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Possessing reason, idea, intelligence and conscience, man has always
wondered and questioned about from where he has come, the manner of his advent,
and the place he is destined to go. The past civilizations have legends (Altay, Enuma
Elish legend etc.) regarding this issue. Scientists are engaged with researching and
bring numerous theories about this issue. The opinion dominating most of the
societies stems from the knowledge based on the Bible.
Allah gives the following explanation in the Quran:
At-Tariq/ 5-7:
Therefore, let man see from what he was created;
from between the bones of spine and
chest, from a liquid ejaculated; created starting from estrogen and testosterone.

Adh-Dhariyat/ 20-22
And without a doubt, there are many evidences/signs on the Earth and within yourselves
for those who will certainly believe. In the Heavens are your blessings/ the One Who bestows you the
blessings and what you are promised. Do you still not see?
In these Ayat, our Rabb wants people not to look at themselves as if they are
looking at the mirror but to conduct researches in terms of their creation and
scrutinize this issue in-depth. Such examinations will of course be conducted through
scientific methods. Science will clarify this issue sooner or later. We believe that the
outcome to be obtained by science will tally with the Quran.
We are presenting the first creation and development given in the Quran:
Allah first created death and then life.
He created death and life just to test who among you is better in good deeds. He is the Most
Exalted, the Almighty, the Most Honorable, the Invincible/the Subduer, the Most Forgiving of the sins
of His servants, the One Who does not punish themand the Most Forgiving.
Surely, the infidels; those who consciously deny the Divinity of Allah and the fact that He is
Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] shall be called: The hatred of Allah is
greater than your hatred. As when you were invited to the faith you cursed; you consciously denied
the Divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the

And the infidels said: O our Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer]! You
killed us twice and resurrected twice. Now that we have confessed our sins. Is there a way leading to
the light?.
That is because: when you were invited to the one and only Allah you blasphemed and
denied but when others were associated with Him you believed. Now the judgment belongs to Allah,
the Highest and the Greatest.
So, who are you to blaspheme; to consciously deny the Divinity of Allah and the fact that He
is Rabb [Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer]? But, you were only the dead and He gave
you life. Then, He will take your lives and resurrect you. Then, to Him you shall be returned.

Creation of earth and the heavens:

The universe was created in six phases.
Al-Araf/54, Yunus/3, Hud/7, Al-Furqan/59, As-Sajdah/4, Al-Hadid/4.
Fussilat/ 9-12
Say: Will you really deny/disbelieve the One Who created the Earth in two phases? And you
associate others with Him! He is Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] of all
worlds [Al-Alemin].
And He placed mountains on the Earth standing tight. He grew blessings on them. And He
arranged these blessings into four seasons without discriminating/equally for those who look and ask
for it.
Then He dwelled/established His dominion in the Heavens which is smoke
and said to the
Heavens and the Earth: Come whether willingly or not!. And both of them responded: We have
come willingly.
Thus did Allah create them in two phases and as seven layers of Heavens and assigned each
layer with its own duty. We adorned the closest layer of the Heavens with lanterns and the protection.
This is the affair of the One Who is the Most Exalted, the Almighty, the Most Honorable, the
Invincible/the Subduer, the Most Knowing.
And Allah created the Heavens and the Earth in six steps to test which of you would do better
deeds. Universe was water first; His throne
stood over the water; Allah dominated then as well, He
was to plan and implement. -
And if you say to them Surely, you shall be resurrected after you
die, those infidels; those who consciously deny the Divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb [the
Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] will surely say to you: This is nothing but
sorcery/you are a sorcerer.

The fact that the universe was in the form of a perfect fluid in its very early
period was demonstrated in 2010 through the CERN (ALICE) experiment. The
temperature of this fluid was trillion centigrade degrees. The fact that the earth is still
in the form of fluid exhibits such miracle.
Man was created from soil-water (matter):

Al-Hijr/ 26-27:
And surely, We created man from the clay that is seen, known and that sounds, from
malleable mud/a substance that is capable of many forms. And We had created jinn; the unseen
from the fire of a burning breeze that can pass through the narrowest hole/from the energy
that knows no boundaries.
Sad/ 71, 72:

Your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] once said to the forces of
the universe,
Surely I am capable of creating human from clay. Prostrate and surrender to him right
away when I fashioned and made him intelligent.
As-Saffat/ 11:

Now ask them: Are they or those whom We created stronger in creation?. Surely, We
created them from a sticky slosh.
Al-Muminun/ 12-16:

And surely, We created man from a chosen clay. Then made him a drop of sperm in a firm
lodging. Then created an embryo from that sperm. Then We converted that embryo into a peace of
flesh. Then We converted that piece of flesh into bones. And We ultimately covered those bones with
flesh. Then We assembled him in another creation. And that is the most beautiful of all creations; how
Generous is Allah! Then you surely will die after all these. Then you surely will be resurrected on the
Day of Qiyamat [Resurrection].
Al-Anbiya/ 30:

And did the infidels; those who consciously deny the Divinity of Allah and the fact that He is
Rabb [Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] not see that We separated the Heavens and the
Earth when they were conjoined and We created everything that lives from liquid? Do they not
believe despite all these?
Al-Furqan/ 54:

And He is the One Who has created a human population from water and made them relatives
by means of lineage and marriage. And your Rabb [Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] is
the Most Competent.
Al-Mursalat/ 20:

Did We not create you from a water disdained?
At-Tariq/ 5-7:

Therefore, let man see from what he was created;
from between the bones of spine and
chest, from a liquid ejaculated; created starting from estrogen and testosterone.
An-Nur/ 45:

And Allah created all creatures from a drop of water. Some of them crawl upon their bellies
and some of them walk on two feet and some of them walk on all fours. Allah creates whatever He
pleases. No doubt that Allah is the Omnipotent.
Al-Hajj/ 5:

O people! If you doubt that you shall be resurrected after you die, you should know that We
created you from soil, and then from a drop of semen, and then from an embryo, and then a disfigured
piece of flesh so We may show you what you are. And We keep whomever We please in the womb
for a predetermined term. Then We emerge you as a child so you may reach maturity. And some of
you will be reminded that which you did in the past and failed to do while being obliged to/lives of
some of you are taken. And some of you are made to reach to miserably old age after having received
the knowledge. And then you see the Earth fade away; then it revives, swells and yields all kinds of
beautiful plants in pairs when We bring down rains upon it.
Al-Muminun/ 12-16:

And surely, We created man from a chosen clay. Then made him a drop of sperm in a firm
lodging. Then created an embryo from that sperm. Then We converted that embryo into a peace of
flesh. Then We converted that piece of flesh into bones. And We ultimately covered those bones with
flesh. Then We assembled him in another creation. And that is the most beautiful of all creations; how
Generous is Allah! Then you surely will die after all these. Then you surely will be resurrected on the
Day of Qiyamat [Resurrection].
Al-Mumin/ 67, 68:

He is the One Who created you from soil, then from a drop of semen and then from an
embryo to reach an age of power, then get older and reach a predetermined time and use your minds.
Then He makes you first as a weak, little child. And some of you will be taken of his life earlier than
; you will be reminded what you did in the past and what you failed to do while being obliged

He makes you live and die. When He wished to fulfill His commands, He just commands, Be!
and it will.
Al-Kahf/ 37-41:

And his friend said to him: Do you not believe the One Who created you from soil and
then a drop of liquid and made you a mature human? But as for me; He is my Rabb [Lord, the
Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer], Allah. And I never associate others with my Rabb [Lord, the
Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer]. Why did you not say, when you entered your vineyard: Will
of Allah be done [MashaAllah]! There is no authority but Allah! Although you consider me inferior
to you in terms of wealth and number of kinsmen, maybe my Rabb [Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer,
the Sustainer] will give me a better one than your vineyard. And maybe He will send a calamity upon
yours so your vineyard becomes a slippery soil. Or the waters you use to irrigate your vineyard will
be drawn into the ground so you will not be able to retrieve it.
Al-Qiyamat/ 36-39:

Does man think that he will be left alone?
Was he not a drop of semen, measured properly?
Then became an embryo and then He created and formed him,
and He created him two sexes; male
and female.
Today, coming of everyone to the world develops upon the same system at all
times. First the lifeless matter (earth-water; things eaten and drunk, air breathed)
transforms into a living being (ovum and sperm) and then shaping continues in the
form of cell morula, embryo, and bone generation. We also understand from the Ayat
that the first life in nature developed with the same system; first being a simple
creature and then cell morula, embryo, bone generation . etc. Transition from one
stage to another did not take place in an instant but may be in millions of years. It has
been realized as a developed man.

First creation was commenced with soil (matter).

As-Sajdah/ 4-9:

Allah is the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth and all that in between in six steps and He
then established His dominion upon the Greatest Throne.
None of His subordinates can be helpers,
protector or intercessor for you. Will you still not reason and take lesson?
Allah arranges systems from the Heavens to the Earth and then the systems will ascend to
Allah in a day which corresponds to thousand years in your account; it will return, the system will
Allah is the Most Knowing of the perceivable and unperceivable, the past and the future; He is
the Most Exalted, the Almighty, the Most Honorable, the Invincible/the Subduer, the Possessor of a
Vast Mercy.

He is the One Who creates all His creations in the best and most beautiful way and Who
created man from a clay.
Then He created his descendants from semen, a simple liquid.
Then He
formed and shaped and informed him.
And He created ears, eyes and hearts for you. Yet how
ungrateful you are for the blessings you have been given!
The structure in which man was invaluable has continued for millions-billions
of years (dehr).

Al-Insan/ 1, 28:

Has not come upon man a time span/a term of billions of years since he was nothing to
mention about? Indeed, it has!
It is Us Who created them. We made their bodies strong. And We surely can replace them
with their likes.
First creation took place from a single soul and its spouse was created from it
(asexual reproduction took place). Later on, came the separation between male and
female and sexual reproduction.

An-Nisa/ 1:

O mankind! Surrender under the guardianship of your Rabb [Lord, the Cherisher, the
Nurturer, the Sustainer] Who created you from a single soul, then created from it your wife and
created many males and females from both of them. And surrender under the guardianship of Allah
through whom you make wishes to each other and the blood relation. Surely, Allah is the Supervisor
over you.
Al-Araf/ 11:

And surely We created then formed you and commanded the forces of the universe,

Prostrate and surrender to Adam/the one who is informed, received the revelation; all of them
except Iblis/thinking ability prostrated and surrendered right away; he did not prostrate and surrender.

He is the One who created you from the soul and then created your spouse to accompany
you. When he covered and enshrouded her, then carried a light burden. And she carried around. When
the wife got heavier, then they both prayed to their Rabb [Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the
Sustainer]: If you give us a healthy child, surely we will be among those who repay.
Az-Zumar/ 6:

He created you all from a single soul, then created his wife and sent down eight pairs of
beasts. He creates you in the womb of your mothers within three phases of darkness and then makes
you with a single creation. This is Allah, our Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the

Sustainer], only to Him belongs the dominion. There is no god but Him. Then how are you being
Al-Muminun/ 78:

And Allah is the One Who created for you the hearing, the sight and your hearts. O how
ungrateful you are for the blessings you are given!
Humans were not created in their present form at an instant but in stages and
one of the initial stages of creation is the PLANT process.


Indeed He created you in various attitudes/stages.
Have you not observed how Allah
created the Seven Heavens in layers and made the moon a light among them and the sun a lamp?
And Allah made you grow from the earth like plants.
Then He will return you back to it and make
you emerge again.
And Allah spread the earth so you may travel on wide roads.

The stages in question are the soul . and finally present human being
specified in the Ayat of Al-Muminun/ 12-14, Al-Mumin/ 67, Al-Hajj/ 5, Al-Kahf/
37, Al-Qiyamat/ 36-38.

Man was first created and then arranged. That is to say, arrangement took place
subsequent to creation:

Al-Ala/ 1-5:

Purify the name of your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] who
creates, gives order and proportion then guides, who brings out the pastures then makes it swarthy

Al-Infitar/ 6-8:

O mankind! What deludes you against your Rabb [Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the
Sustainer], the Most Gracious, Who created you then formed you in an order, then gave you balance
and arranged you in a form?
Abasa/ 18-22:

From what substance did He create him?
A drop of sperm! Allah created, formed and
then He sent to him a messenger, revealed a book during his lifetime thus easing the way
to the righteous path,
then He killed him, put himin his tomb,
then He resurrected him when He

Later on, functions like hearing, seeing, and feeling (energy part; mental
functions) were provided.

As-Sajdah/ 7- 9:

He is the One Who creates all His creations in the best and most beautiful way and Who
created man from a clay.
Then He created his descendants from semen, a simple liquid.
Then He
formed and shaped and informed him.
And He created ears, eyes and hearts for you. Yet how
ungrateful you are for the blessings you have been given!
An-Nahl/ 78:

And Allah made you emerge from the wombs of your mothers, having no knowledge
whatsoever and gave you hearing, sight and heart so you may be grateful for the blessings you are
Al-Mulk/ 23:

Say: He is the One Who created you, gave you ears, eyes and hearts. How ungrateful you
are for the blessings you are given!

Female and male are determined in terms of sperm.

An-Najm/ 45, 46:

No doubt that He is the one who creates the couple male and female from a drop of

Primitive man reproduced and started to shed blood and incite disorder on
And a warner/prophet became needed.

Al-Baqara/ 30:

And your Rabb [Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] once said to the forces of
the nature: Surely, I am the One to send upon the Earth a caliph. The forces of the nature said: Will
you assign one of those mischief-makers, spill blood as Your caliph? But, we exonerate you with
Your praise from all deficiencies and shout out that You are pure; exonerated from all evil and
deficiencies. Your Rabb [Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] said: I surely know that
which you do not know.


Allah elects His prophets from angels and humans:

Hajj/ 75, 76:

Allah chooses messengers from among the harbinger Ayat and from among the mankind.
Surely, Allah is the Most Hearing, the Most Seeing, He knows that which is between their hands and
behind them. and to Allah will all matters be returned.

Allah elected Adam as a messenger.

Ali-Imran/ 33, 34:

Surely, Allah favored Adam, Noah, Abraham and his family and the family of Imran
descending from each others lineage- over all worlds [Al-Alemin]. And Allah is the Most Hearing,
the Most Knowing.

Allah informed Adam; He blew from His soul /sent revelation /made him smell
little knowledge.

Al-Baqara/ 31-33:

And your Rabb [Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] taught Adam all those
names. Then He presented them to the forces of the nature and said: Now, inform Me about these
names, if you are righteous.
And the forces of the nature said: Exonerated You are from all deficiencies! We know
nothing but what You have taught us. Surely, You are the Most Knowing, the Bet Law-Maker.
And your Rabb [Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] said: O Adam! Inform
them about those names. And when Adam informed them about those names, your Rabb said: Have
I not told you! Surely, I know the unseen, the unheard, the unfelt, the past and the future of the
Heavens and the Earth. And I know what you hide and what you disclose.
Al-Hijr/ 28-29:

And your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] once said to the forces
of the universe: I will create the mankind from dry clay, formed/processed mud. And when I form
himand give himthe knowledge,
you will prostrate as the surrenderers.

Sad/ 71,72:


Your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] once said to the forces of
the universe,

Surely I am capable of creating human from clay. Prostrate and surrender to him right
away when I fashioned and made him intelligent.

As-Sajdah/7- 9:

He is the One Who creates all His creations in the best and most beautiful way and Who
created man from a clay.
Then He created his descendants from semen, a simple liquid.
Then He
formed and shaped and informed him.

And He created ears, eyes and hearts for you. Yet how
ungrateful you are for the blessings you have been given!

The concept of soul has been in the field of interests of many believing
or non-believing, Muslim or non-Muslim, persons so far and hundreds of books
regarding soul were written by many people who were ignorant or scholarly. In
these works, generally following issues were handled: What is soul? How many are
the souls? Where are the souls present? Are soul and nefs same? Is soul an object, a
creature, energy, cosmic consciousness, angel, essence of the entities? Is soul
transparent, crystal, and fair-sex? Has soul or body been created first? Does soul die?
Does soul turn back to the body in the grave? Do the souls of the living people meet
those of the dead people? Has everything been made of soul? Is it soul that ensures
life, movement, and discerning? Are there varieties of soul like humanly, bestial, and
vegetal? Is it possible through a matured soul to see future, prophesy, and get out of
time and space?
In addition to all these, attempts were made to explain the issues in these works
regarding soul, such as necromancy, telepathy, mediumship, yoga, accurate dream,
wizardry, magic, and reincarnation [transmigration of the soul].
Humanity has pursued these issues since the very early ages and many ideas
and understandings emerged, which were not confirmed by the Wahy [Revelation]
and not supported by the modern science of psychology in the period in which the
science of psychology had not yet developed and theorized. One of the most manifest
examples of mental labor that took place outside the control of the Whay was the
Ancient Greek Philosophy that was very effective in its own period and the slips of
mind of this non-Wahy philosophy within the mysterious labyrinths of the mind
impressed many Muslims within the period that evolved through the translation
movements in the middle of VIII AD. Hence, soul and the issues regarding soul,
which constitute one of the universal issues of wonder, entered the areas of interest
of the Islamic world as well. Some Muslim thinkers purportedly Islamized the
Ancient Greek and Latin acceptances and presented them as Islamic knowledge in
their books and wrote hundreds of pamphlets and volumes of books full of needless

thoughts regarding soul content and diversities. The most serious work written in this
regard is Kitabur-Ruh written by Ibn Qayyim Al-J awziyya [1299-1351, Hijri 691-
751]. In addition, Imam Gazal uttered the knowledge he compiled from the Ancient
Greek Philosophy in various works of him. However, all of them are quite far away
from the concept of soul expressed in the Quran. As a result, a serious Quran-
based work has not been conducted in this regard so far and, as the phrase goes, air
has been beaten, for centuries. However, the knowledge in these books of the authors
with titles that has express prestige has been acknowledged as both accurate and
Islamic. But the issue that must actually be regretted is that none of the
interpretation books that have been written for one thousand four hundred years is
based on the Quran and always Hearsay Interpretation was brought to the
foreground in these books. It is a very sad issue for the Muslims that the Quran,
which is express and elaborate in all aspects, was victimized by a set of groundless
hearsays and Israelite resources. So much so that multiplicity and differences of the
hearsays confused the minds a lot and both our basic concepts and our knowledge in
terms of beliefs and deeds were shaped many times in line with these hearsays.
Back to the issue of soul, it is necessary to state first that searching for and
poring over the issue of soul among the subjects stated above is the subject of
psychology, not religion. It is certain that, as psychology advances, the covert words
of the Quran in this field will be interpreted. Some primitive ideas that are asserted
and transformed into book form by some people with select titles, despite lack of
compliance with the Quran and science, have the nature that; far from contributing
to the interpretation of the covert issues; the issues become more and more
deadlocked that will cause occurrence of conflicts. Hence, instead of analyzing and
providing such ideas, the method of explaining the concept of soul in the Quran
by way of the Quran as well. Our objective is to endeavor to understand and
expound the Quran not through the indistinct hearsays but through the internal
means of the Quran.
Actual meaning of the word soul is life. The word is a word that
expresses countenance; that is to say it is a word that can be used in numerous
meanings that express reality and metaphor.
In encyclopedic sense, soul is described as In general, nonmaterial
dimension or essence of an entity. [Ana Britannica, volume: 26, s: 383]. With this,
soul that leaves the body temporarily during sleep and permanently in death; that is
to say, consciousness, the main function in the brain, was meant.
The word soul was accepted synonymous with the concepts of
spiritual conceit" and life in compliance with both the dictionary and
encyclopedia-based meanings we have stated above. The word soul that means
vitality, emotion in broad sense, and character, has also meaning that expresses
the essence and most important and most decisive point of something. The adjective
of ruhsuz (soulless) used in Turkish exemplifies the broad meaning of the word

while the clause which has become an idiom, Entire soul of the issue is here
exemplifies its metaphor meaning. As a result, hundreds of idioms relating to soul
have been created around the meanings given above.
Traditional religious terminological meaning of the word of soul is
defined in a very broad expression as Vitality provided to man by blowing into him
after creating his physical existence by Allah.

Use of the word soul in the Quran

The word soul was used in the Quran as divine breeze,
Wahy/knowledge. If the fact that Wahy gives life to heart considered to be dead due
to lack of knowledge, that the function of life in the body is similar to what Wahy
functions for the humanity; and that it protects the individual and the society from
corruption thanks to this function, is taken into account, it might appear that there is
parallelism between the lexical, encyclopedic, and religious terminological meanings
of the word of soul with the meaning given in the Quran. However, when the Ayat
where the word is used are examined, it is understood that such parallelism is not
about what soul is but about the impacts of it on humans.
The soul [divine breeze, revelation] mentioned in the Quran is the
thing that provides only those people and societies who deliberately and willingly
own that soul and apply it into their lives with meaning vitality and that safeguards
them from corruption. But it is never a magic breath that represents the vitality
outside death and that covers all kinds of infamy:
Al-Isra/ 85:
And they ask you about what was revealed
to you. Say: Wahy [Revelation] is an affair of
my Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer]. And you are granted nothing but a
little piece of knowledge.
Al-Mumin/ 15:
He is the One Who raises the ranks, the Owner of the Greatest Throne/Position: By His
command/will He reveals His Ayat whomever He wishes to warn about the Day of Meeting.
In the second Ayah, descent of soul is expressed with the word of ,'-''
ilka. Hence, for the revelations sent to Adam [Al-Baqara 37] and for the descent of
the Quran, the verb of ilka was used instead of _=, vahy or .'-' inzal. [An-
Naml 6].
If the passage that starts in Ayah 85 of the Surah of Al-Isra and continues
toward the 93
Ayah is evaluated in integrity, it is seen that the soul taken as a
subject matter here is not the soul of a human or any living being but the Wahy.

However, as also stated in the Ayah 85 of the Surah of Al-Isra, the information
provided to humans in terms of soul [regarding the form and content of Wahy] is
really hardly any. Therefore, one must not be satisfied with the information given in
this regard and attempt must not be made to produce information in these issues
through baseless and unwarranted opinions.
In many of the Ayat in which it was specified that soul was sent down,
it is also specified that soul is at the same time an emr (command) of our Rabb. The
word of -' emr, which is used as an order in daily language in general, is used
in the Quran as affair [being]. Singular form of the word is mentioned 153 times
in the Quran. The word of umur [actions], plural of the word, takes place in 13
Ayat including 97
Ayah of the Surah of Hud and 128
Ayah of the Surah of Ali-
Imran. In the light of this information, we must understand from the expression of
We revealed a soul from our order that the affair of revealing a soul, one of Allah's
affairs, is realized again by Him.
As specified in the Surah of An-Najm, soul is one of Allah's works and
sending down of a soul belongs only to Him.

Why and to Whom Soul/Wahy is Sent Down?
Ash-Shura/ 52, 53:
Thus We have revealed to you the Soul/the Quran by Our command/affair. You knew not
what a Scripture was and what faith was. But We made it into a light/soul with which We guide
whomever of Our servants. Without a doubt, you guide to the straight and righteous path; guide those
who are in the Heavens and on the Earth to the path of Allah to which they belong. So open your eyes!
All matters will return to Allah.
Al-Mujadila/ 22:
You cannot find a people who believe in Allah and the Day of Akhirat [Afterlife] having a
connection of love with those who strive to transgress against Allah and His Messenger. No matter
they are their fathers, children, brothers or relatives. They are the ones whose hearts Allah has decreed
the faith and whom He has supported with the Wahy [Revelation] from himself. And Allah will abide
them into the gardens of Jannah [Heaven/Paradise] underneath of which rivers flow. Allah is pleased
with them and they are pleased with Him. They are the Party of Allah. Open your eyes! The Party of
Allah are the successful.

And surely, this clear scripture is sent down by Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer,
the Sustainer] of all worlds [Al-Alemin].
The Trustworthy Soul [divine messages, trustworthy knowledge] has been sent down into
your heart in Arabic to make you one of those Warners with this Scripture.
And surely, the
Trustworthy Soul [divine messages, trustworthy knowledge] was in the Scriptures that had been sent
to those before you as well.

When sufficiently contemplated on these Ayat, it is understood that the
concept of _, soul means original [reliable] knowledge because it is specified
in Ayah 22 of the Surah of Al-Mujadila expressly that all the believers are
empowered and supported with the reliable and sound knowledge [soul] from Allah.
In the Ayah 193 of the Surah of Ash-Shuara, it is used with the propositional phrase
of er-Ruhu al-Amin and the fact that such knowledge [soul] is the most reliable
and most beneficial knowledge. It is wrong that the expression of er-Ruhu al-
Amin stated in the Ayah 193 of the Surah of Ash-Shuara is construed as Gabriel
and that, as in many interpretations, the Ayah is translated as It was brought down
by Ruhu al-Amin [Gabriel] is highlighted. It is because giving a meaning to .-
nezele intransitive verb in the Ayah as if it were transitive is above all contrary to
the literal meaning of the Ayah. Moreover, such translation contradicts with the
Ayah 192 of the same Surah, which specifies that the Quran was sent down by
Allah, the Rabb of the worlds. Details regarding the expressions of Ruhullah, Ruhu
al-Kudus, and er-Ruhu al-Amin will be provided in the Surah of Mary if Allah

Blowing of the soul

Sad/71, 72:
Your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] once said to the forces of
the universe,
Surely I am capable of creating human from clay. Prostrate and surrender to him right
away when I fashioned and made him intelligent.
Al-Hijr/ 28, 29:
And your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] once said to the forces
of the universe: I will create the mankind from dry clay, formed/processed mud. And when I form
himand give himthe knowledge,

you will prostrate as the surrenderers.

As-Sajdah/ 7-9:
He is the One Who creates all His creations in the best and most beautiful way and Who
created man from a clay.
Then He created his descendants from semen, a simple liquid.
Then He
formed and shaped and informed him. And He created ears, eyes and hearts for you. Yet how
ungrateful you are for the blessings you have been given!


As it is known that Allah does not blow in a real sense, it is immediately
understandable that the expression blow is a metaphor. In metaphoric sense,
blow means giving a little amount of a thing to others. In Turkish, this meaning
corresponds to the phrase of koklatmak (make someone smell of it) which is also a
metaphoric expression. In this case, the expression of soul blowing means
providing very little amount of knowledge; making someone smell the knowledge.
Hence, in the Ayah 85 of the Surah of Al-Isra, this issue was expressly specified by
saying, Say: Wahy [Revelation] is an affair of our Rabb. And the humans are
granted nothing but a little piece of knowledge.
In regards to what is meant by blowing soul into Adam, Quran explains this
fact as well:
Al-Baqara/ 30-34:
And your Rabb [Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] once said to the forces of
the nature: Surely, I am the One to send upon the Earth a caliph. The forces of the nature said: Will
you assign one of those mischief-makers, spill blood as Your caliph? But, we exonerate you with
Your praise from all deficiencies and shout out that You are pure; exonerated from all evil and
deficiencies. Your Rabb [Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] said: I surely know that
which you do not know.
And your Rabb [Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] taught Adam all those
names. Then He presented them to the forces of the nature and said: Now, inform Me about these
names, if you are righteous.
And the forces of the nature said: Exonerated You are from all deficiencies! We know
nothing but what You have taught us. Surely, You are the Most Knowing, the Bet Law-Maker.
And your Rabb [Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] said: O Adam! Inform
them about those names. And when Adam informed them about those names, your Rabb said: Have
I not told you! Surely, I know the unseen, the unheard, the unfelt, the past and the future of the
Heavens and the Earth. And I know what you hide and what you disclose.
And when We said to the forces of the nature: Prostrate before Adam and surrender to him
and all the forces of the nature but Iblis/thinking ability prostrated and surrendered immediately. Iblis
refused, acted arrogantly. And he was among those who consciously denied everything.

If attention is paid, prostration of the angels according to Ayah 72 of the
Surah of Sad 29 of Al-Hijr is subsequent to blow of soul to Adam by taking him
through some certain phases [bringing him to the intended correctness] and giving
him the final shape. In the Ayat 30-34 of the Surah of Al-Baqara, the phase prior to
the prostration of angels to Adam was explained as Informing Adam and
comparison of his knowledge with the angels. The expression of soul blow used
in the Surat of Sad and Al-Hijr was replaced in the Surah of Al-Baqara with

informing with knowledge and it was explained that the expression of soul blow
means informing with knowledge.
The evidence that what is meant by the expression of soul blowing is
that the knowledge provided to Adam is only at the level of making someone smell is
the Ayah 85 of the Surat of Al-Isra. However, it must be specified forthwith that the
scarcity of the knowledge provided to Adam at the level of making someone smell is
in proportion to the endless knowledge of our Rabb. Endless knowledge and wisdom
of Supreme Allah are underlined in many Ayat in the Quran:

Al-Kahf/ 109:
Say: If the seas were ink for writing the words of my Rabb [Lord, the Cherisher, the
Nurturer, the Sustainer], the sea would deplete before the words of my Rabb [Lord, the Cherisher, the
Nurturer, the Sustainer], even if we supplied it as much again.

Luqman/ 27:
And were all trees in the world pens and were the seas, supplied with seven more seas, ink,
words of Allah would not be depleted. Surely, Allah is the Most Exalted, the Almighty, the Most
Honorable, the Invincible/the Subduer and the One Who Precludes Corruption the Best/the One Who
Makes Incorruptible the Best.
As Allahs science is this endless, the total of the Wahy knowledge He sent to
all his prophets would consist only of making someone smell [blow].
As a result, angels prostrate not to an ordinary man but to Adam to whom soul
was blown [to whom knowledge was given with little information compared with the
endless knowledge of our Rabb]; in other words, to a person who became an adam
[adam= a word in Turkish meaning man]. It must be remembered that prostration
means at the same time submission.
It was stated in the Quran that soul was blown to Mary as well:
Al-Anbiya/ 91:

And as for that woman who meticulously protected her chastity; We informed her with our
reliable knowledge. We made her and her son evidence/a sign for all worlds [Al-Alemin].

At-Tahrim/ 12:

And Allah has given the example of Mary, daughter of Imran, who guarded her chastity like a
castle. We informed her but a little with Our Wahy [Revelation]. And she confirmed the words and
scriptures of her Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] and she was devoutly

An-Nisa/ 171:
O Companions of the Scripture! Do not transgress in your religion. And do not utter false
statements about Allah. Jesus the Messiah, son of Mary, is only a messenger of Allah and His words
directed/bestowed upon Mary and a divine knowledge from Himself; he was a man born by
revelation. Then, believe in Allah and His messengers. And do not say, Three. Desist; it would be
better for you. Allah is the One God. Exonerated is He from begetting children. That which is in the
Heavens and on the Earth belong only to Him. Allah is sufficient as the One Who arranges all
creatures according to a schedule and maintains, supports and implements that schedule.
It is understood from these Ayat that Mary was granted some special
knowledge. But the details of this event must be learned from the related passages
given in the Surat of Ali-Imran, Mary, and Al-Anbiya along with the Ayat explaining
the situation of Zachariah within the integrity of the passage in the Quran because
the period in which Zachariah who was an old man and his sterile wife had a child
and the period in which Mary gave a birth to a child took place consecutively.
The expression of soul blow stated in the first two Ayat above is explained
in An-Nisa 171 as ,'-'' ilka [delivery, transport].As it is now known that the
expression of soul blow means informing with little knowledge, it is understood
that the soul specified to be blown into Mary is not a physical blow into her womb
[uterus] for her to be pregnant but the knowledge granted to her when she was in the
temple under the protection of Zachariah. According to the Quran, same type of
knowledge was given previously to Zachariah and his wife who was both old and
sterile, gave birth to J ohn the Baptist thanks to such knowledge. Subsequently,
Zachariah assigned to transmit this sacred knowledge/message to Mary carried out
his duty as the messenger of Allah and demonstrated John the Baptist, who was born
as a well and sound person thanks to this knowledge, as an evidence regarding the
accurateness of the sacred knowledge.

Adam received some words (revelations) from his Rabb.

Al-Baqara/ 37:

Then, Adam received/was revealed some words from his Rabb [Lord, the Cherisher, the
Nurturer, the Sustainer]; We said: Descend! All of you. When a guide comes to you from Me,
whoever follows the guide will have no fear whatsoever; and they shall not grieve as well. And as for
those blasphemers; those who consciously deny the Divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb
[Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer]; they are the Companions of the Fire. They shall
abide there eternally. Then, Allah accepted his Tawba [Repentance]. Surely, He is the One Who
accepts the repentance of His servants, Who gives them chances to repent; the Most Merciful.


An-Naml/ 6

Surely the Quran is being imposed upon you by Allah, the Law-Maker and Who Knows the

And now Adam is a Prophet too. He would rule in justice among people. He
would save people from their passions and prevent intrigue and bloodshed.

Now the angels would prostrate to Adam who was informed and soul-blown
(received the little knowledge); al the powers of nature would submit to him.
Excluding Iblis .


Adam and his wife would inhabit in paradise (in a green, watery, and fertile

Al-Baqara/ 35:

And We said: O Adam! You and your wife; dwell in Jannah [Heaven/Paradise], enjoy its
blessings in abundance from wherever you wish but do not approach that complex thing; do not covet
for wealth/gold-silver or you will be among those who act unjustly to their own souls.

Satan (Iblis) would deceive them.

They would violate what is prohibited for them.

Al Araf/ 20-22:

Then Iblis whispered suggestions to their ears to show them their concealed filth. And said:
Your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] banned you from/forbade you of this
tangled thing, which is the source of conflict, and wealth and property just to make you
angels/creature without free will or eternal/undeveloped entities; and not for any other reason
And sworn/provided evidence to them: Truly I am one of the advisers.
Then he
deceived them and made them descend. When they tasted that tangled thing, which is the source of
conflict; wealth and property, their greed and ambitions surged and started to pile up wealth and
property. Then their Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] called unto them:
Have I not forbidden you to fall for wealth and property and said to you that This Iblis surely is your

Ta Ha/ 120 121:

Eventually, Devil allured him. He said: O Adam! Should I guide you to the tree of eternity
and to the wealth/dynasty that does not get old/collapse?.
Then they both became fond of wealth-property and gold.

Then their ugliness became
manifest to each other. Then they covered themselves with the leaves of Jannah [Heaven/Paradise]
and started to pile. Adam rebelled against his Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the
Sustainer] and confused/transgressed.

They would lose their beautiful land.

Al-Baqara/ 36:

Thereafter, Satan; Iblis/thinking ability led them stray from the environment they were in.
And We said: Descend, being enemies to each other, there will be a place of settlement where you
may enjoy.

Al-Araf/ 24:

Allah said: Now descend being enemy to one another, you will stay and enjoy on the earth
for a while.
And Adam received some words (revelations) from his Rabb. And he repented.
There are many hearsays regarding what these words are. We learn from the Quran
that no other knowledge was given; what are mentioned in the hearsays are baseless.

Al-Baqara/ 35,36:

And We said: O Adam! You and your wife; dwell in Jannah [Heaven/Paradise], enjoy its
blessings in abundance from wherever you wish but do not approach that complex thing; do not covet
for wealth/gold-silver or you will be among those who act unjustly to their own souls.
Thereafter, Satan; Iblis/thinking ability led them stray from the environment they were in.
And We said: Descend, being enemies to each other, there will be a place of settlement where you
may enjoy.
Al-Araf/ 19, 22, 24:

And said: O Adam/one who is informed, received the revelation! You and your wife dwell
in Jannah [Heaven/Paradise], eat and drink what you please and keep away from that tangled thing;

source of conflict; do not fall for wealth ad property
, or you will be one of those wrong-doers who
are against themselves.
Then he deceived them and made them descend. When they tasted that tangled thing, which
is the source of conflict; wealth and property, their greed and ambitions surged and started to pile up
wealth and property. Then their Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] called unto
them: Have I not forbidden you to fall for wealth and property and said to you that This Iblis surely
is your enemy?
Allah said: Now descend being enemy to one another, you will stay and enjoy on the earth
for a while.
Ta Ha/ 117-119, 123:

Then We said: O Adam! Surely, Iblis is enemy to you and your wife. Do not let Him
lead you out of J annah [Heaven/Paradise], or you will be devastated, only in Jannah
[Heaven/Paradise] will you not be hungry nor naked. And you will not get thirsty nor stay under the
heat of the sun there.
Eventually, Devil allured him. He said: O Adam! Should I guide you to the tree of eternity
and to the wealth/dynasty that does not get old/collapse?.
Then they both became fond of wealth-property and gold.
Then their ugliness became
manifest to each other. Then they covered themselves with the leaves of Jannah [Heaven/Paradise]
and started to pile. Adam rebelled against his Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the
Sustainer] and confused/transgressed.
Then his Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer]chose him and accepted
his repentance and guided him to the righteous path.
Allah said to them: Descend from there, being enemies to each other. Now whoever follows
My path when I guide him, then he will not be stuck in perversion thus he will not become unhappy.

Initial information regarding Adam is given in the Ayat 11-25 in the Surah of
Al-Araf which consists of 39 Surat:

Al-Araf/ 11-25:
And surely We created then formed you and commanded the forces of the universe,

Prostrate and surrender to Adam/the one who is informed, received the revelation; all of them
except Iblis/thinking ability prostrated and surrendered right away; he did not prostrate and surrender.
Allah said: What kept you from prostrating and surrendering when I commanded you to do
so? Iblis said: I am better than him. You created me of smokeless fire/energy, and him of
Allah said: Then you be descended, you cannot be arrogant here, get out now, you truly are
Iblis said: Then give me time until the Day of Resurrection.

Allah said: Then you be one of those who are granted time.
Iblis said: Then because You made me transgress, I swear I will obscure Your righteous
path, and then I will approach them from their front, from their backs, right and left and You will see
many of themnot to be grateful for Your blessings.
Allah said: Now, get out of here, being expelled and disgraced. And surely I will fill
Jahannah [Hell] with those of themwho follow you.
And said: O Adam/one who is informed,
received the revelation! You and your wife dwell in Jannah [Heaven/Paradise], eat and drink what you
please and keep away from that tangled thing; source of conflict; do not fall for wealth ad property
or you will be one of those wrong-doers who are against themselves.
Then Iblis whispered suggestions to their ears to show them their concealed filth. And said:
Your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] banned you from/forbade you of this
tangled thing, which is the source of conflict, and wealth and property just to make you
angels/creature without free will or eternal/undeveloped entities; and not for any other reason
And sworn/provided evidence to them: Truly I am one of the advisers.
Then he
deceived them and made them descend. When they tasted that tangled thing, which is the source of
conflict; wealth and property, their greed and ambitions surged and started to pile up wealth and
property. Then their Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] called unto them:
Have I not forbidden you to fall for wealth and property and said to you that This Iblis surely is your
Then they both said: O our Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer]! We
have done wrong to ourselves and if you do not forgive and bless us we surely will be among the
Allah said: Now descend being enemy to one another, you will stay and enjoy on the earth
for a while.
Allah said: You will live there, die there and then be taken out of there.

Then in Ta ,Ha 45
Surah, in the Ayat 115-123.
Then in 54
Surah, Surah Al-Hijr, in Ayat 26- 44:

Al-Hijr/ 26- 44:
And surely, We created man from the clay that is seen, known and that sounds, from
malleable mud/a substance that is capable of many forms. And We had created jinn; the unseen
from the fire of a burning breeze that can pass through the narrowest hole/from the energy
that knows no boundaries.
And your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] once said to the forces
of the universe: I will create the mankind from dry clay, formed/processed mud. And when I form
himand give himthe knowledge,
you will prostrate as the surrenderers.
Then all angels/forces of the universe but Iblis/thinking ability surrendered and prostrated.
He refused to be among those who prostrated and did not prostrate.

Allah said: O Iblis! What is the matter with you that you do not join those who surrender
and prostrate?.
Iblis responded: I have not been created to surrender and prostrate before a man whom You
have created from the dry clay, formed/processed mud.
Allah said: Then get out of there! You are now repelled, doomed and curse be upon you
only until the Day of religion.
Iblis said: O my Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer]! Let me be
against You/give me respite until the day they shall resurrect!.
Allah said: Then you will be against Me/given respite until the time that is known.
Iblis said: O my Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer]! Because of
the reason You have made me provoke men, I will adorn them all on the earth and cause all of them to
Allah said: This is the righteous path that I assumed. You have no power to compel over
my servants except for those who follow you. Surely, promised to them is Jahannah [Hell]. There are
seven gates leading to there. For each of those gates, a part of them is assigned.

Then in Surah 87, Surah Al-Baqara, in Ayat 30-37:

Al-Baqara/ 30-39:
And your Rabb [Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] once said to the forces of
the nature: Surely, I am the One to send upon the Earth a caliph. The forces of the nature said: Will
you assign one of those mischief-makers, spill blood as Your caliph? But, we exonerate you with
Your praise from all deficiencies and shout out that You are pure; exonerated from all evil and
deficiencies. Your Rabb [Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] said: I surely know that
which you do not know.
And your Rabb [Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] taught Adam all those
names. Then He presented them to the forces of the nature and said: Now, inform Me about these
names, if you are righteous.
And the forces of the nature said: Exonerated You are from all deficiencies! We know
nothing but what You have taught us. Surely, You are the Most Knowing, the Bet Law-Maker.
And your Rabb [Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] said: O Adam! Inform
them about those names. And when Adam informed them about those names, your Rabb said: Have
I not told you! Surely, I know the unseen, the unheard, the unfelt, the past and the future of the
Heavens and the Earth. And I know what you hide and what you disclose.
And when We said to the forces of the nature: Prostrate before Adam and surrender to him
and all the forces of the nature but Iblis/thinking ability prostrated and surrendered immediately. Iblis
refused, acted arrogantly. And he was among those who consciously denied everything.

And We said: O Adam! You and your wife; dwell in Jannah [Heaven/Paradise], enjoy its
blessings in abundance from wherever you wish but do not approach that complex thing; do not covet
for wealth/gold-silver or you will be among those who act unjustly to their own souls.
Thereafter, Satan; Iblis/thinking ability led them stray from the environment they were in.
And We said: Descend, being enemies to each other, there will be a place of settlement where you
may enjoy.
Then, Adam received/was revealed some words from his Rabb [Lord, the Cherisher, the
Nurturer, the Sustainer]; We said: Descend! All of you. When a guide comes to you from Me,
whoever follows the guide will have no fear whatsoever; and they shall not grieve as well. And as for
those blasphemers; those who consciously deny the Divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb
[Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer]; they are the Companions of the Fire. They shall
abide there eternally. Then, Allah accepted his Tawba [Repentance]. Surely, He is the One Who
accepts the repentance of His servants, Who gives them chances to repent; the Most Merciful.

The issue will be understood thoroughly through this arrangement.

The passages about Adam, the prostration of the Angels, and imposition of the
Iblis in the Surat of Al-Isra and Al-Kahf focus on the Iblis.


Bashar (human) means Outside of skin, outer skin, cuticle (epidermis),
hairless seen part of the skin; coming into sight and appearance of something
(Lisan, Tajj, Mufredat etc.).
The reason for the fact that humans are referred to as bashar is because they do
not have things like fleece and hair on them, contrary to animals, and their skin is
visible as is.
From this root, "bashir" means the one with beautiful face; harbinger; and
besharah means beauty.
As can be understood from the lexical meaning, the expression of bashar is
used in relation to humans, their material look and appearance (their standing erected
on two feet, their skin that is not like the fleece of sheep or goats etc). If attention is
paid, it is understood that in the Quran (Al-Furqan/ 54, Al-Hijr/28-29 and Sad/71)
such features of bashar are the subject matters.
Those who do not admit the Akhirat [Afterlife] and intervention of Allah with
the societies (His sending of messengers, descent of scriptures) consider the entity

called human only through its being a bashar. We see this in the past understandings
as in today:
Al-Mudaththir/24- 25, Al-Qamar/24, At-Taghabun/6, Al-Kahf/110, Yusuf/31.
In sum, the word of bashar expresses a person as an ordinary living being, its
physical structure, and its undeveloped form. All the humans on earth are bashar
without exception. The word of bashar is stated 36 times in the Quran.

Ins, Uns, Insan
The word of insan (human, person) is in the fi'liyan form and derived from
the word of ens, whose actual form is insiyan.
Its lexical meaning is The thing that can be felt with five senses, that is
known, seen, familiar, relatable, and that does not get lost and is apparent at all

The reason for granting it as a name only to human beings despite the fact that
the meaning of the word is this and that it covers all the visible entities in the
universe is that it also bears the meaning of unsiyat. When we consider the uns
version, which is used as proximity, coalescence, of the word of ins, the
meaning that a human is a social entity that comes closer to and coalescence with
his/her acquaintances comes to the surface. Insan (human) needs unsiyat due to
his/her creation. That is to say a person is a social entity and cannot do without
establishing relations without other entities, specifically with other persons.
In addition to such lexical meaning of the word of insan, its expression in the
Quran is as follows:

Rahman [Allah; The One Who is Most Merciful Towards His Creations on the Earth] taught
how to recite and teach the Quran, created man, taught him the good and the evil, and how to make
distinction between them.
The subject matter here is not the first creation of man but its promotion from
being an animal to being a human. Hence, it was said that Every animal is born as
an animal but a human is not born as a human; he/she humanizes later on.
Therefore, according to this Ayah, those people who do not learn the Quran, who
fail to learn it and teach it, who do not know what is declared, are not considered to
be humans even if they appear in the form of humans.

(Lisan al-Arab, e n s mad. )

The creation of man, the subject matter here, is this formation. This subject is
detailed in the beginning of the Surah of Insan, which is in the form of continuation
of this declaration:
The third form of the intervention of Allah with humans in the Ayah is His
teaching of declaration to man, which means the explanation of the raison d'tre of a
person or the teaching of the difference between good and bad. What is preferable
is the second meaning: teaching of what is good, right, and bad to a person.
Natural abilities of a person are not sufficient to distinguish exactly what is
good and right and what is benefiting or damaging. As Allah stated, a person is
created in his/her nature as cruel, unthankful, ecstatic, desperate, mean, selfish,
powerless, hasty, ambitious, impatient, intolerant, and voluptuous. Salvation of a
person from such negative qualities depends on his/her learning of the divine
principles in the Quran. Hence, Allah brings down scriptures and teachers that/who
will intervene with the societies and teach them what is good and truth.
This is Allah's witnessing for the fact that Muhammad is His messenger.
These are the manifestation of Allah's being Rahman (All-merciful). That is to
say, He sends down scriptures and messengers as He pities humans a lot.
Has not come upon man a time span/a term of billions of years since he was nothing to
mention about? Indeed, it has!
Surely, We created man from a drop of seminal mixture. We will wear him down/assign him
liabilities. Therefore, We made himsuperior in hearing and sight; informed himsending upon himthe
knowledge to distinguish the evil and the good. Surely, We guided him to the path, whether he be
grateful or ungrateful for the blessings he is given.
These Ayat explain the expressions of Rahman taught the Quran, created
man, and taught him the declaration in the Surah of Rahman. A person was initially
nothing; he/she did not have a property to be esteemed; he/she was manifestly an
ordinary animal. Later on, as a divine grace, he/she was given the distinction
capability; the opportunity to distinguish between what is good, beautiful, ugly,
damaging, and beneficial.
Being superior in hearing and sight is allusion for the competence of a
person to distinguish and to choose the path to be followed.
Allah, subsequent to His granting of distinction ability to humans, sent down
scriptures and messengers and showed them the truth and left them cheek by jowl
with their free will: Surely, We guided him to the path, whether he be grateful or
To put it simply, a person is

An entity with an advanced brain; the abstract thinking ability; reason and
intelligence at the level that he/she can be held responsible; that is to say, at the level
that he/she can distinguish the good and the bad; and literacy as well as capability to
utilize and produce language and tools. These features were provided to him/her in
the creation by Allah.

There are different approaches/views regarding the origin of the word of
Adam. In the studies relating to the subject conducted, the possibility that the word
of Adam was derived from adamu, which means my father in the Sumerian
language, or from the word of adamu that contain meanings of done, given rise to
or brought out in the Assyrian and Babylonian languages, or from the word of
adam, which means servant, in the Sabian language, was mentioned. In
addition, it was asserted that the word has been derived from the root of adamah
(soil, earth) in Hebrew. While some asserted that the name Adam was given as he
was created from red soil (adamah), in relation with the word of adom, which
means red, but this approach was not acknowledged a lot. According to a
viewpoint, the word of Adam was derived from the root of edemeh meaning
outer surface of anything, while another viewpoint claims that the origin of the
word was the word of udmeh that has the meanings of both brownness and
whiteness. (Encyclopedias)
The hearsays regarding Adam usually stem from the Bible: (Genesis)/Sections
1-5. Adams end is specified as follows:
Fifth Section; 1-5. Sentences:
5 Story of Adam's lineage: When God created man, He made him in the likeness of God.
2 Male and female He created them, and He blessed them. He named them "Man" when they
were created.
3 When Adam had lived a hundred and thirty years, he became the father of a son in his own
likeness. He named him Seth.
4 The days of Adam after he became the father of Seth were eight hundred years. He had other
sons and daughters.
5 All the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years; and he died.
In the Quran, Adam is stated seventeen times. The word of Adam has a
connotation of proper noun in the Ayat where it is mentioned alone.
We prefer that the word of Adam comes from the word of edim in Arabic,
meaning interior, inner surface, inner layer, and we think accordingly that a person
has an internal, spiritual, feature in addition to his/her dimension of being a bashar or
That is to say:
Hajj/75, 76:

Allah chooses messengers from among the harbinger Ayat and from among the mankind.
Surely, Allah is the Most Hearing, the Most Seeing, He knows that which is between their hands and
behind them. and to Allah will all matters be returned.

Ali Imran/ 33, 34:
Surely, Allah favored Adam, Noah, Abraham and his family and the family of Imran
descending from each others lineage- over all worlds [Al-Alemin]. And Allah is the Most Hearing,
the Most Knowing.
Adam is a prophet: He was chosen from among humans.
Then, Adam received/was revealed some words from his Rabb [Lord, the Cherisher, the
Nurturer, the Sustainer]; We said: Descend! All of you. When a guide comes to you from Me,
whoever follows the guide will have no fear whatsoever; and they shall not grieve as well. And as for
those blasphemers; those who consciously deny the Divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb
[Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer]; they are the Companions of the Fire. They shall
abide there eternally. Then, Allah accepted his Tawba [Repentance]. Surely, He is the One Who
accepts the repentance of His servants, Who gives them chances to repent; the Most Merciful.

Ilka is revelation:
-'-' Lika, -'-'' ilga
In order that Wahy (revelation) is understood accurately and without
confusion, our Rabb expounded it with the verb of ilka.
-'-' Lika means the reunion of one of the two things with the other exactly
while -'-'' ilka has the meaning that Making one of the two things reunite to the
other exactly. This reunion can be face to face, vis-a-vis, and by discerning through
eyes. (Tajj; Lisan, Mufredat)
(An-Naml/ 6)
Surely the Quran is being imposed upon you by Allah, the Law-Maker and Who Knows the
(Al-Muzzammil/ 5)
Surely, we will cast upon you a heavy Message/the Quran.
(Al-Mumin/ 15)
He is the One Who raises the ranks, the Owner of the Greatest Throne/Position: By His
command/will He reveals His Ayat whomever He wishes to warn about the Day of Meeting.

(Al-Qasas/ 86)
And you were not expecting that the Scripture was to be revealed/sent down to you. It is sent
down to you out of mercy of your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer]. Then do
not aid/help those who consciously deny the Divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb [the Lord,
the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer].
(Al-Baqara/ 37-39)
Then, Adam received/was revealed some words from his Rabb [Lord, the Cherisher, the
Nurturer, the Sustainer]; We said: Descend! All of you. When a guide comes to you from Me,
whoever follows the guide will have no fear whatsoever; and they shall not grieve as well. And as for
those blasphemers; those who consciously deny the Divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb
[Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer]; they are the Companions of the Fire. They shall
abide there eternally. Then, Allah accepted his Tawba [Repentance]. Surely, He is the One Who
accepts the repentance of His servants, Who gives them chances to repent; the Most Merciful.

BENIADEM (Sons of Adam)
In the Quran, there is also the expression of Ben Adem (Sons of Adam).
This expression takes place seven times. What are meant here are not Adams sons
but Adams lineage.
This expression states, in warning of people, that they are not ordinary persons
but the lineage of a knowledgeable and conscious ancestor with spiritual aspect
subjected to Wahy (revelation) and that they must be the persons that deserve their
ancestors. That is to say, an art of Reference is exhibited through these expressions
and first Prophet Adam is reminded.

Ya Sin/60-62:

Did I not give my covenant, saying: O Children of Adam! Do not worship Satan for He is
your enemy, but worship Me; this is the righteous path and surely Satan already led many generations
astray? Did you not use your thinking ability?
This is J ahannah [Hell] that has been promised to

And surely, We honored mankind and made them glorious and board them unto vehicles on
the land and at the sea and gave them blessings from clean and tasteful food. And We honored them
above many of those whom We created.
Al-Araf/ 26-35:


O you children of Adam! We sent you down clothing to cover your filthy parts and dresses to
adorn. And clothing of being under the guardianship of Allah; it is better. Here, this is one of the
Ayat of Allah sent for them to think and draw a moral.
O you children of Adam! Do not let Satan to seduce you as he stripped your father and
mother off of your clothes to show them their filthy parts thus causing them to be expelled from
Jannah [Heaven/Paradise]; do not let him make you stray from the righteous religion! Because him
and his tribe watch you from a place where you cannot see them. We made devils protectors/guide and
helpers for those unbelievers.
And when they commit indecency they say: We found our ancestors like this, this is the
command of Allah. Then say: Allah never commands abomination. Are you saying of Allah what
you do not know?
Say: My Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] has commanded justice.
And turn your face and soul to Him at every masjid [a place of education and persuasion]
; in public
and make the religion only for Himand beg to your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the
Sustainer]. You will head back to Him as He created you first.
He guided a group, and a group deserved perversion; they took devils, those inferior to Allah
for their guides, helpers and protectors and they truly think they are being guided to the righteous
O you children of Adam! At every Masjid; in public wear your adornments, eat and drink but
do not waste; absolutely Allah does not favor wasters.
Say: Who made adornments and clean sustenance, which Allah sent for His servants, Haram
[forbidden]? Say: These are for those who believe in the mortal life -only for them on the Day of
Judgment -. Thus We expound the Ayat for a community that have the knowledge.
Say: Indeed my Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] has only
forbidden abominations; clear or covered, sins, rebellion against without justification, and those things
about which no evidence was sent, associating others with Allah and saying things of Allah that you
do not know.
And every nation with a leader has its deadline. Therefore, when deadlines come, they cannot
be delayed or advanced.
O you children of Adam! Whoever surrenders himself under the guardianship of Allah when
I sent you Messengers who recite My Ayat, and make better, then they shall not fear and worry.

Adam made a mistake despite he was a chosen prophet. He noticed his mistake
and begged Allah for pardon. Allah accepted his repentance. Hence, in the hailing of
Beniadem, such features and beauties are reminded.
This is what concerns us.

IBNEYADEM (Two sons of Adam)


In a part, (Al-Maidah 27) it is mentioned as Ibney-Adem (Two sons of
Adam). And this is generally translated as the two sons of Adam and named Cain
and Abel. However, it is clearly understood from the passage in the Surah of Al-
Maidah that they are two persons from the Israelites. The expression of Beni
Adem must not be understood as Adams three, four, five sons but Adams
sons (Adams lineage) and the Ibney Ademe must be understood as Two persons
from Adams lineage.

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