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(A Study in SMK N. 1 Sipirok)

By :

Rosmelianti Pangaribuan

A. Background
According to Competence Based Curriculum (CBC) reading is one for the
four basic language skills that should be owned by students beside listening,
speaking and writing. Reading comprehension is very important nowadays
because we have known that many sources of technology are written in English. It
is commonly supported the other skills. It means that reading comprehension
should be improved.
The standard competence in reading comprehension especially for the
eleventh years of senior high school is that they are expected to be able to
comprehend the meaning of short functional text and easy in any kind of genres
form in the daily life context and to access the science. It means that they are
prepared to be able to access any information in written form.
To reach this competence there are many efforts that has done by the
teacher, such as gives motivation, preparing teaching material and uses the best
method. Then the teacher also gives drill and exercise about the lesson and some
tasks to do at home (homework) and making English course.

But the fact, the students achievement in English in SMK Negeri 1
Sipirok is still low. It is known from their result in National Final Examination
(UN) in 2005/2006 academic year. There were some students still got 6.40 mark.

If we analyze, in the file of study there are many students unable in
reading comprehension well, the often get difficulties in understanding the text.
They can not read the text correctly, the they are unable to answer the questions
based on the text.
There are some factors that make students unable in reading
comprehension. Probably one of them is they do not know the meaning of two or
more word combined together. They translate one by one word while the words
have the unity meaning. So, it makes them confuse to understand the reading text.
The number of words that combine together and have the unity meaning we called
Idiomatic mastery is a means to increase the students reading
comprehension. What they are reading will be understood easier if they have
idiomatic mastery. Because in reading text, there are many words that combine
together and have the unity meaning. So the teacher has to explain about
idiomatic mastery clearly.
It is true that idiomatic mastery can help the students in reading
comprehension. So the writer is interested to conduct a research about idiomatic
mastery and reading comprehension. The title of this research is A Correlation

Dinas Pendidikan, DKN (Padangsidimpuan : SMK Negeri 1 Padangsidimpuan, 2006).

Between Idiomatic Mastery and Reading Comprehension (A Study in SMK
Negeri 1 Sipirok).

B. Formulation of the Problem
To know what should be done, the problem can be formulated as
follows :
1. To what extent is the students idiomatic mastery in SMK Negeri1 Sipirok ?
2. To what extent is the students reading comprehension in SMK Negeri 1
Sipirok ?
3. Is there a significant correlation between idiomatic mastery and reading
comprehension in SMK Negeri 1 Sipirok ?

C. The Theoretical Description
1. Reading Comprehension
Reading is not only to read the written form, but it needs the process to
understand what she/he has read, it is called comprehension. Reading and
comprehension are an activity that can not be separated.
Goodman in Mc. Neil says reading is the mental composing of a
parallel text.
Further Eddie Williams states reading is a process where by
one looks at and understands what has been written.
In addition Guntur says
that reading is a process done and used by reader to get massage delivered by

John D. Mc. Neil, Reading Comprehension : New Directions for Classroom Practice, (Los Angeles :
Harper Collin Publisher, 1992), p. 7
Eddie Williams, Reading in the Language Classroom, (Hongkong : Macmilan Publishers, 1985), p. 2

the author in words in written language.
From the opinions, it can be
concluded that a reader should be able to understand the information of the
In reading the reader does not only read but they must also understand
what she/he reads. This process is called comprehension. Comprehension is
the kind of process done to understand something. It is supported by Martin,
comprehension is power to understand.

Nearly, Henry Guntur says that comprehension is the interpretation of
experiences, connecting new information with the information that has been
known, finding the answers of the cognitive questions.
So, it can be
concluded that comprehension is the ability of someone to gets information
from one of material.
Reading comprehension is a combination of identification and
interpretation skill which has aim to get information with involve contain or
idea and understand the language process in the text where the outcome is
depends on the way thinking of reader. This also suitable with As Hornby
says : 1) reading derive from the verb read means look at and or be able to

Henry Guntur Tarigan, Membaca Sebagai Suatu Keterampilan Berbahasa, (Bandung : Angkasa,
1976), p.9
Martin H. Manser, Oxford Learner Pocket Dictionary, (New York : Oxford University Press, 1995), p.
Henry Guntur Tarigan, Metodologi Pengajaran Bahasa, (Bandung : Angkasa, 1991), p. 43

understand the written or printed,
2) comprehension means the minds actor
power of understanding.

Further Mc. Neil states reading comprehension is acquiring
information from context and combining disparate elements into a new
It means a process of using ones existing knowledge (schemata) to
inter pre text in order to construe meaning.
Reading comprehension is not a simple act, it is a complex one that
involves a series of mental process but the fact that its complex does not mean
that it is difficult to learn. Students can easier to comprehend the text if they
can get the writers want to share. It means they must know how is the writer
feeling at that time. Then a reader must not only see and identify the symbols,
but he/she must be able to interpret what he/she red, combine with his/her past
experience and take conclusion.
Based on the previous explanation, it can be concluded that reading
comprehension is a personal ability in understanding the information from the
reading text.

2. Idiomatic Mastery
Idiomatic is two or more words that combine together and have the
unity meaning. Seidl and Mc. Mordie say idiom is a number os words which,

As Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English, (New York : Oxford University
Press, 1985), p. 180
Ibid, p. 198
John D. Mc. Neil, Reading Comprehension : New Directions for Classroom Practice, (Los Angeles :
Harper Collin Publisher, 1992), p. 16

taken together, mean something different from the individual words of the
idiom when they stand alone.

Nearly, As. Nornby says idiom is phrase or sentence whose meaning
is not obvious though knowledge of the individual meanings of the constituent
words but must be learnt as whole.

It means we cannot translate one by one word, because idiomatic has
the unity meaning. For example : deadline if we translate one by one word
dead means : no longer living and line means a long narrow mark on a surface
while the words have the idiomatic meaning is a fixed data for finishing a
piece of work, a project, etc.
Further, Dixson says idiom is an expression which has a meaning
different from that of the individual meaning of each of its component

Idiomatic as a result of words relations meaning has function to pass
the general idea in reading text. Idiomatic is not a separate part of the
language to omit mist understanding of language users. It forms an essential
part of the general vocabulary of English. It means idiomatic can increase the
students vocabulary.
Idiomatic take many different forms or structures. It can be very short
or rather long. A large number of idiomatic consist of some combination of

Jennifer Seidl and W. Mc. Mordie, English Idiomatic and How to Use Them, (Jakarta : Intermasa,
1980), p.4
As Hornby, Op.Cit, p. 421
Robert J. Dixson, Essential Idioms in English, (Washington Dc : Regents Publishing Company,
p. 1

noun and adjective, e.g. cold war, a dark norse, French leave, forty winks, a
snake in the grass. Some idiomatic are much longer : to put in a good word for
someone, to be in two minds about something, etc.
This is an example of idiomatic process in reading comprehension.
Read the text carefully, and them answer the questions based on the text.

Shinta was reading a noel in the living room when her brother returned
from English college. She ignored her brothers coming because she was
enjoying the novel. Because of that Dono switched off the lamp of the living
Dont be silly, I am reading, you know, shouted Shinta.
What I who is speaking? Anyone here? Asked Dono.
His questions made Shinta angry.
Come on? continued Shinta. Switch on the lamp, please. I havent
finished reading yet you know, tomorrow morning. I have to retell the story in
front of the class, Shinta explained.
Hearing her explanation, Dono finally full filled her wish by switching
the lamp on a again. Then he apologized and said, its a joke only because I
actually miss your voice.

Adapted from English for SMA
For Xi grade Grafindo Media Pratama 2004

Idiomatic Meaning

Switched off to stop the appliance
Come on said to encourage or challenge
Switch on to start the appliance

The question :
1. What was Shinta when her brother returned from English college ?
2. What did Dono do that make Shinta angry ?
3. What did Shinta read ?
4. What is the main idea of the last paragraph ?
5. What is the suitable title for the text ?

Based on the previous explanation, it can be concluded that idiomatic
is the new meaning of words because of their relation.

D. Conceptual Frame Work and Hypothesis
1. Conceptual Frame Work
Reading comprehension is the ability in reading and getting the
information, thought, feeling, opinion, argumentation and event experiences
from the written form.
While idiomatic is a relationship between the words and have the unity
meaning. Idiomatic is a part of vocabulary. If the students are good in
idiomatic, it can increase their vocabulary.
To get cohesive information from the source of reading, the students
must be able to comprehend the meaning process in it. Especially word
meaning, because there are some words which have the unity meaning and
can not be translated one by one word which is called idiomatic. It will be
easier for them to understand the contain of text that they read and avoid from
interpretation idiomatic include of the reading comprehension.
By paying attention to previous discussion, the writer assumes that
students ability in reading comprehension will be effective if there is
combination between students ability in mastering idiomatic. It means we
can not understand and comprehend the text without mastering idiomatic. So,
it is very assumed that there is a significant correlation between idiomatic
mastery and reading comprehension.

2. Hypothesis
Hypothesis is an important element in a research. It is a tentative
answer about the probably outcome of a particular time as Arikunto states
hypothesis is a temporary answer of research problems, until proved by the
collected data.

Hypothesis is a picture of correlation between that will be examined.
In determine hypothesis a researcher must fulfill the stimulation as Sanafiah
Faisal states that the characteristic of a good hypothesis are : 1) can be
accepted by logical mind, 2) consistent with written theory or written fact, 3)
the formula states in such away which finally can be tested and found its
right or wrong, 4) it states in simple formula.

Based on previous quotations, if can be pointed out that hypothesis
present in simple form a statement of the researchers expectation related to
the correlation between the variable. The statement of the hypothesis in this
study is There is a significant correlation between idiomatic mastery and
reading comprehension in SMK Negeri 1 Sipirok.

E. Methodology of the Research
1. Location and Time of the Research
The location of this research takes place in SMK Negeri 1 Sipirok.
The writer chooses this school because it has never been made as the place for

Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek, (Jakarta : Rineka Cipta, 2006),
p. 71
Sanafiah, Faisal and Mulyadi Guntur Waseso, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan, (Surabaya : Usaha
Nasional, 1982), p. 63

the similar research and the school has been known of its good education. The
process of this research will be conducted for about three months, from Ma
until July 2007.

2. Method of the Research
The method of this research is descriptive method. Subino says
descriptive method is used to know what is happening in the field.
It means
about idiomatic mastery related to the reading comprehension. Descriptive
method is intended to make description of correlation between both variables.
This method will tell us whether variables X has significant correlation to the
variable Y.

3. Population and Sample
a. Population
Population is all subject of the research. The population of this
research are all the eleventh year students of SMK Negeri 1 Sipirok in
2006/2007 academic years. It is consist of two plus classes and six regular
classes. The total population is 328 students.

b. Sample
Sample is the representation of population which is researched
directly in field. Suharsimi Arikunto says if the population is less than
100, it is better for taking all the sample of the research. So, that the

Subino, Bimbingan Skripsi, (Bandung : Ayapari, 1982), p. 5

research can be said as the population research. Furthermore, if the
number of population is more than it, we can take the sample between 10-
15% or 20-25% or more.
From the statement the total number of
population is 328 students in this research, the writer uses cluster sampling
and takes XI IPA
, it is consist of 42 students as the sample or 13% from
the population.

4. Technique for Collecting Data
To get data from the students, the writer will use multiple choice test
that consist of 20 items for idiomatic mastery and 20 items for reading
comprehension. After the students finish answering the test, the writer collects
their answers to be analyzed.

5. Technique for Data Analyze
After collecting the data, it should be analyzed with a formula. The
research will be intended to find out whether there is a significant correlation
between idiomatic mastery and reading comprehension.
In analyzing the data, the writer uses statistical way stated by Pearson
in product moment formulation as follows :




Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek, (Jakarta : Rineka Cipta, 2006),
p. 134

Where :
= the correlation of the variable X and Y
N = total sample
X = sum of the idiomatic score
Y = sum of the reading score
= sum of X

= sum of Y

XY = total sum of X times Y

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