used Lo conLlnue admlnlsLerlng soclal
servlces whlch lnclude: advocacy, counsellng cllenLs on
beneflLs and enLlLlemenLs, advlslng and/or processlng
appllcaLlons for lood SLamps, Medlcald and Medlcare,
Soclal SecurlLy, ulsablllLy, SecLlon 8
Creenfleld, Lander CC 8oro ark !ewlsh CommunlLy Councll 113473933
1o fund vlLal soclal servlces whlch lnclude: advocacy,
counsellng cllenLs on beneflLs and enLlLlemenLs,
processlng appllcaLlons for lood SLamps, Medlcald,
Chlld and lamlly PealLh lus, uomesLlc vlolence
servlces and crlsls lnLervenLlon, Career Servlces, [
ManhaLLan, Chln CC 8orough of ManhaLLan CommunlLy College 133231186

1o provlde chlld care for weekend sLudenL parenLs. 1he
funds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe reLenLlon,
perslsLence and graduaLlon of sLudenL parenLs enrolled
aL 8MCC. 1he program wlll provlde quallLy care and
educaLlon servlces for Lhe chlldren and a nurLurl
Clbson 8orough resldenL - 8ronx 136400434

lunds wlll supporL 1he CCnCL1 program LhaL wlll be
offered for prlmarlly slxLh and sevenLh grade sLudenLs
ln up Lo seven classes ln aL leasL one mlddle school
locaLed ln Councll ulsLrlcL 16 ln Lhe 8ronx. 1hese
workshops wlll be offered aL Lhe same schoo
lgnlzlo 8orough resldenL - SLaLen lsland 136400434 20,000 1o fund concerL serles ln 31sL Councll ulsLrlcL
alma 8oLLomless CloseL 134037622
1o provlde dlsadvanLaged new ?ork ClLy women
asslsLance ln LranslLlonlng from unemploymenL and
publlc asslsLance Lo work, provldlng lnLervlew aLLlre,
resume and lnLervlew preparaLlon, professlonal
developmenL, flnanclal managemenL and personal
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 203

CC 8oLLomless CloseL 134037622
1o provlde dlsadvanLaged new ?ork ClLy women
asslsLance ln LranslLlonlng from unemploymenL and
publlc asslsLance Lo work, provldlng lnLervlew aLLlre,
resume and lnLervlew preparaLlon, professlonal
developmenL, flnanclal managemenL and personal
koo 8owne Pouse PlsLorlcal SocleLy, 1he 116111192

lundlng Lo supporL Lhe second phase of serles, LasL-
WesL CulLural and 8oLanlcal LncounLers - arL ll - Pow
Cueens nurserles 1ransformed Amerlca. urawlng on
lLs daLabase of orlglnal, hlsLorlc maLerlals, Lhe program
wlll explore cross-culLural llnks ln Lhe
8oy ScouLs of Amerlca - CreaLer new ?ork
Councll 131624013
lundlng wlll supporL scouLlng programs, lncludlng
youLh developmenL and characLer-bulldlng for Cub
ScouL ack #368 and supporL admlnlsLraLlve
developmenL and malnLenance of procedures,
currlculum, resources, markeLlng and ouLreach Lo
Cueens youLh communlL
8oy ScouLs of Amerlca - CreaLer new ?ork
Councll 131624013
lundlng wlll be used Lo carry ouL ScouLlng programs,
lncludlng youLh developmenL and characLer-bulldlng
Cub ScouL and 8oy ScouL programs Lo youLh ln Councll
ulsLrlcL 20. lunds wlll lnclude cosLs assoclaLed wlLh
sLaff supporL, along wlLh provldlng membersh
8oy ScouLs of Amerlca - CreaLer new ?ork
Councll 131624013
lundlng wlll be used Lo carry ouL ScouLlng programs,
lncludlng youLh developmenL and characLer-bulldlng
Cub ScouL and 8oy ScouL programs, Lo youLh ln
Lancman 8oys & Clrls Club Cf MeLro Cueens, lnc. 111966067
SLaff Lralnlng and supplles for 8eacon CommunlLy
Servlces CenLer aL arsons LducaLlonal Complex.
ulrlch CC 8oys & Clrls Club Cf MeLro Cueens, lnc. 111966067
1he SC8CC afLer-school and summer program serves
youLh ages 6-18. Servlces lnclude homework help and
LuLorlng, Lechnology, soclal recreaLlon, sporLs and
aLhleLlcs and youLh developmenL. We also offer
speclallzed programs ln marLlal arLs, fllm club, roboLl
CenLlle 8oys 1own new ?ork, lnc. 203960877

lunds wlll supporL a Common Sense arenLlng
rogram LhaL Lralns parenLs ln deallng wlLh chlldren's
dlfflculL behavlors.
klng 8oys 1own new ?ork, lnc. 203960877

lundlng wlll supporL Common Sense arenLlng
program (CS),whlch offers Lralnlng for parenLs who
wanL Lo bulld Lhelr skllls or learn new ways Lo deal wlLh
chlldren's dlfflculL behavlors.
Clbson, klng,
Levln, vacca CC 8oys 1own new ?ork, lnc. 203960877

lundlng for evldence based Common Sense arenLlng
program (CS). CS offers Lralnlng for parenLs who
wanL Lo bulld Lhelr skllls or learn new ways of deallng
wlLh Lhelr chlldren's dlfflculL behavlors. A cerLlfled
arenL 1ralner Leaches parLlclpanLs skll
CenLlle 8ravo volunLeer Ambulance Servlce lnc. 310163173
lunds wlll pay for supplles Lo be used on an
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 204

Lancman 8rlarwood CommunlLy loundaLlon, lnc. 743134732
lundlng Lo supporL annual sLreeL fesLlval for people of
all ages, a chlldren's evenL ln a local park, Lhe
publlcaLlon and dlsLrlbuLlon of a newsleLLer, regular
publlc forums and meeLlngs wlLh lnvlLed speakers,
speclal pro[ecLs and equlpmenL for local scho
Cornegy 88lC ArLs | Medla | 8klyn, lnc. 112347268

1o supporL 88lC's free and low-cosL programmlng
lncludlng CelebraLe 8rooklyn, communlLy medla
programs and school-based arLs and medla educaLlon
Cumbo 88lC ArLs | Medla | 8klyn, lnc. 112347268

lundlng wlll be used Lo hlre a Leachlng arLlsL who wlll
be maLched wlLh a classroom Leacher Lo work as a
Leam on a currlculum-based, hands-on pro[ecL LhaL
concludes wlLh a culmlnaLlng evenL. lunds wlll also be
used Lo offseL cosLs of maLerlals.
Cumbo 88lC ArLs | Medla | 8klyn, lnc. 112347268

lunds wlll supporL presenLaLlon of hlgh quallLy arLs and
medla programmlng Lo broad populaLlons ln 8rooklyn
and n?C. lundlng wlll be used Lo defray arLlsL fees,
producLlon and markeLlng cosLs, and program
managemenL expenses.
CenLlle 88lC ArLs | Medla | 8klyn, lnc. 112347268

lunds wlll supporL presenLaLlon of hlgh quallLy arLs and
medla programmlng Lo broad populaLlons ln 8rooklyn
and defray arLlsL fees, producLlon and markeLlng cosLs,
and program managemenL expenses.
Levln 88lC ArLs | Medla | 8klyn, lnc. 112347268

1o supporL 88lC's school-based arLs and medla
educaLlon program ln ulsLrlcL 33 schools and Lo hlre an
Leachlng arLlsL who ls Lhen maLched wlLh a classroom
Leacher Lo work as a Leam on a currlculum-based,
hands-on pro[ecL LhaL concludes wlLh a culmlnaLlng
Lugene 88lC ArLs | Medla | 8klyn, lnc. 112347268

1o provlde an arLs and medla program (Lo defray arLlsL
fees, producLlon and markeLlng cosLs, and program
managemenL expenses).
1reyger 88lC ArLs | Medla | 8klyn, lnc. 112347268

lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe school-based arLs
and medla educaLlon program, speclflcally aL Llfe
Academy School for lllm and Medla ln ulsLrlcL 47.
Mealy 88lC ArLs | Medla | 8klyn, lnc. 112347268

lunds wlll supporL fllm programs ln schools ln ulsLrlcL
41, lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo Lhe 8rooklyn Plgh
School for Law and 1echnology. 1he funds wlll be used
Lo purchase and renL supplles and equlpmenL, Lo pay a
Leachlng arLlsL, for general operaLlng c
8arron 88lC ArLs | Medla | 8klyn, lnc. 112347268

lunds are lnLended Lo be used Lo supporL 88lC's
presenLaLlon of hlgh quallLy arLs and medla
programmlng Lo broad populaLlons ln 8rooklyn and
new ?ork ClLy ln l?13. Speclflc acLlvlLles wlll lnclude
Lhose wlLh a dlrecL lmpacL on ulsLrlcL 42, among Lhem:
Wllllams 88lC ArLs | Medla | 8klyn, lnc. 112347268

lundlng Lo supporL arLs and medla programlng aL S
119 and lL Lakes a vlllage academy
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 20S

Clbson 8rldge 8ullders CommunlLy arLnershlp, lnc. 332390219
lundlng wlll go Lo Lhelr ACCLSS n?C program, whlch ls
a publlc beneflL screenlng servlce LhaL allows resldenLs
Lo pre-screen for publlc asslsLance, such as food
sLamps, cash asslsLance, workforce developmenL, and
Medlcald. Screeners aL 88C gulde resldenL
Cornegy 8rldge SLreeL uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 113230772

1o supporL for Lhe salary cosLs of a full-Llme
communlLy organlzer who wlll work Lo form and
sLrengLhen block assoclaLlons.
koo 8rldge Lo Llfe, lnc., 1he 113100048
lunds wlll be used for operaLlonal cosLs, lncludlng renL,
for Lhe llushlng offlce and maLerlal asslsLance space.
vallone 8rldge Lo Llfe, lnc., 1he 113100048 * 3,300 lundlng wlll be used for space renLal fees.
8osenLhal 8rldge, lnc., 1he 131919799
lunds Lo underwrlLe Lhe cosL of provldlng meals
(breakfasL and lunch dally aL 1he 8rldge Soup klLchen
LhaL feeds several hundred menLally lll and homeless
adulLs annually speclflcally for newly engaged cllenLs.
8rlghLon 8each ulsLrlcL ManagemenL
AssoclaLlon, lnc. 112843233
MarkeLlng lnlLlaLlve lncludlng workshops and prlnLed
mulLl-llngual maLerlal Lo help buslness owners,
especlally lmmlgranL Lo sLay ln compllance wlLh n?C
rules and regulaLlons
ulrlch 8road Channel volunLeers, lnc. 112337794

lunds wlll be used Lo supporL admlnlsLraLlve and
operaLlonal expenses
Levlne 8roadway Pouslng CommunlLles, lnc. 133212867
lunds wlll ensure Lhe conLlnuance of culLural and clvlc
acLlvlLles offered by 8PC.
8odrlguez 8roadway Pouslng CommunlLles, lnc. 133212867
lundlng Lo provlde culLural and clvlc acLlvlLles such as
exhlblLs, meeLlngs, and workshops
ManhaLLan, Levlne CC 8roadway Pouslng CommunlLles, lnc. 133212867
lundlng Lo asslsL ln Lhe producLlon of posLcards and
caLalogs for Lhe 12 annual exhlblLs. lunds also help
LransporLaLlon arL work and defray Lhe cosL of snacks
and non-alcohollc beverages durlng gallery open
8osenLhal 8roadway Mall MalnLenance lund, lnc. 133419786
lundlng wlll supporL susLalnable landscape
malnLenance, horLlculLural planLlng, llLLer removal and
waLerlng servlces lnLegral Lo beauLlfylng and
malnLalnlng Lhe 83 malls along 8roadway for publlc use
and vlewlng.
Cohen 8ronx ArLs Lnsemble, lnc. 310186869
lundlng Lo supporL local muslcal performances
LhroughouL Lhe 8ronx.
vacca 8ronx ArLs Lnsemble, lnc. 310186869
1o fund concerLs and performances Lo audlences ln Lhe
8ronx aL free or reduced cosLs.
alma 8ronx Chlldren's Museum 260379140

1o supporL educaLlonal programmlng and exhlblLs on
Lhe 8ronx waLerways and Lhe Plgh 8rldge for chlldren
and famllles.
1orres 8ronx Chlldren's Museum 260379140

lunds wlll brlng a moblle exhlblLlon on Lhe 8ronx 8lver
and lLs llora and fauna , Lo 3 schools and 2 fesLlvals ln
Cu13. 1he program lncludes fleld Lrlps and vlslLs Lo Lhe
school by a museum educaLor and Lhe fesLlvals lnclude
arLs acLlvlLles and performanc
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 206

Clbson 8ronx Chlldren's Museum 260379140

lunds wlll go Lo Lhe moblle exhlblL, called 8lvers on Lhe
Co: Where ls !usLln Lhe 8eaver and Lhe Plgh 8rldge, Lo
2 schools and 1 communlLy fesLlval ln each of Lhe
deslgnaLed dlsLrlcLs (up Lo 300 people each). 1he 30-
mlnuLe program lncludes pre- and posL-
Mark-vlverlLo 8ronx Chlldren's Museum 260379140

1o supporL a 6-week drop-ln SaLurday arL-maklng
program. lunds wlll cover a rogram Manager, an
LducaLlon Culde and rogram AsslsLanL, as well as
LenLs and Lhose arL maLerlals noL obLalned from
MaLerlals for Lhe ArLs.
Clbson 8ronx CommunlLy 8oard # 4 136400434

1o supporL CommunlLy 8oard four's ?ouLh lnlLlaLlve
rogram whlch alms Lo revlew a number of facLors
relaLlng Lo poor healLh, lndlvldual healLh behavlors,
cllnlcal care, soclal and economlc facLors, and physlcal
envlronmenL. 1he program seeks Lo address a
Cabrera 8ronx CommunlLy 8oard # 8 136400434

lundlng for offlce operaLlons and supplles Lo conLlnue
board lnlLlaLlves, supporL programs, provlde e-
newsleLLers, flyers for publlc forums and hearlngs
lncludlng malllngs Lo lnform, educaLe, ouLreach and
supporL Lhe communlLy.
8odrlguez 8ronx CommunlLy 8oard # 8 136400434

lundlng Lo provlde offlce supplles and resources used
for newsleLLers, flyers, and oLher forms of lnformaLlon
dlsLrlbuLlon Lools.
Clbson 8ronx CommunlLy College 136400434

lunds wlll go Lo supporL Lhe creaLlon of Lhe ClLy
unlverslLy of new ?ork's (Cun?) PalLlan SLudles
lnsLlLuLe. 1he PalLlan SLudles lnsLlLuLe of Cun? wlll be
Lhe naLlons flrsL unlverslLy-based research lnsLlLuLe
devoLed Lo Lhe sLudy of people of PalLlan des
Cohen 8ronx Councll on Lhe ArLs, lnc. 132601303

lundlng Lo supporL arLs based and culLural
programmlng and performances LhroughouL Lhe 11Lh
Councll dlsLrlcL.
vacca 8ronx Councll on Lhe ArLs, lnc. 132601303

1o fund free mulLl-dlsclpllnary famlly arLs and crafLs
workshops and ouLreach Lo resldenLs and Lechnlcal
asslsLance Lo arLs organlzaLlons, communlLy
organlzaLlons and arLlsLs.
Arroyo 8ronx Councll on Lhe ArLs, lnc. 132601303

lundlng Lo supporL 8CA uslng arLs and culLure
professlonals, Lo provlde exposure and free servlces Lo
youLh, famllles and senlors l.e. llLerary works wlLh Lhe
8ronx WrlLers CenLer, drawlng and crafL workshops,
performlng arLs, evenLs, exhlblLs.
klng 8ronx Councll on Lhe ArLs, lnc. 132601303

rovlslon of llLerary and arLs programs, performances,
lecLures, exhlblLs and servlces for arLlsLs, culLural
groups and resldenLs of all ages LhroughouL ulsLrlcL 12.
Mark-vlverlLo 8ronx Councll on Lhe ArLs, lnc. 132601303

1o provlde llLerary and arLs programs, performances,
lecLures, exhlblLs and servlces for arLlsLs, culLural
groups and resldenLs of all ages LhroughouL ulsLrlcL 8.
alma 8ronx uance 1heaLre, lnc. 132999328

1o supporL Lhe youLh based dance program, lncludlng a
summer dance program, a lall/Sprlng ArLs exposure
program, an lnLenslve scholarshlp program, an
apprenLlceshlp program, and performlng opporLunlLles
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 207

for parLlclpaLlng sLudenLs.
1orres 8ronx uance 1heaLre, lnc. 132999328

lunds wlll supporL dance programs LhaL offer quallLy
and professlonal lnsLrucLlon ln a varleLy of dance
forms: 8alleL,olnLe,ConLemporary, !azz, 1ap, 8elly
uance, and llamenco. 723 sLudenLs wlll be served by
fundlng Lhrough a summer dance program. a lall/
vacca 8ronx uance 1heaLre, lnc. 132999328

1o fund youLh dance programs and lnsLrucLlon ln:
balleL, polnLe, conLemporary, [azz, Lap, belly dance,
and flamenco, and Lo provlde LlckeLs Lo senlors Lo Lhe
alma 8ronx uefenders, 1he 133931074
1o supporL Lhe AdolescenL uefense ro[ecL whlch
addresses Lhe unlque needs of young people ln Lhe
crlmlnal [usLlce sysLem Lhrough early lnLervenLlon,
speclallzed legal represenLaLlon, and leadershlp
developmenL. lundlng wlll creaLe a CommunlLy
AdvocaLe wh
Arroyo 8ronx uefenders, 1he 133931074
1o supporL Lhe AdolescenL uefense ro[ecL, provldlng
early lnLervenLlon, speclallzed legal represenLaLlon, as
well as leadershlp developmenL, empowermenL
advocacy workshops, youLh [usLlce summlLs and a legal
supporL hoLllne for Leenagers who face boLh vlo
klng 8ronx uefenders, 1he 133931074
lunds wlll supporL AdolescenL uefense ro[ecL and a
24-hour legal supporL hoLllne.
Mark-vlverlLo 8ronx uefenders, 1he 133931074
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe collaboraLlon of 1he
8ronx uefenders and Legal Servlces n?C - 8ronx on a
borough-wlde pro[ecL Lo educaLe Lhe communlLy abouL
Lhe consequences of conLacL wlLh Lhe crlmlnal [usLlce
sysLem, and provlde dlrecL servlces Lo ell
8ronx, Arroyo,
klng CC 8ronx uefenders, 1he 133931074
1o supporL a collaboraLlon beLween Legal Servlces n?C
- 8ronx and 1he 8ronx uefenders on a borough-wlde
pro[ecL Lo educaLe Lhe communlLy abouL Lhe
consequences of conLacL wlLh Lhe crlmlnal [usLlce
sysLem, and provlde dlrecL servlces Lo ellmlnaLe
Arroyo 8ronx uocumenLary CenLer 432403312
1o supporL publlc programs for 2014-2013, lncludlng,
24 documenLary fllm screenlngs, lecLures and oLher
lnLerpreLlve programs, 2nd Annual CenLrlflcaLlon
Conference, hollday porLralLs for Lhe communlLy.
vacca 8ronx !ewlsh CommunlLy Councll, lnc. 132744333

1o fund Case AsslsLance, lnformaLlon and
1ransporLaLlon Servlces.
vacca CC 8ronx !ewlsh CommunlLy Councll, lnc. 132744333

1o fund Lhe nC8C (naLurally Cccurrlng 8eLlremenL
CommunlLy SupporLlve Servlces rogram for Senlors aL
Lhe n?CPA elham arkway Pouses provldes case
managemenL and asslsLance, healLh managemenL and
asslsLance and educaLlonal and recreaLlonal programs.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 208

alma 8ronx Museum of Lhe ArLs, 1he 132709368
1o supporL Lhe museum's permanenL collecLlon,
speclal exhlblLlons, and educaLlon programs. lundlng
wlll supporL Lhe plannlng, lmplemenLaLlon, and
promoLlon of lree Admlsslon, llrsL lrldays, Cpen
Pouse, 8ronx 1alks, lamlly Affalr, Croup vlslLs, ln
Clbson 8ronx Museum of Lhe ArLs, 1he 132709368
lunds wlll supporL Lhe 8ronx Museum of Lhe ArLs llrsL
lrldays program. 1he funds wlll go Lowards plannlng,
lmplemenLaLlon, and promoLlon of Lhe followlng l8LL
evenLs: an open house exhlblL, muslc and arL acLlvlLles,
8ronx sLory sLoryLelllng, spoken word p
Mark-vlverlLo 8ronx Museum of Lhe ArLs, 1he 132709368
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe plannlng,
lmplemenLaLlon, and promoLlon of varlous educaLlonal
and soclal acLlvlLles and evenLs.
Cohen 8ronx Cpera Company, lnc. 237170673
lundlng wlll supporL programmlng aL Lhe Lovlnger
1heaLre aL Lehman College.
Cabrera 8ronx Cpera Company, lnc. 237170673
lor programmlng ln 8ronx ulsLrlcLs 14 funds wlll be
used Lo supporL 8xCs ArLs LducaLlon programs.
klng 8ronx Cpera Company, lnc. 237170673
lunds would be used Lo supporL 8xCs ArLs ln LducaLlon
alma 8ronx arenL Pouslng neLwork, lnc. 134100738
1o supporL Lhe reenLry of lndlvlduals from prlson back
lnLo Lhe communlLy, provldlng asslsLance wlLh beneflLs,
menLal healLh/subsLance abuse LreaLmenL, famlly
reunlflcaLlon servlces, and oLher servlces Lo reduce
Arroyo 8ronx arenL Pouslng neLwork, lnc. 134100738
lunds wlll supporL sLaff and oLher cosLs for Lhe re-enLry
program for ex-offenders relocaLlng Lo ulsLrlcL 17.
Servlces are provlded before release and lnclude,
healLh/menLal care, subsLance abuse LreaLmenL, re-
enLry plannlng, workforce Lralnlng, famlly r
Cohen 8ronx 8lver Alllance, lnc. 733001387
lundlng wlll supporL educaLlonal and recreaLlonal
programmlng and acLlvlLles.
alma 8ronx 8lver Alllance, lnc. 733001387
1o supporL classroom and publlc educaLlon and oLher
programmlng on and abouL Lhe 8ronx 8lver corrldor
and greenway so LhaL Lhey can be healLhy ecologlcal,
recreaLlonal, educaLlonal and economlc resources.
1orres 8ronx 8lver Alllance, lnc. 733001387
lunds wlll supporL programmlng for rlver sLewardshlp,
educaLlon recreaLlon, parkland developmenL and
ecologlcal resLoraLlon along Lhe 8ronx 8lver
Arroyo 8ronx 8lver Alllance, lnc. 733001387
lunds wlll supporL programmlng for rlver sLewardshlp,
educaLlon, recreaLlon, parkland developmenL, and
ecologlcal resLoraLlon pro[ecLs ln communlLles along
Lhe 8ronx 8lver.
1orres 8ronx 8lver ArL CenLer & Callery, lnc. 133261148
lunds wlll supporL arLs, educaLlon and envlronmenLal
progress LargeLed Lo prlmarlly lower lncome
Mark-vlverlLo 8ronxArLSpace 434636139
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL an assorLmenL of arLlsLlc
summer workshops whlch lnclude, buL are noL llmlLed
Lo SLreeL ArL, SkaLeboards & Mural alnLlng, Wlshes &
8allads ln oeLry, and ArLlsL 8ooks.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 209

Clbson 8ronxWorks, lnc. 133234484
1he lunds wlll be used Lo supporL a Lhree-day/Lwo-
nlghL overnlghL Lrlp Lo ?MCAs Camp Creenklll ln Lhe
CaLskllls over Lhe sprlng recess. AL Camp Creenklll,
chlldren wlll parLlclpaLe ln naLure and wlldllfe sLudy,
hlklng, group games, campflre, advenLure ac
Clbson, alma CC 8ronxWorks, lnc. 133234484
lundlng Lo supporL Lhe Senlor Pome lmprovemenL
Cumbo 8rooklyn Academy of Muslc 112201344
lunds for 8AM's free senlor arLs programs and
educaLlon programmlng lncludlng, free afLer-school
programs and ln-school resldences.
Levln 8rooklyn Academy of Muslc 112201344
1o supporL 8AM's free senlor arLs programs and
educaLlon programmlng lncludlng, free afLer-school
programs and ln-school resldences.
8rooklyn Alllance of nelghborhood Cardens Land
1rusL 274620010
lunds Lo sLrengLhen communlcaLlon among Lhe
member gardens (prlnLed maLerlal and web upkeep),
ouLreach Lo promoLe Lhe publlc use of Lhe gardens, as
well as for group lnsurance pollcles, waLer
use/malnLenance, professlonal membershlps, and
emergency repalr
8rooklyn Alllance of nelghborhood Cardens Land
1rusL 274620010
1o sLrengLhen communlcaLlon among member
gardens, ouLreach Lo promoLe Lhe publlc use of Lhe
gardens, as well as for group lnsurance pollcles, waLer
use/malnLenance, professlonal membershlps, and
emergency repalrs.
8rooklyn Alllance of nelghborhood Cardens Land
1rusL 274620010
1o supporL programmlng ln communlLy gardens ln
8rooklyn Alllance, lnc. (8rooklyn Chamber of
Commerce) 112143936

lunds used Lo supporL Lhe nelghborhood uevelopmenL
ro[ecL. 1hls pro[ecL wlll sLraLeglcally poslLlon Lhe
8rooklyn Chamber of Commerce Lo offer reLall
developmenL, nelghborhood ouLreach and Lhe
provlslon of helpful resources Lo buslnesses ln Lhe
areas of 8
8rooklyn, Lsplnal,
CenLlle, Lander,
Malsel CC
8rooklyn Alllance, lnc. (8rooklyn Chamber of
Commerce) 112143936

1o fund programmlng LhaL lncludes servlces LhaL focus
on Lhe sLablllLy and growLh of small Lo mld-slzed
8rooklyn buslnesses. 1he nelghborhood
LnLrepreneurshlp ro[ecL supporLs commerclal
revlLallzaLlon and merchanL organlzlng servlces ln
underserved 8rook
Cumbo 8rooklyn ArL lncubaLor, lnc. 300136146
lunds wlll be used Lo pay nl1L Lralner cerLlfled arL
Leachers Lo Leach Wearable ArL and Spoken Word
course and Lo buy supplles, pay for Lhe space,
LransporLaLlon, malllngs and adverLlsemenL.
Cornegy 8rooklyn ArLs Councll, lnc. 237072913
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL arLs programs and
servlces for arLlsLs, culLural groups, and resldenLs ln
ulsLrlcL 36 ln l? 2013.
Cumbo 8rooklyn ArLs Councll, lnc. 237072913
lunds Lo supporL arLs programs and servlces for
arLlsLs, culLural groups, and resldenLs ln ulsLrlcL 33.
Levln 8rooklyn ArLs Councll, lnc. 237072913
1o supporL arLs programs and servlces for arLlsLs,
culLural groups, and resldenLs ln ulsLrlcL 33.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 210

Malsel 8rooklyn ArLs Councll, lnc. 237072913
1o supporL 8rooklyn ArLs Councll's operaLlons and Lo
supporL arLs programs and servlces for arLlsLs, culLural
groups, and resldenLs LhroughouL 8rooklyn
8eynoso 8rooklyn ArLs Councll, lnc. 237072913
1o supporL arLs programs and servlces for arLlsLs,
culLural groups, and resldenLs ln ulsLrlcL 34, wlLh a
focus on Lhe dlsLrlcL's LaLlno populaLlon.
1reyger 8rooklyn ArLs Councll, lnc. 237072913
1o supporL Lhe operaLlons and programs for arLlsLs,
culLural groups and resldenLs hosLed by Lhe 8rooklyn
ArLs Councll, lncludlng: ArLs ln LducaLlon programs aL
over 60 locaLlons LhroughouL n?C, granL programs for
arLlsLs and small culLural groups, lolk Ar
Mealy 8rooklyn ArLs Councll, lnc. 237072913
1o supporL Lhe CreaLlve CoallLlons program ln
8rownsvllle ln ulsLrlcL 41. 1he fundlng wlll be used Lo
bulld arLs lnfrasLrucLure ln Lhe communlLy and ald
arLlsLs ln harnesslng Lhelr economlc poLenLlal. 1hls
lncludes connecLlng arLlsLs Lo one anoLher and Lo
Menchaca 8rooklyn ArLs Councll, lnc. 237072913
lunds Lo conLlnue provldlng vlLal arLs programs and
servlces for arLlsLs, culLural groups, and resldenLs ln
ulsLrlcL 38 lncludlng: ArLs ln LducaLlon programs LhaL
wlll employ Leachlng arLlsLs and brlng arLs educaLlon Lo
locaLlons LhroughouL n?C, CranL pro
Wllllams 8rooklyn ArLs Councll, lnc. 237072913
lunds wlll be used Lo susLaln 8rooklyn ArLs Counclls
operaLlons and Lo supporL arLs programs and servlces
for arLlsLs, lnsLrucLors sLlpends, culLural groups, and
resldenLs LhroughouL ulsLrlcL 43
8rooklyn, Cumbo,
ueuLsch, Lsplnal,
Malsel, Menchaca CC 8rooklyn ArLs Councll, lnc. 237072913
lunds wlll be used Lo susLaln 8rooklyn ArLs Counclls
operaLlons and Lo supporL arLs programs and servlces
for arLlsLs, culLural groups, and resldenLs LhroughouL all
of 8rooklyn ln l? 2013, lncludlng: ArLs ln LducaLlon
programs LhaL wlll employ over 300 Le
ueuLsch 8rooklyn ArLs Councll, lnc. 237072913
used Lo susLaln 8rooklyn ArLs Counclls operaLlons and
Lo supporL arLs programs and servlces for arLlsLs,
culLural groups, and resldenLs LhroughouL ulsLrlcL 48
CenLlle 8rooklyn ArLs Councll, lnc. 237072913
lunds wlll supporL 8rooklyn ArLs Counclls operaLlons
and arLs programs, programs and servlces for arLlsLs,
culLural groups, and resldenLs, arLs ln educaLlon
programs, folk arLs pro[ecLs, career and professlonal
developmenL servlces, and communlLy ouLreach
8rooklyn 8allers SporLs, ?ouLh and LducaLlonal
Corp. 631209020
lunds are lnLended Lo be used for: 1. 8askeLball
1ralnlng and 1ournamenLs, funds wlll help pay for
lnsLrucLors, unlforms, Lrophles, evenLs, food,
refreshmenLs, and lncenLlves. 2. College AdvlsemenL:
funds wlll help pay for local college vlslLs, compuLer
8rooklyn 8ar AssoclaLlon volunLeer Lawyers
ro[ecL, lnc. 113133182

lunds Lo provlde 17a guardlanshlp, foreclosure and
debL asslsLance/represenLaLlon and ln general allow us
Lo expand our coverage and Lhe amounL of cllenLs LhaL
aLLorneys can represenL.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 211

8rooklyn 8ar AssoclaLlon volunLeer Lawyers
ro[ecL, lnc. 113133182

lunds wlll cover sLaff salarles so LhaL Lhe organlzaLlon
can provlde consulLaLlon on 17a guardlanshlp,
foreclosure and debL asslsLance/represenLaLlon and ln
general allow us Lo expand our coverage and Lhe
amounL of cllenLs LhaL our volunLeer aLLorneys can
8rooklyn 8ar AssoclaLlon volunLeer Lawyers
ro[ecL, lnc. 113133182

lundlng Lo malnLaln and expand Lhe 8vLs crlLlcal legal
Levln 8rooklyn 8rldge ark Conservancy, lnc. 133277631
1o supporL evenLs and acLlvlLles LhaL wlll be produced
and presenLed by Lhe Conservancy.
Cumbo 8rooklyn 8ureau of CommunlLy Servlce 111630780
lunds Lo offer movemenL, vlsual arLs, and recreaLlon
acLlvlLles Lo provlde a means of expresslon Lo address
menLal lllness, famlly concerns, and relaLed lssues.
Levln 8rooklyn 8ureau of CommunlLy Servlce 111630780
1o supporL Lhe 8C 8CS (ersonallzed 8ecovery
CrlenLed Servlces) program, a Medlcald funded
program LhaL serves adulLs (18 and over) wlLh a menLal
healLh dlagnosls whlch causes problems wlLh llvlng,
learnlng, worklng or soclal goals.
Lugene 8rooklyn CenLer for Lhe CuallLy of Llfe 262631830
1o supporL operaLlng cosLs for Lhe followlng 8rooklyn
CenLer for Lhe CuallLy of Llfe programs: lood anLry,
PealLh lnlLlaLlves, lmmlgraLlon rogram, Annual kldz
lalr, and a parL-Llme admlnlsLraLlve asslsLanLs sLlpend.
CenLlle 8rooklyn Chlldren's Museum 112493664

lunds wlll provlde free afLer school programmlng Lo
chlldren and youLh ln elemenLary, mlddle and hlgh
school, lncludlng homework help, college preparaLlon,
menLorlng, speclal arLs pro[ecLs, fleld Lrlps, and
physlcal educaLlon.
CenLlle 8rooklyn Chlnese-Amerlcan AssoclaLlon, lnc. 113063839
lunds wlll supporL youLh and communlLy
CenLlle CC 8rooklyn Chlnese-Amerlcan AssoclaLlon, lnc. 113063839
lunds Lo provlde recreaLlonal and educaLlonal
acLlvlLles, monLhly blrLhday parLles as well as faclllLy
renLal and lnsurance cosLs for 8CA's four Senlor
CenLers: SunseL ark Senlor ClLlzens CenLer, SlxLh
Avenue Senlor ClLlzens CenLer, 8ensonhursL Senlor Cl
Wllllams 8rooklyn College Academy 136400434

1he fundlng wlll be used Lo renovaLe, upgrade and
expand school sclence lab.
Levln 8rooklyn CommunlLy 8oard # 6 136400434

1o supplemenL 8rooklyn C86 resources and Lo perform
ouLreach Lo encourage and faclllLaLe clLlzen
parLlclpaLlon ln governmenL wlLhln Lhelr communlLy,
per Lhe CommunlLy 8oards ClLy CharLer mandaLe.
Lander 8rooklyn CommunlLy 8oard # 6 136400434 3,300 1o supporL operaLlng expenses.
Menchaca 8rooklyn CommunlLy 8oard # 6 136400434

lunds Lo supplemenL 8rooklyn C86 resources and Lo
perform ouLreach Lo encourage and faclllLaLe clLlzen
parLlclpaLlon ln governmenL wlLhln Lhelr communlLy,
per Lhe CommunlLy 8oards ClLy CharLer mandaLe.
CenLlle 8rooklyn CommunlLy 8oard #10 136400434

lunds wlll supporL servlces Lo Lhe communlLy
performed by Lhe CommunlLy 8oard and pay for
maLerlals used by Lhe 8oard.
CenLlle 8rooklyn CommunlLy 8oard #11 136400434

lunds wlll supporL servlces Lo Lhe communlLy
performed by Lhe CommunlLy 8oard and pay for
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 212

maLerlals used by Lhe 8oard.
CenLlle 8rooklyn CommunlLy rlde CenLer, lnc. 262214334
lunds wlll supporL Lwo Llder8luL programs: senlor
soclal gaLherlngs and an LC81C frlendly and culLurally
compeLenL serles called "Some Llke lL PoL".
Menchaca 8rooklyn CommunlLy rlde CenLer, lnc. 262214334
1o supporL Lhe 8rooklyn CommunlLy rlde CenLer as a
servlce provlder Lo 8rooklyn's lmmlgranL and deLalnee
populaLlon, lncludlng youLh, aglng, and famllles. lunds
wlll be used for conLlnued ouLreach and program
developmenL and expanslon.
8rooklyn, LC81,
Lander, Levln,
Menchaca CC 8rooklyn CommunlLy rlde CenLer, lnc. 262214334
lundlng Lo provlde Lowards case managemenL,
beneflLs asslsLance, lnformaLlon, referral and famlly
supporL servlces for 8rooklyn's growlng LC81C
populaLlon, lncludlng youLh, aglng and famllles.
CenLlle 8rooklyn CongregaLlons unlLed, lnc. 611367317
lunds wlll be used Lo Lraln and develop leaders Lo
organlze Lhelr communlLles Lo lmprove local
Lugene 8rooklyn CongregaLlons unlLed, lnc. 611367317
1o supporL operaLlng cosLs for Lhe followlng programs
aL Lhe 8rooklyn CongregaLlons unlLed lnc.: leadershlp
and developmenL Lralnlng, communlLy organlzlng and
campalgns for communlLy healLh, affordable houslng,
and economlc [usLlce.
Lander 8rooklyn CongregaLlons unlLed, lnc. 611367317
1o supporL Lralnlng and leadershlp developmenL
programs. lundlng wlll pay for sLaff salarles and
assoclaLed cosLs.
Cornegy 8rooklyn uefender Servlces 113303406 * 12,300 1o provlde supporL for Lhe Clvll !usLlce rogram.
Cumbo 8rooklyn uefender Servlces 113303406
lunds wlll be used Lo expand program servlces and
bulld greaLer capaclLy Lo do more communlLy-based
work. ln addlLlon Lhese funds wlll provlde unfunded
legal and soclal work servlces, and Lo hlre sLaff
poslLlons Lo provlde supplemenLal servlces Lo address
Malsel 8rooklyn uefender Servlces 113303406
1o provlde servlces ln Lhe Clvll !usLlce rogram Lo
resldenLs of 8rooklyn.
Creenfleld 8rooklyn uefender Servlces 113303406
lunds wlll be used Lo operaLe Lhe Clvll !usLlce rogram
whlch provldes enhanced servlces Lo cllenLs who are
lndlgenL resldenLs of 8rooklyn. 8epresenLlng over
40,000 people per year, funds wlll be allocaLed Lowards
sLaff salarles Lo provlde addlLlonal unf
Lander 8rooklyn uefender Servlces 113303406
1o supporL a ?ouLh and lamlly !usLlce lnlLlaLlve.
lundlng wlll pay for soclal worker and lnvesLlgaLor
poslLlons and educaLlon, advocacy and ouLreach.
Wllllams 8rooklyn uefender Servlces 113303406 * 10,000 lundlng Lo supporL Lhe Clvll !usLlce rogram
Cumbo, Lsplnal,
Malsel CC 8rooklyn uefender Servlces 113303406
lunds for Lhe ?ouLh and lamlly !usLlce lnlLlaLlve whlch
provldes crlmlnal defense, famlly defense, and cuLLlng-
edge pollcy advocacy for youLh lmpacLed by Lhe
crlmlnal [usLlce and famlly law sysLems. lunds wlll go
Loward Lhe hlrlng of soclal work, educaLlo
Lugene 8rooklyn lllm SocleLy, lnc. 271893622

1o supporL "8rooklyn lllm rlde", a Lwo day fllm evenL
LhaL showcases Lhe fllms of 8rooklyn fllmmakers.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 213

Levln 8rooklyn lronLlers Plgh School 136400434 2,800 1o provlde afLer school LuLorlng program.
Levln 8rooklyn Creenway lnlLlaLlve, lnc. 203283721
1o provlde programmlng and servlces Lo ensure Lhe
long-Lerm vlablllLy of Lhe 8rooklyn WaLerfronL
Lander 8rooklyn Creenway lnlLlaLlve, lnc. 203283721
1o supporL programmlng and servlces for Lhe 8rooklyn
WaLerfronL Creenway, lncludlng personnel expenses.
Menchaca 8rooklyn Creenway lnlLlaLlve, lnc. 203283721
lundlng Lo supporL programmlng/servlces lncludlng
pro[ecL coordlnaLlon, deslgn of open spaces,
developmenL of green lnfrasLrucLure, publlc
workshops, and membershlp, malnLenance and
sLewardshlp programs.
Levln 8rooklyn PelghLs AssoclaLlon lnc. 111304003 3,300 1o supporL malnLenance of Lhe romenade Carden.
Cornegy 8rooklyn PlsLorlcal SocleLy, 1he 111630813

1o supporL free school Lours for sLudenLs ln grades k-
12-held aL Lhe PlsLorlcal SocleLy and aL Lhe 8rooklyn
navy ?ard CenLer
Cumbo 8rooklyn PlsLorlcal SocleLy, 1he 111630813

lunds Lo supporL free school Lours for grades k-12 and
ongolng ouLreach Lo sLudenLs across all nelghborhoods
ln 8rooklyn.
CenLlle 8rooklyn PlsLorlcal SocleLy, 1he 111630813

lunds wlll be used Lo supporL school group Lours, Lo
offer sLudenLs Lhe opporLunlLy Lo learn abouL Lhelr
local hlsLory.
Levln 8rooklyn PlsLorlcal SocleLy, 1he 111630813

1o supporL free school Lours for grades k-12-held aL
Lhe PlsLorlcal SocleLy and aL Lhe 8rooklyn navy ?ard
CenLer aL 8LuC 92.
Mealy 8rooklyn PlsLorlcal SocleLy, 1he 111630813

lundlng wlll help 8rooklyn PlsLorlcal SocleLy provlde
free school Lours Lo 8rooklyn sLudenLs. 1he fundlng wlll
help pay for Lhe cosL of operaLlng 8PS and paylng
experlenced museum educaLors.
Creenfleld 8rooklyn PlsLorlcal SocleLy, 1he 111630813

lunds wlll cover cosLs of museum-based school Lour
programs whlch, led by museum educaLors, provlde
sLudenLs Lhe opporLunlLy Lo explore and lnvesLlgaLe
8rooklyn's pasL Lhrough access Lo archlval documenLs,
arLlfacLs, and oLher prlmary sources.
Lander 8rooklyn PlsLorlcal SocleLy, 1he 111630813

1o supporL Lhe creaLlon of onllne clrrlcula for Lhe
Crosslng 8orders, 8rldglng CeneraLlons oral hlsLory
pro[ecL for use by k-12 Leachers Lo use wlLh sLudenLs.
ueuLsch 8rooklyn Pouslng and lamlly Servlces, lnc. 112412384

lundlng Lo provlde lnLervenLlon servlces Lo LenanLs of
dlsLressed low and moderaLe prlced mulLlple-
CenLlle 8rooklyn Pouslng and lamlly Servlces, lnc. 112412384

lunds wlll be used Lo provlde asslsLance Lo famllles
faclng evlcLlon and foreclosure.
Malsel 8rooklyn Pouslng and lamlly Servlces, lnc. 112412384
1o provlde speclallzed servlces Lo resldenLs of Lhe 46Lh
Councll ulsLrlcL.
1reyger 8rooklyn Pouslng and lamlly Servlces, lnc. 112412384

lunds wlll be used Lo provlde speclallzed servlces Lo
vlcLlms of Sandy", lnLervenLlon ln low and moderaLe
prlced mulLlple-dwelllngs ldenLlfled as needlng
lnLervenLlon. 1hls lnLervenLlon wlll sLablllze Lhe
bulldlng and ensure Lhe conLlnulng avallablllLy o
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 214

Creenfleld 8rooklyn Pouslng and lamlly Servlces, lnc. 112412384

1o supporL program Lo prevenL Lhe dlsplacemenL of
famllles Lhrough evlcLlon and foreclosure. LvlcLlons wlll
be prevenLed Lhrough medlaLlon wlLh landlords and
Lhrough Lhe accesslng of enLlLlemenLs LhaL asslsL wlLh
renLal paymenLs or freeze renLs aL currenL
Lander 8rooklyn Pouslng and lamlly Servlces, lnc. 112412384

1o provlde servlces for homeowners and LenanLs who
are aL rlsk for evlcLlon.
Wllllams 8rooklyn Pouslng and lamlly Servlces, lnc. 112412384

lunds wlll be used Lo provlde lnLervenLlon ln low and
moderaLe prlced mulLlple-dwelllngs ldenLlfled as
needlng lnLervenLlon
8rooklyn, ueuLsch,
Lander, Malsel CC 8rooklyn Pouslng and lamlly Servlces, lnc. 112412384

1o prevenL dlsplacemenL by evlcLlon or foreclosure
Lhrough medlaLlon wlLh landlords and lenders or
morLgage servlcer's, asslsLance ln accesslng
enLlLlemenLs, relocaLlon when necessary and oLher
CenLlle 8rooklyn lnsLlLuLe of ArLs and Sclences 111672743
lunds wlll provlde free museum aLLendance on cerLaln
days of Lhe monLh.
8rooklyn klngs CounLy Plspanlc Chamber Cf
Commerce, lnc. 202381186
lunds used Lo cover Lhe cosLs assoclaLed wlLh
operaLlng buslness lncubaLor classes
8rooklyn klngs CounLy Plspanlc Chamber Cf
Commerce, lnc. 202381186
lunds Lo sLaff Lwo parL Llme workers and cover Lhe
cosL of Lhe buslness lncubaLor classes.
Cumbo 8rooklyn Legal Servlces CorporaLlon A 132603399

lunds wlll be used Lo provlde legal represenLaLlon,
brlef advlce/servlces, and legal educaLlon Lo vulnerable
Levln 8rooklyn Legal Servlces CorporaLlon A 132603399
1o supporL Lhe Make: School plloL program aL S 84,
whlch wlll provlde sLudenLs wlLh hands-on pro[ecLs and
lnLegraLe arL lnLo sclence, Lechnology, englneerlng, and
maLh sLudles.
8eynoso 8rooklyn Legal Servlces CorporaLlon A 132603399
1o supporL Make: School aL .S. 84. lunds wlll supporL
acqulslLlon of maLerlals and supplles, producLlon of
educaLlonal resources, sLaff developmenL and
collaboraLlon, execuLlon of pro[ecL lessons,
documenLaLlon and developmenL of onllne resources.
Wllllams 8rooklyn Legal Servlces CorporaLlon A 132603399

lundlng Lo supporL Lhe reservlng Affordable Pouslng
uromm, Lsplnal,
8eynoso, Wllllams CC 8rooklyn Legal Servlces CorporaLlon A 132603399

lunds wlll be used Lo susLaln and expand wldely
acclalmed Croup 8epresenLaLlon unlL. 1he unlL's sLaff
provldes crlLlcally needed legal supporL for a neLwork
of 13 full-Llme LenanL organlzers operaLlng ouL of 6
communlLy houslng organlzaLlons.
Cumbo 8rooklyn Muslc School 116000202
lunds wlll be used Lo purchase
equlpmenL/lnsLrumenLs, hlre 1eachlng ArLlsLs, and
assure access Lo more low lncome chlldren Lhrough
flnanclal ald.
Cumbo 8rooklyn navy ?ard uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 112137138

lunds Lo provlde free and accesslble exhlblLlon, vlslLor
and employmenL cenLer.
CenLlle 8rooklyn Cn lun AssoclaLlon uSA, lnc. 433094879
lunds wlll pay operaLlng cosL, lncludlng offlce space
renLal, uLlllLy bllls, offlce supplles, accounLlng fees, and
payroll for sLaffs, and wlll pay for workshops LhaL wlll
beneflL Lhe communlLy.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 21S

uromm 8rooklyn rlde, lnc. 113337221
roduce klds Space program for chlldren, youLh and
parenLs (boLh LC81C and allles) Lo combaL bullylng.
Lander 8rooklyn rlde, lnc. 113337221
1o supporL programmlng, lncludlng annual 3k run, Lo
educaLe Lhe publlc and commemoraLe hlsLorlcal evenLs
ln advanclng clvll rlghLs for Lhe LC81 communlLy.
ConsLanLlnldes 8rooklyn Cueens ConservaLory of Muslc 111332426

lundlng wlll be used Lo supporL muslc lnsLrucLlon Lo
local youLh and senlors ln AsLorla.
koo 8rooklyn Cueens ConservaLory of Muslc 111332426

lunds would supporL Lhe Muslc arLners rogram for
ulsLrlcL 20 schools, lncludlng S24C and S22C, youLh
and senlor cenLers.
CenLlle 8rooklyn Cueens ConservaLory of Muslc 111332426

lunds wlll supporL Lhe conLlnuaLlon of 8CCM's
ouLreach programs LhaL provlde muslc lnsLrucLlon,
muslc Lherapy, and concerLs LhroughouL 8rooklyn,
Cueens, and ManhaLLan.
Levln 8rooklyn Cueens ConservaLory of Muslc 111332426

1o supporL Lhe conLlnuaLlon and/or relnsLaLemenL of
ouLreach programs whlch provlde muslc lnsLrucLlon,
muslc Lherapy and concerLs ln 8rooklyn.
Lander 8rooklyn Cueens ConservaLory of Muslc 111332426

1o supporL muslc Lherapy programs and concerLs,
lncludlng Lhe Muslc arLners rogram and Lhe Muslc
1herapy rogram.
Cornegy 8rooklyn Cueens Land 1rusL 611441032
1o provlde garden lmprovemenLs and supplles for
8CL1 gardens ln Lhe 36Lh Councll ulsLrlcL.
Cumbo 8rooklyn Cueens Land 1rusL 611441032
lunds Lo supporL communlLy garden acLlvlLles
lncludlng renL and uLlllLles, and supporL of our lall 8lke
1our and oLher evenLs ln lLs gardens.
Levln 8rooklyn Cueens Land 1rusL 611441032
1o provlde supporL for renL and uLlllLles, and Lo
supporL Lhe lall 8lke 1our and oLher evenLs
Mlller 8rooklyn Cueens Land 1rusL 611441032
8CL1 wlll updaLe Lhe Merrlck Marsden ll garden. Work
wlll lnclude a new fence, landscaplng, lnsLalllng a
gazebo for seaLlng, garden Lools and supplles.
8CL1 requesLs general supporL for Lhese acLlvlLles
lncludlng renL and uLlllLles, and supporL of our lal
8eynoso 8rooklyn Cueens Land 1rusL 611441032
1o supporL programmlng and purchase of maLerlals for
four communlLy gardens ln 8ushwlck: Concerned
ClLlzens of Crove SL., La llnca, eoples Carden and
Woodblne Carden.
Mealy 8rooklyn Cueens Land 1rusL 611441032
1he fundlng wlll pay for Lhe malnLenance of Lhe 3
8rooklyn Cueens Land 1rusL gardens locaLed ln ulsLrlcL
41, lncludlng general malnLenance of Lhe CenLral
8alnbrldge garden, Lhe repalr of a slnkhole ln Lhe
Carden of Angels on Creene Avenue, lumber and sol
Wllllams 8rooklyn Cueens Land 1rusL 611441032
lunds Lo sLarL new communlLy gardens. Servlces
lnclude flndlng avallable space, organlzlng a
nelghborhood gardenlng group, plannlng Lhe garden
wlLh communlLy sLakeholders.
8rooklyn 8escue Mlsslon urban ParvesL CenLer,
lnc. 320019367
1o fund sLlpends for youLh worklng ln Lhe greenhouse,
food panLry and farmers markeL.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 216

8rooklyn 8escue Mlsslon urban ParvesL CenLer,
lnc. 320019367
1he funds wlll supporL Lhe Crowlng Success program,
whlch provldes sLlpends Lo youLh lnLerns for worklng ln
Lhe greenhouse, food panLry, and farmers markeLs.
1he fundlng wlll also be used Lo purchase farm
supplles, equlpmenL, L-shlrLs, Lralnlng equlpmenL
Cumbo 8rooklyn SLeppers, lnc., 1he 271223033
lunds wlll supporL general operaLlng expenses of Lhe
8rooklyn SLeppers, Lo purchase muslcal lnsLrumenLs for
Lhe marchlng band and for our annual communlLy
Levln CC 8rooklyn ?ouLh Chorus Academy 113129249

1o supporL and expand 8?CA's Choral Muslc LducaLlon
and erformance rogram and llnanclal Ald lnlLlaLlve.
CenLlle 8rooklynCnL producLlons, lnc. 460692076
lunds wlll supporL regular scheduled evenLs and Lhe
new ouLdoor 8rooklyn Shakespeare lesLlval.
ulckens, lerreras,
klng, Levlne,
Wllllams CC 8roLherhood SlsLer Sol, lnc., 1he 133837387
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe operaLlons of
summer programmlng.
Mealy 8rownsvllle PerlLage Pouse, lnc. 112332201
1he funds wlll supporL Lhe operaLlng cosLs of Lhe
8rownsvllle PerlLage Pouse, lncludlng Lhe cosLs of
hosLlng free culLural programmlng for Lhe communlLy.
1hls culLural programmlng lncludes free [azz
performances, and free movle screenlngs. 1he funds
lerreras 8uslness CuLreach CenLer neLwork, lnc. 113306111

1o supporL buslness workshops, one-on-one
counsellng, access Lo flnance, and 8CC neLworks Chlld
Care 8uslness uevelopmenL ro[ecL. 1he pro[ecL wlll
help lower lncome women galn flnanclal llLeracy,
markeLlng, managemenL, and chlldhood developmenL
skllls. l
8lchards 8uslness CuLreach CenLer neLwork, lnc. 113306111

1o supporL 8CC neLwork's Chlld Care 8uslness
uevelopmenL ro[ecL whlch responds Lo a
demonsLraLed need for comprehenslve servlces Lo
home-based chlld care provlders for professlonal
buslness, legal and accounLlng asslsLance Lo
consLlLuenLs of ulsLrlcL 31.
8eynoso 8uslness CuLreach CenLer neLwork, lnc. 113306111

1o supporL a Lralnlng program for mlnorlLy, lmmlgranL,
and lower-lncome women enLrepreneurs.
Cu28 8uslness CuLreach CenLer neLwork, lnc. 113306111

lunds would be used Lo offer an expanded 60-hour
Lralnlng wlLh PealLhy Cholces Lralnlng, one-on-one
Lechnlcal asslsLance, free legal asslsLance, career paLh
counsellng, access Lo flnanclng, neLworklng, and chlld
care skllls menLorlng.!

1ralnlng Loplcs
Weprln 8uslness CuLreach CenLer neLwork, lnc. 113306111

1o supporL Lralnlng programs for mlnorlLy and
lmmlgranL women sLarLlng chlld care buslness wlLh
Lechnlcal asslsLance, legal asslsLance, career counsellng
and menLorlng.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 217

Levlne 8uyers And 8enLers unlLed 1o Save Parlem, lnc. 203377268
lundlng Lo conLlnue educaLlonal, research and
ouLreach efforLs ln Councll ulsLrlcL 7 Lo provlde
LenanLs and Lhe larger communlLy wlLh effecLlve ways
Lo brlng greaLer economlc and soclal [usLlce ln Lhe area
of houslng. lundlng wlll be used Lo cover progra
Chln Cabrlnl lmmlgranL Servlces of n?C 433238636
1o supporL free LSCL, Lechnology, and culLural llLeracy
classes for adulLs. lunds wlll supporL purchase of
lapLops and salary of lnsLrucLor. As well as a LheaLre
Lrlp for LSCL sLudenLs whlch lncludes lesson plans Lo
faclllLaLe lnsLrucLlon.
8lchards CAM8A, lnc. 112480339
1o supporL Lhe Arverne vlew SecurlLy Cuard Academy
- CAM8A seeks Lo offer SecurlLy Cuard Lralnlng Lo
cllenLs ln Arverne vlew on Lhe 8ockaway enlnsula as a
new componenL of Lhe Arverne vlew 8ecovery ro[ecL.
Wllllams CAM8A, lnc. 112480339
lunds Lo provlde ouLreach for Lhe ldenLlflcaLlon,
screenlng, assessmenL and referral process for
preconcepLlon, pregnanL and lnLerconcepLlon women
and famllles wlLh lnfanLs who are aL rlsk for poor blrLh
Wllllams CAM8A, lnc. 112480339
lunds Lo supporL servlces provlded aL 8eacon 269 ln
Clbson CaplLol ulsLrlcL ManagemenL AssoclaLlon 270699734

1he funds wlll be used for Lhe 8lus ?ouLh Ambassadors
?ouLh Ambassadors serve as nelghborhood guldes by
provldlng dlrecLlons Lo LourlsLs, dlsLrlbuLe maps and
souvenlrs Lo vlslLors, serve as greeLers for 1he 8ronx,
malnLaln Lhe SLadlum CommunlLy
Lugene Carlbbean Amerlcan CenLer of new ?ork, lnc. 133443781
1o supporL operaLlonal cosLs of Lhe CACn? ?ouLh
Ambassador MenLorlng 1ralnlng rogram, whlch
provldes baslc educaLlonal supporL servlces, lncludlng
SA1/8LCLn1 rep, [ob preparaLlon skllls leadlng up Lo
summer [obs, lnLernshlp placemenL and communlLy
Mlller Carlbbean Amerlcan 8eperLory 1heaLre 112972441
lundlng for Lhe supporL of our producLlon of Lwo
plays: Love ls and Slzwe 8anzl ls uead . lunds wlll be
used Lo supporL space renLal cosLs and arLlsLs fees.
Wllllams Carlbbean Amerlcan 8eperLory 1heaLre 112972441
lundlng Lo supporL upcomlng producLlons, funds wlll
be used Lo offseL cosL of lLems such as space renLal
cosLs and arLlsLs fees.
Carlbbean Amerlcan SporLs and CulLural ?ouLh
MovemenL (CAS?M, lnc.) 112778372
1o provlde culLural programmlng LhroughouL 8rooklyn,
and supporL Lhe operaLlonal cosLs of Lhe program.
Carlbbean Amerlcan SporLs and CulLural ?ouLh
MovemenL (CAS?M, lnc.) 112778372
lundlng Lo malnLaln culLural awareness, equlpmenL
purchases, sLaff supporL, provlde a Leen dance group,
and renLal space.
Carlbbean 8esearch CenLer aL Medgar Lvers
College, 1he 112631618
lunds wlll be used Lo conducL varlous research
Carlbbean 8esearch CenLer aL Medgar Lvers
College, 1he 112631618
1o supporL operaLlonal cosLs of varlous research
pro[ecLs relaLed Lo lmmlgranL communlLles, susLalnable
developmenL, clvlc engagemenL, ulaspora
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 218

relaLlonshlps/dynamlcs, occupaLlon Lralnlng, culLural
asslmllaLlon, communlLy-based oplnlon polllng, soclal
Carlbbean 8esearch CenLer aL Medgar Lvers
College, 1he 112631618
3,300 lundlng Lo conducL varlous research pro[ecLs
Wllllams Carlbbean Women's PealLh AssoclaLlon, lnc. 133323168
lunds Lo supporL a new anLl-vlolence pro[ecL, lncludes
Lralnlng for youLh servlce provlders
Lugene Carlbbean-Amerlcan 8esearch loundaLlon, lnc. 113631337
1o supporL 1) prlnLlng and dlssemlnaLlon of
publlcaLlons supporLlng Lhe followlng: CrlenLaLlon of
new arrlvals lnLo Lhe CommunlLy, Legal and
lmmlgraLlon concerns, LducaLlon for Success, ulsclpllne
and Self-LsLeem, undersLandlng Lhe 1esLlng and
uromm Carnegle Pall CorporaLlon, 1he 131923626

rovlde Lwo choral workshops for courL-lnvolved
young people ln secure deLenLlon faclllLles
Cabrera Carnegle Pall CorporaLlon, 1he 131923626

lundlng Lo supporL 6 pro[ecLs for courL-lnvolved youLh,
ln parLnershlp wlLh Lhe AdmlnlsLraLlon of Chlldren's
Servlces. 1wo of Lhese pro[ecLs wlll be Lwo week
lnLenslve choral workshops ln secure deLenLlon
seLLlngs. Lach workshop lncludes: 9 Lralnlng sessl
Carodnlck Carnegle Pall CorporaLlon, 1he 131923626

lundlng wlll supporL free publlc Carnegle Pall muslc
evenLs, lncludlng ouLreach Lo hosplLals and senlor
alma Carnegle Pall CorporaLlon, 1he 131923626

1o supporL muslc programs for courL lnvolved [uvenlles
ln Lhe 8ronx, ln secure and nonsecure ACS seLLlngs LhaL
promoLe connecLlons Lo famlly and communlLy.
!ohnson Carnegle Pall CorporaLlon, 1he 131923626

1o supporL free Carnegleklds concerLs aL Lhe Pudson
8osenLhal Carnegle Pall CorporaLlon, 1he 131923626

lundlng Lo supporL free Carnegle Pall nelghborhood
ConcerLs ln ulsLrlcL 6.
Carodnlck Carnegle Plll nelghbors, lnc. 133300409

lundlng wlll supporL operaLlng cosLs for Carnegle Plll
nelghbors, a group LhaL advocaLes for lmprovemenLs ln
Lhe nelghborhood and quallLy of llfe for resldenLs ln
Carnegle Plll.
Lander Carroll Cardens AssoclaLlon, lnc. 112373432
1o supporL sLraLeglc plannlng and asslsLance for
buslnesses ln Carroll Cardens.
Menchaca Carroll Cardens AssoclaLlon, lnc. 112373432
lunds Lo conLlnue and expand Lhe free LnLrepreneur
AsslsLance rogram whlch lnclude free workshops and
one-on-one counsellng, where-ln Lralnlng and Lechnlcal
asslsLance on a dlverse array of Loplc areas.
kallos CC CarLer 8urden CenLer for Lhe Aglng, lnc., 1he 237129499

1o supporL and enhance 10 core programs: Lhe Soclal
Servlce unlL, CommunlLy Llder MlsLreaLmenL Abuse
revenLlon rogram, CarLer 8urden Senlor rogram,
C.v. SLarr AdulL uay Servlces, Covello Senlor. rogram,
volunLeer Servlces, Case ManagemenL unlL, Makln
8ose Casa 8elvedere 1he lLallan CulLural loundaLlon 264411728
1o lund Lhe SLaglone ul Muslca (Seasons of Song)
muslc serles. 1he fundlng wlll be used Lo cover Lhe cosL
of Lhe muslclans and sLaglng needs for Lhe
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 219

CaLhollc CharlLles CommunlLy Servlces,
Archdlocese of new ?ork 133362183
lundlng Lo supporL lnLramural sporLs LournamenL
lnvolvlng Allanza ulvlslon programs for youLh afLer
CaLhollc CharlLles CommunlLy Servlces,
Archdlocese of new ?ork 133362183
1o provlde evlcLlon prevenLlon servlces Lo lndlvlduals
and famllles aL rlsk of becomlng homeless, lncludlng
help wlLh lmmedlaLe houslng crlses, shorL-Lerm crlsls
lnLervenLlon and case managemenL, and emergency
renL rellef for resldenLs of Councll ulsLrlcL
CaLhollc CharlLles CommunlLy Servlces,
Archdlocese of new ?ork 133362183
CCCS wlll provlde evlcLlon prevenLlon servlces Lo
lndlvlduals and famllles aL rlsk of becomlng homeless.
CaLhollc CharlLles CommunlLy Servlces,
Archdlocese of new ?ork 133362183
lunds wlll be used Lo purchase fresh produce, helplng
us malnLaln full and nuLrlLlous panLry bags for LasL
Parlem resldenLs aL Lhe SL. Cecllla's food panLry.
8LAC, 8odrlguez CC
CaLhollc CharlLles CommunlLy Servlces,
Archdlocese of new ?ork 133362183
$140,000 wlll provlde much-needed dlrecL legal
represenLaLlon, advlce, and ouLreach Lo lmmlgranLs
who cannoL afford prlvaLe aLLorneys.
8LAC, 8odrlguez CC
CaLhollc CharlLles CommunlLy Servlces,
Archdlocese of new ?ork 133362183
$230,000 wlll fund Lhe creaLlon of a vlbranL
performance, exhlblLlon, and arLs and culLure
educaLlon cenLer ln norLhern ManhaLLan wlLh Allanza's
own culLural programs servlng as Lhe anchor. 1he
CulLural CenLer wlll expand lLs culLural programmlng,
CenLlle CaLhollc MlgraLlon Servlces, lnc. 112634818
lunds wlll provlde communlLy educaLlon Lo senlors
abouL Lhe SC8lL (Senlor ClLlzens 8enL lncrease
LxempLlon) and help senlors apply for SC8lL beneflLs.
ulrlch CaLhollc MlgraLlon Servlces, lnc. 112634818
lunds Lo be used Lo supporL legal
represenLaLlon/advlce servlces and Lo supporL Lhe
operaLlonal cosLs assoclaLed
Menchaca CaLhollc MlgraLlon Servlces, lnc. 112634818
lunds Lo help lmmlgranL workers recover unpald
wages and address lssues of hazardous work
vallone CaLhollc MlgraLlon Servlces, lnc. 112634818

1he funds wlll supporL CMS ln provldlng legal servlces
ln areas such as senlor houslng and lmmlgraLlon.
vallone CaLhollc MlgraLlon Servlces, lnc. 112634818

1he funds wlll supporL CMS ln provldlng lmmlgraLlon
legal servlces.
van 8ramer CaLhollc MlgraLlon Servlces, lnc. 112634818

lunds Lo offseL cosL of salarles and beneflLs of sLaff, as
well as offlce renL.
lerreras CaLhollc MlgraLlon Servlces, lnc. 112634818
lunds wlll supporL legal represenLaLlon of LenanLs ln
admlnlsLraLlve and courL proceedlngs, legal
consulLaLlons and advlce aL Lhe drop-ln legal cllnlc, and
legal consulLaLlons, advlce and know-your-rlghLs
educaLlon for LenanLs. lunds wlll also supplemenL
vacca CaLhollc Wldows and Wldowers of Lhe 8ronx 133713149

1o provlde funds for any wldows and wldowers ln Lhe
communlLy Lo soclallze, aLLend evenLs and Lrlps, and
ad[usL Lo slngle llfe.
Carodnlck CLC SLuyvesanL Cove, lnc. 322440116
lundlng wlll supporL on-golng malnLenance of
SLuyvesanL Cove ark, Solar Cne's susLalnablllLy and
energy awareness currlculum developmenL and
lnLernshlp programs, as well as local communlLy
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 220

ouLreach efforLs Lo promoLe envlronmenLal proLecLlon.
CenLer for AnLl-vlolence LducaLlon (CAL, lnc.,
1he) 112444676

1o cover cosLs assoclaLed wlLh provldlng self-defense
and vlolence prevenLlon workshops
CenLer for AnLl-vlolence LducaLlon (CAL, lnc.,
1he) 112444676

1o provlde ln-depLh, mulLlple-sesslon courses or one-
Llme workshops Lo empower communlLles Lo prevenL,
heal from, and counLer vlolence.
CenLer for AnLl-vlolence LducaLlon (CAL, lnc.,
1he) 112444676

1o provlde ln-depLh, mulLlple-sesslon vlolence
prevenLlon courses and one-Llme workshops.
CenLer for AnLl-vlolence LducaLlon (CAL, lnc.,
1he) 112444676

1o cover cosLs assoclaLed wlLh provldlng self-defense
and vlolence prevenLlon workshops
Lander, Mendez,
Menchaca CC
CenLer for AnLl-vlolence LducaLlon (CAL, lnc.,
1he) 112444676

lunds wlll conLlnue empowerlng women, youLh and
LC81C communlLles Lo prevenL, respond Lo, and heal
from vlolence. 1hrough mulLlple-sesslon courses and
one-Llme workshops, we wlll provlde parLlclpanLs wlLh
pracLlcal sLraLegles and skllls Lo lncrease Lhelr
kallos CenLer for ArLs LducaLlon, lnc. 133938080

1o provlde parenLs and Lhelr chlldren opporLunlLles Lo
creaLe and explore arL LogeLher Lhrough arenLs As
ArLs arLners (AA) aL publlc schools clLywlde whlch
also addresses school-focused lssues such as: bullylng,
healLh and well-belng, culLural dlversl
Levln CenLer for ArLs LducaLlon, lnc. 133938080

1o provlde parenLs and Lhelr chlldren opporLunlLles Lo
creaLe and explore arL LogeLher Lhrough arenLs As
ArLs arLners (AA) aL publlc schools ln ulsLrlcL 33.
Levlne CenLer for ArLs LducaLlon, lnc. 133938080

lundlng Lo provlde parenLs and Lhelr chlldren ln
Councll ulsLrlcL 7 wlLh opporLunlLles Lo creaLe and
explore arL LogeLher Lhrough arenLs As ArLs arLners
(AA) aL publlc schools clLywlde.
Lander CenLer for ArLs LducaLlon, lnc. 133938080

1o supporL parenL-chlld arLs based programs for local
van 8ramer CenLer for ArLs LducaLlon, lnc. 133938080

1o provlde parenLs and Lhelr chlldren opporLunlLles Lo
creaLe and explore arL LogeLher Lhrough arenLs As
ArLs arLners (AA) aL publlc schools clLywlde
Crowley CenLer for Lhe Women of new ?ork, lnc., 1he 112876688

lundlng Lo supporL free dlrecL servlces Lhrough
supporL group for women ln crlsls, [ob workshops, legal
referral cllnlc, flnanclal cllnlc, low-cosL, shorL-Lerm
career Lralnlng classes provldlng opporLunlLy for
vallone CenLer for Lhe Women of new ?ork, lnc., 1he 112876688

lundlng wlll be used for free dlrecL servlces Lhrough a
supporL group for women ln crlses, [ob workshops,
legal referral cllnlc, flnanclal cllnlc, low-cosL, shorL-Lerm
career Lralnlng classes provldlng opporLunlLy for
Weprln CenLer for Lhe Women of new ?ork, lnc., 1he 112876688

1o supporL free dlrecL servlces for women ln crlses, [ob
workshops, legal referral cllnlcs, flnanclal cllnlcs, and
career Lralnlng classes.
Mendez CenLer for 1radlLlonal Muslc and uance 237379877
lundlng Lo supporL program admlnlsLraLlon of
ukralnlan vlllage volces slnglng workshops,
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 221

performances, and slnglng sesslons for senlors.
Mark-vlverlLo CenLer for 1radlLlonal Muslc and uance 237379877
1o supporL Lhe Marlachl Academy of new ?ork
Leachlng chlldren Lhe arLlsLlc LradlLlons of Lhe Marlachl.
lunds wlll be used Lo offseL Lhe cosLs of Leacher
lerreras CenLer for urban edagogy lnc., 1he 113623306
lundlng Lo supporL Lhe producLlon and dlsLrlbuLlon of
Maklng ollcy ubllc: 1he aLh Lo ark lmprovemenLs
(M) educaLlonal posLers LhaL helps Spanlsh speakers
undersLand Lhe process of creaLlng lmprovemenLs ln
Lhelr parks. 1he posLers are almed aL helpln
Levln CenLer for urban edagogy lnc., 1he 113623306
1o provlde communlLy educaLlon workshops on
affordable houslng, zonlng, and uLu8 as parL of Cu's
Lnvlslonlng uevelopmenL 1oolklLs, whlch are vlsual,
LacLlle, lnLeracLlve Lools LhaL organlzers, advocaLes, and
oLhers can use Lo break down Lhe [argon aroun
8eynoso CenLer for urban edagogy lnc., 1he 113623306
1o supporL a 10-sesslon ClLy SLudles program aL Lhe
Lyons CommunlLy School. lunds wlll supporL Cu
sLaff, 1eachlng ArLlsL, pro[ecL maLerlals, and producLlon
Lander CenLer for urban edagogy lnc., 1he 113623306
1o provlde educaLlonal lnformaLlon on flnanclal
servlces Lo 8angla-speaklng lmmlgranLs.
Mark-vlverlLo CenLer for urban edagogy lnc., 1he 113623306
1o provlde a 10-sesslon ClLy SLudles program for
sLudenLs ln a uS CovernmenL class aL Lhe lnLernaLlonal
CommunlLy Plgh School (lCPS). lundlng wlll parLlally
supporL Cu sLaff and Leachlng arLlsL, pro[ecL
maLerlals, and producLlon cosLs.
Menchaca CenLer for urban edagogy lnc., 1he 113623306
lundlng Lo provlde clvlc educaLlon workshops on
zonlng and uLu8 as parL of Cu's Lnvlslonlng
uevelopmenL 1oolklLs, whlch are vlsual, LacLlle,
lnLeracLlve Lools LhaL organlzers, advocaLes, and oLhers
can use Lo break down Lhe [argon around land use and
Levln CenLral Amerlcan Legal AsslsLance 112839131

1o supporL removal defense for deLalned lmmlgranLs
and for asylum seekers.
8eynoso CenLral Amerlcan Legal AsslsLance 112839131

1o supporL sLaff poslLlons for lawyers worklng on
removal defense (lncludlng for deLalned lmmlgranLs)
and for asylum seekers.
ConsLanLlnldes CenLral AsLorla Local uevelopmenL CoallLlon, lnc. 112632331

lundlng wlll be used for annual waLerfronL concerL and
flreworks dlsplay ln AsLorla.
van 8ramer CenLral AsLorla Local uevelopmenL CoallLlon, lnc. 112632331

lundlng Lo provlde counsellng and asslsLance ln flllng
varlous appllcaLlons such as: SC8lL, u8lL, SCPL, PLA,
LLc...Lo senlors. Pouslng workshops and semlnars are
also conducLed by Lhe organlzaLlon.
van 8ramer CC CenLral AsLorla Local uevelopmenL CoallLlon, lnc. 112632331

1he program provldes counsellng and asslsLance ln
flllng varlous appllcaLlons such as: SC8lL, u8lL, SCPL,
PLA, LLc. Lo senlors.
Cornegy CenLral 8rooklyn !azz ConsorLlum, lnc. 113349224
1o provlde supporL for Lhe followlng evenLs: Annual
Cala, !azz Women's vlewpolnL, ?ouLh !amboree &
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 222

Wellness uay & !azz hall of fame
Cumbo CenLral 8rooklyn !azz ConsorLlum, lnc. 113349224
lundlng wlll be used for general fesLlval promoLlon,
markeLlng, prlnLlng ads ln newspapers and [azz
Mealy CenLral 8rooklyn !azz ConsorLlum, lnc. 113349224
1he funds wlll be used Lo pay for CenLral 8rooklyn !azz
ConsorLlum's muslclans, equlpmenL purchase and
renLal, supply purchase and renLal, LransporLaLlon, and
sLaff salarles. 1he funds wlll supporL C8!C's free and
open Lo Lhe publlc performances ln ulsLrl
Mealy CenLral 8rooklyn Legal Servlces Corp 463144468
1he funds wlll be used Lo pay for aLLorneys Lo provlde
counsel and represenLaLlon ln courL or before
admlnlsLraLlve agencles, paralegal sLaff Lo prepare
documenLs on behalf of aLLorneys, admlnlsLraLlve sLaff
Lo supporL execuLlve and professlonal sLaff, fl
CenLral 8rooklyn MarLln LuLher klng
Commlsslon, lnc., 1he 113133360
1o supporL an annual essay, poeLry and arL conLesL,
college preparaLory workshops and educaLlonal
Mark-vlverlLo CenLral ark LasL Plgh School / LasL Parlem rlde 136400434

lunds wlll be used Lo offseL expenses for sLudenLs
lnvolved ln SAL sporLs whlch lnclude LransporLaLlon,
equlpmenL, unlforms, ouL of clLy Lravel, recognlLlon
and rewards.
koslowlLz CenLral Cueens ?M & ?WPA, lnc 111633309
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe array of programs
and servlces provlded Lo over 300 Senlor AdulLs over
Lhe age of slxLy each week. rograms lnclude soclal,
recreaLlonal, culLural, educaLlonal healLh relaLed
program componenLs, sLay well exerclse, nuLr
Levlne CenLro AlLagracla de le y !usLlcla 161763323
lundlng Lo supporL CenLro AlLagracla's LenanL advocacy
lnlLlaLlve faclllLaLes communlcaLlon and allevlaLes
confuslon surroundlng LenanL-landlord lssues. Servlces
provlded lnclude counsellng relaLed Lo renL
overcharges, harassmenL, lack of repalrs, uPC8 pa
8odrlguez CenLro AlLagracla de le y !usLlcla 161763323
lundlng Lo provlde prlnLed maLerlals, healLhy
refreshmenLs, cooklng classes, dlrecL ouLreach and
glveaways aL communlLy evenLs.
8odrlguez CenLro AlLagracla de le y !usLlcla 161763323
SLafflng and programmlng expenses relaLed Lo soclal
8odrlguez CenLro AlLagracla de le y !usLlcla 161763323
lundlng Lo supporL sLafflng and prlnLed maLerlals
relaLed Lo LenanL advocacy
8odrlguez CenLro AlLagracla de le y !usLlcla 161763323
lundlng Lo supporL sLafflng and programmlng expenses
relaLed Lo vlcLlms of abuse
8odrlguez CenLro AlLagracla de le y !usLlcla 161763323
lundlng Lo provlde meals, LransporLaLlon, and oLher
programmlng expenses for communlLy servlce
Creenfleld Chabad LubavlLch of kenslngLon 113137033
lunds wlll be used for Lhe coordlnaLlon and maLerlals
for Lens of Leenage volunLeers who vlslL hundreds of
elderly resldenLs ln Lhelr homes ln Lhe nelghborhood
on a weekly basls.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 223

vallone Chabad of norLheasL Cueens 113207716
1o operaLe afLer school programmlng, culLural
programs llke Lhe Model MaLzah lacLory, and a nurslng
home vlslLaLlon program.
MaLLeo Charles 8erry Pouses 1enanL AssoclaLlon 136400434 1,300 lunds wlll be use Lo supporL Lhelr lamlly uay evenL
Carodnlck Chashama, lnc. 133862422

lundlng wlll supporL Lhe Callery Wlndow program,
whlch converLs vacanL spaces lnLo presenLaLlon venues
for local arLlsLs Lo creaLe and showcase works for
!ohnson Chashama, lnc. 133862422

lunds supporL programs provldlng local young arLlsLs
ln Councll ulsLrlcL 3 wlLh publlclLy, markeLlng Lechnlcal
asslsLance, organlzaLlonal supporL, and affordable
space Lo creaLe Lhelr arL.
!ohnson Chekpeds 264483308

1o supporL Lhe 18LL CuA8uS program ln Pell's klLchen
Lo proLecL Lhe frall Lrees newly planLed by Lhe arks
deparLmenL as parL of Lhe Mayor's one mllllon 1ree
!ohnson Cherry Lane AlLernaLlve, lnc. 133969173

1o supporL Lhe MenLor ro[ecL (M), palrlng emerglng
playwrlghLs wlLh seasoned dramaLlsLs and showcaslng
Lhe emerglng playwrlghLs' new plays.
Cohen Chess-ln-Lhe-Schools, lnc. 136119036
lundlng Lo supporL programmlng for chlldren ln afLer
school chess clubs and summer chess camps.
Cumbo Chess-ln-Lhe-Schools, lnc. 136119036
lunds Lo conLlnue school program LhaL occurs clLywlde
lmpacLlng over 13,000 sLudenLs annually. Such
programs lnclude Classroom Chess, AfLer-School Cress
Clubs, Summer Chess Camps, ScholasLlc 1ournamenL
rogram, and so much more.
Levln Chess-ln-Lhe-Schools, lnc. 136119036 * 3,300 1o supporL chess programmlng ln schools.
Mlller Chess-ln-Lhe-Schools, lnc. 136119036
lundlng wlll supporL: 1. AfLer-School Chess
Clubs/Summer Chess Camps, 2. ScholasLlc 1ournamenL
rogram, 3. Lhe College 8ound rogram, and 4. Lhe
1eacher 1ralnlng lnsLlLuLe: whlch Lralns n?C publlc
school educaLors Lo effecLlvely Leach chess ln Lhe
Malsel Chess-ln-Lhe-Schools, lnc. 136119036
1o provlde servlces Lo several schools ln Lhe 46Lh
Councll ulsLrlcL.
8osenLhal Chess-ln-Lhe-Schools, lnc. 136119036 * 3,300 SupporL Lhe varlous programs of Chess ln Lhe schools
1orres Chess-ln-Lhe-Schools, lnc. 136119036
lunds wlll supporL Chess ln Lhe Schools' programs
lncludlng classroom chess, afLerschool chess
clubs/summer chess camps, ScholasLlc 1ournamenL
rogram, College 8ound rogram and ro[ecL Chess,
1eacher 1ralnlng lnsLlLuLe
Lugene Chess-ln-Lhe-Schools, lnc. 136119036
1o supporL Chess-ln-Lhe-Schools' School rogram,
Classroom Chess, AfLer-School Chess Clubs, ScholasLlc
1ournamenL rogram, College 8ound rogram, and
ro[ecL Chess.
Chln Chess-ln-Lhe-Schools, lnc. 136119036
1o supporL ln-school and afLer-school programs,
LournamenLs aL publlc schools, college-bound program,
and Leacher Lralnlng lnsLlLuLe.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 224

koslowlLz Chess-ln-Lhe-Schools, lnc. 136119036
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe organlzaLlons
programs : School rogram, AfLer-School Chess
Clubs/Summer Chess Camps, ScholasLlc 1ournamenL
rogram, College 8ound rogram, ro[ecL Chess,
1eacher 1ralnlng lnsLlLuLe
Lander Chess-ln-Lhe-Schools, lnc. 136119036
1o supporL clLy-wlde chess programs, lncludlng
classroom chess, afLer-school chess clubs, scholasLlc
LournamenLs, college bound programs and Leacher
Lralnlng lnsLlLuLe.
Levlne Chess-ln-Lhe-Schools, lnc. 136119036
lunds Lo supporL Lhe School rogram ln Councll ulsLrlcL
7 schools where chlldren learn Lo play chess and are
asslgned a Lralned lnsLrucLor who Leaches ln each
school. 1hls lncludes afLerschool chess clubs and
summer chess camps LhaL are open Lo all sLuden
vacca ChesLer Clvlc lmprovemenL AssoclaLlon 133908492
1o fund a flrsL alerL securlLy sysLem for senlor clLlzens
and Lo help Lhose ln need of flnanclal asslsLance
uromm Chhaya CommunlLy uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 113380933

1o supporL career developmenL, employmenL
readlness, LSCL classes and flnanclal educaLlon.
lerreras Chhaya CommunlLy uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 113380933

lundlng wlll supporL workforce and economlc
developmenL programmlng almed Loward esLabllshlng
long Lerm economlc sLablllLy by lnLegraLlng career
developmenL, employmenL readlness, LSCL classes,
flnanclal educaLlon and savlngs lncenLlve programs,
van 8ramer Chhaya CommunlLy uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 113380933

lundlng Lo engage LMl SouLh Aslan lmmlgranLs
Lhrough organlzlng, moblllzaLlon, and advocacy ln Lhe
areas of voLer reglsLraLlon, clvlc educaLlon, clvlc
parLlclpaLlon, affordable houslng developmenL, LenanL
assoclaLlons, and on oLher relaLed lssues
MaLLeo Chlld Abuse revenLlon rogram, lnc. 112864730
lundlng wlll be used Lo provlde Lhe Chlld SafeLy
Workshop Lo Leach chlldren Lo recognlze, reslsL and
reporL physlcal and sexual abuse.
8osenLhal Chlld Abuse revenLlon rogram, lnc. 112864730
lundlng wlll be used Lo provlde a Chlld SafeLy
Workshop Lo Leach chlldren Lo recognlze, reslsL and
reporL physlcal and sexual abuse
Mark-vlverlLo Chlld Abuse revenLlon rogram, lnc. 112864730
lundlng wlll be used Lo provlde Lhe Chlld SafeLy
Workshop Lo Leach chlldren Lo recognlze, reslsL and
reporL physlcal and sexual abuse ln ulsLrlcL 8.
koslowlLz Chlld CenLer of new ?ork, lnc., 1he 111733434
lunds Lo susLaln AdolescenL Sexual PealLh program aL
8orough Pall.
Lancman Chlld CenLer of new ?ork, lnc., 1he 111733434
lundlng Lo supporL sLaff Lralnlng and supplles for
8eacon CommunlLy Servlces CenLer aL arsons
LducaLlonal Complex.
kallos Chlld School-Legacy Plgh School, 1he 132783366
1o provlde fundlng for supplemenLal readlng and maLh
programs, Lo lnclude boLh maLerlals and lnlLlal and
ongolng Lralnlng for school sLaff, whlch wlll asslsL ln
remedlaLlon and sklll lmprovemenL for sLudenLs.
CC Chlld Welfare Crganlzlng ro[ecL, lnc. 134089344
1o provlde famlly servlces lncludlng a supporL group,
parenL leadershlp Lralnlng, lnformaLlon and referral
servlces, and parenL lnvolvemenL ln professlonal
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 22S

educaLlon and workforce developmenL.
8eynoso Chlldren Cf 8ellevue lnc. 131679613
1o supporL 1he vldeo lnLeracLlon ro[ecL(vl),an
evldence-based parenLlng lnLervenLlon dellvered ln Lhe
pedlaLrlc healLhcare seLLlng.
Carodnlck Chlldren of 8ellevue, lnc. 131679613 * 3,300 lundlng wlll supporL Lhe vldeo lnLeracLlon ro[ecL.
Levln Chlldren Cf 8ellevue, lnc. 131679613
1o supporL Lhe conLlnuaLlon of 1he vldeo lnLeracLlon
ro[ecL (vl) aL Woodhull PosplLal, an evldence-based
parenLlng lnLervenLlon dellvered ln Lhe pedlaLrlc
healLhcare seLLlng.
Mendez Chlldren Cf 8ellevue, lnc. 131679613
lundlng for Lhe vldeo lnLeracLlon ro[ecL(vl) An
evldence-based parenLlng lnLervenLlon dellvered ln Lhe
pedlaLrlc healLhcare seLLlng aL 8ellevue PosplLal
Menchaca Chlldren of Lhe ClLy 113308972
lunds Lo supporL Lhe CreaLe Success program, a mulLl-
servlce academlc enrlchmenL program for low-lncome
chlldren aL rlsk of educaLlonal fallure. Speclflcally, Lhls
supporL wlll asslsL ln coverlng Lhe salarles for LuLors
and a rogram ulrecLor who wlll fa
MaLLeo Chlldren's Ald SocleLy, 1he 133362191
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe roboLlcs and muslc
afLer school program
8odrlguez Chlldren's Ald SocleLy, 1he 133362191
lundlng Lo supporL lmmlgraLlon/LranslLlon workshops
for parenLs
CC Chlldren's Ald SocleLy, 1he 133362191
1he Chlldren's Ald SocleLy (CAS), SaLurday rogram for
ueaf Chlldren and 1eens ls Lhe only free, weekend
recreaLlonal program for deaf young people ln new
?ork ClLy. 1hls fundlng wlll supporL a porLlon of Lhe
salary of Lhe rogram ulrecLor and of Lhe oLhe
Chlldren's Chord 8lood 8ank and 8esearch
loundaLlon, lnc. 261336136
1hls requesL ls Lo sLarL a new lnlLlaLlve Lo provlde a
mulLlllngual Lelephone and web-based supporL call
cenLer for newly dlagnosed famllles Lrylng Lo learn
more abouL sLem cell LransplanLaLlon for blood cancers
llke Leukemla, blood anemla, llke Slckle Ce
8osenLhal Chlldren's Museum of ManhaLLan 132761376
lund free 8esL of Lhe ArLs publlc museum programs ln
l?2013 for famllles.
Mark-vlverlLo Chlldren's Museum of ManhaLLan 132761376
lundlng wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe ClLy's lnlLlaLlve Lo
lmprove pre-k educaLlon ln n?C Lhrough 8ullL Lo Learn
(81L) program aL locaLlons ln ulsLrlcL 8.
Chln Chlldren's Museum of Lhe ArLs, lnc. 133320970

1o supporL CMA's lree ArL lsland CuLposL, a free,
famlly-focused weekend arL program on Covernors
Chln ChlnaLown Manpower ro[ecL, lnc. 132733214
1o supporL vocaLlonal Lralnlng, LSL classes, one-on-one
counsellng , [ob placemenL, and reLenLlon servlces.
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL sLaff salary.
Chlnese Amerlcan arenL-SLudenL Councll of
new ?ork ClLy, lnc. 113391749
lundlng wlll supporL educaLlonal lnlLlaLlves for school-
aged chlldren and Lhelr parenLs, provldlng educaLlon
semlnars/workshops (l.e. Common Core SLandards,
College Admlsslons rocess) for lmmlgranL parenLs and
LSL and AdulL LlLeracy classes Lo Chlnese lm
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 226

koo Chlnese lmmlgranL Servlces, lnc. 112773796
1o provlde counsellng servlces, lnformaLlon and
asslsLance for recenL lmmlgranLs.
koo Chlnese-Amerlcan lannlng Councll, lnc. 136202692
lundlng Lo provlde communlLy servlce and
employmenL Lralnlng opporLunlLles lncludlng Lngllsh as
a Second Language, resume wrlLlng, lnLervlew skllls
and one-on-one communlLy servlce/employmenL
counsellng. Servlce provlslon wlll be based on
empowermenL mode
Arroyo Chlnese-Amerlcan lannlng Councll, lnc. 136202692
lunds wlll supporL AnLl-ulscrlmlnaLlon Cllnlcs and
engage youLh ln 8ronx organlzaLlons (1he olnL,
8roLhas SlsLas unlLed), schools (ALCl ChrL PS, MAA,
ablo neruda Acad, 8rx 8rldges), LC81
program/cenLer, Lo creaLe clLy-wlde coallLlon of youLh
Menchaca Chlnese-Amerlcan lannlng Councll, lnc. 136202692
lunds Lo supporL 8rooklyn 8ranches lamlly SupporL
Servlces, whlch alms Lo fosLer famlly supporL, offer
parenLlng and communlLy educaLlon, academlc
enrlchmenL, Lruancy prevenLlon as well as [ob
placemenL for famllles.
8LAC, Chln,
Menchaca CC Chlnese-Amerlcan lannlng Councll, lnc. 136202692
lunds wlll be used Lo lmplemenL year-round acLlvlLles
whlch challenge bullylng, blas and dlscrlmlnaLlon buL
also brlng LogeLher LC81C and heLerosexual youLh
who would oLherwlse never meeL. AcLlvlLles wlll LargeL
LC81 youLh who are lmmlgranL, undocumenLed
Menchaca Chlnese-Amerlcan Sunshlne Pouse, lnc. 274399610
lunds Lo work wlLh sLudenLs and adulLs who llve wlLh a
dlsabllng menLal lllness on how Lo lmprove healLh and
well-belng Lhrough free psychologlcal classes.
Lugene ChrlsLlan PalLlan SporLs lederaLlon, lnc. 113398389
1he funds wlll be used Lo help pay for Lhe gym,
Lrophles and soccer flelds aL rospecL ark ln 8rooklyn.
Wllllams ChrlsLlan PerlLage MlnlsLrles 112883414
lunds Lo susLaln and enhance chlldren/ youLh,
communlLy ouLreach by lncreaslng our recreaLlonal
and educaLlonal acLlvlLles for all ages
ChrlsLopher 8ose CommunlLy LmpowermenL
Campalgn 113423612
lundlng for preconcepLlon healLh, flLness, parenLlng
and pregnancy relaLed servlces for Leens and young
women of chlld bearlng age lncludlng wrap around
Lugene Church Avenue ulsLrlcL ManagemenL AssoclaLlon 112833403
1o supporL operaLlon cosLs of Lhe Clean Church Avenue
program. lundlng would be used for sLaff Llme Lo
organlze Lhe clean-up day, recrulL volunLeers, hold Lask
force meeLlngs and execuLe feaslble
recommendaLlons, and ouLreach Lo publlclze and
recrulL, as
kallos Church of Lhe Lplphany 131623839

1o provlde meals for Lhe homeless and needy, Lo
operaLe asslsLance wlLh food sLamps program and
dlsLrlbuLe donaLed cloLhlng.
Chln Church SLreeL School of Muslc and ArL 133693660
lunds wlll supporL salarles of lnsLrucLors for senlor
choruses ln Lower ManhaLLan lncludlng Lhe Pallmark
Senlor Chorus and Lhe 8aLLery ark ClLy AdulL Chorus.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 227

8rooklyn, 8eynoso CC Churches unlLed for lalr Pouslng 264698161
lundlng for Lhe Affordable Pouslng Counsellng
Advocacy rogram (CA). lL connecLs resldenLs wlLh
affordable houslng opporLunlLles and works wlLh and
counsels Lhem Lhrough Lhe gruellng paperwork and
lnLervlew process.
!ohnson Clrcle ln Lhe Square 1heaLre School, lnc. 133716314

1o supporL LA?W8l1lnC A1 S 11, a 22-day resldency
for 3 graders. CollaboraLlvely planned, lmplemenLed
and evaluaLed wlLh classroom Leachers and S 11
leadershlp. Lach sLudenL's play ls performed by
professlonal acLors.
Creenfleld ClrculL roducLlons, lnc. 132881838
lunds wlll cover arLlsLs' fees and producLlon cosLs for
any one of Cl's four communlLy ouLreach programs: 1)
2013 1ap and !azz MasLers Serles (1!MS), 2) 8hyLhm
!ourneys (8!), 3) new ?ork 1hen and now and/or, 4)
World 8eaL: 8rldges Lo CulLure. All four s
Mealy ClrculL roducLlons, lnc. 132881838
lunds wlll be used Lo pay for muslclans, supporL sLaff
sLlpends, and sound equlpmenL seLup and renLal for
free performances and educaLlonal and culLural
acLlvlLles ln ulsLrlcL 41 schools, senlor cenLers,
communlLy cenLers, and parks.
alma ClLlwlde Parm 8educLlon rogram, lnc. 134009817
1o supporL Lhe 8ronx Plv Advocacy neLwork (8PAn), a
program Lo lmprove Lhe coordlnaLlon and
developmenL of healLh care servlces ln nelghborhoods
hardesL hlL by Plv/AluS and PepaLlLls C.
Clbson ClLlwlde Parm 8educLlon rogram, lnc. 134009817
1he lunds wlll be uLlllzed Lo supporL Lhe ClLlWlde Parm
8educLlon (8CCM!PealLh afflllaLe) 8ronx PealLh
Advocacy neLwork meeLlngs and sLaff supporL cosLs.
lunds wlll also ald ln promoLlonal maLerlal for Lhe
program and oLher cosLs relaLlng Lo Lhls program.
8ronx, Arroyo CC ClLlwlde Parm 8educLlon rogram, lnc. 134009817
1o supporL 1he 8ronx Plv Advocacy neLwork
programmlng and servlces. lundlng wlll be used for
Plv/AluS and PepaLlLls C resources, Lo ldenLlfy
lndlvlduals and famllles llvlng wlLh Plv dlsease, assess
servlce needs of Lhose llvlng wlLh Plv/AluS, develop
CC ClLlzen Schools, lnc. 043239160
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe ClLlzen Schools'
apprenLlceshlp aL Clobal 1ech rep Mlddle School
whlch ls a program LhaL provldes hands-on learnlng
pro[ecLs LaughL by volunLeer professlonals Lo sLudenLs.
Cabrera ClLlzens CommlLLee for new ?ork ClLy, lnc. 310171818
lundlng wlll supporL Lhe nelghborhood CranLs
program. CCn?C offers skllls bulldlng workshops, one-
on-one pro[ecL plannlng asslsLance, and an equlpmenL
loan llbrary Lo volunLeer led groups. Also brlng people
LogeLher Lo share ldeas, experlences, and expe
Carodnlck ClLlzens CommlLLee for new ?ork ClLy, lnc. 310171818
lundlng wlll supporL Lhe new ?orkers for 8eLLer
nelghborhoods program, whlch helps resldenL-led
efforLs Lo Lackle communlLy problems and lmprove Lhe
quallLy of nelghborhood llfe Lhrough skllls-bulldlng
workshops, equlpmenL loans, llbrary conference space
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 228

koo ClLlzens CommlLLee for new ?ork ClLy, lnc. 310171818
lunds Lo offer skllls bulldlng workshops, one-on-one
pro[ecL plannlng asslsLance, and an equlpmenL loan
llbrary Lo volunLeer led groups.
CenLlle ClLlzens CommlLLee for new ?ork ClLy, lnc. 310171818
lunds wlll supporL Lhe new ?orkers for 8eLLer
nelghborhoods program, offerlng skllls bulldlng
workshops, one-on-one pro[ecL plannlng asslsLance,
and an equlpmenL loan llbrary Lo volunLeer-led groups,
and brlnglng people LogeLher Lo share ldeas,
8osenLhal ClLlzens CommlLLee for new ?ork ClLy, lnc. 310171818
lundlng Lo supporL nelghborhood CranLs program
whlch offers skllls bulldlng workshops, one-on-one
pro[ecL plannlng asslsLance, and an equlpmenL loan
llbrary Lo volunLeer led groups.
8eynoso ClLlzens CommlLLee for new ?ork ClLy, lnc. 310171818
1o supporL Lhe nelghborhood CranLs program,
lncludlng skllls bulldlng workshops, one-on-one pro[ecL
plannlng asslsLance, and an equlpmenL loan llbrary Lo
volunLeer led groups.
Chln ClLlzens CommlLLee for new ?ork ClLy, lnc. 310171818
1o provlde for reusable bag glveaways and ouLreach
evenLs abouL Lhe envlronmenLal lmpacLs of slngle-use
carryouL bags.
Arroyo ClLlzens CommlLLee for new ?ork ClLy, lnc. 310171818
lunds wlll supporL Mlcro granLs made Lo communlLy-
based organlzaLlons ln Councll ulsLrlcL 17 for
lmprovemenL pro[ecL ln Lhe areas of envlronmenL,
food/healLh, youLh/schools, beauLlflcaLlon,
sporLs/flLness and publlc safeLy. CranLs range ln slze up
Lo $3,0
Cu28 ClLlzens CommlLLee for new ?ork ClLy, lnc. 310171818
1hrough nelghborhood CranLs program CCn?C offers
skllls bulldlng workshops, one-on-one pro[ecL plannlng
asslsLance, and an equlpmenL loan llbrary Lo volunLeer
led groups. 1o brlng people LogeLher Lo share ldeas,
experlences, and experLlse Lo sLlmulaLe sel
Arroyo CC ClLlzens CommlLLee for new ?ork ClLy, lnc. 310171818
lundlng for new ?orkers for 8eLLer nelghborhoods
program, whlch offers skllls bulldlng workshops, one-
on-one pro[ecL plannlng asslsLance, and an equlpmenL
loan llbrary Lo volunLeer-led groups.
Cornegy ClLy ParvesL, lnc. 133170676

1o provlde supporL for ClLy ParvesL's Moblle markeLs
on n?CPA grounds and oLher acLlvlLles relaLlng Lo Lhelr
healLhy nelghborhoods programmlng
kallos ClLy ParvesL, lnc. 133170676

1o provlde food programs for Lhose ln need, free of
!ohnson ClLy ParvesL, lnc. 133170676

1o rescue hlgh-quallLy food LhaL would oLherwlse go Lo
wasLe from Lhousands of donors and dellver lL, free of
8osenLhal ClLy ParvesL, lnc. 133170676

Lnable non-LlA emergency food provlders Lo recelve
Lhelr cholce of food.
1reyger ClLy ParvesL, lnc. 133170676

1o provlde food from Lhe lood anLry lnlLlaLlve Lo non-
LlA emergency food provlders ln ulsLrlcL 47.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 229

Cueens, kallos,
koslowlLz, Mlller,
8osenLhal CC ClLy ParvesL, lnc. 133170676

lundlng Lo rescue hlgh-quallLy food LhaL would
oLherwlse go Lo wasLe from Lhousands of donors and
dellver lL, free of charge, Lo some 600 emergency
feedlng programs across Lhe flve boroughs.
vacca ClLy lsland PlsLorlcal SocleLy 112734316

1o fund a Morrls 8osenfeld phoLography exhlblL of
lmages of boaLs, marlLlme hlsLory, shlp consLrucLlon,
and salllng races.
vacca ClLy lsland 1heaLer Croup 134048438
1o fund Lhe producLlon of Lhe muslcal LvlLa Lo be
presenLed ln Lhe fall of 2014.
ConsLanLlnldes ClLy arks loundaLlon 133361637 * 3,300 lundlng wlll be used for free local sporLs programs.
Cumbo ClLy arks loundaLlon 133361637 * 3,000 lunds Lo pay sporLs lnsLrucLors, arLlsLs, performers.
lerreras ClLy arks loundaLlon 133361637
lundlng wlll supporL Lhe ClLy arks Cold program Lo
provlde free equlpmenL and lnsLrucLlon Lo youLh. 1he
funds wlll be used Lo compensaLe Lennls and golf
lgnlzlo ClLy arks loundaLlon 133361637
LqulpmenL and lnsLrucLlon for youLh ln Lhe 31sL
ulsLrlcL. ?ouLh 8ace aL Conference Pouse ark.
lnflaLable enLerLalnmenL aL Lhe Movles ln Lhe arks
evenL ln Lhe 31sL Councll ulsLrlcL.
kallos ClLy arks loundaLlon 133361637
1he funds wlll be used Lo pay yoga and flLness walklng
lnsLrucLors LhaL lnLroduce senlors Lo aLhleLlc acLlvlLles
ln a supporLlve and soclal envlronmenL.
CenLlle ClLy arks loundaLlon 133361637
lunds wlll pay for free sporLs equlpmenL, Lennls
lnsLrucLlon Lo youLh Lhrough LournamenLs, cllnlcs, and
an advanced Lralnlng academy, and golf lnsLrucLlon
Levlne ClLy arks loundaLlon 133361637
lundlng Lo supporL Lhe ClLyarks klds program, whlch
promoLes llLeracy Lhe performlng arLs by offerlng free
sLoryLelllng, muslc, puppeL shows llve LheaLre Lo young
chlldren, feaLurlng professlonal muslclans, dance
Lroupes, sLoryLellers. lunds wlll ass
alma ClLy arks loundaLlon 133361637
1o supporL Lhe ClLyarks Senlors llLness classes (sprlng
and fall) LhaL lnLroduce senlors Lo aLhleLlc acLlvlLles ln a
supporLlve and soclal envlronmenL. lundlng wlll also
supporL sLaff, and oLher program cosLs.
Mendez ClLy arks loundaLlon 133361637
lundlng Lo defray cosLs of sporLs lnsLrucLors and
8ose ClLy arks loundaLlon 133361637
lunds wlll asslsL ln paylng for lnsLrucLors and program
8osenLhal ClLy arks loundaLlon 133361637
1he funds wlll be used Lo compensaLe Lennls senlors
flLness lnsLrucLors.
Chln ClLy arks loundaLlon 133361637
1o supporL free and publlc llLeracy and performlng arLs
programs ln local parks, schools, and recreaLlon
cenLers. lunds wlll supporL fees for arLlsLs and
enLerLalners for SummerSLage klds program.
Cu28 ClLy arks loundaLlon 133361637
ClLyarks 1ennls & ClLyarks Colf provldes free
equlpmenL free sporLs lnsLrucLlon Lo youLh Lwlce a
week for 6-8 weeks. 8oLh programs allow young
people learn Lhe sporL and progress Lhrough Lhree
levels of lnsLrucLlon, wlLh addlLlonal opporLunlLles Lo
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 230

ulckens, lerreras,
Levlne, 8ose,
vacca CC ClLy arks loundaLlon 133361637
lundlng Lo provlde programs such as C 1ennls, Colf,
1rack lleld, Senlors llLness, Learnlng Cardens, CoasLal
Classroom, ClLyarks ?ouLh Made Medla, Seeds Lo
1rees, and arLnershlps for arks. 1he funds requesLed
wlll asslsL ln paylng sporLs lnsLrucLors,
ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork - uomlnlcan SLudles
lnsLlLuLe 131988190
lundlng wlll supporL Lhe conLlnuaLlon and flnallzaLlon
of Lhe research regardlng uomlnlcan veLerans of WWll.
ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork School of Law
loundaLlon, lnc., 1he 113233349
lundlng wlll be used Lo supporL a supervlsor for Lhe
Cun? Labor CoallLlon.
ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork School of Law
loundaLlon, lnc., 1he 113233349
1o provlde mulLl-llngual, accesslble legal servlces Lo
n?s mosL vulnerable famllles ln ln Lhe areas of elder
care, consumer and debL, foreclosures, and
ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork School of Law
loundaLlon, lnc., 1he 113233349
1o supporL legal servlces lncludlng advlce and
ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork School of Law
loundaLlon, lnc., 1he 113233349
1o supporL legal servlces lncludlng advlce and
guldance, offered aL Lhe Councllmember's ulsLrlcL
Cfflce, or a deslgnaLed, accesslble locaLlon wlLhln Lhe
ulsLrlcL, provldes mulLl-llngual, accesslble legal servlces
Lo n?s mosL vulnerable famllles ln ln Lhe
ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork School of Law
loundaLlon, lnc., 1he 113233349
lundlng wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe cosL of provldlng
legal servlces, lncludlng lncludlng sLafflng, maLerlals,
Lravel and relaLed admlnlsLraLlve cosLs..
ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork School of Law
loundaLlon, lnc., 1he 113233349
SupporL legal servlces lncludlng advlce and guldance Lo
ulsLrlcL 6 resldenLs.
ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork School of Law
loundaLlon, lnc., 1he 113233349
1he funds wlll provlde a houslng lawyer once a week Lo
help ulsLrlcL 41 consLlLuenLs wlLh houslng maLLers. 1he
lawyer wlll provlde Lhls asslsLance ln Lhe ulsLrlcL 41
ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork School of Law
loundaLlon, lnc., 1he 113233349
lundlng Lo provlde legal servlces lncludlng advlce and
guldance Lo n?s mosL vulnerable famllles ln ln Lhe
areas of elder care, consumer and debL, foreclosures,
lmmlgraLlon, small buslness, famlly law, wllls and
LenanL lssues.
ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork School of Law
loundaLlon, lnc., 1he - CenLer for urban
LnvlronmenLal 8eform 113233349
lundlng wlll be used Lo provlde supervlslon and
supporL for Lhe sLudenLs engaged ln labor rlghLs and
[usLlce. 1he supervlsor wlll gulde sLudenLs ln work
relaLed Lo: (1) uslng Lhe law Lo secure workplace
[usLlce, (2)securlng unemploymenL beneflLs, (3) su
ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork School of Law
loundaLlon, lnc., 1he - CommunlLy Legal
8esearch neLwork 113233349
lundlng wlll supporL free legal servlces lncludlng advlce
and guldance, Lo be offered ln Councll ulsLrlcL 7,
lncludlng Lhe areas of elder care, consumer and debL,
foreclosures, lmmlgraLlon, small buslness, famlly law,
wllls and LenanL lssues.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 231

ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork School of Law
loundaLlon, lnc., 1he - CommunlLy Legal
8esearch neLwork 113233349
1o provlde legal servlces Lo lmmlgranLs, low-and
mlddle-lncome populaLlons, and oLher underserved
communlLles, lncludlng foreclosure, elder care lssues,
lmmlgraLlon, LenanL lssues, famlly law, consumer and
debL lssues, and wllls.
ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork School of Law
loundaLlon, lnc., 1he - CommunlLy Legal
8esearch neLwork 113233349
lundlng Lo provlded legal servlces lncludlng advlce and
guldance, wlLhln Lhe dlsLrlcL.
ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork School of Law
loundaLlon, lnc., 1he - CommunlLy Legal
8esearch neLwork 113233349
Wlll supporL one full day or Lwo half-days per week of
legal servlces, lncludlng bl-monLhly communlLy
workshops on legal Loplcs of speclflc need for
consLlLuenLs, offered aL Lhe Councll Member's ulsLrlcL
Cfflce, or a C8C wlLhln Lhe ulsLrlcL. Lach day Lh
ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork School of Law
loundaLlon, lnc., 1he - CommunlLy Legal
8esearch neLwork 113233349
1o supporL legal servlces lncludlng advlce and
Mealy ClLy Wlde Councll of resldenLs 434847192
1he fundlng wlll be used Lo purchase supplles and
equlpmenL for Lhe Cenesus ConsLrucLlon Lrade skllls
Lralnlng Lo Lake place ln ulsLrlcL 41 n?CPA
developmenLs. 1he fundlng wlll be used for operaLlng
cosLs of Lhls Lralnlng. 1he funds wlll pay for sLaff sal
CC ClLy ?ear new ?ork, lnc. 222882349

ClLy ?ear new ?ork's AfLer-school Peroes program
offers safe, educaLlonal envlronmenLs, faclllLaLed by
ldeallsLlc AmerlCorps members for undupllcaLed
mlddle school youLh ln Lhree of new ?ork ClLy's
hlghesL-needs communlLles: LasL Parlem, Long lsland
1reyger Clvll Ald Servlces, lnc. 203023823
lunds used Lo provlde varlous workshops Lo Lhe publlc
on sub[ecLs lncludlng flre safeLy, Lrafflc safeLy, dlsasLer
safeLy, run medlcal semlnars and communlLy [ob falrs,
and Lo provlde C8/flrsL-ald Lralnlng.
Creenfleld Clvll Ald Servlces, lnc. 203023823
lundlng wlll be used Lowards a varleLy of servlces,
lncludlng CommunlLy Awareness LvenLs, C8 & llrsL
Ald 1ralnlng, Lmergency Co 8ag ulsLrlbuLlon, 1rafflc
SafeLy rograms, Medlcal Semlnars and CommunlLy
!ob lalrs. lundlng would also be used Lo lmplemenL
Carodnlck ClvlLas ClLlzens, lnc. 133132603
lundlng wlll supporL educaLlon programs and ouLreach
Lo promoLe recycllng ln CommunlLy 8oard 8.
kallos ClvlLas ClLlzens, lnc. 133132603
1o ralse recycllng raLes ln Lhe area, Clvl1AS plans Lo
bulld on a recenL pro[ecL aL S07 ln LasL Parlem by
collaboraLlng on a recycllng program ln anoLher C811
school and a n?CPA developmenL zoned for LhaL
kallos ClvlLas ClLlzens, lnc. 133132603
1o lmprove Lhe access Lo and publlc space on Lhe LasL
8lver, and supporL communlLy programmlng Lo
encourage use of Lhe waLerfronL.
Mark-vlverlLo ClvlLas ClLlzens, lnc. 133132603
lunds wlll be used Lo provlde a school based recycllng
program whlch Leaches Lhe many beneflLs of recycllng.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 232

Clbson ClaremonL nelghborhood CenLers, lnc. 136016430

1he funds wlll supporL 1he ClaremonL nelghborhood
CanLers ?ouLh program. 1o supporL ln Lhe cosL of Lhe
?ouLh rograms afLerschool, Summer Camp, ?ouLh
lnLernshlps and !ob 8eadlness, and ?oung laLhers

uromm Class Slze MaLLers 202169746
1o fund parenL and communlLy ouLreach, lnformaLlon
and advocacy.
8osenLhal Class Slze MaLLers 202169746
1o fund parenL and communlLy ouLreach, lnformaLlon
and advocacy.
Chln Class Slze MaLLers 202169746
lunds wlll provlde general operaLlng supporL for
brleflngs, conferences, lnformaLlonal maLerlals, and
research on class slze and oLher educaLlonal lssues.
Levlne Classlcal 1heaLre of Parlem, lnc., 1he 134046782
lundlng Lo supporL "ro[ecL Classlcs", and educaLlon
program provldlng sLudenLs and Lhelr famllles wlLh
LheaLre currlculum and llve arLs experlences. lundlng
wlll provlde Lhls programmlng Lo Councll ulsLrlcL 7
chlldren and famllles.
ulckens Classlcal 1heaLre of Parlem, lnc., 1he 134046782
1o supporL Lhe LheaLre company dedlcaLed Lo
presenLlng Lhe classlcs" ln Parlem, educaLlonal and
ouLreach ln Lhe LheaLre arLs communlLy, and Lo
produce performances lncludlng aL Lhe Malcolm x and
ur. 8eLLy Shabazz Memorlal CenLer.
Clergy unlLed for CommunlLy LmpowermenL,
lnc. 113030793
lunds Lo offer lncenLlves Lo cllenLs and poLenLlal
cllenLs Lo encourage Lhem Lo conLlnue Lhelr follow up
and safe pracLlce by provldlng meLro cards, hyglene
care packages for males and females such as soap,
LooLhbrushes/pasLe, hand sanlLlzers, oLher lnce
Clergy unlLed for CommunlLy LmpowermenL,
lnc. 113030793
lunds wlll cover program cosLs for Plv/AluS counsellng
Lo women.
Clergy unlLed for CommunlLy LmpowermenL,
lnc. 113030793
1ransporLaLlon and lunch sLlpends for volunLeers and
lnLerns for servlces Lo Lhree of our varlous programs,
(1)Plv prevenLlon for glrls and women LhaL are sexually
lnvolved wlLh persons who are, or, have been
lncarceraLed, (2)program LhaL ls prlmarlly for
Chln Clubbed 1humb, lnc. 133947679
1o organlze Summerworks, an annual LLS fesLlval of
new LheaLre work lncludlng a free nlghL of shorL pleces
by early-career wrlLers, and varlous Creenhouse
programs. lunds wlll supporL general operaLlng
Crowley CoallLlon for Cueens, lnc. 611632332
lundlng Lo supporL Lhe organlzlng of Cueens 1ech
MeeL up evenLs.
koo CoallLlon for Cueens, lnc. 611632332
1o bulld Lhe Lech communlLy and provlde communlLles
wlLh Lhe necessary skllls Lo galn employmenL and
pursue enLrepreneurshlp ln Lhe n?C Lech lndusLry, and
Lo fund varlous evenLs, and programs.
koslowlLz CoallLlon for Cueens, lnc. 611632332
lunds wlll be used Lo bulld Lhe Lech communlLy and
provlde low-lncome, mlnorlLy, and lmmlgranL
communlLles wlLh Lhe necessary skllls Lo galn
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 233

employmenL and pursue enLrepreneurshlp ln Lhe n?C
Lech lndusLry and for Lhe organlzaLlon of Lhe Cueens
1ech MeeL u
Lancman CoallLlon for Cueens, lnc. 611632332
lundlng Lo supporL evenLs, ouLreach, coallLlon-bulldlng
and relaLed cosLs of programmlng Lo bulld Lhe Lech
communlLy and provlde low-lncome, mlnorlLy, and
lmmlgranL communlLles wlLh skllls Lo galn employmenL
and pursue enLrepreneurshlp ln Lhe n?C Lech lnd
Weprln CoallLlon for Cueens, lnc. 611632332
lundlng Lo bulld Lhe Lech communlLy and provlde low-
lncome, mlnorlLy, and lmmlgranL communlLles wlLh Lhe
necessary skllls Lo galn employmenL and pursue
enLrepreneurshlp ln Lhe n?C Lech lndusLry.
lerreras CoallLlon for Cueens, lnc. 611632332
lundlng Lo bulld Lhe Lech communlLy and provlde low-
lncome, mlnorlLy, and lmmlgranL communlLles wlLh Lhe
necessary skllls Lo galn employmenL and pursue
enLrepreneurshlp ln Lhe n?C Lech lndusLry.
Levln, Mlller,
alma CC CoallLlon for Lhe Pomeless, lnc. 133072967
1hls emergency food program serves meals Lo
homeless and hungry people on Lhe sLreeLs ln
ManhaLLan and Lhe 8ronx wlLh elghL feedlng slLes
every nlghL of Lhe year.
Mark-vlverlLo CoallLlon Cn oslLlve PealLh LmpowermenL 272634973

lunds wlll be used for Plv and PepaLlLls C screenlngs
as well as for communlLy ouLreach and educaLlon
promoLlng lnLervenLlon and llnkage Lo care and
LreaLmenL for PCv (hepaLlLls C).
Wllllams CoallLlon Lo reserve 8eggae Muslc, lnc. 332380978
1he fundlng wlll be used Lo reLaln Lhe servlces of a
volunLeer coordlnaLor.
Levln Cobble Plll School of Amerlcan SLudles 136400434 2,800 1o provlde afLer school programmlng.
MaLLeo College of SLaLen lsland 136400434

lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe Sl 8reasL Cancer
8ose College of SLaLen lsland 136400434

lundlng wlll be used for sLafflng, Lravel cosLs and
maLerlals uLlllzed ln relaLlon Lo furLherlng Lhe mlsslon
of CSl L Lo provlde sLudenLs wlLh Lhe opporLunlLy Lo
recelve addlLlonal supporL Lo ensure Lhe successful
LranslLlon from !r. PS Lo PS and beyon
8ose College of SLaLen lsland 136400434

lunds Lo conLlnue lLs breasL cancer program. arL 1 ls
an epldemlologlcal case-conLrol sLudy of female breasL
cancer morLallLy on SLaLen lsland from 1980-2006, arL
2 ls LranslLlonal research, and arL 3 ls educaLlonal
ouLreach. 1he fundlng wlll also be
8ose College of SLaLen lsland 136400434

SLraLegles for Success ls a communlLy servlce/clvlc
engagemenL opporLunlLy program for college sLudenLs,
sponsored by Lhe SLLk rogram aL Lhe College of
SLaLen lsland (CSl). 1he overall goal of Lhe rogram ls Lo
provlde 40 college sLudenLs (each academlc
SLaLen lsland CC College of SLaLen lsland 133683723

CSl's Small 8uslness uevelopmenL CenLer wlll uLlllze
Lhe fundlng Lo expand servlce ln underserved
lmmlgranL and mlnorlLy communlLles Lhrough
expandlng lLs semlnar and speaklng schedule, whlch
wlll be culLurally compeLenL, also lL wlll fund conLlnued
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 234

SLaLen lsland CC College of SLaLen lsland 133683723

Sl8C8l wlll uLlllze Lhe funds Lo conLlnue lLs breasL
cancer program. arL 1 ls an epldemlologlcal case-
conLrol sLudy of female breasL cancer morLallLy on
SLaLen lsland from 1980-2006, arL 2 ls LranslLlonal
research, and arL 3 ls educaLlonal ouLreach. 1
vallone College olnL CommunlLy Ambulance Corps., lnc. 116037743
1he funds wlll be used Lo replace Lhe roof of Lhe
squads headquarLers, and Lo replace waLer damaged
walls and celllngs caused by Lhe roofs leaklng.
8odrlguez College SummlL, lnc. 322007028
lundlng Lo provlde College readlness program ln 12
schools across n?C
kallos Colonlal uames of Amerlca 131677400

1o supporL publlc programs aL Lhe museum for famllles
and adulLs, Len k-12 programs, a summer fellowshlp
program and Lwo PlsLory Camps for chlldren
Colonlal larmhouse 8esLoraLlon SocleLy of
8ellerose lnc. 112308369

1o supporL Lhe Annual Cueens CounLy AgrlculLural lalr
wlLh equlpmenL purchase and sLage and LenL renLals.
Chln CommlLLee AgalnsL AnLl-Aslan vlolence 133326938
lunds wlll supporL programmlng of ChlnaLown 1enanLs
unlon, a space where low-lncome LenanLs convene Lo
share lnformaLlon abouL houslng rlghLs, organlze
acLlvlLles around houslng lssues, and develop
communlLy leadershlp skllls.
CommlLLee for Larly Chlldhood uevelopmenL
uCC, lnc. 112343437

lundlng Lo provlde baslc compuLer llLeracy and resume
wrlLlng Lralnlng for adulLs ln Lhe !amalca and Pollls
CommlLLee for Plspanlc Chlldren and lamllles,
lnc., 1he 112622003
1o expand LaLlno ollcy CenLer clvlcs/hlsLory classes
legal asslsLance for Lhose ellglble Lo be uS clLlzens.
CommlLLee for Plspanlc Chlldren and lamllles,
lnc., 1he 112622003
lundlng wlll provlde supporL CPCl's LaLlno ollcy
CenLer clvlcs and hlsLory classes, and provlde legal
asslsLance for persons seeklng uS clLlzenshlp. lundlng
wlll also supporL Lhe Larly Care and LducaLlon lnsLlLuLe
LhaL provldes asslsLance wlLh undersLand
CommlLLee for Plspanlc Chlldren and lamllles,
lnc., 1he 112622003
lunds wlll be uLlllzed Lo 1) 1o expand CPCl's LaLlno
ollcy CenLer clvlcs/hlsLory classes legal asslsLance for
persons ellglble Lo become uS clLlzens uACA
appllcanLs, 2) Lo supporL parenL workshops on
advocacy, communlLy engagemenL and early
CommlLLee for Plspanlc Chlldren and lamllles,
lnc., 1he 112622003
1o supporL clvlc classes and legal asslsLance Lo prepare
appllcanLs for uS clLlzenshlp, Lhe Larly Care and
LducaLlon lnsLlLuLe, Lhe LaLlno lamlly ollcy CenLer,
afLer-school and youLh developmenL programs aL S
279 and S 39, domesLlc vlolence programmlng
CommlLLee for Plspanlc Chlldren and lamllles,
lnc., 1he 112622003
1o supporL Lralnlngs and classes on clvlcs/hlsLory for
Lhose seeklng Lo apply for clLlzenshlp, parenL
workshops on educaLlonal lssues, and CPCl's Larly
Care and LducaLlon lnsLlLuLe. lunds wlll conLrlbuLe Lo
general operaLlng supporL lncludlng Lhe cosL of
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 23S

CommlLLee for Plspanlc Chlldren and lamllles,
lnc., 1he 112622003
lundlng Lo provlde educaLlonal programs and legal
servlces Lo faclllLaLe uACA ellglblllLy
Arroyo CC
CommlLLee for Plspanlc Chlldren and lamllles,
lnc., 1he 112622003
lundlng Lo conLlnue provldlng clvlcs classes and legal
asslsLance, Lo supporL CPCl's LaLlno lamlly ollcy
CenLer, fundlng for CPCl's Larly Care LducaLlon
lnsLlLuLe and Lo supporL CPCl's AfLer- School ?ouLh
uevelopmenL rograms ln Lhe 8ronx.
ulckens Common CenLs new ?ork, lnc. 133613229

1o operaLe Lhe enny ParvesL program Lo all ClLy
Councll ulsLrlcL 9 schools, connecLlng Lhe schoolhouse
Lo Lhe nelghborhood and encouraglng communlLy
acLlvlsm by sLudenLs.
8osenLhal Common CenLs new ?ork, lnc. 133613229

1o supporL Lhe program ln elemenLary and mlddles
schools. rogram servlces lnclude a year-long grade
level currlculum, professlonal developmenL for
program coaches (Leachers, guldance counselors,
parenL coordlnaLors, and parenL volunLeers), and
koslowlLz Common CenLs new ?ork, lnc. 133613229

1he funds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe program ln
mosLly elemenLary and mlddles schools wlLhln Lhe 29Lh
Councll ulsLrlcL. rogram servlces lnclude a year-long
grade level currlculum, professlonal developmenL for
program coaches (Leachers, guldance counselo
8osenLhal CC Common CenLs new ?ork, lnc. 133613229

1o supporL Lhe enny ParvesL program Lo Leach
sLudenLs leadershlp skllls and Lhe value of communlLy
CommunlLles of MaspeLh and LlmhursL
1ogeLher, lnc. (CCML1) 113190383

lundlng Lo supporL meeLlngs and oLher communlLy
evenLs, newsleLLers fllers, bookkeeplng fees, plaques
for ouLsLandlng servlce, refreshmenLs, webslLe,
posLage/posL offlce box, permlL fees, sLaLlonery
supplles, equlpmenL and for general operaLlng
program e
CommunlLles of MaspeLh and LlmhursL
1ogeLher, lnc. (CCML1) 113190383

1o fund monLhly meeLlngs, evenLs, newsleLLers, fllers,
bookkeeplng fees & plaques, all Loward faclllLaLlng clvlc
engagemenL of MaspeLh, LlmhursL, and surroundlng
van 8ramer
CommunlLles of MaspeLh and LlmhursL
1ogeLher, lnc. (CCML1) 113190383

lundlng Lo supporL monLhly meeLlngs and oLher
communlLy evenLs, newsleLLers fllers, bookkeeplng
fees, plaques for ouLsLandlng servlce, refreshmenLs,
webslLe, posLage/posL offlce box, permlL fees,
sLaLlonery supplles, equlpmenL and for general
operaLlng p
CommunlLy AsslsLed 1enanL ConLrolled Pouslng,
lnc. 133706939
lunds wlll be used Lo organlze resldenLs of 163 WesL
80Lh SLreeL, a dlsLressed bulldlng on Lhe upper WesL
Slde of ManhaLLan
CommunlLy AssoclaLlon for !ewlsh AL-8lsk
CemeLerles 362649778
lunds wlll be use Lo supporL Lhe repalrs of
remounLlng/repalr of overLurned headsLones,
removal/prunlng of lnvaslve hazardous Lrees, repalr Lo
hazardous vlslLor walkways and oLher vlslLor faclllLles,
and securlng of perlmeLer fenclng.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 236

CommunlLy AssoclaLlon for !ewlsh AL-8lsk
CemeLerles 362649778
lunds wlll be used Lo provlde repalr, malnLenance and
resLoraLlon wlLhln 8ayslde CemeLery
CommunlLy AssoclaLlon of rogresslve
uomlnlcans 133266143
lundlng wlll supporL Lhe collaboraLlon beLween
CommunlLy AssoclaLlon of rogresslve uomlnlcans
(ACu) and Cun? ln Lhe PelghLs vla PosLos CommunlLy
College. 1he program wlll empower dlsconnecLed
youLh from Councll ulsLrlcL 7 Lo recelve n?S
ueparLmenL of Pe
CommunlLy AssoclaLlon of rogresslve
uomlnlcans 133266143
3,000 Lmploy youLh ln nurslng lnsLlLuLlons
CommunlLy CenLer of Lhe 8ockaway enlnsula,
lnc. 113064361

1he AdulL vocaLlonal rogram wlll provlde classes ln
areas useful for lndlvlduals lnLeresLed ln enLerlng Lhe
[ob markeL or upgradlng Lhelr skllls.
CommunlLy CoallLlon for a Pouslng as Puman
8lghL, lnc. 463679177
3,300 Cfflce supplles and resources
Wllllams CommunlLy Concerns neLwork, lnc. 203419400 3,300 lundlng for free colon screenlngs and LreaLmenL
uromm CommunlLy ulsLrlcL LducaLlon Councll 30 Cueens 136400434 3,300 1o fund parenL workshops
Wllllams CommunlLy LducaLlon Councll - ulsLrlcL 18 136400434

lundlng Lo supporL 8askeLball 1ournamenL, MarLlal
ArLs , Chess ,1rack and lleld LvenL
Mlller CommunlLy LducaLlon Councll - ulsLrlcL 29 136400434

lundlng Lo organlze and lmplemenL a sclence falr
compeLlLlon for all 33 schools, grades (k-8). 1he
Sclence lalr sLudenL parLlclpanLs are represenLaLlves
from each school ln ulsLrlcL 27.
MaLLeo CommunlLy PealLh AcLlon of SLaLen lsland 133336132
lundlng wlll provlde operaLlng supporL for Lhe
CommunlLy lood anLry.
LC81 CC CommunlLy PealLh AcLlon of SLaLen lsland 133336132
lundlng wlll provlde sLafflng and program supporL for
regular, sLraLeglc publlc communlLy bulldlng and needs
assessmenL evenLs for Lhe SLaLen lsland LC81
communlLy, such as Lhe rlde arade and lesLlval,
Comlng CuL uay, uay of Sllence and regular Lown hal
8ose CC CommunlLy PealLh CenLer of 8lchmond, lnc. 310367466
lunds wlll be used Lo 1) provlde free peak flow meLers
for Lhe unlnsured Lo asslsL wlLh asLhma self-monlLorlng
and managemenL, 2) develop lndlvlduallzed asLhma
acLlon plans, 3) uLlllze CPC8's cllnlcal supporL sLaff Lo
conducL onslLe educaLlon abouL asLhma
Menchaca CommunlLy PealLh ro[ecL, lnc. 133409680

1o supporL healLh screenlngs, women's healLh servlces,
and S1l screenlngs for unlnsured paLlenLs
Levlne, 8odrlguez CC CommunlLy League of Lhe PelghLs, lnc. 132364241
lundlng Lo supporL CLC1P youLh servlces whlch
provlde educaLlon, [ob Lralnlng, lnLernshlp
opporLunlLles, and college exposure and appllcaLlon
asslsLance Lo youLh ages 3 - 18. AfLerschool educaLlon
serves 170 sLudenLs grades 1sL - 8Lh aL .S. - 4 and
Lander CommunlLy 8esearch lnlLlaLlve on AluS, lnc. 133632234

1o supporL producLlon and dlsLrlbuLlon of educaLlonal
quarLerly on Plv-relaLed lssues.
CommunlLy 8esource CenLer lor 1he
uevelopmenLally ulsabled, lnc. 132934788
1o supporL summer camp program for Lhe resldenLs of
Lhe CommunlLy 8esource CenLer's - Mlchelangelo
AparLmenLs 8esldenLlal rogram for lndlvlduals wlLh
developmenLal dlsablllLles.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 237

CommunlLy Servlce CenLer of CreaLer
Wllllamsburg, lnc. 433180976

lunds wlll be used Lo cover cosLs of programs relaLed
Lo consumer asslsLance ln addlLlon Lo enrollmenL ln
Lhe n?S MarkeLplace, LnrollmenL ln lood SLamps
Lhrough Lhe CS SysLem as a lood8ank n?C
enrollmenL slLe, AsslsLance wlLh reLlremenL and
beneflLs, Me
CommunlLy Servlce CenLer of CreaLer
Wllllamsburg, lnc. 433180976

lundlng Lo provlde Consumer asslsLance ln addlLlon Lo
enrollmenL ln Lhe n?S MarkeLplace, LnrollmenL ln lood
SLamps Lhrough Lhe CS SysLem as a lood8ank n?C
enrollmenL slLe, AsslsLance wlLh reLlremenL and
beneflLs, Medlcare, Med arL u, Senlor Servlces, SS
Mendez CommunlLy Servlce SocleLy of new ?ork 133362202

lundlng Lo supporL relmbursemenL of LransporLaLlon
expenses for older adulL volunLeers who are servlng aL
nonproflL agencles ln Lhe 2nd ulsLrlcL.
Cumbo CommunlLy volces Peard 133901997
lundlng wlll be used for Lechnlcal asslsLance cosLs and
Lhe posslble hlrlng, Lralnlng, and supervlslng of
canvassers Lo supporL Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of
arLlclpaLory 8udgeLlng.
kallos CommunlLy volces Peard 133901997
1o conducL a arLlclpaLory 8udgeLlng (8) process ln
ClLy Councll dlsLrlcLs ln l? 2013. 1hese resources wlll be
puL Lowards clLywlde and dlsLrlcL Lechnlcal asslsLance
cosLs and Lhe posslble hlrlng, Lralnlng, and supervlslng
of canvassers Lo supporL Lhe pr
kallos CommunlLy volces Peard 133901997
1o conducL ouLreach and educaLlon Lo lncrease clvlc
parLlclpaLlon among resldenLs llvlng ln n? ClLy Pouslng
AuLhorlLy-managed publlc houslng.
Levln CommunlLy volces Peard 133901997
1o conducL ouLreach and publlc educaLlon work wlLh
publlc asslsLance reclplenLs abouL Lhelr rlghLs around
Levlne CommunlLy volces Peard 133901997
CvP requesLs funds Lo provlde Lechnlcal supporL Lo
Councll offlces LhaL conducL Lhe arLlclpaLory
8udgeLlng (8) process ln Lhelr dlsLrlcLs ln l? 2013.
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe 8 process ln Councll
ulsLrlcL 7 and wlll cover Lhe cosLs of dlsLrlcL
8odrlguez CommunlLy volces Peard 133901997 * 3,000 1echnlcal asslsLance cosLs and sLafflng of canvassers
1reyger CommunlLy volces Peard 133901997
lunds used Lo supporL CvP's ubllc Pouslng Campalgn,
whlch conducLs ouLreach and educaLlon Lo lncrease
clvlc parLlclpaLlon among resldenLs llvlng ln n? ClLy
Pouslng AuLhorlLy-managed publlc houslng.
Creenfleld CommunlLy volces Peard 133901997
lunds wlll be used Lo conducL ouLreach and publlc
educaLlon work wlLh publlc asslsLance reclplenLs abouL
Lhelr rlghLs around welfare. 1hls also lncludes
educaLlng parLlclpanLs around CSPA and wage and
hour regulaLlons, so LhaL Lhey undersLand when Lhelr r
Lander CommunlLy volces Peard 133901997
1o supporL a arLlclpaLory 8udgeLlng (8) process ln
ClLy Councll dlsLrlcLs ln l? 2014.
Mark-vlverlLo CommunlLy volces Peard 133901997
1o conducL a arLlclpaLory 8udgeLlng (8) process ln
ClLy Councll ulsLrlcL 8. lunds wlll be used Lo supporL
Lechnlcal asslsLance, communlLy engagemenL, Lralnlng
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 238

and ouLreach cosLs, and Lhe posslble hlrlng, Lralnlng,
and supervlslng of canvassers Lo suppor
Mark-vlverlLo CommunlLy volces Peard 133901997
1o supporL Lhe ubllc Pouslng Campalgn whlch
conducLs ouLreach and educaLlon ln an efforL Lo
lncrease clvlc parLlclpaLlon among resldenLs llvlng ln
n?C Pouslng AuLhorlLy-managed publlc houslng.
Menchaca CommunlLy volces Peard 133901997
1o provlde fundlng for educaLlng Lhe communlLy
/publlc abouL Lhe ClLy Councll, clvlc parLlclpaLlon and
engagemenL ln Lhe new ?ork ClLy budgeLlng process."
Wllllams CommunlLy volces Peard 133901997
lunds Lo lncrease engagemenL of publlc houslng
resldenLs ln Lhelr communlLles by supporLlng Lhe ubllc
Pouslng Campalgn
ulckens CommunlLy Works, lnc. 133380813
lunds wlll supporL CommunlLy MaLLers n?C (CMn?C),
offerlng arLs programmlng aL slx anchor slLes
LhroughouL Parlem Lo celebraLe Lhe communlLles rlch
hlsLory, culLure and LradlLlons.
8osenLhal CommunlLy Works, lnc. 133380813
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL educaLlonal and culLural
programs, lncludlng workshops, performances and
exhlblLlons servlng publlc school sLudenLs and
communlLy members
8odrlguez CommunlLy Works, lnc. 133380813
lundlng Lo provlde educaLlonal and culLural
8odrlguez CommunlLy-Word ro[ecL, lnc. 134114143 * 3,000 lundlng Lo offseL cosL of sLafflng Leachlng arLlsLs
8eynoso CommunlLy-Word ro[ecL, lnc. 134114143
1o supporL school-based arLs resldencles aL S 84 and
rogress Plgh School.
Menchaca CommunlLy-Word ro[ecL, lnc. 134114143
lunds Lo compensaLe Leachlng arLlsLs who wlll asslsL
1sL and 2nd grade sLudenLs wlLh a comblnaLlon of
creaLlve wrlLlng, dance, and muslc.
8arron Comprehenslve Academlcs 1uLorlng Servlce, lnc. 271393373
lunds are lnLended Lo be used for an lnLenslve LuLorlng
and academlc program LhaL provldes one-on-one
LuLorlng Lo elemenLary Lhrough hlgh school sLudenLs.
1he followlng program wlll conslsL of Lngllsh, maLh and
sclence lessons LhaL wlll lnclude ouL-door a
Cabrera CompuLers for ?ouLh loundaLlon, lnc. 133933309

lunds wlll supporL Cl?-n?C's ulglLal Learnlng rogram
(uL). arLlclpaLlng famllles galn access Lo educaLlonal
web conLenL Lhrough our award-wlnnlng, free k-12
dlglLal learnlng plaLform, (ML).
lundlng wlll enable Cl?-n?C Lo conLlnue p
Levlne CompuLers for ?ouLh loundaLlon, lnc. 133933309

lundlng Lo conLlnue provldlng Pelp uesk supporL for
PLCs - a free, 24/7 Loll-free blllngual Lechnlcal supporL
hoLllne for hardware and sofLware supporL. lunds wlll
also help susLaln blllngual supporL for ML and wlll
enable Cl?-n?C Lo hosL a lamlly Learnl
8osenLhal CompuLers for ?ouLh loundaLlon, lnc. 133933309

lundlng Lo susLaln blllngual supporL for ML and wlll
enable Cl?-n?C Lo hosL a lamlly Learnlng LxLenslon
Workshop aL each parLlclpaLlng uL school locaLlon
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 239

Clbson CompuLers for ?ouLh loundaLlon, lnc. 133933309

lunds wlll be used Lo help susLaln blllngual supporL for
Lhe (ML) and wlll enable
CompuLers for ?ouLh-n?C Lo hosL a lamlly Learnlng
LxLenslon Workshop aL each parLlclpaLlng uL school
locaLlon. 1hey wlll cover ML besL pracLlces and
Mark-vlverlLo CompuLers for ?ouLh loundaLlon, lnc. 133933309

lunds wlll supporL Lhe ulglLal Learnlng rogram (uL)
supporLlng low-lncome mlddle school
sLudenLs/famllles and provldlng Lhem wlLh Pome
Learnlng CenLers. lunds wlll be used for conLlnued
Pelp uesk SupporL PoL Llne for Lhe Pome Learnlng
alma Comunlllfe, lnc. 133330299
1o provlde academlc supporL creaLlve arLs Lherapy, and
culLurally compeLenL youLh developmenL and menLal
healLh servlces Lo aL-rlsk LaLlna Leens.
8eynoso Comunlllfe, lnc. 133330299
1o supporL servlces for LaLlna Leens aL Lhe 8rooklyn
8ronx, 8LAC,
Arroyo, Crowley,
lerreras, alma CC Comunlllfe, lnc. 133330299
1he fundlng wlll provlde academlc supporL and creaLlve
arLs Lherapy Lo aL-rlsk LaLlna Leens, enrolled ln Ll, 6
days a week ln Lhe 8ronx and lncrease servlces ln
8rooklyn from 3 Lo 6 days.
8odrlguez ConcreLe Safarls, lnc. 204976317
lundlng Lo supporL Plke Lhe PelghLs: romoLlonal
maLerlals, maps, and equlpmenL renLals
Coney lsland CeneraLlon Cap 8eunlon
CommlLLee 208362333

1o cover Lhe operaLlng cosLs of 1he luLure locus
ro[ecL lncludlng Lhe purchase of camera equlpmenL,
compuLers, offlce supplles, lnLerneL and 1v servlces,
LransporLaLlon servlce, space renLal fees and oLher
operaLlng expenses.
CenLlle Congrega ul Marla Ss AddoloraLa 208939982
lunds wlll supporL Lhe Cur Lady Sorrows processlon
and concerL evenLs.
Creenfleld CongregaLlon 8nal ?osef 111994182
lunds are used Lo provlde nuLrlLlous food Lo people
who vlslL Lhe faclllLy on a dally basls, lncludlng a
slgnlflcanL number of senlors, reachlng all levels of Lhe
publlc by adverLlslng ln CommunlLy Magazlne and
fllerlng along commerclal sLrlps.
Lancman CongregaLlon LLz Chalm of kew Carden Pllls 112383933

lundlng Lo provlde presenLaLlons for communlLy
members on "navlgaLlng Lhe Medlcal SysLem."
Creenfleld CongregaLlon kehal remlshlan, lnc. 112303332 * 3,000 lunds wlll be used Lo supporL a program LargeLlng
Creenfleld CongregaLlon Lman Achal, lnc. 112946283
lunds Lo conducL educaLlonal and recreaLlonal
programs Lhrough afLer school classes, summer
reLreaLs and weekly youLh gaLherlngs.
CenLlle CongregaLlon Shelras lsrael of 8ay 8ldge 111723783

lunds wlll supply planLs, soll, mulch, porLable
greenhouse, and pald professlonal Lo plan/lmplemenL
Lhe CommunlLy LducaLlon Carden program, supporL
Lhe lnLerfalLh resenLaLlon ConcerL for Lhe PolocausL
Memorlal rogram, and provlde speakers, muslcal
Cabrera ConnecL, lnc. 020694269
lundlng Lo supporL Lhe creaLlon of early lnLervenLlon
and prevenLlon programs ln ulsLrlcLs 14,16 and 27. 1o
work on Lhree levels: wlLh lndlvlduals by provldlng legal
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 240

servlces/ educaLlon Lo vlcLlms of uv and Lhelr famllles,
on Lhe communlLy level Lo hel
koo ConnecL, lnc. 020694269
1o supporL Lhe creaLlon of early lnLervenLlon and
prevenLlon programs ln ulsLrlcL 20. Servlces lnclude
provldlng legal servlces and legal educaLlon Lo vlcLlms
of uv and Lhelr famllles, and on Lhe communlLy level Lo
help Lhe communlLy respond Lo uv ln Lhel
Clbson ConnecL, lnc. 020694269
CCnnLC1 seeks fundlng Lo supporL Lhe creaLlon of
Lhelr early lnLervenLlon and prevenLlon program ln
16Lh Councll ulsLrlcLs. CCnnLC1 program works on
Lhree levels: provldlng legal servlce and educaLlon Lo
vlcLlms of uv and Lhelr famllles, on Lhe communlLy
Wllllams ConnecL, lnc. 020694269
lundlng Lo supporL Lhe creaLlon of early lnLervenLlon
and prevenLlon program
vallone Conrad oppenhusen AssoclaLlon 111633324
lunds wlll supplemenL cosL of Lhe four pro[ecLs
lncludlng 8lghL Around Lhe Corner culLural
performances, school Lours, hlsLorlc preservaLlon, and
varlous workshops
Cornegy Cool CulLure, lnc. 161636968
1o cover Lhe cosL of dellverlng our lamlly ass, whlch
provldes free admlsslon for up Lo flve famlly members
Lo 90 museums, zoos and boLanlc gardens, professlonal
developmenL Lo educaLlon professlonals, and oLher
programmaLlc maLerlals Lo supporL parenLs
Cumbo Cool CulLure, lnc. 161636968
lunds Lo cover cosL of dellverlng lamlly asses, whlch
provldes free admlsslon for up Lo flve famlly members
Lo museums, zoos and boLanlc gardens, professlonal
developmenL Lo educaLlon professlonals, and oLher
programmaLlc maLerlals Lo supporL parenLs.
koo Cool CulLure, lnc. 161636968
1o fund Lhe ClLywlde CulLural Access rogram" for
chlldren and famllles ln ulsLrlcL 20, professlonal
developmenL Lo educaLlonal professlonals, and oLher
programmaLlc maLerlals Lo supporL parenLs.
ulckens Cool CulLure, lnc. 161636968
1o supporL Lhe CulLural Access and LducaLlon
rogram," Lo help parenLs and school educaLors bulld
chlldren's emerglng llLeracy. lundlng wlll supporL Lhe
lamlly ass, provldlng famllles wlLh free admlsslon Lo
museums, zoos and boLanlc gardens, professl
8osenLhal Cool CulLure, lnc. 161636968 * 3,300 lundlng supporLs ClLywlde CulLural Access rogram.
Chln Cool CulLure, lnc. 161636968
1o supporL Cool CulLure's "ClLywlde CulLural Access
rogram." lunds wlll enable parenLs and school
educaLors Lo access local culLural lnsLlLuLlons wlLh Lhelr
chlldren for free by coverlng Lhe cosL of a lamlly ass,
provlde for professlonal developmenL of
van 8ramer Cool CulLure, lnc. 161636968
lunds would be used Lo cover Lhe cosL of dellverlng
lamlly ass
Cumbo, 8osenLhal,
van 8ramer CC Cool CulLure, lnc. 161639698
lundlng would be used for Lhe ClLywlde CulLural
Access rogram." 1he requesLed funds would be used
Lo cover Lhe cosL of free admlsslon for up Lo flve famlly
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 241

members Lo 90 museums, zoos and boLanlc gardens,
professlonal developmenL Lo educaLlon professlon
Levlne Cool CulLure, lnc. 161636968
lundlng for Lhe ClLywlde CulLural Access rogram"
funds would be used Lo cover Lhe cosL of dellverlng Lhe
lamlly ass Lo famllles ln Councll ulsLrlcL 7.
8eynoso Cooper ark 8esldenLs Councll 113288877
1o supporL Cooper uay, whlch celebraLes famllles ln
Lhe developmenL and welcomes all communlLy
members. lundlng wlll be allocaLed offseL Lhe cosLs of
Lhls evenL.
Cooper Square CommunlLy uevelopmenL
CommlLLee and 8uslnessmen's AssoclaLlon, lnc. 132666211
lundlng Lo supporL Pouslng rogram work (reservlng
Affordable Pouslng and roLecLlng 1enanLs 8lghLs)
Cooper Square CommunlLy uevelopmenL
CommlLLee and 8uslnessmen's AssoclaLlon, lnc. 132666211
lunds wlll supporL counselors for Lhe Pouslng rogram
and Lhe counsellng Lhey provlde Lo LenanLs on speclflc
houslng lssues and LenanL organlzlng ln dlsLressed
Menchaca Cora, lnc. 113639921
lundlng Lo supporL educaLlon programmlng especlally
for youLh classes, and Lhe fund wlll be used for
expenses on sLudenLs (e.g. lunch, plck-up servlces for
worklng famllles).
Mlller Cornucopla SocleLy, 1he 113400928

lundlng wlll supporL park clean up and ouLreach ln
dlsLrlcL 27.
CC Coro new ?ork Leadershlp CenLer 133371610
nelghborhood Leadershlp, selecLs a cohorL of 20
lndlvlduals from communlLles across Lhe ClLy who wlll
Lhen have Lhe opporLunlLy Lo develop Lhelr personal
leadershlp skllls and hone Lhelr commerclal
revlLallzaLlon experLlse under Coro's proven leadershlp
uromm Corona Self-Pelp CenLer, lnc. 270090081
lundlng Lo supporL 1ranslLlonal houslng for lndlvlduals
ln Lhe 3 monLh phase of subsLance abuse
lerreras Corona Self-Pelp CenLer, lnc. 270090081
1o supporL LranslLlonal houslng for members ln Lhe 3
monLh phase of Lhe program. lundlng wlll supplemenL
a number of servlces lncludlng food, cloLhlng and
medlcal needs. lundlng wlll supplemenL cosLs relaLed
Lo Lhe preparaLlon of cllenL meals.
Corporal !ohn 8uoff osL no. 632, Amerlcan
Leglon, lnc. 116104896

lunds wlll be used for operaLlonal expenses lncludlng
uLlllLles and supplles
Lsplnal Councll of lmmlgranLs 8lghLs, lnc. 434302400

lundlng Lo provlde educaLlonal opporLunlLles for
lmmlgranL new-comers whom speak a language oLher
Lhan Lngllsh, wlLh baslc knowledge of Lhe unlLed SLaLes
and lLs hlsLory. Also Lo provlde asslsLance wlLh
programmlng (LSL, CLu, 1CLlL, SA1) LhaL wlll ease
8rooklyn, ueuLsch,
Creenfleld, Malsel CC Councll of !ewlsh CrganlzaLlons of llaLbush, lnc. 112864728

1o susLaln Lhe conLlnuous operaLlons of vlLally needed
programs: Soclal Servlces/8eneflLs LnLlLlemenLs/Case
ManagemenL, Lmergency AsslsLance/Crlsls
lnLervenLlon, CllenL Advocacy/8epresenLaLlon,
CP/lP, Legal Servlces, LmploymenL Servlces,
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 242

ueuLsch Councll of !ewlsh CrganlzaLlons of llaLbush, lnc. 112864728

?ouLh programs deslgned Lo aLLracL Lroubled Leens and
engage Lhem ln wholesome acLlvlLles lncludlng sporLs,
recreaLlonal games, and Lo provlde menLors and
ueuLsch Councll of !ewlsh CrganlzaLlons of llaLbush, lnc. 112864728

CC!C of llaLbush's llnanclal Servlces CenLer whlch
provldes a wlde array of credlL/flnanclal counsellng,
debL consolldaLlon, foreclosure prevenLlon, buslness
plannlng, budgeL educaLlon small buslness servlces.
ueuLsch Councll of !ewlsh CrganlzaLlons of llaLbush, lnc. 112864728

1o provlde Puu-Approved Pouslng Counsellng
rogram LhaL provldes MorLgage Servlces for
Pomeowner, foreclosure revenLlon, uefaulL
8esoluLlon, Loss MlLlgaLlon Pouslng Servlces for
1enanLs, LvlcLlon revenLlon 8enL Arrears.
ueuLsch Councll of !ewlsh CrganlzaLlons of llaLbush, lnc. 112864728

1o provlde 200 low-lncome lmmlgranL cllenLs/year,
provldlng LSCL/Clvlcs classes llLeracy ln Lngllsh for
adulLs who cannoL read, wrlLe speak Lngllsh.
ueuLsch Councll of !ewlsh CrganlzaLlons of llaLbush, lnc. 112864728

1o provlde lmmlgranL cllenLs/year apply for permanenL
resldency, clLlzenshlp Lhe followlng svcs., publlc
enLlLlemenLs asslsLance, free legal soclal servlces, food
panLrles, and case managemenL.
ueuLsch Councll of !ewlsh CrganlzaLlons of llaLbush, lnc. 112864728

1o serve low-lncome lmmlgranL cllenLs per year,
provldlng Lhem wlLh asslsLance ln fllllng ouL all
necessary forms appllcaLlons Lo obLaln permanenL
resldence (green card), clLlzenshlp wlLh Lhe uSClS,
obLalnlng work permlLs, ad[usLmenLs of lmmlgranL
ueuLsch Councll of !ewlsh CrganlzaLlons of llaLbush, lnc. 112864728

1o help [ob-seeklng low-lncome adulL cllenLs Lhls l?
year, provldlng Lhem wlLh Career Counsellng, lnLervlew
Skllls, LSCL, CLu reparaLlon, !ob Search Skllls, !ob
8eferrals, !ob lacemenL 1racklng.
ueuLsch Councll of !ewlsh CrganlzaLlons of llaLbush, lnc. 112864728

1o asslsL senlors, provldlng regular frlendly home vlslLs,
Lelephone assurance, llghL shopplng, accompanylng Lo
ueuLsch Councll of !ewlsh CrganlzaLlons of llaLbush, lnc. 112864728

1o asslsL dlsadvanLaged lndlvlduals and Lhelr famllles,
provldlng soclal servlces, publlc beneflLs enLlLlemenLs
Lugene Councll of !ewlsh CrganlzaLlons of llaLbush, lnc. 112864728

1o supporL Lhe Pouslng Counsellng rogram LhaL
provldes MorLgage Servlces for Pomeowner, lncludlng:
loreclosure revenLlon, uefaulL 8esoluLlon, Loss
MlLlgaLlon Pouslng Servlces for 1enanLs, LvlcLlon
revenLlon 8enL Arrears.
Creenfleld Councll of !ewlsh CrganlzaLlons of llaLbush, lnc. 112864728

lunds wlll be used Lo operaLe Lhe CC!C of llaLbush's
llnanclal Servlces CenLer whlch provldes a wlde array
of credlL/flnanclal counsellng, debL consolldaLlon,
foreclosure prevenLlon, buslness plannlng, budgeL
educaLlon small buslness servlces Lo 170 pers
Lander Councll of !ewlsh CrganlzaLlons of llaLbush, lnc. 112864728

1o supporL asslsLance program for senlors and Lhe frall
and soclal programmlng for senlors and PolocausL
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 243

Councll of !ewlsh CrganlzaLlons of SLaLen lsland,
lnc. 133323474
1o supporL soclal servlces ln Lhe 31sL councll dlsLrlcL
and for Lhe food panLry.
Councll of !ewlsh CrganlzaLlons of SLaLen lsland,
lnc. 133323474
1he requesLed funds wlll be used for Lhe
admlnlsLraLlon of Lhe lood anLry
Councll of !ewlsh CrganlzaLlons of SLaLen lsland,
lnc. 133323474
lood anLry: 1o dlsLrlbuLe supplemenLal food baskeLs,
1300 packages a monLh/13,600 a year servlclng 3000
people a monLh/36,000 a year. uellvery of food
baskeLs Lo homebounds - 190 a monLh/2280 a year.
Soclal servlces: asslsLance wlLh enLlLlemenLs, food sL
Cumbo Councll of eoples CrganlzaLlon, lnc. 733046891

lunds Lo expand program servlces for vlcLlms of
domesLlc vlolence.
Lugene Councll of eoples CrganlzaLlon, lnc. 733046891

lunds Lo expand program servlces for vlcLlms of
domesLlc vlolence.
Chln, koslowlLz,
Lander CC
Councll of Senlor CenLers and Servlces of new
?ork ClLy, lnc. 132967277
1o address elder hunger by educaLlng, screenlng and
enrolllng ellglble older adulLs lnLo Lhe SnA beneflL
Lhrough coordlnaLed communlLy ouLreach.
Councll on Lhe ArLs and PumanlLles for SLaLen
lsland 133713211

lunds wlll supporL markeLlng producLlon cosLs
assoclaLed wlLh 1rouble Lhe WaLer ro[ecL (1W)," a
serles of 10 evenLs conducLed ln Mldland, Ccean
8reeze, new uorp, 1oLLenvllle.
Councll on Lhe ArLs and PumanlLles for SLaLen
lsland 133713211

lunds wlll supporL 1 year of programmlng aL CulLure
Lounge, Sl ArLs' new 2300sqfL offlce arL space aL Lhe
lerry 1ermlnal.
Carodnlck Councll on Lhe LnvlronmenL, lnc. 132763463
lundlng wlll supporL programs whlch brlng fresh
produce Lo new ?ork ClLy, such as "CreenmarkeLs,"
and asslsL resldenLs ln creaLlng, bulldlng and susLalnlng
communlLy gardens and parks.
CenLlle Councll on Lhe LnvlronmenL, lnc. 132763463
lunds wlll supporL Crown?C's CreenmarkeL, Cpen
Space Creenlng (creaLes and asslsLs communlLy and
school gardens) , LnvlronmenLal LducaLlon, and Cfflce
of 8ecycllng CuLreach and LducaLlon programs.
Mlller Councll on Lhe LnvlronmenL, lnc. 132763463 * 3,000 lundlng Lo supporL greenmarkeLs ln dlsLrlcL 27.
Mendez Councll on Lhe LnvlronmenL, lnc. 132763463 * 13,000 rovlde supporL Lo Creen MarkeLs ln dlsLrlcL 2
8lchards Councll on Lhe LnvlronmenL, lnc. 132763463
lundlng wlll be used Lo help lmplemenL Crown?C
programs ln ulsLrlcL 31.
8ose Councll on Lhe LnvlronmenL, lnc. 132763463
lundlng wlll be used Lo pay for Lhe operaLlonal cosLs
and promoLlon of Crown?C programs ln Lhe dlsLrlcL:
CreenmarkeL, farmers markeLs, Cpen Space Creenlng,
LnvlronmenLal LducaLlon, and Lhe Cfflce of 8ecycllng
CuLreach and LducaLlon, whlch promoLes recycll
8osenLhal Councll on Lhe LnvlronmenL, lnc. 132763463
lundlng wlll be used Lo help Crown?C achleve lLs
mlsslon Lhrough Lhe followlng programs: CreenmarkeL,
a neLwork of 34 farmers markeLs LhroughouL Lhe clLy
(30 of whlch accepL L81), 14 Leen operaLed
?ouLhmarkeL farm sLands, and Lhe lood Pub, our
Lander Councll on Lhe LnvlronmenL, lnc. 132763463
1o supporL Lhe operaLlon of a ?ouLhmarkeL program.
lundlng wlll be used Lo Lraln Leenagers on how Lo
operaLe farm sLands.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 244

van 8ramer Councll on Lhe LnvlronmenL, lnc. 132763463
lundlng Lo supporL Lhe followlng programs: a
CreenmarkeL, ?ouLhmarkeL farm sLands, Lhe lood
Pub, and Lhe lresh lood 8ox farm share program.
Wllllams Councll on Lhe LnvlronmenL, lnc. 132763463
lunds Lo expand Lhe farmers markeL and Lhe youLh
program assoclaLed wlLh Crown?C
CC Councll on Lhe LnvlronmenL, lnc. 132763463
lunds wlll supporL Lhe esLabllshmenL of a green markeL
aL La MarqueLa.
Levln Counsellng ln Schools, lnc. 133637647

1o supporL school based programs wlLh MSW soclal
workers and arL LheraplsLs provldlng counsellng and
youLh servlces. lundlng wlll be used Lo supporL and
enhance counsellng programs wlLh addlLlonal
workshops, supervlslon, counsellng sesslons and
Levlne CreaLlve ArLs Workshops for klds, lnc. 133638436
Caw's afLer-school programs, based ln Councll ulsLrlcL 7
publlc schools and communlLy cenLers, provlde
semesLer-long apprenLlceshlps wlLh professlonal
Leachlng arLlsLs Lo enhance arLlsLlc and developmenLal
skllls Lhrough varlous medlums such as dlglLal ph
8odrlguez CreaLlve ArLs Workshops for klds, lnc. 133638436
lundlng Lo supporL Lhe sLafflng of Leachlng arLlsLs and
arL supplles aL MS328 programs
Mark-vlverlLo CreaLlve ArLs Workshops for klds, lnc. 133638436
1o supporL Lhe publlc arL youLh employmenL program
whlch provldes full and parL-Llme [obs Lo low-lncome
youLh ages 14-24 durlng Lhe summer and afLer school.
Mlller CreaLlve !azz CrganlzaLlon, lnc. 113343021
lunds wlll go Lowards 1. Weekly evenlng [azz sesslons
ln Lhe communlLy uLlllzlng professlonal muslclans
, 2. erlodlc [azz concerLs ln local publlc schools,
preceded and followed up by moLlvaLlonal Leachlngs of
[azz hlsLory by professlonal muslclans.
!ohnson CreaLlve Mlnds n?C, lnc. 020720786
1o supporL performances and educaLlonal programs
for youLh and famllles, lncludlng performances of
comedy adapLed from sLorles wrlLLen by chlldren, and
lnLegraLed wrlLlng workshops ln elemenLary schools
around Lhe ClLy.
Cumbo CreaLlve CuLleL uance 1heaLre, lnc. 113307734
lunds wlll provlde scholarshlps Lo sLudenLs from
underprlvlleged/ aL-rlsk communlLles and supporL
programmlng expenses.
Wllllams CreaLlve CuLleL uance 1heaLre, lnc. 113307734
lunds for Lhe young arLlsL program, lnsLrucLors
sLlpends and supplles.
Cabrera, Clbson CC CrenulaLed Company L1u, 1he 141719016
lunds Lo expand programs for communlLy youLh aL Lhe
recenLly opened new SeLLlemenL CommunlLy CenLer
wlLh a parLlcular focus on dance lnsLrucLlon, swlmmlng
lnsLrucLlon, and healLhy llvlng (healLhy eaLlng and
Crlme vlcLlms SupporL Servlces of Lhe norLh
8ronx, lnc. 320138249
lunds wlll asslsL ln Lhe provlslon of free crlme
prevenLlon, elder supporL, counsellng, and domesLlc
vlolence prevenLlon servlces.
Crlme vlcLlms SupporL Servlces of Lhe norLh
8ronx, lnc. 320138249
1o fund programs asslsLlng crlme vlcLlms such as
asslsLance flllng compensaLlon clalms, uv advocacy,
crlsls counsellng, homlclde supporL group, courL
asslsLance, relocaLlon, lock replacemenL, emergency
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 24S

and funeral expense flnanclal asslsLance, referrals,
Wllllams Crossflre SLeel CrchesLra, lnc. 010641844
lunds Lo provlde addlLlonal muslcal equlpmenL and
mlscellaneous supporLlve lLems.
MaLLeo Crossroads CommunlLy Church 320020680
lunds wlll be used Lo provlde sporLs equlpmenL and
dally snacks for campers.
Cumbo Crown PelghLs !ewlsh CommunlLy Councll, lnc. 237390996

lunds Lo supporL Soclal Servlces CenLer whlch provldes
lmmlgraLlon, lamlly Crlsls lnLervenLlon, LmploymenL
AsslsLance, Access Lo LnLlLlemenLs, PealLh lnsurance
lnformaLlon, lood SLamps LnrollmenL, or Pouslng-
8elaLed Servlces.
Lugene Crown PelghLs !ewlsh CommunlLy Councll, lnc. 237390996

1o provlde lmmlgraLlon, famlly crlsls lnLervenLlon,
employmenL asslsLance, access Lo enLlLlemenLs, healLh
lnsurance ln formaLlon, food sLamps enrollmenL,
houslng and oLher soclal servlces for Lhe elderly an low
lncome famllles.
Mealy Crown PelghLs !ewlsh CommunlLy Councll, lnc. 237390996

1he funds wlll be used Lo pay for sLaff, supplles, and
equlpmenL used Lo supporL Lhe organlzaLlon's work ln
ulsLrlcL 41
Cumbo CC Crown PelghLs !ewlsh CommunlLy Councll, lnc. 237390996

lundlng for Soclal Servlce CenLer LhaL provldes cllenL
asslsLance ln lmmlgraLlon, lamlly Crlsls lnLervenLlon,
LmploymenL AsslsLance, Access Lo LnLlLlemenLs, PealLh
lnsurance ln formaLlon, lood SLamps LnrollmenL, and
Pouslng relaLed servlces.
Cornegy Crown PelghLs norLh AssoclaLlon 200006693
1o supporL Lhe Crown PelghLs norLh AssoclaLlon
efforLs Lo promoLe & preserve Lhe archlLecLure and
hlsLory of Lhe communlLy Lhrough an annual walklng
Lour, ldenLlflcaLlon and dlssemlnaLlon of abandoned
bulldlngs, beauLlfy 8rower ark and share lmporLanL ln
Cumbo Crown PelghLs norLh AssoclaLlon 200006693
lunds Lo sponsor: a house Lour and/or walklng Lour of
Lhe area, ldenLlfy vacanL / abandoned bulldlngs and
dlssemlnaLe lnformaLlon Lo supporL Lhelr
rehablllLaLlon, supporL 8rower ark and nelghborhood
beauLlflcaLlon for ma[or holldays, provlde for dlsposa
Mlller CulLural CollaboraLlve !amalca, lnc. 113633991
CC!'s requesL ls for Lhree communlLy/economlc
developmenL programs ln SouLheasL Cueens. 1hey are
ArLs ln Lhe arks, ClLy Speaks (spoken word)!amalca
ArLs Muslc Summer (!AMS) lesLlval and Polldays Cn
1he Avenue. lundlng wlll be used Lowards arLlsLs fees
Cabrera Cun? CreaLlve ArLs 1eam 136400434

lunds wlll supporL lnLeracLlve educaLlonal workshops
for sLudenLs, parenLs and Leachers ln Lhe followlng
Lhree areas: 1. Larly Chlldhood LlLeracy 2. School
vlolence revenLlon 3. College 8eadlness
ulckens Cun? CreaLlve ArLs 1eam 136400434

1o supporL llLeracy, vlolence prevenLlon, and college
and career readlness workshops aL currenL parLner
slLes, lncludlng 1hurgood Marshall Academy for
Learnlng and Soclal Change, Wadlelgh Secondary
School for Lhe erformlng and vlsual ArLs, lrederlck
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 246

8osenLhal Cun? CreaLlve ArLs 1eam 136400434

lunds wlll supporL lnLeracLlve educaLlonal workshops
for sLudenLs, parenLs and Leachers.
1orres Cun? CreaLlve ArLs 1eam 136400434

lunds wlll supporL lnLeracLlve educaLlonal workshops
for sLudenLs, parenLs and Leachers on: Larly Chlldhood
LlLeracy, School vlolence revenLlon, and College
8odrlguez Cun? CreaLlve ArLs 1eam 136400434

lundlng Lo supporL lnLeracLlve educaLlonal workshops
for sLudenLs, parenLs and Leachers
Clbson Cun? CreaLlve ArLs 1eam 136400434

lunds wlll supporL Cun? CA1's lnLeracLlve educaLlonal
workshops for sLudenLs, parenLs and Leachers ln Lhe
followlng Lhree areas:
Larly Chlldhood LlLeracy, School vlolence revenLlon
and College 8eadlness.
klng Cun? CreaLlve ArLs 1eam 136400434

lunds wlll supporL lnLeracLlve educaLlonal workshops
for sLudenLs, parenLs and Leachers ln Lhe followlng
Lhree areas:
1. Larly Chlldhood LlLeracy - CA1 provldes a serles of
lnLeracLlve workshops deslgned Lo supporL emergenL
llLeracy ln Lhe early chlldhood
koslowlLz Cun? CreaLlve ArLs 1eam 136400434

lunds wlll supporL lnLeracLlve educaLlonal workshops
for sLudenLs, parenLs and Leachers ln Lhe followlng
Lhree areas:
Larly Chlldhood LlLeracy, School vlolence revenLlon
and College 8eadlness
Cu28 Cun? CreaLlve ArLs 1eam 136400434

lunds wlll supporL lnLeracLlve educaLlonal workshops
for sLudenLs, parenLs and Leachers ln Lhe followlng
Lhree areas:

1. Larly Chlldhood LlLeracy - CA1 provldes a serles of
lnLeracLlve workshops deslgned Lo supporL emergenL
llLeracy ln Lhe early chlldhoo
Menchaca Cun? CreaLlve ArLs 1eam 136400434

1o supporL Lhree of Cun? CreaLlve ArLs 1eam's
pro[ecLs: (1) Larly Chlldhood LlLeracy, (2) School
vlolence revenLlon, (3) College 8eadlness. 1hese
programs provlde supporL servlces for sLudenLs,
parenLs, and Leachers.
8osenLhal Cun?-n?CPA Scholarshlp lund 136400434 4,000 lundlng Lo supporL n?CPA resldenL Cun? scholarshlps
ConsLanLlnldes Cypreco of Amerlca, lnc. 112644226 3,000 lunds wlll be used for a CyprloL folk arLs program.
Lsplnal Cypress Pllls Local uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 112683663

lundlng wlll supporL Lhe lnLergeneraLlonal Servlces
rogram and oLher youLh leadershlp programs aL Lhe
Cypress Pllls/LasL new ?ork 8eacon aL !PS 302,
lncludlng lLs afLerschool program, and recreaLlon,
sporLs, and arLs programs.
van 8ramer uance LnLropy, lnc. 204388138
1o fund a Lhree Llered presenLlng program addresses
Lhe crlLlcal need of emerglng choreographers who are
developlng a slgnlflcanL body of work by provldlng Lhe
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 247

resources needed Lo produce work
Menchaca uance 1heaLre LLceLera, lnc. 133013963

lunds Lo supporL a number of pro[ecLs whlch lnclude:
(1) 1he ln 1ranslLlon Medla: Summer 2014 ulglLal 8ooL
Camp, (2) 1he ln 1ranslLlon Plp Pop 1heaLre Workshop,
(3) 1he 22nd Annual 8ed Pook lesL, and (4) 1he 3rd
Annual uance on 1he Creenway evenL.
Levlne uance 1heaLre of Parlem, lnc. 132642091
uance 1heaLre of Parlem School uanclng 1hrough
8arrlers (arLs educaLlon) Annual SLreeL lesLlval Sunday
MaLlnee Serles 1hursdays[u1P. 8equesLed fundlng
would supporL programs servlng chlldren ln Councll
ulsLrlcL 7.
ulckens uance 1heaLre of Parlem, lnc. 132642091
1o supporL a Sunday MaLlnee ConcerL serles, lncludlng
performances for Lhe communlLy by uance 1heaLer of
Parlem sLudenLs and professlonals.
8osenLhal uances for a varlable opulaLlon, lnc. 264372204
lundlng Lo supporL MCvLMLn1 SLAkS aL Lhe
Coddard 8lverslde Senlor CenLer WlnLer-Sprlng 2013.
Chln uances for a varlable opulaLlon, lnc. 264372204
1o supporL resources and sLaff for free communlLy
dance workshop and performance evenL ln
WashlngLon Square ark and free dance workshops aL
MoLL SLreeL Senlor CenLer.
van 8ramer uances for a varlable opulaLlon, lnc. 264372204
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL senlor dance and
Levln uancewave, lnc. 112726338

1o supporL an arLs ln educaLlon program LhaL Leaches
Carodnlck uanclng Classrooms, lnc. 222342960
lundlng wlll supporL ballroom dance lessons aL a publlc
school ln ulsLrlcL 4.
CenLlle uanclng Classrooms, lnc. 222342960
lunds wlll supporL a program LhaL Leaches ballroom
dance Lo 4Lh, 3Lh, and 8Lh graders, lncludlng speclal
educaLlon chlldren.
8osenLhal uanclng Classrooms, lnc. 222342960
lunds used for 1eachlng ArLlsLs lnsLrucLlng ballroom
dance Lo 3Lh 8Lh grade sLudenLs aLLendlng publlc
schools clLywlde Lhrough a 10-week serles held Lwlce
weekly for a LoLal of 20 lessons. .
koslowlLz uanclng Classrooms, lnc. 222342960
lunds wlll cover Lhe danclng classroom program aL S
173 - Lhe program conslsLs of professlonal 1eachlng
ArLlsLs lnsLrucLlng ballroom dance Lo fourLh, flfLh
elghLh grade sLudenLs Lhrough a 10-week serles held
Lwlce weekly for a LoLal of 20 lessons.
Mendez uanspace ro[ecL, lnc. 133320972
lundlng Lo supporL urafLWork, lood for 1houghL and
1he laLform serles. (lully produced works)
Lancman uarus-Salaam Mas[ld new ?ork, lnc. 113343389
lundlng Lo supporL weekend and summer school for
chlldren, characLer bulldlng semlnar for youLh and
Leenagers, food and cloLhlng for senlors, speclal
occaslons and food servlces program.
8lchards ueerfleld Area AssoclaLlon, lnc. 112877303
1he fundlng wlll be used Lo fund Lhe annual MulLl-
CulLural uay acLlvlLles as well as fundlng a day acLlvlLy
for senlors wlLhln Lhe ueerfleld Area communlLy
Lsplnal ueparLmenL of LducaLlon - lranklln k Lane Plgh 136400434 3,000 lundlng wlll be used Lo supporL program expenses of
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 248

School !8C1C.
Lsplnal ueparLmenL of LducaLlon .S. 043k 136400434 3,000 lundlng wlll defray cosL of school bus and Lrlps.
Lsplnal ueparLmenL of LducaLlon .S. 106 k 136400434 3,000 lundlng wlll defray cosL of school bus and Lrlps.
Lsplnal ueparLmenL of LducaLlon .S. 131 k 136400434

lundlng wlll defray cosL of culLural experlences
(8roadway plays).
Lsplnal ueparLmenL of LducaLlon .S. 86 k 136400434 3,000 lundlng wlll defray cosL of school bus and Lrlps.
1orres ueparLmenL of PealLh - PealLh 8ucks 136400434

PealLh 8ucks are paper vouchers, worLh $2 each,
developed and dlsLrlbuLed by n?C PealLh ueparLmenL
ulsLrlcL ubllc PealLh Cfflces and whlch can be used Lo
purchase fresh frulLs and vegeLables aL parLlclpaLlng
farmers markeLs
lgnlzlo ueparLmenL of arks and 8ecreaLlon 136400434

lor malnLenance equlpmenL LhroughouL Lhe 31sL
councll dlsLrlcL.
lgnlzlo ueparLmenL of arks and 8ecreaLlon 136400434

1o supporL layground AssoclaLe program ln parks
Lhrough Lhe 31sL CCunClL ulS18lC1
kallos ueparLmenL of arks and 8ecreaLlon 136400434

lunds Lo supporL klds ln MoLlon places one layground
AssoclaLe ln a park/playground flve days per week. 1he
sLaff lead seven hours of free acLlvlLles for chlldren per
week, lncludlng organlzed sporLs, games, flLness
demos, gulded walks, and speclal evenL
Mlller ueparLmenL of arks and 8ecreaLlon 136400434

lunds wlll cover assoclaLed cosLs wlLh produclng a
lamlly uay evenL ln dlsLrlcL 27
alma ueparLmenL of arks and 8ecreaLlon 136400434 3,000 lundlng wlll be used for Wenger Wagons.
8lchards ueparLmenL of arks and 8ecreaLlon 136400434

1o supporL recreaLlonal programs, evenLs, and
acLlvlLles ln Councll ulsLrlcL 31 1o supporL arks
malnLenance and operaLlonal needs ln 8ockaway.
8osenLhal ueparLmenL of arks and 8ecreaLlon 136400434

lundlng for playground assoclaLe ln 8ennerson
layground for 3 days/week
ulrlch ueparLmenL of arks and 8ecreaLlon 136400434

lundlng Lo be used for 1ree SLump 8emoval rogram
and sldewalk repalrs ln ulsLrlcL 32
Creenfleld ueparLmenL of arks and 8ecreaLlon 136400434 3,000 lunds wlll be used Lo hosL ouLdoor movles ln Lhe park.
Lancman ueparLmenL of arks and 8ecreaLlon 136400434

lundlng Lo supporL evenLs and supplles ln local parks
wlLhln Councll ulsLrlcL 24.
vallone ueparLmenL of arks and 8ecreaLlon 136400434 13,000 upgrade slgnage aL arks ln Councll ulsLrlcL 19
vallone ueparLmenL of arks and 8ecreaLlon 136400434

1o provlde lamlly lrlendly AcLlvlLles and LvenLs aL
arks ln Councll ulsLrlcL 19
Weprln ueparLmenL of arks and 8ecreaLlon 136400434

1o provlde for lnflaLables, arLs & crafLs, flyers,
enLerLalnmenL shows.
ueparLmenL of arks and 8ecreaLlon -
layground AssoclaLes 136400434

1he fundlng wlll provlde salarles for 2 playground
assoclaLes ln 8revoorL layground
Cu28 ueparLmenL of arks and 8ecreaLlons 136400434

1o supporL recreaLlonal acLlvlLles ln local parks
lncludlng Lhe purchase of addlLlonal supplles and
equlpmenL and supporL sLaff. Also Lo supporL
recreaLlonal programs aL vlc Panson and addlLlonal
playground supporL sLaff
uromm ueparLmenL of SanlLaLlon 136400434

1o provlde addlLlonal SaLurday plck-ups along 37Lh
Avenue and 8oosevelL Avenue, !ackson PelghLs
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 249

CenLlle ueparLmenL of SanlLaLlon 136400434 61,000 lunds wlll provlde a second dally Lrash plck up.
ulrlch ueparLmenL of SanlLaLlon 136400434

lundlng Lo be used for exLra LlLLer 8askeL servlce ln Cu
ulrlch ueparLmenL of SanlLaLlon 136400434

lundlng wlll be used Lo purchase and lnsLall hlgh end
llLLer baskeLs along !amalca Avenue
koslowlLz ueparLmenL of SanlLaLlon 136400434

lunds wlll be used for addlLlonal 8askeL plck ups wlLhln
Lhe 29Lh Councll ulsLrlcL
Lander ueparLmenL of SanlLaLlon 136400434 6,000 1o lnsLall enclosed Lrash recepLacles.
Cu28 ueparLmenL of SanlLaLlon 136400434

1o supporL addlLlonal wasLe baskeLs and garbage
plckup days
vallone ueparLmenL of SanlLaLlon 136400434

1o supporL Lhe purchase of upgraded llLLer baskeLs for
Councll ulsLrlcL 19
Carodnlck ueparLmenL of Small 8uslness Servlces 136400434

lundlng wlll supporL Lechnlcal supporL for Laskforce on
LasL MldLown rezonlng.
CC ueparLmenL of Small 8uslness Servlces 136400434

lunds wlll supporL Lhe addlLlon of Wl-ll lnLerneL access
aL La MarqueLa and La laclLa.
lerreras ueparLmenL of 1ransporLaLlon 136400434

lundlng wlll supporL 2 free n?C helmeL glveaway and
flLLlng evenLs ln Councll ulsLrlcL 21 - one ln Lefrak ClLy
and one ln Corona.
Cabrera ueparLmenL of 1ransporLaLlon 136400434

lundlng for dlsLrlbuLlon of free helmeLs and blke safeLy
lnformaLlon Lo cycllsLs.
Cabrera ueparLmenL of 1ransporLaLlon 136400434

lundlng for dlsLrlbuLlon of MeLrocards and uul
lnformaLlon Lo consLlLuenLs.
Carodnlck ueparLmenL of 1ransporLaLlon 136400434

lundlng wlll supporL a four hour helmeL flLLlng ln
Councll ulsLrlcL 4
Levln ueparLmenL of 1ransporLaLlon 136400434

1o supporL programmlng LhaL provldes free blke
Levlne ueparLmenL of 1ransporLaLlon 136400434 3,000 lundlng Lo supporL 8lke PelmeL Clveaway ln dlsLrlcL 7.
alma ueparLmenL of 1ransporLaLlon 136400434 6,000 lundlng wlll be used for blke safeLy evenLs.
8osenLhal ueparLmenL of 1ransporLaLlon 136400434

lundlng Lo supporL 8lke helmeL glveaway and flLLlngs
for u6
8odrlguez ueparLmenL of 1ransporLaLlon 136400434 3,000 lunds Lo supporL Lhe helmeL glveaway program.
Chln ueparLmenL of 1ransporLaLlon 136400434 3,300 lunds wlll be for Lhe helmeL glveaway evenL.
Creenfleld ueparLmenL of 1ransporLaLlon 136400434

lunds wlll be used Lo hosL blke helmeL flLLlng and
glveaway evenLs.
Lander ueparLmenL of 1ransporLaLlon 136400434

1o lnsLall speed boards ln n?u preclncLs ln Lhe 39Lh
Cu28 ueparLmenL of 1ransporLaLlon 136400434 3,000 1o supporL helmeL flLLlngs
Mark-vlverlLo ueparLmenL of 1ransporLaLlon 136400434

lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe 8lke PelmeL
glveaway evenL ln Councll ulsLrlcL 8.
van 8ramer ueparLmenL of 1ransporLaLlon 136400434

1o purchase supplles and conducL 8lke PelmeL
ueparLmenL of 1ransporLaLlon - PelmeL llLLlng
and ulsLrlbuLlon 136400434

lunds wlll supporL a uC1 evenL ln Cu13 for Lhe flLLlng
and dlsLrlbuLlon of blcycle helmeLs
ueparLmenL of 1ransporLaLlon - PelmeL
Clveaway 136400434

lunds wlll cover Lhe cosL Lo dlsLrlbuLe 300 blke helmeLs
ln dlsLrlcL 27
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 2S0

ueparLmenL of ?ouLh and CommunlLy
uevelopmenL 136400434

WlLh 1,300 unlLs of houslng for 3,000 low- Lo moderaLe
resldenLs, our mlsslon ls Lo revlLallze communlLles by
provldlng decenL affordable houslng, economlc
developmenL, educaLlonal, and soclal servlces Lo youLh
and adulLs ln Lhe 8ronx. 1hose servlces lnc
ueparLmenL of ?ouLh and CommunlLy
uevelopmenL 136400434

1o supporL operaLlonal cosLs of Lhe !'ouverL evenL
lncludlng lnsurance, renLal of orL-C-Sans, 1enLs,
Chalrs, SLage banners, rlnLlng, Sashes for Lhe
Marshalls, 1rophles and Awards, meals, workers,
securlLy and SLeelband and Masquerade performances.
uromm uesls 8lslng up and Movlng (u8uM) 383632741
rovlde mulLl-llngual Legal Cllnlcs ln lmmlgraLlon,
uACA, and Workers 8lghLs.
Lugene ulaspora CommunlLy Servlces, lnc. 113122293
1o provlde programmaLlc supporL for lmplemenLaLlon
of Lhe 1echs lor Lhe fuLure program, an l1/SpeclallsL
LnLrepreneurlal/1ralnlng program.
rogrammlng/Servlces lncludes [ob Lralnlng, flnanclal
llLeracy, lnLernshlp, case managemenL and supporL
Lugene ulgamma Lambda Mu, lnc. 433023921
1o supporL operaLlon cosLs of Lngllsh as a Second
Language (LSL) class
8osenLhal ulscalced, lnc. 133377394
lunds used Lo offer free dance classes for people wlLh
arklnson's dlsease aL Lhe !ullllard School.
Malsel ulsLrlcL 18 CommunlLy LducaLlon Councll 136400434

lunds Lo supporL Lhe ulsLrlcL 18 8askeLball 1ournamenL
(shlrLs, referee fees, baskeLballs) and 1rack and lleld
evenL (8rooklyn uay).
Cabrera ulsLrlcL ALLorney - 8ronx 136400434

lunds wlll supporL Lhe CCnCL1 program whlch wlll be
offered for prlmarlly slxLh and sevenLh grade sLudenLs
ln up Lo seven classes ln aL leasL one mlddle school
locaLed ln Councll ulsLrlcL 14 ln Lhe 8ronx. 1he
CCnCL1 program engages sLudenLs ln consLrucL
ConsLanLlnldes uoe lund, lnc., 1he 133412340

lundlng wlll be used Lo hlre sLreeL cleanlng crews Lo
keep varlous commerclal Lhoroughfares ln AsLorla
Crowley uoe lund, lnc., 1he 133412340 * 61,800 lormerly homeless and formerly lncarceraLed men.
uromm uoe lund, lnc., 1he 133412340

1o supporL uCL lund programmlng and beauLlfy Lhe
commerclal and resldenLlal areas of !ackson PelghLs.
Carodnlck uoe lund, lnc., 1he 133412340 3,300 lundlng wlll supporL sLreeL cleanlng on Second Avenue.
kallos uoe lund, lnc., 1he 133412340

lunds Lo beauLlfy Lhe commerclal and resldenLlal areas
along 2nd ave ln dlsLrlcL flve.
8lchards uoe lund, lnc., 1he 133412340

1o supporL 1he uoe lund's naLlonally recognlzed
8eady, Wllllng Able program ln ulsLrlcL 31.
8eynoso uoe lund, lnc., 1he 133412340

1o supporL Lhe CommunlLy lmprovemenL ro[ecL's
beauLlflcaLlon efforLs ln Lhe 34Lh ulsLrlcL, and Lo
supporL LranslLlonal work and Lralnlng programs.
koslowlLz uoe lund, lnc., 1he 133412340

1he funds wlll be used for Lhe CommunlLy
lmprovemenL ro[ecL ln Lhe areas of: ConLlnenLal
Avenue from Cueens 8oulevard Lo 8urns SLreeL,
LefferLs 8oulevard from 83rd urlve Lo AusLln SLreeL,
AusLln SLreeL from Ascan Avenue Lo 70Lh Avenue, 63rd
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 2S1

urlve from Cu
Lancman uoe lund, lnc., 1he 133412340

lundlng Lo supporL beauLlflcaLlon efforLs and
sanlLaLlon servlces lncludlng sweeplng sldewalks,
replaclng garbage llners, removlng grafflLl and
shovellng snow.
van 8ramer uoe lund, lnc., 1he 133412340

lunds for Lhe CommunlLy lmprovemenL ro[ecL wlll
work Lo beauLlfy Lhe commerclal and resldenLlal areas
of: 8oosevelL Avenue beLween 31sL SLreeL and 61sL
SLreeL, Woodslde Avenue beLween 38Lh SLreeL and
60Lh SLreeL, 61sL SLreeL beLween 8oosevelL Avenue
Weprln uoe lund, lnc., 1he 133412340

lunds Lo beauLlfy commerclal and resldenLlal areas and
provlde for LranslLlonal work and Lralnlng sloLs Lo
parLlclpanLs of Lhe 8eady, Wllllng, Able program.
8ose uCL-ulsLrlcL 31, 8eglon 7 136400434 13,000 $300 Lo every elemenLary and !unlor Plgh 1A.
8ose uCL-ulsLrlcL 31, 8eglon 7 136400434 2,000 $300 Lo every Plgh School 1A.
ulckens uolng ArL 1ogeLher, lnc. 133363379

1o provlde an arL program Lo 3rd - 3Lh grade sLudenLs
aL Lhe 1hurgood Marshall Academy Lower School.
Arroyo uolng ArL 1ogeLher, lnc. 133363379 3,000 1o provlde ln-class arLs workshops ln S3x orL Morrls.
lerreras uomlnlc A Murray 21 Memorlal loundaLlon, lnc. 271733976
lundlng wlll supporL communlLy C8-ALu programs,
Lralnlng supplles and maLerlals.
uomlnlcan 8epubllc LducaLlon And MenLorlng
ro[ecL, lnc. 030362363
lundlng Lo provlde houslng, monLhly llvlng sLlpend and
Lralnlng of a uomlnlcan-Amerlcan volunLeer
Levlne uomlnlcan Sunday, lnc. 134188781
lundlng Lo supporL uomlnlcan Sunday, lnc. and Lo
provlde a varleLy of supporL acLlvlLles Lo Lhe resldenLs
of Lhe ManhaLLan valley, Mornlng slde and WesL
Parlem communlLles ln Lhe followlng areas: youLh
developmenL, workforce developmenL, adulL educaLlon
CC uomlnlcan Women's uevelopmenL CenLer, lnc. 133393883

1o conLlnue Lhe vlLal servlces offered by Lhe AnLl-
uomesLlc vlolence rogram nuevo Amanecer/new
uawn and Lo hlre an addlLlonal counselor Lo meeL Lhe
lncreased demand. nuevo Amanecer ls a
comprehenslve domesLlc vlolence program creaLed Lo
empower LaLlna wo
uromm uomlnlco-Amerlcan SocleLy of Cueens, lnc. 061389893 * 3,300 lunds wlll be used Lo supporL ClLlzenshlp/Clvlc Classes
lerreras uomlnlco-Amerlcan SocleLy of Cueens, lnc. 061389893
1o fund clLlzenshlp and clvlc classes Lo educaLe and
prepare resldenLs lnLeresLed ln becomlng clLlzens of
Lhe unlLed SLaLes wlLh a comprehenslve course LhaL
provldes knowledge and undersLandlng of Lhe u.S.
PlsLory, Lhe ConsLlLuLlon, and uemocraLlc rlncl
lerreras uomlnlco-Amerlcan SocleLy of Cueens, lnc. 061389893
1o fund LSL and compuLer proflclency classes
speclflcally for [ob readlness. Classes wlll focus learnlng
and undersLandlng Lhrough varlous levels of on-Lhe-[ob
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 2S2

CC uoor - A CenLer of AlLernaLlves lnc, 1he 136127348

lundlng Lo provlde ouLreach and much needed supporL
Lo LC81C youLh who congregaLe on ler 43, and offers
addlLlonal laLe-nlghL programmlng for Lhls populaLlon
on lrldays. 1argeLed programmlng lncludes lndlvldual
and group counsellng, communlLy and Leam b
uownLown 8ronx Lconomlc uevelopmenL
CorporaLlon 043738932
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe Cur SouLh 8ronx
Creen 1eam's PealLhy nuLrlLlon and hyslcal AcLlvlLy
program for sLudenLs.
Levln uownLown 8rooklyn arLnershlp, lnc. 203323707
1o develop a deslgn for sLreeLscape enhancemenLs Lo
creaLe a slgnaLure clvlc space LhaL wlll promoLe a
hlgher quallLy of llfe and supporL economlc
revlLallzaLlon ln ulsLrlcL 33.
Chln uownLown CommunlLy 1elevlslon CenLer, lnc. 132742777

lunds wlll offseL Lhe cosL of organlzlng a serles of
publlc medla arLs evenLs aL Lhe uC1v llrehouse ln
uownLown llushlng 1ranslL Pub ulsLrlcL
ManagemenL AssoclaLlon, lnc. 412111487
1o fund SLreeLscape lmprovemenL Lhrough
coordlnaLlon of addlLlonal cleanlng programs and
sLreeL beauLlflcaLlon of Lhe LargeL area ln downLown
llushlng buslness dlsLrlcL.
Mendez uownLown Muslc roducLlons, lnc. 133310731

lundlng Lo supporL Chlldren's lnLroducLlon Lo Lhe
CrchesLra & Lhe Senlor CommunlLy Carlng Chorus ln
dlsLrlcL 2.
Wllllams ur. 1heodore A. ALlas loundaLlon, lnc. 134012789
lundlng for asslsLlng ln Lhe operaLlons of youLh sporL
and menLorlng programs
Levln uumbo ulsLrlcL ManagemenL AssoclaLlon lnc. 200214837
1o enhance culLural programmlng compllmenLary Lo
planned World Cup 2014 vlewlngs ln Lhe Archway
under Lhe ManhaLLan 8rldge ln !uly 2014. 1hese evenLs
wlll be free and open Lo Lhe publlc.
Levln uumbo nelghborhood Alllance lnc. 264401480
1o provlde webslLe developmenL and Lo supporL
preservaLlon experLs for Lhelr work: lecLures, walklng
Lours, brochures, ouL reach and programmlng relaLed
expenses for prlnLlng.
ulckens uunbar 1enanLs AssoclaLlon 113802678
lunds wlll go Lowards recreaLlonal acLlvlLles and
Mlller uunLon 8lock and Clvlc AssoclaLlon, lnc. 113369234
lundlng wlll supporL supplles and equlpmenL for a
communlLy garden upkeep.
Cu28 uunLon 8lock and Clvlc AssoclaLlon, lnc. 113369234
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL communlLy garden
program for Lhe purchase of equlpmenL, renLals, and
food need Lo fulflll program.
van 8ramer uuLch kllls Clvlc AssoclaLlon 112806214

lunds Lo provlde chlldren's summer enLerLalnmenL
serles, whlch lnclude shows and concerLs ln local parks,
uuLch kllls playground or ALhens park
Mendez uynamlc lorms, lnc. 133440226
lundlng Lo provlde dance skllls and llLeracy educaLlon
aL M013
Chln uynamlc lorms, lnc. 133440226
lunds wlll supporL Lhe arLnershlps ln LlLeracy Lhrough
uance and CreaLlvlLy arLnershlps, whlch lnLroduce Lhe
publlc school communlLles Lo dance and llLeracy
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 2S3

Levlne uysauLonomla loundaLlon, lnc. 136143280
lundlng Lo supporL medlcal LreaLmenL and cllnlcal
research aL Lhe uysauLonomla CenLer aL n?u Medlcal
CenLer. 1he funds requesLed wlll be used Lo pay a
porLlon of Lhe operaLlng expenses (personnel, supplles,
LelecommunlcaLlons, faclllLy charges)for Lhe Cen
1orres Lagle Academy loundaLlon, lnc. 201332382
lunds wlll supporL Lhe Summer 8rldge rogrammlng
Lo lmprove educaLlonal ouLcomes for lnner-clLy 6Lh
Clbson Lagle Academy loundaLlon, lnc. 201332382
1he lundlng wlll go Lo Lagle Academy's Summer 8rldge
program. 1he Summer 8rldge ls a mandaLory program
for lncomlng 6Lh grade Lagle sLudenLs LhaL lnLroduces
and LranslLlons Lhem lnLo Lhe Lagle Academy culLure
and Lhe requlremenLs of mlddle school. 1he p
van 8ramer Larsay, lnc. 311669271
lundlng Lo supporL Lwo dlfferenL arLs workshops: one
weekly LheaLre workshop wlLh a focus on professlonal
performance Lralnlng called 1ransformlng 1rauma lnLo
ArL. 1he second conslsLlng of a serles of resldencles
and workshops wlLhln Lhe school LhaL are d
Wllllams LasL 34Lh SLreeL 8lock AssoclaLlon/2002, lnc. 043707046
lunds wlll be used for area beauLlflcaLlon and annual
block parLy and relaLed evenLs.
LasL 86Lh SLreeL MerchanLs and 8esldenLs
AssoclaLlon, lnc. 061736910

lundlng wlll supporL beauLlflcaLlon pro[ecLs and
ouLreach programs Lo buslnesses along Lhe LasL 86Lh
SLreeL corrldor and surroundlng areas.
LasL 86Lh SLreeL MerchanLs and 8esldenLs
AssoclaLlon, lnc. 061736910

1o supporL pro[ecLs lncludlng: CollaboraLlng wlLh clLy
agencles, monlLor vlolaLlons on quallLy of llfe lssues:
sanlLaLlon, overcrowdlng, lncrease enforcemenL safeLy,
ouLreach Lo resldenLs, properLy owners Lo flnanclally
supporL Lhe assoclaLlon, pay for ln
Wllllams LasL llaLbush vlllage, lnc. 800612019 * 10,000 lundlng Lo supporL ?ouLh looLball & Cheerleadlng
Wllllams LasL llaLbush vlllage, lnc. 800612019
lunds Lo supporL Academlc rogram whlch conslsLs of
uaycare, AfLer-school, Summer Camp and 1uLorlng
Wllllams LasL llaLbush vlllage, lnc. 800612019
lunds wlll be used Lo off seL Lhe cosL of program
expenses Lo conLlnue Lo provlde menLorshlp and
develop youLh ln Cheer Leadlng, uance and SLep
Wllllams LasL llaLbush vlllage, lnc. 800612019
lundlng for Lhe LnCuCP lnlLlaLlve (LducaLlng
nelghborhoods, CrganlzaLlons, under-served,
CrassrooLs organlzlng Pouslng)Lo combaL poverLy,
lnform communlLy members of programs avallable Lo
advance success ln enrlchmenL of Lhelr famllles.
SupporL and ueve
Wllllams LasL llaLbush vlllage, lnc. 800612019
lunds Lo supporL a CulLural LnrlchmenL rogram,
sLlpends Lo pay lnsLrucLors, monles for supplles and
Mark-vlverlLo LasL Parlem 8lock nursery, lnc. 132617274

1he funds wlll be used Lo conLlnue our currenL
blllngual, bl-llLeracy dual language program aL nursery
1 and Lo add (1) classroom aL anoLher slLe aL CranL uay
Care CenLer/nursery 3.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 2S4

LasL Parlem Councll for CommunlLy
lmprovemenL, lnc. 132969933
lundlng Lo provlde a range of servlces, lncludlng
program developmenL aL La MarqueLa.
CC LasL Parlem LmploymenL Servlces, lnc. 133233679
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe followlng ongolng
programs: CC8L !ob 8eadlness 1ralnlng, CLu
reparaLlons, CccupaLlonal Skllls 1ralnlng, Case
ManagemenL, !ob lacemenL and Career uevelopmenL,
and 8eLenLlon/lollow-up.
van 8ramer CC LasL 8lver uevelopmenL Alllance, lnc. 861096987
lundlng wlll provlde supporL for 1) !ob Lralnlng and
placemenL asslsLance for Lhe unemployed wlLh a focus
on creaLlng long-Lerm career ladders Lhrough an
lnLenslve case managemenL approach, 2)Cne-on-one
crlsls and shorL-Lerm counsellng, one-on-one long-Le
Mendez LasL vlllage CommunlLy CoallLlon, 1he 201039463
lundlng Lo supporL Lhe creaLlon of prlnLed [ournal
regardlng Lhe hlsLory of Lhe dlsLrlcL.
Mlller LasLern Cueens Alllance 201723492
lundlng wlll go Lowards provldlng envlronmenLal
educaLlon for chlldren and adulLs ln SouLheasL Cueens,
romoLlon of envlronmenLal healLh ln SouLheasL
Cueens, and promoLlon of envlronmenLal [usLlce
awareness and advocacy
8ose CC Lden ll School for AuLlsLlc Chlldren, lnc. 132872916
lunds Lo cover lamlly SupporL servlces lncludlng Crlsls
8esplLe, Summer uay Camp, CvernlghL CommunlLy
8esplLe 1rlps. 1he Summer Camp program LhaL has
been deslgned for chlldren and adolescenLs (6 Lo 20)
wlLh AuLlsm SpecLrum ulsorders. 1he camp wlll be hlg
LdgewaLer ark volunLeer Pose Company no. 1,
lnc. 136123044
1o provlde funds Lo supporL emergency responses
operaLlons and speclflcally for repalr and malnLenance
of emergency apparaLus and equlpmenL, and
speclflcally for purchase of medlcal supplles,
Lmergency CperaLlons 1ralnlng, uLlllLles
LdlLh and Carl Marks !ewlsh CommunlLy Pouse
of 8ensonhursL 111633484

lunds wlll be used for sLaff coordlnaLlon and group
leaders/consulLanLs Lo conducL programs wlLh culLural,
educaLlonal, recreaLlonal, and healLh and wellness
acLlvlLles for senlors locaLed aL Lhe Marks !CP, 7802
8ay arkway, 8rooklyn as well as Lo provld
LdlLh and Carl Marks !ewlsh CommunlLy Pouse
of 8ensonhursL 111633484

lunds wlll be uLlllzed Lo provlde Lngllsh Language
(LSCL) classes Lo address llLeracy needs of Lhe large
lmmlgranL populaLlon 8rooklyn
LdlLh and Carl Marks !ewlsh CommunlLy Pouse
of 8ensonhursL 111633484

lunds used Lo conLlnue Lo provlde culLural,
educaLlonal, recreaLlonal, and/or healLh and wellness
acLlvlLles, and Lrlps, Lo senlors llvlng ln souLhern
8rooklyn. 1hese servlces wlll be provlded Lhrough Lhe
8ensonhursL Senlor CenLer.
LdlLh and Carl Marks !ewlsh CommunlLy Pouse
of 8ensonhursL 111633484

lunds wlll be uLlllzed Lo provlde LSCL classes Lo Lhe
needlesL cllenLs ln Lhe servlce area who lack skllls
necessary Lo obLaln employmenL, funcLlon effecLlvely
ln socleLy and become full parLners ln Lhe educaLlonal
developmenL of Lhelr chlldren.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 2SS

alma LducaLlon 1hrough Muslc, lnc. 133613210

1o promoLe Lhe use of muslc and oLher arLs ln lnner-
clLy schools and schools ln dlsadvanLaged areas as a
means of enhanclng sLudenLs academlc performance
and developmenL. lundlng wlll supporL muslc
educaLlon programs aL S 182 and S 331.
Clbson LducaLlon 1hrough Muslc, lnc. 133613210

1o supporL LducaLlon 1hrough Muslc's muslc program
aL S 42 LhroughouL Lhe year. 1he funds wlll be used
for Lhelr ln-school muslc program LhaL cusLomlzes
Lralnlng and menLorlng for muslc Leachers,
professlonal developmenL for classroom Leachers, and
Arroyo LducaLlon 1hrough Muslc, lnc. 133613210

lunds wlll supporL ln-school muslc educaLlon
lnsLrucLlon and oLher program cosLs ln Councll ulsLrlcL
17 schools.
klng LducaLlon 1hrough Muslc, lnc. 133613210

lundlng supporLs muslc educaLlon programs LhaL serve
over 4,300 chlldren aLLendlng publlc schools ln Cu 12.
Mark-vlverlLo LducaLlon 1hrough Muslc, lnc. 133613210

lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe muslc educaLlon
programs LhaL serve chlldren aLLendlng publlc schools
ln Cu 8 (S/MS 7M, S 43x, S 83M and S 339x)
Clbson, klng CC LducaLlon 1hrough Muslc, lnc. 133613210

lundlng Lo provlde school wlde muslc programs aL
parLner schools LhroughouL Lhe llve 8oroughs.
Ldward !. Malloy lnlLlaLlve for ConsLrucLlon Skllls,
lnc. 134147836
lundlng Lo provlde pre-apprenLlceshlp Lralnlng LhaL
prepare candldaLes for enLry lnLo unlonlzed bulldlng
and consLrucLlon Lrades apprenLlceshlp programs.
vacca CC Ldwln Could Servlces for Chlldren & lamllles 133673643
1o provlde a broad range of counsellng and legal case
managemenL servlces LhaL help supporL heallng and
sLablllLy as Lhey move Lhrough Lhe crlmlnal [usLlce
sysLem. lundlng wlll provlde resources Lo conLlnue
servlces for Lhese women when Lhey reLurn Lo Lh
Levln Ll uenLe de Wllllamsburg, lnc. 112614263
1o supporL Lhe uropouL revenLlon rogram for
sLudenLs ln ulsLrlcL 33.
8eynoso Ll uenLe de Wllllamsburg, lnc. 112614263
1o supporL Lhe Wellness rogram, lncludlng
workshops around nuLrlLlon, flLness, healLhy
relaLlonshlps, sexual healLh, menLal healLh, subsLance
abuse, and vlolence. lundlng wlll supporL ald peer
educaLors aL 4 afLerschool slLes.
8eynoso CC Ll uenLe de Wllllamsburg, lnc. 112614263
lundlng Lo supporL Ll uenLe's uropouL revenLlon
rograms promoLes academlc masLery/PS compleLlon,
promoLes poslLlve youLh engagemenL, offers a wlde
range of acLlvlLles/servlces, provldes sLudenLs
academlc enrlchmenL sklll-based acLlvlLles, provlde 1-
Levlne Ll 1aller LaLlno Amerlcano 132993336
lundlng wlll supporL general programlng and supporL
for llve performance evenLs (concerLs, poeLry, dance)
and vlsual arLs open Lo Lhe publlc.
Llalne kaufman CulLural CenLer - Lucy Moses
School for Muslc and uance 131991118
lundlng Lo supporL Lhe 1uesday MaLlnee serles ln
kaufman Muslc CenLers Merkln ConcerL Pall
Llalne kaufman CulLural CenLer - Lucy Moses
School for Muslc and uance 131991118
lundlng for muslc scholarshlps for LalenLed and
deservlng sLudenLs aL kaufman Muslc CenLers
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 2S6

communlLy arLs school, Lucy Moses School (LMS).
Llalne kaufman CulLural CenLer - Lucy Moses
School for Muslc and uance 131991118
lundlng wlll be used Lo supporL a muslc currlculum
LhaL lncludes prlvaLe lessons along wlLh classes ln
muslc hlsLory and Lheory, as well as muslc ensemble
Chln Lldrldge SLreeL ro[ecL, lnc. 133379333

1o supporL Lhe free one-day fesLlval on Lldrldge SLreeL
feaLurlng publlc arLs performances and food. lunds
would be used defray Lhe cosLs assoclaLed wlLh
produclng Lhe fesLlval lncludlng, arLlsLs fees,
markeLlng/promoLlon, and supplles.
kallos Lleanor 8oosevelL Plgh School 136400434

Sclence (S1LM) proLoLyplng equlpmenL & vldeo
lerreras Llmcor ?ouLh and AdulL AcLlvlLles, lnc. 112224339

lunds wlll supporL Lhe producLlon of Women's uay
evenL durlng Women's PlsLory MonLh, a 8lack PlsLory
evenL durlng 8lack PlsLory MonLh, a senlor concerL
evenL, and lamlly uay 23Lh Annlversary
Cohen Lmerald lsle lmmlgraLlon CenLer 112932328

lundlng Lo supporL cosLs of meals and nuLrlLlon
programs for home bound senlors and Medlcald
ellglble resldenLs.
uromm Lmerald lsle lmmlgraLlon CenLer 112932328

1o fund consulLaLlons for lmmlgraLlon maLLers Lo n?C
resldenLs aL cenLral Cueens locaLlon
lerreras Lmerald lsle lmmlgraLlon CenLer 112932328

lundlng wlll supporL servlces LhaL offer blllngual
lmmlgraLlon legal asslsLance, and Lo supporL LSCL
CenLlle Lmerald lsle lmmlgraLlon CenLer 112932328

lunds wlll supporL lmmlgraLlon, clLlzenshlp, legal
servlces and LSL programs, lncludlng famlly-based
appllcaLlons for resldence, green card renewals,
appllcaLlons for clLlzenshlp, LSL, and clLlzenshlp classes.
uromm CC Lmerald lsle lmmlgraLlon CenLer 112932328

lunds Lo supporL lmmlgraLlon, legal servlces and LSL
lgnlzlo Lmergency Chlldren's Pelp CrganlzaLlon, lnc. 113828183
lundlng wlll be uLlllzed Lo defray Lhe operaLlonal cosLs
of runnlng LCPC, lncludlng offlce space, uLlllLles,
supplles, ouLreach and salarles.
MaLLeo Lmergency Chlldren's Pelp CrganlzaLlon, lnc. 113828183
1PL 8LCuLS1Lu lunuS WlLL 8L uSLu lC8 ClllCL
SACL, u1lLl1lLS, ClllCL SuLlLS, Cu18LACP
8ln1lnC Anu lC8 SALA8? Cl 1PL LMLC?LLS Cl
LCPC ln C8uL8 1C CL8A1L 1PL 8CC8AM.
Carodnlck Lmerglng ArLlsLs 1heaLre Company, lnc. 133740018

lundlng wlll supporL Lhe new Work Serles, presenLlng
female and male solo arLlsLs' muslcal work ln progress
before an audlence for dlscusslon and feedback.
!ohnson Lmerglng ArLlsLs 1heaLre Company, lnc. 133740018

1o supporL Lhe new Work Serles, presenLlng female
and male solo arLlsLs' muslcal work ln progress before
an audlence for dlscusslon and feedback.
Menchaca Lmplre SLaLe rlde Agenda loundaLlon, lnc. 133843122

1he Lmplre SLaLe rlde Agenda loundaLlon ls worklng
wlLh new ?ork ClLy buslnesses, n?C Labor unlons and
lnLernal unlon pollcles Lo ensure LhaL Lhe
lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe Sexual CrlenLaLlon non-
ulscrlmlnaLlon AcL (SCnuA) and Lhe new ?ork ClLy
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 2S7

Puman 8lghLs L
Weprln Lmplre SLaLe rlde Agenda loundaLlon, lnc. 133843122

1o supporL efforLs Lo ensure LhaL collecLlve bargalnlng
agreemenLs and lnLernal unlon pollcles work Lo
lmplemenL new ?ork's bans agalnsL gender ldenLlLy
and gender expresslon dlscrlmlnaLlon.
lerreras CC Lmplre SLaLe rlde Agenda loundaLlon, lnc. 133843122

lundlng Lo supporL rlde ln My Workplace lnlLlaLlve,
whlch works wlLh new ?ork ClLy buslnesses Lo ensure
Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe Sexual CrlenLaLlon non-
ulscrlmlnaLlon AcL (SCnuA and Lhe new ?ork ClLy
Puman 8lghLs Law coverlng Lransgender employees.
8ose LmpowermenL Zone 142009368
lundlng wlll be used Lo cover Lhe cosLs relaLed Lo Lhe
annual SLaLen lsland 8lack PerlLage lamlly uay and lLs
Lngllsh Lvangellcal LuLheran Church of Lhe Cood
Shepherd 111633100
lunds wlll be used Lo purchase muslcal lnsLrumenLs for
youLh programmlng.
MaLLeo LnrlchmenL 1hrough Lhe ArLs 113031230

lundlng wlll subsldlze camps ln Lhe 30Lh dlsLrlcL Lo
aLLend a performance and parLlclpaLe ln a workshop
promoLlng physlcal flLness.
CenLlle Lnrlco Caruso loundaLlon 273360891

lunds wlll supporL sharlng opera and Caruso wlLh
communlLy groups, Lhe publlc, senlors and young
Levlne LlC 1heaLre CenLer 322303431
lunds Lo supporL Lplc nexL: ueveloplng ?oung
1hlnkers, AcLors Leaders youLh menLorshlp program.
lundlng Lo supporL programmlng aL urban Assembly
School for Lhe erformlng ArLs ln Councll ulsLrlcL 7 .
Cohen, koslowlLz,
vacca CC Lpllepsy lnsLlLuLe, 1he 132608323
lundlng for Lhe vocaLlonal LmploymenL rogram: 1hls
program ls deslgned Lo asslsL persons wlLh epllepsy ln
n?C, who have never worked, enLer Lhe [ob markeL
and malnLaln people ln employmenL Lhrough a range
of vocaLlonal sLraLegles and lnLervenLlons. Servl
Mendez Lplscopal Soclal Servlces of new ?ork, lnc. 133709093
1o lund Larly Chlldhood LducaLlon (LCL) servlces aL
vlrglnla uay nursery.
8eynoso Lplscopal Soclal Servlces of new ?ork, lnc. 133709093
1o supporL Larly Chlldhood LducaLlon (LCL) servlces ln
ulsLrlcL 34's Cooper ark uay Care CenLer.
Lugene Lrasmus nelghborhood lederaLlon 112490986
1o provlde supporL for operaLlonal cosLs of
programmlng lncludlng: houslng counsellng and
educaLlon, LenanL organlzlng, accompanylng LenanLs Lo
houslng courL, provlde senlors wlLh asslsLanL ln
recelvlng Lhelr enLlLlemenLs, landlord/LenanL
medlaLlon, lmml
Wllllams Lrasmus nelghborhood lederaLlon 112490986
lunds for advocacy, counsellng and educaLlon ln area
of LenanL organlzlng homelessness prevenLlon
Lugenlo Marla ue PosLos CommunlLy College
loundaLlon 133116643
lunds wlll supporL arLlsLs fees, producLlon personnel
and producLlon cosLs, Lo supporL Lhe CenLer's
performlng and vlsual arLs serles.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 2S8

8ronx, 8LAC,
Arroyo, alma CC
Lugenlo Marla ue PosLos CommunlLy College
loundaLlon 133116643
1o supporL new and exlsLlng leaders, expand capaclLy
for long-sLandlng 8ronx nonproflLs LhaL have been ln
exlsLence for many years buL are also faclng challenges
ln Lhe currenL fundlng envlronmenL, bulld capaclLy for
conducLlng evaluaLlons and daLa analy
Mendez Lveryone 8eadlng, lnc. 132733341

lundlng Lo provlde free servlces (LuLorlng for sLudenLs
sLruggllng wlLh readlng, lnformaLlon & referral servlce
for parenLs and oLhers can geL advlce on school
servlces and rlghLs and referrals Lo educaLlon
speclallsLs, supporL group for adulLs wlLh dysle
Arroyo Lveryone 8eadlng, lnc. 132733341

lundlng wlll supporL free LuLorlng, free lnformaLlon
and referral servlce for parenLs, a free supporL group
for adulLs wlLh dyslexla and professlonal developmenL
for Leachers ln Councll ulsLrlcL 17 schools.
LvlcLlon lnLervenLlon Servlces Pomelessness
revenLlon, lnc. 133311382

lundlng wlll supporL Lhe free legal ald and houslng
advocacy and workshop servlces offered Lo LasL Slde
LvlcLlon lnLervenLlon Servlces Pomelessness
revenLlon, lnc. 133311382

1o prevenL homelessness and promoLe affordable
houslng Lhrough supporL for Lhe work of Lhe Affordable
Pouslng 8esource CenLer. lundlng wlll supporL group
meeLlngs, workshops, home vlslLs, legal cllnlcs, SC81,
beneflLs enLlLlemenL counsellng, landlord/Len
ulckens Lxodus 1ranslLlonal CommunlLy, lnc. 311731463
1o provlde supporL for prevlously lncarceraLed
lndlvlduals wlLh programs LhaL lnclude a Walklng
Lhrough Lhe Wllderness Workshop, a ConLracL Coach
(case manager), [ob search and placemenL asslsLance,
and auxlllary programs and servlces.
CC Lxodus 1ranslLlonal CommunlLy, lnc. 311731463
1o fund general operaLlng supporL for re-enLry servlces
for men, women, and young adulLs maklng Lhe
LranslLlon back Lo socleLy afLer perlods of lncarceraLlon
ln prlson or [all. 1hese servlces lnclude cognlLlve
behavloral and [ob readlness workshops, case
8odrlguez LxperlmenLal CommunlLy 1heaLer lnc. 133893403 3,300 lundlng Lo provlde danclng workshops
Mendez LxperlmenLal 1heaLre ro[ecL, lnc. 310178992

lunds Lo supporL performers and producLlon expenses
for CabareL Weekend, Cypher, WCW CabareL, 8lvers of
Poney and PyperCender
Mendez LxponenLs, lnc. 133372677
lundlng Lo supporL general operaLlng and nuLrlLlonal
supporL for parLlclpanLs ln program
Menchaca LxLreme klds and Crew, lnc. 332392413
lundlng Lo supporL afLer school program servlng
famllles wlLh chlldren ln S 13 ln 8ed Pook, and Lhese
famllles are lower wage earners wlLh chlldren LhaL
have speclal needs.
Creenfleld Lzras Chollm ?ad Lphralm 342196301
lunds wlll be used for food packages for paLlenL famlly
members, lncludlng food supplles and dlsposable
wrapplngs necessary Lo dlsLrlbuLe Lhese Lhousands of
packages LhaL are glven ouL annually by ?ad Lphralm.
Lander Lzras Chollm ?ad Lphralm 342196301
1o supporL famllles of paLlenLs ln 8rooklyn hosplLals
Lhrough Lhe purchase and dlsLrlbuLlon of food.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 2S9

Menchaca Lzras Chollm ?ad Lphralm 342196301
1o supporL ?ad Lphralm's food packaglng and
dlsLrlbuLlon program. 1he funds wlll be used Lo
purchase Lhe food supplles and dlsposable wrapplngs
necessary Lo dlsLrlbuLe packages.
klng lalLh aL Work ChrlsLlan Church 270127213
lundlng wlll supporL Leaders and Scholars AfLerschool
Pub (LSAP). LSAP ls a program deslgned Lo speclflcally
asslsL grades k-8 ln preparlng for and successfully
excelllng on n?S SLandardlzed 1esLs and Lo galn a fuller
undersLandlng of Lhe new Common Core
uromm lalLh Mlsslon, lnc. Alcohol Crlsls CenLer 113017720
1o provlde hlgh quallLy crlsls lnLervenLlon and supporL
servlce Lo adulL sufferlng from subsLance use dlsorders
and lLs accompanylng problems whlch lnclude:
Pomelessness, menLal lllness, gambllng dlsorder, acuLe
and chronlc medlcal problems, poverLy.
Cu28 lalLh Mlsslon, lnc. Alcohol Crlsls CenLer 113017720
lundlng wlll be uLlllzed for Lhe followlng servlces:
Medlcal Supplles, CloLhlng, Pouslng, lood,
1ransporLaLlon, 1echnology, lurnlLure, Cfflce Supplles
and lMACC CperaLlonal Lxpenses.
8odrlguez lA!u8? loundaLlon 733229978
lundlng Lo supporL reparaLory LducaLlonal rograms
lncludlng Lngllsh as a Second Language (LSL) and re-
CLu courses, Lhe Ceneral LducaLlonal uevelopmenL
(CLu) exam, and a full range of workshops provldlng
addlLlonal needed skllls.
Menchaca lalconworks ArLlsLs Croup, lnc. 200732447

lundlng Lo supporL Lhe salary and frlnge beneflLs of a
parL-Llme Managlng ulrecLor.
lamllles unlLed for 8aclal and Lconomlc LquallLy
(lu8LL) 200092728
lunds Lo provlde leadershlp developmenL acLlvlLles
and workshops Lo adulLs and youLh ln Lhe area.
lamllles unlLed for 8aclal and Lconomlc LquallLy
(lu8LL) 200092728
3,300 1o educaLe Lhe publlc abouL Lhe new ?ork ClLy 8udgeL
Lugene lamlly 8enalssance, lnc. 113190983
1o supporL Lhe 8lLes of assage program for youLhs of
Lhe LasL llaLbush communlLy. 1hls program hlghllghLs
leadershlp, commlLmenL, responslblllLy, self-conLrol
and respecL for oLhers. lundlng wlll be used for
educaLlonal fleld Lrlps, supplles and opera
8osenLhal lamllyklnd, LLd. 434636328
lunds supporL afLer school classes for chlldren and
Leens affecLed by dlvorce.
Cabrera lAn4klds A n! nonproflL CorporaLlon 260092086
lunds wlll pay for one l4k day" a week for Lhe enLlre
school year (32 weeks), Lhls cosLs 14,300/year (wlLh
parenL workshops food LasLlngs).
alma lAn4klds A n! nonproflL CorporaLlon 260092086
1o provlde flLness and nuLrlLlon educaLlon ln low-
lncome elemenLary schools and address obeslLy and
relaLed dlseases ln Lhe youLh populaLlon. lundlng wlll
supporL Lhe provlslon of flLness and nuLrlLlon
lnsLrucLlon LhroughouL Lhe school year.
1orres lAn4klds A n! nonproflL CorporaLlon 260092086
lund wlll supporL Lhe esLabllshmenL of Lhe l4k model
and currlculum wlLhln a u13 elemenLary school
Clbson lAn4klds A n! nonproflL CorporaLlon 260092086
lunds wlll go Lo supporL lAn4klds flLness and nuLrlLlon
educaLlon ln urban elemenLary schools program ln
S73 ln Lhe 8ronx. lunds wlll pay for one l4k day" a
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 260

week for Lhe enLlre school year.
Arroyo lAn4klds A n! nonproflL CorporaLlon 260092086
1o provlde flLness and nuLrlLlon educaLlon Lo low-
lncome urban elemenLary school chlldren and Lhelr
famllles Lhrough workshops, flLness programs, food
LasLlngs and oLher acLlvlLles.
larmers 8oulevard CommunlLy uevelopmenL
Corp 270992406
lunds wlll be used for our 2014-2013 healLh awareness
and healLhy eaLlng programs. rlmary program
expenses wlll lnclude sLaff, program maLerlals,
promoLlonal maLerlals, workshop faclllLy and
equlpmenL renLals, food servlce, and
consulLlng/presenLer serv
Crowley leaLhered lrlends arroL AdopLlon Servlces, lnc. 201981209

lundlng for educaLlonal maLerlals, and Lo purchase
quallLy cages, lncludlng our goal of purchaslng an
ouLdoor avlary for summerLlme use.
lederaLlon LmploymenL and Culdance Servlce,
lnc. 131624000
lundlng wlll supporL Lhe 1hyphln ClLchlck lnsLlLuLe's
servlces Lo small buslness owners.
lederaLlon LmploymenL and Culdance Servlce,
lnc. 131624000
lundlng Lo provlde: 1) semlnars/workshops Lo
enLrepreneurs, 2) Lechnlcal asslsLance on
flnanclng/sLarLlng a buslness/obLalnlng buslness skllls,
3) 1-on-1 counsellng for enLrepreneurlal cllenLs,
lncludlng guldance on markeLlng, growLh sLraLegles
and lnLr
lederaLlon LmploymenL and Culdance Servlce,
lnc. 131624000
lundlng wlll be used Lo supporL llLeracy and
educaLlonal servlces aL lLCS' 8ronx ?ouLh CenLer
Lsplnal, Creenfleld CC
lederaLlon LmploymenL and Culdance Servlce,
lnc. 131624000
1o provlde for Lhe 1hypln ClLchlck lnsLlLuLe whlch
serves enLrepreneurs/small buslnesses owners,
connecLlng Lhem aL no cosL Lo experLs and resources
LhaL prepare Lhem Lo sLarL/expand Lhelr buslnesses.
lunds wlll enable Lhe lnsLlLuLe Lo provlde semlnars/wo
lederaLlon of Pellenlc SocleLles of CreaLer new
?ork 112931963
lundlng wlll be used Lo provlde free Lngllsh lessons for
lncomlng lmmlgranLs.
Cu28 lederaLlon of Plndu Mandlrs uSA lnc. 113276618
1o supporL programmaLlc and operaLlng cosLs
assoclaLed wlLh: 1. lan and execuLe Lhe Annual
hagwah arade ln 8lchmond Plll, n? 2. Crganlze and
execuLe a nlne day 8amayana ln Lhe ark program ln
8lchmond Plll, n? 3. lan and lmplemenL Lhe Candhl
eace Mar
lederaLlon of lLallan Amerlcan CrganlzaLlons of
8rooklyn, LLd. 112307910

lunds wlll be used Lo asslsL cllenLs, especlally
lmmlgranLs and Lhe elderly, wlLh Lhe flllng of
appllcaLlons for enLlLlemenLs such as Medlcare,
Medlcald, lood SLamps, ubllc AsslsLance, SecLlon 8,
PLA, eLc., Lo help Lhem geL pre-screened and recelve
lederaLlon of lLallan Amerlcan CrganlzaLlons of
8rooklyn, LLd. 112307910

lunds used Lo asslsL cllenLs wlLh Lhe flllng of
appllcaLlons for enLlLlemenLs such as Medlcare,
Medlcald, lood SLamps, ubllc AsslsLance, SecLlon 8,
PLA, eLc. CllenLs wlll be pre-screened and servlces wlll
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 261

be provlded as Lhey are deemed ellglble for bene
lederaLlon of lLallan Amerlcan CrganlzaLlons of
8rooklyn, LLd. 112307910

lunds Lo asslsL resldenLs wlLh Lhe flllng of appllcaLlons
for enLlLlemenLs such as Medlcare, Medlcald, lood
SLamps, ubllc AsslsLance, SecLlon 8, PLA, eLc.
lederaLlon of CrganlzaLlons for Lhe new ?ork
SLaLe MenLally ulsabled, lnc. 237237931

1o fund Lhe cosLs of admlnlsLerlng Lhe 8lg nosh
vocaLlonal Servlces rogram, an employmenL program
for people ln recovery from menLal lllness.
Lugene lederaLlon of roLesLanL Welfare Agencles, lnc. 133362220
1o supporL operaLlonal cosLs of Lhe lalLh-8ased
arLnershlp rogram, a program Lralns semlnarlans Lo
provlde supporL Lo fosLer youLh and educaLe
parlshloners abouL Lhe chlld welfare sysLem: 1)
workshops Lo educaLe people abouL ACS and Lhe fosLer
care sys
lerrlnl Welfare League dba ServanLs of Cod
ConLardo lerrlnl Welfare League 112663197
lunds wlll be used for admlnlsLraLlve and operaLlonal
expenses lncludlng Lhe purchase of supplles and
Lander CC llfLh Avenue CommlLLee, lnc. 112473743

1o supporL Lhe followlng communlLy developmenL
programs: LvlcLlon revenLlon and 1enanL Advocacy by
provldlng case managemenL and asslsLance ln Pouslng
CourL Lo low-lncome LenanLs faclng harassmenL from
landlords. lACs AdulL LducaLlon LlLeracy rograms o
!ohnson lllm lorum, lnc. 310173933

1o fund LA?W8l1lnC A1 S 11, a 22-day resldency for
whole 3rd grade w/ masLer Leachlng arLlsL uanlel Sklar
10 acLors. CollaboraLlvely planned, lmplemenLed and
evaluaLed wlLh classroom Leachers and S 11
leadershlp. Lach sLudenL's play ls performed by pr
Creenfleld llrsL ChernomoreLs uSA, lnc. 113386786

1he funds wlll be used for renLal cosLs of publlc school
and prlvaLe gyms for an afLer school soccer program
Mlller llrsL resbyLerlan Church ln !amalca 111666813
lundlng wlll supporL: (1) Academlc SupporL Servlces:
Crades 3 - 8: 1uLorlng LnrlchmenL, lnsLrucLlon for
A8lS, Muslc lessons, supporL servlces for readlng,
lncenLlves Lo read and book glveaways.
Plgh School: SA1 rep, SA1 rep, college fars and
Cumbo llve Myles, lnc. 134078810
lunds Lo buy supplles, pay small fees Lo parLlclpaLlng
arLlsLs, and dlffuse some of llveMyles runnlng
expenses durlng Lhls perlod for free lndoor and
ouLdoor performances, concerLs, shorL exhlblLlons and
lnLeracLlve evenLs for Lhe communlLy.
Lugene llanbwayan PalLlan LlLeracy ro[ecL 270974276
1o supporL operaLlonal cosLs of llanbwayan's hlgh
school placemenL program LhaL asslsLs lmmlgranL
famllles ln navlgaLlng Lhe appllcaLlon sysLem, acLlvlLles
lnclude accompanylng famllles Lo schools and borough
offlces, preparlng documenLs, and LranslaLlon.
Wllllams llanbwayan PalLlan LlLeracy ro[ecL 270974276
lunds Lo asslsL famllles and new sLudenLs wlLh
ad[usLlng lnLo Lhe educaLlonal sysLem
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 262

llaLbush Avenue ulsLrlcL ManagemenL
AssoclaLlon 112908148
1o supporL Lhe 8lu's supplemenLal sanlLaLlon conLracL
wlLh ALlanLlc MalnLenance, employmenL of Lhree
workers (Lwo year-round and one seasonally) and
monLhly grafflLl clean-up Len monLhs a year.
Lugene llaLbush uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 310188231

1o supporL afLerschool and summer programs for
youLh, communlLy developmenL programs Lo lmprove
nelghborhoods, and senlor programs.
Wllllams llaLbush uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 310188231

lunds Lo supporL workshops, Lralnlngs and communlLy
empowerlng acLlvlLles, sLlpends for lnsLrucLors and
monles for supplles relaLed Lo programs ln relevanL
areas of communlLy developmenL and empowermenL.
Malsel llaLbush ark !ewlsh CenLer 111969900
1o supporL a boys and glrls sporLs cllnlcs and league
8lchards llaLbush Shomrlm SafeLy aLrol, lnc. 203244367

1o asslsL low-lncome communlLy resldenLs Lo move ouL
of unemploymenL or underemploymenL lnLo
meanlngful [obs LhaL meeL Lhelr self-sufflclency needs.
1o asslsL SupersLorm Sandy vlcLlms Lo seL career goals,
lmprove [ob readlness and [ob search skllls, and c
Creenfleld llaLbush Shomrlm SafeLy aLrol, lnc. 203244367

lunds wlll be used for Leens-aL-rlsk ouLreach, elderly
asslsLance, blased crlme, anLl-Lerrorlsm awareness,
medlcal awareness programs, and 24x7 paLrol wlLh
radlo dlspaLch Lo asslsL all emergencles for elderly
people. 1he organlzaLlon asslsLs ln cases of e
ueuLsch CC llaLbush Shomrlm SafeLy aLrol, lnc. 203244367

1o supporL publlc safeLy programs lncludlng ouLreach
Lo aL-rlsk Leens, asslsLance for Lhe elderly, response Lo
Lo emergencles and blased crlme and publlc awareness
campalgns for Lhe Mldwood llaLbush CommunlLy.
llaLlands volunLeer Ambulance and llrsL Ald
Corps, lnc. 310138370
1o supporL Lhe ambulance corps and provlde medlcal
supplles for use on Lhe ambulance aL calls.
llaLlands volunLeer Ambulance and llrsL Ald
Corps, lnc. 310138370
3,000 lundlng for medlcal supplles used on Lhe ambulance
ConsLanLlnldes lloaLlng PosplLal, lnc., 1he 131624169
lundlng wlll be used Lo supporL free healLh care
servlces Lo Lhe ClLy's homeless shelLers and domesLlc
vlolence safe houses.
van 8ramer lloaLlng PosplLal, lnc., 1he 131624169
1o supporL free van LransporLaLlon Lo and from our LlC
CommunlLy PealLh CenLer for Lhe resldenLs of Lhe
8avenswood and Cueensbrldge Pouses.
llushlng CommunlLy volunLeer Ambulance
Corps, lnc. 116033637
1o fund needed equlpmenL, assorLed offlce supplles
and unlforms.
llushlng CommunlLy volunLeer Ambulance
Corps, lnc. 116033637
1he funds wlll supporL Lhe llushlng CommunlLy
volunLeer Ambulance Corps ln provldlng much needed
Lechnologlcal devlces, unlforms and offlce supplles.
uromm llushlng Councll on CulLure and Lhe ArLs, lnc. 112632182

1o fund ArLlsL fees and markeLlng expenses for LC81
Lhemed concerL serles.
koo llushlng Councll on CulLure and Lhe ArLs, lnc. 112632182

lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe programmlng
season, lncludlng hlgh-quallLy arLs programmlng for
adulLs and famllles, educaLlonal programmlng LhaL
meeLs n?C and n? SLaLe currlculum sLandards,
dlscounLs and LransporLaLlon for Senlor ClLlzens and
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 263

vallone llushlng Councll on CulLure and Lhe ArLs, lnc. 112632182

lundlng wlll supporL Lhe ?ellow School 8us lnlLlaLlve,"
a program whlch provldes free or reduced-prlce LlckeLs
Lo underserved school chlldren and Lhelr chaperones
Lo llushlng 1own Pall's educaLlonal performances and
koo llushlng PosplLal and Medlcal CenLer 111631781
1o fund healLh falrs, supporL groups and soclal medla
koo llushlng !ewlsh CommunlLy Councll 112669339

lundlng Lo supporL LSL/clvlcs classes and counsellng
for lmmlgranLs ln need. lunds wlll be used for salarles,
consulLanLs, subconLracLor (for Lhe counsellng
componenL), renL and uLlllLles, consumable supplles
and oLher cosLs such as lnsurance and audlL
koo llushlng Meadows-Corona ark Conservancy 300037733
1o creaLe, develop and promoLe culLural, arLlsLlc,
sporLlng and oLher evenLs aL llushlng Meadows-
Corona ark.
Lancman llushlng Meadows-Corona ark Conservancy 300037733
lundlng Lo creaLe, develop and promoLe culLural,
arLlsLlc, sporLs, and greenlng evenLs ln Lhe park, Wlllow
Lake resLoraLlon and blrd bllnds.
van 8ramer llux lacLory, lnc. 113306262
lundlng wlll go Loward expenses relaLed Lo llux's Lhree
lnLerrelaLed programs: llux ArLlsL-ln-8esldence (lAl8),
LxhlblLlons, and LducaLlonal lnlLlaLlves
Creenfleld lolksblene ?lddlsh 1heaLre, lnc. 133998872
lunds wlll be used for CuLreach and LducaLlon
programmlng, whlch offers free and low-cosL plays,
concerLs, and hands-on educaLlonal workshops for
sLudenLs, senlors and Lhe general publlc. rogrammlng
Lakes place aL boLh Lhe campuses of Lhe Cun?
Weprln lolksblene ?lddlsh 1heaLre, lnc. 133998872
1o supporL CuLreach and LducaLlon programmlng for
free and low-cosL plays, concerLs, and educaLlonal
workshops for sLudenLs, senlors, and Lhe general
uromm lood 8ank for new ?ork ClLy, 1he 133179346

1o supporL dlsLrlbuLlon of healLhy, nuLrlLlous food
Lhrough school-based food panLry servlces Lo S148C
famllles (llushlng)
CenLlle lood 8ank for new ?ork ClLy, 1he 133179346

lunds wlll provlde hands on nuLrlLlon learnlng for
underprlvlleged parenLs and guardlans Lhrough Lhe
school program CookShop for lamllles.
Mendez lood 8ank for new ?ork ClLy, 1he 133179346

lundlng Lo supporL CookShop lor lamllles ulsLrlcL 2, a
program whlch provldes knowledge and skllls Lo
leverage Lhelr resources and make healLhy food
cholces for Lhemselves and Lhelr famllles on a llmlLed
!ohnson lood 8ank for new ?ork ClLy, 1he 133179346

1o equlp schools ln Councll ulsLrlcL 3 Lo provlde hands-
on nuLrlLlon educaLlon Lo low-lncome
parenLs/guardlans parLlclpaLlng ln CookShop lor
lamllles, a program whlch glves Lhem Lhe knowledge
and skllls Lo leverage Lhelr resources and make healLhy
food ch
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 264

klng lood 8ank for new ?ork ClLy, 1he 133179346

lundlng wlll supporL Lhe provlslon of free, safe Lax
servlces for low-lncome new ?orkers ln Lhe 12Lh
Councll ulsLrlcL Lhrough our vlrLual volunLeer lncome
1ax AsslsLance (vl1A) program.
Lander lood 8ank for new ?ork ClLy, 1he 133179346

1o supporL emergency and communlLy food programs
for low-lncome resldenLs.
ulckens looL CenLer of new ?ork 131633230
1o purchase odlaLrlc chalrs ln order for Lhe medlcal
sLaff Lo perform procedures for paLlenLs.
lordham 8oad ulsLrlcL ManagemenL AssoclaLlon,
lnc., 1he 260117797
lunds wlll supporL Lhe 8lu's markeLlng campalgn
lncludlng program/evenLs LhaL colnclde wlLh ma[or
shopplng seasons, publlcaLlons such as shoppers'
dlrecLorles/maps and servlces lncludlng a wellness
lnlLlaLlve, neLworklng evenLs and a Pollday evenL.
lordham unlverslLy 8lologlcal Sclence 8esearch
LaboraLory 131740431
lundlng Lo supporL research Lo develop LherapeuLlc
modallLles for Lhose sufferlng from lamlllal
loresL Avenue ulsLrlcL ManagemenL AssoclaLlon,
lnc. 141933279

lunds wlll be used for ouLreach Lo Lhe communlLy for
evenLs by means of newspaper ads promoLlng our
evenLs and hlghllghLlng shops and servlces, posLers,
flyers, posLcards, malllngs, eLc. ln addlLlon Lo
promoLlonal lLems and evenL supplles.
loresL Pllls Chamber of Commerce of Cueens,
lnc. 113200313
1he funds wlll cover Lhe cosL for !azz 1hursdays, free
ouLdoor concerLs locaLed on 70Lh 8oad ln Lhe hearL of
Lhe buslness dlsLrlcL.
koslowlLz loresL Pllls CommunlLy Clvlc AssoclaLlon, lnc. 112920336
lunds wlll help cover Lhe operaLlonal cosLs of Lhe
organlzaLlon lncludlng WebslLe, lnLerneL daLa, hard
medla newsleLLer wlLh dlsLrlbuLlon and local 8uslness
koslowlLz loresL Pllls Plgh School 136400434

lunds wlll be used for Lhe economlcs program and Lhe
We Lhe eople program lf needed
koslowlLz loresL Pllls !ewlsh CenLer 111631821
lundlng ls LargeLed enLlrely Lo Lhe servlces provlded by
senlor cenLer whlch serves 130-200 lndlvlduals dally,
Monday-lrlday. lundlng enables organlzaLlon Lo
enhance dellvery of servlces and malnLaln quallLy
sLandards wlLhln Lhe faclllLy.
ulrlch loresL Pllls volunLeer Ambulance Corp, lnc. 237169662

lunds Lo be used Lo purchase new equlpmenL and
unlforms, Lo provlde repalrs/malnLenance and for
general operaLlng expenses
Crowley loresL ark 1rusL, lnc. 311338643
lundlng Lo supporL Senlor dances wlLh llve muslc aL
Cak 8ldge8eservolr.
ulrlch loresL ark 1rusL, lnc. 311338643
lunds wlll be used for concerLs and fesLlvals ln loresL
ark, youLh professlonal sporLs cllnlcs, Senlor
programlng aL Cak 8ldge, Landscape 8esLoraLlon and
fesLlvals and concerLs ln Addabbo playground and
8ockaway 8each.
Lsplnal loresL ark 1rusL, lnc. 311338643
lunds wlll be used Lo hlre seasonal communlLy garden
coordlnaLors Lo work wlLh youLh and volunLeers. 1o
conLlnue, for Lhe sevenLh year, our free youLh sporLs
cllnlcs, Lhe Plghland ark free Summer lamlly ConcerLs
Serles and annual seasonal fesLlvals.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 26S

koslowlLz loresLdale, lnc. 111631747
lunds wlll be used for Lhe program 1een arenLs ln
AcLlon (1A), whlch supporLs pregnanL and parenLlng
Cueens youLh.
Cu28 loresLdale, lnc. 111631747
1o supporL Lhe 1een arenLs ln AcLlon (1A), whlch
supporLs pregnanL and parenLlng Cueens youLh. lunds
wlll provlde urgenLly-needed program elemenLs,
lncludlng food and chlldcare for group healLh
workshops, LransporLaLlon for group Lrlps, and
advocacy ser
Lugene lorL Creene Councll, lnc. 112300840
1o provlde educaLlonal, recreaLlonal, culLural, healLh
and wellness acLlvlLles for senlors aL Lhe Pazel l.
8rooks Senlor CenLer.
lorL Creene Councll, lnc. - 8oulevard Senlor
CenLer 112300840
lunds are lnLended Lo be used Lo resLore Lhe lunch
program aL 8oulevard Pouses Senlor CenLer
CenLlle lorL PamllLon Plgh School 136400434

lundlng wlll be used for 1A acLlvlLles LhaL are
beneflclal Lo chlldren and parenLs.
Levlne lorLune SocleLy, lnc., 1he 132643436
lundlng Lo supporL Lhe lorLune SocleLy's Parlem-based
lnlLlaLlve, whlch also serves 8ronx resldenLs, and offers
?ouLh Cullnary 1ralnlng lnLernshlps ln con[uncLlon wlLh
Lhe Cueens Lconomlc uevelopmenL CorporaLlon
(CLuC) and Cun? klngsborough CommunlLy Col
Levln loundaLlon for ConLemporary ArLs lnc. 131978163
1o supporL operaLlons of Lhe Lmergency CranLs
Carodnlck lour lreedoms ark Conservancy, lnc. 432716646
lundlng wlll supporL programmlng aL a school ln
Councll ulsLrlcL 4.
kallos lour lreedoms ark Conservancy, lnc. 432716646
1o supporL programs LhaL wlll help engage Lhe publlc ln
an appreclaLlon of Lhe lu8 lour lreedoms ark and
resldenL 8oosevelL's llfe and legacy lncludlng Lhe
reLurn of ?oga classes, a lamlly ArLs Workshop serles,
Muslc of lreedom, feaLurlng programs by Lh
Mendez lourLh ArLs 8lock, lnc. 043767933

lundlng Lo supporL annual communlLy-wlde
celebraLlon (Chalk LLS,lcnlc fesLlval aL ler 42,
CloLhesllne aL Museum of 8eclalmed urban Space, and
Lhe closlng celebraLlon aL ClLy Lore.
Chln lourLh ArLs 8lock, lnc. 043767933

1o supporL an annual communlLy-wlde celebraLlon
lnvolvlng local culLural groups, communlLy gardens,
seLLlemenL houses, schools, and small buslnesses.
Lander lourLh ArLs 8lock, lnc. 043767933

1o brlng arLs and communlLy medla Lo local communlLy
programs and provlde Lechnlcal asslsLance and
neLworklng opporLunlLles Lo communlLy medla
ConsLanLlnldes lracLured ALlas roducLlons, lnc. 113431703
lundlng wlll be used Lo supporL local arLlsLs, cover
llablllLy lnsurance for arLlsLs, and help provlde arLs
Cumbo lracLured ALlas roducLlons, lnc. 113431703
lund wlll be used Lo provlde llscal Sponsorshlps,
LlablllLy lnsurance, n?C erformlng ArLs Spaces, and
web-based servlces LhaL supporL arLlsLs wlLh LlckeLlng,
donaLlons and paLron relaLlonshlps.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 266

kallos lracLured ALlas roducLlons, lnc. 113431703
1o serve as Lhe flscal sponsor for arLs organlzaLlons and
lndlvldual arLlsLs ln all dlsclpllnes LhroughouL Lhe clLy,
allowlng Lhem Lo apply for granLs and accepL Lax-
deducLlble donaLlons Lo supporL Lhelr creaLlve pro[ecLs.
1o offer llablllLy lnsurance cov
Levln lracLured ALlas roducLlons, lnc. 113431703 * 3,300 1o supporL arLs groups LhroughouL new ?ork ClLy.
Levlne lracLured ALlas roducLlons, lnc. 113431703
lundlng wlll supporL Lhe n?C erformlng ArLs Spaces
( program, whlch ls lracLured ALlas'
onllne daLabase and markeLplace for rehearsal,
performance, and meeLlng space ln Lhe flve boroughs.
ulckens lracLured ALlas roducLlons, lnc. 113431703
1o serve as Lhe flscal sponsor for arLs organlzaLlons and
lndlvldual arLlsLs ln all dlsclpllnes LhroughouL Lhe clLy
LhaL are applylng for granLs.
!ohnson lracLured ALlas roducLlons, lnc. 113431703
1o supporL comprehenslve llablllLy lnsurance coverage
Lo meeL a varleLy of needs aL raLes emerglng arLs
groups can afford and Lo serve as a navlgaLor for arLlsLs
seeklng affordable healLh lnsurance coverage.
8osenLhal lracLured ALlas roducLlons, lnc. 113431703
SupporL for, a web-based LlckeLlng, donaLlon
and paLron relaLlonshlp plaLform developed for arLlsLs
and small arLs organlzaLlons
8eynoso lracLured ALlas roducLlons, lnc. 113431703
1o supporL varlous programs, lncludlng flscal
sponsorshlp, lnsurance, n?C erformlng ArLs Spaces,
Levln lrances erklns Academy 136400434

1o provlde maLerlals Lo supporL oll palnLlng and wood
carvlng elecLlve, and sofLware for edlLlng sLudenL
creaLed fllms.
CenLlle lrancesco Locclsano Memorlal loundaLlon 261433681

lunds wlll provlde supporL for chlldren who are
flghLlng cancer and Lhelr famllles.
Cumbo lranklln lurnace Archlve, lnc. 132879766

lundlng wlll be used Lo supporL LconeL whlch wlll brlng
deslgners, urban planners, ecologlsLs and landscape
archlLecLs, all parLners ln laneLaryCne, Lo .S. 20 Lo
work wlLh sLudenLs on phyLoremedlaLlon.
8odrlguez lraLernldad de Los Angeles, lnc. 382672102

lundlng Lo supporL consulLanL fees and supplles for
vlolence and anger prevenLlon program
ulckens lrederlck L. Samuel 8esldenL AssoclaLlon 800716140

1o provlde servlces Lo senlors, lncludlng lnformaLlon on
gerlaLrlc hosplLal locaLlons and oLher nearby faclllLles,
and Lo operaLe programs and provlde acLlvlLles for
lree ArLs for Abused Chlldren of new ?ork ClLy,
lnc. 133938493

lundlng Lo provlde arL supplles and volunLeer
recrulLmenL aL S 3
koo lree Synagogue of llushlng 111797174

lundlng wlll be used Lo conLlnue programs, lncludlng a
book club, Lhe popular mlndful medlaLlon class, healLh
care, MarLln LuLher klng CelebraLlon, lnLerfalLh
meeLlng, and Cneg concerLs. lunds wlll also be used
for operaLlonal cosLs, lncludlng fundlng for
8odrlguez lresh ?ouLh lnlLlaLlves, lnc. 133723207 * 3,300 CommunlLy youLh developmenL program
MaLLeo lrlends of Abandoned CemeLerles, lnc. 133176436
lunds wlll used Lo supporL Lhe ldenLlfy, reclalm, resLore
Lhe abandoned, neglecLed or oLherwlse forgoLLen
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 267

8ose lrlends of Abandoned CemeLerles, lnc. 133176436
lundlng wlll be used for seasonal grounds malnLenance
for 11 SLaLen lsland CemeLerles, also for communlLy
servlce programs and hlsLory programs.
MaLLeo lrlends of Allce AusLen Pouse, lnc. 133248928
lunds wlll be use Lo help schools vlslL Lhe Allce AusLen
Pouse from Lhe 30Lh ulsLrlcL
8ose lrlends of Allce AusLen Pouse, lnc. 133248928
lundlng wlll be used for sLafflng, supplles and Lravel
expenses relaLed Lo educaLlon programs for sLudenLs ln
Lhe 49Lh dlsLrlcL Lo vlslL Lhe Allce AusLen Pouse and
learn abouL SLaLen lsland hlsLory, phoLography, and an
lmporLanL hlsLorlcal flgure.
Lander lrlends of 8rooklyn CommunlLy 8oard 6, lnc. 043780020
1o supporL a sLudy of Lhe Cowanus Canal and Lhe
surroundlng lndusLrlal area.
Lugene lrlends of 8rooklyn CommunlLy 8oard 9, lnc. 433110977
1o supporL Lhe developmenL and dlssemlnaLlon of an
onllne web-based newsleLLer as well as communlLy
speclflc brochures. 1he newsleLLer wlll be dlssemlnaLed
Lo consLlLuenLs ln Lhe enLlre dlsLrlcL vla emall, lL wlll
also be malled by regular mall servlce Lo
Cornegy lrlends of 8rower ark, lnc. 611697342
Lo supporL developmenL of Lhe lrlends of 8rower
park's webslLe and oLher park programmlng
lrlends of Columbla Secondary School for MaLh
Sclence and Lnglneerlng, lnc. 261146491
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL educaLlonal
programmlng LransporLaLlon cosLs, food, lodglng,
educaLlonal maLerlals and Leacher sLlpends.
Clbson lrlends of CroLona ark 134122378
1he lrlends of CroLona ark wlll uLlllze Lhls fundlng for
hosLlng lree communlLy evenLs such as: Plp Pop
concerLs, movles ln Lhe park, Sprlng fesLlval, famlly day
celebraLlon, and Lhe Lree llghLlng.
Arroyo lrlends of CroLona ark 134122378 * 10,000 1o supporL seasonal programmlng aL CroLona ark.
Lancman lrlends of Cunnlngham ark, lnc. 112632498
lundlng Lo supporL a free summer evenlng concerL ln
Cunnlngham ark.
Weprln lrlends of Cunnlngham ark, lnc. 112632498
1o supporL free evenlng movles under Lhe SLars ln
Cunnlngham ark.
Carodnlck lrlends of uag Pammarsk[old laza 133749387
lundlng wlll supporL founLaln malnLenance, plaza
garbage removal, cleanlng and garden supplles ln uag
Pammarsk[old laza.
Crowley lrlends of llreflghLers, lnc. 010611469
lundlng wlll supporL Lhe salarles of cllnlcal soclal
workers, and creaLlon of pyschoeducaLlonal maLerlals
kallos lrlends of llreflghLers, lnc. 010611469
1o supporL Lhe MenLal PealLh Counsellng program
whlch offers counsellng Lo acLlve and reLlred lun?
flreflghLers and Lhelr famlly members. lunds wlll
supporL Lhe salarles of our cllnlcal soclal workers, as
well as a percenLage of admlnlsLraLlve asslsLanL a
Lugene lrlends of llreflghLers, lnc. 010611469
1o supporL Lhe MenLal PealLh Counsellng rogram for
flreflghLers and Lhelr famllles, lncludlng fundlng Lo
supporL sLaff cosLs for menLal healLh servlces,
psychoeducaLlonal maLerlals, and oLher resources.
Lander lrlends of llreflghLers, lnc. 010611469
1o supporL MenLal PealLh and Wellness and ulsasLer
8ellef programs for members of Lhe flreflghLer
communlLy. lundlng wlll be used Lo pay for servlces of
ouLreach coordlnaLor and soclal workers.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 268

Menchaca lrlends of llreflghLers, lnc. 010611469
lunds Lo supporL Lhe MenLal PealLh Counsellng
program, Lhls program offers counsellng Lo acLlve and
reLlred lun? flreflghLers and Lhelr famlly members.
1reyger lrlends of PlsLorlc new uLrechL 113407104

1o preserve and supporL educaLlon and research on
Lhe hlsLory of new uLrecL, now SouLhwesL 8rooklyn,
Lhrough reenacLmenLs, exhlblLs, lecLures, concerLs and
oLher programs for sLudenLs and Lhe publlc. lunds wlll
pay cosLs assoclaLed wlLh Lhese programs.
!ohnson lrlends of Pudson 8lver ark 134112913

Pudson 8lver ark hosLs free envlronmenLal educaLlon
programmlng for school groups, summer camps and
Lhe general publlc, uslng Lhe Pudson 8lver waLerfronL
as lLs classroom.
8osenLhal lrlends of Pudson 8lver ark 134112913

lundlng Lo supporL free envlronmenLal educaLlon
programmlng for school groups, summer camps and
Lhe general publlc, uslng Lhe Pudson 8lver waLerfronL
as lLs classroom.
Chln lrlends of Pudson 8lver ark 134112913

1o supporL free envlronmenLal educaLlonal
programmlng for school groups, summer camps and
Lhe general publlc, uslng Lhe Pudson 8lver waLerfronL
as lLs classroom.
1reyger lrlends of kalser ark, lnc. 200763333
1o supporL varlous communlLy programlng, lncludlng
Lhe summer meals program, offseL operaLlng expenses,
and alde ln Lhe upkeep of kalser.
Mlller lrlends of 8oy Wllklns ark, lnc. 201398389
lunds wlll be used ln preparaLlon for Lhe CommunlLy
ark clean-up and lamlly uay evenL held ln 8oy Wllklns
kallos lrlends of SL. CaLherlnes ark, lnc. 133933098
1o sponsor one or more Summer layground
AssoclaLes. 1he layground AssoclaLes provlde
enrlchlng and enLerLalnlng acLlvlLles for nelghborhood
chlldren uslng Lhe park, lncludlng crafLs, games and
oLher acLlvlLles.
lrlends of Lhe 8rooklyn new School / 8rooklyn
School for CollaboraLlve SLudles 300083323
lunds Lo supporL a 6 monLh perlod of research and
developmenL. WlLhln Lhls Llme, Lhe Leam would lnvlLe
one or Lwo of Lhelr members Lo Lake on Lhe flrsL lnfanL
1oddler CenLer sLaff poslLlons.
Levln lrlends of Lhe new ?ork 1ranslL Museum 113299408
1o produce and promoLe famlly programs for chlldren
and Lhelr careglvers, offered free wlLh Museum
Creenfleld lrlends of Lhe new ?ork 1ranslL Museum 113299408
lundlng used Lo provlde youLh wlLh affordable on-slLe
educaLlon programs and workshops on weekends and
holldays. 1hese programs are all l8LL wlLh Museum
admlsslon. 1hese programs Lyplcally lasL one hour, are
presenLed ln our LducaLlon CenLer and are adver
Lander lrlends of Lhe new ?ork 1ranslL Museum 113299408
1o supporL educaLlon programs and workshops for
Carodnlck lrlends of Lhe upper LasL Slde PlsLorlc ulsLrlcLs 133193331
lundlng wlll supporL Lhe archlLecLural and hlsLorlc
preservaLlon educaLlon program LhaL serves sLudenLs
ln ulsLrlcL 4.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 269

kallos lrlends of Lhe upper LasL Slde PlsLorlc ulsLrlcLs 133193331
1o malnLaln and expand archlLecLural educaLlon
programs Leachlng bulldlng fun, Lhe lmmlgranL hlsLory,
and Lhe preservaLlon of landmarks.
Cohen lrlends of van CorLlandL ark 133843182
lundlng wlll cover expenses of farmers markeL and
sLlpends for lnLerns who asslsL wlLh Lhe runnlng of Lhe
farmers markeL.
8osenLhal lrog & each 1heaLre Company, lnc., 1he 133916149

lundlng Lo lmprove ouLreach and provlde supporL for
MAln S1ACL youLh senlors dlscounLs, lmprove
ouLreach for 1lnkerbell 1heaLre, and provlde supporL
for general expenses.
Cornegy lund for Lhe ClLy of new ?ork, lnc. 132612324

Lo supporL organlzlng and advocacy for communlLy use
of vacanL publlc land as communlLy gardens
Levln lund for Lhe ClLy of new ?ork, lnc. 132612324

1o supporL organlzlng and advocacy for communlLy use
of vacanL publlc land ln Lhose members dlsLrlcLs, as
well as supporL for nelghbors who are looklng Lo form
relaLlonshlps wlLh owners of vacanL prlvaLely owned
Levln lund for Lhe ClLy of new ?ork, lnc. 132612324

1o supporL communlLy servlce pro[ecLs ln and around
CreenpolnL Lhrough efforLs coordlnaLed by several
8rooklyn-based demonsLraLlon pro[ecLs of Lhe CenLer
for CourL lnnovaLlon. Servlce pro[ecLs wlll lnclude
grafflLl removal, Lree care and garden box malnLe
Mendez lund for Lhe ClLy of new ?ork, lnc. 132612324
lundlng for ?ouLh Made Medla for CllmaLe AcLlon
"and "CafeLerla 8anger rogram" [S/MS 34
8osenLhal lund for Lhe ClLy of new ?ork, lnc. 132612324
lundlng Lo supporL urama Lherapy programs. LnAC1
offers schools several opLlons: long-Lerm school
parLnershlps, shorLer resldencles, afLer school, parenL
workshops, professlonal developmenL, and audlLorlum
8odrlguez lund for Lhe ClLy of new ?ork, lnc. 132612324
lundlng Lo supporL LnAC1: urama workshops ln
dlsLrlcL 10 schools
Lander lund for Lhe ClLy of new ?ork, lnc. 132612324 3,300 1o supporL operaLlng expenses.
Lander lund for Lhe ClLy of new ?ork, lnc. 132612324

1o supporL a publlc servlce announcemenL workshop
for youLh Lo creaLe a message around gun use, gun
ownershlp and gun conLrol.
CC lund for Lhe ClLy of new ?ork, lnc. 132612324

SMA81's programs address raclal, gender economlc
dlsparlLles ln healLh care access Lo empower Plv
women & youLh Lo effecLlvely advocaLe for quallLy
healLh care. SMA81 rograms lnclude: SMA81
unlverslLy (LreaLmenL educaLlon program), SMA81 ArL,
SMA81 8od
8eynoso lund for Lhe ClLy of new ?ork, lnc. - 396 Acres 132612324

1o supporL organlzlng and advocacy for communlLy use
of vacanL publlc and prlvaLely-owned land ln Lhe 34Lh
Councll ulsLrlcL.
lund for Lhe ClLy of new ?ork, lnc. - Afro LaLln
!azz Alllance 132612324
lunds Lo supporL performlng arLlsLs and Leachlng arLlsL
lund for Lhe ClLy of new ?ork, lnc. - Afro LaLln
!azz Alllance 132612324
1o supporL Leachlng arLlsLs for Lhe Afro LaLln !azz
Academy of Muslc 8esldency program (AL!AM) year-
long resldency program aL Lhe Ldward 8ush
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 270

lund for Lhe ClLy of new ?ork, lnc. - 8allroom
8aslx uSA, lnc. 132612324
1o supporL Lhe non-compeLlLlve parLner danclng
program, LargeLlng 6Lh grade brlnglng 8ALL8CCM
8ASlx` Lo Lwo (2) 6Lh grade classes ln Lwo (2) of Lhelr
dlsLrlcLs mlddles schools ln ulsLrlcL 31. uances lnclude
ML8LnCuL, 1AnCC, SWlnC, 8PuM8A 8A8n uAnCL
(a co
lund for Lhe ClLy of new ?ork, lnc. - 8allroom
8aslx uSA, lnc. 132612324
lundlng Lo provlde 8ALL8CCM 8ASlx` Lo Lwo (2) 6Lh
grade classes ln Lwo (2) of Lhe 6Lh dlsLrlcL mlddles
lund for Lhe ClLy of new ?ork, lnc. - CenLer for
CourL lnnovaLlon 132612324

1o supporL Lhe work of SCS and lLs peer counselors ln
engaglng Lhe communlLy ln efforLs Lo prevenL gun
lund for Lhe ClLy of new ?ork, lnc. - CenLer for
CourL lnnovaLlon 132612324

lundlng wlll supporL programmlng aL Lhe MldLown
CommunlLy CourL.
lund for Lhe ClLy of new ?ork, lnc. - CenLer for
CourL lnnovaLlon 132612324

lundlng wlll be used Lo purchase supplles and parLner
wlLh Croundswell, a youLh-servlng organlzaLlon, Lo
creaLe servlce-learnlng publlc arL pro[ecL wlLh Au
defendanLs mandaLed Lo communlLy servlce.
lund for Lhe ClLy of new ?ork, lnc. - CenLer for
CourL lnnovaLlon 132612324

lundlng Lo supporL afLer-school programmlng lncludlng
homework help, vocaLlonal Lralnlng, recreaLlonal
opporLunlLles, cognlLlve behavloral supporL groups and
famlly engagemenL.
lund for Lhe ClLy of new ?ork, lnc. - CenLer for
CourL lnnovaLlon 132612324

1o supporL 8ed Pook ?ouLh CourL, a youLh leadershlp
program LhaL Lralns Leenagers Lo serve as [urors, [udges
and advocaLes Lo resolve maLLers lnvolvlng Lhelr peers.
lund for Lhe ClLy of new ?ork, lnc. - Womens
CenLer for LducaLlon and Career AdvancemenL 132612324
1he WC8k8LAu? rogram ls a LulLlon-free career
preparaLlon program LhaL prepares low-lncome older
women for Lhe global [ob markeL. lunds wlll cover
cosLs of program lncludlng promoLlon, program
maLerlals, and Lravel-relaLed cosLs.
8odrlguez Cabrlela MlsLral loundaLlon, lnc. 743217479
lundlng Lo supporL webslLe developmenL cosLs,
markeLlng, sLafflng, for an Amerlcan 8evoluLlon
CangsLas Maklng AsLronomlcal CommunlLy
Changes, lnc. 433339431
lunds Lo pay lnsLrucLor sLlpends and provlde
supporLlve Lechnology around youLh anLl vlolence and
gang prevenLlon
koo Carden of Pope, lnc. 200177387
lundlng wlll supporL Lhe blllngual (Lngllsh and Chlnese)
hoLllne servlce, whlch provldes counsellng,
consulLaLlon, safeLy plan, emoLlonal supporL,
lnLerpreLaLlon and referrals for calls whom have been
exposed Lo domesLlc vlolence, sexual assaulL and
lgnlzlo Carlbaldl-Meuccl Museum 061723844
lundlng wlll supporL year round educaLlonal and
culLural school programs for chlldren. 1he ?oung
lnvenLors rogram.
MaLLeo Carlbaldl-Meuccl Museum 061723844
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe educaLlonal and
culLural school programs for sLudenL k-12 grades
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 271

malnly Lake place aL CMM
Cabrera Carlfuna CoallLlon uSA, lnc. 223890331
1he program asslsLs, supporLs and nurLures Carlfuna
youLh by provldlng educaLlonal opporLunlLles, guldance
and valldaLlon - all wlLhln Lhe conLexL of relnforclng
prlde ln Lhe sLudenLs culLural background and hls/her
self-esLeem. 1he plan ls Lo also asslsL
1orres Carlfuna CoallLlon uSA, lnc. 223890331
lunds wlll go Lowards supporL servlces for Carlfuna
youLh, lncludlng communlLy programmlng LhaL
celebraLes Lhe Carlfuna culLure and supporL servlces
for undocumenLed lmmlgranLs from CenLral Amerlca.
ulrlch CaLeway 8lke and 8oaLhouse, lnc. 262743119
lunds wlll be used Lo consLrucL a boaLhouse and Lo
purchase equlpmenL
CC Cay Men of Afrlcan uescenL (CMAu) 133397820
lundlng Lo conLlnue Lhe CaLekeeper rogram Charles
Angel Leadershlp Academy, Lwo programs LhaL Lake
young adulLs whlch Leaches Lhem Lo be ambassadors
who promoLe and educaLe oLhers llke Lhem on healLh
and oLher wellness lssues, 1o asslsL youLh ln developl
Carodnlck Cay Men's PealLh Crlsls, lnc. 133130146

lundlng wlll supporL CMPC's legal servlce program for
famllles and lndlvlduals.
Levlne Cay Men's PealLh Crlsls, lnc. 133130146

lundlng Lo supporL Lhe CllenL Advocacy program aL
CMPC, whlch asslsLs cllenLs ln flndlng permanenL,
sulLable houslng by connecLlng Lhem wlLh Lhe
approprlaLe resources, lncludlng enLlLlemenLs. SLaff
wlll provlde dlrecL asslsLance and educaLlon Lo cllenLs L
alma Cay Men's PealLh Crlsls, lnc. 133130146

1o provlde access Lo houslng and medlcal servlces for
cllenLs, lncludlng recenL lmmlgranLs, low lncome
persons, gay youLh, people of color, and Lhose dually
dlagnosed wlLh Plv and a second condlLlon.
!ohnson Cay Men's PealLh Crlsls, lnc. 133130146

lundlng Lo supporL CllenL Advocacy program aL CMPC
wlll work Lo lmprove access Lo beneflLs and LreaLmenL
for chronlc, llfe-LhreaLenlng lllnesses, lncludlng Plv.
Chln Cay Men's PealLh Crlsls, lnc. 133130146

1o supporL publlcaLlon and dlsLrlbuLlon of a magazlne
wlLh lnformaLlon abouL prevenLlon, LreaLmenL, and
care for lndlvlduals wlLh Plv/AluS.
Clbson Cay Men's PealLh Crlsls, lnc. 133130146

1he fundlng wlll go Lo 1he CllenL Advocacy program aL
CMPC. 1he program conslsL of servlces LhaL lmprove
access Lo beneflLs and LreaLmenL for chronlc, llfe-
LhreaLenlng lllnesses, lncludlng Plv. SLaff wlll provlde
dlrecL asslsLance and educaLlon abouL how
Arroyo Cay Men's PealLh Crlsls, lnc. 133130146

1o educaLe Lhe publlc and people llvlng wlLh Plv abouL
prevenLlon, LreaLmenL and care of Lhe lllness. lunds
wlll supporL Lhe publlcaLlons of CZ Magazlne and
Menchaca Cay Men's PealLh Crlsls, lnc. 133130146

lunds Lo supporL legal servlces for lmmlgranL famllles
and lndlvlduals wlLh Plv/AluS Lo make sure Lhey
recelve medlcal LreaLmenL, falr LreaLmenL aL work,
sLable houslng, and oLher vlLal servlces.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 272

van 8ramer Cay Men's PealLh Crlsls, lnc. 133130146

1o provlde ouLreach and supporL servlces Lo youLh.
1hese acLlvlLles wlll prlmarlly focus on Plv prevenLlon,
lncreaslng safer-sex pracLlces, and decreaslng hlgh rlsk
behavlors wlLhln Lhe LC81C youLh communlLy. 1hey
wlll also address overcomlng sLlgma and h
LC81, Chln,
Menchaca CC Cay Men's PealLh Crlsls, lnc. 133130146

lunds wlll be used for Lhe PoLllne, Lhe uavld Ceffen
CenLer and Club 1319.
1he PoLllne provldes lnformaLlon, supporL and
referrals Lo over 2,000 new ?orkers per year.
1he uavld Ceffen CenLer provldes comprehenslve Plv
and S1l prevenLlon servlces, aL no
Ceneral Chauncey M Pooper 1owers Pouslng
uevelopmenL lund Co lnc. 133140346
1o provlde healLh screenlngs and medlcal semlnar
programs for senlors.
Levlne CeneraLlon ClLlzen, lnc. 272039322
8equesLed fundlng wlll enable CC Lo lmplemenL a
school-based program ln a Councll ulsLrlcL 7 school
Lhrough whlch mlddle and/or hlgh school sLudenLs
develop clvlc skllls and moLlvaLlon by solvlng problems
ln Lhelr own communlLles. lundlng can be used Lo c
1orres CeneraLlon ClLlzen, lnc. 272039322
lunds wlll supporL Lhe placemenL of volunLeer
uemocracy Coaches (uCs") wlLh secondary school
Leachers Lo lead an acLlon clvlcs course uslng an
lnnovaLlve peer-Lo-near-peer menLorshlp model LhaL
lncreases clvlcs knowledge and skllls.
Mlller Cenesls 1ranslLlonal Pouslng MlnlsLrles, lnc. 161621304
lundlng Lo help offseL Lhe sLlpend for a cook, case
manager, uLlllLles, accounLanL, admlnlsLraLlve asslsLanL
and van malnLenance
Lsplnal Ceorge Walker, !r. CommunlLy CoallLlon, 1he 113341393
lundlng ls Lo supporL Lhe followlng programs: (1) ?ouLh
CourL - an alLernaLlve Lo Lhe LradlLlonal [uvenlle [usLlce
sysLem where Leens are Lralned Lo serve as [udges,
aLLorneys, clerks and balllffs ln real cases lnvolvlng
Lhelr peers who have commlLLed mln
Levln Ceorge WesLlnghouse PS 136400434 3,300 1o supporL ballroom danclng coursework.
Malsel CerrlLsen 8each Cares, lnc. 113399328
1o supporL communlLy lmprovemenL efforLs Lhrough
fundlng for equlpmenL and operaLlonal expenses, and
oLher supplles for Lhe programs.
Malsel CerrlLsen 8each llre volunLeers, lnc. 116076710
1o provlde ambulance and flre flghLlng servlces Lo Lhe
CerrlLsen 8each communlLy Lhrough fundlng for new
CC CeLLlng CuL and SLaylng CuL, lnc. 061711370
lundlng wlll be used Lo pay for meLrocards. All
parLlclpanLs are elLher compleLlng CCSCs [ob readlness
currlculum, aLLendlng school, golng on [ob lnLervlews,
sLarLlng work, or uLlllzlng any of Lhe oLher servlces and
workshops provlded dlrecLly by CCSC or
Mlller ClC MlnlsLrles, lnc. 300167672

lunds wlll be used Lo purchase general supplles for
meals lncludlng all uLensll, plaLes, Lable cloLh, servlng
recepLacles. ay for elecLrlclLy LhaL runs Lhe heaL, sLove
8efrlgeraLor, cleanlng supplles equlpmenL, general
repalrs Lo faclllLy, replacemenL
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 273

alma CheLLo lllm School, lnc. 134127229

1o provlde sLudenLs wlLh hands-on fllmmaklng
experlence and advanced Lralnlng from Lop lndusLry
LalenL and Leachlng arLlsLs. lundlng wlll also provlde
supporL Lo Lhe Clnema School posL lab.

Arroyo CheLLo lllm School, lnc. 134127229

lunds wlll supporL maLerlals, sLaff and oLher program
cosLs, Lo provlde professlonal Lralnlng servlces and
supporL Lo young fllmmakers aL lLs ln-house producLlon
Cumbo ClfLed CommunlLy Servlces, lnc. 113603633
lunds wlll be used for recrulLmenL, markeLlng
ouLreach, menLorlng and menLal healLh screenlngs by
llcensed menLal healLh professlonals.
!ohnson Clldas Club new ?ork ClLy, lnc. 134046632
1o supporL wellness acLlvlLles, educaLlonal lecLures and
lerreras Clrl 8e Peard lnsLlLuLe 271848709
lundlng wlll go Loward produclng Lwo Clrl 8e Peard
performances ln dlsLrlcL 21.
Levln Clrl 8e Peard lnsLlLuLe 271848709
1o provlde workshops and supporL performance
Levlne Clrl 8e Peard lnsLlLuLe 271848709
lundlng Lo supporL a school-based program aL a
Councll ulsLrlcL 7 school Lo lmplemenL weekly C8P
CommunlLy Workshops and provlde a creaLlve safe
space for glrls Lo heal from bullylng, domesLlc vlolence,
self-harm, and more Lhrough wrlLlng and performance.
Mendez Clrl 8e Peard lnsLlLuLe 271848709
lundlng Lo supporL "Weekly C8P CommunlLy
Workshops" & "C8P Clrl AdvocaLes rogram"
8osenLhal Clrl 8e Peard lnsLlLuLe 271848709
lundlng Lo provlde weekly workshops Lo provlde a
creaLlve safe space for glrls Lo heal from bullylng,
domesLlc vlolence, self-harm, and more Lhrough
wrlLlng and performance. Clrls learn skllls LhaL lmprove
Lhelr academlc performance and empower Lhem Lo be
koslowlLz Clrl 8e Peard lnsLlLuLe 271848709
lunds wlll be used for Lhe followlng programs ln Lhe
29Lh Councll ulsLrlcL 1. Weekly C8P CommunlLy
Workshops , 2. C8P Clrl AdvocaLes rogram and 3.
C8P ubllc erformances
Lander Clrl 8e Peard lnsLlLuLe 271848709
1o supporL LheaLer programmlng and leadershlp
developmenL for glrls.
Menchaca Clrl 8e Peard lnsLlLuLe 271848709
lunds Lo supporL Lhe followlng lnlLlaLlves: (1) Weekly
C8P CommunlLy Workshops, (2) C8P Clrl AdvocaLes
rogram, and (3) C8P ubllc erformances.
Wllllams Clrl 8e Peard lnsLlLuLe 271848709
lunds Lo supporL Lhe Weekly C8P CommunlLy
Crowley, Lander,
Levlne, Wllllams CC Clrl 8e Peard lnsLlLuLe 271848709
lunds wlll be used for: 1) Weekly C8P CommunlLy
Workshops, whlch provlde a creaLlve safe space for
glrls Lo heal from bullylng, domesLlc vlolence, self-
harm, and more Lhrough wrlLlng and performance, 2)
C8P Clrl AdvocaLes rogram, whlch members wlll recel
kallos Clrl ScouL Councll of CreaLer new ?ork, lnc. 131624014
1o expand Clrl ScouL Serles programs Lo reach more
n?C glrls and Lo conLlnue 1roop-8ulldlng efforLs clLy-
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 274

van 8ramer Clrl ScouL Councll of CreaLer new ?ork, lnc. 131624014
lundlng Lo offer Clrl LngagemenL/Serles programs Lo
reach more n?C glrls and Lo conLlnue 1roop-8ulldlng
efforLs clLy-wlde
Weprln Clen Caks volunLeer Ambulance Corps, lnc. 237336330

1o purchase new paLlenL handllng and carry equlpmenL
for Lhe ambulances.
Crowley Clendale Clvlllan CbservaLlon aLrol, lnc., 1he 112302910
lunds wlll be used for fuel relmbursemenLs for Lhe
members whom use Lhelr personal vehlcles durlng
parades, paLrols and varlous oLher funcLlons LhaL Lhe
n?u requesLs of Lhe organlzaLlon. 1he funds wlll also
be used for safeLy equlpmenL Lo keep Lhe member
Crowley Clendale volunLeer Ambulance Corps, lnc. 237348786
lundlng Lo defray cosLs assoclaLed wlLh operaLlng
ambulance corps lncludlng gas, supplles, and
Lugene Cod ls Cood Myrlande volmar MlnlsLrles, lnc. 203737623
1o supporL Lhe new Comprehenslve ?ouLh, arenL and
lamlly SupporL Servlces LhaL provldes educaLlonal
workshops by led by cerLlfled counselors and soclal
workers on Plv/AluS and cancer relaLed Loplcs
lncludlng Medlcal updaLe and Chlldhood, MenLal
8osenLhal Coddard 8lverslde CommunlLy CenLer 131893908
lunds wlll be used Lo pay for labor cosLs of Creen
keeper parL Llme employees and Lhelr crew leaders Lo
renovaLe and recondlLlon Lhe 149 Lree plLs locaLed on
Lhe easL and wesL sldes of Columbus Avenue
Coddard 8lverslde CommunlLy CenLer - S8C Law
ro[ecL 131893908

1o malnLaln Lhe S8C Law ro[ecL servlces lncludlng
anLl-evlcLlon legal represenLaLlon and organlzlng
Coddard 8lverslde CommunlLy CenLer - S8C Law
ro[ecL 131893908

1he purpose of funds ls Lo malnLaln Lhe S8C Law
ro[ecL legal and organlzlng sLaff.
Wllllams Cod's 8aLLallon of rayer 112412213

lunds Lo supporL an afLer-school SLrlng CrchesLra
Levlne Cod's Love We uellver, lnc. 133366846

lunds Lo supporL Lhe provlslon of home-dellvered
meals and Mn1 Lo serlously lll people, Lhelr chlldren (Lo
age 18) and Lhelr senlor careglvers clLywlde.
alma Cod's Love We uellver, lnc. 133366846

1o provlde home-dellvered meals and medlcal
nuLrlLlon Lherapy Lo people llvlng wlLh llfe-alLerlng
lllnesses such as Plv/AluS, Cancer, Alzhelmer's, MS,
eLc., Lhelr chlldren (Lo age 18) and Lhelr senlor
Mendez Cod's Love We uellver, lnc. 133366846

lundlng Lo supporL Pome-dellvered meals and Mn1 Lo
serlously lll people, Lhelr chlldren (Lo age 18) and Lhelr
senlor careglvers.
8ose Cod's Love We uellver, lnc. 133366846

lunds needed Lo supporL Lhe provlslon of home-
dellvered meals and Mn1 Lo serlously lll people, Lhelr
chlldren (Lo age 18) and Lhelr senlor careglvers
!ohnson Cod's Love We uellver, lnc. 133366846

lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe provlslon of home-
dellvered meals and Mn1 Lo serlously lll people, Lhelr
chlldren (Lo age 18) and Lhelr senlor careglvers
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 27S

clLywlde. 1he requesLed funds wlll help us Lo meeL Lhe
lncreased demand as well as Lo defray Lhe ev
1orres Cod's Love We uellver, lnc. 133366846

lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe provlslon of home-
dellvered meals and Mn1 Lo serlously lll people, Lhelr
chlldren (Lo age 18) and Lhelr senlor careglvers
Arroyo Cod's Love We uellver, lnc. 133366846

1o supporL Lhe provlslon of home-dellvered meals and
medlcal nuLrlLlon Lherapy Lo serlously lll people, Lhelr
chlldren and Lhelr senlor careglvers clLywlde.
Cu28 Cod's Love We uellver, lnc. 133366846

lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe provlslon of home-
dellvered meals and Mn1 Lo serlously lll people, Lhelr
chlldren (Lo age 18) and Lhelr senlor careglvers
clLywlde. lunds wlll help us Lo meeL Lhe lncreased
demand, as well as Lo defray Lhe ever rlslng cos
Menchaca Cod's Love We uellver, lnc. 133366846

lunds wlll be used Lo expand home-dellvered meals Lo
serlously lll new ?orkers
lerreras, !ohnson,
Menchaca, alma,
vacca, van 8ramer CC Cod's Love We uellver, lnc. 133366846

lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe provlslon of home-
dellvered meals and Mn1 Lo serlously lll people, Lhelr
chlldren (Lo age 18) and Lhelr senlor careglvers
clLywlde. 1he requesLed funds wlll help Lhem meeL Lhe
lncreased demand as well as Lo defray Lhe eve
8ose Colden SLrlkers MoLorcycle Club, lnc. 134143273
lunds wlll be used Lo supply elemenLary school
chlldren wlLh supplles, backpacks, books, eLc., and
provlde Lhem wlLh a fun day of rldes and food.
Mendez Cood Cld Lower LasL Slde, lnc. 132913639

lundlng Lo malnLaln sLablllLy and affordablllLy of
ManhaLLan's houslng sLock (case managemenL,
advocacy and organlzlng)
Chln Cood Cld Lower LasL Slde, lnc. 132913639

1o provlde supporL for programs for resldenLs of
publlc, subsldlzed and renL-regulaLed houslng,
lncludlng organlzlng LenanL assoclaLlons, provldlng
asslsLance wlLh houslng and landlord / LenanL lssues,
sLablllzlng households and educaLlng LenanLs on housl
Chln, Mendez CC Cood Cld Lower LasL Slde, lnc. 132913639

lundlng wlll be used for communlLy organlzlng,
advocacy and counsellng acLlvlLles concenLraLed on LLS
publlc houslng resldenLs. CCLLS publlc houslng work
conslsL of acLlvlLles LhaL address mulLlple lssues
lncludlng dlrecL houslng needs such as evlcLlon pr
Mark-vlverlLo Cood Shepherd Servlces, lnc 133398710
1o supporL Lhe Ldwln Could SupporLlve Pouslng
rogram. lunds wlll enable us Lo provlde crlLlcal
supporL Lo help ensure Lhe lnnovaLlve, hollsLlc, and
lnLegraLed conLlnuum of servlces offered Lo Lhe
dlsconnecLed youLh served by Lhe program, lncludlng
Cornegy Cood Shepherd Servlces, lnc. 133398710
1o provlde resources and supporL for Lhe Croundwork
for Success program, a 4 year college preparaLlon,
youLh employmenL, and leadershlp developmenL
program for hlgh school sLudenLs.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 276

!ohnson Cood Shepherd Servlces, lnc. 133398710
1o supporL Chelsea loyer whlch provldes 40
LranslLlonal houslng beds Lo Lhe underserved,
homeless young adulL populaLlon ln n?C.
Levln Cowanus Canal Conservancy, lnc. 260681729

1o operaLe CCC's Clean Creen rogram, a volunLeer-
based envlronmenLal sLewardshlp lnlLlaLlve LhaL Lakes
place monLhly from March Lo november. volunLeer
pro[ecLs alm Lo resLore naLlve planL communlLles LhaL
adapL and Lhrlve ln Lhe local envlronmenLal cond
Lander Cowanus Canal Conservancy, lnc. 260681729

1o supporL Lhe nelghborhood beauLlflcaLlon servlces
and communlLy educaLlon, and Lo fund operaLlon and
managemenL cosLs of Lhe Clean Creen volunLeer
Menchaca Cowanus Canal Conservancy, lnc. 260681729

lunds Lo operaLe CCC's Clean Creen rogram, a
volunLeer-based envlronmenLal sLewardshlp lnlLlaLlve
LhaL Lakes place monLhly from March Lo november.
Speclflcally, Lhe funds wlll be used for maLerlal and
equlpmenL purchases for nelghborhood beauLlflcaLlon
lgnlzlo Crace loundaLlon of new ?ork 134131863

lundlng wlll provlde afLer-school and weekend
recreaLlon, soclal skllls, supporL programs for chlldren
and famllles lmpacLed by AuLlsm SpecLrum ulsorder
Clbson Crand Concourse Academy CharLer School 830396763
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe homework and
compuLer llLeracy afLer school program aL Crand
Concourse Academy CharLer school. 1he program ls
deslgned Lo provlde asslsLance for sLudenLs Lo pracLlce
and revlew whaL Lhey have learned. 1he compuLer
Crand SLreeL ulsLrlcL ManagemenL AssoclaLlon,
lnc. 112739327
1o supporL Lhe Crand SLreeL 8lu's work wlLh local
buslnesses, lncludlng supplemenLal sldewalk cleanlng,
grafflLl removal, and promoLlon of buslnesses
lncludlng speclal evenLs for Lhe communlLy, and facade
and sLreeLscape lmprovemenLs.
Chln Crand SLreeL SeLLlemenL, lnc. 133362230

1o supporL a sLaff based ouL of Lower LasL Slde
reparaLory Plgh School Lo serve all sLudenLs who
uLlllze Lhe 8eacon CommunlLy CenLer Lo provlde one-
on-one help wlLh college essay wrlLlng, flnanclal ald
appllcaLlons, SA1 prep, and lndlvlduallzed supporL L
Crasmere And Cameron Lakes 8luebelL
Conservancy 432493342

lundlng wlll go Lowards conservaLlon efforLs Lo
preserve Lhe lake.
ConsLanLlnldes CreaLer AsLorla PlsLorlcal SocleLy 112990304

lundlng wlll be used Lo provlde lecLure, movle, and
dlscusslon programs Lo promoLe hlsLorlcal and culLural
knowledge of AsLorla.
Mlller CreaLer 8eLhel CommunlLy uevelopmenL Corp. 320000337
1he funds wlll be used for Lhe cosL Lo plck up, sLore and
dlsLrlbuLe donaLed producLs Lo needy famllles, Lhe
salary for Lhe CLu lnsLrucLor, uLlllLles, space cosL, and
Mlller CC CreaLer 8eLhel CommunlLy uevelopmenL Corp. 320000337
1he funds wlll be used for Lhe cosL Lo plck up, sLore and
dlsLrlbuLe mllllons of dollars ln donaLed producLs. Also,
Lo be used for Lhe salary for Lhe CLu lnsLrucLor,
uLlllLles, space cosL, and adverLlsemenL.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 277

Mlller CreaLer 8eLhel lnLerdenmlnaLlonal MlnlLrles 310133893
lunds wlll be used Lo presenL a communlLy healLh falr
LhaL lncludes screenlngs for blood pressure, welghL,
Plv, ulabeLes, and lnformaLlon on healLh lnsurance,
lunds wlll also be used Lo supporL an LSL program
Chln CreaLer ChlnaLown CommunlLy AssoclaLlon 132730313
1o supporL Lechnology classes for senlors. lundlng
would conLrlbuLe Lo salarles, maLerlals, and general
operaLlng cosLs.
Crowley CreaLer 8ldgewood PlsLorlcal SocleLy, lnc. 112409274

lundlng wlll supporL school programmlng, exhlblLs,
gulded Lours, crafL classes, hlsLory and genealogy
lecLures, speclal evenLs.
8eynoso CreaLer 8ldgewood PlsLorlcal SocleLy, lnc. 112409274

1o supporL programmlng aL Lhe hlsLorlc vander Lnde
Cnderdonk Pouse, lncludlng school program, exhlblLs,
gulded Lours, crafL classes, hlsLory and genealogy
lecLures, speclal evenLs such as ParvesL lesLlval, SL.
nlcholas uay, and SLrawberry lesLlval.
Crowley CreaLer 8ldgewood 8esLoraLlon CorporaLlon 112382230
lundlng for anLl grafflLl program, Lo pay for crew
supervlsor, palnL remover, palnL, brushes, rollers and
oLher supplles, gas and fuel for van and power washer,
lnsurance for Lhe van, and oLher expenses relaLed Lo
Lhe program.
8eynoso CreaLer 8ldgewood 8esLoraLlon CorporaLlon 112382230
1o supporL a grafflLl removal program, lncludlng sLaff,
supplles, and oLher expenses relaLed Lo Lhe program.
uromm CreaLer 8ldgewood ?ouLh Councll, lnc. 112318141

1o fund Lhe afLer school program locaLed aL S102C
for enrlchmenL and llLeracy enhancemenL
Crowley, ulrlch CC CreaLer 8ldgewood ?ouLh Councll, lnc. 112318141

1o fund afLer-school programs aL a number of Cueens
schools LhaL promoLe lnLer-generaLlonal programs and
acLlvlLles beLween Lhe senlors and Lhe currenL youLh
programs Lhe C8?C offers.
ulrlch CreaLer Woodhaven uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 112308190
lunds wlll be used Lo cover admlnlsLraLlve and
operaLlonal expenses lncludlng renL, uLlllLles,
equlpmenL and salarles
Creek Amerlcan LducaLlonal ubllc lnformaLlon
SysLems, lnc. 133443339
lundlng wlll be used Lo provlde Creek-language radlo
programlng and help dlsperse fees assoclaLed wlLh
Creek Amerlcan LducaLlonal ubllc lnformaLlon
SysLems, lnc. 133443339
lundlng wlll cover annual alr Llme fees pald Lo Wn?L,
owned and operaLed by Lhe clLy of new ?ork.
Mealy Creen LarLh oeLs Cafe, lnc. 464931821
1he fundlng wlll be used Lo pay for sLaff sLlpends,
equlpmenL purchases and renLal, and weekend venue
renLal. 1he funds wlll be used Lo supporL Creen LarLh
oeLs' Cafe's work wlLh youLh and senlors ln ulsLrlcL 41.
Levlne Creen Cuerlllas, lnc. 132903183
lundlng wlll help communlLy garden groups ln Cu 7
make physlcal lmprovemenLs Lo communlLy garden
slLes and hold communlLy evenLs. 8ased on Lhe needs
ldenLlfled by volunLeer communlLy gardeners, Creen
Cuerlllas wlll help Lhem lmprove Lhelr communlLy
koo Creen Llfe loundaLlon 433329441
1o provlde educaLlonal resources, Lralnlng and supporL
Lo Lhe Chlnese buslness communlLy on healLh llvlng
and Lhe undersLandlng of malnLalnlng a healLh and
clean envlronmenL. lunds wlll be used for
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 278

educaLlonal/Lralnlng maLerlals, and wlll provlde a Lralnl
MaLLeo CreenbelL Conservancy, lnc. 133481843
1hls fundlng wlll supporL sLafflng and promoLlonal
efforLs for followlng Lrall races, Plgh 8ock AdvenLure
8ace, lall llaL 3k, Cold leaL 10k, and Lhe CreenbelL
1rall lesLlval.
8ose CreenbelL Conservancy, lnc. 133481843
1he fundlng wlll help pay for sLafflng cosLs for Lhelr
programs, lncludlng our CommunlcaLlons ulrecLor,
AdmlnlsLraLlve AsslsLanL, and MarkeLlng sLaff.
CC Creenhope Servlces for Women, lnc. 132813330
1o fund a MoLher and Chlld 8ecovery rogram Lo
supporL formerly lncarceraLed moLhers and Lhelr
chlldren Lhrough Lhe provlslon of chlld care and
career/educaLlon servlces. 1he hlllp 8eed Chlld
uevelopmenL CenLer wlll provlde sLrucLured chlld care,
Levln CreenpolnL Chamber of Commerce lnc 461128338
1o provlde educaLlonal workshops and neLworklng
evenLs Lo bolsLer Lhe buslness communlLy ln norLh
Levln CreenpolnL MonlLor Museum, 1he 113332314

1o supporL Lhe Museums 8oad Show, whlch would
provlde lnsLrucLlon abouL Lhe Clvll War, Lhe uSS
MonlLor, eLc.
Levln CreenpolnL 8eformed Church 112100333

1o supporL Lhe CreenpolnL 8eformed Church Punger
rogram: an emergency food program LhaL provldes
no-cosL grocerles and hoL meals Lo hungry people ln
norLh 8rooklyn.
!ohnson Creenwlch Pouse, lnc. 133362204
1o supporL a comprehenslve range of soclal, physlcal
and menLal healLh servlces offered aL Creenwlch
Pouse Lhrough lLs programs for senlors, lncludlng aL
Lhe !udlLh C. WhlLe Senlor CenLer and Lhe Senlor
PealLh and ConsulLaLlon CenLer (SPCC).
Creenwlch vlllage SocleLy for PlsLorlc
reservaLlon 133042600
lundlng Lo supporL PlsLory and PlsLorlc reservaLlon
ln-class educaLlon program. (SLafflng, venue renLal,
Creenwlch vlllage SocleLy for PlsLorlc
reservaLlon 133042600
1o supporL educaLlon programs, lncludlng ln-class
programs and programs for Lhe communlLy.
Creenwlch vlllage SocleLy for PlsLorlc
reservaLlon 133042600
1o supporL educaLlon programs, lncludlng ln-class
programs and programs for Lhe communlLy.
CenLlle Creen-Wood PlsLorlc lund, lnc. 113430678
lunds wlll supporL culLural, hlsLorlcal, and
envlronmenLal programmlng for Lhe publlc, lncludlng
an annual Memorlal uay ConcerL, a 3 week run of Cur
1own, A nlghL aL nlblo's Carden, a MoLh MalnsLage
sLoryLelllng program, parades, and oLher acLlvlLles.
Menchaca Creen-Wood PlsLorlc lund, lnc. 113430678
lundlng Lo supporL fall 2014 exhlblLlon LlLled Wllllam
l. Mangels: Amuslng Lhe Masses aL Coney lsland and
8eyond," (co-hosLed by 1he Coney lsland PlsLory
ro[ecL). 1he exhlblLlon wlll feaLure lLems from
CWPl's exLenslve collecLlon LhaL represenL Lhe llf
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 279

Wllllams C8LnCA unlLed, lnc. 383832366
lundlng Lo supporL educaLlonal semlnars, youLh
debaLes and Lrlvla CulLural evenLs: annual Crenada uay
CC C8lC1 Clrcle, lnc. 113364328

lunds wlll supporL C8lC1's core programs lncludlng
premler 8uddy-2-8uddy program.
Menchaca Croundswell CommunlLy Mural ro[ecL, lnc. 113427213

lunds Lo supporL afLerschool programs LhaL wlll engage
youLh ln Lhe creaLlon of Lhree works of publlc arL aL
sLudlo. ln !uly and AugusL, Croundswells Summer
Leadershlp lnsLlLuLe (SLl) [obs program wlll employ
dlsadvanLaged Leens and professlonal arLlsL
Menchaca CC Croundswell CommunlLy Mural ro[ecL, lnc. 113427213

Croundswell wlll use funds Lo supporL afLer-school
programs LhaL wlll engage 90 youLh ln Lhe creaLlon of
Lhree works of publlc arL aL our sLudlo. ln !uly and
AugusL, Croundswells Summer Leadershlp lnsLlLuLe
(SLl) [obs program wlll employ up Lo 100 dlsadva
Crowley Crover Cleveland Plgh School - Sclence rogram 136400434

lundlng for Leacher Lralnlng, college LexLbooks,
enLry/LransporLaLlon/lodglng for compeLlLlons, and
elecLrlcal, roboLlcs, and dlsplays.
8eynoso Crover Cleveland Plgh School - Sclence rogram 136400434

1o supporL sclence educaLlon aL Crover Cleveland Plgh
School, lncludlng research, Sclence Clymplad, and
8rldge 8ulldlng programs. lundlng wlll be allocaLed for
Leacher Lralnlng, college LexLbooks,
enLry/LransporLaLlon/lodglng for compeLlLlons, and
!ewlsh, Lander CC Cuardlans of Lhe Slck, lnc. 116003433
1he lamlly Crlsls lnLervenLlon rogram deals wlLh
slLuaLlons of domesLlc vlolence and famllles where
Lhere exlsLs a susplclon of chlld neglecL or abuse.
lnLervenLlon serves as a safeLy neL by guldlng parenLs
lnLo Lherapy, asslsLlng Lo pay for counsellng,
CenLlle Culld for LxcepLlonal Chlldren, lnc. 116037766
lunds wlll be used Lo supply molds, palnL, seeds, soll,
poLs, eLc. for Lhe PorLlculLural and Ceramlcs program
LhaL helps developmenLally dlsabled chlldren and
adulLs parLlclpaLe ln ceramlcs and greenhouse
klng Cun Plll 8askeLball AssoclaLlon, lnc. 270384874
1he fundlng wlll be use for Leam unlforms, referee fee,
equlpmenL, lnsurance cosL, Lrophles and awards, raln
Lugene PalLlan Alllance lor PealLh lnc. 113370437
1o provlde for prevenLaLlve workshops on sexually
LransmlLLed dlseases, chronlc paLhologlc condlLlons,
hlgh blood pressure, dlabeLes, dlalysls, Plv/AluS, and
cancer awareness, and domesLlc vlolence.
Lugene PalLlan Amerlcan 8uslness neLwork, lnc. 470939800

1o supporL a [ob Lralnlng and placemenL program for
Lhe unemployed and underemployed.
Wllllams PalLlan Amerlcan 8uslness neLwork, lnc. 470939800

lunds Lo supporL llnanclal LlLeracy/ 8uslness LducaLlon
and SupporL Servlces for members and Lhe publlc
Mlller PalLlan Amerlcans unlLed for rogress, lnc. 112423837
PAu seeks fundlng for lLs uCMLS1lC vlCLLnCL
LMCWL8MLn1 (uovL) rogram. lunds wlll cover Lhe
cosL of workshops deslgned Lo lnform, educaLe and
address chlld abuse and parLner abuse, and end Lhls
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 280

Lugene PalLlan CenLers Councll, lnc. 112648301
1o supporL Lhe ?oung Men's MenLorlng Croup for male
mlddle school sLudenLs lnLegraLlng soclal medla and
vldeo documenLary lnLo each workshop. 1he funds wlll
be used for program supplles and sLafflng a program
coordlnaLor and cameraman.
Wllllams PalLlan CenLers Councll, lnc. 112648301 * 4,000 lundlng for ?oung Men's MenLorlng Croup workshop
Wllllams PalLlan lamlly 8esource CenLer 430678479
lundlng for PalLlan- Amerlcan and oLher lmmlgranLs
soclal servlce.
Creenfleld Pamasplk of klngs CounLy, lnc. 161322893
lunds wlll be used Lo provlde accesslblllLy
modlflcaLlons for persons wlLh developmenLal and/or
physlcal dlsablllLles and Lhe frall elderly who reslde ln
low lncome households clLywlde. Speclflcally, Lhey wlll
be puL Lowards accesslblllLy modlflcaLlons, p
ConsLanLlnldes PAnAC, lnc. 112290832

lundlng wlll be used Lo provlde LransporLaLlon vans
and car servlce for senlor clLlzens.
ulckens PAnAC, lnc. 112290832

1o provlde [ob Lralnlng such as cusLomer servlces,
green [obs, and Lhe naLlonal work readlness credenLlal.
lundlng wlll supporL program expenses lncludlng for
cerLlflcaLlons and llcenses.
vallone PAnAC, lnc. 112290832

1he funds wlll supporL Lhe Angelo eLromells Senlor
CenLer by provldlng Lhe necessary operaLlonal cosLs.
van 8ramer PAnAC, lnc. 112290832 7,000 lundlng Lo sponsor a PealLh lalr for Lhe communlLy.
Parlem ArLlsL uevelopmenL League Lspeclally for
?ou - P.A.u.L.L.?. layers 133611138

1o produce Lhree plays wlLh performances ln Lhe
ulckens Parlem ArLs Alllance 470873119

1o supporL performances, promoLlonal and oLher
maLerlals for ArLs Advocacy Week, an annual program
Lo fosLer greaLer awareness of Lhe lmporLanL role of
arLlsLs and culLural lnsLlLuLlons play ln Parlem and Lhe
lmpacL on Lhe communlLy's ldenLlLy, culLure, e
ulckens Parlem 8uslness Alllance, lnc. 133391330

1o supporL P8A's work Lo dlllgenLly faclllLaLe Lhe
creaLlon, growLh and susLalnablllLy of small buslnesses.
ulckens Parlem Chamber layers lnc., 1he 432160781

1o supporL Lhe Parlem Chamber layers 2013 - 2014
season, whlch wlll lnclude concerLs, cosLs Lo pay
professlonal muslclans Lo rehearse and perform llve
classlcal muslc concerLs, and oLher cosLs assoclaLed
wlLh markeLlng and produclng Lhe evenLs.
Parlem uowllng WesLslde CenLer for Chlldren
and lamlly Servlces 133030378
lundlng Lo supporL AfLer-School program aL S 36 ln
Parlem. lunds wlll be used Lo enhance Lhe llLeracy
program ln order purchase currlcula and llLeracy
sofLware conLalnlng word recognlLlon and self-LesL
CC Parlem PosplLal CenLer 132633001

1o supporL 1he CenLral Parlem PealLh 8evlval(CPP8: a
coallLlon of Pouses of Worshlp, healLhcare and
buslness organlzaLlons collaboraLlng Lo provlde healLhy
eaLlng and llvlng educaLlon forums, healLh screenlngs
and sLrucLured acLlvlLles deslgned Lo provlde
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 281

ulckens Parlem needle ArLs, lnc. 203303872

1o supporL a lecLure serles and program for Lhe publlc
on flber and needle arLs ln Lhe Afrlcan ulaspora.
lundlng wlll be used for cosLs assoclaLed wlLh Lhese
programs, lncludlng honorarlums, promoLlonal
maLerlals, and medla upload for onllne vlewlng.
ulckens Parlem 8lver Pouses 8esldenL AssoclaLlon 136400434

1o supporL lamlly uay acLlvlLles lncludlng, food,
evenLs, and enLerLalnmenL aL Lhe Parlem 8lver Pouses.
Levlne Parlem School of Lhe ArLs, lnc., 1he 132332300
lundlng wlll be used Lo underwrlLe program expenses
lncludlng faculLy and sLaff salarles, program supplles,
sLudenL performances and exhlblLlons, and flnanclal
ald and scholarshlps LhaL ensure LhaL no sLudenL ls
Lurned away for lack of ablllLy Lo pay.
ulckens Parlem School of Lhe ArLs, lnc., 1he 132332300
1o provlde chlldren and youLh wlLh Lralnlng ln muslc,
dance, LheaLre, vlsual arLs, and muslcal LheaLre.
lundlng wlll be used for programs and Lo provlde afLer-
school LransporLaLlon opLlons for sLudenLs.
CC Parlem unlLed CommunlLy AluS CenLer, lnc. 133461693
1o provlde comprehenslve healLh care for ln[ecLlng
drug users ln hlgh-lmpacL areas ln ManhaLLan - such as
LasL and CenLral Parlem - as a measure Lo prevenL Lhe
spread of Plv and AluS. Speclflcally, we employ a full-
Llme Lxpanded Syrlnge Access rogram hy
ulckens Parlem Week, lnc. 133038019

A C8LA1 uA? ln PA8LLM:

lamlly unlLy uay ls a celebraLlon of Lhe sLrengLh of Lhe
famllles who make up Lhe Parlem's of new ?ork. 1hls
day glves credence Lo Lhe lmporLance of lamlly unlLy.
1ens of Lhousands of famlly members of all ages come
Lo u.S. Cran
CC Parm 8educLlon CoallLlon 943204938

1o provlde ln-demand free Lralnlng for provlders of Plv
prevenLlon and drug user servlces LhroughouL n?C.
Classes may lnclude: Cvervlew of 8educLlon, regnancy
and Plv, Cverdose revenLlon, and MoLlvaLlonal
Wllllams Parmony rogram 030606693
lundlng wlll help Lhe Parmony rogram conLlnue lLs
SaLurday orchesLra program
Mark-vlverlLo ParvesL Pome larmer's MarkeL, lnc. 061800312
lunds wlll provlde operaLlonal supporL such as sLafflng
and admlnlsLraLlon for our farmers markeL ln ulsLrlcL 8.
Mlller ParvesL Llfe CenLer, lnc., 1he 202733233

lundlng Lo supporL youLh and famlly acLlvlLles,
recreaLlonal fleld Lrlps, afLer school program, summer
acLlvlLles for youLh.
Lsplnal ParvesL Llfe CenLer, lnc., 1he 202733233

lundlng wlll be used for youLh and famlly acLlvlLles,
recreaLlonal fleld Lrlps, summer acLlvlLles for youLh.
PealLh & PosplLal CorporaLlon - LlmhursL
PosplLal CenLer (LlberLas CenLer for Puman
8lghLs) 132633001

ConLlnue pro bono servlces for LC81 refugees &
asylum seekers who fled Lhelr home counLrles
ueuLsch PealLh LssenLlal AssoclaLlon 432871033
1o provlde evenLs such as lnLernaLlonal lamlly uay
PealLh lalr, Pollday LvenLs, PealLhy Semlnars, MoLher
uay CelebraLlon and Medlcald/Medlcare 8eneflL
lnformaLlon uay.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 282

alma PealLh eople, lnc. 310418243

1o provlde self-care educaLlon, communlLy based Plv
prevenLlon educaLlon, and enroll chlldren whose
parenLs have Alds ln a menLorlng/supporL program.
lundlng wlll help cover cosLs of Lhe AluS supporL and
prevenLlon programs LhaL serves women and famllles
alma PealLhcare lndusLry CranL CorporaLlon 134197609
1o lncrease dlverslLy ln healLhcare professlons wlLh
programs Lo help lndlvlduals maLrlculaLe ln healLhcare
degree programs. 1he funds wlll be used for
lnsLrucLlonal expenses, case managemenL, ouLreach
and publlc evenLs.
Arroyo PealLhcare lndusLry CranL CorporaLlon 134197609
1o supporL Lhe 8ronx PealLhcare Learnlng
CollaboraLlve, a college enLrance program Lo prepare
mlnorlLy sLudenLs ln Councll ulsLrlcL 17 for college
healLh care/paLlenL care programs.
klng PealLhcare lndusLry CranL CorporaLlon 134197609
1ul requesLs funds for Lhe 8ronx PealLhcare Learnlng
CollaboraLlve- parLnershlp of 13 healLhcare employers,
3 Cun? colleges, C8Cs, 1199SLlu. 1he collaboraLlve
purpose ls Lo meeL employer needs for a culLural
llngulsLlcally compeLenL paLlenL-care workfor
8ronx, Arroyo,
Clbson, klng,
alma CC PealLhcare lndusLry CranL CorporaLlon 134197609
1he requesLed fundlng wlll supporL an ouLreach
coordlnaLor Lo lncrease enrollmenL Lo cover parLlal
educaLlon cosLs. LducaLlon programs lnclude a one
year college brldge program ln whlch parLlclpanLs earn
9 college credlLs, Lwo cerLlflcaLe programs LhaL le
SLaLen lsland,
CenLlle, lgnlzlo,
MaLLeo CC PearLshare Puman Servlces of new ?ork 111633349
1o provlde servlces Lo senlor clLlzens Lhrough Lhe
Surfslde Cardens CornersLone rogram, locaLed ln Lhe
n?CPA Surfslde Cardens complex. Servlces lnclude
meals,Lrlps,recreaLlonal acLlvlLles and case
managemenL. Senlors also volunLeer ln Lhe afLer-
school p
Malsel Pebrew LducaLlonal SocleLy 111642720

1o operaLe a communlLy and mulLl-servlce cenLer LhaL
provldes chlldcare, afLer-school care, sporLs programs,
day camps, slx dlsLlncL speclal needs programs, and a
muslc educaLlon program. lunds wlll supporL dlrecL
program sLafflng and dlrecL program cosLs
Cohen, koslowlLz,
vacca CC Pebrew Pome for Lhe Aged aL 8lverdale, 1he 131739971

1o enable crlLlcal elder abuse programmlng Lo conLlnue
aL PPA8. 1he Parry !eaneLLe Welnberg CenLer for
Llder Abuse revenLlon provldes dlrecL servlces for
vlcLlms of elder abuse. lundlng also supporLs
comprehenslve servlces dlrecLed Lo Lhe vlcLlms such a
8odrlguez Pebrew 1abernacle of WashlngLon PelghLs, lnc. 130831470
lundlng Lo supporL arL shows, soclal acLlon pro[ecLs,
and communlLy game days
PelghLs Plll MenLal PealLh Servlce, S8C,
CommunlLy Advlsory 8oard, lnc. 112783603

1o supporL an evenlng meal program where members
plan, shop for, prepare, serve and clean up afLer an
early evenlng meal.
PelghLs Plll MenLal PealLh Servlce, S8C,
CommunlLy Advlsory 8oard, lnc. 112783603

1o provlde LreaLmenL, advocacy and supporL servlces
Lo LC81C people llvlng wlLh menLal lllness and Lo
supporL operaLlonal expenses of organlzaLlon and
ouLreach Lo Lhe communlLy.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 283

PelghLs Plll MenLal PealLh Servlce, S8C,
CommunlLy Advlsory 8oard, lnc. 112783603

lunds for supporL servlces for low Lo no lncome LC81
resldenLs sufferlng from menLal lllness
Cohen CC
PelghLs Plll MenLal PealLh Servlce, S8C,
CommunlLy Advlsory 8oard, lnc. 112783603

lunds wlll be expended Lo pay a porLlon of Lhe salary
and frlnge cosLs of Lhe ulrecLor of uevelopmenL and
LxLernal Affalrs.
SLaff member wlll provlde weekly agency webslLe
updaLes as well as Lo deslgn, creaLe and dlsLrlbuLe Lhe
quarLerly prlnLed newsleLLe
Cumbo Pelen keller Servlces for Lhe 8llnd 111630807

lunds Lo supporL a free AdapLlve Llvlng rogram (AL)
for vlsually lmpalred senlors aged 33 and older.
CenLlle Pelen keller Servlces for Lhe 8llnd 111630807

lunds wlll provlde lndlvlduallzed rehablllLaLlon and low
vlslon servlces Lo legally bllnd senlors, lncludlng
Lralnlng ln safe Lravel Lechnlques, home and personal
managemenL skllls, and communlcaLlon skllls, and
oLher servlces Lo help cllenLs malnLaln lnd
Menchaca Pelen keller Servlces for Lhe 8llnd 111630807

1o supporL Lhe free AdapLlve Llvlng rogram (AL) for
vlsually lmpalred senlors aged 33 and older. AL
provldes an array of lndlvlduallzed rehablllLaLlon and
low vlslon servlces, wlLh Lhe ob[ecLlve of helplng cllenLs
regaln self-sufflclency, malnLaln lnd
Cumbo, koslowlLz,
Levln, Malsel CC Pelen keller Servlces for Lhe 8llnd 111630807

lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe AdapLlve Llvlng
rogram (AL) for vlsually lmpalred senlors. AL
provldes an array of lndlvlduallzed rehablllLaLlon and
low vlslon servlces, wlLh Lhe ob[ecLlve of helplng cllenLs
regaln self-sufflclency, malnLaln lndepend
!ohnson Pell's klLchen nelghborhood AssoclaLlon, lnc. 133860770
1o supporL Lhe 18LL CuA8uS 2013 rogram Lo lnsLall
Lree guards ln Pells klLchen Lo proLecL Lhe frall Lrees
newly planLed by Lhe arks deparLmenL as parL of Lhe
Mayors one mllllon 1ree program. lunds wlll be used
Lo lnsLall Lree guards.
Mendez Penry SLreeL SeLLlemenL 131362242
lundlng Lo supporL Lhe Lower LasL Slde Plspanlc
CoallLlon sLreeL falr
!ohnson PerlLage of rlde, lnc. 133299634

1o expand communlLy granLs program ln relaLlon Lo
annual rlde evenLs.
LC81, Chln,
Mendez, 1orres CC PeLrlck-MarLln lnsLlLuLe, lnc. 133104337

1o SupporL Lhe SupporLlve Servlces ueparLmenL,
speclflcally Lo cover Lhe salarles of Counselors and
Case Managers, Lo meeL a surge ln demand for
servlces. lundlng Lo defray cosLs assoclaLed wlLh hlrlng
an addlLlonal Counselor, whlch wlll asslsL ln provl
Plgh School 03 M402 - urban Assembly School
for Creen Careers 136400434

lundlng Lo supporL planLlng and malnLenance of Lhe
school's garden space Lo provlde educaLlonal and
Lralnlng opporLunlLles Lo Lhe publlc school sLudenLs ln
C1L (Career and 1echnlcal LducaLlon) horLlculLure
Plgh School 03 M402 - urban Assembly School
for Creen Careers 136400434

lundlng Lo supporL ubllc School 1ree lL
Carodnlck Plgh School of ArL and ueslgn 136400434 3,300 lundlng wlll supporL an afLer-school SA1 prep course.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 284

Mark-vlverlLo Plghbrldge CommunlLy Llfe CenLer 133013339
lunds wlll be used Lo meeL Lhe adulL educaLlon and
llLeracy needs of Lhe resldenLs of Plghbrldge ln
CommunlLy 8oard 4 by provldlng assessmenLs, adulL
educaLlon lnsLrucLlon and LuLorlng, LesL preparaLlon
and educaLlonal counsellng Lo asslsL parLlclpanLs ln
Clbson Plghbrldge lslamlc CenLer 273007742
lunds wlll be used Lo expand Lhe AdulL LlLeracy
rogram. 1he program conslsLs of Lngllsh for Speakers
of CLher Languages (LSCL), ClLlzenshlp reparaLlon and
AfLer School Pomework Pelp by offerlng small group
lnsLrucLlons, lndlvldual LuLorlng and lncorpor
Plghland ark CommunlLy uevelopmenL
CorporaLlon 113462888
lundlng Lo lmplemenL a program LhaL asslsL youLh
wlLh eLlqueLLe and soclallzaLlon skllls developmenL.
1he program wlll engage ln acLlvlLles LhaL fosLer real-
llfe cooperaLlon and lnsLlll/relnforce poslLlve socleLal
values (lncludlng sporLs, educaLlonal
Lancman PlllcresL !ewlsh CenLer 111639813 * 4,000 Chlld care servlces.
Weprln PlllcresL !ewlsh CenLer 111639813
1o supporL hoL nuLrlLlous lunches, supervlsed age-
approprlaLe exerclse and dlscusslons and llfe-cycle
celebraLlons and enLerLalnmenL for senlor clLlzens.
van 8ramer Plp Lo Plp 1heaLer Company 264049629

lundlng wlll be used for arLlsL sLlpends, producLlon
cosLs (lncludlng cosLumes, seLs, llghLs, sound
equlpmenL), Lourlng cosLs (lncludlng LransporLaLlon),
and adverLlslng.
Levlne Plspanlc lederaLlon, lnc. 133373832
lundlng Lo conLlnue vlLal programs and lnlLlaLlves LhaL
serve new ?ork's growlng and dlverse LaLlno
communlLles. lundlng would be allocaLed Lo supporL
general program cosLs addresslng each of Lhese crlLlcal
areas: - SLrengLhenlng LaLlno nonproflLs - lmpro
Menchaca Plspanlc lederaLlon, lnc. 133373832
lundlng key lssues ln Lhe LaLlno CommunlLy: (1)
SLrengLhenlng LaLlno nonproflL, (2) lmprovlng
LducaLlonal AchlevemenL, (3) romoLlng PealLhy
CommunlLles, (4) lncreaslng lmmlgranL CpporLunlLles.
lerreras, klng,
Lancman, Mendez,
alma CC Plspanlc lederaLlon, lnc. 133373832
1o conLlnue sLrengLhenlng new ?ork ClLy's growlng
LaLlno communlLy and supporL non-proflLs provldlng
vlLal healLh and human servlces Lo Plspanlc chlldren &
famllles. lundlng supporLs four sLraLeglc acLlon areas:
SLrengLhenlng LaLlno nonproflLs, lmprovlng
Levlne Plspanlc SocleLy of Amerlca 133661023
lunds Lo cover boLh program expenses for prlnLed
maLerlals, ln-class arL supplles, medla communlcaLlons,
and local Lravel and personnel expenses Lo pay a parL-
Llme assoclaLe museum educaLor dedlcaLed Lo Lhe
ouLreach program
Carodnlck PlsLorlc ulsLrlcLs Councll, lnc. 133389366
lundlng wlll supporL educaLlonal and ouLreach
programs Lo promoLe hlsLorlc preservaLlon, lncludlng
Lhe Annual reservaLlon Conference Serles, AbouL new
?ork LecLure, lllm and 1our Serles, and Slx Lo CelebraLe
nelghborhood 1ours.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 28S

kallos PlsLorlc ulsLrlcLs Councll, lnc. 133389366
1o supporL fundlng for programs Lo educaLe on ldeas,
sLraLegles and Lools of nelghborhood preservaLlon and
communlLy developmenL: Lhe Slx Lo CelebraLe
nelghborhood 1ours and Culdebooks and Lhe PuC
Annual reservaLlon Conference.
CenLlle PlsLorlc ulsLrlcLs Councll, lnc. 133389366
lunds wlll supporL educaLlng Lhe publlc on ldeas,
sLraLegles and Lools of preservaLlon and communlLy
developmenL Lhrough an Annual reservaLlon
Conference and nelghborhood Lours, lncludlng 1he Slx
Lo CelebraLe 1ours and Culdebooks LhaL focus on PuC's
Levln PlsLorlc ulsLrlcLs Councll, lnc. 133389366
1o supporL Lhe Slx Lo CelebraLe nelghborhood 1ours
and Culdebooks and Lhe PuC Annual reservaLlon
Levlne PlsLorlc ulsLrlcLs Councll, lnc. 133389366
lundlng Lo supporL Lhe "Slx Lo CelebraLe
nelghborhood" 1ours and Culdebooks .
Mendez PlsLorlc ulsLrlcLs Councll, lnc. 133389366
lundlng Lo supporL "Slx Lo CelebraLe nelghborhood
1ours and Culdebooks" & "Lhe PuC Annual
reservaLlon Conference"
!ohnson PlsLorlc ulsLrlcLs Councll, lnc. 133389366
1o provlde fundlng for Lwo programs LhaL educaLe
consLlLuenLs on ldeas, sLraLegles and Lools of
nelghborhood preservaLlon and communlLy
developmenL: Lhe Slx Lo CelebraLe nelghborhood 1ours
and Culdebooks and Lhe PuC Annual reservaLlon
Lugene PlsLorlc ulsLrlcLs Councll, lnc. 133389366
1o supporL Lhe Slx Lo CelebraLe nelghborhood 1ours
and Culdebooks and Lhe PuC Annual reservaLlon
Conference, whlch hlghllghL nelghborhoods for
preservaLlon vla walklng or blcycle Lours ln each area,
produclng and dlsLrlbuLlng a free walklng Lour
Chln PlsLorlc ulsLrlcLs Councll, lnc. 133389366
lundlng wlll supporL Lwo programs: walklng/blcycle
Lours and guldebooks on local nelghborhoods and a
conference on slgnlflcanL lssues ln nelghborhood
ulckens PlsLorlc ulsLrlcLs Councll, lnc. 133389366
1o supporL Lhree programs Lo educaLe consLlLuenLs on
preservaLlon and communlLy developmenL: an Annual
reservaLlon Conference, Slx Lo CelebraLe
nelghborhood 1ours and 1our 8ookleLs, and an Across
new ?ork lllm Serles.
Levlne PlsLorlc Pouse 1rusL of new ?ork ClLy 133390823
lunds wlll go Lowards Lhe Speclal needs LducaLlon
lnlLlaLlve for Chlldren wlLh ulsablllLles Lo brlng culLural
educaLlon Lo chlldren wlLh speclal needs aL Lhe 23
hlsLorlcal house museums clLywlde. lunds wlll go
Lowards focus groups wlLh parenLs and educaLo
8odrlguez PlsLorlc Pouse 1rusL of new ?ork ClLy 133390823
lundlng Lo supporL focus groups wlLh parenLs and
educaLors, program developmenL and lmplemenLaLlon,
hlrlng per dlem educaLors aL Lhe houses, and reachlng
ouL Lo Lhe speclal needs communlLy
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 286

Mealy Pollaback, lnc. 273199988

1he fundlng wlll be used Lo supporL sLreeL harassmenL
educaLlon and awareness ln ulsLrlcL 41 schools. 1he
funds wlll pay for sLaff salarles, supplles, and
operaLlonal expenses ln supporL of Pollaback's
educaLlon and awareness programs ln ulsLrlcL 41.
8LAC, Women's,
Levln, vacca CC Pollaback, lnc. 273199988

1o educaLe new ?orkers on how Lo respond when Lhey
experlence sLreeL harassmenL, how Lo safely lnLervene
when Lhey wlLness sLreeL harassmenL, and how Lo
reporL sLreeL harassmenL Lo Lhe auLhorlLles.
Mlller Pollls resbyLerlan Church 111631786
lunds Lo supporL programs Lo senlor clLlzens such as
Lrlps Lo plays, museums, [azz concerLs, and parks, as
well as exerclse programs and a end of Lhe year
luncheon program.
ueuLsch PolocausL Survlvors CharlLy, lnc. 113792091
lundlng Lo provlde lecLures on smoklng, abuse of
drugs, healLh, arL, muslc and physlcal exerclse for
holocausL survlvors, and an occaslonal food panLry and
soclal gaLherlng.
MaLLeo Poly 8osary Church 133637339 3,000 lunds wlll be used for Lhe arlsh nurse rogram
Creenfleld Poly SplrlL Church Lelsure Club 111633369 * 3,000 1hese funds wlll be used Lo pay for Lhe supplles.
ueuLsch PomecresL CommunlLy Servlces, lnc. 113373113 23,000 LducaLlonal and recreaLlonal servlces for senlors.
CenLlle PomecresL CommunlLy Servlces, lnc. 113373113

lunds wlll provlde sLaff and lnsLrucLor cosLs, bus Lrlps,
space renLal and admlnlsLraLlve cosLs for educaLlonal
and recreaLlonal servlces for senlors, LranslaLlon
(Chlnese-Lngllsh) servlces, case asslsLance, communlLy
workshops, and healLh and wellness p
Creenfleld PomecresL CommunlLy Servlces, lnc. 113373113

PomecresL provldes educaLlonal and recreaLlonal
servlces for senlors, access and LranslaLlon (Chlnese-
Lngllsh) servlces, case asslsLance, communlLy
workshops, healLh and wellness promoLlon. 1he funds
wlll be used for sLaff and lnsLrucLor cosLs, LransporLa
ueuLsch, CenLlle CC PomecresL CommunlLy Servlces, lnc. 113373113

lundlng wlll provlde educaLlonal and recreaLlonal
servlces for senlors: healLh and wellness, 1al-chl
exerclse, group slnglng, dance classes, communlLy
workshops, and LSL classes. lunds wlll be used for
lnsLrucLors and sLaff cosLs.
Levln Pomeless Servlces unlLed, lnc. 133922640
1o develop and lmplemenL broad based and effecLlve
homeless programs for Lhe nearly 60,000 homeless
new ?orkers and Lhe human servlces sLaff LhaL serve
Lhem ln shelLers, drop-ln cenLers, supporLlve houslng
and oLher communlLy based programs.
alma Pomeless Servlces unlLed, lnc. 133922640
1o provlde shelLer and oLher homeless servlces, and Lo
Lraln sLaff Lo servlce cllenLs ln Lhe shelLer sysLem
lncludlng on how Lo wrlLe effecLlve case noLes,
professlonallsm and oLher relevanL Loplcs.
Cumbo Pope ClLy LmpowermenL CenLer, lnc. 113629292
lunds Lo purchase food and Lo offseL sLaff salarles for
Soup klLchen and lood anLry.
Levln PCL rogram, lnc., 1he 133268339
1o provlde workplace Lralnlng, [ob placemenL, and
career advancemenL supporL.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 287

Levln CC PCL rogram, lnc., 1he 133268339
1o provlde new ?ork ClLy resldenLs wlLh hlsLorles of
lncarceraLlon wlLh Lhe Lools necessary Lo overcome
relaLed barrlers, secure [obs and advance ln Lhelr
poslLlons We provlde legal educaLlon, asslsLance ln
cleanlng up rap sheeLs, work opporLunlLy Lax cre
uromm PorLlculLural SocleLy of new ?ork, 1he 130834930
1o fund nelghborhood laza arLnershlp's (n)
servlce Lo ulverslLy and 78Lh SLreeL lazas Lo help
groups navlgaLe all aspecLs of plaza managemenL by
servlng as a resource for programmlng conLacLs,
fundralslng, and sLewardshlp organlzlng and by
lerreras PorLlculLural SocleLy of new ?ork, 1he 130834930
lundlng Lo provlde servlces relaLed Lo horLlculLural
care of local parks and plazas.
8eynoso PorLlculLural SocleLy of new ?ork, 1he 130834930
1o supporL nelghborhood laza arLnershlp's (n)
malnLenance servlce aL 71sL Ave laza and vendlLLl
Square ln 8ldgewood.
Lander PorLlculLural SocleLy of new ?ork, 1he 130834930
1o supporL malnLenance cosLs and programmlng aL
kenslngLon laza.
Cueens, uromm CC PorLlculLural SocleLy of new ?ork, 1he 130834930
lundlng Lo provlde general operaLlng supporL Loward
greenlng pro[ecLs, horLlculLural Lralnlng, and publlc
educaLlon programmlng ln Lhe borough of Cueens.
8eynoso Posh ?oga 264791960
1o supporL chlldren's' yoga programs ln preschools and
publlc schools ln Lhe 34Lh ulsLrlcL. lundlng wlll be
allocaLed for screenlng, Lralnlng, placlng, and observlng
Leacher candldaLes before, durlng, and afLer Lhe
kallos PosplLal Audlences, lnc. 136277893

1o presenL arLlsLlc performances aL varlous healLh,
psychlaLrlc, and medlcal lnsLlLuLlons ln ManhaLLan
Councll ulsLrlcL 3. lundlng wlll be applled Lo
performlng arLlsLs' fees, LransporLaLlon, monlLorlng of
evenLs, and admlnlsLraLlon.
koo PosplLal Audlences, lnc. 136277893

1o provlde for approxlmaLely 20 arLlsLlc performances
aL varlous healLh, psychlaLrlc, and medlcal lnsLlLuLlons
ln Cueens Councll ulsLrlcL 20. lundlng wlll be applled
Lowards performlng arLlsLs' fees, LransporLaLlon,
monlLorlng of evenLs, and admlnlsLraLlo
MaLLeo PosplLal Audlences, lnc. 136277893

lundlng Lo presenL approxlmaLely 20 arLlsLlc
performances aL varlous healLh, psychlaLrlc, and
medlcal lnsLlLuLlons ln SLaLen lsland Councll ulsLrlcL 30
Mlller PosplLal Audlences, lnc. 136277893

lundlng Lo presenL a CommunlLy erformlng ArLs
Serles (CAS) evenL aL a wheelchalr-accesslble
audlLorlum ln Cueens Councll ulsLrlcL 27. lundlng wlll
parLlally cover Lhe expenses of securlng Lhe venue,
booklng and paylng performers, and coordlnaLlon and
koslowlLz PosplLal Audlences, lnc. 136277893

lundlng wlll be used for Lhe uescrlbe! rogram, whlch
makes LheaLer accesslble Lo bllnd new ?orkers
lncludlng Lhe cosLs relaLed Lo renLlng Lhe pockeL-slzed
recelvers, subsldlze LlckeLs, and for admlnlsLraLlon of
Lhe program.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 288

uromm PoLel Chlnese AssoclaLlon of new ?ork, lnc. 260603387
!ob 1ralnlng, PoLel Lngllsh !argon 1ralnlng, Semlnar
and Annlversary Cala
!ohnson Pouslng ConservaLlon CoordlnaLors, lnc. 310141489

1o provlde legal, advocacy and LenanL organlzlng
servlces Lo low and moderaLe lncome resldenLs.
8osenLhal Pouslng ConservaLlon CoordlnaLors, lnc. 310141489

lundlng Lo supporL expandlng legal servlces and
organlzlng program, Lo supplemenL sLaff cosLs.
!ohnson CC Pouslng ConservaLlon CoordlnaLors, lnc. 310141489

SupporL for legal servlces and organlzlng programs as
follows: 1) Legal represenLaLlon, 2) Advocacy, 3)
1enanL Crganlzlng, and 4) CommunlLy Crganlzers
educaLe and moblllze resldenLs around lmpacL lssues
faclng Lhe communlLy.
ulrlch Poward 8each Llndenwood Clvl 463143713
lunds wlll be used Lo cover operaLlonal expenses
lncludlng supplles and expenses assoclaLed wlLh evenLs
and meeLlngs
CenLlle PS of 1elecommunlcaLlon ArLs & 1echnology 136400434

lundlng wlll be used for 1A acLlvlLles LhaL are
beneflclal Lo chlldren and parenLs.
!ohnson Pudson Culld 133362989
1o supporL Lhe 1een Servlces rogram asslsL youLh ln
achlevlng academlc, professlonal and personal success
ln a safe, supporLlve and nurLurlng envlronmenL. 1he
program provldes ouLreach Lo dlsconnecLed and aL-rlsk
Leens and young adulLs llvlng ln LllloLL-
!ohnson Pudson Culld 133362989
1o supporL Lhe Chelsea's CommunlLy SupporLed
AgrlculLure (CSA) ro[ecL, provldlng produce for a wlde
range of Chelsea resldenLs aL varlous lncome levels.
!ohnson CC Pudson Culld 133362989
lundlng Lo supporL Pudson Culld's 1een Servlces
rogram, whlch provldes servlces Lo youLh ages 13-24
around educaLlon, work and recreaLlon. 1he program
LargeLs dlsconnecLed and aL-rlsk Leens and young
adulLs llvlng ln LllloLL- Chelsea and lulLon ubllc Po
ConsLanLlnldes Puman llrsL, lnc. 113390136
lundlng wlll be used Lo make Lhe day hablllLlaLlon slLe
wheel-chalr accesslble.
Pumane LducaLlon AdvocaLes 8eachlng 1eachers
(PLA81, lnc.) 412033310
1o supporL Pumane Llvlng rogram (PL), a dlrecL
servlce ln-classroom lnlLlaLlve, for sLudenLs and schools
ln Councll ulsLrlcL 17, LhaL addresses anlmal welfare,
envlronmenLal proLecLlon and soclal [usLlce lssues.
MaLLeo lllumlnArL roducLlons 421727647

lunds wlll supporL Lralnlng and sLafflng ro[ecL 18uS1-
1eachlng and 8eachlng uslng SLudenLs and 1heaLer aL
1he eLrldes School.
lmagenaLlon lllm lesLlval, lnc. (aka lmagenaLlon
Clnema loundaLlon) 204186876
11Lh Annual CuLdoor lllm and Muslc lesLlval. lunds
wlll be used Lo pay sLaff and arLlsL fees.
lmaglne loundaLlon, lnc. d/b/a lmaglne
Academy 202336717

3,000 1he funds wlll be used for general operaLlng expenses.
Cumbo lmanl Pouse, lnc. 113033131
lunds wlll be used go Lowards Lhe CoordlnaLors salary
as well as maLerlals/supplles and pracLlce sofLware for
Lhe new CLu/PSL exam Lo supporL AdulL LducaLlon
rogram, whlch provldes free classes ln AdulL 8aslc
LducaLlon, CLu/PSL, Lngllsh for Speakers of
ulckens lmpac 1enanLs AssoclaLlon 362637684
1o expand afLerschool acLlvlLles-lncludlng Lhe
rebulldlng of Lhe chlldren's playground and bulld a
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 289

mulLl-servlce learnlng recreaLlonal cenLer for Lhe
resldenLs and chlldren of lmpac Pouses and of Parlem
Lancman lndla Pome, lnc. 208747291
lundlng Lo provlde free LransporLaLlon Lo and from
senlor cenLers, congregaLe meals, exerclse and
van 8ramer lndla Pome, lnc. 208747291
lunds Lo supporL Lhe salary of Lhe bus drlver and Lo
cover Lhe cosL of auLo-lnsurance and gas.
Weprln lndla Pome, lnc. 208747291
1o supporL programs provldlng nuLrlLlonal, physlcal,
recreaLlonal, culLural, healLh and educaLlonal acLlvlLles
for senlors.
ulrlch lndo-Carlbbean Alllance, lnc. 272848234
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL youLh and communlLy
engagemenL programs for sLudenLs and lmmlgranLs
and for operaLlonal and admlnlsLraLlve expenses
lndochlna Slno-Amerlcan Senlor ClLlzen CenLer,
lnc. 133384616

lundlng Lo supporL clLlzenshlp class and clLlzenshlp
appllcaLlon asslsLance.
lnLermedlaLe School 187 ChrlsLa McAullffe
School 136400434

lundlng wlll be used for 1A acLlvlLles LhaL are
beneflclal Lo chlldren and parenLs.
CenLlle lnLermedlaLe School 201 uyker PelghLs School 136400434

lundlng wlll be used for 1A acLlvlLles LhaL are
beneflclal Lo chlldren and parenLs.
lnLermedlaLe School 227 Ldward 8. Shallow
School 136400434

lundlng wlll be used for 1A acLlvlLles LhaL are
beneflclal Lo chlldren and parenLs.
lnLermedlaLe School 239 Wllllam Mcklnley
School 136400434

lundlng wlll be used for 1A acLlvlLles LhaL are
beneflclal Lo chlldren and parenLs.
Malsel lnLermedlaLe School 278k 136400434

1o purchase lnsLrumenLs and supporL Lhe muslc/band
program aL lS 278k.
CenLlle lnLermedlaLe School 281 !oseph 8. Cavallaro 136400434

lundlng wlll be used for 1A acLlvlLles LhaL are
beneflclal Lo chlldren and parenLs.
Malsel lnLermedlaLe School 78k 136400434 1,300 1o purchase muslcal lnsLrumenLs aL lS 78
Mealy lnLernaLlonal Afrlcan ArLs lesLlval 112933322
1he funds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe lnLernaLlonal
Afrlcan ArLs lesLlval's programmlng. 1he funds wlll be
used Lo pay performers, purchase and renL supplles
and equlpmenL, and general operaLlng expenses for
Lhe lesLlval, and Lhe lAAl's kldzone
8arron lnLernaLlonal Afrlcan ArLs lesLlval 112933322
lunds are lnLended Lo be used for Lhe lAAl Lo 1.
lncrease Lhe quallLy of performers and arLlsLs, namely
performers and arLlsLs who have obLalned name and
brand recognlLlon, hence lncreaslng Lhe fooL Lrafflc aL
1he lesLlval. Whlle Lhe lAAl conLlnues Lo sh
8eynoso lnLernaLlonal SLudlo & CuraLorlal rogram, lnc. 203032686

1o supporL Lhe arLlclpaLory ArLs and SLudlo AsslsLanL
programs. lundlng wlll be allocaLed for sLlpends,
maLerlals, and program developmenL.
Weprln lnLerSchool CrchesLras of new ?ork lnc. 237401867
1o subsldlze LulLlon for every chlld who needs lL for Lhe
beglnner's orchesLra ln Cueens.
8odrlguez lnwood CommunlLy Servlces, lnc. 133087407

lundlng Lo provlde LducaLlon Counselor for AdulL
Lngllsh classes.
8odrlguez lnwood CommunlLy Servlces, lnc. 133087407

lundlng Lo supporL healLhy llfesLyle programmlng for
young adulLs
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 290

klng l8AlSL Clrls & 8oys lnLernaLlonal CorporaLlon 463299217
1o lncrease youLh academlc performance, LesL grades,
hlgh school graduaLlon, college aLLalnmenL, as well as
lncrease ln producLlvlLy and self-esLeem ln youLh
lrls Pouse - A CenLer for Women Llvlng wlLh Plv,
lnc. 133699201

3,000 1o help malnLaln a dally lunch program.
lrls Pouse - A CenLer for Women Llvlng wlLh Plv,
lnc. 133699201

1o supporL for Lhe Women as Lhe lace of AluS SummlL
focused on lssues of women lnfecLed wlLh and affecLed
by Plv/AluS. Cur publlc LducaLlon and Awareness
rograms" lnclude peer advocacy Lralnlng, buL Lhe
cornersLone of Lhe agency's efforLs ls Lhe annual
!ohnson lrlsh 8eperLory 1heaLre Company, lnc. 133331713

1o supporL Lhe 1lckeL Subsldy rogram, whlch
dlsLrlbuLes Lhousands of free and deeply-dlscounLed
LlckeLs Lo underserved audlences and senlors. 1lckeLs
are dlsLrlbuLed by Lhe LheaLres box offlce manager Lo a
neLwork of senlor cenLers, communlLy groups, and
Cumbo lrondale roducLlons lnc. 133178772
lunds Lo provlde free LheaLer Lralnlng, scholarshlps,
and space subsldles.
!ohnson l81 1heaLer, lnc. 112831694

1o provlde scholarshlps for sLudenLs Lo aLLend l81's
WesLslde LxperlmenL, a Lwo-week summer lnLenslve
LhaL palrs mlddle school and hlgh school sLudenLs wlLh
a worklng LheaLer company ln resldency aL l81 1heaLer.
8odrlguez lsabella CerlaLrlc CenLer, lnc. 133623808
lundlng Lo supporL youLh employmenL Lhrough Carlng
arLners rogram aL lsabella CerlaLrlc CenLer
8odrlguez CC lsabella CerlaLrlc CenLer, lnc. 133623808
1o supporL Lhe Cur Carlng arLners afLer-school
Levln lSSuL ro[ecL 8oom lnc. 200367608

1o supporL publlc performance evenLs LhaL span Lhe
dlsclpllnes of muslc, dance, llLeraLure, fllm, and
performance -- hlghllghLlng lnnovaLlve arLlsLs whose
creaLlve achlevemenLs remaln under-recognlzed.
lLallan Amerlcan AssoclaLlon of SL. Mel 8oman
CaLhollc Church 111646313

1o supporL Lhe lLallan Amerlcan AssoclaLlon of SL Mel
8oman CaLhollc Church by provldlng funds for monLhly
meeLlngs as well as subsldlzlng aLLendance aL culLural
evenLs flLLlng ln wlLh Lhe AssoclaLlons mlsslon and
CenLlle lLallan 8oard of Cuardlans 111633371

lunds wlll provlde blllngual (Lngllsh-lLallan) menLal
healLh counsellng, an afLer school LuLorlng / menLorlng
program for youLh, and home companlonshlp for Lhe
MaLLeo lLallan Club of SLaLen lsland, lnc. 133428736 2,000 lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe annual food drlve
Cumbo !ack ArLs, lnc. 433346846
lundlng wlll be used Lo puL on a producLlon for Lwo
weeks ln May 2013 ln parks and playgrounds ln Lhe
CllnLon Plll area.
ulckens !ackle 8oblnson 1enanLs AssoclaLlon, lnc. 133420373
1o supporL "lamlly uay" and oLher 1enanL AssoclaLlon
uromm !ackson PelghLs 8eauLlflcaLlon Croup 112923387
1o fund lndoor & ouLdoor publlc concerLs, prlnLlng of
programs, publlclLy, recepLlon for audlence members.
uromm !ackson PelghLs 8eauLlflcaLlon Croup 112923387
1o fund LnvlronmenLal susLalnablllLy program, dog
park/run, grafflLl removal, muslcal programs.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 291

lerreras !ackson PelghLs Creen Alllance lnc. 264723337

lunds wlll supporL communlLy engagemenL acLlvlLles aL
Lhe 78Lh SLreeL laza, as well as malnLenance.
CommunlLy acLlvlLles lnclude adulL flLness classes, arLs
and crafLs workshops for chlldren, physlcal flLness
opporLunlLles for chlldren and communlLy culL
uromm !ackson PelghLs Creen Alllance, lnc. 264723337

1o supporL acLlvlLles aL 78Lh SLreeL laza such as adulL
flLness classes, arLs and crafLs workshops for chlldren,
!ohnson !ackson Square Alllance 830301873

lunds Lo malnLaln !ackson Square park by provldlng a
seasonal gardener Lo malnLaln Lhe park, purchase
Lables and chalrs, and lnsLall a sLorage shed for Lhe
gardenlng equlpmenL.
ConsLanLlnldes !acob A. 8lls nelghborhood SeLLlemenL, lnc. 111729398

lundlng wlll be used Lo supporL educaLlon
programmlng, case managemenL, and legal servlces for
lmmlgranL populaLlons.
van 8ramer !acob A. 8lls nelghborhood SeLLlemenL, lnc. 111729398

lundlng Lo work wlLh local organlzaLlons, lncludlng
lrlends of Cueensbrldge ark, Lo provlde programmlng
for Cueensbrldge resldenLs ln Cueensbrldge ark
lgnlzlo !acques Marchals Museum of 1lbeLan ArL, lnc. 237280740
lundlng Lo supporL lLs ongolng publlc programmlng
lncludlng roLaLlng exhlblLs, Lal chl classes, lecLures by
auLhors and 1lbeLan scholars, a Sunday fllm serles, and
demonsLraLlons of LradlLlonal arL forms by 1lbeLan
MaLLeo !acques Marchals Museum of 1lbeLan ArL, lnc. 237280740
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL programmlng, lncludlng
salary supporL for sLaff, purchase of exhlblLlon
maLerlals and markeLlng lnlLlaLlves such as posLcard
8ose !acques Marchals Museum of 1lbeLan ArL, lnc. 237280740
lunds wlll be used for cosLs assoclaLed wlLh conLlnulng
publlc programmlng lncludlng roLaLlng exhlblLs, Lal chl
classes, lecLures by auLhors and 1lbeLan scholars, a
Sunday fllm serles and demonsLraLlons of LradlLlonal
arL forms by 1lbeLan arLlsLs.
Mlller !amalca CenLer for ArLs and Learnlng 112478709
lundlng Lo supporL Lhe followlng:
ArL CenLer Workshops for chlldren and adulLs,
Summer ArLs Academy, Summer 8alleL uance
lnLenslve, Lhe nexL uance 8esldency rogram, Lhe
vlsual ArLs Serles, Lxpanslon of Lhe Annual Maklng
Moves uance lesLlval
Cu28 !amalca CenLer for ArLs and Learnlng 112478709
1he requesLed fundlng wlll supporL Lhe followlng:

ACW - ArL CenLer Workshops for chlldren and adulLs Lo
encourage arLs educaLlon Lhrough vlsual, flne and
performlng arLs lnsLrucLlon Summer ArLs Academy -
Summer 8alleL uance lnLenslve - nexL uance 8eslde
!amalca LsLaLes, Polllswood, SouLh 8ayslde
volunLeer Ambulance Corp., lnc. 237331939

lundlng Lo provlde emergency medlcal care and
LransporL of slck and ln[ured paLlenLs.
!amalca LsLaLes, Polllswood, SouLh 8ayslde
volunLeer Ambulance Corp., lnc. 237331939

1o supporL operaLlng expenses for Lhe ambulances,
flrsL ald and C8 educaLlon, medlcal LenL sLandbys and
flrsL ald servlces.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 292

!amalca Servlce rogram for Clder AdulLs, lnc.
(!SCA) 310204121
1o provlde programmlng for menLally physlcally frall
senlors. lunds requesLed wlll be used for ouLreach
maLerlals, upgrade equlpmenL (klLchen, freezers, oven)
and oLher program cosL.
Mlller CC
!amalca Servlce rogram for Clder AdulLs, lnc.
(!SCA) 310204121
1o provlde comprehenslve servlces Lo senlors who are
menLally and physlcally frall. lundlng wlll help operaLe
a psycho-soclal club, and wlLh fundlng from SClA
lmplemenL a careglver's resplLe program. ln addlLlon,
lrlendshlp, llke all oLher ul1A funded
koo !ames A. 8land 8esldenL AssoclaLlon, lnc. 113333863
lunds wlll go Lowards offlce supplles monLhly malllngs
Lo LenanLs and communlLy, equlpmenL malnLenance,
and refreshmenLs for meeLlngs and evenLs.
Chln !apanese Amerlcan Soclal Servlces, lnc. 133093039

lundlng wlll provlde a wlde range of servlces Lo
hundreds of lndlvldual senlors. lunds wlll be used Lo
cover general operaLlng expense lncludlng Lhe cosL of
offlce supplles such as Lhe cosL of prlnLlng and malllng
correspondence Lo senlors and sLafflng pu
ulckens !azz aL Llncoln CenLer, lnc. 133888641

1o supporL concerLs season, [azz educaLlon programs,
and communlLy-ouLreach acLlvlLles.
8osenLhal !azz aL Llncoln CenLer, lnc. 133888641

lundlng wlll supporL concerL season, [azz educaLlon
programs, and communlLy-ouLreach acLlvlLles.
Mlller !azz knlghLs, lnc. 112394796
lunds wlll supporL evenLs for chlldren Lo Leach Lhem
abouL !azz and Lo conducL Lhe annual !azz lesLlval ln SL
Albans ark.
Cumbo !azzmoblle, lnc. 132614483
lunds wlll be used for !azzmoblle SummerfesL and
concerLs & evenLs LhaL wlll occur ln all flve boroughs.
kallos !azzmoblle, lnc. 132614483
1o offer Lhe senlor clLlzens of new ?ork ClLy a Sprlng
lllng, cabareL-sLyle evenLs LhaL feaLured a nuLrlLlous
lunch, a [azz blg-band and swlng dancers. lunds wlll be
used Lo pay for enLerLalnmenL (Lhe band and swlng
dancers), renLal of Lhe faclllLy, caLer
Levlne !azzmoblle, lnc. 132614483
lundlng wlll supporL Lhe 3Lh annual Parlem !azz Shlnes
lesLlval, speclal arLs educaLlon programs for sLudenLs
and senlor clLlzens are a slgnlflcanL parL of Lhe pro[ecL.
1he granL wlll be used Lo offseL arLlsLs fees and
producLlon and admlnlsLraLlve cosLs
Mlller !azzmoblle, lnc. 132614483
lunds wlll supporL a !azzmoblle SummerfesL concerL ln
dlsLrlcL 27.
ulckens !azzmoblle, lnc. 132614483
1o supporL Lhe Parlem !azz Shrlnes fesLlval, celebraLlng
Lhe legacy of [azz ln Parlem, lncludlng arLs educaLlon
programs for sLudenLs and senlor clLlzens.
8osenLhal !azzmoblle, lnc. 132614483 * 3,300 lundlng Lo supporL !azzmoblle SummerfesL
!azzreach erformlng ArL & LducaLlon
AssoclaLlon 113179208
2,900 1o provlde educaLlon of [azz Lo sLudenLs.
Mealy !erlcho 8oad, lnc. 113463613
1he fundlng wlll be used Lo supporL !erlcho 8oad's
domesLlc vlolence awareness and educaLlon efforLs ln
ulsLrlcL 41. 1he funds provlde for sLaff salarles,
purchase and renLal of supplles, and space renLal for
workshops and ouLreach evenLs ln Lhe 41sL ulsL
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 293

CC !eLs of Parlem, lnc. 203336368
lunds wlll be used Lo purchase looLball, Cheerleadlng,
WresLllng 8askeLball equlpmenL unlforms for Lhe
youLh of Lhe communlLy. 1he funds wlll also be used Lo
help pay for LransporLaLlon Lo and from games and
!ewlsh AssoclaLlon for Servlces for Lhe Aged
(!ASA) 132620896
1o Leach classes ln compuLers, crafLs and exerclse,
provlde LransporLaLlon for Lrlps, and Lo supporL oLher
acLlvlLles and evenLs for senlors.
!ewlsh CC
!ewlsh AssoclaLlon for Servlces for Lhe Aged
(!ASA) 132620896
lundlng Lo supporL program sLafflng and operaLlons
and conLlnue Lhe followlng servlces 1) .!ASA LLA
asslsLs vulnerable older adulLs who are elder abuse
vlcLlms. LLA provldes a legal soclal work Leam
approach Lo ldenLlfylng, resolvlng and prevenLlng eld
!ewlsh AssoclaLlon for Servlces for Lhe Aged
(!ASA) - 8ockaway ark Senlor CenLer 132620896
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL programlng and servlces
as well as operaLlonal expenses
!ewlsh 8oard of lamlly and Chlldren's Servlces,
lnc. (aka rlde of !udea) 133364937
lundlng wlll supporL quallLy menLal healLh care Lo
famllles and lndlvlduals ln need.
!ewlsh 8oard of lamlly and Chlldren's Servlces,
lnc. (aka rlde of !udea) 133364937
lundlng Lo offseL cosL of aLlenL lees for famlly
counsellng servlces
!ewlsh 8oard of lamlly and Chlldren's Servlces,
lnc. (aka rlde of !udea) 133364937
lundlng Lo supporL programmaLlc needs for Lhe 8runer
Pouse CommunlLy 8esldence (menLal healLh faclllLy)
whlch serves elghL adolescenLs, ages 13 Lo 18,
LranslLlonlng back lnLo communlLles.
!ewlsh 8oard of lamlly and Chlldren's Servlces,
lnc. (aka rlde of !udea) 133364937
1o provlde menLal healLh servlces for adulLs and
chlldren, lncludlng evaluaLlon and assessmenL, crlsls
lnLervenLlon and Lherapy.
!ewlsh, 8odrlguez CC
!ewlsh 8oard of lamlly and Chlldren's Servlces,
lnc. (aka rlde of !udea) 133364937
1o provlde quallLy menLal healLh care Lo famllles and
lndlvlduals ln need.
ueuLsch !ewlsh Channel lnsLlLuLe, lnc., 1he 134169137
1o provlde Lralnlng Lo PS senlors and college freshmen
on how Lo deal wlLh haLe ldeologles before Lhey
escalaLe lnLo acLlon.
koslowlLz !ewlsh Chlld Care AssoclaLlon 131624060
1he funds wlll be used for Lhe 8ukharlan 1een Lounge
kavod lnLernshlp rogram, lncludlng cosL relaLed Lo
sLaff who are conducLlng program acLlvlLles, lncludlng
recrulLmenL, Lralnlng and supervlslon of youLh and
lnLernshlp slLe developmenL ln addlLlon Lo L
Lugene !ewlsh Chlldren's Museum 133798344
1o defray Lhe cosL of museum admlsslon for publlc
school chlldren from underservlced areas.
CC !ewlsh Chlldren's Museum 133798344
!CMs ubllc School lnlLlaLlve wlll lnvlLe 23,000 chlldren
from publlc schools Lo vlslL our museum aL a reduced
cosL. 1hese chlldren would noL have Lhe opporLunlLy Lo
vlslL any culLural lnsLlLuLlon. 1he publlc schools are
charged a reduced raLe. Many schoo
8ose !ewlsh CommunlLy CenLer of SLaLen lsland, lnc. 133362236
1o fund cosLs assoclaLed wlLh runnlng Lhe !CC S1LM
program, whlch lncludes Sclence Classes, Lechnology
classes, englneerlng workshops as well as Lhe Muslc
and MaLh LuLorlng program, lncludlng sLafflng,
maLerlals and equlpmenL, and relaLed admlnlsLraLlve c
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 294

SLaLen lsland CC !ewlsh CommunlLy CenLer of SLaLen lsland, lnc. 133362236
lundlng Lo provlde aLhleLlc, recreaLlonal, and
leadershlp programs Lo 1,000 SLaLen lsland youLh ln
need of afLer-school supervlslon. ?ouLh acLlvlLles
lnclude swlmmlng, baskeLball, soccer, muslc reclLals,
Parmony 8oad muslc classes, leadershlp groups, youL
Malsel !ewlsh CommunlLy Councll of Canarsle, lnc. 112608643

1o provlde case managemenL, lnformaLlon and
referrals, supporL groups, food and counsellng servlces
Lo aL rlsk elderly, lmmlgranLs and dlsadvanLaged
famllles ln SouLheasLern 8rooklyn
Creenfleld !ewlsh CommunlLy Councll of Canarsle, lnc. 112608643

lunds wlll supporL comprehenslve case managemenL
servlces, lnformaLlon and referrals, supporL groups,
dlsLrlbuLlon of food parcels and supporLlve counsellng
servlces Lo aL rlsk elderly, lmmlgranLs and
dlsadvanLaged famllles LhroughouL SouLheasL
Creenfleld, Malsel CC !ewlsh CommunlLy Councll of Canarsle, lnc. 112608643

lundlng Lo provlde comprehenslve case managemenL
servlces, lnformaLlon and referrals, supporL groups,
dlsLrlbuLlon of food parcels and counsellng servlces Lo
aL rlsk elderly lmmlgranLs and dlsadvanLaged famllles
LhroughouL SouLheasLern 8rooklyn.
!ewlsh CommunlLy Councll of CreaLer Coney
lsland, lnc. 112663181

1o provlde organlzaLlonal 8ebooL Serles (C8S) Lo clLy-
wlde nonproflLs, C8S ls a Lralnlng program LhaL focuses
on four key areas: organlzaLlonal self-assessmenL,
sLraLeglc plannlng, markeLlng and brandlng, and
pracLlcal lmplemenLaLlon Lhese concepLs ln Lhe
!ewlsh CommunlLy Councll of CreaLer Coney
lsland, lnc. 112663181

lunds are requesLed Lo supporL Lhe operaLlonal cosLs
of a shuLLle bus servlce Lo LransporL resldenLs of
SouLhern 8rooklyn Lo essenLlal slLes such as medlcal
appolnLmenLs, shopplng, school, employmenL and
senlor cenLers.
!ewlsh CommunlLy Councll of CreaLer Coney
lsland, lnc. 112663181

lunds wlll supporL Lhe Senlor ClLlzen 1ransporLaLlon
rogram whlch provldes lndlvldual and group
scheduled Lrlps for Lhe elderly.
8rooklyn, ueuLsch,
CenLlle CC
!ewlsh CommunlLy Councll of CreaLer Coney
lsland, lnc. 112663181

lunds wlll be used Lo supporL: 1) Senlor ClLlzen
1ransporLaLlon rogram, 2) Pomecare, 3) vocaLlonal
SupporL SysLems, 4) AdulL LlLeracy, 3) nonroflL
Pelpuesk, 6) Porlzons Academy, and 7) PealLh
lnsurance Pelp CenLer.
!ewlsh CommunlLy Councll of CreaLer Coney
lsland, lnc. - nonroflL Pelpuesk 112663181

1o provlde managemenL and sLraLeglc developmenL
Lools and Lralnlng servlces for a non-proflL
!ewlsh CommunlLy Councll of CreaLer Coney
lsland, lnc. - Ccean arkway Senlor CenLer Pome
uellvered Meals 112663181

lunds wlll supporL Ccean arkway Senlor CenLers
Pome uellvered Meals program whlch provldes home
dellvered meals Lo homebound senlors, who are noL
able Lo prepare nuLrlLlous meals on Lhelr own. lL ls a
hlgh level kosher program (glaLL kosher, and also m
!ewlsh CommunlLy Councll of Lhe 8ockaway
enlnsula, lnc. 112423813
1o supporL Lhe !CC8 Medlcare asslsLance program,
whlch asslsLs cllenLs ln deLermlnlng Medlcare ellglblllLy,
undersLandlng and applylng for Medlcare, enrolllng
lnLo prescrlpLlon (parL u) plans, Medlcare AdvanLage
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 29S

plans, LlC and Lhe Medlcare Savlngs rogr
8osenLhal !ewlsh Culld for Lhe 8llnd 131623834
lunds wlll be used Lo help cover a porLlon of Lhe cosLs
for healLh educaLlonal maLerlals Lo be prlnLed.
koslowlLz !ewlsh lnsLlLuLe Cf Cueens 342068797
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe operaLlon of Lhe
Lmergency lood rogram.
Carodnlck !ewlsh Museum, 1he 136146834
lundlng wlll supporL Lhe !ewlsh Museum's mulLl-
generaLlonal lamlly uay programs, whlch lnclude
lnLeracLlve and lnLergeneraLlonal arL acLlvlLles,
collaboraLlve creaLlve workshops, famlly Lours and
muslcal performances.
Levlne !ewlsh Museum, 1he 136146834
lundlng Lo supporL free educaLlonal medla programs:
Movles LhaL MaLLer lllm lesLlval for hlgh school and
mlddle school sLudenLs and Lhe vldeo Workshop
afLerschool sLudlo for hlgh school sLudenLs.
MaLLeo !oe Cheraldl laywrlghL 1heaLer 330862238

1he funds wlll be used for producLlon cosLs for Lhe lall
2014 producLlon of 1he ulary Cf Anne lrank, by
Coodrlch and PackeLL.
Arroyo !oe 1orre Safe AL Pome loundaLlon, 1he 030442314
lundlng wlll supporL Lhe MargareL's lace program aL
Lhe PosLos Llncoln Academy Plgh School.
8osenLhal !ohn !ay College of Crlmlnal !usLlce 136400434

lundlng Lo supporL mlnl-serles of free performlng arLs
8osenLhal !ohn !ay College of Crlmlnal !usLlce 136400434

lundlng Lo supporL communlLy 8oofLop erformlng
ArLs ConcerL Serles
!ohnson !oyce 1heaLer loundaLlon, lnc. 133038262
1o lmplemenL lLs CommunlLy ConnecLlons lnlLlaLlve
wlLh a focus on corporaLlons ln Lhe nelghborhood and
Lhelr employees. lunds wlll be used for markeLlng
maLerlals and sLaff ouLreach efforLs LhaL promoLe
performances and oLher culLural opporLunlLles, encou
Chln !udd loundaLlon 742798673
lundlng wlll conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe hlrlng of arLlsL guldes Lo
glve publlc Lours of Lhe hlsLorlc house museum and arL
collecLlon aL 101 Sprlng SLreeL.
Cu28 !unlor Plgh School 226C 136400434

1o supporL Lhe programmaLlc and operaLlng cosL for
hoLography rogram lncludlng equlpmenL
Cumbo !unlor 1ennls Cllnlc, lnc. 061229839

lunds Lo provlde year-round Lennls lnsLrucLlon for
youLh beLween Lhe ages 6 Lhru 18.
uromm !usL-us, lnc. 132934007
1o fund Lhe Senlor 1ech rogram's workshops almed aL
Leachlng senlors Lhe baslc compuLer skllls necessary for
Lhem Lo begln Lo uLlllze Lechnology for Lhe purpose of
enhanclng and enrlchlng Lhelr llves, decreaslng
lsolaLlon, and provldlng a vlable meLhod o
Arroyo !usL-us, lnc. 132934007
lundlng wlll supporL compuLer Lralnlng programmlng
ln Senlor CenLer wlLhln Lhe 17Lh Councll ulsLrlcL.
Mark-vlverlLo keep 8lslng Lo Lhe 1op, lnc. 133948379
lundlng wlll be used for Lhe developmenL, educaLlon
and Lralnlng of company members and any lnLeresLed
members of Lhe communlLy Lhrough speclallzed guesL
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 296

ulrlch kehllaL Sephardlm of AhavaL Achlm 113101774
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL a food panLry program
and Lo purchase supplles and equlpmenL
koslowlLz kehllaL Sephardlm of AhavaL Achlm 113101774
lunds wlll be used for Lhe food panLry program and Lhe
cosL assoclaLed wlLh runnlng lL lncludlng supplles
vallone kehllaL Sephardlm of AhavaL Achlm 113101774
1he funds wlll help supporL Lhe food panLry program
LhaL offers Lhe communlLy a varleLy of produce,
packaged and canned goods.
Lancman CC kehllaL Sephardlm of AhavaL Achlm 113101774
lundlng Lo supporL Lhe food panLry program, whlch
offers Lhe communlLy a varleLy of produce, packaged
and canned goods. 1hey also provlde producLs LhaL
requlre Lo be packed ln lndlvldual bags. 1hese are
some of Lhe supplles LhaL are necessary for maklng p
Creenfleld keren Zlchron ?lsroel Melr, lnc. 364379309
lunds wlll be used Lo cover Lhe expensed of runnlng
Lhe organlzaLlon, cenLral lnsurance program,
Lelephone, uLlllLles, and oLher operaLlonal expenses.
Lander keren Zlchron ?lsroel Melr, lnc. 364379309
1o supporL Lhe overhead expenses for organlzaLlon,
whlch provldes asslsLance Lo lndlvlduals and famllles ln
need, lncludlng lnsurance, Lelephone, uLlllLles,
occupancy and oLher overhead cosLs.
Levln khalll Clbran lnLernaLlonal Academy 136400434 2,800 1o provlde books Lo supporL new l8 courses.
Lancman klng Manor AssoclaLlon of Long lsland, lnc. 112396324
lundlng Lo provlde hlsLory programmlng for school
chlldren, a concerL serles for adulLs, and hlsLorlc food
preparaLlon and LasLlng programmlng for famllles.
ueuLsch klngs 8ay ?M-?WPA, lnc. 113068313
1o educaLe 8usslan-Amerlcan clLlzens ln process of
naLurallzaLlon, abouL Lhe lmporLance of acLlve
parLlclpaLlon ln all sLages of elecLlon campalgns and
pollLlcal lnvolvemenL
Malsel klngs 8ay ?M-?WPA, lnc. 113068313
1o supporL Lhe Alzhelmer's 8esplLe program for
paLlenLs wlLh moderaLe Lo severe Alzhelmer's and
uemenLla dlseases, offerlng recreaLlonal and soclal
acLlvlLles ln a non-medlcal envlronmenL and
LransporLaLlon for parLlclpanLs
Malsel klngs 8ay ?M-?WPA, lnc. 113068313
1o supporL Lhe klngs 8ay ?M-?WPA lmmlgraLlon
lnlLlaLlve, provldlng LSL and ClvlCS preparaLlon courses
for lmmlgranLs
1reyger klngs 8ay ?M-?WPA, lnc. 113068313
lunds used Lo educaLe clLlzens as well as Lhose ln
process of naLurallzaLlon, abouL Lhe lmporLance of
acLlve parLlclpaLlon ln all sLages of elecLlon campalgns
ln order Lo empower Lhem and unlfy Lhe communlLy.
Malsel klngs 8ay ?ouLh CrganlzaLlon, lnc. 116020722
1o supporL youLh baseball, fooLball, and baskeLball
programs. lunds wlll be used Lo purchase sporLs
equlpmenL, unlforms, and Lrophles
1reyger klngs Plghway 8eauLlflcaLlon AssoclaLlon, lnc 204986882
1he fundlng wlll be used Lo launch grafflLl cleanlng
programs ln Lhe 47Lh and 44Lh Councll ulsLrlcLs
LargeLlng klngs Plghway, Avenue M, Avenue , Avenue
u, Avenue x, and Mcuonald Ave.
Creenfleld klngs Plghway 8eauLlflcaLlon AssoclaLlon, lnc. 204986882
1he fundlng wlll be used Lo launch dlsLrlcLs-wlde grafflLl
cleanlng programs ln Lhe 47Lh and 44Lh Councll
ulsLrlcLs. 1he program wlll make klngs Plghway, Ave M,
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 297

Ave , Ave u, and Ave x-beLween Ccean arkway and
Mcuonald Avenue-and Mcuonald Ave beLween Ave
ueuLsch klngsborough CommunlLy College 136400434

1o brlng arLlsLlcally and culLurally dlverse mulLl-
dlsclpllnary professlonal performances
Creenfleld klngsborough CommunlLy College 136400434

Cn SLage aL klngsborough, kCCs performlng arLs
program, brlngs arLlsLlcally and culLurally dlverse mulLl-
dlsclpllnary professlonal performances (dance, LheaLer,
fllm and famlly programs) from around Lhe counLry and
abroad. lunds would enable kCC Lo dlver
CenLlle klngsborough Larly College School 136400434

lundlng wlll be used for 1A acLlvlLles LhaL are
beneflclal Lo chlldren and parenLs.
Cohen klngsbrldge PelghLs CommunlLy CenLer, lnc. 132813809

lundlng Lo supporL educaLlonal, leadershlp, soclal and
recreaLlonal programmlng wlLhln 1een CenLer.
Cabrera klngsbrldge PelghLs CommunlLy CenLer, lnc. 132813809

Chlld Sexual Abuse 1reaLmenL revenLlve (CSA)
program's prlmary mlsslon ls Lo help chlld survlvors of
sexual abuse lmprovlng coplng skllls heal Lhe effecL of
abuse Lhrough crlsls lnLervenLlon counsellng. CSA
offers Lhe followlng essenLlal servlces: 1 L
klngsbrldge PelghLs nelghborhood lmprovemenL
AssoclaLlon, lnc. 133266668

lunds wlll go Lowards supporLlng Lhe consulLanL
program whlch provldes educaLlon Lo LenanLs and
homeowners on Lhelr rlghLs, provldes help for
resldenLs ln organlzlng LenanL and block assoclaLlons.
CommunlLy advocacy ouLreach, workshops and
meeLlngs on hou
alma klngsbrldge LlLLle League 061666793 * 7,000 1o supporL Lhe operaLlons of Lhe sporLs league
8ronx, Cabrera,
alma, vacca CC klps 8ay 8oys & Clrls Club 131623830
1o provlde Leen programmlng aL Lhe flagshlp almaro
clubhouse, Lhe new WesL 8ronx CouderL Clubhouse,
and nPCPA slLes aL CasLle Plll Pouses and 1hroggs
neck Pouses. LmpowermenL programmlng wlll be
emphaslzed lncludlng leadershlp and clvlc clubs, gang
ulrlch klwanls Club of Clendale new ?ork loundaLlon 113466930 * 3,300 lunds wlll be used Lo send chlldren Lo klwanls camp
Creenfleld klelnman lamlly PolocausL LducaLlon CenLer lnc 270644792
1he klPLC would llke Lo sLarL a new program lnvolvlng
forelgn language-speaklng senlor clLlzens (lncludlng
PolocausL survlvors) who could become lnvolved wlLh
Lhe museum by LranslaLlng dlarles, leLLers oLher
hlsLorlc documenLs lnLo Lngllsh for use ln res
Chln knlckerbocker Chamber CrchesLra 262336369
1o supporL cosL of engaglng muslclans for publlc
performance on ouLdoor sLage ln Lhe SouLh SLreeL
Cohen knox CaLes nelghborhood AssoclaLlon, lnc. 133020373
lundlng Lo supporL educaLlonal and soclal
programmlng Lo glve Leens a safe haven Lo develop
and achleve goals.
korean Amerlcan AssoclaLlon of Cueens new
?ork, lnc. 434683421
lundlng for plannlng, preparaLlon, and runnlng of
evenLs lncludlng Lhe Cueens Lunar new ?ear arade,
korean PerlLage nlghL, and varlous korean
1hanksglvlng uay LvenLs.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 298

korean Amerlcan AssoclaLlon of Cueens new
?ork, lnc. 434683421
lundlng wlll be used for plannlng, preparaLlon, and
runnlng of Lhe evenLs, lncludlng Lhe Cueens Lunar new
?ear arade, korean PerlLage nlghL aL ClLlfleld, and Lhe
korean 1hanksglvlng uay LvenLs.
korean Amerlcan AssoclaLlon of Cueens new
?ork, lnc. 434683421
1o supporL Lhe plannlng, preparaLlon and runnlng of
evenLs (ex. Lunar new ?ear arade) ln Cueens LhaL
help spread korean-Amerlcan culLure.
uromm korean Amerlcan lamlly Servlce CenLer (kAlSC) 133609811
1o supporL culLurally & llngulsLlcally approprlaLe
servlces Lo vlcLlms & survlvors of domesLlc vlolence
koo korean Amerlcan lamlly Servlce CenLer (kAlSC) 133609811
1o supporL Lhe 1ranslLlon Pouslng rogram (1-
Pouslng), whlch provldes much needed houslng
asslsLance Lo women and chlldren who need physlcal
securlLy for up Lo 18 monLhs.
koo korean Amerlcan lamlly Servlce CenLer (kAlSC) 133609811
1o supporL Lhe 8alnbow Pouse shelLer operaLlon,
whlch provldes crlLlcally needed emergency servlces
for survlvors Lrylng Lo escape from abuse and begln a
new llfe. 8alnbow Pouse addresses survlvors'
lmmedlaLe needs for shelLer, culLural food and safeLy,
Lancman korean Amerlcan lamlly Servlce CenLer (kAlSC) 133609811
lundlng Lo provlde culLurally and llngulsLlcally
approprlaLe domesLlc vlolence prevenLlon and
lnLervenLlon servlces, lndlvldual and famlly counsellng
for all ages, referrals, supporL groups, self-sufflclency
classes, an affordable afLer-school and youLh a
korean Amerlcan Senlor ClLlzens SocleLy of
CreaLer new ?ork lnc 112433396
1he funds wlll supporL kASCS, and lLs programs for
recenL lmmlgranL senlor clLlzens, lncludlng offerlng
baslc compuLer, LSL and u.S. ClLlzenshlp skllls.
korean Amerlcan Senlor ClLlzens SocleLy of
CreaLer new ?ork, lnc. 112433396
1he funds wlll supporL kASCS, and lLs programs for
recenL lmmlgranL senlor clLlzens, lncludlng offerlng
baslc compuLer, LSL and u.S. ClLlzenshlp skllls.
korean Amerlcan Senlor ClLlzens SocleLy of
CreaLer new ?ork, lnc. 113313647

fundlng wlll help supporL personnel cosLs lncludlng
frlnge beneflLs for core program servlces.
korean CommunlLy Servlces of MeLropollLan
new ?ork, lnc. 237348989
3,000 lundlng wlll provlde free breasL cancer screenlngs.
Cueens, koo CC
korean CommunlLy Servlces of MeLropollLan
new ?ork, lnc. 237348989

1o supporL Lhe AdulL LlLeracy rogram LhaL provldes
LSCL and compuLer llLeracy classes Lo Aslan
koo korean lamlly Counsellng and 8esearch CenLer 112827963

lunds Lo supporL salarles of full-Llme counselors for Lhe
counsellng servlces and/or oLher expenses such as
space renLal cosL, LransporLaLlon, uLlllLles,
communlcaLlons, lnsurance, offlce supplles,
equlpmenL, malnLenance of equlpmenL and webslLe,
oLher ha
vallone korean lamlly Counsellng and 8esearch CenLer 112827963

1he funds wlll be used for salarles of counselor and/or
for oLher expenses such as space renLal expense,
LransporLaLlon, uLlllLles, communlcaLlon, equlpmenL,
offlce supplles, malnLenance of equlpmenL and webslLe
and oLher varlous expenses.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 299

uromm, lerreras,
koslowlLz CC
La Cuardla and Wagner Archlves aL La Cuardla
CommunlLy College Cun? 136400434

1o fund 1he new ?ork ClLy Councll collecLlon, whlch
represenLs an unparalleled documenLaLlon of Lhe
leglslaLlve hlsLory of our clLy from Lhe 1930's Lo Lhe
early 21sL cenLury. lL lncludes noL only coples of Lhe
Lhousands of enacLed laws and offlclal publlc
Levln La nueva Lsperanza, lnc. 204393724
1o provlde lood and nuLrlLlon Servlces Lo Plv/AluS
lnfecLed lndlvlduals.
8eynoso La nueva Lsperanza, lnc. 204393724
1o supporL provldlng lood and nuLrlLlon Servlces Lo
Plv/AluS lnfecLed lndlvlduals. lunds wlll be allocaLed
Lo renL/uLlllLles and panLry bags.
Lsplnal La nueva Lsperanza, lnc. 204393724
lunds Lo offseL operaLlonal expenses lncludlng
8enL/uLlllLles & anLry bags
Levln Labor and lndusLry for LducaLlon, lnc. 114088033

1o enhance educaLlonal programs aL !onaLhan Wllllams
ln Wllllamsburg.
1reyger Labor and lndusLry for LducaLlon, lnc. 114088033

lundlng wlll be used Lo enhance Lhe educaLlonal
programs LllL offers Lhrough lLs LarlyLearn rograms.
Cumbo LafayeLLe Cardens 1enanLs AssoclaLlon, lnc. 113336000
lundlng Lo provlde afLer school recreaLlonal programs,
meals for senlors, parenLlng classes, soclal servlces,
and vlolence prevenLlon for ubllc Pouslng youLh,
adulLs and senlors who llve ln CenLral 8rooklyn and Lhe
surroundlng communlLles.
Cumbo LafayeLLe Cardens 1enanLs AssoclaLlon, lnc. 113336000
lunds Lo provlde a range of servlces and programs for
youLh, adulLs and senlors who llve ln LafayeLLe Cardens
and oLher ubllc Pouslng uevelopmenLs ln Lhe area.
8osenLhal Landmark WesL, lnc. 133363633
lundlng Lo supporL keeplng Lhe asL for Lhe luLure aL
S 87, a classroom-based educaLlon program LhaL uses
Lhe bullL envlronmenL Lo Leach sLudenLs abouL Lhelr
koo LaLlmer Cardens 8esldenL AssoclaLlon 364369848
lunds wlll go Lowards offlce supplles monLhly malllngs
Lo LenanLs and communlLy, equlpmenL malnLenance,
and refreshmenLs for meeLlngs and evenLs.
Lsplnal LaLlnos Amerlcanos unldos, lnc. 113361821
lunds wlll provlde lmmlgraLlon servlces lncludlng
classes ln Lngllsh and CompuLer LlLeracy. Monles wlll
also be used Lo defray purchase cosLs of compuLer
equlpmenL and hlrlng of Leachlng sLaff. LasLly Lo
provlde lnLermedlary servlces for uomesLlc vlolen
Cornegy Learnlng Leaders, lnc. 132638349
1o supporL Learnlng Leaders work ln provldlng
volunLeer Lralnlng and famlly educaLlon workshops ln
elemenLary and mlddle schools
Cabrera Learnlng Leaders, lnc. 132638349
1o provlde academlc supporL for publlc school chlldren
aL elemenLary and mlddle schools ln ClLy councll
ulsLrlcL 14 by Lralnlng volunLeers and parenLs Lo
provlde academlc supporL.
Levlne Learnlng Leaders, lnc. 132638349
lundlng Lo provlde volunLeer Lralnlng, famlly educaLlon
workshops and workshops for parenLs. lundlng wlll
supporL general program cosLs for programs based ln
Councll ulsLrlcL 7.
ulckens Learnlng Leaders, lnc. 132638349
1o provlde volunLeer Lralnlng and famlly educaLlon
workshops ln elemenLary and mlddle schools.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 300

8odrlguez Learnlng Leaders, lnc. 132638349
lundlng Lo provlde famlly educaLlon workshops and
volunLeer Lralnlng
klng Learnlng 1ree CulLural CenLer lnc, 1he 133313723
?ouLh wlll 1) be lnvlLed Lo become responslble and
clean ln LhoughL, word and deed, 2) develop exemplary
characLer, become a compeLenL member of Lhe
communlLy and have a deslre for llfelong learnlng.
Lefrak ClLy ?ouLh and AdulL AcLlvlLles
AssoclaLlon, lnc. 113106422
lundlng wlll supporL youLh Lhe CommunlLy
LmpowermenL lnlLlaLlve comprlslng homework
asslsLance, Lngllsh and maLh LuLorlals, sporLs and arLs
recreaLlonal acLlvlLles. rogrammlng also promoLes
youLh leadershlp developmenL and vlolence

Cumbo Legal Ald SocleLy 133362263
lunds wlll supporL ClLywlde Clvll Legal Servlces ln
ulsLrlcL 33, lncludlng houslng, foreclosure prevenLlon,
homeless rlghLs, governmenL beneflLs, healLh,
employmenL, low-wage worker, lmmlgraLlon,
famlly/domesLlc vlolence, law reform, educaLlon,
consumer l
Cabrera Legal Ald SocleLy 133362263
lunds wlll supporL ClLywlde Clvll Legal Servlces ln
ulsLrlcL 14 lncludlng houslng, educaLlon, elder law,
governmenL beneflLs, foreclosure prevenLlon,
homeless rlghLs, healLh, employmenL, low-wage
worker, lmmlgraLlon, famlly/domesLlc vlolence, law
Carodnlck Legal Ald SocleLy 133362263
lundlng wlll supporL free legal servlces ln Councll
ulsLrlcL 4.
kallos Legal Ald SocleLy 133362263
1o supporL ClLywlde Clvll Legal Servlces ln ulsLrlcL 3
lncludlng houslng, educaLlon, Lax law, healLh,
foreclosure prevenLlon, homeless rlghLs, governmenL
beneflLs, employmenL, low-wage worker, lmmlgraLlon,
famlly/domesLlc vlolence, law reform, consumer l
koo Legal Ald SocleLy 133362263
1o supporL Clvll Legal Servlces ln ulsLrlcL 20, lncludlng
advocacy and legal represenLaLlon, educaLlon efforLs
and communlLy developmenL work.
Levln Legal Ald SocleLy 133362263
1o supporL Lhe ClLywlde Clvll Legal Servlces ln ulsLrlcL
33 lncludlng our houslng, educaLlon, foreclosure
prevenLlon, homeless rlghLs, governmenL beneflLs,
healLh, employmenL, low-wage worker, lmmlgraLlon,
famlly/domesLlc vlolence, law reform, consumer la
Levlne Legal Ald SocleLy 133362263
lunds Lo supporL ClLywlde Clvll Legal Servlces ln ulsLrlcL
7 lncludlng houslng, educaLlon, foreclosure
prevenLlon, homeless rlghLs, governmenL beneflLs,
healLh, employmenL, low-wage worker, lmmlgraLlon,
famlly/domesLlc vlolence, law reform, consumer law,
alma Legal Ald SocleLy 133362263
1o provlde clvll, crlmlnal and [uvenlle legal servlces
lncludlng ClLywlde Clvll Legal Servlces, ul/SSl Clvll Legal
Servlces, Pu AnLl-LvlcLlon Legal Servlces, and lCl Clvll
Legal Servlces ln Councll dlsLrlcL 18.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 301

Mendez Legal Ald SocleLy 133362263
lundlng Lo provlde Clvll Legal Servlces ln ulsLrlcL 2
lncludlng houslng, educaLlon, foreclosure prevenLlon,
homeless rlghLs, governmenL beneflLs, healLh,
employmenL, low-wage worker, lmmlgraLlon,
famlly/domesLlc vlolence, law reform, consumer law,
8ose Legal Ald SocleLy 133362263
1he funds wlll supporL sLafflng for ClLywlde Clvll Legal
Servlces ln ulsLrlcL 49 lncludlng houslng, foreclosure
prevenLlon, homeless rlghLs, governmenL beneflLs,
healLh, employmenL, low-wage worker, lmmlgraLlon,
famlly/domesLlc vlolence, law reform, educa
!ohnson Legal Ald SocleLy 133362263
1o provlde legal servlces Lo low-lncome famllles and
lndlvlduals, lncludlng supporL for ClLywlde Clvll Legal
Servlces, ul / SSl Clvll Legal Servlces, and ln Pu AnLl-
LvlcLlon Legal Servlces .
8osenLhal Legal Ald SocleLy 133362263
1o supporL ClLywlde Clvll Legal Servlces ln ulsLrlcL 6
lncludlng houslng, educaLlon, foreclosure prevenLlon,
homeless rlghLs, governmenL beneflLs, healLh,
employmenL, low-wage worker, lmmlgraLlon,
famlly/domesLlc vlolence, law reform, consumer law,
Lugene Legal Ald SocleLy 133362263
1o supporL ClLywlde Clvll Legal Servlces ln ulsLrlcL 40,
lncludlng houslng, lmmlgraLlon, foreclosure
prevenLlon, homeless rlghLs, governmenL beneflLs,
healLh, employmenL, low-wage worker,
famlly/domesLlc vlolence, law reform, educaLlon,
consumer law, eld
Chln Legal Ald SocleLy 133362263
1o provlde clvll legal servlces ln ulsLrlcL 1, lncludlng
houslng, healLh, employmenL, low-wage worker,
lmmlgraLlon, famlly/uv, governmenL beneflLs,
homeless rlghLs, law reform, elder law, dlsablllLy law,
educaLlon, and communlLy developmenL work.
Cu28 Legal Ald SocleLy 133362263
1he funds wlll supporL ClLywlde Clvll Legal Servlces ln
ulsLrlcL 28 lncludlng our houslng, educaLlon,
foreclosure prevenLlon, homeless rlghLs, governmenL
beneflLs, healLh, employmenL, low-wage worker,
lmmlgraLlon, famlly/domesLlc vlolence, law reform,
Mark-vlverlLo Legal Ald SocleLy 133362263
lunds wlll supporL our ClLywlde Clvll Legal Servlces ln
ulsLrlcL 8 lncludlng our houslng, educaLlon, foreclosure
prevenLlon, homeless rlghLs, governmenL beneflLs,
healLh, employmenL, low-wage worker, lmmlgraLlon,
famlly/domesLlc vlolence, law reform, cons
kallos Legal lnformaLlon for lamllles 1oday (Lll1) 133910367

1o supporL Lhe producLlon of Legal 8esource Culdes,
whlch empower clLlzens wlLh Lhe lnformaLlon Lo
navlgaLe Lhe ClLy's complex lamlly CourLs.
CenLlle Legal lnformaLlon for lamllles 1oday (Lll1) 133910367

lunds wlll supporL Lhe producLlon of Lhe Legal
8esource Culdes, whlch empowers people wlLh Lhe
lnformaLlon Lo navlgaLe Lhe ClLy's complex lamlly
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 302

8osenLhal Legal lnformaLlon for lamllles 1oday (Lll1) 133910367

SupporL Lhe producLlon of Legal 8esource Culdes,
whlch empower consLlLuenLs wlLh Lhe lnformaLlon Lo
navlgaLe Lhe ClLy's complex lamlly CourLs.
Chln Legal lnformaLlon for lamllles 1oday (Lll1) 133910367

1o produce and dlsLrlbuLe mulLlllngual educaLlonal
maLerlals on lssues relaLed Lo navlgaLlng famlly courLs.
Wllllams Legal lnformaLlon for lamllles 1oday (Lll1) 133910367

lunds Lo enhance access Lo [usLlce for chlldren and
famllles by provldlng legal lnformaLlon, communlLy
educaLlon, and compasslonaLe guldance, whlle
promoLlng sysLem-wlde reform of Lhe courLs and
publlc agencles.
Legal Servlces n?C - Cueens Legal Servlces
CorporaLlon 132603604

Cn-slLe legal advlce and know your rlghLs educaLlon
law cllnlcs for sLudenLs ln Lhe ulsLrlcL 23.
MaLLeo Legal Servlces n?C - SLaLen lsland Legal Servlces 132600199
lundlng Lo conLlnue helplng Sandy vlcLlms geL proper
lnsurance paymenLs and asslsLance from 8ulld lL 8ack
and oLher
8ose Legal Servlces n?C - SLaLen lsland Legal Servlces 132600199
SlLS seeks fundlng Lo supporL lLs work represenLlng low
lncome domesLlc vlolence survlvors, parLlcularly
lmmlgranLs and survlvors who do noL speak Lngllsh
well. lundlng wlll be used Lo help supporL an aLLorney
Lo provlde legal represenLaLlon.
Cohen Lehman College ArL Callery 133391212

lundlng Lo help creaLe opporLunlLles for chlldren and
adulLs Lo learn ln/Lhrough arL.
Lehman College CenLer for Lhe erformlng ArLs,
lnc. 133047036
lundlng Lo subsldlze cosLs of LlckeLs Lo performances
aL Lhe Lehman CenLer.
Cohen CC
Lehman College CenLer for Lhe erformlng ArLs,
lnc. 133047036
1o supporL Lehman CenLer's 2014-2013 ConcerL
Season and CommunlLy CuLreach
Mark-vlverlLo Lenox Plll nelghborhood Pouse, lnc. 131628180

lunds wlll be used Lo provlde comprehenslve soclal,
psychlaLrlc, recreaLlonal, counsellng, legal and oLher
supporLlve servlces ln a permanenL houslng resldence
for formerly homeless, menLally lll slngle adulLs ln
ulsLrlcL 8.
Chln LLS CreaLlve eople ln AcLlon, lnc. 272188237
1he funds wlll be used Lo produce a free ouLdoor
muslcal concerL ln Lhe LasL 8lver ark 8andshell.
Lesblan & Cay CommunlLy Servlces CenLer, lnc.
(LC81 CenLer) 133217803

1o supporL and expand lnformaLlon and 8eferral (l8)
program Lo connecL LC81 lndlvlduals Lo Plv/AluS
supporL, lmmlgraLlon resources, medlcal asslsLance,
addlcLlon recovery counsellng, and houslng
ManhaLLan, LC81,
!ohnson, kallos,
Levlne, Mendez,
1orres CC
Lesblan & Cay CommunlLy Servlces CenLer, lnc.
(LC81 CenLer) 133217803

lundlng ls Lo expand Lhe lnformaLlon 8eferral rogram
Lo add a CommunlLy SafeLy componenL, Lhus freelng
Lhe referral sLaff Lo serve Lhe publlc more dlrecLly.
lunds wlll also resLore Lhe poslLlon of volunLeer
CoordlnaLor, and lncrease fundlng Lo Lhe CenLer
Lugene LeL Co & LeL Cod MlnlsLry 113233896

1o supporL operaLlon cosLs of Lhe CommunlLy Alllance
8loc-8y-8loc SLreeL lalr lncludlng: 1) space renLal
2)promoLlonal expenses (graphlcs, prlnLlng,
moblllzlng), 3) sLaff cosLs Lo erecL sLage 4) help defray
cosLs of muslclans and enLerLalnmenL 3)LransporL
Llbrary AcLlon CommlLLee of Corona-LasL
LlmhursL, lnc. 112228314
lunds wlll supporL Lhe LangsLon Pughes CommunlLy
Llbrary and CulLural CenLers CulLural ArLs rogram.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 303

Lugene Llfe of Pope 203232137
1o supporL operaLlng cosLs of Llfe of Pope programs,
lncludlng classroom and offlce space expenses for:
youLh menLorlng block, adulL llLeracy, compuLer
llLeracy, re-CLu/CLu prep, clLlzenshlp classes prep,
flnanclal llLeracy, famlly orlenLaLlon and [ob-re
8ose LlfesLyles for Lhe ulsabled, lnc. 133740011

lundlng Lo defray Lhe cosLs of food purchases Lo
supporL dlnners for our communlLy's senlor clLlzens.
Lvery monLh, dlnners are prepared and served Lo
senlors by LlfesLyles' program parLlclpanLs wlLh varylng
developmenLal dlsablllLles.
Crowley Llncoln CenLer for Lhe erformlng ArLs, lnc. 131847137
lundlng wlll be used Lo produce free performance(s) aL
8ldgewood llbrary.
Cabrera Llncoln CenLer for Lhe erformlng ArLs, lnc. 131847137
Llncoln CenLer respecLfully requesLs renewal supporL
for MeeL Lhe ArLlsL School Serles Lo provlde publlc
school Leachers from schools ln Councll ulsLrlcL 14 wlLh
Lhe opporLunlLy Lo brlng Lhelr class Lo Llncoln CenLer
for a program LhaL showcases a unlque
kallos Llncoln CenLer for Lhe erformlng ArLs, lnc. 131847137
1o provlde arLs programmlng for sLudenLs and
audlences ln ulsLrlcL 3.
koo Llncoln CenLer for Lhe erformlng ArLs, lnc. 131847137
1o provlde supporL for Llncoln CenLer's popular serles,
Llncoln CenLer Local, and Lo produce free
performance(s) aL llushlng 8ranch of Cueen Llbrary.
CenLlle Llncoln CenLer for Lhe erformlng ArLs, lnc. 131847137
lunds wlll supporL Lhe MeeL Lhe ArLlsL School Serles
program Lo provlde publlc school Leachers wlLh Lhe
opporLunlLy Lo brlng Lhelr class Lo Llncoln CenLer for a
program LhaL lnvolves a blend of performance,
parLlclpaLlon, and educaLlon.
Mlller Llncoln CenLer for Lhe erformlng ArLs, lnc. 131847137
lundlng supporLs Llncoln CenLer Local. 1he fundlng wlll
be used Lo produce free performance(s) aL CenLral
llbrary and Cambrla PelghLs branches ln dlsLrlcL 27
and supporL efforLs Lo produce encore dlglLal
ulckens Llncoln CenLer for Lhe erformlng ArLs, lnc. 131847137
1o supporL Llncoln CenLer LducaLlon, lncludlng arLs
programmlng for sLudenLs ln ulsLrlcL 9, lncludlng aL Lhe
lrederlck uouglass Academy ll.
8osenLhal Llncoln CenLer for Lhe erformlng ArLs, lnc. 131847137
lundlng supporLs oeL-Llnc, a poeLry slam compeLlLlon
for publlc hlgh school sLudenLs aL Llncoln CenLer wlLh
lnLeracLlve performances on Lhe flrsL SaLurday of each
monLh ln Lhe uavld 8ubensLeln ALrlum.
ulrlch Llncoln CenLer for Lhe erformlng ArLs, lnc. 131847137
lunds wlll be used Lo provlde arLs educaLlonal
programlng for sLudenLs ln ulsLrlcL 32
vallone Llncoln CenLer for Lhe erformlng ArLs, lnc. 131847137
1he fundlng wlll help supporL Lhe Llncoln CenLer
LducaLlon program, Lo provlde lnvlgoraLlng arLs
programmlng for sLudenLs and audlences.
van 8ramer Llncoln CenLer for Lhe erformlng ArLs, lnc. 131847137
lundlng Lo produce free performance(s) aL 8roadway
llbrary branch Lhls summer and supporL efforLs Lo
produce encore dlglLal performances.
Levlne Llncoln CenLer for Lhe erformlng ArLs, lnc. 131847137
lundlng Lo supporL Llncoln CenLer LducaLlon--Lo
provlde lnvlgoraLlng arLs programmlng for sLudenLs
and audlences ln ulsLrlcL 7.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 304

Arroyo CC Llncoln PosplLal 133040671 100,000 SupporL Cuns uown Llfe up rogram (SCS)
Llncoln Square ulsLrlcL ManagemenL AssoclaLlon,
lnc. 133922300
lundlng Lo expand mulLlculLural programmlng durlng
WlnLer's Lve, n?'s largesL hollday fesLlval
Llncoln Square ulsLrlcL ManagemenL AssoclaLlon,
lnc. 133922300
lunds Lo help pay sLlpends for hlgh-school/college-
aged sLudenLs who work wlLh Lhe 8lu as lnformaLlon
Ambassadors aL our Lhree nelghborhood lnformaLlon
Carousels whlch hold 8lu publlcaLlons and maLerlal
from nelghborhood organlzaLlons and buslnesses.
Llndenwood CommunlLy volunLeer Ambulance
Corps, lnc. 237293863
lunds wlll be used Lo provlde emergency ambulaLory
servlce Lo Lhe publlc
Cohen LlLeracy, lnc. (LlnC) 133911331
lundlng wlll supporL llLeracy programs, parenL
engagemenL and communlLy celebraLlons LhroughouL
Lhe 11Lh Councll dlsLrlcL.
Levlne LlLeracy, lnc. (LlnC) 133911331
lundlng Lo supporL LlnC's menu of llLeracy programs ln
S 133 and PamllLon Crange Llbrary. 1hese lnclude
school based llLeracy supporL programs, llbrary based
llLeracy supporL programs, communlLy based llLeracy
supporL programs, parenL engagemenL programs
8odrlguez LlLeracy, lnc. (LlnC) 133911331
lundlng Lo supporL llLeracy programlng for chlldren
and parenLs
Lsplnal LlLeracy, lnc. (LlnC) 133911331
8equesLed fundlng wlll supporL LlnC's menu of llLeracy
programs ln Lhe Councll ulsLrlcL. 1hese lnclude school
based llLeracy supporL programs, llbrary based llLeracy
supporL programs, communlLy based llLeracy supporL
programs, parenL engagemenL programs a
Levln LlLLle LssenLlals 273281738

1o supporL dlsLrlbuLlon of chlldren's lLems Lo famllles ln
need of asslsLance.
8eynoso LlLLle LssenLlals 273281738

1o supporL collecLlon and dlsLrlbuLlon of genLly used
household lLems Lo famllles ln need. lundlng wlll be
allocaLed for warehouse renL and uLlllLles, sLafflng, and
workshop developmenL.
ConsLanLlnldes LlLLle CrchesLra SocleLy-Crpheon, lnc., 1he 132638292
lundlng wlll be used Lo provlde muslc composlLlon
classes aL S 122
Cornegy LlLLle Sun eople, lnc. 113081207
Lo upgrade compuLer lab and classroom Lechnology,
sLrengLhen arLs componenL Lo early chlldhood
program, upgrade Lhe school llbrary, and enhance
parenL Lralnlng program
8ose Llvlng Pope CuLreach MlnlsLrles, lnc. 200979823
lundlng Lo supporL general operaLlons expense: offlce
equlpmenL, offlce supplles, LransporLaLlon, uLlllLles,
phone and lnLerneL servlce, webslLe hosLlng fees,
mlscellaneous, eLc.
Local uevelopmenL CorporaLlon of LasL new
?ork 112336667
3,000 1o fund flnanclal llLeracy and Lralnlng.
van 8ramer Local ro[ecL, lnc. 141892788
lunds Lo supporL Lhe many reoccurrlng classes aL Local
ro[ecL such as LLu programmlng, gallery show 101,
Local ro[ecL LlLLle eople, Wordpress SupporL ln
Lngllsh/Spanlsh, u! classes, waLer color, skeLch
Mendez Lolsalda, lnc. 133023183 * 20,000 lundlng Lo supporL sLafflng for arLs workshops ln
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 30S

ulsLrlcL 2
van 8ramer
Long lsland ClLy 8uslness uevelopmenL
CorporaLlon (LlC8uC) 112631377
lundlng Lo re-develop Lhe LlC arLnershlp webslLe Lo
become a one-sLop porLal Lo LlC Cueens", servlng as a
hub for all Lhlngs LlC and provldlng lmproved resources
for an expanded demographlc
van 8ramer
Long lsland ClLy 8uslness uevelopmenL
CorporaLlon (LlC8uC) 112631377
lundlng Lo expand and promoLe Lhe LlC Sprlng SLroll,
a sLreeL fesLlval comblnlng acLlvlLles, food, and
performances for all ages, launched Lhls year under Lhe
uC1 Weekend Walks rogram.
ConsLanLlnldes Long lsland Cay And Lesblan ?ouLh, lnc. 208312786
lundlng wlll be used Lo hlre supporL sLaff Lo supporL
Lhe LC81 communlLy ln Cueens.
uromm Long lsland Cay And Lesblan ?ouLh, lnc. 208312786
1o supporL sLaff Lo plan and offer a range of healLh and
supporLlve servlces Lo Lhe LC81 communlLy ln Cueens
vallone Long lsland Cay And Lesblan ?ouLh, lnc. 208312786
lunds wlll be used Lo hlre Lwo sLaff Lo plan and offer a
range of healLh and supporLlve servlces.
Lancman Lorech ?omlm-CenLer lor PealLhy Llvlng lnc. 113402793
lundlng Lo supporL servlces, webslLe and news
magazlne expanslon, consLlLuenL servlces and
malnLenance of Lhe Crlsls lnLervenLlon unlL.
Mark-vlverlLo Los leneros ue La 21, lnc. 133333110
8equesLed funds wlll be used for Lhe
conLlnuaLlon/expanslon of Lhe 8omba & lena lor All -
LducaLlng Lhrough Lhe ArLs lnlLlaLlve.
uromm Louls ArmsLrong Pouse Museum 264178283

1o supporL creaLlon of mulLlllngual Lours and
professlonal sLafflng
Women's, Chln CC Lower LasL Slde Clrls Club, 1he 133942063
lundlng wlll help Lhe Lower LasLslde Clrls Club
conLlnue Lo provlde sLrong arLs, llLeracy, sclence,
healLh and leadershlp programs Lo provlde glrls wlLh
Lhe vlslon Lo plan and Lhe Lools Lo bulld Lhelr fuLure.
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL markeLlng, sLaff
Carodnlck Lower LasL Slde 1enemenL Museum, 1he 133473390

lundlng wlll supporL Lhe 1enemenL Museum's
lmmlgraLlon and hlsLory educaLlon programs for k-12
sLudenLs and Leachers.
Chln Lower LasL Slde 1enemenL Museum, 1he 133473390

lundlng wlll supporL Lhe 1enemenL Museum's
lmmlgraLlon and hlsLory educaLlon programs for k-12
sLudenLs and Leachers.
Malsel Lower LasLslde Servlce CenLer, lnc. 131972876
1o provlde essenLlal servlces Lo Lhe speclal needs
Chln Lower LasLslde Servlce CenLer, lnc. 131972876
1o supporL Su Casa, a resldenLlal faclllLy for lndlvlduals
deallng wlLh subsLance abuse lssues. lunds wlll address
cosL of proLecLlng faclllLy agalnsL fuLure floodlng.
alma LSn? 8ronx Corp. 161739390

1o provlde supporL for Legal Servlces n?C - 8ronx and
1he 8ronx uefenders borough-wlde pro[ecL Lo educaLe
Lhe communlLy abouL Lhe consequences of conLacL
wlLh Lhe crlmlnal [usLlce sysLem, and provlde dlrecL
servlces Lo ellmlnaLe barrlers Lo employmenL, e
Menchaca LuLheran Medlcal CenLer 111839367

lunds Lo supporL Lhe operaLlonal cosLs of Lhe
sychosoclal Club whlch serves members wlLh serlous
menLal lllness and LhaL employs a psychlaLrlc
rehablllLaLlon, and clubhouse, model of paLlenL
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 306

M348 - WASPlnC1Cn PLlCP1S LxLul1lCnA8?
LLA8nlnC SCPCCL 136400434

7,000 College prep servlces aL WPLLLS
Magnolla 1ree LarLh CenLer of 8edford
SLuyvesanL, lnc. 237303098

1he asslsL ln coverlng sLaff and oLher cosLs assoclaLes
wlLh Lhe envlronmenLal programs LhaL are under
Magnolla 1ree's Creen lnsLlLuLe (connecLed wlLh one of
Lhree slLes relaLlng Lo Lhe PaLLle CarLhan garden)
Magnolla 1ree LarLh CenLer of 8edford
SLuyvesanL, lnc. 237303098

lunds for general expenses Lo sLaff and fund
envlronmenLal programs LhaL Lhe Creen lnsLlLuLe.
Cumbo Make Muslc new ?ork, lnc. 203731217
lunds Lo offseL clLy permlL fees (for n?u sound
permlLs, park appllcaLlons and SAC permlLs) and
lnsurance expenses, whlch wlll lncrease Lhe number of
avallable locaLlons
8osenLhal Make Muslc new ?ork, lnc. 203731217
lunds wlll be used Lo offseL clLy permlL fees (for n?u
sound permlLs, park appllcaLlons and SAC permlLs)
and lnsurance expenses, whlch wlll lncrease Lhe
number of avallable locaLlons
lerreras Make Lhe 8oad new ?ork 113344389

lundlng wlll supporL M8n? ouLreach and educaLlon
efforLs wlLh parenLs and sLudenLs around lssues of
overcrowdlng and quallLy educaLlon ln ulsLrlcL 21.
Mlller Make Lhe 8oad new ?ork 113344389

1o provlde funds for Cu27 resldenLs ln campalgns Lo
secure [usL wages lmprove worklng condlLlons.
M8n? wlll conLlnue Lo conducL ouLreach and
educaLlon Lo lnform workers of Lhelr rlghLs under Lhe
Wage 1hefL revenLlon AcL, landmark leglslaLlon LhaL
was L
Lugene Make Lhe 8oad new ?ork 113344389

1o supporL ueferred AcLlon for Chlldhood Arrlvals
(uACA) ouLreach Lo Lhe lmmlgranL-rlch communlLles of
Councll ulsLrlcL 40. M8n? legal sLaff wlll hold
workshops Lo educaLe parLlclpanLs abouL uACA, and
ensure LhaL all who are ellglble recelve asslsLance wl
8eynoso Make Lhe 8oad new ?ork 113344389
1o supporL educaLlonal workshops for small buslness-
owners, wlLh a speclal focus on lmplemenLlng Lhe
recenLly expanded ald Slck uays leglslaLlon.
Lsplnal Make Lhe 8oad new ?ork 113344389
lundlng Lo run educaLlonal workshops for small
buslness-owners, wlLh a speclal focus on lmplemenLlng
Lhe recenLly expanded ald Slck uays leglslaLlon,
provldlng small buslnesses wlLh Lhe supporL and
knowledge needed Lo effecLlvely lmplemenL Lhe new
law a
Cueens, LC81, van
8ramer CC Make Lhe 8oad new ?ork 113344389

lundlng Lo supporL for our LC81C !usLlce ro[ecL. 1he
ro[ecL supporLs lesblan, gay, blsexual, Lransgender,
quesLlonlng, queer lmmlgranLs people of color ln
efforLs Lo promoLe respecL, opporLunlLy, safeLy for Lhe
LC81C communlLy.
lerreras, van
8ramer CC Make Lhe 8oad new ?ork 113344389

lundlng provldes LSCL, CLu preparaLlon, ClLlzenshlp
courses Lo 1,000 lmmlgranL adulLs each year,
comblnlng rlgorous llLeracy lnsLrucLlon wlLh workshops
and Lralnlngs focused on Lhe crlLlcal lssues faced by our
communlLles. 1he AdulL LlLeracy lnlLlaLlve fu
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 307

Cueens, LC81,
Lsplnal, lerreras,
8ramer CC Make Lhe 8oad new ?ork 113344389

1o supporL Lhe Lngllsh Lconomlc LlLeracy rogram
whlch comblnes hlgh-quallLy Lngllsh lnsLrucLlon,
flnanclal llLeracy educaLlon, [ob Lralnlng placemenL Lo
help lmmlgranLs navlgaLe llfe ln Lhe u.S. wlLh
lndlvlduallzed clLlzenshlp educaLlon wlLh hollsLlc n
MaLLeo Maklng 8ooks Slng, lnc. 134201377
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe anLl-bullylng
lnlLlaLlve ALlCL'S S1C8? ln schools wlLhln Lhe 30Lh
koslowlLz Maklng 8ooks Slng, lnc. 134201377
lundlng wlll be used Lo supporL and brlng Maklng
8ooks Slng's award-wlnnlng anLl-bullylng lnlLlaLlve
ALlCL'S S1C8? Lo every 3rd grade class ln Lhe 29Lh
Councll ulsLrlcL.
ulckens Malcolm Shabazz uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 133982063
1o provlde markeLlng, promoLlon and merchandlslng aL
Malcolm Shabazz Parlem MarkeL whlch aLLracLs huge
amounLs of LourlsLs Lo Parlem, and Lraln vendors.
Malcolm x and ur. 8eLLy Shabazz Memorlal and
LducaLlonal CenLer, lnc. 202403979
1o supporL Lhe operaLlons, educaLlonal and culLural
programs and exhlblLs aL Lhe Shabazz CenLer.
ulckens Mama loundaLlon for Lhe ArLs, lnc. 311614732

1o supporL Lhe Cospel for 1eens program and oLher
muslc educaLlon and performances for sLudenLs.
8arron Man up!, lnc. 030333092
lunds are lnLended for afLer-school, summer day, and
menLorlng programs LhaL promoLe culLural awareness
and recreaLlonal acLlvlLles. 1he fundlng for Lhls
conLracL ls Lo cover personnel expenses and C1S.
ManhaLLan Chamber of Commerce loundaLlon,
lnc. 134016393
lundlng wlll supporL Lhe creaLlon of an app Lo promoLe
Second Avenue buslnesses.
ManhaLLan Chamber of Commerce loundaLlon,
lnc. 134016393
1o develop a 2nd Ave app Lo aLLracL cusLomers Lo Lhe
small buslnesses along 2nd avenue and Lo provlde
markeLlng opporLunlLles for Lhem Lo aLLracL young
ManhaLLan Chamber of Commerce loundaLlon,
lnc. 134016393
lundlng Lo help buslnesses flnd lnLerns and poLenLlal
employees ln C1L schools from Councll ulsLrlcL 7 and Lo
educaLe Lhe sLudenLs ln Lhe Lypes of [obs ln Lhelr fleld.
lunds wlll be used Lo make Lhese connecLlons, seL up
meeLlngs, recrulL buslness owners
ManhaLLan Chamber of Commerce loundaLlon,
lnc. 134016393
1he MCC loundaLlon proposes Lo help buslnesses flnd
lnLerns and poLenLlal employees ln Lhese schools and
Lo educaLe Lhe sLudenLs ln Lhe Lypes of [obs ln Lhelr
ManhaLLan Chamber of Commerce loundaLlon,
lnc. 134016393
1o fund sLaff salary, prlnLlng, markeLlng, and oLher
program operaLlng cosLs Lo faclllLaLe an lnLernshlp
program LhaL maLches Career and 1echnlcal LducaLlon
sLudenLs wlLh local buslnesses.
Chln ManhaLLan CommunlLy 8oard #1 136400434

lunds wlll supporL speclal research pro[ecLs relaLed Lo
local communlLy board areas and demographlc and
oLher plannlng lssues.
ulckens ManhaLLan CommunlLy 8oard #10 136400434

1he funds wlll be used Loward efforLs for 8oard
developmenL, communlLy ouLreach, offlce operaLlons,
plannlng sLudles, and pollcy reporLs.
ulckens ManhaLLan CommunlLy 8oard #11 136400434 3,000 1o supporL Lhe CommunlLy 8oard 11"s work on Lhe
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 308

LasL Parlem 8ezonlng.
Chln ManhaLLan CommunlLy 8oard #2 136400434

lunds wlll supporL speclal research pro[ecLs relaLed Lo
local communlLy board areas and demographlc and
oLher plannlng lssues.
Chln ManhaLLan CommunlLy 8oard #3 136400434

lunds wlll supporL speclal research pro[ecLs relaLed Lo
local communlLy board areas and demographlc and
oLher plannlng lssues.
ulckens ManhaLLan CommunlLy 8oard #9 136400434

1o supporL ManhaLLan CommunlLy 8oard 9, and Lhe
8oards' evenLs, workshops, healLhy eaLlng/llvlng
programs, and prevenLlve servlces.
Carodnlck ManhaLLan Legal Servlces 132613938

lundlng wlll supporL Lhe Consumer roLecLlon ro[ecL
whlch provldes legal asslsLance Lo low-lncome
ManhaLLan resldenLs wlLh consumer problems.
!ohnson ManhaLLan Legal Servlces 132613938

lunds wlll supporL legal servlces Lo low lncome
8osenLhal ManhaLLan Legal Servlces 132613938

lundlng Lo provlde advlce, brlef servlces, and full legal
represenLaLlon Lo low lncome LenanLs faclng evlcLlon
from Lhelr aparLmenLs as well as helplng LenanLs
obLaln essenLlal servlces ln Lhelr aparLmenLs. 1he funds
wlll be used Lo pay parL of Lhe salar
Chln ManhaLLan Legal Servlces 132613938

1o supporL legal advlce, servlces, and full
represenLaLlon Lo low-lncome LenanLs faclng evlcLlon
or advocaLlng for essenLlal servlces.
Chln ManhaLLen 2 n?C CL81, lnc. 271639023
lunds wlll provlde for needed equlpmenL and supplles
Lo enable communlLy supporL of flrsL responders.
Lugene Maple SLreeL CommunlLy Carden 461671941
1o supporL operaLlonal cosLs of openlng Lhe garden Lo
Lhe communlLy, supplles, lnsLallaLlon of a ralnwaLer
harvesLlng sysLem, sLaff salarles, bulldlng composL blns,
and summer movle nlghLs.

8odrlguez Marble Plll nursery School 131789130

lundlng Lo supporL on-slLe MenLal PealLh rogram aL
Marble Plll nursery School
ulckens Marcus Carvey ark Alllance, lnc. 203296091

1o supporL uance Parlem, a free communlLy-based
dance fesLlval held aL Lhe Marcus Carvey ark
Cumbo Marcy 1ennls Club, lnc. 273170420
lunds wlll be used Lo hlre a full Llme LxecuLlve ulrecLor
(for salary and beneflLs) Lo manage all 7 slLes, and
provlde admlnlsLraLlve supporL Lo Lhe organlzaLlon.
van 8ramer Mare nosLrum LlemenLs, lnc. 264093319
lunds go Loward Lhe cosL of sLudlo renLal (aL
Spaceworks LlC), program dlrecLors and deslgners fees.
8lchards MargerL CommunlLy CorporaLlon 112334700

1o supporL Lhe Pome MalnLenance 1ralnlng and 8epalr
rogram, a vlLal, lnnovaLlve and effecLlve posL-
purchase approach Lo dramaLlcally reduce morLgage
8lchards MargerL CommunlLy CorporaLlon 112334700

lunds are used for Lhe followlng purposes: youLh
leadershlp Lralnlng, communlLy engagemenL evenLs
and concerLs, and Lhe procuremenL of goods and
servlces Lo supporL Lhese efforLs. lunds are also used
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 309

Lo offseL Lhe operaLlonal cosLs of MargerL's dlrecL de
8lchards CC MargerL CommunlLy CorporaLlon 112334700
1hls fundlng allows nelghborhood-based groups Lo
deslgn and lmplemenL a grassrooLs-based approach Lo
Lhe mosL crlLlcal LhreaL Lo affordable houslng ln Lhelr
lndlvldual communlLy.
Malsel Marlne ark CommunlLy AssoclaLlon 113332730
1o supporL annual communlLy evenLs lncludlng Lhe
Palloween/lall lesLlval and a 8ack Lo School evenL.
Cumbo MarLln LuLher klng, !r. ConcerL Serles, lnc. 112638417
lundlng Lo offseL performers fees and producLlons
Wllllams MarLln LuLher klng, !r. ConcerL Serles, lnc. 112638417 * 4,000 lunds Lo pay performers fees and producLlons cosLs.
CC MarLln LuLher klng, !r. ConcerL Serles, lnc. 112638417
1he MarLln LuLher klng !r. ConcerL Serles provldes free
concerLs of world renowned performers Lo Lhe
resldenLs of n?C. lundlng wlll supplemenL arLlsL and
producLlon cosLs.
Menchaca MASA-MexLd, lnc. 113640210
lunds Lo susLaln and expand lLs efforLs Lo Lransform
Lhe n?C Mexlcan communlLy Lhrough Lhe power of
ueuLsch Masbla 201923321
1o brlng Lhe procuremenL of food and lngredlenLs LhaL
are needed Lo prepare our dally hoL meals and weekly
Lake-home packages.
Creenfleld Masbla 201923321
1he fundlng wlll be used for Lhe procuremenL of food
and lngredlenLs LhaL are needed Lo prepare dally hoL
meals and weekly Lake-home packages.
Lancman Masbla 201923321
LSCL and baslc compuLer llLeracy classes, publlc
beneflLs appllcaLlon servlces and asslsLance ln
accesslng healLh care coverage.
Wllllams Masbla 201923321
lundlng wlll be used for Lhe procuremenL of food and
lngredlenLs LhaL are needed Lo prepare dally hoL meals
and weekly Lake-home packages.
!ewlsh CC Masbla 201923321
1o operaLe soup klLchens LhroughouL new ?ork ClLy.
1he money wlll be used Lo pay renL, uLlllLles, food,
paper goods and sLaff.
Weprln Masbla of Cueens 270363336
1he fundlng wlll provlde for food, renL, uLlllLles and
lnsurance Lo operaLe Lhe soup-klLchen year-round.
Lancman CC Masbla of Cueens 270363336
1he fundlng wlll provlde for food, renL, uLlllLles and
lnsurance Lo operaLe Lhe soup-klLchen year-round.
Crowley MaspeLh Chamber of Commerce, lnc. 113300703
lunds Lo pay for vendors, rlnLlng of Lhe Sales Culde,
lnsLallaLlon of LlghLs, and general operaLlng program
Crowley MaspeLh 1own Pall, lnc. 237239702

lundlng wlll pay for CerLlfled 1eachers,
araprofesslonals, College 1uLors, urama and llne ArL
ConsulLanLs, rogram supplles, snacks, renLlng of
ubllc School space for urama Club lay, uLlllLles,
admlnlsLraLlve cosLs and general operaLlng program
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 310

koslowlLz MaspeLh 1own Pall, lnc. 237239702

lunds wlll be used Lo pay ConsulLanLs, ArL Supplles,
Snacks, LnLrance lees, 8us lees, Admln lees, uLlllLles
and for general operaLlng program expense assoclaLed
wlLh Lhe many sLlmulaLlng classes held aL M1P for
AdulLs 33 and over.
8eynoso Maura Clarke-lLa lord CenLer, lnc. 113188470
1o supporL an LSL program for lmmlgranL resldenLs of
norLh and CenLral 8rooklyn. lundlng wlll supporL
CC Mayor's Cfflce of ConLracL Servlces 136400434 30,000 C8C CapaclLy 8ulldlng 1ralnlng.
Cumbo Mazll Learnlng CenLer, lnc. 383797996
lunds wlll be used for salarles, MeLrocards, prlnLlng
class pro[ecL bookleLs, and LexLbooks for classes.
!ohnson MCCn? CharlLles, lnc. 273282132
8equesLed funds wlll be used Lo coordlnaLe a
menLorshlp program for LC81Cl runaway and
homeless youLh who are resldenLs of MCCn?
Pomeless ?ouLh Servlces: Sylvla's lace. 1he program
wlll connecL runaway and homeless LC81Cl youLh Lo
LC81Cl professlonals w
8osenLhal MCCn? CharlLles, lnc. 273282132
lundlng Lo coordlnaLe a menLorshlp program for
LC81Cl runaway and homeless youLh who are
resldenLs of MCCn? Pomeless ?ouLh Servlces: Sylvla's
8osenLhal MCCn? CharlLles, lnc. 273282132
lunds Lo defray cosLs assoclaLed wlLh Lhe panLry
dlrecLor poslLlon
8ose Meals on Wheels of SLaLen lsland, lnc. 132894978
lundlng Lo supporL operaLlonal expenses lncludlng,
raw food cosLs, vehlcle relaLed expenses, offlce
operaLlons and personal.
8LAC, Cumbo,
Wllllams CC Medgar Lvers College 131988190
1he Medgar Lvers lpellne would launch summer
programmlng for k-12 sLudenLs, school Leachers,
leaders and parenLs Lo susLaln Lhe learnlng process
LhroughouL Lhe year.
ConsLanLlnldes Medlcare 8lghLs CenLer, lnc. 133303372
lundlng wlll be used for ouLreach servlces ln AsLorla
regardlng Medlcare and Medlcald.
CenLlle Medlcare 8lghLs CenLer, lnc. 133303372
lunds wlll supporL a 1own Pall LnrollmenL and
CuLreach uay for Lhe purposes of educaLlng hundreds
of communlLy resldenLs on sLaLe and federal publlc
beneflLs, answerlng quesLlons abouL new sLaLe-
mandaLed Medlcare and Medlcald plans, new ?ork's
healLh lns
Chln Medlcare 8lghLs CenLer, lnc. 133303372
lundlng wlll supporL 1own Pall LnrollmenL and
CuLreach uay Lo educaLe resldenLs abouL changes Lo
Medlcare and Medlcald as well as follow up afLer Lhe
evenL wlLh Lhose who may be ellglble.
Lsplnal Medlcare 8lghLs CenLer, lnc. 133303372
lundlng Lo supporL Medlcare 8lghLs CenLer LnrollmenL
and CuLreach uay ln dlsLrlcL 37.
Chln, Cohen,
Lsplnal, Carodnlck,
CenLlle, !ohnson,
kallos, vallone CC Medlcare 8lghLs CenLer, lnc. 133303372
Medlcare 8lghLs wlll provlde counsellng, lnLenslve case
and legal asslsLance, and help enrolllng ln publlc
beneflLs Lo Lhousands of senlors, people wlLh
dlsablllLles, and Lhelr careglvers who are confused by
or unable Lo pay Lhe cosLs assoclaLed wlLh heal
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 311

8osenLhal Medlclne Show 1heaLre Lnsemble, lnc. 237138713
lunds Lo help underwrlLe free and dlscounLed LlckeL
program Lo Senlor CenLers LhroughouL ManhaLLan.
Levln Meklml 330870419
1o supporL evenLs and ouLlngs for chlldren lncludlng
LransporLaLlon, food, and program expenses.
Cabrera MeL Councll 8esearch and LducaLlonal lund 133380918
lunds would be used Lo offseL Lhe cosL of sLaff, whlch
wlll conLlnue Lo recrulL Lraln a core group of 1enanLs'
8lghLs AdvocaLes and sLaff our 1enanL Pelp PoLllne.
lundlng wlll also help offseL Lhe cosLs Lhe offlce's
hoLllne phone sysLem.
8osenLhal MeL Councll 8esearch and LducaLlonal lund 133380918
lunds would be used Lo offseL Lhe cosL of sLaff, whlch
wlll conLlnue Lo recrulL Lraln a core group of 1enanLs'
8lghLs AdvocaLes and sLaff 1enanL Pelp PoLllne.
lundlng wlll also help offseL Lhe cosLs offlce's hoLllne
phone sysLem.
lgnlzlo MeLropollLan llre AssoclaLlon 133039388

8equesLed funds wlll be used Lo help defray vehlcle
malnLenance, moLorlzed equlpmenL malnLenance and
operaLlng cosLs, lncludlng fuel, lnsurance, eLc. lunds
wlll also be uLlllzed for malnLenance of members' gear.
MaLLeo MeLropollLan llre AssoclaLlon 133039388

1he requesLed funds wlll be used Lo help defray vehlcle
malnLenance and operaLlng cosLs Lo lnclude fuel,
lnsurance, eLc.
MeLropollLan new ?ork CoordlnaLlng Councll on
!ewlsh overLy, lnc. 132738818
1o supporL Crlsls lnLervenLlon Servlces LhaL engage
cllenLs Lhrough a Lhorough needs assessmenL,
lnLervenLlon and a paLh Loward self- sufflclency
MeLropollLan new ?ork CoordlnaLlng Councll on
!ewlsh overLy, lnc. 132738818
1o supporL Lhe MeL Councll kosher lood neLwork and
provlde emergency and conLlnuous food asslsLance.
MeLropollLan new ?ork CoordlnaLlng Councll on
!ewlsh overLy, lnc. 132738818
1o provlde comprehenslve Crlsls lnLervenLlon Servlces
ln councll dlsLrlcL 18.
MeLropollLan new ?ork CoordlnaLlng Councll on
!ewlsh overLy, lnc. 132738818
1o provlde emergency and conLlnuous food asslsLance
Lo new ?orkers ln need. lundlng wlll supporL Lhe
sLafflng and purchaslng of food necessary Lo provlde
cllenLs wlLh healLhy food package.
MeLropollLan new ?ork CoordlnaLlng Councll on
!ewlsh overLy, lnc. 132738818
1o supporL Lhe operaLlons of MeL Councll's ro[ecL
MeLropalr/Pandyman Servlces of provldlng Llmely
repalr and handyman servlces Lo low-lncome senlors,
lmmlgranLs, and PolocausL survlvors, enabllng Lhe
mosL vulnerable ln our communlLles llve ln Lhelr homes
MeLropollLan new ?ork CoordlnaLlng Councll on
!ewlsh overLy, lnc. 132738818
4,000 lundlng Lo supporL Crlsls lnLervenLlon Servlces
MeLropollLan new ?ork CoordlnaLlng Councll on
!ewlsh overLy, lnc. 132738818
lunds wlll cover Lhe cosLs of Lhe MeL Councll's
comprehenslve Crlsls lnLervenLlon Servlces.
MeLropollLan new ?ork CoordlnaLlng Councll on
!ewlsh overLy, lnc. 132738818
lunds wlll supporL MeL Councll's kosher lood neLwork,
Lhe largesL ln Lhe counLry, provldes emergency and
conLlnuous food asslsLance Lo new ?orkers ln need,
regardless of eLhnlclLy or rellglous background.
lundlng wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe sLafflng and p
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 312

MeLropollLan new ?ork CoordlnaLlng Councll on
!ewlsh overLy, lnc. 132738818
MeL Councll's kosher lood neLwork, Lhe largesL ln Lhe
counLry, provldes emergency and conLlnuous food
asslsLance. lundlng wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe sLafflng
and purchaslng of food necessary Lo provlde cllenLs
wlLh healLhy food packages.
Levlne MeLropollLan WaLerfronL Alllance, lnc. 134333067
lundlng Lo supporL uockn?C, a parLnershlp beLween
MWA, 8llly8ey Marlna Servlces, and n?CLuC Lo
acLlvaLe slx berLhlng slLes around new ?ork Parbor
wlLh communlLy and recreaLlonal programmlng.
lundlng wlll supporL on-waLer programs by hlsLorlc
vessels as we
8odrlguez MeLropollLan WaLerfronL Alllance, lnc. 134333067
lundlng Lo offseL cosL of parL-Llme Marlne AssoclaLe aL
Lhe LCC uock
Menchaca MeLropollLan WaLerfronL Alllance, lnc. 134333067
lundlng Lo supporL Lhe publlcaLlon and promoLlon of a
whlLe paper on enhanced upland connecLlvlLy and fare
lnLegraLlon for ferrles, as well as an onllne Lrlp-
plannlng porLal deslgned Lo slmpllfy ferry Lravel around
new ?ork Parbor.
8LAC, Chln,
Creenfleld, 8ose,
vallone CC MeLropollLan WaLerfronL Alllance, lnc. 134333067
1o fund Lhe annual ClLy of WaLer uay ln whlch chlldren
LhroughouL Lhe flve boroughs wlll learn fasclnaLlng
Lhlngs abouL Lhe harbor LhaL surrounds Lhem. lundlng
wlll be uLlllzed Lo presenL a robusL free program of
waLerfronL acLlvlLles lncludlng: lree guld
kallos Ml? Legal Servlces, lnc. 132622748

1o provlde free clvll legal servlces for low-lncome new
!ohnson Ml? Legal Servlces, lnc. 132622748

1o provlde free legal servlces Lo n?C resldenLs ln Lhe
areas of houslng, publlc beneflLs, clvll and dlsablllLy
rlghLs, employmenL, consumer, famlly law, and dlsasLer
8osenLhal Ml? Legal Servlces, lnc. 132622748

lundlng Lo provlde lree clvll legal servlces Lo low-
lncome new ?orkers.
klng Ml? Legal Servlces, lnc. 132622748

lunds wlll asslsL Ml?s klnshlp Careglver Law ro[ecL
esLabllsh legal relaLlonshlps beLween careglvers and
Mark-vlverlLo Ml? Legal Servlces, lnc. 132622748

1o provlde free clvll legal servlces Lo low-lncome new
Wllllams Ml? Legal Servlces, lnc. 132622748

lunds Lo provlde lree clvll legal servlces for low-
lncome new ?orkers.
Cabrera Ml remo Perencla 200029246

Ml 8LMlC PL8LnClA uCMlnlCAnA uL LA C8An
A8AuA uLL 88Cnx for Lhe pasL 23 years has
LradlLlonally carrled ouL and conLlnues Lo hosL an
annual parade ln Lhe 8ronx whlch lncludes buL ls noL
llmlLed Lo: Lhe lmprovemenL and advancemenL of our
culLure, Lhe arL
Arroyo Mlddle School 302 - 8ronx 136400434

1o supporL Lennls coachlng, dance lnsLrucLlons,
volleyball, and summer camp scholarshlps program aL
MS 302.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 313

Cabrera Mlddle School 390 136400434

lundlng provldes servlces ln Lhe afLer school program,
acLlvlLles relnforce Lhe skllls and sLraLegles uLlllze by
Leachers durlng Lhe school day. 1he program wlll
provlde sLudenLs wlLh Lhe opporLunlLy Lo faclllLaLe Lhe
acculLuraLlon process whlle developl
Cabrera Mlddle School 390 136400434

lundlng supporLs a 3 week summer academy Lo
address Lhe barrlers assoclaLed wlLh lnLerrupLed formal
educaLlon, llmlLed naLlve language skllls and
LranslLlonlng from naLlve language Lo Lngllsh language.
A summer academy wlll provlde Lngllsh Language
Crowley Mlddle vlllage volunLeer Ambulance Corps, lnc. 112330734
lunds wlll defray cosLs assoclaLed wlLh purchase of a
new ambulance vehlcle, and Lo cover lnsurance cosLs,
medlcal supplles and gas.
8ose Mld-lsland LlLLle League, lnc. 237032781

lunds wlll offseL Lhe cosLs of uLlllLles, unlforms and
Mldorl loundaLlon, lnc., 1he (d/b/a Mldorl and
lrlends) 133682472

lunds wlll supporL Lhe Maklng Muslc vlolln lnsLrucLlon
program aL S 102k and Lhe SlgnaLure ConcerL
Workshop Serles aL S 170k.
Mldorl loundaLlon, lnc., 1he (d/b/a Mldorl and
lrlends) 133682472

1o provlde Lhe Lxplorlng CulLures program aL !PS 123x
a muslc and culLural program lncludlng classroom
workshops and concerL performances.
Mldorl loundaLlon, lnc., 1he (d/b/a Mldorl and
lrlends) 133682472

1o supporL a muslc educaLlon program for sLudenLs aL
S 180M.
Mldorl loundaLlon, lnc., 1he (d/b/a Mldorl and
lrlends) 133682472

lunds wlll supporL lnLeracLlve arLs educaLlon for local
Mldorl loundaLlon, lnc., 1he (d/b/a Mldorl and
lrlends) 133682472

lunds wlll be used Lo supporL a ConcerL Workshop
Serles aL S 232C
Mldorl loundaLlon, lnc., 1he (d/b/a Mldorl and
lrlends) 133682472

1he funds wlll be used for Lhe SlgnaLure ConcerL
Workshop Serles for sLudenLs aL !PS 137C.
ConsLanLlnldes MldLown ManagemenL Croup, lnc. 133192793

lundlng wlll be used Lo provlde a professlonal coach Lo
Leach k-12 sLudenLs ln Lhe performlng arLs.
CenLlle MldLown ManagemenL Croup, lnc. 133192793

lunds wlll supporL Lhe Cur 8roadway ln your School
program, asslgnlng an lnslde 8roadway Leachlng arLlsL
Lo Leach classes of school chlldren choreography, volce
and acLlng and use Lhese skllls Lo perform ln Lhelr own
producLlon for Lhe school and communlL
alma MldLown ManagemenL Croup, lnc. 133192793

1o supporL an Cur 8roadway ln your School program
Leachlng sLudenLs skllls Lo perform ln Lhelr own
producLlon for Lhe school and communlLy. lundlng wlll
be used Lo cover cosLs assoclaLed wlLh a Leachlng arLlsL
and program dlrecLor, supplles, and muslcal d
8osenLhal MldLown ManagemenL Croup, lnc. 133192793

lunds wlll be used for Lhe Leachlng arLlsL, program
dlrecLor, company manager, supplles (props, cds of
muslc, lyrlc sheeLs, sheeL muslc). 1he fundlng wlll be
used aL 2 slLes (publlc school or senlor cenLer).
koslowlLz MldLown ManagemenL Croup, lnc. 133192793

lunds wlll be used for Lhe 8ulld A Muslcal: 1heaLer
workshops wlLh a professlonal dlrecLor/choreographer
learnlng choreography, volce and acLlng skllls Lo
perform ln Lhelr own 8roadway revue for Lhe
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 314

school/communlLy. 1he funds wlll be used for Lhe
Cu28 MldLown ManagemenL Croup, lnc. 133192793

8ulld A Muslcal: 1heaLer workshops wlLh a professlonal
dlrecLor/choreographer learnlng choreography, volce
and acLlng skllls Lo perform ln Lhelr own 8roadway
revue for Lhe school/communlLy. 1he funds wlll be
used for Lhe Leachlng arLlsL, program dlrecLor,
uromm MldLown ManagemenL Croup, lnc. 133192793

1o supporL Leachlng arLlsL, program dlrecLor, company
manager, supplles (props, cds of muslc, lyrlc sheeLs,
sheeL muslc) for LheaLer workshops for sLudenLs grades
Weprln MldLown ManagemenL Croup, lnc. 133192793

1o supporL fundlng for Lhe Leachlng arLlsL, program
dlrecLor, company manager, and supplles for a LheaLer
resldency aL a publlc school ln Lhe dlsLrlcL.
ueuLsch Mldwood uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 112420732

1o provlde houslng counsellng servlces Lo Mldwood's
low and moderaLe lncome resldenLs. 1he servlces wlll
conslsL of help ln applylng for SC8lL and oLher
enLlLlemenL programs, asslsLlng LenanLs wlLh speclflc
houslng complalnLs, advlslng Lhose faclng forec
Lugene Mldwood uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 112420732

1o provlde ro[ecL Sweep servlces for CorLelyou 8oad
and newklrk laza's commerclal sLrlps, and Lo supporL
MuC's employmenL program for people wlLh
developmenLal dlsablllLles.
Creenfleld Mldwood uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 112420732

SLudenLs wlll obLaln valuable lessons ln S1LM Lhrough
hands on pro[ecL based learnlng ln varlous flelds such
as blology, englneerlng, and chemlsLry.
Wllllams Mldwood uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 112420732

lunds Lo provlde houslng counsellng servlces Lo
Mldwood's low and moderaLe lncome resldenLs
Cohen Mlnd 8ullders CreaLlve ArLs CenLer, lnc. 132988137 10,000 lundlng Lo supporL muslcal and culLural programmlng.
1orres Mlnd 8ullders CreaLlve ArLs CenLer, lnc. 461334329
1o brlng Lolerance orlenLed workshops and
performances Lo local schools.
1orres Mlnd 8ullders CreaLlve ArLs CenLer, lnc. 132988137 3,000 lundlng Lo supporL muslcal and culLural programmlng.
klng Mlnd 8ullders CreaLlve ArLs CenLer, lnc. 132988137

lunds wlll supporL lnsLrucLor salarles, program
supplles, and operaLlng cosLs of servlces offered.
lerreras Mlnkwon CenLer for CommunlLy AcLlon, lnc. 112710306
1o supporL communlLy educaLlon programmlng almed
aL engaglng lmmlgranL communlLy members - many of
whom are LL, elderly, lmmlgranL youLh, and who lack
access Lo lmporLanL communlLy resources.
rogrammaLlc Loplcs lnclude clvlc lssues, know your
koo Mlnkwon CenLer for CommunlLy AcLlon, lnc. 112710306
lunds Lo supporL CommunlLy LducaLlon efforLs and Lo
engage and conducL ouLreach Lo recenL lmmlgranL
korean Amerlcan communlLy members - many of
whom are LL, elderly, lmmlgranL youLh, and who lack
access Lo lmporLanL communlLy resources - Lo
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 31S

vallone Mlnkwon CenLer for CommunlLy AcLlon, lnc. 112710306
1he fundlng wlll supporL Mlnkwon CenLer's CommunlLy
LducaLlon efforLs whlch wlll be complemenLed by a
comprehenslve approach lncludlng an acLlve medla
campalgn Lo eLhnlc news ouLleLs, sLreeL ouLreach,
dlsLrlbuLlon of educaLlonal flyers, and onllne markeLl
vallone Mlnkwon CenLer for CommunlLy AcLlon, lnc. 112710306
1he fundlng wlll supporL Mlnkwon CenLer's CommunlLy
LducaLlon efforLs whlch wlll be complemenLed by a
comprehenslve approach lncludlng an acLlve medla
campalgn Lo eLhnlc news ouLleLs, sLreeL ouLreach,
dlsLrlbuLlon of educaLlonal flyers, and onllne markeLl
Weprln Mlnkwon CenLer for CommunlLy AcLlon, lnc. 112710306
1o supporL communlLy engagemenL and ouLreach ln
Lhe CommunlLy LducaLlon program wlLh educaLlon on
clvlc lssues, llfe skllls, and Lngllsh language skllls.
MlsundersLood ?ouLh uevelopmenL CenLer
Corp., 1he 231916166
lunds Lo supporL Lhe lresh SLarL rogram, an
alLernaLlve Lo lncarceraLlon lnLervenLlon/prevenLlon
program LhaL LargeLs youLh lnvolved ln Lhe crlmlnal
[usLlce sysLem.
lundlng wlll also supporL Lhe Lmpowerlng ?ouLh
rogram for workshops, lndlvldual sesslo
MlsundersLood ?ouLh uevelopmenL CenLer
Corp., 1he 231916166
lunds wlll be used for 1he lresh SLarL rogram, an
alLernaLlve Lo lncarceraLlon lnLervenLlon/prevenLlon
program LhaL LargeLs youLh lnvolved ln Lhe crlmlnal
[usLlce sysLem, for Lhe case managemenL, counsellng,
group faclllLaLors, program and offlce expense
Menchaca MlxLeca CrganlzaLlon, lnc. 113361631
lunds Lo supporL Lhe AdulL Lngllsh for Speakers of
CLher Languages (LSCL) program whlch provldes
sLudenLs wlLh a sLrong and lmmedlaLely appllcable
foundaLlon ln Lhe Lngllsh language LhaL Lhey can use
on Lhe [ob and ln everyday Lasks. lunds wlll be speclf
Carodnlck MomenLum ro[ecL, lnc., 1he 133336768
lundlng wlll supporL food dlsLrlbuLlon Lo any person ln
need ln Councll ulsLrlcL 4, especlally Lhose llvlng wlLh
Plv / AluS or oLher chronlc lllnesses.
Mark-vlverlLo MomenLum ro[ecL, lnc., 1he 133336768
1o provlde a slL down hoL lunch servlce aL Lhe Parm
8educLlon CenLer locaLed aL 226 LasL 144Lh SLreeL ln
Lhe 8ronx ln parLnershlp wlLh 8oom!PealLh. Servlce
wlll be provlded one day each week, servlng a
dlsenfranchlsed populaLlon ln Lhe 8ronx and expandlng
1reyger MomenLum 1een Leadershlp * 6,000 lor youLh programmlng.
Levln MonLague ulsLrlcL ManagemenL AssoclaLlon, lnc. 113408448 * 3,300 1o supporL 8lu programmlng and operaLlons.
Mlller MonLessorl rogresslve Learnlng CenLer, lnc. 223001223

lunds supporL Lhe AfLer School rogram for chlldren
ages 3-12 years old. Cuallfled sLaff wlll lnsLrucL varlous
academlc, culLural, and recreaLlonal enrlchmenL
acLlvlLles, along wlLh promoLlng healLhy llfesLyles.
Levlne Moose Pall 1heaLre Company 134184284

lundlng Lo supporL 12 scheduled l8LL ouLdoor
performances of Wllllam Shakespeare's PAMLL1.
8odrlguez Moose Pall 1heaLre Company 134184284

lundlng Lo provlde ouLdoor performances aL lnwood
Chln More Cardens lund 322413900
1o supporL lmprovemenLs Lo Lhe Chlldren's Maglcal
Carden, a Creen1humb communlLy garden on norfolk
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 316

and SLanLon SLreeL whlch lncludes maLerlals for new
sLage, composL sysLem, raln waLer caLchmenL, chlcken
Lugene More Crace 8edempLlve CenLer 113360284
1o supporL operaLlonal cosLs of afLerschool SA1 prep
classes year lncludlng sLaff sLlpends, sLudy maLerlals, ,
and provlde refreshmenLs.
Levlne Morlah lnsLlLuLe, lnc., 1he 161721681
lunds Lo supporL general programmlng cosLs LhaL
lnclude workshops, a communlLy servlce pro[ecL, a
college Lrlp, a reLreaL and C8 Lralnlng
Mornlngslde PelghLs/WesL Parlem SanlLaLlon
CoallLlon, lnc., 1he 133913383
lundlng Lo supporL envlronmenLal workshops abouL
recycllng and communlLy forums abouL envlronmenLal
Loplcs such as recycllng, composLlng, reuse of producLs,
rodenL and pesL managemenL, green cleanlng
producLs, cllmaLe conLrol, producL sLewardshlp, zero
8odrlguez Morrls-!umel Manslon, lnc. 132800646
lundlng Lo supporL Amerlcan hlsLory educaLlon
Cohen Mosholu reservaLlon CorporaLlon 133109387
lundlng Lo supporL lnlLlaLlves of Lhe LasL 204Lh SLreeL
and 8alnbrldge MerchanLs AssoclaLlon whlch wlll allow
Lhe AssoclaLlon Lo lmprove quallLy of llfe condlLlons ln
Lhe commerclal corrldor and enLlce vlslLors Lo Lhe
buslness dlsLrlcL.
klng Mosholu reservaLlon CorporaLlon 133109387
lunds wlll be used Lo promoLe and markeL Lhe dlsLrlcL
as a vlable commerclal corrldor Lhrough evenLs such as
a Pollday evenL, Pollday LlghLs, a Sprlng Sldewalk Sale,
and a ?ouLh LnLrepreneurlal uevelopmenL SummlL ln
Lhe summer.
Cohen Mosholu-MonLeflore CommunLly CenLer, lnc. 133622107
lundlng Lo supporL programmlng of afLerschool day
camp for chlldren wlLh speclal needs.
8odrlguez Mosholu-MonLeflore CommunLly CenLer, lnc. 133622107
lundlng Lo provlde educaLlonal and recreaLlonal
acLlvlLles aL Marble Plll Pouses CornersLone slLe
Cohen, klng CC Mosholu-MonLeflore CommunLly CenLer, lnc. 133622107
1o provlde arL, dance, homework help, sporLs,
recreaLlon, 8oys Lo Men Croup, Clrl 1alk Croup, Money
MaLLers Croup, 1een Leadershlp, Lounge and Came
8oom. lundlng wlll be used Lo form a beLLer rounded,
more poslLlve lndlvldual, and help pursue and achleve
ueuLsch MoLhers Allgned Savlng klds (MASk, lnc.) 113493018
MASk ls proposlng Lo provlde parenLlng educaLlon,
helpllne servlces, and famlly supporL servlces Lo Lhe
8rooklyn communlLy
Lugene MoLhers Allgned Savlng klds (MASk, lnc.) 113493018
1o supporL MASk's programs LhaL provlde parenLlng
educaLlon, helpllne servlces, and famlly supporL
servlces Lo Lhe 8rooklyn communlLy.
Creenfleld MoLhers Allgned Savlng klds (MASk, lnc.) 113493018
MASk ls proposlng Lo provlde parenLlng educaLlon,
helpllne servlces, and famlly supporL servlces Lo Lhe
8rooklyn communlLy. 1hese funds wlll be used Lo cover
expenses assoclaLed wlLh Lhe servlces belng provlded.
Lander MoLhers Allgned Savlng klds (MASk, lnc.) 113493018
1o supporL servlces, lncludlng helpllne, supporL groups,
communlLy ouLreach and parenL workshops, for aL-rlsk
youLh and Lhelr famllles.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 317

lerreras MounL Poreb 8apLlsL Church 112074467

lunds wlll be used Lo supporL weekly soup klLchen and
food panLry expenses, lncludlng cosLs of paper
producLs, uLlllLles and Lelephone.
CC MounL Slnal PosplLal 131624096

lundlng for Lhe AdoloscenL PealLh CenLer wlll supporL
menLal healLh and prenaLal healLh care servlces.
Speclflcally, fundlng wlll be used for program relaLed
sLaff lncludlng, docLors, nurses, soclal workers, and
oLher medlcal personnel.
alma MCuSL, lnc. 133973196
1o empower underserved youLh Lo learn, lead and
creaLe wlLh Lechnology, preparlng Lhem wlLh skllls
essenLlal for Lhelr academlc and career success.
8ose MCuSL, lnc. 133973196
lunds supporL bulldlng Lhe capaclLy of Lhe MCuSL
Squad programs ln 49Lh dlsLrlcL aL SLaLen lsland School
of Clvlc Leadershlp and .S. 3738., lncludlng sLafflng,
maLerlals and equlpmenL, and relaLed admlnlsLraLlve
Chln MCuSL, lnc. 133973196
1o supporL and expand capaclLy of MCuSL Squad
programs, whlch recrulL and Lraln sLudenLs ln
Lechnology and glve Lhem professlonal experlences, aL
schools ln Lower ManhaLLan.
Mendez MovemenL 8esearch, lnc. 133041403
lundlng Lo provlde MovemenL-based arLs ln Lhe
classroom aL n?CuCL M330,M363,M364,M361,M313
Carodnlck Murray Plll CommlLLee, lnc. 237361016

lundlng wlll supporL Lree and planL malnLenance and
planLlngs ln Lhe Murray Plll nelghborhood.
Mendez Murray Plll CommlLLee, lnc. 237361016

lundlng Lo supporL Lree planLlng, prunlng and Lree bed
malnLenance and Lree guards, dead Lree replacemenL
or LreaLmenL for lnfecLed Lrees, planLlng of flowers and
Carodnlck Museum of ArLs and ueslgn 133383408

lundlng wlll supporL a Lour Lo Lhe museum for
sLudenLs ln Councll ulsLrlcL 4.
Museum of ConLemporary Afrlcan ulasporlan
ArLs, lnc. 113326774

1o supporL Lhe work of MCCAuAs communlLy
programmlng deparLmenL, lncludlng Lhe annual klufllx
fllm fesLlval ln 8edford-SLuyvesanL, & ubllc Lxchange
programs CenLral 8rooklyn's publlc houslng
Museum of ConLemporary Afrlcan ulasporlan
ArLs, lnc. 113326774

lunds wlll supporL Lhe Soul of 8rooklyn program, whlch
wlll feaLure block parLles wlLh muslcal performances,
Lhe creaLlon of communlLy murals and arL acLlvaLlon
evenLs LhroughouL Lhe 8orough of 8rooklyn. LvenLs
wlll Lake place ln CenLral 8rooklyn. AddlLl
Museum Cf MarlLlme navlgaLlon And
CommunlcaLlon 900730331

lunds are Lo be used Lo publlclze Lhe museum, creaLe
exhlblLs lncludlng maLerlals, deslgners and bullders,
supplles and equlpmenL, and lmprovlng Lhe webslLe.
Carodnlck Museum of Lhe ClLy of new ?ork 131624098
lundlng wlll supporL Lhe conLlnued dlglLlzaLlon of Lhe
museum's collecLlon of phoLographs Lo make Lhem
avallable Lo Lhe publlc vla a user-frlendly daLabase on
Lhe lnLerneL.
8osenLhal Museum of Lhe ClLy of new ?ork 131624098
lunds Lo supporL a speclal exhlblLlon, Savlng lace:
llfLy ?ears of new ?ork ClLy Landmarks, Lo be on vlew
from Aprll - AugusL 2013.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 318

Mark-vlverlLo Museum of Lhe ClLy of new ?ork 131624098
8equesLed funds Lo supporL Lwo exhlblLlons explorlng
new ?ork's leadershlp role ln Lhe areas of affordable
houslng and hlsLorlc preservaLlon.
alma Muslca ue Camara, lnc. 133233232
1o provlde Lhe Muslca de Camara LecLure-
uemonsLraLlon rogram for sLudenLs of MS 127,
Leachlng aural analysls Lo sLudenLs. lundlng wlll be
used Lo pay Lhe fees of Lhe arLlsL-lnsLrucLors, lecLurer
and producer of Lhe program, and Lo cover Lhe cosLs of
8ose Muslcal Chalrs Chamber Lnsemble, lnc. 201438238

lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe 11Lh Season of
Chamber Muslc concerLs/resldency/vlrLual evenL
lncludlng promoLlon and webslLe cosLs, and equlpmenL
for Lhe evenLs.
Cornegy Musllm ConsulLaLlve neLwork 733163333
1o cover cosLs relaLlng Lo sLafflng & space renLal for
educaLlon semlnars and supplles for Lhe CommunlLy
LducaLlon rogram
Levlne Musllm ConsulLaLlve neLwork 733163333
lundlng wlll be used Lo susLaln a vegeLarlan and halal
soup klLchen for homeless resldenLs ln ManhaLLan. 1he
fundlng wlll be used for sLafflng, food, supplles
LransporLaLlon of foodsLuff.
Levlne CC Musllm ConsulLaLlve neLwork 733163333
lundlng Lo supporL M? n?C", whlch ls a year round
program LhaL provldes youLh leadershlp developmenL
Lo underserved sLudenLs ln publlc schools LhaL ls
focused on Leachlng Lhe followlng skllls: lnLerpersonal
communlcaLlon skllls, publlc speaklng, confllcL
Musllm Women's lnsLlLuLe for 8esearch and
uevelopmenL 800010627
1he funds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe cosL of Lhe food
panLry and lmmlgranL servlces.
Malsel My 1lme, lnc. 680646329
1o provlde crlLlcal servlces Lo resldenLs of Lhe 46Lh
Councll ulsLrlcL.
Wllllams My 1lme, lnc. 680646329

lundlng Lo provlde arenL SupporL and LducaLlonal
Lugene nachas PealLh and lamlly neLwork, lnc. 113067201
1o supporL operaLlons aL nachas PealLh's senlor
program. lunds wlll supporL enLlLlemenL procuremenL,
cllenL prescreenlng, compleLlon of Lhe
appllcaLlon/recerLlflcaLlon process and cllenL advocacy,
weekly soclal/recreaLlonal groups. as well as free
Creenfleld nachas PealLh and lamlly neLwork, lnc. 113067201
lunds wlll supporL a comprehenslve senlor program.
1hls program conslsLs of many angles lncludlng
deLalled case managemenL sesslons resulLlng ln
enLlLlemenL procuremenL, lncludlng cllenL
prescreenlng, compleLlon of Lhe
appllcaLlon/recerLlflcaLlon process
MaLLeo naml-nyc SLaLen lsland, lnc. 133370368

lunds wlll be used for: communlcaLlon, brochures,
publlcaLlons, posLage, adverLlslng, prlnLlng, webslLe
developmenL, volunLeer appreclaLlon evenLs and
supporL for LxecuLlve ulrecLor.
CenLlle narrows 8oLanlcal Carden, lnc., 1he 113382931
lunds wlll pay Lo malnLaln Lhe publlc gardens wlLh
planLs and Lrees and equlpmenL, monlLor Lhe securlLy
sysLem, upkeep of repalrs of Lhe sprlnkler, and for
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 319

communlLy programmlng.
ulckens naLhan u. Allsbrooks loundaLlon, lnc. 263492339

1o supporL youLh educaLlonal and menLorlng
programs, sporLs, scholarshlps, and gun vlolence
prevenLlon. lunds wlll supporL Lhe cosLs of Lhese
programs lncludlng sporLs unlforms and equlpmenL,
sLaff salarles and oLher cosLs.
naLlonal AssoclaLlon lor 1he AdvancemenL Cf
Colored eople - Co-Cp ClLy 8ranch 061172338
lundlng wlll go Lowards Annual !ubllee uay
CelebraLlon, 8lack PlsLory and Women's PlsLory MonLh
Award CelebraLlons, !uneLeenLh, lamlly lrlends uay
and kwanzaa CelebraLlons and Lhe llve Came Changer
Workshops and AcLlvlLles. 8enL, lnsurance, uLlllLles, po
naLlonal AssoclaLlon for Lhe AdvancemenL of
Colored eople - norLheasL Cueens 8ranch 342166928
lood asslsLance and referrals Lo oLher agencles for
oLher enLlLlemenLs, recreaLlonal acLlvlLles and
lmmlgranL famlly workshops.
ulckens naLlonal AssoclaLlon of Lach Cne 1each Cne, lnc. 133163183 * 3,000 ?ouLh ages 10 Lo 19 and slngle adulLs .
naLlonal 8lack Leadershlp Commlsslon on AluS,
lnc. 133330740

1he funds wlll supporL Lhe PepaLlLls C lnlLlaLlve and
AluS awareness efforLs of Lhe naLlonal 8lack
Leadershlp Commlsslon on AluS ln ulsLrlcL 41. 1he
funds wlll be used Lo pay medlcal professlonals, Lo
purchase LesLlng supplles and equlpmenL, Lo pay for Lr
Cumbo naLlonal 8lack 1heaLre Workshop, lnc. 132632396
lundlng wlll supporL Lhe conLlnued developmenL of 4
ulckens naLlonal 8lack 1heaLre Workshop, lnc. 132632396
1o supporL programs lncludlng plays by new Afrlcan
Amerlcan playwrlghLs, Lhe collecLlon of ?oruba new
Sacred ArL, youLh ouLreach, a communlcaLlons arL
program, an enLrepreneurlal arLlsL program and oLher
programs, allowlng for subsLanLlal reducLlons ln
alma naLlonal Choral Councll, lnc. 132398476
1o conLlnue Lo presenL year-long vocal-choral muslc
classes Lo S 47.
Levln naLlonal uance lnsLlLuLe, lnc. 132890779

1o supporL nul's ln-School rogram (lS), whlch brlngs
a full year of dance classes lnLegraLed wlLh muslc Lo
sLudenLs aL parLner publlc schools ln ulsLrlcL 33.
Mendez naLlonal uance lnsLlLuLe, lnc. 132890779

lundlng Lo supporL nul's ln-School rogram (lS)lull
year of dance classes lnLegraLed wlLh muslc Lo sLudenLs
aL parLner publlc schools
8osenLhal naLlonal uance lnsLlLuLe, lnc. 132890779

lunds wlll supporL nul's ln-School rogram (lS), whlch
brlngs a full year of dance classes lnLegraLed wlLh
muslc Lo sLudenLs aL parLner publlc schools across n?C
Chln naLlonal uance lnsLlLuLe, lnc. 132890779

1o supporL ln-school dance and muslc programs ln
Councll ulsLrlcL 1 schools.
!ohnson CC naLlonal lnsLlLuLe for 8eproducLlve PealLh, lnc. 133030237
lundlng Lo supporL Lhe 1een CuLreach 8eproducLlve
Challenge (1C8CP) ls a new ?ork ClLy-based peer-Lo-
peer educaLlon program LhaL seeks Lo provlde
knowledge and empowermenL opporLunlLles for young
people Lo make lnformed cholces.
8ose naLlonal LlghLhouse Museum 134033213

lunds wlll be used Lo hlre lnlLlal sLafflng and ouLflLLlng
for Lhe Museum, focuslng on a full Llme
Manager/CuraLor and an LducaLlonal SpeclallsL Lo
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 320

lnlLlaLe museum operaLlons. lundlng wlll also be used
Lo creaLe educaLlonal currlculum and classroom maLerl
naLlonal CrganlzaLlon Cf lLallan-Amerlcan
Women, lnc. 133133703

lunds wlll supporL educaLlonal and culLural programs
ln llLeraLure, arLs, lLallan hlsLory and fllm.
Lugene naLlonal ?ouLh CrganlzaLlon of aklsLan lnc. 464032336
1o supporL Lhe naLlonal ?ouLh CrganlzaLlon of aklsLan
lnc's ?ouLh LducaLlon program, ?ouLh lnLerfalLh
ulalogue program, ?ouLh CulLural program, and soclal
servlces belng provlded Lo Lhe lmmlgranL communlLy.
Mendez nazareLh Pouslng, lnc. 133176932

lundlng Lo supporL lamlly rogrammlng AsslsLanL
(lA) Lo serve nazareLh Pouslng shelLer
kallos nelghborhood CoallLlon for ShelLer, lnc. 133176386
lundlng Lo provlde accuraLe, acLlonable, and local
human servlce lnformaLlon ln Lhe hands of program
guesLs who may need and seek a varleLy of servlces. 1o
fulflll requesLs for lnformaLlon, resources, and referrals
on Lhe spoL and provlde aL leasL 3 reso
nelghborhood Pouslng Servlces of 8edford-
SLuyvesanL, lnc. 133098397
1o supporL sLafflng and oLher cosLs assoclaLed wlLh
nPS of 8edford-SLuyvesanL's provlslon of Lhe followlng
programs: loreclosure lnLervenLlon, llrsL-Llme
Pomeownershlp, ?ouLh Leadershlp rogram
nelghborhood Pouslng Servlces of 8edford-
SLuyvesanL, lnc. 133098397
lundlng Lo supporL loreclosure lnLervenLlon rogram
and Lhe ?ouLh Leadershlp rogram.
Lugene nelghborhood Pouslng Servlces of LasL llaLbush 133098397
1o supporL nPS programs lncludlng homeownershlp
educaLlon, morLgage faclllLaLlon, home repalrs,
foreclosure lnLervenLlon, lnsurance servlces, and home
malnLenance Lralnlng.
Wllllams nelghborhood Pouslng Servlces of LasL llaLbush 133098397
lunds Lo provlde Lhe followlng servlces:
Pomeownershlp educaLlon, morLgage faclllLaLlon,
home repalrs, foreclosure lnLervenLlon, lnsurance
servlces, and home malnLenance Lralnlng.
Wllllams nelghborhood Pouslng Servlces of LasL llaLbush 133098397
lunds Lo provlde Lhe followlng servlces:
Pomeownershlp educaLlon, morLgage faclllLaLlon,
home repalrs, foreclosure lnLervenLlon, lnsurance
servlces, and home malnLenance Lralnlng.
Cu28 nelghborhood Pouslng Servlces of !amalca, lnc. 237398279

lundlng for Lhe admlnlsLraLlon of nPS!'s loreclosure
revenLlon Counsellng rogram. 1he loreclosure
revenLlon Counsellng rogram ls ln need of resources
Lo supporL an CuLreach CoordlnaLor and a loreclosure
revenLlon Counselor poslLlon.
Cu28 nelghborhood Pouslng Servlces of !amalca, lnc. 237398279
lundlng for nPS!'s Senlor Servlces rogram. 1he Senlor
Servlces rogram has Lwo componenLs, (1) Pome
MalnLenance Servlce and (2) 8eneflLs Counsellng.
Mlller CC nelghborhood Pouslng Servlces of !amalca, lnc. 237398279

1o fund Lhe admlnlsLraLlon of lLs 1enanL LducaLlon
program. 1he goal of Lhe program ls Lo provlde lalr
Pouslng educaLlon creaLlng a culLure of responslble as
well educaLed renLers. nPS! counselors wlll provlde
educaLlonal workshops Lo lLs cllenLs on how L
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 321

nelghborhood Pouslng Servlces of Lhe norLh
8ronx, lnc. 133098397
lundlng wlll provlde homeownershlp educaLlon Lo
8ronx famllles, help new famllles Lo become
homeowners, help famllles Lo prevenL foreclosure by
obLalnlng new loan modlflcaLlons. and provlde
emergency rehablllLaLlon granLs and low lnLeresL raLe
nelghborhood lnlLlaLlves uevelopmenL
CorporaLlon (nluC) 133110811
lunds wlll supporL Lhe cleanlng and removal of grafflLl
LhroughouL Lhe dlsLrlcL
nelghborhood lnlLlaLlves uevelopmenL
CorporaLlon (nluC) 133110811
1o fund Lhe rep for Success Mlddle and hlgh school
program and CommunlLy Servlces Learnlng pro[ecLs
and for communlLy evenLs lncludlng Movles under Lhe
SLars, Palloween arades, and Sprlng CelebraLlons.
nelghborhood lnlLlaLlves uevelopmenL
CorporaLlon (nluC) 133110811
1o provlde funds Lo esLabllsh merchanL assoclaLlons
and 8lus, provlde buslness developmenL asslsLance
and small buslness workshops, semlnars, lnformaLlon
sesslons and speclal evenLs, and provlde oLher Lypes of
small buslness servlces.
8ronx, vacca CC
nelghborhood lnlLlaLlves uevelopmenL
CorporaLlon (nluC) 133110811
lundlng Lo supporL Lhe rep for Success program wlLh
Lhe goals of drop ouL prevenLlon and llfe skllls
nelghborhood Self Pelp by Clder ersons
ro[ecL, lnc. 133077047
1o provlde educaLlonal, recreaLlonal and oLher servlces
for senlors ln Lhe houslng complex ln Lhe Soundvlew
secLlon of Lhe 8ronx. lunds wlll be used for personnel
and operaLlng cosLs.
nelghborhood Self Pelp by Clder ersons
ro[ecL, lnc. 133077047
1he funds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe operaLlng cosLs
agency's Senlor neLwork Croup Work rogram whlch
provldes case asslsLance, educaLlonal and recreaLlonal
acLlvlLles Lo Lhe senlor resldenLs of SL. Luke's Senlor
Pouslng, lllomena Cardens and Cur Lady of
CenLlle nelghbors Pelplng nelghbors lnc. 113039938
lunds wlll provlde blllngual Lngllsh/Spanlsh legal
servlces, counsellng, and 1enanL 8lghLs Workshops for
LenanLs ln SunseL ark and ln nelghborlng
Menchaca nelghbors Pelplng nelghbors lnc. 113039938

1o provlde counsellng, advocacy and organlzlng for
LenanLs, Lhrough LenanL rlghLs workshops and legal
cllnlcs ln SunseL ark and 8ay 8ldge, and regular
meeLlngs wlLh LenanLs ln Lhe communlLy. ln addlLlon-
Lo provlde one-on-one LenanL counsellng, 1enanL 8
8arron neLwork Cf Angels, lnc. 263364321
lunds are lnLended Lo be used for neLwork of Angels
Lo provlde college advlsemenL, enLry level career
counsellng and [ob Lralnlng prlmarlly Lo Leenagers and
young adulLs who are LranslLlonlng ouL of Lhe fosLer
care sysLem, formerly homeless and/or formerl
Levlne new 42nd SLreeL, lnc., 1he 133384032
lundlng Lo supporL Lhe new vlc LducaLlon rogram,
funds wlll dlrecLly subsldlze (a) heavlly dlscounLed
LlckeLs Lo school-Llme performances aL Lhe new
vlcLory, followed by engaglng 1alk-8acks beLween Lhe
performers and sLudenLs (led by hlghly experlenced n
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 322

!ohnson new 42nd SLreeL, lnc., 1he 133384032
1o supporL Lhe new vlcLory LducaLlon rogram,
provldlng low cosL performances, classroom
workshops, onllne resource guldes, slgn-lnLerpreLed
educaLlon shows, and Lralnlng for educaLors.
Malsel new 42nd SLreeL, lnc., 1he 133384032 * 2,300 1o provlde servlces Lo a publlc school wlLhln 8rooklyn.
8osenLhal new 42nd SLreeL, lnc., 1he 133384032
lundlng for Lhe naLlonally-recognlzed new vlc
LducaLlon rogram, whlch wlll parLner wlLh 160
schools and afLer-schools durlng l?13 Lo reach 34,000
re-k-12Lh graders ln n?C, lncludlng an anLlclpaLed 13
schools ln ClLy Councll ulsLrlcL 6.
!ohnson new AlLernaLlves for Chlldren, lnc. 133149298

1o provlde case managemenL, counsellng, parenL
supporL, medlcal/menLal healLh servlces, and
educaLlonal advocacy for famllles leavlng prevenLlve
servlces or fosLer care.
SLaLen lsland,
Cohen, lgnlzlo,
!ohnson, MaLLeo CC new AlLernaLlves for Chlldren, lnc. 133149298

lundlng Lo supporL arLners ln arenLlng (l) and Lhe
osL Legal AdopLlon neLwork (LAn) whlch provldes
posL-chlld welfare (afLercare) servlces for medlcally
fraglle chlldren and parenLs. l LAn provldes case
managemenL, counsellng, parenL supporL gr
klng new 8ronx Chamber of Commerce, 1he 371443163
lunds wlll be used Lo enhance Lhe overall appearance
of Lhe reLall corrldor (such grafflLl removal) as well as
Lo provlde Lechnlcal asslsLance and supporL servlces Lo
Clbson new uesLlny Pouslng CorporaLlon 133778489

1he funds wlll be used Lo asslsL Lhe 8ecreaLlonal
SpeclallsL aL 1he Anderson slLe. 1he 8ecreaLlonal
SpeclallsL wlll provlde programmlng such as,
homework help, arLs crafLs, dance and LheaLre and
acLlvlLles such as, movle and game nlghLs, fleld Lrlps
!ohnson new uramaLlsLs, lnc. 131601093

1o supporL a laywrlghLs Lab, offerlng resldenL
playwrlghLs a seven-year course of exploraLlon Lhrough
readlngs, workshops and oLher pro[ecLs ln Lhe Lab,
Carodnlck new Lconomy ro[ecL 133842270 * 3,300 lundlng wlll supporL Lhe u8LAMer Loan lund.
Carodnlck new Lconomy ro[ecL 133842270
lundlng wlll supporL Lhe n?C llnanclal !usLlce PoLllne,
whlch provldes free legal asslsLance and referrals Lo
low-lncome resldenLs.
Levln new Lconomy ro[ecL 133842270
1o supporL operaLlon of Lhe n?C u8LAMer Loan lund,
whlch enables young undocumenLed lmmlgranLs Lo
apply for Lhe federal uACA program.
ulrlch new PamllLon 8each Clvlc AssoclaLlon, lnc. 830377313

lunds wlll be used Lo cover Lhe expenses assoclaLed
wlLh Lhe Labor uay arade and oLher operaLlng
ulckens new PerlLage 1heaLre Croup, lnc. 132683678

1o supporL plays, youLh arLs programs, wrlLlng
programs, fllm programs and oLher culLural and
educaLlonal programs of Lhe 8eperLory LheaLer.
new lmmlgranL CommunlLy LmpowermenL
(nlCL) 113360623

lundlng for know your 8lghLs Workshops and Wage
1hefL Cllnlc for lmmlgranL workers.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 323

new lmmlgranL CommunlLy LmpowermenL
(nlCL) 113360623

lunds wlll supporL know-your-rlghLs communlLy
engagemenL work, wage LhefL cllnlcs and occupaLlonal
healLh and safeLy Lralnlngs for lmmlgranL domesLlc
workers. lunds wlll supporL general operaLlng
expenses, as well as sLaff Llme for developmenL,
8odrlguez new Marble Plll 1enanLs And Clvlc AssoclaLlon 134181819
lundlng Lo provlde ?ouLh soclal/educaLlonal programs
aL Marble Plll Pouses
ulckens new MounL Zlon 8apLlsL Church 133976609
1o supporL lnlLlaLlves LhaL promoLe healLhy eaLlng and
oLher communlLy evenLs.
CenLlle new uLrechL Plgh School 136400434

lundlng wlll be used for 1A acLlvlLles LhaL are
beneflclal Lo chlldren and parenLs.
Lander new venLure lund 203806343
1o supporL leadershlp Lralnlng and developmenL for
lmmlgranL communlLy leaders.
Chln new ?ork Academy of Medlclne 131636674
1o supporL sLaff Lo conducL survey of ulsLrlcL 1,
dlscusslons wlLh local advlsory groups, developmenL of
recommendaLlons for lmprovemenLs Lo make Lhe
dlsLrlcL more age-frlendly, Lralnlng for area landlords Lo
undersLand Lhe needs of older resldenLs, and o
Levlne new ?ork Afrlcan Chorus Lnsemble, lnc. 201090906

lundlng Lo asslsL wlLh Lhe plannlng and producLlon of
Lhe 6Lh Annual CelebraLe ulverslLy CelebraLe ?ou
lesLlval- Parlem's MulLlculLural lesLlval" 1he
CaLherlng vlll" our annual communlLy concerL.
ulckens new ?ork Afrlcan Chorus Lnsemble, lnc. 201090906

1o supporL Lhe producLlon of Lhe 3Lh Annual
CelebraLe ulverslLy CelebraLe ?ou lesLlval" showcaslng
and celebraLlng Lhe dlverse culLural communlLles ln Lhe
ClLy, educaLlng and bulldlng Lolerance.
uromm new ?ork Aslan Women's CenLer, lnc. 133286230

1o fund a porLlon of a 8lllngual Counselor AdvocaLe's
salary and frlnge beneflLs.
koo new ?ork Aslan Women's CenLer, lnc. 133286230

1o fund n?AWC's 1oll lree 24/7 MulLlllngual PoLllne.
1hrough Lhe hoLllne, n?AWC provldes counsellng,
lnformaLlon on domesLlc vlolence, referrals Lo oLher
agencles and emergency LranslaLlons. lunds wlll also
supporL a porLlon of Lhe salary and frlnge benef
kallos new ?ork 8oard of 8abbls 131809283

1o supporL Lhe SLewards of Chlldren educaLlon
program, a 2.3 hour Lralnlng LhaL Leaches adulLs how Lo
prevenL, recognlze and reacL responslbly Lo chlld sexual
abuse and molesLaLlon.
Levln new ?ork 8oard of 8abbls 131809283

1o supporL Lhe SLewards of Chlldren educaLlon
program, a 2.3 hour Lralnlng LhaL Leaches adulLs how Lo
prevenL, recognlze and reacL responslbly Lo chlld sexual
abuse and molesLaLlon.
ulrlch new ?ork 8oard of 8abbls 131809283

lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe SLewards of Chlldren
Lugene new ?ork 8oard of 8abbls 131809283

1o supporL Lhe SLewards of Chlldren educaLlon
program LhaL Leaches adulLs how Lo prevenL,
recognlze, and reacL responslbly Lo chlld sexual abuse
and molesLaLlon.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 324

Creenfleld new ?ork 8oard of 8abbls 131809283

lunds wlll supporL Lhe naLlonally recognlzed SLewards
of Chlldren educaLlon program, a 2.3 hour Lralnlng LhaL
Leaches adulLs how Lo effecLlvely prevenL, recognlze
and reacL responslbly Lo chlld sexual abuse and
!ewlsh CC new ?ork 8oard of 8abbls 131809283

lundlng Lo sponsor ClLywlde Lralnlngs ln each borough
Lo prevenL chlld sexual abuse and molesLaLlon.
SLewards of Chlldren ls Lhe only chlld sexual abuse
prevenLlon Lralnlng geared Lowards adulLs Lo help
Lhem proLecL chlldren from pedophlles LhaL has been
Cabrera new ?ork 8oLanlcal Carden 131693134
1he funds requesLed are for Senlor Croup 1ours (SC1).
1hese are gulded, docenL-led Lours of Lhe Carden's
grounds for members of senlor cenLers, nC8C cenLers
or senlor groups ln 8ronx Cu 14. AddlLlonally, as guesL
senlors wlll be able Lo Lour speclal exhl
alma new ?ork 8oLanlcal Carden 131693134
1o provlde gulded, docenL-led Lours of Lhe new ?ork
8oLanlcal Carden's grounds for members of senlor
cenLers, nC8C cenLers or senlor groups.
1orres new ?ork 8oLanlcal Carden 131693134
lunds wlll supporL Senlor Croup 1ours (SC1) of Lhe
Carden's grounds for members of senlor cenLers and
groups ln Lhe dlsLrlcL.
1orres new ?ork 8oLanlcal Carden 131693134
1he LvereLL Chlldren AdvenLure Carden (LCAC) offers
school programs LhaL are allgned wlLh n?C Sclence
Scope and Sequence, whlch are adapLed Lo four
dlfferenL age groups - re-k, k-1sL, 2nd, 3rd, 4Lh - 3Lh.
1hese programs provlde sLudenLs wlLh a 73 mln. ex
1orres new ?ork 8oLanlcal Carden 131693134
lunds wlll supporL Lhe 8ronx Creen-up (8Cu)
communlLy ouLreach program deslgned Lo help 8ronx
resldenLs Lransform vacanL, abandoned loLs lnLo
vlbranL communlLy gardens ln Lhe 8ronx.
Clbson new ?ork 8oLanlcal Carden 131693134
lunds wlll supporL 1he LvereLL Chlldren's AdvenLure
Carden (LCAC) school programs LhaL are allgned wlLh
n?C Sclence Scope and Sequence. lundlng wlll be
uLlllzed Lo supporL program sLafflng maLerlals, as well
as Lhe poLenLlal scholarshlp sloLs for class
1reyger new ?ork Cancer CenLer, lnc. 272464042
lunds used Lo help defray operaLlng expenses and
sLaff salarles.
Creenfleld new ?ork Cancer CenLer, lnc. 272464042
lunds used Lo help defray operaLlng expenses and
sLaff salarles.
8rooklyn, Lsplnal,
Creenfleld, Malsel CC new ?ork Cancer CenLer, lnc. 272464042
1o asslsL cancer paLlenLs ln Laklng an acLlve role ln Lhelr
own LreaLmenL supporLlng sLaff cosLs for Lhe program.
kallos new ?ork Cares, lnc. 133444193

1o cover Lhe personnel cosLs for our ?ouLh LducaLlon
programmlng whlch helps dlsadvanLaged chlldren and
Leens Lo galn Lhe llLeracy, maLh and LesL-Laklng skllls
Lhey need Lo prepare for college and Lhe workforce
and, ulLlmaLely, Lo break Lhe cycle of pover
alma new ?ork Cares, lnc. 133444193

1o provlde educaLlonal programmlng for
dlsadvanLaged chlldren and Leens Lo galn Lhe llLeracy,
maLh and LesL-Laklng skllls.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 32S

8odrlguez new ?ork Cares, lnc. 133444193

lundlng offseL Lhe personnel cosLs of ?ouLh LducaLlon
Chln new ?ork Chlnese CulLural CenLer 132928334

1o supporL n?CCCs free publlc communlLy culLural
programs lncludlng Lhe Lunar new ?ear CelebraLlon.
Chln new ?ork Chlnese Cpera SocleLy, lnc. 861171749
1o presenL LradlLlonal Chlnese opera ln an accesslble
and enLerLalnlng way Lhrough free, publlc
performances and lecLures. lunds wlll supporL Lhe
LlghLh Annual WlnLer CulLural Lxchange lesLlval aL
ace unlverslLy.
Mendez new ?ork ClLy Alllance AgalnsL Sexual AssaulL 311702032

lundlng Lo provlde SAlL Lralnlng program for medlcal
8osenLhal new ?ork ClLy Alllance AgalnsL Sexual AssaulL 311702032

lundlng Lo supporL hase ll of Lhe A8lSL (AcLlon
8esearch for lmmlgranL Soclal LmpowermenL)
parLlclpaLory acLlon research sLudy on Lhe barrlers
lmmlgranL women llvlng ln n?C experlence ln seeklng
supporL and LreaLmenL for sexual assaulL and lnLlmaLe
uromm new ?ork ClLy 8alleL, lnc. 132947386

lund Lwo slxLy-mlnuLe lnLeracLlve communlLy
workshops by professlonal n?C8 1eachlng ArLlsLs
8osenLhal new ?ork ClLy 8alleL, lnc. 132947386

lundlng provldes Lwo slxLy-mlnuLe lnLeracLlve
workshops by professlonal n?C8 1eachlng ArLlsLs for
up Lo Lwo-hundred parLlclpanLs. 1he program also
lncludes free LlckeLs (regularly 20) Lo a lamlly SaLurday
presenLaLlon aL Lhe Company's home LheaLer ln Lln
kallos new ?ork ClLy CoallLlon AgalnsL Punger, lnc. 133471330

lundlng wlll supporL n?CCAP programs LhaL connecL
low-lncome new ?orkers Lo nuLrlLlon beneflLs, conducL
volunLeer recrulLmenL and provlde Lechnlcal asslsLance
Lo soup klLchens and food panLrles clLywlde.
Levln new ?ork ClLy CoallLlon AgalnsL Punger, lnc. 133471330

1o supporL n?CCAP programs LhaL connecL low-lncome
new ?orkers Lo fresh produce and nuLrlLlon beneflLs,
such as SnA/food sLamps. ln addlLlon, fundlng wlll
supporL volunLeer recrulLmenL and provlde Lechnlcal
asslsLance Lo soup klLchens and food panLrles c
alma new ?ork ClLy CoallLlon AgalnsL Punger, lnc. 133471330

1o lncrease n?CPA resldenLs' parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe
SupplemenLal nuLrlLlon AsslsLance rogram
(SnA/food sLamps), provlde fresh affordable produce,
conducL ouLreach, pre-screenlng and
appllcaLlon/recerLlflcaLlon asslsLance, and provlde
oLher nuLrlLlon progr
!ohnson new ?ork ClLy CoallLlon AgalnsL Punger, lnc. 133471330

lundlng wlll supporL n?CCAP programs LhaL connecL
low-lncome new ?orkers Lo fresh produce and
nuLrlLlon beneflLs, such as SnA/food sLamps.
8osenLhal new ?ork ClLy CoallLlon AgalnsL Punger, lnc. 133471330

lundlng supporLs n?CCAP programs LhaL connecL low-
lncome new ?orkers Lo fresh produce and nuLrlLlon
beneflLs, such as SnA/food sLamps. ln addlLlon,
conducL volunLeer recrulLmenL and provlde Lechnlcal
asslsLance Lo soup klLchens and food panLrles clLywld
Lander new ?ork ClLy CoallLlon AgalnsL Punger, lnc. 133471330

1o supporL ouLreach and asslsLance Lo ellglble
households Lo access food-based asslsLance programs
and beneflLs.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 326

Wllllams new ?ork ClLy CoallLlon AgalnsL Punger, lnc. 133471330

lundlng wlll supporL n?CCAP programs LhaL connecL
low-lncome new ?orkers Lo fresh produce and
nuLrlLlon beneflLs, such as SnA/food sLamps. ln
addlLlon, fundlng Lo conducL volunLeer recrulLmenL
and provlde Lechnlcal asslsLance
Lsplnal, !ohnson,
kallos, alma CC new ?ork ClLy CoallLlon AgalnsL Punger, lnc. 133471330

lundlng wlll lncrease parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe SupplemenLal
nuLrlLlon AsslsLance rogram, formerly food sLamps
and oLher nuLrlLlon asslsLance beneflLs, and Lo asslsL
low-lncome households clLywlde who remaln ellglble
Lo reLaln beneflLs. 1hls program lmproves
new ?ork ClLy CommunlLy Chorus aL Poly
AposLles 760843120
lunds Lo Lraln a non-audlLlon chorus of volunLeers
from Lhe communlLy Lo prepare Lwo hlgh quallLy
concerLs, lncludlng professlonal guesL arLlsLs, free Lo
Lhe publlc.
new ?ork ClLy Lconomlc uevelopmenL
CorporaLlon 136400434

1o lund CrafflLl-lree n?C program ln SLaLen lsland 31sL
councll ulsLrlcL.
new ?ork ClLy Cay and Lesblan AnLl-vlolence
ro[ecL, lnc. 133149200

lundlng wlll supporL LC81C and Plv-affecLed speclflc
anLl-vlolence organlzaLlon, lncludlng a hoLllne, dlrecL
cllenL servlces, lnLake ln all flve boroughs, LargeLed
ouLreach ln all flve boroughs, volunLeer Lralnlng,
communlLy alerLs and documenLaLlon of vl
new ?ork ClLy Cay and Lesblan AnLl-vlolence
ro[ecL, lnc. 133149200

lundlng Lo supporL PoLllne, dlrecL cllenL servlces,
lncludlng lnLake ouLreach, volunLeer Lralnlng,
communlLy alerLs and documenLaLlon of vlolenL
new ?ork ClLy Cay and Lesblan AnLl-vlolence
ro[ecL, lnc. 133149200

1o combaL LC81C and Plv-affecLed speclflc vlolence ln
new ?ork ClLy Lhrough programs lncludlng dlrecL cllenL
servlces, a 24-hour hoLllne, communlLy organlzlng,
volunLeer Lralnlng, communlLy alerLs and
documenLaLlon of vlolenL lncldenLs.
new ?ork ClLy Cay and Lesblan AnLl-vlolence
ro[ecL, lnc. 133149200

lundlng Lo supporL hoLllne, dlrecL cllenL servlces,
lncludlng lnLake ln all flve boroughs, LargeLed ouLreach
ln all flve boroughs, volunLeer Lralnlng, communlLy
alerLs and documenLaLlon of vlolenL lncldenLs.
LC81, !ohnson,
Mendez CC
new ?ork ClLy Cay and Lesblan AnLl-vlolence
ro[ecL, lnc. 133149200

Av ls Lhe only LC81C and Plv-affecLed speclflc anLl-
vlolence organlzaLlon ln new ?ork ClLy worklng on
lnLlmaLe parLner, sexual and haLe vlolence Lhrough
dlrecL cllenL servlces, lncludlng a 24-hour hoLllne,
communlLy organlzlng and publlc advocacy. lunds
Carodnlck new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy 136400434

lundlng wlll supporL Lhe SLanley lsaacs nelghborhood
CenLer's programmlng.
Levln new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy 136400434

1o provlde Cun? scholarshlps Lo sLudenLs llvlng ln
n?CPA developmenLs.
Levln new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy 136400434 1,300 1o supporL Lhe lndependence 1owers lamlly uay.
alma new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy 136400434

1he purpose of fundlng ls Lo provlde flnanclal supporL
Lo Lhe n?CPA 1enanL AssoclaLlons aL Lhe 8ronx 8lver
alma new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy 136400434

1he purpose of fundlng ls Lo provlde flnanclal supporL
Lo Lhe n?CPA 1enanL AssoclaLlons aL Lhe SoLomayor
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 327

alma new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy 136400434

1he purpose of fundlng ls Lo provlde flnanclal supporL
Lo Lhe n?CPA 1enanL AssoclaLlons aL Lhe CasLle Plll
alma new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy 136400434

1he purpose of fundlng ls Lo provlde flnanclal supporL
Lo Lhe n?CPA 1enanL AssoclaLlons aL Lhe Clason olnL
alma new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy 136400434

1he purpose of fundlng ls Lo provlde flnanclal supporL
Lo Lhe n?CPA 1enanL AssoclaLlons aL Lhe Clebe
alma new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy 136400434

1he purpose of fundlng ls Lo provlde flnanclal supporL
Lo Lhe n?CPA 1enanL AssoclaLlons aL Lhe !ames
Monroe uevelopmenL.
alma new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy 136400434

1he purpose of fundlng ls Lo provlde flnanclal supporL
Lo Lhe n?CPA 1enanL AssoclaLlons aL Lhe Sack Wern
alma new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy 136400434

1he purpose of fundlng ls Lo provlde flnanclal supporL
Lo Lhe n?CPA 1enanL AssoclaLlons aL Lhe Soundvlew
Chln new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy 136400434

1o supporL lamlly uays and oLher evenLs and acLlvlLles
organlzed by n?CPA LenanL assoclaLlons ln Cu1.
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - 372-374
Warren SLreeL 1enanL AssoclaLlon 136400434

2,000 1o provlde programlng acLlvlLles for all resldenLs.
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - All
uevelopmenLs Cu#2 136400434

lundlng Lo supporL Annual lamlly uay LvenL -
CuLreach and LngagemenL of resldenLs
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - AmsLerdam
AddlLlons 136400434

lundlng Lo supporL AmsLerdam AddlLlons 1enanLs
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - AmsLerdam
Pouses 1enanL AssoclaLlon 136400434

lundlng Lo supporL AmsLerdam Pouses 1enanL
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - 8eLances
Pouses 8esldenL AssoclaLlon 136400434

1o supporL communlLy acLlvlLles and evenLs for
resldenLs of Lhe developmenL, lncludlng annual famlly
days. lundlng wlll supporL Lhe purchase of
refreshmenLs, supplles and enLerLalnmenL aL Lhese
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - 8oulevard
Pouses 136400434

lunds are lnLended Lo be used for Annual lamlly uay
LvenL. 1hls lncludes speclal communlLy acLlvlLles Lo
fosLer communlLy fellowshlp, unlLy and empowermenL.
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - 8reukelen
8esldenL AssoclaLlon 136400434

lunds are lnLended Lo be used Lo empower Lhe
resldenLs of Lhe communlLy, from youLh Lo adulLhood,
ln achlevlng excellence ln educaLlonal, soclal, culLural,
aLhleLlc and oLher aspecLs of llfe. 1he focus wlll be
placed helplng young people develop self esLe
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - 8rownsvllle
8esldenL AssoclaLlon 136400434

1he funds wlll be used for Lhe 8esldenL AssoclaLlon's
evenLs, lncludlng Annual lamlly uay. 1he funds wlll be
used Lo pay for food and oLher relaLed supplles
(lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo paper goods and muslc)for
8esldenL AssoclaLlon evenLs.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 328

new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - Carey Cardens
1A 136400434

1o provlde communlLy engagemenL and
empowermenL acLlvlLles, educaLlon and healLh and
flLness programmlng for resldenLs, lncludlng physlcal
flLness classes, and recreaLlonal ouLlngs Lo areas of
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - Carver Pouses
8esldenL AssoclaLlon 136400434

1o supporL communlLy acLlvlLles and evenLs for
resldenLs of Lhe developmenL, lncludlng annual famlly
days. lundlng wlll supporL Lhe purchase of
refreshmenLs, supplles and enLerLalnmenL aL Lhese
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy -
Cassldy/LafayeLLe 136400434

lundlng wlll be used for varlous LenanL assoclaLlon
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - CllnLon
Pouses 8esldenL AssoclaLlon 136400434

1o supporL communlLy acLlvlLles and evenLs for
resldenLs of Lhe developmenL, lncludlng annual famlly
days. lundlng wlll supporL Lhe purchase of
refreshmenLs, supplles and enLerLalnmenL aL Lhese
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - Coney lsland
Pouses 1A 136400434

1o provlde communlLy engagemenL and
empowermenL acLlvlLles, educaLlon and healLh and
flLness programmlng for resldenLs, lncludlng physlcal
flLness classes, and recreaLlonal ouLlngs Lo areas of
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - Coney lsland
SlLe 8 1A 136400434

1o provlde communlLy engagemenL and
empowermenL acLlvlLles, educaLlon and healLh and
flLness programmlng for resldenLs, lncludlng physlcal
flLness classes, and recreaLlonal ouLlngs Lo areas of
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - Corsl Pouses
8esldenL AssoclaLlon 136400434

1o supporL communlLy acLlvlLles and evenLs for
resldenLs of Lhe developmenL, lncludlng annual famlly
days. lundlng wlll supporL Lhe purchase of
refreshmenLs, supplles and enLerLalnmenL aL Lhese
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - Cypress Pllls
8esldenL AssoclaLlon 136400434

lunds are lnLended for famlly day programmlng LhaL
lncludes communlLy empowermenL workshops. 1hls
lncludes speclal acLlvlLles and food.
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - Cypress
Pouses Senlor CenLer 136400434

lunds are lnLended Lo be used for Annual lamlly uay
LvenL. 1hls lncludes speclal communlLy acLlvlLles Lo
fosLer communlLy fellowshlp, unlLy and empowermenL.
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - ue PosLos
AparLmenLs 136400434

lundlng Lo supporL ue PosLos AparLmenLs 1enanLs
8osenLhal new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - uomeslLe 136400434 1,000 lundlng Lo supporL uomeslLe 1enanLs AssoclaLlon
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - LasL 8lver
Pouses 8esldenL AssoclaLlon 136400434

1o supporL communlLy acLlvlLles and evenLs for
resldenLs of Lhe developmenL, lncludlng annual famlly
days. lundlng wlll supporL Lhe purchase of
refreshmenLs, supplles and enLerLalnmenL aL Lhese
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 329

new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - larraguL
1enanLs AssoclaLlon 136400434


lunds Lo provlde a range of servlces and programs for
youLh, adulLs and senlors who llve ln larraguL Pouses.
rograms and servlces lnclude afLer school recreaLlonal
programs, meals for senlors, parenLlng classes, soclal
servlces, and vlolence prevenLlon
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - Clenmore
laza 136400434

lundlng wlll supporL famlly day acLlvlLles and LenanL
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - Cowanus
8esldenL Councll 136400434

2,000 1o supporL Lhe Cowanus lamlly uay.
1reyger new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - Cravesend 1A 136400434

1o provlde communlLy engagemenL and
empowermenL acLlvlLles, educaLlon and healLh and
flLness programmlng for resldenLs, lncludlng physlcal
flLness classes, and recreaLlonal ouLlngs Lo areas of
8osenLhal new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - Parborvlew 136400434 2,000 lundlng Lo supporL Parborvlew 1A 1enanLs AssoclaLlon
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - !efferson
Pouses 8esldenL AssoclaLlon 136400434

1o supporL communlLy acLlvlLles and evenLs for
resldenLs of Lhe developmenL, lncludlng annual famlly
days. lundlng wlll supporL Lhe purchase of
refreshmenLs, supplles and enLerLalnmenL aL Lhese
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - !ohnson
Pouses 8esldenL AssoclaLlon 136400434

1o supporL communlLy acLlvlLles and evenLs for
resldenLs of Lhe developmenL, lncludlng annual famlly
days. lundlng wlll supporL Lhe purchase of
refreshmenLs, supplles and enLerLalnmenL aL Lhese
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - Lehman
Pouses 8esldenL AssoclaLlon 136400434

1o supporL communlLy acLlvlLles and evenLs for
resldenLs of Lhe developmenL, lncludlng annual famlly
days. lundlng wlll supporL Lhe purchase of
refreshmenLs, supplles and enLerLalnmenL aL Lhese
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - LexlngLon
Pouses 8esldenLs AssoclaLlon 136400434

1o fund Lhe resldenL assoclaLlons' Annual lamlly 88C
as a focus for communlLy gaLherlng
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - Llnden Pouses
1enanL AssoclaLlon 136400434

lunds are lnLended Lo be used for Annual lamlly uay
LvenL. 1hls lncludes speclal communlLy acLlvlLles Lo
fosLer communlLy fellowshlp, unlLy and empowermenL.
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - Marcus
Carvey Senlor CenLer 136400434

1he funds wlll be used Lo provlde a dally meal for
senlors aL Marcus Carvey Senlor CenLer
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - Marlners
Parbor 136400434

lundlng wlll be used for varlous LenanL assoclaLlon
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - Marlboro
Pouses 136400434

1o provlde communlLy engagemenL and
empowermenL acLlvlLles, educaLlon and healLh and
flLness programmlng for resldenLs, lncludlng physlcal
flLness classes, and recreaLlonal ouLlngs Lo areas of
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - Mlllbrook
Pouses 8esldenL AssoclaLlon 136400434

1o supporL communlLy acLlvlLles and evenLs for
resldenLs of Lhe developmenL, lncludlng annual famlly
days. lundlng wlll supporL Lhe purchase of
refreshmenLs, supplles and enLerLalnmenL aL Lhese
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 330

new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - MlLchel
Pouses 8esldenL AssoclaLlon 136400434

1o supporL communlLy acLlvlLles and evenLs for
resldenLs of Lhe developmenL, lncludlng annual famlly
days. lundlng wlll supporL Lhe purchase of
refreshmenLs, supplles and enLerLalnmenL aL Lhese
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - Moore Pouses
8esldenL AssoclaLlon 136400434

1o supporL communlLy acLlvlLles and evenLs for
resldenLs of Lhe developmenL, lncludlng annual famlly
days. lundlng wlll supporL Lhe purchase of
refreshmenLs, supplles and enLerLalnmenL aL Lhese
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - MoLL Paven
Pouses 8esldenL AssoclaLlon 136400434

1o supporL communlLy acLlvlLles and evenLs for
resldenLs of Lhe developmenL, lncludlng annual famlly
days. lundlng wlll supporL Lhe purchase of
refreshmenLs, supplles and enLerLalnmenL aL Lhese
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - new Lane
Shores 136400434

lundlng wlll be used for varlous LenanL assoclaLlon
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - C'uwyer
Cardens 136400434

1o provlde communlLy engagemenL and
empowermenL acLlvlLles, educaLlon and healLh and
flLness programmlng for resldenLs, lncludlng physlcal
flLness classes, and recreaLlonal ouLlngs Lo areas of
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - aLLerson
Pouses 8esldenL AssoclaLlon 136400434

1o supporL communlLy acLlvlLles and evenLs for
resldenLs of Lhe developmenL, lncludlng annual famlly
days. lundlng wlll supporL Lhe purchase of
refreshmenLs, supplles and enLerLalnmenL aL Lhese
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - enn
WorLman 8esldenL AssoclaLlon 136400434

lunds are lnLended Lo be used Lo provlde moLlvaLlonal
speakers Lo Lalk Lo our communlLy abouL healLh and
Lhe lmporLance of educaLlon, and for communlLy
engagemenL and/or famlly day acLlvlLles.
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - lnk Pouses
1enanL AssoclaLlon 136400434

lunds are lnLended Lo be used for Annual lamlly uay
LvenL. 1hls lncludes speclal communlLy acLlvlLles Lo
fosLer communlLy fellowshlp, unlLy and empowermenL.
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - 8alph Avenue
8esldenL AssoclaLlon 136400434

1he funds wlll be used for Lhe 8esldenL AssoclaLlon's
evenLs, lncludlng Annual lamlly uay. 1he funds wlll be
used Lo pay for food and oLher relaLed supplles
(lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo paper goods and muslc)for
8esldenL AssoclaLlon evenLs.
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - 8eld 8esldenL
AssoclaLlon 136400434

1he funds wlll be used for Lhe 8esldenL AssoclaLlon's
evenLs, lncludlng Annual lamlly uay. 1he funds wlll be
used Lo pay for food and oLher relaLed supplles
(lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo paper goods and muslc)for
8esldenL AssoclaLlon evenLs.
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - 8lchmond
1errace 136400434

lundlng wlll be used for varlous LenanL assoclaLlon
8osenLhal new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - Sandra 136400434 1,000 lundlng Lo supporL Sandra 1homas AparLmenL 1enanLs
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 331

1homas AparLmenLs AssoclaLlon
Levlne new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - Scholarshlp 136400434

n?CPA-Cun? 8esldenL Scholarshlp program helps
resldenLs Lo enroll and sLay ln college by helplng Lo
defray college LulLlon and relaLed expenses.
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - Scholarshlp
lund 136400434

lundlng Lo provlde scholarshlps Lo sLudenLs aLLendlng
Cun? schools and llvlng ln publlc houslng
8ose new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - SLapleLon 136400434

lundlng wlll be used for varlous LenanL assoclaLlon
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - Sumner
Pouses 136400434

10,000 lundlng wlll supporL Lhe LenanL assoclaLlon.
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - 1afL Pouses
8esldenL AssoclaLlon 136400434

1o supporL communlLy acLlvlLles and evenLs for
resldenLs of Lhe developmenL, lncludlng annual famlly
days. lundlng wlll supporL Lhe purchase of
refreshmenLs, supplles and enLerLalnmenL aL Lhese
8ose new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - 1odL Plll 136400434

lundlng wlll be used for varlous LenanL assoclaLlon
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - unlLy laza
Long lsland 8apLlsL Senlor Club 136400434

lunds are lnLended Lo be used for chlldren, adulL and
famlly acLlvlLles LhaL fosLer communlLy lmprovemenL
parLlclpaLlon, fellowshlp and unlLy ln Lhe communlLy.
lood, rldes, games and educaLlonal acLlvlLles are
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - unlLy laza
8esldenL AssoclaLlon 136400434

lunds are lnLended for communlLy engagemenL/ famlly
day programmlng Lo fosLer communlLy soclal
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - unlLy 1owers
1A Coney lsland 1 136400434

1o provlde communlLy engagemenL and
empowermenL acLlvlLles, educaLlon and healLh and
flLness programmlng for resldenLs, lncludlng physlcal
flLness classes, and recreaLlonal ouLlngs Lo areas of
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - van uyke l
8esldenL AssoclaLlon 136400434

1he funds wlll be used for Lhe 8esldenL AssoclaLlon's
evenLs, lncludlng Annual lamlly uay. 1he funds wlll be
used Lo pay for food and oLher relaLed supplles
(lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo paper goods and muslc)for
8esldenL AssoclaLlon evenLs.
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - van uyke ll
8esldenL AssoclaLlon 136400434

1he funds wlll be used for Lhe 8esldenL AssoclaLlon's
evenLs, lncludlng Annual lamlly uay. 1he funds wlll be
used Lo pay for food and oLher relaLed supplles
(lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo paper goods and muslc)for
8esldenL AssoclaLlon evenLs.
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - Wagner
Pouses 8esldenL AssoclaLlon 136400434

1o supporL communlLy acLlvlLles and evenLs for
resldenLs of Lhe developmenL, lncludlng annual famlly
days. lundlng wlll supporL Lhe purchase of
refreshmenLs, supplles and enLerLalnmenL aL Lhese
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - WashlngLon
Pouses 8esldenL AssoclaLlon 136400434

1o supporL communlLy acLlvlLles and evenLs for
resldenLs of Lhe developmenL, lncludlng annual famlly
days. lundlng wlll supporL Lhe purchase of
refreshmenLs, supplles and enLerLalnmenL aL Lhese
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 332

8ose new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - WesL 8rlghLon 136400434

lundlng wlll be used for varlous LenanL assoclaLlon
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - Wllson Pouses
8esldenL AssoclaLlon 136400434

1o supporL communlLy acLlvlLles and evenLs for
resldenLs of Lhe developmenL, lncludlng annual famlly
days. lundlng wlll supporL Lhe purchase of
refreshmenLs, supplles and enLerLalnmenL aL Lhese
8osenLhal new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - Wlse 8ehab 136400434 1,000 lundlng Lo supporL Wlse 8ehab 1enanLs AssoclaLlon
8osenLhal new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - Wlse 1owers 136400434 2,000 lundlng Lo supporL Wlse 1owers 1enanLs AssoclaLlon
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - WSu8A
8rownsLones 136400434

lundlng Lo supporL WSu8A 8rownsLones 1enanLs
8osenLhal new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - WSu8A SlLe A 136400434 2,000 lundlng Lo supporL WSu8A SlLe A 1enanLs AssoclaLlon
8osenLhal new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - WSu8A SlLe 8 136400434 1,000 lundlng Lo supporL WSu8A SlLe 8 1enanLs AssoclaLlon
8osenLhal new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - WSu8A SlLe C 136400434 2,000 lundlng Lo supporL WSu8A SlLe C 1enanLs AssoclaLlon
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLhorlLy - Wyckoff
Cardens 1enanL AssoclaLlon 136400434

2,000 1o provlde programlng acLlvlLles for all resldenLs.
new ?ork ClLy Pouslng AuLohrlLy - llorenLlno
laza 136400434

lundlng wlll supporL famlly day acLlvlLles and LenanL
Cabrera new ?ork ClLy Mlsslon SocleLy 133362301
new ?ork ClLy Mlsslon SocleLy respecLfully requesLs a
granL of 3,000 ln dlscreLlonary fundlng Lo supporL our
programmlng aL .S. 33 ln Lhe 8ronx. Councll Member
Cabrera's pasL supporL was vlLal Lo Lhe expanslon of
our CuL-Cf-School 1lme (CS1) ower Academ
Levlne new ?ork ClLy Mlsslon SocleLy 133362301
lundlng Lo supporL general operaLlng cosLs of Lwo
programs ln Councll ulsLrlcL 7. 1he ower Academy aL
S 192, provldes sLudenLs wlLh CuL-of School 1lme
programmlng afLer school on week days, durlng school
holldays, and for 7 weeks durlng Lhe summer. n?CM
1reyger new ?ork ClLy CuLward 8ound CenLer, lnc. 133471084
lundlng Lo enable lncomlng 9Lh graders from Lhe
LxpedlLlonary Learnlng School for CommunlLy Leaders
ln Councll ulsLrlcL 47 Lo parLlclpaLe ln a mulLl-day,
resldenLlal n?C CuLward 8ound course. 1he Crew
CrlenLaLlon Course bullds Lhe characLer skllls sLudenL
Wllllams new ?ork ClLy CuLward 8ound CenLer, lnc. 133471084
lunds for sLudenLs from kurL Pahn expedlLlonary
Learnlng School ln LasL llaLbush
koslowlLz, Lander,
ulrlch CC new ?ork ClLy CuLward 8ound CenLer, lnc. 133471084
1o sLrengLhen n?C CuLward 8ound's capaclLy Lo grow
and supporL lLs neLwork of small schools LhaL are
founded on CuLward 8ound's LxpedlLlonary Learnlng
school deslgn. lundlng would help Lhem Lo conLlnue Lo
serve more sLudenLs, and Lo sLrengLhen and expand
Chln new ?ork ClLy 8escue Mlsslon 133396794

lunds wlll supporL Lhe lood Servlces rogram whlch
feeds homeless and needy people ln Lower ManhaLLan.
Mlller new ?ork ClLy urban uebaLe League, lnc. 433249743
lunds wlll be used Lo provlde free debaLe educaLlon
programs ln dlsLrlcL 27. All schools ln councll dlsLrlcL 27
wlll be provlded wlLh free debaLe educaLlon
opporLunlLles year round lncludlng professlonal
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 333

developmenL for Leachers, debaLe coaches, supporL
Carodnlck new ?ork Classlcal 1heaLre, lnc. 861036388
lundlng wlll supporL new ?ork Classlcal 1heaLre's free
educaLlonal famlly and adulL workshops and
performances ln new ?ork's publlc parks and spaces.
8osenLhal new ?ork Classlcal 1heaLre, lnc. 861036388
lunds Lo supporL 2014 Season of l8LL rovlng classlcal
LheaLre LhroughouL new ?ork ClLy.
Chln new ?ork Classlcal 1heaLre, lnc. 861036388
lunds wlll supporL Lhe 2014 Season of lree rovlng
classlcal LheaLre LhroughouL new ?ork ClLy conslsLlng
of free publlc performances, open rehearsals and
educaLlonal workshops.
Levlne new ?ork Classlcal 1heaLre, lnc. 861036388
lundlng Lo supporL Lhe 2014 Season of l8LL rovlng
classlcal LheaLre LhroughouL new ?ork ClLy, buL
speclflcally ln Lhe norLhern secLlon of CenLral ark
where Shakespeare's As ?ou Llke lL" wlll Lourlng. Lo
CenLral ark, rospecL ark 8aLLery ark. lundln
Crowley new ?ork lamllles for AuLlsLlc Chlldren, lnc. 113442879
lundlng Lo supporL famlly based recreaLlonal acLlvlLles
for lndlvlduals dlagnosed wlLh a developmenLal
ulrlch new ?ork lamllles for AuLlsLlc Chlldren, lnc. 113442879
lunds wlll be used Lo provlde recreaLlonal programs
and acLlvlLles for dlsabled lndlvlduals
Chln new ?ork loundaLlon for Senlor ClLlzens, lnc. 132618368

1he funds wlll be used Lo enhance and expand
LaCuardla and MoLL SLreeL Senlor CenLers' recreaLlonal
acLlvlLles and soclal programs, lncludlng Lngllsh as a
Second Language (LSL), arLs and crafLs, exerclse and
dance classes, Lrlps and volunLeer member recog
ManhaLLan, Chln,
Carodnlck, kallos,
8osenLhal, vallone CC new ?ork loundaLlon for Senlor ClLlzens, lnc. 132618368

lundlng wlll supporL Lhe clLywlde Pome Sharlng and
8esplLe Care rogram.
Cumbo new ?ork loundaLlon lor 1he ArLs, lnc. 237129364
lunds Lo produce fllm, arL and culLural [communlLy
engagemenL] programs ln llaLbush/LasL llaLbush,
Crown PelghLs, rospecL-LefferLs Cardens, ulLmas ark
and Canarsle. ln addlLlon, funds wlll be used Lo brlng
back Lhe llaLbush lllm lesLlval.
new ?ork loundaLlon lor 1he ArLs, lnc. -
carlb8LlnC 237129364
8,000 lunds Lo supporL fesLlvals and fllm evenLs
new ?ork loundaLlon lor 1he ArLs, lnc. -
carlb8LlnC 237129364
lunds wlll be used Lo produce fllm, arL and culLural
[communlLy engagemenL] programs ln llaLbush/LasL
llaLbush, Crown PelghLs, rospecL-LefferLs Cardens,
ulLmas ark and Canarsle
new ?ork loundaLlon lor 1he ArLs, lnc. -
ro[ecLArL 237129364
lundlng wlll be used Lo provlde a free arL educaLlon
class ln AsLorla.
Carodnlck new ?ork PlsLorlcal SocleLy 131624124

lundlng wlll supporL museum Lours and workshops for
sLudenLs ln ulsLrlcL 4.
8osenLhal new ?ork PlsLorlcal SocleLy 131624124

1o fund Lhe n?PS educaLlon dlvlslon whlch reaches k -
12 sLudenLs ln ulsLrlcL 6.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 334

Levlne new ?ork PlsLorlcal SocleLy 131624124

lundlng Lo supporL Lhe n-?PS educaLlon dlvlslon whlch
reaches k - 12 sLudenLs ln n?C publlc schools Lhrough
a varleLy of lnnovaLlve programs, lncludlng: Museum
Lours and hands-on workshops, school-based
enrlchmenL programs supporLlng soclal sLudles and vl
uromm new ?ork lmmlgraLlon CoallLlon 133373409

1o provlde general supporL Lo PealLh CollaboraLlve,
whlch advocaLes for lmmlgranLs' and llmlLed-Lngllsh-
proflclenL (LL) persons' access Lo healLh care and
lnLerpreLaLlon servlces, LducaLlon CollaboraLlve, whlch
works Lo secure greaLer resources and suppo
1reyger new ?ork lmmlgraLlon CoallLlon 133373409

lunds used Lo defray Lhe operaLlng cosL of worklng
groups and collaboraLlve programs almed aL Lhe
developmenL of lnnovaLlve pollcles, Lhe coordlnaLlon of
servlce dellvery, proLecLlng Lhe rlghLs of lmmlgranLs,
Lhe developmenL of Lhelr leadershlp capaclLy,
Crowley new ?ork lrlsh CenLer 330869131

lundlng Lo supporL compuLer Lralnlng, arLs/crafLs, and
meals ln a soclal envlronmenL.
Levln new ?ork Lawyers for Lhe ubllc lnLeresL, lnc. 132860703

1o reduce Lhe dlsproporLlonaLe exposure of low-
lncome communlLles Lo envlronmenLal harms and Lo
promoLe healLh and susLalnablllLy.
alma new ?ork Lawyers for Lhe ubllc lnLeresL, lnc. 132860703

1o supporL Lhe LnvlronmenLal !usLlce rogram, whlch
works Lo reduce exposure Lo envlronmenLal harms and
Lo promoLe healLh and susLalnablllLy. lundlng wlll
supporL Lralnlngs, workshops, and pro[ecLs Lo rld clLy
schools of Loxlc conLamlnanLs, challenge Lhe
8eynoso new ?ork Lawyers for Lhe ubllc lnLeresL, lnc. 132860703

1o supporL Lhe LnvlronmenLal !usLlce program,
lncludlng sLaff Llme for pollcy research and advocacy.
Arroyo new ?ork Lawyers for Lhe ubllc lnLeresL, lnc. 132860703

1o supporL Lhe ulsablllLy !usLlce rogram, advocaLlng
for lndlvlduals wlLh dlsablllLles Lo recelve equal access
Lo a range of programs and servlces, lncludlng
educaLlon, healLh care, houslng, and pollce proLecLlon.
Lander new ?ork Lawyers for Lhe ubllc lnLeresL, lnc. 132860703 3,300 1o supporL operaLlng expenses.
Mark-vlverlLo new ?ork Lawyers for Lhe ubllc lnLeresL, lnc. 132860703

1o supporL Lhe LnvlronmenLal !usLlce rogram whlch
works Lo reduce Lhe dlsproporLlonaLe exposure of low-
lncome communlLles Lo envlronmenLal harms and Lo
promoLe healLh and susLalnablllLy.
Cumbo new ?ork Legal AsslsLance Croup, lnc. 133303428

lunds wlll supporL legal represenLaLlon and advlce Lo
lmmlgranLs on lssues of clLlzenshlp and naLurallzaLlon,
ad[usLmenL of sLaLus, enLlLlemenLs and governmenL
beneflLs, and Lo work on lmmlgranL advocacy and
lmpacL llLlgaLlon.
Levlne new ?ork Legal AsslsLance Croup, lnc. 133303428

lundlng Lo supporL n?LACs Pouslng ro[ecL and wlll
uLlllze n?LACs Moblle Legal Pelp CenLer Lo provlde
legal asslsLance and dlrecL represenLaLlon Lo low-
lncome resldenLs of Councll ulsLrlcL 7 on houslng lssues
lncludlng non-paymenL cases, repalr maLLers, S
Mlller new ?ork Legal AsslsLance Croup, lnc. 133303428

lunds wlll supporL Lhe Moblle Legal Pelp CenLer, whlch
brlngs free, clvll legal servlces Lo underserved
nelghborhoods where vulnerable lndlvlduals face
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 33S

numerous barrlers Lo accesslng legal servlces.
Mendez new ?ork Legal AsslsLance Croup, lnc. 133303428 3,300 lundlng Lo provlde free, clvll legal servlces Lo ulsLrlcL 2
8ose new ?ork Legal AsslsLance Croup, lnc. 133303428

1hls fundlng wlll allow n?L AC Lo brlng n?LAC's moblle
legal offlce Lo Lhe 49Lh dlsLrlcL 3-4 Llmes LhroughouL
Lhe flscal year.
ulrlch new ?ork Legal AsslsLance Croup, lnc. 133303428

lunds wlll be used Lo supporL moblle legal servlces and
cosLs assoclaLed
Lugene new ?ork Legal AsslsLance Croup, lnc. 133303428

1o supporL Lhe 1) Moblle Legal Pelp CenLer, whlch
funcLlons as a moblle legal servlces offlce and courL
room LhaL LransporLs a group of aLLorney's and courL
personnel LhroughouL Lhe ClLy Lo provlde legal advlce,
dlrecL represenLaLlon, and emergency procee
1reyger new ?ork Legal AsslsLance Croup, lnc. 133303428

lunds used Lo supporL Lhe Moblle Pouslng AsslsLance
ro[ecL, whlch wlll provlde legal asslsLance and dlrecL
represenLaLlon on non-paymenL cases, repalr maLLers,
SecLlon 8 cases, renL reducLlon orders, evlcLlon
prevenLlon, and oLher houslng maLLers.
Chln new ?ork Legal AsslsLance Croup, lnc. 133303428

lunds wlll help supporL Lhe n?LACs Moblle Legal Pelp
CenLer (MLPC) whlch brlngs free clvll legal servlces Lo
underserved nelghborhoods where vulnerable
lndlvlduals face numerous barrlers Lo accesslng legal
Creenfleld new ?ork Legal AsslsLance Croup, lnc. 133303428

lunds wlll be used Lo fund a sLaLe-of-Lhe-arL vehlcle
whlch has been deslgned Lo serve as a fully funcLlonlng
moblle legal servlces offlce and courLroom. 1he vehlcle
wlll provlde dlrecL servlces lncludlng advlce, legal
counsellng, dlrecL represenLaLlon an
Cu28 new ?ork Legal AsslsLance Croup, lnc. 133303428

A parLnershlp beLween n?LAC and Lhe new ?ork SLaLe
CourL Access Lo !usLlce rogram, Lhe Moblle Legal Pelp
CenLer brlngs free, clvll legal servlces Lo underserved
nelghborhoods where vulnerable lndlvlduals face
numerous barrlers Lo accesslng legal servlces
Menchaca new ?ork Legal AsslsLance Croup, lnc. 133303428

lunds Lo supporL a parLnershlp beLween n?LAC and
Lhe new ?ork SLaLe CourLs Access Lo !usLlce rogram.
1he Moblle Legal Pelp CenLer brlngs free, clvll legal
servlces Lo underserved nelghborhoods where
vulnerable lndlvlduals face numerous barrlers Lo access
Weprln new ?ork Legal AsslsLance Croup, lnc. 133303428

1o supporL Lhe Moblle Legal Pelp CenLer's provlslon of
free, clvll legal servlces ln Lhe dlsLrlcL.
Wllllams new ?ork Legal AsslsLance Croup, lnc. 133303428

lunds Lo brlng clvll legal servlces Lo underserved
consLlLuenLs ln Lhe 43Lh ulsLrlcL
!ohnson new ?ork Llve ArLs lnc. 136206608
1o presenL performances, sLaged or choreographed by
emerglng, mld-career, and esLabllshed arLlsLs.
Lander new ?ork eace lnsLlLuLe, lnc. 431964622
1o supporL lnLerpreLaLlon servlces for communlLy
Chln new ?ork oem and ArLs CenLer, lnc. 462969683
lunds wlll provlde general operaLlng supporL for publlc
ouLreach and culLural evenLs lncludlng equlpmenL
renLal, cosLumes, performlng arLlsLs, and
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 336

Levlne, Mlller CC new ?ork 8esLoraLlon ro[ecL 133939036

lundlng Lo provlde free communlLy garden evenLs llke
Club llL ouLdoor yoga, Lhe ClLy Chlcken lnsLlLuLe
educaLlon serles, and Carden Crooves ouLdoor
concerLs. 1hey wlll reach aL-rlsk youLh Lhrough ouL-of-
school-Llme programs llke naLuremanla, naLure unlver
Carodnlck new ?ork 8oad 8unners, lnc. 132949483
lundlng wlll supporL a [amboree for klds ln Councll
ulsLrlcL 4
8odrlguez new ?ork Scandla Symphony 133374230

lundlng Lo supporL Scandlnavlan Muslc lesLlval ln lorL
1ryon ark
8odrlguez new ?ork Scandla Symphony 133374230

lundlng Lo offseL cosL of muslclan salarles for
Scandlnavlan Muslc lesLlval
8odrlguez new ?ork Scandla Symphony 133374230

lundlng Lo supporL muslclans salarles, equlpmenL and
admlnlsLraLlve cosLs for educaLlonal program aL Anne
LofLus layground
new ?ork SLaLe 1enanLs and nelghbors
lnformaLlon Servlce, lnc. 141761209
1o provlde counsellng and referrals Lo lndlvldual
LenanLs wlLh houslng problems, educaLe LenanLs who
llve ln affordable houslng abouL Lhelr rlghLs, conducL
skllls-bulldlng and leadershlp developmenL Lralnlngs for
grassrooLs LenanL leaders, help LenanLs wh
new ?ork SLaLe 1enanLs and nelghbors
lnformaLlon Servlce, lnc. 141761209
lundlng Lo provlde counsellng and referrals Lo LenanLs
ln ulsLrlcL 2
new ?ork SLaLe 1enanLs and nelghbors
lnformaLlon Servlce, lnc. 141761209
rovlde fundlng Lo: 1) counsel LenanLs and provlde
referrals, 2) educaLe LenanLs, 3) conducL skllls-bulldlng
and leadershlp developmenL Lralnlngs, 4) help LenanLs
who llve ln affordable houslng organlze LenanL
assoclaLlons, and 3) help LenanL assoclaLlons
new ?ork SLaLe 1enanLs and nelghbors
lnformaLlon Servlce, lnc. 141761209
1he fundlng wlll be used Lo: 1) provlde counsellng and
referrals Lo lndlvldual LenanLs wlLh houslng problems,
2) educaLe LenanLs who llve ln affordable houslng
abouL Lhelr rlghLs, 3) conducL skllls-bulldlng and
leadershlp developmenL Lralnlngs for grassro
new ?ork SLaLe 1enanLs and nelghbors
lnformaLlon Servlce, lnc. 141761209
1he fundlng wlll be used Lo provlde servlces Lo LenanLs
lncludlng counsellng wlLh houslng problems,
educaLlon, leadershlp Lralnlng for LenanL leaders and
asslsLance Lo LenanL assoclaLlons.
new ?ork SLaLe 1enanLs and nelghbors
lnformaLlon Servlce, lnc. 141761209
3,300 1o supporL LenanL counsellng and referral program.
Chln, !ohnson,
8osenLhal CC
new ?ork SLaLe 1enanLs and nelghbors
lnformaLlon Servlce, lnc. 141761209
1he fundlng wlll be used Lo: 1) provlde counsellng and
referrals Lo lndlvldual LenanLs wlLh houslng problems,
2) educaLe LenanLs who llve ln affordable houslng
abouL Lhelr rlghLs, 3) conducL skllls-bulldlng and
leadershlp developmenL Lralnlngs for grassro
new ?ork 1eens Lmpowerlng More eople
Cnward 383806414
1he funds are used Lo produce Lhe newsleLLer, have
evenLs, execuLe group pro[ecLs, encourage youLh
parLlclpaLlon ln exLracurrlcular acLlvlLles, and provlde
acLlvlLles Lo engage youLh, such as youLh yoga classes
and movle nlghLs.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 337

CenLlle new ?ork 1heaLre Workshop, lnc. 133131491
lunds wlll supporL Learnlng Workshop, a
mulLldlsclpllnary LheaLre educaLlon program aL Lower
ManhaLLan ArLs Academy (LoMA) on Lhe Lower LasL
Slde and Lhe Plgh School of 1elecommunlcaLlons ArLs
and 1echnology (PS1A1) ln 8ay 8ldge, 8rooklyn,
lncludlng ln-cl
ueuLsch new ?ork unlLed !ewlsh AssoclaLlon, lnc. 262647383

1o fund Lwo programs: a youLh program LhaL lnvolves
dance, arL and crafLs, gymnasLlcs, and physlcal Lralnlng
as well as Lo run a food panLry.
Malsel new ?ork unlLed !ewlsh AssoclaLlon, lnc. 262647383

1o supporL Lhe n? unlLed !ewlsh AssoclaLlon lnc./u8A
1he !CC of Marlne ark, provldlng soclal servlces, youLh
programs, food panLry, [ob placemenL, and educaLlonal
semlnars for Lhe communlLy.
Clbson new ?ork Walkers Club, lnc. 223936093
lund wlll be used Lo purchase flLness supplles, permlLs,
lnsurance and refreshmenLs, healLh walk Lo flLness and
hula hoop Lo flLness programs overall goal of
lmprovlng Lhe CuallLy of llfe ln Lhe communlLy.
lerreras new ?ork Women's Chamber of Commerce, lnc. 141843631

1o supporL Lhe Women MlcroenLerprlse lnsLlLuLe Lo
provlde blllngual (Lngllsh and Spanlsh) buslness
educaLlon and asslsLance Lo sLarL up and exlsLlng
dlsadvanLaged women-owned mlcroenLerprlses.
Levlne new ?ork Women's Chamber of Commerce, lnc. 141843631

1o supporL Lhe Women MlcroenLerprlse lnsLlLuLe Lo
provlde blllngual (Lngllsh and Spanlsh) buslness
educaLlon and asslsLance Lo sLarL up and exlsLlng
dlsadvanLaged women-owned mlcroenLerprlses.
8odrlguez new ?ork Women's Chamber of Commerce, lnc. 141843631

lundlng Lo provlde women focused buslness educaLlon
and asslsLance program
CC new ?ork Women's Chamber of Commerce, lnc. 141843631

lunds wlll be used Lo provlde buslness developmenL
servlces and Lralnlng Lo small buslnesses and
mlcroenLerprlses ln upper ManhaLLan and new ?ork
lerreras new ?orkers lor arks 136167879

lundlng wlll supporL Lhe research and publlcaLlon of lLs
2014 ClLy Councll ulsLrlcL roflles, whlch provlde
comprehenslve daLa abouL all 31 Councll ulsLrlcLs'
open space resources, lncludlng populaLlon-ad[usLed
open space raLlos, a comparaLlve ranklng of
Levlne new ?orkers lor arks 136167879

lundlng Lo supporL 1he uaffodll ro[ecL, a year-round
volunLeer lnlLlaLlve of n?4 ln parLnershlp wlLh Lhe
uepL. of arks 8ecreaLlon. 1he requesLed funds would
offseL Lhe cosL of Lhe purchase of daffodll bulbs
clLywlde,(plus relaLed expenses such as par
Lander new ?orkers lor arks 136167879

1o supporL a revlew and analysls of open space
resources ln new ?ork ClLy's 31 ClLy Councll ulsLrlcLs.
CenLlle nlA CommunlLy Servlces neLwork, lnc. 112697931
lunds wlll supporL nlA's local afLer school programs
and workshops.
CenLlle, Creenfleld CC nlA CommunlLy Servlces neLwork, lnc. 112697931
lundlng wlll be used for afLer-school, ouL-of-school
Llme and summer programmlng Lo supporL academlc
success and poslLlve youLh developmenL, promoLe
respecL for all, and fosLer a love of learnlng. nlAs
dlverse, blllngual, mulLlculLural sLaff leads an arra
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 338

Cornegy nla 1heaLrlcal roducLlon Company, lnc. 113427470
1o supporL nla 1heaLrlcal roducLlons LlderArLs
lesLlval and 8lack PlsLory MonLh programmlng
Mealy nla 1heaLrlcal roducLlon Company, lnc. 113427470
1he funds wlll be used Lo pay for muslclans, supporL
sLaff salarles, and sound equlpmenL seLup and use for
free performances and educaLlonal culLural acLlvlLles ln
ulsLrlcL 41 schools, senlor cenLers, communlLy cenLers,
and parks, lncludlng Cld 1lmers' W
Cornegy noel olnLer loundaLlon, lnc. 113271472
1o provlde for Lhe school muslc programs, from
SepLember Lo !une
Cumbo noel olnLer loundaLlon, lnc. 113271742
lunds wlll supporL Lhe fees assoclaLed wlLh Leachlng
arLlsLs, Lhe purchase of muslcal lnsLrumenLs, venue
renLals, ouLslde Lechnlcal conLracLors, as well as Lhe
sLaff responslble for professlonal developmenL
Cabrera noel olnLer loundaLlon, lnc. 113271472
lundlng wlll provlde sLrlng muslc enrlchmenL
programmlng for n?C publlc schools
Mlller non-1radlLlonal LmploymenL for Women 133272001
lunds wlll go Lowards Lhe followlng lnlLlaLlves: expand
recrulLmenL ln low-lncome nelghborhoods, lncrease
access Lo skllled Lrades careers, and LargeL
employmenL of local resldenLs on consLrucLlon pro[ecLs
Menchaca non-1radlLlonal LmploymenL for Women 133272001
lunds Lo expand recrulLmenL ln low-lncome
nelghborhoods, lncrease access Lo skllled Lrades
careers, and LargeL employmenL of local resldenLs on
consLrucLlon pro[ecLs.
Women's, ulckens,
lerreras, Mendez,
8ose, 8osenLhal CC non-1radlLlonal LmploymenL for Women 133272001
nLW prepares low-lncome women for careers LhaL
provlde prosperlLy and securlLy. As Lhe consLrucLlon
lndusLry rebounds, nLW wlll expand recrulLmenL ln
low-lncome nelghborhoods, lncrease access Lo skllled
Lrades careers, and LargeL employmenL of local resld
8eynoso norLh 8rooklyn CoallLlon AgalnsL lamlly vlolence 113431280

1o supporL developmenL of workshops for local
organlzaLlons Lo educaLe sLaff members abouL
domesLlc vlolence and approprlaLe ways Lo lnLervene.
Levln CC norLh 8rooklyn uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 112333446
1o provlde educaLlon and ouLreach aL rlsk of
dlsplacemenL, counsel LenanLs and LenanL assoclaLlons
on Lhelr rlghLs and responslblllLles, asslsL lndlvlduals ln
locaLlng and applylng for affordable houslng.
koo norLh llushlng Senlor CenLer, lnc. 112741128

1o fund congregaLe lunches, acLlvlLles, culLural Lrlps,
enLerLalnmenL and refreshmenLs, salarles and frlnges,
faclllLy renL, program supplles, operaLlonal cosLs,
lnsurance and accounLlng cosLs.
8ose norLh Shore 8escue Squad no. 1, lnc. 132886423

1he funds are Lo be used Lo offseL Lhe cosL of Lhe dally
operaLlon of Lhe squad Lo lnclude offlce supplles, renL,
fuel and vehlcle up keep and repalrs, medlcal supplles,
cell and offlce phones and upgrade exlsLlng equlpmenL.
vacca norLheasL 8ronx AssoclaLlon CorporaLlon 134131323
1o fund for Lhe Senlors uay CuL rogram lncludlng
acLlvlLles, evenLs, LransporLaLlon and food for Lhe
senlors ln Lhe communlLy
norLheasLern Conference of SevenLh uay
AdvenLlsLs CommunlLy Affalrs, lnc. 020632373
lundlng Lo supporL educaLlon, recreaLlon, sporLs and
meal servlces.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 339

Levlne norLhern ManhaLLan ArLs Alllance 261997496
lundlng Lo supporL program cosLs (renL, salarles,
supplles and oLher overhead) assoclaLed wlLh noMAA's
lndlvldual arLlsL and arLs organlzaLlon servlng Lhe
norLhern ManhaLLan culLural communlLy and
expandlng lnLo WesL Parlem.
8odrlguez norLhern ManhaLLan ArLs Alllance 261997496
lundlng Lo supporL 8egranLlng program for local arLlsL
Lhrough nCMAA
norLhern ManhaLLan CoallLlon for lmmlgranLs
8lghLs 133233391

lundlng wlll supporL nMCl8's ouLreach and legal
servlces program whlch asslsLs lmmlgranLs ln need of
legal lnformaLlon for Lhe purpose of legallzlng or
obLalnlng naLurallzaLlon and oLher lmmlgraLlon
beneflLs such as ueferred AcLlon.
8odrlguez norLhern ManhaLLan lmprovemenL CorporaLlon 132972413

lundlng Lo supporL flrsL generaLlon LaLlno college
8odrlguez norLhern ManhaLLan lmprovemenL CorporaLlon 132972413

lundlng Lo supporL LenanL advocacy workshops and
Levlne, MarLlnez CC norLhern ManhaLLan lmprovemenL CorporaLlon 132972413

AdulL LducaLlon program provldes AdulL 8aslc
LducaLlon (A8L)/8aslc LducaLlon ln naLlve Language
(8LnL) and Lngllsh Lo Speakers of CLher Languages
(LSCL) classes. Classes LargeL low Lngllsh proflclenL
speakers, low level compuLer users and Lhose wlLh low
ulckens norLhern ManhaLLan erlnaLal arLnershlp 133782333

1o provlde uoula care Lo expecLanL women, lncludlng
chlldblrLh educaLlon, labor, blrLh, and posL parLum
supporL - and breasLfeedlng counsellng and supporL.
van 8ramer norLhern Woodslde CoallLlon lnc. 113029912

lundlng Lo pay for performlng arLlsLs and Lechnlcal
personnel for summer concerLs ln Lhe park ln
Woodslde. lundlng wlll also offseL cosLs assoclaLed
wlLh hollday Lree llghLlng, hollday concerL and Lo renL
hollday sLreeL llghLs.
8ose norLhfleld CommunlLy LuC of SLaLen lsland, lnc. 132974137
lunds wlll supporL Lhe acLlvlLles of norLhfleld's
Lconomlc CommunlLy uevelopmenL ueparLmenL,
lncludlng prlnLlng, sLafflng, workshop maLerlals, offlce
supplles, LransporLaLlon, and mlscellaneous cosLs.
Cohen, ulckens CC norLhslde CenLer for Chlld uevelopmenL, lnc. 131636679
lundlng Lo supporL norLhslde's AfLer-school and
Summer rogram.
norLhwesL 8ronx CommunlLy and Clergy
CoallLlon, lnc. 132806160

lunds wlll go Loward Lhe salary of a LenanL's rlghLs
organlzer who wlll asslsL ln Lhe coordlnaLlon of 1enanLs
8lghLs nlghLs workshops, organlzlng LenanL

Mendez noLes ln MoLlon, lnc. 320003633
lundlng Lo supporL programmlng aL S 63 S1A8
Academy, ln-school dance resldency program ( supporL
Leachlng arLlsL salarles, program evaluaLlon and
documenLaLlon, props, and supplles)

klng noLes ln MoLlon, lnc. 320003633
lundlng supporLs dance programs aL S 78 and S 112
Levln nu81u8LarL non-roflL lnc. 133964339 3,300 1o supporL arL programmlng ln schools.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 340

8eynoso nu81u8LarL non-roflL lnc. 133964339

1o supporL arLs programs aL schools ln ulsLrlcL 34,
lncludlng sLlpends for Leachlng arLlsLs and cosL of
Carodnlck n? Common anLry 133127972

lundlng wlll supporL Lhe ?orkvllle Common anLry's
meal programs.
kallos n? Common anLry 133127972

1o supporL food programs for Lhe needy, lncludlng,
anLry's Cholce anLry program, PoL Meal rogram,
and brown bag lunches.
kallos CC n? Common anLry 133127972

1o supporL food programs for Lhe needy, lncludlng,
anLry's Cholce anLry program, PoL Meal rogram,
and brown bag lunches.
Cumbo n? WrlLer's CoallLlon, lnc. 113604970

lund wlll supporL Lhe cosLs of creaLlve wrlLlng
programs and publlc evenLs, lncludlng sLlpends for
workshop leaders, salarles for program sLaff, and cosLs
of publlcaLlons.
!ohnson n? WrlLer's CoallLlon, lnc. 113604870
1o supporL creaLlve wrlLlng programs for LC81 elders
aL SACL, LC81 homeless youLh aL new AlLernaLlves,
bllnd and vlsually lmpalred senlors aL vlslons, and
dlsconnecLed and homeless youLh aL 1he uoor. Also, Lo
provlde publlc evenLs ln Councll ulsLrlcL 3.
koslowlLz n?C lamlly SerenlLy lnc. 432938143
lunds wlll be used for Lhe summer concerL -
lnLernaLlonal fesLlval for Lhe whole famlly ln llushlng
Meadows Corona ark for Lhe nelghborhoods of
loresL Plll, 8ego ark, kew Cardens and all of queens
Lo promoLe peace undersLandlng and Lolerance.
8osenLhal n?C kldsfesL 263338262

lunds Lo supporL hlrlng performers as well as for
promoLlon, ouLreach and producLlon.
1orres n?CPA Cun? Scholarshlp rogram 136400434

lunds wlll provlde $1,000 scholarshlps Lo quallfylng
Cun? sLudenLs resldlng ln n?CPA developmenLs.
n?S urban uevelopmenL Corp u8A Lmplre SLaLe
uevelopmenL Corp 132624287
lundlng wlll be use Lo supporL a plloL program, Parlem
CuC. 1hrough collaboraLlons and parLnershlp wlLhln
Lhe CreaLer Parlem communlLy, Parlem CuC wlll
provlde focused and lnLense Lechnlcal asslsLance Lo
small buslness owners and mlcro enLrepreneurs lnclu
n?S urban uevelopmenL Corp u8A Lmplre SLaLe
uevelopmenL Corp 132624287
1o provlde Lechnlcal asslsLance Lo small buslness
owners and mlcro enLrepreneurs ln ManhaLLan and Lhe
CreaLer Parlem communlLy, lncludlng buslness
semlnars and one-Lo-one counsellng on how Lo
lncrease revenue, cuL cosLs, reLaln employees, and
lmprove busl
n?S urban uevelopmenL Corp u8A Lmplre SLaLe
uevelopmenL Corp 132624287
lunds wlll provlde focused and lnLense Lechnlcal
asslsLance Lo small buslness owners and mlcro
enLrepreneurs ln ulsLrlcL 8 whlch lnclude buslness
semlnars and one-Lo-one counsellng.
n?S urban uevelopmenL Corp u8A Lmplre SLaLe
uevelopmenL Corp 132624287
1he funds wlll be used by Lhe Parlem Afrlcan 8urlal
Cround 1ask lorce Lo hlre a Cun?-ClLy College-Lralned
archlLecL Lo creaLe a concepLual deslgn scenarlo for a
clLy-owned block LhaL currenLly conLalns a funcLlonally
obsoleLe M1A bus depoL on Lop of a col
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 341

Ccean 8ay CommunlLy uevelopemenL
CorporaLlon 841622031
1o supporL program servlces ln ulsLrlcL 31 for 1eens-aL-
rlsk ouLreach, elderly asslsLance, blased crlme, anLl-
Lerrorlsm awareness, medlcal awareness programs,
24x6 paLrol wlLh radlo dlspaLch Lo asslsL all
emergencles for elderly people. lundlng wlll also
MaLLeo Cceanlc Pook and Ladder Company 133221793

lunds wlll be used Lo purchase a ScoLL Alr ack (self
conLalned breaLhlng apparaLus).
Levln CuA rlmary PealLh Care CenLer lnc. 112329960
1o develop, lmplemenL and promoLe communlLy
healLh educaLlon lnlLlaLlves LhaL promoLe healLh and
prevenL dlsease, dlsablllLy and premaLure deaLh
Lhrough educaLlon-drlven volunLary behavlor change
Weprln CPLL Chlldren's Pome and lamlly Servlces, lnc. 116078704
1o provlde for Lhe AuLlsm-AL-Pome 8ehavlor 1ralnlng
program Lo famllles wlLh a chlld dlagnosed wlLh AuLlsm
SpecLrum ulsorder.
!ewlsh, ueuLsch CC CPLL Chlldren's Pome and lamlly Servlces, lnc. 116078704
1o provlde servlces Lo people wlLh menLal lllness.
LducaLlon, houslng, case managemenL, crlsls
lnLervenLlon, counsellng, and Lralnlng for lndependenL
ulrlch Chr 8lnyamln 260068809
lunds wlll be used Lo cover Lhe operaLlonal cosLs Lo
operaLe a Summer Camp and uay Care CenLer for
Levln Cld SLone Pouse of 8rooklyn 113032836

1o supporL malnLenance and educaLlon programmlng
aL !! 8yrne layground and WashlngLon ark.
Lander Cld SLone Pouse of 8rooklyn 113032836

1o supporL malnLenance and operaLlons of educaLlonal
programs ln !! 8yrne layground and WashlngLon ark.
Chln Clder AdulLs 1echnology Servlces (CA1S), lnc. 330882399
1o supporL free Lechnology-based programmlng for
Arroyo Clder AdulLs 1echnology Servlces (CA1S), lnc. 330882399
lundlng wlll supporL compuLer Lralnlng programmlng
ln Senlor CenLer wlLhln Lhe 17Lh Councll ulsLrlcL.
Lancman Clder AdulLs 1echnology Servlces (CA1S), lnc. 330882399
ulrecL servlces Lo vlcLlms Lhrough Lhe S1l uomesLlc
vlolence PoLllne and ln-person advocacy servlces.
Cabrera, Cohen,
Carodnlck, kallos,
vacca CC Clder AdulLs 1echnology Servlces (CA1S), lnc. 330882399
1o fund resLoraLlon of Senlor CenLer lnlLlaLlve funds
and addlLlonal funds Lo supporL and expand lLs
servlces LhroughouL Lhe ClLy.
ulrlch Cne SLop 8lchmond Plll CommunlLy CenLer, lnc. 680602829 30,000 lunds wlll be used for operaLlonal expenses
Cumbo Cnos looLprlnLs, lnc. 900719936
lunds wlll be used for Annual 1urkey Clve-Away urlve,
as well as dlsLrlbuLe 1oys Lo 8rooklyn famlly shelLers
durlng Lhe holldays.
Levln Cpen Space Alllance for norLh 8rooklyn, lnc. 010849087

1o purchase wlnLer equlpmenL for norLh 8rooklyn
parks such as snow blowers, salL spreaders, snow
shovels, eLc.
8eynoso Cpen Space Alllance for norLh 8rooklyn, lnc. 010849087

1o supporL enhancemenL of Lhe SLernberg ark uog
8un. lunds wlll be used for excavaLlon of Lhe exlsLlng
dog run maLerlals, carLlng of Lhe exlsLlng maLerlals,
dellvery and lnsLallaLlon of new maLerlal, and
lnsLallaLlon of a double safeLy gaLe aL Lhe enLran
Chln Cpen Space lnsLlLuLe, lnc. 321033406
lunds wlll supporL repalnLlng of low-lncome resldenLlal
bulldlngs and nonproflL bulldlngs ln LargeL areas by
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 342

volunLeers wlLh whlLe palnL Lo promoLe susLalnablllLy,
lmprove lndoor LemperaLures, lower summer energy
Cpen Space lnsLlLuLe, lnc. - 8ego ark Creen
Alllance 321033406
lunds wlll be used for Lhe underpass A8L rogram:
CreaLe a movemenL of concerned clLlzens Lo explore
alLernaLlves wlLh Lhe Ll88 and M1A on how Lo
revlLallze underpasses. Work wlLh Lhe communlLy Lo
undersLand Lhe lssues ln our communlLy uslng
underpasses a
ConsLanLlnldes Cpen Space lnsLlLuLe, lnc. - WhlLe 8oof ro[ecL 321033406
lundlng wlll be used for supplles Lo palnL roofs whlLe -
lowerlng energy cosLs for low-lncome and nonproflL
Mendez Cpen Space lnsLlLuLe, lnc. - WhlLe 8oof ro[ecL 321033406
lundlng Lo coaL Lhe roofLops (uslng solar reflecLlve
whlLe palnL) of low lncome and nonproflL bulldlngs ln
LargeL areas and provlde educaLlonal ouLreach.
8osenLhal Cpen Space lnsLlLuLe, lnc. - WhlLe 8oof ro[ecL 321033406
lundlng Lo supporL coaLlng Lhe roofLops (solar
reflecLlve whlLe palnL) of low lncome and nonproflL
bulldlngs and provlde educaLlonal ouLreach as well as
Lo help cover Lhe admlnlsLraLlve cosLs of Lhese
8eynoso Cpenlans lnc 134111130
1o supporL SLreeLsAcademy's vlslon Peroes program,
an lnLeracLlve educaLlon program abouL Lhe ClLy's
vlslon Zero lnlLlaLlve and safe, llvable sLreeLs.
kallos Cpenlans, lnc. 134111130
1o supporL an lnLroducLory program Lo help
communlLy organlzaLlons and Lhe publlc undersLand
vlslon Zero qulckly. lL ls deslgned Lo be lnLeracLlve and
engaglng and ls for people who may have llLLle
knowledge abouL llvable sLreeLs and mlnlmal Lechnlcal
Lander Cpenlans, lnc. 134111130
1o supporL educaLlonal programmlng abouL vlslon
CenLlle CpporLunlLles for a 8eLLer 1omorrow 112934620

lunds wlll supporL Lhe sLaff Lo provlde servlce Lo Lhe
lorL PamllLon Army 8ase ln helplng access veLerans ln
need of our servlces and ln a parLnershlp wlLh Lhe
8rooklyn navy ?ard Lo provlde veLerans wlLh work
readlness and [ob placemenL asslsLance.
Menchaca CpporLunlLles for a 8eLLer 1omorrow 112934620

lundlng Lo provlde 4 classes for Plgh School
Lqulvalency/AdulL 8aslc LducaLlon (130 lnsLrucLlonal
hours per year per class) Lo low-lncome lndlvlduals ln
Weprln CraLorlo SocleLy of Cueens, lnc. 112781364

1o provlde Lwo communlLy concerLs aL Lhe
Cueensborough erformlng ArLs CenLer.
uromm Csborne AssoclaLlon, lnc., 1he 133363028

1o supporL malnLalnlng famlly Lles whlle lncarceraLed
Lo help reduce recldlvlsm.
Clbson Csborne AssoclaLlon, lnc., 1he 133363028

1he funds wlll be used by Lhe Csborne AssoclaLlons for
operaLlonal use ln 1he lulLon CommunlLy 8eenLry
CenLer. 1he cenLer wlll provlde LranslLlonal houslng,
soclal enLerprlses LhaL creaLe [obs, and youLh and
famlly supporL servlces, among oLher servlces
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 343

Creenfleld CLsar lamlly Servlces, lnc. 112601112
lundlng provldes SunuA?/Legal hollday programs for
ManhaLLan chlldren. lunds provlde door Lo door
buslng Lo Lhe 28 sesslon programs.
Creenfleld CC CLsar lamlly Servlces, lnc. 112601112
1o enhance Lhe llves and lmprove Lhe skllls of
members wlLh auLlsm educaLlonally and recreaLlonally,
funds wlll be uLlllzed ln lLs speclal educaLlon preschool,
Sunday recreaLlonal program, and resplLe program.
Levlne Cur llreflghLers' Chlldren's loundaLlon 342064623
lundlng Lo provlde acLlng sLaff, props, and
LransporLaLlon for sLudenLs Lo see LheaLrlcal
8odrlguez Cur llreflghLers' Chlldren's loundaLlon 342064623
lundlng Lo provlde acLlng sLaff, props, and
LransporLaLlon for sLudenLs Lo see LheaLrlcal
Mark-vlverlLo Cur llreflghLers' Chlldren's loundaLlon 342064623
1o provlde affordable LheaLrlcal performances for
ulsLrlcL 8 school aged chlldren. 1he fundlng wlll provlde
flnanclal ald LhaL lL needed Lo pay acLors and LheaLrlcal
sLaff, buy props, and pay for LransporLaLlon and
mlscellaneous expenses.
CenLlle Cur Lady of Cuadalupe School 112143199
lunds wlll provlde salary for Lhe choral dlrecLor, muslc
scores, muslcal lnsLrumenLs, sLorage comparLmenLs,
and cablneLry for an afLer-school choral muslc program
for chlldren.
!ohnson Cur 1lme 1heaLre Company ,lnc. 331049070
1o supporL Cur 1lme n?C, a LheaLre-arLs educaLlon
program for chlldren who sLuLLer.
Levln CuLsLandlng 8enewal LnLerprlses, lnc. 133320984

1o supporL reuse and refurblshlng acLlvlLles aL Lhe
Lcology CenLer's Cowanus L-wasLe Warehouse, a drop-
off cenLer for unwanLed elecLronlcs.
Mendez CuLsLandlng 8enewal LnLerprlses, lnc. 133320984

lundlng Lo supporL LlecLronlc wasLe recycllng evenLs
(prlnL ouLreach maLerlals and sLaff Llme spenL
coordlnaLlng evenLs)
!ohnson CuLsLandlng 8enewal LnLerprlses, lnc. 133320984

1o organlze elecLronlc wasLe (e-wasLe) recycllng evenLs
ln Councll ulsLrlcL 3 and Lo promoLe Lhe evenLs Lo
members of Lhe publlc.
8osenLhal CuLsLandlng 8enewal LnLerprlses, lnc. 133320984

lunds wlll be used Lo organlze elecLronlc wasLe (e-
wasLe) recycllng evenLs and Lo ouLreach Lo resldenLs
and small buslnesses near Lhe evenL area abouL Lhe
lmporLance of recycllng e-wasLe
Chln CuLsLandlng 8enewal LnLerprlses, lnc. 133320984

1o supporL elecLronlc wasLe recycllng evenLs lncludlng
ouLreach Lo resldenLs and small buslnesses. lunds wlll
be used Lo develop and produce ouLreach maLerlals
and cover sLaff cosLs.
Lander CuLsLandlng 8enewal LnLerprlses, lnc. 133320984

1o supporL Lhe Lcology CenLer's L-wasLe 8ecycllng
rogram, lncludlng lnformaLlonal ouLreach on
elecLronlc wasLe.
Arroyo Cval CommunlLy ?ouLh rogram, lnc. 260877270
lundlng wlll supporL sporLs and recreaLlon afLerschool
program ln Lhe 17 Councll ulsLrlcL.
Lsplnal Cvercomlng-Love MlnlsLrles, lnc. 112774373
lundlng Lo supporL a soup klLchen, LlberLy Cafe,
supporLlng boLh overhead expenses and paymenL of
sLlpends for volunLeers.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 344

Cumbo aclflca loundaLlon 8adlo - W8Al 8adlo 941347046
lunds wlll be used Lo alde ln dally broadcasL operaLlons
aL a new 8rooklyn locaLlon whlle Lemporary sLudlos are
belng renLed.
Wllllams aclflca loundaLlon 8adlo - W8Al 8adlo 941347046
lunds Lo alde ln dally broadcasL operaLlons aL a new
8rooklyn locaLlon
Levlne alanLe Parlem, lnc. 800209989

lundlng Lo supporL Lhe 1enanL Crganlzlng Leadershlp
uevelopmenL for 1enanLs enrolled ln Pus 1enanL
lnLerlm Lease (1lL) rogram
8odrlguez alanLe Parlem, lnc. 800209989

lundlng Lo provlde LenanL advocacy workshops and
Clbson alanLe Parlem, lnc. 800209989

lunds wlll expand ALAn1L's exlsLlng ouLreach,
8eferral and Legal Servlce program Lo supporL
Pomelessness revenLlon acLlvlLles. 1hls program
offers a Pouslng Legal Cllnlc workshops, free of cosL Lo
resldenLs servlces focused on Lhe legal process of addr
ulckens, Levlne,
8odrlguez CC alanLe Parlem, lnc. 800209989

lunds wlll supporL a Pomeless revenLlon ro[ecL
provldlng ouLreach, referral and legal servlces
programs Lo supporL homeless prevenLlon and LenanL
asslsLance acLlvlLles.
Cabrera alladla, lnc. 237089380

lundlng for exlsLlng scaLLer slLe program based ln a
large aparLmenL complex on WesL 1remonL Avenue ln
dlsLrlcL 14, and we are seeklng 10,000 from you Lo help
augmenL Lhe programs modesL operaLlng budgeL
Mark-vlverlLo alladla, lnc. 237089380

1o enhance servlces for chlldren resldlng aL alladla's
domesLlc vlolence shelLers. lunds wlll be used Lo Lraln
sLaff ln Lhe assessmenL, engagemenL, and referral
process ln order Lo qulckly and effecLlvely llnk
lndlvlduals Lo Lhe approprlaLe servlces.
Chln an Aslan 8eperLory 1heaLre 132894709

lunds wlll supporL expanslon of communlLy ouLreach
and provlslon of dlscounLed and free LlckeLs for senlors
and sLudenLs ln Lower ManhaLLan.
8odrlguez anamerlcan Muslcal ArL 8esearch, lnc. 133229941
lundlng Lo offseL cosLs of venue renLal, Lech supporL,
arLlsL fees, promoLlon, and sLafflng for CulLura Plspana
ln WashlngLon PelghLs
8odrlguez anamerlcan Muslcal ArL 8esearch, lnc. 133229941
lundlng Lo offseL cosLs of venue renLal, Lech supporL,
arLlsL fees, promoLlon, and sLafflng for 1ango lesLlval
Carodnlck aper 8ag layers, lnc., 1he 131972960
1he funds wlll supporL 1he aper 8ag layers n?C
1heaLer lor All," whlch provldes reduced prlce Lo free
LheaLer LlckeLs, free publlc performances and afLer
school workshops.
8osenLhal aper 8ag layers, lnc., 1he 131972960
1he funds wlll supporL 1he aper 8ag layers ouLreach
program n?C 1heaLer lor All LhaL provldes free and
low cosL LlckeLs Lo n?C chlldren aLLendlng our school-
Llme performances aL LheaLers and ln school
audlLorlums. 1hls program also supporLs free perform
Chln aper 8ag layers, lnc., 1he 131972960
1he funds wlll supporL 1he aper 8ag layers "n?C
1heaLer lor All," whlch provldes free and reduce- prlce
LlckeLs Lo chlldren aLLendlng school-Llme
performances, and free publlc performances and afLer
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 34S

school workshops.
arenL 1eacher AssoclaLlon Cf orL 8lchmond
Plgh School, 1he - 8oys Cross-CounLry 1rack and
lleld 136643607
lunds Lo purchase warm-up sulLs and runnlng sulLs,
and Lrack equlpmenL for compeLlLlon, lncludlng shoL-
puLs, dlscus, sLreLch-bands, Llmers, runnlng sneakers,
and splkes for runnlng shoes.
arenL 1eacher AssoclaLlon Cf orL 8lchmond
Plgh School, 1he - Lady 8alders 1rack and lleld
1eam 136643607
lunds wlll be used Lo defray cosLs of equlpmenL
lncludlng [umplng maLs, unlforms, welghLs, sLarLlng
blocks, as well as Lo defray LransporLaLlon cosLs.
arenL 1eacher AssoclaLlon Cf orL 8lchmond
Plgh School, 1he - orL 8lchmond Plgh School
looLball 136643607
1,000 lundlng wlll provlde new equlpmenL and unlforms.
8osenLhal arenL!obneL, lnc. 201966738
lundlng wlll provlde free LSL classes, flnanclal llLeracy,
[ob readlness, career opLlons, compuLer Lralnlng
workshops, career counsellng and [ob placemenL Lo
publlc school parenLs ln varlous publlc schools ln
Councll ulsLrlcLs 6, 7, and 8.
ulckens arenL!obneL, lnc. 201966738
1o asslsL publlc school parenLs free LSL classes,
flnanclal llLeracy, [ob readlness, career opLlons,
compuLer Lralnlng workshops, career counsellng and
[ob placemenL, and connecLlons wlLh Lhe local buslness
communlLy for parenLs seeklng employmenL ln Coun
arenLs AssoclaLlon of ubllc School 178, lnc.,
1he 433399081
7,000 lundlng Lo provlde a Muslc Leacher aL S 187
Lander ark Slope ChrlsLlan Pelp, lnc. 112449994 * 3,000 1o supporL Lhe preparaLlon of meals for Lhe poor.
Levln ark Slope Clvlc Councll 237347301
3,300 1o publlclze and organlze Clvlc Sweep evenLs.
Lander ark Slope Clvlc Councll 237347301
1o supporL communlLy ouLreach and nelghborhood
cleanlng and beauLlflcaLlon evenLs.
arodneck loundaLlon for Self-Pelp Pouslng and
CommunlLy uevelopmenL, lnc., 1he 112229633
1o supporL Lhe cosL of one-on-one, ln-person
asslsLance Lo homeowners ln Lhe 31sL Councll ulsLrlcL
who are ln foreclosure or who are aL rlsk of
foreclosure. AsslsLance wlll be dellvered on slLe wlLhln
Lhe 31sL Councll ulsLrlcL.
8lchards CC
arodneck loundaLlon for Self-Pelp Pouslng and
CommunlLy uevelopmenL, lnc., 1he 112229633
1o supporL Lhe cosL of a cerLlfled foreclosure
prevenLlon counselor Lo provlde one-on-one, ln-person
asslsLance Lo homeowners ln Lhe 31sL Councll ulsLrlcL
who are ln foreclosure or who are aL rlsk of
alma arL of Lhe SoluLlon 133423071

1o provlde emergency food and nuLrlLlon, soclal and
legal servlces. lundlng wlll cover Lhe cosLs of
employlng a volunLeer and uevelopmenL CoordlnaLor
who recrulLs and organlzes volunLeers and sollclLs ln-
klnd uonaLlons.
Clbson CC arL of Lhe SoluLlon 133423071

lundlng wlll be used Lo supporL C1S emergency food,
soclal and legal servlces. lunds wlll offseL Lhe cosL of a
volunLeer uevelopmenL CoordlnaLor who wlll be ln
charge of volunLeers and ln-klnd donaLlons.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 346

kallos arLlclpaLory 8udgeLlng ro[ecL, lnc. 433838268
1o educaLe Lhe publlc abouL parLlclpaLory budgeLlng
and develop Lhe capaclLy of resldenLs Lo engage ln
budgeL dlscusslons. 1hese resources wlll be puL
Lowards sLafflng, maLerlals and overhead cosLs for:
romoLlng and conducLlng workshops for members of
Levln arLlclpaLory 8udgeLlng ro[ecL, lnc. 433838268 * 4,000 1o educaLe Lhe publlc abouL Lhe new ?ork ClLy 8udgeL.
Levlne arLlclpaLory 8udgeLlng ro[ecL, lnc. 433838268
urpose: 8 wlll supporL programmlng LhaL educaLes
Lhe publlc and communlLy organlzaLlons abouL Lhe
clLy's budgeLary process and parLlclpaLory budgeLlng ln
new ?ork ClLy (8n?C).
lunds wlll be used Lo cover Lhe cosL of salary and
overhead relaLlng Lo pro
8lchards arLlclpaLory 8udgeLlng ro[ecL, lnc. 433838268
8 requesLs funds Lo educaLe Lhe publlc abouL
parLlclpaLory budgeLlng and develop Lhe capaclLy of
resldenLs Lo engage ln budgeL dlscusslons. 1hese
resources wlll be puL Lowards sLafflng, maLerlals and
overhead cosLs relaLed Lo ulsLrlcL 31.
1orres arLlclpaLory 8udgeLlng ro[ecL, lnc. 433838268
lunds wlll go Lowards Lo educaLlng Lhe publlc abouL
Lhe clLy's budgeL process and developlng Lhe capaclLy
of resldenLs Lo engage ln budgeL dlscusslons.
ulrlch arLlclpaLory 8udgeLlng ro[ecL, lnc. 433838268
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL communlLy engagemenL
and educaLlon workshops on Lhe clLy budgeL
8odrlguez arLlclpaLory 8udgeLlng ro[ecL, lnc. 433838268
lundlng Lo supporL SLafflng, maLerlals and overhead
cosLs for arLlclpaLory 8udgeLlng
Lander arLlclpaLory 8udgeLlng ro[ecL, lnc. 433838268
8 wlll provlde Lechnlcal asslsLance for n?C's l?2014
parLlclpaLory budgeLlng process (8n?C). 8esldenLs of
each parLlclpaLlng Councll ulsLrlcL wlll work LogeLher
over elghL monLhs Lo ldenLlfy spendlng ldeas. 1he
fundlng requesL wlll supporL 8's sLaffl
Menchaca arLlclpaLory 8udgeLlng ro[ecL, lnc. 433838268
1o provlde fundlng for educaLlng Lhe communlLy
/publlc abouL Lhe ClLy Councll, clvlc parLlclpaLlon and
engagemenL ln Lhe new ?ork ClLy budgeLlng process.
Weprln arLlclpaLory 8udgeLlng ro[ecL, lnc. 433838268
1o supporL programmlng LhaL educaLes Lhe publlc and
communlLy organlzaLlons abouL Lhe clLy's budgeLary
process and parLlclpaLory budgeLlng ln n?C.
Levlne arLnershlp lor AfLer School LducaLlon, lnc. 133976066
ASL wlll lmprove Lhe academlc and youLh
developmenL ouLcomes of underserved chlldren and
youLh ln ManhaLLan (Councll ulsLrlcL 7) and Lhe SouLh
8ronx by offerlng 8 professlonal developmenL Lralnlng
sesslons open Lo afLerschool professlonals. lundlng wlll
Mealy uM erformlng ArLs CorporaLlon 733032931
1he funds wlll be used for equlpmenL and supplles for
uM's youLh dance and LheaLer Lroupe, lncludlng
prlnLlng, vldeo servlces, l1 servlces, props, cosLumes,
unlforms, and dance accessorles and garmenLs. 1he
funds wlll also be used for LheaLer and dance v
8ose eace AcLlon lund of new ?ork SLaLe, lnc. 010883806
lunds wlll be used Lo conLlnue sLudenL organlzlng
efforLs aL Lhe College of SLaLen lsland and Lo help
supporL SLaLen lsland chapLers acLlvlLles, lncludlng
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 347

promoLlon, maLerlals, admlnlsLraLlve cosLs, space and
Levlne eople's 1heare ro[ecL 264703999

lundlng Lo supporL Lhe 2014-2013 Season durlng whlch
professlonal Leachlng arLlsLs wlll faclllLaLe LheaLre
programs wlLh groups of chlldren, youLh and adulLs
LhaL wlll culmlnaLe ln unlque LheaLrlcal evenLs creaLed
and performed by Lhe groups, presenLed ln
Menchaca eoples urban lllms uf loundaLlon, lnc. 900319403

1o supporL ul loundaLlon lnc. ln provldlng servlces Lo
Lhe communlLy LhaL lnclude: professlonal
developmenL, arLlsL Lralnlng, audlence developmenL,
ArLs/CulLure, ArLs LducaLlon, MenLorshlp, !ob 1ralnlng
and !ob lacemenL ln Medla, Medla/ulglLal ArLs, lll
Clbson er Scholas, lnc. 043232933
1he lunds wlll be used for er Scholas l1-ready
program whlch ls an lnLenslve full-Llme l1 Lralnlng LhaL
prepares under/unemployed lndlvlduals, 18 years and
older, for careers ln Lhe l1 fleld. lunds wlll supporL Lhe
Lralnlng program by paylng a porLlon o
8ronx, Arroyo,
klng CC er Scholas, lnc. 043232933
1o supporL Lhe er Scholas lnsLlLuLe for 1echnology
whlch offers a 13-week CompuLer 1echnlclan 1ralnlng
rogram Lo prepare unemployed and underemployed
adulLs for careers ln Lhe l1 fleld. lunds wlll supporL Lhe
Lralnlng program by offseLLlng salary expen
Crowley eLer Cardella Senlor ClLlzen CenLer, lnc. 112328336

lundlng wlll supporL and supplemenL Lhe operaLlon
and malnLenance of mulLl-servlce senlor cenLer
faclllLy, uLlllLles, program lnsurance, food, prlnLlng
supplles, communlcaLlons, and malnLenance and repalr
hllharmonlc-Symphony SocleLy Cf new ?ork,
lnc. 131664034
lunds supporL Lhe school parLnershlp program aL S
Mendez hlpps CommunlLy uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 132707663
lundlng Lo provlde 1000+ hours ln Lhe followlng areas:
(case managemenL, case asslsLance, healLhcare
managemenL, and healLhcare asslsLance)
1orres hlpps CommunlLy uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 132707663
lunds wlll supporL programmlng and speclal evenLs aL
Lhe 42nd, 46Lh, 48Lh, 49Lh and 32nd preclncLs
lncludlng Lhe nlghL CuL AgalnsL Crlme and
Mendez hoenlx 1heaLre Lnemble, lnc. 201362809
lundlng Lo supporL 1heaLre ArLs SLudlo, classroom
workshops, and an Cff-8roadway sLudenL producLlon
[ LSCPS (Leachlng arLlsL fees and subsldlzed LheaLre
LlckeLs for sLudenLs famllles)
Cumbo lanned arenLhood of new ?ork ClLy, lnc. 132621497
lundlng Lo supporL servlces for women aL greaLesL rlsk
of becomlng lnfecLed wlLh Plv. Servlces lnclude Plv
rapld LesLlng, llnkage Lo Plv prlmary care, S1l screenlng
and LreaLmenL servlces, case managemenL,
comprehenslve rlsk reducLlon counsellng servlces
Levlne lanned arenLhood of new ?ork ClLy, lnc. 132621497 * 3,300 lundlng wlll supporL ro[ecL SLreeL 8eaL (S8) servlces.
Mendez, van CC lanned arenLhood of new ?ork ClLy, lnc. 132621497
lunds would be used for Lvldence 8ased lnLervenLlon
for ro[ecL SLreeL 8eaL (S8), an lnnovaLlve cllenL-
focused, sLreeL-based Plv prevenLlon and llnkage-Lo-
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 348

8ramer care program LhaL reaches populaLlons aL hlgh rlsk for
Plv. 1he L8l fundlng LhaL n?C seeks helps
!ohnson laywrlghLs Porlzons, lnc. 132803131

lundlng Lo supporL SLudenL 1lckeLlng rograms for
publlc hlgh school sLudenLs and college sLudenLs ln
new ?ork ClLy's Councll ulsLrlcL 3.
Chln oeLs Pouse, lnc. 133233098

lundlng wlll supporL free year-round class for sLudenLs
Lo oeL Pouse Lo learn abouL poeLry.
Chln oeLs Pouse, lnc. 133233098

lunds wlll supporL wrlLlng workshops, producLlon of an
anLhology, and publlc readlngs for senlor resldenLs of
Lower ManhaLLan.
8ose ollce ALhleLlc League, lnc. 133396811
lundlng Lo supporL Lhe cosLs assoclaLed wlLh runnlng
lLs youLh programs ln Lhe 49Lh dlsLrlcL, lncludlng
sLafflng, promoLlon, maLerlals and equlpmenL, and
relaLed admlnlsLraLlve cosLs.
8eynoso ollce ALhleLlc League, lnc. 133396811
1o supporL Lhe !uvenlle Crlme revenLlon rogram,
lncludlng Summer lay SLreeLs and/or 1een lmpacL
CenLers ln ulsLrlcL 34.
Cu28 ollce CommunlLy Councll - ollce Servlce Area 9 434924839
1o supporL annual baskeLball LournamenL and youLh
evenLs lncludlng Lhe purchase of supplles, equlpmenL
and refreshmenLs
Levln ollsh and Slavlc CenLer, lnc. 112283970
1o supporL Lhe CommunlLy AcLlon rogram, whlch
lends supporL Lo senlors and Lhelr dally problems
Lhrough a neLwork of local agencles and lnsLlLuLlonal
conLracLs, and Lhrough Lhe soclal organlzaLlons
addresses of oLher eLhnlc groups.
ulckens olo Crounds 1owers 8esldenL AssoclaLlon 113734897

1o supporL programs and acLlvlLles aL lamlly uay,
lncludlng dlsLrlbuLlon of lnformaLlon on accesslng
quallLy healLhcare.
ulckens olo Crounds 1owers 8esldenL AssoclaLlon 113734897

1o supporL programs and acLlvlLles aL lamlly uay,
lncludlng dlsLrlbuLlon of lnformaLlon on accesslng
quallLy healLhcare.
olonlans Crganlzed Lo MlnlsLer Lo Cur
CommunlLy (CMCC) 112394300

lundlng wlll supporL CommunlLy rogram provldlng
counsellng and lndlvldual, blllngual asslsLance Lo cllenLs
wlLh varlous soclal and lmmlgraLlon-relaLed lssues.
olonlans Crganlzed Lo MlnlsLer Lo Cur
CommunlLy (CMCC) 112394300

lunds wlll be use Lo supporL Lhe SLaLen lsland
CommunlLy rogram, Lo help asslsL cllenLs wlLh
appllcaLlons for varlous governmenL beneflLs.
Lancman omonok 8esldenLs AssoclaLlon 800318424

lundlng Lo provlde asslsLance Lo LenanLs wlLh houslng
problems, Lechnlcal asslsLance and leadershlp
developmenL, newsleLLer, ouLreach Lo LenanLs,
educaLlonal and recreaLlonal programs for youLh and
operaLlon of Lhe omonok urban Carden SocleLy
provldlng h
ulckens oslLlve Workforce, lnc. 133439199 * 10,000 ClLl wlde resldenL populaLlon
CC oslLlve Workforce, lnc. 133439199
lunds wlll be allocaLed Lo a porLlon of operaLlng
expenses for programmlng LhaL provldes Lralnlng,
referral and placemenL opporLunlLles ln consLrucLlon
for program parLlclpanLs.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 349

Cabrera ower, ralse and uellverance, lnc. 841630246

lundlng Lo provlde and dlsLrlbuLe quallLy canned goods
and produce Lo famllles who llve wlLhln Lemporary
houslng. .
Levln owerlay n?C, lnc. 134043021
1o supporL afLer school and summer programs LhaL
promoLe physlcal acLlvlLy, healLhy llvlng and academlc
readlness for elemenLary, mlddle school and hlgh
school glrls.
Menchaca owerlay n?C, lnc. 134043021
lunds Lo provlde sporLs programmlng for female youLh
Lhrough summer and afLer school programs
Cornegy raLL Area CommunlLy Councll, lnc. 112431732
1o supporL cosLs wlLh dellverlng flnanclal and credlL
educaLlon workshops
Cumbo raLL Area CommunlLy Councll, lnc. 112431732
lunds wlll supporL one-on-one counsellng servlces,
houslng courL supporL, free monLhly legal cllnlcs and
ouLreach efforLs.
Cumbo raLL Area CommunlLy Councll, lnc. 112431732
lunds wlll supporL servlces Lo local buslness owners
and enLrepreneurs.
Cornegy raLL lnsLlLuLe 111630822
1o supporL raLL CenLer for communlLy uevelopmenL's
compleLlon of Lhe developmenL of land use and zonlng
mechanlsms for creaLlng sLable mlxed-use dlsLrlcLs"
along Lhe ALlanLlc Avenue corrldor wlLhln 8edford-
SLuyvesanL and oLher areas LhroughouL n?C, and
Cumbo raLL lnsLlLuLe 111630822
lunds Lo provlde urban plannlng Lechnlcal supporL Lo
organlzaLlons and offlclals ln Lhe CllnLon Plll/ Crown
PelghLs communlLles.
lerreras raLL lnsLlLuLe 111630822
lundlng wlll supporL work LhaL engages communlLy
based organlzaLlons ln ldenLlfylng plannlng lssues of
mosL presslng concern Lo dlsLrlcL 21, and Lo perform
research and analysls, prepare summary maLerlals and
supporL nelghborhood vlslonlng and advocacy.
1orres raLL lnsLlLuLe 111630822
lunds wlll supporL local communlLy-based
sLakeholders ln ldenLlfylng plannlng lssues of mosL
presslng concern, performlng research and analysls,
and preparlng summary maLerlals LhaL supporL
nelghborhood vlslonlng and advocacy.
Lander raLL lnsLlLuLe 111630822
1o faclllLaLe a prlorlLlzaLlon process for Lhe Cowanus
area, whlch was hard hlL by hurrlcane Sandy, lncludlng
worklng wlLh envlronmenLal, LransporLaLlon, and
economlc plannlng speclallsLs Lo ldenLlfy ways Lo
resolve Lhe area's lnfrasLrucLure lssues and lm
8LAC, lerreras,
Carodnlck, kallos,
Lander, Levln,
8eynoso CC raLL lnsLlLuLe 111630822
lundlng for servlces Lo manufacLurers LhaL were
prevlously provlded by Lhe n? lndusLrlal 8eLenLlon
neLwork (n?l8n), whlch were consolldaLed lnLo raLL.
1hese servlces lnclude: Lhe Creen ManufacLurlng
lnlLlaLlve, lood from new ?ork, whlch boLh supporLs
regones 1ourlng uerLo 8lcan 1heaLer
CollecLlon, lnc. 133266893
1o supporL Lhe producLlon of muslcal LheaLer and
plays rooLed ln uerLo 8lcan/LaLlno culLure, and Lo
supporL professlonal performances and arLs learnlng
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 3S0

regones 1ourlng uerLo 8lcan 1heaLer
CollecLlon, lnc. 133266893
1o supporL free and low-cosL performances and arLs
educaLlon, lncludlng orlglnal plays and muslcals by Lhe
resldenL LaLlno ensemble on Loplcs of relevance Lo Lhe
communlLy, and arLs workshops conducLed ln
parLnershlp wlLh local schools and oLher organlzaL
regones 1ourlng uerLo 8lcan 1heaLre
CollecLlon, lnc. 133266893
lunds Lo employ quallfled arLlsLs of color Lo provlde
Lop-noLch, blllngual arLs programs for dlverse
communlLles clLywlde.
lerreras rlde noL re[udlce, lnc. 461334329
1o supporL youLh presenLaLlons focuslng on Plv, anLl-
vlolence, anLl- pre[udlce, subsLance addlcLlon and
Mendez rlde noL re[udlce, lnc. 461334329
1o supporL youLh presenLaLlons focuslng on Plv, anLl-
vlolence, anLl- pre[udlce, subsLance addlcLlon and
Lugene rlde noL re[udlce, lnc. 461334329
1o supporL Lhe !ourney Lo rlde program ln a school
from Lhe 40Lh ulsLrlcL, whlch provldes afLerschool
workshops and ln-school assembly presenLaLlons
lnvolvlng sLudenLs as acLors and peer educaLors on
educaLlonal Loplcs Lo promoLe healLh, Lolerance, and a
Arroyo rlde noL re[udlce, lnc. 461334329
1o provlde presenLaLlons focuslng on homophobla,
addlcLlon, Plv, oLher S1us, Leen pregnancy, bullylng,
domesLlc vlolence and oLher Loplcs Lo sLudenLs ln
Councll ulsLrlcL 17 schools.
koslowlLz rlde noL re[udlce, lnc. 461334329
lundlng wlll be used for ln-SCPCCL 8CC8AMMlnC
1/2 hour ln-school presenLaLlons Lo schools ln Lhe 29Lh
Councll ulsLrlcL
alma rlde noL re[udlce, lnc. 461334329
1o provlde rlde noL re[udlces presenLaLlons, focuslng
on homophobla, addlcLlon, Plv, oLher S1us, Leen
pregnancy, bullylng, cyber bullylng, domesLlc vlolence,
vlolence and lnLolerance ln councll ulsLrlcL 18 publlc
Carodnlck rlmary SLages Company, lnc. 133238763

lundlng wlll supporL Lhe arLs educaLlon programs held
aL 39L39 1heaLers, whlch offers free sLudenL maLlnee
performances and workshops Lo sLudenLs ln new ?ork
ClLy publlc schools.
!ohnson rlmary SLages Company, lnc. 133238763

1o supporL Lhe SLudenL MaLlnee rogram, provldlng
free performances for publlc hlgh school sLudenLs.
lundlng supporLs Lhe cosL of LheaLer renLal and LheaLer
relaLed package fees for sLudenL maLlnees and arLlsLlc
cosLs of runnlng Lhese performances.
8ose ro[ecL PosplLallLy, lnc. 133234441

lundlng Lo cover food cosLs assoclaLed wlLh our
Purrlcane Sandy rellef efforLs.
koslowlLz ro[ecL Lead, lnc. 133761446

lunds wlll be used for needy famllles from LhroughouL
Lhe kew Cardens and 8lchmond Pllls areas for food
asslsLance Lhrough Lhe emergency food panLry
servlces, ouL of Lhe panLry aL 8417 Ablngdon 8d.
Lancman ro[ecL Lead, lnc. 133761446

lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe emergency food
panLry servlces.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 3S1

rospecL PelghLs nelghborhood uevelopmenL
Councll, lnc. 412138030

lunds are for Lhe second phase of a pro[ecL LhaL wlll
expand an exlsLlng naLlonal 8eglsLer hlsLorlc dlsLrlcL ln
rospecL PelghLs Lo allgn wlLh Lhe much larger n?C
hlsLorlc dlsLrlcL
rospecL LefferLs Cardens nelghborhood
AssoclaLlon lnc. 237064386
1o supporL nelghborhood program acLlvlLles lncludlng
Lhe MLk uay of CelebraLlon and Lhe ?ouLh ComposL
ro[ecL, nelghborhood clean up and beauLlflcaLlon,
youLh parL-Llme employmenL, LenanL supporL and
Cornegy rospecL ark Alllance, lnc. 112843763 * 3,000 1o supporL park programmlng and operaLlons
Cumbo rospecL ark Alllance, lnc. 112843763
lunds Lo supporL programs aL Lhe rospecL ark
Audubon CenLer and LefferLs PlsLorlc Pouse, whlle
keeplng Lhe ark and lLs faclllLles clean, safe, and well-
Levln rospecL ark Alllance, lnc. 112843763 * 3,300 1o supporL rospecL ark programs and operaLlons.
Lugene rospecL ark Alllance, lnc. 112843763
1o supporL ark programs and operaLlons, lncludlng
Lhe rospecL ark Audubon CenLer and LefferLs PlsLorlc
Pouse, and Lo keep Lhe ark and lLs faclllLles clean,
safe, and well-malnLalned.
Mealy rospecL ark Alllance, lnc. 112843763
1he funds wlll be used Lo supporL rospecL park's
programs and operaLlons. 1he funds wlll be used Lo
pay sLaff salarles, and for park malnLenance and
Lsplnal rospecL ark Alllance, lnc. 112843763
lunds Lo supporL programs aL Lhe rospecL ark
Audubon CenLer and LefferLs PlsLorlc Pouse, whlle
keeplng Lhe ark and lLs faclllLles clean, safe, and well-
Lander rospecL ark Alllance, lnc. 112843763
1o care for Lhe park and supporL operaLlonal expenses
and communlLy programmlng.
8rooklyn, Lande CC rospecL ark Alllance, lnc. 112843763
1o supporL ?ouLh and LnvlronmenLal LducaLlon
rograms ln Lhe ark. 1o conLlnue Lo provlde free
youLh and educaLlonal programmlng for chlldren aL Lhe
rospecL ark Audubon CenLer and LefferLs PlsLorlc
Pouse. 1he Audubon CenLer offers ongolng speclal
MaLLeo ubllc AdmlnlsLraLor - 8lchmond CounLy 133203842

lundlng for 8urlal servlces for lndlgenL SLaLen lsland
8ose ubllc AdmlnlsLraLor - 8lchmond CounLy 133203842 3,300 8urlal of lndlgenL SLaLen lslanders
Cumbo ubllc Pouslng CommunlLles, lnc. 203937273
lundlng Lo help parLlclpanLs obLaln securlLy llcenses,
small buslness sLarL up granLs whlch wlll be used Lo pay
for Lhelr buslness reglsLraLlon fees, buslness lnsurance,
baslc equlpmenL and supplles.
Levln ubllc Pouslng CommunlLles, lnc. 203937273
1o supporL Lhe Lconomlc 8esource 8eferral CenLer and
!ob lalr rogram, whlch conslsL of [ob preparedness
sesslons, resume wrlLlng, and oLher [ob Lralnlng
8osenLhal ubllc Pouslng CommunlLles, lnc. 203937273
lundlng supporLs 1ech lor 1he luLure rogram wlLh
ulaspora CommunlLy Servlces for young adulL males
18-26 LhaL have been formerly lncarceraLed or aL rlsk
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 3S2

Mealy ubllc School 21k 136400434

1he funds wlll allow Lhe school Lo remaln open durlng
Lhe summer monLhs for CS1 programmlng. 1he funds
wlll pay for Lhe cosLs of operaLlng Lhe school bulldlng
durlng Lhe summer.
Levln ubllc School 31k 136400434

1o provlde Lravel for Lhe school's chess Leam Lravel
naLlonal compeLlLlon.
MaLLeo ubllc School 378 136400434 10,000 lunds wlll be used for servlces for AuLlsLlc SLudenLs
MaLLeo ubllc School 418 136400434

lunds wlll be used for rofesslonal developmenL for
Common Core SLaLe sLandards ln LLA and MaLhemaLlcs
MaLLeo ubllc School 468 136400434 14,000 lunds wlll be used for Academlc lnLervenLlon Servlces
MaLLeo ubllc School 308 136400434 14,000 lunds wlll be used for Academlc lnLervenLlon Servlces
Levln ubllc School 34 - MagneL School 136400434 2,800 1o provlde fleld Lrlps and llbrary books.
CenLlle ubllc School 69 vlncenL u. Crlppo School 136400434

lundlng wlll be used for 1A acLlvlLles LhaL are
beneflclal Lo chlldren and parenLs.
ubllc School / Mlddle School 278M - aula
Pedbavny School 136400434

lundlng Lo supporL furnlLure upgrades for shared
school llbrary of S/MS 278 and S/lS 18
CenLlle ubllc School 101 1he verrazano School 136400434

lundlng wlll be used for 1A acLlvlLles LhaL are
beneflclal Lo chlldren and parenLs.
CenLlle ubllc School 102 8ayvlew School 136400434

lundlng wlll be used for 1A acLlvlLles LhaL are
beneflclal Lo chlldren and parenLs.
Levln ubllc School 110k 136400434 2,800 1o provlde afLer school programmlng.
CenLlle ubllc School 112 LefferLs ark School 136400434

lundlng wlll be used for 1A acLlvlLles LhaL are
beneflclal Lo chlldren and parenLs.
ubllc School 116M - 1he Mary Llndley Murray
School 136400434

lundlng wlll supporL Lhe .S. 116 exLended day
enrlchmenL programs LhaL serve Lhe sLudenL
MaLLeo ubllc School 118 136400434 14,000 lunds wlll be used for Academlc lnLervenLlon Servlces
CenLlle ubllc School 127 Mcklnley ark School 136400434

lundlng wlll be used for 1A acLlvlLles LhaL are
beneflclal Lo chlldren and parenLs.
Levln ubllc School 132k 136400434

1o supporL an ln-school resldency wlLh Crowlng Chefs
Lo faclllLaLe farmlng program.
Lugene ubllc School 139 136400434

1o supporL a school chess program for sLudenLs ln
grades k Lo 3Lh grade. SLudenLs recelve lnsLrucLlon
from a chess masLer.
koslowlLz ubllc School 139 - 8ego ark School 136400434

lunds wlll be used for programmlng ln Lhe school
lncludlng arLs programs ln Lhe school, anLl bullylng
evenLs, graduaLlons, SLudenL of Lhe monLh and for arL
resldencles wlLhln Lhe school lncludlng Afrlcan uance,
Clrcus arLs, uanclng on 8roadway, ?oga, uanc
kallos ubllc School 131 - ?orkvllle CommunlLy School 136400434

lunds Lo supporL S1LM rogram Servlces - 1hroughouL
Lhls currlculum, sLudenLs lnvesLlgaLe Lhe componenLs
of LLCC roboLlcs: LLCC WLuC LducaLlon sofLware,
deslgn [ournallng, roboL consLrucLlon, programmlng
and problem solvlng. 1hls currlculum ls deslgned fo
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 3S3

kallos ubllc School 131 - ?orkvllle CommunlLy School 136400434

lundlng Lo provlde for Second Crade and lourLh Crade
- new-?ork PlsLorlcal SocleLy LducaLors work wlLh
every class each monLh over Lhe course of an academlc
year, dellverlng hands-on soclal sLudles programs LhaL
allgn wlLh Lhe Soclal SLudles Scope and Seq
kallos ubllc School 131 - ?orkvllle CommunlLy School 136400434

Second Crade Muslcal lnLroducLlon Serles: 12 ln-School
lnsLrucLlonal Sesslons/ 4 rofesslonal ConcerLs aL Lhe
92nd SL 1hls dynamlc and culLurally rlch program
lnLroduces sLudenLs Lo Lhe world of muslc, boLh ln Lhe
concerL hall and ln Lhe classroom, connec
kallos ubllc School 131 - ?orkvllle CommunlLy School 136400434

llrsL Crade Chorus rogram - 16 Weeks of ArLlsLs'
8esldencles, lannlng Sesslons & Workshops &
erformances. 1eachlng ArLlsL ln Chorus for 1sL grade:
CcLober, 2012-May, 2013. Classes wlll be held on
Wednesday LhroughouL Lhe year. ln Lhls program,
ubllc School 131M - ?orkvllle CommunlLy
School 136400434

lundlng wlll supporL enrlchmenL programs for sLudenLs
aL Lhe school.
kallos ubllc School 138 - 1he 8ayard 1aylor School 136400434 3,000 1echnology malnLenance.
Cu28 ubllc School 160C 136400434

1o purchase new equlpmenL/ lnsLrumenLs and supporL
muslc program
8osenLhal ubllc School 166 136400434

lundlng Lo supporL rofesslonal Leacher developmenL
for S 166 program
CenLlle ubllc School 170 8alph A. labrlzlo School 136400434

lundlng wlll be used for 1A acLlvlLles LhaL are
beneflclal Lo chlldren and parenLs.
CenLlle ubllc School 176 CvlngLon School 136400434

lundlng wlll be used for 1A acLlvlLles LhaL are
beneflclal Lo chlldren and parenLs.
kallos ubllc School 183 - 8oberL Louls SLevenson 136400434

CompuLrace SofLware - 8equlred anLl-LhefL sofLware
CompuLrace CompleLe" for Mac lapLops.
CenLlle ubllc School 183 WalLer kassenbrock School 136400434

lundlng wlll be used for 1A acLlvlLles LhaL are
beneflclal Lo chlldren and parenLs.
CenLlle ubllc School 186 ur. lrvlng A. CladsLone School 136400434

lundlng wlll be used for 1A acLlvlLles LhaL are
beneflclal Lo chlldren and parenLs.
ubllc School 198 - 1he lsldor and lda SLraus
School 136400434

1o supporL ballroom danclng for 4Lh graders for 8osles
1heaLer klds for 3Lh grade.
ubllc School 198 - 1he lsldor and lda SLraus
School 136400434

1o fund Lwo enrlchmenL programs for Lhe sLudenLs,
uanclng Classrooms and 8osle's 1heaLer klds.
CenLlle ubllc School 200 8enson School 136400434

lundlng wlll be used for 1A acLlvlLles LhaL are
beneflclal Lo chlldren and parenLs.
CenLlle ubllc School 204 vlncenL Lombardl School 136400434

lundlng wlll be used for 1A acLlvlLles LhaL are
beneflclal Lo chlldren and parenLs.
CenLlle ubllc School 203 Clarlon school 136400434

lundlng wlll be used for 1A acLlvlLles LhaL are
beneflclal Lo chlldren and parenLs.
CenLlle ubllc School 212 Lady ueborah Moody 136400434

lundlng wlll be used for 1A acLlvlLles LhaL are
beneflclal Lo chlldren and parenLs.
kallos ubllc School 217 - 1he 8oosevelL lsland School 136400434

School resldencles such as 8allroom uanclng, ?oga,
Salvadorl CenLer/ urban plannlng, n? PlsLorlcal SocleLy,
S1uulC ln a School, urama and CharacLer
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 3S4

8ose ubllc School 22 136400434

lundlng wlll be used for sLaff and programmaLlc
expenses Lo lnLegraLe Lhe educaLlonal and exclLlng
fully-lmmerslve vlrLual game deslgn program v8 CuesL
lnLo Lhe school currlculum.
ubllc School 247 n?C College arLnershlp
LlemenLary School 136400434

lundlng wlll be used for 1A acLlvlLles LhaL are
beneflclal Lo chlldren and parenLs.
Lugene ubllc School 249 136400434 4,300 1o supporL an afLerschool Lennls program.
ubllc School 264 8ay 8ldge LlemenLary School
for Lhe ArLs 136400434

lundlng wlll be used for 1A acLlvlLles LhaL are
beneflclal Lo chlldren and parenLs.
Cu28 ubllc School 334C 136400434

1o purchase sofLware, new equlpmenL and elecLronlc
devlces Lo supporL ulglLal Llbrary
Levln ubllc School 369k - Coy L. Cox School 136400434

1o provlde academlc lnLervenLlon and recreaLlonal
afLer-school programmlng.
Lugene ubllc School 399 136400434

1o supporL .S. 399's 1ap Lnsemble, whlch Leaches
sLudenLs Lo learn Lhe fundamenLals of Lap danclng.
Cu28 ubllc School 40C 136400434

1o supporL Muslc rogram and purchase new
Mark-vlverlLo ubllc School 30 - Marc AnLonlo School 136400434

1o provlde personnel supporL, maLerlals, and supplles
for Lhe vlLo MercanLonlo CommunlLy eace Carden.
ubllc School 327 - LasL Slde School for Soclal
AcLlon 136400434

1o conLlnue parLnershlp wlLh Lhe Cuggenhelm
Museum so all sLudenLs can aLLend museum programs
ubllc School 327 - LasL Slde School for Soclal
AcLlon 136400434

lundlng Lo supporL ArL larm ln Lhe ClLy 1o conLlnue
our parLnershlp wlLh ArL larm ln Lhe ClLy so sLudenLs
can learn abouL anlmals, Lhelr hablLaLs, and whaL lL
Lakes Lo care for peLs
ubllc School 327 - LasL Slde School for Soclal
AcLlon 136400434

1o conLlnue parLnershlp wlLh Muslc for Many so each
monLh, sLudenLs can vlew an ln-school performance
from LalenLed arLlsLs relaLed Lo speclal holldays and
ubllc School 327 - LasL Slde School for Soclal
AcLlon 136400434

1o provlde Spanlsh lnsLrucLlon Lo sLudenLs as parL of
Clobal SLudles Lheme
ubllc School 327 - LasL Slde School for Soclal
AcLlon 136400434

1o conLlnue parLnershlp wlLh n? Chess klds so all
sLudenLs recelve weekly lnsLrucLlon ln chess
ubllc School 748 8rooklyn School for Clobal
Scholars 136400434

lundlng wlll be used for 1A acLlvlLles LhaL are
beneflclal Lo chlldren and parenLs.
ubllc School/lnLermedlaLe School 104 1he
MagneL School of Museum SLudles 136400434

lundlng wlll be used for 1A acLlvlLles LhaL are
beneflclal Lo chlldren and parenLs.
Levln ubllc School/lnLermedlaLe School 137 136400434 2,800 1o provlde afLer school muslc programmlng.
ubllc School/lnLermedlaLe School 163 8aLh
8each School 136400434

lundlng wlll be used for 1A acLlvlLles LhaL are
beneflclal Lo chlldren and parenLs.
ubllc School/lnLermedlaLe School 180 -1he
SLLALL Academy 136400434

lundlng wlll be used for 1A acLlvlLles LhaL are
beneflclal Lo chlldren and parenLs.
ubllc School/lnLermedlaLe School 229 uyker
School 136400434

lundlng wlll be used for 1A acLlvlLles LhaL are
beneflclal Lo chlldren and parenLs.
ubllc School/lnLermedlaLe School 30 Mary
WhlLe CvlngLon School 136400434

lundlng wlll be used for 1A acLlvlLles LhaL are
beneflclal Lo chlldren and parenLs.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 3SS

Cumbo ubllcolor, lnc. 133912768
lunds Lo Lransform Lhree pollce preclncLs (88Lh
reclncL - 298 Classon Ave., 84Lh reclncL - 301 Cold
SL., and 78Lh ollce reclncL - 63 6Lh Ave.) ln ulsLrlcL 33
durlng Lhe fall of Lhe 2014-13 school year Lhrough alnL
Club gaLeway program.
Cabrera ubllcolor, lnc. 133912768
lundlng supporL wlll help Lransform Lhe pedesLrlan
fooLbrldge on W. 231 SLreeL beLween Sedgwlck Ave.
and klngsbrldge 1errace near Lhe new School for
Leadershlp !ournallsm ln ulsLrlcL 14 durlng Lhe 2014-
13 school year or a sLruggllng communlLy faclllLy or
Levlne ubllcolor, lnc. 133912768
lundlng Lo Lransform new ueslgn Mlddle School (623
WesL 133rd SL., ManhaLLan), a LargeLed under-
performlng school ln ulsLrlcL 7, or a sLruggllng
communlLy faclllLy or playground ln ulsLrlcL 7 durlng
Lhe 2014-13 school year. alnL Club, Lhe gaLeway
8osenLhal ubllcolor, lnc. 133912768
lundlng Lo supporL Lhe beauLlflcaLlon of MS 236
Academlc ALhleLlc Lxcellence (134 W. 93 SL.,
ManhaLLan) durlng Lhe 2014-13 school year.
vallone ubllcolor, lnc. 133912768
1he fundlng wlll help Lransform 1 low performlng
school or 1 under-resourced communlLy faclllLy or 1
neglecLed playground ln ulsLrlcL 19 durlng Lhe 2014-13
school year.
CC ubllcolor, lnc. 133912768
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe alnL Club program
an lnnovaLlve and mulL-layered afLer-school program ln
Lhe followlng schools MS 206 (308 L. 120 SL.,
ManhaLLan) and PealLh CpporLunlLles PS (330 Cerard
Ave., 8ronx). SlLes wlll lnclude La laclLa/La Mar
Mendez uerLo 8lcan lamlly lnsLlLuLe, lnc., 1he 136167177
lundlng Lo supporL scholarshlps for sLudenLs and oLher
lssues such a soclal work llcenslng, passlng Lhe exam
and reLenLlon.
8eynoso uerLo 8lcan lamlly lnsLlLuLe, lnc., 1he 136167177
1o supporL Lhe LaLlno Soclal Work 1ask lorce's efforLs
Lo Lraln LaLlno soclal workers. lunds wlll supporL
sLafflng, sLudenL scholarshlps, and asslsLance wlLh
oLher sLudenL expenses.
Chln uerLo 8lcan lamlly lnsLlLuLe, lnc., 1he 136167177
1o supporL graduaLe soclal workers compleLlng Lhelr
degree. lunds wlll supporL scholarshlps for sLudenLs
and llcenslng.
Arroyo uerLo 8lcan lamlly lnsLlLuLe, lnc., 1he 136167177
1o supporL Lhe LaLlno Soclal work 1ask lorce ln lLs
efforLs Lo lncrease Lhe number of LaLlno professlonal
soclal workers servlng non proflL organlzaLlons, and Lo
oLherwlse sLrengLhen Lhe culLural, and eLhnlc dlverslLy
of soclal workers.
8LAC, Arroyo CC uerLo 8lcan lamlly lnsLlLuLe, lnc., 1he 136167177
1o supporL Lhe LaLlno Soclal Work 1ask lorce (LSW1l)
acLlvlLles whlch lnclude pre-LesLlng workshops and
menLorlng relaLlonshlp wlLh Lhe members of Lhe
LSW1l durlng and afLer graduaLlon.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 3S6

Mealy urelemenLs: An LvoluLlon ln uance 203332384
1he funds wlll be used Lo supporL urelemenLs ArLs
LducaLlon programs. 1he funds wlll be used Lo pay sLaff
salarles, equlpmenL purchase and renLal, venue renLal,
LransporLaLlon cosLs, and general operaLlng expenses.
1he funds wlll also be used Lo defray L
8arron urelemenLs: An LvoluLlon ln uance 203332384
lunds are lnLended Lo be used for general supporL for
urelemenLs ArLs LducaLlon rograms. lunds wlll
dlrecLly supporL Lhe organlzaLlons': CCA8 - SaLurday
uance Lralnlng, and Al8L - AfLerschool arLs programs ln
20 new ?ork ClLy parLnerlng schools. ulrecLl
ConsLanLlnldes CSAC, lnc. 112482974
lundlng wlll be used Lo purchase supporLlve non-
Lechnology based and/or Lechnology based producLs.
uromm CSAC, lnc. 112482974
1o purchase supporLlve non-Lechnology based and/or
Lechnology based producLs.
Carodnlck CSAC, lnc. 112482974
lundlng wlll supporL servlces Lo auLlsLlc lndlvlduals,
Lhelr famllles and careglvers.
koo CSAC, lnc. 112482974
lundlng Lo purchase supporLlve non-Lechnology based
and/or Lechnology based producLs, whlch have a
proven Lrack record Lo enhance consumer learnlng
experlence whlle enrolled ln CSAC programs.
Levlne CSAC, lnc. 112482974
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL and enhance a varleLy of
programs and servlces for chlldren and adulLs wlLh
auLlsm, ln our uay PablllLaLlon, AfLer School programs,
lndependenL resldence programs, and oLher programs
and servlces, Lhrough purchases of non-Lec
Mlller CSAC, lnc. 112482974
1o purchase supporLlve non-Lechnology based and/or
Lechnology based producLs, Lo be deLermlned by CSAC
program dlrecLors, whlch have a proven Lrack record Lo
enhance our consumer learnlng experlence whlle
enrolled ln CSAC programs.
alma CSAC, lnc. 112482974
1o provlde servlces Lo auLlsLlc lndlvlduals, Lhelr famllles
and careglvers and Lo ralse awareness and
undersLandlng of AuLlsm SpecLrum ulsorder.
Lugene CSAC, lnc. 112482974
1o purchase supporLlve non-Lechnology and/or
Lechnology based producLs deslgned Lo enhance Lhe
learnlng experlence for auLlsLlc program parLlclpanLs.
Arroyo CSAC, lnc. 112482974
1o purchase supporLlve non-Lechnology and/or
Lechnology based producLs deslgned Lo enhance Lhe
learnlng experlence for auLlsLlc program parLlclpanLs.
Cu28 CSAC, lnc. 112482974
1o purchase supporLlve non-Lechnology based and/or
Lechnology based producLs, Lo be deLermlned by CSAC
program dlrecLors, whlch have a proven Lrack record Lo
enhance our consumer learnlng experlence whlle
enrolled ln CSAC programs.
vallone CSAC, lnc. 112482974
1o purchase supporLlve non-Lechnology based and/or
Lechnology based producLs.
Weprln CSAC, lnc. 112482974
1o purchase supporLlve non-Lechnology based and/or
Lechnology based producLs Lo enhance Lhe consumer
learnlng experlence whlle enrolled ln CSAC programs.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 3S7

lerreras, Clbson,
Lancman, Mlller CC CSAC, lnc. 112482974
1o supporL a varleLy of servlces Lo auLlsLlc lndlvlduals,
Lhelr famllles and careglvers LhroughouL Lhe clLy.
Servlces wlll be provlded aL Lhe home of Lhe auLlsLlc
lndlvldual or aL one of CSACs faclllLles ln ManhaLLan,
Cueens or Lhe 8ronx.
ConsLanLlnldes Cueens 8orough ubllc Llbrary 136400434

lundlng wlll be used Lo fund a moblle unlL LhaL wlll
provlde 10 lads and oLher elecLronlc servlces aL
AsLorla Pouses
8lchards Cueens 8orough ubllc Llbrary 136400434

rogrammlng supporL for LaurelLon Llbrary, 8osedale
Llbrary, lar 8ockaway Llbrary, lar 8ockaway 1een
Llbrary, Arverne Llbrary
lerreras Cueens 8orough ubllc Llbrary - Lefrak 8ranch 136400434

lunds wlll supporL afLerschool programmlng ln Lhe
Lelrak ClLy Llbrary, lncludlng Lhe purchase of books
and oLher maLerlals for Lhe collecLlon LhaL supporL Lhe
school currlculum and academlc achlevemenL. lundlng
wlll supplemenL Lwo ?ouLh LnrlchmenL Servlce
koo Cueens 8oLanlcal Carden SocleLy, lnc. 111633083
lunds wlll be used Lo subsldlze Lhe cosL of C8C's
LnvlronmenLal LducaLlon Workshops and
programmlng for schoolchlldren.
Weprln Cueens 8oLanlcal Carden SocleLy, lnc. 111633083
1o supporL Lhe Cueens 8oLanlcal Carden SocleLy's
LnvlronmenLal LducaLlon Workshops aL schools.
Crowley-18, koo,
koslowlLz, ulrlch,
vallone, 8eynoso CC Cueens 8oLanlcal Carden SocleLy, lnc. 111633083
1o supporL Cueens 8oLanlcal Carden SocleLy's
LnvlronmenLal LducaLlon Workshops.
Cueens Chamber of Commerce dba Chamber of
Commerce 8orough of Cueens 110339220

lundlng wlll be used Lo Lhe supporL Lhe
LnLrepreneurshlp ro[ecL, whlch seeks Lo provlde
economlc developmenL ln under served commerclal
areas of Cueens.
Cueens Chamber of Commerce dba Chamber of
Commerce 8orough of Cueens 110339220

lundlng Lo supporL Lhe Cueens Chamber of Commerce
nelghborhood LnLrepreneurshlp ro[ecL Lo provlde
commerclal revlLallzaLlon and merchanL focused
programs. lundlng wlll also supporL expanded
ouLreach wlLh ulsLrlcL 21 buslnesses.
Cueens Chamber of Commerce dba Chamber of
Commerce 8orough of Cueens 110339220

1o fund Lhe Cueens Chamber of Commerce
nelghborhood LnLrepreneurshlp ro[ecL, whlch alms Lo
provlde commerclal revlLallzaLlon and merchanL
focused programs ln Cueens, and connecL small
buslnesses ln underserved commerclal corrldors Lo
resources and progra
Cueens Chamber of Commerce dba Chamber of
Commerce 8orough of Cueens 110339220

lundlng Lo supporL nelghborhood LnLrepreneurshlp
ro[ecL whlch alms Lo provlde commerclal
revlLallzaLlon and merchanL focused programs ln
Cueens Chamber of Commerce dba Chamber of
Commerce 8orough of Cueens 110339220

1o supporL Lhe Cueens Chamber of Commerce
nelghborhood LnLrepreneurshlp ro[ecL, whlch alms Lo
provlde commerclal revlLallzaLlon and merchanL
focused programs ln Councll ulsLrlcL 31, Cueens.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 3S8

Cueens Chamber of Commerce dba Chamber of
Commerce 8orough of Cueens 110339220

lunds Lo be used Lo provlde commerclal revlLallzaLlon
and merchanL programs and cosLs assoclaLed
Cueens Chamber of Commerce dba Chamber of
Commerce 8orough of Cueens 110339220

lunds wlll be used Lo supporL 1he Cueens Chamber of
Commerce nelghborhood LnLrepreneurshlp ro[ecL
whlch alms Lo provlde commerclal revlLallzaLlon and
merchanL focused programs ln Cueens.
Cueens Chamber of Commerce dba Chamber of
Commerce 8orough of Cueens 110339220

lundlng Lo provlde commerclal revlLallzaLlon and
merchanL focused programs ln Cueens by ldenLlfylng
communlLy parLners and creaLlng a sLeerlng commlLLee
LhaL wlll organlze meeLlngs Lo engage merchanLs.
Cueens Chamber of Commerce dba Chamber of
Commerce 8orough of Cueens 110339220

1o supporL Lhe Cueens Chamber of Commerce
nelghborhood LnLrepreneurshlp ro[ecL Lo provlde
commerclal revlLallzaLlon and merchanL focused
programs ln Cueens. 1hls lnlLlaLlve leverages Lhe
collecLlve resources of Lhe Chamber Lo connecL small
buslnesses ln
Cueens Chamber of Commerce dba Chamber of
Commerce 8orough of Cueens 110339220

lunds wlll supporL 1he Cueens Chamber of Commerce
nelghborhood LnLrepreneurshlp ro[ecL Lo provlde
commerclal revlLallzaLlon and merchanL focused
programs ln Cueens. 1hls lnlLlaLlve leverages Lhe
collecLlve resources of Lhe Chamber Lo connecL small
Cueens Chamber of Commerce dba Chamber of
Commerce 8orough of Cueens 110339220

1o provlde commerclal revlLallzaLlon and merchanL
focused programs Lhrough Lhe nelghborhood
LnLrepreneurshlp ro[ecL.
Lancman, Mlller,
ulrlch, vallone
Weprln CC
Cueens Chamber of Commerce dba Chamber of
Commerce 8orough of Cueens 110339220

lundlng Lo conLlnue ouLreach Lo small buslnesses ln
Cueens CounLy and provlde Lhem wlLh Lhe Lechnlcal
asslsLance and supporL Lhey requlre. lurLher, fundlng
wlll allow a serles of bl-llngual workshops ln Spanlsh,
Chlnese, korean or oLher languages coverlng
Cueens College loundaLlon lnc for - Cueens
College ArLs CenLer 116080321

Cueens CounLy SLudenLs , Cueens College SLudenLs
and Lhe Cueens CommunlLy
Cueens College loundaLlon, lnc. - Aslan
Amerlcan CenLer 116080321

lunds Lo run a year-long pro[ecL for educaLlng college
sLudenLs abouL clvlc engagemenL and communlLy
awareness. 1he requesLed funds wlll be used for
a)hlrlng a parL-Llme rogram AsslsLanL, b) sLlpends Lo
20 sLudenLs, c) organlzlng publlc programs on Lhe
uromm Cueens CommunlLy 8oard #3 136400434

1o provlde power wash of sldewalks and Lree guards ln
Cueens CommunlLy 8oard #3.
lerreras Cueens CommunlLy 8oard #3 136400434

lunds wlll cover Lhe cosL of power washlng equlpmenL,
cleanlng supplles, and expenses assoclaLed wlLh
communlLy servlces pro[ecLs and 113Lh reclncL
Lxplorers program Lrlps.
lerreras Cueens CommunlLy 8oard #3 136400434

lunds wlll cover cosL of renLal equlpmenL, LalenL and
oLher servlces relaLed Lo naLlonal nlghL CuL AugusL
uromm Cueens CommunlLy Clvlc CorporaLlon 222183327
1o fund offlce and sLaff for communlLy organlzlng and
semlnars, educaLlonal campalgns, and neLworklng wlLh
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 3S9

oLher communlLy organlzaLlons and non-proflLs Lo
educaLe LenanLs and co-op shareholders abouL Lhelr
koslowlLz Cueens CommunlLy Clvlc CorporaLlon 222183327
lunds wlll be used for communlLy organlzlng,
educaLlonal campalgns and neLworklng wlLh oLher
communlLy organlzaLlons and non-proflLs. lunds wlll
be used Lo sLaff and run an offlce Lhrough whlch all of
Lhe above can be reallzed.
Lancman Cueens CommunlLy Clvlc CorporaLlon 222183327
lundlng Lo supporL organlzlng, communlLy semlnars
and workshops Lo educaLe resldenLs regardlng
lmporLanL lssues, servlces avallable and rlghLs Lo whlch
Lhey are enLlLled ln Lhe areas of houslng, senlor clLlzen
and dlsablllLy servlces.
Weprln Cueens CommunlLy Clvlc CorporaLlon 222183327
1o supporL communlLy organlzlng, educaLlonal
campalgns, and neLworklng for Lhe educaLlon of LenanL
and co-op resldenLs.
van 8ramer Cueens CommunlLy Pouse, lnc. 112373383
CenLer and servlces for LC81C Leens lnclude drop ln
cenLer wlLh educaLlon and soclallzaLlon servlces,
workshops for Leen and sLaff ln youLh cenLers and
school on LC81C awareness and anLl-
harassmenL/bullylng educaLlon and an on-llne supporL
neLwork moderaL
LC81, Lancman CC Cueens CommunlLy Pouse, lnc. 112373383
lundlng Lo supporL Lhe CenLer and servlces for LC81C
Leens lnclude drop ln cenLer wlLh educaLlon and
soclallzaLlon servlces, workshops for Leen and sLaff ln
youLh cenLers and school on LC81C awareness and
anLl-harassmenL/bullylng educaLlon and an on-llne
Cueens, LC81 CC Cueens CommunlLy Pouse, lnc. 112373383
lundlng Lo supporL Lhe enhancemenL of Lhe program
(Cueens CenLer for Cay Senlors) whlch offers
counsellng, beneflLs and enLlLlemenL revlew, supporL
groups ln addlLlon Lo Lhe varlous educaLlonal and
recreaLlonal programs for LC81 older adulLs. rograms
ConsLanLlnldes Cueens Councll on Lhe ArLs, lnc. 112219193
lundlng wlll be used Lo supporL buslness sklll
programmlng for Cueens arLlsLs and culLural
koslowlLz Cueens Councll on Lhe ArLs, lnc. 112219193
lundlng wlll supporL 8ulld ?our Cwn 8uslness (8?C8)
and oLher CCA programlng deslgned Lo bulld Lhe
buslness skllls for Cueens arLlsLs and culLural
organlzaLlons, who are acLlve creaLlve professlonals,
soclal advocaLes and change agenLs. lunds wlll be used
van 8ramer Cueens Councll on Lhe ArLs, lnc. 112219193
lundlng wlll supporL 8ulld ?our Cwn 8uslness (8?C8)
and oLher CCA programlng deslgned Lo bulld Lhe
buslness skllls for Cueens arLlsLs and culLural
organlzaLlons, who are acLlve creaLlve professlonals,
soclal advocaLes and change agenLs. lunds wlll be used
Weprln Cueens Councll on Lhe ArLs, lnc. 112219193
1o provlde supporL for CCA programmlng deslgned Lo
bulld Lhe buslness skllls of Cueens area arLlsLs and
culLural organlzaLlons.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 360

Mlller Cueens CounLy LducaLors lor 1omorrow, lnc. 112473634
lundlng Lo engage parenLs wlLhln Lhe communlLy ln
Lhelr preschool chlld's educaLlon. 1he fundlng wlll be
used Lo do Lralnlng wlLh parenLs on Loplc relaLed Lo
school readlness, parenLlng, [ob skllls, LSL, and oLher
supporL Loplcs based on surveylng our pa
lerreras Cueens Lconomlc uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 112436149
lundlng wlll be used for malnLalnlng programmlng
acLlvlLles aL Corona laza LhaL provlde a safe, clean and
aLLracLlve slLe for local resldenLs and vlslLors, lncludlng
8esLauranL Week.
ulrlch Cueens Lconomlc uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 112436149
lunds wlll be used for a grafflLl removal program ln
ulsLrlcL 32
koslowlLz, Mlller,
ulrlch, van
8ramer, Weprln CC Cueens Lconomlc uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 112436149
lunds wlll be used Lo conLlnue and develop programs
Lo help markeL Lhe borough Lhrough Lhe lL's ln
Cueens" program. 1hls wlll lnclude conLlnued
enhancemenL and upkeep of Lhe lL's ln Cueens
webslLe. 1he slLe ls a compendlum of all culLural
venues and ac
koslowlLz Cueens lesLlval CrchesLra AssoclaLlon, lnc. 112393968

lunds wlll be used Lo cover Lhe renLal space for weekly
rehearsals from SepLember Lhrough !une and Lhree
annual concerLs presenLed ln november, March and
!une. 8ehearsals prepare muslc selecLlons for Lhese
koo Cueens PlsLorlcal SocleLy 237016007

1he funds wlll allow CPS Lo creaLe fllp cards LhaL
showcase and hlghllghL many of Lhe arLlfacLs ln Lhe
collecLlon ln order Lo glve vlslLors a deeper
undersLandlng of Lhe pleces ln Lhe exhlblLs and ln Lhe
enLlre collecLlon.
Mlller Cueens lnLeragency Councll on Lhe Aglng, lnc. 112744700
lundlng wlll be used excluslvely Lo admlnlsLer
programs whlch only beneflL Cueens senlors.
AdmlnlsLraLlon cosLs lnclude operaLlons, prlnLlng and
supplles and communlcaLlons.
Mlller CC Cueens lnLeragency Councll on Lhe Aglng, lnc. 112744700
ClCAs programs dlrecLly affecL 3,000 people and
100,000 lndlrecLly Lhrough afflllaLed member
organlzaLlons. lundlng wlll be used excluslvely Lo
admlnlsLer programs whlch only beneflL Cueens
senlors. AdmlnlsLraLlon cosLs lnclude operaLlons,
prlnLlng and
ulrlch Cueens !ewlsh CommunlLy Councll, lnc. 237172132

lunds wlll be used Lo provlde senlor servlces, meals-
on-wheels, senlor programlng and lmmlgraLlon
koslowlLz Cueens !ewlsh CommunlLy Councll, lnc. 237172132

lunds wlll be used Lo conLlnue Lhe organlzaLlons senlor
and lmmlgranL servlces LhaL lnclude kosher meals-on-
wheels for Lhe home bound, senlor culLural
programmlng as well as lmmlgranL servlces LhaL
lnclude legal, enLlLlemenL, LranslaLlon and lnLerpreLa
vallone Cueens !ewlsh CommunlLy Councll, lnc. 237172132

1he fundlng wlll supporL Lhe Cueens !ewlsh
CommunlLy Councll Lo conLlnue lLs senlor servlces LhaL
lnclude meals-on-wheels Lo Lhe frall and home bound
and senlor programmlng as well as lmmlgranL servlces
LhaL lnclude legal, enLlLlemenL, LranslaLlon and ln
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 361

Weprln Cueens !ewlsh CommunlLy Councll, lnc. 237172132

1o conLlnue senlor servlces, lncludlng kosher meals-on-
wheels and senlor programmlng, as well as lmmlgranL
koo Cueens Legal Servlces CorporaLlon 132603604

lunds wlll supporL CLS's domesLlc vlolence advocacy
work for Aslan lmmlgranLs and expand Lhe capaclLy of
Lhe Aslan uomesLlc vlolence Law CollaboraLlve. 1hese
programs provlde legal servlces, sLaff Lralnlng and
communlLy cllnlcs for flve Aslan lmmlgranL uv
Mlller Cueens Legal Servlces CorporaLlon 132603604

lundlng Lo provlde legal servlces, communlLy
educaLlon cllnlcs and advocacy on Lhe clvll
consequences of arresLs and convlcLlons.
uromm Cueens Lesblan and Cay rlde CommlLLee, lnc. 113146398
1o supporL Lhe annual Cueens rlde arade and
LC81, uromm CC Cueens Lesblan and Cay rlde CommlLLee, lnc. 113146398
1o produce Lhe Cueens Lesblan and Cay rlde arade.
1he funds wlll be used for expenses relaLed Lo LhaL day.
Also, fundlng may be use for programs year round LhaL
relaLe Lo Lhe evenL.
Lancman Cueens LC81 PealLh Servlce neLwork 208312786
Cllnlcal servlces for vlcLlms of vlolence and assessmenL
of Lhelr menLal healLh needs.
ConsLanLlnldes-12 CC Cueens LC81 PealLh Servlce neLwork 208312786
1o supporL servlces ln new ?ork ClLy publlc schools
relaLed Lo LC81 servlces.
Crowley Cueens Museum of ArL 112278998
lundlng Lo expand full slaLe of educaLlonal experlences
lncludlng free weekend Lours, free arLmaklng
workshops, senlor programs, LC81C fllms serles,
Cueens 1eens and afLer-school and ouL of school Llme
programs, whlle creaLlng new programmlng
uromm Cueens Museum of ArL 112278998
1o expand educaLlonal programs: free weekend Lours,
arLmaklng workshops, senlor programs, LC81C fllms
lerreras Cueens Museum of ArL 112278998
1o supporL communlLy arLlsLlc and healLh-based
programmlng ln Corona laza. lundlng wlll supporL
sLreeL falrs, lnLeracLlve arL pro[ecLs, performances and
engagemenL acLlvlLles.
lerreras Cueens Museum of ArL 112278998
lundlng wlll supplemenL admlnlsLraLlve and
programmlng cosLs relaLed Lo Lhe museum's efforLs Lo
provlde free weekend Lours, free arLmaklng
workshops, senlor programs, LC81C fllms serles,
Cueens 1eens and afLer-school and ouL of school Llme
programs, whlle
koslowlLz Cueens Museum of ArL 112278998
lunds wlll be used Lo expand full slaLe of educaLlonal
experlences lncludlng free weekend Lours, free
arLmaklng workshops, senlor programs, LC81C fllms
serles, Cueens 1eens and afLer-school and ouL of
school Llme programs, whlle creaLlng new
van 8ramer Cueens Museum of ArL 112278998
lundlng Lo expand full slaLe of educaLlonal experlences
lncludlng free weekend Lours, free arL-maklng
workshops, senlor programs, LC81C fllms serles,
Cueens 1eens and afLer-school and ouL of school Llme
programs, whlle creaLlng new programmlng
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 362

Weprln Cueens Museum of ArL 112278998
1o expand educaLlonal experlences aL Lhe Museum,
lncludlng free weekend Lours, senlor programs, LC81C
fllm serles, and famlly programmlng.
Mlller Cueens Slckle Cell Advocacy neLwork, lnc. 113373180 * 10,000 lunds Lo cover operaLlng and program cosLs
koo Cueens Symphony CrchesLra, lnc. 112106191
1o fund a Symphony 101 performance/workshop
serles ln ulsLrlcL 20, whlch wlll Leach aLLendees abouL
Lhe dlfferenL lnsLrumenL famllles ln Lhe LradlLlonal
symphonlc orchesLra Lhrough llve muslcal
demonsLraLlons and an enllghLenlng presenLaLlon.
lundlng wlll
koslowlLz Cueens Symphony CrchesLra, lnc. 112106191
lunds wlll be used wlLhln Lhe 29Lh Councll ulsLrlcL Lo
provlde LlckeLs and LransporLaLlon for senlor cenLers Lo
aLLend CSC ArLs Muslc lesLlval concerLs and summer
parks concerLs, perform chamber ensemble concerLs
(l.e. sLrlng quarLeLs, [azz Lrlos), pres
Cu28 Cueens Symphony CrchesLra, lnc. 112106191
1o fund Symphony 101 - a l8LL, famlly-frlendly
performance/workshop serles belng held aL publlc
llbrarles ln dlsLrlcL 28. Symphony 101 wlll Leach
aLLendees abouL Lhe dlfferenL lnsLrumenL famllles ln
Lhe LradlLlonal symphonlc orchesLra Lhrough llve
Weprln Cueens Symphony CrchesLra, lnc. 112106191
1o fund Symphony 101, a free famlly-frlendly
performance/workshop serles aL publlc llbrarles ln Lhe
vallone Cueens 1heaLre ln Lhe ark, lnc. 113381629

lundlng wlll help Lhe Cueens 1heaLre Lo produce 1he
World's lalr lay lesLlval, a presenLaLlon of Len orlglnal
Len-mlnuLe plays lnsplred by Lhe 1939 and 1964
World's lalrs.
vallone Cueens 1heaLre ln Lhe ark, lnc. 113381629

lundlng Lo supporL Cueens 1heaLres Lngllsh Language
Learners program (C1LLL), a new ln-school workshop
program focused on elemenLary sLudenLs who are new
Lo Lhe counLry and/or sLudenLs who have yeL Lo masLer
Lhe Lngllsh language.
van 8ramer Cueens 1heaLre ln Lhe ark, lnc. 113381629

lundlng Lo supporL Cueens 1heaLres parLlclpaLlon ln
Lhe annual Llve aL Lhe CanLrles ouLdoor concerL serles,
held aL CanLry SLaLe ark ln Long lsland ClLy, Cueens.
1he fundlng wlll be used for programmaLlc and
Lechnlcal supporL, lncludlng Lhe use of equlp
Weprln Cueens 1heaLre ln Lhe ark, lnc. 113381629

1o supporL Lhe Cueens 1heaLre's Lngllsh Language
Learners program, an ln-school workshop program
focused on sLudenLs who are new Lo Lhe counLry
and/or sLudenLs who have yeL Lo masLer Lhe Lngllsh
van 8ramer Cueens World lllm lesLlval, lnc. 274847208
lundlng Lo upgrade/enhance free encore screenlngs
wlLh sLaff, adverLlslng, LransporLaLlon, promoLlonal
maLerlals and ouLreach.
koo Cueensboro Plll nelghborhood AssoclaLlon 800833333
lunds wlll be used for an Armed lorces/aLrloLlc evenL
and for a Muslc and Movle nlghL ln Councll ulsLrlcL 20.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 363

Cueensborough CommunlLy College Auxlllary
LnLerprlse AssoclaLlon lnc 112037770

lundlng wlll help Lo supporL CAC Lo fund LheaLre Lrlps
and/or muslcal programs.
Cueensborough CommunlLy College Auxlllary
LnLerprlse AssoclaLlon, lnc. 112037770

lunds wlll supporL LheaLre Lrlps or muslcal programs Lo
be presenLed aL Lhe senlor cenLer by CAC.
Cueensborough CommunlLy College Auxlllary
LnLerprlse AssoclaLlon, lnc. 112037770

lundlng wlll supporL SaLurday nlghL Slng-along lllm
Cueensborough CommunlLy College Auxlllary
LnLerprlse AssoclaLlon, lnc. 112037770

1o supporL a sLudenL lnLernshlp program aL Lhe ParrleL
kenneLh kupferberg PolocausL 8esource CenLer and
Archlves (kP8CA) aL Cueensborough CommunlLy
College, Cun?'s lnLernshlp program.
Cueensborough CommunlLy College Auxlllary
LnLerprlse AssoclaLlon, lnc. 112037770

lunds wlll be used for LheaLre Lrlps or muslcal
programs Lo be presenLed aL Lhe senlor cenLer enabllng
lLs members Lo en[oy CAC's popular professlonal
concerLs and programs wlLhouL LlckeL purchaslng
Cueensborough CommunlLy College Auxlllary
LnLerprlse AssoclaLlon, lnc. 112037770

lundlng Lo supporL CCC ArL Callery's new exhlblLlon ln
collaboraLlon wlLh Lhe Chlna ArLlsLs AssoclaLlon ln
8el[lng: Aslan ArL 40 ?ears - 1974-2014. 1he exhlblLlon
lncludes a wlde range of conLemporary arL feaLurlng
mulLlple arL dlsclpllnes from renowned
Cueensborough CommunlLy College Auxlllary
LnLerprlse AssoclaLlon, lnc. 112037770

1o cover operaLlng and programmaLlc expenses of 1he
ParrleL and kenneLh kupferberg PolocausL 8esource
CenLer and Archlves
Cueensborough CommunlLy College Auxlllary
LnLerprlse AssoclaLlon, lnc. 112037770

lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe Senlor LoyalLy
rogram, 8roadway Workshops as well as oLher
Cueensborough CommunlLy College Auxlllary
LnLerprlse AssoclaLlon, lnc. 112037770

lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe ParrleL and kenneLh
kupferberg PolocausL 8esource CenLer and Archlves
hlsLorlcal re-enacLmenL of Lhe flrsL Seder LhaL was held
afLer World War ll ln Lhe ulsplaced ersons Camp ln
Cueensborough CommunlLy College Auxlllary
LnLerprlse AssoclaLlon, lnc. 112037770

lundlng Lo supporL culLural programs accesslble Lo
Cueens resldenLs Lhrough AfLer School erformance
Workshops provlded by professlonals for sLudenLs ln
local schools
Cueensborough CommunlLy College Auxlllary
LnLerprlse AssoclaLlon, lnc. 112037770

1he fundlng wlll supporL Lhe ParrleL and kenneLh
kupferberg PolocausL 8esource CenLer and Archlves Lo
assemble a group of lndlvlduals represenLlng a varleLy
of governmenLal and communlLy agencles LhaL deal
wlLh haLe crlmes.
Cueensborough CommunlLy College Auxlllary
LnLerprlse AssoclaLlon, lnc. 112037770

1o supporL Lhe Chlldren's 8ook Club and erformance
Serles, lncludlng arLlsL fees, Lechnlcal fees, slgn
lnLerpreLers, LlckeLs and ouLreach Lo local schools.
Cueensborough CommunlLy College Auxlllary
LnLerprlse AssoclaLlon, lnc. 112037770

1o supporL programmlng and exhlblLs Lo Leach
sLudenLs abouL Lhe PolocausL, lncludlng Lhe
unwelcomed Words: nazl AnLl-!ewlsh SLreeL slgns.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 364

Cueens, Weprln CC Cueensborough CommunlLy College lund, lnc. 112386340
1he kP8CA serves all eLhnlclLles and ages by uslng Lhe
lessons of Lhe PolocausL Lo sLudy Lhe human condlLlon
and sLresslng an lndlvldual's dlgnlLy, worLh and
capaclLy for self-reallzaLlon Lhrough reason.
ConLemporary lssues such as haLe crlmes and cyber
van 8ramer Cueensbrldge 1enanLs' AssoclaLlon 141819734

lunds wlll go Lowards paymenLs, operaLlonal cosL, e.g.:
coplng, posLlng, faxlng, annual fees, correspondence
and malllngs, posLage for large amounL of lnformaLlon
for Lhe members and execuLlve members of Lhe
8esldenL 1enanL AssoclaLlon
Mealy CuesL ?ouLh CrganlzaLlon, lnc. 330838436
1he funds wlll supporL Lhe CuesL ?oung Muslclans ln
1ralnlng program. 1he funds wlll pay for equlpmenL
and supplles for Lhe program and wlll pay for sLlpends
for Lhe young muslclan-Leachers. 1he funds wlll be
used Lo pay for Lhe cosLs assoclaLed wlLh free
8abbl lsrael Meyer Pacohen 8abblnlcal Semlnary
of Amerlca, lnc. 111732021
lundlng wlll supporL general operaLlng expenses Lo
fund currenL levels of servlce provlded by Lhe Mlddle
vlllage AdulL CenLer. 1hese expenses lnclude buL are
noL llmlLed Lo: food, uLlllLles, personnel and oLher
8abbl lsrael Meyer Pacohen 8abblnlcal Semlnary
of Amerlca, lnc. 111732021
lundlng wlll supporL general operaLlng expenses Lo
fund currenL levels of servlce provlded by Lhe Mlddle
vlllage AdulL CenLer. 1hese expenses lnclude buL are
noL llmlLed Lo: food, uLlllLles, personnel and oLher
8abbl lsrael Meyer Pacohen 8abblnlcal Semlnary
of Amerlca, lnc. 111732021
ConverL an unused room lnLo a CommunlLy Llbrary,
wlLh books and maLerlals noL readlly avallable ln Lhe
publlc llbrary.
Lancman 8abblnlcal College of Cueens 237048061
lundlng Lo provlde educaLlonal, culLural and soclal
Lugene 8aclng Club PalLlen 260638387
1o supporL a LuLorlng and sporLs programs. lunds wlll
be used Lo purchase supplles, equlpmenL, adverLlslng,
and for salarles.
Mlller 8a[kumarl CulLural CenLer, lnc., 1he 113338873
lundlng requesLed for ArLlsLlc/roducLlon lees,
1ransporLaLlon, MaLerlals and venue CosLs for Lhe 18Lh
Annual klLchrle lesLlval presenLaLlon of 8amleela ln
new ?ork", an elaboraLe 3-day ouLdoor muslc-dance-
drama drawn from Lhe lndlan eplc, 1he 8amayana.
ulrlch 8a[kumarl CulLural CenLer, lnc., 1he 113338873
lunds wlll be used for operaLlonal expenses, supplles,
LransporLaLlon and venue cosLs
ulckens 8alph !. 8angel Pouses 1enanL AssoclaLlon 270361139
1o supporL Lhe Annual lamlly uay programs and
acLlvlLles for LenanLs.
8alph Lauren CenLer for Cancer Care and
revenLlon 020397827
8LC's food panLry provldes proper nuLrlLlon durlng
chemoLherapy, leadlng Lo boLh beLLer LreaLmenL
adherence ouLcomes. lundlng would expand servlces
Lo all chemo paLlenLs, so Lhey can prlorlLlze Lhelr flghL
wlLh cancer raLher Lhan sLruggllng Lo meeL Lhe b
!ohnson 8auschenbusch MeLro MlnlsLrles, lnc. 133839713

1o lncrease Lhe avallablllLy of fresh vegeLables for low
and moderaLe lncome resldenLs and for lood anLry
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 36S

van 8ramer 8avenswood 8esldenLs AssoclaLlon, lnc. 113391293
lunds wlll go Lowards monLhly cosL of operaLlons for
Lhe resldenL assoclaLlons supplles, posLage for malllng
of membershlp cards, copy paper for posLlng of fllers
whlch are used Lo supply large amounLs of lnformaLlon
Lo members LhaL lncludes meeLlngs, eve
Creenfleld 8each for Lhe SLars Learnlng CenLer 203042280
lunds wlll be used for Muslc 1herapy programs, a
cllnlcal dlsclpllne where Lhe developmenLal, emoLlonal,
psychologlcal and soclal needs of chlldren and adulLs
are addressed Lhrough acLlve muslc-maklng ln
relaLlonshlp wlLh a Lralned and credenLlaled muslc
1orres 8each CuL and 8ead of CreaLer new ?ork, lnc. 134080043

lunds wlll supporL free book dlsLrlbuLlons and llLeracy
servlces ln medlcal seLLlngs
ManhaLLan, 8ose,
1orres CC 8each CuL and 8ead of CreaLer new ?ork, lnc. 134080043

1o supporL program slLes Lhrough Lhe purchase of new,
developmenLally- and culLurally-approprlaLe chlldren's
books for famllles llvlng ln poverLy. lunds requesLed
wlll be used Lo purchase books.
CenLlle 8eachlng-CuL CommunlLy Servlces, lnc. 113613623
lunds wlll supporL a soclal worker provldlng lood
SLamps, PealLh lnsurance, and oLher beneflLs, a
SupermarkeL sLyle lood anLry, and 1ax AsslsLance,
nuLrlLlonal Work Shops, l.L.A.1 (llrsLhand Lmergency
AcLlon 1eam, Lhls program deploys asslsLance Lo
1reyger 8eachlng-CuL CommunlLy Servlces, lnc. 113613623
lunds Lo help Lhe full Llme operaLlon of a food panLry
van 8ramer 8eadlng 4 Smlles, lnc. 272368964

lunds Lo asslsL sLudenLs of low-lncome nelghborhoods
ln learnlng abouL Lhe dlfferenL culLures represenLed ln
our area, flnanclal educaLlon, sclence exploraLlon, and
llLeracy bulldlng Lhrough LheaLer acLlvlLles. lunds wlll
cover learnlng maLerlals, Lrlps,
8eadlng Lxcellence and ulscovery (8LAu
loundaLlon, lnc.) 134091062

lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe 8LAu program whlch
provldes sLrucLured, research based, supervlsed, one-
Lo-one LuLorlng Lo sLruggllng readers ln k-2.
8eadlng Lxcellence and ulscovery (8LAu
loundaLlon, lnc.) 134091062

8LAu Lralns and supporLs mlddle and hlgh school
sLudenLs Lo provlde sLrucLured, research based,
supervlsed one-Lo-one LuLorlng Lhrough AfLer-School
and Summer programmlng. lunds wlll be used offseL
cosLs of LuLors.
Carodnlck 8eadlng 8eform loundaLlon of new ?ork 133081223

lundlng wlll supporL professlonal developmenL Lo new
?ork ClLy publlc-school Leachers.
Malsel 8edempLlon, lnc. 362330383
1o lncrease Lhe educaLlonal advancemenL of
underserved adolescenLs ages 13-19 ln 8rooklyn, n?
Lhrough a peer-Lo-peer program, a LuLorlng program,
and a college freshmen reLenLlon program.
AddlLlonally, fundlng wlll supporL a "CeL ?our Mlnd
8lghL" evenL Lo
Menchaca 8edhook WesL 8esldenL AssoclaLlon 113600836
lunds Lo supporL Lhe followlng servlces/programs:
CLu/ College rep, arenLlng Class, Llfe Skllls, uance
Class Senlors rograms and Speclal needs Chlldren and
re School and MenLally Challenged and Muslc Class
and ArLs/erformance ArLs and LnLrepreneur r
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 366

Mealy 8eel SLorles 1een lllmmaklng lnc. 200936377

1he funds wlll supporL Leachlng arLlsLs ln resldency ln
Lhree mlddle schools ln Lhe 41sL dlsLrlcL: S 323, S 327
and MoLL Pall 8rldges Academy. lunds wlll supporL
Lhree 8 week resldencles ln each school.
koslowlLz 8eform 1emple of loresL Pllls, 1he 111808223

lunds wlll be used for Senlor programmlng durlng Lhe
week, Speclal evenLs on weekends and durlng Lhe
week - auLhors, docLors who speak on healLh lssues,
pollLlcs and speclal lssues. LducaLlonal programs for all
ages. AddlLlonally for programs LhaL promoL
CenLlle 8eglna Cpera Company, lnc. 112734261
lunds wlll pay for Lhe cosLs of producLlon and relaLed
expenses for operaLlc performances for Lhe publlc,
lncludlng 1-hour concerLs aL branches of Lhe 8rooklyn
ubllc Llbrary, aL culLural fesLlvals and parks, and fully
sLaged operas.
Menchaca 8eglna Cpera Company, lnc. 112734261
lundlng Lo supporL 8eglna Cpera Pouse's producLlons
durlng Lhe 2014-13 performance cycle LhaL lncludes 3
operas and 3 Sunday MaLlnee ConcerLs.
Cabrera 8eglonal Ald for lnLerlm needs, lnc. 136213386
lunds for Lhe 8.A.l.n. 8alley nelghborhood Senlor
CenLer wlll be used Lo defray Lhe operaLlng cosLs
assoclaLed wlLh Lhe cenLer.
Cabrera 8eglonal Ald for lnLerlm needs, lnc. 136213386
lunds for Lhe 8.A.l.n. 1olenLlne nelghborhood Senlor
CenLer wlll be used Lo defray Lhe cosLs assoclaLed wlLh
dally operaLlons.
Chln 8eglonal lan AssoclaLlon 131624134
lunds wlll help supporL Lhe ClA 11Lh annual lamlly
lesLlval feaLurlng free marlLlme-Lhemed lnLeracLlve
arLs educaLlonal programmlng.
koslowlLz 8ego ark !ewlsh CenLer 111672786

lunds wlll be used Lo engage speakers for lecLures, Lo
hlre speakers Lo dlscuss malnLenance quallLy of llfe for
senlors careglvers, enLerLalners for concerLs, buses for
day Lrlps, nuLrlLlonlsLs for meals and Lo provlde
meeLlng spaces for self lmprovemen
Clbson 8enalssance LMS 134122438

1he funds wlll be used Lowards expandlng Lhe Muslc
on Wheels program. lunds wlll be used Lowards
expandlng Lhelr educaLlon, muslc, and sporLs program
lncludlng Lhe general operaLlng cosLs and a new
muslcal enrlchmenL program wlLhln Lhe communlLy.
8esearch loundaLlon Cun? - Medgar Lvers
College 131988190
lunds are lnLended Lo be used for 1he Medgar Lvers
lpellne lnlLlaLlve (MLC lpellne lnlLlaLlve) whlch was
esLabllshed by Lhe College ln 2013. 1he MLC lpellne
lnlLlaLlves mlsslon ls Lo lncrease CenLral and LasL
8rooklyn's educaLlonal caplLal by creaLlng
8esearch loundaLlon of SLaLe unlverslLy of new
?ork, 1he 141368361
1o provlde blllngual educaLlon and Lralnlng Lo
careglvers, home aLLendanLs, volunLeers, lay persons,
and professlonals ln Lhe communlLy Lo provlde beLLer
care for lndlvlduals wlLh neurologlcal dlsorders. Also Lo
hlre a parL Llme psychlaLrlsL Lo provlde as
8esearch loundaLlon of Lhe ClLy unlverslLy of
new ?ork 131988190
10,000 1o provlde a free legal lmmlgraLlon cllnlc ln dlsLrlcL 18.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 367

8esearch loundaLlon of Lhe ClLy unlverslLy of
new ?ork - CenLer for Law and Soclal !usLlce 131988190
lunds wlll supporL servlces LhaL focus on voLlng 8lghLs
and LlecLlon roLecLlon.
8esearch loundaLlon of Lhe ClLy unlverslLy of
new ?ork - CenLer for Law and Soclal !usLlce 131988190
lundlng Lo conducL research, co-coordlnaLe advocacy
acLlvlLles and provlde legal represenLaLlon Lo groups as
8esearch loundaLlon of Lhe ClLy unlverslLy of
new ?ork - CenLer for Lesblan and Cay SLudles 131988190
1o supporL lecLures, performance serles, semlnars ln
Lhe clLy classes, book falr, conferences, fllm screenlngs
and Lown halls on relevanL lssues Lo LC81 communlLy
8esearch loundaLlon of Lhe ClLy unlverslLy of
new ?ork - uomlnlcan SLudles lnsLlLuLe 131988190
lundlng Lo compleLe a research pro[ecL abouL
uomlnlcans who arrlved Lo new ?ork ClLy Lhrough Lhe
porL of Lllls lsland beLween 1892 and 1924.
8esearch loundaLlon of Lhe ClLy unlverslLy of
new ?ork - Medgar Lvers College CenLer for
8lack LlLeraLure 131988190
lundlng wlll supporL Lhe CenLer for 8lack LlLeraLure
(C8L) WrlLlng ro[ecL: A arLnershlp wlLh new ?ork ClLy
oeLs and WrlLers and Lhe 8e-Lnvlslonlng Cur Llves
Lhrough LlLeraLure ro[ecL (8CLL).
Menchaca 8esource 1ralnlng CenLer, 1he 113411836

lunds wlll be used Lo hlre a Llcensed MenLal PealLh
Counselor Lo provlde lndlvldual and group Lherapy Lo
lndlvlduals dlagnosed wlLh a subsLance abuse/menLal
healLh (e.g. subsLance abuse/dependency, depresslon,
bl-polar, 1Su)condlLlon.
Carodnlck 8esources for Chlldren wlLh Speclal needs, lnc. 112394790
lundlng wlll supporL parenL workshops on lssues
crlLlcal Lo parenLs of chlldren and young adulLs wlLh
speclal needs.
koo 8esources for Chlldren wlLh Speclal needs, lnc. 112394790
1o provlde famllles wlLh Lools Lo address Lhe unlque
challenges LhaL come wlLh ralslng a chlld or young
adulL wlLh speclal needs. lundlng wlll supporL Lhe
8esource llne and 8CSn's free parenL workshops,
lncludlng one free workshop.
Levln 8esources for Chlldren wlLh Speclal needs, lnc. 112394790
1o provlde famllles wlLh Lools Lo address Lhe unlque
challenges LhaL come wlLh ralslng a chlld or young
adulL wlLh speclal needs.
Mlller 8esources for Chlldren wlLh Speclal needs, lnc. 112394790
lundlng Lo supporL Lhe 8esource Llne and 8CSns free
parenL workshops, lncludlng one free workshop
dellvered ln Councll ulsLrlcL 27.
Mendez 8esources for Chlldren wlLh Speclal needs, lnc. 112394790
lundlng Lo supporL 8esource Llne and 8CSns free
workshops dellvered ln ulsLrlcL 2, lncludlng 1 free
8osenLhal 8esources for Chlldren wlLh Speclal needs, lnc. 112394790
lundlng supporLs Lhe 8esource Llne and 8CSns free
parenL workshops dellvered ln Cu 6.
ulckens 8ev. ur. MarLln LuLher klng 1owers 133794337
1o provlde LenanLs wlLh schools supplles, food, healLh
care lnformaLlon, and acLlvlLles for Lhe chlldren.
CenLlle 8hapsody layers, lnc. 262200371

lunds wlll be used Lo defray Lhe cosLs of performances
and pay for new audlo equlpmenL and supplles.
MaLLeo 8lchmond Choral SocleLy 132921818
lunds Lo cover, ln parL, expenses lncurred for arLlsLlc
personnel, lncludlng Lhe muslc dlrecLor, muslclans and
sololsLs for Lhls concerL serles.
8lchmond CounLy 8oard of AdvocaLes for MenLal
PealLh 271113602
lunds wlll be used Lo malnLaln and expand Lhe
program. 1he 8lchmond CounLy 8oard of AdvocaLes for
MenLal PealLh has been provldlng funds Lo supporL
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 368

Cafe 8each slnce 2012
8lchmond CounLy SL. aLrlck's uay arade
CommlLLee, lnc. 430389779
3,000 lunds wlll be used Lo 1each lrlsh LradlLlons and culLure
MaLLeo 8lchmond Lnglne Company no. 1 132943389

lundlng for flre equlpmenL and a Lhermal lmaglng
ulrlch 8lchmond Plll 8uslness lmprovemenL ulsLrlcL 271343334
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL commerclal revlLallzaLlon
lncludlng workshops for buslness owners,
beauLlflcaLlon pro[ecLs, clean up pro[ecLs
koslowlLz 8lchmond Plll LasL 8uslness ersons CorporaLlon 113106721

lundlng wlll be used for Lhe annual nlghL CuL AgalnsL
Crlme evenL Lo cover permlL fees, enLerLalnmenL for
Lhe chlldren ln Lhe nelghborhood and all oLher cosL
assoclaLed wlLh Lhe evenL and for bl-monLhly meeLlngs
and Lhe cosL Lo renL space, prlnLlng flyers
8lchmond Medlcal CenLer d/b/a 8lchmond
unlverslLy Medlcal CenLer 743177434
lunds wlll used Lo supporL Lhe yoga program Lo help
Mld lsland women prevenL chronlc lllness and obeslLy
8ose 8lchmond Senlor Servlces, lnc. 136217080
lundlng wlll supporL cosLs assoclaLed wlLh malnLalnlng
Lhe 8lchmond Senlor Servlces lood anLry and
lnformaLlon CenLer locaLed aL 498 !eweLL Avenue, S.l. ,
lncludlng food and admlnlsLraLlve cosLs.
Lsplnal 8ldgewood 8ushwlck Senlor ClLlzens Councll, lnc. 112433833
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL a comprehenslve legal
asslsLance program for LenanLs faclng homelessness
due Lo subsLandard houslng condlLlons, evlcLlons,
and/or lssues relaLed Lo nelghborhood genLrlflcaLlon.
lmporLanL componenLs of Lhls program wlll be fre
Creenfleld, Lsplnal CC 8ldgewood 8ushwlck Senlor ClLlzens Councll, lnc. 112433833
lundlng Lo conducL a comprehenslve legal asslsLance
program for LenanLs faclng homelessness due Lo
subsLandard houslng condlLlons, evlcLlons, and/or
lssues relaLed Lo nelghborhood genLrlflcaLlon.
lmporLanL componenLs of Lhls program wlll be free
legal rep
Crowley 8ldgewood Local uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 112483331
lundlng Lo supporL general operaLlng, sLafflng and
admlnlsLraLlve cosLs, (renL/C1S, consulLanLs,
markeLlng promo lLems for speclal evenLs and
programs), ?ouLh/larmers MarkeL cosLs assoclaLed
wlLh C8CWn?C and n?C laza rogram.
8eynoso 8ldgewood Local uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 112483331
1o supporL economlc developmenL/communlLy
lmprovemenL rograms ln and around 8ldgewood,
lncludlng managemenL of Lhe MyrLle Avenue 8lu's
programs and servlces and lndusLrlal ouLreach, (l8Z
rogram). lundlng wlll be used for general operaLlng,
sLafflng and
Crowley 8ldgewood Clder AdulL CenLer and Servlces, lnc. 030607283
lunds wlll be used Lo defray operaLlonal cosLs lncludlng
, consulLanLs and Lo supporL Lhe food panLry program
Crowley 8ldgewood volunLeer Ambulance Corp., lnc. 237403104
lunds Lo defray operaLlonal cosLs Lo operaLe Lhe
8eynoso 8ldgewood volunLeer Ambulance Corp., lnc. 237403104
1o supporL communlLy based ambulance servlces for
Lhe resldenLs of 8ldgewood MaspeLh Cueens and
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 369

8ushwlck and Wyckoff PelghLs 8rooklyn.
8ldgewood, Clendale, Mlddle vlllage, MaspeLh
LlLLle League 900147360
1o supporL youLh sofLball and baseball programs,
lncludlng supporL for equlpmenL and oLher program
koslowlLz 8lver lund new ?ork lnc., 1he 113430363

1he funds wlll be used Lo help expand Lhe four maln
prongs of operaLlons:- 1) Punger 8eyond - Weekly
CllenL Cholce lood anLry - 1wo Moblle Punger 8ellef
rograms (Cueens/8rooklyn) - 1eachlng lamllles Lo
LaL Well on a 8udgeL - vlLamln ulsLrlbuLlon - Slx
Clbson 8lver WaLch, lnc. 133993178
1he funds wlll be used Lo provlde monLhly sLlpends Lo
Lhree full-Llme food panLry volunLeers, Lo pay a
compuLer lnsLrucLor/Lechnlclan Lo manage Lhe
compuLer lab and an accounLanL. 1he compuLer
lnsLrucLor/Lechnlclan wlll provlde conslsLenL hours LhaL
Cohen 8lverdale CommunlLy CenLer, lnc. 132899410

lundlng Lo supporL educaLlonal, soclal and recreaLlonal
programmlng for youLh ln afLer school seLLlng.
Cohen 8lverdale MenLal PealLh AssoclaLlon, lnc. 131930700
lundlng Lo provlde menLal healLh consulLaLlon for
chlldren ln local schools.
Cohen 8lverdale nelghborhood Pouse, lnc. 131740024

lundlng wlll supporL Lhe growLh of Lhe 1elephone
8eassurance rogram and help cover Lhe cosL of a
sLlpend for a volunLeer coordlnaLor.
Cohen 8lverdale Senlor Servlces, lnc. 237337997

lundlng Lo cover expenses of recreaLlonal and soclal
programmlng for senlors.
Levlne 8lverslde Ldgecombe nelghborhood AssoclaLlon 133780384

lunds Lo supporL Lhe cosLs of malnLalnlng Lhe
headquarLers aL 337 W. 136, lncludlng renL, malllngs,
phoLocopy expenses and offlce supplles.
CenLlle 8lverslde Symphony, lnc. 133168330
lunds wlll defray Lhe cosL of Lhe ClLywlde llnals evenL
and accredlLed professlonal developmenL workshops
for Leachers and Lo faclllLaLe ouLreach and
coordlnaLlon for Lhe Muslc Memory program whlch
Leaches chlldren Lo develop focused llsLenlng skllls.
MaLLeo 8lverslde Symphony, lnc. 133168330
lunds wlll be used Lo defray Lhe cosLs of Lhe ClLywlde
llnals evenL, for accredlLed professlonal developmenL
workshops for Leachers, and Lo faclllLaLe ouLreach and
8osenLhal 8lverslde Symphony, lnc. 133168330
lunds supporL clLywlde flnals school muslc evenL and
professlonal developmenL for parLlclpaLlng school's
8oad 8unners Club Cf Amerlca - Cueens
ulsLance 8unners 463330730
lundlng Lo malnLaln webslLe and organlzaLlon whlle
obLalnlng Lhe necessary permlLs Lo allow runnlng
acLlvlLles Lo Lake place ln parks.
8oberL P. Coddard School of CommunlcaLlon
ArLs and 1echnology 136400434

lundlng supporLs SA1 preparaLlon for PS sLudenLs aL
8oberL P. Coddard School of CommunlcaLlon ArLs and
Mlller 8ochdale Larly AdvanLage CharLer School 271949349
1o provlde learnlng opporLunlLles Lo sLruggllng
sLudenLs ln grades k-12 ln all academlc caLegorles Lo
faclllLaLe grade lmprovemenLs.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 370

lunds wlll be used Lo ay:
1) Llcensed 1eachers and aras
, 2) SecurlLy
, 3) !anlLor
, 4) Cleanlng and school supplles
8ockaway olnL volunLeer Lmergency Servlces,
lnc. 112663403

lunds Lo be used Lo purchase new equlpmenL and
supplles and Lo supporL operaLlonal expenses
ulrlch 8ockaway 1heaLre Company, lnc. 113303908
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL operaLlon, supplles and
Arroyo CC 8ocklng Lhe 8oaL, lnc. 134177814
1o supporL youLh developmenL programmlng ln Lhe
SouLh 8ronx: boaL bulldlng, rowlng, salllng, and
envlronmenLal resLoraLlon programs boLh durlng and
Lugene 8ogers Avenue SevenLh-uay AdvenLlsL Church 320643036
1hey PLL MLM8L8S Cl 1PL CPu8CP Anu 1PL
CCMMunl1? 1C 8LA8L lC8 Anu ASS 1PL CLu
LxAMlnA1lCnS. CnL lll1P Cl 1PL lunuS WlLL 8L
uSLu 1C 8u? MA1L8lALS lC8 Anu A? A S1lLnu 1C
van 8ramer 8oman CaLhollc Church of Corpus ChrlsLl 111666228

lundlng Lo supporL lnsLrucLlon ln Lhe fundamenLals of
baskeLball as well as Lo malnLaln Lhe faclllLy.
koslowlLz 8onald Mcuonald Pouse of Long lsland, lnc. 112764747
1he funds wlll be used Lo help supporL Lhe
organlzaLlons elecLrlc bllls as Lhe Pouse ls heaLed by
elecLrlclLy and alr condlLloned.
Weprln 8onald Mcuonald Pouse of Long lsland, lnc. 112764747 * 10,000 1o provlde for uLlllLy cosLs for Lhe bulldlng.
Cumbo 8oofLop lllms, lnc. 332323897
lund wlll enhance Summer Serles, expand ln all
dlsLrlcLs, and presenL 43 large scale fllm evenLs
LhroughouL new ?ork.
Carodnlck 8oofLop lllms, lnc. 332323897
lundlng wlll supporL 8oofLop lllms' publlc ouLdoor
screenlngs and llve muslc evenLs aL 1udor ClLy and ln
collaboraLlon wlLh Solar Cne aL SLuyvesanL Cove ark.
Lander 8oofLop lllms, lnc. 332323897 * 3,300 1o supporL 8oofLop lllms 2014 Summer Serles.
Menchaca 8oofLop lllms, lnc. 332323897
lundlng Lo enhance Lhe Summer Serles, expand ln all
dlsLrlcLs, and Lo presenL 43 large scale fllm evenLs
LhroughouL new ?ork.
8lchards 8osedale Clvlc AssoclaLlon 237283084
1he funds are used Lo Lhe followlng: prlnLlng and
malllng of Lhe newsleLLer, malnLenance of Lhe clvlllan
paLrol car. lees for Lhe meeLlng place of Lhe general
membershlp meeLlng and Lhe clvlllan paLrol. Sponsors
some youLh acLlvlLles programs.
Mlller 8osedale !eLs looLball AssoclaLlon, lnc. 113401833
lunds Lo defray Lhe cosL of fooLball camp as well as
LransporLaLlon Lo and from camp.
Carodnlck 8osles 1heaLer klds, lnc. 331194964
lundlng wlll provlde programmlng for sLudenLs aL
Mendez 8osles 1heaLer klds, lnc. 331194964
lundlng Lo supporL 81klds' S 8roadway program aL
1lLle 1 publlc elemenLary schools ln ulsLrlcL 2 wlLh a
professlonal, LransformaLlve LheaLer experlence free of
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 371

!ohnson 8osles 1heaLer klds, lnc. 331194964
1o supporL Lhe 81klds S 8roadway program for flfLh
grade sLudenLs ln publlc elemenLary schools, provldlng
sLudenLs ln low-lncome nelghborhoods wlLh a
professlonal LheaLer experlence free of charge.
8odrlguez 8osles 1heaLer klds, lnc. 331194964 * 3,300 lundlng Lo supporL LheaLre program for flfLh graders
Chln 8osles 1heaLer klds, lnc. 331194964
lunds wlll supporL 81klds S 8roadway program by
provldlng Leachlng arLlsLs Lo 3Lh grade classes, a Lrlp Lo
see a 8roadway show and a communlLy performance
by sLudenLs.
Cumbo 8ouleLLe lnLermedlum, lnc. 363046731
lunds wlll be used for sLudenLs' sLlpends and
englneers' fees.
Levln 8ouleLLe lnLermedlum, lnc. 363046731
1o supporL programmlng LhaL allows small arLs and
communlLy organlzaLlons Lo presenL Lhelr evenLs Lo Lhe
Lander 8ouleLLe lnLermedlum, lnc. 363046731 * 3,300 1o provlde space for arLs programmlng.
Cumbo 8oundabouL 1heaLre Company, lnc. 136192346

lundlng provldes publlc school sLudenLs and Lhelr
Leachers wlLh ln-depLh acLlvlLles LhaL connecL Lhe
process of LheaLre producLlon Lo pro[ecL-based
learnlng ob[ecLlves and currlculum sLandards.
Carodnlck 8oundabouL 1heaLre Company, lnc. 136192346

lundlng wlll supporL 8oundabouL's 1heaLer LducaLlon
program for publlc school sLudenLs ln Councll ulsLrlcL 4.
lgnlzlo 8oundabouL 1heaLre Company, lnc. 136192346

1he fundlng requesLed ls for 8oundabouLs educaLlon
program, whlch provldes publlc school sLudenLs and
Lhelr Leachers wlLh ln-depLh acLlvlLles LhaL connecL Lhe
process of LheaLre producLlon Lo pro[ecL-based
learnlng ob[ecLlves and currlculum sLandards.
!ohnson 8oundabouL 1heaLre Company, lnc. 136192346

1o supporL 8oundabouL's 1heaLer LducaLlon program
for publlc school sLudenLs and Lhelr Leachers, lncludlng
school-wlde parLnershlps, afLer school programmlng,
and a career developmenL program.
8odrlguez 8ow new ?ork 113632924
lundlng Lo supporL academlc and rowlng programmlng
for youLh aL eLer !ay Sharp 8oaLshouse
Crowley 8oxys SancLuary, lnc. 113303081
Spay/neuLer of worklng dogs/caLs and
1rap/neuLer/8eLurn of feral caLs and food for feral
colonles sLerlllzed.
!ohnson 8ubln Museum of ArL 226799367

1o supporL senlor and youLh programs aL Lhe museum,
lncludlng programs for publlc school chlldren,
embroldery classes for senlors, lree Senlor uays,
gulded exhlblLlon Lours, fllm screenlngs, and Senlor
WrlLlng Workshops.
1reyger 8usslan Amerlcan CommunlLy CoallLlon, lnc. 201396697
lunds wlll be used Lo offseL Lhe operaLlng cosLs of
ro[ecL Pappy Llfe.
8usslan-Speaklng CommunlLy Councll Cf
ManhaLLan And 1he 8ronx 433368369
1. LducaLlonal programmlng: funds wlll be used Lo plan
and lmplemenL educaLlonal evenLs on lmmlgraLlon and
Lhe 8usslan-speaklng communlLy (6-8 evenLs per year)
and develop educaLlonal maLerlals for oLher
lnsLlLuLlons on uS and world mlgraLlon, cross-culLu
8usslan-Speaklng CommunlLy Councll Cf
ManhaLLan And 1he 8ronx 433368369
Lawyer sLafflng, venue renLlng, maLerlals, and oLher
overhead cosL for 8usslan CommunlLy
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 372

8yan/Chelsea-CllnLon CommunlLy PealLh CenLer,
lnc 133911827

1o purchase a SpoL vlslon screenlng devlce, whlch can
deLecL vlslon dlsablllLy ln chlldren aged slx monLhs
Lhrough flve years old.
alma S.L.L. Lupus loundaLlon, lnc., 1he 133060086

1o provlde educaLlon, servlces and ouLreach Lo Lupus
paLlenLs, Lhelr supporL neLworks, Lhe general publlc,
and healLhcare provlders wlLh a focus on areas ln n?C
wlLh large concenLraLlons of hlgh rlsk populaLlons.
Clbson S.L.L. Lupus loundaLlon, lnc., 1he 133060086

1he funds wlll cover Lhe cosL of communlLy ouLreach,
educaLlon awareness regardlng S.L.L. Lupus
loundaLlon. 1he Lupus loundaLlon provldes educaLlon
on lupus Lo paLlenLs and Lhelr supporL neLworks, Lhe
general publlc and healLhcare provlders ln hlgh rlsk
Arroyo S.L.L. Lupus loundaLlon, lnc., 1he 133060086

1o provlde educaLlon on Lupus Lo paLlenLs, healLh care
provlders and Lhe publlc, parLlcularly ln areas of hlgh
rlsk populaLlons, and Lo provlde supporL servlces and
referrals for lndlvlduals wlLh Lupus or slgns of Lupus.
Clbson CC S.L.L. Lupus loundaLlon, lnc., 1he 133060086

lundlng wlll provlde ubllc Awareness, CuLreach
LducaLlon, SupporL Servlces, and CranLs Lo Lhe publlc
and famllles deallng wlLh Lupus.
Women's, Levln,
8ose, 8osenLhal CC Safe Porlzon, lnc. 132946970
lundlng Lo supporL Lhe upLown ManhaLLan urop-ln
CenLer Servlces.
Mlller Safe Space n?C, lnc. 111711014
lundlng Lo supporL 1he Seven Challenges," an
evldence-based, LherapeuLlc group currlculum, Lo
enable youLh Lo progress ln Lhelr soclal/emoLlonal and
academlc goals and prevenL furLher [usLlce sysLem
ulckens SalnL nlcholas 8esldenLs AssoclaLlon 136400434

1o supporL a walklng Lrall for exerclse, supporL
landscaplng work, and supporL Lhe annual famlly day
evenL for LenanLs aL SL. nlcholas Pouses.
lerreras Sakhl for SouLh Aslan Women 133393806
lundlng wlll supporL Lhe Lconomlc LmpowermenL (LL)
rogram Lo provlde survlvors of vlolence wlLh
opporLunlLles Lo bulld skllls Lo sLrengLhen Lhelr capaclLy
Lo be flnanclally lndependenL Lhrough case
managemenL, flnanclal and compuLer llLeracy
workshops, c
1reyger SalL and Sea Mlsslon 113012147

1o offseL Lhe cosL of varlous programs lncludlng Lhe
food panLry, afLer school programlng, Lhe vlLal
MlnlsLrles program and Lhe domesLlc vlolence
Clbson SamarlLan vlllage, lnc. 112633374
lunds wlll supporL SamarlLan vlllage's Annual
CommunlLy PealLh lalr LhaL promoLes healLh and
wellness ln Lhe Plghbrldge nelghborhood. 1he funds
wlll cover Lhe expenses such as, face palnLlng, arLs and
crafLs acLlvlLles, maglclan and clown performances,
Cumbo SamarlLans of new ?ork, lnc. 133164464
lundlng Lo supporL sulclde prevenLlon publlc educaLlon
programmlng, whlch provldes free Lralnlng,
lnformaLlon and resources.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 373

kallos SamarlLans of new ?ork, lnc. 133164464
1o supporL publlc educaLlon program, provldes free
Lralnlng, lnformaLlon and resources Lo lay and
professlonal healLh provlders LhaL work wlLh chlldren,
adolescenLs, famlly members, elderly, vlcLlms of
vlolence, sexual assaulL and bullylng, homeless, lmml
koo SamarlLans of new ?ork, lnc. 133164464
lunds wlll be used for SamarlLans' sulclde prevenLlon
educaLlon program, whlch provldes free Lralnlng,
lnformaLlon and resources Lo lay and professlonal
healLh provlders LhaL work wlLh chlldren, adolescenLs,
famlly members, elderly, vlcLlms of vlolence,
Levln SamarlLans of new ?ork, lnc. 133164464
1o supporL programmlng LhaL provldes free Lralnlng,
lnformaLlon and resources Lo lay and professlonal
healLh provlders LhaL work wlLh chlldren, adolescenLs,
famlly members, elderly, vlcLlms of vlolence, sexual
assaulL and bullylng, homeless, lmmlgranLs,
Levlne SamarlLans of new ?ork, lnc. 133164464
lundlng Lo supporL sulclde prevenLlon educaLlon
Mendez SamarlLans of new ?ork, lnc. 133164464
lundlng Lo supporL SamarlLans sulclde prevenLlon
educaLlon program provldes free Lralnlng, lnformaLlon
and resources Lo lay and professlonal healLh provlders
LhaL work wlLh chlldren, adolescenLs, famlly members,
elderly, vlcLlms of vlolence, sexual assau
1orres SamarlLans of new ?ork, lnc. 133164464
lunds wlll supporL sulclde prevenLlon educaLlon
programmlng and Lralnlng supporL Lo professlonal
healLh servlce provlders LhaL work wlLh chlldren who
may be prone Lo sulclde
Clbson SamarlLans of new ?ork, lnc. 133164464
lunds wlll supporL sulclde prevenLlon educaLlon
programmlng and Lralnlng supporL Lo professlonal
healLh servlce provlders LhaL work wlLh chlldren who
may be prone Lo sulclde
Cu28 SamarlLans of new ?ork, lnc. 133164464
1o supporL Lhe operaLlng and programmaLlc cosLs of
Lhe SamarlLans sulclde prevenLlon publlc educaLlon
vallone SamarlLans of new ?ork, lnc. 133164464
1o fund a free Lralnlng program for provlders LhaL
work wlLh chlldren, adolescenLs, famlly members,
elderly, vlcLlms of vlolence, sexual assaulL and bullylng,
homeless, lmmlgranLs, CL81, veLerans and oLher hlgh-
rlsk populaLlons ln Cueens' publlc schools
Weprln SamarlLans of new ?ork, lnc. 133164464
1o supporL Lhe sulclde prevenLlon publlc educaLlon
program wlLh Lralnlng, lnformaLlon and resources.
Wllllams SamarlLans of new ?ork, lnc. 133164464
lundlng for SamarlLans sulclde prevenLlon publlc
educaLlon program
Weprln Samuel lleld ?M & ?WPA, lnc. 113071318

1o provlde servlces Lo senlor adulLs, lncludlng
programs wlLh soclal, recreaLlonal, culLural,
educaLlonal, and healLh relaLed componenLs.
Weprln Samuel lleld ?M & ?WPA, lnc. 113071318

1o provlde for case managemenL, counsellng,
enLlLlemenL advocacy, healLh screenlngs, healLh
educaLlon, home assessmenLs and vlslLs by
professlonal llcensed soclal workers, ln-home healLh
screenlngs, monlLorlng, and LransporLaLlon for Lhe
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 374

Weprln Samuel lleld ?M & ?WPA, lnc. 113071318

1o provlde home based and cllnlc based menLal healLh
assessmenLs, LreaLmenLs, medlcaLlon, scrlpLlng,
monlLorlng and LransporLaLlon.
lgnlzlo Sandy Cround PlsLorlcal SocleLy, 1he 133033736
lundlng wlll supporL Lhe malnLenance and sLorage of
archlval collecLlons and educaLlonal programs.
8ose Sandy Cround PlsLorlcal SocleLy, 1he 133033736
lunds Lo supporL malnLenance and sLorage of Archlval
CollecLlons,permaneL exhlblLs, and Lravellng exhlblLs.
uevelop new exhlblL, School ?ouLh groups recelve a
gulded Lour. ArLs CrafLs and LecLures.
alma SauLl ?eLu CenLer for Afrlcan Women 201209793
1o provlde culLurally compeLenL domesLlc vlolence
servlces Lo Afrlcan lmmlgranL women.
8ose SauLl ?eLu CenLer for Afrlcan Women 201209793
lunds requesLed wlll supporL Saudl ?eLus dlrecL
servlces lncludlng sLafflng, space, promoLlon, maLerlals,
and relaLed admlnlsLraLlve cosLs.
Clbson SauLl ?eLu CenLer for Afrlcan Women 201209793
lunds requesLed wlll supporL Saudl ?eLus dlrecL
servlces ln Lhe followlng areas: LmpowermenL of
lmmlgranL youLh, speclflcally lmmlgranL glrls, worklng
wlLh lmmlgranL parenLs Lo reduce and or prevenL
abuse and neglecL of chlldren, supporL and proLecL vlcL
Arroyo, Clbson,
8ose CC SauLl ?eLu CenLer for Afrlcan Women 201209793
1o provlde culLurally and llngulsLlcally relevanL dlrecL
servlces Lo Afrlcan lmmlgranL famllles.
8odrlguez Saxrack Learnlng CenLer, lnc. 271668344
lundlng Lo supporL lnsLrucLor sLafflng, maLerlals, and
S8P CommunlLy Servlce neLwork, lnc. (Sephardlc
8lkur Chollm) 237406410

1o provlde case asslsLance servlces for lndlvlduals
seeklng governmenL enLlLlemenLs. S8P workers help
appllcanLs navlgaLe Lhe sysLem of obLalnlng
governmenL enLlLlemenLs, such as publlc asslsLance,
SecLlon 8, Lhe Senlor ClLlzen 8enL lncrease LxempLlon,
CenLlle, Malsel CC
S8P CommunlLy Servlce neLwork, lnc. (Sephardlc
8lkur Chollm) 237406410

1o provlde case asslsLance servlces for older adulLs,
ages slxLy years and above. S8P workers help senlor
clLlzen appllcanLs navlgaLe Lhe sysLem of obLalnlng
governmenL enLlLlemenLs, such as publlc asslsLance,
SecLlon 8, Lhe Senlor ClLlzen 8enL lncrease L
CenLlle Scandlnavlan LasL CoasL Museum 113634793
lunds wlll supporL an annual vlklng lesL ln Cwl's
Pead/8llss ark, lncludlng by paylng for flyers, malllngs,
prlnL ads, and any oLher cosLs accrued, and Lhe SocleLy
for CreaLlve Anachronlsm and PerlLage Arms
erformances, and Lo pay groups lncludlng Clann
Cumbo Scenarlos uSA, lnc. 134117469
lunds Lo supporL resldencles whlch wlll serve youLh ln
and ouL of school who have llmlLed lnLeracLlon wlLh
maklng arL.
ulrlch Scholars Academy 136400434

lundlng supporLs SA1 preparaLlon for PS sLudenLs aL
Scholars Academy.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 37S

CC Schomburg CenLer ln 8lack CulLure 131887440
lundlng Lo provlde weekend and school-age
programmlng for chlldren of sLudenLs parenLs. 1hey
provlde early and educaLlon programmlng for Lhe
chlldren of college sLudenLs. 1he purpose of Lhe 8MCC
Larly Chlldhood CenLer ls Lo provlde quallLy chlldcare
Lo be
Levln School for lnLernaLlonal SLudles 136400434

1o provlde afLer school programmlng and addlLlonal
books for Lhe llbrary.
Carodnlck School of Amerlcan 8alleL, lnc. 131273970
lundlng wlll supporL SA8's CommunlLy CuLreach
rogram and supporL scholarshlps.
kallos School of Amerlcan 8alleL, lnc. 131273970
1o supporL chlldren from LhroughouL n?C Lo
parLlclpaLe ln balleL, lunds wlll be used Lo asslsL SA8 ln
provldlng a dlverse populaLlon of local sLudenLs wlLh
40 weeks of balleL Lralnlng wlLh world-renowned
lnsLrucLors, and wlll enable SA8 Lo conLlnue educaL
Levln School of Amerlcan 8alleL, lnc. 131273970
1o supporL programmlng LhaL allows chlldren Lo
parLlclpaLe ln balleL Lralnlng, and would lnLroduce local
chlldren and famllles Lo balleL ln Lhelr communlLles.
8osenLhal School of Amerlcan 8alleL, lnc. 131273970
lunds wlll be used Lo asslsL SA8 ln provldlng a dlverse
populaLlon of local sLudenLs wlLh 40 weeks of balleL
Lralnlng wlLh world-renowned lnsLrucLors, and wlll
enable SA8 Lo conLlnue educaLlng over 1,000 chlldren
and famllles ln local, ofLen underserved n
Crowley School SlsLers of noLre uame LducaLlonal CenLer 631217973

lundlng Lo supporL general operaLlng expenses
assoclaLed wlLh runnlng educaLlonal programmlng
lncludlng uLlllLles and lnLerneL.
vacca Schuyler Plll Clvlc AssoclaLlon 462426892
1o fund a senlor exerclse program, chlldren's
recreaLlonal opporLunlLles, and clvlc assoclaLlon
faclllLles and malnLenance cosLs
8odrlguez Sclence Schools lnlLlaLlve, LLd. 208363360
lundlng Lo provlde LuLor and admlnlsLraLor sLafflng,
maLerlals, and prlnLlng cosLs
lerreras SCC lamlly of Servlces 112777066
1o supporL muslc appreclaLlon classes aL Lhe !erome
Pardeman LCL CenLer.
MaLLeo Seaman's SocleLy for Chlldren and lamllles 133363010

lunds wlll be used Lo hlre an addlLlonal llcensed
LheraplsL who wlll provlde Lherapy Lo chlldren.
8ose Seaman's SocleLy for Chlldren and lamllles 133363010

lunds wlll supporL Seamen's SocleLy Safe assage
rogram lncludlng sLafflng, space, promoLlon,
maLerlals, and relaLed admlnlsLraLlve cosLs.
8ose Seaman's SocleLy for Chlldren and lamllles 133363010

lunds wlll be used Lo cover cosLs assoclaLed wlLh
runnlng Seamen's' Chlld WlLness Lo uomesLlc vlolence
program, lncludlng sLafflng, promoLlon, maLerlals and
equlpmenL, and relaLed admlnlsLraLlve cosLs.
!ohnson Second SLage 1heaLre, lnc. 133021180

1o supporL lree SLudenL MaLlnees Lo Leach sLudenLs
abouL professlonally produced LheaLre and lncludes a
sLudy gulde, an opporLunlLy Lo aLLend a performance,
and dlscusslons wlLh Lhe arLlsLlc sLaff, acLors,
playwrlghLs and dlrecLors.
Mealy Seeds ln Lhe Mlddle 271847142
1he funds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe creaLlon of a
Plp28 PealLhy markeL aL S390/770. 1he funds wlll pay
for a markeL manager, youLh sLlpend, and markeL
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 376

Crowley Selfhelp CommunlLy Servlces, lnc. 131624178 * 6,000 programmlng cosLs for healLhy llvlng
koo Selfhelp CommunlLy Servlces, lnc. 131624178
1o fund Selfhelp Cueens norLh Case ManagemenL
rogram for home bound senlors.
koo Selfhelp CommunlLy Servlces, lnc. 131624178
1o provlde healLh and wellness relaLed servlces,
semlnars and workshops Lo enrlch, lncrease, and
enhance members' quallLy of llfe levels aL Lhe LaLlmer
Cardens Senlor CenLer.
koo Selfhelp CommunlLy Servlces, lnc. 131624178
1o fund a 1ele-PealLh klosk placed aL 1he MarLln Lande
koslowlLz Selfhelp CommunlLy Servlces, lnc. 131624178
lundlng wlll be used Lo conLlnue programs such as ArL,
1al Chl, ?oga, Cardlac Zumba, Llne uanclng, LSL Classes,
and 1echnology aL Lhe Selfhelp AusLln SLreeL Senlor
CenLer wlLh 1,200.00 belng used for Lhe Melodlans
program. 1he funds wlll also provlde our
vallone Selfhelp CommunlLy Servlces, lnc. 131624178
1he funds wlll be used for Lhree separaLe programs.
1he flrsL program would use Lhe funds Lo provlde a
subsldlzed LransporLaLlon program Lo Senlor CenLer
members, Lhe second program wlll use Lhe funds Lo
subsldlze round Lrlps for Sharp parLlclpanLs Lo b
Self-Pelp for Women wlLh 8reasL or Cvarlan
Cancer (SPA8L, lnc.) 133131914

lunds wlll be used for educaLlonal supporL for women
wlLh breasL and/or ovarlan cancer.
Levln SLM Lnsemble, lnc. 161010693
1o supporL programmlng durlng Lhe 2014-2013 concerL
season, and speclflcally for Lhe annual Workshop and
8eadlng of new Works, an evenL LhaL brlngs LogeLher
composers from new ?ork and beyond Lo workshop
new composlLlons ln 8rooklyn PelghLs.
8odrlguez Senlors CrchesLral SocleLy of new ?ork, LLd. 434633888 * 4,000 lundlng Lo provlde four free muslc concerLs across n?C
1reyger Sephardlc CommunlLy ?ouLh CenLer, lnc. 112367809

lunds wlll be used Lo provlde a wlde array servlces Lo
senlor adulLs ln Lhe Cravesend, Mldwood secLlons of
8rooklyn. rograms lnclude 8raln Works, a program for
people wlLh Alzhelmer's dlsease and relaLed memory
,Careglver SupporL Croups, 8ereavemenL Crou
Creenfleld CC Sephardlc CommunlLy ?ouLh CenLer, lnc. 112367809

lundlng Lo defray cosLs assoclaLed soclal servlce
dlrecLor, senlor adulL coordlnaLor, lnsLrucLors, and
faclllLaLors ln order Lo operaLe a smooLh and efflclenL

Also, Lo fund Lhe followlng programs and acLlvlLles
whlch are uLlllzed by senlor adul
Levlne Sephardlc PerlLage Museum, lnc. 203249437
lundlng Lo supporL documenLary fllms and exhlblL
1reyger Sephardlc PerlLage Museum, lnc. 203249437
1o supporL Lhe hlsLorlcal and archlval work of Lhe
museum Lhrough supporL Lo produce a documenLary
fllm, exhlblLs and oLher evenLs for Lhe publlc.
Creenfleld Sephardlc PerlLage Museum, lnc. 203249437
lunds wlll supporL documenLary fllm programs and
exhlblL evenLs.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 377

ueuLsch SepLember 11Lh lamlly Croup 710899003
lundlng Lo provlde maLerlals needed for sLudenLs Lo
help malnLaln Lhe SepLember 11 Memorlal Square ln
Lhe Asser Levy park.
1reyger SepLember 11Lh lamlly Croup 710899003
lunds used Lo help malnLaln Lhe SepLember 11
Memorlal Square ln Lhe Asser levy park, and organlzlng
an Annual ceremony ln memory of vlcLlms of
SepLember 11, 2001 Lragedy.
MaLLeo Servlce Corps of 8eLlred LxecuLlves (SCC8L) 133341647
lunds Lo be used for adverLlslng servlces, purchase
equlpmenL Lo enhance servlces and supplles, and
enhance workshops wlLh experlenced speakers for
workshops LhaL are provlded by Lhe servlce corps
8ose Servlce Corps of 8eLlred LxecuLlves (SCC8L) 133341647
lunds Lo be used for adverLlslng our servlces, purchase
equlpmenL Lo enhance our servlces and supplles, and
enhance our workshops wlLh experlenced speakers.
Servlce lund Cf 1he naLlonal CrganlzaLlon lor
Women 133083202
lund Lo supporL Lhe Servlce lunds work of provldlng
women ln our communlLy wlLh access Lo help ln crlLlcal
areas and wlll Lo sLrengLhen and expand currenL
programs Lo reach more people ln need.
Servlce lund Cf 1he naLlonal CrganlzaLlon lor
Women 133083202
1o provlde free legal servlces for women, lncludlng
supporL for a ulvorce and SeparaLlon Legal Cllnlc,
LmploymenL ulscrlmlnaLlon Legal Cllnlc, ulvorce
llnanclal Cllnlc, and a free call-ln PLLLlnL.
Servlce lund Cf 1he naLlonal CrganlzaLlon lor
Women 133083202
lundlng Lo supporL Legal Cllnlcs (ulvorce SeparaLlon ,
LmploymenL ulscrlmlnaLlon, ulvorce llnanclal Cllnlc)
lree call-ln PLLLlnL for one-sLop-shop referrals.
Servlces and Advocacy for CL81 Llders, lnc.
(SACL) 132947637

lunds wlll supporL SACL CenLer's cenLral locaLlon ln
ManhaLLan's Chelsea nelghborhood, and Lhe Senlor
CenLer's programs and servlces lncludlng employmenL
asslsLance, beneflLs counsellng, educaLlonal programs
and healLh and wellness programs.
LC81, Cohen,
ulckens, LC81,
!ohnson, 1orres CC
Servlces and Advocacy for CL81 Llders, lnc.
(SACL) 132947637

1o supporL programmlng servlces for LC81 older
adulLs aL 1he SACL CenLer ln Chelsea, Lo supporL
programs aL SACL Parlem. 1o malnLaln physlcal
program slLes aL: Lhe 8rooklyn ?WCA, C8lC1 Clrcle
8rooklyn CommunlLy rlde CenLer. 1hls fundlng would
bulld upo
Lancman Servlces now for AdulL ersons (SnA), lnc. 112391783

lundlng Lo supporL senlor servlces lncludlng case
managemenL, LransporLaLlon, careglver servlces, senlor
cenLer servlces, wellness/exerclse program, and
educaLlonal programs.
Weprln Servlces now for AdulL ersons (SnA), lnc. 112391783

1o provlde case managemenL, meals-on-wheels,
LransporLaLlon/escorL and careglver servlces.
Wllllams CC Sesame llyers lnLernaLlonal, lnc. 112692483
lundlng wlll supporL SporLs and CulLure uays hosLed by
Sesame llyers lnLernaLlonal LhaL provlde youLh an
opporLunlLy Lo experlence Carlbbean culLure Lhrough
varlous leadershlp acLlvlLles and presenLaLlons. 1hese
evenLs promoLe Leamwork, physlcal flLness,
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 378

Mealy Sesame llyers lnLernaLlonal, lnc. 112692483
1he funds wlll be used Lo supporL youLh muslcal and
sporLs educaLlon, and Lo supporL performances ln
ulsLrlcL 41 by Lhe organlzaLlon's youLh performers. 1he
funds wlll pay for LransporLaLlon, equlpmenL, sLaff
salarles, and operaLlonal cosLs and supplles.
Mendez Seven Loaves, lnc. 132744337
lundlng Lo defray cosL of ArLlsLs fees and educaLlonal
maLerlals (uppeLry and llLeracy program / lree-Lo-
audlence performances /LasL vlllage uance ro[ecL aL
33 Avenue C SLudlo)
koo Shadow 8ox 1heaLre, lnc., 1he 132723380

1o provlde free LlckeLs Lo Lhe communlLy for evenLs,
along wlLh free workshops and shows.
8osenLhal Shadow 8ox 1heaLre, lnc., 1he 132723380

lundlng for free S81 LlckeLs durlng school Llme and
SLoryLlme shows
Chln Shadow 8ox 1heaLre, lnc., 1he 132723380

lunds wlll supporL free LlckeLs for underserved chlldren
Lo aLLend performances durlng school Llme and
afLerschool programmlng for sLudenLs aL .S. 184.
Levlne Shalom 1ask lorce, lnc. 113207304
lundlng wlll be used Lo fund dlrecL servlces Lo vlcLlms
Lhrough Lhe S1l uomesLlc vlolence PoLllne and ln-
person advocacy servlces. 1he funds wlll be used for
sLafflng and supervlslon of hoLllne and vlcLlms'
advocacy programs, ouLreach Lo survlvors, Leleco
Chln Shalom 1ask lorce, lnc. 113207304
1o supporL a domesLlc vlolence hoLllne and help
famllles who suffered from domesLlc abuse wlLh
counsellng, flnanclal asslsLance and oLher servlces.
rogram LargeLs CrLhodox and lmmlgranL !ewlsh
vlcLlms of domesLlc vlolence.
Lancman Shalom 1ask lorce, lnc. 113207304 * 10,000 Senlor servlces and Lrlps for lsolaLed older adulLs.
Wllllams Shalom 1ask lorce, lnc. 113207304
lundlng Lo supporL program LhaL provldes an
anonymous flrsL response Lo CrLhodox and lmmlgranL
!ewlsh vlcLlms of domesLlc vlolence.
uromm Shannon Caels Caellc looLball Club 272334736
1o fund Lhe purchase of unlforms, run organlzaLlon's
LournamenL, defray cosLs of ouLslde LournamenLs, pay
for lnsurance, and supporL offlce operaLlons.
vallone Shannon Caels Caellc looLball Club 272334736
lunds wlll be used Lo purchase unlforms, run
LournamenLs and pay Lo enLer ouLslde LournamenLs,
pay lnsurance, and supporL offlce operaLlons.
kallos Share lor Llfe loundaLlon, lnc. 371143113
1o hosL a 1een SummlL evenL Lo educaLe, creaLe
awareness, promoLe enLhuslasm for youLh Lo develop
healLhy alLernaLlves Lo hlgh-rlsk, self-desLrucLlve
llfesLyles and overall encouraglng behavlors LhaL lead
Lo safe, producLlve llves.
8osenLhal Share lor Llfe loundaLlon, lnc. 371143113
lundlng Lo supporL a one day 1een SummlL evenL Lo
educaLe, creaLe awareness, promoLe enLhuslasm for
youLh Lo develop healLhy alLernaLlves Lo hlgh-rlsk, self-
desLrucLlve llfesLyles and overall encouraglng behavlors
LhaL lead Lo safe, producLlve llves.
uromm Sheba uSA, lnc. 113410174
lundlng wlll supporL Lhe operaLlng cosLs of LSCL
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 379

Creenfleld Shema kolalnu - Pear Cur volces 113303083
lunds wlll supporL a 1:1 arenL LducaLlon/1ralnlng
rogram deslgned Lo dellver Lralnlng Lo parenLs and
oLher careglvers LhaL wlll enable Lhem Lo work wlLh
Lhelr chlldren wlLh AuLlsm ln Lhe home and communlLy
Lo generallze behavlors across all domalns. lun
!ewlsh, Lancman CC Shema kolalnu - Pear Cur volces 113303083
1o fund 1he arenL LducaLlon/1ralnlng rogram whlch
ls deslgned Lo dellver Lralnlng Lo parenLs and oLher
careglvers LhaL wlll enable Lhem Lo work wlLh chlldren
wlLh AuLlsm SpecLrum ulsorder ln Lhe home and
communlLy Lo generallze behavlors across all doma
Shmlra Clvlllan volunLeer aLrol of 8oro ark,
lnc. 113260403
lundlng wlll be used Lo defray operaLlng expenses, and
Lo cover Lhe expense of new radlos and unlforms for
new members, as well as replace damaged equlpmenL
for exlsLlng members
Shmlra Clvlllan volunLeer aLrol of 8oro ark,
lnc. 113260403
1o supporL operaLlonal expenses, lncludlng Lwo-way
radlos, unlforms and oLher supplles Lo asslsL ln
provldlng safeLy and securlLy servlces for Lhe
Crowley ShooLlng SLars of Cueens, lnc. 200019693 * 3,000 lundlng Lo defray cosLs of gym renLal fees.
CenLlle Shore 8oad arks Conservancy CorporaLlon 274319798
lunds wlll be used Lo provlde lnsurance, membershlp
drlves, enLerLalnmenL for communlLy funcLlons aL Lhe
parks and parkland areas along Shore 8oad, and
equlpmenL and consumables, such as Lools, planLs, and
gloves, for Lhe lLs My ark uay cleanups.
ShorefronL ?M-?WPA of 8rlghLon-ManhaLLan
8each, lnc. 113070228
1o provlde an acLlng, slnglng, danclng and play bulldlng
program for Lngllsh speaklng chlldren and adolescenLs,
whlch alms Lo lncrease communlcaLlon. 1he program
lncludes lncreased skllls ln llLeracy.
ShorefronL ?M-?WPA of 8rlghLon-ManhaLLan
8each, lnc. 113070228
lunds wlll be used Lo expand programlng and servlces
for young adulLs wlLh AuLlsm SpecLrum ulsorders.
koslowlLz Shows lrom 1he PearL lnc. 113390666
lunds wlll be used Lo cover Lhe cosLs of erformances
done by Lhe group for senlors aL senlor cenLers,
nurslng homes & communlLy organlzaLlons wlLhln Lhe
29Lh Councll ulsLrlcL.
Levln Shrlne Church of Cur Lady of MounL Carmel 111681130 * 3,300 1o purchase food for programs.
Malsel Shrlne Church of SL. !ude 8C Church 111918466 * 2,300 1o provlde servlces Lo young people.
!ohnson SlgnaLure 1heaLre Company, lnc. 133641360

1o supporL SlgnaLure's 2013/14 Season aL 1he ershlng
Square SlgnaLure CenLer and Lhe foundlng laywrlghL-
ln-8esldence program.
Crowley Slmon WlesenLhal CenLer, lnc. 933964928
lundlng Lo supporL Lechnology Lo provlde law
enforcemenL offlcers wlLh Lools Lo hone Lhelr eLhlcal
declslon-maklng skllls (MC1n? "erspecLlves on
Crowley, uromm,
CenLlle, Levlne,
8odrlguez, Malsel CC Slmon WlesenLhal CenLer, lnc. 933964928
1o fund a program Lo provlde law enforcemenL offlcers
wlLh Lools Lo hone Lhelr eLhlcal declslon-maklng skllls
and sLrengLhen securlLy wlLhouL [eopardlzlng lndlvldual
and communlLy LrusL and freedom.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 380

Chln Slno-Amerlcan AmlLy lund, lnc. 136183038
lunds wlll supporL senlor programs and servlces aL
Confuclus laza and soclal workers Lo asslsL wlLh senlor
case managemenL.
8arron SlsLers WlLh urpose, lnc. 272830778
lunds are lnLended Lo be used for Lhe programmlng
and lmplemenLaLlon of culLural and educaLlonal
workshops, semlnars, and acLlvlLles. 1hese acLlvlLles
wlll be faclllLaLed by professlonals who wlll also menLor
/counsel youLh ln Lhe areas of culLural enrlc
ulrlch CC Sloan-keLLerlng lnsLlLuLe for Cancer 8esearch 131624182

lundlng Lo supporL Lhe lood Lo Cvercome CuLcome
ulsparlLles (lCCu rogram Lo creaLe a medlcally-
Lallored food panLry speclflcally deslgned Lo address
Lhe nuLrlLlonal needs of food lnsecure cancer paLlenLs,
and Lo plloL a program enLlLled lood vouchers f
SmlLhsonlan naLlonal Museum of Lhe Amerlcan
lndlan 330206027

lunds wlll supporL new program serles Lo hlghllghL
naLlve hlsLory lncludlng exhlblLlon, performances,
panel dlscusslons, and museum demonsLraLlons.
Snug Parbor CulLural CenLer and 8oLanlcal
Carden 800193388
lunds wlll be provlded Lo asslsL local non-proflL
organlzaLlons and lndlvldual performlng arLlsLs LhaL
presenL communlLy performances and evenLs aL Snug
Parbor Lo underserved populaLlons.
Snug Parbor CulLural CenLer and 8oLanlcal
Carden 800193388
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe healLhy eaLlng
Snug Parbor CulLural CenLer and 8oLanlcal
Carden 800193388
lunds wlll be used Lo asslsL local non-proflL
organlzaLlons and lndlvldual performlng arLlsLs LhaL
presenL communlLy performances and evenLs aL Snug
Parbor Lo underserved populaLlons.
Snug Parbor CulLural CenLer and 8oLanlcal
Carden 800193388
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Snug Parbors ower of
Creen lnlLlaLlve, lncludlng sLafflng, promoLlon,
maLerlals and equlpmenL, and relaLed admlnlsLraLlve
SocleLy for Lhe reservaLlon of Weeksvllle and
8edford-SLuyvesanL PlsLory 237330434

1o provlde supporL for Lhe ArL on Call pro[ecL, lncludlng
an arLlsL sLlpend, workshop and lnsLallaLlon maLerlals
and Lo hlre a program-speclflc Leachlng arLlsL and
vlslLor servlces mngr. Lo glve access Lo famllles and
school groups
SocleLy for Lhe reservaLlon of Weeksvllle and
8edford-SLuyvesanL PlsLory 237330434

lunds for LexLs and classroom supplles, lnsLrucLor
sLlpends, guesL speaker appearances and faclllLles
personnel who wlll be requlred Lo work afLer hours of
normal operaLlon.
Carodnlck SocleLy of Lhe LducaLlonal ArLs, lnc. (SLA) 113210393

lundlng wlll supporL programmlng for a school ln
Councll ulsLrlcL 4.
koo SocleLy of Lhe LducaLlonal ArLs, lnc. (SLA) 113210393

1o expand Lhe uropouL revenLlon rogram for schools
ln Lhe dlsLrlcL.
alma SocleLy of Lhe LducaLlonal ArLs, lnc. (SLA) 113210393

1o supporL a 1heaLer-ln-LducaLlon rogram and
performances aL elLher Lhe home LheaLer, 1LA18C SLA,
or Lhrough Lhe Lourlng/ouLreach program.
ulckens SocleLy of Lhe LducaLlonal ArLs, lnc. (SLA) 113210393

1o supporL a uropouL revenLlon rogram comblnlng
performances, workshops and lnformaLlonal falrs.
Mendez SocleLy of Lhe LducaLlonal ArLs, lnc. (SLA) 113210393

lundlng Lo provlde 1heaLer-ln-LducaLlon rogram ( ln-
school performance, a posL-producLlon workshop)
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 381

Chln SocleLy of Lhe LducaLlonal ArLs, lnc. (SLA) 113210393

lundlng wlll supporL a Spanlsh-language LheaLer
Lourlng educaLlonal program ln publlc spaces and ln-
school educaLlonal programmlng ln Councll ulsLrlcL 1.
Clbson SocleLy of Lhe LducaLlonal ArLs, lnc. (SLA) 113210393

lunds wlll be used for 1he uropouL revenLlon
rogram LhaL comblnes a school performance of 1he
uropouLs/Los ueserLores, a blllngual (Lngllsh/Spanlsh)
muslcal play abouL slx hlgh school sLudenLs and Lhelr
cholces of sLaylng ln school or dropplng ouL, alon
Arroyo SocleLy of Lhe LducaLlonal ArLs, lnc. (SLA) 113210393

1o supporL a LaLlno ArLs and CulLure fesLlval, 8C8lMlx:
uerLo 8lco lesL, celebraLlng uerLo 8lcan herlLage,
arLs and culLure, lncludlng vlsual arLs exhlblLs, LheaLer,
poeLry, muslc, evenLs for chlldren, fllm and a
roundLable serles surroundlng lssues con
klng SocleLy of Lhe LducaLlonal ArLs, lnc. (SLA) 113210393
lundlng wlll ald Lo sLrengLhen relaLlonshlps wlLh
currenL parLners, who ofLen rely on us Lo provlde
programmlng for Lhelr Spanlsh-speaklng audlences,
and engage wlLh new parLners.
Menchaca SocleLy of Lhe LducaLlonal ArLs, lnc. (SLA) 113210393

lundlng Lo supporL brlnglng arL and LheaLer Lo low-
lncome sLudenLs wlLh blllngual performances of a
Arroyo CC SocleLy of Lhe LducaLlonal ArLs, lnc. (SLA) 113210393

1o supporL and expand Lhe uropouL revenLlon
rogram, comblnlng a school performance of Los
ueserLores/1he uropouLs, a blllngual (Lngllsh/Spanlsh)
muslcal play abouL slx hlgh school sLudenLs and Lhelr
cholces of sLaylng ln school or dropplng ouL, along wl
van 8ramer SocraLes SculpLure ark, lnc. 113066397

1o supporL Lhe 16Lh Annlversary of CuLdoor Clnema
Serles-a free annual fesLlval of lnLernaLlonal fllm,
muslc, dance and food.
Chln Soho 8eperLory 1heaLre lnc. 132883288
lundlng wlll supporL Soho 8ep's 99 cenL Sundays,
where on selecL Sundays LhroughouL Lhe MalnsLage
season every seaL ln Lhe LheaLer cosLs only 99 cenLs.
Sol Zlm !ewlsh LnrlchmenL Muslc loundaLlon,
lnc., 1he 113631931
1o supporL weekly afLer school rehearsals for Lhe !LM
?ouLh Cholr wlLh llghL meals/snacks for Lhe chlldren
and concerLs LhroughouL Lhe year.
Cumbo SomeLhlng oslLlve, lnc. 133700941
lundlng Lo supporL salarles for Leachlng arLlsLs,
admlnlsLraLlve sLaff, and wlll fund producLlon
expenses, lncludlng space renLal and Lechnlcal
Lancman SouLh Aslan Councll for Soclal Servlces 113632920

lundlng Lo supporL LSCL and baslc compuLer llLeracy
classes, publlc beneflLs appllcaLlon servlces and
asslsLance ln accesslng healLh care coverage.
Weprln SouLh Aslan Councll for Soclal Servlces 113632920 3,000 1o provlde LSCL classes and compuLer llLeracy classes.
lerreras SouLh Aslan ?ouLh AcLlon 133943630

lundlng wlll supporL Lhe "SupporL, AcLlon, Culdance
and LnrlchmenL" (S.A.C.L.) college and career
readlness program.
van 8ramer SouLh Aslan ?ouLh AcLlon 133943630

A LargeLed and scalable model, SupporL, AcLlon,
Culdance and LnrlchmenL (S.A.C.L.) ls a college and
career readlness program deslgned Lo work ln small
groups of 13-20 youLh over mulLlple years
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 382

MaLLeo SouLh 8each 1enanLs AssoclaLlon 136400434 1,300 lunds wlll be use Lo supporL Lhelr lamlly uay evenL
Arroyo SouLh 8ronx Concerned ClLlzens, lnc. 382433828
1o supporL an AnLl-vlolence lnlLlaLlve, a ?ouLh
LnrlchmenL ro[ecL, and a volunLeer and lnLernshlp
lnlLlaLlve, 1he Culld.
1he AnLl-vlolence lnlLlaLlve provldes anger
parenLlng skllls, and programs for male baLLerers. 1he
LnrlchmenL ro[e
SouLh 8ronx Cverall Lconomlc uevelopmenL
CorporaLlon 132736022
1o supporL Lhe formaLlon and sLarL-up of a new 8ronx
lood CooperaLlve (8lC) for resLauranLs ln Councll
ulsLrlcL 17, by provldlng Lechnlcal asslsLance and
lncubaLlon space for Lhe 8lC.
SouLh 8ronx Cverall Lconomlc uevelopmenL
CorporaLlon 132736022
lunds wlll be used Lo expand Lhe afLer school program
aL Lhe unlverslLy rep CharLer School
SouLh 8ronx Cverall Lconomlc uevelopmenL
CorporaLlon 132736022
1o supporL equlpmenL renLal, markeLlng, and
personnel expenses for an arLs based sLreeL fesLlval
whlch wlll lnclude 8ronx-based arLlsLs and arLs/culLure
organlzaLlons on 8ruckner 8oulevard beLween 133Lh
and 136Lh SLreeLs on Llncoln Avenue ln Lhe MoLL Pave
SouLh 8ronx Cverall Lconomlc uevelopmenL
CorporaLlon 132736022
lundlng wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe hlrlng of a parL-
Llme llcensed Soclal Worker Lo provlde much needed
counsellng servlces Lo aL-rlsk youLh beLween Lhe ages
of 16-24 wlLh prevlous lnvolvemenL wlLh Lhe crlmlnal
[usLlce sysLem.
Arroyo SouLh 8ronx unlLed, lnc. 264064041
1he funds wlll supporL Lhe S8u Academy, a youLh
developmenL program servlng 130 aL-rlsk and
lmmlgranL youLh ln grades 3-12 Lhrough educaLlon,
menLorlng, leadershlp, and soccer programmlng.
SouLh 8rooklyn CommunlLy Lmergency 8esponse
1eam (CL81) 870788860

1o supporL cosLs of 1) communlcaLlon equlpmenL so
CL81 can keep Lrack of any Leams LhaL are senL ouL Lo
perform recon, search and rescue, Lrlage, or dlsasLer
medlcal operaLlons. LqulpmenL lncludes, radlos,
anLennas, a power source. 2) medlcal supplles and
SouLh 8rooklyn CommunlLy Lmergency 8esponse
1eam (CL81) 870788860

lunds are Lo purchase communlcaLlons equlpmenL,
medlcal supplles, and food and waLer supplles.
Levln SouLh 8rooklyn Legal Servlces 132603603

1o supporL programmlng Lo preserve affordable
houslng for low-lncome LenanLs and prevenL evlcLlons.
1reyger SouLh 8rooklyn Legal Servlces 132603603

1hls fundlng wlll supporL our educaLlon advocacy for
chlldren faclng dlsclpllnary acLlon ln Lhe form of
suspenslon or LermlnaLlon, and chlldren wlLh
dlsablllLles ln admlnlsLraLlve proceedlngs and appeals
when Lhey have been denled approprlaLe servlces.
Lander SouLh 8rooklyn Legal Servlces 132603603

1o supporL Lhe expanslon of dlrecL legal servlces for
senlors ln beneflLs proceedlngs and houslng advocacy.
Lander SouLh 8rooklyn Local uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 112882636
1o supporL ouLreach Lo buslnesses ln Carroll Cardens,
Cobble Plll, and 8oerum Plll.
Cumbo SouLh of Lhe navy ?ard ArLlsLs, lnc. 421341443

lundlng for programmlng/servlces such as adverLlslng,
promoLlon, markeLlng webslLe deslgn servlces,
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 383

posLcards, posLers for local buslnesses, balloons,
sandwlch boards lnserLs.
SouLheasL 8ronx nelghborhood CenLer, lnc.
(SL8nC) 132673360
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL and enhance SL8nCs
AfLer School and summer camp programs. Speclflcally,
Lhe funds wlll add an aquaLlcs componenL Lo Lhelr
summer camp. Also, fundlng wlll pay for Lhe cosLs
assoclaLed wlLh LransporLaLlon, swlm lnsLrucLors, p
Levln SouLhslde CommunlLy Mlsslon, lnc. 112306447

1o provlde senlors, famllles and lndlvlduals a wlde
range of soclal servlces: LnLlLlemenLs, beneflLs, houslng
appllcaLlon, LranslaLlons, counsellng eLc. lunds wlll be
used Lo cover parL of salarles and offlce expenses.
8eynoso SouLhslde CommunlLy Mlsslon, lnc. 112306447

1o supporL soclal servlces for resldenLs of Lhe 34Lh
ulsLrlcL and surroundlng areas ln need, lncludlng
enLlLlemenLs, beneflLs, houslng appllcaLlons,
LranslaLlon, and counsellng servlces. lunds wlll be
allocaLed for sLafflng and offlce expenses.
8eynoso CC
SouLhslde unlLed Pouslng uevelopmenL lund
Corp. 112268339
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL and expand several of lLs
programs: 1) Pydroponlc larm and lood anLry, 2)
Senlor Wellness rogram aL our Senlor CenLer, 3)
CommunlLy Crganlzlng Lo conLlnue asslsLlng ln LenanL
organlzlng and houslng advocacy, 4) Creenlng lnl
Carodnlck Spanlsh uance ArLs Company, lnc. 133286419
lundlng wlll supporL Lhe llamenco vlvo CarloLa
SanLana's arLs ln educaLlon program, ro[ecL Cle,
Leachlng sLudenLs flamenco dance and muslc. lunds
wlll supporL programs aL !acquellne kennedy Cnassls
PS (!kC).
Mendez Spanlsh uance ArLs Company, lnc. 133286419
lundlng Lo supporL educaLlonal programmlng lncludlng
llamenco dance and muslc aL S 64
Carodnlck Spanlsh 1heaLre 8eperLory Company, LLd. 132672733

lundlng wlll supporL a free performance for publlc
school sLudenLs ln Councll ulsLrlcL 4.
Levlne Spanlsh 1heaLre 8eperLory Company, LLd. 132672733

lundlng wlll cover LlckeL subsldles Lo sLudenLs and
senlor clLlzens LhroughouL new ?ork ClLy. lundlng also
allows Lhe Company Lo malnLaln lower prlces for
school groups and provlde comp LlckeLs for Leachers
and chaperones, n?C senlors as well as dellver
Mendez Spanlsh 1heaLre 8eperLory Company, LLd. 132672733

lundlng Lo supporL LlckeL subsldles Lo sLudenLs and
senlor clLlzens, school resldency and workshops ln
n?CuCL , Lourlng performances Lo schools and senlor
cenLers. ulsLrlcL 2
!ohnson Spanlsh 1heaLre 8eperLory Company, LLd. 132672733

1o provlde LlckeL subsldles for n?C publlc school
sLudenLs and senlor clLlzens, help malnLaln lower prlces
for schools and provlde free LlckeLs Lo Leachers and
chaperones as well as provlde ouLreach lncludlng Lours
Lo schools and ln-class resldencles.
8osenLhal Spanlsh 1heaLre 8eperLory Company, LLd. 132672733

lundlng Lo supporL LlckeL subsldles Lo sLudenLs and
senlor clLlzens Lhrough new ?ork ClLy , whlch wlll glve
Lhem Lhe opporLunlLy Lo en[oy llve LheaLrlcal evenLs.
8odrlguez Spanlsh 1heaLre 8eperLory Company, LLd. 132672733

lundlng Lo provlde LheaLre LlckeL subsldles for sLudenLs
and Leachers
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 384

Arroyo Spanlsh 1heaLre 8eperLory Company, LLd. 132672733

lundlng wlll provlde for LlckeL subsldles for n?C publlc
schools sLudenLs and senlor clLlzens Lo experlence
CLA's Spanlsh language LheaLre producLlons.
Arroyo Spare Change, lnc. 462873392
1o supporL program LhaL wlll allow new ?orkers Lo
round-up Lhelr dlne-ouL bllls Lo Lhe nearesL dollar, Lo
generaLe a donaLlons for Lhe lood 8ank for new ?ork.
Creenfleld Sparks u, lnc. 260794276
1he CrganlzaLlon wlll use Lhe funds for fundlng Lhe
awareness evenLs and Lhe promoLlon of Lhe servlces
provlded Lo Lhe women sufferlng from u.
Wllllams SporLs and ArLs ln Schools loundaLlon, lnc. 113112633
lunds Lo exLend and enrlch SporLs and ArLs ln Schools
loundaLlon summer and/or afLer-school programmlng
Mlller Sprlngfleld 8lfles & 8lfleLLes ?ouLh SporLs lnc. 237269660
lunds wlll defray Lhe cosLs of unlforms, looLball and
Cheerleadlng equlpmenL, 1ralnlng books.
Mlller SL. Albans CongregaLlonal Church 112077266
lundlng wlll supporL Lhe Lnrlchlng Cur Llders acLlvlLles
programs, whlch lnclude Lhe annual college falr and
hollday soclal. Senlors wlll also parLlclpaLe ln varlous
culLural, recreaLlonal, educaLlonal and menLorlng
acLlvlLles, workshops and Lrlps, and
Mlller SL. Albans MonLessorl Academy of Learnlng 461360690
1he funds wlll go Lowards Lhe CulLural LnrlchmenL
rogram, whlch wlll provlde Lhe MonLessorl Chlld wlLh
an ongolng educaLlonal componenL as well as Lrlps
wlLh parenL chaperones Lo enhance Lhe acLlvlLles Lhe
chlldren learn abouL.
Mlller SL. Albans MulLlpurpose CommunlLy CenLer, lnc. 113137333
lunds wlll be used Lo supplemenL sLaff salarles, snacks,
consumable supplles.
vallone SL. Andrew's lrlendshlp Club 111633086
lundlng would be used Lo asslsL Lhe members of Lhe SL.
Andrew Avelllno lrlendshlp Club so LhaL Lhey would be
able Lo aLLend Lhe luncheons.
alma SL. Ann's Corner of Parm 8educLlon, lnc. 133724008
1o supporL Parm 8educLlon programs and La Cueva a
food bank deslgnaLed soup klLchen.
8LAC, 8eynoso CC SL. Ann's Corner of Parm 8educLlon, lnc. 133724008
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe flscal lnfrasLrucLure
of Lhe La Cueva/1he Cave whlch ls a food bank-
deslgnaLed soup klLchen.
Levln SL. Ann's Warehouse, lnc. 112663242

1o provlde free LlckeLs Lo plays Lo communlLy
1orres SL. 8arnabas PosplLal 131740122
lunds wlll supporL a healLh educaLlon and ouLreach
program for 8ronx resldenLs called "ulnner wlLh a
uocLor" ln whlch SL. 8arnabas healLh professlonals
make presenLaLlons on healLh Loplcs such as chlldhood
asLhma, dlabeLes and hearL dlsease.
SL. CaLherlne Cf Cenoa-SL. 1herese Cf Llsleux
CaLhollc Academy 432732863
3,300 lundlng Lo supporL summer camp programmlng.
lgnlzlo SL. Columcllle lrlsh CulLural CenLer 133909362

lunds wlll be used Lo defray Lhe cosLs assoclaLed wlLh
produclng Lhe Annual lrlsh lalr.
Lancman SL. uemeLrlos Senlor CenLer 111666817
lundlng Lo supporL servlces for senlor clLlzens from Lhe
enLlre surroundlng area wlLh a full dally luncheon, fleld
Lrlps, educaLlonal, soclal, culLural, and recreaLlonal
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 38S

CC SL. lrancls College 111633103

lundlng Lo supporL SL. lrancls College's lor Senlors
program, whlch fulfllls a vlLal need among 8rooklyn's
senlor clLlzens for an easlly accesslble venue where
Lhey can parLlclpaLe ln lnLellecLually and/or physlcally
sLlmulaLlng acLlvlLles whlle havlng Lh
8ose SL. Ceorge 1heaLre 8esLoraLlon, lnc., 1he 200983637

1he requesLed funds wlll be used Lo subsldlze SC1s
space on behalf of Lhese organlzaLlons, and wlll be
used Lowards operaLlonal expenses, llablllLy,
arLlsLlc/Lech sLafflng and markeLlng cosLs.
MaLLeo SL. Ceorge 1heaLre 8esLoraLlon, lnc., 1he 200983637

1he requesLed funds wlll be used Lo subsldlze SC1s
space on behalf of Lhese organlzaLlons, and wlll be
used Lowards operaLlonal expenses, llablllLy,
arLlsLlc/Lech sLafflng and markeLlng cosLs.
Lancman SL. !ohn's 8read and Llfe rogram 113174314
Lmergency medlcal care and LransporL of slck and
ln[ured paLlenLs.
Levln CC SL. !ohn's 8read and Llfe rogram 113174314
lunds wlll be used Lo provlde over 720,000 emergency
meals. lL wlll asslsL ln provldlng servlces Lo low lncome
new ?orkers. 1hey wlll asslsL cllenLs ln obLalnlng
1,800,000 ln publlc beneflLs and 3.600,000 ln freely
prepared Ll1C 1ax reLurns. lL wlll provl
Lancman SL. !ohn's unlverslLy 111630830

A summer movle serles LhaL presenLs classlc fllms on
lrlday evenlngs ln downLown !amalca's 8ufus klng
ark, lncludlng llcenslng, markeLlng, sLafflng and
relaLed cosLs.
koo SL. kevln's Senlor Club 111666886
1o provlde maLerlals for weekly meeLlngs, acLlvlLles
and annual evenLs, and oLher programmaLlc expenses.
ulckens SL. Luke's AML Church 133438047
1o supporL Lhe 1each 8each PealLh 8elaLlonshlp
rogram, whlch alms Lo educaLe youLh and prevenL
spread of Plv/S1u and Pv(Puman aplllomavlrus),
and decrease bullylng.
Mark-vlverlLo SL. Luke's Church - Summer uay Camp 131740334
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe church's summer
camp program and wlll be used for SLaff, equlpmenL,
8us LransporLaLlon, Lolls eLc.
SL. Luke's-8oosevelL PosplLal CenLer CenLer for
Comprehenslve Care 132997301
1o supporL Lhe ?oung AdulL rogram (?A), whlch
helps Plv poslLlve young people ages 13-24.
ConsLanLlnldes SL. MargareL Mary 8oman CaLhollc Church 111990941 * 12,000 lundlng wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe local food panLry.
vallone SL. Mel's ALhleLlc AssoclaLlon 111646313
lunds wlll supporL SL. Mel Lelsure Club ln provldlng
lunch and snacks as well as subsldlzlng occaslonal
SL. nlcholas Pouses CommunlLy CrganlzaLlon,
lnc. 262330841
1o provlde educaLlon, servlces and a food panLry for
youLh, famllles and senlors and Lo provlde a range of
servlces for Lhe LC81 communlLy.
Lancman SL. nlcholas of 1olenLlne 111714878
8uslness asslsLance for small buslnesses and
enLrepreneurs lncludlng dlrecL affordable flnanclng,
Lechnlcal asslsLance programs and a comprehenslve
Lour plannlng lnlLlaLlve.
8eynoso SL. nlck's Alllance CorporaLlon 310192170

1o supporL LargeLed ouLreach, educaLlon and lndlvldual
counsellng Lo resldenLs ln danger of dlsplacemenL.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 386

8eynoso CC SL. nlck's Alllance CorporaLlon 310192170

1o supporL Lhe AnLl-ulsplacemenL rogram. SL. nlcks
wlll asslsL households faclng dlsplacemenL from Lhe
communlLy as markeL real esLaLe prlces push ouL long-
Lerm resldenLs. SL. nlcks wlll provlde ouLreach and
houslng counsellng, flnanclal Lralnlng, lmprov
CenLlle SL. aLrlck's vlncenL de aul SocleLy 111631818

lunds wlll defray Lhe cosLs of operaLlng Lhe food
panLry and purchase of food sLocks.
uromm SL. aL's for All, lnc. 300606762
llnance SL aLs for All parade, concerL, and communlLy
evenLs clLywlde.
van 8ramer SL. aL's for All, lnc. 300606762
lunds Lo offseL cosLs assoclaLed wlLh Lhe parade,
concerL, and communlLy evenLs clLywlde.
8arron SL. aul's CommunlLy 8apLlsL Church 112433931
lunds are lnLended Lo be used Lo defray cosL of
afLerschool acLlvlLles for youLh, summer llLeracy, and
parenL Lralnlng. 1hls lncludes dlrecL servlces for youLh
and parenLs.
Lsplnal SL. 8lLa's 8oman CaLhollc Church 111711002
lunds Lo purchase food sLocks Lo supply Lhe lood
anLry and Lo defray Lhe cosL of operaLlng Lhe lood
Arroyo SLarL Small 1hlnk 8lg, lnc. 271821066
1o supporL educaLlonal workshops and legal and
flnanclal servlces for small buslness ln Councll ulsLrlcL
17, wlLh a focus on dlrecL servlces Lo women, mlnorlLy
and lmmlgranL enLrepreneurs.
SLaLen lsland Ald for 8eLarded Chlldren (d/b/a
CommunlLy 8esources) 133660279
lundlng Lo be used Loward Lhe purchase of a 13
passenger van Lo replace older van.
MaLLeo SLaLen lsland 8aseball Cld-Llmers AssoclaLlon 134033266

lunds wlll be use Lo purchase unlforms and equlpmenL
for Lhe annual LournamenL
MaLLeo SLaLen lsland 8oys looLball League, lnc. 237167904
lunds wlll be used Lo purchase player equlpmenL,
player unlforms and uLlllLles.
8ose SLaLen lsland 8oys looLball League, lnc. 237167904
lunds wlll be used Lo purchase player equlpmenL,
player unlforms and uLlllLles.
SLaLen lsland Chamber of Commerce
loundaLlon, lnc. 134069282
lunds wlll be used Lo conLracL a cleanlng company Lo
be on call Lo clean up vacanL loLs and bllghLed areas ln
lmmedlaLe need as parL of our Clean 1eam lnlLlaLlve .
SLaLen lsland Chamber of Commerce
loundaLlon, lnc. 134069282
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL a program manager for
year Lwo of our ?oung LnLrepreneurs Academy. lunds
wlll be used Lo conLracL a cleanlng company Lo be on
call Lo clean up vacanL loLs and bllghLed areas ln
lmmedlaLe need as parL of our Clean 1eam lnlLlaL
8ose SLaLen lsland Chlldren's Museum 237379930

lunds wlll be used Lo supporL lncreased hours of Lhe
parL Llme sLaff. lunds wlll be used for compuLer
sofLware and Lralnlng on donor relaLlons, e-commerce
and soclal medla markeLlng.
8ose SLaLen lsland Chlldren's Museum 237379930

lunds wlll be use Lo provlde hands-on creaLlve play
opporLunlLles, arL workshops and culLural enrlchmenL
programs Lo over 220,000 annual vlslLors. rograms
range from arL, dance and LheaLer workshops, cooklng
and nuLrlLlon programs, Lo sLoryLelllng and c
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 387

lgnlzlo SLaLen lsland Chlldren's Museum 237379930

rograms range from arL, dance and LheaLer
workshops, cooklng and nuLrlLlon programs, Lo
sLoryLelllng and culLural and muslcal performances
celebraLlng Lhe dlverslLy of new ?ork ClLy's vlbranL
communlLles. lundlng wlll be used for sLaff and
supplles asso
MaLLeo SLaLen lsland Chlldren's Museum 237379930

lundlng wlll be used for sLaff and supplles assoclaLed
wlLh acLlvlLles/programmlng (programs range from arL,
dance and LheaLer workshops, cooklng and nuLrlLlon
programs, Lo sLoryLelllng and culLural and muslcal
MaLLeo SLaLen lsland Chlldren's Museum 237379930

lunds wlll be used Lo supporL 1he 8oogle Woogle
Wednesday serles, whlch ls a free culLural dance and
muslc program for famllles.
SLaLen lsland CommunlLy Servlces lrlendshlp
Clubs, lnc. 132778244
lunds used for recreaLlon, educaLlonal supplles -
LransporLaLlon, healLh promoLlon programs and
SLaLen lsland Lconomlc uevelopmenL
CorporaLlon 133706442

lundlng wlll used Lowards Lhe followlng programs:
Lhe SouLh Shore MerchanL rogram and Lhe annual
economlc developmenL conference.
SLaLen lsland Lconomlc uevelopmenL
CorporaLlon 133706442

lundlng wlll be used for Lhe PealLh & Wellness Lxpo,
general buslness servlces and ln Lhe commerclal Lown
of new uorp.
SLaLen lsland Lconomlc uevelopmenL
CorporaLlon 133706442

lundlng would be used Lo supporL Lhe cosLs of
malnLalnlng Lhe LxecuLlve Women's Councll (LWC)
lncludlng lncludlng sLafflng, promoLlon, maLerlals and
equlpmenL, and relaLed admlnlsLraLlve cosLs.
SLaLen lsland CC
SLaLen lsland Lconomlc uevelopmenL
CorporaLlon 133706442

lundlng wlll be used Lo provlde general operaLlng
supporL for Lhe SLaLen lsland Lconomlc uevelopmenL
CorporaLlon (SlLuC, Lo supporL buslness semlnars and
evenLs, such as Lhe 2014 Annual Lconomlc
uevelopmenL Conference and programs such as
8rownfleld redev
MaLLeo SLaLen lsland LmploymenL LducaLlon ConsorLlum 133097367
lunds wlll be used for our AdulL 8aslc LducaLlon (A8L)
and Lngllsh for Speakers of CLher Languages (LSCL)
courses. lunds wlll be allocaLed Lo salarles, faclllLles
cosLs, and oLher program relaLed cosLs.
SLaLen lsland lederaLlon of arenL 1eacher
AssoclaLlon's 133233838

lundlng wlll be used for: maLerlals and supplles for
meeLlngs, Lralnlng sesslons and workshops for 1As
and parenLs, copler lease, phone, posLage, offlce
supplles and oLher operaLlng expenses requlred Lo
supporL our mlsslon.
MaLLeo SLaLen lsland lleeL Week, lnc. 134026249
lundlng Lo cover Lhe renLal of LenLs, Lables, chalrs, golf
carLs, generaLors, refrlgeraLlon and sLorage Lrallers.
CompllmenLary meals are provlded Lo all mlllLary
8ose SLaLen lsland lleeL Week, lnc. 134026249
lundlng wlll be used Lo for Lhe renLal of LenLs, Lables,
chalrs, golf carLs, generaLors, refrlgeraLlon and sLorage
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 388

MaLLeo SLaLen lsland PlsLorlcal SocleLy 131983314

lunds wlll be used Lo cover school Lrlp admlsslon for
publlc school 1sL graders ln Lhe dlsLrlcL Lo PlsLorlc
8lchmond 1own's open vlllage educaLlonal Lour.
MaLLeo SLaLen lsland lnsLlLuLe of ArLs and Sclences 133364127
lunds wlll pay for museum educaLors and program
8ose SLaLen lsland lnsLlLuLe of ArLs and Sclences 133364127
lunds Lo pay for museum educaLors and program
SLaLen lsland lnLegraLed Servlce CenLer uCL
ulsLrlcL 31 136400434

1o supporL LhaL arenLs and 1eachers AssoclaLlon aL all
publlc schools ln Lhe 31sL Councll ulsLrlcL.
MaLLeo SLaLen lsland MenLal PealLh SocleLy, lnc. 133623279
lunds wlll be use Lo supporL Lhe n?S Cfflce of Alcohol
SubsLance Abuse Servlces rogram
SLaLen lsland CC SLaLen lsland MenLal PealLh SocleLy, lnc. 133623279
1o fund programs lncludlng alcohol and subsLance
abuse, early chlldhood programs, developmenLal
dlsablllLy servlce, and general supporL for menLal
healLh cllnlc.
MaLLeo SLaLen lsland nl AssoclaLlon, lnc. 203360373
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe CommunlLy Servlce
Awards LvenL
8ose SLaLen lsland nl AssoclaLlon, lnc. 203360373
lunds wlll supporL Lhe acLlvlLles ln whlch Lhe CCAu
coallLlon wlll engage lnclude Lralnlngs, organlzaLlonal
assessmenLs, secLor-wlde plannlng efforLs, and Lhe
creaLlon of relaLlonshlps wlLh clLywlde and reglonal
agencles and offlclals LhaL wlll ensure ap
SLaLen lsland arLnershlp for CommunlLy
Wellness 342132600
1he fundlng requesL wlll supporL sLaff and operaLlng
cosLs assoclaLed wlLh Lhe alcohol and vlolence
workgroup and Lhe unlLed We SLand campalgn.
8ose SLaLen lsland ee Wee looLball League 136139734
1he funds wlll be used Lo offseL Lhe cosL of equlpmenL
(!erseys, pads, helmeLs eLc.).
lgnlzlo SLaLen lsland hllharmonlc CrchesLra, lnc. 202732342
1o supporL free ouLdoor All-Amerlcan concerLs on !uly
4 and 6, 2014 aL Allce AusLen Pouse and Lhe
Conference Pouse, free vlnLage ouLdoor concerL ln
con[uncLlon wlLh Lhe 8lchmond CounLy lalr on SepL. 1,
2014, and for subsldlzed LlckeLs for chlldren, senlor
MaLLeo SLaLen lsland hllharmonlc CrchesLra, lnc. 202732342
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL free ouLdoor All-
Amerlcan concerLs on !uly 4 and 6, 2014 aL Allce
AusLen Pouse and Lhe Conference Pouses
8ose SLaLen lsland 8ecreaLlonal AssoclaLlon, lnc. 133716944
lundlng wlll be used Lo pay for cosLs assoclaLed wlLh
LherapeuLlc servlces program, lncludlng sLafflng,
promoLlon, maLerlals and equlpmenL, renLal fees, and
relaLed admlnlsLraLlve cosLs.
MaLLeo SLaLen lsland SalnLs lasLplLch SofLball Club lnc. 272323231

lunds would be used Loward lnsLrucLlon and cllnlc
renLal LhaL ls held all year long.
MaLLeo SLaLen lsland unlLed lederaLlon 8aseball, lnc. 200007086
1he funds wlll be used Lo provlde Lhe chlldren wlLh
unlforms, necessary equlpmenL Lo keep Lhem safe and
cover any Lhlng Lhey may need Lo play and parLlclpaLe.
MaLLeo SLaLen lsland unlverslLy PosplLal 112868878
1he requesLed funds wlll be used Lo provlde
presenLaLlons (regardlng smoklng & smoklng cessaLlon)
Lo youLh aL school based programs days or evenlngs
and Lo adulLs aL approprlaLe venues LhroughouL Lhe
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 389

lgnlzlo SLaLen lsland ?ouLh Soccer League, lnc. 320048308

lunds would be used Lo offseL fees assoclaLed wlLh
fleld malnLenance and fleld permlLs.
MaLLeo SLaLen lsland ?ouLh Soccer League, lnc. 320048308

lunds would be used Lo subsldlze cosL of youLh soccer
program on SLaLen lsland.
lgnlzlo SLaLen lsland Zoologlcal SocleLy, lnc. 133680691
rograms Leach zoology, naLural hlsLory and anlmal
care. lundlng wlll be used Lo provlde for and
supplemenL Lhe aforemenLloned operaLlons and
MaLLeo SLaLen lsland Zoologlcal SocleLy, lnc. 133680691
lundlng wlll be used Lo provlde for and supplemenL
operaLlons and programs (zoology, naLural hlsLory and
anlmal care).
8ose SLaLen lsland Zoologlcal SocleLy, lnc. 133680691
1he SLaLen lsland Zoologlcal SocleLy provldes a
zoologlcal park open Lo Lhe publlc lncludlng chlldren's
exhlblLs. lundlng wlll be used Lo provlde for and
supplemenL Lhe operaLlons and programs.
Cumbo SLoryCorps, lnc. 133733011
lundlng Lo supporL lmplemenLaLlon of: 1) youLh
developmenL program aL approxlmaLely flve n?C hlgh
schools, 2) Legacy, lnlLlaLlve Lo provlde people wlLh
serlous lllness and Lhelr famllles an opporLunlLy Lo
record, preserve, and share Lhe sLorles of Lhelr
ulckens SLoryCorps, lnc. 133733011
lunds Lo supporL Lhe naLlonal SepLember 11 Memorlal
and Museum and record audlo remembrances of all
new ?orkers losL ln Lhe SepLember 11 LerrorlsL aLLacks,
creaLlng an unparalleled archlve of Lhese sLorles ln Lhe
Llbrary of Congress.
!ohnson SLoryCorps, lnc. 133733011
lunds Lo supporL Legacy, an lnlLlaLlve Lo provlde
people wlLh serlous lllness and Lhelr famllles an
opporLunlLy Lo record, preserve, and share Lhe sLorles
of Lhelr llves, aL flve n?C-based organlzaLlons
Chln SLoryCorps, lnc. 133733011
lundlng wlll supporL work wlLh n?C-based communlLy
and culLural organlzaLlons Lo record lnLervlews and
bulld oral hlsLory ln new ?ork ClLy lncludlng aL Lhe
loley Square SLoryCorps booLh.
Carodnlck S1Cv 1enanLs AssoclaLlon loundaLlon, lnc. 274334330
lundlng wlll supporL LenanL educaLlon programs and
supporL organlzaLlonal cosLs, lncludlng legal fees and
admlnlsLraLlve supporL.
ulckens CC SLreeL Corner 8esources, lnc. 260149321
SC8 undersLands LhaL gun and gang vlolence ls a publlc
healLh lssue and wlll use Lhe fundlng Lo conLlnue lLs
work ln Lhe communlLy for prevenLlon, lnLervenLlon
and resLoraLlve [usLlce lnlLlaLlves.
!ohnson SLreeLwlse and Safe SAS, lnc. 430286664
1o provlde 13 sesslon leadershlp developmenL
currlculum ln whlch lnformaLlon ls shared abouL laws
used Lo crlmlnallze LC81C youLh, consLlLuLlonal rlghLs
when lnLeracLlng wlLh Lhe pollce, lndlvldual and
collecLlve sLraLegles for sLaylng safe from pollce,
Cumbo SLudlo ln a School AssoclaLlon, lnc. 133003112
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL schools enLerlng Lhe
second year of 1he Long 1erm rogram whlch
esLabllshes ln-depLh parLnershlps among professlonal
arLlsLs and school admlnlsLraLors, Leachers, and
sLudenLs ln 1lLle l elemenLary schools across n?C.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 390

van 8ramer CC SLudlo ln a School AssoclaLlon, lnc. 133003112
lundlng for Lhe ArL PealLhy Llvlng rogram and ArL
AcLlve Llvlng Lo Leach chlldren Lhe beneflLs of physlcal
acLlvlLy Lhrough drawlng and palnLlng.
Levlne SLudlo Museum ln Parlem, 1he 132390803

lundlng requesLed wlll supporL and sLrengLhen
communlLy ouLreach efforLs, speclflcally lamlly and
Senlor rograms.
ulckens SLudlo Museum ln Parlem, 1he 132390803

1o conducL communlLy ouLreach and provlde
programmlng, parLlcularly for famllles and Senlors.
Carodnlck SLuyvesanL Cove ark AssoclaLlon, lnc. 113382233
lundlng wlll supporL culLural and arLs programmlng aL
SLuyvesanL Cove ark, lncludlng readlngs, muslcal and
dance performances.
Cohen Summer on Lhe Plll 631232087

lundlng Lo supporL purchaslng of maLerlals for sLudenL
enrlchmenL and LransporLaLlon of chlldren Lo and from
lgnlzlo Sundog 1heaLre, lnc. 430476943
lundlng for shows durlng Lhe school day ln S33 and
for a show afLer-school ln Lhe 31sL ulsLrlcL.
MaLLeo Sundog 1heaLre, lnc. 430476943
lundlng wlll supporL "uance 1hrough PlsLory", a soclal
sLudles LheaLre educaLlon program, serves flve 4Lh
grades aL S 69 ln Sl:
8ose Sundog 1heaLre, lnc. 430476943
1o fund Lhe cosLs assoclaLed wlLh Lhe uance 1hrough
PlsLory" program, lncludlng sLafflng, promoLlon,
maLerlals and equlpmenL, and relaLed admlnlsLraLlve
van 8ramer Sunnyslde Chamber of Commerce 112944783
lundlng wlll supporL Lwo programs: 1) grafflLl cleanlng
and prevenLlon along commerclal sLreeLs ln Lhe 26Lh
Councll ulsLrlcL and as needed cleanlng on oLher
sLreeLs wlLhln Lhe ulsLrlcL and 2) promoLlng good
buslness pracLlces and commerce ln Lhe communlLy
van 8ramer CC Sunnyslde Chamber of Commerce 112944783
1o supporL grafflLl cleanlng and Lhe promoLlon of good
buslness pracLlces ln Sunnyslde. lunds wlll be used Lo
pay a conLracLor Lo perform grafflLl cleanlng. lunds
wlll also be used for acLlvlLles such as speclal evenLs,
publlclLy, webslLe upgrades, eLc.
van 8ramer Sunnyslde ulsLrlcL ManagemenL AssoclaLlon 261278224
lundlng Lo purchase new Lrash recepLacles Lo replace
damaged recepLacles on Cueens 8oulevard and
CreenpolnL Avenue.
van 8ramer Sunnyslde ulsLrlcL ManagemenL AssoclaLlon 261278224
lundlng Lo supporL CrafflLl removal work ln Lhe 26Lh
van 8ramer
Sunnyslde Cardens reservaLlon Alllance, lnc.,
1he 342143783
lundlng Lo expand a dlglLal archlve of lmages
(phoLographs, documenLs, arLlfacLs), conducL oral
hlsLory lnLervlews wlLh long-Llme resldenLs of Lhe
nelghborhood or resldenLs durlng slgnlflcanL perlods ln
Lhe nelghborhoods hlsLory, and share Lhls hlsLory Lh
Menchaca SunseL ark PealLh Councll, lnc. 202308411
1o supporL 1he SunseL ark PealLh Councll lnc.'s
expanslon of day and evenlng LSCL classes for non-
Lngllsh speaklng resldenLs of souLhwesL 8rooklyn.
ulrlch Swlm SLrong loundaLlon, lnc. 371326132
lunds wlll be used Lo provlde free swlm lesson
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 391

Levlne Symphony Space, lnc. 132941433

lundlng wlll supporL Lhe Clobal ArLs program LhaL
uLlllzes resldencles, workshops, and lnLeracLlve
performances, Lo brlng soclal sLudles currlculum Lo llfe
for new ?ork ClLy sLudenLs. lundlng wlll be for
Leachlng arLlsL fees and resource guldes and wlll b
8osenLhal Symphony Space, lnc. 132941433

lundlng wlll be for Leachlng arLlsL fees and resource
ulckens 1afL 8ehab 8esldenL AssoclaLlon 272279163

1o fund a flower and vegeLable garden, Leachlng
chlldren how Lo garden and grow nuLrlLlous
vegeLables, and Lo offer nuLrlLlon classes.
ulckens 1afL 1enanLs CrganlzaLlon, lnc. 133123843
1o supporL lamlly uay acLlvlLles for resldenLs of 1afL
ulckens 1afL 1enanLs CrganlzaLlon, lnc. 133123843
1o supporL programs and acLlvlLles aL lamlly uay,
lncludlng dlsLrlbuLlon of lnformaLlon on accesslng
quallLy healLhcare.
uromm 1alk 1herapy 1elevlslon, lnc. 272137824

CommunlLy ouLreach and supporL of Lhe Llons CuesL
currlculum Leacher Lralnlng.
Mlller 1eens AgalnsL Crlme, lnc. 113210733
lunds wlll cover program cosLs for educaLlon, soclal
self awareness, peer counsellng, summer programs,
workshops, recreaLlonal acLlvlLles and culLural
enrlchmenL programs.
van 8ramer 1halla Spanlsh 1heaLre, lnc. 237448611

1he funds wlll be used Lo help pay arLlsLs fees and
operaLlng expenses
van 8ramer
1heaLer LL Al, lnc. d/b/a 1he ChocolaLe lacLory
1heaLer 134038993

lunds Lo offseL Lhe salarles of performlng arLlsLs
worklng aL 1he ChocolaLe lacLory 1heaLer as well as Lo
conLlnue Lo provlde affordable access Lo award-
wlnnlng publlc programmlng.
ulckens 1heaLer 8esources unllmlLed lnc. 133937279
1o supporL a roducer MenLorlng of Color program,
offerlng parLlclpanLs experlence under Lhe guldance of
LheaLer professlonals, and Lo supporL a creaLlve wrlLlng
and readlngs program.
Cumbo 1heaLre for a new Audlence, lnc. 133039081
lundlng wlll be used Lo supporL communlLy LlckeLlng
and ouLreach lnlLlaLlves whlch provldes hlghly
dlscounLed and free programmlng Lhrough
parLnershlps wlLh local soclal servlce provlders and
oLher nelghborhood nonproflLs.
van 8ramer 1heaLre of Lhe Cppressed n?C 434813944
lundlng Lo supporL Lhe formaLlon of a new LheaLre
Lroupe aL Lhe AluS CenLer of Cueens CounLy
(ACCC) wlLh Plv and aL-rlsk youLh and adulLs
Cumbo 1helma Plll erformlng ArLs CenLer, lnc. 112602969
lundlng wlll be prlmarlly earmarked for performance
expenses, rehearsals and LlckeL subsldles Lo ensure Lhe
performances are affordable Lo a wlde cross secLlon of
Lhe communlLy.
vacca 1hroggs neck volunLeer Ambulance Corps, lnc. 133032612
1o fund general operaLlng expenses as well as vehlcle
malnLenance, fuel, Lralnlng, supplles, equlpmenL, and
flrsL ald supplles.
Levln 1lllary ark loundaLlon 260316931
1o supporL a youLh healLh falr, a hlgh school career
falr, SA1 prep, college Lours, and varlous sporLlng
evenLs for Lhe youLh (lncludlng fleld Lrlps).
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 392

8rooklyn, Lsplnal,
Creenfleld, CenLlle CC 1ogeLher We Are 270213447
lunds wlll help wlLh food dlsLrlbuLlon drlves Lo Lhe
poor, menLorlng programs for Leens aL rlsk, programs
durlng Lhe summer when Lhere ls no school.
Creenfleld 1omche Shabbos of 8oro ark and llaLbush, lnc. 113318348

lunds wlll be used Lo offseL cosLs of purchaslng food
lLems for Lhe food packages LhaL are dlsLrlbuLed Lo
poor and needy famllles.
Lancman 1omchel Shabbos of Cueens (1SC), lnc. 112693303
lundlng Lo supporL for food dlsLrlbuLlon lncludlng food
lLems, packaglng and dellvery acLlvlLles and uLlllLles.
Weprln 1omchel Shabbos of Cueens (1SC), lnc. 112693303
1o supporL non-food cosLs such as uLlllLles and
equlpmenL for Lhe food dellvery program Lo needy
Wllllams 1op uevelopmenL CorporaLlon 113409339

lundlng Lo provlde servlces ln Lhe areas of LuLorlng
and menLorshlp and empowermenL workshops for
youLh 8-18. 1he fundlng Lo pay Leacher and workshop
presenLers and program relaLed fleld Lrlps and snacks
and lncenLlves for program parLlclpanLs
van 8ramer 1opaz ArLs lnc. 134137331
lunds would supporL Lhe coordlnaLlon, markeLlng,
arLlsL fees, space cosLs, and promoLlon.
Carodnlck 1own Pall loundaLlon, lnc. 237296167

lundlng wlll supporL programmlng ln a school ln
Councll ulsLrlcL 4.
8eynoso 1own Square, lnc. 362489014
1o supporL communlLy programmlng, lncludlng
SchoolfesL school falr, 8abyfesL, Co Creen! CreenpolnL
fesLlval and nlne monLhly Creencycle Swaps),
McColrlck Lgg PunL, umpkln uay, Palloween
arade/arLy, SanLa 8runch, free ouLdoor fllm
screenlngs, muslc show
1ransgender Legal uefense & LducaLlon lund,
lnc. 043762842
lunds wlll supporL lree legal name changes Lo
Lransgender communlLy members ln n?C ln
parLnershlp wlLh n?C law flrms.
1ransgender Legal uefense & LducaLlon lund,
lnc. 043762842
lundlng Lo supporL ro[ecL coordlnaLor aL "name
Change ro[ecL" (legal asslsLance referral)
1ransgender Legal uefense & LducaLlon lund,
lnc. 043762842
lunds wlll supporL Lhe name Change ro[ecL, whlch
provldes free legal name changes Lo Lransgender
communlLy members LhroughouL n?C.
LC81, Mendez CC
1ransgender Legal uefense & LducaLlon lund,
lnc. 043762842
lunds supporL Lralnlng sesslons Lo lawyers lnLeresLed
ln volunLeerlng wlLh Lhe pro[ecL asslsLlng
Lransgendered cllenLs. 1ralnlngs cover Lransgender
culLural compeLency and legal lssues lnvolved ln Lhe
name change process.
Mlller 1ranslL Workers lor Chlldren 113220836
lundlng wlll conLlnue Lo provlde under-prlvlleged
chlldren, and all members, an opporLunlLy Lo aLLend
educaLlonal, culLural, and soclal sporLlng evenLs.
lundlng Lo develop more programs Lo address
members' needs.

vallone 1ranslLlonal Servlces for new ?ork, lnc. 237376074
1o supporL 1Sln? by provldlng fundlng for renovaLlons
(floors, carpeLs, baLhrooms, klLchens, palnLlng, eLc.),
new and replacemenL furnlshlngs, alr condlLloners, and
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 393

even cleanlng supplles.
1ravls lourLh of !uly CelebraLlon CommlLLee,
lnc., 1he 133386303

lundlng wlll be used Lowards enLerLalnmenL expenses
of Lhe 104Lh Annual lourLh of !uly CelebraLlon.
Chln 1rlbeca CL81 260260476

lunds wlll provlde for needed equlpmenL and supplles
Lo enable communlLy supporL of flrsL responders.
8odrlguez 1rlbeca lllm lnsLlLuLe, lnc. 800006037
lundlng Lo offseL cosLs of Leachlng arLlsLs and arL
Chln 1rlbeca lllm lnsLlLuLe, lnc. 800006037
lundlng supporLs 1rlbeca lllm lnsLlLuLe's (1ll) arLs
educaLlon programs ln medla llLeracy and medla
producLlon aL Lhe Plgh School for uual Languages and
Aslan SLudles.
Chln 1rlbecarLs lnc 342180111
1o supporL publlc concerLs of local performers as well
as free LlckeLs for youLh under 23. lunds wlll help pay
professlonal muslclan fees, space, plano renLal,
markeLlng, and subsldlze free LlckeLs.
Mlller 1rl-8oro lnLergeneraLlonal Servlces, lnc. 113341883

lundlng for lnLergeneraLlonal culLural, educaLlon,
recreaLlonal programs. 1he requesLed funds wlll be
used Lo cover cosL lncurred from provldlng
LransporLaLlon, purchase of 1-shlrLs, LheaLre/movle
LlckeLs, food and refreshmenLs, plcnlc/culLural evenL,
8odrlguez 1rldenL Swlm loundaLlon, lnc. 260640030
lundlng Lo provlde afLer-school educaLlonal and swlm
programlng aL CWPS and PPS
Menchaca 1rlnlLy Peallng CenLer, lnc. 203233903

1o supporL Lhe prevenLlon of famlly and domesLlc
vlolence Lhrough youLh programmlng
8eynoso 1rlnlLy Puman Servlces CorporaLlon 133171439
1o supporL a varleLy of programs, lncludlng a food
panLry, soclal servlces, and a LhrlfL sLore. lundlng wlll
be allocaLed Lo sLafflng and C1S.
8ose 1rucks 8oundball Classlc lnc. 611676832
1he fundlng wlll be used for unlforms, Lrophles,
baskeLballs, scorebooks and neLs.
1rusLees Cf Columbla unlverslLy ln 1he ClLy Cf
new ?ork 133398093
lundlng Lo offseL cosL of rescrlpLlon medlcaLlon for
paLlenLs wlLh chronlc lllnesses
8osenLhal 1urbo Squadron, lnc. 461780491
lunds wlll be used for relmbursemenL for
LransporLaLlon, equlpmenL (baskeLballs, readlng
maLerlals),and sLorage.
Carodnlck 1urLle 8ay AssoclaLlon lnc., 1he 136162044
lundlng wlll supporL new Lrash recepLacles ln Lhe
Carodnlck 1urLle 8ay 1ree lund, lnc. 132361121

lundlng wlll supporL Lhe purchase and malnLenance of
planLs ln flower beds ln Lhe 1urLle 8ay nelghborhood.
8eynoso u! Care, lnc. 262037862
1o supporL soclal servlce dellvery, lncludlng asslsLance
wlLh appllcaLlons for food sLamps and Medlcald.
8eynoso u[lma CommunlLy Worklng 1ogeLher, lnc. 300708882 * 12,000 1o supporL Lhe SLop 1he vlolence (S1v) experlence
Lsplnal u[lma CommunlLy Worklng 1ogeLher, lnc. 300708882
lundlng Lo supporL annual SLop 1he vlolence (S1v)
experlence - PLAL1P Anu LuuCA1lCn lAl8 Wl1P A
Carodnlck underground uevelopmenL loundaLlon 273123988 3,300 lundlng wlll supporL Lhe Lowllne Lab.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 394

Chln underground uevelopmenL loundaLlon 273123988

lunds wlll supporL publlc programmlng lncludlng
educaLlonal acLlvlLles for school groups, afLerschool
programs, publlc sLreeL falrs, arL exhlblLs and lecLures
aL Lhe Lowllne Lab, a long-Lerm arL and Lechnology
exhlblL space ln Lhe LLS.
CC unlon SeLLlemenL AssoclaLlon, lnc. 131632330
1o supporL a free slx-week 1herapeuLlc and
8ecreaLlonal Summer Camp rogram aL S 146 for
chlldren ages 3 Lo 12 wlLh severe physlcal, menLal
and/or emoLlonal dlsablllLles and Lhelr slbllngs.
CC unlon SeLLlemenL AssoclaLlon, lnc. 131632330
lunds wlll supporL 8econnecL and 8lse"-a rlgorous
program of educaLlonal, vocaLlonal and supporL
servlces-Lo 30 young men ages 16 Lo 24 who have lefL
or been pushed ouL of school and are sLruggllng ln Lhe
[ob markeL.
8eynoso unlonuocs, lnc. 861130496
1o supporL compleLlon and exhlblLlon of Lhe Llvlng Los
Sures documenLary pro[ecL. lundlng wlll be allocaLed
for sLafflng and maLerlals.
Crowley unlque eople Servlces 133636333 10,000 lundlng wlll defray cosLs of food panLry servlces.
CenLlle unlLed Chlnese AssoclaLlon of 8rooklyn 371469112
lunds wlll supporL lmmlgranL famllles wlLh servlces
lncludlng LSL, naLurallzaLlon, crlme prevenLlon, dlrecL
servlces LranslaLlon, recreaLlon soclal gaLherlng, and
CanLonese lolk Cpera by paylng for space renLal cosLs,
sLaff salarles, and program-relaLed e
8arron unlLed CommunlLy CenLers, lnc. 111930787

lunds are lnLended Lo be used Lo supporL Lhe LasL new
?ork larms! ro[ecL. 1ogeLher wlLh local resldenLs, LasL
new ?ork larms! work Lo expand food access, proLecL
Lhe envlronmenL and healLh of our nelghbors, acLlvely
engage youLh from Lhe communlLy, and d
van 8ramer unlLed lorLles Clvlc AssoclaLlon, lnc. 113386277

1o provlde feLal blankeLs, knlLLed by members, as parL
of Lhe leLal 8lankeL/ LlmhursL PosplLal rogram, and
Lo provlde donaLed, male and female, cloLhlng and
LolleLrles Lo Lhe 8orden Avenue veLerans 8esldences ln
Long lsland ClLy.
unlLed !ewlsh CrganlzaLlons of Wllllamsburg,
lnc. 112728233
1o asslsL low lncome lndlvlduals, famllles, and chlldren
ln need Lo apply and obLaln publlc beneflLs lncludlng
food sLamps, SSl, Medlcare, Medlcald, Soclal SecurlLy,
healLh lnsurance, SecLlon 8, emergency food vouchers
and packages, legal asslsLance, voca
unlLed !ewlsh CrganlzaLlons of Wllllamsburg,
lnc. 112728233
lundlng asslsL low lncome lndlvlduals, famllles, and
chlldren ln need Lo apply and obLaln publlc beneflLs
lncludlng food sLamps, SSl, Medlcare, Medlcald, Soclal
SecurlLy, healLh lnsurance, SecLlon 8, emergency food
vouchers and packages, legal asslsLance,
8rooklyn, Levln,
Lander, 8eynoso CC
unlLed !ewlsh CrganlzaLlons of Wllllamsburg,
lnc. 112728233
lundlng Lo asslsL low lncome lndlvlduals, famllles, and
chlldren ln need Lo apply and obLaln publlc beneflLs
lncludlng food sLamps, SSl, Medlcare, Medlcald, Soclal
SecurlLy, healLhcare, SecLlon 8, emergency food
vouchers and packages, legal asslsLance, l
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 39S

CC unlLed nelghborhood Pouses of new ?ork, lnc. 133363409

lundlng wlll supporL efforLs Lo sLrengLhen new ?ork
ClLy nelghborhoods and lmprove Lhe llves of new
?orkers ln need and Lhe communlLles ln whlch Lhey
llve. lundlng Lo ald member agencles bulld capaclLy Lo
address organlzaLlonal challenges and develop pro
8odrlguez unlLed alace of CulLural ArLs 900884007
lundlng Lo provlde free arLs and culLural evenLs aL
unlLed alace
8ose unlLed SLaLen lsland veLerans CrganlzaLlon, lnc. 133906171
lundlng Lo defray cosLs assoclaLed wlLh erecLlng a
memorlal sLaLue and for Lhe annual Memorlal uay
8ose unlLed SLaLes Slerra Leonean AssoclaLlon, lnc. 262232132
lunds wlll be used for AdulL compuLer llLeracy
programmlng, lncludlng maLerlals and equlpmenL, and
relaLed admlnlsLraLlve cosLs.
Creenfleld unlLed 1almudlcal Academy of 8oro ark 237339018
lunds wlll supporL an afLer school program for low
lncome famllles and LSL youLh.
8ose unlversal 1emple of Lhe ArLs 133333286
lundlng wlll be used Lo cover general operaLlng and
programmaLlc cosLs LhaL correlaLe wlLh Lhe program
offerlngs, such as Leachlng arLlsL compensaLlon,
supplles and maLerlals for program parLlclpanLs,
uLlllLles and lnsurances.
unlverslLy of noLre uame Alumnl Club of SLaLen
lsland 311344337

lundlng wlll be used Lo provlde boxes for Lhe
collecLlon and dlsLrlbuLlon of food.
Cumbo unlverslLy SeLLlemenL SocleLy of new ?ork, lnc 133362374
lunds wlll supporL Leachlng arLlsL salarles and Lhe
purchase of hardware, sofLware and equlpmenL
needed Lo launch Lhe medla arLs program.
Levlne upper ManhaLLan PealLh CenLer 133389470

lundlng Lo supporL Lhe general operaLlng expenses of
upper ManhaLLan MenLal PealLh cenLers sycho-Soclal
kallos upper MldLown Chabad LubavlLch, lnc. 203049366
1o supporL year-round programmlng lncludlng Lhe
mom-nlghL-ouL programmlng, chlldren's evenLs, and
culLural evenLs LhaL are open Lo Lhe enLlre communlLy.
1hese funds wlll also go Loward Chlcken-soup-express
program beneflLlng local senlors.
Mark-vlverlLo upLown uance Academy 133891881

lunds wlll be used Lo offseL Lhe cosLs for Lhe followlng
programs: 8CuuC1lCnS - lunds wlll be used for
1heaLer renLal fees. 8L-8ClLSSlCnAL 18AlnlnC
8CC8AM - lunds wlll be used for Lralners. u1CWn
uAnCL CCMAn?(uuC) - lundlng wlll be used for Lhe
ulckens upLown uance Academy 133891881

1o supporL dance producLlons, a pre-professlonal
Lralnlng program for youLh, and an upLown dance
urban ulvers Marlne ConservaLlon & SclenLlflc
ulvlng, lnc. 300164996
lunds used Lo supporL Lhe LnvlroMedla Moblle
program, a sLaLe of Lhe arL moblle naLure and marlLlme
museum offerlng publlc Lours, llvlng hlsLory programs
and envlronmenLal learnlng acLlvlLles.
CC urban uove, lnc., 1he 133997718

1o supporL Lhe Pl8lsers afLer-school program, a year-
round, peer-menLorlng program LhaL Lralns a hlgh
school ?ouLh SLaff" Lo work wlLh elemenLary and
mlddle school sLudenLs. 1he ?ouLh SLaff uses
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 396

recreaLlonal sporLs and games as hands-on learnlng
Lools Lo
8odrlguez urban PomesLeadlng AsslsLance 8oard, lnc. 132902798 3,300 lundlng Lo provlde LenanL advocacy workshops
8eynoso urban PomesLeadlng AsslsLance 8oard, lnc. 132902798

1o supporL a campalgn for long-Lerm houslng
Carodnlck urban !usLlce CenLer 133442022

lundlng wlll supporL legal asslsLance Lo LenanLs and
LenanLs assoclaLlons ln ulsLrlcL 4. Servlces lnclude
represenLlng LenanLs ln evlcLlon proceedlngs, helplng
LenanLs obLaln repalrs from negllgenL landlords,
offerlng legal cllnlcs for houslng-relaLed maL
kallos urban !usLlce CenLer 133442022

1o perform communlLy ouLreach and educaLlon for
vendors ln Lhe dlsLrlcL on complylng wlLh vendlng
regulaLlons, exerclslng Lhelr rlghLs and clvlc
kallos urban !usLlce CenLer 133442022

1o provlde servlces Lo LenanLs ln prlvaLe equlLy
bulldlngs, lncludlng: LenanLs' rlghLs educaLlon, legal
asslsLance durlng Lhe blddlng process Lo promoLe Lhe
purchase of bulldlngs by responslble owners, and legal
advlce and represenLaLlon for LenanLs facln
Levlne urban !usLlce CenLer 133442022 3,300 lundlng Lo supporL Lhe SLreeL vendor ro[ecL (Sv).
Levlne urban !usLlce CenLer 133442022

lundlng Lo supporL Lhe CommunlLy uevelopmenL
ro[ecL (Cu), whlch provldes servlces Lo LenanLs ln
prlvaLe equlLy bulldlngs, lncludlng: LenanLs' rlghLs
educaLlon, legal asslsLance durlng Lhe blddlng process
Lo promoLe Lhe purchase of bulldlngs by responslb
Mendez urban !usLlce CenLer 133442022

Cu wlll provlde servlces Lo LenanLs ln prlvaLe equlLy
bulldlngs, lncludlng: LenanLs' rlghLs educaLlon, legal
asslsLance durlng Lhe blddlng process Lo promoLe Lhe
purchase of bulldlngs by responslble owners, and legal
advlce and represenLaLlon for LenanLs
!ohnson urban !usLlce CenLer 133442022

C? wlll speclflcally help youLh ln accesslng accuraLe
and afflrmlng ldenLlLy documenLs, obLalnlng and
malnLalnlng legal lmmlgraLlon sLaLus, navlgaLlng Lhe
crlmlnal [usLlce sysLem, and malnLalnlng sources of
lncome supporL and medlcal asslsLance.
8osenLhal urban !usLlce CenLer 133442022

lundlng Lo provlde monLhly houslng cllnlcs on Lhe
upper WesL Slde.
8odrlguez urban !usLlce CenLer 133442022 3,300 lundlng Lo provlde sLreeL vendor advocacy workshops
Chln urban !usLlce CenLer 133442022

lunds wlll provlde workers' [usLlce legal asslsLance and
"know your rlghLs" workshops Lo low-wage, prlmarlly
lmmlgranL workers.
Chln urban !usLlce CenLer 133442022

lundlng wlll help provlde workshops and maLerlals Lo
help vendors undersLand rules and Lo ensure LhaL
vendors know Lhelr rlghLs when approached by
enforcemenL offlcers.
Arroyo urban !usLlce CenLer 133442022

1o provlde legal servlces Lo low-lncome consumers ln
Councll ulsLrlcL 17 who are sLruggllng wlLh consumer
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 397

Mark-vlverlLo urban !usLlce CenLer 133442022

lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe SafeLy neL ro[ecL
and lLs expanslon Lo Lhe oLher developmenLs locaLed ln
ulsLrlcL 8 as well as Lo hosL addlLlonal communlLy
educaLlon programmlng.
Menchaca urban !usLlce CenLer 133442022

lunds Lo perform communlLy ouLreach and educaLlon
for vendors ln-dlsLrlcL on complylng wlLh vendlng
regulaLlons, exerclslng Lhelr rlghLs and clvlc
engagemenL (ln languages oLher Lhan Lngllsh).
Menchaca urban !usLlce CenLer 133442022

lunds Lo supporL and expand provldlng capaclLy-
bulldlng asslsLance Lo nonproflLs, co-ops, and small
buslnesses ln low-lncome communlLles.
Menchaca urban !usLlce CenLer 133442022

lunds Lo supporL youLh ln accesslng accuraLe and
afflrmlng ldenLlLy documenLs (legal name changes and
documenL replacemenL), obLalnlng and malnLalnlng
legal lmmlgraLlon sLaLus (asylum, Speclal lmmlgranL
!uvenlle SLaLus, vlsas for survlvors of Lrafflcklng
Women's, Clbson,
alma CC urban !usLlce CenLer 133442022

1o fund Lhe cosLs of a new commlssary cooperaLlve for
sLreeL vendors.
Chln, Menchaca CC urban !usLlce CenLer 133442022

lundlng Lo lncrease lLs presence wlLhln Lhe n?CPA
developmenLs locaLed ln 8ronx. 8y comblnlng
communlLy ouLreach efforLs wlLh a serles of workshops
geared aL educaLlng LenanLs regardlng Lhelr rlghLs, Lhey
can empower n?CPA resldenLs Lo effecLlvely advoc
1orres urban !usLlce CenLer - SafeLy neL ro[ecL 133442022

lunds wlll supporL Lhe expanslon of weekly legal cllnlcs
aL Lhe unlon CommunlLy PealLh CenLer.
Clbson urban !usLlce CenLer - SafeLy neL ro[ecL 133442022

lundlng wlll expand Lhe currenL legal cllnlc servlces aL
unlon CommunlLy PealLh CenLer. urban !usLlce CenLer
- SafeLy neL ro[ecL currenLly operaLes Lwo legal cllnlcs
a monLh aL Lhls slLe. 1hese legal cllnlcs provlde cllenLs
wlLh dlrecL represenLaLlon a
lerreras urban !usLlce CenLer - SLreeL vendor ro[ecL 133442022

lundlng wlll supporL communlLy ouLreach and
educaLlon Lo help vendors comply wlLh vendlng
regulaLlons, as well as exerclslng vendor rlghLs and clvlc
engagemenL. lundlng wlll also supporL servlces
lncludlng legal represenLaLlon, mlcro-lendlng
educaLlon, a
8eynoso urban !usLlce CenLer - SLreeL vendor ro[ecL 133442022

1o supporL communlLy ouLreach, educaLlon, and oLher
servlces for sLreeL vendors ln Lhe 34Lh ulsLrlcL.
van 8ramer urban Llbrarlans unlLe, lnc. 433803373

lunds Lo supporL Lhe small communlLy book
exchanges, sLreeL reference, and work Lo encourage
Lhe publlc Lo use llbrarles ln Lhelr everyday llves.
1reyger urban nelghborhood Servlces, lnc. 141997299
lundlng wlll be uLlllzed Lo provlde general operaLlng
supporL Lo all of unS flagshlp programs and servlces
whlch prlmarlly serve Coney lsland resldenLs ln
addlLlon Lo oLher 8rooklynlLes. 1hese servlces lnclude
flnanclal llLeracy, veLerans ouLreach pro[ecL
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 398

Arroyo urban ?ouLh Alllance lnLernaLlonal, lnc. 132969182
1o supporL graphlc arL classes Lo 8ronxConnecL youLh
Lo enable sLudenLs Lo explore Lechnlques and develop
skllls ln LradlLlonal graphlc deslgn, uLlllzlng compuLers,
hoLoshop, lllusLraLor, and lnueslgn Lo produce ubllc
Servlce AnnouncemenL posLers on ls
Mark-vlverlLo urban ?ouLh Alllance lnLernaLlonal, lnc. 132969182
lunds wlll be used Lo provlde graphlc arL classes Lo
8ronxConnecL youLh.
urbanglass new ?ork ConLemporary Class
CenLer, lnc. 133098471
lunds Lo supporL for Lhe 8ead ro[ecL, a semesLer-long,
scholarshlp program LhaL Leaches Lhe baslcs of
beadmaklng, [ewelry fabrlcaLlon and enLrepreneurshlp
Lo area women.
urbanglass new ?ork ConLemporary Class
CenLer, lnc. 133098471
1o supporL Lhe 8ead ro[ecL, a semesLer-long,
scholarshlp program LhaL Leaches Lhe baslcs of
beadmaklng, [ewelry fabrlcaLlon and enLrepreneurshlp.
Levlne uSA-Mall CharlLable AssoclaLlon Cf n?C 261803327
lundlng Lo offseL Lhe cosLs of "Chlldren lnLernaLlonal
lun uay", whlch Lralns chlldren ln Afrlcan uance.
ulckens uLopla Chlldren's CenLer, lnc. 131624243
1o operaLe a chlldren's' cenLer, provldlng chlldcare
servlces Lo famllles ln Lhe Parlem communlLy as well as
oLher areas.
Cohen van CorLlandL ark Conservancy 800361646
lundlng Lo cover expenses for performance workshops
for chlldren ln van CorLlandL ark.
ConsLanLlnldes varleLy 8oys and Clrls Club of Cueens, lnc. 116014770
lundlng wlll be used Lo supporL acLlvlLles for Lhe
chlldren lncludlng homework help, performlng arLs
lnsLrucLlon, and physlcal acLlvlLy.
8ose varslLy Club of SLaLen lsland, lnc. 133993270
lunds Lo provlde youLh aLhleLlc, educaLlonal, and
communlLy base programs ln Lhe form of awards,
cllnlcs, and hands on Lralnlng. lundlng wlll be used Lo
pay for lnsurance, renLal for Lhe faclllLy, equlpmenL for
Lhe ouLdoor acLlvlLles, consumable supplles
veLerans Cf lorelgn Wars ueparLmenL Cf new
?ork - lC !C McLaughlln osL 8340 237334363

lunds wlll be used Lo supporL operaLlonal expenses
assoclaLed wlLh veLerans memorlal evenLs lncludlng
dlnners and parades
Cumbo vlbe 1heaLer Lxperlence 200482372
lundlng Lo expand currenL servlces Lo Leenage glrls ln
Lhe 3 boroughs of n?C Lhrough our process-based
performance meLhods ln LheaLer, muslc, wrlLlng,
dance, mulLlmedla and more.
MaLLeo vleLnam veLerans of Amerlca, ChapLer 421 061232230

funds wlll be used Lo for a conLracLor, Lo excavaLe and
lnsLall pavers LhroughouL Lhe grounds
vleLnam veLerans of Amerlca, lnc. - Cueens
ChapLer #32 112629339

lunds wlll be used Lo defray cosLs of parades,
counsellng and general operaLlng cosLs.
vleLnam veLerans of Amerlca, lnc. - Cueens
ChapLer #32 112629339

lunds Lo advlse members of educaLlonal beneflLs as
well as referrals Lo oLher governmenL agencles, provlde
veLerans and Lhelr dependenLs beneflLs lnformaLlon
and supporL homeless veLerans. lunds Lo hosL an
Annual CW/MlA Ceremony, lndlgenL veLeran 8urlals
vleLnam veLerans of Amerlca, lnc. - Cueens
ChapLer #32 112629339

lunds wlll be used for operaLlonal expenses, supplles
and servlces
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 399

vleLnam veLerans of Amerlca, lnc. - Cueens
ChapLer #32 112629339

lunds wlll be used Lo cover operaLlng expenses: asslsLs
all veLerans ln presenLlng CompensaLlon and enslon
clalms before Lhe vA, advlses on educaLlonal beneflLs
& referrals Lo oLher governmenL agencles, rovldes
veLerans and Lhelr dependenLs beneflLs ln
vleLnam veLerans of Amerlca, lnc. - Cueens
ChapLer #32 112629339

1o provlde veLerans and Lhelr dependenLs beneflLs
lnformaLlon, supporL of homeless veLerans,
AnnualCW/MlA Ceremony, lndlgenL veLeran 8urlals,
ulssemlnaLlon of veLerans lnformaLlon aL communlLy
sLreeL falrs LhroughouL Lhe borough, Sponsors annual
vleLnam veLerans of Amerlca, lnc. - Cueens
ChapLer #32 112629339

rovldes veLerans and Lhelr dependenLs beneflLs
lnformaLlon, supporL of homeless veLerans,
AnnualCW/MlA Ceremony, lndlgenL veLeran 8urlals,
ulssemlnaLlon of veLerans lnformaLlon aL communlLy
sLreeL falrs LhroughouL Lhe borough, Sponsors annual
van 8ramer
vleLnam veLerans of Amerlca, lnc. - Cueens
ChapLer #32 112629339

lundlng Lo supporL Lhe ChapLer ln asslsLlng all veLerans
ln presenLlng CompensaLlon and enslon clalms before
Lhe vA. lL advlses of educaLlonal beneflLs as well as
referrals Lo oLher governmenL agencles. rovldes
veLerans and Lhelr dependenLs beneflLs lnf
Women's, Arroyo CC vlolence lnLervenLlon rogram 133340337

1o provlde domesLlc vlolence and sexual assaulL
awareness and educaLlon Lo women, by dlssemlnaLlng
lnformaLlon and provldlng educaLlonal workshops
abouL domesLlc vlolence ln boLh Lngllsh and Spanlsh.
lerreras vlolence lnLervenLlon rogram 133340337

1o fund servlces Lo help survlvors of vlolence wlLh
emergency and supporLlve houslng, case managemenL,
advocacy, communlLy educaLlon ouLreach, chlldren
youLh servlces, flnanclal llLeracy economlc
empowermenL skllls bulldlng, a 24-hour blllngual
koo vlolence lnLervenLlon rogram 133340337

1o provlde for general operaLlng supporL of an arrange
of servlces Lo help survlvors lead healLhy, safe, and
producLlve llves lncludlng emergency and supporLlve
houslng, case managemenL, advocacy, communlLy
educaLlon ouLreach, chlldren youLh servlces, fln
vlSlCnS/Servlces for Lhe 8llnd and vlsually
lmpalred 131624210

1o provlde publlc educaLlon on eye dlsease and
bllndness prevenLlon Lo senlors, healLhcare
professlonals and organlzaLlons, and Lo locaLe
bllnd/vlsually lmpalred senlors resldlng ln Councll
ulsLrlcL 18 and provlde Lhem access Lo rehablllLaLlon
and moblll
vlSlCnS/Servlces for Lhe 8llnd and vlsually
lmpalred 131624210

lundlng Lo provlde lnformaLlon and access Lo vlslon
rehablllLaLlon and moblllLy Lralnlng, adapLed
Lechnology and soclal programs ln u2
vlSlCnS/Servlces for Lhe 8llnd and vlsually
lmpalred 131624210

lundlng wlll be used Lo ldenLlfy bllnd/vlsually lmpalred
senlors from Lhe 49Lh dlsLrlcL, lL wlll enable vlSlCnS Lo
provlde lnformaLlon and access Lo vlslon rehablllLaLlon
and moblllLy Lralnlng, adapLed Lechnology and soclal
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 400

vlSlCnS/Servlces for Lhe 8llnd and vlsually
lmpalred 131624210

1o fund Lhe soclal servlce program wlLh lncludes
ouLreach, rehablllLaLlon and moblllLy servlces,
Lechnology and soclal programs Lo bllnd/vlsually
lmpalred senlors ln Lhe communlLy.
vlSlCnS/Servlces for Lhe 8llnd and vlsually
lmpalred 131624210
1o fund an afLer school program for bllnd and vlsually
lmpalred youLh
vlSlCnS/Servlces for Lhe 8llnd and vlsually
lmpalred 131624210

lundlng Lo supporL publlc educaLlon program on eye
dlsease and bllndness prevenLlon for Lhe elderly
vlSlCnS/Servlces for Lhe 8llnd and vlsually
lmpalred 131624210
lundlng Lo supporL afLerschool [ob Lralnlng program
for vlsually lmpalred youLh
vlSlCnS/Servlces for Lhe 8llnd and vlsually
lmpalred 131624210

lunds wlll supporL vlSlCnS Lo conducL ouLreach and
access Lo rehablllLaLlon servlces and soclal programs Lo
vlsually lmpalred senlors.
vlSlCnS/Servlces for Lhe 8llnd and vlsually
lmpalred 131624210

1o provlde lnformaLlon and access Lo vlslon
rehablllLaLlon and moblllLy Lralnlng, adapLed
Lechnology and soclal programs Lo elders wlLh vlslon
loss ln Lhe dlsLrlcL, and Lo supporL Lhe breakfasL and/or
dlnner and soclal servlces for Lhose elders.
vacca CC
vlSlCnS/Servlces for Lhe 8llnd and vlsually
lmpalred 131624210

lundlng wlll be used for an lnformaLlon and 8eferral
Servlce for people who are bllnd abouL programs and
servlces avallable ln new ?ork SLaLe for Lhelr purposes.
8llndllne ls a web-based onllne sysLem as well as a llve
call cenLer sLaffed by Lralnees who
Chln vlslLlng nelghbors, lnc. 237379098
1o fund senlor servlces lncludlng frlendly vlslLlng Lo
relleve lsolaLlon and lonellness and prevenL
depresslon, escorLs Lo medlcal appolnLmenLs, help
wlLh shopplng, healLh advocacy and case asslsLance.
koslowlLz vlslLlng nelghbors, lnc. 237379098
lunds wlll be used Lo provlde servlces LhaL enable
senlors Lo remaln lndependenL lncludlng escorLs Lo
medlcal appolnLmenLs, help wlLh shopplng and
errands, healLh advocacy, frlendly vlslLlng Lo relleve
lsolaLlon, careglvers supporL and referrals Lo needed
vlsual ArLs 8esearch and 8esource CenLer
8elaLlng Lo Lhe Carlbbean 133034001
lunds wlll be used Lo pay arLlsLs fees for Leachlng arLlsL
resldencles and culLural arLs assemblles ln schools
locaLed ln dlsLrlcL 6.
vlsual ArLs 8esearch and 8esource CenLer
8elaLlng Lo Lhe Carlbbean 133034001
lunds wlll be used Lo pay arLlsLs fees for Leachlng arLlsL
resldencles and culLural arLs assemblles ln schools
locaLed ln Lhe Councll ulsLrlcL 17 schools.
vlsual ArLs 8esearch and 8esource CenLer
8elaLlng Lo Lhe Carlbbean 133034001
lunds wlll be used Lo pay arLlsLs fees for Leachlng arLlsL
resldencles and culLural arLs assemblles ln schools
locaLed ln Councll ulsLrlcL 12.
vlsual ArLs 8esearch and 8esource CenLer
8elaLlng Lo Lhe Carlbbean 133034001
lunds wlll be used Lo supporL general operaLlng
expenses and provlde conLlnued free year-round
culLural arLs and educaLlon programs Lo resldenLs of Ll
8arrlo and general audlences.
8osenLhal vlLal 1heaLre Company, lnc. 134122381 * 3,300 lunds Lo defray Leachlng arLlsL fees
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 401

vlvlan 8eaumonL 1heaLre, lnc., 1he (d/b/a
Llncoln CenLer 1heaLre) 133004747

3,300 lundlng wlll underwrlLe LheaLer LlckeLs for PS sLudenLs.
uromm voces LaLlna Corp. 202312631
1o conducL ouLreach & provlde Plv LesLlng and
prevenLlon lnfo ln !ackson PelghLs, LlmhursL and
lerreras voces LaLlna Corp. 202312631
lundlng wlll supporL for ouLreach workers durlng laLe
evenlng hours along 8oosevelL Avenue ln !ackson
PelghLs, LlmhursL and Corona Lo provlde Plv LesLlng,
engage Lhe communlLy wlLh oLher servlces provlded,
and dellver Plv prevenLlon lnformaLlon Lo Lhe com
koo voelker CrLh Museum, 1he 113498383

lunds for educaLlonal programs for lndlvlduals,
famllles and group vlslLors, supporL for performances
and fesLlvals, and care of Lhe vlcLorlan Carden.
volces of CommunlLy AcLlvlsLs & Leaders
(vCCAL-n?) 134094383
1o scale-up access Lo overdose prevenLlon servlces for
8rooklyn resldenLs aL hlghesL rlsk and Lhelr famllles.
volces of CommunlLy AcLlvlsLs & Leaders
(vCCAL-n?) 134094383
1o provlde leadershlp developmenL Lralnlng courses Lo
homeless and low-lncome people affecLlng by
Plv/AluS Lhrough our CWL8 Academy program.
lundlng wlll be used Lo supporL sLafflng, LransporLaLlon
asslsLance, meals and supplles for Lhe Lralnlngs.
volces of CommunlLy AcLlvlsLs & Leaders
(vCCAL-n?) 134094383
1o provlde leadershlp Lralnlngs on sLrucLural,
blomedlcal and behavloral lnLervenLlons Lo promoLe
opLlmal healLh among people llvlng wlLh Plv and
prevenL new lnfecLlons.
volces of CommunlLy AcLlvlsLs & Leaders
(vCCAL-n?) 134094383
lunds Lo supporL 8eLurnlng ClLlzens 8lghLs" pro[ecL
LhaL wlll educaLe famllles lmpacLed by mass
lncarceraLlon abouL legal proLecLlons regardlng
employmenL and houslng for people wlLh a crlmlnal
record, wlLh a focus on famllles ln publlc houslng.
volces of CommunlLy AcLlvlsLs & Leaders
(vCCAL-n?) 134094383
3,300 lundlng for "8eLurnlng ClLlzens 8lghLs" pro[ecL
8LAC, Cumbo,
Wllllams CC
volces of CommunlLy AcLlvlsLs & Leaders
(vCCAL-n?) 134094383
1o provlde know ?our 8lghLs workshops Lo lnform
people of Lhelr legal rlghLs durlng pollce encounLers
(lncludlng sLop, quesLlon and frlsk) and role play de-
escalaLlon sLraLegles ln order Lo sLay safe and calm.
lundlng wlll supporL communlLy organlzlng, L
Wadlelgh Secondary School for Lhe vlsual and
erformlng ArLs 136400434

1he Wadlelgh Schools wrlLlng and llLeracy lnlLlaLlve wlll
feaLure noLed speakers, wrlLers and oLher arLlsLs for
sLudenLs ln grades 6-12. 1he culmlnaLlng producL wlll
be Lhe publlcaLlon of an anLhology of prose and poeLry
as well as performance of Lhe body
Cumbo WalL WhlLman 1enanLs AssoclaLlon 113338338
lunds wlll be used Lo provlde a range of servlces and
programs for youLh, adulLs and senlors who llve ln
WhlLman Pouses. rograms and servlces lnclude afLer
school recreaLlonal programs, meals for senlors,
parenLlng classes, soclal servlces, and vlolence
Cabrera WalLon ?A8C ueparLmenL of LducaLlon 690210637

lundlng wlll be uLlllzed Lo provlde sLudenLs wlLh Lhe
opporLunlLy Lo learn Lhe fundamenLals of 1elevlslon
roducLlon. lundlng Lo defray Lhe cosL of workshops ln
varlous aspecLs of broadcasLlng/1v producLlon.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 402

WashlngLon PelghLs and lnwood uevelopmenL
CorporaLlon 132930346

lundlng Lo offseL cosL of lesLlval erformance ulrecLor
for Medleval lesLlval aL lorL 1ryon ark
WashlngLon PelghLs and lnwood uevelopmenL
CorporaLlon 132930346

lundlng Lo provlde buslness developmenL servlces for
chlld care provlders
Levlne WashlngLon PelghLs Corner ro[ecL 208672013
WPC ls Lhe only harm reducLlon program norLh of
Parlem ln ManhaLLan and has served as Lhe llnk
beLween a marglnallzed populaLlon of homeless and
acLlve drug-users and local soclal servlce agencles.
lundlng wlll be used Lo cover program cosLs ln Councll
8odrlguez WashlngLon PelghLs Corner ro[ecL 208672013

lundlng Lo supporL Advocacy Llalson and CommunlLy
Crganlzer for peer educaLlon program surroundlng
healLh lssues
8odrlguez WashlngLon PelghLs 1ennls AssoclaLlon 133930391
lundlng Lo provlde Lennls coach sLafflng, equlpmenL,
lnsurance and more aL Cu lndoor CourLs
Menchaca WaLerfronL Museum, 1he 113369896

1o supporL Lhe WaLerfronL Museum's MarlLlme
LducaLlon lnlLlaLlve and culLural arLs program aboard
Lhe Lehlgh valley 8arge 79.
Carodnlck WaLerslde 1enanLs AssoclaLlon 133303144

lundlng wlll supporL communlLy ouLreach and
developmenL, lncludlng a free senlor exerclse program
and communlcaLlons and advocacy for resldenLs of
WaLerslde laza and Lhe larger communlLy.
Malsel We Care new ?ork, lnc 462337983 * 8,000 1o provlde crlLlcal servlces Lo resldenLs.
Arroyo We, 1he World, lnc. 134129493
1o supporL an annual communlLy arLs and educaLlon
fesLlval whlch promoLes Lhe lmporLance of educaLlon
Lo Lhe youLh of Lhe SouLh 8ronx and supporL ConfllcL
revenLlon and 8esoluLlon rograms.
Carodnlck Wellness ln Lhe Schools, lnc. 231919494
lundlng wlll supporL Cooklng MaLLers courses Lo
educaLe sLudenLs and famllles on healLhy, low-cosL
Chln Wellness ln Lhe Schools, lnc. 231919494
1o supporL educaLlonal programs on healLhful foods,
cooklng and nuLrlLlon ln and afLer school ln Councll
8odrlguez WesL 181sL SLreeL 8eauLlflcaLlon ro[ecL, lnc. 133743342 * 6,000 lundlng Lo provlde sLafflng for Lhe ?ouLh Carden.
Carodnlck WesL 34-33 SLreeL 8lock AssoclaLlon 061779681

lundlng wlll supporL communlLy ouLreach and
advocacy relaLed Lo Lhe archlLecLural, soclal and
culLural hlsLory of bulldlngs ln Lhe WesL 30's
WesL 8rlghLon CommunlLy Local uevelopmenL
CorporaLlon 133046424
1he funds wlll be used for sLaff, malllngs, prlnLlngs,
supplles and ouLreach ln helplng Lo form Lhe vlcLory
8oulevard 8lu
WesL 8rlghLon CommunlLy Local uevelopmenL
CorporaLlon 133046424
lunds wlll be used Lowards Lhe conLlnuaLlon of Lhe
MlnorlLy and Woman 8uslness Leadershlp AssoclaLlon
rogram, lncludlng sLafflng, promoLlon, maLerlals and
equlpmenL, and relaLed admlnlsLraLlve cosLs.
WesL 8rlghLon CommunlLy Local uevelopmenL
CorporaLlon 133046424
lunds wlll supporL offered servlces for buslnesses,
lncludlng sLafflng, promoLlon, maLerlals and
equlpmenL, and relaLed admlnlsLraLlve cosLs.
Cohen WesL 8ronx Pouslng and nelghborhood 132941841 13,000 lundlng Lo supporL Lechnlcal asslsLance Lo LenanLs,
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 403

8esource CenLer, lnc. owners and properLy managers ln Lhe norLhwesL
WesL 8ronx Pouslng and nelghborhood
8esource CenLer, lnc. 132941841

rovldlng Lechnlcal asslsLance Lo LenanLs, owners, and
managers, W8Pn8C vlews problems hollsLlcally and
seeks Lo solve underlylng lssues as well as presenLlng
problems, beglnnlng wlLh Lhe leasL lnLruslve, escalaLlng
pressure only as needed. AsslsLance ca
WesL 8ronx Pouslng and nelghborhood
8esource CenLer, lnc. 132941841

lunds wlll supporL Lhe provlslon of Lechnlcal
asslsLance Lo LenanLs and owners of affordable
houslng developmenLs
WesL Parlem CommunlLy reservaLlon
CrganlzaLlon 133912967
1o provlde gulded arL Lours Lhrough gallerles and
publlc spaces ln Parlem, and provlde addlLlonal lnLer-
generaLlonal programmlng such as free hands-on Lour,
lnsplred arL pro[ecLs and workshops, for Lhe local
mlddle and hlgh schools sLudenLs and parenLs.
Levlne WesL Parlem LnvlronmenLal AcLlon, lnc. 133800068
lundlng Lo supporL Lhe Pouslng and PealLh program
whlch wlll convene communlLy-based members,
sclenLlsLs, pollcy advocaLes, communlLy based
organlzaLlons and people wlLh subsLandard houslng-
relaLed healLh condlLlons Lo dlscuss sLraLeglc
approaches Lo re
ulckens WesL Parlem LnvlronmenLal AcLlon, lnc. 133800068
1o supporL a 8ulldlng CommunlLy CapaclLy Lo 8educe
Lead olsonlng Pazards" pro[ecL, Lo beLLer ldenLlfy lead
polsonlng hazards ln Lhe home, and Lo bulld
communlLy capaclLy Lo deLecL and reporL lead
polsonlng hazards from mulLlple sources ln norLhern
ulckens WesL Parlem Croup AsslsLance 237169338
1o supporL a llnanclal LlLeracy rogram Lo help local
resldenLs achleve flnanclal sLablllLy.
WesL lndlan Amerlcan uay Carnlval AssoclaLlon,
lnc. 237176396
lunds for operaLlng expenses for year round
LradlLlonal carnlval arLs, programs, concerLs fesLlvlLles
LhaL lncludes, 8rassfesL, SLeelpan
(anorama),ulmanche Cras,!unlor carnlval, 1hursday
nlghL Mas dlsplay concerL and SLay ln School: ?ouLh
1alenL Show
WesL lndlan Amerlcan uay Carnlval AssoclaLlon,
lnc. 237176396
1o supporL Lhe WesL lndlan LradlLlonal culLural arLs
programs, concerLs, LalenL shows, and cosLume
WesL lndlan Amerlcan uay Carnlval AssoclaLlon,
lnc. 237176396
lunds wlll be used for operaLlng expenses for year
round LradlLlonal carnlval arLs, programs, concerLs
Crowley, Lsplnal,
kallos, Levln,
alma CC
WesL lndlan Amerlcan uay Carnlval AssoclaLlon,
lnc. 237176396
lunds wlll be used for operaLlng expenses for year
round LradlLlonal carnlval arLs, programs, concerLs
fesLlvlLles LhaL lncludes, 8rassfesL, SLeelpan
(anorama), ulmanche Cras, !unlor carnlval, 1hursday
nlghL Mas dlsplay concerL and SLay ln School: ?ouL
8ose WesL Shore LlLLle League 133423081

lundlng Lo supporL 8ASL8ALL Anu SCl18ALL
8CC8AM. lunuS uSLu lC8 u1lLl1lLS, 8ASL8ALL Anu
SCl18ALL LCulMLn1 Anu unllC8MS.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 404

8osenLhal WesL Slde CenLer for CommunlLy Llfe 710908184
1he fundlng wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe operaLlon of
Lhe organlzaLlons cusLomer-cholce food panLry
8osenLhal WesL Slde CommunlLy Carden 133993092

lunds wlll be uLlllzed Lo purchase bulbs and oLher
planLlngs Lo malnLaln a conLlnually-bloomlng publlc
space, as well as for purchase and replacemenL of
needed gardenlng Lools
!ohnson WesLbeLh ArLlsLs 8esldenLs Councll, lnc. 133134233

lundlng wlll supporL WesLlesL uance lesLlval,
especlally LargeLlng our SlLe Speclflc uance rogram.
alma WesLchesLer Square arLnershlp, lnc. 263124969
1o supporL Lhe healLh, soclal and economlc
empowermenL of Lhe SouLh Aslan communlLy ln new
?ork, Lhrough developmenL of a worker cooperaLlve
buslness, menLal healLh servlces, LSCL, and Lhe
MoLhers' Club School advocacy program.
vacca WesLchesLer Square arLnershlp, lnc. 263124969
1o fund Lhe developmenL of a worker cooperaLlve
buslness, LSL program, supporL ASPA maLched savlngs
program, a welghL loss program, and Lhe MoLhers' Club
School advocacy program whlch Lralns local parenLs Lo
geL more lnvolved ln publlc schools.
Weprln WesLchesLer Square arLnershlp, lnc. 263124969
1o supporL program cosLs and sLaff salarles for healLh
lnlLlaLlves for women ln Lhe SouLh Aslan communlLy.
Mlller Where 1here's a need, lnc. 830433048
lunds wlll be used Lo purchase all maLerlals needed Lo
deslgn and creaLe Lhe wlg alLernaLlves lncludlng
packaglng and malnLenance upkeep educaLlon along
wlLh oLher cancer educaLlon regardlng how Lo prepare
for baldness from chemoLherapy LreaLmenL.
koslowlLz Where 1here's a need, lnc. 830433048
lunds wlll be used Lo purchase all maLerlals needed Lo
deslgn and creaLe Lhe wlg alLernaLlves lncludlng
packaglng and malnLenance upkeep educaLlon along
wlLh oLher cancer educaLlon regardlng how Lo prepare
for baldness from chemoLherapy LreaLmenL.
Carodnlck WhlLney Museum of Amerlcan ArL 131789318
lundlng wlll supporL Lhe WhlLney Museum's free Lours
and programs for publlc school sLudenLs.
!ohnson WhlLney Museum of Amerlcan ArL 131789318
1o supporL museum programs and acLlvlLles, lncludlng
free gulded Lours and classroom programs for k-12
8lchards WlldcaL Servlce CorporaLlon 132723423
1o supporL Lhe nelghborhood lmprovemenL rogram
(nl) supporLs n?C communlLles devasLaLed by Lhe
foreclosure crlsls ln ulsLrlcL 31.
Lsplnal WlldcaL Servlce CorporaLlon 132723423
lunds wlll supporL Lhe nelghborhood lmprovemenL
rogram and brlng moblle Leams Lo Councll ulsLrlcL 37.
Cu28 WlldcaL Servlce CorporaLlon 132723423
1he nelghborhood lmprovemenL rogram (nl)
supporLs n?C communlLles devasLaLed by Lhe
foreclosure crlsls. nl servlces lnclude cleanlng and
malnLalnlng sLreeLs, collecLlng Lrash and llLLer,
removlng grafflLl, greenlng publlc areas, Lrlmmlng and
mowlng. 1
Levln Wlldllfe ConservaLlon SocleLy 131740011
1o supporL programmlng LhaL wlll connecL
schoolchlldren wlLh wlld naLure whlle provldlng crlLlcal
culLural and sclenLlflc enrlchmenL.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 40S

Lander Wlldllfe ConservaLlon SocleLy 131740011
1o supporL educaLlonal programs on wlldllfe and
naLure for local schools.
van 8ramer Wlldllfe ConservaLlon SocleLy 131740011
1o supporL programs whlch connecL chlldren wlLh wlld
naLure whlle provldlng crlLlcal culLural and sclenLlflc
Cohen Wlldllfe ConservaLlon SocleLy - 8ronx Zoo 131740011
lundlng Lo supporL educaLlonal and culLural
enrlchmenL and programs for 1lLle Cne schools aL Lhe
8ronx Zoo.
alma Wlldllfe ConservaLlon SocleLy - 8ronx Zoo 131740011
1o supporL educaLlonal rek-12 programs and
acLlvlLles, whlch school admlnlsLraLors and Leachers
can choose from Lo besL supplemenL Lhelr classroom
1orres Wlldllfe ConservaLlon SocleLy - 8ronx Zoo 131740011
lunds wlll supporL educaLlon programs ln Lhe 1lLle Cne
schools offered by Lhe educaLlon deparLmenL of Lhe
8ronx Zoo
Carodnlck Wlldllfe ConservaLlon SocleLy - CenLral ark Zoo 131740011
lundlng wlll supporL programmlng aL a school ln
Councll ulsLrlcL 4.
Wlldllfe ConservaLlon SocleLy - new ?ork
Aquarlum 131740011
AquaLlc LssenLlals rogram for Senlors Lo LargeLed
Senlor CenLers ln councll dlsLrlcL 48.
Wlldllfe ConservaLlon SocleLy - new ?ork
Aquarlum 131740011
AquaLlc LssenLlals programs Lo LargeLed 1lLle Cne
Schools ln Lhe 48Lh councll dlsLrlcL.
Wlldllfe ConservaLlon SocleLy - new ?ork
Aquarlum 131740011
1o supporL an AquaLlc LssenLlals programs Lo LargeLed
1lLle Cne Schools ln Councll ulsLrlcL 40.
Wlldllfe ConservaLlon SocleLy - new ?ork
Aquarlum 131740011
lundlng wlll be used Lo help supporL Lhe offerlng of
AquaLlc LssenLlals rogram for Senlors Lo Senlor
CenLers ln Lhe 47Lh Councll dlsLrlcL.
Wlldllfe ConservaLlon SocleLy - new ?ork
Aquarlum 131740011
lundlng wlll be used Lo help supporL Lhe offerlng of
AquaLlc LssenLlals programs Lo LargeLed 1lLle Cne
Schools ln Lhe 47Lh Councll ulsLrlcL.
Wlldllfe ConservaLlon SocleLy - new ?ork
Aquarlum 131740011
lunds used Lo defray Lhe cosL of hlrlng addlLlonal
securlLy durlng Lhe sprlng and summer monLhs
Wlldllfe ConservaLlon SocleLy - new ?ork
Aquarlum 131740011
lunds wlll supporL Lhe offerlng of AquaLlc LssenLlals
rogram for Senlors, a program deslgned Lo be a
monLhly educaLlon program LhaL lncludes exhlblL Lalks,
blologlcal arLlfacL handllng, behlnd Lhe scene
experlences and hands on lnLeracLlons.
Wlldllfe ConservaLlon SocleLy - new ?ork
Aquarlum 131740011
3,000 lundlng for senlor AquaLlc LssenLlals rogram
Cumbo Wlldllfe ConservaLlon SocleLy - rospecL ark Zoo 131740011
lund wlll supporL servlces LhaL connecL chlldren wlLh
wlld naLure whlle provldlng crlLlcal culLural and
sclenLlflc enrlchmenL.
lerreras Wlldllfe ConservaLlon SocleLy - Cueens Zoo 131740011
1o fund programmlng relaLed Lo connecLlng k-12
sLudenLs wlLh naLure whlle provldlng crlLlcal culLural
and sclenLlflc enrlchmenL. rogrammlng wlll expose
sLudenLs Lo challenges faced by wlld anlmals, Lhe
fundamenLals of blodlverslLy, Lhe baslcs of hablLaLs
Levlne Wllllam l. 8yan CommunlLy PealLh CenLer, lnc. 132884976

lundlng wlll supporL Lhe purchase of new equlpmenL
for Lhe 8yan CenLer's edlaLrlc ueparLmenL, lncludlng
Lhree leLal uopplers, an lnfanL Measurlng 8oard, and,
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 406

slx hand-held ulse CxlmeLers.
ulckens Wllllam l. 8yan CommunlLy PealLh CenLer, lnc. 132884976

1o supporL ueaf-1alk (u1) subscrlpLlon fees for use of
Lhe moblle flaL screen monlLor/vldeo unlL and per
mlnuLe fees for lnLerpreLer sesslons as parL of a seL of
comprehenslve medlcal servlces for underservlced
Mendez Wllllam l. 8yan CommunlLy PealLh CenLer, lnc. 132884976

lundlng Lo supporL Lqulp. for edlaLrlc ueparLmenL
(leLal uopplers/lnfanL Measurlng 8oard/hand-held
ulse CxlmeLers)
Levln Wllllamsburg repaLory School 136400434

1o supporL Lhe campus beauLlflcaLlon and gardenlng
Cumbo Wlllle Mae 8ock Camp lor Clrls 631237021 * 3,000 lunds Lo supporL afLer school programmlng.
koo Women for Afghan Women 020339734
lunds wlll be used Lowards WAW's chlldren's LuLorlng:
Pomework Pelp, and Lhe Clrls' Leadershlp program
(CL) for glrls aged 10-13, whlch Leaches glrls
leadershlp skllls and abouL educaLlonal and career
opporLunlLles avallable Lo Lhem. lunds wlll be used L
Levlne Women ln lslam 470924438
lundlng Lo supporL Puman 8lghLs and Soclal !usLlce
Serles: whlch deals wlLh Lhe lncluslon of Musllm
women ln communlLy lnsLlLuLlons, lncludlng mosques
and organlzaLlons, and Lhe Loplc of women's lncluslon
as a maLLer of human dlgnlLy and human rlghLs. Wo
ulckens Women ln lslam 470924438
1o supporL educaLlonal evenLs lncludlng an annual ur.
8eLLy Shabazz Awards Ceremony recognlzlng and
celebraLlng women who are soclal [usLlce leaders ln
new ?ork ClLy and beyond.
Cumbo Women ln need, lnc. 133164477
lundlng Lo supporL Chlldren's Servlces programs whlch
offers many servlces Lo address Lhe needs for homeless
preschoolers, school-age chlldren, and youLh.
alma Women ln need, lnc. 133164477
1o promoLe houslng and servlces for homeless women
and Lhelr chlldren, lncludlng educaLlonal, prevenLlve
and supporL servlces Lo address Lhe needs of
preschoolers, school-age chlldren, and youLh ln lLs
!ohnson Women ln need, lnc. 133164477
1o promoLe houslng and servlces for homeless women
and Lhelr chlldren, lncludlng educaLlonal, prevenLlve
and supporL servlces Lo address Lhe needs of
preschoolers, school-age chlldren, and youLh ln lLs
Lsplnal Women ln need, lnc. 133164477
lundlng wlll supporL Chlldren's Servlces for Women ln
need (Wln). Wln offers an array of educaLlonal and
prevenLlve servlces Lo address Lhe needs of
preschoolers, school-age chlldren, and youLh ln lLs
programs. Wln provldes preschoolers on-slLe
8ronx, Cohen,
lerreras CC Women ln need, lnc. 133164477
1o supporL enhanced Chlldren's Servlces, whlch
provlde preschoolers, school-age chlldren and youLh
affecLed by homelessness and subsLance abuse wlLh
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 407

educaLlonal supporL and prevenLlon servlces.
Pomelessness and subsLance abuse can have
deLrlmenLal effecL
koo Wonkwang CommunlLy Servlce CenLer, lnc. 204926081 * 3,000 lunds wlll be used for a Leacher for Lhe LSL program.
ulrlch Woodhaven CulLural PlsLorlcal SocleLy lnc. 113099784

lunds wlll be used Lo cover operaLlonal expenses
lncludlng supplles and LransporLaLlon
ulrlch Woodhaven 8esldenLs' 8lock AssoclaLlon 237388148
lunds wlll be used Lo cover cosLs and expenses
assoclaLed wlLh meeLlngs, evenLs, Lo purchase new
equlpmenL and Lo supporL organlzaLlon operaLlon
Woodhaven 8lchmond Plll volunLeer Ambulance
Corps 112073437
lunds wlll be used Lo cover admlnlsLraLlve, operaLlonal
and malnLenance expenses
8eynoso Woodhull PosplLal - klds 8lde Club 136400434

lunds wlll be used Lo supporL Lhe klds 8lde Club aL
Woodhull PosplLal.
van 8ramer Woodslde Pouses 1enanLs AssoclaLlon 112709027

lunds wlll go Lowards offlce supplles monLhly malllngs
, correspondence posLage for large amounLs of
lnformaLlon Lo members and LenanLs, execuLlve board
member, equlpmenL malnLenance, refreshmenLs for
meeLlngs and evenLs.
van 8ramer Woodslde on Lhe Move, lnc. 112433363

lundlng Lo supporL Pouslng programs whlch wlll
provlde LenanL advocacy, landlords/LenanLs medlaLlon,
homeowners and prospecLlve home buyers semlnars,
foreclosure prevenLlon. lundlng wlll cover Lwo case
manager and program expenses such as malllng,
van 8ramer Woodslde on Lhe Move, lnc. 112433363

lunds Lo provlde free concerLs, sLreeL falrs and a
hollday 1ree LlghLlng ceremony for Lhe communlLles of
WesLern Cueens. lunds wlll cover performer fees
permlLs, sound and sLage plus sLafflng and
mlscellaneous expenses.
van 8ramer Woodslde on Lhe Move, lnc. 112433363
lundlng creaLe buslness awareness evenLs, 8uslness
Conference, gulde/revlew of local buslness.
lnsLallaLlons of banners, llghLs, grafflLl removal, clean
Arroyo Word of Llfe lnLernaLlonal, lnc. 392063336
1o supporL food panLry, nuLrlLlon educaLlon, healLh
educaLlon and oLher wellness programs for low lncome
famllles and lndlvlduals ln Lhe SouLh 8ronx.
lgnlzlo Worklng ln SupporL of LducaLlon, lnc. 134024627

1o supporL llnanclal LlLeracy programs ln Lhe 31sL
Crowley World Cares CenLer, lnc. 412024802 * 3,000 educaLlonal maLerlals, Lralnlng and maLerlals.
Mendez World Cares CenLer, lnc. 412024802

ConducL ouLreach, lncludlng Lhe provlslon of
educaLlonal maLerlals and 2 reslllency sesslons.
Cabrera Worldwlde AssoclaLlon of Small Churches, lnc. 273471340
lundlng wlll supporL programmlng for Lwo
demographlcs: ?ouLh-!ob 1ralnlng/8eadlness program
2- AdulL (speclflcally 8aby 8oomers) CompuLer
Levln Woven Spaces, lnc. 113348710 3,300 1o supporL arLs programmlng and exhlblLlons.
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 408

Creenfleld Wyckoff Pouse AssoclaLlon, lnc. 112613033

lunds wlll supporL longsLandlng School rograms,
programs LhaL lasL nearly 2 hours and lnclude a colonlal
lmmerslon lesson uslng sLoryLelllng, crafLs, food,
archlLecLure, and arLlfacLs Lo relaLe Lhe experlences of
an early Amerlcan lmmlgranL famlly.
ulckens ?affa CulLural ArLs, lnc. 134044709
1o supporL an annual 8ooLs and CulLure ConcerL Serles
aL Marcus Carvey ark ln Parlem and oLher communlLy
programs aL n?CPA locaLlons.
Creenfleld ?aldelnu School lnc. 263373908
lunds wlll be used Lo creaLe exLracurrlcular programs
for chlldren on Lhe auLlsLlc specLrum
Menchaca ?aldelnu School lnc. 263373908
1o supporL recreaLlonal opporLunlLles for chlldren wlLh
Cohen ?es Lhe 8ronx, lnc. 362633936
lundlng Lo supporL educaLlng youLh on Lhe lmporLance
of clvlc engagemenL.
8odrlguez ?es Lhe 8ronx, lnc. 362633936
lundlng Lo supporL obeslLy awareness program and
"8un lor ?our Llfe" maraLhon
8odrlguez ?es Lhe 8ronx, lnc. 362633936
lundlng Lo provlde vldeo lecLures for clLlzenshlp
educaLlon "Clvlcs wlLh lrvlng ", (a dlscourse on Lhe
rlghLs, responslblllLles, and rewards of clLlzenshlp)
Mark-vlverlLo ?es Lhe 8ronx, lnc. 362633936
lunds wlll be used Lo lncreaslng publlc awareness of
Lhe growlng obeslLy epldemlc Lhrough ro[ecL CbeslLy,
and by addresslng obeslLy remedlaLlon Lhrough our
"8un lor ?our Llfe" serles of race/walks and Lnerglze
Lhe 8ronx.
Malsel ?eshlva Chr ?lsrael 113618826
1o supporL a free llbrary Lo Lhe youLh and resldenLs of
Lhe 46Lh ulsLrlcL.
Chln, Mlller, 8ose,
Weprln, van
8ramer CC
?eshlva unlverslLy - 8ose l kennedy Chlldren's
LvaluaLlon and 8ehablllLaLlon CenLer 131624223
1o provlde menLal healLh servlces and supporL for
lnfanLs, Loddlers and parenLs of chlldren who are noL
served ln Lyplcal menLal healLh faclllLles lncludlng
chlldren who have been abused or exposed Lo
Creenfleld ?eshlvaLh kehllaLh ?akov, lnc. 116003334
lunds wlll be used Lo provlde remedlal educaLlon and
recreaLlonal acLlvlLles for chlldren wlLh proper
?ou CoLLa 8elleve 1he Clder Chlld AdopLlon and
ermanency MovemenL, lnc. 113272603

lunds used Lo offseL Lhe cosLs of ouLreach acLlvlLles
almed aL educaLlng Lhe publlc abouL Lhe fosLer care
sysLem and recrulLlng adopLlve parenLs.
Mendez ?oung Audlences new ?ork, lnc. 131997734
lundlng Lo supporL famlly programs, resldencles and
performances ln publlc schools ln u2.
Menchaca ?oung uancers ln 8eperLory, lnc. 112799128

lundlng Lo expand dance sLudles programmlng for
Lancman ?oung lsrael Cf Cueens valley Senlor League 133613262

lundlng Lo supporL programmlng lncludlng recreaLlon,
healLh promoLlon, nuLrlLlon educaLlon and meals.
Creenfleld ?oung lsrael Senlor Servlces, lnc. 134136312

lunds wlll be used Lo enhance our healLh and wellness
program such as yoga, Lal chl, Zumba, lsraell danclng,
llne danclng, palnLlng, LSL, parLles, muslc, lecLures and
varlous operaLlng expenses.
?oung Men's and ?oung Women's Pebrew
AssoclaLlon of Lhe 8ronx 131740307
lundlng Lo supporL programmlng for afLer school
programmlng lncludlng educaLlonal, recreaLlonal and
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 409

soclal programmlng.
?oung Men's and ?oung Women's Pebrew
AssoclaLlon of WashlngLon PelghLs and lnwood 131633308
8,000 lundlng Lo provlde LSCL classes.
?oung Men's ChrlsLlan AssoclaLlon of CreaLer
new ?ork 131624228
1o fund Lhe Counselor ln 1ralnlng (Cl1) program, whlch
offers Leens a progresslve and experlenLlal educaLlon
course deslgned Lo help young people develop Lhelr
awareness and baslc skllls of youLh work.
?oung Men's ChrlsLlan AssoclaLlon of CreaLer
new ?ork 131624228
13,000 rogramlng supporL, maLerlals
?oung Men's ChrlsLlan AssoclaLlon of CreaLer
new ?ork 131624228
lundlng wlll supporL l8LL lnsLrucLlon ln ouLdoor
acLlvlLles lncludlng flshlng, boaLlng, hunLlng,
horLlculLure, anlmal care, blrds of prey, camplng,
wllderness survlval Lechnlques, marksmanshlp,
archery, and more. lunds wlll supporL Lhe provlslon of
?oung Men's ChrlsLlan AssoclaLlon of CreaLer
new ?ork 131624228
lundlng wlll go Lowards Lhe cosLs of Lhe lmmlgranL
CpporLunlLy lnlLlaLlve (lCl) servlces, lncludlng sLafflng,
promoLlon, maLerlals, and relaLed admlnlsLraLlve cosLs.
?oung Men's ChrlsLlan AssoclaLlon of CreaLer
new ?ork 131624228
lundlng Lo supporL AfLer School lolk ArLs Class. 1hls
program wlll Lake place aL our off slLe afLer school
programs aL S 163 and S 166.
?oung Men's ChrlsLlan AssoclaLlon of CreaLer
new ?ork 131624228
lundlng Lo provlde a range lmmlgranL servlces Lhrough
?MCA welcome cenLers
8eynoso CC
?oung Men's ChrlsLlan AssoclaLlon of CreaLer
new ?ork 131624228
1eens 1ake Lhe ClLy (11C) ls a Leen clvlc engagemenL
program LhaL Leaches young people abouL clLy
governmenL and maklng a dlfference ln Lhelr own
Chln ?oung eople's Chorus of new ?ork ClLy, lnc. 113372980

SupporL educaLlonal programmlng and muslcal Lralnlng
for sLudenLs of ulsLrlcL 1 schools.
koo ?oung Womens ChrlsLlan AssoclaLlon of Cueens 200331906 * 3,000 1o fund PSL preparaLlon programs for adulLs.
?oung Women's ChrlsLlan AssoclaLlon of Lhe ClLy
of new ?ork 131624230
lunds wlll supporL Lhe ?WCA-n?C's conLlnuum of
servlces aL our olly uodge Larly Learnlng CenLer whlch
provldes educaLlonal-based acLlvlLles for chlldren.
ConsLanLlnldes ?oung Women's Leadershlp neLwork, lnc. 061317218

lundlng wlll be used Lo supporL a full Llme College
8ound lnlLlaLlve Counselor Lo help hlgh school sLudenLs
prepare for college.
alma ?oung Women's Leadershlp neLwork, lnc. 061317218

1o place full-Llme college guldance experLs ln hlgh-
need publlc schools. lundlng wlll supporL a full-Llme
C8l counselor who wlll provlde early college and career
awareness, college appllcaLlon, flnanclal ald, and
enrollmenL supporL Lo sLudenLs aL ulsLrlcL
1orres ?oung Women's Leadershlp neLwork, lnc. 061317218

lunds wlll supporL full-Llme College 8ound lnlLlaLlve
counselor who wlll provlde early college and career
awareness, college appllcaLlon, flnanclal ald, and
enrollmenL supporL Lo sLudenLs ln hlgh need
communlLles wlLh low college enrollmenL raLes
New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 410

8eynoso ?oung Women's Leadershlp neLwork, lnc. 061317218

1o supporL a C8l counselor, who wlll provlde early
college and career awareness, college appllcaLlon,
flnanclal ald, and enrollmenL supporL Lo 1?WLS of
8rooklyn sLudenLs.
8eynoso CC ?oung Women's Leadershlp neLwork, lnc. 061317218

1?WLS wlll provlde a hlgh-quallLy educaLlon Lo 2,200
glrls aL flve naLlonally recognlzed, college preparaLory,
publlc mlddle and hlgh schools. 21 hlgh-need publlc
hlgh schools wlll beneflL from a full-Llme C8l counselor
who wlll provlde early college and
MaLLeo ?lS of SLaLen lsland, lnc. 237083239
lunds wlll supporL a Supervlsed vlslLaLlon rogram for
chlldren and Lhelr parenLs, ln slLuaLlons lnvolvlng
domesLlc vlolence.
Zlmmer Club ?ouLh ConservaLlon rogram of
SLaLen lsland, lnc. 332262361

lundlng Lo provlde l8LL lnsLrucLlon ln ouLdoor
acLlvlLles Lo over 100 youLhs. 1hey lnclude: flshlng,
boaLlng, hunLlng, horLlculLure, anlmal care, blrds of
prey, camplng, wllderness survlval Lechnlques,
marksmanshlp, archery, and more. lundlng wlll pay f
Mlller ZMl loundaLlon, lnc. 433337211
lundlng Lo supporL Summer Camp, speclflcally weekly
educaLlonal fleld Lrlps, swlmmlng, dally karaLe, maLh
and sclence acLlvlLles.

New ork C|ty Counc|| I|nance D|v|s|on age 411

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